recipe to refresh teeth, face

Recipe to Refresh: DIY, Natural Skin Care Posted on April 02, 2010 THE LONG, HARSH winter left us with much bigger problems than shoveling fatigue. We’re talking frizzy hair (ick), flaky skin (double ick) and scaly feet that clearly saw nothing but the inside of snow boots for months. But since a full body fix-up at Le Fancy Spa costs as much as the city’s snow removal deficit, we suggest you try more wallet-friendly measures to welcome spring. For as little as the cost of lunch (and with ingredients picked up during a trip to Whole Foods), at-home treatments can turn your kitchenette into a decadent retreat. Even better: Because these DIY detoxifiers use natural ingredients — such as fresh fruit, coffee beans and even beer — you won’t be slathering scary-sounding chemicals on your skin. This guinea pig gamely tried out more than a dozen at-home spa treatments and ended up with a few favorites. (And a few duds: Namely, using a urine-soaked cotton ball on pimples. It worked, but it’s as gross as it sounds.) So, open up your fridge and say spaaaaah. BEER HAIR RINSE » Why It Works: The nutrients in hops add strength and shine to hair. » You’ve Been Warned: Don’t try this treatment before a big event — unless you want to smell like you work at the Big Hunt . » You’ll Need: - 1/4 cup water

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Recipe to Refresh: DIY, Natural Skin CarePosted on April 02, 2010       

THE LONG, HARSH winter left us with much bigger problems than shoveling fatigue. We’re talking frizzy hair (ick), flaky skin (double ick) and scaly feet that clearly saw nothing but the inside of snow boots for months.

But since a full body fix-up at Le Fancy Spa costs as much as the city’s snow removal deficit, we suggest you try more wallet-friendly measures to welcome spring. For as little as the cost of lunch (and

with ingredients picked up during a trip to Whole Foods), at-home treatments can turn your kitchenette into a decadent retreat. Even better: Because these DIY detoxifiers use natural ingredients — such as fresh fruit, coffee beans and even beer — you won’t be slathering scary-sounding chemicals on your skin.

This guinea pig gamely tried out more than a dozen at-home spa treatments and ended up with a few favorites. (And a few duds: Namely, using a urine-soaked cotton ball on pimples. It worked, but it’s as gross as it sounds.) So, open up your fridge and say spaaaaah.

BEER HAIR RINSE» Why It Works: The nutrients in hops add strength and shine to hair.

» You’ve Been Warned: Don’t try this treatment before a big event — unless you want to smell like you work at the Big Hunt.

» You’ll Need:- 1/4 cup water- 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar- 1/4 cup beer (a hoppier beer, like an IPA, is ideal)

» What to Do: Mix together and use as a final rinse after conditioning, rinsing completely with warm water. Repeat every seven to 10 days.

AVOCADO FOOT SCRUB» Why It Works: A ground avocado pit is abrasive enough to break down calluses, while the fruit’s rich flesh contains essential oils that nourish skin.

» You’ve Been Warned: This recipe takes time to prepare, but the results are worth it.

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» What You’ll Need:- 2 avocados (one for pit, and one ripe one for fruit)- 1/4 cup cornmeal- 1 tbsp sea salt

» What to Do: Dry out an avocado pit for a few days, then break it into several pieces with a hammer or cooking mallet. In a spice mill, coffee grinder or food processor, grind down the pit to make a gritty meal.

Scoop out second avocado and place skin aside. Mash the avocado fruit with the cornmeal, 1/4 cup of ground avocado pit and sea salt.

Gently massage the mixture into your feet in a circular motion, starting with the toes and working up to the ankles. Rinse with warm water.

Finally, take the inside of the avocado skin and rub the heel and any other callused areas. Your skin will look green at first (don’t worry, it won’t stain). Keep massaging for five to 10 minutes or until it no longer feels abrasive. Do not rinse off until your next shower.

LEMON HONEY MASK» Why It Works: Lemon’s citric acid closes pores and keeps skin’s

PH levels in check, while honey’s enzymes and nutrients add an antibacterial factor to zap zits and moisturize.

» You’ve been warned: There’s a serious sticky factor, so make sure your hair is tightly pulled back.

» What You’ll Need:- 1 tbsp organic honey- 1 fresh lemon

» What To Do: Squeeze the juice from the lemon and remove any seeds. Mix in honey and apply to damp face. Massage into skin for several minutes, then rinse with warm water.

COFFEE SCRUB» Why It Works: Most pricey cellulite treatments use caffeine to promote circulation, deep-cleanse pores and act as a diuretic by removing excess water from your dermis. Our version uses the same stimulators — but with ingredients usually reserved for your morning cup of joe.

» You’ve Been Warned: Like the store-bought potions, this isn’t a scientifically vetted treatment. But the stimulating massage should help soften skin and could smooth out fatty areas.

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» You’ll Need:- 1 cup fresh-ground coffee- 1/2 cup brown sugar- 1/2 cup salt- 1/2 cup coconut oil

» What to Do: Mix all the ingredients. Massage into thighs, butt and other areas prone to, sigh, the cottage cheese effect for five minutes in a circular motion.

