the janos people a close encounter of the fourth kind

1 THE JANOS PEOPLE From the true book THE JANOS PEOPLE of Frank Johnson (from 1980 - now out of print/sale) (Some words are translated to Norwegian and there MAY BE some wordmistakes here - because this is scanned from the book. Some headlines are added) Introduction: (from the books cover) Late one night in june 1978, while travelling in their car on a lonely road in Oxfordshire, a family of three adults and two small children were intercepted by a large spaceship, and were taken on board for nearly an hour, during which the flying saucer made a short trip. They saw - inside the ship - on film, how the Janos people lived -their clothes, houses and gardens, boats, lakes, and food and vegetation. They watched, in horror, how a rain of giant rocks fell from the sky, as Saton, their nearest moon, broke up and fell in fragments on to the planet, wrecking cities and covering the ground with a layer of immense boulders. They saw a nuclear power station explode as the rocks struck it, and the chain reaction which caused every power station on Janos to blow up, sending great clouds of radioactive dust swirling around the planet. They saw the immense ring-shaped ship, which was built in space, with many lesser saucer ships, to evacuate the population and take them to another world. Finally, they were told of the hopes of the Janos people, people like ourselves, numbering ten million, who now wait in space, in our solar system, waiting to be allowed to land and start life again. 'This book,' says the author, a retired academic with a background in biology and a research interest in the biology of 'humanoids; 'contains so many 'first times' that I

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Post on 25-Nov-2015




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