t48 arrests expose big loot of erie car v 'f ' i shafts for gillen


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?fo. n.;t48MtU w i M t n u n r^ tw i |> « » t i t I I W U t»r t m t i t t t . I> rt» .lii> » » . M ♦ . « > w t l !♦ > .. m —a m .« 4 m I H . , 1111, »l ! .» .M l OWW« » | W w t u m i . *UMWr t t , t .1 t4 I t o n . M , i m .

TW O C E N T S ,


kt TW 1 , . H m rM IM AfW N n u t , M, J.. i m N E W A R K . N . J .. F R ID A Y , M A Y 28. 1920.-42 P A G E S . VM11 Hh M m ^ MMwt. «. J.iMIr. Bu^ aahf.

Arrests Expose Big Loot of Erie Car

V 'f ‘ I Shafts for GillenUday$ Lackawanna IraimFrom School Board

Li If C o n d u c to r

U t t e r a N e w a r k c r , A c c u s e d a t

P a r t ic i f i a n l i in P lo t .

G oods W o r th $ 1 0 0 .0 0 0 S to len

K fi.itl of tSi Vl.ie*»fAI)l»iS( Miy I t —T rim u r . l r i

aIs4s\« Ihls polrtl (in th* Lai hti > anna WAS ru t off •filtrii]y hatwaan inictn-ght

and Trainman,' !“ ‘ r ^ ^ V M ' r , r , ™ L « K l c n t S o m m er R e « n U U t t e r

o n V o c a tio n a l S c h o o l a t S h o w in f

“ A b ao lu te L ack o f K n o w le d g e "

f‘i»rrtiil >4*t «JK lthL l

i>i*ni ..f • \iii'p 1 >. 1

L , .idr I K «lrf «>ui a • a

ArtalHMrilny bpfor*I. r e h..n.-a il.r-n ata> : i

Ka11 road Al I I ti T hf J Th<p hPAr

>4>Un o! HI.,IPS; jr«' a rr vi O' I ti irtg aifeo d . *1'I it»r <1 M proaalkila plot In'Mitiift Ihf nulhoMIt^p Laliai* 1 h*A« two man pri'l about fir(a«ri oih«ra «nra iti' Vulvad 'VAlthiii (he h a l t IWAnty fourfiutjia th* p<>tU« oj y th v j A'lil LarA• ■raafprl ih*> u ihar n.*rmb«rA ot )h« al- l<Kr«J toriilitrip an<l rarovATAd th«Btrttkla.

Tha meh a r m ie d war* <1aorg« Har* /On an Kne- .tim lij.io r , ..f i:', U.«n'halljK H tv u tr Ja ra r) <'U>. Att«J J.tifi9* T( I'Atluugli. tra irim *". uF I I I Wi.ou- *iU* avfii-ja. .Newark !ha) wrr*

Utrgr , H.lli M \ I ujrii i>f Ilia lo trr-■ t*U «ii,pxiiriii l i t lana halJIII I.Hil htid ''a rm u ^ h in tEi.iiOdLoll to th« ur-Uuii itf Die Fad ■i-ral Uru i>l j n >

Adrurdlng lu I hr nior}' of ih r robbarytold yf-BieTtlay lia rrou w *a lii • l.argrt "f an Lrii* L rai fi.-iyLi irMli] si tlh a r'tn (rum ih» i*ii.iii'>n Varda lo (JraA( '.'ifiri The iru tn wii* rnoila up at ilia• roxiun > anla fn adUtUttn in Uta rafa Aial^nail 111 th r traUi it la aaJtl that Parron. wiilioiK rr-'urilliiA hla iuovp on ilir' >ardn ahTri a abat-ia inrhidt^il lha■ .1 r ri'e-i, 11 -nad in i h r i h4 rica The 1 raIti laft iVa >anlp, and on ifi* wav lo Uraat .Vi>(rh li la r. pr> acii ir-H dropped lha C It r. r?tr ai flotio |i la aaa« lha! A« ,, n« lilt, iKr » *a awitvba-l inio I 'a nidiiuc Kara, tw o iarga a 111 om olill« irnckfl initneilia i< IV appaarad. i IihL lha ra r waa oiranaij rirt»tlad uf it* load and Ibatl lha .oo irra dfOVa AWA) With ;i Into Naw York

l>n nla n-a> hark lo ih* t'rnxion Tarda n la f u r ih r r allagail, I ta rn .n ’a irain piskad up ih r am ply ra r and ra- iiirnail ii to ItB furm *r raitLng plav* In lha )at'Ua

\Li't>ri1liig Io (ha wIinaaAaa. lha polka HAy, I'arlouKh w aa to hA'.a raralvad |$00 for hi* i|]rn>a and f<-r bribing aoma of iU olhar ntam bara of th« eraw to r t- ntAfr iilani

Ba rrop ■ axplanAtinn, arcord lng to tha polira, la tb.tt w h*n ha want to gal hk train on rha m ornlnir of May Zi, tome parton handad him a alip illrariing htm iri maka ‘no ra ro rJ ' of lha car, but Ih* fo llra PA)' ha cannot produca iliai aMp now.

by AO *tnboth track*. And in ContaciurliCr inA(i> hijTii|ra«la of iom m ut*ra war# la ir to w >rk in Newark and N*w York Nol only war* IhoA* Affoclad who hv* bayund thla pUi,'*. but mwry hundred* brtw aon har* *nd Beuth (iTAng* who war* Accuitomwd to twk* through train* war* mwd* lAt*

Th* fralghl rAr broh* loo** about hair a mILa balow th* !■ cat r***m grr

|* ia!lijti 1)*>cAua* of a defaclU a wh*al a^il M aa U rown arritaa Pr.ih 'ra>k«I lay bti' A lin U way a> roan lhe> vri*ai I" iiid Irai’k and thla waa r ira r at I I't u t*'-.ck I'. I t'laArliig Ih* *aaibirundIrark had t" await ih* a rrU a l of a e'>t H iralrk fruoi Hacaiicu*

Judge Davis to Succeed Haight

N o o iin a le d b y P re t id e n I f o r P h il-

a d e lp h i i P o s t— B o d in e f o r D ii-

Iric t C o u r t J u d g e s h ip .

S h e r if f G e ra n D is tr ic t A t to rn e y

Suspicion Helps to Uncover Alleged Big Theh of Skins

H nnoK EN . May ?* roport to th* lot'al police th a t a fluvpictoua numbAr of Jauther akin* wa* being unloaded at the n p ra r* office At 394 Rl^er atraet here, led to the d ltooverF th a t aome flZ.i'Od w nrth of ehin* ^ad been gloleh froin lb* R Nati?in:inT, # Po factory In »hlA lily Th* llu-fl WAA not kirown to tha company un ill the police, who f*- rovircd forty bundle* o r ""iklvartF" a t (h'o a ‘ipr**n office. noUflad 1L

About th* Mm* tb* akin* war* being UhloKtlad a t ih* eapTrA* office a man narnad K aplan cam * from Newark to Il> boken to buy *om* ^ 'aklvera/' which ha hart Kaan Infom ted w'ere for aale. Mr. Kaplan. M la aatd. recogntacd aame of the iktn* a* ihoae belonging to hla own firm and pollc* action followed.

GfOrg* Vogal. f*. a forem an In tb* Naumann p lant In H oboken, who 11?** at iZT W »*hlngtnn Atra*t. waa arraatad Uat night by TaptalQ * O arrlrk and Me* F«a|y In ronnectlon w ith tb* thafta. and fTilef of Police P a tr ic k H ayra gtgted th a t w arra n t* had bean lBAU*d for thre# o ther itien. on* of whom la Mid to be a law yer

jQ tt w hat th* law yer'* alleged ron> iectlon w ith the ih efte ha* been waa bet dUcloaed by th e police.

About a m onth Affo Vogel. II ta aald. v aa approached by a friend and they tallied over th e p o a tib lllty of m akltig May money. W ho th lo "friend" wa* haa got beep dlM loted. I t le eaptalhed (hat laxity of m ethod* i% check lhg ahlp- ihenta from ^ e Meumano p lant made the work o f Vogfel ea*y« and It la reprOMnied bo w aa p lacM In touch with a chattffeu r o f » N aw ark concern who egffl* to the p la n t and the bttudlea

aklaa wofo dropped ta h l i track .P -T k a . flra t co n aicnm eat waa aold la

K aw ifk . b a t Vogel, aeeo rd lag to the pfttk& dfel* red t h a t ho had no t re- ee lee i any paym oai on th e laot two ohipmenta w hich w ere gent to tho ex- proM e ffle t on H lvor afreet.

T ie o n lr le a th e r m an n fao tu re ri la Wowark o f the nam e o f K aplan axe Ahrahain and BowJainlA. w ho baeo a factory In R a n k in gtroet. W hen aakod about the H ohokon enoo o re r tho phomo today thoy aald thoy know n o tb in t about I t

t'hm iSf 11 4lAfayIr.H g*rr** of lAf gEJ^-M \(i \r.Wfi

W'ASilIN'tjTuN, May 1l Prr*ld*nf llnoii luilay dasKUd upon Uia Judlclel

Appolnink^iii I n.AiJa nac ***ry by lh« rrcanl rr>iiin*(iDn 0^ CIrviilt I 'uuri /u 4 f* Tfiume* *i H*lght Th* ap- polntinacilB art-

Judge J W x irm I>aMi of T ren lur, h«tw Judit# of i |\r L hilp-I H iaiia Dlatrlcl 4'uur(, tl i irk 'i ' f Sen Jcr*ey, lu b« ]u Ige of iKe Tliir I ■ ri'uii < uurt. with l««ail(]ijAriera ui I'li lleiirLihl* Thia ij th. poaiilrtTi liii'.Uad l i Juslgr H aight

Lnilad l»ik(rlcl A itornay Jo-Rs-pli L Bodior of 'I'teiilon. to auocacd | Judge l>*vlB a j I'lRirlct C'oarl Judge j

Hlieriff Elmar 1( (Jeran of Monmuulh 1 I'ounty to ha d litr ir l aMuriiey In Auc ■ rsnekon to Mr Bodina

Tn* nominal lotiB will go to the 8i r.- ate ihl* afte^Aoon both Judga Davi* and Mr Garan haxp b*an a ffilia ted with the Wllaon rcgirn* ilnce the daya at Tri-nton when Mr W llion we* In tb* Ciiitiarnil orlnl ehalr

The ApjioinrnirTita hav* ha*n hanging fire for I 'u iiaiirrabl* lltne end th* randlUataM wara TUirntrou* enough for A dotan vAcanClAO

Kir Bodm* lA tha (bird of th* federal dlAirlcI atlorneyB to ba elevated to ih* betiah In Naw Jareay ■ln<'* Ur Wllaon ram* M> tha W hit* Houa*. Tha f!rat e tio rnay appointed by th* P ra iidcn i wee Judge Davit. In May. 1914. ha wa« eppointad d la irirt court judga. end Judga ( 'h e rlas F. Lynch, than p ra c tic ­ing taw In Fbtaraon, wan Mpyolnlad d latrlc t allo rnay on tha ri^comiiiemla• tUsC of th* let* Senator Hughan Than cema the a'avAtlon nf Mr. Lynah to lha Nrnrh and the eppolntm aru of Mr. Bodine, who had bead (he die-tric i e ttorney, a* hia auccaaaor.

Mr. O aren 'a home la at M eiawan, w here he wee born Getobar 24. ItTI. Htf nem* hae long baen a fam iliar one In New Jereey through tha flaran alec* Mon lew which ha iponeored aa an Aa> aemblyipaa- He wee g raduated from the GlenwcM>d M ilitary In s titu te At M atewen In l t l2 . a ttended Peddl* ln> a tltu le for tw o year* and was grad- ueted from Princafon In I t t t . A fter eU ehdlng New York I 'n ivare lty Lew 6oh*ol he hecaraa a atudant in Th« law offlcee of ro llln a A Corbin, Jareey C'lty. Ha waa adm itted to th* bar In l ic i . He wee a m em ber of the Aaermbly In 1*11. 1H3. l t l ( and 1*17. In l » l t he wee m inority leader Mr G eran 'a elec, lion ee sheriff waa In November. 1*17

A. J. B.

Mr. Qerea. at hla orfira In M atew an thla afternoon, aald ihai he had Jn«t re- celvaA notice of hU nom ination and bad not conaldered w hether. In th# e re n t th a t Iba eppolntm ent la oon- rtrm'ed. ha would locate the d la lrlo t et- torney 'a office In N ew ark or keep It In T renton. If be ahould find th a t ha could have th e w ork done ea eas ily In Newark a* tn Trenton, ha added, he would have hla beadqvertera here. The office WM form erly In th la city , but D iatrlot A tto rney Bodine haa had hla headquarter* tn Tranton.

Against W idow Marrying Except to Hts Brother

Montclair Man in Will Also Sti|>- ulstci Her Father Shall Not

Rciide wid) Her.

W a ld ro o H o t O v e r S a la ry A d v ic e

Two rr*mb#r* of th* Uuerd of Edu- (•(ion- I'laitilAM Kr«nk II 8omm*r uiij \ l r e 5'rf*li!*fit E lw *rd M ^ ^ a t- | ijryn. w L > mid! rei*till> w«r* n g * ' '*d , A* frleivlt of M*)ur d lllen •*4pr.»»*d fhetr fRAvTVIrrerit m 1 * yti*Ailng la*< \■light. ■( the rr inn er In whl. h Hi* M*yi>r hae lnj*ci*d him eelf into ih* conduct of ichool affair* rA cendf Wt B<>mm*r confined himeelf to * ItU er *ddr***ed to tb* board by the Mayor rwIatiT* to fh ( propoeed l*ym >ur Vo- csuonal •cbooi. and Mr Waldron, wee provok*d by another l*il*r from th* Mayor. In cofloectlon with th* propoaed t*ach«ra' UaUry 4nag****a d ecU r’ng that h* "la DO! going lo b* b lack ­guarded by Ih* M*>vr or auybody el*«

Mr Kt>iiirn*r lik*ii*d 1 h* Mayor lo "Ihe |ihit*pl>*'i ■R'■'d rnl*l* of lb* • wamp*. l»gb:* that Mil*l*ad." In r*- , f-rriiig ru Ur (iiilei. ■ Vlt-w* uil the I |iruii4>**d Hejjnour School 'Thl* lt-H*r,' h« **m "•how* an aba^'lu'* U> M of Knoaieda* of w hai ha* been ; di4it)« and whut h*a t>*«c n plenU^U for , wK'*Moiial f4 illiti0 i for 1 h« youth of thb* rommunlly I would w*liomA rrilU’iom of any *cilon of iriln*. or of the hoard but I «*k lhal It b« baa*d on --<1 111 !►**! ah Iri'tlai r ffo ri loRirt-rial n th* fa< 1*

Th* board preaiilr-iit aald I* would h IV* rt-maliirii ill*rit had l h* M ayor* Iftler hA*n d ire .lfd »imi>ly to th* ad-

I vijiui illl)' of j![»«T.f|ih4? }1 on (h* ,! s. JicH'l a* hr' irfi J t il il fhal uuealion

an <>p*n onr ti(h<iugh It I* .it' th a t I la* tiven uj»pro\ri!I b) a m ajority of ' Ih* Botird Ilf EiiU'-ailon and by a m a - [ JoMiy i>f Ih* Hoard of School K*tl- >

ma'.* liiit &|r Konim«r did crlticie* 111* proprl*i)' of lh« Mayor'a diacueelon '

' of lha ticFil for a lUcallonal ecfaool. ]n I lhal lorinrcUon Mr liillcn wrol*.) "Thera ha* b**n morei or leae cen-

jccTurA regarding (h* eucceai of a rrad*► . hmil of thla rharact* r Will th* atu- di-nii really A>'qulr* * trade? W\)l the ir

I teaching b* compl*!*’ Will Ihftir In- I eirijriinii L* p rartlra l * Will (hey b*[ r*Ad> after l*AV)fig the trad * echoot to \ an In work !n th* fa<tory. or will th* i-du'ji: !r>n t>* u *ort of half-baked• Hmati'iLriRh cuur*#' • • • fto far.

I umlersfahd, our a ttf in p ta al m anual train ing in th* public echoola of thla country have b«*n mor* or 1«** of a fa' luf* '■

N a y ^ A* *PbeapfcerAw**af Mlv4 *To that Mr ffommer replied th a t he

did nol know who waa rcapofialhla for Ih* Mayor being a phosphotcecent mlat. a light ihAt nilaleadH. bat h* declared with plenty of •rnphail*. "T do know M waa no member of tM i hoard w ho haa in good faith mad* 1 atncrrc atudy of the qucBllon of a vocational echool Th* loiter la baaed on the aaauTnptloA. ap pam nlly, that w# have no eueh eohoo!: on the cefirapHew ibal Tbta ig » iiew enterprlae

"And In h the Mayor aeaumea th a t vocational adurallon la a aynonym for manual training. 'T here again tba Mayor herotnea a mtat. fo r no one at all fam iliar with th* tltu a tlo n would US* thow* Term* aynonyrnouaty llan - ual training la on* th ing and vocatlox^l education U another and en tirely dlf- fer«m thing.

'T he city of Newark engaged Iti^ o n t ln u e d ^ n Id pa|fa, M colum n.)

Th* M evwk Bvewtxg New# w ill w*< pubitak MviaerJal Day,

Lawyer Get* Two-Year Tenn In Tnding-widi-Eneniy PlotK *W TO R S. M a r N im « rt

B M fftk i,. i r ,w T m k te w rw . rsM n tir MiiTleted «r M M p Irio * t* v t« ) i t , t h ,tn sin ff-w itii-tli,-« B M ar M t a ( * , , ,« • t tm w ith t h , h t f h ir , , f th * B ,r* M Ch*mlt«l C M Bw ay, t* S * r '* • • m o - ! t , , e U to tw * r* h r* t a Ih* f* a ,M t **nl- |U ntto lT * t A tta n ta * • **oh a t tw o eo|j*toi th* M ,t«*«** to run ee*enr. | n a t i r .

» fW «r* l l« S « i I ta a k *ta* flno« John • Tie# w aalA aat * f th* oompany.

eonvIrtoS w ith H oRchhia. MS.SSS. .IIAM * • • «M h o t tw * o o fu ito .,

a*4**ktB • * * a m * * v *i* * J i*k«4 to hM« M»eo*lod lr* * i t i # *Um prop- * r tr wiatoSl** t h , ta « t t h a t th ^ H , r d n e e e m t w u M M ir • * * ,* .

■ f- ---------- ’ ■ ,y

House Gxnmittee to Hear Colby Today on Ahnenia

WASHINOTON, « I . - C b iIi1«m .tl«n of th« r***M t 'a r jP r» ,l« a n t W itw n for •u tb o r lt l ' to aeeop t * Inaadato o r orArmenln w ill bo ro aam id by ta e H o n u ----------- ---------- - ,forotan a ffa ir* o o m m ltto , t»J*y. whon ] * n « * Tho *11' * “■MTOtsi* o f •1*1* daHyy b a , promts** ............ — ' ........ ... ....................... ....to Appoar to S lw u H I to tl t l , .

noproM ntatlv* P * rt* r doclaro* M nll- m ,n t on t h , oom m lttM I , w> ilro n a ty apposed to t h , m a s id a t, th a t , rew lu - ttnn dM ltn lnc to |n « i i t the P resld an l', r**«*st, a lm llar to th* oos Approve* by the Senate fo reT tn reto tlone eom> a il t te , yM terdayt w»U ** reportod.

The Hanot* •eM m ltlM 's N so ln tle ti Is to he hrofllta t M for* tb * Renat* fo r Hebst* aad d lw to a l *■ *o*a Of iw a ia - ilv* .m atter* p e rm it,

' l W ‘d * en ie iit T t z J u m p P ro p o s e d

s T o -C K h e t L iq u o r L k « m l o s t

gibif'f!erritoe"tawb1i;"‘ "VHANTQ>^:|t*r J*.t-T o • f f t s t Isa* * (

^ hlHiHHdtflWt - - t a ' ' I >*to,

^ * S S &- p r a S i i t a s*--»rtBi*Mto5 t * ^ t a jw ta

S ^ T m r tjS iM e m A*d eita tta ta . T»*S l iU w i iA M * * f « I* « * f I M k -ll* fd .W '* * o l tabM drill b* w S w * .

For HantlClaaping Over Gniv*

In the will e f fo h n ■. L elbsof. oandy niA nafaetarer, w ho dl*d April U . a t I I I P ark AtTAAt, M o o ta ls lr,. p ro rls len Is piAde to pay th* Ineom* o t MS,0A0 to h is wife. Mre. I,o lu L olkaut. (or and dur- Ina her life., w Ion* ae ih e O tall not re m u ry , nnlsM abe m arry t h , "belovad ijrothar" of the decedent, Oeor** 1, U e- ksuf. The docum ent h e , boen rab - m l t t ^ to p robate by B u r ro n to labor- wood.^ I t 10 also s tlpu la tod th a t Mr*. L elhao t, "neither d lreotly a o r Indt- re e tly " perm it h a r f a th t r , U n e i t A. flohmldt, to iwolde * r oU y w ith her. an d th a t ahe ahall no t parm lt oay *f hor etalldreo to noaoetat* w ith th* daea- deot'a fa ih ar-ln -law . Th* fa th a r- ln - law, It If Bpeeittad. sha ll h a r* no t tb* aU ahU st bensfit *( th a e a ta ta

I t is Jdr. L e lk a u fa wlah th a t hla m othar-tn-Iaw . Ura. Loulaa Bohmldt, be taken care off. Hie ohlldren a r t ra- queated once lit aach year to m aat a l hla Hrave In W oodlawn C am etary. Bhakt hand* and m aha up a ll f r la v -

11 las t, sa d apeelal baq aea ti a r* Btven o f II,*** o n tr lc h t to th* b m ih tr , OaorHs, whm n h* i* F lU la* th a t hla w ife nrttrry, and |l .d M t* Ma m othar, H ra tloaall* L alkauf, th sn raald ln* In B rlanaer. B avnria. ^Th* w tf* aol* th* rild u o of th* a a to ta

t h * dMfadent'B w ifa * t b o r K oatM alr Itom* today, daollned t* dtoona* th* provtaton* o f th* w ill, f h e m id th a t bar h r« th * r- ln .|n w wa* to a v ta f M iortlr for • t r ip abroad w ttb «be o f b a r ehll- dren. 11 lo hopod lb* t r ip wtU h«**nt th* health of tho <*IId, wWoh wa* ta - la red a y e a r ,* * * la an. **toim*fcll* ftjDctd*nt, ' ■

Tho addrea* * f U r. f e h s n td t^ * * no t dlieltwod in th* will and «ftort*. t* to sa ta him w ar* nnavatUnHv ■.

4 Sups Put B«ck After Crush ^T o n i ; u » r »

atoaatof Oati*r»l 0 . g f t - n * ! , ^ * ^ h p th* Uaitamn R»ltw»ir wbUA le f t h o r r tas* irteW <wntd*< v i t a 111* ta s k •toatoor O atta il ra r ty today a t f th* Mbw J4M *y «tomt. I h * »celd*»t b h R M sd d u r t a r h f«« an d W ta *11111* m W W to . tW J W * - d* A t M .kl know n p* iA *‘« « « t a f t M . 3... - -----—

I tMM Omtnii.i.fbMB Ito*

Pays $75 for Nag and Gets Fined for Speeding

O w n e r Say» If T ra f f ic O f f ic e r Is

R ig h t H e W ill Q u it B r o a d S t r e e t

fo r R a c e T r a c k .

P e n a l ty o f $ 1 0 0 G v e n A n o th e r

Trial* ef automobile law end trafflo vlolatera, before Judpe Qtilpley In the y iret Precinct Court today, w ere m arkad by the record beln* reached for an Indlrldual fine and by a traffic offloer aiaaarlns tha t he tim ed a hnree belna driven tw enty-eeven mile# an hour In Breed eireet. F r in k I toaeaa of le t F erry atreet wee f lv a n th* record fine of flOS end Sebialino Le tlocco of I I Btone stree t wae eccueed of tpeed- In* h li here*. He waa fined M. thouyh he pleadad not yullly

There were a la rae num ber of o ther eftendere. who paid fine* ran p ln * from I I lo I II , twelve of whom w ere eaa* h t by Inepeeter F ra n k B. Snyder of the S tate Motor Vetalela D epartm ent d u r ­ing a round-up made In Frelln*buy**n aveaae U it Friday n t*hi. Jam ea Zanecs of l i t F rench atreet. Hew Brunswick, paid the y is fine He wa* rh e rte d w ith d riv inc hie euto from forty te fo rty -five mite* in hour. Snyder s a l t h* had to d rtva at • r tfty - mlla clip to oateb htm.

Royasn w as d r lr in y an autcm obtla a t BpHasflsId avenu* and Hl*h s tr se t Monday whan h* a truek a pedostrlan and oontlnuod on w ithou t atoppin*. tha polios assart, thouph R ocasa dieputad tb ta A little fa r th e r on ^ c a s a 'a ear h it M other mon, and. It w as all**ad. ha th en Jumped from It nnd ran aw ay. R O fu a declared he w aa so nervou* a f t t r h* h it th* aeem d m an he cou ldn 't drive M y m ere and le f t hla ear. I t wa* * an * * ted th a t th* M otor Vahlel* D e­partm ent aaeertaln w h eth er R opaas la not too aervoee to driv* a oar.

In La Rocee'a eats* H otoK yel* Folio*. man Bonnet teetifled th a t he eaw th* defendant raetnp a hare* la B road • tre a t Sunday afternoon and, a ta r t ln s a f te r him on hi* m echlae, eloeked him from Court a tree t to K inney m traet. There wae an nudibla aapreasion o t aur- p rlm la the oeart room w han th e offl- eer made the tnnooneam enL Kvea Ju d se QAIflay v m ao anrprleed th a t ha a t firs t th o u sh t Boohet w m lok lnv .

Raoco told th a o e a r t th a horoa ooat htm 111 *>d If he oouU tr s v a l a t th a s p ^ Bonnet aald he 'w * aM m aka money with him, not la B road e tree t, h u t on a race tm ok. .Bonnet w M ru r* ba ttatod the borae rtsbC. *Bd aa It w m •hawA to the eoArt th a t th* hors*

jticn tk u ed ea t d m i j T i U i eotw pm )

Harriion Man Killed byTraui on Kearny Siding

WKIlA wafktng on iKv TrAvka ot lha rifiAy) tkiiIk llRtlragd iFaling Into

plAiit of Hta if! g ("u- In k r i ru y Jaiiiei K cllatt of If Ht. ith Third uin»«i Har- rlaun, waa l irg ik ti^Ay l>y a Treiaht ifAln bAckli-g Into thk A ivk VArda aii<t kjllvd Intiujiily whu WAR rfn>pJoyM by ihr r*l)rp*4 ruinpmAy la !•'- portod !c> liKVB hk4 hla tu rnF jWhah lh« ui't Ment hAppati«4-

Th* kudy taRi pl*o«4 abuArd a (rain M d txkan iu lha F o urth i^tra«i hiaGoa tn HArrlALii frorn which piav* 11 v a« ramovod lu hriRrlag'A fnorgu*. KFarny

r 4'u<i r.f y LhgAlclAn Mulllgmii waa

K e iit 't k aiirvlvad by hit «if«> andtwu 'tii'-i aritl A brother I'uhra- ri.a ri L i w 41 >j K * 1 !*t r. of Hu r i la.in.

Water Power Bill Passed by Senate

T e n -Y e a r D is c u u io n L n tie d b y

A d o p t io n o f C o n fe r e n c e

M e a su re

N o w G oes to th e P re s id e n t

W.Vblll.SOTlIN M ir 21 i.P l T b , report cm <li« long sM>n<1tng

Water ptiwar bin »■« ai'pruvatl today by iHa H«nKl* *nd ih* m aaiur*. having baan udo^tFd by the Houaa now go«a lo ihF j ’ rraldFRi ThB ^oia %ai 4$ to ?] The right For wKl*r powar laglala- llon began Un yvara ago

Conduttors' Head Opposes Public Spokesman on BoardCHlC.irKh May | | ( j r » —R*pr*g*BlA-^

tivog of Ih* pubitif on arbitraGAO hoarda do not know vbough xbuiu rAllrood labor groblatna lu b* (air. U E- Ihop- ^ r d , pr«gi4*tii of ih* Urdor of J t x l l w Coaduotorgi to ld lb* C ltr Club Y «U r- dag. Ho M i r t o d Ibxt tb* raUroad b ro lharhoeds Xro yoAliovmbly oppo**4 to xrbllrm llox Wogrdg am which th« gubllo la roproM xtgd. ^

*Th« publlo ahould bo l«f( out of iba iMU* la dORUIng wttli Ui* railroad problomik** Mr. B hoppu^ aald. "Tha UnbAU bnowg m> Mill* xbowt th9 actual groblAtna «( tho gltUAllox.’'

Th*r* w ill bo no gAnara] atrlb* ao loug aa co«*«rvativ* Ixbor l«ad*r* ar* 111 t'ontrol. Mr. flh*pp*rd aMort*d, adding rhal ha dtd not holUv* 1b*r» would Urn a L nanvial panic "bacoUao o rgan itod tabor I* 4 i a f a t f valv* tbaX will not allow ih* panic te coin*."

Williams Puts Limit on Doctor’s Liquor Permits

W A.‘4M |NGT« »N, Mav J l 4.W*)—tn ar rffo r: t<> >lFr«4t wha( waa vailed " n (llBcrlrniratF nai* of liquor on phiB lnana' pretr-rlpt'orva. Commlealnrirr ^^'llllJllna of IliF )lur*au of In^Frnal Me^mi'F iBBued a ruling today limiting Ih* number uf pvrrnliB allowed each physician to ii>(l for each (hr«a inonlha. exioipi with "gond raua* "

Th* order, which Mr W tlllam* aald wan iBSued ‘‘a fte r weeliii of Aludy and Ihe lu 1 *b! 1 gal jiiri uf T«ctirda of aourFi I uf Dl'> Rt<'I*na." makFR It ohlLgatory cm (he part of phyRlultina fo «huw where | the ll’tiior haa gunr l>«foro mvyre pr« | arr lilatikB a ll! b* Inaued by (h* Ibit I Fiiu. !

4*tfuiala aa rt] that whiL* *tp*ctlng a , "fltnuj of proiBRtR,” aut'h an o rder waa "< tf-arl> within (lie Htlmlntatratlva pro- vlslunh rtf tha ^'^lR[ea(] a r t." j

' i t may work Rome hardah lp" aald | Mr WUIIama '*bul w* bellev* lh a l I raputaM a phvaU'Una will nui object to adviajhg afier^lK of the govarnm ant tb* hatur* of their requirem ent a hen nnor* than 100 pe^rnilta ia reeded fur fhr** moTjiha FrulilbltIon ag*ntii, of court*. muM tia* Judirment In l*au!ng h*w hook* of parniKa or w ithholding them They w-||| nol rrfgae i<i laaue them where a phyalclan 1* dealing with an •pldem ic or where hla practlc* la that of a ■pM'iaUat."

Mother Wins Child Given to Another

C o u r t A w a rd s B a lt im o re WonvHD

D a u g h te r I n t n u t e d u In fa n t

t o F o * te i -P « r e n t .

N ow w ith J e r s e y C ity F a m ily

V\>J| know ing th a t there would W rending of hearia lrln g * whlfh*v*r ta*\ 111* dei'ialon went. Vif** ('hanc«l1of ila .ka* haa .J«-< lded thai the fuat* i- innther tif golden ha1r*-,| B istric*Juilg* Mr* John II (iiel\eR oI JeFA*/I 'lt) . m ult reator* th* tw o-and a balf- V ear-old child to ber raal mother. Mr*H ratric* H- Judg* of HaUlmorov

Tor BBor* IhaA twu yaara now Mr*.Qr*1r*g ba* loob*d upon ih* rb lld a* h*r 0WX4 and baa rar*d fo r U w ith tba (atidaraaaa of a m otb*r lav* ih a t ha* b*«a d#prlv*d of an ow a child upoa which to lavlAb affeclloD D uring tb**api* p*f1od Mra. Judg* ha* long*d for and aought to find Ih* child of h*r owa fleah and blood.

)( wa* In a ftl of d rapalr a ll w**k* a fte r th«i ba.by wa* born lh a t Mra.Judg* conavtited to en trust iha fu tu ra iif h ill* Heairic* to Mr. and Mra tJreiv*a ?lhe wa* a glrl>motb*r of Alx- l«en. In a atrang* city, d«A*rt*d fon* iiuiMha liefur* by her husband, and wilhnut niearig lo auppoPt h*ra*)f and her baby Th* friendly off*r of th* ijreisaa** who w^re In Ih* *am* b oard ­ing hugat' w ith her teem ad provlden- llal to (h* d iiirr*»ed inuthor, and, b*- llavlng II to be b**t fur her child. Ah* gav* Ih* baby Inlu Mra Urelva*'* k**p- Ing A furni aavoring of 1 • SAJltV WAA gun* through, but adupllon waa not i-onipleled H waa brought out at on* of t h* hearing*

Itut when AhofUy afltirw ard th*Ur»lv*a family disappeared froin Bal- (initT* Ih* heart of lha glTl-molh*r rrled nul for tier illll* oh* Mra Judg* had nbialrw'd a poilllun arid was m ak ­ing her own wnjr iShe had begun to think of g e tl lrg her baby back igRln.

1 m M Xof F lag t'hUd.I 'nabl* Id l*afn where Ih* «ir*lve**»

had gone. Mra Judge mourned her baby a* lost, bul alw aya there burned the flam* of hope lh a l aoma day sh* would Dnd her again LASt September tnruugl! a ralaiiv* *ha learned lhat Ih#Orelve*** wt-re IIMng at JUk F ifth strael, Jarae-y rU y. She relalned * law yer and began th* priKieedlngi which ha<1. for her. •« happy an etidlTig

Meanwhile. In J*r**y (*11). her old lium*. Mr« Urelvra. **i ur* In Ih* tlinuahl lhat the m other would neverIp p e lr to H.^lm lha child, wk. r .p r.^ roan, noutn wrang*. ei

to frlar.'lR Iba. l i r a 'r h eh, r o 'n . Hh- I.A.1 com . 10 l"v . .h . ?, "'....'.L'’? " . ! , * J " . ? . . !\ ill) a* auf-h an<l ahe made even her|j*n psreiita bellev* th a t thla w a t IMI*- 1 * ' ........ ’■"*HO H n«iut»ll> ro llnw .J ihM Wh.i, Ih* coniA intna l h t r t . .n .IIAiimndi a p l.il•>/ _ niim has niri a^S w 11K #la.a .It _ ___ _ .A

Fails lo Override Peace Bill Veto

H o u s e V o te s 2 1 9 t o 1 5 2 to R e p u t

M e « tu r e . 2 6 S h o r t o f

T w o -T h ird i .

T w o R e p i i b l i c u u B a c k V eto

'UtBKl.vOTON. Uav I I —Tb* Knot p « a ^ r*aoJtttlcn waa ktllad today by Ih* action of th* itoua* In rafu ilog to overrid* Pr*a1d*ht W llaoa'a veio of th* m easure The vote w ai 11$ for over­rid ing and 1>] agAlnei, or iwenty- •Igh l l*aa th an tha n*o*a*ary two- ttilrds

The vol* wa* v irtua lly th* *Ani* as far a* po litical ]tn*-up 1* ronrorned a* when Ih* reaolutfon firs t paa*ed th* House

Only tw o Hapubiican*. llapreaenia- tiv* Kelley and RepreAwntattv* ru lle r, M asaachueetti. voted ag a ln it over­riding. ,,

M ra . E . E . L e th b r id g e Lo*c»

F r a n A u to $ 2 ,0 0 0 in G e n u

fteveral a r tlc U s of |*W flrr In a cham «ta bag. ra ltisd a t more than II.*99, ware lust W ednesday afternoon hy Mrs. E dgar E Iiiethhrtdg* of II GUnsId* road Huuth <»rang*. e ith er In that v |l,

East Grange or bag contained a

ptalNium so llia ir* ring set with **v*n- lean diamond*, a plaMnutn dinner ring

Bill Sympathizing with Irish Favored by House Committee

W a s h in g t o n . May i t ^ a reto- lu M o n " v ie w in g w M h grrnv* o o h re rn " condlUoni In Irsland and " e ip m a ln g sym pathy with the a s p ir A t lo n * of the Irish peop le for a g o v e rn m e n t of thalr own choice" w as re p o rte d ou t today by the House foreign affa ir* coinmU- te*. The vote was 11 to 7.

Th* resotullon wa* offered by Hep- r**entatlv* Mason, Republican, Illlnoli, as a iu b e tllu ta for hla resolution pro­posing v irtua l recognltloQ of th* pro- visional Irish r*publlr. I ts adoption ended a b itte r figh t In the com m ute*

A resolution by RepreseniAtlv* Begg, Republican, Ohlo» declaring th a t fu tu re peace of the world would be additionally ■afsguarded by e*tabll*hm*nt In TreUnd of a govorninsQt of her own choice, was rejected 19 to %.

Export Embargo on Sugar Favored by Senate Body

W a s h in g t o n , May n (jp) ^ p y aro to of 4 to t th* Henat* ag ricu ltu ra l com m ute* today ordered a favorable report on th* McNary bill providing for an ftiport am bargo on sugar

Rafore ta k in g final aptlon th* com- mttt*A amended lha m easure so tha t It would not affec t augar eent lo the Vnitod SU l«s by forelgo countrlea or th e ir na tionals to be refined. E arly Penal* consideration of the bill Is planned by Senator McNary.

F a i r W e a th e r F w e u i t

F i ^ tonUfkt koR ts tan trsw to th*nffletol fotBcnit ta r H sw nrh • • «

T M ie m iu rM ioa«Ft • A. M 4n- i r M i T A. M-. H l *« r Mni m m , TI A*- M fsn, R w niettin T A. 1C. W F ar usMt.: ■ M . M M ta n k W ln i n t mmmi a ^ « * « t M * tolta* • » k n w .

tM to«tot*T*a n * t* r< * v : U tah , t i * •• HtM I IO «l,-i( difTM *! nTtfAB*. **K l a t l M i UwBtoUri H tah . i t p*r M L ) tow. H .P to M t - I AW taAi. M p w M L

' ‘ S o u ttM iti u T lw iwi. ^ h w ;.v .C k M n * a r

_______*M FM ( M * to inT IStato Tin Caii ii; tow. u KiftaMi

e W N to , .* i l F ta ta .OtoMHItor H « * lQ * * - - 4 '

Binghamton Gothier and Manager Fined $31,000

BY R A rtm *. N. T., u s r m ( » j _ ronv lc ted ef conspiracy and p ro fittg r- tng In the sale o f m en's w earing a p ­parel, Weede' Ino-. Clothing ra ta lU r o f B ingham ton, and Gordon H. Pmltb* gen­era l m anager of th* concern, wer* Jointly fined 441,000 here th is m orning In Federal Court.

In passihg eeotene*. Judge Menton of the Circuit C ourt of Appeala declared th a t th e o n lr th in g which saved Rmith from the tw o-year prieou asntence w hich the law m ade It possible to Im ­pose WAS the faei th a t he w as not flnanelally Intereeted In ihn buelnesa

ITie defepdanta w ere found g u ilty on seven counts, the f irs t of w hich chhrged a Qonsptracy betw esn Pmlth and th s eo rpo ra tloa In the m ark ing of re ta il prtees so h* to sxaot an excesslvs profit.

real m other prcscnied her ulalm (he foster m other hugged the rhlltl Ihe (Ight^^r TO her b rea rt and wae unwill* ing to give ll up

It w as ih* hardc*t case h* wae *v*fcelled upon to decide, the vice chsn- cellor rem arked when he tnok H un­der con ildersilon . Evenlually h« cam* (o th* ronrluslon th a t "li would be mortitrouB to hold this elck and sorely tried g irl-m o ther to the •uprem * eac-rlflrtf."

H ard 4e B earh t>*rf*1«a.W hat mad* th* decision Ih* mor*

difficult wa* that th* vie* chancallor was Asaured the child would r«ic*1v* th* hast of care If sh* w sr* Wft w ith Mr and Mrs Grelve*. On the o ther hstid. the m other, now living with tn aunt and grandm other in Italtlmor*. would provide for It Itkewl**. Kh* li ployed as salesw om an In a flo ris t's shop ftt f29 a week, which the vlca rhahcellor held was am ple to support herself and the baby. During l i^ ^TC onilnued on Jd page, 5th oolum n.)^

T h * g r v r a r h K v e a l a g li* w « w i l l a #4 g w b llak M r w H a l H ay .

num bar pin •*( wUh five diamond^ and a pair of drop pearl ea r-rin g a each rrin talh lng tw o stones. Rh* had ll wh*R she left horn* in her aulontoblle.

A fter A ttending ihe Nawark Thshter In th is cliy, she w ent by way of Broad stree t, ( 'en tra ] avenue and Main street, to E ast O range, w here a Stop was mad* at a confectionery store, and then by Ih* way of Main str**t to Valley road, W est O range, ihence te h«r bom*.

Th* police of th e various m unlrlpall- lics wer* notified yeslerday of the lima,

J u d s e M A h o n . M e m b e r o f I r i th

S o c ic t ic i , H m t i C e te in G e m u u i

Ap*H«f kerWee of tko V jM rg.ET-12AHETH. May S tW u d g * Mahon,

am- f<>i’ (wenty years In th* B lliabeth Die-


F e e l U.S. M u it Explain How W h iik y I t Held I f Now W a te r

FM/f CiBm i po sisu*.T R ra iT W . K * r t« — Offletol* 9 t

Ih* I7ntt*4 Btot** Oav«rnm*nt *r* trjrlBH t« dstsrm tn* how th* oon- t r n t . o f tw « bsrrAl* of w hisky which hUT* b»*n In s ta n ta n for m ar* th a n ■ ]r**r w*r« trnaafo rm td Into w ntsr. Th« w h lsk r , w*» ■hli*p«d from th* BarnhAlm IMi- UlUry W ar* Tlou** *t LautsTlll*, K r-. nna wa* eon ittn * d to th a lat* John J. Judg*, a •alooa k**par I* B raun ta av*nu*, tbi* olty. A t th* ttm * a t tto a rriv a l H r. ! « • (* , who dloB f« l7 I t laat, waa aorlow ita ill a n i tM V h lik r wa* no t eallad (or.I t w aa B to M In i to ra c * b r th* P a a n ta tv a a ia R ailroad ( to a tia a r and u ltlia a to lr. oam* u ndar th* JurladIdtMn o f th* p reh lbU taa aa-

t (e roa iaan t naant,M aarir lhr*a w«*ki a a o tw * bar-

ra ta war* ram ovad to th* n oaufflco b u iid in e I* th is o iir , whM a th * r r«atoln*d t a r • d a r h s T m b a ln r h l a M ta an o th ar a tarag* g ian t 1* th la oltF. In th* m aaa t M J*hn H . l l ta i* and Chart** S a to h a r t •aiaentor* und*r th * wlU ml Hr,

'dw le* , ah ta inad an a rd a r t a r th* ralaad* o f th* whtoliy, g Iv taF a h*nd t a r U M ta Inanr* th a t It winrtd no t W dtogantd t l ilUBallir. W han th* barraU w ar* n g anai n w aa fo o M th a t in H iAA o f w htokr th a r eontataM l * n ta v a to r w ith

> aHBht atoahalto aan ton ta h n m ir ta * tfo aa* of ttto t M to l t tad andar th*

n a tto n s l gtaji * MI <| to w .' T h« ,v t u f f i t o n otolM B M ra -• M t to r a M ip ta to an d th a ■ «--

dto«i*i« *»y

i-toltoiw w ^ t o j g v

osion Tears Roof From Chanical Plant

B la i t P r e c c d c i F ire t h a t D oe*

H e e v y D a m a g e lo R iv e n id e

A v e n u e F a c to r y .

L e a k in g G as th e C a u se , B e lie f

An e ip loston th a t to re off Ih* roof of th* S taler Chemical Company plant a t 444 Rlversld* avaau* Uili morning preceded s fir* th a t did dsmag* estl- m sted frona |lt,9Q9 to 446.090. The esn ten ts of Ih* building, used to man- u fac lu re silk dyestuffs. w«r* de­stroyed. T hs w alls sr« all th a t re ­main sU ndlng . Ralph Arroy. supsrin- tendent of the plant, says ths logs w ill reach |40.909. The police e ttlm ete the dam age At 114.090.

Gee leak ing from s defective m eter, Mr. A rrey d eclare^ was responsible for the explosion. Ths chemicals stored In the building, be esld, are net of the kind th a t would oause such an explosion. Th*r* ere pilot lig h ts In the main room, w h tr* tb s fir* started , th a t are bellevad to have Ignited the gae. The s tru c tu re w as ons story, brick, faring on th e Passaic R iver next doer (o the rhem losi p lan t of Maas A W alditeln.

There w as one em ployes In th stng a t th* tim e of th* explosion but [ he

tric t Court. Is a m*nib«r of the A- O H Ri!d o th rr eo ri* il» i of strictly Irish persuasion. Hut he Is a llngu lti and yraterday condurted a c-ase In G ennsn when th# p rincipals were unable to use th* English U hguag*. Ths Judg* said Anton H ahi\ of 441 Plri* strae t was charged by F rederick W eber of ihe sem e eddrees wKh break ing a window p e r r and th a t he had fined the defen­dant |1 .

T w o M e n S u f f e r F r a c tu r e d H ip i

In A c c id e n t i in T w o S u b u rb i

Two men w ere b rough t to the lloun- tslnsM e H ospital yesterday afternoob w ith frad tu red hips suffered In aocl- dents. C harles Rmitb of | l L a iin ^ o n avenue. M ontclair, received Ms Injury In A fall from a bicycle.

C nm elloa M urphy, colored, of 19 Som­erse t stree t, th is city, gyetalned his h u rts w hen h it by a beam at the Weet- Inghouse plant, Bloomfield, where he Is em ploye^

Troops Are G Jled in Rhode Island Strike

M ilitia O r d e r e d O u t b y G o v e rn o r,

W h o D e c la r e a B ris to l in S ta te

o f In a u r r e c t io n .

T w o S y m p a th iz e r s S h o t in R io t

BBI8TOU H. L. M »r l i (a*).—T hr.e troops of n l l l t la w ere ordered oul by G overnor Beecliman today after a riot tn which s tr ik e sym path isers attacked young women c le rk s and o ther w orking employ*** o f the N stlonal India Rub­ber Company. Th* Governor's procia-

not hu rl. Wh*« th* (Ir* *P- th* town In • *lat*p arstu s arrived , the p lan t was a mass | cf lnsurr*ct1.>n. The plant has beenof flames and a ll th a t oould be dene i closed exesp t fo r the office fore* andwae to keep the fire from spreading- It wa* necessary Id run hose from a hydrant 100 yards away.

E ight men a re employed a t th e plant, but they bad no t yet reported to work when the explosion ooourrsd.

Saloons Get Near Beer By Girting Own Supply

Saloank**p*r* ar* r*pS*nl*hlnt th*lr ■tack of I**a th an on«-balf o t on* p*r (••ttt. b**r bjr M rina dallTarf trunk* a n i r * r t l* t th a lr aiipplz from th* hr*w«rl** 10 th s lr buoln.** pl*e*a. Ther* la no .1*n of a •«itk«in*nt batw oan th* om« plojrer* and th* a t r tk in i br*w*ry w ork- or*, who ar* aak ln* for a a tneraan* In w*a«a. T a rr tn * from I I lo 111 a woak. Th* h raw ar, hav* mad* »o affort to hroak th* tl* -np . Ttu trM fca tom ata tn th* rwrda aa d , o w ork to hoind don* tnald* ih* h ro trartod th*7 *ar. Th* *n lr d e a r * ,M to Cron th* iia r* room t* tb* vtottara*, wImt* ororr moan* of e o n a a ra n w I t aa band to iraaap o rt k * c ot noar hoar to la lo a a a

Italy Declared Agreeing To Make T rial Free Port

AJOTCRDAH, H a r I I ( * ) .~ T h a R arlta Itostaoh* Ta«« ■•HBBit** Hm * oorr**ao*d*nt a a n th a t I t a l f baa adiuad ta m ako T rtaato n (ta*

IXtNDOH. H a r U aaaJtota-alton haa haoa iw m 1t*A a t th a V ata tah o (n*a * ( th* ta R a r ts i ■ g ta w a s i t t t i a i r to to d h t Vrtaato a to** hart. I ta •■rpHa* m a aAM*A h r tS a r ara n , b a m v w . 'V'*'’ - 'J

P o ro ig t (H ttoa a f tM a ld PdtataA * « f th a t tto . K a r t K aa tiir . t h i ‘ 'C h aM tllo n w h e*(b* ItalU ui O o------rtr*d 'ta id . . ..th to taW M t t a h* * f ,* w « * y iy i i f h i

■m' a w i *> ia>iiit i i( tod*, f t m ig h t h a m i p b ^ .. ■.

(alton OotaytoMt UMtoAtta tti- t r o o u h i J f T H o M / t h , wRM Un th*r taltoaad hid tattaakta ta


r tp a ir .non ainoo th* itr ik * bogan thr** w**k* OKO In a dlaputo ovar wage*

Tb* ac tion (ollowod a f ta r two • tr ik * irm p a ih lao r* w*r* ahot and thro* fac to ry guard* In ju rtd by itonei du ring a rio t tod ay outbid* lb* plant *f th* ru b b er oomgany.

Th* troub l* a ta r ta d w ith tb* a rrlrn l of a m orn ing tra in , bring ing woman clorka, mochanloa and atta*r omptoy*** whoa* w ork had not atoppod w ith th* eloaing of th* (a o to rr on aceoual of a • IH k a Th* r io t lagtod fifteen mlaut** and *ad*d w ith th* aoundlng of a riot ca ll on th a fir* a ta n n , bringing out ,11 agM lsl polloomon.

A crow d of 400 or mor* *irlk* tym - p a th ln r s . Including a numbar of womon. m ot th* tra in and a fte r try ta g nnano eaa tfu llr to Indue* oU rki and o ther* to h asp aw ay from th* gtonf" a ttao h o d th*m . Woman In tb* crowd pnllod tho otonographar* ' h a ir and t*v< • ra l o f tho ta t to r war* rongh tly . liM - diod. W han th* w o rh a rt t t t i t M ta r Ih* m tn, n hon t fo u r block* aw nr, Ih* crow d tallow od, h o o tlag and iaertng,

Chicago Saloon Man Killed, AU^;ed Gunman Is Sought

CHK3AOO. iitn r I I (to).—■ngon*flan tf', n it o t nd Hm ttoan, r*o*ntlr ■«-g n ttta d n f M ah a tito o f miwdct. waa - " B ^ ‘ t a i n r tn oonnootto* w llh tb* gta*B*l M a t n ta h t o f H aiT r J . Itaohan a n ta tn h*w *», a* Baohaa waa a w titin g hi W toitae* w ith hto tow yw to dto- to ita w H h ta to th a r galoon h atgo r th* • f n A l « r tw o m ao w ho ar* a tto n r t to

olgitiinitad fbaat a t tbouM nd, of - o o t a n d --------* ( < w ator

t a r r*nmn *, a , wBwmg..■ An B aokM h m ahon i t* toav* tho

n m u a n t o t a d , ^ M hlw. ■dtoitor WM to* M O *data o f H w r

• M la M , ta h o f tondor and vnototii, and Fm w And t t a U h ' : q ao tlin to n . all thr** o f orbato w*M k U ^ M * nciii* o f g u i- i n a r t M B tta jd 'M kl-tM O f » i t a r .

" 'r s s i '" — — “■

Quest Turns A g ^ To McAdoo s Boom

Angii* McLean. North Carolind, Tell* of New York DiniKr About

Which “Some Fool” Talked.

Palmer Treaiurer Sugar Finn Aid

w a h h in u t o n . M ar i i l e i —Th*Avhal* raimpalgn Inveedgatlgg comMtt- (ee tnatle fu r th e r effovts today to b riag out facts on w hat ('hairm an K eayoa deecribtod a i thlB InvlalbLe UcAdua boom "

A agus W McLoan of North Caro­ling, a d lrecior uf ih« War Finance Csrporatloa* was examined He detiteil th a t be w u "a eon or Jlouthera ag e r for Mr, MvAde«'s cam paiga qpd a t to a g te d to read a prepared ita to - ■ lext

k a o v th ere i t a McAdoo e a « - p a lfa ." ta terjoc ted ie n a lo r Reed, cra l. of M issouri "1 aiove we ys ab*M w ith tk le wltDSH w ith sosae quesUMS aad le i the sta leirieot fO uaUl we fled oul why th is eecrecjr'*■ Replying to queeilenn. ycljosndeclared ih a l he did not know (here wae a McAdoo headquartere In W'Mh- lagton. o r In th e Fenneyivanla Motel.New Tork. and (hai h* wae not Iti- formed as to the source of McAdeu lite ra tu re er^nt to i>*tnocrallc dviegaies.He recounted a conrereailon with Mr. McAdov as 10 the North L'arolina deU- gaGon.

"I (old Mr McAdoo (here was an overw helm ing eenitinept in my sta le for him." Mr. McL«eati eald> "f (old him wa were hav ing a prim ary there and th a t hla name would go In w hether he liked It or nut. bu t that we would ha In as absurd iltu e ilp n If we were voting for a man who would not take the ivoinlna* tion

"He •Aald he was not a candidate* w ouldn't tu rn hie hand over to g e t lb* nom ination, and didn’t w aat his friends to tak e any action about It Ue did* howavar. j* r th a t If the nomlnattOA w as tebdereil him a man could not dWwB* oMoe

'*Homa of hla friends thought thay ought to tak e the bull by the horMk abd go ahead w hether he w anted them or no t Ther* wee some sort of a d in ­ner p a rty up in N»w York BiK>iit U ai!d some fool went end told him about It.**

R*wev ■* NeAdwa tHawer,"Who wae th e r e f Chairman Kesyog

asked.''W ell. Mr. Roper, ” Ur. McLean said,

refe rrin g to um former cnMector of InternaJi revenue, "and some o th era"The w ltavse added that later "some of Mr MoAdoWf frionria were p re tty mad about It '*

"1 w ant to apologiitt for being rough w ith you.” Senator Heed put In. "I'm glad eome man li le tting the ITesIdenl seek hhn, not chasing it ”

“If there ever was • rabbit Mr. Mo- Adoo Is It.” returneO Mr McLean.

The witneca aald ha had talked (o g B ernard M. Baruch "Both of ge agreod th a t M r McAdoo would be a good maa,** he aald. ''My own Idea was w* ought to lay back and see w hat the Republicaag

«?^urse, our delegatton from e N orth C aro ltaa will eupport Kenatof atnunoxs, no i Vven excepting Mr. Mc­Adoo.? >

Wswdo* IHpA4m tdovy-laouls J. L ang, a reporter of the Now

York American, Identified him self as (he W riter o f an artic le purporting ia tell of a 46,009,999 underw riting fop a fund to back a cam paign to bring about McAdoo'a aom lnatJon In Ban Francisco.He refused lo disclose the source of his Inform ation.

