will ai ttiut utt

w will u + THE WEATHER Fair tonight anil TUCfoiIIRYi Wartiur Tuesday with a light front In central and eastern IKlrtlOB8wIuirt i i XVIII NO PADUCAH KY MONDAY EVENING APRIL 16 1906 10 CENTS PER WEEK t POSTMASTERFISHERIS Nominalion Sent to Senate To day by the President r r Tlhl Will l nc the Third Time fur the Popular Ofllclal 1HESENT TEIIM NOT YET OUT I r Washington 1pr11 1GFrank M I Fishers nomination for the post office at Paducah was sent to the a a sonata by the president today V Tlje now tof Postmaster Fishers a appointment contained ln the above brier dispatch while not a surprise io hIs friends came a few weeks ahead of time as Mr Fishers term Is not out for about a month A TUV appointment l is for the thlrll cftuYMn Fisher now serving his dcconu lIoh1d no opposition for the appointment this time and the flfflce conic tq him fittingly AR a rcc pgnltlon of his services for the party In Paducah and West Kentucky e UNIQUE RESTAURANT a PARTLY WRECKED Part of halt Wall and Coiling Nell at Noon Todoy t- oWallllktnkenrd i hI I Etravatjnj Jk hug o Deus fureir ouse Adjoining T a1uPcrty INCIBINTAN I ALAUMIM1 ONE J rM 1tt M1yr fTJigUnlquo Restaurant located Una nroadway between Fourth and fifth struts operated by HawkltiM nrothcrs partially coloy ° fl nt 12 oclock today Several patrons of tho place narrowly escaped serious Injury If not death the furniture of t the restaurant badly damaged and a panic among guests and the public generally created for a while Tho east wall of tho onetory building qollapded In the center and the root b6ftan to break and fall In Tlio breaking was slow to start and t the warning crackling of the sinking Walls and crumbling ceiling wero slow In their purpose the guests not- ku4Peclingtha real dnngor that sur ¬ rounded them until the brick began to tall unit the wall fell with a loud rumbling audible more than two block away Drs W H Pftchcr and F F Du Icy were seated against the wall waiting for tholr dinner to be served Then wore two others In the dining room but these were strangers to the Pnducah doctors The first Inti ¬ mation of the disaster came ba J wavering of tits walls and a crack ¬ ling sound as the ceiling began to part and tlio silo of the building to A i islnlt the Dr Duloy Interpreted Iisound ns a warning for R hasty do canipment and grabbing hIs hat started for t tlio tloor Dr Pltchpr I grabbedI Had they hesitated a moment longer they inlghtvhavo been killed out tlght Tjiolwo strangers one ot them a atcambontnian by tho name l of Ford U Is galdt escaped bjNrun RWing Intp the rear J Tlio oral w 1ln the center of tijo building foil completely lib for as dis ¬ tance of ton or fifteen feet and tho roof began to sink and threatens to fall The soda water fountain was fortunately not damaged and the kitchen department rcmalned Intact ThQ operation of the restaurant was t suspended hqwever arid tho pro ¬ t1ilrletora Bccufed t temporary quarters j In tho building formerly occupied by Oho Brunswick billiard hall across the street The soda water fountain was removed there for safety Imme diately following tho accident The property U owned under a- fongiease 6 1A reatty company The causa of th accident Is attributed to a weakly built foundation and the fact that I Iji ° excavating for a new building adjoining tho wall had been Weakenedanti permitted to sag out- ward ¬ i I c- TFfe t tnTal Uamagea cunnotlo oath martdiut f com Indications the Walt a 1- iwlll Ear to Mf > pra tlsally rebuilt Tk restaurant irre carries some jri 1 MutterAe4 alao ithe owaers of tbQ llol CI l I J t i rf Ai i f 0 t tti ut Utt 1 l IVOL 94 KING TIRES OF WIFE Frederick of Saxony Says Ho WII- HInitf > srd Upon Dresden Saxony April IGIlng Frederick not withstanding the de ¬ nials Is endeavoring to obtain front the pope the ecclesiastical aapctlon for a divorce from the Countess Mon tlgnpse In order to be able to marry again This will be possible U the countess Is willing lo declare under oath that her parents forced her to marry him while ho was In a somno ¬ lent condition which she affirmed af- ter her flight from the Saxony cal tat Coveted fly Rockefeller Paris April IG = William Rocke feller Is said to be negotiating for the purchase of the historic Talleyrand Palace In Rue St Dominique It Is one of the few remaining palaces of the aristocracy of the ancient re- gime ¬ The price demanded by the hells 2000000 francs PoPULAR MAN DIES Mil CIIAIILKH HOLLIDAY Rue CUMns TO LINOEIUNC ILLNESS Waft Valncil Citizen Mender of Jo sal Mall Service and Leading Lodgcinnn Mr Charlie Holllday popular member of tho local mall service and n valued citizen died at his home No 527 South Sixth street Sunday afternoon at 230 oclock of stomach trouble after an Illness of five months Death was not unexpected his condition having been serious for tho past wcckor two and his family had become reconciled to his hope ¬ less condition and Inevitable end Ho had been confined to his bed eight weeks The deceased was born In Calo ¬ donia HI June 30th 1855 and came to Paducah with his parents attlilTnBffofflvoyearar In ISGOVH was educated Ih the Paducah schools and during his early life engaged tn tho cooperage business Later ho stood the civil service cxnmlnajlon and for sixteen years had been Q mall carrier one ot the most pop time In the service He married Miss Georgia Sanders of Paducah January 5th 1881 and leaves ia wife and three chlldrqn The children are Mr George Holll day of the OohUchlaeger pharmacy nt Sixth and Broadway Mr Brooks Holllday a pupil In the High school and Mrs Ivo l Petit wife of the well known young American Express company attache Ho leaves one brother Mr L1 Holllday of Wood land Mills Tonn and a half sister Mrs Mary Strlnbach of nallard county Ky The deceased was prominent In lodge circles taking part In all mat ¬ era pertaining to the local lodge or Masons Ho has been for years an officer In this order and at thQ time of death was secretary of tho hollow Ink branches of tho Masons Padu- cah ¬ I lodge No 127 Free and Ac ¬ cepted Masons Paducah Royal Arch chapter No 30 Paducah Council No 32 and Paducah Commandory Knights Templar Ho was also a members of the Ladles of the Eastern