tgf-beta regulates mir-206 and mir-29 to control myogenic differentiation through regulation of...

Kantharidis and Paul Gregorevic Beyer, Phillip Koh, Lloyd White, Phillip Catherine E. Winbanks, Bo Wang, Claudia Regulation of HDAC4 Control Myogenic Differentiation through Regulates miR-206 and miR-29 to β TGF- Cell Biology: doi: 10.1074/jbc.M110.192625 originally published online February 15, 2011 2011, 286:13805-13814. J. Biol. Chem. 10.1074/jbc.M110.192625 Access the most updated version of this article at doi: . JBC Affinity Sites Find articles, minireviews, Reflections and Classics on similar topics on the Alerts: When a correction for this article is posted When this article is cited to choose from all of JBC's e-mail alerts Click here This article cites 49 references, 28 of which can be accessed free at at Latrobe University (CAUL) on November 4, 2013 Downloaded from at Latrobe University (CAUL) on November 4, 2013 Downloaded from at Latrobe University (CAUL) on November 4, 2013 Downloaded from at Latrobe University (CAUL) on November 4, 2013 Downloaded from at Latrobe University (CAUL) on November 4, 2013 Downloaded from at Latrobe University (CAUL) on November 4, 2013 Downloaded from at Latrobe University (CAUL) on November 4, 2013 Downloaded from at Latrobe University (CAUL) on November 4, 2013 Downloaded from at Latrobe University (CAUL) on November 4, 2013 Downloaded from at Latrobe University (CAUL) on November 4, 2013 Downloaded from at Latrobe University (CAUL) on November 4, 2013 Downloaded from

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Kantharidis and Paul GregorevicBeyer, Phillip Koh, Lloyd White, Phillip Catherine E. Winbanks, Bo Wang, Claudia  Regulation of HDAC4Control Myogenic Differentiation through

Regulates miR-206 and miR-29 toβTGF-Cell Biology:

doi: 10.1074/jbc.M110.192625 originally published online February 15, 20112011, 286:13805-13814.J. Biol. Chem. 

  10.1074/jbc.M110.192625Access the most updated version of this article at doi:

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TGF-� Regulates miR-206 and miR-29 to Control MyogenicDifferentiation through Regulation of HDAC4Received for publication, October 8, 2010, and in revised form, January 23, 2011 Published, JBC Papers in Press, February 15, 2011, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M110.192625

Catherine E. Winbanks‡, Bo Wang§, Claudia Beyer‡, Phillip Koh§, Lloyd White‡, Phillip Kantharidis§,and Paul Gregorevic‡¶�**1

From the Divisions of ‡Metabolism and Obesity and §Diabetic Complications, Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Melbourne,Victoria 8008, Australia, the ¶Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia, the�Department of Physiology, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia, and the **Department of Neurology,The University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington 98104

MicroRNAs (miRs) are emerging as prominent players in theregulation of many biological processes, including myogeniccommitment and skeletal muscle formation. Members of theTGF-� family can influence the proliferation andmyogenic dif-ferentiation of cells, although it is presently not clear what rolemiRNAs play in the TGF-�-mediated control of myogenic dif-ferentiation. Here, we demonstrate in the myogenic C2C12 cellline, and in primarymuscle cells, that miR-206 andmiR-29-twomiRs that act on transcriptional events implicated in muscledifferentiation are down-regulated by TGF-�. We further dem-onstrate that TGF-� treatment of myogenic cells is associatedwith increased expression of histone deacetylase 4 (HDAC4), akey inhibitor of muscle differentiation that has been identifiedas a target for regulation bymiR-206 andmiR-29.We confirmedthat increased expressionofmiR-206 andmiR-29 resulted in thetranslational repression ofHDAC4 in the presence or absence ofTGF-� via interaction with the HDAC4 3�-untranslated region.Importantly, we found that miR-206 and miR-29 can attenuatethe inhibitory actions of TGF-� on myogenic differentiation.Furthermore, we present evidence that the mechanism bywhich miR-206 and miR-29 can inhibit the TGF-�-mediatedup-regulation of HDAC4 is via the inhibition of Smad3expression, a transducer of TGF-� signaling. These findingsidentify a novel mechanism of interaction between TGF-�and miR-206 and -29 in the regulation of myogenic differen-tiation through HDAC4.

During embryonic development, progenitor cells arisingfrom the somitic mesoderm commit to a program of differen-tiation that facilitates the formation of skeletal muscle fibers(termed myogenesis). Under the control of a number of extra-cellular cues, these myogenic precursors adhere to an orches-trated process of mobilization, proliferation, differentiation,and fusion to create the multi-nucleated myotubes that ulti-mately become mature fibers (1–3). Many of the most impor-tant early changes in gene expression that direct themuscle celllineage are driven by a family of basic helix-loop-helix tran-scription factors that includes MyoD, myogenin, MRF4, and

Myf5, which are therefore commonly referred to as the muscleregulatory factors (MRFs)2 (4–6).

