heritage festival works magic

Heritage festival works magic Bethany J. Royer Sidney Daily News Originally published 8/30/12 PIQ! " #hile the trans$or%ation o$ the Johnston &ar% on 'a rdin Road %ay see% li(e %agi) $or the annual Pi*ua 'eritage &esti+al that runs ,ept. 1"3- the or( behind the s)enes re*uires a lot o$ seat- %oney- and a )ooperati+e %other nature. Itll or(- said ee)uti+e trustee/general )hair%an o$ the $esti+al hu)( )4laughlin on hat loo(s to be $a+orable eather in )o%parison to last years su$$o)ating heat a+ e. It as ridi)ulous- it as a %a5or"loss ridi)ulous- the eather (illed us- but its hat you %a(e o$ it. ,u)h a positi+e outloo( pro+es to or( in )4laughlins $a+or ho as ta)(ling ith the sudden bad nes on an integral pie)e o$ %a)hinery used throughout the $esti+als three" day ee(end e+ent o+er the 6abor 7ay holiday. ! tra)tor that is used to load and unload trailers- %o+e e+erything around during setup and brea(don- as out o$ )o%%ission. hat is a %a5or don$all- said )4laughlin o$ the bro(en tra)tor- eplaining ho it also pulls a )art throughout the $esti+al grounds )olle)ting trash all day- e+ery day. #hile or(ing on a plan B in ter%s o$ the tra)tor- )4laughlin spo(e on the %any other  preparations )urrently underay $or the ee(end that in)ludes the )ity being espe)ially in+ol+ed this year. I$ it asnt $or the )ity- ithout their donations o$ %an hours and e*uip%ent ... e than( the%- said )4laughlin ho stated that Brian Broo(hart ith the ,treets and Par( 7epart%ent- Is gold- he does anything e as( hi% to and he (nos hat needs done. !ssistan)e also )o%es in the $or% o$ the )ity $ire depart%ents pro+iding the 9 $or the rodeo- ith other depart%ent )ity %an"hours dedi)ated to blea)her set"up- $en)es and %ore. hey probably spend e+ery bit o$ three days out there. #hen as(ed about ho %any +olunteers assist ith the $esti+al- )4laughlin states- Its alays been said the $esti+al runs on a :100-000 budget ith 2-000 +olunteers- thats hat I+e alays heard. 9%phasi;ing the i%possibility o$ )al)ulating 5ust ho %any )ontribute to the yearly su))ess o$ the e+ent su)h as the ha%ber o$ o%%er)e ha+ing along the lines o$ <0 indi+iduals helping ith their on $ood booth. he 30th annual 'eritage &esti+al ill o$$er a pre"18<0s en)a%p%ent- one o$ the largest in the )ountry- ith %ore than 300 %ountain %en- along ith se+eral ne non"pro$it $ood +endors ser+ing e+erything $ro% ho%e%ade goo dies to traditional $a+orites. =ot to %ention the da;;ling array o$ entertain%ent ith a nu%ber o$ a)ti+ities $or )hildren su)h as a pig s)ra%ble and petting ;oo.

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Page 1: Heritage Festival Works Magic

8/13/2019 Heritage Festival Works Magic

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Heritage festival works magicBethany J. Royer 

Sidney Daily NewsOriginally published 8/30/12

PIQ! " #hile the trans$or%ation o$ the Johnston &ar% on 'ardin Road %ay see% li(e%agi) $or the annual Pi*ua 'eritage &esti+al that runs ,ept. 1"3- the or( behind thes)enes re*uires a lot o$ seat- %oney- and a )ooperati+e %other nature.

Itll or(- said ee)uti+e trustee/general )hair%an o$ the $esti+al hu)( )4laughlinon hat loo(s to be $a+orable eather in )o%parison to last years su$$o)ating heat a+e.It as ridi)ulous- it as a %a5or"loss ridi)ulous- the eather (illed us- but its hat you%a(e o$ it.