Staand of tho Golden Crosiy order Only the latter order carries with It life Insurance I The deceased was a member of tho First Presbyterian church and tho funeral will bo conducted from that church this afternoon at 3 oclock under the auspices of the lodges of wjilch ho was a member services by Roy WE Cave with In termont at Oak Grove A host of friends aro gathering to pay tho de- ceased their last respects ere Stokes McDugaal aged 29 of Mod ¬ el Tenn and Adclyn Watson aged SO of la Center Ky were licensed to marry this morning by Olork Smodroy Later at the boarding house of H D OsUprn on Kentucky avenue near Third street the couple wore united In wedlock by Justice J J Blotch Record of Alleged Ill ainlst Atlantic City April 14Dr Phillips Randolph Robinson was ar deslcd hero charged wth bigamy Ho Is alleged to have married at least live women and deft each after got ¬ ting their Jewelry and money He was hold In 2000 ball He Is sup- posed to have followed n wealthy IC6w York woman here t to woo her Mr Fred McKnlght l has accepted a1 position with a Henderson l1r JCy umber firm and will leave today for Wittlersoar t f a f i t tu i 1 STRIKE TROUBLES HAVE BEGUN Conflicts in Pennsylvania at Several Points Reported Six Young Fiends Two Black and Four Wlilto On Trial At London Ky MORE BANDITS NEAIt MANILLA I I Wllkesbarrc Pa April 16 I Mounted police were called last mid- night ¬ to quell a serious disturbance at Georgetown during which four men and one woman were shot two men stabbed and a store dynamited At Pittston Joseph Clglle and son were shot and badly wounded by two Italians Other disturbances are re ¬ ported throughout the anthracite dis ¬ trict SIx Young Fiends On Trial London I Ky Ajirll 1C The six yearold daughter of W J Arm ¬ strong an Insurance agent of Louis ville temporarily located here was criminally assaulted by two negroes and four white boys Tht child Is In a serious condition The boys were ar rested and are on trial The excite- ment Is high and the boys may boo handled roughly Ladronc llandlts Near Manilla Manilla P I April 1GForty ladrone bandits raided the head- quarters of the Philippine constabu lar In Malolcs Island Luzon today They captured 20 rifles and escaped after killing three men and losing one of their number The exploit was one of the boldest tho ladrones have made since American occupa ¬ lion Maloles Is only 20 miles from Manila and the raid caused consid ¬ erable surprise among tho Americans Tho constabulary defended their luartera but were outnumbered Maiiy Telephone Linemen On Strike Norfolk Va April GFour thousand linemen rand other electrl ¬ cat workers of the Southern Boll Telephone company In VlrglnlaWest Virginia North and South Carolina Georgia Florida and Alabama went on a strike today for an Increase of wages The telephone system south Is badly crippled Sentence to Jail for Contempt Springfield 111 April 1Gludgo Humphreys of the federal court to lay sentenced Col J Hamilton Lew- Is corporation counsel of Chicago who formerly represented the state of Washington In congress to CO days In Jail for contempt of court The sentence will bo remitted on condition Lewis dlslmsscs tho civil jult Instituted In Madson county aganst tho Alton Waterworks In vi- olation ¬ of an injunction by Judge Humphreys Just to Discuss Question Springfield Ills April 16 Rep ¬ resentatlves of thellllnols miners left today for Indianapolis to meet t tens operators and discuss the question of maintaining emergency men at the mines to keep them In order These men have been at work on the genet al opinion among Illinois operatos that the suspension would not last much longer Wouldnt Stand IlovlllhR Valdosta Ga April 1C Rev Rawlings who with two sons I lit un ¬ der sentence for killing the Carter children almost fatally beat up a yesterday who revll fellow prisoner cd Rawlings for reading tho Bible The Rawlings boys say their father Is Insane VON MUKIMVS CONDITION v May Never nl Able to lUsunie Gov ¬ ernment LoaderHlilp Berlin April lGDe111te the reassuring statements Issued by Prof Ronvors fdr the benefit of the public It is said Prince Buelows con ¬ dl lion Is altogether sad and dis ¬ couraging Ills lower limbs aro lIar ¬ alyzed and useless his hair has whitened his framo has become I emaciated and his spirits seem to bo crushed Nearly all of Good Friday wits upent by the chancellor In prayer with Dr Stocker who Informed hU friends that he was shocked at the Iccblenesp and reduced condition of Stocker declare i the prince Dr that It la put of the question that- PriuyatButilntr will over bo aolo to Ukb up the government leadership JI J I j t t J I ii L 1i 1 ACCIDENT OS lUTTLESIIll > Six Men Killed 911 the Kcjirsnrgo by Mysterious J Explosion Washington D CAprll 1GThe navy department has received word of a scrlous accident on the battle- ship Kcarsarge while she was en ¬ gaged In target practice near Cole bra Art explosion occurred In one of the forward turrets Lieut John M Hugging and five men were killed and one officer and a number of men slightly injured The accident oc ¬ curred at tho conclusion of target practice In the forward turret of the Kearsarge as the powder was being taken down Tho men were burled In Guantanamo FORMOSA SUFFERS FROM ANOTHEU SERIOUS VISITA TIONKHPJI 1 AN KART H QUAKE Several Towns on tin Sonllicrn 1art of the Island and Many Lives Destroyed 1 o l Toklo tprll16A violent earth ¬ quake occurred Saturday morning In the southern part of the Island of Formosa The casualties and damage done are reported to have been heav ¬ ier than those of the last earthquake Kagl was again the principal suf ¬ furor houses which escaped destruc ¬ tion in the former disturbance being now in ruins x Doko ond several oth- er ¬ towns and villages also were af fected by Landslides which have changed the topography of the coon ¬ try Officials are working feverish- ly ¬ I to relieve thousands of persons loft homeless by tho earthquake Terrible scenes are reported around Kagl and Doko r Later Information Corroborative Tokyo April 216Tho latest ad ¬ vices from For aSR confirm the pre ¬ vious reports of the destruction of a numberrot toWnslnthn aouthern part of theisland by earthquakes