TGF-� is well characterized as a potent inhibitor of musclecell differentiation that acts by repressing the transcriptionalactivity of MRFs (7–9). Interaction between extracellularTGF-� and its membrane-bound receptor complex engages acascade of intracellular signal transduction that promotesnuclear retention of Smad proteins 2 and 3 in complex withSmad4, which subsequently activates or represses hundreds ofTGF-� target genes (10). Of particular relevance to skeletalmuscle cell differentiation, the TGF-� signaling protein Smad3has been shown to physically interact with MRFs in a mannerthat can inhibit differentiation (9).microRNAs (or miRs) are single-stranded 21–22-nucleotide

noncoding RNAs that are capable of controlling gene expres-sion at a post-transcriptional level by stalling the translation ofthe cognate mRNA or promoting its degradation in a processreferred to as RNA interference (RNAi). Here, individual miRsthat have been loaded into a specialized collection of interact-ing proteins referred to as the RNA-induced silencing complexidentify and bind to highly specific sequences featuring withinexons or the 3�-untranslated regions of target mRNAs. Thedegree of pairing complementarity between a microRNA andits target (as well as target location in the transcript) determinewhether translation is subsequently repressed or the transcriptis degraded (11, 12). In skeletal muscle, specific miRs areincreasingly being implicated as key regulators of differentia-tion, because of their predicted selectivity for genes that areinvolved in facilitating the myogenic program. Chief amongthese microRNAs are the so-called “myomiRs,” or muscle-en-riched microRNAs (including miR-1/206, -133a, and -133b)that are themselves transcribed as targets ofMRF activity. As anexample, increasedmiR-206 levels promotemyogenic differen-tiation in vitro (13, 14) and in vivo (15, 16), whereas inhibitingmiR-206 appears capable of delaying or even preventing myo-genic differentiation. Ongoing examination is establishing thatadditional miRs that are expressed in a variety of cell typesincluding but not exclusive to skeletal muscle may also influ-ence the events of differentiation. For instance, the miR-29family regulates myogenesis by targeting proteins within theNF-�B-YY1 signaling pathway, which is recognized for its role

1 To whom correspondence should be addressed: P.O. Box 6492, St. Kilda Rd.Central, Victoria 8008, Australia. Tel.: 613-8532-1224; Fax: 613-8532-1100;E-mail: [email protected].

2 The abbreviations used are: MRF, muscle regulatory factor; miR, microRNA;HDAC, histone deacetylase; NC, negative control.

THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 286, NO. 16, pp. 13805–13814, April 22, 2011© 2011 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A.


in muscle atrophy and in regulating myogenic differentiation(17, 18). These findings suggest that the full extent of the influ-ence of miRs upon the muscle phenotype has yet to be defined.Recently, studies have begun to demonstrate an ability of

miRNAs to cross-talk with TGF-� signaling, being both regu-lated by and regulators of the TGF-� pathway components.These findings likely have implications for all manner of celltypes in which signaling driven by TGF-� and related ligandsserves a purpose, including skeletal muscle. An example of onesuch influence is that ofmiR-24, which appears to exert positiveeffects on myogenic differentiation but is itself suppressed byTGF-�-driven signaling (19). The findings demonstrate that abetter knowledge of the interactions between specific miRs andsignal transduction initiated by TGF-� family members isimportant for our understanding of the mechanisms underly-ing myogenic differentiation and skeletal muscle remodeling(such as that seen following injury and in degenerative neuro-muscular disorders).One mode of action by which specific miRs are thought to

influence skeletal muscle development and plasticity concernsthe targeting of histone deacetylases (HDACs) (20, 21). Inmus-cle, specificHDACs appear to inhibit differentiation by forminga co-repressor complex that suppresses the MRFs throughdirect inhibition ofMEF2 (22, 23). TGF-� and HDAC4may acttogether to co-regulate the differentiation of bone precursors(24, 25); however, whether a similar co-operative interactionfunctions to regulate muscle differentiation has not yet beenestablished. Because the literature supports the hypothesis thatHDAC4 and TGF-� may act in concert to regulate myogenicdifferentiation, we sought to determine whether such an axis isalso influenced by miRNAs that are implicated as regulators ofskeletal muscle development.Our studies described herein establish that TGF-� can atten-

uate the differentiation of myogenic cells by increasing expres-sion of HDAC4, a key inhibitor of myogenic commitment. Theunderlying mechanism involves down-regulated expression ofmiR-206 and miR-29, which act as translational repressorsof HDAC4. These data provide novel insight into a role formiRNAs as regulators of TGF-� effects upon myogenesis.


Antibodies and Reagents—Antibodies against HDAC4 andSmad3 were obtained from Cell Signaling. The mouse mono-clonal myosin heavy chain antibody was a generous gift of Ste-phen D. Hauschka (University of Washington, Seattle, WA).GAPDH antibody was obtained from Santa Cruz Biotechnology(Santa Cruz, CA). Oligonucleotide-based microRNAmimics andinhibitors and matching negative controls (NC) were obtainedfrom Dharmacon (miR-206 experiments) and Ambion (miR-29experiments). Recombinant TGF-�1 was purchased from Pepro-tech. SB431542 (a TGF-�1 receptor inhibitor) was acquired fromSigma. A Myc-Smad7 plasmid was purchased from Genscript.Expression levels of relevant miRNAs were determined usingAssay on DemandTM kits (Applied Biosystems Inc.).Cell Culture—C2C12 cells were cultured in DMEM contain-

ing 10% FBS (Hyclone), 2 mM glutamine, 100 units/ml penicil-lin, and 100 �g/ml streptomycin (all culture reagents fromInvitrogen except where mentioned). To promote myogenic

differentiation and the formation of myoblast fusion into syn-cytial structures (a process that models the formation of myo-tubes in vivo), culture medium was substituted with 2% horseserum (Hyclone) in place of FBS for up to 4 days (with mediumexchange performed every second day). miRNAs were trans-fected in 12-well plates using Metafectene Pro (Biontex) orLipofectamine 2000 (Invitrogen). After 4–6 h, themediumwaschanged to avoid toxicity, and cells were tracked for up to 72 hpost-transfection, before harvest.For culture of primary muscle cells, 2-week-old C57BL/6