“A m sm ber of the Detnocratlo N a­tional CoimplHce was w ith my In­form ant when I wxB (old the storr.'*Ur. I ^ n g aald

C hairm an Kenyon ennogpeed th a t severa l member* of the Democretlo Na* tional Com m ittee had been lubpoenaod to ap pear du ring (be InveetlgaUon.

Mr. l.Ang dJecuaaed a raveling of tk s Dem ocratlo national executive c o a - m lttee In A tlantic City last September.He Bald th a t p lans were made to raise 119,009,990 for a Democratic national cam paign Thom as F. 'Chadbourne and B. M. Baruch w ers in AHantIo City a t (he lime, he said,

H ard lag Mawager Recalled*H arry M- D augherty, campaign m an­

a g e r fo r S enator H arding, Rspub|Jcan*« of Ohio, w as recalled Queatloned by Renatcr Reed, the w tlneas said two Ohio new spapers, Jh * Htate Journal and th s Columbus D ispatch, had supported Sen­a to r H ard ing a t firm, but la te r had iupported Gen«ral Wood, genalor Reed ■ought an explanation.

'T would he w illing to go thla far,"Mr. D augherty said '"There waa a very acllve tam palg ti made uround Colum­bus for G eneral Wood."

"Is It true th a t very U rge expend!- turee w ere made on Advertising la (h a t Ohio cam paignr* Senator Reed sdn- llnued.

"T h ,r* w*r« (ipand ltu r** of th * t kinrt too •ip«n*lv* for u». *nd 1 d idn 't »n Into It," Mr. D kU fhrrl* r * p U ^ 'T h ro u (h o u t th* a ltt* of Ohio th*r* w*> * v«rjr *xp ,n* lra CHmp*|,ti o f * d . »«r11«lnK for 0*n*r*l Wood, but w*'** no rom ptolnt about it."

F rank II H orrlson, ■ N«hr*«k* n*w*. pojirr puhll*h*r. who m anaued th* pH- m»ry r» m p * l,n In thnt • ta t* of B*n*tdk Johnion, (Bid |l ,* 1 l had bean ki>*n(In Nflir»*k*,

'•w tiat would you h*v* don* w lih 1600,000 If ll hod bean handed you." a ik ed S enator need.

"W'h*l moat o lher po1ltle*| m aneterH do—.divid* It up among friende," Mr H*rrt*on replied.

Th* principal wltne** 1*1* yeiterdey w»* formar Judga J. Hhrry Covlngto*, n tllonal tre**iir*r of the Folmer ram- palgn. H* wa* qu**tloned tn *n effort to *how that aevaral oh Palmer'* tup- portor* w»r« connteted with ttu offic* of the aUen proporty cuatodlan, of which Hr. P*lm*r form trlg ,*■* th* hood, and «l*o to ohow that th* wit* n«M hiRiialf I , eonnoctod with tho Rovtr* Sugar Compaur of Boaton in th* u p a o tt r , f eounael In an allagad proflt**rlBS 0*** now-ponding b*for* th* d*p*rtin* ,t of Ia«tl« . Judg* Cor- IngtoD adm itted n in* ' men on th* 11*1 of contributor* to th* Palmer fund bad connaotlon of ooi,* kind with tb* *d- DitnUtratloo of th* alien proparlg eue- todtoB'i otfle*. H* denied hi* tc - tlVltlM Id h«h*lf of Hr. Palmer w*r* ocoaalpflad b j hi* quul-govam m enlal logal ***o«l*tloni.

Commlttaanlan queitlooad Judg* Covington a* to h it connection wUb th* *IU* proportT euatodlan'i oWoo.

" I wa* navor eonnaetod w llh th* o f. tlo*,- aald Hr. Covington. - I wa* h*iu*d a* eoun**] (or a nutahar of Qorm aa ohamlcal companlo* which W ,r* tahon ovor. I u*v*r g e t a dollar I , fo«( from th* govoram ant, ta mp vary mod**t foe* war* paid out o f t h , oorporate fund* of ih* •oncarha, ]u*t aa thoy would hav* paM th e ir 'c o o ta ti uadar th e ir own nan*g«M*Qt.- '

H r. Covington oald th a t ' on* of th* oompani** waa th* B ay tr 'co T sp an g r ta w hich m a tte r hi* too waa f l l .M ^Ho aUo wa* eoungtl for th* H ta llih v C honieal Company *( 9 * r f l* ia ' h* Aoetaiod. 1 ftV.fi'

H r. Covtngtoii (haa read Uat -at oontrlhutO ta th* ■ **«• i urh* had boaa dllfwotly op ..., eoBBtotod oftotaQir w ith .H il . j arttvU toa w b ita h a waa aIh A j oMtodton. jU C 'T a rh , . who - C A V |.; |iH C toi!(H ad w aa JiM iih.jw L o r d lM * l« p .'ta .J i{ !^Ih* o M t d i m . f

f t a d i I ta tto w d

'h u e * 1'.. 3 S e i

. h

■ ■ t i


t a



"V.' ■■.1 '


; Rq>oTt Armemans Gush Erivan Reds

i M i i m (tocd K p lo m a t ic A gen t

A k o A u e r t L o jra l A n n y C o n -

t r o k A l e u o d r o p o l .

Revolting Geoeral Is Killed

Raymond Lyon Wins Cqpteit For Secretary of State Moose

t f l f rmrmfmt^mn .ntnWTOH, M*.r l i —Al •iMtloB

Vhtrti w«a ta k ,n up *t Iti* d ra t ■*Hlun nr ih . N«w Jartay a i i t a IfuaM Auo- c 'n iu n (i.ra la d a r ttia ra * . r a uBIy iwa ciiaiaata. ikaaa ta r a a a ra u r r aa< n iiu r ru.r<t A.aam bl) m an Itaymon'l (.run ul Kaw Brunaairrk » u . a a l , c t s 4 aa aur'rMary 0T ,r R F n n r i a M*N of l',iFr»ii>. and J II llarrtD C tan al Oarar w>. alH 'iad in lha offlaa af n u l 'f (uard i .r .r h i, uppaHanl. P a l .r ^ O In.ll. of I 'l lf ta td , O lh ar n f f i r .r . aloorod a u r , >*raal4aBt. *1 Mipwarl (‘fiitlh of KUiabolh. vlaa praardanv. A'l.l-

C O K m V T..M >Pf.r. Slav » r i o V l B V D t T j V / r o ' f r : . " :A lS S ril ''! i r r j r ' r / T r ! " . “ r . a . . " ! C , " A . r l « « u r V l o .u .c . .d•rw iw d.lha ..prioli.a i i o l ' ' - , ^ OutllBptonIM r la B r l» « aad a loful ,T ,ct.d a a ^ a p t a l n »a .uenaad M -

a ,rd H ill a t Mawton, and O ia r la . KllBd of ria la d a ld , i oF f« ,an i at-arm a, to

' aucoaMl Cbarlaa K Hlnda of Palm I Oroya.' Th» aa.flan laal nl«M w a . faaiurod

GoO.P. W ould Sidestep The Prohibition Issue

A m s^ lin tr in r AleuAlropoK

elVfA fr«ni

ts nftvi’ In <'ontioJ orfTOr<{]tl8 1^ IS nr##-***

ff*ni Ihr ArtnsNiin r tp ltn l UfIfa Arm enian r|t|i'ut i«tle|%fr*#«M*civ« in TtGls- It i« reiftorieU

|.r . . . . . . . . . . . .K ,i •: ML'. .;v:: . f .1 ::. Ki",.:r::;L.T.: "..'.t

lb , a o .r i.il.i . of a f** bOBda In IbaU«)«S Al t%i'Aeh«iiJorl r:>. nn Ari|i#nlAn

'##inn'4i'f|«‘i wr.o reren tl} r*#»lt*4 #nd wb# Was 1m c^n rv t of in irm or«4 ir itn IrMek in«u« t>oifn '\lU ru n tro l of Al*s- Androii^l jiu •It'U v\ i i Ourtn*Ito* lik'ivln* W fuit iu* i cUjt. *nd hi« iwo4l#t«i f)< I nh Jii ibo loyol troops fM lorod \U* ifkln

A KroMh nolunui (liol loft Ad«n* ip Hty U for Moron »rroolo4 SP« prooil- lioilt Turlli. Invlgdltvs nOmorou# offl' f ilio TIloy boro boon oont lo Morotn*

TrovoUr* Ado»o coy tb#t tb«bo# Irr^ro^ed itna* lU* trriv« l

of b*lr##ch . roinTorc*<vi#n(#. do* to lh«

hondt of mofnbiro

fVorfolki mooour## of U#ocrat I>>ifflous.

French and Annenians Accused by the Turks

AKUOR-b. .btia M taer. May U fOa- I tra d l (Py Iba A aam laiad P ra a .l — SrMaai* a ia ia . i a llacad tn la irriiin an l %t H. Tardlaar. F n a a b 'la a a ra o r a t l id P ra ila ra uf .bdsnb. and Armanlaaa ■bMcUiad a l tb lha P ran rh In th a t dia. tfle i alnaa P ra a rb o rru p a liaa taraaa ■M««d la l«fl Marak. b a r , baan r*. > n |y ,l frani llaa lam . ibaaa by Haa- IS]du Ktir.al I'aaha. I tad ar nf T arhiab m iie n a l t i i i hrra.

>A lift af atPiyriMaa Iba T nrka ar* t a l l Ig bnva tbffarad. adparinlly a t Knaan. •M ia ipaattd iba p ro ia tf i . ft la rb a rfe d U « t af Kuaaa. b 'r .aeh aad A ra ita laaa ■ra aniapad la •h o la ta la m urdara andl ia n a

Tha brairala baar lha a icn a tu raa af •da df fcaMa a f r a l ig la n t/ i rd a r , .

Saflaat. l««P«ra nn4 m aruhaaln.Pna«» W llS ia l IM naM H aia.

■ PAkU. »Uk M l ^ l . - r r a a a a b ■ayarn- IM bUl i«i|MMl(laa fcaya baaa In » n SMai la a d l W ttf AdnnA. n»« Aaaltrad MAnr la Illa inM nd a r « t« r t a l Maalaai iM a a ia t n m tk « i « f t r i c t l i n t a t aia- R rtara lab * la a a r a fa f ta * a* a a a ib la t « M haaaib a f k »oaal l U baata fa r tha tU acaU aaa a n i a la iba m aaaac t aaat ta Maatabha Kaanai Paabn.■ • ■ ♦ — 'Severe Terms of Turk Pact ’ Are Related by Venizeloi

J . T . Du B o ll. F o r m e r M itu i le r T o C o lo m b ib . D ie* in N e w Y ork

SEW VORK. May I t - Ja m a . T l>a n..l> I 'n ll.d a ia ia* H la la ta r to ColaiabU froii. Aufual. t a i l , la Jn aa , l i l t , Had yF.iFrddr m arnina a t tha aRa nf a l l t r - nin*

Mr Ihj Nolo ro ilrod i t s TOor» »fo #rt#r tb irty yooro In ik« oosoukor s«r- \ \ r t ind DlplookOllc O r p i . hto pr>#l* eTUdllnf ren ttilO lil^ i t A li-!o-ch*poU*. t's llso «n4 toliMic Ho wo# Uator luo* cooofeoly CoaouI Oonorol to •orltftorton^ And t i SlbfAporo.

Hi h*4 oHvfosIlp tn lon4o4 lo to n Journsllit and from IITI to lITT odttod Tlio Na iIobaI R tp u b ik o o ot W nohlnf- toil, and from 1161 to I6bf ho w #i idl- lor of l#«o f(ir Ih# S to lo t^oporlmoiil.

P re a e n t l a l e n t io n o f L e i d e r t I i to

A v o id E v e n R e f r r e n c e lo B e e r

a n d W in ea .

No Wirei for the CoJiaeum

r i l l . ' t 'H V May :■ lpl#ii Huni t>r ISA rl y lea the llipTitilJcAh Na> which mooA# horo a

I r t If prikpnl.Ir re ore reallg* ! jiikl f'yAvenllonr,w p«U frc>m IK il

Few Striker! Back at WorkIn Mills at New Bedford

N*W B tu r i iH U . Maaa, May II IJH ^ P ,w a trlkara rutnrtiad te Iba coitun rloih m ill, b a r , today. dMpIta tb . voia lakan laat n l ( h t to and lha v a lb o n t In rffaoi In alrhiM K p la n t, to r iba lani lour * * ,b , 1i 1. a lp .c la d that mu.t of Ih , oparaM v.t will d ,lay Ih .lr r* .urn .m ill n , . i Tun.'lay. w b tn n f ifi.an l.ur r .n l wa*» In rrcaa , r«-«ntlr »n- lioun.Fd bf Ih . rn ,n u fac lu f* r , b ..rom ., pffpritv o

I'ni'in i*Ad«ri pvtimAto that 13 000 o p , r n l l .« hayu l.*»n on X r lk , T h ,loH in » •» » " I" hnv , ,m..uiili-<l,1, n n .lT l l Ofn

Tunwlay. will la n a r , th , pFolilliii>.>n IMUF ,v ,n .im ltrlnn any platform rrf prencm lo boor *nd llfh l wln-o

Kramaro of th* porty polid-* havo docldrd IhAl lb« 'luoatlgn hoM beeo tot tlod. And rk#1lhi>r a 'w«( aor a dry*' pliiik nor liidoroomont of ttuy m'ldlftco IlOB <t( Ilk# (rroAonl “buho dry" willho Jno#rporsio4 In tho plAiidrm ftcev rd- Inf to HSOkUol A. PorbiBO. nOtlntioL turn ' BilltootBAB from WAAliInfton

On# Momber Df the nattonol cfni n l l ' lee ssli] IhAl Iho eommitt**rroii holloeod Ih# “w oto ' la bo In I he mi- nofUf. Wid ihAt tho «H)untrjr ao a wbolo wABtad prohlbltlaD

Tho Wo#torn rn lu n TH ofroph f*om- pony nnBoofto^od yeoioriisy thA» bo- rta** of Oirik# throAio from okooirtcAl w orbort #nd enrpoBtor# it would hsv*

w iroi la thA CollfouEB d u r ls f tb# RopsbUAAii NAttonni CoifontloiL

Ao A r w l l . »oe#ipAp*T eorrobpoAd' OBU Abd o th o rt w ith nofSM ## 6«n4 from ibo Oolliosm #bor Wootorn UbiA# «lf«o will hAOA tA m »4 tM lr fop f to A brsAoh offlo# A Vlock Aw#y o#IfAB boUndvArd

W ork OA A btAAcb

Shafts for GillenFrom School Bokrd

(Conilnund rriHn P Ira t Papa,)

WAMINOTDK. May 1* l # | . - T a M t i baba* taipaaaa apart th a Ttirha, laara

, rW araat iM n any praatoiM nnminaTlaabSM laaiM laa. w ara ravaalaa ta tha i tM li Cbaaibar t f D aputlaa taat waak

VaiSBalaa, n aata.la A lbaai by P ram larm 4 lf af •k a a a ad a rtan arna fanalvad ta ­i l * Mr ' '_ ' tha S ta ta r ta p a r tin a n t

T k a T arkU b Irak ly ." aecard tna laL Vablaalaa, "aeaorda ta T ttrkay aaly tl M ta a a a y . w bK b m ay In daa tima • M ahaald tha paepta ao datarM lat.

Sa M aaarfad M a iRdapaBdaitaa " la tba MMil aa tiih aaa ia ra a n a af

, la ra p a , la VrMab T urltay |a lafl a Mai i S ^ i a . M. T aM M laa kaetarad. ha? • a r ta t a ra I M la d W Mha traa ty ta t H maa. ., . ^flOa*fl*atl4<lMa' la r a ia k a d ky tha

tb a Orkak PTM ilar aapU Intd. I rafatraaMoa IM I "ba w ill aot ifca 'M tH lttlon a f tb a paaaa

afy. k k M lt a a rh aU jtatatioaa b , 'l ia a . Iba p a v a n tiPVa tb a r i th t ta

tbair daetatab ra k a rd la a Caa.

plaaM r w ark a la n i tb ta lina h u t U a y,nra .p a , an<] a t o n e , found th«ra w a. a d,Bland for It. D a .p lta .v a ry dland' trn n ia f, and diaawurapawiani o ar v««>- llonnl a«ha«l ha* s ra w n un til now lh * r, nr* t i l pup il, r* ( la t« r ,a In ll. and lO n « r , on t h , w a ltin p I l.t. And nhai h a , htpp*B «lf m m ply ihla. th a t now r,r1aln of It* clnanaa nr* r«nd u c l« l on th* Blly itr**t*—Ih* a u to rrpnJylnp and M*to *1*0171001 w ork clnonoa. cU m *i wMuh m ail h* elao*d on a ro ld day. or Ih alornijr wnathar- And our prin tind •hop 1* aond u ritd In a bnaomonl- hMMnont, w ind yon. w h*ra on lb* hrigbiM l t i y i oloclrlfl llRhtd nro t*

Inlr*d. .And la optta o f thoao and olhar laad y an u n * , th t r a la a p r* a t damand for th* oohool. T h ,r* w a , a t i a o wh«n

yooatloaa) l,*4*ra from tho aonatry •T tr opia* h , r r to laak a t o ar work Bat ih ty don't rom* an y m ort. Thay kava outatrlpprU >r,: tw o citlaa la oar owa atata. j*r««y t 'l ly and tlobokaa. hay* Bon* fa r la t d . a n e , of t h , pr,m l*r Indutirlal oily o f Mow Joro«y In Ihio WOfk."

Anothor phaoo of tho H oyofo 1 ,'to r whioh oraoaod Mr. aen>m*r w a , th , tor- mor'a la )m «tl*p ta c la a a rv ara l m onth , of Ihouliht aad a tad y to th is quaatlen and "coafar w ith yottr land ing aiaaufao- larara."

"Wa mada th a a tn d y ra n ra aga.- Hr. Soatiaar w ant an. * tn 1111. whan w , ■ wahanad ta th a annat gaaltla ii a voon- Uoaal aohaal ahM M acaapy In auch an Unportaat la d a itr ln l o ily aa th t i la. w , aoaauUad lha P n ttad A tataa aotamla- aloaar af odnantlon, th a a tn ia oornmla- a le a tp a f adnaalloa. tb a g raa ldan t af tha

...Vatinnal A atte te ttg n f a r Vocational har''B duen tto« , and S * a a a g h t tb a ndvioa of

Ih* m aa w ha aaaapfad tb * fotamaat poaltion OB vooatlonal adiieallon la th i, eountry, ChofMa M. W Initnw . W> kroughl htai horo to Bludy th* qu,atl«n on Ih* gronnd. W* did th m w hat tho Mayor tu tg a a t* th a t w* ahauM da now.

______________ . l , l ,# r ,p h oftlooi a ' t h i ”(Lal1»*“"’ * " • ' “hPO* '"■•‘•Jof T harU , P Hall. ,ap ,r lB t,ad » n t of th , bulldlnp. W .o irrn Talon offtclali Mid. a f t , f lahor l u d , r i had ih r .a t- *o,d to call a a ir ih , of ,t» o tr li ,l wiitk- of* aad ea rp rn ia ra ,m ploy«l In pra- parlag t h , bulldlag for th , ronv.ntloa.

W am M W aoH PnfttripB la Woman l* a d ,r i h ,r* ar* conforrlng

Friendly Relations with All, Is Aim of Obregon

Sims Advocates Adviser , Ex-Premier of Hungary To S eo eU ty of Navy “ “

B T H A P E rr, May 11 ( * ) . —Parm or l‘r ,m l , r HKphan Prlodrlch. who w u

IL ........ r V « ^ . .....F ' compotlad to cut ohort h i. opoorh la d , .U rg in g L fe p a r tro e n l K e o rg a n i ia - n u n .ia iio a of t h , p*ae* tr**ty

lio n . L d y i F k ih i r e i H e C h i r g e d

lo P r e ie n I F o rm .

Sayt Criticum of Him Baieleis

Accepting Felicitation*. Declarei He Seeki Eipecially Withdrawil

of Border Troop*.

C a m p a ig n A g a in s t V illa S la r t i

ki.T : i ( .* ) —rt.piy-,>f ffllfU itln ii to hlm-

wllh oom«UUop>#n In A« #ffoft lo drmfl A bIaa fo t Ibo pAttlolpAnon of IboAOWly tnfTAACbiOod V#fOf# Ip lb# dlTOe-

tho PA, ,M ..— ebiooA 1-

lion of th , Itapublloan party T h , plan will h* pr,a*Bt*d to t h , eonyuitlon. It la undaritood. w ith t h , rooommaadatloa of t'bairraan Baya and th , Mallon,! com m lll,* th a t It h« ,d o p t,d

ie m , of tho wooion a r , nahtag for a •n riy .tlf ly " volo, m party affalra. and. at tho o th ,r , i l r , m , . iomo a r . Mid lo h* ooBtoat w llh Ih* priM Pi ar- r a n g ,m ,a t w h ,r ,b y *n ad rlio ry .’om- m ltiM of o n , ropreM B tailv . from »ach | ita la . w ith BO voting pow rr , l f , wMh th , n itlo n a l eom m lliM

A rMiBoat th a t a plank Indorolng In- d*p,adone* for th , M OlIppIn,. h , Incor- poratod In th* ptotform will b« m ad, to th* p latfhrm and pollela* eom m ltt,* by a gaaclal e*»m l**loa * t I'lllplno*. Joo* p. fUlMiel* aanouBowd t*day. M*l,n*to. Jatm* C. d« Vayr*. n«ald*nl PhlUppla* Cammlaalaaar at WaoMagton. and IToUp* Bnaacam lao, rapraooatlng Man- B*l tjnaaon. F raaldoat of t h , Philip- p in ,I . ar* i» ,m b ,ro of th , oommlMloa.

\ir .X lT " f lT T .Ing til i rri*»#BSeicir A(»£l ihA#* AMOtli'**) w \i^ him in th , n ,w fo g lm . In Maalco. Mat by , num l.,r of t h , m»mh*r. ot th , munic­ipality of !.«■ A n * ,t ,a 0 ,B ,r , l Alvar* (Jbrrgoi. y * a t,rd ,y , ip r . ,M d M* th a n k , lo tk* M ndari aad d*ol*r*d th a t It h« thould b . oUftad to th* Pr.ol- ovney h . would ,**k to bring about ami. .b l , iw la tloa . botwwn MoiHo and t i l ulher rounlrlOA •■trt'ClAllr i,#tt In ui on the A m irlc in eofitlnenr

•*im- of injr groAtei* diy*." adtlid ilen e ril O bregon 'i rsvly. *'#IhBt on w hirh tb# iftldlefi wUu iro p titlon#J to snord all frontier# leading lo our ro u n iry aro wiUidrawn"

El. v\n»>. Tea May IT l - T h e dc foeto gov# rr»n»oB l o f iJ e i l r o haa h e g u n It# th f#A lO B O d r A m p a if i i a s a ln # l T ra n - fll#©o vill# Advleo# recalTOd h*r# indl CAlaa ih a l at loaal Ibree eon im anda hav* boon aefit In to tho m o u n ta in o n f thaFM.r ro l d l i t r l n lo hunt down Villa.

W llh fofooo under ilenorala IgDAcltb EBrlouo# and btareola T'orivao already In the field. U lo f»pc<r1o<) that Oonoral J OoniAlo# BorobAr newly opi>olntod m ilitary ro tn m in d ar of ih r olato of rnihuahuA . alart*<l low»rd fcil Vallo from Jlm lno i W*dft#oday n iih i with 1 060 mon Al la it report Villa was wAlllng At El Vallo far final word from Oonorsl P Ella# on hi# doniamlthat he ba appalntod in replace Etoobar

Uolwoon EocohBr and Villa the bil< Urool enm ity e ila la The foritier waa one of tho ju ry which paaaod a oentanco of doAlh on Oonarol Eellpo AnfOlei. VlllA ■ mllltBry idol, and tho bondlt haa •w orn he muAt pay w ith hla own Hfo.

WAfllf IS'OTt^N Mar M ',T l • Lofla- ' laiutfi reo rg eu la ln i Ihe N*by I'epArt ni«rU eii'l i re e tln a » reepoiiBiMe m ill' tmry adkJivr. 1«j tho riv lllait Be«retarr waa urg»d (hr ua^kilInvratiAAiins k'ommlttee today by Hear- Adhilrml Himo. who ron tlnued hla taati mohy In rab u tta l lo fto< ra tary I^nDlela and olhor wMneoaea

The adm iral aorilbed (ho w aidm r falfuttsa charsed h> hJui ag a ln il tha iiovy In tho proaant brAanKalloh Hr deilar«4 lliiil Ur i>»r>i«la In hla Iran- iiiony had rxil Btl«n>ptr>d m re|il> ii>■ perlflr crlUelam#, but had endeavurwdto "‘Klcaa ijVfr” tho deportm riit afailure#

”In defand in i tho navy " Admiral dlma oald, '"tho aatrotB ry has al#o aoi'a fit lo Introduce mAllera rrfleotlns upon (be w ar aorvlica uf tho navy of a frleiidly nation « llh whom we wrro al- liMlalod in the w ar Ha haa charfod (hat thia navy woo IneffortItoi. Ibal It hAd no plABa And ho ha# quotod iho Frooldonto AAAorilon to tho offect that iB tho crlila ti wa# helplooa to iba point of panic

"Ho hA# fu rth o r akarged Giai I waa ao bjpnoU sod by Ibi# M frlro (bAl 1 gonu- floctod contlnnoualy to Ita [Mklldoa and loAdoro, th a t my. dtArooi ho|>oi werebound up with Ouch tfivlailtloM ao doro- rallana: that 1 c«*Aalalon(ly deprot laiad Iho a ffo rd of my own aarvico ignorod my own d o v # ^ f a l t e n ^ p l e d 1u de- rolve the head of my own nallon, and■ ndeBVorod to ua« th e furco# under my command In tho Inloroata of Hreai B rit­ain and con trary iu (ho Inlereota of the Tnltod Htmtoa Thoao rhargoe aro. nf couroo. •<> baooiAOO, •<> ihoruughly In con trad lrtlon to th* oatabllehad fAcU th a t It oooma hard how ihry ■ u-uid bo AorlouAly mado."

Tho adm iral doc-lBTOd Mr Kanlala had otitiroly "inlalntenprotod" hla atiitudo.

Wodi neaday'a oeoalon ef tho FarlkASiOAt, 1 whon hlo rom arha rroatad a oronOk I asa in volrod hlo oppooltloo to iho raU-

ricatloii of tho poAd'o p*c t at yoaiorday a sitting , proao'ntlng vtoloet argum oni I a g a l^ t (he ADIoo. H err Eriedrlch ro- ' forrod to deflanro of tha Alllod powofo

by Iho Huaalan Bulthovlkl an d tho Turko

' Th* aun of tho AtU«# la ooUlng." ha rirelarert T her# la a now factor wllh which thoy muet rorkon ll la Iho In- ilIgDatlnn rroatod by humlUAtod natloita.

Tho world war la at 111 going on. Thero h u boeh no dem oblllaailon and all Iho defoBted n a tlo h t ahould bo ro* u n it 'd Aftor o fom montha tho Apponyl

. d o l e # l l l u t i i a o ' o poaro ropresont- ullveai. « 111 rogrot olgnlng tho iroaiy

I "H ungary cantmUto*! thr»a b lunders The firor waa to d odaro tvar. tho aecond

' Ilf go ltf>i^hovik and Iho third to asroo (o algii Iho troaty If wa make peaco with anyhtbd) It ohould bo with (ho Serbe. lUimaittano and <'toch#"

Bonus Proponents Begin Filibuster

D eldy In v o c k tio n a n d T ry to B lo c k

R e e d in g o f J o u r n a l in E f f o r t

lo F o rc e R e lie f V o le .

M d to n M ak e* A tta c k o n B a n ic li

Debs to Be Notified of His Nomination in Prison Garb

ATtrANTA H a. May 1« t ^ ) Ih # amall room al (lie A tlanta Eodera) Peni­tentiary »n«1 undor Ihe w atchful oyo of a guard, EugOho V !>#(», aorylBg a (OB- >oar (aim for violation of tha oapIdhAg# aci, will bo fortnally notiflod totnofrAW iBomlfig (hat (ho 0<Klall#t party hai Domlnaiod him for Pr#ald#mL

W ardeo Kerhat atatod tho notlfiratloo CAruinlttee from Now York waa duo al tho p en iten tiary In (ho morolBg and would bo allow ed (o rommuDlcAto with t ho priaonor

Aaked If Iho PraoidanttAl randldato would rocelvo hlo nottflcatlon eommltlao In prliM>n g a rb of blue donitp. I be w ar­den rriillod th a t ao fa r aa he k|t«w ha would l>eba ha# rom parallvely light work In Iho prloon hvapHal. The vl#, Itora will be hoadod by tt»y»our 8lod man Ihe piAt y'a cAndIdat# for Vica I’realdent

Both Gubenvatorial Fights In West Virginia Close

Mother W ins ChildGiven to Another

(ronU nurd from Viral P ag , )

April Exports to Germany Show Increase Over March

Capital Should Demand Rights, Gary Declares

•VrfTr-nrklah a r a r l i Itm llad to a M lltid » t IM *d M*« la b« arga«l**4 sir agrogigga, flftoBn g«r e*nt. * t the •h le« rg *( irk lek m oat W fo rg ita tra . DIgIrlkgttoB *f tk* m littik akall b* d«- • ^ • * 1 vpca lb* advio* aad doolaUa aflh '' lb* Ik lg r-A llltd Com ailaataa.

Mn. Hanum Urges Turks Be Dealt With Fairly

Wooisa NattonalUt Leader De­clares Angora Group Doe* Not

<1 Tsad lo Break with West.

Bobkeviim Only by CompuliionAHOOBA. Aolt M inor, H » 11 IBy th*

ag*kcl*l*<l Pr«*t).—Tb* Turkinb Na-

W H *ni,IN O . W. Va . Mar t l ( » ) .— O aboraalorlal conlooi. In both Ih* D*pio*ratlr and B*giibllcan parlUo oon- t l a o ^ to b* cloa* lodar on th , ba*H of r tlu rn * compUod by tb , lnt*lllg*no*r from laat Taaoday'o prlmarl**. Both a B. M oalrom orr and *. T. Morgan alalD*d t b , R *pabllean nom taatlon for a*v*raor. Tb* *ot*. laeladlag laeotn

T h in k * E m p lo y e n B a c k w a rd in

A ik in g P r o p e r C o n s id e ra tio n

fo r T h e m se lv e * .

p)*t* f ig a r ,* from all ooaatl**. alAnda; Morgan, t l . l t l : MnatgoiMiT. 41.11*.

For th* D am ocratlc O u b traa lo rla l nom laatlon lb* r o t , o tandi: A B K oonta l* .U *i A. B. U ltlop** ,. » - IM.

th a a to r Sulkorland *1111 l•*d« Oan- •ra l Waod (or th* Bopubllcan Prool- dantlAl lntlor*«in*nt. th* voting atand-

h u th an aad . 4l.*ITi Wood.Ing,

Record and Hopkins Meet

A ssert* U n re s t U U n ju s tif ie d

NEW TORK. May I* (* » .—Employ- •ra In AinaHoA—r#f#rh#d to a# th# oap- I ta lla ik r ro u p — hArttofor# hav* baan backw ard In proolalm lag th#lr right# and InvIiilAg upon prop#r conaldari- llon, E lbart H <>Ary. chalrmaii of th* l^hllrd SlAtA# Bi##l Corporitlon. d«- ojArod h#r# lodAy I# op«nlng (h« an- rvUAl m##lVig of lha American Iron and H(*#1 In#tlTut*

Rpaaklng on ’T h « of fltat#." Mr.(H ry Aald tb# qtioallon nf wh*lh#r It will b« w r«ek#d—w hether th« dJata## of "kiiiuAtlflad ubrAvt and r*volt" will progro i# odapondi upon ih* cotidurt and tffo rl# of th# ship a aallort, who

tiMIgllit laadar# do no< w an t to ta rn to unlaa# foroad to do #o by

WAAgenabU iraa im an t at tha hand# of Kuropa. This s#a# (ha g l i t of a atat*- Mdht fiiAda by My#. l{Alld# Kdlb Hanam. M lnlitar of EdiioailtpA In Ih# Angora NatlDOAUAt Ouvarnmenlg to (ha «or* raapondtnt.

'1 ahotkid Ub# to draw your auaTsMoii t# on# vital Mr# Hanum lald.•Ta #p1ta of lha ex u ao rd in a ry poalilon U tha Ba»t anti ih# potalblUty of loln- I t f AAd Aec#pllng R aaiorn polKIci. ih# l6lld«Acy of 1H* NaOonallata I# not to b m h #w#y from the Wi-ii.

‘ h # Nal1onAJl#(# ar* rry lng hard to ApMhl to th* r#Alty liberal and U rga Mlhdad public uf A m arlca and Europa gad to InHurnc# th a lt pov#rnm enta lo •A# raaacn a n t aftA##. In apll# of ih# dstyaordlnary a f in rt in ih t utioom- p(#d parta of Anat iUa for (he be-uaflt ef Chrliiians #•• a biUla for a fulura conitrucliv# natlirnAl p o ll.) Ipirlgu* and low p r o p o f fa lif i rejutl'ce and acciiamtJfi'a ag a tn a i tha T urks con- linua

•*Th6 Nailoiijlifli leader# nr* hoping aad pailaniiy for poa-'iUi# funtliUiklng and I aIt u rtlo ti on t^urope a

^W* At th a t tlMA eo iira lt# d our lead* li l t AUAufAriarArs, n i call the roll. CbaeUr It. H oaf. H obart Crabb, A rthur K. CroM, LdOUle BaatbA rE tr. A brahan Holliacbtld, John fl, tto b ao u i^ t>r, Ed­ward Waaton, O auff# T- M orrtaon—rap- roeOAtitlvae of tb a lo a d ln t ladu#trla*Af thI# oommunUjr—a n d la»t. but by na m#Ah* taae t th* m an w ho repratantad tbea# who ar# tn taE A d la tho trad##, Henry F. I f l ir e n , p a« r# U rr of th# P late Fedetetlon a f Uabor. Co-oparai- In f with (ham w era Mr. Ih lrU y, than •u r aeelBtant iu p a r ln te a d a n i la oharg# of voeallenel I ra la ln f , aad l*#wi# H. Cam #, tHlBtAAt e ta t# comAtlaeloasr uf adadetlen in e h a r t# o f voeatlonel edu- MtlOA. And we tu rn e d th# entire propoaltlen ov rr to thorn. Thoy mad# a thorough itu d y of II an d eubmlttail a report which wa# p rin ted aad hat ba#n la prin t ev«r alnoo, aooeoelbl# to any #n# lntaro«t*d In laam ing tho fa«li.

'*Th# ichool Ib horo, an d It t# # aur- cesa. It I# in fn # tltu tlo n upon which not only (he lo d U itliee o f thla com­munity draw, bu t o ih aro beyond our limit# aUo aaak our g ra d u a te a Thorn ar# numbero nf l« lt* r# on record to #U«it (h« auroeanfut oporallon nf th li ichcol

"FIvs years ago w« appropriated Ilfk.DOO for a vocational eohnol, but th# •rhonl ws then had In mind wae not (ka inalKutlion ’ w# prop 'it# to tu lld now Our propoaod Bdinol will ba on a qr^aily tirnailonod plutie. such #• thli* InHvjptrlal oil ‘ I# AntlildU to. J ragret iKal f1vi> yr# rg have i.asasti, | rsgrcl svt*r\ ilriuy th a t hn* ciTurreil. Hut th# Uriaya. a f te r a ll , la so li and don#. w»r# Inev itab le , unp voMabla. F irs t th rr« V a* Ih# InlordU i !i>n i»f ihs Nailomit (lovcrnm ant becauan of war rondltlona. (h#n th# Hr^ard of Behan! Kstlmal# announced th a t Newark waa loo dapg«rously n e a r Ua bond dcU'

aro All tha peopleI I I '^ # "•** Fraaidani of tha UnitedLADOr OrOUp in ICVClanQ utata#. th# cap tain of tho ihip of atate,

Mr. Gary laid , miiat br ' ‘ab la wlie and wall Informed, of unqusttlonad hnnaaty, m orally and in tallerlua lly , amlnanily fa ir and Im partial, frank end ilncara. broad-m inded. deeply lym paihetlr. oouragftoue, e turdy and well balanced, and. above avarylh tng alee, loyal to the ( 'onatitu tlon and (hs law of the Und.

• The preaent ao-calied labor atrlkaa, Involving riot and Injury to property and person, are Inellgated a# a part of tha rampalAQ lo dlelurb and da<

CtBVULAND. M ar t l ( F ) .—National offloere of the Nat tonal Labor party and of Ihe Com m ittee of Forty-algM . of whioh J . A H Uopkln# Of Morrlelown. N -J.. te ch#1rman. mal here today in Joint conference. Combination of (hr two parlle# or co-operation during (hr political cam paign to form ulate a ptal- form and pom lnate randldatee for P re ilden t and Vice President w#re ron- aldered.

Among repreaentativee of the Na­tional loabor party attending were Mai m orallie the #oclal and economic con Kaye# of Cleveland, chairm an; >>ank | dltlon# of Ihe coun try ;' said Mr Uary

mother*# abeeoca. be held the child will have th s c a r t of (he aunt, who haa children of her own nnd of (he Arandmo(her.

Bpeakina of tha difficulty which ha had on lh!e point, th# vloe chkncellor In hla declalon com pared the two m c'her# as follow#-

"M ra Orsivae I# # houeewlfa without ehlldren. Msr g rie f is that ah# esn bear non#, and bar anguish has all lha more Intensified her sullcituda end lov# for (h li fo ster child Their home Is happy and Ihey are In every way I ril (a raise (he child ae becomes iheir •ta tlon In life, (in the niher hand. Ihe I m other In appearance and deportment , Is a ip lendld type of young womanhood, , ot unblem ished sh a ra c tr r and r«puia- | Hon. clean In thought bb>1 pure of I speech The## quallfiee and virtu## | ar# vouched for by r#lAtlv#« in d ac- 4)ualntances and stand unqueatinned "

*'AAd aa to the chang# from th# (osier paren ts lo the rea l m oilier that will j undoubtedly d istress th# child for a time, but It will not Involvv lia wel­fare. In Its hew environm ent, the p#et will Aden be b lo tted froi-n m em ory,' (be vice chancellor continued

Mrg. Judge form erly lived in Lan­caster. Fa. Bhe wae m arried to H er­bert Jud g e of A llentow n when she wa# fifteen and aceompanlod him lo lU ltl' more. T here he deserted her five m ontha la te r

WABHIMITON May t l . —M*rcli*A die« e ip o r is (rom the Unitad Kate# lo <h'rmany during April Increased

ovi*r Ih# previous month, it wae announ.«'#d a t the r>#iwr(ment of Ci>mm#r«# today The value wa# |21.-

AS com pared wllh I1C.MCI4# for' Xl.irch

K tports to (Treat B ritain decretied 117,2M T6I during April and e iporte lo France u l i off approH m ately

I S it.060.000

WAAIIINOTIYS May II (,g>.—Fra- ponente of soldier relief leg le la tlaa launt^ed th e ir flU basler In the Howae today. Immediately a f te r the Bpeaker'e gavsl fell, and ll waa (w enty-flve m in- u tr i before Ihs chaplain, Rev. l le a ry S I'oijdcn, o fftred the ruatom ary opea- Ing prayer.

The filibuster was ranawad immadr* atcly afte rw ard and effo rts w ere m ads lo pr«vtnt the readllng of the Journal (or the day flupperter# of (be relief Ivgislatlon have stiounced th a t tk#) will prevent conelderaMon of any m at- lera until (he relief bill Is brought up

lo«a(lers still planned to ask for s •aipvpsian of rule# far s l i d*ye. begin . Ring Saturday, during ah lch tlm s they ■taivd. the bill would ba considered Uebate on the relief m easure iJurlag the past few days hae centered around the suppose«1 t>emocre(lc oppoeUloA Republicans charg ing repeatedly (bat •Itch oppoilllvn exlals and Democrate em phatically denying that (hey p lan to vote ag a ln it (ha m e*iure when it roiw#« before the House

RepreM Biatlve Mason, H tpubU aar. Illiao ii, IB AJiawering a frirm aiively a queitlon by R epresentative H enry T Rainey, Pem ocrai. Illinois, yeeicrday. as lo w hether the former favored ao eighty per cent war profile tax in rinahce tk i proposal, charged (hai h M Raruch "had stolen Ua.HOft.OflD of war prixftte on i-ppper"

“rm w illing to vuppori such a pm - posal." Mr Mason said, "but I #ni afraid w hat you offer Is not to help bat to defeat the legislation th a t th# soldier# w sai I'm witling tn vote (o have your A norney General b ring euK against Barney Baruch, the chief man. the cloeasi man to the Fre»ident of th • Unlisd Btates. who eioie Ii6.##6.b06 i.t copper alone."

RepreSentallve Mason did not e labo­rate OP hie charge and hie reTfiafk# passed w ithout comment from (he Dem- oeratlc eld# Hie aeeertlon ih si lb# was profits lax w ai one of ihe T»*mo- eratle p ro p o sa l to defeat (he hllU however, brought denials from Damo- erata.

W o m u i S io o l* H o te l P o r te r

P e r s is te d in P e e p in g , S h e S i y i

Woolen Firm Arraignments Postponed Till Next Week

Held on Weapons Qtarge As Gun Drops from Pocket

B o ^ r or Chlrogo. * ,cr* t* rr. *nd Duii- con MoDonotd ot Hprlngfl.Id. IN no- llonkl orggniM r -

Boaldo* H r Hopkln*. (l*org , I. R ,ro rd of J*ro*s Cltg. N J . n ttlona! <>oimTiltt*«in*)i, i r , r , among tho*« r , r ro n n tin x th , CommltlM of F o rtr-e lgh t at I h , L'nnraronc*

Senator Johnson Reasserts He Won’t Bolt His Party

CONCOHD. N. C.. May I I fJF).—Ran- i t e r Jo h n iu n of r t l l fo rn la daoUrad In a political addrssa hare yaitarday that h# would not bait Ik# Republican party at ('h icago If ha shoulil nel b# chosen a t lha H#P«bI(ean Presidential nominee j eniuMon, lhar#.

"I am now engaged In a family q u a r­rel. wholly a fam ily quarrel," Banatof Jehnnon said, “and whan 'he arlactlon tl mad# al Chicago In two weeks the quarre l wlU b« *nd#d.“

Benator Johnson, at Orecnaboro. lold an audtanc# th a t ha came to North Car- oHna ‘l ig h t in g organlied polHIci a n i o rgan lisd w ealth ."

^ h e n Allied rr -ups(lona1 fort'#* en- t#r*d Ccn^tanl In.iplx' !n March. Mr*.Halids prlJb M nnum wa» .>nr of evscrAl HatlanaUit leader* repertad tu 1ia'< u bean taUtn intu r-jx io jy by theand d ,p o rl.tl Tl;» fortgolim | j,' orrm l.d

from 4 u g r r , ttuifi noi 1n,lu-*ie J po,i,ion o'how Sfr, H ' riuiii d llii capital

f*ai had Iitr N,* iioii■

IWIaeiItVs T ria l to U# Foarwoped.NEW n n i ’NItWICK. Slay « Re^euea

g iB iltfsciory Jury pan*! rannm ha j ia^ur#d (he-4rlel of E>etortIve WMltam [ Hartman ef T'erih Awbny on a charge , af hlffhuaj robber) 4('I71 -n over unMI i th# nem (e^ni of ro u rl Joseph Brnm* i ban. in alleged arcon r l i r t of Hartm an. \ wg# fcnvlcfed W fdn*iday . nighi but | th# entire panrl w#e axhsURicil In ob- ' talning a lury far ih# tria l. K U ghgygad ther |fftrt.iie>i snd (hr## o ther I m'gfl h^ d UP snd rnhH«d John MorllHO { Abd Gill tlqr.tK -n .ili.w sd Rrnmbcrt to |

hie pnl'rv M-lgc

limit fur fu rther n p p ro p rU ilo n i "K was my hope, my eap#rU(loii.

that (he 1(00,OOfl we received from tha , itAie for the norm al school should go ' Inward ih*- v n ra tlo n sl arho'il. but w ith . 11m bond s itu a tio n as U was, and un- i der Ih# promise Of th e Hoard School | Eadinatc thrt( an ap p m p rla iio n would , be provided is ts r on, wo inverted ihoas fimds Ui mor# ImmadiBte purpoaaa. ih# rrerlluii of a lam en lary claesrooma.

'Yon i'ai;i'( ta lk to me about co#ta.I This In iin Investm ent. An Inveitm ant

10 w hith the you th of th# city It an- ' illlofl am] an# Uist f>ught to have baan i mad# befer# II wi'T b rin g nmnirold

r«(uf.ii l:( monev, -ind In advancing (lie city nf N funiV ta th# lending pcalll-m

leii >eRrs ago 1 bns# my inera (rrotind# wHhou" ra n ­

cor or blt('*rn» ar *’Maynr <mivn's rom m unkaU on re la­

tive tu teachara ' a a la r te i ataied thnt while nrlgJnal r«p»rta had It that lha

Senator Johnson previously had #«rt#d hi# Intention i(' abid# by th# oul- come of (he Chicago convsndon.

Mr. Gary deprecated clM i legislation H# declared th ere are no claage# In lha United Htataa such a# have e iii tc d In o ther m untrles .

“W ithout dispute, any perwon has hi# or her place, righ t# and prlvlUgas." nohltnuod Mr. Gary "This Inrludr# those which are personal, private and exrlualT# No one may properly im ­ping# upon the rlghJi of another. Every on# m ust b# pr>>(#ct#d to ths full limit of th# laws whinh ar# Inlsndad for the hanefll of all. with the under­standing th a t p riva te Intareeti ara aub- o rd ln a lfd to th# pubtla wsKare, but .In thft evercli# of Individual rights. In (h# protection of individual property and In te rtil# , It Is the obligation, as Ji should he the pleasure, of every nn# to #4-1 w ithout anlmonlly toward the Onn-

the laws, and Ihe genersl puMic, and wlibr.iit Improper and un- hcf'nasary f r id io n . • • •

'Em ployees must and will rea llis that (heir advancement and eontent- TOfni depend upon (he prograae and PM sparlty o f the 4*tnplnyers; thai. na- cept for the willing and free Inveat- ment of cap ita l up to (he requirem ents of hunin### damande. r4»g«th»r with full co-operattve asslsiance on the part of (he heat talents enierpriae and tniila* tivc would languish and tileappaar a n l lhai ind]ff#r#nce and Idleness would be suhei 111)ted.”

W hen Anger H oim #a a colored butler In (he home nf W illiam B tttle i of H I M(. F ro ipect avenue, got off a norlh- hound Mt P rospect car near Cedar • tre a t th is afternoon, he accldenlally dropped from his pocket a .I2.4?allber revolver. Le#e than a ha lf hour later he waa locked up in the F irst P re d n n Ntatlon nn a 4‘karge of rurry lug a '"on- ('ealed weapon. He Is t wer ^ h r e e years old.

The revolver, which was fully loaded, was picked up by a reporter who hap ­pened to he on the car Mcutillms F rank A Broes, An Insurao'C broker of 113 Third s tree t, who also paw the gun drop from lIo1mep‘s pocket, got off ihe car and told Mounted I*oilcemen Rtoackel and H ager (hat Holme# had dropped It. The roiored matj wap seen to enter a nearby drygoods store end the policemen foliowsd.

When llcjlmes saw Htnrkel and Hager approaching him h* pulled h box of cartrid g es from hi# pocket nnd threw It Into a pile of dress gontls on (he counter, the pnllre charge Hl'ickel covered the m an w llh a guti and n patrol wa# sum m oned (o take him to th* sta tion . The revolver was turned over to Ihe police by the rtpprier

Holmes said he bought the revolver In a pawn b rok er's shop In Market stree t near the court hour* and that the paw'n b roker did not take Ii)p name.

NEW YORK May 14 r.T).—Pleadings In ilic esse of the American Woolen

Nsw York, American Woolen (.'ompen3* of Ma##achu#eits a&d WilUsm M Wuod president of both I nrpars linos. Indicted on a chaj-ge of prufU^erlng were postponed today In r«a*rsi court until nsxt Tuelday.

/U4jgo Mack gran ted the postpons- ment a f ie r conaullailun with Rpeclal Aesislanr A ttorney General Smyth and couneei far (he defendants. It la under- s'ooil that Mr Wood, who waa not In court, has had no opportunity to con­sult Uharlea E Hughes, retained by the defense

Quest Turns AgainTo McAdoo Boom

(rvintlnued ftnfg T i m Faga.j

EI-IKAHETH. May 14 —Gutio Booth, a pqrtsr employed at the Burkely Hotel waa ahPl and sligh tly wounded (hi# morning by Mrs W’llllann Ml|<'b#il *4 * reside# a( the ilurkely w ith her hue- band who I# employed by the r e n tra l Railroad of New Jsr*ey After her h u s­band had left for busln### Mrs Mllv chall. a tanding in front of # m irror. whM# arrang ing h#r hair- noticed tha r#- rlsi'tlon of a man In (he m irror T urn ing around, she declares, shs saw Booth # head g a jin g down upon her from over the transom Mrs Mlichsll aevsrgl time# told Booth (u go away, but he kepi on g a iln g A w arning (hat ah# would ahoct him If he tlhl not obey her commaiula. made little Irupresslon ow him. Then she drew a revolver frorti the bureau draw er and fired

Booth la now under arrvai In the Kllaabeth G eneral Hospital He s u f ­fered a ecalp wound which la nor roa sidered aerloua the bullet having graa#il hi# head Mr#* Mitchell has been r e ­leased on her om i account of the shoot- Ing.

Mr and Mr#- Mitchell resided tm Reading, Pa , b#|fort they ram e lo EU ta- betb. Booth I# tw enty-five years old

Bolshevik Forces Reach Second Line Above Kiev

C hfirg es H u i b a n d A sk in g D iv o rc e .

D o p e i l a n d P u t H er in A sy lu m

bomd contHrti>late<l •g ran tin g evsry | but ths Polea. ^ tesrher a 1400 InrroAfle, alAlomenti *ub- . rscr«.*a#ed it)* jietiwcnily n.ade by boanl meinUers teniled lo modify t'h^ e a r l lT reports Slid rcilsff Opuhta In tho teachers ' inlmli.Thr Mayor urged (iip hoard to adopt rcBoiutluni ntaMng eaac tly what earn teacher is to recrive . and sxpreselng

LONDON. May ?» ( ^ 1 —Th# Bol#h#- vlkl are advAnrlng In the Kiev region, and are engagatl in fighting on the ##c- onH fortified line of the Poles, no rth ­east of th a t city It Is ann43unced In yes­terday'# offletal slatem ent by theHovlet O overnm eit received by wireless from Moscow ta ja v

The sta tem ent says ths fighting line rune (eti mllea north of Drovurl Village. This Village llf»s about ten miles directly east of K U v.

tVAUSAW' May is iJ*> The Bolshevik! in streng th ^ ro ed a pasaage of the Beresina River g'outh of Itorleav,

concontrlc ettwok, culling off the

Rciny's retrifal and taking hundreds of pylsiMisrs," says an offUial com m unka- tlon issued yea-erday

(TOFEKMAGtN. May II (d’l —All of N orthern KarvLa (.Northwest Rusi1a)i has been conquered by the BoUhevlkl.

the;r so IW l*ciri,*i. ■..IM *..*gr.w«>-,..g* I — ' - - • ---)sh (hat teach er# doing clerical according to a H e tiln tfo ri dispatch to

wofU he Included in th e advances W a ld rn U liite M R evelallan.

Mr W^aldron r#f#rr*d significan tly (o A conference he and th ree o lner iueir- here of the bnard hod b ad i^ith the Mavor

Overflow ClRKsified AdaI sHvsrai m onths age . a lth o u g h did j rial make public wh-it waa kaJd aT tb a i | conference. '

not going to atand far being I

the N ational Thlende. The K arelian I popUiAtion )ias flvij |o the forest#.I K arelia, a region In the northwogt i of Rusaia. embrace# the southeast cor­

ner of F inland and p an s of (he mod­ern governm ents cf Petrogrsd. i>lon*ti and Archangel. Th«* Karellane belong

I u> ;a<.< Finnleh sIo ik .

MtLLRN— I'fliv it*e. Miriits] u,. \btlevfd hH»f»a-»l <t JsniT^ M-'.lesi (netOsl^gvi. |le,'«rt'"*"’* P (■ sIr-» 'nembere«f Igt'sian On|i-4?:i :;4S. *;M, Jr •• if. A. M..

(l*e (ufi«rst ssrvuss* ai U^tSii au«et. on iki»>lar> May , M, ti‘ter<nert at Felrmourt'41 |.|Q 4 If I

kta herae* .l i , l< 4 Fr

i*»4,:•(*. ( ^ r t * H I \d>l HIHOinh

OP***.”* r W , Pi’«•*» S. %*«•'■• .**■*. Ml FfidT O

l i SI hti OMl-Pll

( l^nM I Kg. I at Amtrtt*. r rl, Nil. n i l ,

■ N«#rt: . _ d»» R*:*IWM and«>


aoMigtUi aonci*w**j«*.

"l *mni«d, th , TOO' »ny Im so p In thi* »l!nn. tl'ij.,'' Mr WttlOron <l,riarp<l. '1 nr.i w ,t!l t - PPppBI ro .U In r«m*Pl<. .il*ul UA' h , r . ' pair '-1*' inad* Uj- tho SUyor al t .'u if.ppnp, four loditiboP. of th !,bo* i.l halil wUh hipi, unlo*A 1 am iir .ia id to do ,o Hut I th in k It la im i, to .lop dodjsln* around pal** to *** who la ih .

\ oirartaot. I'm r**dif to op*n my pack i 1 " ," 7 ividnoodav and lay all my «*rd* on th* t» b l, and ' yam prtparad to t*H w h a t tha U iyoi

I H id to m* In lh a pr*o*n** of thro# w it.' OMOH. 1 hav* boon * drU nd of th ,I Mayor'A for niany .y*ar*. b lit——"I At that poin t Tbom a* A. Kabny, who I h** com* U b* rovardod aa Iba Hbyor’i

mtutbplAoa In tb* bo*rd. liU*rj*el*4 a rtH*oMiranc* •■ a lo a l o rtllc ltln g Wr.OIJlMi In ht* tbddne*.-Waa," rtKUnad Hf. WaMron. "I Mv* w rltto* » laltok t« thb Mbyor triv liit m r Tl*w« ddd M liM iiwt

m t t)M|

D c c U re s H o tt i l i t ie i in S ib e ria

H a v e B e e n E n d e d b y J a p a n e s e

[X1NI.ON. May II ( » l — H o ,ll |m ,o hetweeit (ho Rm a ana and Japa'nese In HIbefU ceased May t&. according to a R euter dispatch from Vtadlvoaiok.