The town of KngI Is completely de- stroyed ¬ The casualties at Dalgo are seven killed and thlrtj ftve Injured and about 400 buildings destroyed In tho AJonsul district three were killed and fifteen injured and over 11OQ houses collapsed As a result of the earthquake In Formosa last month 1104 were kill ¬ ed CSS Injured and 1200 houses wero demolished The prosperous towns of Datlyb RnUhlko and Shin ko were completely J destroyed The damage done was roughly estimated at 45000000 CONGRESS THIS VEER I I VOTE t ON RATE JILL DOESNT > HKKH TO HE NEAR l States and Franee + Friday to Pay Homage to Memory of Ken Franklin v t Washington D CV April 10 0 Speeches on the railroad rate bill will boa feature In theUnited States senate the present week There Is no immediate prospoctsforfsecurlng an agreement upon a time for voting on the bill The feature of the week In the house of representatives Is to beth l passage of the free alcohol bill There Is little opposition to the bill Itself the only task connected with Its passage being to prevent Its use for the purpose of producing a rec- ord for other revenues on the reform propositions Pensions are to have tho right of the way 1 Tuesday and on that day al- so ¬ the appropriation bill for tho Dis ¬ trict of Columbia will be reported This bill will be taken Up Wednes ¬ day and will rorvetos tho legislative topic for the rest of the week 1 loniago to Franklliis Memory Washington D C April 16 United States and Franco this week will Join In paying homage to the memory of Benjamin Franklin In Paris on Friday wilt occur tire un ¬ veiling of the ttatue of Franklin near the site of the homo ho occupied when American minister to France The statuo Is tho gift of John IL liar Jes the American banker of Paris In Philadelphia the American Philo ¬ sophical society which was founded J by Franklin will told an Intern ¬ tional celebration April 17 to Qol the btcentennlatt ot bye birth tt < p MAYOR YEISER HAD CONGESTIVE CHILL Stricken Sunday Afternoon and Was Quite III For Time t Ho Is Much Hotter Today However and Early Recovery Is Indicated b OTHER CITY NEWS ITEMS i Mayor Yelser was stricken with a congestive chill Sunday afternoon and for a while was a very sick man Today however he Is much better and his physician Dr D G Murrcf says he should recuperate rapidly Mayor Yelser has been ailing for tho last two months He has been suffering of a slight attack of rheu ¬ matism and neuralgia but the latter part of last week seemed much bet ter than ho lmd been for some time Sunday afternoon with Mrs Yeiser he went out to his country home In Arcadia to visit his alsterlnlawMrs Frank Brown and was stricken while out there lIe was brought to the city at once and physicians summon ¬ ed and he was soon out of danger and today Dr Murrell says he appre ¬ hends no serious results from the chill The Council Tonight The council meets in rdgular ses- sion ¬ tonight and has a good deal of business on hands Tho ordinances for the Improvement of the down ¬ town streets and Fifth street which are tb be improved + this year will be brought In for first passage They were brought In at tho last meeting but the sidewalks and street work were embodied In the same ordinan ¬ ces so they were sent back to have separate ordinances brought In cov ¬ ering each The street car company franchise ordinances authorizing the changes and tenslotllof thecartraok9WU- b brought In again for secpnd J pas ¬ sage but they will bo amended to ¬ night with a provision calling for the maintenance of the street two feet outside the tracks Instead of one as In the first ordinance An amend ¬ ment will also probably be brought Irf changing the route from Madison to Clay on Fifth and making the line run on Fourth to Clay then up to Fifth and thence north to Trimble Instead of on Madison to Fifth thence to Trimble Tho ordinance calling for tho re ¬ construction of the sidewalks on Broadway from Ninth to llth will bo given first passage The appointment of the electrical Inspector will also be approved- A resolution wilt bo passed em pWylng a special police officer to be mounted to enforce the cow law and Mr Lycurgus Rice will probably be selected for the place The board of health wlllhavo soviet ordinances up for passage If they can be gotten In shape In time among them being one for the estab- lishment ¬ of u garbage system where ¬ by the garbage will be collected dal ijy l There Is great demand for It but as the expense would have to be borne by the city this year nothing will probably bo done with It I The Light Plant The committees on the light plant Improvement have not met yet so there will be norepori from them It Is learned the council will not Im ¬ prove the plant this year as It finds It wont have the money but that tho estimates will be gotten and all the plans arranged so the work can be let promptly by the new council next year If it sowtshess Tho New UrldKC The committee on tho now bridge across Island Creek may have a re ¬ port for tonight but It Is nolHhought it will be readyWlFF1VITII MAN L Husband Attempts tii Shoot Him Hut Kill Ills Little Son Qultman Ga April GC E Lloyd returned home Saturday night and found his wife with a man nam ¬ ed Davis of Qultmanlfloyd attempt ¬ ed to shoot Davis butt tljo latter wrenched the revolver from Lloyds hands Lloyd then secured another pistol and waited at the Lack door for Davis When the door knob turn ¬ ed Lloyd fired four shpts rapidly through the door to find later that he bad shot and kllled his little son He fired two shots at Davis as he ran out ot tie bouse but missed r I 1 0 If Ye 1trdtreaN i nN MtCrttdie f 1 1 1V ty torero peepIe rrad 1M- In utw a 1 IIae save y yt CROWDED BOAT SINKS Party of Evnnsvlllo Excursionists Have Frightful Experience Sunday Uvansvllle Ind April 16 The excursion steamer Louisiana carry- Ing 400 passengers struck a snag In the Ohio river last night anti will be a total loss The passengers were panic stricken but by running the boat at full speed Into the bank all were rescued Capt Morgan4 says the steamer has settled In 20 feet of water IlllS Swindler Freed London April IGJabez Spencer Balfour formerly a financial mag ¬ nato and a