mfrf planned-giving-brochure inside€¦ · planned giving take these steps when making a planned...

PLANNED GIVING TAKE THESE STEPS WHEN MAKING A PLANNED GIFT 1 2 3 Mission The corporation shall be known as Military Family Relief Fund, Mid-Atlantic, Inc. (MFRFMA). The corporation is formed exclusively for charitable and education purposes within the meaning of Section 501 C (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding sections in any future tax code. It was organized so that it can support the needs of current and formers members of the Military, their families, communities and associated organizations. Overview The MFRFMA exists to support, encourage, and honor the Military, their families, communities and associated organizations. By virtue of its independent status as a non-profit organization, it was designed to serve as an advocate for the members of the Military, their families, communities and associated organizations. The continuing struggle to keep the support of military members and their families in the forefront is challenging. We support the Military, their families, communities and associated organizations. They rely on our support and face unique challenges. Your motivation for wanting to give back is your own; ours comes from family, friends and our love for this country. With your help, we will support the lives of thousands of members of the Military, their families, communities and associated organizations! e benefits of planned giving can open the door for you to make a meaningful giſt today. You can fund your contribution with an array of assets, and you can direct your support as you choose - to general purpose of MFRFMA or to an area that interests you most. The Military Family Relief Fund Mid-Atlantic is grateful for all types of gifts and welcomes the opportunity to work with you to determine if one or more planned giving arrangements is right for you. Recognizing the private nature of such planning, all inquiries and communications are held in strict confidence and are without obligation. We encourage you to consult your attorney or financial advisor to determine your best course of charitable action. For more infomation on giving please visit: Contact the Military Family Relief Fund Mid-Atlantic at ???-???-???? or email: [email protected]?? for more information about your options. Contact your attorney and your financial advisor. Let them know you are considering a planned gift to MFRFMA. They can assist you in determining what type of gift best suits your personal and financial circumstances. Be sure to talk to your family and friends about your plans and personal wishes.

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Page 1: MFRF Planned-Giving-Brochure Inside€¦ · PLANNED GIVING TAKE THESE STEPS WHEN MAKING A PLANNED GIFT 1 2 3 Mission The corporation shall be known as Military Family Relief Fund,






MissionThe corporation shall be known as Military Family Relief Fund, Mid-Atlantic, Inc. (MFRFMA). The corporation is formed exclusively for charitable and education purposes within the meaning of Section 501 C (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding sections in any future tax code. It was organized so that it can support the needs of current and formers members of the Military, their families, communities and associated organizations.

OverviewThe MFRFMA exists to support, encourage, and honor the Military, their families, communities and associated organizations. By virtue of its independent status as a non-pro�t organization, it was designed to serve as an advocate for the members of the Military, their families, communities and associated organizations.

The continuing struggle to keep the support of military members and their families in the forefront is challenging. We support the Military, their families, communities and associated organizations. They rely on our support and face unique challenges.

Your motivation for wanting to give back is your own; ours comes from family, friends and our love for this country. With your help, we will support the lives of thousands of members of the Military, their families, communities and associated organizations!

�e bene�ts of planned giving can open the door for you to make a meaningful gi� today. You can fund

your contribution with an array of assets, and you can direct your support as you choose - to general purpose

of MFRFMA or to an area that interests you most.

The Military Family Relief Fund Mid-Atlantic is grateful for all types of gifts and welcomes the opportunity to work with you to determine if one or more planned giving arrangements is right for you. Recognizing the private nature of such planning, all inquiries and communications are held in strict con�dence and are without obligation. We encourage you to consult your attorney or �nancial advisor to determine your best course of charitable action.

For more infomation on giving please visit:

Contact the Military Family Relief Fund Mid-Atlanticat ???-???-???? or email: [email protected]??

for more information about your options.

Contact your attorney and your �nancial advisor. Let them know you are considering a planned gift to MFRFMA.

They can assist you in determining what type of gift best suits your personal and �nancial circumstances.

Be sure to talk to your family and friends about your plans and personal wishes.

Page 2: MFRF Planned-Giving-Brochure Inside€¦ · PLANNED GIVING TAKE THESE STEPS WHEN MAKING A PLANNED GIFT 1 2 3 Mission The corporation shall be known as Military Family Relief Fund,

What is a Planned Gift?