The dlapatoh gtao reperta th e g rrlva l of the Rutao-Jap- khets Armlirtlce Commlisten a t Kha- barovak-

Fptrini Kervioe of Iks ,V/?>fg.JEMflET CITY. May JI —TeaMfylng In

her own defense In a divorce #utl brought by O«org« H. Grundy of I I rresc i'n t avenue, this city, Mra. Ida May Gri, Illy 4)f to Elio# plaCs, h sfo rt Ad- vlnnry M aster F rank P. McDermott, fhdi yesterday that Ikir Orundy and rentune rhe aH ofeJ were h it SCCOm- r>' l> 4-N hart h a t taken to the State Koe- pjia] al M orris P lains' twice and (het e1if> "wbrt given dope on the way out

Th ■ ■ ....................take• he rem ained a l l weeks, and two years latflr G wa# the la tter time shechargcl phe had b«en doped.

Al ih» beginning of the hearing aomo weeks ago Mr. Grundy and hla son chnrC''il thai Mrs. Grundy wa# given to drlnklRd heavily. Mrs. Grundy dan'cil (hat Al\r had evar bean drunk tn her life.

Pays $75 for Nag and Gets Fined for Speeding

(fo n tln u ad from First Page >

showed evidence of fner driving wh«n Lo Itocco waa arrested , hn udjudged him guilty and Imposed the fine.

a th e ra Fay FImm,Fines of f l f t ^ n each for speeding

were Imposed on Mas Charlton alreef. F ra Johnson avenue, Morris fthaplro of 48 tta s i Third stree t. New York; Rainuel Roth of I I Peahins avenue. Abraham K aplan of fiSS Rouih Twelfth street* bamuet D «nburg of 9## Ellaabsth ave­nue and John Rider of 41 Crawford s(r##t.

Ten do llar fines fo r a almllsr of- fenae w ere paid by Charles ftwanson of 1#67 W ashington av».. N*w York; l» u t t W elaman of 168 Vatloy street, Orange: W illiam n M«rshall of BpesdweM ave-* nue. M orrliiow n: Abraham Graenberg o f 61 Avon place. Theodore M. Frank ef

when It w as tah eu ever by ibe gov srnm ent. and al#o got an official posi­tion In a shipping company which Mr. Palm er eetsed. Mr. Covington stated.

w m ian« Q FUagerald, a lawyer of Detrf>li, who gave 9760, was formerly on the s ta ff nf the alien property rus- (o d lan a office. W alter Danagra. a Louisianian, who gave waa Incharge of Philippine m atiara for the custodian Frano ls P. Garv*n. wha gave tl.hd#. Is now Asalatant Attorney General and alien p roperty custodian. Hohert Fcotl, now p rivate secretary to Mr Palm er, gave |1.006.

Joseph Guffey, a P lltsb u rg b oH man. th** la rg est single ©onlflbutor lo the Talm er fund, who la said to havs gtvjsn 910.00#. was on* of the doUar-a*year men In the custodian 's office.

Mr. <*ovlngton, who form erly waS chief ju itlce o( (he D lalrlct of Columbia fttsprem# C ourt and who hlmaalf gave

to the Palm er cam paign, d««1ared he thought the McAdoo canadldacy had strong backing In Maryland. M ary­land 's dslegatlon lo th# Fr*nelaoo convention, he aaasried. though Uhln- structed . favor#d McAdoo, and hla if - forts to get a plao# aa a deU gats favor­ing Palm er w as unaucceaafuL

K lag Dfsegaae# f to fy .John T King. aratw hlU campaign

chief for G eneral Wood, aft# r ha had related the alleged offar of Ihan R- Hiinna. Cleveland publish## and son of *he late Penator arctiaM A. Hapna, t# raise |*i00,oo« for Wood's campaign, declarod be rUd nol knovf whatliar H anna had ra iled the money or not.

Mr. K ing denied th a t the flnahelng r f Oenerni Wood's cam paign waa tak#n up at the miirh-rtlsctiased dinner a t the

I fjew York tmme of Henry C. Frick. He I Blao denied th a t h# had rtlsco#aed th# subject w ith George W. Perkins, who was a guest a t the dinner. C Leydatd n is lr ftlsn waa at the dinner.

Mr K ing aald General Wood asked him In Fehru*fy . 16I6* 1^ t,( his ram paign. “I raised about 9P1.660. HD, 1 ''rem em ber l*.“ Mr. King said, "jSflODS tn contrlbutlotia antf about ISfi.Oftc w hich I secured on my own note. Then they owed me seme mohey when t quit “

■Where did th# tchlrlbttU ona come from r asked Chalrirtan Kaayon.

• A M ajor Hooker, on G eneral Wood#

P riiK x M ich e l M u ra t I n d ic te d In N ew Y o rk fo r G ra n d L a rc e n y

NEW YORK. May t l — I’r ln , ,l l le h ,l M urat, w h o ,, hom . In I .m , waa ocoTjplad hy r r ra ld rm and Sli.- w iloon durin* th* r ,a r * r n n r ,r * n r . , w ai Indict,d jr ,n l,rd*y by th* grand Jury on a c h a r i* of f ra n d lar**ny In th* rtrat d*(r** nn co irp taln l of a local fur doalar. —ho alt«**'l h , lo ti 11.40# throuph a chock t r tn u c l lo n during th* p r ln c , ', v lill here 1 t,l Jun«.

A brneb w arra n t will b* laautd to r tha prlnca, and th i Now York Polio* I>apartm*nt may a«nd a d tto c tly a ! • P a rli to a ik hla o itrad lllo n .

W lln td to . hotor* t h , ( ra n d Jarp, t* ,tiri*d that th* print*, who In 1411 ■narrltd Ml** H*l*n Btallo. d a u (h t* r of Edmund K. Btallo of Now York, and franddauB btor of A U uutdar MnDonold of Cincinnati, m at th* com plainant In Baratoaa l a i t Jun* *Bd purebaood fur* yaluod ^ 44,«0d. *Iv| bc a chock In pay- m*nl. Thi* wa* rttu rn o d m ark*# " t - - tu friH ont tu n d i.'' It wo* oald. W ord of w hat had happ«n*4 wo* **nt to th a prlnc* and th* d u l* r *tat*d h* ro- ealy*d lo n ro n c e * th a t th* m o»*r would h* paid. Only |t* 0 haa b**n rae«lT*d to dat*. h* oald-

la i Kapini, of 11) ' * MaJM n o o .* r , on jll W. U m b ir l of 1 I « '• « Chleaeo. told m . th a t 41».W» — ._ . . . would b* **01 ma, wa* ih» aniw or. i

.... - * - - - I . r I OI OS ATWn V.ilofondant t*al fled ah* had b**n I , j „ f |tp ,,„ n avonu*. Irvln»lon and John tn MorrlB P la in , In 1*1.. whon y McMnrdo of t* l C antral avfi.

Alberl Nupronknwskl of 111 South Cabal stree t paid a 111 fine for driving a ca r w ithout having a llcane#, aad Jam es 1*e Moire of 414 South Broad stree t, Kllaaheth. paid 110 for a sim ­ilar offense F o r not having a N*w Jersey license, though ha waa driving a Je rsey car. Harold T ravis of440 Kast I tJd atreet. New Tcilc, paid a 96 fine. O ther# fined 96 w«r# W ill­iam Sherrler nf 1IT8 Etlg#b#t^ gVCBU#* Kllaaheth, and 'lan le l C apit of 111 Fourth svtnUe. th a t city, fo r not hav­ing proper ligh ts on th«lr oart; Ton#y r ttro n e ili of ITJ iiloomrUld avanua. for overloadlug a Ji(n#v* Alonao Moore of K64r South HIxteanth ■!###(, for dla- obaylng the hand of a traffic officer and D cn ln lck Dadapo c f i l l South SsvenGi s tre e t for not having a driver's license.

For park ing v lo lattcaa, John J. R oknfursky of 611 M arket street, Rubin

J d p a n - s e G o Y erm n en t to G ive

F i n a n c u l A n i i t a n c e in C r i i i t

TGKlii May I# (By ths AsancLated PrasRi The m errilag newspapers vie%* the rihanrifti d«pr«##ion wllh ubcaal- ti#es. rn r^c isim g that' lb* aimatlo# win be ssurravaied before It ha# recovered coinplcTt'iv. which, however, they cor« alder c»*ns|n

In adrilrion to financial assistance to m orrhant# and banka of good credit, The HorM m ys (he povcrntnen'i has de- rld#4] (n redeem m atured rtomeallc toans with (he view of ampliryiiig fund# In Ih* m arket, thus udllalnR the Burplva deposited Wllh the Mlnlairy of F lnanc# fur advance# to Industria l eomm«rclal and agrIeuU ural #nt«r- p rlaaa

■ D t In the m all from C hlcafo o n , eoah- ler 1 ch K k for 414.09*'. and “ ?**L*f t ? ' ilO.Oflfl. Than tw o of Q tnoral Wood* trlind* . whoa* namoa I don't r*m*lnh*r. •an t ch ack i for 41.49* •oeh."

"W hat w a , the qu#*llon yo'i brok* w ith tham o n r ' 8*n*t*r R**d

"It w as a question o f policy. I waa opposed. In the lnlar#af o f th# and lh« parly , lo ih l t p a irn . » l*k many ® ff*'’***H*"*'o u a r to n and much publicity.

"Tha no t r**t»lt *f month*' conn*cttoB w llh cam palcn won th*M o r u k * d 9*nat*f m b *.Kaw Jar**y. .

th* wlin*** r*P«*d. c „ N r*m t O M W M d T»*M M «.A Beggts v itu t^r )(M b# a j J « » h la to

loM te Mom®# Cv BtebM oi of Mew Torki o n ? « f r i . . " r l a « t * f « of 0 .n . r * l W ood'i n am palfo oPB*nl*atlona. Chaltni*ii» IS y * « paid t*d»r. m r* H r *» w *»- •d f ry ft*R> •an**®)' Ro*d *» to why M r it*hh ln* » • » f®* ”® hand. Th*ehalT intn ra id th* offte*r. * r ^ d with a auhpoann. h ia h*»n In N*w T n » th ree dgy# try in g to locate Mr* gleb*

*'*a ! A. « p rt» « * . W M torn lr*M 0r*r for Wood. 1* too III lo * tl*nd Ik* inv ilry . it w ag said,

JaiMe# B. Reynoltla. fom tar ••cratgry of th* n*piibUo*n National CdmmItUc. •uhRiIttod *n occouBlInB for 0* t» r» * r CoOlldB* M IlM dach “ •W ithdrawn ifr*** *•»• f»f®; '***


N ew B ru m w ic k B o a rd o f T r a d e

T o R a i i e H o u d in g P r o j e c t F u a d

ypcriaf ArrHrt , f 44, NAN B-NEW BRUNBWICK. May I I —T h ,

Board *f Trod* o f thla city haa odoptad a plan t« ro ll* tt40.«d0 fo r tha purpod* or a l la v l t t ln t th* honslng ahortow* h*r* by ,r*ctlnB n*w horn**. A n*«tlBB w aa h ,td *4 lh« elty hall y**l*rday k t whim, H arry T Blok ford pladg*# tk a t tk* m orchanU of th a city w ill add i l s t y p*r cant, to any am m inl tho* I* ral**d by popular iuhaerlp tlon o n d .a tlll t v - th a r fund* w ill b* obutlnabl* f r e u tb a b o n k * . _________________ _________



K**al of 14 M onm outh *tr**l. H arry i balnp Ufiktd o f • • k dark hor*». ^

I • W S f


—•-'•JScUf •*ltd —lb** A W l«4(

4M d-^IM % *W »W

lA ST E L B E R G « O N FE D E N tlA L

.O N V B N irarr R E D ITI

dMB m t r a n to.• (A 'jn n b . '1 H*

G>roner Fieds Pneumonia Killed Rich Stevedore

NEW YORK, Way 11 iK b -^ tn a u ' n * n i* oAuaod Ih* dckUi a t )***ph AtidH tor*, w aallky adYadM*, kM w dlaa Id

a*H4P*r^k. M a w t ^*diav..M, a a

Workman on Navy Hansar at Lakewood Badly nirt in CaveJn

apH«*l *rr*4r, of I4« .VSVf.I^AKtEWOOt). Khy II. — W miatn

Schaff*r o f I 'l irk a b u rp I* a patlani a t th* Raul KtnihbU H**pt4ol h tr* . wH*r, h* w t* t*k*p from th* n a ra l t l r ftp ijon ■m una* Wcdk**dAy id th t d tt* r dn a<> elddkt. M w f w . a « « t i ik a a an tlM

n*4Yw«M«K.,«C;«l.'lHIMnilt' H»«*

K richm an of t l Paahin* ay*nu*. iianiiinl H unt al 41 E nlrrlaw uvanu*. Joi«ph Haldwin of J t l Marl(dt alroat. An* U eb ita tn o f 41 WII ion * n n u * , Maori* M. Ooldbarp o f M l Balaionl a ranu* Jam** Blum o f 141 ao u tb T «*nty-tlr« l ■tr*ot, I r r ln c to n ; Harm u* Flkeb of 144 1V**t K tnnay *tr**t. and’ W illiam Mupn of 111 Main atiwat. Bd*t O rM t«t p4tld fina* a f M *aek.

Blmltar tin** w ,r* p « t | by W oltar J , Rildar of Tl* Broad o trM t K*rma* Jacob** of t Or*** a t r p i t KUtdh*(hi A lbart McYkddan of 14 Jam** ttro a t. Kdword Kulm * oJ 111 N*—port **«**•• R ahw ay; I .k th* f IBtoclI w ar. t i* m n f l* U add Julli • t 44 CatiMMM * tn*4 . t

S ' " ‘ "

fnnd of m . lT I waa Mi**d. Mr^ R*r n»)d« aald, and m**t of ll wo* ip ta r. prlnolpklly to dMlrlbuM • ®®“ ‘ta lo liu r* o m * *1 0 * * a n > « CooUdi* * •p * a o M .

18714 Bmd Stnato n v t a n r a iM y c v b n in «taftl* It* 4>*r Bata Pf 4>«***


Hums Calls Fund Offer "Grpa MisrepresenUlion'

4 3 jg V w y u » C b « * i '* * ( » ) ; —p a » ^

dM land J*hp T. K/kltf* 'Mfksrintijn *fH ojiM '* a)l*«*d p*l*f t* laU * M*l.**»

Atottait.'' dilpudM



onentsilibusterI T ry to B lo c k

J in E f f o r t

f V o le .

k o n B a n ic li

II liF*.—Fr»- lf*r UclilAlloa t Ift (h« Huiia« r lh«ir«nty'flv* miti- In. R.*t. Htary uttorntry op«o-

orli w*r* mad*of th* Journal

r« of (b* r«tl*f K'tfd that tb«) on of lay mat-

\ li broufhl up I 10 a»k for a • t i da ys. i hich t lm» ihay

ba conaldtrod rnaa*ur» liurlap rantarad around itlc oppoallloarapaaladly that and U*roo<'rata

lat ihay plaa to a whan it ronaa*IQ. KapubUaai'.affirmaiiToly aally* Ifanry T nola. yaaiprday. rrar favorad ao

profiila lai to rh a rp a d th a l h n tlC.OOft.Ofli) nfori auch ■ pro- id. “but I 4ni

ia not to halo ■lation that Vh* lira tf> vota to naral brine auil . Iba rhltf man. Praaldant of tta *

n did not rIaVo* nd hla remalkt it front tha nonr- artfon ihai rtt of lha T»amo- * f aa I 1 ha hl1 U ala from Damo-

1 Porter 'XTio ping. She Styi—Jluno Booth. 4

ft Buirkaly H«ttJy wOundad thtbim Ml|rhall Bha y with har hu*- 1 by iha renirul

Aftar har hua- Mp«m . Mrk Ultv ml of ft mirrur. ir. noficad tha . mirror Turnlnf aha uw Booth'a >n har from ov*r Mlirhall atvarftl ffl away, but ha 'amine that abd dirt not ohay har r Inipreaalon on • re>(i]var froiti

I flrrdarr«fi in tha

>apltftl Ha auf- rhlrh la not con tat hftvini ft-rtaad all haa bran ra- lunt Of tha ahobi-rhell r»atdod tM ay ram* to dttft- y-flve yaftra old

it Indicted Grand Larcenyli U ). — I'rinaa homa In I m la •Idrnt and kii«-

‘aftra ConfaranC'*, ly by tha grand grand larrany la nptaint of ft local ad ha loat H.lOf ftctlon during tha i Juna-'til ba laiuad for hlaw York PoUon d a datactlaa t* adltlon.th* grftbd JPiT* net. who In li l t Btftlla, dftufhtar

[»f Naw York, and ■Afidar MoDonald a cOTuplAlhant In id pumhaaad fun g a chack In pay - rnad markftd "*t»- wftg aald. Word 1 wag aftnt to tha »r atatad ba n* hal tha monay

y isao hftft boon hid.

ird of Trnde ig Project Fwidwwt.c. Mtr 11—Tk*■ eitjr hu adovtae 10 for lha porpoaa ling ahortaca Haro 1. A maatlBg «M 'oatardar At whlen pladgod that tha ly will adi llstr onl thah la ralaad Ion aitd.atlll (w> iialnablo from tha

LBERG’SmmuhINIENTriId Stfw lMf

Sales Continuing Saturday Sale of Infants* and Children*s Wear

Sale of Sports S ilk Skirts at 14,95 L S .P L A U T e OQBSTABLUHBD ItTO

Store Closes a t 5 P. M, Saturday and Will Be Closed A ll Dag

M onday, May 91st

Misses’ Sports Coats—“Just Right for Holiday Wear”—Reduced to 15.00

Not only "just right” for the holidiy—but for all Sum m er end w iy into next F ill— bu postponed buying her Spring and Summer c o i t until now can step riant Into one of these

last m inute” choice and be just as fittingly g irbed as though she hitfgiven days to the bu^

Originally 29.7S to S5J0SNot only "just right” for the holidiy—but for i l l Sum m er and way Into next F ill— but the M lu who his

Sports C olts on • buying!

Very excellent variety is sure to afford you the exact choice you will be most pleased with.

Excellent tailoring and fine materials make them well worth their higher prices. W onderful bargiint, every one of them!

Polo cloth, velour, covert, gabardine and Scotch m ixtures. Sizes 14,10 and 18 yean .

Misses* Tailored Suits at a Greatly Reduced Price, 26.50W «n E m p d o a a l Vahw st n .75 t » SftTS

FaUikiiMd of excellent ingterieU in ell the fiihleaaM e modeit of Spring 1020—• wonder price tnily, thtt berely careri m ttn iil coeti! Sttet 14, 10 (nd IS yeire.

A Holiday Sale of Girls’ and Juniors’6.95 to 8.95 Washable Frocks at 5.95

You'll like not only the style tod rerel in the good, sturdy making, but you’ll likewise be more than pleaacd with the very eicelUnI mate­rials and good colors that have gone Into theae most unuaual tummtr dresaea!

We've seen nothing like them at price to speclatt Ginghama, chambraya, crepes. Palmer linen and pique in tites 0

to 10 years.

Nothing Prettier Than These White Dresses Special at 3.95

Regsiarty dJS to 0.S5More than a doien different models from which to choose—and

each,i)y aome magic, prettiest I Sizes 0 to 14 years.Materials are fine batistes, lawns and Toilea.

6<Kt Rednetka Sale la GbV Coata, SOk aad Goth Dreasen Stfll la Pn>greaa

PluMa—HUrt Ple«

For the Holiday Outing Nothing h Smarter Than Theoe




The sort of suit you can travel in to "got thero" and "live in" after you arriswt

Anssrering for suit or dreaa, thero it at once a distinctive aporta mien about them that makea thorn quite (ho moat Rt- ting of suits for any outing occasion I

With Jabot or veatao titty serve quite ak veil for dreaack aa for auita—altogether irre- aistible in style and aervioal

T h e p r ic e ia n o in d ic a t io n o f th e i r r a c e l lo o t ta i lo r in g — a n d o n ly e x c e p t io n a l c l r c u n n ta n c e a b r in g th e m a t th is f lg n ra l

Three eiodiah atylee from which to eheoee—only ene iltua- trited. Sizee 34 to 44.

Need Ties for the Holiday?Then You*re Interested in Our

Sale of Men’s Silk Four-in.Handsa t Oreaily Reduced Prices I

n ea takaa right from regular itock —that means that ovury tie triglnally mestdrea up to our requiramenta and atan dards for sale at the hlghor prioeel

Choice Imported and Domeatic St'lka— the kinds you like!



Also reg. 3.50, 4.00, 4Ji0 ties at 2.63, 3.00 and 3.38respectively

12.00 to 15.00 S ilk Shirts a t 7.50Sach aMris aa vouffl not haw aa epeortuntty of buylot atatn at any luch reduced prieel Excellent choice ef tiiae and pattama—In tha heaviest and ftneai of shirt altka!

Eatrauce, la the lUght

Of Course the Kiddies Will Enjoy the Holiday Best in

“FOOTFORM” SHOES!Never any tittle tired drclee undef the eyee from "hred

teM" when Footform sheet In proper eiiet are choccnl More than that—(hey are bnili to GIVE SERVICE!

PATENT A.VKLE ‘nES. 2M le dJa-aocording to alit. PATENT THEO TIBS (ogp oyelei over Instep)

1.60 le O t —according to site.CALFSKIN OXFORDS

UW to 6.60—according to tire and style.CALFSKIN PI MPS

1.76 ai^ 0.00—according lo slio and iirla.BROWN OXFORDS «

6.76 to 4.2S—according to ilio and •tyle.All nuda over Footform lute—and contptriton will prove

to you that our prices dtfy vtiue competllloni Look carefully at tN making and the qu^itlcs!

Plama flteeaid Fleer

Annex Square Sale of Women ’«

Georgette Blouses

'•« 2.95

SPORTS HATSThat Make Pretty Choice

for the Holidays I

Featured a t

We've tried hard to remember |uet when we ever aaw bloutee inch aa tbaac at a tale price to approach thial If thera ever wera auch bloutee at thla price it wai before our lime!

And not futt a few—but PLENTY of them, to give every lut-orinute shopper for the holiday and every woman anarch- Ing for good suinmor blouses an unprecedented opportunity

4 .9 8 -5 .9 8

to biK tevertl exactly to her pet whimi!Bei ■ ■

. elty coniriSIsaa 3d to 40. No. C. O. IX'a, Exchanges

lautifnl ahedea of peach, copeo. blege and fleab—em- bmldared aM beaded In pretty conirasia'—with planty of white.

I or Refunds.Plaeta lAiiuea Square

MH.ANESE SILK GLOVESIn the Most Wanted 16-Button Length

2*50The glove you are seeking this season—and especially at this holiday tim e-offered at this most

moderate price. ^They are made of the heaviest milanese silk with full cut arms that are bound to fit well. Douhle

finger tips of silk give them unusual wearing qualities.Colon; Browns, grays, white and black. Sires 8'/j to 7'/ .

Plaaia—Main FVw

Saturday!Beautiful in their soft color­

ing, their pretty ribbon conceits and fine straws—many of them with the added charm of "entsh- ablenest," so that one could safely tuck away a beauty in a suit case!

Leghorn hats with milan hemp Ranges cannot boast the crushableness, but do demand that much be said for their ultra smaftness and all-service- ablenets!

Very remarkable hats at their feature prices—and wide choice for both the maid and the matron.

Newest pastel shades as well at whita and navy.

PlauU SaeaBd Fleer




R ^ular 5 .50 and 6 .0 0 Corsets, Special at 4 .69IM f* Beltk Md elbtr Ikmeue makes, la a wldt aasertment of medets—not all alrea In each alyls, but eelleetivaly 22 te 30. At 180 At ISO to 4-50 I At 79c

tadp and^ft A & Cersaa, In Tree, H. W. and C. B. aporta glidlea, Is | Da Bevolat Brasaierea, embrsldary trim-pink satin, riastie, eeutft and broche, med and dainty bandeaux of pink broeha.

Fleer I Main Floor. itoplaai modal, fashioned of pink


Bedsi '

mM .I t '

' O f e r e d t t v e r y t e l l i n g

B t v i n g s e n d g u e n m t e e d t o h i v e h i g h ' f i i i d e m o v e r

m e n t i L r

i0JD 0W 4S n ill

’•s ■

12.00itirlhif 'tihtof

mddli vitii'tdtRRnf dial an 18* Jiwai Utm BidTtiiiuti. MonntoA OD ribbon lyiiilyt.

l ib lo b m e i l t M K H f M f g v in u i*

lA R f ;|V «IB D aik '^ iM kW V

Sale! Beautiful Ribbon Remnants at 5c to 2 .50

Vahies 10c to 5.00 iA very remarlcable opportunity, Indeed, that offers yon choice, tueful

kngtiu of finest quality ribbons.nahi Batin*—metraw-taffatae—fanoy printed ribbons—(ap«ttrie»—|iltM — romaa

•tripe*—fur avary ka««n and concatvabl* rib bon uae!Culonl—a vartitabla gardeu of huaw~to many and varied they era IEach piaaa ticketed with yardage and apodal aallint prfea, far convanlaiit perdiasa.

Mania—Mala Flaar |

'Bettergrade** Norfolk Suits9aasas3B 88B aB ian

15.001t s a s a e a e s a c B ia w

For an Ideal HoUday Wrap—-These12.00 to 17.00 Marabou Neckpieces

9.59Light as ■ feather—yet they keep off the treacherous spring

draughtt that will coow la apUc of summer ae near.These are tatnpla models—In t host of attraeiive styles and

made of flnaat quality ntarabou.Some are mmuiied beautifully with ostrich—and all are most

daelrabte. whether Mack, seal or natutil color.Ptauto—Mate Floor

The Frock for the**MormdP* Part of Your Holiday Is a

Smart Checked Gingham—Here and Very Sp^xUd at


R e g u l a r l y 2 9 jS0 f a U J O

They ira tO O fI all « a ^ at tiia4--y o v b id batter H it llad and Mofhar abaat tb a « ! ' f

. A vary m a t Ria«y a t th a n h iva tWa h a to km aabutim.” J a c t ^ a lp a e i Haad ta d k a U ^ ( t % N M .

m m r i s » y a m .


14.95tt will be a queer little

tuH ease that doae act beaat eaa ahaokad glagbam fraek far (ha qrwfc.«i haUdar— the flack teat lie lu with ilw mmlug boaia at kdaua, the afterwoo about tea henaa —far (to hlka (to ]>■■< *• (to eM t

Tan eaai*t aiahe a adiiato la ebeaatag twa af thass braud aaw aad tpactelly paiahaaad glRgbaMM.

T hay a raof a q ^ aator

m aabtiR ii! • t r ---------


While Q aaatlttea Last

M E V g 1 .2 5 ^ N D 1.50 S I1 J( S O X »5c

F in . ailk snO silk M h.r m b In boathffrR eharka. ilrlpoH and now- ollv ffryr'tB A most rMbtnpIftt* ft#*Rorfmenf of rolorp. MainFloor.BOYS' 1.95 W A S H S U IT S , 1.69

Ulitti mBnnlih auita of ffinrhftm, nhftmbrfty or nvpp In mttldy anS halted atylcft. Tour nholo* of whltft, Mil* or ta.ru a.lao arradm or btua pirira Rit«ft 3 to i MainFloor. __


Th. food looking .p o rts h a ll th a t with s irrssth of illUs of t h . vsJ- l . r or Iflsei or soy of t h . tlow sr w r.sths bKOm. a s to a n d tn r tr .m art looking. Tsllorwl bows m a k . them •plondld for w .a r w ith t h . ls l lo r .a ■ u tt Brinisnt Mints In bsskot w«sT. sod M t.rp llla r s tra w s Bse- ond Floor.


ViSsiwI Th . s a .A holldsy o ffo rlag — ta k a a frooi

r .f t) !a r stock and offered a t a m t - in s of l . l i a pair. S p l.nd ld qoatItF blaoh .I lk w ith w o .an )ac« I n t t .M bM utIful to bahold. B l i . . IH to IS. Main n o er. _______


Cotton ta ffo ti re ttlo o a ta w ith an*Sartor ta ffr ta sOk flounco aaa tlF

•s la n .d with pin tuck* an d f la - UhM with talTorad r a f f ia an d u n ­dertar Mela Floor.


CHIEFS, ISeSoft Irteta cam bric b an d k ereh le fa

with nestly hemmed edguc h ad (b e p rettleat of hand em hralderod oor> nera Mein Floor.


Floor. ^- W O M E N S I jOO T O U 9

N E C K W E A R d to ^

r'"!' A' ,


K ;1

T *>- \-.1K' B O S f O N E A f l K S P E C IA L A f f U l

te -

With Resenratk>nC a a e ra J A i e e n t i y

RediiMd Comribution 11 ^Pimiwlir fUatvaittid.'*

m U n w iJ Put oa Letal

I ' .

I tr m vrri.[>U>MU. M»» H — TM

t«rlM Ck«r«ll l*fl (h* U t*r-W«rM wHh rt» M*«

• f rtfW k»*ll la. T** 0«a*ral____la MMtaa lMr« U l* rM W "

atUraM a pat i t i bp ih MirtblH* a«|*rtlr • ima iaau n* afniittiaB w ua ib«.

tk« aaianU BplM b*l«C that m b b rla rlaa Chimh «a«l4 w aia-

tM MTlaarr ralattaaiaia a l ia ih» M Ma**ai«al aa< eaatlaaa It*

Itlaaa ta ti aniar raarcaota** plaiw r«*laa4 a•raataan^ if ai r*pta4 h r

lalan'karrb airictilt.Tfea Maaiably. aMah hai btan tn aaa<

f alaaa May la. plaanMl to wlna up baataaaa and ^Jau rn lata loday Mh traady Oalayad by dahataa, yammlaalanara haaa aau th l ap arftb Oltdr pracram and all mlaaallanaaaa feMlMM will ba dtapaaad af ta4ay. iM alatlona arfln« ibat tba Uattad

latity (ba paaaa tfp a tr aad (ba ) liaUaaa vafpaad naaaalal papbUaaa v a n

tM M vbldb taayHead tbd «aaiiptaat*«' Mb paatarday tbal a v ltb d rav al fyam lUa l•tartharck «aa aacaaaayy. at Ota ibBM U«M aCTpalat tbai “PaMa 4« lM ia ataae* a( a oa apan - (taa (baractar abanM ba la aclaal aad aMMaat aparallan ' In (ba nepa af ddirtiBalBt (ba latardaaoailaauaaai v b fb aa a aiara naBaarTallva aad a(> fw a a t baala Ika aaaambly dacldad Iban far* ta raairlbula (a tha (a ta i- dfearab, ‘Vhaa preparly raersanlaad. IlM iaM la aaaaJ anartatly laa ia laaa ta #ap (ba raar

laaiaa H. gpaara af Hanielalr. wha MMaadad Jaba R Malt aa cbalnaaa •a (ba lalarahareh aiaantlTa caaiailt- taak daclirad ha van la Invar a t (ba

aa adaptadA b a tav plan caaitdarad. Pat fajlatad .

aea a t

i :

b a n ealird far a neafaraaea byiarlaa rapraaaatallvaa v lth atba< Mlaaitaaa ta dtaaaaa iba adv|ab> ' a( ptUtMac aatpr af (ba lad a n tad 4tbtltba la aarrylap ao (ba v a ra I bp (ba Ibtanbarab, lb a aiadl- tan it

v a t pa aeaaaat a l (ba laRal d tf• ^iMIaa a t aaa htad and aaatbar (b a t

I Oaaarbt Aataablp daddad (a «v( a tt I (ba IbtarabBPeh Wai14 Idava- b" aaM daba WUIIt Maar, la raad< (ba (apart a t tba ■aaaativa Obaa-

* —■ “Tbara it tn a d ta a e la e tle a 2 t | l d b a t batb abtMd flrat. pad b« la> jt djMdaal wba bat b tta aamad taaaad '. i lB jr t t t f t t l lb l t ta d n a r t . 'b t baaa«aadd.

R t aanMt v a n ataaltabad aa tba bat la taavaraa iuas ta tba

M M I labMaa tba daaaatlaatlaa araa abM M ba (ba Btptlal Cbatdb Wartb. and

> OR iBdIvMaal Jebn D. fU rbataltar Jr.' MP. Mtat itatad that tbaaa "prafar- fMMal abdarwrltladP’ ataauat ta ha- w a t a IMdt,M« aad -Vbieb

I M M ataaa Ibal if tba In ta n h a rrh ’ Jiapaiaaal fallad sa a baalnatn c o an rn M s ‘aaa d aaa ia lu ttta ’ ta d tb it 'ana M lP M aar vanld b a n ta ba paid tlrat.

'..MB th a t ta p Mhar daaamlnallaaa er laM tlduala vba had dana any vadar-

•R flU ac aaald ditida v b a t v aa laft. or ^SWbdae pat aatblnt.’

^ fb tihptartan laadart daclarad that a : apo la It. Laala (ba ebarob v a a t■Rda Iba talarokarrh KhvaaMal la lp> aapaaea a t any ~pra(amntlal aadar-

''W fttla^ hartnp haan daaa.' Vba la ta rrb v m daht at p n aan t v a a

■ M ta anwuM ta |t.lH.«dd.Mata C banb Uabla.

Mr- Madr. la praaaatlap bla n p a r t . MMad that <bar a v a aaaaaal baa raiaad Um paaatlta vbatbar tba P n ab y tariaa tbipyab la bat llabla fa t b b b a n a t tba

Vba n tcpaataatlaa af tb t N av B ra vaa ala t b n a p b t abaat tal-

_ I rtpart a# ib t taaiM lttaa aa tad ■an r ta foa road by liav. Dr. B. ta IN af pyaablla Cbarcb, ibla Vba Attpaibly ra ftan tad i t t «aa-

la Iba BMoataant bad adoptad laaHBaadatlaa a t tba Wav B ra

Bittaa Itatif that 'tba baarda t tba dbw eb bava b larp tr valta lb Ita a t-

. 'M ra - Tba ttpaaaa t a n (a ba allM tad t a (ba aavartl boarda aad apaaataa o f tb a tb a n b aa a p n ra ta batia a ^ a

A W bat tPtaadInp $(MAtd ta ta ba tba ladsM iwai oipaaditPN tar tb t p n t t a t


I b u - '

O at a( tba Biait iM prtttlva fa a lo n t PP tr v U d itttd by t p ta a n l a ttam bly taab plant durlap ib t n la tltp avaatt. v b a a Dy. Viniaia H. Rabana. vanar- Pbla atatad t ltrh a t tba aaaambty, v a t tPbaalad la a n llla p ebalr npaa iba a t a t a t tba eld deadamy a t Mualr. Dr. fU b a rtt 'la Ib t wlllt<htardad a a tn a re b d ( tha ebarch. Par (ar(y*(vo yaara ,ba b a t ttrvad thr O tn m l A ttam bly In a a atnatal naptrlty. tb ir ty - tv a yaari aa atatad rltrk. In ■(. Lault a t Ib t U ta tra l Atttmhly a year apo ba v a t Mill In r ip tr aad at hit poai Of lala aw ath i hit htalth b t i barn faiMnp.

Dt. Rahtrtt. m ll t la p lh» n traa illy ^ o f an adlattm tnt of hit afftrr, p rt-

a ta la t la th t ttitn ih ly a rtto lu tlon aaklap far a iptclal rom m ittta of (b rta t a n l l tv a him at (ht hvrdaa of detail. T b it vaa OBtalmeutly praalad, (ha np> rdaaata tlv tt tprlnplnp to thair t t t t and alaplnp ’'RIttI Bt tb t Tit that BInda " A aam nitutt wat alta tppo in ttd tn d ra ft a tu m trla l uttK ylnp la iba p ra i- l ia d t of tb t rbvrrh for Ib t anal and tldallly a t l i t lallhlul ttrvant.

T tta P nald ta t bpaafea.Viet Pratldtat H trtball, In an ad*

draat lo tb t cammitiiontrt lta ( a ipb l. aald ih tl "Cenprttt eoold not tatU a a oap of toffet." Tht tnpir of tha Vice R n tld rn l v a t "Thrliiltn EducaUan." aad Ib t arcatlan o a t t m att rtittU np u a d tr th t tu tp lo ti of th t P r ttb y ttr lan Beard af yidurallan.

“Tou and I o a a i a M tp u t a t Na- t ia a t (0 tinp ib t w tr," hr ttid . "but who It point ta t t l l l t Ib t tt qutatlantT f^aap rtit li noli Conprttt could not aattlo a mp of eofftt.

**Tou art tolnp ( t n l t l t I h t t t q u tt- t le a a Otl t* ay frtm Ibt Idta th i t ih t raapontiblllty for th t v h e lt rouplry raata upon th* Prttidant of iba Unltad B tatai ar upon Contrtm. It r ta t t upon you and your ftm lllta

* lf I h a r t any mlttlan hart th li ava- alRB- tb t Vlr* p rttld tn l conllnutd, "It I t aai to r tp it i tr my hnovUA pt M t my tatih that t il tb t hap t of Rtnaanklnd htnpt upnn Ih t (Thrlillan tratn inp t f th t yaunc mrn and yeunp v n m tn of aur land. It will m ib a a ybllataphy of Ilf* th ii * t|] ralm tba pratant treubltd w i t tn of Amarlea."

Tha aiitm bly irlorltd Winona T.akt, tad.. fur Ibt n tat annual m trtlnp.



Methodists Stand by Interchurch Movement


p D M HOINEP. May I t (JP)— Tba ' paaaral eenftqtnet of tb t M athadtit

,.'jKplMapal Churrh. which baa baan In aaaalan hart tinct Nay I. adjaurnad . pdBlarday a fttr pitcinp l i t atam p af '

> b B i im l an th t Inttrebureb W orld flVdpyaaianl. Unltat i aptclal ttaa lao la

aaUad, tlw neit eonfercne# U : ta ba bald In May. 1114, th t p la n! .af m tatlbp to bt d tttrm ln td m tan-

Wblla.I t vaa announctd b tfo rt adjaurn-

• * bptctal tatalan n a y b t .Mlltd daring tb t quadrannlutn if a ‘■ E f r *" ttn ltleitlaa vUb tba Ifalbadltt Cbarcb, lauib, arrlvaa a t

aa_bptaf maal for aueh unlaa.Ip wjjft df Ibt apaaui cmamHtta >■ ,iCT-P*.™t*tabiirab Haaaattnt vaa ana ,

•walT# attaatlaa. L-. jM y APBfMap tba mavamaat, tba aaa* •ad tba aappart of tba I ta b funbar eanTbaa o f )

\'5J?rA."J2Sr“l: vaa adM ad vrapaalnp

„^Aatb|.la .(ba a«Mbl areod . 11m aanfdtaiMa aatbar-

klar cyyaiatnitat af a diraa-“ --------— t AMPUM

' mIP a

Specials to Help You Enjoy Your DecorationDay Holiday

Unusually Low Priced!


Tkeg may donned and worn immediately

Another outstending feature t« the fact th e t they ere NEW , U rg e , picturesque, their trliae of field ftowera ere applied In novel weye. Teffeta and orgtndie bind­ings finish off models th e t ere es epproprlete for dreee as for sports wear

USSNER’S-Sccond Floor


Of TricoUUet Georgette and Taffeta

Former Prices $.95 to 39.75A ll lovelg eolory—every newest style

USSNEg’S-Main Floor

See These Stockings a t Cut Prices Lissner Hose SSi Lissner Hose

Special 2.89Reg. 3.50

All silk; full fashioned; all sizes in black, brown and white. I

Special 2.45Reg. 3.00

P ure thread silk; full fash­ioned; lisle garter tops; all sizes; black, white, navy, gray and cordovan.

USSNER*S-Maiii Floor


Crepe de Chine Bloomers

Special2.95, Regular 3.95Crepe de chine bloomers; full cut; elastic at knee; ruffle with fine Val. lace edging; tiny pocket; somewith double rows of elastic.

LISSNER’S -M a in Floor







Pink and White

Plain and Embroidered

No refunds B No C, 0 . D's No exchanges

' i . . .

Men’s H igh and Low ShoesSpecial $9.24

These shoes are made over sm art lasts In dark tan calf­skin with medium toes and blind eyelets. The high shoes have rubber heels.

Men’s Oxfords $11.89Tba ISc

(Fmnerly prked $14.89)

These rich Russian calf oxfords are a splendid example of what SUPRE-M ACY SH OES mean. High-grade workmanship. They arc very strong oxfords. And the price Is $3.00 less than our regular I owcst-in-the-city price.

O f dark tan calfskin with medium or narrow toes, blind eyelets and welted soles. They are serviceable shoes and present a neat, dressy appearance. A splendid oxford for Summer wear.

No holiday outing la complete without • pair of meakenMen’s Goodyear Keds, $1.39 pair

The uppers are of brown canvas with white or brown bottoms. Leather insoles. Sizes from V/z to 0'/2-

i s a K T i" Mala TUmr. ■al—py, t t M t . I

ATTENTION! For 62 year® we have sold de­pendable merchandise at *How-

est-in-the-dty prices.’* We are doing so now and shall continue to do so.

For those itAo stay at home, or fo r the player-piano in (he summer home

About 2y500 Player Rolls(All mu)

29c each(Standard list price 75c)

All 88-notc rolls, without words, making wonderful dance music. The titles speak for themselves. A partial list follows;Rose of Virginia |He Went in Like • Lion end i

Came Out Like i Lamb When the Harvest Moon fa

ShiningHow Sorry You’ll Be (W aitll

You See)Pretty Little Cinderella ir You Could Care Desert Dreams Royal Garden Blues Weeping Willow Lsne Starlight Love Beautiful Hawaiian Love

About 500 Rolbwith words

39c(L is ted a t S i . 10 a n d S i .25)

Among them are;White Heather Ruspana Sweet Siameae How Are You Going to Wet

Your Whistle—MaM* n .y t . FMirtb riaatv MIb B tnat, B aan

An offer o f unusual tmlue


silk hose

$1.89 pairTas St

These Silk hose were fashioned for the man of judgment. They arc full-fashioned, heavy or medium weight In black and also a few colors. An exceptional value. Sizes W ito W i-


formemorial DayA promenade will be made more enjoy­able with one of these

W omen’sSilk


Dainty, all silk para­sols, in pink with light blue stripes, light green with pink stripes, com color with pink stripes. These para­sols have fancy ball handles of Dresden china, non-break­able; gilt frame and stub ends.

A limited number only at the following special price

$ * •6 1

To Make Holiday Joy Complete Get Your Share in the

Great Sale of

PHONOGR^HSA t B ig Savuigs

SAVB m s o hr BarteNOW t

$99.30 GashC o n p a m f t v o n U y ttmdtrd mactiiiiei •Rtllitg •toew heiA o n " t e m i t " « t SISS jOO t n d m or« .

SAVini^OtlqrB v teN O W l

$74.30 CashComBatw ftvonbhr with •tanaiud tnaehiiim •elUag olievbtfV on .“tnrain’', tt IIBOjOO aad nMtw. , r

T h l i H d o to d o in g j o l t w h a t w o in to n d o d i t t o d o . I t to Wiededae Uw‘IM dli* 6d» aeigr 1* M b of

* » - ^ w h l l a t h t f i d o c t t o M V « h i f a i e a . ^>• i-n,.. -"A ’ . r-r'-j , f,-

I t k i J a M i t b m i i a e p fto p le n o t n a iy r o i l in o U m t s e t a a v i i ig $ 1 5 jD0 t o $S0.0() o n th o a io c h i tM , h a t t h o f : I t * i C t a a U y a tfv ln g o o a o id o n U y m w a . L '

c o o tp a M w I S i ' a i * i h i a o o ; p r i o r t m i d i '

f to to b o d i a

.■(i, (na iiiiatii). A ' *

■tf i■-;i|


4- I-.J .


.... ..

0 •! >1 'l.Joi

, I ri(•■ t*ti rei>ri» a iMit V ’i jir» to, iht* mt to work. lOtvaiiUr t 1n|T ihat la involve marc* * CcCOpRantm tfSnajHjrli elftlih ihmi m it, the c w h^h la

flyt procr «<• f OT«r-id«Mnad VQltAAOa 0 prO»oamo ettfsan’a «

TWee*1 Vfc* 1st

T. W O’Ce tlv a lr pr« tha anioianOtP (hi ■haa" iBBt b r tb« « thraa«ti t iBitta*. H Hallary

aaiT ThIA 'n a n th a "daal O'Ukiaaer aajraa l e) byitha niM tM anian to brtiiB al Allftaulty,aHilaa. alMlkOUxla Waat I

'RnanOa a aM ra u k

,IR Una a(i*ar oral t b t atand ptfalatad aMtan, v a Rtmaral a t .tiBlan M h h Fri

rlcaa th a

bad ■oat an lot ■MOtatolym

atVlw «lt

. poRwa tta i.arsai a a t raoal' •Ifctba a

' g , la »In <

’ raMO


•MACYds. And

d soles, plendid


1/ tv lu «


i were man of sy arc ravy or n black ors. An !. Sizes


f with ■dliag la”. Itr-m M

■K 'I

•la ofV f

It t M f

i «.

Pk m

i'-- f-

Bigger Port Strike Menaces New York

Ptactic*! “Open Shop" SUnd of ihe Citizens' Conunittce on

freight Jam Is Cause.

Compers at Conference Today

muNKW YOUK. Miy H —Th* Liaut hm

unkiiu longahkirruicn and tru< k 4^lv«ra tsirving ih« ('o««iiar1iia lU am ' khlp on th*- one Utand. ind ijitf

conipAtilta anil r>rgan)E«d ■ # frh » m a Oh th* olKor hihd. rdine tu fe h«ad lodtty aa ih r r«*utl of a aiau> m*n* t u u c l u m n lrh l lii the ntliflita 'Tranaforiailoii <’ommltt«c, which Uiaidunitd P>A.-tlra11) in a darliratlonfur lh« "upeti i.hap" prlftnpl* in th«ir«i(i(>«irtNiluii of mcri’himlli# ir> thia city.

H *iurl I'j a ifrnaral iirik* u aa a hinlctl |so«aiLi;i|) «■ g of th lt“chiiUrnKc," HI iL waa ch a rao u riic j by labsjr leailstr* Ai-Hun «<! labor lni«rr#i« ih.a L.nrsili.tf .Ch-rred In a ( o n frr rn . e- bit vs.« u i, a J jia tif ; i,« Ung •ahor»tiie-ii'a aaaui-la[Ipu and oihdr u«l«na h«rr. tvhku I'rraldcnt hamud i)omi*»ra uf III.’ Amcrk-an I'Vdrraiilon of lawbor atlendcrt Ttip tiipcilna waa e i-

to dp\elo|s iha nail a(rp In iho'O Pflls ' » h i 'h Invoivei railroad and alaatTiPlup Unaa In tlic post and lli* aitvaral jiMnna w rioae mejubr-ra have bi#ii 1, n Mr HI* for niurllia

*1 lonfeish 'C yralarday at which Uj" I < i.hiniitee met of-flclafa rvf il.r luiiaBhnrriiLfn a union, wbli'h is^iiiumrd (he entire aflarnooD tha r-liiian a' s’ciriinvmee. throufh Alfnsd K U a n iu a ihairTtian. lane oul tha foUwwina "elf. larat 1, ii of prlnriplea," •dopl«d a f te r tha labor men left tha RlMtlng

'Yh* w elfare of the comicunlt)' ba- Ihff dependant on impartial and un* In ittru p te il franaportiM on aervlce. all clhMwa of people aiul mrrchandlae • hwfiM he aerveit by traniporlaMi'iti and trg rk li if facilltlea wllhoot dlacrlmlna- tl4h and there ehould b* nfi Interrup- I.On tn auch aervlce thhough Ihdualrta] w arfa re ea iep i aa a lAat rrlor(. when■ It affo ria of ailjua'meiil hava faUad and th ere la no tmpanlMl (nbuQal avail- ablw to the p a r tia l prtaeniihg a grlav- ■nca

"Cmployeea nn plera. dooka. raiiroada,■ te^m ihlpp. Ilfh tera . t i i f i artd trucka ahould perforin I heir uaual tcrrlca r«'■ ardlaaa of w bether tha connaetinir pofata which they aerve or the farlittiea or vohlclaJ 1} rough whkh the tnarchan- ftlpo la racalved or delivered ara mapnad by union or non-union «h

"Im pA rtlat M rvlea ghovjld be eatesded to fell merchandlae, MKafdteaa of wbathfef It hfefe bean wutked upon or hfeetdiad by union or non-union men.*'

BtrlJae-itfw«b.en aw ffca T^w*, Ittrlke-broakera. largely negroea r t ’

ported bo have been brought from the io u tb . w ith which the cofeatwlae eteun* ■hip compa.nlee have direct connectlona, arw w ork ing on the piera. The compfe’ nifefe olklni they are making out on ih li baila. but th a )ongibor«men claim that It ROW ta k e s e ight daye to load a veaael th g t ahould be loaded In ten houra The ualon tru ck drivers who praetlcaJly control Ihe iranaporlallon of gnoda to and from Ihe plere. have refuted to •gpya these p iers under these condl-* tie'ta. and a few hundred lightermen, out for the sam e reaeon. have further rerrlplicnied the sKuatlon.

TTe longahoremeTi outputnber about I.Mk' anti mariv of them are declared to fave B'.ti'.e into olher lines of work f .. .jj. • ivi's thnu rh eome may not re-

' • th»‘1r O'd trade. The cTUa of the t n la ihi* dee're of the companisa , 'r I'uaiomera, the merchapta. to

^ 1h It. and from pleri, lo be han- j " pii rik«*-breakere or by the

c,.i ai 'i, fis the <a«« may be.i i lonnahoreinMi'e repreaeatfetlwea

, ^ I resterd ity . leavlag the>*tt refice to oali thfeir fhea togethef

» rt T«ai .a fo re them a propoiltlon S’ II. h p rac tica lly repeata former o f te n to, the men. This Is th a t they return to work, the romiwirilea agreeing to lOtvfelds'r t i e i r grlevADces. but stlpulftt- ln(T th a t nn prospect of higher wagoi l i Involved unless the Interstate Coni'* m ayce' Copimlsslon ehall permit the cogipan^oiiR to raise coastwise freight tn n a p o r ta tfo n rates. It has been the clflpn th a t p resen t rates would not pwr- mit. Ihe com panies to Increase wages, w hich la the m ain point between tha ■ t^M sh lp concerna and the dock work*

P la n t fo r ca lling th is meeting wara Ip^prograas th ta morning, but In view af ew sr*night developmenia It w«a dadinad by the union leaders th a t iha obanoa of tha men accepting tha prwpoeltlon. w hich la bachad by tha elt|fan*a com tnltlae. Is vary slim-

Bb«f" Plan DaaAQ a lofifvhoresnen't repreaentatlrea

T. T . 0 ‘Connor and J. T. Ryan, yeapac- tlwaly praaldent and vice pregldant of th t tmlon. left yealarday'B meeting miAdP thi Impraaalon that the '*open •hap“ Uaua.. which hat bees supported by the coaatwiaa ataamahip compantag thrghgti th a ir apokeaman on the com- mlttaa. H. H Raymond af tha Clyda* Ifallory linat. bad been praoilcally dlgpdted of. Mr. fVConnor aaJd oa laBvtng that ha '*wou1d raly upon nny atgtdmant th a t Mr. Marling may giva autv ag to tha raauU of Iho maaUag. Tlild 'morning, following publication 9f thti “dootaration of prliutplaa.** Mf. O 'doanor indicated that there had bean aorraal ehanga In tha eonfJlot effactod byftha inaatlng yesterday, daalaiiag that thd onion had aihauatad every effart to b ring about an accoromodntlon of fha dlfinptilty, but that tha ataaaalitp 00Tf(- b m I ^ and the marchanta' cammlttaa b d lh d them, apparantly wars unwilling to ^ o a t tha meii'a ^preientatlvaa on

' grobnda th a t aould bring about * an ngdaraubdlng.

nb witloiw . _thd atand takan by the conyihlM*e« If


link w ith Mr, O'Connor'i vl»wi, o rcan tied labor ob l.fi «fr**< (bat

y a n t i ta d in and rarrlad to t b y ^ l a t of • m Im . would foro* thein to TMort to 0 ■ •a a ra l a trlk o to dafand iha In laraau or.UBloii labor In tha p a r i / u d cltT. B i e h r r a j n a . aU t* o r ta a lta t fbr tha

rioaK Fadaratlon of thath a t th a eenunUtaa'f M u A had

had th a braaelt. o*dOi^iuiloB inan la tli* M ittH o * Im- w o tla u l y affaotad. ha ai>4 tha yu i o o o o f th a 'MttiinlUaa could im

1 oB ir by b rtiiB ini adb-milofl n an P o U r J . S rad y , hood of Iha Alliad

tlMl T ro d ta Coinclt. who' kao' baan f S I bk th o lo s n h o r a n a n , . «M< tha

ho lia A offanMr paaca and o rh itra . t la * ^ h o t ha.d baM *hntwarad p i th a o M U a fo .'* w hich ^Vajiahly w llt ha ao- Oflhad fit opproprlhlO aabloa.'*>^

ijlOOp M IM * r CM UM ttaah C aw pa.cltlM na' oom m itaa i t m a t t up

Oproaantallvaa o fM rlo u o oom nar. r« « o n t> a tlo B a . V lat tta eouraa haa

ijc-raaolyad tha BBtfoaltdad approval th a narohB B ti ladlvldoally, how*

la M a a r ttd .!■ W *ttaN t ^ t hava In cloaa touahfW lth thair vlawa I oohfocU Tho fa i r haa baoB up-

tn th o m in d a of oomt o f 'K If othiod.;thht vw* 00

t (ho td B t t i l i t r l l t t (a di ilOK PPlI

to te v e

tk o tro M h l jBOh ood »t«M M t, •n d o o t M ie tln ir

olilMBd’y«o«fmlltaa't'''a r t S tdothd not e a lr to a< a t praoonl oiMhtIO*.

no Of 'OMo. I

„ i«assse^' IWiMPdi '

w o fvnarmi vun in in q a w n i

p fo tio o ia . Ito aomphlfo l »

tei & k

o lh a r a a d ibW ihoro thotUd ho m d tf >tarootlU Ih pojr for iho tBSo klod of Work. Thdy M B and th a t Iha ooaat- irlaa h a a d la n ha f iv a a Iha aaaaa ra lao (hat a r t paid aa (ha 4aap aaa plara.

Tha a taam ah lf eoapM laa td ra a (ho t tha n iaro la la loo wida botvaan tha tw o claaaaa a f pMra. bat tah a tha paattlon th a t (ha daap Baa h a a d la n gat (aa iBoch and th a t adJoatiM Bi ahould ba ob th a baola of brlBglUd Ihia ra ta a a a n r (« tb t ra ia paid oh tha ooaat w ita pi art. T haa a rtpadlook haa aaauod. which haa pracipl. la tod tha proH nl londar aliaatlan alnca (ha iruck mon boyrottad Iha plara whora ■ ho union haadlara had boon aurcoadad by airlkobroah tra .

