evaluation question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups? Evaluation Question 2

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Post on 20-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Evaluation question 2

How does your media

product represent

particular social groups?Evaluation Question 2

Page 2: Evaluation question 2

Price of the Music Magazine

I priced my magazine at £2.00 because it ensured that people who bought the

magazine were interested in the musical genres explored and discussed

enough to spend an amount on a leisure activity which is relatively expensive.

Thus this made sure that people who bought the magazine had money to

spend on leisure activities as well as living off their wages, thus

stereotypically this would attract a middle class audience.

I chose this social group to represent because I believe that these musical

genres are quite expensive, as the listener has to have both the money and

time to explore the genres, because they are not so universally available

compared to Pop or Rock Music. Howbeit, this is a stereotype and it would be

farce to expect this factor of the magazine to put people off buying it purely

because it is £2.00.

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Main Article and Main Image

I used the main article about Green Eggs and Spam to entice an audience who

would understand and appreciate the parallels between the band itself and

the links of Doctor Seuss. Despite being a child’s book, many people would not

be able to make the link between the book and the presentation of the band

in the magazine. Ergo, this narrows the audience down to people who

understood the authorial intention and stereotypically this is more likely to be

someone who is middle class, because they may have had a better education

or are more intelligent. The main image itself supports this, as there is a

green background to the artists; thus linking to the band name itself.

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The design of the magazine masthead

The masthead is in the style of 80’s Soul records, which would only appeal to

a certain part of the customer audience. This is then narrowed down to

people who listened to Soul music in the 80’s because then they would

recognise the style of the magazine, which entices them to purchase the

magazine. This is one method which will constantly attract new buyers,

ensuring the magazine’s success. Also this refines the social group down to

middle class, because this social class are more likely to be able to spend

money and time to purchase a variety of music within these genres.

Furthermore the style of the magazine creates the age range for the target

audience, because only middle aged people would be able to recognise the

style and relate it to 80s soul and funk music.