little southern hen

The Little Southern Hen and the Backyard BBQ

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Post on 02-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Little Southern Hen

The Little Southern Hen and

the Backyard BBQ

Page 2: Little Southern Hen

Once upon a time, there was a little Southern Hen who lived in a barn. Her friends the cranky cow, the helpless horse, and the picky possum, all lived in the same barn.

Page 3: Little Southern Hen

One day the little Southern hen wanted to have a BBQ. She asked her friends if they could help.


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“Hey y’all. I’m fixin’ to have a BBQ and need some help gathering the vittles,” said the little Southern hen. “Who would like to help little ole’ me?”

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“No way! I ain’t doing it!” mooed the cranky cow.”

“You must be out of your right mind!” neighed the

helpless horse.

And the possum decided to play dead.



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“Those sorry little good fur nothin’ animals.” squawked the little Southern hen. “I reckon I’ll have to do everything myself.”

So she cooked and slave over the blazing bonfire all day long until she had everything cooked for the BBQ. She was plumb tuckered out.


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Soon the barnyard was filled with the delicious smells of BBQ. The other animals came running to see if they could have some of the little Southern hen's scrumptious BBQ.

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The other animals begged the little Southern hen for some of her BBQ.

"Well," said the little Southern hen, "Seeing as I am a generous fowl by

nature, I guess I can share with my friends".