looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to...

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Looking back at your preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

I feel I have made a large amount of improvement from my preliminary task to this one, not only in constructing my magazine but also in the process of research and evaluation.

Magazine Cover:

Preliminary Magazine

Full Project Magazine

Magazine Cover:

I feel I that I know have more of an understanding of magazine conventions and their purpose. Creating my full product music magazine has shown me the different genres of magazine and the sub genres within them, from this I have learnt how to apply a genre to my magazine via colour schemes, pictures and content relating the genre to make my magazine suitable. I have learnt about target audiences and how to use and apply conventions to my magazine so that it is suitable for my target audience. For my full product magazine I have focused more on editing my main image and cover to see what works best. I also used feedback to help me to make improvements. I used my magazine research of pop and fashion magazines and questionnaire to find out about what my target audience likes and is suitable for them to apply it to my magazine.

Magazine Contents Page:

Preliminary Magazine

Full Project Magazine

Magazine Contents Page:

I used more magazine conventions on my contents page in my full product than I did in my preliminary magazine. This is because I did more research of pop, music and fashion magazines to see the conventions all of them use where as in my preliminary research I only looked at a few magazines within the school magazine genre. I used the same picture layout in both contents pages as this was a technique I liked. I used a title on both magazines to show the purpose of the page. In my full product magazine I used more of the conventions I looked at during my research including separating my articles into two categories of Regulars and Features to show which articles are exclusive to this issue and which are regular articles in all of the POP Magazine issues. I added a Find Us Here section with information on social network links as I saw this in shout magazine. I have made improvements between the two contents pages by having page number in the bottom corner as this is still part of the magazine. I have also improved on the page numbers linked to the article by using random numbers that dont go up in ascending order as the article the page is on will depend on the category it comes under which will either be Features or Regulars.


I did a lot more research to help me to create my full product music magazine than I did during my preliminary task as I had previously struggled to make my school magazine as I didnt have as much research as I should have done. Because of this for my school magazine I researched a variety of music and fashion magazines, the target audience of pop magazines, pop magazine publishers, conventions of pop magazines and asking people within my target market a questionnaire to see the interests they have to use them in my magazine. Having an increased amount of research allowed me to refer back to help me to make my music magazine.

Blog Posts:

I kept my blog updated a lot more during the research and construction of my magazines than I did in my preliminary task to show what I was doing, the research I found and the process of constructing my music magazine with the problems I was facing.I have analysed my blog posts a lot more during the full product task than I did during my preliminary magazine.

What have I learnt?

Between my preliminary task and my full product magazine I have learnt about the importance of magazine conventions and how to make my magazine suitable for my target audience.I have learnt about how the quality of the photos used will have an effect on the final look of the magazine, because of this I used a Canon 1100D, a camera used for photography to make sure that I had high quality and professional pictures. The positions my models are stood in are suitable for both pop and fashion magazines therefore they are suitable for my pop music genre with a fashion house style. The models I have used throughout my magazine are of teenage girls so to make my magazine suitable for my target audience of teenage girls. I have learnt about layouts in order make the most us of the space available on the page whilst being clear and easy to read.I have learnt about the importance of font styles, colours and size as they have to be readable and suitable for the target audience. I used a large and bold sans serif font in variations of grey against a light pink background for the article titles on the cover of my magazine so that they are clear, easy to read and eye catching. In order to separate certain article titles I moved them away from the rest and changed some of the text to a different colour font and size.I now have an understanding of colour schemes as it is important to use a consistent colour scheme throughout my magazine, during my research I found that pop magazines use bright and pastel colours so I used similar colours so that they are suitable for my music genre and target audience of teenage girls.

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