Tho cltlaoni^ com m ltM t through tU rhalrn tan . lakca Ih* poaltlon th a t Ih* union iH ua haa no righ t (0 dlHonn- mod# Iho public and th a t It la an A m arlran p rlaclp la that a prlvaia fight ahould bo p rlv a la lr fought, or lorma of paat'O arrangod. Ita doolarcd purpaho la to conaarva tho r lfh la o t lao public, contending tha t othcrwlao a m inority will mako condltloni Intolarablo fur Lba maaa.

Pemuylvhiua Rhilroad Opent Underpound Walk to Bro«dw»]rNEW TORK. May H .—A naw foatura

gylV M lo-apoadw hy jiaaaga.* * g adao- ( r lo a thorodghtM o. T(0 faal Ib la ag th . coB B M tlng tha atatlok w ith th a ta la r - aa o tlo a o f Broadway, glath avaaua oadT h lr ty - lh trd atraai. It llta d lractty b a n o h lh Iha tou lh aldcwalk o t T h ir ty - th i rd a tra o l, ak lrtlag tho d a w n tia ira f lo o r t o f (ha Natal Pannaylvaala aad O lm hol B ro tb a ri ttora . la ta both of w h ich an trancoa ara provldtd.

In addltloB ta gtvlag tha p a tro aa of lb a P aan ay lv an la aad tba Laag Inlaad ra llro o d a th a aonvaalaDca a t a direct eovorod c a l l aad oalraaco oa B road­w ay . th o r.ow paoaogtwav w ill pro- Tldo connoctlona Mtwaan tko Ponnayl- v on ia a ta lla n and tho atallobo of Ihe f tu d n e n A U anhattan Railroad, tlw B ro ad w ay tubw ay and Hlilh a> m uo c lo v a to d Itnoa. aa wall aa tha aurfaca llr.oB on Broadway and g irth avenu*. T h rao w ill auppltm anl a connaciton a l ­ready In Ufa btiw aan P .n n a y lra n la ■ l a l lo a and (ha Bevanth avanua aub w ay

(Bipector Hcnry'i Tridl Date SetWBW TORK. u ^ r II <JP)^-Tha tr ia l

e f Folio* Innw otor Dominick H enry, cem w aaoier of New Terk'a TengeHom dlgtrSct. fo r ailega4 perjury Id fonneo-

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ tlo n w ith his chargee iHat A aslsianln f"1*110 Pa'nnayiran'ia a u tlo n h a r , w in j P lo t r l f t A ttornay J .m i i K hm lth had

, .a ..li . ^ : eo u g h l le en ter loto gamUlng |»«rtner-ba openad to Iha public tomorrow w ith , , , ,p bini. waa aat yaatarda) forthe placing In se rv k a af Iha T a a o * | j u a a |

Police in Atheu U»e Boudi With Nhili to Curb Speederi

ATHEMg, Oraaca. Hay t l < * ).— FckUcemen of thie elty kava a a a f­fective and ra lher aevel melho4 ef curbing ep*a4lng autalaia. Offlcem lH>st*d along ih* principal alreefa c a rry iiianka studded with loag sh a rp nella, and when they aaa a c a r apiiniarhlng a t a ra ts ihay b a , lleve 1# sarrsslvs, they drop tha p lank in front of the machine. I t th e car Is speeding. It cannot ba Slopped 111 Mm«. and. as a result. Us tire s are pjru'Uirod. but. If the ina- chine i> proceeding al a rsaeohaiile pace. Ii tsii t>e etopped before Ihe p lank Ih rearhsd-

The of police flnda lba aya- lam le 1 heAiier than m aintalh lag a motofi->r »(]uad. ami has the addl- H onal a<lkajktage of njaklng the cap ture uf speedara com paratively e a s y .,

Bi tlB g Blag PMoo* iM t BlghL Both w ora ooBTlatod of oiordor la t h o 't i n t dagrao for tho kllllBg of lo h a OaBlhor, . kaopar IB tha OosaoiBorB h to ta Hoo- Oltsl.

Tho man wora oOBVIetod ortglBOlly of hotnioido lo ojtolhor cooa and ooa- loacod to iwoBty yoBfg' im yrloooaitB t lo Auburo PrlBOB. Lmlor ihay waro ITonatarrcd to DoBkoaiorm w hara Ikay a iiochad Ouothar.

T h a k r w u k Hvootog Na pwBUsh Mrmarlal (lay.

a 111

Two Dif in ChhiT hi Sing SingOSKIM V) N T.. May H I.PI —W .l-

le r [jcvamiowakl and L-eo Jand o w ik l w ere pul lo death In lb# electrlo c h a ir

BergdoU't Auociete Held On Charge of Aiding SlackerPHTlAADEmHA. May lA—Fwivnar

I M aglslraie Jam ea K Homlg WM hald yesterday In li.Oat ball oa a oharga of

I aiding Grover Cleveland Bai gdal^ aaca^ed alacker, In bis daeertlaa frana

' the army Romlg surrenderad hUnaalt I at the Deitartfuent of JusUoa alfiaa [hare after he had been Informed, thigt h

w arrant had bean Issued for hla acraaC,. His bond was provided by Mm. g m a a [ C Bergdoll. mother of iha slaokar.

The arrest of Eugene fUeohar, Lha chauffeur who drove th* aulomobtla In which H*rgdoll made his escape wkan permitted to visit hla home, aleo la eg* pei-ted soon He Is still absent and la ■uppoeed to be with the fugitive

jhe warrant for Romlgs arrest was Issued at the request of the United i ta te s district altorney at Ralllmare.

Tho oooo BgBlBOt M a hoo booa progoiwdla thM dlotrlct, wboro tho ro A o n l d n R d Jo ry eokvoaoa today. lU ailg , • t io r bio orrooi. oold ho oapoctod It bb4 woo glad It woo ovor.

W hao Bargdoll woo ob t r ia l a t Oov- araar'o loU ad. Now T ork , Booilg woo IdoBtUtod hy- Mloo lo w B oytoR , etoyh kt (ha ViviBB H alal, la KBgoratowa, MA. oo (ho -Jooiaa W otC w ho hod booa w iik lba olkchar aoworol t la o o w hoa ho WHO thara. II la doolorod Booklg violtod Borgdoll la oupoly hdn w ith fuBda whila ka wao avodtag eoptiuo .

DIalrIct Allarway HcAvoy la a t Oov- a n io n talAad todkjr lo ta to rv low Bar- g a u ta O'Hayo aad T orh, troo i wboto bualody UorgdoU oocapoA

----------------wr — - -

Hotel Knickerbocker Gooct


w m Old o t IB o 1

A .:

o P u r g E SKBW TOtUC, May II.-.-WhOB (ha oor-

Tloo of dlBBOr acdod loot alght, tha Hotal ILaloharhochar, to r tourtaoa yoara oao of tha clty-a haolihaowB hoiala cloaod. Practloally all tko gwoata had dopartad wlthla tba Ua( faw daya

Tho hotoL m aaagod hy Jaaiaa B-RagaB. wao oold OBvIy thia iBoBth to a •rad loata boadad by VlBaaat Aotor. Mr Ragaa roltaratod hto doolantlon (hat prohlbltloai had aot forood h la froin tho hotel buolBoas, ropoattkg that 'a f ia r ihlrty-olght yoara aa a hotal raaa. I tk lah I hava oarmod a rooL"

PAINT f i x^ •g p ru s n eeewStoilaw

J. HELLER A 80HTaL Moriu« «(U


Three Pairs Men’s SOc Socks

$ 1 .0 0

Kotlaks, Cameras and Supplies Reduced 25% ilntnlnlnlfNTlnln ^Four Pairs of

Men's 35c Socb $ 1 . 0 0jy ic O r e g o r s

£> ov ith B r o a d o tL A f o y e t t e S tr e e t .N e w c o 'k

Open Saturdtj

UntU 10 P.M .




19201 8 5 3

to1 9 2 0

AT 10 O’CLOCK SATURDAY NIGHTThis Anniversary Sale Comes to an End

A Sale of Men’sShoes and Oxfords

Reduced to

$7j95TUb « lg • ( Mwa*i ShMB bai

gBh #MB aortt— f a r S w lH ( to MHhB b th a Ihdl—B sth iB g la haA miMM h«A Ostotto Bi« I to ratoaad p riM wf » f JS .

B ItUBdl i d Fh-dBd Iha n i - A U *

iB laU Bt


Men's OxfordsMafeB for s> W

JoMo A. Rulnortm&A SU to m VitoB

$ 11.75

I ’'*■ A Sale of Men’s Raincoats

in s ?

About Two Thousand Men’s and Young M en’s

Suits and TopcoatsMARKED AT A SAVING

of One-Quarter to One-Third

$00.50GBrinents that compare fcvonltly with thoie on sale elaewhere at |fiO

—We made them ourselves—there are no mldfUemen’s profits included in their eost to you—and as we tell only for cash our re^iiar prices are al­ways lowest—Newest Styks—Crfort—Models—Pattemi and Fabrics—the beat of worknuuuhip and a correct fit

As Usual Alterations Are Free

AT 880 BROAD ST.h the Btjgif' Clothini Annex (hily 170 Feet North of Our BUin Store

A bout T b r^ Hundred Boys’ Suitssi4fl3 .50, $15 and $16.50 GroupsiJhEDUCED to

—iA Sale of

Men's Fancy ShirtsReduced to$1.95

AH aliaa—« o lo i» —fabric* an d p tU cn it tn a good quality of w orkm anablp—S h in , .pt - ally pwchaaod and S b lita f r o a oar rr,';' ' j 'VahHa Bp to IS.M, r e d ta d to |1 J l .

Th* BeItVT (iraila* « f Shirt* farm«riy *Bld a l IS lo IS, Ilcdnood tc I t J S .


A Sale ofMen's Good Trousers

$2.75, $5A5 & $8.95AU Mbm and fiMce

B C O N D rU M W

Taken fitm

Men's Straw Hats Feature Priced

$350I la a ll tb t

'Y,'. 4 ‘Vify. 'J ,■ ■* hafid«MmftJlfll §gad pRthMR


m g«ik title Salt CoOan(Seconds) ,1 vrlT'.sh'




Ife- IhhBth 'OB. ’ IBS I tI'tT-i’.g'."- .(£

Shnnen D a z ^ Muldtudel


F V .

iVilw Riot of Color «• I An Ud to AiMMry's

The New! Tlie Chic!

ITie Practical McCall Patterns

i iM T a v k t ViB for Attraboo

B M I « r flMfetac «•!«>—«tTir'■m m m T Dm II—M ft •M Ic M -M imO rM*r* M c— rli#

m m M »Mf*M t i u rt» * rI B U M t* A (mtlMR* *RI> M r-I «r ■hart-«fclrM tH iktonM * aaiI M l II 111 r m 4 AiMfiiM* n « u i *r r -A n M u t r * e l e w r w le e M h - iMl t tm M . fu»»r m tt* M k i r *

• o r 0 * ^ * |M «M(A TM t *h* MMO* -if Ik* Mr«tlr ihH ii*n M l •M hi, ••■ M f t0 9 i that » • It MMiMI th* lla* «r »ar«k aM ran Int* NOa aT Ifcaaanra

NM timm Ow ra ra ac t lx v a r *bfO p t t haya wa«a batiM far tha araa i a l- ■aotort a r vaaa ractMalat *tatarta«a |a tha walaaailnf anaa af tha batna p lh a haa tha aaatar a t tha atty haM

.Weh aa aaiyaaHna or iha yaopU Thar f* r* aarly. aa4 from Llnaoln Farh. MMra tha yarn la ranaaT. to WaaMao- M Park, an tha aaaihara hacAar afVfelah It awnaa waat an Ita v a y la Iba

tha M a v a lk t vara )amraaaa t yaaata m i i m i

tha raaTirar. o w a r ihaaaaaAaScraat

4 WoOklhotaa ylaaa. W aahloftaa W aat- ro sa a M n a t MIbII Mraat aa« ■M iai a m a# OMa«oa tabJah tha fM * ll WMar.

Tkaa. thtaMa tha anaary aaathar tra hu h la a i an I aaatawhat aorlaaa— M u g gatharag. bat It vaa at thia paint l lo l Iha Myatio hbrlnara. who. M a a g haai tha gay. had baan taking tha payalaaa nwih or laaa inio ihair •MfWaaaa. raally baeaata mratarioua la thay nwrahag aquag by aquag. with tha gM ta aalfflag traubla and baqln-hlh|t_ ta taka a raal laiaaaai in tha pro WMataia)


ang aa ra n l handrag elllaana ttH vara abaai la llaht an Iha

aaaga a f tha gaaarl. Iradqlaa ntlar gatemihuman in tbair ayaa. but a oaroaplhla inabltigr la maka

hnaaa babara. Than tha Mg «aaa alaaag and. vhlla * b a t hap- la iha aim ary may ba v riltan an

Arabtaa aaralli far Iha hanaCtt a t

M pC ti^ I -* ' ***"* ***- _____i r * •anapaparpamga, havavar. waa far tha

■•MIC **g it faralahaa npyaripnlly (ay * M l l a M M ibaraa af a a « , | , t | J S .

' MI arrangad ta gl*a Iiiuatriaua M a a ta la W P rap iu g Kwi-

, U t {At Tampla. Phllagalphln. I t tha boat Hhrlnar a( n!| tha

lb Iba Upllag giaiaa anda • gang atart on hit way ta IbaI a taalara of tha orgar in Oraaonr-aanaUTt or tha orgar in Oragonr

‘- r r “ • rlaai of Inaooantaf***' MOja. and haltam Tampla

y thfa a i^ . ar%|*> aotad aa tha haat of S * . ^ a a M n a y n u a jab

ihlilalag aath bra doina aa v an aa

H era i t a •im plg littig DrMg (hgt you may m aka at hom e and tha coat will be sttn>ri»> in |ly and g ra tify in fly amiM.

McCall P a ttem a offer a w onderfuleconomy.

I f you have never aewed, try a G io |- h im Frock like ih ia— ao easy io makh.

P u rp o a e A ttr ib u te d to M ayor

R u led Illeg a l b y L egal a n d

Fiachl O f fk e ra .


McCaU Pattern

L. Bamberger & Co.Why Some Milk Had Many ’Buga’

t . 'M a r k ' s Bhcala It rM tty waa

” • .• •e y an t than a parada----- - ^ n IP ** * * ! *^ malafeyala pcllaaiaan.

n r p r ia « g ro taa tb ta ItUaa W. BaamarIth

On Iha baalt af ataiam aata daclarad la amanata from tha I>.partmaal of TabUa Afralra. of whirh Mayor (llllan la tha hand. It It aaaarlad that 'irtflln f laaa" in iha manlclpa) milk biiain aaadoctod by in* Mayor aiay bo ' .aany timaa made pood" by profiia raputad ta haya baaa ranllaad from ina aala of b m r and navy food, llkawlaa usdar Iha Hayar'a aaatyol.

I ^ a n tha Ciiy Oamaitaaion laat manta aboimhid Iha offlaa af tha Maraya aillb m anater, Harry T- ■aebaa, a t tha Mayor', raquaot, tha managamant af tha curiallad milk btwinaaa waa tam ad orar to John B >raaaaa, in abarga af food taioa. It waa bratigbt to tha at- lantton of Andraw K. B rate. aatlag auditor In tha Dapartmant a t SgaaBtia and ^canoa, that Ih lt aaiiwa wagid facllltata tha oomblnatlaa a( Iha taod and milk tundg. aa that any laaa m ika oaa n ig h t ha naada gang by irnn ita r from tha othar.

Ur. Drady took tha auilMr np with a i y Couaaal CoaglataiL who ^ v l — him th a t no ttioh uwagdar waa lagally

• TatMla aa horaahauk eioMlr poaiihla an d tr tka law. Mr. Brady, to Babbaa Sdwin h tar-------------------- - .’artlflad In bla own In tatgratattan o«

aM A M aU at Babbaa Oaorga U. tba Idgnl qqaaUaaa InwaWad by iba a rab laaa i Tawpit. alao n a n o n ou Tanpla, aloe noantao,

Naqf ta Una v a ra twa daa- .ahtonnbUaa baarlag Ur. K .a-ta iw la l Hlgb Briaat Caorag v.

J |to M W tjaat Tampla. Braaklyn: ^f**"**** W lU an J lalBgltou M Baiubl Tampla Baltl-

i ' . B tlantaia Andraw C tnydar M a a a i to n p U . ebntrwiao of th a ra -

" ■ g O M tltM ang aamarona otbnr gf Uia todtr.

tha firat raal bnrat

aplnlon af th« iHira ablaf Inw offiaar. tbaraapan noUllad tba M i ^ a gagnyt- mant th a t Iba fnad and UUU hPaanaum«al ha fcagt aaparataly


ofThqi i_vna a datnchmaiii frani

__ - *to mnnntaa■ w l nf I n Id) Tampla Phllnaalghln.

Sm NagUgeant naltaraia with nMaan « g ffnaamiaMlng. Thq g ^ r l m a Itowaa to (ha U Ldi B u d M a b n M

d M i a t mora thna IM piaqaa nag an ton baala ^ than; warn appranhnnialy I ^ m aaiban .at tba tam pla lad by

■aval a N banampnalad by twa ^ ■ w ah air------• g t o y h dfataad eantldambla. tram atlk

toertU aga ta Mantad baia, wboaa ayaa toanpbt Ugabaa ta tba ahaaka af many MBM. aatanktag eWamw-wirtU (bay MWiw ia ibM Iba "U dla^ watw g»-

« ton ganaa a«tlq |a« to

Maaaa Twnpla a t Naw Taafc and Cy.“ ■ a t Albany, tha lattae w llh

J ^ f o n a a i gatrol. wara n a it in iiiu . u e thaaa w m follawto to P n M M

4 t toiagaporL Conn., nlao iHtb a M lfa l. MOat w ta Uanrntl ihliittimara. with n largo dalti

T am M t* agauaii. •

pp r i l and tba naar-Arablaa band pro* tohWly ypfarrad ta in Ihla o b r a a l ^

BMn arara Iba long, ahaat iwbM af tba daaart and tha m«a-

and gaaiaat henaat-ta-gwadnaM a l tha aaorchtng ta a d i aya

‘ agggaaad U a ttaat and tbaIr niuma bora.in gtltotniking raaawblanaa ta tha tart ana itototo an tka nrtdwnr. aaaumlng that S m baa too habit af acanatenally maat Ijto np with tba midway.

. V himaq Tampla af Waabington and ‘ toUMAt Twnpla al toaablm. tha lattar

Arab patrol fallavaa, a float ta g a rapraM otattaa af tba rati- tob lnn naming dirtcUy aftar tbamlaadtHf gphlni Tampla a f H art' Cann. Tba n a tt organUatlan WM.. - - ........... g i -

nrak Tampla af tongnamten. N. T. fal ■« t lh a baautlfal wbita obarlot drawn

t o mam b a n af tta palral and oarrytng •aa a t lU boat loablng ghrinara

Kay far top>rta | Oaaat.■aaaral bnndrad mambara of Craaoant

Tam pla Trontan. with Ita band, patro l gmd n float ahowlng an Inunonsa rraa- aant. amblam af tha ghrlntra. lollowad. •md afta r ihta dalagatton oama tha

mla Aaaoclalloa of Naw Jaroap ilaadarn with l it band. Tha big graaantod by Illuilrloga Potantata

_ lar la tlluatrloua Importal l^ la n - tot* Kandrtck aa an Indleatlon that ha m lgbl opan tha door and antor ia laam Tampla at will. Ihon cam* alone, and

'M iowing IhlB waa th* dhrlne Club of ftntharford, Ih* Klliy Band of H arrl- tnnh. K T. and Balaam Tampla In raeord-braaklag turneuL

Tba laobadalatcal camala. th* fuany lUtia donbaya and tha pop-ayad aoata fpllowad and lual bafera iha oalllnpa, grblab bad laat plaoa In Iha parada qyafw Uia oandldataa for Inlllailon. look­ing for all tha world aa If thay wara

agyanarad to parapbmqa tha Roman M M latora of old and cry; "Va, wbo • r a abokl ta hit tha dutapa. aaluia yon."

n o parada waa ravtawad from tha I af tba olty hall hy Mayor OUlan City Cammlaflonora Archibald and ,pan» who, with Commlialonar

a , bad. during Ihy aftarnoon. at- a raooptlon lo Mr. Kondrtek a t

'Iba Robart Traat ll'>i-1Franadlng tha p.rada Mr Kandrick

w aa tha gnoat of honor at a formal 4Mmar a t Ih* hotrl and many notanl* to rlaara atl*nd*d. ilo trm or Edward* had haan lavii.d . but h* found It Im goaalbla to b« proa*ni

ti Qillck work on th . part of patrol 'iftgian ata«on*d at High and Jam*i

Mpaata provanlod a u rloua Interruption ag Iba parada at that point. Th* d rlv tr g f a float whirh led tha Newark daU- .hhtlan failed to *** a low wlr* aa- tMAlng from a lolaphona Pol*, and aa tha float met It lh*ra waa a ripping to tin and wood A large ar.'tloii of tb a float wa* tom off and tha nolaaglarUad the lour horaaa which wara ■•lllag It. Th* horiea herani* frlgbt-

nnd war* about to break Into a tn a whan they w*r. aalied by tha patralmaa. The daniagad float w u

iVttM rawn from tha parada and tbatowaaMlan contlnuad.

Ng. 1—Arab Ptoyal at Mgeea Tgarto Naw York, ■agplnf In rtritw )a fr«tt of dtp toll.Na. it—'Tht lagf and gbort af H. VHUain MacMomn Tepplnt ^ Salaan TemgW and Dram Major John W.

Cbarlea of toa HUdMle Aaaodailon of Naw Jgmy HigblgAdarn.No. 3—ftrfc PoUea Ueutentm Jaaaa Vllaoti, aida, raealviaf InMraeiloga from tha iraiid manbil, Colonel

C aorfa f t Brnttla.

N o Decision Until Fall In Suit Over Royalties

Ur. Conglatoa'a intargratoUag af i to law Wha aimpia and atant, aaF* Mr. Brady Onylag Iha laat two maatha af the fUohl yany, H ftond daUrtola. (ranafaro af fnnda mag ba mada from aiM Item la tha oity bndf«t for t to anr- raat yaar. I t tbara bp • Mrnloa In th to appropriatlan, ta naathar (tarn In thabudget wbleh laanlrW m m ----- .are avaUnbla. >ot wktia tha mnalolgal m ilk bnUnofa wna grwatoad far t o an npgragrlntlan m nto to tha City 0am- mtaatoa, and tbaeafON m n bndgat Itaaa (ba food aaloa wara entirely aa amarg- away maaanra. aad wara pawvtdad tor by an amarganay laana a t baa da. Tba fgad aalaa. tbaralara. to v a na gnat In U a bgdgae, and aanaot to rain tad la t to mtoi bnalnaoa

Than adviaad by tha etty t annial. Ur. Brady baa otaoa Inalatod tbni toa nUlk hngintaa to kapt antlraly ta Itaalf na a bgagot mattar, in tta flnaaalal phaaaa. UrTBahly haa ronUnnad to koop topa- r a u aaaau ntp toe tha milk hnWnaaa In bla own offloa, wbltoar all tunda ra- aatvad ta aaanacUan with tont toUhaaa mnol eoma and whanoa all gnymaaU mada In Ita bahatf, ao lang a t fuada to Ita eradlt ara nvaJlnbla, m utt ba paid, an oarUfloatlon from too Uayor that tkay ara dna and payabia

Diraotof Areblbdd. haad af tha Da­partm ant of Bavanuo and Plnanoa, waa aakad thla morning It ho agrood with t to doolaloa of U r Brady, who It In bla dapartmant, baaad on iha adviaa af tha oily eounaai.

••Ur. Brady la auditor." raptlad Ur. ArabIbaJd, "and Mr. Cangloton la tha duly qualinad lagal adviaar pt tha city govarnrnant. I ataud abaelutaly bahind any aeilan Ur. Brady takai. aad atpa- olally whan ao oonndly baaod."

It navar haa baaa olaar why tha milk aald by Uayor UlDan'a milk organlaa- t l tn waa ao aublaot to high baatarla eaunta aa ahown by rapaatad Invaa- llgatlon of that inltk by aaparta Mr. Baok oa aaya ha haa aavar boon at a loot to aiplain it, atlhar bafora or aftar paa- taurltatlOB of th* milk, to control bae- torla. waa retortad ta.

"Ailer aoma of tho milk had beoa hold on tba tarma ovarnlght," aald the farm er m anngtr of tha raunlolpal milk buUaaaa, T t w u brought lo tha cream- ary. U waa held lhara, unpaalaurtaad. all day and all night. In vata, baoauaa th m a war* no caua In which properly to atarllls* II. m* paatourlu r ami no adaquai* cooling taellltlaa. Frequanily to gal tha milk out tho nont day tor ■hlpmonl to Newark cana w ar. takaP a ft Iha train that had brougM them from tba oHy, and while ih . train waited that* o«na war* waahed, u hui ■ rtadly a* poatibl*. to prevant kaaplng th* train too’lang, and than w*rt filled with milk and ahippad.

•T ta milk got to tka ally a l 11 o'clock al night, atood until I or • o'clock the n a il m orning oa tho atatton pUtform. unload, a n d than wna taken to a local loa araam eompaaFe plant to ho paatauTlaad. Juat a l w hat tlma of day thla operation w u porformod I da not know. But tha milk waa atorad a t tha paataurlu tlon plant until that night U d dallvarad to th* a tona nod tba City Hoapttal th* following morning-'’

Court So AaoouDCcd When H*bt- iaf ol ActioD Against Aircraft

CoQocni b Ended-

randa ikaa Bfitfs to Be Submitted August I

Odda u d anda a t taatlmony taday tha to n rtn g i bafera Yloa

Oampaay aad a a lu m anager for tbo DoalaarU n oomgaay. nadar data ofApHl Ik t t t i :

*AU aU p m n ta kava baan mada by Adama Bapraaa. BIghCy-twa ahlpyad l u t weak; about tw anty-faur will ba ■hipped taday. It la tlma aow to lay p la u lo obtain ordara from BaglanA r r u o o and Ita^y and taka oara of patoau In tooaa oouninoa. Plaaao gat ebaoka a t oaa*-"

Traffic Diverted from Fallen Pine Brook Span

paamnaaa u a ,G tonaallar Flaldar la a anlt brought by i tba *«— <*“ - Uaohaaloal improvwMnt CMuMijr RflFEiftet tbe DevUkttrterv Aif* orntt Cnrparailan an a royalty « M t r ^ T to vtoa ohanMlIor d lru iad oaunaal ta ■nbmlt brtafa by Auguat I. No to- oMon oaa to axpaotod ta (ha anlt to- (ara fall, ha daolarad.

Haary A. Onhlan. praaldant of too Daaiaurlara Corporation, w u ropra- •m IaA tAreugkout the h teflnse by Jeha Milton of Joraoy City Jo u p h B SUto. lavontor af tho aerial appllanc* over whioh ( t o ouU w u hraugbli and praal- daat a f tha Amarlcaa Haebanloat Ira- pravamanl Company, w u rapraamtad to loM ph A. Blihrvy of W aahlagtaa u d Pbllaman W oodruff of tha Newark bar. H ig h D- King a t Waabington. u l u inaaagar tor tha Doalaurlora eoiapany and troM uror of tbo oomplalnant com­pany. w u raproaoatad by H a tb u H- Bargar.

DIamatriwUy oonflleUag taatlmony regarding tha tlma It tooh (or tha O ^ a u r la r t corporatlaei to furnlah email aoroplano propallora deelgnod to opo- rate dynamo* for wireloee oommoaloa- tlon botwoen flying piano and baea marked tho bearing yealerday. Aocord- Ing to Dablan. It w u woU along paat midannunar of 1*11 bafora anything Ilka quantity produoilea w u adbtevad- F ar IhU Dahlan blamed Slate, whom ba aoanaad of having b u n nneongolonably alow In t to praporatlon o( working drawtnga and tbo eonatruatlon of a modal that mot tho apacICIoatlone.

Than along oama U tu lm a n l Olana W. Fayna, M rlng the war oonnutad with tha radio davalopm ut laotloa of tha army otgnal wrpa, and (Mtlflad that Slate did eoattruci a modal which puaad toa u v a ra tu ta to which It w u ■ublactad. Thla model, U o a l u u t Feya* agplalned, w u uhlbitod a t a eonforanu a l whioh Dakloa WU ptoo- ent. immodlataly prior to tba tw an- tlon of tha royalty contract whlah la Iha lubjacl of tha aulL

lew trac t Stgnad, Ordara UvamThe royalty e e n tru t wae algnad

April I. I t l l . and on the following day th* goternm ont gar* th* Deelaurleri i

Bloomfield Arenae Blocked PeDd- iog Repeir of Bridge thet

Dropped Into Rhrer.

Structure Held Never Strong

The ooaarol* bridg* oarrytng Bloom­field avanua over the B ukaw ay River In Pina Break, whioh collapaod y u lo r- day morntag. fall Jual aftar a four-ton irueh had paoaod over. T to road waa ra u n tly t a a u over by tha aUta u d T bom u Arrlatadla, a atata highway

rlntandaab af Dan v illa h lu k ad Iteffla to b ri--------------tba fallen

j ^ W a r t i n i > a n i . to b rid g u north___u n to of toa fallen atruaturaCannty toiglnaar H o p k iu of Uarria alto w u notlftod. It U not known how long It w ill bo tofora tha brtdga will bo roopanad.

Tbo brldga an arok ptrqotura. broke In tha u n ta r a t t to n o rro w u t part of tho aroh and nt both abutm anta When tha eraah oama tha oanttr fall to tha bottom of tha a tru m , with what w u th* roadway eloping upward lo Iha nbulmanta, tanalng a large V. It la poaUhIa tor padutrtana ta oroaa Iha itraam . but v th lo lu of all kinda ara karrad.

Whan Iha bridge w u oomplatad In l i l t It trna w id hy an g ln u ra that (ha arch waa too broad a t tho top u d would avantnally oraok. Lator a crack

Tho wood work on which w u hover re- tho oomplotad

ctnwtnrm T to k u v y llm bon a n pinned to tha rivar bottom.

Start Savings Fund for Ps*sons on Probation

J . J . G k ic o y n e a n d M. J . South.

W ho C o n d u c t P U n , S«y I t I t

P ro v in g SucoeM .

C o o tn b u te rs N ow N ian b er 125

To glT* loonl aid to ihoa* la aaad end ta praveat poulbla diaparliy of faraoaebatora tha law arlatng out of flnuclal la .qnalltr. <ha Baavi ''.u n iy Legal Aid Sactair w u organlaod y*at*Tdey afltr-

a la the Down Town Club wllh the oloctloB of t to followinc offlQora:

Protldani, form*r Judf* Alfred F gklnnar of Flinty. Ilerdin d Iklaneri vlr* praildant aad tr*uur*r. Htjor Wllford J Hawklne, I' B A. rotlred, vie* pr**td*at of th* Intarnailcaal Arm* g Fut* Co., and eacrdeiT. ChteCer W. FaJrtle, lawy*r. It* Broad eirael.

A oertlDoai* of inoorpamiloa w u filed yaatarday alao namlac U In- ooporalora and Iruatea* J Edward Aah- iBoad of Undabury. Dapua d F u lk t; Baaiamln Alha, vto* pr*ald*al of the Nalloaal Nowark A E*e*I Banking Co.: Richard D. Currlar, d*an of the Kaw jaraoy tmw School: ftrmar JudgoThom u A. Davie of Orang*.-Hamlltea A. Dawaa of Montclair. Ur. Fair I la Major Kawkina Park Cgmialialoner Edward W. Jukaon. former Dletrlct Court Judge Fradarlc U Johnion, form*r Dlatrlct Court Judf* ThOBU J. U ato tt, Arthur W HuDougall af tha Baraau of Home and k r ia l Barvica. formar Froaaoutor Jacob L. Hawman, Hr. Skinner, Aaalatul rroaaculor Andraw Van Blarcom end Waldron M. Ward of Pitney. Hardin A Uklnnar.

Tbo aaaoclatlon haa ranted offloaa al 111 Market •(raal and arrangamanta ara under way lo obtain an aitoraay

l a E a i l r **■*.■*

I S D E U G H T F U LT h e a im o e p h t r a I t f r a o n a i w ith

th M dotlahifnlly nfrvaelad taltaaaBaJmr, *ua*aiar day. aad .aim

•larvT nlghu land thdr •wtaellai .harm ta yvwr aarli waaMT vaca- Uaa. T to caualrtalda al lu Wet la- vliH yao to a waadarfal gaa» af oalf *T • apt* *a l<* fuawa raad*.

U lagta with th* h*y*r I h n u •• t to av*r r a a d u tle a gearawan ar laaraay aleag that aeaaaara yroB. — 1ft ft ^M fftr r«t|iBC cluUr,

Th* Pi*fw om r m*iiy *rtr*eil*ftS-THVATBM , COMrCRTB. DAXC<


rmm lea d in g b o i w■r|tl furmlsih fuU r*i*ft *1(1.i Oftteft lUI

■ftteTM. CW tM llsAftMl# Mftftftft~ Hedrakarai ttoWttWMra

,_ r** hour* from Now 1f*fk Ctlf via C ta ira l R. R. »f N J ttailaea Uhorty htravi aad ltd llravc *r via P tooa. R R. from Ptana Ota. IlM Coaviili local tlek*i a« .au M fitv th tr mrurmalloa.

oft<MMM PraUeHaieLMmadTtoWSWtoa

f a ra f t t^ n of lh« ftHocl«tlO« ra:|iEeoMTioi u i specirlbrought about by Major B ew hlaa who

WMUia uauw-w-w u rapoftad. Tha wood U a bridm w u built moved (ram b u u t h

la u attem pt to ramady reported da-illd<faaU t to to lld a r dug dawn aad put la

a h u l of ooaerata. Ha a p u t about (1.0*0 more than (ha contract price In aa attam pt la maka tha bridge parma-nantly aafa and tha fruhatdara u - captad It.

Auparlntaerfant Arrtatadia b u lotuad varalngu regarding tha oouatIT road hrldgra n u r b y which ha aaya wara da- ■Ignad to carry load a net axcaodtag four toga P lu a u ra travel which uaaa

To anoauraga ik r in among thaw plated oa probatloa la the aouaty ■earta a u v la g fubd h u baan aatab-llttod for them hy PratoUen Offloar John J. OeaHyna u d U atthev J. imlthi who la alaa attaahad to tha pro­bation offloa. The fund to data ■mouata to tt.l* t.S I, rapraaantlag three nwBtbo' UTingu. Tha nanihar of eao- tr lb o to n ta abant 111 u d tola la u - paetad to to largely augmaatad whan all tha prabatlonara baooma aware of tha amtatanaa of aneh a fund.

Ur. Ctaaeeyaa la c h a lrm u of tha fund and Ur. gmith I* aeoratary and trau u ra r. All money le dapoaltad In tha Newark Truat Company, which b U ' furnlahad gratia a acora of p a u hooka for tha uaa of tha Individual dapoaltora Tha amallMt weakly oontrlhullon ta tto fuad b u ba*o two canta and tba auma range up to lio . T to it* dapotlta. howavar, are not regular weakly ooa- trlbutlona

Tha u v ln g a a re to ba dlatrlbutad Iha early part of Daoambar, although in COM of naoaaalty a prohatloaar may draw a t any tlma. Tha dapealtar*. howavar, ara aaeourogad to cantlnua thair dapaolta even afte r the axpiralloa of thotr term of probation.

Aa ahowlng tho advantagaa of too fund, Ur. Smith today pointed to too ctoo of a boy vrfco w arkt In a m ^ ln o ■hop, Thla boy had to borrow ooco- •loaallF a tool goad ta t to ahop. u d whan too paroon front whom ha bor­rowed It left tha employ of toa con- oarn the borrow er v to forced ta awh a lu w h art to borrow the Implemagt or buy ont. Tha p r iu a f t to . teal w u 111. wkloh w u juat to t amouat U a toy had la I to aavtog (uad He mad. appllaatlon fa r tka withdrawal of t to m eaty and pnreboaad U a tool.

___In charge of Ua la u ru t lo w lAnna A Fuaa Co. during Ika war. Need of tuob an erganluUoB w u raallaad by him during nla ralatlona with Ua targe numkar of people amploytd al tkal plani. growing out of dlfflculttaa over wage cmima and tha claim* of .widow* and orphan*.

tupport of tha uaoolatlon la I* b* by voluntary oontrlhntloaa The aeaocta* tlon hapoo that all thoea who raallia Uia ol tha work will eommunlcata with any of (ho oftlovr* ta aiprtta wUllngnoae to co-oparata and la eon- trlbut* In th* carrying on of Iha work.

UlM F au lt Laddey. eeacutlv* attar- aay for U* New Jartay Lagal Aid So- elaty. Uila afternoon eald that bar n - olaty wae partly In etlttenoe, Uat U* dlfwotora ar* etill In chargv. bat that th* toolaty h u no fundi with which to oparata Th* headquerteri of th* eo- cloty ar* In Uia* Ladilay'e otflcea at 11 Clinton itraaL

•a*0 rVS'iiVIjVvVWs ’fif®H * r LocAtvD p o fu iA iun ic ib Borm

M BTBBRLANDSrgw TOgk avk. bwtoq RHIiyri lew

im aaiaaa olo* iwimniralei laao *o d*to.

D B C O R A T I O N D A Y S P B C IA l.$9 “ $9

Kr k***«lk. t'ftp. kUV, modlfrntkrftvfhftut; *l***lftr- II ufi dilly.WMkIjr, A.B*r. plftft. Bkli Ki« m***B*lll*|i(.

Union County Delegition Here To Study County Psik System

A dtlagation of reprvaanutiv* man af Summit, lad by Parry a MaoHalllt. praaldant of th* Clrlc Club, ar* In tb|* city today atudylng the Eceei County Fork eyptom. With the perty ar* rap- raaaatatlvea of other commuoltUa la Union County. Th* object I* lo oh- eerv* th* Beeat County parka with the view to •etabllahing euch a lyitem ta U a Rahway River Valley autlon of Union County. The Inltltttv* w u Uken by th* Cranford C|vlo Beard, which axtandad lb* Invitation ta atbar official and civic bodlea In th* aaonty.

Th* ooafarvnc* le ta b* hald- at t to golf oluh hoot* la Wooquabl* F irk . Later It la plaanad to hav* Alonu Chvrah. taoratery of U* Eeaai County Park Oemmtaalon, addnta the Ualoa Canaty r*pre**ntatlva* and thaw plo- t u r u of what b u been don* hy that body.

* g ftftft - - -■arawm I lOUr UHlft* ITIftftftUr* irftVftl WIlLhrll tlMVL ^ r .f ’lM tC r '« d * J B’oofflAW avanua to raaob Dover andIft cost 1*0 fiftfn. idftiff *rioin*r oroftr t ^ffufuift wtil kftvft tft h*' wftv

to , l.«e* w a . givm. to th . d.t*pdm.t ^ T l a ^ T h a ^ v u n r u

J u d g m e n t f o r $ 4 1 6 G iv e n f o r

H o u s e R e n t f o r 3 3 M o n th s

A Judgment for I t l l , t to balano* due on thlrty-thre* montto' rent of * houe* at *9 Firat *11**1 tMe city, but 111 having bran paid during that period, « u awarded Mary A. B. Fotta of thie city yattarday by Judga Ulcha*l F. Judge. In th* E att Drang* Dlatrlct C ourt

Th* action w ai dlraoted agalnet Will­iam Ueaandan of I t Court alreat, (hit city, who occupied th* hvut* In quaa- Hon from Fabriitry 1, 1111. to Noram- bar IQ, t i l l . Th* rant ter the parlad al 111 a month amounted to I t l l .

. C o u r t C aIU N e i t W e e k

Tka call Tutaday and th* ramaindar tka wook In th* Circuit Court. Judga

(a il grtoidlag. will ba:i l l , Sarah Badar va Haari*

I g U t a U w d lk n t y Trual C^mgaay *a____ ColMs: fU . UivhaU Dgmata v*ligdo B aSnaky; H I. Wttnam A. B«an •g. SggkdA r . UadoBi IT|. Jaaaph I. Hn*

Agdtola Fadahanai i l l , Harry III,Bdslamln Xlala;

M gftarakl va F raak HadonE D a m b iM g k '> * In to va Nlch

s r a , ’8 i . i s r . s s £

company.Aa DahUn dtaorlhad th* tranautlon .

Me act la tlgn lng tha contraat wKh U* Amarlean Uaohanloal Improvamant Company, by which ha, am asg other U lnga bound t to DaalM rlart oom- paay to pay a royalty okwg* oT twelv* agd oaa-half par oaat, (a t to A lu rl- oaa oonoam, w u vary mneh la tba u t n r a of buying th* p rav tru g l pig to a poke, and hanoa, whaa * a ta . u Dablan allagad. fallad to (urnlah g proper model and working drawtogg Dablan raacindod th* contract.

Llautanaat Fayn* taatlflad that about th* la tter part of April. I t l l . or early In Kay, th* Datlaurtara aompany ta r - nUhad fifty propalltra, a t whioh aaly fiv* paaaad th* gavarn iun t teat, t to braahag* being da* In moat eaatt te dafaota In euU nga u d othar faultt |g workmanahlp. Thla flrai ahlpmenl, t to lUutanant aaplalnad, did not oonform to th* modal mad* by Slat* la W uh- Ingten, and which had b u n aeoopted. by th* gevarnmoat.

Aftar Dahlan had taallflad that up 1* Augatl. t i l l , practically no production had baan achlavad. h* admitted having aant tha following Ulagram to Haary D. King of Richmond, t re u u ra r of t to

1 A m aricu Uachantcal Improvemaat

of UoTiiatewa Inttaad. Tha avaga* I* th* main ouUat for a large aaetlaa a l Uorrl* Oounty and traftto on it ordi­narily la h tavr-

Hr. BaphlM . rafarrtog te to* aool- d n t toddy. I aM th a t wktia ka had aot yat viiitad tka o o u a to toUavod aoma of Ih* brIAfg uRdarptontogfwvraahtd away tola aprtog, D otoys war* ouMItod S ir tratti* fro ti t to ■*- ■M Coaaty a l to la gotog M Wktp- pony and Hotvlatawa, to* laft-haM ra a i a t Cauar** Cernar. la F l u Break. gh*«ld be takak- Tkl# run* through Roehatray Koch and Raytl'a Coratr, Far MoatvUI* and Boeaten. tratfla Ohauld taka t t o right hand road a t Cannar'a Caradr.

Seek RumBniBiu Hen

Duit Counting Machine Found,Police Looking for Owner

CaptalB Oonaall of palioa h a d d fu r- ter* h u a Dr. R ill Duat Couhtar, m aaa-geotarod by Ik* Atmatptorla Oaadi- Uonlag CarparAtlaR, Phlladalahia, (oy whlah ka wM ld liB* to find th* awatr. Th* oaaatar. u a s latlag af th y u boll- * h ^ bM mI dratok tta* aotrutod alakal owpa aaa ta la lag a powdatb a glaoi t ^ la a atokal ataod. rubbar taU ag wUk a pw aa * • oa* aad aad a aoupltog oa t to atoor, and twa " MlddkdMitd e t Ik* vaaaim a t i t a I* anaa gad to g OBgll toathor taoa.

I t was S n a d to to* atraat * moato ago gy g a tt lu n aad turaod 1a te t to poIlM yaetarday.

V e r d u t A g i i n i t O n e A u to O w n er,

N o n -S u it R e su lt in A n o th e r Casc

New Incorponitioas Filed

Chief Laag kds toan atkad In a let- tar from Coaaal Oanaral Wall *( th* nnawalan OavartMOBt, atatloaod a t Now York, to aid b t a la looaUag B*r- m u and M arguo t Kagrauad. w to w art laat beard front u v o a rear* ago. At that ilm* lhay g*v* their add to u u t i l Benk etraot. Inaalry In that leoal- Ity h u fallad to flad aarbedy wb* tvor knew to* glagmand*. Rtlallvaa to Rumtnie ar* aaalau* about thaw.


i * / ' "> a ' .

’I d f t Jaw** (n*** va Ar I IM. Hahha A « a «*.

l^ f S t . ttoihgd Tool k W. fteO ^l f i t . AKrH

OtSUfleatea of Inoorporatlaa *• Mo tedu la ^ o o u a to ^ 'p Tto Aatamobli* lloaoaatrattim Oar-

poratton. Tit Uroad otrut; ■iithotJaaS^ W l u t t o n . ll,tg * .M tt to a o fp a iw lmAbrakam Bartott and Fnito A. Ito* W ly o t tola oily bad jagMa J. W u 4 Jr. of Brooklyn.

Btoplala nnTalppa ftwagaay. « Otto- iriuH ia tioa ,(oa ttraat; avtbortoad

• 1M,SM: taaorporatara W. > . _____J. R B. Bmith M d HIUUms K. Jokaaoa.

In u rn a tlo aa l Oaa Haaordar Kaantoo- tarlag Caiapaay. » -ll a ia tq g elraotiautoortaad aaUtaHuUoa, tlideMISl to

■dward A. OfU dad Fred-6ttrww*t*rtLarlfk a n g h a r e« (klg a ttg litto H M Evan* o t SammlL

Fatten Roalty Osugagy. IM ettogti aothoriaad aarttM oidtofc IU f •SI] Snoorporatora Charlad

A Jury to Judge Mounlaln'a oaurt ywtarde^ aftarnooB gav* a vardtet for f i l l la (kv*r of Amato Rlooa af t i l Farkar atraat, who oiad John Harti of I I Narto Bread o t r u t tor If,US h tu a a i a t tn ia r lu . ko a«f(*r*d wtoa an note.

by to* dafeadut ran la te htaa, Oatator H, n i l . Tto a u l '

' a t BallavUla a v u u aad B a rr ay a traa t

Tka oanrt g taated a B*a-i*lt la t to iM a< M ra r i l a u u a Alhaiia a t i f

W aohlagtea avaaaai BtUavlUa wbo [kt oelt (a r It,*** dgalaot Otto

WHOLE BLOCS on OCKAM rBORT,HOTEL ESPLANADECftftlMt ftn4 ftkofti ftUrftCtIvg ItKftttoH. S#4-

(M Ift tovftrftt^a Avtoft. ta mcIu««v* CMtogft ■•vtleft. lAftftl fftttillr Ciftiiftllr. IIAPrftfth * • •• vftttr telhft A iuMlA

il Ha4«r«ft9^tDim*ni Ho4«r« kr4t^ (N«rftp#ftU« $.*H f»«t mmb*•vftrlftok lA f B ftftrdw ftlk 4 Oomk. Ot«k«fttrft, dftiiotftB. Auto irtlM-

dlTftfttlftft. W. r fHAW.

O m a b G r t n , N. J .

OUVB HOUSE Bu«k. Omb hr■ftftftMk Af l is t . lUtA Avtr D«cArftti«ft DwreII ft«r t e j . tftACtftl r«t«A f»r Jbbr.PA p«r w L. N lm iA lf.

W otdniiis CoiUge asl'gem''lt*lZ ■Cllatooh it,, t Wh. fr»(B «»»a. ip*r. r ^ far JUM and aeaeoa Mtv. R*H. L. Aggitar


Doubt*to abI t i t a*.

a l b e r t a h o t e lItoftBft ftBA f*t** for

"__ L"- L ’ miomi.NORWOOD H A LLA .y^Sr{i. j

i * « wtehlr-

THB WINDBMERE ^wa^daoka frohi-'Naar d a iw t la k e ip * ^ l rajee

mru D a u r a t l u ^ ^ . oamtlM.

H o te l A b b y .f O in r e t A vo j s s s T j s r i s v s r t t ^

breoght ___'A. U etoaorita irod lig a* tto Iplear* liarkaL a t Ml H t F r u p u l avonaa T to ■lolatKt allagad that eU w u tajnrad whoa dtraok by u tateoMhU* ewaod tar t to da fu d o ai. Nevtmhor IL to W alhlagton avaana BeMavBla


8 0 U T H B B A ,C HgrAZBM mdira

gllL Wflltom Stalfard aad I i a j y d |M I ^t s Hoi Candy Canpaay. _____

.root; aatkorlaad aagliaiHgllei. AN* a h a ru o f ooRtmaa ttoek kavtotgaM gi*

aiM l « o ^___ « ( y ta fw ra a

■tosk-af It** par a k in i BM witk mvM togH a u g . BUaa a i l F,

Frtem ar-W aatktogtoa V if t (g f Ms*tow c tm m o r , MS O ta g f f st***«i ga*

i m KESWICK J E Tw . tify B . II. w. d r a1* !* #!*»=■

fS e S !£ S S S tB ^ i

•Mda'i qaA’ M; f U w

GtAKDOPWlNGM o n n t f t l t t V t e w H o i M ^

'. 'IK 5W K i»5m aftH 1

M i s l l l i

C oafi

Tha Mil the aw

C*. I l l Si unflrmad Baakta. 1 •anharg agew Tore aufriFt Id dad leaveholdtrt.

At Ih* 1 m**l u hraufhl tl rawnitd i bed way e *1 rrhab Dwork. pi atr*d lo b

Th* pro (he omoui of n i.le i from T. b


Nhrlri»ri‘ V HtjfH IR ttlB polof i m I while h« to a le Jai ■aid hie i canlalnln while h t ■ he tame

Carroll (bird e tn Me pooh Heglmeni Mond till He w u a

E R ’ S

w!ic!ticalternsre ii 1 iple little 9M thit I m t r ke tt ne end coit will turprie- ;Iy and ttifyintly ill.

McCall Patterni )ffer a vender fillxonomy.


N. J.


irihjLrrMTMl * iu

r ♦vvrlMtlif mwmm tma* •1 1U UH 1B- irfvl fUM «f im»«a r««4«i »»f Uf«M 0Mr4vftm m

prv*-llof elkftir.CKTI. DAKC- RtDIMO. Ill- lOL*. ETC■ouraalUor. nii«A •(«>•

■1•I Dm 1»irKSAr«« Y«rh citf N J lUllMi !}4r>i PtflRl Rtta->k*i

I m m i{;;a;*84».nocibaom.

5 00 t4«> M m

»!• MUi*. nnm if >T. NtvFvRtQrRi|> •»,*0 «Ul|R,

lY SPBCIAI,Mr iRt*.) U Ra

Crp- , moOfrn vp 0Rllr.

niAMtRIlkMtOCEAK rmoicT,LANADEttlv« lo«4tlOR. So#- I uelMiv* CuteM i«l CipMity. m .r *«U A iuMl4

Mi«ii - M*4«ni kr4r^

».0H i—i olMMPM00AOeMik. OtflMttm. i irRiM. 9«*kM

W. r fHAW.

> ,A J .

Rck. Omb far ■r D«eorBli»m D»r« • far J dbp A. L. NIWHAJ*.

F*rBi«rl? till Miy- »Bl S rVM. t l Ifr '

ocMi- tp^r- vaMI. Holt. L. AUftfr-

, n . i


H O T E Ll iPMlal n U ( iBr

AEHoaOM«t etMk. Asbu/r nriL K* J '


» 10) rMrth An.» Tw* Mvefea tnM, tkA a p t^ l r*1H'

OlFMAvla HKtaMaU.« tAAm rwk.

■ rta n**i,■ •u h teitta.


ndwalk^rfumbk*. t .

N i D i i r R a l M



“nsai. u*


M H lf lM lw lT ^ C e . Sd«C<m6 med bjr Vice Chuicellor |

T l i M il b r H*c«iv*r I 'h u l t a F r*n li* l • f III* »M (a o( tb* I d n l W bM l e T lr t C «. I l l SiwMb aTuiut. fa r 1 1 1 .I ll, w u M nfim ad today Uy V'lca t 'h a n c a llo r ■•ahaa. Tho purchaaoro aro I-oul» Bon- laabarp and Abraham K ran ta , both of ¥«w Tork. Th# «mouni r«AU«cd wi'k SufftPR to pRj- til th* r r r ^ l o r a Itt full4*4 100T« iOB^«tfalpE ov*f t^ r th a stocItB4old«r«.

Al th« tlma «r Ur rnknEvl v BppoLnr. M«Bt M rai^ilvar, Cii* rrad U o ra ^ h o 4rciUfhl th* tpRo^vaory p rocM d ln c r«p- V*Mnt#fl th* ^oncapft to b* In au rh i 4*4 way «■ to inah« hoptiMB arty effcm •» rrhAbiiilitloB. »hlcK Jo o rp h t* j ^w orh, pr^fifleht of ihp lo m p o n y . do- i •irod lo brihf about |

t h a Droprrty wa» lolil a t a u o tlo r for the amouai itat^d afiar a p r lv p tr o ffar of 115,1*0. rtraW rd by Mr Fr^nli^al from T. 4. Liabataln, had hMit ra |o c trd

Pickpocketi Busy at ParadeF^kpoebati wrro busy dnrtnE ^br >

Ehrliiofa' paradr Inal n i ih t H arv * r i ^ Hijfit of J* Warrodi plRi'o rribort^d i U tha pollc* that Ma porkai vi ao p t r h r J '

1111 at War krt And ^ ro a d » trer(« ' whila h« w»H w iirh lb f th« pnrm l^ i ifoola JatabMti* of l | C a lum bta a^rpot ■aid hla pockAi w tr picked of a w oilpt eanialalng ft* and aalua-bie }iap*'^a while he w ii vta-wlng th e p a rad e n»>ar ' iba earn* apot I

Carroll t^hlldi of Bpruco an d F ifty third itraaL rh liad e lp b ia te p o r io n that N a Rookel wai plrhud at th e Kirat

Armory and hla w a trh din- Motid allekpin and acme m oney atoU n Ha waa a v laltln r BhMner.

And Yet More Ftdt— ud Figareinoth that rm iw tr <wt t l Old IP a pwl b Hie r •ad ip.Unli« aik that fonMaty eoat H-W hhI ip a yard to now |4-fi0aad iqxTtinaiiiiga hawa gOM ip 100%.liatMT, m vy one kiniea haa fone t p at laaet .double.In iHh of the above caaaa the rtao la Hoeh omr double ppevkwi prieaai

Yet—The Mcrthaal Tailor «tw forvirtT awda year aolt t» iMUur* far m to MS M« fcta |T0 le tllS —which la ait twice ai mudL .ind H coaU Un Mere than Iwtea aa mach to pmdnco U.Hii !■ ■ profcaaioB caJUnv for tin h((hcat Oafiea t / akfll— yrt hii ptoTil today fa far laaa lhaa U waa w m i he e h a i^ half 11 autdi. Aad yel aiUUaklnf i i ieiai lay that laadw le-B<rbsur« clothaa arc hlfhrr prleod than tiMy ahadd he!Coniidir It lanety, alwewdly. can/ally—a |aod caalM It jroar hm Inqr today.

Onebma iC tb* BetieeMA. r. AMirnaoN cn o B at

o .u iU iK : _ i

b BM a acii^


I. w. KHAiar. rnr." i r H e i . tB i io a i

Certified Milk w i s « t o a n n o u n c e

William Provost, Inc.12 ^aMhu St* N ew ark, N . J.

Beginning June 1st they will be the solo agents for

W ood Brook Farms

C ertified Milkns NEWARK

It will be a great boon to the people of NEW A RK to again have this grade of milk.

