e-spark 48

E-Spark hija newsletter elettronika mahruga mic-Centru tal-Vokazzjonijiet tas-Seminarju, tal-Virtu,Rabat . Tel: 21450354 - www.vokazzjoni.com E Spark 48 AWWISSU 2012 w TONIGHT, LORD, I AM ALONE PRO - VOKAZZJONI (2) A priest is a man of God’s pardon, an instrument of forgiveness to others.

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Rivista ghal min qed ifittex is-sejha ta' Alla, u jrid jaghmel xi haga dwarha A resource for those seeking God's plan in their life, and who wish to do something about it


E-Spark hija newsletter elettronika mahruga mic-Centru tal-Vokazzjonijiet tas-Seminarju,

tal-Virtu,Rabat . Tel: 21450354 - www.vokazzjoni.com

E Spark 48 AWWISSU 2012



A priest is a man of God’s pardon,

an instrument of forgiveness to


E Spark 48


(is-sejħa bħala stedina posittiva imma li

tista' wkoll issib tfixkil)

Qed nidħlu fil-fond f'xi domandi li jrid

jistaqsi ż-żgħażugħ li jkun qed

jitħabat mas-sejħa. Il-kelma

"titħabat" hija f'postha għax li taċċetta

s-sejħa mhix l-aktar ħaġa faċli u titlob

ħafna ċaħda u umiltà.

S'issa rajna domandi marbutin ma'

affarijiet li se jkolli nħalli warajja, u kif

se jirreaġixxu nies oħra. Is-sejħa Alla

juriha lill-individwu, u mhux lil sħabu

jew lill-ġenituri tiegħu. Dawn x'aktarx

ma jifhmux xi jkun qed jiġri. Il-ġenituri

jistgħu iħossuhom diżappuntati, l-aktar

jekk idaħħlu f'rashom li din qisha

"ġennata" jew jarawk qed taħli ħajtek.

Imma jekk tħallih, Alla mill-ewwel

jibda' jagħtik l-għajnuna biex tibqa'

tiskopri. Ħallih jgħinek u tipprovax

"issolvi" kollox f'daqqa!

Thanks to priests, Christ is always

sacramentally present in his Church

E Spark 48

Like Jesus himself, the priest is at

the service of the Father

Se nkun kapaċi nżommu dan l-


Hemm passi li wieħed jista' jieħu.

1. Trid tirbaħ il-biża'. Jekk ma

tagħmel l-ebda pass ma tasal


2. Meta tagħżel li timxi f'ċerta

direzzjoni - dan l-impenn stess se

jagħtik skop u jgħinek tiffoka fuq

prioritajiet u kif se tasal.

3. Din hi mixja li fiha jien m'inhix

waħdi: miegħi hemm Alla nnisfu u


4. L-għajnuna ta' Alla hi meħtieġa:

din se tagħmel id-differenza kollha.

Jeħtieġ li nfittixha!

Hemm bżonn inkun qassis biex


Hemm diversi modi kif wieħed jista'

jgħin fis-soċjetà. Kull għajnuna hija

valida u mportanti. Il-qassis illum

jidher qisu "aċċessorju" — xi ħaġa li

ngħaddu mingħajrha. Qisu l-qassis

mhux meħtieġ bħalma hu l-ikel,

l-edukazzjoni u x-xogħol. Li jkollna

l-qassisin tidher xi ħaġa miżjuda

mal-ħajja ta' kuljum.

Imma ninsew li l-qassis ukoll jgħin

b'mod uniku, u jekk l-għajnuna tiegħu

tkun nieqsa, s-soċjetà se tbati.

Il-qassis hu sinjal ta' kemm Alla

jagħtina aktar milli hemm bżonn.

Bl-għajnuna li jagħti l-qassis,

l-għajnuniet l-oħra kollha li hawn isiru


E Spark 48


People ask a great deal of their priest, and they should. But they should also understand that it is not easy to be a priest. He has given himself in all the ardor of youth, yet he still remains a man, and every day the man in him tries to take back what he has surrendered. It is a continual struggle to remain completely at the service of Christ and

of others.

A priest is also a sinner, in need of

forgiveness and renewal himself

A priest needs no praise or embarassing gifts; what he needs is that those committed to his charge should, by loving their fellows more and more, prove to him that he has not given his life in vain. And as he remains a man, he may need, once in a while, a delicate gesture of disinterested friendship... some Sunday night when he is alone.

E Spark 48 Lord, I’m 35 years old, A body made like others, ready for work, A heart meant for love, But I’ve given you all. It’s true of course, that you needed it. I’ve given you all, but it is hard, Lord. It’s hard to give one’s body; it would like to give itself to others. It’s hard to love everyone and to claim no one. It’s hard to shake a hand and not want to keep it. It’s hard to inspire affection, only to give it to you. It’s hard to be nothing to oneself in order to be everything to others. It’s hard to be like others, among others, and be an other to them. It’s hard always to give without trying to receive. It’s hard to seek out others and to be oneself unsought. It’s hard to be told secrets, and never be able to share them. It’s hard to carry others and never, even for a moment, be carried. It’s hard to sustain the feeble and never be able to lean on one who is strong. It’s hard to be alone, Alone before everyone, Alone before the world, Alone before suffering, death,


The priest is called to live the

Beatitudes so as to be a living sign of


Tonight, Lord, I am alone. Little by little the sounds died down in the church. The people went away, And I came home, Alone. I passed people who were returning from a walk. I went by the cinema that was disgorging its crowd. I skirted café terraces where tired strollers

were trying to prolong

the pleasure of a Sunday holiday. I bumped into youngsters playing on the footpath, Youngsters, Lord, Other people’s youngsters who will never be my own. Here I am, Lord, Alone. The silence troubles me, The solitude oppresses me.

E Spark 48

The priest is someone whose

personal, intimate friendship

with Jesus is the very heart of all

he is and does.

Son, you are not alone, I am with you. I am you. For I needed another human vehicle to continue my Incarnation and my Redemption. Out of all eternity, I chose you.

I need you.

I need your hands to continue to bless, I need your lips to continue to speak,

I need your body to continue to suffer, I need your heart to continue to love,

I need you to continue to save,

Stay with me.

E Spark 48

Here I am Lord, Here is my body,

my heart, my soul,

Grant that I may be big enough to reach the world,

Strong enough to carry it. Pure enough to embrace it without wanting to keep it.

Grant that I may be a meeting-place,

but a temporary one, A road that does not end in itself,

because everything to be gathered there, everything human, must be led to you.

Lord, tonight, while all is still and I feel sharply the sting of solitude,

While people devour my soul and I feel incapable of satisfying their hunger,

While the world presses on my shoulders with all its weight of misery and sin,

I repeat to you my “yes” —not in a burst of laughter, but slowly,

clearly, humbly.

Alone, Lord, before you,

In the peace of the evening.

A priest is a vital servant of the

Christian community, but also a

member of that community.

E Spark 47


Fr Michael and share your

comments, suggestions,

ideas or problems


[email protected]

Tel :

21450354 /79964557.

Vocational Centre



Tal-Virtu, Rabat

At the Eucharist, each priest hears anew his




One life to live,

one chance to live it