([he of 3ndia€¦ · i. (i)this ac1 may becajled the i

.~ I""'" ~ <f; '1CoI tR ffi <irA 'IrMl <tiP"'l Paper 10be laid on the Tabl'} of Lok/Rah'a Sabha alf<)llillfUm/ AUTHENTICATED -' ~ REGD, NO. D. ~ i'll' ;;;", ••..•• .,~ IG("'t'1I/New Dellii .' \! I '1,," mftcl / [}dtWtrle UI"iz:2tct S1.1i€! ICOmmefCl'l & h'KllIitr)i ~i:itI '[4 \Jnl71 rP.ffi:nI. \Mhl fi<::d., ,:-"'~:.lliilftli utlQR A'Wf I \n'Jt1f 'lr.r;I, ~ ft",,"F\1. t HD 11 , U'imstl'yof Corme.'tt & Ir.dustry, Def)Gl1nnl for Prol'l'l'::lir.:.n .& Ind~lfy & tnl8mal Tt~ I Udyog Bhawan, New De:nj.ll001' t ~ <1'0ito '(\10-33004/99 ChT ([he ([ja~ette of 3ndia mn>muT EXTRAORf)lNARY 'WI II-"&US 3-01<-"&US (i) PART II-Scction 3-Sub-sectiun (i) "li. 343J No. 343] 1lTfUq;rr it ~ PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ort~, 'J~fQfi1''''.~ 6, 2019~ 16, 1941 NEW DELIIl, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 2019/JYAISTHA 16, 1941 ~*':~~ {;><i\<r.rof;r ~ 31iofu; 0>WlR ~ .,f'l«"'~1 ~~,6¥,2019 m.'Of.f.t 410(ar).-iRe (<t~rr~) ~, 2002 (2002 'N 38) ;ft !InT 1 ;ft '3'T-!InT(2) am 'P.«T ~rfum 'Of '!'iN 'I"if gr;, ~ ~ ~ 06¥, 2019 '1<t;m ~ if; ""f iT f.nlq 'Vif\ ~, flrni! '3'ffi ~ ;ft !InT 2 if; iRe~, 1970 (1970 'N 39);ft!InT 71 '1<t <t~rr~m *i>lt 'IT'1'!IT'f ~ iffirl ['liT. <t. 10/44/2012-31mT3!f7:-II1 (3i~r-I)] ~ 3fl1"'m'f, ~ 'lffi MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (Department for Promotion ur Industr,.' and Internal Trade) NOTlf'ICATION New Delhi, the 6th June, 2019 G.S.R. 41O(E).-ln exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of lh~ section I of the Patents (Amendment) Act. 2002 (38 of 2002), the Central Government hereby appoints the 6 th June. 2019 as the date on which section 2 of the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2002 (38 of 2002), in so far as it amends section 71 of the Patents Act. 1970 (39 of 1970). shall come into force. IF. No. lO/4412012-IPR.1JI (Part-I)] RAJIV AGGARWAL. J1. Seey. 2776 G112019 Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Pre!'is. Ring Road. May.lpuri, New Ddhi-II0064 and Published by the Controller of Publication.~. Delhi4] 10054.

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.~ I""'" ~ <f; '1CoI tR ffi <irA 'IrMl <tiP"'lPaper 10be laid on the Tabl'} of Lok/Rah'a Sabha

alf<)llillfUm/ AUTHENTICATED

-' ~ REGD, NO. D. ~ i'll' ;;;", ••..••.,~ IG("'t'1I/New Dellii .' \! I '1,,"mftcl / [}dtWtrle UI"iz:2tct S1.1i€!ICOmmefCl'l & h'KllIitr)i

~i:itI '[4 \Jnl71 rP.ffi:nI. \Mhl fi<::d., ,:-"'~:.lliilftli utlQR A'Wf I\n'Jt1f 'lr.r;I, ~ ft",,"F\1. t HD 11 ,

U'imstl'yof Corme.'tt & Ir.dustry, Def)Gl1nnl for Prol'l'l'::lir.:.n .& Ind~lfy & tnl8mal Tt~ IUdyog Bhawan, New De:nj.ll001' t

~ <1'0ito '(\10-33004/99


([he ([ja~ette of 3ndiamn>muT


'WI II-"&US 3-01<-"&US (i)

PART II-Scction 3-Sub-sectiun (i)

"li. 343J

No. 343]


ort~, 'J~fQfi1''''.~ 6, 2019~ 16, 1941NEW DELIIl, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 2019/JYAISTHA 16, 1941