Phone Your Ordera Promptly Branch Brook 2619




Choice, Savory Meat from Native Corn-Fed Cattle

Y ou'll be delighted with the quality of the fresh, rare m eats and poultry sold at the National Beef Com­pany S tores. You’ll be pleased with the prompt atten­tion and courteous service of our white-clad salesmen.

Y ou’ll bp astonished at the scrupulous neatness and spo tless cloanliness of our model m arkets. And you'll be su rp rised at the exceedingly low prices—the result of o u r “volume sales—small profits" policy made pos­sib le by conducting the largest R etail M eat Business in A m erica. , , i , [ .


• **** "lb.Primo Rib Roast (beat cut)

dm ek Roast ChndrSteak

IVeah F k t a B a d ■Cross-Rib Roast__— —Extra Spadal ,1 ^ Roniid Boast.. . .

« • « . . • .34e lb.

9c Ib,..... . .29c lb. j............ S S cIb . I

Min^Fed Vealb p 0 f h ¥ a a l . . , ^ * . l b .

B0> ; in i» b 4 i U m b

Rare, Tender PoultryFia tiiK iD a d P ric a a a e e fa tc ^ ^

G h k h m i l b ..................Cam M.Roastiiir

G M d m l k ...........B U K iiy r m n isg p , o ra .


Exquisite small Grand Pianos

UNIQUE and unexpected situation has arisen— for a year or more we have found it virtuaUy im­possible to promise definite delivery dates to those favoring us with orders for Grand Pianos — so

much in e x c e s s of even the abundant supply has been the constant demand. Conditions ha c reversed tlicmselve?*—the re­cent freiidit embargo has redounded to the benefit of our patrons and o u r s e lv e s . The piano factories in New York (where most o f (he fine p ianos a re m ade) have been anxiously w ailing day b>' d ay to be perm itted to m ake sh ipm en ts o f pianos destined fo r d istan t points, b u t the desired relief from th is serious situation has not come. O u r p rox im ity to the m anufactu ring p lan ts in G reater New York o f Sleinw’ay A Sons, Sohmer, K ranteh & Bach and K rakauer has rendered it possible fo r u s to obtain a supp ly o f G rand P ia n o s n icn ths ahead o f o u r expectations.

June .the "eramienceTnent month" and the month of rhimei and oranffe bIo»- •omA ^ 9 »<’o® be here. Somehow we have come to ref^ard it as the (irand Piano monOl of tho TCRr. ^VKIIa mir nmiu»iit riianliiv of Gninrl PinnriA ia rnnul rnmvi]*l» w r iv u M iu u cw it a u w e v B i, ciniT mote ooniompiaiing suen q purmase confer w ith us with M little dala^ m poedble, as the continuance of our anility to procure inslru- ments for immediate delivery hingea on the duration of the freight embargo.


O w I l fw i i S p a r in n t pUn dlitrlbutr* the ptjrctuM prisa la ta aaavenlem laHwaU^pAyihle monthly—ahterrla i, • f iPBfi a la otrlet eonSdenca ell d ita llt of tueh orranfo-

«tn> Tha H t i a i iiI BBS piaroi pjoBop

aad fiT u le only i t onr ihowreoin* ore the‘foI1nwlB( eolebratod




D litrfhilon of tho

j l^ o o o n itho aichoal C lan Tolklof Moehla* la tho World


Q / l e i n u m i ^ ^ t u n o

' <■' ■

.- Suggesdons For Decoration Daym i SOM Long Island Ducka............................. Ih. 4ScSdoalk BiailMi dlfi Ib. rach)...............................Ik 58cj ( ^ Rirak ......... ............ .....................pdr 48e"lyaratina MUk Fed Fryinf Chlckera......................tti. 49crkacF Capraa * e * d . . .* 0Aai o-W ..o • * . ^ . * . 0 . Ib 6Sc

•"'-"-'r; V':, < !?i'


. . » ♦■.I.. 11".'■'Mi;,'.

'i f'i/'Ji a»<itk maaaa Aw

A«. > . rtvaala Av>

»'li r*il.t-

r iw



Singing the Same (Hd Song

I . ' • .

DeeontioB Dtj

' lA m nr'm m uag iF -m a .^

t lC a W r * ,


U fafiM m bHf w iw of vtal M

f '•'■JTaala

W m im f M b

. J 1

- ' Hr 'Mui ‘ eV't n


Daily Free DeliveriesAre notevortby tmong the many advantages of shopping at Heaiaa*. They bring your purchases to you without delay through our effleient, dependable suburban free delivery, scheduled for the following routes:AkUM 1 1 I Grm:datid

New Oringe Rahwey

Cnaftad S hoir I I EUaibeth Q b n b e lM I F U i w o m i Ginmod NetWirood Noffli PhtHflai PUiRfleM Roealle RnspOe Sakm We*M4

irringtoR Wmt HflMfvilte E nmEiat OcaageBrick CkwthWifniwdraAllbigiQBA traA liIko b U th

Hatton Pnik Hyde P itk K eiinrUeweilyn Park Hontdnlr Montclair Hatghta Montroaa North ArUngton N e ^ Newark North RoeevtUe Newark Orange^RoaeriUe Upper M ontdrir V ab h m h Woodilda W ot 0N i«e BeBeriDe 1 BohniMiiPpOB r v v



■ m c k B*iikaa«<4>p*naH«c>-

w w i K a x a n i •■r«kt-*Kk«»»k *w » « •* • •

I M i h U rwlaa ■‘•i' k* •»M t i l t r t f •■ ! n * W lafi * i«‘ rau '

„_|MlW. Ika kraacb Ctncaa ar hualiaaa attl;a W tn *«r •••akUlal anaulk ha »ada tt

a Xkarkrt ■*#•)•« Xaar*.■ Uttaaa w kekte# • » kaWlcailaa ataalJ ha

» iM* »f Ife* Ear** *"u»<f5 » 5 E * * •rtw r'a mum* ■m4 a*' ^^4 Ullfe. Kt f-»nalii«r»L:«n «nl ^

UiM* iattiv:

s '" fMk M«a»aaaa h k ■aaahar at ihh *aaoriaiadMkwa diawatabaa arhitad karala rad 4aiK'

My^d ka (JV> ata aaaanUud Fia*a 4i>Mr<a«a 5 6 4 laa t aai ha lawtant raa-ia’a.) r.ata*i bt

i f Ika aaaaiUia* Traaa La^al aaara ai w arUla karata aajniaa .a auajacl »a tka

rtatrtbUaa a# ta rakuhHaailar.

■ paa-tlM « * n « n l a ttua lla ti.* '' r r o m m e h s vl«w tk a ra canno t ba any diaaant, provldlna tha ac tion ta not ab ru p t an o u fb to^atn rt n U ndallda.

Mr. I la rd ln c vtawa th a la n a ra l problam In tb a l l lh t of an a n r a o t l o n o f Individual problam a, an d tnalata upon th a naoaaalljr for c d u ra lln r th a public to th a naad fo r • o u ttin i doivn of rrad tU . w ith th a ban k a p lnylng Ih* rola o f tenehar, and f lv tn f p rafa rcnca to c r rd iti for necraaltlai.

Uut whlla th a H aaarva B oard la w illing l'> do a ll In Ita p ow ar to rad u ca unnaceaaary r ra d i i i an d gat th a b n n k i Into Una lor financing cro p m oT am m la. U navaiiha law la conatralnad to poli^t to lha obvloua fnel th a t I ha p rinc ipal prob lam In th in connactlon la phyalonl— th a t It raaolvai haalf fkto a quaa- llon of tk a ra ilro a d # ability to hand la lh a buMnaM otfarad .

Rebuked by Invitation.' H ava ara « * r lf lc a d th a itvaa of m ora HMa A inartoana an d rulnad thaHans a f tfco afu id a a t o thara and brought

' ap a a tk o u s a d a o f A m arlcan famtllaa M l t ta h a p p in w i th a t can aavar and for IMrpoaaa wl^ich wa do not now cara to gH Ia a r ta k a f tir th a r aiapa to a tta in ?

Peace Prevails.Onca again a deadlock la broken nnd a

( trik e ir averted In n baric Induatry by tim ely Inlarvenllon from tb a W h lla Houaa. A cceptance by th a hard coal m lo a ri o f Prak- Ideot W llio n 'i propoaal of aatU am ant th rough Joint com inlaalon holda o u t th a

ouantlon la. a l ta r all, ap a rt from th a m a tta r of h igh ■aUrlaa, w halhar th a t apacu ln tlva gplrtt haa baan carried down to data a n d ac c o u n ti fo r th a alleged b*d buelneaa coo- ducted by lh a woolen com blnallon.• An Indictm ent ta not a conviction, an d It

will ta k a fu r th e r avidante to ehow w h a t th a real a tlo a tlo n la. But If » • onoa got It e tra lg h t th a t H l l “ bad bualnem" th a t we heva bean aaahlng to attack under our Imwe, p arh ap a ao aound a public eupporl will ra lly to th e enforcem ent th a t we will heve leea d ifficulty and laea taking chancea.

.y k ta la th a gravan ian o f th a P raatdant'a Ip g la tm a a t o f Oongraaa fo r action . In adopt-

tka Kaotc paaea raaolutlon, “w hich y 4 |M piaoa an Inaffacaabla ataln upon tha ipglkuitrjr an d honor o f th a United fltataa.** O a a e ia B Igitoraa th a raaaona and purpoaaa g f M r a a ta rln g th a nonfliet In E u rope nnd

. ghahdgna th a a lm a wa eat out to acoom pilah.W h n a« r foralathara founded thla eaun-

■ HP tai Ha Indapandanea, ihap fait that "a raapact to the oplnlona of mankind**

* Iham to daclara ih a lr raaao n a Thaaa’ lypg h t c roH aratad m llllona of tlrnaa and J hhW alood lh a teat of IM raa ta . W a and ; g ^ a g M tlo n a fired by o n r t ta m p le , a re (till

lb tg g llta them .- I f tha hltna with which wa want to war

iHMa y a a n ago arlll not hear a almllnr ' HHM laa; If they a re not alma of auch In-i

M M a w orth had m agnltuda th a t wa muat .H w to aa to work for ihalr 1011 aoeom pllah-, IHtiM aaw th a t tha eaoltamant of war la

' g^ar, ih aa wa Hiould not have tone into Hw Jhdr to r thorn. Tha w ar and lU aacri- (•Hb w a rt a aaolaea frlttaHng away of f> in r ln i- llnaa bapplnaai and proapartty— a n 'Ik inaaaorah la blander.

] ( 4 a I f R ware poaalhia to r u f to abandonIRg hkaa w ith w hirh wa entered tha war,

gg thay a tfact aaroalraa, wa did not p a l ^ aBlfJl fbr oa r own aahaa Wa g M to bolp M i a w Iho wroaga dona to

' d lM t paoplaa. O ur hutt^bia Impulaaa and ■ tM t' * t Jaitlea waro toaahad by granton R H d'tahnlnaii arrongg, dona to Belglom.

and Barrta a»d h r , tba ancient dona to Poland.' Armania and tha

ppraw id (heaa, Wa committed our- aaiwaairaltly to tho ir relaoaa. ra-

M ^ t a t t o n and th a aora oontlnuanea of w S t thdapamdawea. In tha darkaat hobra l |g ^ g g guMWBttda tfia t wa would Wand by

and.'" 'All thOM' oammftmenhi a ra IR fiirn fd th# wlada. Ignorod. rapudlatad, l l l M a d hy th a Know rtaoluUon, Which

UgplM g* n faHhUaa trlahd and a parfld- *b*t dlty.

T tim l aw latlad laara# out all th a t waa haW M-Hw Hal all Ha morality, Ita tdaallani, Ita ly p ig g M o a a I t om iu all that waa o«an- ^ ^ Rm pgnea. I t coneam i Haalf aatiraly

th o iriTtal. th a aordld, tha aMtarlal: 4 4 ' It fonearha Haalf w ith thaaa, aa tha H M ld tn l BlataR only to inaka "a complata g p ^ v d a r of th a righta of lha Ualtad t u ta a

t a lha Oarman aovam m eiit la eon-

prom laa of peace at a tim e w han w arfa rewould have m ean t a d larup tlon o f na tional en tarp rlaa a n d tra d e too aerloua to th in k about.

*rho a n th ra c ite m ln e r i re je c t lh a p lan offered by th e Secre tary o f I .abor, w ho holda a m em bareh lp ca rd tn th a tn t to d Mine W o rk er# Union. They re jec t it In ap lta of lh a fac t th a t It Included recognition of th a union. O raa ta r am p h aa la lh ara fo ra , la laid by th em on th e qucatlon of wagaa. an d thU ta In part, to ba undaratood by th a fac t th a t th a union, w hich la th a largaat iln g la union In th e country , a lread y holda a a trong poat- (lon In b arg a in in g powar.

But th a ch ief reaaon. nd doubt, w hy th a m iner! p re fe r th e P ro a ld an fa coromlaalon p lan 1( th a t th a coal Induatry. In lh a hard coal field no laaa th a n tn th a bllum lnoua. la In need o f g tn a ra l rav ld o n . W h at th# rolnera w ant la a w ider eonatdaratlon of lh a wagaa and w ork ing co n d itlo n a an d th la th ey aa- pect from th a com m laalon th a t now will h aa r ih a lr dam atida an d eaam lna the poaatblllllea.

A t the m om ent a coal a trlka w ould ba a ca lam ity beyond m aaauram en t, tn lanaely In- duatrtallM d U th la c o u n try now la, an d par- fo r ta m uat ra tn a tn fo r aom a tim e, w ith coata and prtcag a t a peak th a t t i an Indax of buslnaaa u n ca rta ln ty n n d oonoam , th a Mop- paga of h a rd coal m in ing m igh t aa illy pm - elpIM ta a erlalw—* c ritla t h a t would nerve aa th a paychologlcnl p r a la i t fo r ru lnoua con- fuBlon o f Induatrta l e ffo rt.

f o r lh a preaon l lh a n a tio n can only re ta in Ita econom ic eq u ilib rium by m ain ta in ing n h igh io ta of p roductlva e ffo rt, o f w hich th a m om entum m ay be aapecled to carry It fo r­w ard over a a tra lch of ra th e r pracarloua going. W a m uat keep m oving o r fall.

T hla It la w h ich r a n d a n avo idance of a a tr lk a In baalc Induatrlea a na tional concern. ] I tn n o t "olaag legtalatlon ," aa th e m lnera e h a w . th h t baa m ad# a aucceaafut a trlke hopataas. Tt la th a g a sa rn i rea llaa tlon am ong a ll -ISiTTir th a t . In th a aa la llng am argency of p roduetlog , t ln a n e a a n d trnda , a great g lr lh a Ip n th ro a t |o th a com m on w altara th a t m uat. p ravan ted a t nil one*.

fik n rngnlg tm n h sd th e su p p o rt o f lh a m p M a w a n n n d la n a to ra w ho h ^ ra ta lked

. iug«M t hbo u t "Amdrleantalng** th a paaea.' v- l f h iR k n a 'lA m ark n a la ln g '' avn r baan »e-

g^g^pltghnd by su rran d a rln g o u r r lg h ta t tk a A m arlean paepla avar ahew to b a aeutttarsT A nd thaaa aup-

a r a t b a vary onea who, a t th a tim e aC th a a m la t le a , w arn d em and ing th a t th e pgaRgalMUT to paaeo ghould ba *Hineon- A M R s I aurrandar* ' by O arm any.

■ aak h paooa w ith O arm any, tk a F raa- M oat eonoludad, "la, o r o ugh t to bo, Ineon- OONkkla; to In eon ila lan t w ith th a d ign ity Of tk o U nltad Btataa. w ith th a rIghU an d lib-

*1 g r tU t o f h e r cHlaana nnd w ith th a vary f m ta w o n ta l conditlona of civlligatloB."

■ a e ry one know n tb n t th is raao lu tlon waa h a g g ttin In Innincaritjr fo r p a r t i ta n pu r- pOOMk a n d th a t It b a rta ra d aw ay th e aalf- fg lg o c t and aalf-ln teraat of A m aiica fo r a MMi of cam paign m aterial. T ha r ra n ld a n t oaoM not retuea to veto It w ithou t a f tro n t- ta g lh a m oral aen tlm ent and honest purpose o f th e A m erican people, who w ent Into th a w a r w ith a vision and a hope an d a da- ta rw ln a tlo n of w hich th e Knox raaolutlon h k d h a know ledge or com prehension.

Letting the Gas Out.H M ra‘s no m istak ing th a no ts s tru ck by

O ovum or W. P. Q. Ila rd ln g of th e P a d tra l R a m rv a B oard In h is decla ra tio n th a t th a b o a rd WUI no t hesita te , ao ta r a s It m ay ba iMHssHry, to use all Its pow ari In lim iting hgg g cred it. Tlie sta iam ent la In reply tn th a roquast o f th a McCormick Senate reso lu ­tion a sk in g W bst slap s th a board Intended to ta k a raJattva to th e infla tlun of currency an d to srov lda to r th a financing of the l*20 crop.

H onay— Iota of It— Is going to be needed tg tb a crop m ak in g an d crop handling

I pgrioda. B ut th a m oney, In th a quan tltlaa In wKleb It w in ba naadad. la not a t hand. J U ^ d a t lo n should hav e baan wall u nder w ar I fg a th la purpoaa, O overnor H ard in g a d m iia fegSh h an k s Ih s t hava no t th a

‘'wMpgy to lend a ra In th e position, ao fa r a s IlM g M s ra l R sssrvs B oard Is conearnad, of i k l l ^ th a t can sing b u t w on 't slog, and t h a n - Itilg ik o u ld be m ade to slug.

th a t th e board, a t th is Junetura, p |g R an y dtspaattton to uaa th a w hip hand. 't t [ j |H a f in t n W t M oral suasion firs t to th a

' t t f erodtt raatrte tlon , w b k h It finds A la rg e r votnm o o f crudit la

to t n u a c i kttolaiMH tod ay tiuuk In H r. I la rd ln g M g a h o t a 'f r o r r

Uli iir trf ---------tt___ U l l l j id * o ra d n . arodR gfroh tu rtr

i t i m •*, ^ IR igh 'dn in r hi..,fho .gM H tgllm of M m r t h a t liw Iw^M dfaiir

_• « - MM. Mi ■ -----

- > Bad Business?In to rm s o f U w tb a A m arlcan W'oolan

C om pany Is u n d e r Ind ic tm ent on ohargas of

r to ta tln g th a a n tl-p ro f lta a rln g clausa* of tho

L aver ac t. To try to th in k o f th a th in g In

lagsl la rm a sem etim ea la confusing. W ould It ba fa ir to say th a t w h a t wa have bean Iry- l a g t o do by th a L,evar a n d a n ti- tru s t acta Is rsa lly to p ra v a n t bad bualneaa, bad bualnaia paychology, a n d au balltu ia th e re fo r budneae m stb o d a w bloh m ah a fo r th e perm anency of th a In d u stry an d lh a o r d ln a ir Industrial an d piw nH iil a tab flity o f th a n ation and Its an tarp rlsas.

I t lia s bean o ftan apough dam onstra tad th a t th a a ffa o t on t!W peop la of auch b ra ie n plw fH aaiing a s allagod Is to Jeopardtzs o u r w hole Indu stria l fab ric . T ha effeat of such spacifle c h a rg es s s b ro u g h t ag a in s t th is W oolsn T ru s t Is to confirm th o u san d s In th a baile r th a t a ll buslnaaa does auch th in g s Buch bustnoM m a th o d a K proved, s r a s aU p an d s h an d icap a t ovary d ecen t buslnaaa m an tn th a o o u n tr r w ho Is try in g to found h li busl- noss upon asrv lca an d aeah lng th a t stab ility w hich com ag fro m th s rseognIH on of luch a m otive by th a public.

B ut th a t la n o t lh a only sU ndpoIn t from w hich ouch “ klUlSi#* a s ch arg ed Is bad bu sin saa I t la bad b u itn ass fro m th a ita n d - polnt of lh a Industry . I t la had b o o u e o It m ust, beyond all doubt, c rea te dlsm llsfac- tlon wUh tho ra n k s of em ployed labor. II Is bad b u s ln o s because It e a rn s th e com pany n e ith e r respec t nor th e good wishes of iis custom era. I t Is finally bad bualneaa becauae It aeeke to b a te p rf ltl l i upon th e tak ing a d ­v an tag e of a tu rn In conditions ra th e r th an upon clinch ing to lU elf th e largaat iv a ll- ab la m a rk e t by doing th a g rea te s t volum e of bualnaas poaalbla a t a fa ir aarvloa charga.I t ta apecu la ttva r a th e r th a n constructlva.I t b u ild s on th a sh if tin g aanda of clrcum - sU n ce ra th e r th a n on th a firm rock of volum e. 11 la not a busitiaas of aarvlco. b e ­cause by Ha h igh p ro fits It Inevitably lim its o u tp u t because less of th e public can buy a t auch flg u rea M aking th e sem e p rofits by volum e of buMness r a th e r th s n by Individ­ual h igh charges, th a com pany could hav* w a rra n te d Im m unity by lh a aervlca done.

I t la fo r Just such reasons Ih s t som a w fig h t sh ou ld be given to P resid en t W ood's danlalB, even aa a g a in s t th a p ro fits specifi­cally aJIagsd to hav a baan m ad s on o a ru ln sa lsa o f place goods, tn add ition , to any «na fa m ilia r w ith th a dlfflcultlaa of coat a c ­co u n tin g an d th e o u rious r s a u lu th a t can bs obtained by using d iffe re n t syw am a of a u d it­ing. II will aeam a vary u nusua l fe a t fo r gov­ern m en t Inapaotora to hav e bean ab le to flg u ra dow n th a a c tu a l coat p a r yard to a cant. B ut. to p u t It fran k ly , tt Is a l iu ie d lffleu tt to ballave th a t m an a t tba head of gvswt Indu strlaa w ould show such a aho rt- s tg b tad buntnsas Judgm ent an to a tte m p t such prnCItanring.

I t h a s Inng bsen th s cen tan tlo a o f th a Ngwn th a t t t w aa n p t th a produears, i ^ a t h t r o f e a p tta f « r l*k«r. m gtiMh a s it waa apaeu- te to ra w h a rsA p m rh .p r te s a . O f cnuiua th a iroo lan M M pattjr w w <0M ‘« f thoaa g n a t eoni-k in aU g w ttf ,«1»* •*»•♦** wMoh a s -j ^ H M k kiw ksMi *•» to ba n a l lyd f(M i4»H lT tH kkB «tJW (ipW klw T h sy w w ogogfggsA tp BOMM tMiWMW y.tti prodnotlon

Wood and Palmer.A nything but com placrncv should be th e

public a l ll lu d e toward the b r» « n revela tion

th a t L eonard Wood haa a patron who haa pu t

o u t m ore th an half a million dollars a lread y In Ihe pre-conveniloh campaign In b eh a lf of

hla candidacy, end stende ready lo give m ore, *That such could be tho ad m itted f a r t la t n Indication of a trend hack to c o n d i­tio n s th a Am erican people believed th ey long ago had pul reeolulely behind them T h a boodle candidate never I* on a t tr a c tiv e figu re , end It la not a aucreaoful defenaa In tb a cou rt of public opinion to aeoert th a t | non* of thla money sctuelly wa* openl lo buy delagatrs. even If It can be succeeafully m ain ta ined .

PTom the day th a t Theodore R ooaavelt succeeded McKinley, beek In B aptem ber. l l # l , dow n to Ihe preeent, no such orgy of spending haa been seen at thla stage o f any national cam paign. luiwden haa openl hi* o im m oney— m ore than (tOO.OOO of It— a n d W ood'* cam paign le spending an o th er '# w ith aqual prodigality. The revelation In a lth e r c ta a o ugh t to go s long way. end p ro b ab ly doea, to dlaquallfy Ihe Individual aa a cand idate .

T h e Idea, If not of a piirchaeable n o m in a ­tion, a t leaat of a nom ination for the h ig h est office In th e land, being obtainable only by a m an w ho can command vast am u u n ts of m oney fo r pro-convention work, la u tte r ly a b h o rre n t In the light of th e i tr ld e i m ade In Ihe last tw o decade*. Colonel procier'B m o ­tiv e In largely flnanelng U eneral W ood, ha lays . I* •■Ideallatlo.'' That may well be. hut we no longer have any place In our n hcm e of Ih ln g i for a powar behind th e r re a ld e n i * chair, even If lh a l power bo beneficen t. Bhaer altrulam may dom inate ih* C incin natlan . but tha man In th a s tre e t will w on­d er w hat th a colonel would w ant If W ood w are elected.

In d ifferen t wlae, Allorney a e n e n l P a lm e r Slanda convicted of e ie rm b le laa te an d w orae Judgm ant, to give the s itua tion Ita m ild es t poaalbla ch ara rte rtia tlo n . In ae le iiin g for hla cam paign m anager th* counael fo r Iho fo rm er chairm an of the board of th e C ru c i­ble Bleel Company, which had lo m ak e reatU ullon lo tho governm ent o f m o re th a n I t . 000.000 In taxei It sought tn avoid hy falalfylng Ha earning#, he m ade a le r r lb le b lunder. If no more. It I* m ade e o re e by Ih* fac t lhal Ihe man the ch ief ca rn p a lsn m an ag er repreaent* may he liable lo prt>aecu- tlon by Mr. Palm er's own office Ills 1’enn- aylvanla m anager. It developed, 1* counael fo r a concern lha l rnm pmm laed a ault w h en th o C rucib le m ade reslUullon. HI* cam p aig n haa received contrlbultona from su b o rd ln a ta# In 'h ls own departm ent.

T hese th ings In them wive* do not. It niu»t h* aald In JiiMIce lo Mr Palm er, co n a tllu lo allegations of exerting prew ur* lo boiwt hla cam paign , but certainly they had b e tte r bean left undone. Th* chief law o fficer of th e land m ust be like C aeaer'i wife In th e p e r ­fo rm ance of Ih* dutlea of hla h igh office, an d when, a* Ita Inciimhenl. he a p p e a rs be- for* th e people aa a candidate for a n o th e r . Today he I* * heavy load on Ihe a d m ln la tra - tlon, and the atrocious Judgm ent he haa e x ­hib ited ahowa him aa unfitted fo r a IT eal- dential candldala.

R enators Borah and Johnaon. gu n n in g fo r W ood, seem to have b rought dow n Ih e lr q u a rry In tha Kenyon com m ittee Inveieliga- tlon . and rtiora beildea They p ro b ab ly w ere no t hy any m eans dlalntereated, bu t th e re la no doubt that tha country owes th e m Its th a n k s for tu rn ing the apotllght on lh a c o n ­d u c t of pra-convenllon campaign*. R e p u ta - tlnna hava been badly dam aged, b u t th a h a rm baa been don* In the public In terest.

In U tlrtggeU i plac* gadIw an tfa tk .

T h * sum m ary as a whole show * t h a t la tk a la s t th i r ty years Ih* W aotam a U ta s hkv* been m ak in g prograaa ao m uch tn a la r th a n th a i r a la tar commonweaUha of t h e E a s t aa g ra d u a lly to displace lham In la a d a rs l i lp In p r o c e s s New iarsay la th * o n ly E a a ta m a la t* to show a gain lo lh a l parlod . T h * last th i r te e n on th* Hat are B ouihern s ta ts a . w ith H oulh C arolina al tba ex trem a ta l l and. T he** th irte e n ar* all ra lad lo w e r In e f f i ­c iency th a n Porto HIco. Th* C a n a l Zone, s till J ilghrr. I* about m idw ar b e tw e e n th * lo p a n d bottom of tha Hat, w hlla H aw aii la p laced In th* uppar half. Ju s t a h e a d of I llln o la

B y lh a m ethod employed lo d a ta rm ln * th # resp ao tiv a ratings. M ontana la g iv en a n Indax n u m b e r of 7J I. New Je raay ’a n u m b e r la S 6 .t. ab o u t *l» point* b a tta r th a n Now 1 u rk ’*, w hile Boulh C arolina '# low ly ru lin g I* IS .4. In the last half r a n lu ry t h s Index point of efficiency pa* exactly d o u b led , from I* lo 11, In th* country aa a w ho la , a abow - log th a t plainly enough In d ica tes t h a t th a doo rs to fu r th r r prograaa In a d u c a llo n . avan am o n g th a elate* moat fav o ra b ly ru le d , ur* s till w ide open, Kffort In Ih la d ire c tio n baa m et w ith belter response In th * W eal d o u b t- l(.ee because I heir ichool ly s tam a a r e n ew er and Ih e lr edvaricemeni 1* not h a m p e re d to aji equal degree by th# hand lru lla w h ic h co n ­fro n t th e more densely p o p u la te d B aaxem sLate*. especially with respaot to th * p ro b ­lem of aaalm llatjng and a l th e sa m e tlm a ed u ca tin g th e children of th* fo re ig n b o m .

T h e present era In ad u ca tlo n a l advunow- m en t tn th la ataie hagan In e a rn e s t w h a n th * achnol law s were eom pletaly rev ised lo I t S t . Several years prior lhare lo . Ih* la ta Dr. A ddison H. I’oland. then s ta le su p e r in le n d a n t of w boola. paved th e way fo r th e m o re ux- tended refo rm s of the 1401 a c l by se c u rin g . In (he face of violent oppoaitton. th * a b o lish ­m en t of th* old "achool d is tr ic t" system , w hich had brought th* s ta ta In to rid lou la . T h e henefll* of th* changes th a n m a d e hav* a ecru ed In Increasing ex ten t In oentraJIxad co n tro l of the school* by th * B tat* l ia p u r t- m en l Of Public Instruction. T h* d lapalltng of re ta rd in g Influence*, such aa p a r t isa n d om ination of local system* a n d p e tty gov­e rn m e n t of rural diatricta, a n d th a i r re p la c a - n ien t by u unified o r fu n lia t lo n re a c h in g down from th* state, th ro u g h th e co u n ty In m od era te measure, to th* school d im rlctu . o r d irec t from the stnl* lo th # d is tr ic t , u r* fac lo re th a t have helped to g tv* N ew Je rsey an educallonal atatue w hich , w h ile not ao h igh t a th e attainable. Is yet to b e con- Ic tn p la ied with a conslderubl# d a g rsa of ea liafa rtlo n .

■ U m tia i wgg H s s t M a ta . T he taw * ofIgdlr, with Ita laeal a a d a a ^ y papulation* of H .M t g ra u a lsa s . lg .g H ^ t a r s gad U,**4 Tealdla, raagalad a o M aqoalM ststsata w ith b*l a law paopla sea ted d taoga aatataly hay* aad lhara. aa w* drov* In. TbrwBghsal thega ta rtu o u a sun-kaataa byw ay* ao children^ played aad no anim al* raam ad. The a ir wa*h< 4V|r wUh 4r«A4(ul «ueh M3 h a ig lover 9U(U«-iiiDltt«ii oomiDunttUa.

"W« found th* chlldreDa luCh 4d thoy w«r«i Inhftbltlnv kn o r p h a u c * w here in one alckened el putfIdUy's horrib le odor, end were le* formed th it there w ere n e ith e r medlcinee nor d le ih ftoun le w herew ith to nlley the condition of the meny lltlie elok bede.

"The mud h u ti wblob We vielled preaented eft Inverltble picture-r^e b erren , ceve 'iike In* tenor, UcblAt one e tlck of fu rn itu re or houeehold uteneil. end w ith e few bieeohed bonei M eltered here ered there. The eoou- penti. etretebed oe tbe e le f floor, would heJf lift themHlve* t* r e ta rd ue w ith deeed end eueetlonlnf eyes. Tboee Bauiit fecee. thoee ettenueied bod Lee cted In e e h e tc tn e e i el flllky rexe. neeined oen tu rtee removed from clvillulion. Teti fe lt th a t you bad etumbled Into prebieiorlo n a a ’a d e a d u r ia f eoroe tre a t famine rear,”

BETTER THAN A PAPER.Nat long wa'U need t® U k* a dally papaa,

To keep In touch with what la going OS.Kor lb s vary aimpi* raison That the b ridge ctub for Ihe eeaeon

le p rep arin g , w tih th* datee igraod apas- When th* lad te i i t i r t lo gather rausd th#

lab ieeOn the w ide porch of the iee-Tbe*#**

Hotel.Then ao m ore ehaJl we be needlnf To brinx papere home for read laft

W hat our helpm ate iearne will ear#O f | i 4 l ae w e lt

If the people w ith the Itaohard h a « • • • • trou b le

W ith the g rocer when be aendi bi« m M lU vbill.

Or th e Johnaon klde are breahlax Out w ith meaalea. which l l ,ahtnf,

WIJ^ e u r w ife know all abent I lf Tex, M dn i l

A ia e n c a n S p o r tg n m i O u D c i i f ^ b y

B u n n « K H im le r w i th A n cicD t A r a u

Th# P rc s ld rn fe veto of th * KncOI r»**1u- tlnn . Kiyii lh^ N>w York Bun, coritolna "rin ih ing 4»ppei'lally w orthy o f co m m en t by th la new npnprr.” No. It la m o ra l.

"Tf (here In a ■pertnman In the United Btatee who pridea hltnxelf on ble workman- ihip. and who thlpka he can b rinx In a blfX*^ hex of fam e than an LllU»rate. half-aaked BurmMe hunter wMh a eronabow aad arrow it there* each a hunter ready to ‘take him on' any tin e he chooeea to jo u rn ey out Burma way And If the eportam aa tf not a m arka' man of the order of B uffalo BUI or Annie OekUr, he had b e tte r th in k before rbal- len fln f the heathen h u n ta r .’*

Thue epoke M. L, P a tte reo n . a mining oa- llnoor of W aahlogton, D. C .. Lanelnx* Mick,* and Hergul. Burma, in an InlerTtew for ihe National Qeoxraphlo Society, before em bark- id f for Burma* a fte r hla f ira t tr ip bone lx more than aeven yeara.

*1110 old mam." con tinued Mr. Palterton , "tajiee an oil tin—ih e top ef which haa been cut cot—and atrape t t on lop of hla head* a i a | t r l tioe on a eunbonnet. In tbe Ua be placee a little keroeene lamp, which makee It a eomewhai clumay co u n te rp a rt of aa aute- mobile epot l l |h t . WUh th la he goea Into tbe jungle at night, and, o f couree. the eyea of the Jungle aalm ala g la re an ihelr owaere eroueh at tbe hun tar'x approach.

*Ttin croeabow in fea rfu lly and wonder­fully mado. The bow la ao a tro n g lhal I havo never boen able to bend It fa r enouxh to get tho atrlnx In plac# for a ehot. Ha, however, pula hia foot on the bow and with a luddan ]«rk la able lo bend It fa r enough to g ti tho oord in 'flrlag ' poelllon.

‘'Por am m unition he uoea polaonad arrowe He firat praparae vogotablo polaon, and after tho arrow tip haa been dipped tn th a t it la atuck Into a piece of decayed deer IWer. Death enauea very eh o rtly a f te r the arrow haa airuck home- ,

*The arrow le e a tlre ly o f wood, bambo«g w ith the tip bardaned aom ow hat by etpopure lo fire. I have aeen my old h u n te r ahoot one of tbeee arrowe c lea r th ro u g h an Inch board. Tbe native# eel whlte*faoed raonkeira on the

W hen tbe fam ily r t i ld ia g al The CadeW Ilea a p a r ty for a daughter that'a eoXM eut.

Who waa who am ong thoee preeent.W bother It waa a llff or pleaaaat.

W hether U re. Jonea la growing tU a •» atout.

Why th e B row na xre oel thla eoanea » t tBalP oo ttage , '

If 11m Pexnley loaea money plwylng xtxxh^ Or If an y th in g Ja doinf, U aipected e r I t

brew ing.O ur w ife wLll know It a l l )u«t b«t pour

aockm. .,

E neeuraged by the aucceea achieved by xur aafely, oelf-eharpenlhg. non-ahid axowabovel, we have turned our attention IX X perfecting of the laflalable, deflatxbie ahepplna bag, fo r patenta on which we a re abeut to apply. The elaatic ahoppiag bxg* coaatrucled of a floe grade of rubber. U ealculn ted to fill a w ant long felt by every hODHwIfe. fo r ll ie a markottng, ae well aa a ahoppiog, receptacle, being aa approprialo fo r ca rry in g home a peck of potatoea. a deaen earo o f c o re and a bam ax for t epeol of th read and w axm ple of duvetyn ribbon. W hen em pty and deflated , the rubber ihopplng bag la ao em ail tt m ay be carried in the purae x r the palm of the glove, yet Ha capacity la lim ited only by the weight the eheppxr'a a tre n g lh perm ita her to carry, and the wM th of the doora th rough which 11 muat be cen- veyed In Ite ta fla tab lllly , the elaatie ahopplag ' hag haa an ad v an tag e poaaaaaed by ao other, aa when th e hag la blown up It La not poexlhla for nvlxhhora to dlecern lha nature of the pur# ehaaee w ith w hich one ta returning home, o r Ihelr e a ie n t. • | r neat endeavor Will be along the line of a rubber brief caae fo r fre* feeelonal m en who carry tbeir lunebex, th e ir laundry an d Ihetr eboea th a t need half toH xg

Any saving the Rrhool B oard m g y effoet on tho strength of Ihe M ayor’* Tocwtional w hool proteei might well be d ev o lw l to edu- ca tlo n a l ueca at th r city hall.

Tonnldering the p r ln u iT fw n d ld a lea In th e lig h t of Ihe eurnr expended one !• PomewliAl t»rone to frol that Ih# real g riev an ce Hex w ith thoM who gave up thair cash.

Hnraee may know n o th in g A bout th x htgll rnpi of h*y and oata. b u t xxm x o f tliXBi* In gBElng a t their high hip boaxx* m a x t re a llie lh a l aom eihlng 1* wrong.

T he atrlke of near-beer w o rk e r* In d lcx te t(hn i they really th ink they havo boon p u ttin g n u t fom ethlng.

M e m o ry o f G fo rg ia C o u n ty s H e r o c i

T o L ive in C ro is o f L iv in g T r c e t

theory that whoover ea ta tho ir n e a t la 1m- muna from tubercu lea la 1 have aeen the old man tend an arrow th ro u g h a m onkey'i body ae If It were a bullet firvd from a Maueer n n a

'T he Burma O overnm ent forblda the nallvea to have gune In th e ir poeaeaeloh, and pro* hlblia trading In a rrow # and ammunition. But the natlve'a Ingenuity enablea him to get around th la He wilt find a piece of gae pipe •omewhere. fit a rude etock to It, and a crude primer and hammer, aad will uee eafety matohei ta lieu a f powder. He out# off th# heada of about two b o iea of mau;bea and puta them Into tha Im proviaed barre l He then rama hia #bot home a a d 1# ready for baatiie#i.

**Ahd le | me te ll you. If you never tried lo eboot with ouch a guD, d o k 't 'b e e r do ao Why. as itp re aa rifle I# about m klcklbai ae ■ twenty-fwo-oxflber F lo b ert compared with th ii Improviaed aho tgun! I tried ahooting oDOx onca upon a tim e, and th e th ing almoat kicked my ehoulder o ff.’*

H ARD WORK AND A P IF RA Ja raa y C ity man on hla nlnetlath b irthday

aaJd. w hen baked to w hat habite and dial he a ttr ib u te d hi# well-preaerved eoadltloa* "H ard w ork and a pipe haa been my dtat."

Oh. give m e a job and a pipe*And 1 11 live to an age known aa r1p«^F o r p len ty to do and to emoke Btillda a a tro n g conitlluMon Ilka oak.1 don t read the medicine ad'i:*And ! never have bothered w ith fade. ^Aa ealorlea, p ro tetna and auch.F o r I newer took etock tn them mooh- If any one w an ta to taka care iOf hla d iet, and m aaeure (he Air H e b rea th ca w hile he’a eleeping a t n igh t. And the w a te r he drinke. that*a hla rIghL B ut m e, T'ro ju a t Jogging along.And If I am healthy and atrong.And live to an aga known aa ripe,I lay It to w ork and a pipe.

Without the Governor.lender th* law, Btat* Controtl** Buffb**

an d Btat* TTessurar Head ra n fo a h e a d w ith tb a valuation of stree t n l lw a j p ro p e rty w ith o u t th e asststsno* of O ovem or E d w ard s . T h o u fh th e se t passed over th* Q o v e m o r 's veto deslcnated th* Chief E ie ru tlv e o f th e s ta te aa a m em ber of th e V ilu a tlo n C o m m is­sion anil provided th a t ha should s e t s* Its rha lrm an , Ihe law fu rth e r provided, h o w ­ever. lhal 'In Ih* abaenre of ihe O o v ern o r one of Ml" other membera may he d eS Ifn a led to a r t aa rhalrm an ."

Th* Hepubitesn sta le plalfnrm of lunt fa ll. It will be r*m*mb«reil, promised an In d e p e n ­dent apprulsem ant af street ra I la-ay p r o p e r ­tie s "un d er th* direction of ih* U o v srn o r." TVhtn th a t la tte r clsua* w as w ritten th * R s - pubtlean leader* no doubt w*r* ce rtu tn th a t Mr B u tb * a would ba tb a next Q ovam or. Bo th e y should worry th a t G overnor E dw urd* decltn** to servel Th* valuation w ill b* m ade under the direction of the m a n Republlcwn# thought they would tnxkft th o C hief RxecutUe.

A cf living ir##a. a long road# countyn\i\^ and cfiunty Inng. la w ay Bibbro 'jn ty , f|a . will mttmnriaHa# h#r heroea who anawi*r#d rail nf lh#1r ro u n try , la th e en- nnunr#tn#nt of th# Amvrirafi F*>realry Aaao- r ia tlo n a t Waahington, D> C., w h ich la regia- te rtn g ail mamoriall ir#ea in a n a tio n a l honor ro ll Thla will h# on# of (he m oat unlQuc irem orlala In th# country, saya th e aaaocla- tion. In making th# aTinouhrem ent. follow ing

v!orr#apond#nc# with F. Hog#r If tl le r . aecre* ta ry of th# Macon Chamber of Commerce:.

Th# W oman'i A tiillla ry■ of tb e ChAHiber bf ro m m rrc# nf Macon la m ak ing th e p lana for IhW "Road of llcmembrxnce." and M rx W. O. K lnnav )■ th# chairman of th e co m m ittee th a t w in plant Ihe tr«#a and g a th e r th e da tx which will enable tha A m erican Forex try AaaoHatton to reglater tb e treea on Ite na* tlona^ honor rolL

E ach tree along th e ' h ig h w ay , eg txxdlog from liorane acroaa, th e co u n ty lo x pxlxt n e a r Dry firaoehs aad from th e d irec tio n of C linton tow ard^chdeonnee^ an d fo rm ln f a croaa, will baaf on a m etal p la te th e nam e of a Bibb County man who en te red ootne branch of w ar eervica. Gold a ta r i on n o n e w ill tx> dIcBie (hose who died In th a xervlbe. BeD ntivea and frlendi of the "heroxo" w ill be given (h# prlvllcgf of fu rn la h ln g th a tre e i nnd roarkera, and the p ro p e rty ow ner# will |.# ankeil lo co-uparal# in p la n tin g th e me­morial#.

View of Stttces*.Bom. of Ih . moat c .n u ln . ly ■uco.isful man

I know, saya a w rite r In ro rb e i Macaslnn, are neither rleb nor fam ous, bu t they er* flndlnc In te n t. latl.factlOB In do ln c t b . w erk they er* dolni beoause they feel th a t It la a iae ily Ih* work they ar* f itted to do and they h*v* Ihe concFlouanee* th a t they ar* dolnc It lo ths very limit of th e ir ab ility . Thay ar* p u ttln t Into the world th# very beet th a t la In them.

Durln* Lord L svarhu lm a's recant v isit to Amartca, Thomas D rslar. w htl* e b a tt la i with him. hsppentd to drop th* rsm srk . "A richman Hit* you----- " W h s t d* j s u inasn hyrlchT' Lord L svsrhu lm s In tssru p lsd him. Th* famous British rau n u fso ta ss r s a d phllsu- Ihroplst CSV* n i t t l * d la s sr ts tlo n ainphaslslnt that money did no t msU* a m an rich, but th a t rto h .i and auecaas conslstad o f w hat a man was and w hat ba accom pllshsd e f hslptulnasa lo tall fallow n aa .

Th. fru its of tw en ty -fo u r oarat sueesss a r . th . highest developm ent o f o n .'s own «bsr- sc t .r and eapaelty. Ih* schtsvaaian t s f the U rpast posalbl* m esaur* o f w orthy sarvic* within on*'* apbsr* w h atev er th a t sphsr* may b., and. a . a ru ts, tb* satoain of one's J^snd* sod fallow*.

THAT •ll.OM."T w as tu lk ln c to ITncI* Dsyy' B strd uhout

th a t u few m lnuta* ape and w . asroad th u ( t t sra* u tm ost anoush mossy to buy csiupalga c lp a ru -

O ns's m oved to sp r* . with 4 « n .r* l Wood,And even then they wouldn't b* (ood.F or It h as risen both h lfh and far,Th* cost of tm oklnB a good seagsr.

On* e f th* hard .M ef Ilf.'* Job* Is SM tne lh a l ons'a bill* a re not I s rsa lr Ilk* w h at th * fo re r s a l . perstat In *S}'ln( th* w eathar Will be— u n H ttlsd .

j e a n ElttOL

Resin (rom Gtsl Tir.A n .w sVDlhetto rastn I t s tt ta d to bu U

su ltab l* B ubititu t* for msny purpets* fo r D sm ar and K auri puma and eommoa rsuta.It Is produced from coal ta r dltUUsIs* u sd feus baan nam sd Cumar. It I* sotubl* In all esu l ta r ao lvsn ls, Tapstubl* ells, su rbos htmilp phlda, carbon tstruchlortd*. s th s r a a d aoatwus-7 I t ta tnaolubi* In uloohet. sa d th is nauauut p ro p erty p lv ss It a apsolal vslua f s r T unlahaa, II find* us* also In Isa thsr drssalupa, paUahsa, STtlftolul l* a th * r ..jr ln tln ( Inlil, s ru ts ip ts sR u c paper, llnolsum . aad a t a btndsr f s r m qldsdm atsrlsla It# cslor ipar vanr from iM t- '. yellow t* d a rk am bsr, and Hi* atsWlPR f dl r t^ |s f th* v a r to a a n a d a * (aac* *« ‘

u r # iB -(o Ido d*«T**a esa tirrad * . W ith m au r s r a l a a d vspaU b)* w aaa t It 0v* a B tatarafe u fr s a u rh a b t* p re p a r tlsa j

Desolation Marks Armenia andE n v a n , C a p iu l o f t h e R e p u b lic

o f

' a w * w i i ! l

New Jersey’s School R ank .'Th# hlph rank tlv # n New Jerney tn th e

com parative #ftlilenoy of Its public achool ayat#m In ttj# report of th# #duc#ilonat d#- parlm * n l of the Rum«I1 Bap# F o u n d a tio n should (Jlepel any a ils tln p fea r th a t th la s ta te h as not b .en kaaptnp pac# w ith th u proceaalon In aducatlonal proprea* In th p United Btatna

Thor# hov^ be#n croakota w ho hav* n o t b ssn backw ard tn a is a r tln p th a t w* w a rs loalnifeprousd w hars o th e r s ta le s h av e b««n advanelnp. Th* su m m arr o t th * Investlpa- llon* rondurted by Dr. L eonard r . Ayr** of lh « foundation, who la ra ted am onp th * v e ry forem ost of achool analyat*. p laces N aw Je rsey fourth In school sffleluncy a m o n f a ll I ho stale* sa d t .r r lto r lta , a n d a h ead of a ll o th e r E astern tts tes , and-H Illa sh ou ld b s anouph to sllsnr# the psta lro ls ts an d r s - a lau r* th* ttm ld who hav* baan u n sb l* to m sasu r* th* profTSst w hich th is s ta ts feup a e tn a llr h*«n m tk inp . S

I t - I s not erodltaU a to th * E u p tp n i s tu ta s feunsrallr th a t th o ir dhow in t Is M « so pood s s ihosu of th * Wssl. Ifon tunu I* p fM ud In th u h o n o r posltlen, Isudinp a ll tiM r s s t . w tth OsUforal* sseond ssid A rtasnu th ird . T h u n

o r tim siy Intsrssf. bseaauu o f F rss ld sn t W ilson's propoial th a t th * U n ttsd Btat** as*um* a mandat* over A n s s n t ^ thouph w ritten prior lo th a t p roposu l. Is a corn- m unlcatlon lo th . ila tlo o a l O eopraphl# Bo- rle ty from Melvlll. C h i l t r . R s ta t in p h i t per­sonal .s p .r l .n c e . In th a t f a m ln a -s tile k .n land ssToral month* apo,'H r- C h a ia r w rit**:

“ Rrlvan. th . cap ital o f A rm an la 'a P ro ­visional Republic Is an In eo n e .lv ab l* con. t r a i t to th . O earplaa p o v .ra m o n t s* a t a t T Iflla At Crlvan on* flad a no spactou* prn*- pect nor v ie .racat paluos, no sm a rt shopa Huaslan opara. nor pay n tp h t Life. To be­hold tnl**ry In T lflts on* m u st ■ •arch It sui- In Erivan on* cannot •soap* tt.

'T h is poor, > traH ltnp , d in p y c ity a t th* plains, who** ppv .rnm ant o ff la s s sucfetst sqm* haatlly sitom porlssd a ls c tle n hssd- q u a r le ra and* whoso P a rlla m o n t o ham bsr U ripped up with honeho* a a d e h s s s sc ls th tn th s auditorium of Iho so send-o lasa th sa to r, b o s .u of but on* b s s a tr , an d th a t—t s spsak In p a r a d o t_ l i forty m ils* a w a y ; fo r . In w h at­ever quarter of E rlvan you m ay be, l if t your plane# and p raa t A |u m t o f s t e rn a l tn e w s la

I th fettd iM et SB « • « # p e W U if« H » K tw s t m r lh * ''tN tttW ,« C . .#0"I W sPtM l 1

Music for Decoration Day

■son brooding d itlan tly o v e r th s la sa n s tr s s ts w ith hla aspect of m ajas tle ca lm . H* I* th s Aratanlan'* Otympqa o r r p th e r sa y . th u Blunt o f a rac* which has k u o w n bundSKP sa d .srild srneu wandarinp. > » .

"T ha tu tts BrlTUn K sp ^U o 'W h ta fe ufesut A rarat c o n ta la a , W4t|i(ii I ts p H a l t s IsM than i,(M sqW ** Inlitu on ly h a lf af which arau Is •# i. 'l4 lC h .if^ |2dtM thrttp-liK i m iiss o f *n l l f a4 a aR :nlW it; I.M0.S44 psapt*. II h a s feuw t h u '^ M f f ' tS ; ruffept f* r Turkish A rau ttfeM ,« W -,w W -V |p i.- nM ffaetu' s f I t l i , a a d fep A riW t M i m •M ,d H « (tli* m a ra su a fe s If l lk M tt W I nW m b ,

c. "A t Ifef Ih* e i t r l ia t lE 'lM fW iM r Hun • f .id .H * m f e * * t i . i u « u ^ ; i « t : ^ , t t ^ ' . 0ud,' flisf*. stafraiisP' sfed.-8*y|iw .MnW' eltinW-tMr. t*n •< Md«> thu ~

ttTbd«f h tw dptur < ***Sr.l

I ■

T h e L B a te r - H i 1 W I

The LdBtor-Hamdiie will preeide a HK>fe Ttried jprogreni •('■ tnueical entertdinment than toy other ioBtrument. If yon will come to oHf ware room* oo Soturddy end tiuike yont adection, wo will euerantee delivery in time-for the holidty. Conveiieiit terme,

* V. ■ 4 *

Our Tatklnl Machine Department,«

14 .1 .

V i e t r o b C o t o i i t e t '

EMthaelMm hi conUcit^l >Te IMV* reoignid M h u ^ I^ton e b le of iftir trtUni d^

It that we eto aow fillf* eonwiaoed ,of He, Mtpt^oi ty,p e r to M B t m e t w e « • iw w i w i y - wU t e m d p a f B W ila • # a # f l w t « X « * '

, Nev Make for ■I

T i C W f i B w O l w i

: ± -

lAiiTXt nANo:r"

i+ jw

F re d w ld i

CfitkisRS pec

W eim er

Tphol^in l%#rg» ihi l#Undr)r tr woiilil not th# Bo#rX *f(# moon oddlll lonil K#i#i Mou

Th# char Mot’ariy, Am#rlr-ari I of Clnclnn of (h# glM Fmllh on (tom to n r# r iy R#l I Thomai P U vie# pr# f'#rn.

In m#kii Oi# m ichlr torlum Iku clilttet, k# fU t work Ing th#t ( wuald h«

. X#»#r1hg t lup#Ctl0B v«r« i# b«

I t sppsi w antsd thiCsvsd as

r. .Orssn urtlsl* pr«trehllsct d

ss t fudpn Hr. koCsi

sbjsellonal rsaisrh* ■ dsiaudsdppSotflesUi *t tnsry h sid sr BIc th is w as I

, Tbs Toll the centra

Tbsr* ws f th* ft apaliMtSmsecstor BulusimeL e ■ffle*. t* aatronal Fetib*- T th e ir rsqui

t orn# of (bi MM, U

M XUX ll

gu#xOox 4t# tb# X01XT# to g1

XnX> Fr#Xfe tb#"#Dlg 0

to # ITIfOOO I whloh, tt |14,I0» t« lo o n iu h Ih# bolldl xw Im u# i r#pxtr# of

OoDlr#ri work w on flth Co. 1 xv#nu# br xt X e#i( tb# 8u##e 11.SM. #nd •oh Kroat ttr«*(. Ntt wood MtrMi for #A #g, conatfuot l» in rtJdw«]• mnng thfi paid for 01

A gre«m< Nugent *'t• roorrele Ihe rr#f r home at • > dUt*!1on of male al I or f l V ^ J p # ! I to l4Tr#p# buflrffrigl I• I5l«a mm4|4.;JI0 on 1 Ulon of Ih

Ko!i for vned by <^ui« wit< grrot# Bti trro i# hvr taed an *| to r4rry #' would r#l oUlm for

Authorij bile roam aixrkot it: which wxa

COQtrxol pxv#m«gta th# Noribt ■nit gric*i Ixg •xtlm#

ftuMrvk ixg#^ x4v tM&gllrg b iti^ tk to x im gxng xdvix#d th M o t for 1 FxH 1x18 ( tortxl i»lxe ftlod wlthi


J h # * i


APER.^igrla folnc «•.

laaaa(r«*4kar r«UBd tk*

a l««-Tk*<«M

lineine:III aatwar |w l

nrd hkV* — la

ida kla B M U ly

la«llBf.It nt r**, «k*‘ka Cadai* ibai't COM* cut, raaant.at.owlB( tk la a t

aanaa* kt tk a ir

plartne atMka, aipactad ar la

. luat ka* ra u r

aalilaaad k r M t an-akid aka* attaatlaa ta a

bla daflatakla 1 which wa araI ahopatae bad. t of rubbar, la ( fall br aranr h(, a t wall aa aapprapriala for

itaioaa. a daaan tor a apaol of

rn ribbon. Wkan ar ihopping baa In lha puraa ar 111 capaoltr ta

t lha abappar'a r, and tka widthII maal ba can- alaalle ahopplaa ' aad bir aa otkar.It la Dot poaalbla atura of tha pur< urnlng koma, or idaavor will ba laf caaa for tra* tir lunrbaa, tkalr naad half aoHaa.