Rinse when finished. Repeat three to five times per week.

CHOCOLATE FACE MASK» Why It Works: Cocoa’s natural antioxidants help clear out skin stressors that can make skin look older.

» You’ve Been Warned: It smells so good you may want to eat the leftovers.

» You’ll Need:- 1/3 cup natural cocoa powder (no sugar added)- 2 tbsp heavy cream- 2 tsp cottage cheese- 3 tsp honey

» What to Do: Mix everything together in a large bowl.

Apply to dampened skin and leave on for 15 to 20 minutes.

Rinse with warm water. Can be used once a week.

BAKING SODA BLACKHEAD REMOVER» Why It Works: This gentle, quick facial uses baking soda’s acid-neutralizing alkalinity and milk’s lactic acid to clear out pores and lightly exfoliate.

» You’ve Been Warned: After years of store-bought lotions and potions, this seemed almost too simple to work — but it did.

» You’ll Need:- 1 tbsp baking soda- 1/4 cup milk

» What to Do: Mix all the ingredients together. Rub into blackhead-prone areas using a soft makeup sponge. Rinse and repeat if needed.

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TIPS:1) Body scrubs can get messy in the tub or shower. Place a plastic bag at the drain to catch what falls and avoid clogs.

2) Mix ingredients in a food processor or blender when possible to remove large clumps.

3) Use fresh, organic produce to ensure potions are pesticide-and preservative-free.

4) For a foot scrub, hop up on the kitchen counter and apply it in the sink. Any gunky debris will end up in the garbage disposal, making cleanup much easier.

QUICK FIXES:Got five minutes and a stocked fridge? Try these easy remedies.

» De-Puff EyesPut two thick raw potato slices over eyes for 10 minutes. The potato’s potassium and vitamin C should zap under-eye circles.

» Smooth Dry HandsMix 1/4 tsp of olive oil and 1/4 tsp of sugar and massage into the backs of hands. The oil will soften skin, while the sugar will slough off dead, scaly cells.

» Exfoliate Sensitive SkinMix equal parts honey and brown sugar and use as a face or body scrub. Brown sugar is gentler than granulated sugar, making it suited to sensitive skin.

For a Beautiful Smile: 7 Natural Teeth Whitening Home Remedies1. Eat Strawberries

There is evidence that strawberries can help whiten teeth due to containing an enzyme called malic acid and vitamin C. The astringent found in strawberries helps to remove surface stains, while vitamin C washes away plaque. Mashing a few strawberries and brushing with the mixture once or twice a week can have positive results. You could also just eat strawberries, making sure to chew really well and allowing them to do the brushing on their own.

2. Floss Your Teeth

For some reason, flossing doesn’t come as easily to people as brushing. Still, many dentists and hygienists agree that flossing is more important than brushing. Floss twice daily for the best, teeth-saving results. Just flossing can easily remove the staining between your teeth, helping them to look whiter.

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3. Baking Soda and Lemon

This may be one of the most popular of the natural teeth whitening home remedies. The chemical reaction of baking soda with the citrus of lemon juice has a smile-brightening effect. Either one of these ingredients works well, but together they are super-effective. Only brush with this solution once per week as it can wear away the tooth enamel if used too frequently. If irritation occurs, the baking soda may be too abrasive for your gums, so discontinue use.

In a small bowl, mix a little bit of baking soda with the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon. The mixture should bubble slightly. Using a cotton swab, wipe saliva and excess plaque from your teeth before brushing on the mixture. Leave the mixture on your teeth for a minute before gently brushing it off with a toothbrush.

Don’t leave the mixture on your teeth for any longer than a minute; the acid erode tooth enamel.

4. Eat Crunchy Fruits and Veggies

Apples, celery, and carrots are all great for your teeth. Crunchy fruit or vegetables act like nature’s toothbrush. Simply chewing removes excess food and bacteria from your mouth. It also helps to scrub away surface stains. Not only does the texture remove food particles and bacteria, but the acids in the fruits and vegetables pull double duty, actually keeping the teeth whiter. Apples in particular contain malic acid, the chemical also found in strawberries (and teeth whitening products) that removes surface stains.

5. Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is an Indian remedy used primarily to enhance oral health and cleanse the body. The process is actually quite simple, harmless, and very inexpensive. Simply take one tablespoon of a pure, organic oil and swish it around in your mouth for 15-20 minutes. Move the oil around your mouth through sipping, sucking, and essentially pulling through your teeth. After rinsing, spit out the oil, thoroughly rinse your mouth out with water, and consume 2-3 glasses of water (purified if possible).

To learn more on what oil pulling is and the oil pulling benefits, check out our oil pulling post. You won’t want to miss this interesting solution.

6. Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

Others reported on Earthclinic that hydrogen peroxide could also be an effective teeth whitening remedy. Hydrogen peroxide prevents the growth of bacteria, can help to prevent infections, and prevents bad breath, which often results from bacteria. Simply swish some food-grade hydrogen peroxide (FGHP) around in your mouth for a few seconds, than spit it out. Another option would be to mix a 50/50 solution using FGHP and water, and swish it around for 60 seconds.

