“the jeffersonian era”

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“The Jeffersonian Era”. Mr. Woodward. From "Adam" to "Jeff" 100. What party did Jefferson belong to?. Answer: the Jeffersonian Republicans. From "Adam" to "Jeff" 200. What case gave the precedent that the courts could decide if laws were unfair. Answer: Marbury v. Madison. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: “The Jeffersonian Era”

“The Jeffersonian Era”

Mr. Woodward

Page 2: “The Jeffersonian Era”

From "Adam" to "Jeff"

War of 1812

Lewis & Clark

More trouble

with foreigners

Odds &


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Page 3: “The Jeffersonian Era”

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From "Adam" to "Jeff" 100

What party did Jefferson belong to?

Answer: the Jeffersonian Republicans

Page 4: “The Jeffersonian Era”

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From "Adam" to "Jeff" 200

What case gave the precedent that the courts could decide if laws were unfairAnswer: Marbury v. Madison

Page 5: “The Jeffersonian Era”

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From "Adam" to "Jeff" 300

How did Jefferson change the government when he took over?

Answer: Smaller govt.,less govt. spending, smaller army

Page 6: “The Jeffersonian Era”

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From "Adam" to "Jeff" 400

The Federalists feared Pres. Jeff./Republicans would punish them when they took over: why?

Answer: For the Alien & Sedition Acts

Page 7: “The Jeffersonian Era”

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From "Adam" to "Jeff" 500

What belief did Jefferson have that made him get rid of tariffs and stop influencing business?

Answer: Laissez-Faire

Page 8: “The Jeffersonian Era”

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War of 1812 100Who was the American hero of the War of 1812 and the Battle of New Orleans?

Answer: Andrew Jackson

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War of 1812 200

In what 2 ways did the English irritate (bother) the US?

Answer: Impressing sailors and selling guns to Native Americans

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War of 1812 300

Answer: No navy, volunteer army, inexperienced officers

Why did the US have a great disadvantage at the beginning of the war?

Page 11: “The Jeffersonian Era”

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War of 1812 400Why should the Battle of New

Orleans not have happened?Answer: The Treaty of Ghent had already been signed, but they didn’t know it

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War of 1812 500

Why were many in New England against the war?

Answer: War hurt their business, they were affected the most

Page 13: “The Jeffersonian Era”

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Lewis & Clark 100

What was the purpose of the expedition?

Answer: to explore the newly acquired land.

Page 14: “The Jeffersonian Era”

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Lewis & Clark 200

Why did the US want the city of New Orleans?

Answer: New Orleans controlled the Mississippi Riv. And farmers shipped on the River

Page 15: “The Jeffersonian Era”

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Lewis & Clark 300

Why did France sell the Louisiana Territory?

Answer: They needed money to fight foreign wars

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Lewis & Clark 400

How did Sacagawea help Lewis and Clark?

Answer: Translator and negotiator

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Lewis & Clark 500

What were the results of Lewis and Clark’s expedition?

Answer: learned about the nature, the Native Americans, and mapped the land

Page 18: “The Jeffersonian Era”

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More Trouble with Foreigners 100

When Spain controlled New Orleans, how did they anger the Americans?

Answer: By threatening to close the port to all American farmers

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More Trouble with Foreigners 200

In what ways did England help the Native Americans during this period?

Answer: By providing them with guns and ammunition

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More Trouble with Foreigners 300

Why did the US have problems with the Barbary States?

Answer: The Barbary states wanted “tribute” (bribes) and they attacked American ships

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More Trouble with Foreigners 400

What effect did the Embargo Act have on England and the US?

Answer: It hurt England a little, but the US a lot; exports dropped greatly

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More Trouble with Foreigners 500

Answer: American settlers were moving onto their land

Why did Native Americans wage war on the frontier (Ohio & Indiana)?

Page 23: “The Jeffersonian Era”

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Odds & Ends 100

What was the result of the American invasions of Canada?

Answer: The Americans were driven back

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Odds & Ends 200

What growing feeling in America made us willing to fight the powerful British?

Answer: Nationalism (patriotism)

Page 25: “The Jeffersonian Era”

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Odds & Ends 300Which Native American

leader built a confederation to fight the Americans?

Answer: Tecumseh

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Odds & Ends 400

Which American naval hero was victorious at the Battle of Lake Erie?

Answer:Oliver Hazard Perry

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Odds & Ends 500

Describe what was happening when Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner ?

Answer: He was on a ship watching the British attack on Ft. McHenry