A F tp s.Inatlath b irtkdar iblta tad dlat ba condition. "Bard

r dlat.”P*.wn at rlpdtokan Ilka oak.id'awith fada •neb.Ihain mook. rara ila airloptna at nlftiA Ihat'a hla rIekL alone.itrone.aa rlpt.

^arr' Baird about wa aeraad th a t It to buy caiapalea

1 Oanaral Wood, ]n't ba eood.I and far. d aaaear.

O't Jeba l i aaatkc air Ilka wbat tha tha waatbar Will

JEAM E li te

il Tir.a atatad ta hk kany purpoaaa for nd oemnoB raktk. dltUUkiaa kkd kkk •olaMa la all oakt Ilk oarbOB hlw l- athar aad aeatwaa. and tbia nkuaakl

alua far Tarklakaa, Iraaalaea, poUabaa, nlia, wataiproaBae btndar fa r mpldodTarr llwkt l ^ t *

tha aiaKtkC f« M p r If him ••with m aar 4 ik -

1 0¥aa Btatarad of


l M

<'•tg r tm o f " ,,TOO vfll :i«tion, wB tnt terma.

^ ^Tor- lehiniii dtp ipwjoKltirr

l i

" rV- BVBMOIQ MBWa FBlUAli. MAY 28,' i m .


F r e e h o l f ^ D i i r e g a r d B id d e rV

C x itk iim o f L a u n d ry M a c h in e ry

S p e a f ic k t io n s u C lo a e d .

W eim er a n d H u m m e l T r ip V o te d

Tpholdlnf 111 i tc h t t^ r l ftifelAil « l%art» ihfet rerTAtti ipAriftrAi irtni (nr UiUndry mirhlni^ry w«r* eloped BAd woitM not Ailmit nt fr»« cdm piiltlon, the of Kreeholderp yeiterdeyAfternoon ewArded c o n ire r t i for the feddlllnnil bullrllnici AuthortMd At the Keiei llountAlh Uenelorlum.

The chArpe « aa made by C h^riei W, MoTArijr, local repree«nt«ttTe of the AmerlcAn foaundry M achinery Company of ClncInnaM, who objected to awirfd of the pUimblrc oontra^t (o Ralph R. Pmllh on ih* baele of the e|^eclflea- ttoni lo which he ohjeotod Mr. Me- T arty nel 1 he appeared a i rep re ie o tin f Thomae r> W«hb of Rodth O ranfe. who l« vice preildent of the C incinnati eon* rern-

In m aklhf up HI* ipeclfleat lone for the machinery to he placed In the eana- torlum leundry, Jo rdan tire ea , the a r ' ohitoet, had named a eerip lq n e k e of flat work ironer a i e landard , p re^ td ' Inc that other makee of equal m erit kraold he approved If apocirieatlom

. eewarlnf thorn w e n auhiDlttod fo r Ue lu p e c tlo a fN e daye before the k&e v«r« le be reoetTid.

It appoared that Mr. HoO anr had wanted the produot af hti oompaar

t’bved aa equal to the olaaftard and r -Oreoa had deotad approval of the artldle propoaed aa a oqbftttiite. Thj

{rfllilteet declared f^at he had uaed hie eat M rm e n t Me lold the beard thei Mr MoCarty had made hlmeelf very ebjectioaable aad la the eouree of hie roBierka elated that Mr. McCarty bad deniMded the prlvtlepe of w rltlnp the epedfloatloDi fer the laundry m i’

cHnery On a queotlop from Free­holder Rieka Mr. McCarty dented U at tkta wee eo.

, The rote of the hoard ea award efChe ooptraot waj anantm aaa

There wae a backfire on the aetloa e f the finance eoinmittee In ro ttn f ncmliut eendlnf Chief W etaier of the

Eraaeciitore deteeilvee and Charlee r lumnel ehUf laepector la the eberffTe efflee, te the convention of the Inter* aatrbnal Aaaoclallon of Chlefe of Fettoa The committee had aelected their roqneoie ae the e tarilnq petal for a ^U cy ef "*no more lu n k etla t tripe.” Mr. Ri

look for i l w M niawead


Alwapp BtMpf«r UwFo* ovwrder nleeolea y«« vm fiad

the R«er«e Tevoow Oeeoer e moot helprel aad aaadr eddilteo te r«or he M« held

n le alwofe reedy fw me ■« alee- Wteel waoOMleae e* >efk ii wimi M t« llfht la weleht; «ew i« epwale lool aa eeey wetlee ef «e« heod; e ^ eoplM leoe epe** laae • lw*e«; ft will lifatve ye«r avueekoie dtitlee

aee the !!••*»« Tae-Awriv CI«eo«« e«rD«nrrrateC Aod h* <«or1ooed ae|« 111 Ability i» (At Itai dirt.

On aal* M LeatUnt Dapait* Burnt. FunHkn aad HoaachaU 8p*daUy Htataa.

S(* DaaaMtnilak adHAHNS * CO.N k k u t N. J.

Tnmmei yeeterday Iniarvlewed

tenm of tkii freehnldere before the meet- OM, Mid later Freeholder Orover called

a vote of the full board on theqneettoa e f eead lac the tw o officlale to Ike eoaToBtloo. Ae a reenli, they are to with the eupport o f elx m em bert of the b o a r l D irector Hlnee a n d Freeholder# Batl and Klcko were the-WDly eneo to vote ap a ln e t the trip

Ih e board approved a bond teeue of ITId.OdO for the oanatorJum work, whloh. It wa* etated. would Include 114,100 to cover the e x tra ooel of ateel lo o n ■ohetUuted for wooden onee In the balldlnee already under way. and aw iMue of I40.0OQ for robulldlpp and repatrn of brldpee

C ontrarta for pome of the bridge work ware awarded. The Linde A Ortf* flth Co. la to reeonatruct the fiueeet avenue brid fe over the Morrle Canal at a ooit of IfT.Olt, rep a ir and paint the Sufsai avenue ra n a l torldfe for II.SM. and make re p a lrt to the Dlckr^* eon itrea t. Norfolk eiree t and Newara itreet. New aireet. C'hapeL elreet. Lock- wood ilre e t and Centra! avenue tr ld fe e for an k p freq a le price of 17.114. R».cnnetruotlon of the Dutch lane bridpe in Ctldwell, ro n tra r t for which w ai not am nnt thoae let ycPiferdaT. a lio la to be paid for out of the bond leoue

Arreem enl w ai approved w ith tha N'liffcrii conatruotlon ('om pany to omit a roocrele wall planned lo be built In ihe rre r nf an addition to the nureee' home at '>vrrhrnok Htvapltal and fo r re- dUt-Hon A wall to be hull! behind the mule eflefidanta' home from fourteen to five In helqhi The con tracto r le to 1«Trape the hlMalde behind the two buMrlhiiti to make ihla iiiba tltu tlon poa. a lb la and wiji m ake an allowance of t4.:no on hie con tract price in oonalder* ailon of the chanqea

Kolt for damaqee having been th rea t- etiNd by Mm. E lliah e th Oitemar be­came w ater dlveried by a county bridge acroee Bteex atreel Irvlnirton. flowed arroae her property, the board auihor- tied an agreem ent to put In a culvert to rdrry away the w ater If Mra Ollemar wouTd releaae the rou jiiy from any claim for difnagea

Authorlxatlon waa given the autom o­bile cQoinilttee to purchaee In open m arket ■tx Buick automobJlee. bid for which wae rejected ae Inform al.

Cootrael for repalra to g ran ite block pavamedte tn th e county wan awarded tha N orlkern Conetructlon Company on ■nit pricea bid. the work to ba dona ba- lag aatlmaiad fo coat |t .4 M .II .

SuM rylaof Bowden. In a ppactal meg* ' d ig ^ advlaed th e board agalnai a t- tam pflng to m ake road re p a In w ith bltv^tk lo aoaorete matarlwla w ith I (a own gang! e f tnexpevieaeod mea* Re advfnod th a t M Mould be b e tte r to eoa- Irao t for th ia w ork a t a prloo fa r each gard laid o r baaed on ike w eight of n a - lorla l placed. The reeom raoodatlon waa




' %• ; "»n» u n » r *

jA *• >•» Vm Mb <f -Tkt Mil■r A H P J g t l B W J i e A e w

jS T R itN ar*; i i '

PAINTYOURSCREEIDouble the lifeof yom tenem liy pn>- tecdDg the wbe with an oocammI ooet of

DEVOEScreen Paint

Uapointecl wie nob voy readily, and inlew proper* ly protected iociq givea out and hat to be to* pUced. It ynaX ooM much to keep the wire psioted, and will lave you unoeccBMiy work and eqKMe.

J. J. Hockenjos Co-Mt BBOAP 8T-. NEWAIK. N. J.

f a w n l t r P a iW D * r o a P k aa t


The Old Mill ParkChalhaa N. J.

Now Op«B for the Seaue

DANCINGBrciy S a t u n b y Night

Decoration Day A/temoon and NightCaiMciaf—Pknic CranUa


B R O A D S T ^ ; ; . -, ■ Tk- Wwiti. Jk -few t^M M '

PageWr. Cupid*’^■i^^a^oaeygg|2ISw^^de lollSb^


AU, n i l WEBElao MAaaw tau rum

-ixLwmm"AUO•DOB aoMsa b

■ora Of Apram a B'1«wi Bnmo Cm

P A R A M O U N Tnm w M Y . nuiAT, • u ra M T

■Anav aoEay t k - m MU aiDEw

i I B B D A V ID 8T B A D S C O , V8M 87 B i m 8 S t , N « m k , N . A i

Sotardvm at P, M. iToaidayt S A. M.

d o n d n ia

Thomion Ventllaliiig Corseti, Special 139

Mada of vofit ciMti, nteforead tkm gb aa4§- man vlth batitia; medium ^utt, lent aUrt; Matly trimmed with tmbroldaiy;' auita^ for.,OftfM» HturM. SiTct 22 ta 30. t

Whether you have in mind a

Short Jaunty Coat or a Long CoatSuitable for Traveling, Motoring or Street Wear. Buy at Straus’ at L... I .u.- ! Special Sale Prfcw. | I I’ll k il

Ttao rtoh-«ppatr- lag, aarTkeabla


pictured at the right, it verf tpe> cially priced it

It it made of tan velour, has a figured lining to the w iist line.

Sport Coab1.98

Of Polo Cloth and Velour. Lcdher and •elf rn itentl belts.

Pdo Coab'.98

of Amerlcin Woolen Co. Polo Qoth. 3 striss: silk linedthrouthout.

Alterations Are FVee

A Sommer Suit

of U h i u R i a l

C h i n n

Daaigned by and aian«- factured tor na.

It b


The one aketched at the left ia made o f French Blue Llnene; haa avaetea, vide collar aad cufft of vhite Pique, ia embroid­ered aa abovn in tbo lUuatration. Front la ornamented with pearl buttons, it deairaed for e a a r liu n denn g It cornea also in Rote, Tan, Green, N tvr. V iita iia . Other models at tha tama price.


Straus’ Sales of Men’s Negligee Shirts

2 ^Get Yours Tomorrow

The way men arc buying these shirts, some by the dozen and in half dozen lots, Is the surest indication of the attractiveness of their value.

We have just received another shiom ent, made of woven and printed madrM, also percales, In light or dark grounds. All the newest colorings and patterns are well represented, and the workmanship is equal to the best. All sizes, 13'/^ to 19..

Yale Union SuitaOf Uile-finitliMl cotton yarn;

loni, iJiort or no davvo*; knea, ihrec-qukltcr or aaklo len(th; reaular «nd citra aiici, from M to SO.


Yale Nainsook Union Suits

Madt of a nice quality amalt checked nalnaook; elaatlc vtb all around. MMetlc atyle, no aleavea, knee langth. a f A SItea 34 to SO; aala price .....................

Men’s Otis UnderwearMade of a fine vhite Hale; ethletic atyte under-

ahirts; aitee 34 to 40; knee dravers, aizea 30 to 44; sale p rice ................................................. 7 t H r

Dollar Knee Length Drawers at 50cWere made for the army; of a good grade atnall check

nalncook. Double acalcd and are cut after one of tha beat known gantNOta on the market. Sliea 30 to 40.

Men’aS o ek a lSltk llala, doubla aala, tee aad

high apUoad baal, In black, vblie, m y , aevT, ffwn. M m Baaeb and mareon; altae D34 fe 12. Rac- I T V price $1; tele price...

Men’t U ndw w earUndenhirte made of a good (ra<I* btllirif(B ii;

short eleevea, ankle length drevera to mttciii;sale price. .................................................... . ■ t V

Men's Knit Union SuMiMade of an extra good grade

pure vbita cotton ynm. No altcvtk, knee Iaf4 th. Slightly Imperfect. Slue 34 to A Q - 40; reg. price 1.S0; tale V O C price a. . . . . . **


Made of a fine allk fin­ished coiion and Uale. In plain colora and white with fancy turnover top; siiea 4H to SM. Value Me. Sale price.

Women’s Silk Hose SpecialPure allk, aeam back

atockinga, with double sole, toe aoo high apUced, vlth vide garter top. In black, vhite, cordovan, gray, dark hrovn and navy. SItaa Syi to 10. Sale price,

PetticoatsLMt wAirii wv had a slm-

Mar lot sold out bofor# tfaa day waa ovar Doublo q u a n ­tity for tom orrow, io wa heflevA WA hava anouqh to qn xrourtd.

Mada of a vary goad QuaJ' ity tub allk tn w hlia, navy i la l f la r , qraan, arajr, browT> and ponfaa oolora Hava dM4p plalt»d a V c t t 0 h a 1 flriunraa. Alaatic topa. Thapa a k ir ii wvra m ada to aall for 1.09. Bpaclaily prtcad s i


Snappy Jirenile Wiibble Sits.2.98 and 3.98At iheaa ivo prieaa va have a large va­

riety of the meal vested beya' vMbaMa aulta.

in the aaaortment ywi wilt find tba papu­lar Oliver Tvlat, tba Junior Norfolk and tha Middy aiylas.

They are epleodldly made ef celoted andSlain vhlia aarrIcaAhta mtiariala~ebaiik-

rayt, reps, llsona, cmabaa, gniaiaas, etu Slaaa 2 to &

Oris’ Wbhe FrocbSoUbh fir Jne FestmtictWa aiteni k

psklar aMau vlav oar ai_. .vhtia draasaa

ki k aparik) uivltkttmi ta tha

aaaWa U e v tha veriatv sraaantei vtU ha well eB^ad. fer thetr fUnlTaaak la mra

appeaUAira eavfftiliig gew AUA .heaety h ^

Marabout CapesSaturday we will offer handsome

Summer capes of marabou at prices be­low actual value. Choice of natural, black and brown.

8.98 9 .98 10.98

Sale of Wonun’t

Low ShoesVomoA^ Lov Sboea ukea from our regu­

lar atock In Blaok Kid, Patent Kid, Brown Calf, Vhlta Nubook and White ReinslHo, In pumpe and esforda. H l|^ or lov heels. Were eelling In regular a to ^ for $5.05 and $6.45. Special

4 .9 5Children White

Sh iM f

A t Special Fricee


-S E E T H A lin ilZ Z !

rf^ ^ B lG EA STER NW- M m

8tB TBiM w n mj> ' -v v vt' - ■» ' .a t'*"'

I 111



;V _f e , , . ^

B lo u se st i Mik Ctqiee and Georgette


W , ,^Ml»y atylaii'''<11 the’-peafijr ■•ck afacdo-fveM , aanaii ta4 V,? Trimmed wWi aaI coMoit,

:N^feiadlM tmmiM, nukat laoaa,' MIR, Ete-i

*01 i i ioi-fre« jH b y ty tT o r ■ tlM'fil.** yrettr o**' ii4 'r*>ar olsu :*•

Summer Rugis & Floor Coverings

At Better Than Special PricesGrass Rugt

Imported Jepaneee Ruga—all flgured--4n tan, bluet and greens. Durable for any room in the houae.

4pia7Vi apeclal at.......................$-7$0 xO ft., special at...... ............4165 xlO ft., special at................... 7JS0 e I2 ft., Bpecial a t................... OJSfi

Wool and Fiber RugtExtra heavy revereible wool and Ebor ruga—In grooaa,

brovni and bluaa—at spedaDy low pricea:13.60—‘TVjiO ft., raduced to......... ILIO17.00-0 xlOi/j ft, reduced to..........146010.50—0 xl2 ft., redttcod to . . . . , .U J 6

76e YARD WIDE CHINA NATIINO-.AU tip ured; extra heavy gradaa; yard.................................. u V v

ILI6 RAG RUGS, 27xM DfCH--Qood. huvy f i d rag ruga^in light color olfocta; o itr t opoclal......... I a 4 4

TSe nXOLEUM Floor CovalRf; botvy. wator- proof grtdoa; two yarde wido; apooial, oquare yard. W V v

TEXOLEUM RUQS-Sella regular SJO-«xO ft. Sani­tary and watarproof, in noat Oriantal and wood pat- g | | | torna. Slight mill aaconda...................................... V e i y

Envdqie ChemiseCbomlM of bottar gnim ,

naittteoka, batiotoo «od aodflaab. SogmoltbonMlf teore and ombroMirieo, aoelB; front tad baoki ot[ ttyloe.

''medoii. '.jUi


f'i ■ \ A ■'... ,'jJt . *i

m m A m ^ w t m s o m m . F S to x w l u r j m ♦ "

Nune*sTaxP1n \\ Riiies Novel Question

o f S ex t o File Appli-

for Vet­

’s H whud Gmn Rebetc

* • n u M *f • p«u -kr ■>«' M w r K M r «r t oek

Mm v IUIC f a r tfc« (M* tM M-f» r vataraiiL •

••MUea m a put up «• tb* Tui Om H Y** w la ilm . TP*

j 'mmi <—M* «b*tP*r Mr*. MMy,, M M ia M«nr W aM arv*«

IP M r** earpa M « I* >aw I u IP* r**arv% a a a a wllhl*

ilal* a ra a tla c tka aKaMptlaaa allp, tka ta p aaaalaalaaar*

j her* la e* n ea w katkar, la flaw *f I Ikat th a t Ika a p t l t a a t 'a hvakane.

a **t*r*B aaS aw aar a t tPaalraat p ra p a rtr a k ia k I* k*t«a»e

rilLtM, kaa kaaa a ra a ta e a aataraa'* a p tla a aba a aa llU al la a

aiaw aaaa. Tka ap p ila tla a . I* tka f l a t ta ka a aS a kp k

I MpiaPae a * a i* faa 'a ptgM a «aa a CaauaJaMaaar ■aaSiM rar, a far a a aptala*.

•laap. aaaarSlBB a tka a*r*1*« bHi*4 wHk kar aMiiaati*n,> aartlaa M ap II . f i l l . a*l

aairaaaa Ika fkU avlea aaaik. a S I first aaMssae a a BPea kaa- 1 IM ilo a k M M I s a s nSaMarfal • S a a f l S l S r i M . l h a r a a r a a l I a a s l r r a Map. IM I, a a l a Iktar v a n PM^HaO 6 s e s e ^

tka raSiPra

___* (a « tkair aeiTMBBi »*«-I «ttk a psaaral prstasi *«alast aa

Maras aa a a s asaaa*M*at at tars par ••>*- s«ar tka aaaasa-

[ at a f s a r ass. tw a in awaar* at MtlM a s W arn Twalltk atraat. a - I A k iapta aaS Barkaiay aranata.Mat asaasasMsta s f I I . IM P* r*-

J to Ik T H asak. O s r*aaaiai*B*B- I af raeraeaelathrea at tka Q tp Tai

iM sa lla sa at | IM aaal

Baary L V alas af k rasktpa 1 fa t a r pes atto a a t |I M fr*M aa

a t aC WM sp a a a twa-raaaa p a a lsM s a t M artk OaMwall.

I «aal4*C a l ta r s taw iae a pka* I a t tk a pMa*» ta raAs a* tka aa-

at HPa. Ito. Vklaa asplalaae ikat ; ataaSa a a p a r t a t a twa-aar*

*wa*4 kp klM a s4 ta aa*A aalp aak a s ia e a r l a s ik s asMMtr aas- ■ a eaitPaa a* p ra tt t t r a * i]

ikaaaM .

Aid (or Edwardt

all! kaaa alatp- I a t tka a ls k tp .a l s k l ra la a fraa* Maw

DamoafsUa aa s ia a ' VisaM ast e l ika M atlasal Caa-

M Ska F raaalso* s a s t aMSt^ I W slk ar « . tPlab. i

ar'a k aaS ssa rta r* la tka I M aakattoa, Maw T ark . Mr. Tick

t ka kaa raaa traS saparta ta tkla MS Ias4ar* apaipaik*<l* la tka aaaSISaay s a 4 apaalal warb-

‘ tka MAwara* kaa at. M aaaankiiaiUi kaS Osasaatlaat

Itotas sp ta a la iaa t ta ll atratiftli ■ l a i r a i r M w a rS a aaS tka aaaa M

' -------- Tiak aail.■ kaS# totoaS."1 a t tk a e a llS * * ata ta* Oaaaraar

baa p a iaa* tk a aw ja r partia*fM ia lraa stk kp s lr ta * at his paraaaal

tp atasA a iM a la* kaaaaaa at tka Iktar la w kMb ha la bai* bp

' la kla aattr* ataMi ..a*. New MaMpaklta a a i TarwaBt,

at which bar* has aasaaSlapiy Maalas* tawarS akaafat* .

ar* aBaarpatsp a raaatlaa bp Oetaniar MSwares will pratll at

aaataailas. ta Kata*, M w aria rasa s ira a s la tb* laapar

I tad Mil**, aaS tka aaat* la ttaa HaMpaklra sad V a rsM st

‘taasaakasattk tka altaatl*B ta atad far kataral raaaaaa. aklat Ihaai baisp ablaatlaaa t* tb* af Katias* kp th* tsltawars af Walab.

O sraraar Mdwardb wtu aatblap bacaaa* a t tbto aad wt

~»tbat aiar* than half af th* Maa- Ittt Salaaatlaa at ih lrty-tti will

irt hlai la tk* bsll*tla«. kaatt- ^lar CIsraraar Mdwarda la swaaa-


baa w as th* p a p s la r aamataada- I that kaa baas pataaS h r k la ."

D e fh k U TtM o IX ttM koe S n i t i ,

O i c C o m A g a i a i t L d M lu w u u u

railroad asit* pssaltlap tram ata war* SacdSad paatardap ha-

I lade* Lpach In th* Oallad •!*!** ■trial CaarL Th* Mrl* Railroad'waa

' la tw* aatta aad th* alhar wa* S*d apalaal th* L sch sw aaaa Ratl-

rardlal a f l l . t i a wa* awardad I * adailB latrator a t th* salat* af

Ctoeefralll. who w as klllad bp a kwaaaa tra in a l Nateonp. wbar*

I llaad. Tka saelS aal aocurrad Oeta- a f II. n i l , whan C^aeelralll. who waa

f; I trash laapaatar. w aa ra n dawa kp a |M la wklah apsd a ra s a d a oarr* w ith­

a l a warnlap s lp sa l. It was eharpad. k* rallraad cam panp did aot daap liaakIUtp. but canlpatcd tb* am soat *1 kiaapa* askad. w hich waa IM,iaa.Ctacelrajll was ih tr tp -a tc h t paar* aid

lid (Inti*. I t waa laatiflad that hr ant kienap accaslehaltp to hi* mothar

a tbra* alatsr*. who ar* la Italp. Hull ta braupht bp bl* poualn. R affads Itoelrtilll of i t i Broadwap. Jaraapitj.Tar a kullcl woiitid and baatlap b* olTcd while In th e Croaton yard of

If Bri» al Jarsay f l iy . Prank Murray t i l Hobohan avanu*. that rlly . auad

» ar IM.tOtt Mr .was aoln* hoin* from t lit Work aa b rakem an Dsirm har It.

111. a* taatiflad. whan aarcral railroad Itaetlre* at la rk * s him. sod a* a* aapbl to ra rap r by runM op h* w*t hot tn the rlph t knar. Thr story told

*WIUIanfi H, Ford of th r railroad tleo waa that M urray tita rk ad th* -wtaattva* whan thay ordarrd him to

parmll tnaprctlon. Pnril ad- ihat h r tirad th* shni whieh Murray whan h* triad to run

and th* w tiaaa* Inslatad hr war hi* duty Opoa m otloa «l roan- r th* ra llraad . Judp* I.rn«h dl tha Jurp to ro tu ra a vardlct tor

dataaa*. I t waa arpuad that th* waa hot la a poallloh to pro-

th* laju rtaa andar th* d ream -

Attor haarlnp taotlmonp aad arpU' la th* anlt b roaphi by Josaph

I a f Chhtham . wh* loat hir rlpht a a aseldaBi, tba Judpr apraad

aaeMsaaos «a th * pa rt of th* Bri* had a o t baan pratsd. H*

a BOhPBit. Trapnall. who l* ttsa Paara aid. said h* was

if a alaw lp M ootap train at-th* Ride* e ta llo a JUhs If. 1111. Whaa

;Wap up th a atapa th a tra in ear* a which th raw him ta th* arsaad,

■ la a n a waa r a a orar aad ta ba aaapstatad . Rhlt wa# hrauabt I l M I t . R a lir ta d aasaasi aaalaMad

lira aSwIaMaa th a t ka triad la a M avlae i r s l a raltavad th* raad

.nmeasalkllMr f a r th* aoaldaBt t

fiQ m nk AoBouBced

s tea tp -aao asB sp aarrla* la

af th*IM k a S to t ■ptoaapal Churoh

to th* warto Ika

^ As ■ A n sT w lilbp Rap.

M iiiliadpA - A '



Preientation Tomorrow, in Time for Holiday SHeeUon

S u m m e r ’s L o v e l i e s t F a s M o m ,

a t S o r p r i s m g l y M o d e r a t e P r i c e s

New Frocks of Sheer Cotton FabricsVoil€$, 6 (ji0AfimA and Organdiei, In BeautiM Flowered, Figured end Cheeked Pattemi

AtThe new Voile and Gitighain Frocks, aa charmingly styled

•a the clevereat deiigning can make them. Ruffled, pliited, etc., in flowered, figured and Foolerd patterna. , ___.

AtA collection comprised of Voiles of the hast sort, ihe it-

tractive patterns act off by taateful trimmings of Taffeta and Organdie. Qever drape and lunic version*.

Special Aeiortment New Summer FrocksNew Clniham and Voile Drataea In a complete

varicry of tba color* and ttylet firorcd for the *uni- niar *«a*on.


W o o l J e r s e y a n d S e i ig e D r e s s e s

F o r m e r ig to $ U .59

9*75▼ a i l Mltored froeln In baited.

I asd cotta* tffact*. Id oavy. Tael Jersey in

If, brown, eopen, Fokin, ate.

U e n Serge F ro d um tk Aeeordhn P ^ te d Skirte

15*00FaaMasad of Navy Moa’o

▼ e a r SaTgt, novel Eton Jackata ■ eesniFdarliii aoeordlon ptaliod a k im ; aatlD glnlloa; ttoaal and rllk ambreldiflf*.

Exquisite FrocksIn New SHRiiRer t i m e S i l k $

Very Specially Priced

A. 2 9 .7 5Developed of Foulard SUk,

Taffeta and Crepe Gcorgcite, enbanced by clever and atHglnal nee* of beading flarea, plaiting, etc.

At 3 9 .7 5

Blun ShoeDecoration Day Styles

C r U p , d a in ty lo w a h o e t In inAttt ~ - a i l g o o d m o d e ta In b lo c k a n d b ro u > n ~ -k id , a n o d e , p ^ e o t , N u - B u e k , c a l f a m t c o o t d o c k o r c o m m — • o m m e H lo w a ty le a b y t h e k o n d r e d e .

They represent that incomparable Blyn value not estimated in dollars and cents,

but in better quality and satisfaction.

white Weehable KidCoT«r«d FnMh

AtM bitodi U4 tM ptoUtol

7JO 4

W h ite N w B o e k* > M T a n C a l f , T > u l > i i , a

BHfhl kiC.

lO o e

White Waahobte Kid WkUa Nu Bmek< oveotl French ElenJ White Na Ruck. t M ,

Pnient lycmlher Brown Gun HeUl. KaRB.OUAfren’l and Mtaaad Whito NH-Suckdnkl*

.Ttnap FumpeAoe

• f s.seK-a to 43S

Mlaaas* and OreMipGItIm' Whtt* Su-Pueh

Oxford* la ■) 4.00

im to t.&.00

IH 'n T,6.50

Mali OrSaa D**«.. ItM ■ * PiT lasT iBoloSlB* laM raar* . lEr Ailrw.Sm S Poalal Maiwr OrSw or

Ntw farh D nfl Oalr.

689 BROAD STREET, Opposite Mibtary Parkr a o e r t a ' i A a a a i h a B a la t T l ira a sk t* Uro* T arh htroo*

tactarr. i l l- ( l* h. Its it.. N. ¥. CrtI, to* star*, la br«trr Stm Torli.

Opea Saturday* Until 10 P. M.. Other Day* t'aUI « P. M.

Eabodyfag ib* battar featum of tbi moat modiah aumtn«r diciiaa in Taffeta. Flowerod Gaoifattc, Foulard Silk andplain color Gwrgttto. trimmed

*Hlh■nd combined sHih taoea; bead- j nuted. etc.

New W ash Skirts for Summer SportsOf Surf Satin and Gabardine

Priced Exceptionally Low

.o o

Perfectly ttilored skirts in the M «on ‘s new desifn*. featuring neveltlea In styling of pockets, belts, etc.; trimmed with pearl buttons. Regular and extra siiea; in white Surf Satin ind Gabardine; ideal for every outdoor occasion In summertime.

Underpriced Purchase—Georgette BlousesNewest Summer Modeh, Hamdaomelu

Embroideredf"Valuee a t 8J0

splendid asaortfflwit of newly deatgaad a«mmer blouaea, In white and flesh Gtorgette Crepay atfo the vtrloua eelora in demand; profusely trimmad, beaded, anbroidAred, etc. Large style verlety for eelection. Purdiaeed eepedatly for Hile balR'

Bak*a M«aua Quality—It Maude far RaUabiHty. Thar* la aevar

•aatlsu to tka H ind of n panau rae*lvluf a gift coaiiig fram Bek's.

TWa has beau aa far M ywra paat and it win remain ae until Haifa eaaaaa to ka Haifa. Buy Jewelry aad Dtomandt ONLY whart yati know yBe*!* •ala.

S h o e s A l m o s t C a v m i A w a yMike your feet look nett on

DECORATION DAYReed our btxrtUng offer of Women’s

Shoes, Oxforde end Pumpe for •


Unreserved Clearance—Costs Disregarded* ! . •'t


Price8tM% wera to 36.75,16.76

w«re to 46.75. 26.00 ' O qhIi^

?■>A million dollar tboetor will bo built on our present Ute, end we

"have been ordered out m boon aawe ctn Mil out. » , * •. * j ^

W a get a Mg atoek ta ditptwe of. It jm ld msI m hwidrada iff dnllara to move ft, end *a aaift g ild er moriu ft tocauaa wa can I pay high raeta asked for etataa. Thartfow. wt’ie giving


ILOO BUYS A PA 0I o r SHOES' Black and

.white buck.only

91.UO UUID A r a m u r oaitmiia Id htewn, WA nod, mlBlMy heel anferda ^ . 1 * ValM and taftaarty aold by ^ from |B tt ItC.

, tar to Ji end «n ^ i n S r of the atnw forN W en aal* for ‘g f.A *A1.M. 1WALTWO P A W T M jM I^ •iSPKCIiOallfGOKAllONDAYOnWl .

’ WMta c«M* MffRMr bad ajtm p xto^ t i f l *tmi|ht. Vehia S4J0O. ’ - . .1 ‘

"rota aaM..Mind - -

tplniKVltl ta

ttaeliiM ■wtaff ooii amm euntai. <'

' - i




Tttaai■ O n o f 1

■ « y at 1 th« E*b t r o u b l f f f n o o n , t o

t t t :30 < i n g t o b

t o n R i o f h f t w i

Th* 6' r o d o r l BtMirli

H. Pltm \ 'trtop,

l l n K h u y i R D t n n llowcll, Jtm M I WlDlikm

* l t o r f 0 O f N i t o H»c)i«n bokoik.

Tho n MnC th h b O I n 1

o f N t w i Th« nun f l t l O t H I JorHoy,

B o r n ftvo lecft p p p o r 01War. IIffotot Jf » f f h o C l Wi,Ml I

f h « , N > t o ■ Idornbl inri itu rnad* a t o o k o U

H o t o i « n e o 1 h l H b r w t

h o m o 1 • n t n o l i And fas

> ' « e r k . h t o h l r h h

Mrm a n v , I ptniFi

M u t i i k l P t n y i h Hnca Coi

t r d 8 a v l y o a r * a htvp htf

r . w n e d C ' «rk. Or» o d f o n f » ■ a m e r ■ " n m m l a a

t n * n a K t t r n y ; l . F H g U O

F u m m o r

Althou, In ito re t ttona o f f i o m f o r f e l t i n g o friporleiK hindllog w o m o n . m om ln*

v»rJom oTplanatl Toofft iitri In f off I vo lnf to 1'oM Ihll Iniltrfl dl alonod.

Other nna that they roa^ nr oRF-hi wardTTCtiH'•n«wipatp(Me.

"Wo *r In Nfrwai dociortd

I n lAo B a l e W M v«ro moi dlnarlly, paront. ■talod, h boon lool b riik e r \ rlod.

I d f l T O handlth f mUUd iff Inf tbo nthori ■■ noBH htod Ihroufh pftrtmoBt forrod (t Ronorally forlno Ir handllh f

Ono r •pooUtlili o n l f , s U t io honao of OBT 61

T horf ! tho r o t a l l foitiff to r o a d y b o p r l M b . ( hop* ehfi ono axpTi wo wmM th*/ro woli M r now.**

Oo6 oIq f o r C f l l I prtcM of y « a r t h o i wfff tbo hoora thi Ho atprm It wouM

I l M i b o r tbo Fair : ttivbi In Choreh <brloflaffabotolnlnibr doing No doftnil Mro. D, B.

• litivoofttti •Idor t|M tiOKt ittoi plodfO 00

'tbodo.» Asnouii «od*ir biTAi imt to A obnrg0 of Cboro. tbgi tiHit bnt i ihoT won obuinol I • t OfM


'.,^tbi«el ■VaMraeai the UHHt e m a wh Mbairar, I WBiftiMl

toadto t o i M M

^ | a ^i




m ^

e s

B l y n


B r o w n

m 14 A v * .

Or4«f w€Omir.

ry ParkW r M 4' M « « Y o r l i .


ttt handreda of wcauto wo eon’l Ini

f:.ifdt. Also la >a $9 to 110. vrlha MUM fer

mm * '

MB.Otnlgha.* ■ . . ' I . Y - . '

rirv.-'-•almotriUbakM laaaiiCto- ■<'1, Iasi iowoil' 'Hr- ' • ■ *

iI n Il te M i

r : " * p • l f f * * % .



o *% f I - . U « k i . la^o.

Marcus L. Ward Funeral Will Be Held Tomorrow

S e rv jc e i to B e a t hfi* H o m e in

W a ih in g to n S t r e e t— H o n o r a r y

P a l lb e a r e r s A n n o u n c e d .

H ad M a n y B u s in e ss I n te r e s ts

•* rrle« i fur MarruM L. Ward. ■ on of lha form er O overnor o f N'ew Jer ■*T of lha aame nania. whoae death at the Eaaea I’luh from h ea rt and kidney Troublea oernrred la ta ra a te rd a y aftar* noon, win he held tom orrow efternoon at I so o 'rlork from hla home, i t W aah- Inrton etreet Blehi.p ro a d ju to r WM- eon R Btearlv of the K |r|aeopal Dloeeie of Newark will o ffiria le .

The honorary pallb aare ra w in he Frederick rre lln ih u y e e n . Sam uel W Baldwin, Edweri! K. Ftbodee. Jotm ii

H. P ltner. John R Ifaedin. WIliiHni T i f ’arter. Hanry a Atha, O ai.rce i) Kt..

Ilnahuyeen. W ll'lam 1 Cooper. Hemjel S Dennli. A le ian d tr S W -rd . J.ihn W Howell. General It lleb er Brelntrvall Jam ia 8. lll»b!e, J W iiliarn I ’lerk end William B Kinney, all of ih ie n i , OeOTfa B Edwerda end r iijtta v e Kerr o( New T erh W llli.m li. Jolitieon ul Kackentaok Palm er C am pbell of H o­boken, J. J Phero of T uck erlo n and tam llltie O Kidder of O ra n ra

The man named aa pall bearara repre aant tha varloua In ierea ia Mr Ward had In the eeeeral Inaurance eom panlei of ,Newark end New York, a i well e i the num eroui friende he hed in both elllee and (hrou*hopi the e ta te of New J*r«ry.

Born In ihle r liy Septem ber 1|. isi{ , the ■eeond eon at M erem |, W ant, a o i - ernor of .Vew Jereev d u rin g the CIUI " a r . and a d lre rt lieecendant of Set- te a o t John Ward one uf the founder! of the flly of N ,» , r k M .r,-ue Cawrence Ward received h i. early .d u c u io rr In 'he ,\ew ark Academy 11, ,p e n , , „ ! , - Id y a h li porrlon of hie lim e In tyevel end itudy Between 1170 and la th ha made e trip .ro u n d the world, and la ter look o ther ir lp i abroad

He Wlf well read In lew and Inaur- a n « Fer a Iona tim e he lived with Me brother. Janiea Sfortie W ard. In hla home at 41 WaehlnKlon a traa t hut «r>tne tlma a fte r hie h rn th ar'a death and faellna the w riyh i „ r advancing year., he moved to the E .a c i Club of which he w ai a member

Mr W ard ', buelneae In ierea ia wera manv, principally in Ineuranc* com- p . i l e i ban k , and raa] e e ta ie Tha ■Uuluel Benefll I .if, In a u ra n c . Com- pany. the \n n n t.a l l.iberly and Inaur- nnee Company of New York, the Mow ard Saving. Ineiirm ion. and. un til two year, ago ihe N ational S ta te Bank have had h i. aervicea aa a d irec to r. Ha owned conehlerabli- real e a t t t a in .New. ork. Orange an-l l-:iiaabeth Ilia knowl edge of finance led him to be appoim sd «• a member of Ihe i lry a H lnklng fu n d Commlealon He aerved on lha boar.I of m anager, of ih - Poldler.- Homo In Kaarny and w ia a m ember of the I nlon l.eagne Club uf New York He had a wummfr i t Tu<*kfrft>n

F A N N E D O U T !

Public Not Very E^gerTo Buy at Lower Prices

A l t h o u g h r l i i t h l n * U b » i n f o f r » r 4><1 I n • f o r t * I h r o n g h n u t t h » r U y f i t r # « d u r - l l o n i o f t w e n t y p f i y f c n d m f ^ r *f i o m f o r m ^ ' r n r l f ’ e * . t h « t p u b l i c l » n o * f p l t l n g 0 T « r l l i c l f t o b u y Thl* I f f h «

• ■ I p f f l e n o t o f A h A l f d o g ^ r i r i 8t i i l | # T i . h i n d l l n g f e p p A r « l f o r b o t h m ^ - n A n d wom^n. w h o i n t ^ r v i # w » < l t h i pm o r n i n g A b o a t t h o r e i u l t t o f i h * l r

x a I ^ iVArlom r^APOnp i r o put fo rth In

•xplAnAtlon. Among i h « on«mept »tr#Ai»d j i th a t buyrr* Are ho ld ­ing off lb AfiflolpAtlnn thAl prlr«p pro irolng to dM>p pllJt fu rth e r Th#Pe whn 1'oM ih li bpIUf. thp m a jo rity of r«- intltrA dfClg^A, a r r dtia to he dlatllii- Alnn«d.

Othor rpMOftfl AdvanoPd loelgdodnna th a t f^opU arp ak ap tlca l whon they r*ad of prico* b^lng ru t onp-th lrd nr one-half. Then there La th e bark- wardnepp of tha peaaoii. Two meTi held “upwppappr ag ita tio n ' p a rtly reapon pIhU.

'*W« «r« off«r1ng (ha g re a te a t v a luetIn Nawarlte and atlll t h e y don 't buy.** daelMftd onp c lo th ier thiA m orn ing

In another atore. « h « r« a Pp^clal aale w u begun th(p m orn ing , thera were mora to be availed upon than o r ­dinarily, but no g rea t ru«h waa ap- parant. The atore 'a ad v e rtia in g man ■taipd, however. thn( a runh had not baon looked for. but rn th « r pom aw hat hrlaker baying over an ekt«nd«<l p e ­riod.

Id fiM raiall tto rea . tw o of th^m handling w om an't rlo th lng . It wap gd- mlttad aalag undar way w ere not hav* Ing tha r«put\p a n tir ip a ta d . Two others said tha rolurna of th a ir bual- n«aa had bp«n oonsidarably lncr*a»4»d through th e ir iperla] of^era. The de> partm ent gtora ad v « rtls in g m an ra- farrad (o, dadlarad th a ra had b«aB ganaratly good raaponaa to apaclal of« faring* In dapartm onti. o lh a r th a n th a t handling n a n 's elothlng-

Ona r a ^ l a r o f man*s clo th ing . spacUM iluv In gooda of M g h ar gradaa only, atntsd th a t b u ln a a a had baan up to iom iM w ith him w ith o u t tb s sp u r of any ggsda l aataSe

Tharg |g uD cartalnty w ith som s of lha r s la l l s n a s to w h at th s fu ttir s t« going to b ring forth . Roms hava at* raady b sggh t fall gooda a t h ighar prloaa O thars g rs ho ld ing o ff in tba hops th a t prisaa m ay ooma dow n. As ons aggraggad It, *'tf pricaa ooma down wa wagL to caks ad v an tag a o f it. i f t h s / r a gotag to bs h ighar. w s can a s wall pay tha h tg h sr p r ie s la tay a s now.**

Ons o lo th lsf w ho had p lacsd s r d s r i fo r fa it goods sa id th a t th s w holasala pHcss of Ms lino b sg a a | i e h sa p s r th is yaar th aa lastp ho t h s ad d sd th a t his w as tb s M ty llna o f w h ieh hs had hoard th a t p rlsss w ould bg ehaapor- Hs saprsBSid th a b s lls f th a t t ta n s r a l l j It would bo gn lts o lhsrw iaa.

Msmbars of th s a h s to a H tl] U n it s f th s F a ir P rtss C om m ittss m s s tta g las t s ig h t In th s F irs t C ongrsgaU onai Chureh dlseuw ad ttia pgsilhUUir of b rtn g U g dawn th s p rie s o f su g a r by ab sta in ing from th s u ss M oandy and by doing th a lr cann ing w ith o u t sugar. N s dafin its action w as ta k s a , a lth o u g h M ra Da B. XMsa p rss ld sn t. an d th a s is c - tatlYS e s a m llts a w ars a a th o r t is d to con- •Ids? t|M ptnn and rsp o r t on It a t the tish t ^SStthg* AS s f fo r t to obtain p isdgs s a id s f s r th s pu rp o se w in bs

"n a d a‘ AaniiiUiaMiaSt W * J 6 b<I» In N«w T erk I l n d - F k r A r m l n W . A b r . a p - c l n l l a a l t i - ■M ta A H arn -r A w r n i Pn to i*r, tn« W b* o t t k t proA ttJ P nn U ▼ M U tatlonth«r«. tiM t t«t«8 e 8 B » N w e w ith p rdm l. A n t b a l iM ia ra Ka H ii .a M a iB e a i th a n t l i v warn M akia* ta a B tM t f (« f l ta a n i a b u ia a l tk a ir pram laa ta a a t h a t pricaa • ta f to a , . '

Ihe Thlalla Bnllle Company of tOl .uherman avenue and drlvan by Howard Alloway of ITI M ulberry i l re e t Tha hoy waa taken lo Hr B aroahaa 'e Hoi- pltal In an aufom oblla by Jjco I'ranmr nf (I Blum itree t. whakk It waa found he had a fractured left ankle.

Counly Prisoner* Chip in For Token fo# Dead GuardA voluntary rolU eU on taken by tba

prlasnart of tha E paai County PenJtan- flary 1b North Caldw ell y ssterdsy a f ­ternoon netted a p p ro ilm a le ty l&O for a token of pptapm for Laouls Coagrovt, ons of lha prlaon’s o ffice rs who died al 8 t H ary's H ospital. O range, yaslsr* day morning.

Hr. CosgroT# had bssn ons of tha guards at the penlt*>ntlary for more than ten years. He w as alw ays popular with tha man. whom he ru led by klrxl nssi ra thsr than fores. H r. Cosgrovs drilled a g ra sp o f p r ls s s sm each Christmas time aa a c to rs a t a ih iastrel ■how given in lha prisoh esnler. ta many cases he dIseoTsrsd real talent among the prisonsra.

Vrith a cheery ''good-by"‘ to hla wards and assDi'lalcA T uesday n tght, the guard left for h1i home In Valley r'>ad. Weir Orange. He w se tak en 111 In the night and removed to the hospital in thn morning T hs w ord reached the prison a t noon.

A delegation o f p riso n ers shortly after saw W arden F erd in an d J. Iloap and offered lo c o n tr lb s ts . They «per|- ricd various lum a to b s tak en from ihelr aocounti. as no p risoners are si- lowed money In Ihelr poasesslon. The largest subscription w as | t and ihe lowest a few cents. K vsry prisoner contrlbutsd som ething,

It was staled a t the w ard sn 's office this morning th a t th s o fftssrs nf ih s prison will s*nd a f lo ra l pises, and that the p riaoneri' m onsy will prob- ably ha expended to g e t a atone grave marker.

Social ActivitiesM r * J O H s l g h i a n d f a m ily of *11

M l E 'ro ip e c l a v e n u e h a \ e op e n e d lU e lr r j rn m e r hom e In M i l f o r d I 'a

* * «Ur and Mrs SIdnev T Unit of I]

Olrard plar» are /’ri upylng ihelr ium- rner vi’flaye In Delfiiar

* * «Mr and Mra A lbert Kr^nYent* nf Milford avenge wH1 spen'l next week

In HacketfsIowTi

I>rumnu)nd. D<>r<>thy Graham end ; Rilnor and V ivian W'llson of Eait Ur- i ange. aa ribbon bearer*. I

HarrwMi Boy Dies After Being Hit by Trolley Car

H it b r k t r o l l t r ewT r « s t« r t e r - r t t r noon At H nrrlM n aTonuo and Ia»' ■tr*ot, HkrrIMn, JoM ph B«rB*n r*kr.»ld ion of PktroH nnn u d M n. Hl- ohnal B«rt*n of 111 •ooao4 ttro o t. th a t town, n ffo ro d laltirloo v h ln li » u i* d h li donth nl I o 'clock l u t n l|rh t nt 81. U to b u r i Hoopltak Th* b o r *nn drncvMl Hvornl foot b r tho cor-

JoMBb w u • pupil a t tho Holy CroM Bohool, Horrloon, and w u on hlo wap hom o.froB «I*m w baa tbo aeeldont happAo4. Ho paiaod a aa lu ta tloo lo F o llo tm a r r a a o li CaraplOB aad . afto f proooodnif le ro o i tb a o t f u t . otnrtod baek to ipoak to iho M tro lm a a o faln . p a M a f 1* f r A t of fho tro llop car. Qunplon waa fa a la c In an o tk o r d l r u - tloe, kaoplas w ateh on o th e r ohtldron appraaehiac tha o n a a ln p fram tbo op. poalti al4a of th a a t r u t . .

Tb« tra lla r c a r oraw . K o to rsa n C hartai T aaa of IM W illiam a t r u t KarrtM a, and O eaduotor A rth u r F laa of K u r a r . w o n a rroa tod bp U o a tta a n t W alih u 4 parolod bp P oIIm Jaatloo B t a u f i n until todap. Tho tru tlop moo wora takoB tb ta m ornlnB to tho prooo. dutor'a dfflM la Jarnap CUp ta a rra o ca for ball.

Mr. and Mm K ford avenue will In Belmar

Salvation Army DriveGaining Its Objective

With rn lleolors a t w ork In every in- , dimtrlal plant and buelneae organlta- *i"p. -'w hnm* a e rr lre fund appealr-t the funUatlon Army entered on itg fifih (itiy lodav H epnria trickling In tn Ihe cam paign h a a d q u a r te n gr Ufl Market ilre e t. while lacking detatl* aa to the am ounta a lready cnntrlhul^l. iuppoTl Ihe optlm laru of the leaderi that Npwark will reach itn? gnai

| ] b O . l K t i )A wihrlwlnd drlVf* in the lntere»t of

th'- li'/UjH aervii'di fumt will be condlicteij lom orroa, and possibly .SufuUy, by (he Coluint'un I’adels aa p art of (ha work ’ nf the I’BthnUc division of which Kd- I siKrd .M W aldron Is chairm an and c'ilv ( I'-rk William J Kgan. vice chalrm.tM «'ne thogeand rad c la will participate In the drive, m akltig esHactiona In all psMa of the ouy.

Cofleciinna on th s s trse rs . In hnnka. ' Iheatera and d e p a r tm ss t stores, for the first four days o f the cam paign, aggre i ftafr approxim ately IlhOO. It waa aiaied this iriornlrg T hursday wM the haa-

epenti Ihe w e*k-end f l a a n l e s and volunteers In this effort. (Ii« box#! holding the I sum of 27 J

Krom fifly -a is organ ised camera In the New Jersey dlvtelon. where cam- j paigns are being carried on. rsporla | telling nf the collection of |70.I(MJ In •.nsh wrr« racelhe<l >cKterday '

Miss Helen r-Kfis of W alhul■ireei, arronipanleH hy Mias ftulh ('hampltn of &24 It^dge Hircei. will leave today for New Haven, w here they will At I and the Yale sp ring dance

* 4 •Mr and Mrs A ugust r io o rd of 7M

High street wll) go lo A llenhursi earlv In Ju re fc'r (he sunYnYcr

Mrs Frederick I,. M arrhtiatik of M Nlmh avenue will laavs today for Wap- p lrg er Falls. N. T . a s lh« guest of her coualna, F J. MarrMhawk and Ifenrits Foley. Mr, M archhank will Join ths party at Albany Sunday


H I . i n n f t * o f T » M i l -

M ill Irm a Mcf'omb of i i Nichols street will an te rta ln A lpha rh a p ie r of Ihe r>mnl Beta S o ro rity T hureday \n her home.

Mlat Francee Elroy of Nsw street and W illiam A C glllgan of 79 Austin street will he m arried Ju n e tz in S F atrlck 's ra th a d ra l Ur. ru ilig an j served Iwo years In the arm y j

« . • IRsv. P r and Mrs. B alph B. Vrnty of

IVO Ml- Prospect avenue who have b*en In Deg Molnea. w here Dr. I'rm y aa pastor of the f'^entenar) Methodist Episcopal Church al1«nded the Melho d iit General ConferBiira, a re e-xpeH'tod homa Sunday night.• * •

p r. and Mrs. A ugustus J. M ltrh tll of I I Bouth Street Will spend th e week- snd and Mamorial Day In A tU ntloC ity



T h a N s w J s r s s y A d v i s o r y B e n a t a o f t h e L . C - B - A . w i l l f i i s s t t o n i g h t I n C o ­l u m b u s I n a i l t u t s -

P r o c o o d a o f t h e c o n c e r t h e l d l a s t n i g h t I n W a l l a c e H a l l u n d e r t h e a u a -

J? , '***** ! p a a t i s Iji h l a d i s t r i c t t o t h e s e c r e t a r y o f Ia t a t s . I f t h e a ^ ^ r e i a r y o f s t a l e d i d n ' t

Noah Geiger May Now Get Justice of Peace Position

N o a h G s l g s r , w h o w a a e l e c t e d J u " l i c e o f t h e t ' e a n e I n t h e R 4 \ e n ( h W w n t l a s t . V o v e m b e r a n d f o r w h o m H e r - r « t a r ) o f m a t e M a r l i n d i d n o t l a s u e a i * ' m - m i s s i o n b e r a u s e t h e v * t e i > f U - e c a / i ' H -

d a t a a f ^ r t h a t f r o m t h e F i r e !d i s t r i c t o f t h o W a r d w e r e m i s s i n g , m s y g e t t h e c o m m i s s i o n a f t e r a l l

I n q u i r y a t t h e c o u p t y c l e r k ' s o f f i c e y e s t e r d a y r e v e a l e d t h a t t h e c o m p l e t e ' r e t u r n s f o r J u s t i c e o f t h e p e a r s i n t h e

w a r d w e r e t h e r e . M r . O e l g c r w u t < * I d o f t h i s t o d a y a n d a l s o w a s a d s i n a d I h n t

a l l h e n e e d e d t o d o t o o b t a i n h l a c o m - | m i s s i o n w a a l o g e t a e s r i t f i e d c o p y o f I h * r e t u r n s a n d s e n d t h e m l o t h e s e c ­r e t a r y o f i i s t S e T h i s b e s a i d h e w o u l d

d o .H a r m a n S p e r l i n g , J u d g e o f t h s e l e c ­

t i o n b o a r d o f I h s F i r s t d i s t r i c t o f t h a f l e v e n i h W a r d , s a i d h a m a i l e d t h e r e ­

t u r n s o f I h e v o t e c a s t f o r J u s t i c e o f t h e

T . W C . A , w i l l b e a s s d f o r a c e t a l s e r v i c e w o r k . M e m b e r s o f t h e A s h l a n d P l a c e G l a o C l u b o f t h o e o l o r a d b r a n i ' h

o f I h * B r o o k l y n a s s o c i a t i o n f u r n i s h e d t h e p r o g r a m , w h i c h c e n s l s t s d o f f o u r ­

t e e n s o n g s a n d f o u r s o l o s .

g e t ( h e r s t u r n s , K c s a i d . I t w a s n ' t h i s jf s U H .