~*':~~{;><i\<r.rof;r ~ 31iofu; 0>WlR ~


m.'Of.f.t 410(ar).-iRe (<t~rr~)~, 2002 (2002 'N 38) ;ft !InT 1 ;ft '3'T-!InT(2) am 'P.«T ~rfum'Of'!'iN 'I"if gr;, ~ ~ ~ 06 ¥, 2019 '1<t;m ~ if; ""f iT f.nlq 'Vif\ ~, flrni! '3'ffi ~ ;ft !InT 2 if;iRe~, 1970 (1970 'N 39);ft!InT 71 '1<t<t~rr~m *i>lt 'IT'1'!IT'f~ iffirl

['liT. <t. 10/44/2012-31mT3!f7:-II1(3i~r-I)]~ 3fl1"'m'f, ~ 'lffi


(Department for Promotion ur Industr,.' and Internal Trade)


New Delhi, the 6th June, 2019

G.S.R. 41O(E).-ln exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of lh~ section I of the Patents(Amendment) Act. 2002 (38 of 2002), the Central Government hereby appoints the 6th June. 2019 as the date on whichsection 2 of the Patents (Amendment) Act, 2002 (38 of 2002), in so far as it amends section 71 of the Patents Act. 1970(39 of 1970). shall come into force.

IF. No. lO/4412012-IPR.1JI (Part-I)]


2776 G112019Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Pre!'is. Ring Road. May.lpuri, New Ddhi-II0064

and Published by the Controller of Publication.~. Delhi4] 10054.

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*' 42)."io.421

KEGl~'T}:RFj) NO.I)[, •..JJOO4I'..oo2



"""'" ~""""'PUBLlSHFD BY AU11l0RITY

'"~. ~ I'f' 2'. :Z002JJfrlrl'J4. 192-4NEW J)F.I.III. l"T.SOAY. JU1'tOF. 25,10021 "'SA-OIIA 4.1':124_ •.._--_ ..•----_._._-_ .••._._-----'-.'---- --_ •.._------- ._.-

llf \.l1TIiIM~~ ~;m)t f-on)fit;"4~ :JR'f'T~*~ lf~ ~rt,.WI';>""'" po>ging i'Ii ginn 10 thIs Pili iD ordrr thllllnl11H' m~ as I Rp>lr"arr mmpillltjnn.


New Ddhi, /he :!5th j'me, 2002lA$<1dh.l 4. 1924 (.~I.l:a)

The folkJwing At1 of I'arli.lunent It'Ceived Ihe Mstnl of the I'Te~idenl on the25lh June. 2002. and i, herehy pul>li'>hed (or general rnfunnali"n:-

TIlE PATEJ'"S (AMENDMENT)Aer. 2002(NI\. )1l..-2OO1)

/nfh JIU'IC. ]OOl,j

An ACI/u'tM' /ou"'(Jld th.>Patent.1 ACI. 1970.

B~ it t'tIi\l.1edby Pathamenl inme Fifty-third YellSoflht Republic o(hlllia it$ fulluws:- ~

I. (I) This Ac1 may becaJled the I'<llcnfl, (AmC'ndmL'I11) Act. 2002. Sll<cn I;ll<: lOOdoommrncr.

(2J It mall corne into forcC'on~uchJ.:tte.1SthC'C{'fltral (,()vemment rna)'. hy nl'tificallun fmnlin the Official (i:l.l.ctk'. appoint Md differenf UatC'~may he appoinlN for different provi5iom(>rlhi~ AI;I 01:\11any rdClence in.llty such provi510n to lhl."cnmmcncemcnl ol'Ulis At1 shallbe con<;.nucd as a rt'fer~lIce tu the coming il1lo fon:C'vfilial provision.

Page 3: ([he of 3ndia€¦ · I. (I)This Ac1 may becaJled the I


S~bslil~l;""of ,er/4inwords f{tl tileword. "iligh::'ourl" ~nd"COUll".

:.mend,ne"1of lCc;tion 2.

:. In lhe P:ltents At!, 1970 (h~feinaflcr ref~lTed 10~ the principal Act), fOf the wOlds"'ligh Court" wherever they occur in secti(ll\s 2 f, 43 and 71 and lhe word "Court" o-.:curringin scctions 2f and 71. the words "Appellate BoardM and "How" shall respeClively besubstituted,

3. In section 2 of the principal ACI, in sub-~ecti01l (l).-

(a) for dause (0), the following c:Juses shall be substituted. namcly:-

'(a) "Appellate Board" meaHSthe Appellate B lard referred to in section116;

(ab) "assignee" includes iU1lMignee of the assignee and the legaln:prescntQtive ,)f a deceased assignee and n:feren.::es to :he assignee of an)'perwn ir.::lude rcfetCflces [0 We assignee ofthe legal rcpresent:;tive Of assigneeofth ••1 person;

(lie) "capable of indusmal application", in relation toan invention, meansthai the invention is capable of being made Of U5e.1in an industry;';

