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Post on 12-Jan-2015




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Page 1: England_Gloucester_2013_14
Page 2: England_Gloucester_2013_14

We leave the school at 5.30 and went to the airport. There, we checked in and we passed the security control. We waited about 1 hour and we got into the plane. The flight lasted 2.30h, it was exciting and enjoyable. We finally arrived at Bristol airport, we picked up our suitcases and we got into a bus that took us to Gloucester. We arrived there 1.30h later and we met our English partners. When I arrived at Issy´s house, I went to sleep inmediately because it was so late and I was very tired. That night, I only met Issy´s mum because her dad and her sister were sleeping.

Page 3: England_Gloucester_2013_14
Page 4: England_Gloucester_2013_14

I woke up at 6.00am and I got ready. At 8.30 I arrived to school. We took the bus to go to Bristol. There, we visited an aquarium and a museum. Then, we had free time and we walked around the city. We came back to school at 5.00. When I got home, I had dinner with my family. At 6.30 we went bowling with all the English and Spanish people of the exchange. We came back at 8.00 and we watched TV. I went to sleep early because I was so tired.

Page 5: England_Gloucester_2013_14
Page 6: England_Gloucester_2013_14

I got up at 10.00. At 11.30, Issy and I went to Cheltenham to go shopping. We spent the morning going around the shops and then we had lunch. In the afternoon we met Maria, Teresa, Iris, Lola and Patri with their English partners. We also met Molly, Issy´s friend, and she joined us. We went to a great milkshake shop and, at about 5.00, we went home. Then, I played Scrubble with my English family, it was so funny. At night, we watched The X Factor and finally we went to sleep.

Page 7: England_Gloucester_2013_14

Issy, her mum, her sister and I took the car and went to Longleat. There, we went to a safari, and a monkey broke the windscreen wiper. Then, we had lunch and in the afternoon, we went to a museum, a huge maze and finally, we went ice-skating. It was a wonderful day.

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Page 9: England_Gloucester_2013_14

We went to school and we took the bus to go to London. 2.30h later, we arrived at the London Eye. It was amazing, we were able to see all the city and we took a lot of pictures. Then, we had free time for the lunch. Later, we walked around the city and we saw the Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Westminster street and Coven Garden. Before we left, we had free time again. We arrived at school at 9.00. When I finally arrived at home I went to sleep, it was late.

Page 10: England_Gloucester_2013_14
Page 11: England_Gloucester_2013_14

On Tuesday we went to Oxford. When we arrived there, we got into a city sightseeing bus and we saw all the town, it was very very cold but it was nice. Then, we had free time for lunch. After that, we walked around with a guide tour woman who explain us interesting things about Oxford. We came back at 5.30 and, in the afternoon, I played board games with my family.

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Page 13: England_Gloucester_2013_14

We went to school and we didn´t take any bus. We walked to the council of Gloucester. There, the mayor welcomed us and told us some curious things about the town. Then, teachers gave us a map and a some questions of the town to investigate but we were able to walk and stay without the teachers. After that, we went to visit the cathedral where Harry Potter film was made. When we came back, I went with my partner Issy to a coffee shop and walked around her town.

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Page 15: England_Gloucester_2013_14

It was the last day and we had to say goodbye to the English people when we left the school. Then, we went to Bath and we saw the Roman Baths. After that, we had to go to the airport. We checked in and we passed the security control. Finally we took the flight to Madrid. All of us were so tired, we arrived at Galapagar at 9.00h.

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