apa style-writing guid

Using APA Style 1 Running head: USING APA STYLE: A BRIEF GUIDE Using APA Style: A Brief Guide to Formatting Papers Binghamton University

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Using APA Style 1


Using APA Style: A Brief Guide to Formatting Papers

Binghamton University

Page 2: APA Style-writing Guid

Using APA Style 2

Using APA Style: A Brief Guide to Formatting Papers

Finding Information in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association



Abbreviations 103-111

Appendixes 205-207, 299-300

Figures 176-201, 302

Font (typeface) 285-286

Headings (levels of) 111-115, 289-290

Margins 286-287

Numbers 122-130

Order of Manuscript Pages 287-288

Page Headers 288

Page Numbers 288

Punctuation 78-88, 290-291

Quotations 117-122, 292-293

Reference Citations (in text) 207-214

Reference List 215-231, 299

References (elements & examples) 231-281

Running Head 10-12, 296

Sample Paper in APA format 306-320

Seriation 115-117, 292

Spaces 290-291

Tables 147-176, 301-302

Title Page 10-12, 296-298, 306

American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American

Psychological Association (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

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Using APA Style 3

Order of Manuscript:

1. Title page (separate page)2. Abstract (separate page)3. Text (start on a separate page)4. References (start on a separate page)5. Appendixes (start each on separate page)

Title Page:

Title should be 10 - 12 words Byline = Author's Name + Institutional Affiliation

Author First Name + Middle Initial + Last Name (Omit all titles and degrees)

Institutional Affiliation "Binghamton University"Title & Byline title caps, double-space, center-aligned, center vertically

Instructor's Name [NOTE: This information is NOT APA, but PLEASE include!] Header = Page Header + 5 spaces + Page Number

Page Header First 2 or 3 words from the titlePage Number Title Page = page 1Header title caps, double-spaced

Running Head = The words "Running head:" + ABBREVIATED TITLE Abbreviated title MAX 50 characters, all uppercase lettersRunning head top of page, left-aligned

Subsequent Page Formatting: First Page of Text

Begin on new page [if no abstract, then first page of text will be page 2] Same header as title page in top right hand corner Title top of page, center-aligned, double-spaced Text double-spaced, sections follow each other without a break Watch out for orphans!

Margins, Alignment, Lines, and Font:

1" margin at the top, bottom, right, and left of every page Text justification left-aligned (right margin uneven) Indent the first line of every paragraph 5 - 7 spaces (use tab key--set to 1/2 ") Do NOT use hyphenation function to break words at the end of lines Do NOT put more than 27 lines of text on a page Use a serif font (e.g., Times New Roman or Courier) Do NOT use condensed fonts Font size should be 12 points Double-space between all lines (i.e., set the line spacing to 2) Do NOT use single-spacing or one-and-a-half spacing

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Using APA Style 4

Capitalization and Alignment:

lower case no letters are capitalized Title Case (Title Caps) Only the Important Words are Capitalized Sentence case (Sentence caps) Only the first word is capitalized UPPER CASE ALL LETTERS ARE CAPITALIZED

Left Alignment



These lines are justified both left and right since the words on the page extend to both the left and right margins. For text within the body of your paper, use left alignment and NOT the left and right justification.


Level 1 Centered Uppercase and Lowercase Heading

Level 2 Centered, Italicized, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading

Level 3 Flush Left, Italicized, Uppercase and Lowercase Side Heading

Level 4 Indented, Italicized, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period.


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Using APA Style 5

How to Determine Which Levels of Heading to Use:



1 Level 12 Level 1

Level 33 Level 1

Level 3Level 4

4 Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4

5 Level 5Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4

FOR EXAMPLE: Suppose you have an outline as follows:


Title of Paper Level 1I. Topic 1 Level 3

A. Subtopic 1A Level 4B. Subtopic 1B Level 4C. Subtopic 1C Level 4

II. Topic 2 Level 3A. Subtopic 2A Level 4B. Subtopic 2B Level 4C. Subtopic 2C Level 4

III. Topic 3 Level 3A. Subtopic 3A Level 4B. Subtopic 3B Level 4C. Subtopic 3C Level 4

Note that the paper actually has three levels of headings: (a) Title (b) Roman Numerals (Topic), and (c) Capital Letters (Subtopic).