mice were sacrificed by cervical dislocation, and the hind limband lower back muscles were removed and digested usingmethods described previously (26). Experiments that involvedthe use of mice were conducted in accordance with interna-tional guidelines including the National Institutes of HealthPrinciples of Laboratory Animal Care and the National HealthandMedical Council of Australia Code of Practice for the Careand Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes. Briefly, themuscleswere finelyminced anddigested in 0.2% collagenase II inHanks’balanced salt solution for 60 min at 37 °C with frequent agita-tion and then washed well with PBS before further digestionwith 0.25% trypsin for 15 min. After enzymatic depletion withFCS and two washes with PBS, the final pellet was resuspendedin 10 ml of growth medium (Ham’s F-10 with 20% FCS and 2.5ng/ml basic FGF) and plated onto a 100-mm2 Petri dish. The cellswere incubatedat37 °C for60min, atwhich timeunattachedmyo-blastswere transferred to anewdish.Myoblastswere further puri-fied in this manner until all of the fibroblasts were removed fromthe culture (approximately four passages).Myoblasts were seededinto 12-well plates at 8� 104 cells/well and treated or transfected24 h later, as described for C2C12 cells.Western Blotting—The cells were lysed using Triton-based

lysis buffer (30 mM Hepes, 150 mM NaCl, 1% Triton X-100, 2mM MgCl2), with CompleteTM EDTA-free protease and phos-phatase inhibitor mixture (Roche Applied Science). Lysis wasfollowed by centrifugation at 13,000 � g for 5 min at 4 °C anddenaturing of samples for 5min at 95 °C. Protein concentrationwas determined using a Piercemicro protein assay kit (ThermoScientific). Whole proteome fractions from samples were subse-quently separated by SDS-PAGE using precast 4–12% Tris gels(Invitrogen), blotted onto nitrocellulose membranes (Bio-Rad),and incubated with the appropriate antibody overnight. Afterincubation with relevant secondary antibodies, labeled pro-teins were visualized using an ECL chemiluminescencedetection kit (GE Healthcare). Quantification of labeledWestern blots was performed using ImageJ pixel analysis(National Institutes of Health Image software), and the dataare normalized to the appropriate control of 1. The datafrom Western blots are presented as band density normal-ized to the loading control and are representative of threeindependent experiments.Cloning of the HDAC4 3�-UTR—To examine the effect of the

miR-29 family, the first 500 bp of the HDAC4 3�-UTR werecloned into a luciferase-based readout vector (Promega).Briefly, this was achieved by cloning nucleotides 4297–4759 ofthe HDAC4 3�-UTR mRNA sequence from human genomicDNA into the XbaI-NotI site downstream of Renilla luciferasein pCI-neo-hRL35 (27). To examine the effect of miR-206 upon

MicroRNAs Regulate TGF-� Effects on Myogenic Differentiation


HDAC4 translation in separate experiments, the entire 4-kbsequence of the HDAC4 3�-UTR (referred to as full length) wascloned into the pmirGLOTM miRNA target expression vector(Promega). Briefly, the entire HDAC4 3�-UTR sequence (syn-thesized by GenScript, based on the sequence data deposited inPubMed) was cloned into the pmirGLO vector (Promega)downstream of the luc2 reporter gene, using flanking-intro-duced XbaI and SalI restriction sites, and the resulting productwas then verified by resequencing.Transfections and Luciferase Assays—C2C12 cells were

transfected in 12-well plates either with 50 nM of each of themiR-29 family or 200 nM of miR-206 using Lipofectamine 2000(Invitrogen) or Metafectene Pro (Biontex). 300 ng/well ofHDAC4 3�-UTR was transfected with 200 ng/well of �-galac-tosidase. Themediumwas changed 5 h later and supplementedwith either vehicle or 5 ng/ml TGF-� for 48 h. The cells weresubsequently lysed with commercial cell lysis buffer (Promega),and luciferase activity was measured using a Berthold luminome-ter according to kit protocols. Luciferase activity was normalizedto �-galactosidase activity, which was detected using a Promega�-galactosidase detection assay. Briefly, lysate was frozen andthawed at�80 °C twice, followed by centrifugation at 13,000 rpmand addition of 2� �-galactosidase buffer for 1 h at 37 °C. �-Ga-lactosidase expression was detected at a wavelength of 420 nm.Luciferase activity is presented as the ratioofHDAC3�-UTR lucif-erase activity-to-�-galactosidase reporter activity, and the data arerepresentative of three independent experiments. All of the dataare expressed relative to the control, which is set at 1.Quantitative RT-PCR—Total RNA was collected from cells

using a TRIzol-based extraction protocol (Invitrogen). 500–1000 ng of RNAwas reverse transcribed using the high capacityRNA-to-cDNA kit (Applied Biosystems). cDNA was analyzedfor HDAC4 by quantitative RT-PCR using TaqMan assay onDemandTM kits utilizing a specific probe and primer and ABIdetection software run on Applied Biosystems hardware(Applied Biosystems Inc.). For analysis of miRNA and pri-miR-206 levels, ABI Assay on DemandTM kits were used accordingto the manufacturer’s instructions. Pri-miR-29 specific primermixes were purchased from Qiagen. MyoD transcription wasquantitated using primers (forward, AGTGAATGAGGC-CTTCGAGA; reverse, GCATCTGAGTCGCCACTGTA) anda SYBRGreen-based analysis. Primers for 18 S were used to stan-dardize cDNA concentrations. miRNA expression was normal-ized to sno135 RNA or 18 S RNA. The data were analyzed usingthe ��CT method of analysis and are presented as averages ofthree independent experiments,where the control is standardizedto 1.Statistical Analysis—TheStudent t testwas used to assess the

differences in one variable between two groups, and all ofthe differences reported are p � 0.05 unless otherwise stated.The data are presented as themeans� S.E. unless indicated andare representative of at least three independent experiments.


