research pipeline by robert cooter - presented by william allan kritsonis

8/20/2019 Research Pipeline by Robert Cooter - Presented by William Allan Kritsonis 1/14 Developing A Research Pipeline: Increasing The Special Education Knowledge Base  Presenter William Allan Kritsonis PhD Pro!essor o! Educational "eadership The #niversit$ o! Te%as o! the Permian Basin  Author: Robert B. Cooter, Jr. The University of Memphis (Article Review !"tion"l #orum of Te"cher $%uc"tion Journ"l &olume ', !umbers ')* *++

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Page 1: Research Pipeline by Robert Cooter - Presented by William Allan Kritsonis

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Developing A Research Pipeline:

Increasing The Special Education Knowledge Base 


William Allan Kritsonis PhD

Pro!essor o! Educational "eadership

The #niversit$ o! Te%as o! the Permian Basin

 Author: Robert B. Cooter, Jr.

The University of Memphis

(Article Review

!"tion"l #orum of Te"cher $%uc"tion Journ"l

&olume ', !umbers ')* *++

Page 2: Research Pipeline by Robert Cooter - Presented by William Allan Kritsonis

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The purpose of this "rticle w"s to outline "

se-uenti"lly useful metho% in i%entifyin "n%

successfully implementin " pro%uctive,

pr"m"tic, "n% publish"ble writin "n% rese"rch


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'. The import"nce of profession"l writin "n%

rese"rch for e%uc"tors

*. To %efine " rese"rch pipeline/0. 1i2 steps to cre"te in%ivi%u"l 3Cylin%ers4

5. The spiot: 6ublic"tion

7. 1ome fin"l thouhts

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The "c"%emic tri"%: Te"chin, 1chol"rship, "n%


$%uc"tors who %o not succee% in profession"l

writin "n% c"nnot est"blish "n onoin rese"rch"en%" m"y &'( stifle their profession"l rowth, &)( 

influence the opportunity of the tenure "n%

promotion committee or, even &*( en% their c"reers.

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Research Pipeline Concept

8t beins with the cre"tion of " reservoirof rese"rch"ble i%e"s

#lows into the selection of " worthwhile

problem to investi"te Continues on to the v"rious st"es of

%esinin " stu%y

$2its throuh " spiot of publishin"ctivities.

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Six Steps to Cre"te 8n%ivi%u"l Cylin%ers

C': $nter

throuh thecl"ssroom

C*: 6roblem

i%entific"tion )

&"li%ity 1creen

C0: 9iter"tureReview

C5: 1elect



C7: 8mplement


"t" An"lysis

C<: 6resent

p"per to "

le"rne% society


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Cylinder I $nter the pipeline throuh the cl"ssroom

The w"y to i%entify worthy rese"rch"ble

topics is to immerse oneself in the life of

the cl"ssroom.

9ivin within " classroom culture will

c"use i%e"s to ferment.

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Cylinder II 6roblem 8%entific"tion usin " 3&"li%ity 1creen4

M"int"in " consistent theme = Focus.

The best w"y to choose " rese"rch"ble

topic is to use pr"cticin te"chers "s ">in% of validity screen.

M"ster te"chers h"ve " "bility to help the

rese"rcher %iscern wh"t is erm"ne to

cl"ssroom re"lities "n%, conversely.

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Cylinder III The liter"ture review

The purpose of the liter"ture review is tolocate "n% summarize "ll inform"tion

rel"te% to the topic in your investi"tion.

#unction: 8nform re"%ers "bout priorrese"rch, contributions of the new stu%y

bein reporte% to the >nowle%e b"se, "n%

suest future "venues for rese"rch.

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Cylinder IV Rese"rch %esin selection

8t is %ifficult to h"ve e2pertise in the

rese"rch fiel% "n% be e-u"lly well?verse%

in -u"ntit"tive (-u"lit"tive rese"rch

%esin "n% st"tistics "t the s"me time.

1olution: cooperate with outsource.

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Cylinder V 1tu%y implement"tion "n% %"t" "n"lysis

Three steps:

'. Collecte%

*. Coll"te%0. An"ly@e%

Rich %escription tempere% by the power

of st"tistic"l "n"lysis is "n effectivemo%us oper"n%i to use "s ones b"sic


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Cylinder VI 6"per present"tion to " le"rne% society

6resent fin%ins to peers "n% recor% their


ow to et the fee%b"c>write your em"il

on the cover sheet.

 As> for help, even str"ners.

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 The Spigot: Publication

#in% " Dourn"l th"t fits your topic.

r"ft the "rticle usin the prescribe% form

which is "v"il"ble online or upon re-uest

form the Dourn"l e%itor 

#ollow the ui%elines

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Some Final Thoughts

!o one?si@e?fits?"ll formul" for

profession"l writin

Er"ni@e common elements use% by

m"ny soci"l science rese"rch into "

coent p"r"%im

 A rese"rch pipeline h"s the potenti"l of

helpin schol"rs %evelop insihtful