Refer to the table entitled "How to Determine Which Levels of Heading to Use." If a paper that has three levels of headings (left column), then the correct Heading Levels (Styles) used are 1, 3, and 4 (right column).

Thus, if this paper was formatted using the above outline, the headings would appear in the paper as follows on the next page:

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Using APA Style 6

Title of Paper

Topic 1

The purpose of this sample paper is to demonstrate the use of heading levels in a

scholarly paper. Note that the title is the first level and is center-aligned, and uses upper and

lower case letters (title capitalization). The next heading level is the first Roman numeral

topic and uses the level-three heading style. This style is left aligned, underlined, and uses

upper and lower case letters (title capitalization). Note that the paragraph then starts on the

next line below the heading and is indented 5-7 spaces. Once an introductory paragraph is

written, the author may transition to the first subtopic.

Subtopic 1A. The subtopics in this outline use the fourth level (style) of heading which is

an indented, underlined, lower case (sentence capitalization) paragraph heading that ends

with a period. Note that when using the fourth heading level (style), the paragraph continues

on the same line as the heading level. In this paragraph the author would continue to discuss

relevant information to subtopic 1A.

Not all information need be contained within one paragraph, however. If more than one

paragraph is needed to cover the relevant information in subtopic 1A, then the paragraphs

continue in the same manner as this one until all relevant information is discussed.

Remember to avoid orphans that are just a few words or a single line of a paragraph that

appears at the very bottom or very top of a page. Always split your paragraphs so that at least

two lines of the paragraph are on any given page.

Subtopic 1B. For each subtopic in the paper, the format is consistent with other headings

at the same level. Thus, subtopic 1B will appear similar to subtopic 1A. The

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Using APA Style 7

heading is indented, underlined, uses sentence capitalization, ends with a period, and the

paragraph continues on the same line.

Subtopic 1C. Again, the same style heading is used for subtopic 1C as for subtopics 1A

and 1B. When this section is complete and the author is ready to move onto the next section.

Topic A

Topic A would then continue in this manner . . .

NOTE: For DSON papers, headings labeled the same as the sections in the paper are very helpful for faculty!


TYPE OF SERIATION EXAMPLESimple series of three or more elements within a sentence

height, width, or depthStacy, Newcomb, and Bentler

Complex series within a paragraph + elements do not contain a comma

The participant's three choices were (a) working with one other participant, (b) working with a team, and (c) working alone.

Complex series within a paragraph + at least one element contains a comma

We tested three groups: (a) low scorers, who scored fewer than 20 points; (b) moderate scorers, who scored between 20 and 50 points; and (c) high scorers, who scored more than 50 points.

Paragraphs in a series 1. Individuals who . . . [paragraph continues]2. Nondepressed persons exposed to . . . [paragraph

continues]3. Depressed persons exposed to . . . [paragraph

continues]4. Depressed and nondepressed participants in the

no-noise groups . . . [paragraph continues]

NOTE: Series MUST be syntactically and conceptually parallel. Pay particular attention to commas, semi-colons, and periods.

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Using APA Style 8


Space once after: commas, colons, and semicolons punctuation marks at the end of sentences periods that separate elements of a reference citation periods after initials in personal names

Do NOT space after: internal periods in abbreviations around colons in ratios

Spacing after other punctuation:

PUNCTUATION SPACING EXAMPLEHyphen No space before or after around-the-clockEm Dash To amplify or digress from the

main clause Two hyphens with no space before or after

studies--published and unpublished--are

En Dash Between words of equal weight in a compound adjective sinfge hypehen with no space before or after

Chicago-London flight

Minus Subtraction one hyphen with a space on both sides

a - b

Negative Number One hyphen with a space before but not after

for example, if you used the number -5.25 in a sentence


Use figures to express:

all numbers 10 and above all numbers below 10 that are grouped for comparison with numbers 10 and

above numbers that immediately precede a unit of measurement numbers that represent statistical or mathematical functions, fractional or

decimal quantities, percentages, ratios, and percentiles and quartiles numbers that represent time; dates; ages; sample, sub-sample, or population

size; specific numbers of subjects in an experiment; scores and points on a scale; exact sums of money; and numerals as numerals

numbers that denote a specific place in a numbered series, parts of books and tables, and each number in a list of four or more numbers

all numbers in the abstract of a paper

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Using APA Style 9

Use words to express:

numbers below 10 that do not represent precise measurements and that are grouped for comparison with numbers below 10

the numbers “zero” and “one” when the words would be easier to comprehend than the figures or when the words do not appear in context with numbers 10 and above

any number that begins a sentence, title, or heading common fractions universally accepted usage