member of parliament who was sentenced to 14 years 1mJ prlsonment In 1896 for extensive frauds has been released from prix on It is estimated that tho poor mid ¬ dle class of England lost about 30 000000 by his operations THE CHIEF IS BACK JAMES COLLINS IlflSlK FROM ins TRIP TO HOT SPRINGS V Declares He Will Handle Hls lie eluted Puree to Rest Advantage Possible Chief of Police James Collins re turned yesterday from Hot Springs Ark after attending the annual con ¬ ventlon of the chiefs of police of the United States and had n most en ¬ joyable time The session lasted one week from Monday until Satur ¬ day and Chief Collins met many great detectives who Wore In attend- ance ¬ among them being Wm Pink anon of tho greatest agency of the world I J Marshal Wm McCullom of Kut tawn was also In attendance but ho returned Thursday two days ahead of Chief Collins Chief Collins Is pleased with Hot Springs and his receptions Mf Sam Jnckeon the Paducah boyy who U ono of the leading druggists of Hgt Springs entertained t the duet and all leis friends even neglecting his business hind Incidentally iris swept ¬ heart to make the chief havo a good time v Lieutenant Toni Potter wino Is In Hot Springs for rheumatism Is bet- tor ¬ but not able to fcomorhome yet > fA The Reduced Force V When Chief of Police James Col ¬ lins left Paducah over a week ago he had a police force of 21 men ex ¬ clusive of the officers at tho desk and two detectlves and on his re- turn ¬ found ho detectives poifccmeiE short and three I will dotho best I can with tho present force ho stated thlff morn Ing and will assign thenV to beats ks soon as I can study ovejrthe mat- ter ¬ I Intend to send sorn In twos and some alone ansi will map this lOUt today or tomorrow Chief Collins stated positively that experience had taught him that two mon were necessary on Broadway and on the depot beat and ho would put the regular number on these two beats On beats where few arrests are made and little disorder is ex ¬ perienced tho single file men will be assignedr i One never reallzea tow Ignorant somo of our leading clllztl1t lire until they are hauled upito testify before an investigation committee f TODAYSIARKETS 1 J Wheat Often Close May 4 79r 79 July7St 7H Corn sb May 464 AOvti Jlllyi 46 Oar May ri W3 31 July 3tf 30 Pork c July iq32 1G37 s Stockst tf w I iC11u3 1- 7JLNl l ilii Rdg t t38 1274 Cop 114 11H Am Lo 70 A C9 LocaFMarkcts pressed ch kens35c to COc pggslSc a dozen Butter 20c lb Irish Potatoes Per bu 1X 0 Sweet Potatoes Per bu 60c Country llams 15c Ib Green Sausage12o lb- Sausage1Se Ib A Country Lard JlOo ft Onlons3 or tc 1 1 Radishes1ebtcch- k 5c tl J I sx PADDCAHAN OWNSF F ENTIRE RiiBROAD 3v v ir t- Our Real Live KifcMt Woll Known CJtizent V Yr Ii Built to Foster HIs Coal Mine Enter prlso Located at Cnrbondaicf i V Kentucky f a- r q1 f 1tjj J RAIL NOTES OF LOCAtf INTEREST tIll f t A real live railroad magnate re- sides In Paducah oneWhoowna a ralroad all to himself Ttile mornidgr the gentleman left for hfsroadwhle Is tow nearing completion to put the finishing touches tothe track work He carried two long bandied shovels with him to peYform the work with He stated his road would be ready for operation this wool Mr Brack Owen of the Car on dale Ky coal mines Is the magnate Ho has ono small branch road run- ning from his mines to the h arbiitr 7 the route was inconvenient and he set about to build an Independent railroad It runs from Hambygtaf tfou on the I C tp Bucksnort In Hopkins County adlstlUlOO of three miles There will be ORe t engine to work the trains While tho road Is not built for passenger sere vice passegers will not be turned downr + Mr Owen will shortly receive bids for an engine which will constitute his motive power The road coet hlm E 26000t to Excursion to Memphis y The I C toad ran an excursion to Memphis Tenn Sunday mornlngtho train leaving Paducah at 1Q oclock There wero ten coaches and ono d baggage car end a total of 234 ilcie ots were sold out of Paducali Thb train will leave Metpflsthlsattetk noon late arriving In Paducah about midnight It was a mixed excursion iii Pay ell Tomorrow t The L C pay tar Will arrive from t Illinois tomorrow and pay off here going east from Paducah v t e New Ticket Audit and Operator Mr Paul Graham night Bucket agent and operator at the localIO g union depot has resigned hlsVposI ton effective at once and hahbeenn 1 succeeded by Mr Thomas Watsonot HopklnsvllleKy Mr Watson te a young man who has been lathe liC service for some lime He v took charge of the office hero I lasVBlgat and will continue In the capacity t Supt Egan Again Hero H Supt A H Egan of tho LouIaV l vllle division of the I CliJIR thQi i city today He went as taraesFulr ton on the excursion yesterdared i turning this1 morning v t- r T y f Took Half I4 tM Foreman EmU Qourleux of theJoV w cal LC car repairing shops took a hate day off Saturday4tternooatoa- ttend to some pre88lngbuslne88jtt Is said this is the Qrstvacatlonhe t laY J taken In many years fll I 1 t f I C At WorkDd Llnc4j l Tho litigation over the rlgfetiet tcA way for stralgtenlng anK shortaslagR the Illinois Central rallrpadeiw fh 4 n Atoka and Kerrvllle Tenn hMlfeian l compromised arid settledt an secured from all tale land ave The construction of thetrack J 1 will commence at olJ ekJteJtWH t loft off when stopped birfiwtJHIjHi I Ilthreeltourths and the town wimprobably imved over to tho new line Tb9 jB ijtrack Will be mado dOUbleaad WYeacom ported tho Illinois CeiTtfaTlli haver a double track frohi Woodslock to Chicago f t If i Supt JJ Gavan4 BjlJloadraaslor T E Hill of lherTaar aee dlvlsloni ot the J C are1ifliectty attending court O 0 O 00 0 7 OJO 0 0 0 O XAiLES ARISING FR05I 0 O MT VE6UVIUW ASHES O O Naples Anril 10 = Tho in Q O liatiltantH of the villages In the O D vicinity of loJHHt1 Vesuvius are 0 O mutter today titan at any time 0 O since the e 1ltJtIOfbenli In 0 O Naples totes of ° ashes swept hero + < 1- I sri O I by the wind f from the fIIQJ O mountain are lielng carted Q 1 OI away Tim business IPortloa of 0 o the city Is assuming HM normal pf I RSptgt Per uIiM Lan diy O rOwing GJ lIeraf that Ycstrv ir OwlU coatlHUe calm a 00O O0b v tr- t1 < 4 >

