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Running Head: INNOVATION Innovation [Name of the Writer] [Name of the Institution]

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Running Head: INNOVATION


[Name of the Writer]

[Name of the Institution]

Innovation ii

Table of contents

Innovation: Change, Energy and Organizational Sustainability.........3

Question 1...........................................................4

Skills Managers required..........................................4

Skills I want to develop..........................................6

Question 2...........................................................7

Problems I foresee for the group exercise.........................7

How to confront the wicked problem................................8

Question 3..........................................................10

Technological factors............................................10

Economic factors.................................................10

Environmental factors............................................10

Legal factors....................................................11

Question 4..........................................................11

Trusting and being trusted.......................................12

Being humble.....................................................12

Helping the team by my Strengths.................................12

Sharing positive energy..........................................12

Putting the team first...........................................12

Understand the end goal..........................................13


Identify clear roles.............................................13

Recognize dependencies...........................................13

Common sense chat or analytical frameworks.......................14

Making use of theory from Term 1.................................15

Question 6..........................................................15

Most valuable experience I am experiencing.......................15

Innovation iii


Innovation 4


Innovation: Change, Energy and Organizational Sustainability

In these times when industries constant supply of electrical

energy for their functioning it has foreseen that, new sources of

energy would be need at some point of time in UK. Now the time

for picking out the solution has arrived and the industry sector

is facing some serious threats about energy shortage. Therefore,

it is important that newer and better solutions for energy is

thought about that are practical and will not harm the

environment in the end.

Some of the previously used sources for making electricity

have been nuclear fuels, fossil fuels, water and other tactics

but the electricity produced by nuclear fuel has proved to be

disastrous for environment and that is why it is thought to be

inappropriate. So newer and better ways to produce electricity

should be think about and they should be practical as well.

Since the users for electricity are both industrial and

household, so both these categories need power supply 24/7.

However, the amount of energy that is consumed by both differs

Innovation 5

greatly. The industrial users need power supply at a different

pace and in a lot more quantity than the household users. In UK

where even the tiniest machine works on electricity the power

consumptions, comparatively more than that is using in developing

countries (Holl, ers and van Cruysen, 2008). If it was in any

other country which was near to equator I would have advised the

usage of solar panels in houses for power generation, but in UK

due to weather conditions it almost seems non-practical because

the sun isn’t out for a lot of time and in winters the cloudy

weather will make the use of solar panels almost useless.

In areas of UK where there are rivers and streams on which

dams can be built and water reservoirs can be formed, then an

effort should be made to do so and turbines to be installed for

power generation. Water has proved to be the most utilized

renewable source of energy for many years. Therefore, it should

be use repeatedly for power generation purposes. While in areas,

where geothermal energy can be use for such purposes it should be

use to compensate for energy crisis.

In some Scandinavian countries, biomass has been used over

time to produce energy. All the waste material is incinerated to

Innovation 6

produce electricity for use in industries as well as for

household use and it has been proved successful over the period.

Use of wind energy in areas where wind blows constantly like

on beaches and seashores will lead to electricity generation. In

these areas, large windmills can be installed and when these will

move due to the wind energy will be produced as result

(Llewellyn, 2009).

Question 1

Skills Managers required

Certain skills are necessary for a good manager and they

should be present in a person who is supposed to achieve a goal

as a project leader. When working in a group, in fact when

leading a group it is necessary to have some useful habits that

will eventually help achieve the goal more effectively. There are

certain characteristics and skills that are important and they

help in the achievement of goals more effectively by any manager

out there in the field (Crockett, Becker and Quinn, 2009).

Innovation 7


A good manager is supposed to act as a facilitator while

blending into the background, modifying small things here and

there to great effect. When a person wants to be a good manager,

he actually wants to calmly lead and lead by example.


A manager must be good at motivating the employees. If he

respects the values of the team members, then they will give

their best effort. It is important to encourage them to be

honest. That will make it easy for the manager to take action

based upon what they tell about their experience.