Combine figures and words to express numbers for:

rounded large numbers (e.g., 3 million people) back-to-back modifiers (e.g., ten 7-point scales, the first 10 items)

Decimals, decimal points and zeroes:

Use a zero before the decimal point when numbers are less than 1 Do NOT use a zero before the decimal point when the number cannot be

greater than 1 (e.g., probabilities)

Plurals of numbers:

Add "s" or "es" -- no apostrophe (e.g., fours and sixes, 1950s, 10s and 20s)


Reserve for crucial data that are directly related to the content of the article Arrange the data so that the meaning is obvious at a glance Use to supplement, not duplicate, text Make self explanatory--tables should be intelligible without reference to the

text Give every table a brief but explanatory title Number all tables with arabic numerals in the order in which the tables are

first mentioned in the text In text, refer to tables by their number (e.g., as shown in Table 8, the

responses were . . . ) Refer to every table in text and tell the reader what to look for--summarize the

key points--discuss only the highlights in the text

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Using APA Style 10


Use sparingly--use only those that will clarify communication with the reader Use if the abbreviation is accepted convention or if considerable space can

be saved and cumbersome repetition avoided All acronyms and abbreviations MUST be explained First time term used write out term completely then enclose abbreviation in

parentheses immediately after (e.g., a complete blood count (CBC) was drawn)

Subsequently Use abbreviation in text without further explanation Do NOT switch between the abbreviated and written-out forms of a term

Reference List:

chap. = chaptered. = editionRev. ed. = revised edition2nd ed. = second editionEd. (Eds.) = Editor (Editors)n.d. = no datep. (pp.) = page (pages)Vol. = VolumeVols. = volumesNo. = NumberPt. = PartSuppl. = Supplement

Latin Abbreviations:

cf. = comparee.g., = for exampleetc. = and so forthi.e., = that isviz., = namelyvs. = versus, against

Routes of Administration:

im = intramuscularip = intraperitonealiv = intravenoussc = subcutaneous


Used to provide reader with detailed information that would be distracting if included in the main body

If only one appendix then label it Appendix (centered at the top of the page)

If more than one appendix then label Appendix A, Appendix B, etc. (centered at the top of the page)

Each appendix must have a title: Double-space and type the title of the appendix (centered, in uppercase and lowercase letters) below the label

If a table constitutes an entire appendix, the centered appendix label and title replaces the table number and title

Double-space indent the first line 5 - 7 spaces, and begin text Sequence appendixes in the order in which they are mentioned in the text Begin each appendix on a separate page In text, refer to appendixes by their labels (e.g., Appendix A contains . . . )

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Using APA Style 11


Direct quotes MUST be accurate

ALWAYS provide author, year, and specific page citation in the text (see p. 118)

For electronic media, paragraph numbers may be used in place of page numbers

When paraphrasing, authors are not required to provide a page number, but are encouraged to do so especially when it would help an interested reader locate the text

If original source is incorrect insert the word “sic” underlined and in brackets immediately after the error (e.g., “ if a word is speled [sic] wrong within the quotes”)

Use single quotation marks within double quotation marks to set off material that was enclosed by double quotation marks in the original source

Use double quotation marks within block quotes to set off material that was enclosed by double quotation marks in the original source

Place commas and periods within closing single or double quotation marks

Place other punctuation marks inside quotation marks only when part of quoted material

The first letter of the first word of a quote may be changed to uppercase or lowercase

The punctuation at the end of a sentence may be changed to fit the syntax

Use three spaced ellipsis points (. . . ) within a sentence to indicate omitted material

Use four spaced ellipsis points (. . . . ) to indicate any omission between sentences

Use brackets, NOT parentheses, to enclose additions or explanations

To add emphasis italicize words to be emphasized then immediately insert [italics added]

Do NOT omit citations within quoted material. Do NOT include on the reference page unless they are cited elsewhere in your paper.