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7. Use a Straw

Coffee, tea, soda, and wine can all cause serious damage to the enamel of your teeth. Whenever possible, use a straw to reduce direct exposure to teeth. If drinking your coffee or wine out of a straw is more embarrassing than discolored teeth, just make sure to brush after drinking these beverages – except after drinking white wine.

A healthy and bright smile is definitely something to be happy about. Eating healthy foods, not surprisingly, can go a long way in ensuring your teeth stay white for years to come. But having an arsenal of natural teeth whitening home remedies can improve your toothy glow without breaking the bank or exposing you to unknown chemicals and bleaches in the dentist’s office.

Beauty Club Getting rid of Blackheads with fine salt and soda. Take gel facial wash, mix with tablespoon of baking soda and tablespoon of salt. Apply to damp skin with cotton pad, leave for 5 mins.

Facial Mask For Acne And Open PoresOur facial skin is very sensitive and hence can easily get infected. We need to pay special attention toward our skin care, if we want our facial texture to maintain a healthy balance.

Acne usually occurs, when open pores that are present on the skin develop into clogged, which in result get infected by bacteria. There are many reasons that can cause you acne problem which includes imbalance diet, hormone imbalances, stress and poor hygiene. We are sharing with you home made remedy for acne problems and open pores.

Facial Mask For Acne And Open Pores

Egg White contains protein which can help us rebuild and heal our damaged skin and also it helps to temporarily shrink the pores as well and on the other hand Vitamin E works as an antioxidant agent which put up a fight against the free radicals, which affect the healing process of skin. Here we are sharing a facial mask of these natural healing agents to make your skin healthy and radiant.

Take a Vitamin E capsule and open it on your face so that oil present in the capsule fall on your face and then give your face a light massage and let it soak for 30 minutes.

Take egg white and apply it on your skin and let it soak for 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water.

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These two home made remedies can help you get rid of your acne and open pores problems and with its regular use, your skin will become smooth and radiant within few days.

Tips To Prevent From Stretch MarksStretch marks are defined as pink lines and breaks that appear on women face and then become the scars. There are many reasons of stretch marks like genetic predisposition, hormonal changes, puberty and weight upsetting. In this post, we will discuss best tips to get rid from stretch marks.

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1. The first and important tip for the removal of stretch marks is that there are many

products are available in the  market that includes such agents which are very helpful for the treatment of stretch marks. Moreover, for stretch marks woman should use creams and lotions.

2. Secondly, for the prevention of stretch marks woman should use power emollient moisturizing lotions. These types of lotions are very helpful for keeping the skin tight and also increasing the elasticity. So women should use the best lotion but after consulting with their dermatologists.

3. Another main and important tip for the prevention of stretch marks is that woman should use the combination of aloe vera gel, green tea extract and sunflower oil. This mixture is very effective and it hydrates the skin and removes the wrinkles and stretch marks.

4. The last tip for the treatment of stretch marks is that woman should choose the laser treatment but it is considered to be the expensive and last option for the stretch marks from the skin.

These are the important and best tips for the removal of stretch marks. Apart from these tips, women should make sure that they should maintain healthy and well balanced diet that includes all important and essential nutrients. Another tip is that woman should avoid stress because it plays an important role for increasing the stretch marks. So without wasting any time, every woman who faces the problem of stretch marks should apply these tips and she will get the clear and glowing skin.

Skin Care In WinterAs the winter season arrives the proper care of the skin is the most difficult task. Skin is considered to be one of such facial expressions of the body that always demands for some

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special attention in every single season. In winter season many men and women faces the extreme conditions of dull and rough skin because the intense coldness badly affects

the skin mode. In this article we are discussing some of the prominent and notable beauty tips for taking special care of the skin in winter season.

1. Firstly during the winter season just avoid using oil free products because the oiliness pattern is witnessed much during this season and it normally makes the skin more untidy and rough.

2. Secondly use the almond oil for the skin care because this will simply saves the skin from the acne and pimples that might take place during the winter season.

3. Most importantly don’t forget to overlook the use of sunscreens because the sun light usually gets low in winter season and this can affects the skin cells much negatively.

4. Additionally, never intake hot water baths in the winter season. Always keep the water temperature as normal as possible because the hotness will slowly burns your skin cells and this will lead to roughness and dull mode.

5. Furthermore, make the use of moisturizers daily at the night time before going to bed because these moisturizers will work positively throughout the night and this will make the skin glowing.

6. Lastly, don’t forget to drink maximum quantity of water. Make the habit of drinking at least 8-9 glasses of water every day.

On the whole these were some of the beneficial and useful skin care tips that can help both the men and women to make their skin free from acne and pimples and more glowing and shimmering.

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Homemade Cosmetics For Skin careIn all the seasons the women faced the intensive problems of the skin. Skin is considered to be one of the essential features of the human body. As the skin grows shimmering and glowing the more it will appears to be beautiful and attention grabbing. In this article we are highlighting top four homemade remedies for the skin refreshment and skin care.