I t s l i o I s p r o b a b l e t h a t E d w a r d L r t o - < n a r d . i w h o w a s e l e c t e d a s J u s t i c e o f t h e p e a c e I n t h e F o u r t h W a r d , w i l l d o t h e [ s o m e t h i n g M r L a o n a r d d i d n t g e t h i s Q o m m i s e i o n b e c a u s e t h e r e l u m e f r o m I h e F i r s t a n d 81 g t h d l s t r i s t s o f i

t h e F o u r t h W a r d b a d n o t b » « h r a o a l v e d I b y t h e s e c r e t a r y o f i l a t e T h e r e t u m i |

K . a * * a * , - i . 1 t b * d i s t r l e t g o f I h e F o u r t h W a r d ,t I " t h . c o u B t T « l . r k ' . n f f l r , O . l f rw . d d i n a “ 1“ I > o r l . l « u l M O o u r t . r , , „ , | j , , w h . t

Whitman-CourtcT Wedding Cardi Are Uuied; Ceremony June 17

d a u g h t e r o f M r > a n d M r s . R d m u n d r o u r t s r o f t l W U e o * p l a c e . E a s t O r ­a n g e . a n d C - L e r o y W h i t m a n o f t h i s c i t y , a t t : t 0 o ' o l o o k T h u r s d a y . J u n e 17 .

yctenn of Forsifi Wan ^To Bt Dined by Aitxilinrie*

Batwtw Ml i ^ iWtiirttettftaa kava Bats MBt Mt taesTto tiM BMatara at

l^ a m S M w S PMU et tha A«ati«an IfaMraia-^ SMMffb Wara, u arall aa la iOa BHBitMM af Bo«f ta antea*MUtai|

am ta B ttn h IR tBa aaraeat t u a r - l a " - - - - - - -

htftaCf altae[ a ? ^ «

Ifagita IlWHiaal . Ahtaliap K a .

fib aaiipitaae ' ar m a ^ i M V e - . V , Ifcjeiem w el l ieI M M M fIC t*

I w h t aV, !W

)« n ta* u «

m 'M a"M

r |U d is C lflS iw S j s M d

*** riF .V w N > ,iwwt **

Mm , fi*a

at g Satwa at*aat..M

Burglar Gets $15.00 from Man by Threat of Death

A kurtlar faraal a aaar wlodaw ai'l Ih. horn, af Ottitav. Birunhall ai II Avon plao* .artr this nornlng. allmbiJ Into strumbolTa raan and wbaa th. I Uti.r. awak.nid br th* aats*. ehal- | Ima.d tb. la.aaar. h. waa warawl to i kaap aul«- und.r paaaltr af daath. Th. 1 iatrud.r th.n foroad BtrooibaU to haad . him oT.r lll.ll. all tha laoaw h* had. Th. buTfiar th.a .aeaaad- Btrumbotl ji aatiriMl th. polio.- , I

Edward IC*w.lman r.poi-tM to lh’« ' polio* that a barglar at'.mptod to *nt.r i hla hoMo at MI Math tiitoonth .trooi, , throiwh a raar window, aarlp ihu aiorniiiB. bat waa a.*n bp a n.tahbor had paarad awar..

—...........1 ' I

Red CroM Qwpter WHT MoveT o K m rO i M ^ A b o m Jb iie 14

,'.'«f ,Sa« ert«raiwpt*p I f Sawwk

Uhl Caapur AnaaironB.

gat Sfiiaa.pa( chi patfana tho mi:

ti''Hatdla( par , I jS lfaba th Saaa

"4j Uaaiaa r . aad tha

I JiaarM' M o i a f l

h« p r o p o . . . t o do a n d a d v l a * bltn t o l i k e ( l i e M R i . o D u m

M r - O o l g . r M i d h « n a m « l C a r l O l - o n » r C o . p m a n i t r M t a . h i . c a m p a l f n

' m a n a a . r a n d t h a t h o f l H d n o t l a a t u - U I ( U M m . n t w i t h t h o o o u n i p e l w k . f o r

t h o n a w n t h a t h o n . l t h . r r a o o l o M n o r . p a n t a n y monap In t h e c a m p a l f i n .

I ai Variety of Thmgi for Sale i Made by Foreign-Bora Women{ tearr* and *art*d dlaplap of bom*

an a efforalan-B orn wom.n waa aiad* 1 t a d ^ al Ih* T. W- C- A. in th* art *i- : ehaaa.- which w in ramaln op«a toalfh t and h* rontlnu .d tomorrow. Bracti- I callp all Ih* a rlle l.a a r . far aal* and | I | .aeaod In num b.r (h . •xpoctallaao nf iho mambara of th* commltt*. in chare*. Tb* o^chaac* I* th* oatarowih of th* w*rk of tb* Am*rtetu>lf*ilon ronailtt** '* ! tb* ciTie dtparUaaat of Tb* C*Bt*atpocary of N*wark.

Ill* wolt.n la charp* w|Ui th.lr < chamnaa; Hra. Robart K«.b)*r, plan lo

put the .athanc* on a poraMOMt bMia la tb* (all It th . prwaaat ■*!* proT„ .aaecHtuL

U m *. llMB wabroidariaa. taahidina «Bt*dlu la R atatan crow atUah, ■«*.(- *n ftM hnM. oak.* aad paatflHi r«p-rM M tlM tM w o rt of a M i g i t t p for.t|ia*hiita irom.n *f tala lUp, w.r*

isf ! pl*«*e *a aal*. Th* aataMHlw h»p»»jMESlk j hath to aratto* an inUtaM Oi* eon-

IdlanaaM a r th*** a rto a f , a t oariou.

* ; ; ;u flatethfit** t t»'«aiiHSii* iuppl*»*Bt (Si# >a»m,i

-**Mi*t of ' W ^ i p d l a l o r M . a S p r • ( Ar- >91*. ifi'^Pkw fc braiifkt K^iiM aad *»«

[ r . U t S ! l p a w tJ T fH M m K**di*J .- - ,7 - - - - j w w - ■ r-T- t M w T W Si *» s * » V ^ i i V i to latui

B eSeii|^ IS .E npt|e

o f. d f A f U k k i

l a i t o T t, lb*

t o j f i l i t

lirHICiitliSM M-

la *•-laailUar

•*lSvvstn wttHC


A t to .(V C l08cd Afl D ay Monday, May Slst-AS*



A nother Trem endous Outpouring of Stylish and Seasonable Silks at

Sensational Prices!Last Chance to Purchase These

$ 6 .5 0 to $ 7 .5 0 AUSilk Tricolettes S 2 .9 8Ten days ago we advertised thi s wonderful and greatly talked of Spe­

cial and the entire lot of 1,200 yards w as cleaned out in two o r three diys* selling.

Fortunately, a few days after, w e procured another lot equally as goodand repeated the act.

Now It s a case of what’s two is three. This is positively your laat chance to purchase this wonderful id k fabric, in a complete line of light, medium and dark shades including the scarce shades of Jade, Orchid, Over­seas Blue. Copenhagen, White, etc., a t less than It costs to manufacture.

Your choice of plain, dropstitch and novelty weaves.

$2.50 and $3 Plaid and Stripe Silkst $1.49A amall lot of 6.S0 yards Vl'e doubt If there'll be a yard left when th* *dle it oV*f.

Your choice of a splendid heavy quality o f plaids or stripe satins and taffeta. Suttible for waists, dresses and combination dresses.

$7.98 Snowflake Sport Silks, $4.5040 inches wide By usin;; the width for the length of your skirt, you ctn mike

as little as I Ci yards do for a spo'-ts sk irt. Suitable also for dresses, suits, etc. A splendid variety of summer sports shades in both plain and changedble effects. While they last at S4.50.

$2.98 Y ard W ide Ile tsT Dress Satins, $1.7.1Mt'e Open this %ilc tomorrow with a bt£ ranj;?

of the most populgr U$ht, (D^diiim gnd dark fh.dcs, but we car l pfomi»e that they will la 't ■ II day Come earlv for best choice

$9..'>0 Kan-U-Ki, S7..10Vnuf chnice of Pink. Blue and White. Ti-e

Pink and Hluc is one of Ihe newest novelty crea lions \'erv popular tor hindsome skirli, dreSses. blouses, etc

O ur R egular $2.98 Navy Tsffeta, $2..'l9SJ.HH *aa our regular price whilt other storen

were *cliinR ihia same quality aa hi(ih as V e offor A litnitcd qugniiiy tomorfo* At this »pe- cial pnee, I2..T9. Gei >our share while It lists

$2 98 Black Dresa Sdlin, $2.19I>on't iriiss ihi5 nppTnuritv as i1 poiitivciv

cainnt be diir^licalfd.

O tT R cp u lir 8.198 Heavy Stripe All-Hilk .Shirtiiiii, $3.J9

l»on‘l ciYnfusc this quilily with the fcAd\- i ade shirts they nffer g| special prices. Wc chil-

Icjiftc ^^u to buv a shirt of this quality fabric at IC5S thkn Ni'aahes and wears well. New andai::ftC!ivc patterns.

Im ported W aisli Fabricsm

In n rtvghUj sale involving m any fabrics that cannot be duplicated at these special prices

See Window DisplayS2.75 limhroidered SwLw Orpandle, $1.75

40 inches wide: neatly embroidered dotg on the finest quality of reil Swiss Orgindie. In the neskcit pasiel shade.i for summer wear. Cannot hr duplicated at any price.

Embroidered Novelty Swih\ $2.50A diln iy embroidered fitturc end itrlpe effect

combined on Ihe finest medc quality of Swia*. A full line of Ihe newest summer shade* 32 inches wide

Im ported lYofted Swifts, $1J>0 and $1.7.1Dainty colored dots on shite and colored

grounds. Splendid for summer frocks.$3.98 E m b ro idered Swiss OrKandies, $2.7.5

40 inches wide. A splendid asso/imert of the very newest imported creations in a complete

range of d.irk nrd paste! shade* «uch •*—Em- brnldered Bias Plaid effecit, l i r |e Coin Spot ef­fects. spac nus tieured designs. All specislly priced at $2.75 yard.

Other Popular Summer Fabrics40.lncb Shadow Check Orfiandiei, tl.15..V)-lncti Voven Stripe and Dotted Comblnsilon

Voile. ?8e..39-lnch Embroidered Figure and Stripe Com­

bination Voile, 11.79.dO-incti Fmbrr dered Dotted Votl*i, |1 J0 .40-inch Navy Polkidoi Vollca, yd.: dif­

ferent site dots.Plain Colored Organdiea, 55c to $1.59Importq;! and domestic, specially priced Tretn

5Re to $1.59. A complete variety of light and dark abides.

Exltra Specials!$3.50 Printed All-Silk Georgette, $1.89

40 In chat vide, in the newest and choicest flgured and flowered effects. A big contar table piled high for .eiiy chooaing. Come early for beat selecrion.11.25 and HJIO bipdrted Sponge Rattne

Reduced to 75<30 la 4d loehw widti Is a meat .eoniflefe

rttit* ef sbsdes. Th«« art til new ch^M 1990 rabrios, and are offered tomorrow et ebost 2S% leee then former wbototolo coot. It you with to a*eU yenroolt of Ibto opoelot btritia you muei td tostorrew. eo this price le tor one day only.

A , aedeeid le We'Tbo bMt mareertiod pepttl isadt, $0 Mehot

sSAp; MWndtd tweettaNM d|f Itfs or dark eotsm ^ . eiM.pleMy of vWM. vM oite eeet'of i b t t ' ^ e to’ 'fh»y'2V:/|iF4inl.‘iiUe.aae opaita-l!^':MS«">«-"'Aiiea«t..Oil^ speelfl

' ett'ust Mine fer ieiHerdir .* 'yed srU.li.

IIJM Yard Wide Do44ed Wash SOks Reduetd to I1.2S

A loTtly rich illk raetortel with wovoe sttls pin dots, boonllhil ihodeo of pink, tliht bluo. peed), pofiiee *>4 wbitt. Tbit woedtrful silk It now offeiod tt loit than tenner wbOleoale ceet and It t lierteta rare thet you afford tt etrtrltok It. This It enetbtr i ene-day epodtlt, “ - >v.

Gdsotat Boisette FsRpMk Fensarty ^ a ysrdi th s-Iasi iassii^fMk^i'

joe,.aiads, vtdal^alhfMii: .hfflir i F . ' .WmiMWS ]

a ^ I M k l s . w M J f f M - M t ^ 4 K S S I ^4

W hile Crepe 4e Chine SpccialaTomorrow we offer our regular $2.50 value

for I I . N9,Our rcBuler SiOfl value for $2.21.The most popular and prscilcal of lummer

V. mh Mlk*. to Inches wide.Sale of IniDorled Ja p a n s Pongtee

Regular S1.7.S grade; sale price, $1.19. Rrgular M.PN gradej sale price. $1.29. Rei-nl.r S2.H) grade; sale price. $1.49. Regular S2.29 grade; sale price, $1.69. Regular t>3.Sn grade; lal* price,Regular S4.50 extra heavy Shantung Pongee,

$2.9K. /$,'1.50 8ilk Foularda, $1.55

The very eholceai and beat pattarn* of lb* season Isrgc and small, spaced and allovar; on rich shades of navy, cop«n, sapphire, black, brown, isn, ri. Hig varieiy tn lelect from.

$:l.98 Satin Channeuae, $2.98. Black,w hite and all rpinrt.

S;l.50 Cnpo de Chinee, $2.79. Black, vvhifr and all colors.

$3.2.1 (iusTonteed Wash Satin. $2.69.W hile, fleih, pink.

$1.98 Silk Faille PopHn, I1..59. All cohmi. $6..K) tO-inch Satin B-mHiet, $4.98. AU

coinrs and white.

2,500 Yards $1.39 1.200 YarduTSc

Striped W ash M arabouSilks Tom orrow Trimming

7 9 c Yard Tomorrow 2 5 cNFhite groundt with bqautiful colored,

woven atrlpea, tbo. kind that waahet and wetra perfectly. All are atricily new and perfect and a full yard wide. Will make lovely ahirta for men or wtlata and dreaset for ladies. Tbia fine fabric 1* more than half illk and 1* offered for this laie at about 20 per cent, leta than actual cost to make.

Natural (brown) only. Now It your op­portunity lo purthiac tbia betuilful and popular trimming, used exteniively for mak­ing capes and alt klndi of trimming, tt |ott one-third of its regular retail pnoe. Aa wo wish nil of our patrons to have tn oppor­tunity to get tome of this tomorrow wo must limit quantities to not over 12 yards to a cuttomer.

jv i

eeam tie ltTt!

K ^ , y




Offering a Flat Reduction of 25Per Cent, on Sample Living Room and Library Furniture

AU oample living room iuiteo.All oample upholstered ehaire.All sample ^venpori beds.. . .All sample davenport bed suites \ Off the AU sample day beds........ « ......../ Original Price

On Sale at


This underprice event is so crowded with opportunities for furniture seekers tha t if they only knew—if they only knew— who could tell withwhat eagerness they would want to share in the substantial savings^

Molost of the suites and separate pieces in this sale are one-of-a-kind, haying served as samples for a short period. They m ust now go in order to make way for new numbers—and to tha t end they have been reduced 25 per cent.

Such exceptional values should be of param ount importance to all w ho'are filling furniture needs for th e living room, parlor or library. Choose from velour, damask and tapestry covers.

Three-piece Velour Living Room Suites

R«Cdlirly WS.00, U Stlja. Rtinlatly OOOOQ, at USM. Rtfularly 87S.00, at (07.H. Reiularly 575.00, at Ol.tO. Rt(uUrly 550i», at 4IS.OO. Rtaularly «SO.OO, at m j « . Retulirly 075.00, at 5M.M.

Three-Piece Tapestry Living Room Suites



iaso.oa at 33000, al soseo. at 40500, at075.00, at725.00, atssaoo, at57S.0P at T 9 S M , at 4U.O0 at575.00, at TOSjOO, at T9&JOO, at 55000, at 47000 at SOOOO at 505,00 at 405i». at 505J)O at 75000 at 07Su00. at •OOOO. at

S55.M.S4S.M.U1M.VSM.S97JU .i44.ea,45S.M.4I1J4,5S4.M.m .oo43MO.lOOIO.',4M.OO555.00558JO54TJ5.57144.54745.65545.655.50.550.55.

Three-Piece Cane Living Room Suites


508.00, 41*8.00, «r75XO, .450.00,425.00,37.5.00,431.00,550.00,425.00,030.00,550.00,000.00,350.00,550.00,

■I 448.05.It 315.00. •I 54040. It 245.00. •t 310.00. i t 282.40. It 340.00. at 411.00. at StO.OO. It 473.04. It 413.00. al 47S.04. at 243.00. at 413.05.

Three-Piece Bed Davenport Suites

Davenport Beds of Imitation Leather

Ragulariy 7240, RagutvIy^RSOO, Ragalariy 7340, RagnUrly 7040. Ragulariy ISM , Ragalariy 01.00, Ragalariy 0040, RaguUrty 0740, Regularly 7940. ReguUrly 004p R ^lariy 0740, Regularly 0440^

at 1448. at 4546. at 66.05.

000.00 tayealry luife, 455.05.380.00 cane auiie, 201.05.375.00 lapcatry cnite, 283.00.14040 lotitation Ictther euilt, tayastry lulle, 10545,10040 layeetry lulle, latther eutie, 183.55.300.00 velour nlte. 285.55.11040 Imilation leather eulte, Imitation leather lulte, Imitation leather enite, 8448.102.00 taycftry laitt, 144.55.

at 6740. at 55.76. at 6S40.at 804L at 6546. at 6440. at 71.55. • at 4848.


Day Beds7040, in mahegaiiy, al 6145. SS40, In malieeany, at 4146. 2140, In maIntaBy, at 1645. 1040, In mahagany, at 1441. 40.0P In ivuiy, at 15.15. 1840, In maMpoy. at 1148.444P hi mah^anyi at H40. 14040, In I ■mnhngany, at 11545. 23XX), In mahogany, at 1741.

Odd Chairs12540 layceiry chair, layeetry chelr, 118.71. 0540 tayeetry rocker, 11.71. 7540 tayeetry chiir, S5.St.75.00 leymtry rocker, M45.110.00 layeetry chair, BLU. 10040 taptiry chair, tayeetry chelr, lo ij l .158.00 4tmaek chair, 11145. 15040 damaak chair, 11541. 82.50 dainaek ctiair or rocker,100.00 tiycstry chair, 71.05. 0240 tayeetry chair, 5540. 7100 layeetry chair, 1541.


Thr^P iece Damask and Velour Living Room Suites

Regularly 1,850.00, at 1.218.00. Regularly 1,200.00, it 550.05. Regularly 05040 at 711.50. Regularly 085.00 ai 114.00. Regularly 1400.00, at 050.05. Regularly I430l00, at 1413.05. Regulerly 1,050.00, it 788.55. Regularly 8S040, at 488.05.

Four-Piece Velour SuitesRegularly 1,05040, at 1413.55.

A t the tiwui o f seine to preu all these pieces were on our floors. As there are only ome af manp of the Items, we atn not guarantee how long theg sMt n M 4 ii« o r sate.

B A M B B tiaO lri-roU R TH * r iF T H FI>X>R8


■n ■


in bottles for the home

> at fountains and on d ia i^

Hwes amtainsjmees (^T6 rootsbaih,heiis amherms

jOresj (ip forD E C O R A T IO N DAY;;

Lo43k your smartest to the Old Gutrd uid the boyo in IchoM — our boyo~ porode proudly past Our. cheers, imtUng foceo, nattiest .appeannee, GOOD CLOTHES —they deaeirt them all.

DECORATION DAY la a Holiday for new Sonimer attire that hag style, snap and freohneM In every Nne and thread. We oell, such clothes —and mdy such — for tittle money and 4n i ildifhtfully ea^ tenus of LIBERAL CREDIT.Buy them NOW. TTie tima io ripe. The place ts hers;

^■O urtblhcsM altg GoodOrWfeDo^& Wadi DRESSES


Voting Trust Ortiflcateerepiwntliig 12,020 diarea of

BEER, SONDHEIMER & CO., he..■(?, I N e w T o A C itr . . : ,

Notice It hereby given that die undersigned, Francie P. Qtrvaa, •• Alien Property Custodian, wilt offer for tale at pablie etle to the highest bidder at the office of Beer, Sond- M w r It COq Ine., 01 Broadway, New York Oty, «t 1040 e'lleok A. M. on the 15th day of June, 1020, Voting Tniat Cer.

u dhssSse ropram dag iSfilO sharw of tho cgpltgl etock of aaid iv R M SoadiMiaMr It Co., Ine., a corporation crootad aad txitt-

4 i |« R tftn u d by vlrtBO,of tho t m of the Stato of New York, dB ef ^ estmandiag ih tn t of mid Gorporatioa.

a p t r t ^ at u a leMfweiiM Mi««iiat tat M *e aML(aaA •aeOlU.Af at iM im tl** aal aai*, •al M ttij ibu OINMT ffdi ErMu munp*

I ae aaeUcatiau t« t . uuit>y, omatar aet*a 1 le w. lea .> ^ '# * * * ** ***^. ? T ^ Wafaiegtaa. f t c ' ' '

Hops and . Malt

Specialwith -STBR12NO BRAND.*’ and

with the directions incloaed, vou can quickly and ettlly make i Rne quality beverage at i coat of $|.»0 per deien pint botilea—a heverige with plenty of body and delidoui In tael*—Ouch as the manafaciurer could never efferd to moko.

Sterling Mah& Hop Co.288 Springfield At* , Ncwarii

Phone Wavcrly 8541 •If your deiler hiao’t •Sterling.'*! lend tti your order and hie name, j

Sigb for st7W,'qu»llty fer qwalltv — Ihett vtlant art wUhout eguaL

$750 «nd $9§9WoiMiiVaiid Men*i SUITS

pJhnet offerlagt win



13452 Upito hriag a Ug Bataiday hgol-


FmiSiftrMIndlp^^oOllBg O m IBe pir l a l

i 'c C M A B i ^


Boye’ SUIT!The prieeo 5p5dh .f5T|

[\ fj>

$ 3 £ ^ i 14950 • 19505512

i t l J l B T

W im ,-

--Ti' .. -Vv* •t r

Ie^ J ' W

fvr- S'!


I ijaae* '

'■/_>'!' •■■ ■=' V

iltj-Nii*I- -yL-r.fl


- M O R P IS CO.-‘N O W

€ i '




You Wear!Thtt s the only way you can feel secure of the clothes giving satisfaction. . . . We show our confldence by giving you the privilege of easy payments without asking for too much down and without bothering you with col­lector^. Our customers, in return, show their apprecla- Jon by making payments promptly. They’re well satis­fied. Just like a cash store here—ckcept that you needn’t pay cash. Une selections, courteous service and the pleasure of knowing that you arc not paying too louch. ror, strange as it may seem, our credit prices are lower

cish stores chsTgc, Let us prove this t o m o r r o w , open Saturday night.

Individual Men *$ Shop

Separate Women^t Shop

MEN’S SUITS-All wool and hand-tailored.

Stylish models for men and young men; also for youths.

Suits th a t cash stores re­duce from $40 to $35. you buy here regularly 2 ^

Finer Suita, $35 and $40

WOMEN’SV<^ DretMa .............. 6.90Suita .....................24.75 upPolo Coata ...........18.75 upPlaid Skirta................10.98White Gabardine Skirts 7.98 Waah Satin Skirta.. .6,98 upWaiata ..........................1.19George^ W aists........ 5.98

Im portant to Mothers of

BOYSCompare Stoutenburgh clothing at

regular prices with usual sale offer­

ings.' This is a duty you owe to your­

self bt fore coming to any conclusion

Complete Outfits fo r Boys & Children fo r Street, Shore or Camp Special Feature:—Boys' Duplex Two-Knlcker Suits, 12.95 & 17.50

Stoutenburgh s Go.797-805 Broad St.. Newark—Makers of Good C lothes for 71 Years


B e d e l l S t o r e s

I n U a tie e

'Broad 8 t r ^ Carmr Waai Purh

Special Sale!

Chic Ribbon Sport HatsS5 to $7,50 Values

$ d.50. ., J , . ..... - ' ■■

Tv Wade pOMible by an eatraerdlaary patdim —, i i o f f t r i a i UMaral handrtd bewltuhtagly waiit aid IV , higb-mdu bata at baa fhaa naval vhebaab aaai > f V ; n 30 dlffafiat aiod^ for year aobet cbeba, la

y ^4ttaotify of bMiidflt abadM aid cofflblnattona.

^ - S a i s s M a i u i a ^

.......... ' '■«


w m

m i > L _____ ,

r ‘**• <851!vat vbal yaa ara iMfciat far apart

el iMat gaabtr Ttareta er M aibty. n abattbtmbuf 1i .‘/eamdi

♦r « ^ '-b'*

ft wear! Davai-'W* Meira Mbboa—% 4|

. . , , ^eambir ahapaa aad .afei

w $ e m m e t t e e t t e e e d h t r i e e m m m d ,apporlMfly/ Offered ml Ike may time a«K* aMiWk «r» meet Im dmmd ‘


Bedell Stores in 17 Cities No Charge for


Broad Street Comer Weei Park

Exceptional Sale Hand Made Batiste WaistsA New and Full Variety of Lovely Modes

Made to Retail a t Not Less Than $6.98$ 0 . 9 8

F.vcry seam and tuck I* neatly Rnithed—every Mt ol em broidery hemstitching and Mexican d raw nvork i t carefully done by hand. Reflecting all the fine d tia tineaa and simple elegance dear to every sm art womao.

Variety Models—Featuring Tailored or Sailor Collars—Tiny Pearl Button Trimmings, Novel Embroidered De­signs, in White Only,

Wish to Save$ 10 to $25 on a New Suit?Presenting a Special Saturday Selection

Reduced in a Most Drastic Manner

$ (

From standpoint of style, workmanship and value, these values Mtnply cannot be duplicated! Ultra sm art tailored and novelty effects, developed of Serges, Tricotines and Velour C hccks-ju st what so many require for Decoration Day wear.

High Cost Suits at Cut Prices

' 3 5 ‘5 5 ‘7 5Models of unusual refinement and distinctiveness - duplicating custom tailored suits in their immaculate sm artness. Tailored with expert skill of Tricotine, Poiret Twills and Novelties, in variety of stunning styles.


Wonder- Values in New Sum m er Voile FrocksCrisp, Fresh, New Dresses for

Summer at Special Intro­ductory Prices

1 8 » 2 5The newest summer fantasies—quaintly simple or charmingly fluffy. With dainty and imaginative embroideries, sdorable short sleeves and girlish sa.shes. Crisp Organdies, em broidered Voiles, Ginghams, in exquisite shades.

Silk and Taffeta Street Frocks

$21*75 and » 3 5Offering two particularly superior collections of exclusive silk frocks—G eorgettes, beautifully beaded, crisp Taffetas, chic Tricotines. Diver­sity of interesting and desirable atyles.

.Si--' .m '


Saturday *8 Fur Sale !New Fox Scarfs, open animal in

Mocked dooMa furred Chokers—

In brown or taupe. Valued at


^ e d a l $ 1 9 . 5 0

Pei and Vatf Scarfs, season's choicest aelacted pdtHea, open animal, silk Hncd. Brown, taupa and black. Valae at STSUX).

R p n i a l $ 5 5 . 0 0

v v .Choker 6 o a ^ of Stona M arten

OpoBswn, S^nlrrUI In natv ra l and

•able. Dufhio furrad, blocked

affects. SIR-SO.

$ 1 2 . 7 5

. V I h ilB o a l

Surprise EventCoats & Wraps

Worth $35, $45 and $50

Extraordinary astortinent of smart sport coats and graceful new capes and wrapa. Splendidly antici­pating Decoration Day requiremenu. Style and variety beyond duplica­tion I

Serges, Velour, Polo Cloths, Gold- tones, Silvertones, N ovelties—Some

Silk Lined—LaM Chance!

Saturday's Best Basement NewsExtrmrdinarv I ^ CfeoroneeDressessilk A Chth

$ 1 2 . 9 8

Tba maierlala and nMkiag alone would eoal moral Tbo lovt- ly Myloo loetudo woe tod BOW tallerid and .aftonmn . af- fcelt. Early atlto- Hoe wlU bs W


of Cost

$12-98Polo Clotb, Serge Slid Novelty Coato In a variety of oport and full Io«(th med- olo. Capcfl and Cape- caata. The alylea to d worfcmonohip ■ro Inoomparabto.

' '.i,.«


Further Reductions


¥ .\

iW E L 'f .JT W r ' S', '

i'llVpVMfldu ff.p#r»:al.fMi.'fpa4Km'a d uilrab la .iio id ^ labo h vl^ia blick aatiai U v d XVl^ itb y i*vla

la Midlh tav/


^ TC'; S t ia ^* w

. . . 4 ^ -

JmSot CoHqpe Students ^Revive t Shavisn Comedy

_ Ih* tiM Mc!J(71hm *r«l« ’th» lyri**. ho «rtl»»ri M U n ih*« M lo T llw n 1“ r« oi»»or*(lU. » » plo r«4 l« It t r t• ra . o M iitr i* a M o m : * aJi*o n , who*# t»nor l« »l«o t «#. »«o • I fa tr o a m womon dl>**rtt*< thOiMOlvoo l«dines, ■ons ond oaoli oostaiao* M.Maoo Oftth the sU horsU sU d* otUadni ■ivo color to tho arodaoUon.

-------- sn o r M ■'

*1fo« Ksw Cts Tell" PuU d Larp Audioce Into s Merry

' i Mbod.at High School.

i. -'J •p rttni 0>nr Ooorto Borurd

•hatfo aMtap so 1 putrtrrtshi *pe kii ^ dottr ( • tdBPr*** o d io * * * d V l^ O d p w l i n a i r — of bio e o a o B lo

fer0 D e w d lle Clab e l Nsworh dtlolo?

C M ^ .^ J I i iZ it o d his ‘T o u N sror C U OH Hm othdo la tbs to h th llBo

e B r s S s f h v B M S a s r o n i ' I ' f t a f c t . A a t " a i m

obooaoo orBiunrisah * i»ow-« — ^

m r to o ■ dwordo M hln »l»oot otop**^ Iho sh ow , oo sodot wo* the m oll*** crowsi r s o to r d o to h**« tboia oonliau* tbolr (o o llm Hollhor h o s • lo f la d vole* lo h f * i about, but on* of ihom , who thrumo lb* uKulol*. •<> ♦ "'P' oj;* uuoorboob ' o"** *" eonm ollo* w ith hlo in it r u m o i that th* •ffo et *• . .

E a r EBhe*». h******* S’**(on. H o lo b it . Tro**r , X o ih o r lo Toomoas and th* tw o B r* n ilo to ra put*

. . wUh - t h . «5^o on oitrm oUroeiJon. todor »*• ••• morrow. ..m ..

BTItAMD—Norm* Tolmodto In W orn*. OlT»i“ o«*In T o o Huoh JohOOB.' |™ “W illiam O llU lto '*

' **T ^ IW IH * l!!^3 udrod l^ rl*In “Th* U I*rlo r •*«' o d Buoh Jo b o Id "ro rw d d o* T ro lla - l *4* r •«* m orrow .

Frances Starr Is Married To W. H. CoKln, niustralor

Kaiser Tties Head as Tailor. Dispatch from Holland Says

on o d a o t u aol IhM h o ir.omonta H *nrr f c r n o o , Olodr*

___ si i*»t hidhi o #*»it* ta *flo w * ldd*dorlhhto iToiD o* iptorpr*!*”u *« b r fIdddllDa* ih ooiibd, th* M -th at's oBafastoC drowlnp. Id o o , h a w o a o d a o r r iiw htshUod th* • lu d o aii, U o lr to M iP O »»s m o o d * oraw dlae th« d o O u r tM i l a u l io e h ^ h*«M and h * * « r •* lb« BrA lM id Daly *ad U s W M ha r IB ^ w ork a t tB* NowoHt T b o a u r l ««tS*«a r o a n a a a . Tit* tr is B M a 's BasS h ltt la a te t o i w o a n U r b S i ^ SU (aa lu la p a rfa rtU D O . r»w w r lt* n

o r* *lot* r* wb*w oabjootod t*

n.VnSVUaw- aww — vw ---- -- • . _C lark and tB* CrtWpolvoi w *a HBod la * modlor #<and done*. Other *nt*n * ln*rt or* 1 Port end Hnll*. »*»l *r*.Oovitt WISH* twtottm 1» »"*:M oau I* hloTol;or*, oad 111* H oroioh* brothot*. f«et h a lo a e o n .

Oo Other Vtriety Stagesw e a W T—Mo** p lh o in f • ! IB*

o o t ^ o r s to * B*» profrom ih a l •• trlb ato rs • __ . » m i -„lVmod*«t*lr •*t*»‘»'»>'‘P • "

• ta e * a r* *!««♦*• » b*w oabiooioo » oM a a la s t SBaWh *eaU *l rotsin* it* •d ga oraa wBoa hoadloS b r aoopbrtosla a t ia ia a -

I Ptwar•^ oa K a*ar C a a T * IT WBM* wolj, M doaa a a r B>ar so o rM n a l ta *la«B a t•B aiaatasi p u m o a t *•. *•*** la fo s lla a . TBoa* wB* *aaB lU aih t iM la T S s a ta tio iitoratdr*.

______ml*-im mtmmm p r o d a e tlo *

ptaaoat aa IBI* o e e o lo a I* tl» thifc n rivtm g I t W #rt» *

*# *M k *§TBodonS la a l l le U . It w o a a* * ^ ^ I* aioBl a t tB#*ourUb It. t B * In lo r o t ib o f *B*w*d la IS I* Itkoir I# rooalt la aa *»t*a*iaa ol

*kAW flUttaa B ir k s d ar* tk* tra ils *1 ibo ^ r >

oohsta lasradaeod tl»*t ow atdar* o M * a a t »* ta/ o t r a r Jn im porosaatlM

sta d r *r tb* eomoSr tB*•rrnamm s u ^ r* w *r» »o l*u * r p*rf**S la t «*-* lk *t* w «r* no l^ to r ia ip la IM

d*Hw*rr a f tk * l *»l . In th * p srtrsra t* *1 tM oB arsetsri th*r< w o mash I* t f m - n S a* *a ll*d to tk * lia p trlta aa l ra a a a a ttta w *r* c h »rl** H*Bdl*r aa I ^ t B aaS ItBH K a n itr o D allr t M Umir w o rk w o at *11 t in e a pl***la d . ■ attatrlaa ai*e In roni*ll**a* a a d spirit w as Btt«Ua B . riscbaian o tM • t r o a s* aUad*d k a l l •nd*r •be*rt•d *M *r d s a t a . U r . aad M Cramp Ion. tB* ka#haad. ark*** w ir* eat loo»* from kim k*


L o T a a Blah* *M r»*B

o m u n r ** t lh S M and d a n d n f tra* r*.w a ru ti with *ppl»u»* ia*i a lfk t . W tll-Jim Dobb* aad T* » W tlM . t h ^ h • " « , «rbn luiHor.** toMud fc P<for ®fwit bad hmmar aoroat the fa a tllv h l*. o th er* on lb * bill or. H ih .l B ln cl.w end Tbolai* <Ir*r I* Irlek b lercl* rld - IRC r**SH H*k*r end BUI/ H*dlord lo ^ Sane*i C«rd*tla end Lillian H ^ ln a ta . w h* iin* p*p al*r • • a s *: Jadaoa G ala m aficlani Al H a lf and E arl Rh*«l*. who slnd end rb *U *r . a id V .r a Bd*!! end BrD*»t Vornon , acrobal*.

LT R tC — B r iM tr •iB ffla f *r« *a *6laff.Ih* »iB* B in * aaS b a r* •■ / larM in •T h * M ilod r *r Tooth" mad* f f 1**d* Of th* audlono** r **t*rd *r Th* monnsr In which fn*hloB*bl* down* or* d**lfn * d w o lllaatrolod with tftse U that pl****d tam lnla* r t »*rv*r* by Itof W llc o i, wh# *how*d d ax ttrltr In dropinc t l lk a ■ atlo and oth*r fu rb tlo w * on ti** o o m if woninn poolnd ** m onlklna Th* t M l o a ln a *t co*lum «i I* * a r lO by

NKW TORK. M»r J l -HI** rr*no*o atn rr. th* *oir*M . •* • m»f l * d r * * ^ '" day aft*rn*oB to W llll*m '*»*B*I' flK lllu*tr*t*r, « l lb* rhu roh *f lb* H****nly B**t. by lb* r*etor. lUv. Dr

**¥hi*br*d**rn^a*o*d ju*l b*l*r» h*r daportar* ob * m a u r trip th a t *b« m- t**d*d to oonllna* b*r pro(***loa*l **r**r *nd would b* bock In l®wn Jan* 1 t* * u r t r*h**r**li lor • n** B *lo*o produellon. Ml** b '» rr I* Ih lrly-thr** y*ar* old snd Mr. Coffin forty-tw o *nd ■ widower. .

Im vld B*l*»co b*f*n * t* r r ln t Ml** S tarr * nam bsr of y**r* •S« h ob*«n o c l ln i th* U»dln* rol* In T ^ * r T lf* r" aa d do**d bvr **oon In B rook­lyn l o t Batardoy nl*hl

A m one <b* mor* lomou* o l th* pla^ I* w hich Ml** Bt*rr BO W r « d ^ •T h * Ito** of lh » Rancho T h * M l ^ W .y “ -rh . C O . of B*c k r ." T lo r l* OdiU" had 'T h* •*cr*t."

DONDoif. l i a r ISof H ebaaaolU ra, fa r a o r B n p a ra r of c u n a a a r , is tr r in e h i* hood o a u u *r . a*a*rdlnd u a C ta lta l N tw * dlipatoh from Am atarda* .

I* euttlnp out p a lla ra * t*r nianr now suit* w ith whloh h* I* d o ln f to aiook hi* w ordrah*. and th* ditpalch quDl*« a trod* pap*r o dsolorins h* I* "•so sllin d at th* Job "

TCow unfortunot* It la." a a r s th l* popor, "that W illiam ml***d hi* va- cation . A ftar *11 th* n o to rittr h* acb l*v*d an on Bmpaiwr, on* can Im ofln* w hat would h a r* b«*n hi* (aai* o a u i t «r."

t* B a d o d a a e d d l H h ara .add*i .-B r r*e*iTia« R tw aiaa esU k

th* Bertat, am v m M ha a t r l w l l t rso op n iiln f tka B a v M OoasTWUSBt. IS Ip impo«*ib i* u dU aadlat* tk a sw a.lddM *( trad* rtla tla a a a ad a ff la la l ia **em>' lion. It la abm iid sa M a « l|ia t M t v * eouatrlo* c s a trad* v l t k eapb • aet bav* d lp U o ialla rs la tlo a d .**

Price Reductioiu Not Pcnwoeat Is AssertioD by Isidore Strwii

SMb i s is aBS ewSallBBB «h a .M t id w iita d t a r Bys f ' i M «w i 7 s M IB. m o e k iB B U e *f

m 4 t t m r M rm ttMlOf '

i m i i ptpaar amratlBr^i.pBrBoa** l u k raaoVBla a l l a M le r * k*aa ii a saadlUM a f a raS aM k a t a wk*a It araa «l*»aaar *< q M aal«*

Uoyd George and BoUhevik Trade Minister May ConferDONDQSI. Mop I I (B l .P r*m t*r U * rd

0 *o r t * w ill m att O r*d o rr K j ***Ib, nuaalaa B oM uw lk M lalatar o f Trad* and 0 aawB*ra% IBI* w »«k , la r * th* Tlm aa It Is said that E arl Curson of K s d u s la a . B s o r tu / r B<a l* r*r P or- a lc a A iM r t i w ill, In addition to Lloyd

Firil Degree ManiUugKtetI V e iI» Vtv^dl in Tucci Case

•*•■1 dM»»Sa«p wiAdp IH w- o ***--** •O t o r n . **a f* r w ith M. K r*«*la .

H . Eraaata w ill pr*po»*. araont • lh *rIh lip s , S a n U * n*w *p*p*r. t* put in paU * t H u a la n pold. *tamp*d w ith lb * f* o l * f Ik* *M Bwmlan 0 «r *r *ni**L on th* B a p llih m orkst. and It I* b*l<*v*d th* a u ln ehU ot a f kl* *la lt ha** U i * ob­tain a f *n * ^ tlo«n** to a o d miah gold

i n i v y o n K , u a r s i (« i->K ipBiB r«tatloB to p««4MBr aad **!•

■u«i*r, a topio •*l*«tad bp th* Be*, nomlo Club of M*w York tor dlncui- ■len last night, brogght forth varlou* rus*dl** p ro o rlasd la addr***** kr rranoi* II Biaaam, kankari Hggh rror**. organlpsr « t tk* JSmaiiraa FM- •ration of Labor; Iildar* B lraua mar- ahoat, and Pr*f***or Jo*«ph Fraaeh JeknSan of N*w T erk rn>**/*ltr

Tk* B**d of th* kogr, aaagrdlag I* Hr. Bliion. “t* t* gal lb* gavsraaitn t • a t ef basin*** aad If papal kl* U g«t •em* d*pr** of bu*ta*a* ta lp tM ***• •rhm *nt'’ Mr. Frayn* altrlkaSad Ik* nntlonal uniwit to “anehpekad prafl- t**rlng.- whloh h* *ald Ii r**P*nitkU for Ih* gr**l*r numb«r of *trlk*a

Hr. S)r*a* *ald IB* radattl** In prlcM of e«rtala *«fninodltl«« I* a*l to k* uk*n a* a *«T*ot *Tld*B** af a nannasant eM ag* In IM prlp* pllaa* tU a

•Tb« lln«* Ik a l k av* skoara Ik* iaa*l■ptctaeuUr tunibl* ^ - M added, “m ar y*ry po**lblr in th* au tatan h* higher

tiH* wfc*a .. --------- .. .dH* la th* td|ggtH*Bi

■a Shp pd«t p f ihp k ap iac pakild to klgh pH*** and ttaaU r kpoaaa* *t ih« thrtaU *f th* i>«F*nm*ai of Ja*Uo* aad*r IM L***r sal."

Fr*f***or Johaops ppld iphor will paff*r wb*a dsfla tlaa o*m*a

“Labor d*«* B«t aadprataad a fuad*- H*aUl truth,- hP addad. "which I* that wb*a a good dar** w ard li given It Hcan* th* prodadttoa of two dap*, and tkt* or**lM wMilth sad addition*! da­mans for labor.-

F L A G SBlsa»edUeferD eeetsdee Day

ED. N. PLATESp b ir t k b a k o b t a t io m b b

221i t r k i t S t . R i « a r f c , I . J .•>h*B* M nrhvt USA

H I G H C L A S S d e n t i s t r yON CREorr

w k v ro fltMVkcrii wticn I llk v# iHtiRtfon oV*dJnf DE*-_ Uk/t *■■ gs**** • *•—m --------rtIT B T kt T»rr mo<lurRlf prl«*t'liVkiTmiirowV tbsuh'^ iiJ f l I h r r S v * CBBOIT I t ttw p . U I h M pr-

' t v v r i T S F M i r L A ^ u f iV if s i iJ S f ro B

D r . U R . R A D I N p r e m i e r p a i n l e s s d e n t i s t

8ST Brand Strant o. slIT'hmg A . H.SW B F .S U

M S*«'of kip l »inp*r and i u r l l n M Ralph " , ghaplr* wo* upnvlnelDg- A* lev ab l*

a ln a la g and dancing . U. o rg* P u ro *. Or« . jralum *ad H. l*n UaH am araWldkVV w—w-w - —-eoin n*ad>d tb*m l«lv*d kp au p p ln g th ro u rt varloM 4*nc*a Other w n - tribuM M t* th* program *** O ar Fisher, roller tk a ls r aad s la g a r ; Nodln* P*r h .r aad R ot U « r*t I* plaaologu* *nd so n g ; May M alvIlU ,. _ *g dAM-amw* masJ UwiMaI Juiidhf

N EW YO RK . May »M arla Tuecl, tw *«ty year* ol4 ™ a «h* r g * * f fleet d tg r*.•h aeU ag *t B*r *l»l »r , Mrn OpBtl, M atch I , w night o f ro*ntl»ught*r In ‘h* *‘*^ **: g r*«. Th* Jury r*p*rt*d *ts »*r t l« a fte r balng out *l*t*n hour* m * a w t . g*a l«a*a w ill k* liap*#*d Jua* T. T M law provld** * P*n*lty * f Oom tea ta IW oatr r **!*" liBpri*oaiB*Bl lor flrai d*g r *« B *n*l*ugkt«r .

T h * ahootlng ecourrod In • lower Eaot Bid* »p« rliit**i In which th* *1*- l *r* r**id*d Th* pro**culion *n *g*d th at th* *hol* w *r* flr*d by Ml** Tuoel a ft* r b*r sl*t*r h»d r*tlr*d for th . n igh t. Th* d*f*n** cl* lm*d th* shoot­in g w ss in **l l -d*f*a*s .

Th* ir ls l wo* b*for* Judg* NoH. J. V icto r d'Alol* of Nswork wo* Mia# T uccl's ceunptl.

sin g er; L*w Sharp and Mahal Jan ol, wh* dona* and s in g : Bubs F ra n k lin ,

K. VMMir.rw ^ w — -- -p cM m «t*r a* Shsw hpp tkpw a I* W llUnn, th* waitar At tM Marla* ■•toL *adBkS*m *ttak|p I t fa k a Ftad- lap's parlPdliaM t* tk s Oalp piwda* ttM. LMalW Id w srd 1. dpputad th a t PdPTllsr la

■ BosgasradlBg pd a rural m all c»»t 1*f snd ilB gln g and Jastinpi World and Paw slt, colored stngsr* and ]**t*rs , end Ruth and L a th */ O krl*l l*. sylop hon* p U yara

M u^ Comedy kiKl Burlesque

Gnitarien FeUowihip Decides To Keep Ndme, but Revise CreedBOSTON. M * ^ « { F l ^ A ^ p r W ^ t ^

«a» kaalB*d h u a«nlga gaallU a*.T M cMd also taeludr ' * ' ~

a wap outiPd IgU dS M- Rartp laigr aa Mrs. a n a -a e T a la a lia *. M ary F lu . ^ --------- ----

eag. Jaaaph Bannat a* WrtlMiaa. Ophaiia 0. Fter* as Ih* lasla aad Baraafd Oold*ggU lb S4 aa Bobati.

A t IM *ad of th * fir s t a et . Mrta r apppatod_______ iMfnr* th* „

lag ta k*hal/ of thp ptadaatp wh*

B aad - gartaln and.

•ipmmtIBV wm VUSSSI* »« aggw ■ gpu paaam wwwi M to g ra d u a l* w U bla a c*upU of w a a h a p rp ata ltd to th* e*ll*g * a -.Isa* hMta*r . la accaptihg H. Dr Thernsa F . K *aap^ , head o f th* o*ll«g *, tald IM a'adipap* w M t t M ->c«tl*g * bad dan* d a rla g tM tw o r *a r* o f Its -----

BROAD—"P a g* Mr CuplA" a mu*l-•o l oam adr, w ith a n*w woman dator mined ta U r* M r Ilf* *• ah* • •• • fit .

B k«B B m i9 * e F V k W l F ^ W « i* W ■ W* *>W ......................... I '

tip work has b**i rpeognUad hp pa PHAP klgM r ia*tltutl4BP of Itp ra lsg la tM aaaatrp t M tk* gladaaU abput *- ------- u milt p , psnaR ipd bp them

Bpinw *SF paww " ------------ '•and a paaib la Uvp witk M r pakmit ting ta k*r notion* af whnl m aniogs shoald b*. famlohlng th* motl**s *f a«- tlaa. THtP Ik them*, but kHght«nml by willy lln*a MuPlc, pleasing In 1t**lf,but msd* l*w •ftaellv* than II should b* by ppar Magtag. Brn**t Truss, a t th* haahan>l. la th* malnatap la th* p*r- ferman**.

EMPIRB—T h * gubmarln* man," • production af tM burlaagu* ardor, with A nbur Putnam and Law K*lly a* th* ahicf fanmohsrt.

I* disband Ih* Unitarian P«1lowshlp for Aooial J u itlc*. on* of th* natlenal U ni­tarian o rgan lio lian* holding It* aanual m *«llnps h *rt this w «t k . r**ull»d y*». tarday In a dsclslon to retain th* n*m* but to go on und*r a r*vl**d cunaillu - tlon Th* n«w o*n*tltullon d*fln«* ihv body ■■ "■ ftllow th lp tor unity of action ogaltist *tl forms *f teolol Intusilc* and to furnish * pUttorm far fr** dltcua- • Ion."

R s t . ■*mu*l C Bson of Boptan a f f*r*d th s metlen tpr dl*b*adm *nt t fIh* fsllow thtp “n* sn •rn n lp a tlo a with

......................... " 'iTor - .............

ta PMUr iM tr Jualta

Conwtc Ttlton Sbowi Xelenth Mimetic Work at Palace

Pictured on the Screen

C tataap T lltoa'i mimetic IoIpbI h«a A _ . ^ Itaataw,*B av frapp* la T k * Cksieataee w k li^ batauaa ef its uartad eoaleaMsad natarlaln lag wartk. la tM tmUmrm a t Uip asw program m tka Falaap TM atar. l a mobll* la Miss Ttltsii’s paantaapaa*. so eapabl* la bar paaaklag

------- _ gaaMttaa afvats# af U k lag oa tM

COURT-Carlpl* Blaekwalt la T k e Tkird Woman." Blaw Uaooln In 'Tnmo. tk* F*arl**p;“ Lyan* and Mora* la aam- pgp, laday; 0*prg* B*kaa In ~K«nrta *t Man." aamedl**. n*«* plotur** and oaudavHU acta Botarday.

aOODWlM—Harteri* Ramh**a In ‘T h* FoHuaa TetUr." ndnpi«d to th* Per*** from U O- Oamnn's dram a at I M titta, tadap aad tamarrww.

ftATBTT—Barothp Daltea ta *Tke W aaksr Bag" and IM oomtdp. "Baping I t Through." todapj Henry B. Wnlthofl In “Tk* Long Arm of HnnU ur" and a

Bnw BWkPVWHfap oaw wo* m* wv-• bad odor In tbs opialoa of all Uni- tarlpn*." R*» a*org* W, Cook*. Ih* rsilrlng pr*sld*ni, said that "the Aintrl- can tm uarlsn Association no longer approv** of this orianliallon .- Other apeak*ra defended th* organliallon and tka dlfhandmaat inotl** ftnally was da- t*at*d

Rav Henry Q Iv*a of Araharat vaa• lentfd pr**td*nt.

At Ih* m**tlng of th* Unitarian gun- day School A nodatlon Rev William L. Lawr*no« of Ntw York was r*-*l*ctad pr*aid*n|.


^ t h s r gg*. aad sa fally osa abo asto r A u a c ia r Ih* olmalatas t MImta tka

asov auwHmr — " . ——■MAMr. a t an «ee*nirlo sefcaol mlatraa* pad «f • young woman mad* ttpay by ■traag drtaih l* *a daaapttv* aa t* aatm tM raal thlag-

Th* Ttavlaw," for whieh MHtoa

-B all Haem B*yF‘ *mB*dy, Batardap.MILL—Manr MU** H ln u r in "Judy

of B ogugi Harkar," th* o*m*dy, "Oo S tm i.* T k * Orsatar tlnnar" and

a n*w Instolmopt at 'Th* Whirlwind" aerial, today and tantarrow.

NEWARK—yraok K**iton In "Dellnt for Dollar." Alto* Brady la ''SlnnsrA* n*wo pleluro* and a comady. today aad lomarrow.

PARAMOUNT—Marry Moray tn T h *

If baby needs a comfortable Pullman Sleeper Folding Go- Cart or Stroller, come direct to our factory and sales room and save time and money.

'AA Act caoootu-: n ,


lUovivod, that U It lira la itn il ta of Ik* DMr4 af of iho e ltr of Now*ark, N. f.. t a 4 t r oa4 by niiiM of tho provlaioiu of on a rt oollUod, "Aa Act Coi tAg Hualclira.llti«o,'' oppfor*^ Hoi^ lltT (F L. ItIT —n i l . ot»4 tho OHpl th oroto, u i4 amoMlmfnu ihoroof. i

t«00* tho pOViAf o f ___m o v i u M c t fT fu n T .

from F lo n lo f ov«o»o to P i m Io-------- a . ----------. _*.*. ------ ^ourh, lo ^ h o v

____ _______ I loeUootai tothio aavlag of th* oOgvo oiraoi, looJudi tira raylM of oonorolo oWo' lotorooptloM oad oioowhoro w and tho lA/iAg or roioyltig w otdowoilra or ouch krTtloo

frofo F lfn lo f ovoooo to F with ODficroto povmooL with Oow o v M o f or rooMtiAg ofwith ail otirar ooourtOMBcoo

____ elk* ar suck eartlsn *r pertles* Ua*w«lki u m*y W ei*lurtad, *r may b*-

i****ty *r •spedlMl. *t tk* (Wad*laying •n**tnn*

j ----------------- — gr*L.ir b* */f*«*d •• •* * * u t *f th*

H* attltn*• f th* pavwawit, „ .„ra m .u i* ef th* curb, iH ludlag th* larlag ef Ih* »■>.**■ ry aewer aad w*i*r eauiaeti***t* Ih* carb II***.

gold lin*r*T*m**i t* b* mad* aa a laealWMia irapriTwsewwi am wm tasmHv •tmproromoOl ood tho root Iheroof

" tbo p n p o rtr hono•old ImprovoniMit lo propot^oo to fita roooWMl.

lo bo Oft' inttod hy too booo-

Aod tho d lr^ to r of thoItrwoto had Pwbik Improvf..----- --llrociod to fiTO pubtio Aottoo In oo

______ __ Doportorawt ofpwbik Imorovomoolft to horohy

th a t ol br

K odO ]______ _ bo oHootod

»*»**. wv who nray bo tn* rill bo itvoa aa oMortmatiys« amw ________JTOtOf IhO 0010* 01 * »OOt-tn f «f aald hoard, t« b* h*M la lij m * * tlu

eUr bftUv ^ J w o It. il l4 . At n.............. "Invo and Dlociof ottoh Imvi__ J w IT. IIU .

o'etoek iL' M.. ot whieil tlovo and (loco or-

REPAIBING I Phone 7578 Muket


$20.00 to $50.00

dinoAftoo for tbo w k l t f ao fitf wtll M eoMldorad

A dop l^ iu* im.^ TH O U A d u

WILLIAM 7 A . AhCm ilALD ,


JON N r ' MONAHAN.Tho Board of Coamlftoloaoro of tho C^tf Of

NowHFb.V' '*V


• m FO B U o BB rL B u m y *

• • A « tut t o baby carriage factoryMANN 0 215 Washington St** • • • • • mmrnrn rnmmk. ItM t

COLONIAL LINEBOSTON y i i a nP R O V I D E N C E 'I K f $ l * r

• M l •*

sgTlm al

ALL O VtttO B e T A fgrrin* la*li

, j t r iR h H , h i at lUoylipbl ■ MSI.

ib 'g g


____ ^ l o g H Iftaom WT {llnton , r Mwork* ond

It dOTln/TlmolThoto JTM. holIdUvK |- f c Cdwwd Va Ho«

Keansburgs N. J-w Boot*L v a R . > . R a m . r y r w . . ^ l ^ , . j B , |S r t 3 t



Oparaltd by iha

rtLBMis PiUd (oinaniiiisFnt Trip, Sitnrdir, I n 29

CMMrpR Half rktk CkfptariA Lonch

n A ttA M n o neH B A B B B

• May29,30&31T R IP t


K S & W E

»;*> P M

p a n .v H i m BkuiM A a o o t im m u

O ppen h eim . € l u n s & €Broad and William Sts., Newark

Announce for Tom orrowSaturday

Extraordinary Reduction SalesA t Prices Below the Present Wholesale Cost

Due to the extraordinary reductions we regret our inability to extend the ^ a l courtesies of C. 0 . D.’s, Exchanges or Approvals. All sales must be final.

