sadhvi's comic


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Post on 27-Mar-2016




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Done for the sequential art course at Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore 2010


The most magical, innocent, fun and easy time for human beings is childhood. But this time is also tough fo some.

Lila sold flowers in the street.

One day while selling flowers, she stood in front of a gate.

She saw Champu playing with his toys. He had injured his leg while playing and sometimes need crutches to walk.

Champu’s mother had called an Aayah to take care of Champu while she was away for work.

Aayah would not talk much, She would just do the chores, give him food and watch T.V. She loved watching T.V. that once she sat she would not listen to anything else.

When Champu would scream her name, she would come running and say,”sorry baba, my favourite serial, no TV at home.

Champu felt lonely at home.

Champu remembered Lila and walked upto the gate.

She sat behind the gate.

What’s your name?

In no time they started playing together. Ayah came running out when she heard noise.

She told Lila to go away.

Ayah came running out when she heard noise. Befor Ayah could say anything to Mummy, Champu ran to Mummy and told her about Lila

Mummy called Ayah and spoke to her.

‘that’s her!!’

Munny called Aayah and gave sher some clothes for Lila.

why did you give clothes for Lila?

Does’nt he come to play with you!!

Did she just come to take clothes?

Lila did not come to play for a week.

Champu waited and waited.

How did you give

clothes to Lila?

.....and she came

Champu’s mother saw him screaming at Lila.

But she came just to takeclothes..she is not my friend..

Champu, get ready, I will take you somewhere.

Why was she selling flowers?

She has to earn to pay her school fees..

But she is so small

I am so big

Will she come again?

This is for you!

I thought if I get get you a doll I will be able to play with you again Thank you Lila!