1. First homemade remedy is the use of eggs and rose water. Take an egg yolk and two egg white and add them with the rose water. Mix the whole mixture and apply it on the face for maximum 20 minutes. This will give a new

fresh and glowing image to the skin.

2. Secondly we have the skin gloss. Take 1 cup of beeswax along with the sesame oil and add the beet juice in it. You can even store the whole mixture until it gets thick. This will give a glossy and shiny image to the skin tone.

3. Thirdly the raspberry scrub is also used for the skin care. The mixture of sugar and olive oil will appears to be extremely beneficial for the skin inside structure. By applying this method for 30 minutes you will discover new refreshment in your skin.

4. Lastly, the eyes should also make beautiful by the application of small makeup for the eyes. Just take I small spoon of castor oil, canola oil and two small spoons of olive oil and apply the mixture on the face and remove it with the help of soft cotton balls or pads.

On the whole after the discussion the following mentioned were some of the beneficial and useful skin care remedies that would certainly save the people from the extreme problems visiting the skin doctorial. Just apply now and we are sure that you will discover a new gorgeous image of your face.

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Home Made Tomato Facial Mask For SkinWhen the summer and winter seasons it becomes excessively important to give special attention to the skin because such seasons normally makes the skin rough and dry .  Skin freshness is all the more significant and in order to maintain this glowing tone the facials plays a very prominent role for the skin care. When it comes to facials then we never forget to mention the tomato facial mask for the skin. It helps in removing the dark

spots, acne and lowers down the  pressure of pimples. Tomato facial mask can even be prepared at home in simple and effortless manner. In this article we are highlighting some of the noticeable steps involved in making the tomato facial mask.

1. Firstly take a tomato and cut it into small tiny pieces and put it into the juicer blender along with one spoon of lemon juice and mix it until it gets thick. After mixing it apply the paste on the skin for 30 minutes and feel out the real freshness and comfortable skin feeling.

2. Secondly we have the tomato mash with the cornmeal. Make the mixture of both the items and apply it on the face for 20 minutes but make sure that your eyes don’t get in contact with the paste.

3. Furthermore any other method is that takes a tomato and cut it outer section and applies the inner juicy section around the face and keeps applying it until your face doesn’t get juicy as well. After it, wash the face with cold water.

4. Lastly we have a tomato mask filled with ingredients. Take one small spoon of brewers yeast and blend it with one spoon of yogurt, olive oil, tomato juice and carrot juice. Apply the whole mixture on the face for 15 minutes and discover a new image of your face.

Well we hope that after reading all such methods all the skin lovers will definitely try them and get a new and loving skin forever.

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4 Natural Tips For Skin CareIt’s the desire and dream of every woman to get fresh and glowing skin. Many women spend thousands for the treatment of skin problems. Unfortunately they get disappointed when they haven’t seen any sign of improvement. In this article we will discuss 4 natural tips for skin care. The best four natural tips or remedies are as follows:

1. The most important and effective natural tip for getting fresh skin is honey. Honey is considered to be the best natural ingredient which is capable of doing many wonders to human skin. Honey has rejunuvating power which

 makes the human skin more glowing and refreshing.

2. The second important and effective natural tip for skin care is aloevera. It is also known as wand of magic. Moreover, it is used for curing all types of skin problems like acne, rashes, boils etc.

3. Another important and useful natural tip is the cucumber. If any woman has uneven skin tone then she should use cucumber. It adds glowing and refreshing effect to the human skin.

4. The last important natural tip for skin care is the use of tomatoes. According to research that tomato is considered to be best remedy for those women who have oily skin. Tomatoes absorb the oil in glands very quickly.

These are four natural skin care tips for those women who really want to get refreshing and glowing skin. By implementing these natural tips, every woman will surely get beautiful and glowing skin.

DIY: 7 ways to get rid of dark circles/ANY type of scar/Stretch Marks. 213

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These 7 ways I am sharing, are the MOST EFFECTIVE ways that makes those ridiculous scars disappear, no matter what type they are (acne scars, tissue scars etc). Make sure you are NOT allergic to any of the ingredients I am going to mention.

1st Solution: (For dark circles and scars) You Need:1/2 tsp Turmeric1 tsp yogurt (at least 10% fat) 4-5 drops Lemon Juice

Directions:You can find turmeric powder in any Asian/Indian stores. Mix the ingredients together in a small container and Apply it on the scar. Leave it on for as long as you can but at least more than 10 mins. It won't show results only in one go. Repeat the steps everyday until the scar is completely gone. Usually it takes around 2 weeks.

2nd Solution: (For Dark circles, scars and stretch marks) You Need:Aloe Vera Gel

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Directions:   You can find this gel at any drugs stores/pharmacies. Take some gel (depends on the size of the scar) and rub it on the scar in Circular Motions until your skin absorbs it.

3rd Solution: (For scars and stretch marks) You Need:1 tbsp Virgin Olive Oil 1/2 tsp turmeric powder/ gram flour

Directions:Mix them well and apply it on the scar. Leave it as long as you can. You can also rub ONLY olive oil and leave it on the scar overnight. It will be more effective.