“Fair use” of copyrighted material generally permits up to 500 words of quoted text without explicit permission of the copyright owner

LENGTH # WORDS FORMATShort < 40 Incorporate into text

Enclose with double quotation marksLong 40 Block quote--double-spaced block of typewritten lines

Start on a new line Indent block 5-7 spaces from left margin Do NOT indent first paragraph, but indent subsequent

paragraphs 5-7 spaces No quotation marks

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Using APA Style 12

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Using APA Style 13

Short Quotes – Citation in Mid-sentence:

She stated, “The ‘placebo effect’ . . . disappeared when behaviors were studied in

this manner” (Miele, 1993, p. 276), but she did not clarify which behaviors were


Short Quote – Citation at End of Sentence:

Miele (1993) found that “the ‘placebo effect,’ which had been verified in previous

studies, disappeared when [only the first group’s] behaviors were studied in this

manner” (p. 276).

Block Quote – Citation After Final Punctuation:

Miele (1993) found the following:

The “placebo effect,” which had been verified in previous studies,

disappeared when behaviors were studied in this manner. Furthermore, the

behaviors were never exhibited again [italics added], even when reel [sic]

drugs were administered. Earlier studies (e.g., Abdullah, 1984; Fox, 1979)

were clearly premature in attributing the results to a placebo effect. (p. 276)

NOTE: Pay particular attention to punctuation before and after the page citation.

Reference List:

All references cited in text MUST appear in the reference list Each entry in the reference list MUST be cited in the text Data must be complete and correct + MUST contain all information necessary for

identification and library search Start the reference list on a new page Type the word "References" at the top of the page

Format uppercase and lowercase letters, center-align Double-space each entry Start each entry with a hanging indent (NOTE: Format is a change from the 4th


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Using APA Style 14

Arrange entries in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author Do NOT include personal communications

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SITUATION: RULE EXAMPLEAlphabetize letter by letter Nothing precedes something

Brown, J. R.Browning, J. R.

M', Mc, Mac Disregard apostrophe Alphabetize prefixes literally


Names with articles and prepositions If prefix is used as part of name If prefix is not used as part of name

DeBaseDe VriesHelmholtz, H. von

One-author entry by the same author Arrange by year of publication, earliest first

Kim, L. S. (1991).Kim, L. S. (1994).

One author + multiple author entries with same surname Single author precedes multiple author

Kaufman, J. R. (1991).Kaufman, J. R., & Cochran, D. F. (1987).

Same first author with different second or third authors Alphabetically be surname of subsequent authors

Kaufman, J. R., Jones, K., & Cochran, D. F. (1992).Kaufman, J. R., & Wong, D. F. (1989).Letterman, D., Hall, A., & Leno, J. (1993).Letterman, D., Hall, A., & Seinfeld, J. (1993).

Same authors in the same order Arrange by year of publication, earliest first

Kaufman, J. R., & Jones, K. (1987).Kaufman, J. R., & Jones, K. (1990).

Same authors in the same order with the same publication date Arrange alphabetically by title that follows date (exclude “a” or “the”) Lowercase letters are placed immediately after the year within the


Kaufman, J. R. (1990a). Control . . . Kaufman, J. R. (1990b). Roles of . . .

Different first authors with same surname Arranged alphabetically by first initial

Elliot, A. L., & Wallston, J. (1983).Elliot, G. E., & Ahlers, R. J. (1980).

Group author Alphabetize by first significant word of name American Psychological Association. (1994).No author Title moves to the author position Alphabetize by first significant word of title

Mosby's medical, nursing, and allied health dictionary (5th ed).

Anonymous - No date Used if and only if work is signed anonymous Anonymous. (n.d.).

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Journal Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume(issue), pages.

1 Author Wendler, M. C. (1996). Understanding healing: A conceptual analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing,

24, 836-842.

2 Authors Lazar, J. S., & O'Connor, B. B. (1997). Talking with patients about their use of alternative therapies.

Primary Care, 24, 699-713.

3 - 6 Authors Cribb, A., Bignold, S., & Ball, S. J. (1994). Linking the parts: An exemplar of philosophical and practical

issues in holistic nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 20, 233-238.

> 6 Authors

list first 6 authors

then et al.