TGF-�Regulates the Expression ofmiRNAs Expressed in Skel-etalMuscle—In our studies (and in agreement with the work ofothers), the C2C12 cell line exhibits robustly increased expres-sion ofmiR-206 and -133when differentiation is induced by the

application of culture medium supplemented with 2% horseserum (Fig. 1a) (14, 28). We also observed elevated levels ofother more widely expressed (i.e. not muscle-specific) miRsthat have been implicated in myogenic commitment including

FIGURE 1. Up-regulation of miRNAs during C2C12 differentiation isaltered by TGF-� exposure. a, C2C12 cells were differentiated in mediumsupplemented with 2% horse serum (differentiation medium, DM) or left inmedium containing 10% FBS (growth medium, GM) for 48 h. b, treatment ofC2C12 cells in DM with 5 ng/ml TGF-� for 48 h resulted in the suppression ofall members of the miR-29 family (*, p � 0.05), miR-206 (*, p � 0.001), miR-133a (*, p � 0.001), and miR-133b (*, p � 0.005). TGF-� did not significantlyaffect members of the miR-200 family. c, RNA obtained from C2C12 cellstreated with TGF-� in c was analyzed for the expression of pri-miR-206 andpri-miR-29c. TGF-� similarly suppressed levels of pri-miR-206 (*, p � 0.001)and pri-miR-29 (*, p � 0.001). d, the effect of TGF-� was tested on primarycells, which displayed increased proliferation with treatment (panel 2 versuspanel 1). Similarly to its effect on C2C12 cells, TGF-� suppressed levels ofmiR-29a (*, p � 0.01) and miR-29c (*, p � 0.05) and the primary form of miR-29a (*, p � 0.05). Furthermore, the mature (*, p � 0.001) and primary forms ofmiR-206 (*, p � 0.001) were also suppressed by TGF-� in murine primarymuscle cells. Con, control.

MicroRNAs Regulate TGF-� Effects on Myogenic Differentiation


the miR-29 family (17) (Fig. 1a). Because TGF-� is a well char-acterized inhibitor of muscle cell differentiation, we investi-gated whether this growth factor regulates these and other rec-ognized pro-differentiation miRNAs. When C2C12 myoblastsincubated in differentiation media were assessed 48 h aftertreatment with TGF-�, we found a significant reduction in theendogenous expression ofmiR-206, -133a, and -133b, as well asthemiR-29 family (Fig. 1b). Interestingly, althoughmembers ofthe miR-200 family have been shown to be TGF-�-responsivein epithelial cells (27), TGF-� had no effect on thesemiRNAs inC2C12 cells. Furthermore, given recent reports that have dem-onstrated that members of the TGF-� superfamily can regulatemiRNAs, including miR-206, at a post-transcriptional level, weassessed whether TGF-� similarly regulated the primary andmature forms of miR-206 (29). We found that TGF-� potentlyreduced both forms ofmiR-206, and furthermore, this held truefor the effect of TGF-� on pri-miR-29 (Fig. 1c). This indicatesthat TGF-�, unlike BMP-2 (29), inhibits the processing of theprimary form of these miRNAs into their mature forms. Fur-thermore, we examined whether these findings could be repli-cated in primarymuscle cells subjected to TGF-� treatment for48 h. These cells exhibited increased proliferation rates (Fig. 1d,right panel, lower image versus upper image). Importantly, wefound that in primary muscle cultures, TGF-� also suppressedthe mature and primary forms of the miR-29 family and ofmiR-206, although it had no effect on miR-151, thereby dem-onstrating that the effects of TGF-� are specific for particularmiRs. These data demonstrate that expression of the pro-dif-ferentiationmiR-206 andmiR-29 is altered inmyogenic cells byTGF-� treatment, which represents a mechanism by whichTGF-� could inhibit myogenesis.TGF-� Regulates HDAC4 Expression through Regulation of

Its 3�-UTR—Given the recent reports demonstrating thatHDAC4 is a target of miR-206 and the miR-29 family (20, 21)and our data demonstrating that TGF-� can suppress miR-206and miR-29 expression, we investigated the ability of cellularresponses driven byTGF-� exposure to regulateHDAC4 levels.According to existing databases, the human HDAC4 3�-UTRcontains three target sites for miR-206 and one for the miR-29family (Fig. 2a). We cloned short and long versions of the 3�HDAC4 UTR into a luciferase reporter construct (providingtargets for the mir-29 family, as well as miR-206, respectively)and observed that luciferase activity was increased in cellstransfected with a Luc-HDAC4 3�-UTR construct, whentreated with TGF-� (Fig. 2b). We further tested the effect ofTGF-� on the expression of endogenous HDAC4 protein andconfirmed that TGF-� exposure induces accumulation ofHDAC4 protein in a dose-dependent manner up to doses of1.25 ng/ml, afterwhichHDAC4protein inductionwasmaximal(Fig. 2c). We also tested the ability of TGF-� to regulateHDAC4 protein levels in primary muscle cells and found thatTGF-� at doses of 0.5 ng/ml could maximally induce HDAC4protein levels (Fig. 2c). To establish whether TGF-� acts onlythrough post-transcriptional mechanisms to regulate HDAC4protein expression, the HDAC4 mRNA levels were also exam-ined. Although plasminogen activator inhibitor, a knowndownstream target of TGF-� (30, 31), was significantly inducedby TGF-�, we observed no effect of TGF-� on HDAC4 gene