4th Solution: (For scars only) You Need:A slice of lemon

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Directions:Just rub it on the scar in circular motions. Do not rinse it off. Leave it over night and rinse it in the morning. Or leave it as long as possible.

5th Solution: (For dark circles, scars and stretch marks) You Need:Cocoa Butter

Directions:You can find this at any drugstores/pharmacies. They are pretty cheap. For dark circles, just dab it on the skin under eyes. For scars and stretch marks, rub it in circular motions until they disappear. Usually takes 2 weeks.

6th Solution (For scars and stretch marks) You Need:Bio-Oil

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Directions:   You can find these at any drugstores/pharmacies. Apply it as directed on the bottle. These are effective on very old scars.

7th Solution: (For Built up tissue scars, acne scars and stretch marks) You Need:Silicone Scar sheetsORCica care Gel Sheet

Directions:These are a little pricey but VERY effective. Buy them from drugstores/pharmacies. Apply it as directed on the pack. These also work on those tissue scars which are built up from stitches or any wounds. Works excellent on stretch marks too.

Natural Toners That DOESN'T Dry Out Skin

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Most of the Toners really dried out my skin and I absolutely hated that especially in winter. At one point I got kind of flaky skin then I stopped using that toner. I put some research and I found a lot of toners that were natural out there. Yes, they sold NATURAL toners in REAL shops. I didn't actually believe it first but I had to try it out. And so I did. Read more to know which one suits your skin the best...

Lush's Tea Tree Water Toner

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When I was watching reviews on this product, people said it made their pores smaller. Even my friend said it when she tried it out. But it didn't make mine smaller :( However, every one is different. It worked on most, it might work on you.And the best thing I loved about this was that it didn't dry out my skin or it didn't over moisturised my skin.It was just neutral. It didn't even give me that tight feeling on the skin.Its great for acne prone skin since tea tree is anti inflammatory and anti bacterial.So its great for acne prone, combination-dry skin and the ones with large pores.

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Rose and Glycerine Toner


First of all, I like its smell.I read the ingredients and yes there were a few chemicals so it wasn't 100% natural.But I still tried it because I love rose water. It reminds me of India because a lot of princesses in ancient times used roses for beauty purposes.Rose water is also good for acne prone skin because it has that cooling effect which calms the acne inflammations.When I used this toner, I didn't even use my moisturiser sometimes because the toner itself is moisturising.I think  it can be a 2 in 1 product a toner and moisturiser at the same time.This is perfect for anyone who doesn't want too much product on their face.Its great for dry skin type and acne prone skin :)

Sea Salt Toner

I haven't found a NATURAL Sea Salt toner in shops yet.So I thought to make one. I used it for about a month and it never dried out my skin.

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I know you are like how can it not dry out skin because its salt.Well I think its maybe because its SEA salt not Table Salt. So its not processed in factories.You can check out this post on DIY: Pure Sea Salt Facial Toner.

DIY: Pure Sea Salt Facial Toner

Toners are huge part of skin care routines. I know I haven't mentioned this in my Skin Care Routine for Acne Prone Skin but that is because I just found out about this stuff from YouTube.

So I gave it a try and here is my Personal Response:It is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. I never thought toners can do much to your skin but this one really makes a difference. I would really recommend this for people with acne prone skin. Also it does NOT dry out your skin which most of over-the-counter toners do. My skin definitely feels fresh.

Read more to find out Why Sea Salt is Good for Skin and How I Make It.

Why Sea Salt is Good for Skin:

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It is a Natural Exfoliator and that is why you find it in many spa products. It is a Stress Reducer. Greeks and Romans both used warm seawater as a therapy

to help people relax. This is now called Talassotherapy. It has psychological benefits and improves the quality of sleep.

Sea salt is a natural detoxifier because the salt absorbs the toxins from the skin. Sea Salt are pure which means they haven't been much processed as table salt.

How I Make It:You Need:100% PURE Sea SaltWarm Water

Take 1 tsp to 1/4 cup of warm water. Store it in one of those pump bottles. Let it sit overnight and use it in the morning,

In the morning I wash my face and I apply this toner using a cotton pad. After I apply my daily moisturiser and then I apply my make up.

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DIY: Lip Scrub Request (Not the usual sugar and honey) 2

Hey girls. Recently, I got a request from one of my beautiful blog readers.. If you girls want to make a request just click on the Make a Request Tab on top of the page. 

"Hi, I am so glad I came upon your website. You've really helped me out a lot. I was wondering if you could post some DIY recipe to use as a scrub for lips or anything to make lips a little more rosier."

So finally here's the post. This scrub is not the usual sugar and honey scrub because I don't like the idea of the huge grains of sugar scrubbing your lips. They might tear the delicate skin. So instead we will use an ingredient with tiny grains because they can reach to the roots and remove dead skin effectively.

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All you need is:1/2 tsp Sea salt2 tsp Coconut OilEssential Oil (optional). I used Lavender essential oil.