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Page 1: will Ai ttiut Utt


will u+

THE WEATHERFair tonight anil TUCfoiIIRYi

Wartiur Tuesday with a lightfront In central and eastern

IKlrtlOB8wIuirti i




Nominalion Sent to Senate To

day by the Presidentr


Tlhl Will lnc the Third Time fur thePopular Ofllclal



Washington 1pr11 1GFrank MI

Fishers nomination for the postoffice at Paducah was sent to the

a a sonata by the president today


Tlje now tof Postmaster Fishersa appointment contained ln the abovebrier dispatch while not a surpriseio hIs friends came a few weeksahead of time as Mr Fishers termIs not out for about a month

ATUV appointment lis for the thlrll

cftuYMn Fisher now serving hisdcconu lIoh1d no opposition forthe appointment this time and theflfflce conic tq him fittingly AR a rccpgnltlon of his services for the partyIn Paducah and West Kentucky



Part of halt Wall and Coiling

Nell at Noon Todoy

t-oWallllktnkenrdi hIIEtravatjnj Jk hug

o Deus fureir ouse Adjoining




1tt M1yrfTJigUnlquo Restaurant located

Una nroadway between Fourth andfifth struts operated by HawkltiMnrothcrs partially coloy °fl nt 12oclock today Several patrons oftho place narrowly escaped seriousInjury If not death the furniture oft the restaurant badly damaged and apanic among guests and the publicgenerally created for a while

Tho east wall of tho onetorybuilding qollapded In the center andthe root b6ftan to break and fall InTlio breaking was slow to start and

t the warning crackling of the sinkingWalls and crumbling ceiling weroslow In their purpose the guests not-ku4Peclingtha real dnngor that sur ¬

rounded them until the brick beganto tall unit the wall fell with a loudrumbling audible more than twoblock away

Drs W H Pftchcr and F F DuIcy were seated against the wallwaiting for tholr dinner to be servedThen wore two others In the diningroom but these were strangers tothe Pnducah doctors The first Inti ¬

mation of the disaster came baJwavering of tits walls and a crack ¬

ling sound as the ceiling began topart and tlio silo of the building to

Aiislnlt theDr Duloy Interpreted

Iisound ns a warning for R hasty docanipment and grabbing hIs hatstarted for ttlio tloor Dr Pltchpr

IgrabbedIHad they hesitated a moment longerthey inlghtvhavo been killed outtlght Tjiolwo strangers one otthem a atcambontnian by tho name

l of Ford U Is galdt escaped bjNrunRWing Intp the rear J

Tlio oral w 1ln the center of tijobuilding foil completely lib for as dis ¬

tance of ton or fifteen feet and thoroof began to sink and threatens tofall The soda water fountain wasfortunately not damaged and thekitchen department rcmalned IntactThQ operation of the restaurant wast suspended hqwever arid tho pro ¬

t1ilrletora Bccufed ttemporary quarters

j In tho building formerly occupied byOho Brunswick billiard hall acrossthe street The soda water fountainwas removed there for safety Immediately following tho accident

The property U owned under a-

fongiease 61A reatty company Thecausa of th accident Is attributed toa weakly built foundation and thefact that IIji° excavating for a newbuilding adjoining tho wall had beenWeakenedanti permitted to sag out-


i I c-

TFfe ttnTal Uamagea cunnotlo oathmartdiut f com Indications the Walt

a1- iwlll Ear to Mf> pra tlsally rebuilt

Tk restaurant irre carries some jri

1 MutterAe4 alao ithe owaers of tbQllol CI

l IJ ti

rf Aii

f 0

t ttiut Utt1




Frederick of Saxony Says Ho WII-HInitf > srd Upon

Dresden Saxony April IGIlngFrederick not withstanding the de ¬

nials Is endeavoring to obtain front

the pope the ecclesiastical aapctlon

for a divorce from the Countess Mon

tlgnpse In order to be able to marryagain This will be possible U thecountess Is willing lo declare underoath that her parents forced her tomarry him while ho was In a somno ¬

lent condition which she affirmed af-

ter her flight from the Saxony caltat

Coveted fly RockefellerParis April IG = William Rocke

feller Is said to be negotiating for thepurchase of the historic TalleyrandPalace In Rue St Dominique It Is

one of the few remaining palaces ofthe aristocracy of the ancient re-


The price demanded by thehells 2000000 francs




Waft Valncil Citizen Mender of Josal Mall Service and Leading


Mr Charlie Holllday popularmember of tho local mall service andn valued citizen died at his homeNo 527 South Sixth street Sundayafternoon at 230 oclock of stomachtrouble after an Illness of five

months Death was not unexpectedhis condition having been serious fortho past wcckor two and his familyhad become reconciled to his hope ¬

less condition and Inevitable endHo had been confined to his bedeight weeks

The deceased was born In Calo ¬

donia HI June 30th 1855 andcame to Paducah with his parentsattlilTnBffofflvoyearar In ISGOVHwas educated Ih the Paducah schoolsand during his early life engaged tntho cooperage business Later ho

stood the civil service cxnmlnajlonand for sixteen years had been Q

mall carrier one ot the most poptime In the service

He married Miss Georgia Sandersof Paducah January 5th 1881 andleaves ia wife and three chlldrqnThe children are Mr George Holllday of the OohUchlaeger pharmacynt Sixth and Broadway Mr BrooksHolllday a pupil In the High schooland Mrs Ivo lPetit wife of the wellknown young American Expresscompany attache Ho leaves onebrother Mr L1 Holllday of Woodland Mills Tonn and a half sisterMrs Mary Strlnbach of nallardcounty Ky

The deceased was prominent In

lodge circles taking part In all mat¬

era pertaining to the local lodge orMasons Ho has been for years anofficer In this order and at thQ timeof death was secretary of tho hollow