Appreciator of work

Good managers know that happy people make productive people.

When a manager will applaud the workers’ strengths both publicly

and privately, they will feel motivated and feel more appreciated

under the command of that certain manager and hence will try to

work more effectively.

Clear vision

It is important for the managers to jot down the goals that

have to be fulfilled. Having concrete goals empowers the

Innovation 8

employees and keeps them focused on work. Clearly outlining what

is expected from the employees, when the deadline is, and what

you will do with the results is important. This all depends upon

the skills of the managers how they present the vision to the


Delegator of responsibility

A successful manager always delegates responsibility. When a

person is a manager it means that, he is good at doing something

but it does not mean that he is supposed to do everything

himself. Being a manager, it is important to manage a team in a

perfect way and to teach the team members how to do a good job.

Giving people tasks that can be fixed when something goes wrong.

Skills I want to develop

After taking the skills assessment exercise I have been able

to identify the core skills that I do possess. This test has

given an insight in my abilities and I am now sure of my area of

expertise and my talent.

Written and communication skills

My writing and communication skills are the strongest area

where it becomes clear that I have good report writing skills and

Innovation 9

I am able to think in all the aspects in an advance manner that

I have to write down. I am able to develop my argument in a

logical way and briefly summarize it for the purpose of

presentation. The presentation then will have my arguments more

clear about the advanced approach I have selected.

Negotiation and persuasion skills

Negotiation and persuasion are my next best skills that are

possessed by me. I can easily highlight the good aspects of any

solution that I want to recommend and then develop a line of

reasoned argument. These reasoned arguments can then be justified

by given different examples from the real life scenarios.

Leadership skills

Leadership too is one of my polished skills and needs to be

further enhanced by me. I am able to organize and motivate others

to do the tasks that are needed to be done. I am one of the few

people who do not shy away from taking initiative even in

critical times and about critical ideas that might not be highly

encouraged by others. In addition, when I do so I take the whole

responsibility for all the results that will be associated with

Innovation 10

that decision. I usually accept all the mistakes that will appear

during the course of action.

Skills assessment exercise

I found this skills assessment exercise really informative

and practical in regard with discovering the set of skills and

characteristics that I own as a person. In real life, it becomes

quite impossible and difficult to assess one’s own unique set of

habits but by using this exercise it made it possible for me to

realize my strengths and point out my weak areas in which I need

to focus more. For me this test has opened some new doorways and

now I know where I need to drain my energies into and what are

the areas of my personality that should be polished so that I can

instill more effective habits in myself.

Overall this skills assessment test has proved to be amazing

for my future endeavors as well and this will help me in becoming

a better professional and a better human being in the years to

come as well.

Innovation 11

Question 2

Problems I foresee for the group exercise

When working in a group a lot of energy and time is consumed

in the process of working compared to what can be done

individually and that too takes a lot less time. along with this,

it is essential to understand the nature of your teammates.

However, the uses of working in groups stay overwhelming.

Coordination problems

When working in groups a lot of energy and time is spent on

the issue of coordination. The time it takes to coordinate

schedules, arrange meetings, meet, correspond, make decisions

collectively, integrate the contributions of group members, etc.

Not all the time that the group members spend with each other

while collaborating might be best and pleasant time but it has to

be spent with care so that the real objective of being together

should be sorted out easily.

Motivation problems

The conflicts within the group on certain issues and

practices lower the motivation level of the group members and

thus hinders in the productivity of the group overall. When some

Innovation 12

of the members tend to stop doing their work and put all the

pressure on the other diligent members of the group, it creates a

lot of problem for the people who are involved in achieving the


At some point of work, some of the people think that it is

necessary that they should put in less effort in the daily chores

since nobody can notice the individual input of a person the

group work. So when any of the members of a group does that it

becomes quite demoralizing for the other group participants to

keep working with all their might. The dirty fish in the ponds

when start to give the image that they are working when they

aren’t putting in the effort then obviously the good members of

the group will feel low and demotivated (Llewellyn, 2009).