Sea Salt is a great exfoliant and the one I have is 100% pure but it had large grains. So what I did was I put some Sea Salt in a blender and turned it on for ONLY 10 seconds. They should be the size of grains of table salt. The reason you

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can't use table salt is because its processed and it has lost all the sea minerals. Click HERE to check out my post on Lush Ocean Salt Exfoliator. 

Coconut Oil is an excellent moisturiser. So this scrub exfoliates as well as moisturises giving you rosy pink lips :)

And finally Essential Oil leaves your lips with an aroma.

Mix the ingredients and apply generously on your lips. Scrub it in circular motions keeping your lips closed because you don't want to eat this stuff.. right? Keep scrubbing for a min or two.Then Wash it off with soap and put some Vaseline on to seal in the moisture. You can't see the salt in the picture beside maybe because of the lighting. But that's how it really looks.

"A Smile is the Only Make up a Girl Should Wear."

DIY: 2 in 1 Facial Mask for Acne Prone Skin

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Nowadays I hear this a lot "I never get time" or "I barely get time to sit down myself" and so on... If you are one of these people who doesn't have time at all you should definitely try this mask. I use it every other day to cleanse, moisturise and prevent the acne. Well my acne is GONE now so thank god. But I also want to help you guys out and let you know how I got rid of it...

All you need is:1 tsp Yoghurt

I am sure these are in your kitchen.

Now for oily acne skin, use very low fat yoghurt.

For dry acne skin, use full fat or at least with 10% fat yoghurt.

1 tsp Honey    

First of all, make sure you don't have any make up on.         Check out my blog post on DIY: Make-Up Removers For Any Skin Type.

Then wash your face with warm water so it can open up the pores.

And finally, mix the ingredients and apply on your face. I apply it with a brush but you can do it anyway you want.

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And 1/2 tsp Cinnamon  


Please check before hand if you are allergic to cinnamon or not by testing a small amount on the back of your hand

Personal Experience:   This mask doesn't dry out my skin in winter. It got rid of those small acne on my face and it prevents them too. My skin has that healthy glow now. It cleanses my skin so it looks fresh everyday.

DIY: Gentle Exfoliators for Acne Prone Skin 1

If you have acne or pimples and you are afraid that exfoliating will make it worse.. Try this DIY natural exfoliator. Exfoliating helps remove dead skin cells and open up the clogged pores by removing oils/dirt. Many exfoliating products contain alcohol which dries your skin making it look dull.

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So it is best to use natural exfoliators especially if you have dry/sensitive skin.

If you have oily skin exfoliate 4 times per week If you have dry skin exfoliate twice a week If you have combination skin exfoliate 4-5 times a week If you have sensitive skin exfoliate 1-2 times a week

Before exfoliating, wash your face with warm water to open up the pores.

1st Recipe: You Need: (For oily, combination skin)1/2 tsp Salt1 tsp honey

Apply it on the face and rub in circular motions.

2nd Recipe: You Need: (For dry, sensitive skin)1 tbsp Rolled oats

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Directions:Put the oats in a small bowl and add water, enough to make the oats a little damp. Apply and rub in circular motions. You can also watch the linked video. DIY oatmeal cleanser/exfoliator

3rd Recipe: You Need: (For all skin types and this is my favourite one. I use it EVERYDAY)1 tsp Bajri flour (I know you have probably never heard of this but you can find it in Indian stores)

It has grey-ish colour. Add enough water/milk to make it damp and rub in circular motions. 

Personal Experience: I have used this SO many times, like for 2 years and I LOVED it out of all the other exfoliators. It has these little grains which makes it perfect for exfoliating. And it is for all skin types so any of you guys can use it. Take Care.

DIY: Get The Flawless Skin Like Models

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I have read lots of magazines and articles that said "If you want flawless spot-free skin then try not to drink milk." So I experimented it. I haven't drank milk for 2 weeks now. 

Personal Experience:   I was AMAZED by the difference it made on my skin. I mean my skin has never looked so flawless before. My friends, parents and even neighbours noticed it. You might be thinking I am over exaggerating it by saying neighbours. But its true.I went for shopping today and I saw my neighbour there too. As soon as she saw me.. she asked "Krishna, your skin looks amazing what did you do?" and I was just like OMG she actually noticed it. I was really shocked.

So basically, I experienced THAT much difference only by avoiding milk. 

Well milk is really good for your health so make sure you eat something else to make up for nutrients you get from milk. And that is what I do now. Try eating more beans or fish because protein is really good for your hair and nails. 

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DIY: Get Rid Of That pimple Overnight! 17

You guys might be wondering how is it possible to get rid of a pimple overnight with things that you usually find in your kitchen.. Well I assure you its 100% Possible and Natural.. This is an ancient Indian Recipe which was lost through centuries.. 

My mum told me about this recipe when I got my first pimple.. It was a nightmare :( But when I woke up in the morning in front of my mirror and saw that it was GONE.. It works very effectively on my skin.. Now I don't guarantee it will work on Everyone because everyone has different types of skin. So lets get started..

You Need:HoneyCinnamon Powder

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Be sure that you are not allergic to Cinnamon so test it before use. It might feel a little itchy in the start but that's how it works. You will find it in any Indian/Asian grocery stores.