Ink branches of tho Masons Padu-



lodge No 127 Free and Ac ¬

cepted Masons Paducah Royal Archchapter No 30 Paducah CouncilNo 32 and Paducah CommandoryKnights Templar Ho was also amembers of the Ladles of the EasternStaand of tho Golden Crosiy orderOnly the latter order carries with Itlife Insurance I

The deceased was a member oftho First Presbyterian church andtho funeral will bo conducted fromthat church this afternoon at 3

oclock under the auspices of thelodges of wjilch ho was a memberservices by Roy WE Cave with In

termont at Oak Grove A host offriends aro gathering to pay tho de-

ceased their last respects

ereStokes McDugaal aged 29 of Mod ¬

el Tenn and Adclyn Watson agedSO of la Center Ky were licensedto marry this morning by OlorkSmodroy Later at the boardinghouse of H D OsUprn on Kentuckyavenue near Third street the couplewore united In wedlock by JusticeJ J Blotch

Record of Alleged Ill ainlstAtlantic City April 14Dr

Phillips Randolph Robinson was ardeslcd hero charged wth bigamyHo Is alleged to have married at leastlive women and deft each after got ¬

ting their Jewelry and money Hewas hold In 2000 ball He Is sup-

posed to have followed n wealthyIC6w York woman here tto woo her

Mr Fred McKnlghtl has accepteda1 position with a Henderson l1r JCy

umber firm and will leave today for

Wittlersoart f a

f it tu i




Conflicts in Pennsylvania atSeveral Points Reported

Six Young Fiends Two Black andFour Wlilto On Trial At

London Ky



Wllkesbarrc Pa April 16 I

Mounted police were called last mid-


to quell a serious disturbanceat Georgetown during which fourmen and one woman were shot twomen stabbed and a store dynamitedAt Pittston Joseph Clglle and sonwere shot and badly wounded by twoItalians Other disturbances are re ¬

ported throughout the anthracite dis ¬


SIx Young Fiends On TrialLondon IKy Ajirll 1C The six

yearold daughter of W J Arm ¬

strong an Insurance agent of Louisville temporarily located here wascriminally assaulted by two negroesand four white boys Tht child Is In

a serious condition The boys were arrested and are on trial The excite-ment Is high and the boys may boo

handled roughly

Ladronc llandlts Near ManillaManilla P I April 1GForty

ladrone bandits raided the head-quarters of the Philippine constabular In Malolcs Island Luzon todayThey captured 20 rifles and escaped

after killing three men and losingone of their number The exploitwas one of the boldest tho ladroneshave made since American occupa ¬

lion Maloles Is only 20 miles fromManila and the raid caused consid ¬

erable surprise among tho AmericansTho constabulary defended theirluartera but were outnumbered

Maiiy Telephone Linemen On StrikeNorfolk Va April GFour

thousand linemen rand other electrl ¬

cat workers of the Southern BollTelephone company In VlrglnlaWestVirginia North and South CarolinaGeorgia Florida and Alabama went

on a strike today for an Increase ofwages The telephone system southIs badly crippled

Sentence to Jail for ContemptSpringfield 111 April 1Gludgo

Humphreys of the federal court tolay sentenced Col J Hamilton Lew-

Is corporation counsel of Chicago

who formerly represented the stateof Washington In congress to CO

days In Jail for contempt of court

The sentence will bo remitted on

condition Lewis dlslmsscs tho civil

jult Instituted In Madson county

aganst tho Alton Waterworks In vi-



of an injunction by JudgeHumphreys

Just to Discuss QuestionSpringfield Ills April 16 Rep ¬

resentatlves of thellllnols miners lefttoday for Indianapolis to meet ttens

operators and discuss the question of

maintaining emergency men at the

mines to keep them In order These

men have been at work on the genet

al opinion among Illinois operatosthat the suspension would not lastmuch longer

Wouldnt Stand IlovlllhR

Valdosta Ga April 1C Rev

Rawlings who with two sons Ilit un ¬

der sentence for killing the Carter

children almost fatally beat up a

yesterday who revllfellow prisonercd Rawlings for reading tho Bible

The Rawlings boys say their father

Is Insane


May Never nl Able to lUsunie Gov¬

ernment LoaderHlilp

Berlin April lGDe111te thereassuring statements Issued by

Prof Ronvors fdr the benefit of thepublic It is said Prince Buelows con ¬

dl lion Is altogether sad and dis¬

couraging Ills lower limbs aro lIar ¬

alyzed and useless his hair haswhitened his framo has become

I emaciated and his spirits seem to

bo crushedNearly all of Good Friday wits

upent by the chancellor In prayer

with Dr Stocker who Informed hU

friends that he was shocked at theIccblenesp and reduced condition of

Stocker declarei

the prince Drthat It la put of the question that-

PriuyatButilntr will over bo aolo toUkb up the government leadershipJIJ


tt JI

ii L 1i 1


Six Men Killed 911 the Kcjirsnrgo byMysterious JExplosion

Washington D CAprll 1GThenavy department has received wordof a scrlous accident on the battle-ship Kcarsarge while she was en ¬

gaged In target practice near Colebra Art explosion occurred In oneof the forward turrets Lieut JohnM Hugging and five men were killedand one officer and a number of menslightly injured The accident oc ¬

curred at tho conclusion of targetpractice In the forward turret of theKearsarge as the powder was beingtaken down Tho men were burledIn Guantanamo




Several Towns on tin Sonllicrn 1artof the Island and Many Lives

Destroyed1 o l

Toklo tprll16A violent earth ¬

quake occurred Saturday morning Inthe southern part of the Island ofFormosa The casualties and damagedone are reported to have been heav¬

ier than those of the last earthquakeKagl was again the principal suf¬

furor houses which escaped destruc ¬

tion in the former disturbance beingnow in ruins x Doko ond several oth-


towns and villages also were affected by Landslides which havechanged the topography of the coon ¬

try Officials are working feverish-ly


I to relieve thousands of personsloft homeless by tho earthquakeTerrible scenes are reported aroundKagl and DokorLater Information Corroborative