Intellectual problems

During group work, it happens that many creative solutions

to the problems are ignored and the team members who do not

believe in innovative solutions tend to suppress the ideas that

might prove to be of use. It could happen that some people snub

others and do not let them speak for whatever reasons and thus in

Innovation 13

such case they hinder in the process of effective and creative

group work.

How to confront the wicked problem

Wicked problems are the highly complex and constantly

changing problems that need to be studied repeatedly over the

period to find better solutions.

Authoritative strategies

These strategies are implemented when taming wicked problems

by assigning the duty for solving the problems in the hands of a

few people. This type of strategies works in such scenario when

the problem is too complex to be sorted out by different set of

minds. In such case, the different types of ideas that come from

different people are reduced to minimum number and thus the few

people who are, working on the problem gets to solve the issues

more quickly (Crockett, Becker and Quinn, 2009).

The only disadvantage of implementing this type of strategy

to solve wicked problem is that that experts who will be solving

the problem may not have an aptitude of all the perspectives

needed to tackle the problem. However, this might be catered by

Innovation 14

the fact that obviously wicked problems are not easy to be dealt

with so few mistakes can be expected in the solutions.

Competitive strategies

These strategies are implemented when there has to be some

really competent and creative solution that has to be sought

about the problem at hand. In such case, two different and

opposing or maybe more than two types of ideas are brought in the

solution projection area. In that case, one team that is for that

idea points out all the advantages of one solution and the

competitors of that team are pointing out disadvantages.

In this way, the real competition that is usually found out

in the market is available even in the meeting room. The major

advantage of this method is that the best solution is weighed out

and it is then chosen. While the disadvantage of this strategy is

that while confrontation of two teams the environment becomes so

risky that people find it difficult to share their ideas at the

risk of criticism. Therefore, the best possible ideas and best

possible solutions may be snubbed in this process.

Innovation 15

Collaborative strategies

All the parties involved in the process sit together to find

out the best possible solution that they can offer to solve the


Question 3

Since the research has to be carried out in UK, it is better

to consider the economic and social conditions of that place

where the solution has to be implemented. Any solution that has

to be implemented in a place where people can afford economically

better technology then use of inferior products should not be a

priority over there (Crockett, Becker and Quinn, 2009).

Technological factors

Certain factors should be taken into account when choosing

the right solution for a problem include the following factors.

Availability of technological products in UK is an important

point that should be taken care of. If some kind of technology is

not present in UK then any solution which includes such type of

technology should not be considered. However if there isn’t any

other way around then obviously that technology should be

Innovation 16

imported and the cost should be included in the cost of

theproduct that has to be made (Gardner et al., 2010).

Economic factors

The economic conditionsof UK will bound this research as

well. Any solution that is not feasible for the economy of UK

cannot be implemented and thus will consider as useless for

research as well. Time should not be wasted upon the areas where

the result will nullify the whole purpose of the research

(Gordon, Travers and Whitehead, 2008).

Environmental factors

The environmental factors are also an important part that

should be taken care of while any solution for problem is being

found out. There has to be some proper way to implement solutions

and the solution that will be appreciated by the community and

the environment protecting organizations will be more applauded

and easily accepted by the whole community.

Legal factors

While working on the research and any problem it has to be

taken into account that the solution that has been thought about

should be allowed by law in UK. Any type of method that will be

Innovation 17

used for the power generation purpose should have no conflict

with the rules that are working and being imposed in UK. If the

solution that has been proposed by team involves use of such

material that is banned or considered illegal in UK then

definitely the whole idea should be nullified in the beginning to

avoid any failure at the end. No amount of time or energy should

be wasted upon such a process that will come to a halt due to

legal factors in real world.

In the end, I would like to mention that all these factors

should be taken into account before any serious conclusion about

the research has been taken by the management of the people

working on this certain project. It is better to formulate such a

diversified team in which all experts from different relevant

areas should be present. People should know what they are doing

and they should know what they should avoid. All the rules and

regulations about the forbidden or illegal practices should be in

the minds of the team members who are working on the solution.