FIGURE 2. TGF-� exposure mediates HDAC4 expression via miR actionupon the HDAC4 3�-UTR. a, because miR-206 and miR-29 target sites featurewithin the HDAC4 3�-UTR, we cloned the first 500 bp (containing the miR-29target) and also the full-length 3�-UTR into a luciferase reporter construct.b, TGF-� treatment at 5 ng/ml for 48 h induces luciferase activity in cellstransfected with either the short or full-length HDAC4 3�-UTR luciferase con-structs, compared with transfected cells receiving only vehicle (*, p � 0.005).c, treatment with increasing doses of TGF-� for 48 h induces HDAC4 proteinlevels (detected by Western blot) in a dose-dependent manner up to doses of1.25 ng/ml TGF-�, after which HDAC4 protein induction was maximal (Fig. 2c;*, p � 0.05 versus control). We also tested the ability of TGF-� to regulateHDAC4 protein levels in primary muscle cells and found that TGF-� at doses of0.5 ng/ml could maximally induce HDAC4 protein levels (Fig. 2c; *, p � 0.05versus control). d, in TGF-�-treated C2C12 cells exhibiting increased HDACexpression, we observed no change in HDAC4 gene expression, althoughother known TGF-� responsive genes, such as plasminogen activator inhibi-tor (30, 31), were strongly induced (*, p � 0.001). RLU, relative light units.

MicroRNAs Regulate TGF-� Effects on Myogenic Differentiation


expression (Fig. 2d). Taken together, these data establish thatTGF-� increases expression of HDAC4 protein via a post-tran-scriptional mechanism that involves the HDAC4 3�-UTRrather than an increase in HDAC4 transcription.Regulation of HDAC4 Is via the Canonical TGF-� Pathway—

Having observed an effect upon HDAC4 levels associated withTGF-� treatment, we sought to determine whether the regula-tion of HDAC4 by TGF-� was dependent on canonical TGF-�signaling, by investigating the capacity of other TGF-� super-family members to regulate HDAC4 3�-UTR luciferase activity.Over the growth factor concentrations used, we found thatTGF-�1 and TGF-�2 treatment significantly increased Luc-HDAC4 3�-UTR activity, whereas BMP-7 and activin-A had nosignificant effect (Fig. 3a). These findings suggest that the effectof TGF-� uponHDAC4 is contingent on signaling situated pri-marily downstream of the TGF-� receptor complex and isunlikely to involve Smad proteins-1 and -5 that aremore closelyassociated with BMP-dependent signaling operating throughdistinct receptor complexes. To further characterize the effect

of TGF-� on the HDAC4 3�-UTR, we assessed the ability ofTGF-� to induce luciferase activity in the presence of selectedTGF-� pathway inhibition. We found that increased expres-sion of the inhibitory Smad7 abrogated the ability of TGF-� toincrease luciferase activity (Fig. 3b), lending further support tothe induction of HDAC4 expression being dependent oncanonical (i.e. Smad2/3-based) TGF-� signaling. In a comple-mentary set of experiments, we observed that chemical inhibi-tion of the type I receptor with SB431542 at 1 or 10 �M alsoabrogated TGF-�-induced 3�-UTR HDAC4 luciferase activity(Fig. 3c).miR-206 and miR-29 Inhibit TGF-�-mediated Induction of

HDAC4—Given that TGF-� can influence HDAC4 expressionand HDAC4 3�-UTR luciferase activity (Fig. 2) and that miR-206 andmiR-29 levels change with TGF-� treatment, we inves-tigated the relationship between TGF-�, the HDAC4 3�-UTR,and the aforementioned miRs. Consistent with recent reportsthat miR-206 and miR-29abc target the 3�-UTR of HDAC4, weobserved that cells transfected with synthetic miR-29abc and-206 mimics demonstrated reduced Luc-HDAC4 3�-UTRactivity (Fig. 4, a and b) and conversely that cells transfectedwith miR-29abc- and miR-206-specific anti-miRs or hair-pininhibitors displayed increased Luc-HDAC4 3�-UTR activity(Fig. 4, c and d). Importantly, we noted that increases in lucif-erase activity following TGF-� treatment were potently inhib-ited when cells were co-transfected with either miR-29 or miR-206 mimics (Fig. 4, a and b). Furthermore, we demonstratedthat inhibition of miR-29abc or miR-206 with specific inhibitorspotentiated the luciferase activity in cells treatedwithTGF-� (Fig.4, c andd). These data confirm that theHDAC43�-UTR is a targetof bothmiR-29 andmiR-206 and,more importantly, demonstratethe ability of thesemiRNAs to potentlymodulate TGF-�-inducedchanges in HDAC4 expression.Previous studies have demonstrated that TGF-� exerts

effects that can inhibit muscle differentiation through actionsupon Smad3 (9). We therefore considered whether the inhibi-tion ofmyogenic differentiation could bemediated by the effectof miR-29 andmiR-206 on Smad3, hypothesizing that this mayact as a mechanism by which these miRs suppress the effect ofTGF-� on the 3�-UTR of HDAC4. We found that ectopicexpression of miR-29 (but not miR-206) attenuated basal levelsof Smad3 protein (Fig. 4e). We then tested the effect of thesemiRNAs on the induction of Smad3 by TGF-� and found thatboth miR-206 and miR-29 prevented the induction of Smad3following the exposure of cells to TGF-� (Fig. 4f). The resultssuggest that differential modes of Smad3 regulation are exertedby miR-29 and miR-206 and that the miR-29 family serves aparticularly significant role in regulating basal Smad3 levels inmuscle. Moreover, the data indicate that although TGF-� actsto elevate HDAC4 expression, miR-29 and miR-206, as twomodulators of the program contributing to myogenic differen-tiation, have the ability to suppress cellular effects followingTGF-� treatment via mechanisms that can interfere with theinduction of Smad3. The mechanisms of this precise effectremain incompletely defined, however, because neither miR-206normiR-29abc is presently predicted to strongly target themurineSmad3 3�-UTRor open reading frame (although a predictedmiR-206 target exists in the human and primate Smad3 3�-UTR).