Gifts of Stock and Appreciated Assets

IRA Charitable Rollover

Life Insurance

Military Family Relief Fund Mid-AtlanticPurpose & Objectives

The James & Ellen Fretterd Scholarship FundA scholarship created to assist ??????? in Education?????

The Sandy Wilson Scholarship FundA scholarship created to assist ??????? in Community Leadership ?????

The Richard J. Skovira Scholarship FundA scholarship created to assist ??????? in public service ?????

The Edith Scholarship FundA scholarship created to assist ??????? in Medical �eld ?????

Named Scholarships

Leave a Legacy

The Process is EasyOnce you have determined that you would like to make a bequest to MFRFMA, the following sample charitable bequest language may be used in your will or revocable living trust:

The corporation shall be known as the Military Family Relief Fund, Mid-Atlantic, Inc. The Corporation is formed exclusively for charitable and education purposes within the meaning of Section 501 C (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding sections in any future tax code. The purposes included, without limitations:

1. To support health and well being programs for military members, veterans and their families.

2. To support programs that serve military youth, families, schools and communities throughout the Mid-Atlantic Region.

3. To support programs honoring the memory, contributions and legacy of past and present veterans and their families

4. To support unit morale activities (i.e. family support events, pre-deployment and post deployment ceremonies).

5. To aid and assist in the building and maintenance of public monuments or works commemorating the history and heritage of the Military, their families, communities and associated organizations.

6. To sponsor or participate in activities of a social and/or patriotic nature to encourage active involvement in the Military, their families, communities and associated organizations.

7. To preserve and disseminate the history and heritage of the Military, their families, communities and associated organizations to educate members of the military and the public.

8. To provide funds for scholarships to members of the Military and their families.

9. To recognize outstanding performance, achievement or contribution or programs supporting the mission of this organization

10. To foster and encourage an enlightened public appreciation of the contributions of the Military Family Relief Fund, Mid-Atlantic, Inc.

11. To collect or raise funds, donations, contributions and gifts that support and accomplish the above listed purposes.

Donating appreciated securities, including stocks and bonds, is an easy and tax-e�ective way to make a gift to MFRFMA. Your gift will further MFRFMA’s mission of telling the Guard’s story and you will not incur capital gains tax on the sale of appreciated securities. In addition, you will receive an immediate charitable income tax deduction.

If you are 70 ½ years of age or older, you can take advantage of a simple way to bene�t MFRFMA and receive tax bene�ts in return. You can donate up to $100,000 from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) directly to MFRFMA without having to pay income taxes on the money. Plus, this distribution can satisfy all or part of your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year.

Gifts of life insurance that is no longer needed can o�er excellent tax bene�ts and at the same time make a signi�cant gift to support telling the Guard’s story. You can name MFRFMA as the bene�ciary of a new or existing life insurance policy or designate MFRFMA as the owner of your policy in your lifetime.

A planned or deferred gift to the Military Family Relief Fund Mid-Atlantic (MFRFMA) is a meaningful way to create a lasting legacy of support. There are several options available to meet your appropriate needs.

The most common and simplest form of planned giving is a bequest – a gift that is made through a donor’s will. Your will or trust document provides a speci�c understanding as to how you wish to transfer your assets to the people you love – and to those charitable organizations that you have supported in your lifetime. You can make a bequest in your will or living trust as your ultimate charitable gift to support MFRFMA’s educational and scholarship programs. This gift costs you nothing now, so there is no risk to your lifetime �nancial security, and is exempt from estate taxes.

“I hereby bequeath $______________or _____% of my estate to the MILITARY FAMILY RELIEF FUND - MID ATLANTIC (federal tax ID number 46-3037557), located in Baltimore, MD, to be applied towards the general tax-exempt purposes of the organization, or restricted to the following program:_______________________.”

If you have named MFRFMA in your will, please let us know so that we may express our gratitude and welcome you into the MFRFMA Family. If you wish to remain anonymous, we will respect

your wishes. You may contact ?????????????????? at ???????????????????? or ???????????????????????? to

make your planned giving arrangements.

Detailed information about named scholarships can be found