Any harm that can be done to the environment should be known by

the people on the team and effective ways must be sought to

eradicate any such problem from the solution.

Innovation 18

Question 4

It is important to be a positive and an energetic team

member and prove yourself useful for the entire team rather than

being inactive and confused about things that need to be taken

care of.

Trusting and being trusted

It is important to trust my teammates and in return get that

level of trust back from them. When I want to share my views with

them, I want them to equally share their ideas with me without

any hesitance.

Being humble

Even though I might be having, a superior set of qualities

but I should be acting humbly with all my teammates and as a

result, I will instill some positive waves and attitudes in my

team fellows. My intention is toprove my collegues confidence and

motivate them towards the work goals.

Helping the team by my Strengths

When the team is in need and I know that there is some way

possible in which I can help the others through my assistance in

that matter then I should definitely make some serious effort.

Innovation 19

Sharing positive energy

When working and collaborating in any group it is important

to share positive vibes and positive energy instead of being

critical and mean with the co-workers all the time. When even

only one person starts to spread some positive energy around,

with the passage of time all the team members start corresponding

to that and start appreciating the value of that positive energy

that has been instilled by that one person.

Putting the team first

That is one of the most difficult tasks that can be achieved

by any team member. This point includes putting down your own ego

and working for the betterment of the team only. I should work

hard for the team not for myself and I should improve myself for

the betterment of the team.

Understand the end goal

Until and unless I pick up what is really expected from me

in the group work, I will not be able to perform well. Therefore,

if I want to put in more effort in my work then I definitely need

to clarify my understanding about what is actually expected from

me. I believe that accuracy and effectiveness of work is hidden

Innovation 20

in the basic understanding of the goal. Therefore, I always try

my level best that I along with my team do understands the goals

& objectives.


While working in a group the most important part into

communicate and collaborate with the people who I am working

with. Each member of the team must know that who is supposed to

do what and no confusion should be left about the delegation of


Identify clear roles

All the members of the team should know that who is supposed

to do what. There should not be any confusion about the roles

that who is supposed to gather data, who has to do the sorting,

who will be responsible for report writing, and who will be

presenting the ideas in front of the clients. Confusions make

things difficult and ambiguous and that is the last thing anybody

in the team wants to happen. When the problem itself is wicked

and complex, then such types of confusions should be avoided at

all costs by the members and the managers both.

Innovation 21

Recognize dependencies

When the effort has to be made in complex problem solving

the all the members of the team should know that they need each

other more than ever. Nobody can work independently ad reach on a

solution all by himself so people should learn to respect each

other’s strengths, realize them and take advantage of those

strengths from others for just one purpose and i.e. to reach to a

good solution and success of the team.

Question 5

Common sense chat or analytical frameworks

When solving wicked problems it is of foremost, importance

that not only common sense approach but analytical frameworks

should also be taken into account. In this case the problem has

to be seen by both ways i.e. use of common sense as well as use

of analytical framework. Once both kinds of solutions are taken

into account then the better option will be found out and work

will be done upon that idea.

Any problem that is too complex and constantly changing

needs to be monitored on a constant basis and then certain areas

Innovation 22

should be identified on which focus should be made. Once this

monitoring part has been taken care of then the parties should be

made according to their mindsets. These parties, one of them goes

with the common sense type of solution and the other team goes

with the analytical framework type.

Both these teams are supposed to work on finding out

solution for the existing problem based upon their approach. When

they will work out on them, they will present the solution

accordingly and then both these solutions will be criticized

professionally. Once that has been done and the positive and

negative aspects of all possible solutions presented have been

pointed out then the management will finalize and choose the best

possible solution for the existing scenario.

Therefore, when dealing with wicked problems in general I

think that it is necessary to work with both common sense and

analytical framework to achieve the maximum efficient output from

the work that has been done.