(h) fer d:wse (d), Ihe following c12.u5eshall be ~ub~tituted, namely;-

'Cd) "convention country" means a country or a country which is memherof a group of eounlrie5 or a union of countries or an biter-governmentalorganisation notified a~ mch under sub-seclion ('J of section 133;';

(e) for clause (g), Ihe following elause 5hall ~ substituted., namdy:-

'{g) "food" means any nrtitle of nourishment for human consumptionand also in::ludes any sub$tance imended for the u!tCof infants, invalids orconvalescents as an artide offood or drmk;';

. (d) in clause (').-

(') in sub--clausc (I), for the words "Ur,loo terriIOr}' of Delhi". the word~"National Capital Terrilory of Delhi" ~all ~ 5u!;lstitull:d;

(II) for sub-clause (ii), the following 5ub-dause shall &e substitul~d,namdy:-

"(if) in relation 10the State of Arunachal Pradesh and the State ofMizornm, the Gauha!i High Court (the lIigh Court of Assam, Nagaland,Megbalaya, Manipur. Tripur:L.,Miloram and Arunachal Prudesh);";

(iii) in 5ub-clause (v), for the words "Union lerritOlY of Gua. Damanand Diu", the words "Stale of Goa, the Union lerritory of Daman and Diu"shall be substituted;

(e) atler clause (I). the following clause 5ha1l he inserted. namdy:-

'(ia) "inlcrnational application" mean5 an application for patent made:0 acwrdance with the Patenl Cooperation Treaty;';

m for clause (f), the iollowing clauses shall be substituted, namely:-

'V) "invention" means a new product or process involying an inventive5tep and capable of industrial application;

(ja) Uinventive SICP" means a feature lhat makes the inventio!l. notobvious 10 a perwn '5killed in the art;';

. (g) for clause (m), the folklwing clause shall be su~tituted. Ilamely:-

'(m) "rl:tcnt" means a patent grunted under this Ai;;t;';

(1:) aiter i;;llluse (0), the: following claus<: shall be inserted, n.lffiC'ly:-

'(vu) "Patenl Cooperation Treaty" means the Patent Cooperation Treatydone al Washington on the 19th day of June, 1970 ~~amendcd and modifiedfrom time to time; , ;

Page 4: ([he of 3ndia€¦ · I. (I)This Ac1 may becaJled the I



manner and also such other documents as may be prescribed relevant to the subjectmatter:

Provided that in the case of a licence granted under a patent, the Controller shall, if so

requested by the patentee or licensee, take steps for securing that the terms of the licenceare not disclosed to any person except under the order of a court.

(5) E~cept for the purpose~ of an application ~nder sub-section (1) or of anapplication to rectify the register, a document in res pect of which no entry has been madein the register under sub-section (3) shall not be admitted by the Controller or by any court

as evidence of the title of any person to a patent or to a share or interest therein unlessthe Controller or the court, for reasons to be recorded in writing, otherwise directs.

70.Power of registered grantee or proprietor to deal with patent. -Subject to the provisions

contained in this Act relating to co-ownership of patents and subject also to any rightsvested in any other person of which notice is entered in the register, the person or personsregistered as grantee or proprietor of a patent shall have power to assign, grant licencesunder, or otherwise deai with, the patent and to give effectual receipts for anyconsideration for any such assignment, licence or dealing:

Provided that any equities in respect of the patent may be enforced in like manner as inrespect of any other movable property.

71. Rectification of register by Appellate Board.-(l) The Appellate Board may, on theapplication of any person aggrieved-

(a) by the absence or omission from the register of any entry; or(b) by any entry made in the register without sufficient cause; or(cl by any entry wrongly remaining on the register; or(d) by any error or defect in any entry in the register,

make such order for the making, variation or deletion, of any entry therein as it may thinkfit.

(2) In any proceeding under this section the Appellate Board may decide any question that may

be necessary or expedient to decide in connection with the rectification of the register.(3) Notice of any application to the Appellate Board under this section shall be given in the

prescribed manner to the Controiler who shall be entitled to appear and be heard on theapplication, and shall appear if so directed by the Board.

(4) Any order of the Appellate Board under this section rectifying the register shall direct that

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notice of the rectification shall be served upon the Controller in the prescribed manner whoshall upon receipt of such notice rectify the register accordingly.

72. Registerto be open for inspection.-(l) Subject to the provisions contained in this Act and

any rules made thereunder, the registershall at all convenient times be open to inspectionby the public; and certified copies, sealed with the seal of the patent office, of any entry in

the register shall be'given to any person requiring them on payment of ihe prescribed fee.(2) The register shall be prima facie evidence of any matters required or authorised by or under

this Act to be entered therein.(3) If the record of particulars is kept in computer floppies or diskettes or in any other

electronic form, sub-sections (1) and (2) shall be deemed to have been complied with if the

public is given access to such computer floppies, diskettes or any other electronic form orprintouts of such record of particulars for inspection.

----------------- Page 58