the jeffersonian age

The Jeffersonian Age Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809

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Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809. The Jeffersonian Age. Mr. Jefferson, The President. Inaugurated March, 1801 in Washington, D.C. 2 nd President to live in the newly constructed White House (Presidents Mansion) His inaugural address stressed moderation! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The Jeffersonian Age

The Jeffersonian AgeThomas Jefferson, 1801-1809

Page 2: The Jeffersonian Age

Mr. Jefferson, The President Inaugurated March, 1801 in

Washington, D.C. 2nd President to live in the newly

constructed White House (Presidents Mansion)

His inaugural address stressed moderation! “We are all Republicans, we are all

Federalist.” Goal was to soothe Federalist fears.

Foreign Policy Outline: Honest friendship with all nations,

entangling alliances with none.”

Page 3: The Jeffersonian Age

Plain old Jefferson… Not “I’m the man”, but

rather, “I’m just a man.” Unconventional ways:

Sloppy dresser and frugal. Didn’t appear aristocratic Walked or rode horseback to

wherever he was going, didn’t ride in horse drawn carriage.

No “Formal” State Dinners Reported to Congress through

a Clerk and didn’t speak to them him self.

Page 4: The Jeffersonian Age

The Two Jeffersons Philosopher:

Architect Planter

Politician Moderate Focused on the future, not the past.

“I have the consolation… of having added nothing to my private fortune during my public service, and retiring with my hands as clean as

they are empty.”

Page 5: The Jeffersonian Age

The Un-Federalist Movement Pardoned those who’d been

convicted under the Sedition Act. Alien Act residency requirement to

become a citizen moved back to 5 years as opposed to 14+.

Removed the Excise Tax on Whiskey. Secretary of Treasury: Albert Gallatin

Balanced the budget and brought down the debt.

Didn’t really mess with Hamilton's financial plan.

Page 6: The Jeffersonian Age

Peaceful Jefferson Goes to War

Wanted to be a “Peace President”

Distrusted the idea of a large “Standing Army”

Downsized Military to 2,500 men.

Only allowed essential navy ships.

Pesky Pirates: • Mediterranean Sea ports in

Tripoli• The Barbary Pirates• Bully Money… not cool.

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Time for War. Pasha (Ottoman Empire) cut down the US

Flag at the US Consulate’s Office… O no they didn’t…

Jefferson sent the navy… sea to land expedition began the “Marine Corps”

Stephen Decatur and the Intrepid Took care of business… Treaty signed. $60,000 paid to free prisoners… no more

Pirates. Jefferson decides to build the navy after


Page 8: The Jeffersonian Age

“To the Shores of Tripoli…”

Page 9: The Jeffersonian Age

Louisiana… why of course… Napoleon regained New Orleans and

Louisiana from the Spanish and once again blocked off trade on the Mississippi.

Jefferson sends Robert Livingston to france to strike a deal… in the mean time…

France has issues in Carribean. Napoleon says hey, how about $15

million for all of Louisiana? To good of a deal to pass up…

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Page 11: The Jeffersonian Age

Louisiana Purchase Doubled the size of the US in land with

endless possibilities… Land of the Unknown… Lewis and Clark

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark Hand picked and trained by Thomas Jefferson

in the “Corps of Discovery” “Used” Indian guides 2 Goals:▪ Meet and befriend Indians▪ Take notes of EVERYTHING you see.

Page 12: The Jeffersonian Age

Don’t forget Mr. Pike…

ZEBULON PIKE: Explored the

Southwest Spanish Territory

Pikes Peak in Colorado

Just scouting… Page 80 in your


Page 13: The Jeffersonian Age

Time to be neutral… or not. 1803 Napoleonic Wars begin in Europe 1805 British Admiral Horatio Lord Nelson’s

fleet won @ Trafalgar. …Brits rule the sea. Battle of Austerlitz… France rules the land. Nothing to do with America until…

1806 Orders in Council Any foreign (U.S.) ship headed for France must

check in at a British port first for inspection. France said… yeah, about that, no. America stuck in the middle.

Page 14: The Jeffersonian Age

Impressment… again.

6,000+ US Naval men and other merchants “impressed” by the British.

Knock’em out and drag’em off. Leopard v. Chesapeake

1807 British Leopard demanded men, fired on and damaged US Chesapeake

British apologized but it was… to late. Most wanted a War with Britain…

Jefferson waited.

Page 15: The Jeffersonian Age

Jefferson's Downfall… Jefferson knew that a naval showdown

was coming and he felt the only way to halt it was through an Embargo.

Embargo Act of 1807 Forbid ALL exports to ALL nations.

Wonderful in theory, horrible in effect. Effected New Englanders the most. Smuggling issues Little effect on South.