Innovation 23

Making use of theory from Term 1

That theory is so useful that it has proved to be one of the

basic areas that have to be focused upon while working on this

specific research in UK. The power generation problem that has

been never faced before in that developed country has now been

threatening that area of the world. Therefore, it is important

for the authorities of UK to call in all the experts and

specialists who are working on such type of problems. The

specialized experts and the bodies are able to solve the problems

in an expert way by applying different type of strategies and

techneiques that will work perfectly without the wasteage of


Those experts should critically and analytically take care

of the ideas and the major areas that need to be focused upon for

a better solution to the problem. The theory has to be proved and

taken care of by people who know what they are doing.

The use of renewable energy resources for power generation

in UK should be preferred over any other way to produce power. In

this case, it is important to see that the solution that will be

Innovation 24

found eventually should be catering to the needs of the household

as well as the industrial consumers of power.

Question 6

Most valuable experience I am experiencing

Now the inquiry has been submitted I am able to reflect upon

what I have actually learnt from this experience. It has been one

of the very informative assignments that I have been involved in.

The work that has been done on such project is informative enough

to help me keep me on my toes on such subject that has nothing to

do with my professional life. The methods and the ways in which

power generation can be done and the use of renewable energy for

the purpose of power generation is very useful in this era of


I have learnt that finding out feasible solutions for wicked

problems such as this one should be dealt with great care.

Experts from all over the area should be called upon and

analytical framework as well as common sense methods both should

be taken into account when arriving on any solution.

For the purpose of arriving on the solution to a really

complex, it requires a well-built team. That team has to be built

Innovation 25

upon and to keep that team in working condition and that too

effectively, it is necessary to put in a lot of effort both by

the manager and by the team members of that group.

For instance, a lot of effort has to be put in the group to

produce positive vibes in the work scenario to keep the synergy

of the team. People who are working must be pleased and

encouraged on whatever effort they are putting in for finding the

solution. All the team members must be dealt according to the

situation. All the team members are supposed to work for the team

and not for themselves. The egos of the team members must become

subservient for the betterment of the whole team and manager and

the members must act humbly with each other as well. Some

difficult decisions must be taken in order to make the team

effectively conclude upon the ideas that are worth the effort

everybody as a team member is putting into the system.

The ways in which any wicked problem can be sorted out

depends upon the different school of thoughts that can come

together and prove it to be the best. While working for a problem

it is necessary that people try to present ideas that are more

creative and innovative. Others should put in more effort to

Innovation 26

listen to those new ideas and critically analyze them so that all

the positive and negative points that are associated with it

should be taken out. Then the best solution that comes out from

this process becomes the solution that has to be implemented.

Along with all this stuff, the skills assessment has made me

realize all my strengths and weaknesses. I now know that what the

areas in which I already excel are. I know this as well the

aspects on which I need to work to develop myself as a successful

team member and as a manager in future

Innovation 27


Holl, ers, H. and van Cruysen, A. (2008). Rethinking the European

Innovation Scoreboard: A New Methodology for 2008-2010.

Inno-Metrics Publication. Br\"ussel.

Llewellyn, S. (2009). Innovation in Public Services:

Entrepreneurship, Creativity, and Management by Paul Windrum

and Per Koch (eds.) (2008). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Taylor \& Francis.

Crockett, J., Becker, M. and Quinn, D. (2009). Reviewing the

Knowledge Base of Special Education Leadership and

Administration from 1970-2009. Journal of Special Education

Leadership, 22(2).

Gordon, I., Travers, T. and Whitehead, C. (2008). London's place

in the UK economy 2008-09. Corporation of London.

Gardner, W., Lowe, K., Moss, T., Mahoney, K. and Cogliser, C.

(2010). Scholarly leadership of the study of leadership: A

review of< i> The Leadership Quarterly's</i> second decade,

2000--2009. The Leadership Quarterly, 21(6), pp.922--958.

Innovation 28