Directions:Take 1 tsp of honey and a pinch of cinnamon powder. Mix it well and apply it directly on the pimple. Leave it over night. I know its sticky and yucky but trust me ITS WORTH IT. 

This recipe has worked a LOT on my skin.. When I had acne, I would have walked with my face down and wouldn't talk to much with people but since I tried this trick it has cleared up 90% of acne from my face and I feel so much confident. Now I walk with my head up and a Big Smile. Hope it works on you guys

3 Ways to Get Rid of Cold Sores Naturally

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Wow I did not know this fact about cold sores >> "Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus." So this was a request from my beautiful reader :) And here it is. "I get a cold sore at least once a year, and they are the grossest things ever !!! Ive tried all the name brand store treatments that say it reduces the way it looks in 24 hours and well.....THATS A LIE !! Any ideas on how to prevent those ugly things or make them disappear as fast as they came???? "You can send me a request too. Just click on the Ask me? tab on the top of my page.I always got them whenever I went India, so yes I have the experience. So far I only used ice cubes to treat them but that's not good enough and I just found that out. There are so many other, better ways :) Check them out...

What causes it?StressAnxietyColdToo much exposure in sun

Natural Treatments:First of all AVOID salty and acidic foods as they can aggravate the cold sores and make them painful.

1.   Dab some tea tree oil on the cold sore with a cotton. It should disappear in 2-3 days. Dab it a few times in a day and before going to sleep.

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2.   Place a damp tea bag on your cold sore. I would suggest green tea and keep it on for 1-2 mins. Don't wash it off after that.

3. You can also dab some coconut oil or lavender essential oil.

You can prevent them by using lip balms that has some SPF in it. I use Maybelline's Baby Lips Lip Balm. It is the SOFTEST and the most gorgeous lip balm ever. It isn't that expensive and it has SPF of 15.

You should take care you don't pass it on to someone because it is very contagious as it is a virus.I hope you found your way out of those painful sores :( I know how it feels.

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DIY: Get Voluminous Lustrous Hair 2


Volumizing products can only give you temporary volume in your hair. Do you want your hair to be voluminous and shiny (not greasy) forever?, then keep on reading...

You Need:Coconut OilCastor OilOlive OilAlmond Oil

Coconut Oil strengthens hair. Castor oil makes hair voluminous. Olive Oil makes hair shiny (not greasy) and Almond Oil nourishes hair.

Directions:Wash your hair at night with your chosen shampoo. Let your hair air-dry. Until your hair

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dries, prepare your oils. Mix all the oils together taking enough amounts depending on your hair length. Take all the oils in equal amounts. Then put the mixed oils in microwave bowl and heat it up to be warm enough to apply. Warm oil opens up the pores and will be absorbed effectively by the hair follicles. When ALL your hair dries, massage the oils in your scalp and apply the rest on your hair. Secure your hair tightly with a cloth, and leave it overnight.Do this at least once a week and your efforts will definitely show on your hair. Take Care.

How I Got Rid of My Acne (All DIY) 2

Hey Guys! Been a Long time because school just started :( Anyways.. I am posting my DAILY SKIN ROUTINE. Which works the BEST for me. I have tried many daily skin care routines and I found this one the most suitable for my skin type. Now, I have different skin than yours, so this routine might only work for the people with similar skin type to mine.

My Skin Type => Combination, Acne Prone (of course), and sensitive.This is a step by step guide from day to night :-

Morning:1) When you wake up, wash your face with cold water with any face wash you wish or if you are having a hot shower, make sure you splash your face with cold water. It wakes you up instantly and closes your pores, making your skin look healthy throughout the day. By the way, my favourite face wash is from The Body Shop called Tea Tree Skin Clearing Facial Wash.

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2) Apply a moisturiser, even if your skin is oily. Skipping this part is one of the worse things you would do to your skin. I use Palmer's cocoa butter, because it also gets rid of acne scars which eventually disappears after 2 weeks.

3) I apply foundation to cover up. If you do too, then instead of using a primer, use 100% natural aloe gel as a primer. It is one of the best things I did to my skin, because Aloe Vera is INCREDIBLY amazing for skin. It can be use as a natural primer because the texture of it, is so smooth, it will give you a matte finish look.

Afternoon:1) After you come back from work or school, around 4-5 pm, remove your make up. My

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best make up remover is EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL. It is good for ALL skin types and it works better than those chemical make up removers.

2) Then, exfoliate your skin. Check my blog post on making your own exfoliator for acne prone skin. Just pick one that is suitable for your skin type HERE. I use the Bajri flour as an exfoliator (mentioned in my exfoliator post).

3) Wash your face with a face wash to remove the excess olive oil and rinse it off with luke warm water to open up the pores.4) Then, apply a face mask. Check out my DIY 3 in 1 face mask for acne prone skin   HERE  also I have a DIY mask to get rid of pimple overnight >> Click HERE. Leave any of the mask you pick, for at least half hour and rinse it off with cold water.