Wells-Federman, C. L., Stuart, E. M., Deckro, J. P., Mandle, C. L., Baim, M., & Medich, C. (1995). The

mind-body connection: The psychophysiology of many traditional nursing interventions. Clinical

Nurse Specialist, 9(1), 59-66.

Continuous Pagination Ward, S. L. (1998). Caring and healing in the 21st century. Maternal Child Nursing, 23, 210-215.

Pagination by Issue Keegan, L. (1998). Getting comfortable with alternative & complementary therapies. Nursing, 98(4),


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Magazine Author, A. (Year, Month). Title of article. Title of Magazine, volume, pages.

Monthly - Discontinuous


Yeager, S. (1998, February). A consumer's guide to alternative medicine. Prevention, 50, 86-91,


Book Author, A. (Year). Title of book. Location: Publisher.

Edition Dossey, B. M., Keegan, L., & Guzzetta, C. E. (2000). Holistic nursing: A handbook for nursing practice

(3nd ed.). Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen.

Revised Edition Kunz, D. (Ed.). (1995). Spiritual healing (Rev. ed.). Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House.

Group Author -

Alphabetized under "B"

The Burton Goldberg Group. (1993). Alternative medicine: The definitive guide. Puyallup, WA: Future


Group Author as


American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American Psychological

Association (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Edited Book Cant, S., & Sharma, U. (Eds.). (1996). Complementary and alternative medicines: Knowledge in

practice. New York: Free Association Books.

No Author or Editor Nursing 99 drug handbook. (1999). Springhouse, PA: Springhouse.

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Chapter in a Book Author, A. A. (Year). Title of chapter. In Title of book (pp. pages). Location: Publisher.

Edited – 1 Editor Mulloney, S. S., & Wells-Federman, C. L. (1998). Therapeutic touch: A healing modality. In C. E.

Guzetta (Ed.), Essential readings in holistic nursing (pp. 296-315). Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen.

2 Editors – Edition Egan, E. C. (1998). Therapeutic touch. In M. Snyder & R. Lindquist (Eds.), Complementary / alternative

therapies in nursing (3rd ed., pp. 49-62). New York: Springer.

3 Editors – Edition Dossey, B. M. (1995). The psychophysiology of bodymind healing. In B. M. Dossey, L. Keegan, C. E.

Guzzetta, & L. G. Kolkmeier (Eds.), Holistic nursing: A handbook for practice (2nd ed., pp. 87-111).

Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen.

Brochure Author, A. A. (Year). Title of brochure [Brochure]. Location: Publisher.

Individual Author Eggleston, P. A. (1993). Childhood asthma: A guide for parents [Brochure]. San Ramon, CA: Health

Information Network.

Corporate Author Bard Access Systems. (1992). Patient guide: How to care for your Hickman© or Broviac© catheter

[Brochure]. Salt Lake City, UT: Author.

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Internet Journal Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume(issue), pages. Retrieved Month Day,

Year, from source.

Internet Article based on

a print source - online

format differs from print

Lee, R. (1999). Survival of a species: Harvesting the real treasure of the Amazon [Electronic version].

Holistic Health Journal, 5(2). Retrieved September 16, 1999, from


Article in an Internet-only

journal - no volume or


Collins, M. S. (1997, August 13). Issues of accreditation: A dean's perspective. Online Journal of

Nursing. Retrieved September 16, 1999, from http://www.nursingworld.org/ojin/tpc4/tpc4_1.htm

Internet article retrieved

from a database

Bragadottir, H. (1998). Every nurse can be an author: On writing for publication [Electronic version].

Nursing Forum 33(4). Retrieved September 19, 2001 from Infotrac database.

Individual Work Author, A. (Year). Title of work. Retrieved Month Day, year, from source.

Book - Author

Reprinted On-line

Strunk, W. (1999, July). The elements of style (On-line ed.). Retrieved September 19, 2001, from


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Online Web Page Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of web page. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from source.