FIGURE 3. TGF-� regulates HDAC4 through canonical TGF-� signaling.a, although TGF-�1 increases activity of a luciferase construct featuring aHDAC4 3�-UTR, TGF-�2 also has a similar effect (*, p � 0.005 versus NC; #, p �0.05 versus NC). BMP7 and activin-A, however, had no significant effect on theexpression of luciferase. b, the increased expression of Luc-HDAC4 3�-UTR incells treated with TGF-� (*, p � 0.001) was markedly inhibited when cells wereco-transfected with a Smad7 expression cassette (compared with a nonfunc-tional cassette). c, furthermore, although Luc-HDAC4 3�-UTR activity wasinduced in response to TGF-� (*, p � 0.005 versus control), the response wasinhibited by treatment with the type I receptor inhibitor SB431542 at 1 �M (SB;#, p � 0.01 versus TGF-�) or 10 �M (�, p � 0.001 versus TGF-�), where induc-tion was prevented. RLU, relative light units.

MicroRNAs Regulate TGF-� Effects on Myogenic Differentiation


Regulation of HDAC4 Protein Expression by TGF-� andmiR-206 and -29 Is Independent of Transcription—To determinewhether miR-206 and miR-29 regulate HDAC4 expression at apost-transcriptional level, we assessedHDAC4 gene expressionin response to ectopic expression of these miRNAs in theabsence or presence of TGF-�. As shown in Fig. 5 (a and b),both TGF-� and the miRs-29 and -206 had little effect onHDAC4 mRNA levels, whereas HDAC4 protein levels wereclearly induced in the presence of TGF-�, and this responsewasattenuated by ectopic expression of miR-29 or miR-206 (Fig. 5,c and d). These findings are consistent with the inability ofTGF-� to induce HDAC-3�-UTR-driven luciferase activity inthe presence of these miRNAs, as in Fig. 4.miR-206 and miR-29 Can Partially Rescue the Inhibitory

Effect of TGF-� on Skeletal Muscle Cell Differentiation—Ourdata indicate that TGF-� prevents the differentiation of myo-genic cells by processes that include increasing expression of

HDAC4, an established inhibitor of muscle differentiation.This mechanism involves the down-regulation of miR-206 andmiR-29, which can each act as translational repressors ofHDAC4 by targeting the 3�-UTR of this gene. The stimulatoryeffects of TGF-�uponHDAC4protein expression can be atten-uated by elevated expression of miR-206 and miR-29, which,apart from preventing TGF-�-mediated induction of HDAC4expression, can also interfere with Smad signaling that occursdownstream of the TGF-� receptor. To confirm the effects ofTGF-� on myogenic differentiation in the presence of thesemiRNAs, we examined the levels of MyoD and Mef-2 becausethese regulatory factors are integral players in control of myo-genic programming that are under direct repression byHDAC4and also examined the expression of myosin heavy chain pro-tein, as a marker of muscle differentiation.Although TGF-� acts as a potent inhibitor of muscle cell

differentiation and fusion (Fig. 6, a and b, panel 1 versus panel

FIGURE 4. The effect of TGF-� on HDAC4 activity is attenuated in the presence of miR-206 and miR-29. a and b, cells were transfected with miR-29 ormiR-206 mimics for 48 h in the presence or absence of 5 ng/ml TGF-�. Compared with nontreated NC, TGF-� induced HDAC4 luciferase activity (a, *, p � 0.01versus NC; b, *, p � 0.01 versus NC), whereas overexpression of either miR-29 (#, p � 0.05 versus NC) or miR-206 (#, p � 0.001 versus NC) reduced HDAC4 3�-UTRluciferase activity. Both miR-29abc and miR-206 also prevented induction of luciferase activity by TGF-�. c and d, transfection of cells with either miR-29inhibitors or miR-206 inhibitors increases Luc-HDAC4 3�-UTR activity (c, #, p � 0.05 versus NC; *, p � 0.05 versus NC; and d, *, p � 0.001 versus NC; #, p � 0.001versus NC). e, in C2C12 cells transfected with either miR-206 or miR-29 for 48 h, miR-29 inhibits basal Smad3 expression, whereas miR-206 does not (*, p � 0.01versus control). f, C2C12 cells transfected with either miR-206 or miR-29 and treated with TGF-� for 48 h exhibit markedly reduced ability of TGF-� to induceSmad3 (*, p � 0.05 versus NC; �, p � 0.005 versus NC). RLU, relative light units.

MicroRNAs Regulate TGF-� Effects on Myogenic Differentiation


2), the inhibition of differentiation by TGF-� is reduced in thepresence ofmiR-206 or themiR-29 family (Fig. 6, a and b, panel2 versus panel 4). These morphological effects were also con-firmed by determining the expression levels of MyoD tran-scripts. Although MyoD gene expression was reduced in cellsafter administration of TGF-�, the effect of TGF-� upon cellssimultaneously administered miR-29 (and to a lesser degreemiR-206) was reduced (Fig. 6, c and d). Similar trends wereobserved of Mef-2 and myosin heavy chain protein levels incells treated with TGF-� in the presence and absence ofincreased concentrations of miR-29 and 206 (Fig. 6, e and f).

These data further demonstrate that increasing miR-206 andmiR-29 can override (at least to a degree) the inhibitory effect ofTGF-� upon induction of the myogenic program.


