deadline monitoring in sap workflow

Deadline Monitoring in SAP Workflow (Working with Latest end) By Suresh Kumar Parvathaneni  A major advant age of workfl ow is the ability to monito r the workf low steps accord ing to a predef ined schedule. Following are different deadlines that can be monitored against each workflow step: Requested Start Latest Start Requested End Latest End In this example, we will define a deadline to the User Decision example created earlier  (click here). Following is the screenshot of the application developed using the User Decision example:  We would extend this example to the deadline monitoring. In the User Decision step, click on the “latest end” tab.

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Deadline Monitoring in SAP Workflow (Working with Latest end)

By Suresh Kumar Parvathaneni

 A major advantage of workflow is the ability to monitor the workflow steps according to a predefinedschedule. Following are different deadlines that can be monitored against each workflow step:

• Requested Start

• Latest Start

• Requested End

• Latest End

In this example, we will define a deadline to the User Decision example created earlier  (click here). Following is the screenshot of the application developed using the User Decision example:


We would extend this example to the deadline monitoring.

In the User Decision step, click on the “latest end” tab.

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By default, No deadline monitoring is active (as seen in the above screenshot).

Choose the “Work Item Creation” from the list box.


 After selecting “Work Item Creation”, chose an offset of 5 minutes. This means that the work item must beexecuted within 5 minutes of the creation, if not this would trigger.

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Enter recipient details to whom the message to be escalated, if the work item is not executed with in 5minutes after work item creation.

Save and activate the workflow definition.

Testing the workflow application:

• Execute your workflow.

• Check for the work item in the SAP Inbox. This time do NOT execute the work item.• Wait for the deadline to be triggered. After that, a deadline message is delivered to the recipient

mentioned in the “Latest End” tab. See the screenshot below.

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Don’t worry if the deadline message doesn’t appear immediately after 5 minutes. This depends on variousfactors including how the deadline monitoring program is scheduled and also on the availability of thebackground processors.

Use SWWA to check how the deadline monitoring program is scheduled in program.

For example, assume that our work item has been created at 09:10 hrs and the deadline message isexpected to trigger at 09:15 hrs. From the above screenshot, it is understood that the background programis scheduled to execute for every 3 minutes. Assume that the last run of the program is at 09:14hrs and thenext run is expected at 09:17hrs. So even our deadline expires at 09:15, the deadline message wouldappear only at 09:17hrs after execution of the background program.

Some more points

In our above example, we have used the deadline on the “Work Item” creation time. i.e., 5 minutes after creation time, the deadline message would be sent. Now we would check the other option “Expression”.Here we can mention the date and time, when the deadline message should appear irrespective of the workitem creation date/time.

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As seen in the above screenshot, we can provide the target date and time by which the task should befinished. Container elements could be used in this case. Please refer to our example on creation of container elements (click here).