Night:1) Wash your face with a face wash and rinse it off with cold water. If you have a pimple, then check out my honey mask to get rid of it overnight HERE. Just make sure before applying the honey mask on pimple, dampen a tissue in warm water and dab it on the pimple, so it will open its pore allowing the mask to work effectively.

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So that is my basic skin care routine which works WONDERS for me. I hope it works for you too. Take care

Wedding-day white teeth! My dentist actually told me about this. Use a little toothpaste, mix in one teaspoon baking soda plus one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide, half a teaspoon water. Thoroughly mix then brush your teeth for two minutes. Remember to do it once a week until you have reached the results you want. Once your teeth are good and white, limit yourself to using the whitening treatment once every month or two.

I may no longer have to be jealous of my little brother's awesome eyelashes... Wash an old mascara or nail polish container and fill with: 1/4 of the container with Castor Oil, 1/2 Vitamin E Oil, 1/4 Aloe Vera Gel. Mix the concoction together as well as you can with your mascara wand, and apply a light layer to lashes (or brows) every night before bed. Castor oil thickens your lashes while aloe vera gel lengthens. Vitamin E accelerates length. Give it a month for results.

BOOST Your METABOLISM Naturally with this ZERO CALORIE Detox Drink: Day Spa Apple Cinnamon Water 0 Calories. Put down the diet sodas and crystal light and try this out for a week. You will drop weight and have TONS ON ENERGY!

Go bananas for healthy hair. If your hair is starting to show signs of damage from heat styling or color treatments, try this Hawaiian secret for super-shiny tresses: Use a fork to

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mash one banana in a bowl, then slather the mixture from root to tip. Leave the treatment on for 15 minutes, then wash with shampoo. Bananas help improve the health and natural elasticity of your hair thanks to their high levels of potassium.

Use a tsp of a pack of pudding and a tsp of milk and put it in the microwave for about 15 seconds and dab it on your face and let it dry until hard rubbery and then peel it off, and you will see all the black heads and it will come out.. :)

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Why haven't i heard of this before! Dry brushing benefits: eliminates cellulite, cleanses the lymphatic structure, eliminate dead skin coatings, makes the immune system stronger,

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stimulates the hormone and oil producing glands; tightens the skin to prevent aging, makes the quality of your muscles better, stimulates circulation, enhances the performance of the nervous system, aids digestion and most of all, it is considered the simplest and cheapest way to rejuvenate your skin.

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DIY Beauty: Nutmeg to erase acne scarsFriday, 20 February 2009 by Sesame

Nutmeg, a cooking and baking spice, is often cited as a kitchen ingredient which you can use for your acne scars and blemished marks. I have come across the recipe of using nutmeg and honey but the idea of using spice of my face just didn’t appeal to me, until Leon of Beauty Secrets Revealed suggested it when I complaint about my cheek acne scars.

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Used historically for a variety of skin diseasesApparently nutmeg has anti-inflammatory properties and was used since ancient times for a variety of skin diseases including ringworms and eczema. Add it with honey which has antiseptic benefits and the concoction is supposed to help erase acne marks over time.

Well, I took this recipe to test sometime back and what I found is that it did help to calm the acne, but I didn’t find it effective in reducing the marks and so I gave it up, until recently that is when I decided to try again due to a new mark thanks to my itchy fingers.

Recipe and application methodThe recipe is easy. You only need nutmeg and honey, raw unprocessed if possible for the latter. What I did was to mix about half a teaspoon of nutmeg with about a quarter teaspoon of honey into a paste, apply some of it on my acne marks after washing my face and leave it for about 20 – 30 minutes before rinising off. No stinging but the nutmeg smell is strong, not unpleasant though. You can apply a few times a day but what I found a bit more effective is to leave the paste longer for about 30 minutes.

Use it in conjunction with aloe veraI found this to be more effective the second time I used maybe because I left the paste longer for 30 minutes. On top of it, I also used aloe vera afterwards on the spot. My acne marks healed faster this time and although I still have scars, the tone appeared more even and the mark is less distinct like the others I had. 

Milk in place of honeyBecause I still have quite a bit of the paste left, I’m going to continue using this as I realized that patience is key with homemade remedies as this is not a miracle potion.  But hopefully, I can really get rid of the acne scar in time if I can use it more consistently.  However, I found another recipe that suggest using milk in place of honey and I may try that to see if it works better.

Update on 28 Feb 09Nutmeg with milk seems to give slightly better results but the drawback is that milk apparently isn’t as soothing as honey, well at least for me. So with milk, you have to reduce the frequency to once a day as a spot treatment or your skin may burn. Or if you use it twice a day, leave the paste on for a maximum of 20 mins and wash off afterwards.

Aspirin & Lemon Juice Face Mask Doctor Oz said that this Flawless Skin Home Remedy is a great way to clear your complexion. The aspirin has salicylic acid which helps to remove acne and lemon juice has vitamin C, bleaching skin. Baking soda neutralizes the aspirin. 1. Mash 6-12 non-coated aspirins combine w/ freshly squeeze lemon juice. 2. Disolve aspirin until it turns into a paste. 3. Apply to skin and leave for 10 min. 4. Remove mask by dipping cotton in baking soda and water.