Tokyo April 216Tho latest ad ¬

vices from For aSR confirm the pre ¬

vious reports of the destruction ofa numberrot toWnslnthn aouthernpart of theisland by earthquakesThe town of KngI Is completely de-


The casualties at Dalgo areseven killed and thlrtj ftve Injuredand about 400 buildings destroyedIn tho AJonsul district three werekilled and fifteen injured and over11OQ houses collapsed

As a result of the earthquake InFormosa last month 1104 were kill ¬

ed CSS Injured and 1200 houseswero demolished The prosperoustowns of Datlyb RnUhlko and Shinko were completelyJ destroyed Thedamage done was roughly estimatedat 45000000




States and Franee+ Friday to PayHomage to Memory of Ken

Franklin v


Washington D CV April 10 0Speeches on the railroad rate billwill boa feature In theUnited Statessenate the present week There Is noimmediate prospoctsforfsecurlng anagreement upon a time for voting onthe bill

The feature of the week In thehouse of representatives Is to bethlpassage of the free alcohol billThere Is little opposition to the billItself the only task connected withIts passage being to prevent Its usefor the purpose of producing a rec-ord for other revenues on the reformpropositions

Pensions are to have tho right ofthe way

1Tuesday and on that day al-


the appropriation bill for tho Dis ¬

trict of Columbia will be reportedThis bill will be taken Up Wednes ¬

day and will rorvetos tho legislativetopic for the rest of the week


loniago to Franklliis MemoryWashington D C April 16

United States and Franco this weekwill Join In paying homage to thememory of Benjamin Franklin InParis on Friday wilt occur tire un ¬

veiling of the ttatue of Franklin nearthe site of the homo ho occupiedwhen American minister to FranceThe statuo Is tho gift of John IL liarJes the American banker of ParisIn Philadelphia the American Philo ¬

sophical society which was foundedJby Franklin will told an Intern ¬

tional celebration April 17 to Qolthe btcentennlatt ot bye birth

tt < p



Stricken Sunday Afternoon andWas Quite III For Time


Ho Is Much Hotter Today Howeverand Early Recovery Is

Indicated b



Mayor Yelser was stricken witha congestive chill Sunday afternoonand for a while was a very sick manToday however he Is much betterand his physician Dr D G Murrcfsays he should recuperate rapidly

Mayor Yelser has been ailing fortho last two months He has beensuffering of a slight attack of rheu¬

matism and neuralgia but the latterpart of last week seemed much better than ho lmd been for some timeSunday afternoon with Mrs Yeiserhe went out to his country home InArcadia to visit his alsterlnlawMrsFrank Brown and was stricken whileout there lIe was brought to thecity at once and physicians summon ¬

ed and he was soon out of dangerand today Dr Murrell says he appre ¬

hends no serious results from thechill

The Council TonightThe council meets in rdgular ses-


tonight and has a good deal ofbusiness on hands Tho ordinancesfor the Improvement of the down ¬

town streets and Fifth street whichare tb be improved+ this year will bebrought In for first passage Theywere brought In at tho last meetingbut the sidewalks and street workwere embodied In the same ordinan ¬

ces so they were sent back to haveseparate ordinances brought In cov ¬

ering eachThe street car company franchise

ordinances authorizing the changesand tenslotllof thecartraok9WU-b brought In again for secpndJ pas ¬

sage but they will bo amended to ¬

night with a provision calling for themaintenance of the street two feetoutside the tracks Instead of one asIn the first ordinance An amend ¬

ment will also probably be broughtIrf changing the route from Madisonto Clay on Fifth and making theline run on Fourth to Clay then up

to Fifth and thence north to TrimbleInstead of on Madison to Fifththence to Trimble

Tho ordinance calling for tho re ¬

construction of the sidewalks onBroadway from Ninth to llth will

bo given first passageThe appointment of the electrical

Inspector will also be approved-

A resolution wilt bo passed empWylng a special police officer to be

mounted to enforce the cow law andMr Lycurgus Rice will probably be

selected for the placeThe board of health wlllhavo soviet

ordinances up for passage If they

can be gotten In shape In timeamong them being one for the estab-



of u garbage system where ¬

by the garbage will be collected dalijyl There Is great demand for It butas the expense would have to be

borne by the city this year nothingwill probably bo done with It


The Light PlantThe committees on the light plant

Improvement have not met yet so

there will be norepori from them ItIs learned the council will not Im ¬

prove the plant this year as It finds

It wont have the money but that tho

estimates will be gotten and all theplans arranged so the work can be

let promptly by the new council next

year If it sowtshess

Tho New UrldKC

The committee on tho now bridge

across Island Creek may have a re¬

port for tonight but It Is nolHhought

it will bereadyWlFF1VITII



Husband Attempts tii Shoot Him HutKill Ills Little Son

Qultman GaApril GC ELloyd returned home Saturday nightand found his wife with a man nam ¬

ed Davis of Qultmanlfloyd attempt ¬

ed to shoot Davis butt tljo latterwrenched the revolver from Lloydshands Lloyd then secured anotherpistol and waited at the Lack doorfor Davis When the door knob turn ¬

ed Lloyd fired four shpts rapidlythrough the door to find later thathe bad shot and kllled his little sonHe fired two shots at Davis as he ranout ot tie bouse but missed




Ye 1trdtreaNi

nN MtCrttdie f111V ty torero peepIe rrad 1M-

In utw a 1 IIae saveyyt


Party of Evnnsvlllo ExcursionistsHave Frightful Experience


Uvansvllle Ind April 16 Theexcursion steamer Louisiana carry-Ing 400 passengers struck a snag Inthe Ohio river last night anti willbe a total loss The passengers werepanic stricken but by running theboat at full speed Into the bank allwere rescued Capt Morgan4 saysthe steamer has settled In 20 feet ofwater