This study has established that TGF-� inhibits the differen-tiation of myogenic cells (i.e. both the C2C12 cell line andmurine primarymyoblasts) in part by decreasing the expressionof the pro-differentiationmiRNAsmiR-29 andmiR-206, whichact as translational repressors of HDAC4 by targeting the3�-UTR of this gene. Thismechanism allows TGF-� to increaseexpression of HDAC4 (to inhibit gene expression required formyogenic differentiation), and this response can be preventedby interventions that reduce TGF-� signaling, such as drug-based inhibition of receptor activation or overexpression ofSmad7. Moreover, the effects of TGF-� were attenuated byincreasing concentrations ofmiR-29 andmiR-206, which, apartfrom repressing the effect of TGF-� onHDAC4 translation, canalso interfere with Smad3 signaling downstream of the TGF-�receptor. The forced expression of miR-29 and miR-206 inmyogenic cells affects the ability of TGF-� to inhibit differenti-ation, highlighting a novel pathway through which TGF-�cross-talks with miRNAs to regulate commitment of cells tomyogenic differentiation and cell fusion.Members of the TGF-� superfamily are widely involved in

the regulation of organ development, cellular adaptation, andthe origin of disease. In the context of skeletal muscle, alteredTGF-� levels (or TGF-� dependent signaling) can exert potenteffects on myogenic differentiation (9, 32). With interest rap-idly growing in the biological roles of microRNAs, studies havebegun to establish mechanisms of cross-talk and feedbackbetween TGF-� signaling and miRNA networks, which appearto provide an added level of regulatory control over cellularprocesses. In various models, signaling driven by TGF-� super-family members has been shown to influence the transcriptionand processing ofmicroRNAs (33–35). Furthermore individualmicroRNAs have been observed to manipulate the TGF-� sig-nal transduction network, and its profile of transcriptional tar-gets (27, 36, 37). Because the effects of TGF-� can differbetween cell/tissue types, it is important to define what inter-play exists between TGF-� signaling and microRNAs specifi-cally inmyogenic cells, to understand themechanisms that gov-ern the formation and maintenance of muscle. Our data haveprovided a new insight into the manner in which TGF-� andmuscle-enriched microRNAs interact to control induction ofthe myogenic program.Precedence exists for interaction between the TGF-� path-

way and microRNAs in the regulation of the myogenic pro-gram. For instance, it has been shown that a Smad3 signalingprocess driven by TGF-� can inhibit miR-24 transcription,which is otherwise increased during myoblast differentiation(19). Also BMP2, another TGF-� superfamily member, hasbeen shown to negatively regulate miR-206 (a key muscle-en-riched microRNA) by blocking its maturation (29). These pro-cesses have significant implications for induction of the myo-genic program, because it has been established that theexpression of individualmicroRNAs can influence and is simul-taneously influenced by MRFs (13, 38, 39). We further support

FIGURE 5. The regulation of HDAC4 by TGF-� and miRs -206 and -29 isthrough post-transcriptional mechanisms. Cells treated with TGF-� aloneor in combination with either miR-206 (a) or miR-29 (b) do not exhibit signif-icant changes in HDAC4 transcription (HDAC4 mRNA levels are expressedrelative to the negative control), even though the cells treated with TGF-�alone exhibit increased quantities of HDAC4 protein. Overexpression ofeither miR-206 (c) or miR-29 (d) degrades protein levels of HDAC4 and sup-presses the induction of HDAC4 in the presence of TGF-� (*, p � 0.01 versusNC; �, p � 0.05 versus NC).

MicroRNAs Regulate TGF-� Effects on Myogenic Differentiation


the ability of TGF-� to regulate miRNA expression in skeletalmuscle by presenting data that demonstrate that TGF-� canalso regulate miR-29 and miR-206 during skeletal muscledifferentiation.Although our work was conducted using isolated primary

myoblasts and the established C2C12 myogenic cell line invitro, the findings have implications for the development and

remodeling of muscle in vivo. An important role has alreadybeen established for miR-29 and miR-206 in cell commitment,such that development of rhabdomyosarcoma can be inhibitedwith forced expression of these miRs (15, 17). Interestingly,rhabdomyosarcoma tumors express high levels of TGF-� andSmad4, as well as concomitant reductions in miR-29 andmiR-206 (15, 17, 40). Those findings agree with our observa-

FIGURE 6. The ability of TGF-� to inhibit differentiation is impaired in the presence of miR-29 and miR-206. a and b, C2C12 cells were differentiated for72 h in the presence or absence of TGF-� with or without miR-29/miR-206. Although TGF-� inhibits myogenic differentiation (panel 1 versus panel 2) and miR-29and miR-206 both promote this process (panel 1 versus panel 3), the ability of TGF-� to inhibit differentiation in the presence of miR-29 or miR-206 is reduced(panel 2 versus panel 4). c and d, the mRNA levels of MyoD were increased in cells transfected with miR-29 (*, p � 0.005 versus NC; #, p � 0.005 versus NC; �, p �0.05 versus NC) or miR-206 (*, p � 0.01 versus NC; #, p � 0.001 versus NC; �, p � NS versus NC). e and f, furthermore, the inhibitory effects of TGF-� on proteinlevels of differentiation markers, myosin heavy chain (MyHC) (*, p � 0.01 versus control; #, p � 0.01 versus control; �, p � 0.01 versus TGF-�), and Mef-2 (*, p �0.05 versus control; #, p � 0.05 versus control; �, p � 0.05 versus TGF-�) were attenuated in the presence of these miRNAs.