Individual Author -

No Date

Smith, C. (n.d.). Therapeutic touch. Retrieved September 16, 1999, from


Corporate Author American Holistic Nurses' Association. (1998). Standards of holistic nursing practice. Retrieved

September 16, 1999 from http://ahna.org/standards.html

No author/date - title in

author position

The Neumann systems model. (n.d.). Retrieved September 19, 2001, from


Document retrieved

from a large complex

Web site

Lamos, S. (1998, April 28). Grammar handbook. Retrieved September 19, 2001 from University of

Illinois at Urbana-Champagne Writers’ Workshop Web site:


Considerations for citing Internet sources: Credit the author - intellectual property Provide sufficient information for the reader to locate the source Avoid division of electronic address at the end of a line If necessary: divide at a diagonal ( / ), period ( . ), or hyphen ( - ) Do NOT add hyphen or other punctuation Do NOT use a period after the address to indicate the end of the element

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SITUATION Author in Text Author in Parentheses

One Work

1 Author First citation and

subsequent citations are the same

Wendler (1996) discussed . . . . . . is the basis of all healing (Wendler, 1996).

2 Authors Cite both names every

timeLazar and O'Connor (1997) presented . . . . . . is important for maintaining a patient's trust

(Lazar & O'Connor, 1997).3 - 5 Authors First Citation--Cite all

authors Subsequent Citations--

Cite surname of first author followed by et al.

Cribb, Bignold, and Ball (1994) described . . .

Cribb et al. (1994) also delineated . . .

. . . is fundamental to holistic nursing (Cribb, Bignold, & Ball, 1994).

. . . as the philosphical basis for nursing (Cribb et al., 1994).

6 Authors First citation and

subsequent citations--Cite surname of first author followed by et al.

Wells-Federman et al. (1994) also contrasted . . .

. . . has both a psychologic and physiologic basis (Wells-Federman et al., 1994)

Two References Shorten to the Same Form Cite surnames of first

authors and as many of subsequent authors as necessary to distinguish the two references followed by et al.

Kosslyn, Koenig, Barrett, et al. (1992) and Kosslyn, Koenig, Gabrieli, et al. (1992) found that . . .

. . . had similar results (Kosslyn, Koenig, Barrett, et al., 1992; Kosslyn, Koenig, Gabrieli, et al., 1992).

Electronic Sources If no page number

provided use paragraph number

(Meyers, 2000, ¶ 5) using symbol OR(Beutler, 2000, Conclusion section, para. 1) using section heading and paragraph within section and abbreviation para.

“ . . . quoted text material” (Meyers, 2000, ¶ 5).Beutler (2000) stated:

Block quote greater than 40 words . . . end of quotation. (Conclusion section, para. 1).

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SITUATION Author in Text Author in Parentheses

One Work

Group as Author The Burton Goldberg Group (1993) stated . . . . . . are philosphically different (The Burton Goldberg Group, 1993).

Group as Author with Recognized Abbreviation First Citation--give group

author with abbreviation in brackets

Subsequent Citations--use abbreviation only

In 1998, the Office of Alternative Medicine (OAM) was renamed the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), and the budget was significantly increased as well. According to the NCCAM (1998), the most widely used alternative therapies are . . .

. . . has not been fully studied (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine [NCCAM], 1998).

. . . has been reconsidered in light of new research (NCCAM, 1998).

Work with No Author According to the Nursing 99 Drug Handbook (1999), doses up to 40 mg / kg / day may be given.

. . . should not exceed the maximum daily dose (Nursing 99 Drug Handbook, 1999).

Authors with the Same Surname

Both E. A. Schuster (1992) and J. Schuster (1997) believe caring for the environment . . . NOTE: Alphabetically by first initial

Two or More Works

Same Author Order by year of

publicationKeegan (1996, 1998) states . . . . . . in understanding hoslitic nursing practice

(Keegan, 1996, 1998).Different Authors Alphabetical order by

first author's surnameBoth Hoekstra (1994) and Boschma (1994) explore . . .

. . . historical as well as scientifiic foundations (Boschma, 1994; Hoekstra, 1994)

Personal Communications

NOTE: e-mail and other unretrievable electronic sources should be cited as personal communications

Professor Johnston stated a need for more research in this area (personal communication, September 10, 1999).

. . . as more research is needed in this area (Y. Johnston, personal communication, September 10, 1999).

NOTE: When writing papers within the Decker School of Nursing, be sure to maintain confidentiality GIVE INITIALS ONLY!!! ( e.g., Y. J. stated feeling . . . ) EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!!