radio advert evaluation

Radio Advert Evaluation By Jordan Weeks

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Post on 25-May-2015




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Page 1: Radio advert evaluation

Radio Advert EvaluationBy Jordan Weeks

Page 2: Radio advert evaluation

What creative decisions did you have to make to solve problems and how did this depart from your original plan?

We came across a few different problems that needed attention in order to improve the quality of our final product. There were sections of our script which needed to be re recorded in order to make the final product as good as we can make it given the time scale we were given to do it in.

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Both individually and working with others how did you work and what challenges did you face?

As a pair we started to brainstorm a few ideas and wanted to make our advert different from everyone else’s product. Our initial idea was to make a short snappy song that included all the relevant information to hook the target audience, however we were advised to scrap that idea and we thought of a small surfer scenario instead. This was so it met the requirement of a duration of 30 seconds and met the standard of others.

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What advertising did you use to hook your intended target audience?

In our radio advert we promoted surfing and surf wear. We advertised this category by explaining the type of products that is sold at Waves surf shop. Towards the advert we included contact information so potential customers could directly contact Waves for any possible queries or to buy their products.

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How did technology enable the creative process? Was it difficult to use any of the equipment and did you learn any skills?

Given the speedy rate of growth for technology these days it made it very easy to create a simple but effective radio advert. We used a handheld sound recorder and audio editing software, Audacity. It was relatively to layer each sound over another and to for example make a background noise quieter than the main audio.

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5. What conventions of radio adverts have you used or not used and why?

We have managed to include a few of the conventions of a radio advert within our own final product. We have use SFX which was the seagulls and waves in the background. We used this so there are some familiar surfing sounds alongside a radio advert that has the topic of surfing. We have also included an SFX bed which plays on loop throughout our advert quietly underneath our advert scenario conversation, this is also the SFX of seagulls and waves.We were going to include a jingle but we realised that it wouldn’t play for long enough in order for it to be effective. We also didn’t use other conventions such as vocal effects because we felt our idea was already effective and successful.

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What or who are you representing in your advert and how?

In our advert we are representing surfers. Our advert is ideally supposed to appeal to both genders and of all ages. We have attempted to represent surfers by using surfing slang and vocabulary and putting on a stereotypical surfer style voice in order for the audience to really feel that Waves is a good shop and sells good quality surfing products.

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What feedback did you get and did this help you realise anything about your product?

Our main major feedback was to alter our whole plan for the advert. Initially our idea was a made up song that was quite short and promoted Waves surf shop. However Mr Henley said “that song isn’t very effective I suggest you do something different”. So therefore we decided to change our whole format to a scenario asking questions about the shop. Our song idea would have helped us have a good unique selling point compared to others, however the lyrics needed to be thought out better.