IlllS Swindler FreedLondon April IGJabez Spencer

Balfour formerly a financial mag ¬

nato and a member of parliamentwho was sentenced to 14 years 1mJprlsonment In 1896 for extensivefrauds has been released from prixon It is estimated that tho poor mid ¬

dle class of England lost about 30000000 by his operations




Declares He Will Handle Hls lieeluted Puree to Rest Advantage


Chief of Police James Collins returned yesterday from Hot SpringsArk after attending the annual con ¬

ventlon of the chiefs of police of theUnited States and had n most en ¬

joyable time The session lastedone week from Monday until Satur ¬

day and Chief Collins met manygreat detectives who Wore In attend-ance


among them being Wm Pinkanon of tho greatest agency of theworld I


Marshal Wm McCullom of Kuttawn was also In attendance but horeturned Thursday two days aheadof Chief Collins

Chief Collins Is pleased with HotSprings and his receptions Mf SamJnckeon the Paducah boyy who Uono of the leading druggists of HgtSprings entertained tthe duet andall leis friends even neglecting hisbusiness hind Incidentally iris swept ¬

heart to make the chief havo a goodtime v

Lieutenant Toni Potter wino Is In

Hot Springs for rheumatism Is bet-


but not able to fcomorhome yet>fA

The Reduced Force V

When Chief of Police James Col ¬

lins left Paducah over a week agohe had a police force of 21 men ex¬

clusive of the officers at tho deskand two detectlves and on his re-


found ho detectivespoifccmeiEshort and three

I will dotho best I can with thopresent force ho stated thlff mornIng and will assign thenV to beatsks soon as I can study ovejrthe mat-


I Intend to send sorn In twosand some alone ansi will map this

lOUt today or tomorrowChief Collins stated positively that

experience had taught him that twomon were necessary on Broadwayand on the depot beat and ho wouldput the regular number on these twobeats On beats where few arrestsare made and little disorder is ex ¬

perienced tho single file men will beassignedri

One never reallzea tow Ignorantsomo of our leading clllztl1t lire untilthey are hauled upito testify beforean investigation committee



JWheat Often Close

May 4 79r 79July7St 7HCorn sb

May 464 AOvtiJlllyi 46

OarMay ri W3 31

July 3tf 30Pork c

July iq32 1G37sStocksttf w

IiC11u3 1-7JLNl l iliiRdg t t38 1274Cop 114 11HAm Lo 70 A C9

LocaFMarkctspressed ch kens35c to COc

pggslSc a dozenButter 20c lb

Irish Potatoes Per bu 1X 0Sweet Potatoes Per bu 60cCountry llams 15c IbGreen Sausage12o lb-

Sausage1Se Ib A

Country Lard JlOo ftOnlons3 or tc 1




5c tlJ

I sx



ir t-Our Real Live KifcMt Woll

Known CJtizent V


Built to Foster HIs Coal Mine Enterprlso Located at Cnrbondaicf i V

Kentucky fa-r


1tjj J


tIllf t

A real live railroad magnate re-

sides In Paducah oneWhoowna aralroad all to himself Ttile mornidgrthe gentleman left for hfsroadwhleIs tow nearing completion to putthe finishing touches tothe trackwork He carried two long bandiedshovels with him to peYform thework with He stated his road wouldbe ready for operation this wool

Mr Brack Owen of the Car ondale Ky coal mines Is the magnateHo has ono small branch road run-ning from his mines to the h arbiitr 7the route was inconvenient and heset about to build an Independentrailroad It runs from Hambygtaftfou on the I C tp Bucksnort InHopkins County adlstlUlOO ofthree miles There will be ORe t

engine to work the trains While thoroad Is not built for passenger serevice passegers will not be turneddownr +

Mr Owen will shortly receive bidsfor an engine which will constitutehis motive power The road coet hlm E26000tto

Excursion to Memphis yThe I C toad ran an excursion to

Memphis Tenn Sunday mornlngthotrain leaving Paducah at 1Q oclock

There wero ten coaches and ono dbaggage car end a total of 234 ilcieots were sold out of Paducali Thbtrain will leave Metpflsthlsattetknoon late arriving In Paducah aboutmidnight It was a mixed excursioniiiPay ell Tomorrow t

The L C pay tar Will arrive from tIllinois tomorrow and pay off heregoing east from Paducah v t

eNew Ticket Audit and OperatorMr Paul Graham night Bucket

agent and operator at the localIO g

union depot has resigned hlsVposIton effective at once and hahbeenn 1

succeeded by Mr Thomas WatsonotHopklnsvllleKy Mr Watson te ayoung man who has been lathe liCservice for some lime He v tookcharge of the office hero IlasVBlgatand will continue In the capacity


Supt Egan Again Hero HSupt A H Egan of tho LouIaVl

vllle division of the I CliJIR thQiicity today He went as taraesFulrton on the excursion yesterdarediturning this1 morning v t-

rT yf

Took Half I4 tMForeman EmU Qourleux of theJoV


cal L C car repairing shops took ahate day off Saturday4tternooatoa-ttend to some pre88lngbuslne88jttIs said this is the Qrstvacatlonhet laY J

taken In many years fllI1t f

I C At WorkDd Llnc4jlTho litigation over the rlgfetiet tcAway for stralgtenlng anK shortaslagR

the Illinois Central rallrpadeiw fh 4


Atoka and Kerrvllle Tenn hMlfeian lcompromised arid settledt ansecured from all tale land aveThe construction of thetrackJ 1will commence at olJ ekJteJtWH t

loft off when stopped birfiwtJHIjHi IIlthreeltourthsand the town wimprobably imvedover to tho new line Tb9 jB ijtrackWill be mado dOUbleaad WYeacomported tho Illinois CeiTtfaTlli havera double track frohi Woodslock toChicago f t

IfiSupt J J Gavan4 BjlJloadraaslorT E Hill of lherTaar aee dlvlsloniot the J C are1ifliectty attendingcourt


O Naples Anril 10 = Tho in Q

O liatiltantH of the villages In the O

D vicinity of loJHHt1 Vesuvius are 0O mutter today titan at any time 0O since the e1ltJtIOfbenli In 0O Naples totes of °ashes swept hero + < 1-


OI by the windf from the fIIQJO mountain are lielng carted Q


OIaway Tim business IPortloa of 0o the city Is assuming HM normal pfI RSptgt Per uIiM Lan diyO rOwing GJlIeraf that Ycstrv irOwlU coatlHUe calm a

00O O0b v tr-

t1< 4>