MicroRNAs Regulate TGF-� Effects on Myogenic Differentiation


tions that increased TGF-� signaling can contribute to sup-pression of miR-29 and miR-206, with consequences for cel-lular differentiation.HDACs exert their effect by promoting histone deacetylation

and chromatin remodeling, which in turn inhibits the access oftranscriptional regulators to promoter regions within thegenome (41). HDAC4 is highly expressed in the heart and skel-etal muscles and is well characterized as an inhibitor of muscledifferentiation, by way of negatively regulating the expressionof genes associated with the myogenic program (22, 23, 42, 43).For the first time, we show that HDAC4 is regulated post-tran-scriptionally by TGF-� in myogenic cells, as part of the regula-tory program that controls myogenic differentiation. The liter-ature supports our hypothesis of cross-talk between HDAC4and TGF-� in myogenic differentiation, because it has beendemonstrated that similar effects of TGF-� upon HDACs caninhibit osteoblastic differentiation (24). Also, administration ofHDAC inhibitors can attenuate the inhibition of differentiationby TGF-� in lung-derived fibroblasts (44). Given that TGF-�and certain HDACs can both regulate key muscle regulatoryfactors (9, 23, 45, 46), it would appear that the TGF-�-HDACaxis may serve as a fundamental regulator of cellular commit-ment and differentiation, the ultimate effects of which aretuned (e.g. muscle versus bone) according to the specific celllineage (committed myogenic or osteoblastic progenitor).These studies and our findings substantiate a role for coopera-tion between TGF-� and HDAC4, specifically as inhibitors ofskeletal muscle differentiation.Interestingly, we found that miR-29 and miR-206 could sup-

press HDAC4 protein expression via direct targeting of the3�-UTR of this gene, even in the presence of TGF-� treatment.This observation demonstrates that these miRNAs can domi-nantly suppress various aspects of TGF-� signaling, includingthe ability to induce HDAC4. We therefore assessed Smad3,which is essential for TGF-� tomediate its inhibitory effects ondifferentiation (9). We found that the increased presence ofmiR-29 inhibited Smad3 expression and also inhibited theinduction of Smad3 in response to TGF-�. It has been shownthat miR-29 can inhibit the expression of TGF-�3 (21), whichmay establish one example of a mechanism by which miR-29can regulate the TGF-� axis and suppress basal Smad3 levels.By comparison, miR-206 did not affect basal expression ofSmad3 in our studies but did blunt the ability of TGF-� toinduce Smad3. Our findings suggest that miR-29 and miR-206may regulate TGF-� signaling through different mechanisms.

These studies have confirmed that HDAC4 is a bona fidetarget ofmiR-29 andmiR-206 in cells of a committedmyogeniclineage. Previously, it was shown that HDAC4 is a target ofmiR-206 in amodel ofALS,where the key role identified relatedto the facilitation of neuronal regeneration (20). Elsewhere, up-regulated expression of miR-29 was shown to target HDAC4 asameans of osteoblast differentiation (21). Consistentwith thesefindings, we found that miR-29 andmiR-206 inhibited HDAC4protein expression in the myogenic C2C12 line, through directtargeting of the HDAC4 3�-UTR. AlthoughmiR-206 can targettranscripts from several genes that are associatedwith themyo-genic program (13) in a manner that would influence the effi-ciency of protein translation, it is clear that a direct effect upon

HDACs would provide an effective means of influencing thetranscriptional activity of particular genes. Thus, a regulatoryloop can be established that conceivably controls the levels ofparticular proteins in muscle cells. Although less is knownabout how miR-29 controls muscle cell differentiation, onestudy has shown that thismiRNAregulates theNF-�B-YY1 axisin muscle (17). Importantly, we have identified a level of cross-talk between these miRNAs and TGF-� that shows that theycan at least partially prevent the ability of TGF-� to inhibitmuscle differentiation. The over-riding of effects typicallyexerted byTGF-� that we observed is consistent withwork thatfound thatmiR-24 could promotemyogenic differentiation andexpression of the myogenic program that was otherwise inhib-ited in the presence of TGF-� (19). The literature and our find-ings are therefore consistent in supporting the role of miRNAsin antagonizing the effect of TGF-� on muscle differentiation(Fig. 7).In summary, this study reveals amechanismwhereby TGF-�

inhibits myogenic differentiation by suppressing levels of miR-206 and miR-29. This mechanism allows TGF-� to augmentHDAC4 expression, with negative consequences for expressionof muscle-specific genes. From a different perspective, in thecourse of myogenic differentiation (as might be observed inmuscle regeneration for instance), the increased expression ofmiR-206 andmiR-29 ensures thatHDAC4 levels are kept low toencourage induction of muscle-specific genes despite poten-tially elevated levels of TGF-�. This study therefore reveals a

FIGURE 7. A proposed model of the mechanisms by which TGF-� inhibitsmyogenic commitment. The actions of TGF-� suppress levels of miR-206and miR-29, which relieves translational suppression of HDAC4. IncreasedHDAC4 protein levels contribute to the inhibition of MRFs, thereby attenuat-ing transcriptional activity that otherwise facilitates commitment to myo-genic differentiation. The stimulatory effect of TGF-� upon HDAC4 expressioncan be prevented by inhibiting receptor dependent signaling such as Smad7or by expressing pathway-specific ubiquitin ligases. Increased concentra-tions of miR-206 and miR-29 can reduce expression of Smad3, thereby regu-lating the potential of TGF-� to exert effects via this signaling protein. Inaddition to TGF-�, myostatin and IGF signaling can also act to control musclecell differentiation through substrates including Smad3 and Akt/mTOR (47),the latter of which can regulate expression of miR-1 (48) and both of whichcan exert effects on HDAC4 and the myogenic transcriptional elements Mef-2and MyoD (9, 23, 24, 49).

MicroRNAs Regulate TGF-� Effects on Myogenic Differentiation


new role ofmiR-206 andmiR-29 in the control events driven byTGF-� that can affect the differentiation of cells within theskeletal muscle lineage.

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MicroRNAs Regulate TGF-� Effects on Myogenic Differentiation