,u)h a positi+e outloo( pro+es to or( in )4laughlins $a+or ho as ta)(ling ith thesudden bad nes on an integral pie)e o$ %a)hinery used throughout the $esti+als three"

day ee(end e+ent o+er the 6abor 7ay holiday. ! tra)tor that is used to load and unloadtrailers- %o+e e+erything around during setup and brea(don- as out o$ )o%%ission.

hat is a %a5or don$all- said )4laughlin o$ the bro(en tra)tor- eplaining ho italso pulls a )art throughout the $esti+al grounds )olle)ting trash all day- e+ery day.#hile or(ing on a plan B in ter%s o$ the tra)tor- )4laughlin spo(e on the %any other preparations )urrently underay $or the ee(end that in)ludes the )ity being espe)iallyin+ol+ed this year.

I$ it asnt $or the )ity- ithout their donations o$ %an hours and e*uip%ent ... e than(the%- said )4laughlin ho stated that Brian Broo(hart ith the ,treets and Par(

7epart%ent- Is gold- he does anything e as( hi% to and he (nos hat needs done.

!ssistan)e also )o%es in the $or% o$ the )ity $ire depart%ents pro+iding the 9 $or therodeo- ith other depart%ent )ity %an"hours dedi)ated to blea)her set"up- $en)es and%ore. hey probably spend e+ery bit o$ three days out there.

#hen as(ed about ho %any +olunteers assist ith the $esti+al- )4laughlin states- Itsalays been said the $esti+al runs on a :100-000 budget ith 2-000 +olunteers- thatshat I+e alays heard. 9%phasi;ing the i%possibility o$ )al)ulating 5ust ho %any)ontribute to the yearly su))ess o$ the e+ent su)h as the ha%ber o$ o%%er)e ha+ingalong the lines o$ <0 indi+iduals helping ith their on $ood booth.

he 30th annual 'eritage &esti+al ill o$$er a pre"18<0s en)a%p%ent- one o$ the largestin the )ountry- ith %ore than 300 %ountain %en- along ith se+eral ne non"pro$it $ood+endors ser+ing e+erything $ro% ho%e%ade goodies to traditional $a+orites. =ot to%ention the da;;ling array o$ entertain%ent ith a nu%ber o$ a)ti+ities $or )hildren su)has a pig s)ra%ble and petting ;oo.

Page 2: Heritage Festival Works Magic

8/13/2019 Heritage Festival Works Magic

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here ill also be a )ar sho along ith displays- de%onstrations- a general store- artsand )ra$ts- and %u)h- %u)h %ore.

#ell ha+e the little pigs )he)(ed out and %a(e sure the (ids ash their hands- said)4laughlin o$ any )on)erns $a%ilies %ay ha+e on the re)ent ,ine &lu outbrea(s

a)ross state"ide )ounty $airs.

he $esti+al ill see the return o$ the )li%bing all and a ne 10"$eet by 1>"$eet )orn"pitith so%e 18 in)hes o$ shelled )orn that (ids )an- Just get in and ha+e a ball- said)4laughlin- ith the high s)hool rodeo to be slightly di$$erent this year ith theaddition o$ pro$essional bull riders.

he rodeo- )4laughlin stated- is not only a $esti+al $a+orite but uni*ue in that it o$$ers points toards s)holarships.

his is a big deal thing- this is a)tually a )areer $or these (ids- said )4laughlin. Its

so neat.

#hile attendees at the &esti+al ill eperien)e a ell"oiled %a)hine- %a(e no %ista(e- itta(es a lot o$ or( and )o%es at a )ost- $ro% renting o$ land at the &ar% to Port"a"Johns-there are ependitures %any are unaare o$.

#ere lu)(y to brea( e+en e+ery year- said )4laughlin ho 5uggles to businessesith the %any aspe)ts o$ the $esti+al but says- I learned a long ti%e ago- i$ you )ant $iit- dont orry about it. I$ you )ant )hange it- i$ you )ant $i it- hy orry about it? It ishat it is. @ou let it go.

he &esti+al has %any )ontributors and is $unded in part byA &ren)h Oil a)hinery o.&und- the Pi*ua o%%unity &oundation- op o$ Ohio R7 oun)il- Paul 4. 7u(e&oundation- #al%art- the 6ungard 4rant- nity Ban(- #P# Radio- the Pi*uao%%unity &oundation and the Ohio !rts oun)il.

&or %ore in$or%ation +isitA .pi*uaheritage$esti+al.)o% or )all CD3<E <<8"8F>>.