Women*8 and Misses^ CoateCoats and Capea (rf Polo Cloth and Mix- ) oo a a tuM. Reduced to iCamera Hair Polo Cloth, Tricotine andricotine a n d ) oo a a

Reduced to j

Capea and Wraps of the n ew est ma- ) p a a a tiJ E . Reduced to S

Women*8 and Misses* SuitsSport Models of Jersey bi all desirable ) 1 Q 7 K eolon. Reduced to )Men’s Wear Serge Suits tn Navy and ) o k a a piJif ^ u c e d to )Frahioned of Tricotine, Polret Twill; ) p a a a Braid Trimmed. Reduced to )

Women*s and Misses* DressesTricotlnee and Sergea In Straightline and ) i o aa Tunic Effects. Values to 29.75, ]Models of Tricotine, Taffeta and Georgette ) 90 a a Crepe. Values to 59.75, ] ^O.UUDressy Models of Taffeta, Beaded Georg- ) o o a a ette. Satin. Values to 85.00, ]


Tl omefi'g BlousesHand-Made Blouaea of Fine Voile and Batiste. Reduced toTricolette and Irish Lace-Trimmed Georg­ette Blouses. Reduced toHigh Cost Beaded Georgette Blouses.

and Embrtddered Reduced to I 12.75

Girls* Dresses S ilk Petticoats(H Qiambray and GinghanL trimmed wHh ) eontTMting colors. Reduced to fOf Unene, Chambray and Ginghams, with V Bloometa. Reduced to )


3.95Nary Regulation Dresaes In Blue and ) ----- Reduced to )White. 5.90

Jeney Too, with T^eta Bottom, and ) Striped Taffetas. Reduced t o 1

Jeney Tom w itii Taffeta Bottom ; all Je r- )Reduced to >

TTomen'8 SweatersSllp-on Woran Shetland Wool in Sport ) ghftdra. Reduced to )Tuxedo Model in Zetland WooL AH 1 Shades. Reduced to 1Tuxedo Model tn Zephyr cidon. " J j a- 9.75

tey Models.All Jeney, Models.


Taffeta and Messaline ) Reduced to ) 8*90

SUk HosieryFuD Fhshioned; Double Sole; Taupe and )

Reduced to )Gray.«*RidieUea’’ Ribbed Hose in Black ^

Women*8 SkirtsWhite Waah Sldrta of Gaberdine and l 9 Satina. Valura to 6.90, )Wmh Skills of White Gabordine, withlabordfaie, with ) w aa pockets. Vilaeito7.90, ]Crepe de CMnes in Flcdi and White 1 1 1 7 E o n ^ Vataea to 19.75, )

MiOineryStreet and Sport Bata for Women and ) o |u i miwrfh Reduced to )

CokMts. ReducedPure Silk; Reinforced Gaiter Top; Black ) ,^lv Reduccd.to ) 2.65

Women*8 LingerieLingerie OWBhm,bweTriniin|A ^ W ^ \ J 3 5only* KcOOWfifl 1® /Uigwle NkMgamia U ce .W in m l I j 3 5 FM itodW hlla Bedacrfla ) a'™*

as3£“ } 8-98

Palait LeailW endbw oM VM e Sixes.

Geoigdtto Crepes andlOiieB.AttrwtlMImit.

Oxfords„ KM Oxfords. ) e ^

j4i V xiw itoiajoot} 0*oo

Attraetlra Pattern Hats for Women and ) A 7RReduced to f *'•**',




The Entile Stock of. 'If

iSt ) t 'j I ' th ' ‘ 1

' i 5

'dlV;' 'w-f

;.jst» i

Bronze ‘Fo'og


A mavplo) mt I •-'ominni *n<l of « unvetitbii Mitir of riAon. 1 •k e rc lx e i lhoe« urtuii for;r»i'Vbo tlLW I'iDfta.

(At th e I'to h a rd•onmrlnlKieiiitjpiftinnl-h ■ ent^rl H iiftstiir of

n l« • ,oMf 0 nil m

K l' !• 1 f :i• ti< :>) ) aHi; ‘I T t' 1511fAALry. tip ri*-at1ai tie f I f ' ' Sckinr r>si ■■ T*i " 'fa rF ti b>

H rr.k s:rt*-IV. rug.J u n f ur

ihei I 'NS he g 1 1,

I ' : IJ41,NI o j i. r , f* '■ Al .F.-t

T-Jt <:■,


x»'.'■ 1 I ' h^ ftl

f M a kl11hoi' a^itat'’ am IG'-enr *I

r>v Ir: .va!

Fifty P e r

A m o n g W

r.t.uh 111'.ire a a - ' In vf ro1nata:«m ft h ave been i ItiOO BJI-l I •TiUrkllsr*- i o f ihc domi fiv e n f *p

V lh ro 4 t ''n to the or. p!fi> t Ainolgam.iti N>vf T f»rU ft m eaib -'m la e t r lk r vo f

R.Tit Eoyeri 1.6M o ' ihe i th * A m alK si

Ditcuis WH e a l t l

TRK.'imppoT' tnduotrl H»f b,i' Tyborru day do: hold he

’*Torlrt Philado PhUkde (!o« n ci\IndboonUtkinftb__thoorro io o ;knd r*O p p o s e s S I

T h ro u

fgtrUI SnolN C L I/A B k l

la g la onnor ih ra u g b g ;* ; Trem Houih val«ad hi* Ol ra lp t o t a t Raag, twpiali w h o M itl III* C om gany wo pro.w ar pai I k r a a g h tk a o f t h e heavy ta llla lo n a thi m ig h t k* can

Testimony IAguast f

g**N«l gWvtivFATEMOt

tk* groogodll •gw k , - Ik a CoBtFany an f*ogifan y la AosuonMnan cltto^of N«« wntar takancity, was «*|

i ninar UiaC w nnilsgISM i w n ig r t l DaTitth« at tk* t Mm ta.stib aMwanSwl, 1kstse jou s.


|w j f 2J2JMS■ nUHTOM..

•1)Mir.k|.|k '1 Zh, a Sli


i k i f

G Sk f«r

D « 7


>< i t n

n S T O Y

v« th« r« p 9 ' ILK«S DBN- I u>4 f l t n r l rA IN t TDII I rA T K E ^ T .

1 A«»»





i 38.00

; 4.85

S 8.75

} 12.75

} 4.85

} 6.90

} 8.90

} 1.35

} 1.85

} 3.95

;} 7.65

!') 13.76

? ■ 1.


lo««.>1 I t

, Sovice Men b UnveiledB ro n z e T e b le t to E m p lo y e e s W h o

r o o e h t in W a r D edicatee} a t

C c re m a n ie * .

R e c e iv e d h y F o rre s t F . D ry d e n

A m«; io.-ln: In honor oT the J om- p.nj •, 1 o ' I 'lr itiJ 'jrine*I. om | »nv « ',o »»n>d In th» W'or'.J W ir, »n<l of vKinm firiy loll Ihoir livr», « n i unvollo.l by ih i voinpnrv in tiv* oor- MiJor of i i . ni»in ball,Un« lAli nnoji. Tho rm n io n U i and proroJIna ; • l i i rT ln . * , r i tllo n ilid by ro lalW rl of i ^ i o Who w r r . Iillltd In tk i Mrvlo*. *11 fornyor i - r r l r i nun and i num bir nrho I iw tc llv o Mrvicn with iho Rod

i.i-t. '*’* tn 'ho anom bly hall.h h a rd n I.liulibiirv. rh iilnnnn of ih«

n 'ornoriai o o rim liiir , proaontod iba " in n y .a l to th* roinpany. on behalf of n n i-h I'r.-alueni i ’o rraii f . I»ry.1en ae-•a n l .d 11 Itev |>, William | |U n.,„o ,p a iiu r of V l 'i t l■^e^h,de^lml| (-'.dreh " » 1. he a d n re ,, ^ p r o r r tn p t |.a lfl- «*1e and aarred imi.le w n hieluUpd.

l.L 'e.*:i li litjf'liilci made lli« liiro - .j l l lr j ,} ..U trei., i f u r w h ih Vianli HI. nclOK p rK k ', In iha i i ; i h In- fkniry . u ren r i l l , ihe vm x (,, p^u- <l.*ilt1al iToub> T ifa-ir‘ miiij ■ i- r Alt n e . S o i n i i Who from Thrlr l;-nl ■■ T'r jy er a nu t.r r., | | ," f f l r e j by r.fy l>r .1 .l.n \

"■e'lnwing ,n„ , , ,n .l*erp->ii lei ft. ij eonuiir aath lie r.l< ►: ro it » 1.1 ■ the

ft-ia. nb ,h huntunfuilo,! n., . n,n-e A, ib , hua*

, , u , | . , ,bp n o l'e n .lihei I . 1, T il

«• he e le rc l n a“ la l.p - . i.ijhi f i l l h ltb ind

n io jl. r . . f.e- »,n« l| Wif d e l,to ed ' Al .e.-t H.nr f;.,i i The i.uJi.-

" A .1 I. I - i i i . f I; y. uB callI Jt 1 " . I u., , ,ff \eu , lu rk .

R u t j c r i N ev.’ S e n o r f o u n a l a n d

O 'b e r .S tc d r .it B o d y O ff ic e rs

TOAT; MATP l t U O E N T l A L - T A B L E T H O N O R S M E i r I N W A R :

Ia4b0rf • «r«

‘ .li'U » niir*

're d in utltpAtU m Hwr-

r.F H„r.

ive-rv (Uaundfd

'V Tr?:r' -WU-K .Mhi !» In' f • 1, 11 s enr 3 BiMilor r in ,- , 1• ivj I Tifi ri ** \ ‘*n I'riiflri .-f’* ■ n |f^ I hairnbp. Ui‘- 1 |«h ssfrr.a 111 , ol ;

'*'h* n i‘ • E I n * ’i •Ivi'tad Aff tJ K f*tit-'v.\n Ilf Vs.lia \Til Pab;# . ,.f .\>\f ^ t.unau l'h

.r r.mul i.f l; r,jU yn Jehn

AB-Y«ir Banentaiy Sclxtob Graduate 291

« w-W

Ciaia of Fifty-six in Juaior Hi«h

AJio Get Dipknsaa^-^pecial

Exercises Hdd.

M a n y to E nte r C e n tra l a t O n c e

firit He *WoQ $500 at Three Card Monte, vfitli Check ' (Bed) ai Payment; TTien U t $200. All in Real Money

Hnnf yH I X .

I •la 9 If' Aiil*' -i of m

Sinl.^T ti.' r' .*'•'•14 < ‘lr '* Ire iv er., r-x 1h I'v Ir . ■ t •’S M ■

r:;'>-yar.! dAHlj• • ^ Pj fal f>rr««ire I-f-'/a irr.n Tisi-'a^r

'I'esfiT- e 'ru - '\ h(.-u«rt aUls ale<Ated ihrw^

t t-hhinyn al-s *irtrsl m a n e fe n to h# n#i*t> e-ar a ertph-' ri i,rii aevlalan* m anarera Ih e v are ! '!-har.l a BooII- nf Orinjia.> rnra- fi A [, , ■ i^k ln . li: anrf

\ If. \e w tJiLinaM-lt-Mt-a rk I a -jc i» r tor rieii >rar !a

T ie J. of HlaonifieM‘irlffin t Pa kd*r s.f \ww Hrirjxwlrk t»e rh# |irs>al(1 TU «f rhsk l(tit|tera

Mandolin riu b a next

It .T pr'Ii Ir -tf I>»iti tlffh>'A''i !■’ Tre’Miorj »rwj jaa<

I n ' ,v..n Yo'-artfoi-adsll a>rr«d

' • A t a ira- k. 'earn la a tM>Uho'siisr» cll«a a iii baa j

niori if iiila ta n t point laoin for rwu yearp |fin '

!iii».sa'il daab ausi the \ I'in Wi‘1 li earratarv of ' '-'asa auU an aanfitanr |

of Th(s Twrirutn, the

Chicago Gunner Heatis List In Lakewood Trap Tourney

Kertire t,{ fkf VJTIffifJiAKKWOoi^ IR

^f.siliaj- coiiiliiur' fo ' th© trap iJtuofItiif tnurtiAment

- f 'e r fe r tIiaik©wk‘ u(h] > i* ale rtla y.

r h©^•le© a till

uodrr ()i« auwp>r©a of lha I loaur©! Moup© i^un ''luh . and a la r* *

fiald of crark ahota fmc©d th« ' ''■P*- j insf Noted rrack i frcsiti varioua po ln la of the fompaB* are ifaih©r^J at l^k aw iso d fo r the fourth annual event, th a h a t In rJudiuK an axtra larc© num bar of N«w .ferasy pTola A num ber of a n tr le a from Plainfipld are ahooUns

Banjamlu l^onnelly of t''hlcwco letl thw ( tana A xhoutera jae terilay w ith a br<ak of l i t »-ndfna iht- d a ^ 'i w ork w!ih a alrnljfht run i»f 76. i © lo n ^ ea i

j antAteur rua for Ih© day Uou i©ll* wtti 1 b© rs’inemlM-red b> follou-rra fif fot'ti^all j BB a i rark end of the I'Mriivtrsn Uarn

duipiif the aarly 'So'e I.,. H. I>«vta of ' Komom waa f,.e riaaa B w lnnpr. w ith

H i, Philip Hnnilolph J r of liAkewomJ.I Hlchard I-mth »-f .Ml JIully and \V A j lilrsiiaa^ of I'lipsir Disrhy P a . Med for . Mlaps f' honor* wllh 131. and *' A. j Broa-n r»f Nnv York won the Mlnsa t»I ©veni with tS9

F H Totihti. the Q laashoro iN J .) [irofeBNlonnl. had th© lotiR©at run o f iht.

I(]av with lUt. li©I tjroiis. a n o th e r p ro .I of Wllmlnffion, turned In h r ira ls th t

break of 9)7 Th* am ateur Iona ru n e Included iiMeUert with 41. [»onn©My'a 7wi, Vauffhn With ^7 m d HaU i*Uh IZ.

TIj© team match for the l^akew^Msd Cup batw«en the Unaton ansi New \o vU taama haa t>©en called off for tho (our> namenf Thia ©vent was expocled to be A fratur* of tha tou rnam ent.

auvplrep 'luh. arid

Th F ra I

H « IIIf oltea©)r©ar

Til© In te rfra te rn lty ro u n d l nrgaulied by e U 'tIn y Hanttolph Brandt Jr. cf I'p . B*r Mortt-^lalr pr©ald©rt

The Junior oram ra ha^e been aete.-ted to tnl© part In ih© Junior o ra to rica l! <onf<mt Jus.© 11 Thry are John H r ro a e '. l nf ITf.pi Oranir© Joieph A Pur.ri of N#«u»K Irs ln a Y MidJey of] F*oLnd U n o ,. Haniu©| f' H 'fm an of I New !!;una’v ‘©l< If Mrlf'Kh Parker of I V^a- B rM r««t.u . WlHIani I. H.'huon. r- ak©r .f MAueen l#i, N’, Y and Martin H Sh'»-ss | I , f Va.halla. V T '

Th© wl m *r nf ihe aophomor© apeak- !' (; (OTUoet Vtdaard T ft'f^alf ofVea Ti.rk MerrM K Voorheaa of N>w ‘''a rk look a e i 't 'd honor#.;©

F if ty P e r C e n t. W a g e In c re a se

A m o n g W o o le n W o rk e rs D e m a n d s

Car Shortage Seen as Peril By New York Central Head

AThANTI'- ( I I V. May I t r . r i A II Hfntth. pre^ideiii uf ih© New York I'en- ira l HallrfUri, >'©at©rjay aaea^loji of the annual «‘gri s’enltou of t«© N ational ''Dill Anno* latlon. pnln ted «'U' w hal he lermerl ih© extrem e peril f a r -

the counlry© liMluatrlaa becaua# of la*‘k of roal equipment "I'nleaa (he way la found to get

©Tiougli t^ ra / Mr ftnilth das-lar«d. "Ih*I w hole rounlry will undorpo a te r r ib le ' • rlsls next W Inler 'I The aaaoi lattnii adopted a reau 'u llun ! auppoHIhir the rffurt u( th© railroad-*( to obtain ar:|i>r h> fhn In te ra la te < oin m erce i'on)mle*l'ni lookirst to a d v a n r# i I fre ig h t ratea Th© fon \en tton w ent or

r©A'tsn] t<» IriftsjTii ih© public th a t the I ©horlage hi rnal pmcJurtlon li ©nflrely I du* to car ahortait© einl cuna©ciuetii aI©■ lay#1 Mr SniKh toM th© con\©hllon th a t I the rallroada of th© « ounlrv. In oj-dei fes I hiilld ihe car ©nu>;*ment neaded, muai

BpetiU appruxlmately S'on.^OO.DDO at I onre The New York f.-n fra l llnea In I Ifio laei mioriTh. h© aaUI, had «u(horl<«d j th© i-apendltur© of ISO oiio.oiio tn b u r I t'oM] Cara ansi lo<-omatu-e©I officer© wer© ©laded a* follow**- ! I Preflldanl, Manlel H Wenia, P h lladel- I phla. iecreiary. \V. It Heed. WwahiK*- I if>n. Ireanurar. J. J Ttefney. PhlladeJ*I phla.

iMpluma© were aw »rdad in l» l g r« 4 - u a iea uf ..laht © !ta i«n :#o a l t - y a a r »4hoo}a Bill !u n r iy - i l i J u n io r h ig h gtrgduattB at e\© rritaa held y a o te r d a r and today Manj of lh a © la m o h io rr ( r # 4 t | t t e a a ;) «ntar O ah tra l l l lg h . (h a • a# all*)©#r ©©cixidarjr # rhoo |. g t o n e * . otfc#ra will runiinua tb e ir w orli In th o frM iiiiA r grada ugtU B aptam bor, w h o a lh # r wiH fu lu lU rr lP fe r

JCcVlaUr Krhoot bald Ito f rM b O tlo n ro o t^ d a v afiarnoObi whoti d ip lom a# woro flvan iwaiitr-M yah pupil#, o f whotQ olfhtean wDL go to h igh #('15001. 'Hia gradnatea and other pupMa took part In a p ru |rjtn wf nr-tak* ra^'liotloo#. d rllla and uiiisraa. w u ia m w i# e # r . principal of O n ira i fHgiu inada an ad* draaa. and IValter J Oraen©. the Me- K lnlty prlncipil. gav# tba diploma#.

An unuaually Jarg# number o f par* • n t t of Iha iraduata# war# praaont, ra-* m alnlng aftar tba aiarclaaa for a r#cap* (Ion givan hs tha tlaaa ad u n u au a l faalu ra at a comtatneamant wa# th# praaatica of many baby b ro thar# an d alalera of ih© graduatet tha lu o ih a ra I balhg ahvouragad la briaff ih a liMla un#a ra 'her than rannaia home w ith Ibam Thla achaol haa racenlly ad o p ted tha plan of having ragtrceDCemaiiia In tha afivrnunn Inalaad of In ih a ava- nlng. aa fortoarljr II la fell th l# In- auraa having only lka*a p raaaat w ho a ra d lrertlr Intaraatad in tha clpa# g raduailag

Clavelaad l«k#alClavaiand Ichool lad In tha ntiffibaf

of gradual©#, having M< © :fhlh g ra d aj and flfly ai* nirjih grade Tb#y look , pari In a l^w ell program lavl n ig h t I and llalened to an adUreea by B lm er

K J4a*lon who gav* them Ihetr d lp lo I Ynaa! The Amerlran lallon pageant g iv en ' Monday night wa* repeated y#elerda>'1 n' llt-inioul Avanu* l.i honor of the

graduailon of thirty four pupU©I Tveniy • r ao of whom wIM go to h igh SI. iiooi About Hid taa 'hera and p ritir i i.©is frum olh*r e*-h<*o!a ©tiended thepi*©eniat1*n and bIkiu! 6o0 o th r i

. Mue*L© were preaeni icii-Iudlng aom,1 rrtu. alora from out (if town I F rliaa fur pupil© aitatning (he h igh I #at average* wera aw arded rhra.*I pupil* '[ ht m©dai* Wera preaantesi by

an alumnu* Herman Haltperlti. In i he rv.vm© xff Pvduey kata who gave thatn. The gold m«iJal for ih© beat a v e ra g e u a© won by Kaiharifi* Nicol who tiad a

I clo#e aecond and third in M arlu# P ap ie r and Joaeph SaenUr

Claude I- Writ principal of N ew ton Btrear Kchoul ihle afternoon gav© diploma* tu (webiy-lwo who auct!©##- fully compieied the cour#« a t th a t achool. A Memorial Day p rog ram wa» glv'on Havenleen from |h |a aehoo] w ill • n tr r high ackool

Mlaa Theodora HkIdmorO of Rac' rlng©r High aUdreaaed Ih* g ra d a a te a a t Ablnglnii Avenue School yaaterday a f- trrntson where there war# e ig h te e n giadutle© Of Iheaa, four will c o n ­tinue a( (he Bi'kooi and *ni*r M arrlngrp In HepiemMr. whila aevtn will go to I 'e iitra l lmra©dlilel>

l.4ifa)eii© Hrhnol graduated th lr ry e ll thlB aftrriiooh. their dlplum aa ba- Ing preaeniad them by ih* p rin c ip a l. Uaarg© Hlplay IMnkham Th* claa# Usuk part in a program r*pra»«D tlng the ir regular achool work.

A playlet founded on "Mip V an W ink le ' wa* given hy the g raduar## a t the lAebairr ttchool Tha p ro g ra m Included other numbera given by o lh a r claaaaa D'plomaa were givan by tha p rlnrlpai. (itorg* 1 B rlnkerhoff lo f i f . (a#n ptjplla. *'

At ftfonletih. dlplomaa wara g iv an Ihia afiarnoon to tw an ir-th r»e g r a d ­uate*. tw*|va of whom will go to h ig h acboal

A aatliar raan w ba waa aw|Bdi#g gtah aaatloB bjr thraa-agrd n a a ta aharpa

< rapartad h it )# « ta tha palic# yaaur*

iday, tha aaeond |g i«h th a a tw o w aaka T ha rtrat waa a t aa au a llan la K alaar

t air*at, whar* • H arrtaoh A h a loat $|de I ro thra«-rard moat* aaa#. T ha vtellm I ](a*(«rday waa Lauia J. N auhargar of

71 Wtnan* aveinua, wha gay# ha loat lib® to (hraa ibaa from whom ha fira i won tid®. In parnaB t o f w hich ih a r gav* him a bad chreh.

Nauberger told th© poMca h# w ant to an auriion raaterday a t tho B agla bPow©ry on Hijraa •ir*©i. a a a r F our- taan th avanu©. Whll* thar# h i t attan* il*h * a a attraotad to ihr#a m#a la a group, oa* of whom waa holdthg a Bowapapar apparanlly h iding tha o thara Naubargor lnvaatlgat«Nl and aaw on* man throwing thre# p laying rg rd a on a board aad tha o th e r b a ttin g w ith him.

"W ahl to try yoor luokT' aak#d th# m an w ith tha card# wh«n h© naticod th a t Neubetgar waa apparan tlv Inlor* rated. Nrub©rg«r w ai w illing he la te r told th* police, and a iaite ii in H* picke^ Lh« eluitva are (Inir esnd aga in

■ ai waa flaa lls tSU l a waa |S«« ahaaJ. H i waa ■ !« » a sh K k oa lh a H ar- chanta' Nalloaal Baak fa r iba a n a a a t , ■aS* aarak la te Caab aaS alffnaS J. If. PIcb. a waa f ra w a w lib a laaS sa ae ll Tb* Riia than told N aubarbar lh a i ;f b« would Rat m art mana)' tb a r woalS opra tba Rama aRain an4 Riva klm a chaaca ta win lam a mara

N aubariar a a s t ha lafi iba braw arp a a f ralurnad a-iartlr a f la rw ard w ith Stop In raah Whan h* Rot bark tha man wara alitidlnR In lla ra o a itaa t, oppoalla tha bfawarir. Tba Rama M p raopana4 in iha atraal, and th ia tiina lha ara bacama n.ara alualYa. until finally N aubartar'i |SP0 had paaaad o ra r ta (ha awladlara. A* N rubarR ar had no mera taah w ith him and lha aw ladlara did not want hla chack, thay nioaad up ahap w ith NaubarRar, aa ha lhauRbl. MM ta tha Road. But whan N awbartar la tar want to tha bank ha waa tatd lha ebaok waa no Rood and tba alRaar of It uabaew n a t tha banh. N aubarvar rapartad tba awlndla to tb a pallaa. and L lau laaab ta Kuhn and Kal- iar want In ara rrb of iha tw lnd lari, who had ditappaarad. N aubaraar rould Riva no rlua ta lham.


Tennis Player* Sign Up for Montclair Women's Event

W ith ©ntrlaa eko#lng tom orrow far tba open tannl* tourn#m©Rt for woman Juti© 1 to I #1 th© M ontclair Aitiletlo Club. Mlaa Plorenc# Ah©Mon of Moat* o lair ha© aonounoed an ag g reg a tio n of wol! known rac^uai wloldera already a(gn*il up Mlaa Jan© Kowaoti. the Paioraon player, and Mra John My#rA #lao of that city, Mra. T>#v1d Ullla, ih* ran k in g Oraage playar. #ad Mlaa Kulh E a rr , a lto of Oranga. bava aclorad.

Mra. J. H. UcMulI©n, bow of Mott* clalr, formerly M1*a Alb©rta W#b#r of Brooklyn, and runnar'U p In ib a Naw Jeraey gtat© tournam ent, will play.Beaten taland will a«ad Mra. K redarle I>amran and Mlaa Floranc© Baillta. Mra Robert l.r©Ho)' Mra, E <' l>ubl* and Mra M. I>. BIraffIn. all w all-know n to u rnam rn l glay©ra In the rnefropotltan diatric l. hav# ers|rr«<1

Mlaa roronia Winn. Mu* Helen M>*AuvMn anil .Mlaa Joy Hanael ar* uUiar New Jeraey iilayer* ©nfer*J Mra Frad- vrU’k .Hchm.d. formerly Mlaa Marl*Brown and Mlaa llenrlettA Hruwn will ©tan. and Mlaa I'aroJln© W rlaht Mlaa All<'© .Marthall and Mlaa Hhrldon ar©I ounied on to uphold the honura of theM onitlalr A Y. th© © nterralumg rliits.

kfen ©ii:n©d up for the m tied dovjb)©i Inrlu 'l • y H Devitt. l«ean Farnaw orth ,F t'* II- llanry T^v©rl<-h. Ttougla* i Purely ih©aa woman .. .\J( H-t j ,,.', i'lyde Itamaay 'Ch* Aid Borlaiy can havaralikgie* Mill alart Tueaday at t l® o’i']o> k with (h© Women * double# la ia r In th© afternuon Tha m lied d-yublea a re achaduled for t o'clock W adraa* day and iha r;na!a for Haturday

Rev. T. M. Donovan Points Duty of Catholic Women

"If IntlM d of pr*««blaR, tM chlBR and IrMurlnR on dr»H rafwrw, llldrb- tur* and b a lirr n a r l a i and (h a a ta ra you womon would ruI down lo (ho rwot of II and oproad by oaanipU aad pro- crp t tho Idaala of Calbollo wobuta- hood. wo would ROt ooB ow hora" do- clarod Rar T lm olby F. D oaoraa pad- (ordap aflaraoan to iba womoa of tb a WaablURtoa Boalaty a t a luaobaoa la Kaot O ranpa

F alhor Doooran fallow ad Star. Dr, John A. Olllon, wbo R ara a a addrwaa crldclalnR "tho o tup ld ltr" of IcR lilatora In "aPProprlatlnR SIPO.Odd for ooramloa. but otrlklnR out of lha budR tl" a ra- quootod appr,>prlailon to r Ivo a flro- proof dorm itory to lha School of ibo r>oaf at Troriton.

I "Tou women moat roallao." ceoUBuod r a ih r r Donovan, who to roclo r of tba

. Church of tho Hacrod H -ort. BloonirioUl."thoi (lod 'i prreopto apply to you aa

I »rJI a t to tho r lo r iy 1 have boon I o fa li .it woman tuffrago. but now th a t I It lo to lonror a th ,o ry you womon I muoi conooulralo on foiilB R out o f llio i franrhioo all iho pood II coiilalita.

the ChaplaLna'0 bach to tba

Part of J. S. Barcus Estate Goes lo Divorced Wife

, Baalon team having won tw o lega on r.A.HyilC. .?ay i f —Fifty p*r c*nl. lu* Ih** ciU*. ^#Atng hororx In 191S and

t r e a a ' 1r» w'npe* forty-four-hour waak. l*l> The ttsurnamenl conllnuea to d ay rrln a ta re rn an • ®f ni«h and woman who aoU tomorrow- tiav* hacrj dla,’ harg©d for union ac-ilv- Hlea and abolition of th# ao-cal|«d **hl#ck]i#t‘" and "ap> ayitam ," ar* aoma of ihe dem anda of wdoleii a o rk a ra in flv* of a P a a a k 'i large#® mllla wb#

r lliraaf©n to a trlk e tiegt Tu*aday un|*a©Ih* *r. p’p>©r© conrade l.*ail*ra of th*Ainalgani.i t©d Textile Worker# from •New y Pris aiidreaa*(] a meeting of union m eaib-ra laai night and called for a a tr lk r vo>


Pnson for Bsyonite Bigamist IMio First Wed lodian Princess

Lawyers Condemn Red Raids As Both Cruel and Illegal

■ay th a t not more th aa iholr employ*## ftra itietnbera of

In* A m alaam aied L'nlou.

D isc u ss W a y s o f B e tle r in FH e a l th o f In d u s th a ) W o rk e rs

TRKNTO.V. Uky II ( F ) _W nyp of ImproTini; and conurvInX (ho health of Indup tritl w o rb p rt were conpldrrod to­day b.i dotoRktoa 10 tho Now Jorooy T ubtrculorJp I/osruo. T b t oMolono lo- d»y c lo u tho lw«-d«y conforonco (w Ior hold horo

"Terlnv," Mid Jooepb B. SorR of Phllodelphlo. •■•■■tint o trro lp ry « f tbo PbltodoIphlB Heollh ond T ubm uloolo (.'•unci', ’ o n f lo p o r t muot o ffer ppoalpl Indaeom ontp to labor If thop would obtain (he boot ersd o of workoro, and (hole 1' ducom onti muot Include hOdVh rroieo*.ioR. prevantlon fram aoetdenta and racked fo r their com fort"

O p p o s e s S h ip p in g o f E x o lo s tv e t

T h r o u g h S ta te n I s la n d S o u n d

aportdl dcrolM of IS, vew s.CLIZA B kTK Hoy I I —Hoyer H ra r-

lag If anpofled to the plan to iihlp th ro u g h S taten TiUnd Sound ©rplofivaa from Soulh Amboy io N©w To#k. H© volead hi# opposition, following th* r*« e#lpt of a com m unkatlon frojj# 9- L- n#«di empiain o f Ui# f ^ r t of N*w Tork, w ho aald th© K. \ du Pout d© Nam ouri CTgnipBBy w o i dfflrou# of nbiatning (r# h ra -v a r M rm ll to carry agpjoilvga th ro u g h ts # local w aterway. Hecatiaa of th e hoBoy tea tflp mnd the d a n g ir of folllalona, tb# $fayor fear# th a t diBi*t*r m tgh i t f cmuaodr

i *

TestkiHHiy Ends in Water 'SuitA |au^ Newark and Jersey City

MssfttI serritt W (*• Fm rF. r ©ATWWOSf, M sp lt.-T b*(iinM ip la

tk* n rw iyod in fi * u rt* d About a j t u •F d b p Sbo W oldmaiin © Ik upsikR CoBipaap knd N kliM kl Mil; DpoIrr f**atfknp I* r*eav*r dambRCi. frpni th« A d tiuelianon lt W ntor Comaanp sa d Ibo c U lo r s f M rw brk and J o ^ y j?Up. l« r

P a y m c n l O rd e re d o f B e q u e s t o f $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 to P a te r s o n O r p h a n a g e

PABIAIC. Mop IS.—Tho boquoot o f 156,000, made by th* tat© fk n a io r Jo h n Hlnchllff*. (o b« u#ed for lh« #r#ct1o& cf a ftr#proof building for St. Joaep h 'o OlPl#’ Orphanage, waa d irec ted to bo paid >ail«rday by Vic* C hafie#tlor L#wl# to St. John # Roman C a th o lic Church Th* church may add a n y n«#d#d ium narefia ry for the c o m p iv (ion of th* Tiew orphanag#. Aa re* qiUred by Jaw, A ttoriiry G©R«ral M i- Cran will ba the party d#f#ndaist to lb* paymfcht of th© h*qu##t. Th# mx* ecutora of *h« lat© Senator H tn ch tlffa 'a will are K^v. Anthony H- S tein , rcc tog of fit. Joaeph'a Ftoman C atholic CburoA« and Jam## Chrlidan.

gp*f*M/ kVMirf 0/ (Ar Vh'ITffJERJ(FY riTY. »U> 28 luouli Pal-Im er wa© arni©nc©d to *erv« from

(hre© (0 aeven y©ara In plat# prlooti for j bigam y by Judg© Blair y#at*rday fihortly after he app«ir©d In Bayonn© about a year ago he met MJa# M arla M#gg© of U1 Avenue A. They w*r# m arried Novrmher I after h« had em ' hrat ed ih© C'alliotic faith Not long a f te r he wa* arrrrted aa a de##rt*r from (he I'nltnrl K(at©» arm y and he Wa* also accuecd of m laapproprlatlng governm ent fund* Th* Megg* faru* ITy gav# him $100 to mak* good He w aa ientanced to all m onthi for de- ae ftln g (ha army White h* waa In prlac^ th# M©rg© g lrl’f fam ily b#gan an lavaadgatlon into hi* paai. ]|f© pnit learned he had a wife and two ch ild ren liv ing In Clevelani) who w©r* In d©at!- tu te clrciinitlanc©!

Th# CUvelanil wlf* ta an Ind ian p rlneeai. daughter of Chief T hunder- w ate r, in old Indian now liv ing in Cl«v#Und.

WA.^HIXOTON. May t l —C on d em n a­tion of tha raid* on radical# m ag# hy th© L>©[>artiu#nt of Juatir# ■# both cru#1 and Illegal la contained In a re p o rt given out by th# National P opular Oov-

Th* will of Jam©* ft Harcui. who r1l#d May I at th© hnm© n-f hi© br<ith©r W ill­iam B. B arru i of II North Nlnih *tr*©r wa* filed y©*t©rday tn N*w York. wh©r© he had llv*d li dividad th© e*tai* Into flv# p a rli, on© part going (o lt©ti}- Bar- cu# of N©w York who dlvursed hini Th© ©xl#(*nr* of another w|f© « h<s alao dtvtirred him, ^s*i *hown In th© will It gav© h#r addre*! ■■ in Valley road Mohti'lalr, and *(l|iulal*d that *ha had ril*d a waiver of all Inter©©! In th# a* tat«

At (ha Montclair aridraa# the blh©r Mr* Barcua wa* not known

Th* other four pari* of th© ©*(*(• w ant to hi* brother and nephew. Jam ea B. R a rru i J r . alao of th« Ninth •tr©©( addrea*. Loul* |[ Freedman of Hound E»#<'h. (*onn , atiil Mr* Lsoroihy Js t 'd an A}{ Cleveland

Jam©! H Ban-Ui Jr wa* aa#oc1a(*d w ith h li unci© In ro tiducilng the B uraau of National I.lle raluro , a New T ork publiihing rohoetn Th# unrl* waa praaldenl of It. Th© ■x©culorp of th a will, who lnr)ud« the nephew w*r* d irected lo conilny* th* buelnea* Th* valu© of th* e*tat* waa not given Th* la i# publlahar wa* at on* tlm* a Btai* ' f icnator of Indiana 1

w ith Ih*old order of thing*.'

F ather Donovan worked •o ila ty during th* war

H* w ,ni pu "Ir th . Cdlhollo woBPB of ih(r country would b in d thyniM lvM to « .(h ,r to i r r ic l I .R liliito n cy>rr.cl- Ip* our p r r i in l dlvorc, I iw t ih iy would be 1 ,in««r lo rrclinn w llb Tfci p r i i i mlRht lid nilRhtlJy by r r fu r in i lo lo i . ( u n ih iio rn iil (h ln n , ih inR i c ilou - iKod lo a ltr iP t Ih* unformt.1 n ilnd i ol young j»©op]( '

Tb* affa ir waa tha anou#] }uheh*o&given la the Hoiltig «vant of (h# aag- aon Father Dunovati waa Iniroduoad by Mr* T O'Conor Hloan*, th* women'* d*partm«n(

Bridge followedK d w y j Cl, Fraficia chairm an of ho# p lta llly had aa her rom m ltt' tdm utnf H KugenL. Mra Ualroaril. Mra William luUdlum.

pr*»id*ni of

th* luncheon. Mr#.

Mr*. Camtil* Ls.

H*nry r . Hoop, Mrs. gw*cn,y in,] j i r , u £,

Ih i. •’(•■dot fromI'll i(ty, Hluomfl.ld. U o n tc lilr in d th* Urange*.

We have received Umil-. ed quantities of many


w h ich h a v e b e e n o u t o f a to c k f o r a io n g tim e , in ­c lu d in g

Hilo HawiilsaW a U u n / C io lln rs

Soovenir—Ebaaa la G iteaa-K rialer

Tkt W ra*-finlll-Cw d koMil*’ t* the GlonW*’.



686 Mai* S t 379 Main .St East Orange O niifeO f m B ren lack • ! E e it O r s i^ e

ho H eller

M r. H o o te y 'i U n lu c k y D a y

Wh*n Joh» r , Hoo1*y of J7( kumnior iT in q * w ii i iK n d ln t (o *om« bu*l- n i l l I t BlOk *Tid V ,(rlon air**!* ■( noon y*st*rd*y i (h lrf iio l* hi* ov*r

a rn m in t 1. , ir u *. i!fn*d by iw i lT i ) coal from hin lutonffibll liwy*M . Th* llfBara of (h i ra p o rt,

Five Koomfield Theological Seminary StudentsGraduated at Exercises in Westminster Church

WRtir tak « n from tk t id tie ttr . w as M O lpU tid tod*}-.

i n * r Ui* D m !

Bv Spa t?l|T. —

tn o v e tkk.- c

'W<M:'taCkwi1V)l)«r4 1S«Tm an d Ja tM * Urown, Mt' tt i lc Rt tk« y n a rl kout*. lU rn tod fcotk •M m to •ttb ik li hrto ta Otn* | i s*«| •anoeneoX , ih S t » f ia a tM t. v l t t I rinaii ZMS's. '■ f‘ - it . ■

Cky ^pstsl Mwiieiiger ■'..jsff.JMd oa 0»ife of ^ Iheft. ,» r : sx-wivwvdlaMnketm«%saaMs>#«, Rt-itSAMd*

m»r: tiM /M W rc i ts r P«

N N M l iv r f t#

s & ffis ie siR»<r *©■

doclirlKR they tn la n t to no leh o o l o f n d lo i l thouRbt and D.*k* no iT R u m in t nor m y r td lr i l doolIni. u ta c k A llo rncy ( lo n ir i l P ilm tr ind W ttllim J F lynn , i-hlif of th* Dur**u of I n r t i l lR i t lo n o f th* t>«i>irtin*nt of Ju*llc*. and ■* ih* u m * tlm* pril>* T«ul* F. P o ll, ■ (•tin t S o rrc tirr nf Iwtwr. fo r "M i co u riR io u i r*-**(*bliihntin( of A m *rt. c m eonilltutloDil law In d ip o r ta tlo n p ro c tid ln R i '

Th* ilR n tr i of th* r tp o rt i r o Dm i i Roiro* Pouid and P ro f i ia o n F V Iti F r in k fu r ia r and Zarharlah Cfkafo* J r . o f in* Harvard Iaw Dchaol. Daan T y ra ll W llllam a of th* law *rhoDl of W aah . Inglon ' n tvfrilly. Prank P W alah and H w lnhuinr Hal* of iV*w Tork. D avid W a llrn tiiln of PhlladalRhl*. Jaek ao n SL R alilo ii of WaabloRloB, ( a ru a r JudR * Alfrod H N’llar of na.tlm oro. p rofcaaor In Ih* law achool of (ha IfD lraralty o f M ary land : Francla F tih tr Kan*, u n til rocaatly I'nitod StaU* dlatrlct a tlo rn a p a t Phtlad*lRhla. (’ro fta to r B rn a a t F faund of tho law tchool of th* U n l- voratty of Chlcafo ta d R. U. B row n o f Homphl*.

Th* raiw rl cbarR** that lha D a p a r t- monf of Juatloo Inotruclod It* aR«ntO to Inclt* Biambar* of radical o fR ao laa- tlo m to criminal aeilTlllaa and th a t the** *R«nti wor* Rtt.lty of forR cry tn maklnR cat** idalnat laaocant p eraana caiiRht tn raid* th a t war* lllaRnL Arr*at* w*rs mad* without w a rra n to and March** and aaliuraa carrlad o u t tn Violailoi) of th* Oaiiatltul,)en. ih s r a - po rt doclaraa. whtia lha D apartm ont o f Jua tica m alntilaad a p ro p*eao4a. tlloRally paid (or out of Rovornm ant fnnda, to Innurana th* pubito to a n opinion favorabl* to th* d tp ir lm a h t 'd act*.

ARani* of th* department ar* alao lo ri.oad of itoallnR manry and Ja w a lrp from peraona cau th l In th* raid*, a n d o f IraatlnR «om«a with b r u i ta l l tp a n d tndreancy. Prlaontr* ware coraprllad to taa tlfy BR itait thaikaalv**. tha iw port ROM aa. and cakuauakatlan w ith th a ir law yar* and trload* waa r*tu*«d tb a m w hll* thay war* oantlnid tn f lttk y a n r -

^ 4 po in k

* (h ttf *toautnirfobll*. parked *|

th a t point At 4 ts o'clock when H oolay wont to r*i hJ* e ir . w hich h*

parked llili tin.* *1 Norfolk m d »tr*fH, two block* d le lin t from

w here ht* coat wa* *to1*n h* found a lh t* f had iR iln boon on the Job m d th l* tlm* had taken hi* car. | |* noil- rtad th* poll**, who **nt out > a*n*ral a la rm with a daacrlptlon of th* i to l tn car. er*d.


w k tia s -•tWVN iRnsTtk*MM'

iM •©•slilhit ete r k i # ©•

M t*f.e«^U M

I . ©aisMTON, I t t r tS L c 4 n e rii» r l

H* MBwIngfil vgg|pg|IF tfiI m e r Ir. M m t s f ©reeJi F .

.• d s r tM W re t tk»1


m a a rd k lm s t l 4 iv tM 'M fsh H ■■'«Sepet(M ’~-

.© Itd © W t M . F M w Id teM S M ;»RI*

M tr .

l t lM le .:# M

, . a *

Flies and piitoes

are known to be Mrriere of Ija. •ase. Kaap them out of year hoifie by SoriM Doora a id Window Sertsoi

Wa c ^ wvpiy them in tiaw 3 f t • ls.' bir i ft. 6 in. np to' 3 ft. by T fast, Window Setwaon from I t iM ui to 30 in d w bigi and ntondlng in vidtll from 33 M 67 Inchsa, at r tH n oa©4Mid ;Js# than y©n m H » »iB#ida. IBnck iad f ^ t n d wtrs netting Ih n . l i i ^ ywB.otd dnofn-aai

M j M l i r i l k l

G e o rg e W . P e rk in s Is 111

NEW TORK, II fjp , _ o , o r « .W Perkin*, one of th* principal m p . portar* of tb* lit* Theodor* Hona*r*lt In ISIS, h*i *urf*red a narvou* b re a k ­dow n and may not be able to a ttend Ih* R epublican National Convention, II rap o fted here la*t nlRhi.

H r, Porhine, who la In Ih* C a ia h in a baa no orRinlo ailment, on* of hla aaaa- e la ta* aald. but It la bellavad hla llinaia raau ltad from overwork. W hile Invee- tlRatlHR war aotlTlIlai of th* T H. C. A. In Franco laat y*ar h* becam* III rrwm pn©umonlji.

W illiam M . C la rk e

P r i n t . . . r . i r e * will h* h*ldtomorrow for Wi|M,m I„ Clark* itird y**l,rday at hi* hom t. *3 parkway.

•Mr I 'ltrk * waa bora In O iford . O., and can ., to ih li city about fifty y , , , ^ « « He flrrt op.„*d a furm ihtnR ( lo r , on Broad atr**t Im tar I,, bccima ln ( .r* ii .d tn U atar* A ari- cu ltu ral Chamlcal Work*, of w hich h* wa* at oa* tint* f , t i* r i i man*R*r H* wa* a director and founder o f ih* HoaIndal.-lt.ddaW ay B *ltln ( a Ho*« lo and director of th* R lley-K lota S U nufic tu rtn f Company. At th e itm*

he w *. a lio a d trac to r of the Dim* aavtne* Bank and praaldent of th© Kdge Chain Companv. H© waa a member of tli. Maionio V eiorm *' Aia«ci#Mon.

He I* eurvlved by ht* wlf*. ihr** dauRhIert. Hlie Mary B m d Utaa Lit- Man C. Clarke, ajtd Mr* Ixiul* ,v K .m pf, and nii, loo. William I*. C larke all of th ll city, and a daugh(©r Ufa Ju lian A Brled of Oakland. Cal.'

I S ' ”A H andD rilll.the H andiest

of ToolsThey’re fer little joh* around the

house and they're the sort the ev- pert ckbinat maker* would not be without. Every drill ha* a number of rtrioui elied drill* atored away In the handle; easy to adjuit and you can depend upon their

I S 2 . 6 5 . . , 3 . 1 5


« # •

CASTOR lAV w M u t t a a d G U td re a

I n U a# F a r O v t r S O Y ear#A hvaya Mmr

thaIMgimiiri t l

U PST A IRSOut of the Higfi Rcat Diatriet

"Fhe Oajy Exdodve

Wonien’s Shoe ParlorIn t h e O r a n f M

Up to the Minute Styles For Ladies and Young Ladles

WILLOW HALL360 Main St,, Orange

W w rtly Over P fn to k ’i A rt Shop MlltRB JoaeaM ©Mm O i u t a S263

OKAWCE ADVERT1SEMENT6CARFCNTRH—firrwena ma4« a#w. ojg oao#

r#riD«d and put up Fboa© Or«#ga 4U rang*.■#11 41 Parrott d..

#A$T BBRVlci^r 0«tanb liii#t, llVAIdanOfaiifo; phone jf t l ; prt©#|# drlv©# a

Muutfaetiren’OitletSkopSAMPLE DRESSESA"sssw-toSTN;vSpicial fir TMi tatinlay

20 per cent, off our ngultr pricn on ill our mcrchmdiic. SILK SKIRTS, apedil, tASS.

OPEN EVDUNOSOm FUght (Jg Tkkv H Rvktoi


Cknner RaaidencgA m t

<M*m « Ir Xva* RMt t •RMM M t hrnm,

pvtM «iaM a M m m kpi

Chtrlea B. Rouaek JteaUor

fsw n rM a M tro M U H M kif -■".■5'C

The Orange V alley BankAnnaunceg

The Removal of Its Banking Office to the Grower Building

(hm er Freeman and Scotland StreeU

JUNE 1stThis Removal is Necessary on Account

of the Growth of Business

T m- ap k e s e d ^ l M i ' g .

, _ y h » m »

KLAVBER'8■■, » ; ■ ■

CRYSTAL LAKE PARKEagle Rock Ave., West Orange

WG BAND*^cS!iCERT®y.Boys* Band of 50 Instruments

“ •“"•* * * 5 to to ©’Clock^ J««PlBg-H «rt* MMiy-Oo-Ronnd,New

t f p ln le Urge tike, 42 aciMo th er im u ie tM a ti .

to P u t

' ■ W \

....................... J l f k ^^****2®®'W^ Rottj.

PJotl tad houMt for sale. title insuraoea. No m ennenii. Salas agent 6a prdhiiMti iftao noons ippofotmwt Watikingtoii Psrlr,"

N, J. Telephone J96II1I

^ * w lro d te M n i^YieU to President

, mJ^MCoamrn>aR«^. vLMdsr DnIvh Aft« Cowrw*-

\ tioo Accepto Prolfw.

\jrm Liw Blockid Any Strike

Make d ie HappyOIVl HBt CUT OR BNGRAVKD GLAffl

B O TW SUM *T B GENUINETIiOT* to « doabto *" , 2* ,J5

tr«in lu, th*prMtai hlib eo*i of " £ * * ,“ '*b i 9 rt» iJitkini of Cut d lij» iHiM difforMUi* brt*w"^ f«*«r « «

t)M «<tlltr'» prico- oow y«* *»“'" c R si « 'c try S i, k ».tMfiM tu m f— »T■olRMf at rtUll.


wiuiae aAaae >*•)' ** «'»—A«UrMlW»ln« ••'bMi *l'l •'’••• Ilf ftiir d « l« lo ti of to* P«» l0«» t*O * I OmI Co»*iU»0« 10 oonu •'‘•I’’ *'*«•

ud al loMOO of * olopfoc* of varfc la Mo ImO •••• oo*'®"»•••<• Tlooiao laoaady. ti»oii*oo* of tMrM No. T, dooterad kora today, ■a aatd ikai tka wUiara la rafaaiaa faatarday la eaalldof a atrtka at tkla UaM oad la aeaaptlad a aoMntaalaa. •d adaptad "tho aalr loftoal aad koa-

aiaMa aoaraa.“Datoaalaa oFka atunded tka trl-dla- Irirt aonraniton. whMti kad adjoarnad. , ■nnuad ulUfartlan Ovar Ihrlr M> ' ■ tioa. but wtra aaanlMoaa la aaMrtla* tkat H II kad B«l baaa far Iko La«ar aat thof waald kaaa aatad ta b*** «M on lha aaikraoMa aaaratara ^■ •aada la ka Haaad by tfca rtaora b Idfa tka Fraatdaatial ■■■■tM*aa Mf llaad hara by aalaa »ok*y.^ ; .^ a twaaty-aaaaa >dC oaat l»«»^ vagaa. aalaaraat•MiylrU raaagaltoak •( tka daloa kfr a ahoy aaatraat : Tka aob-aaiiMWaa alI Biaaaa la ahaada ad tka •agoiiaiiaao; SJrLi; £S5i.7.f Ukk»

i l i ^ * « r t » d t o " f» k a r * la a d w M T a ^; day al aaal waak. la lay aUaafot ajaj- L MtAtloU to tllR ®OBI|Bltoto*o WBHp ! *ni lira Itt aarard ki alaly daya altai I flianiaa kaariaat I ffa eaaidfc at waafe.I raMInd Iko aarard of tka f Maailaalaa tka bard aoal lalaara jMUila at work “aadar Ita ratraaetiaa

To bd kbiolutaljr tart ibal you |t i tha |ctiuina. ba to aaa our Tridtmark oa avtry artlcta, and ramanibtr wall tnt adoraaa—

a i ACADEMY STREETWa luita na affctr ahow ^ _

NEWARK CUT GLASS CO.raddani « ArBa*taa ftoroM

a. ta

furs reduced 1|Ua

U i i n r W r Caad. Rad CoU Etonge of Fwe

At UaraM An

n e w Y O R K F U R COCadnl Ave, Cor. Btaei 8t


No Soap Better— For Tfour S k in*" >'ban Cutlcura


Save F ive DollarsOn Y our

'Sdaralaadloa agr^ “Muta wd rMuratad bySLaWoat. wwek wlU grataat tka I warkara Ui waga «aafd*aaa aa (r—r Agrtl 1'tka Ifftsf W*n rwmfmwm —o. - ;__

ggbgUUad by laeraury *2,iba gMalMk* attar af^* ajo MtAM. waa inaaiasaasiy raJaasaAi SgrihT ^ rtoTii

' • t t b a la ta ra a ila a il afflaa ra a t tk a n i t a d U laa W wbara. Thia a g ra .n ia a t wMld hara yrarldad » ‘f •m t m m a ra r praaaat w agaa a M graoU d raaagkltioa a t ib a » i a a w ork- f i t / UBlaii. __________

ForDecoration Day


m i hm «

Qncken and Modiroom Unnarattiv

Eigle Rock Chickai md Muilirooiii FarmiEh Ic Rock Arcnne, Went Oruif e

U if» Hid bdMrtlfiil rwtlc dlnlBfhen, ontlooUi« OryAal Lake

tyaphom Oru«a 42S6 and n m r ^ Ubic GEORGE W. PERRY, Manaiar

ERIER.R.ExprcM Service to

Greenwood Lake, May 29, ICavtiiff Jaraey City

2 P. M. .g.rab Warn*. P- WwlMMn ■<** P- latti. Paiifc kao P- ■■A rr iv in g a l a r r .n w o o d l* k » .

I t i r M

r. A. WALDRONn iT » lo B I'aaw an g ar A gant

piraaa'W g^

1 to 5 Tc

\ 4 .

W .

Helps IncreaseY our Business

Buy It T oday W ear It Tom orrow

i Acquiditioo ol Gaorgi* Swamp jI By Govenunent I* Racommended jr WAHnneiOM. uar *• i»> - p™*^, awtian aa a ;I gmtiati a* Obathiakda • • “ J; *".7 1 ^ara 1M agaara ■««• *». |* an Oaargla. la rtaiMWdkdad Ip a bi |\ ImIcrI WPV*V tM 1' J b p lr a lt a r a . C a » w » a ^ » I■ H raaiaalag tlmbar f*W» Ibg ••"■P”

. J Sa laat altka tbraa 5” “ p* ,'S* Iba AtUatla aaabaard—-wtH daatjai' ••• SLaval aaaditlaa Wi** rhf «r»a Ubaa ta garp.l*ata tka*. tba auraay*‘Ai*ergaalaklla" HU kaag formad faid.aw ol Way.faaa, Oa.. t» !fWIW*a>« ____ *«**d and beoMM '

By »peci»l arrangement with the t.Tt enabled, for a limited time, to offer you thcac dis­tinctive, distinguished snd altogether tf'ff«r«nt lu ltt made of 100% pure worsted jersey, in all sizM tnd til new colors snd hetther mixtures, regularly telling at 29.50, for

B T — Puthinf stewtily ootwaid the Dmits of the terntnry your delivery syMem ctn e/fidently cover, u d cre*t- iBf new markets for your p»da.

'Enabling you to handle a greater volume of buainesa with lesa equipment, at reduced oodt for overhead, op­eration and mduntsenance.

—Increasing the efficiency of your defivery lyatou speeding up deliveries, eliminating low of time, facili- uting better aervice, ^

_^Assuring your cuttomera of dependable deltvenea,creating for you the reputation of putting the right goods at the right place at the right time, and building goodwill for your buainew.

{ S t* g,AhM. tb. trMl 'H U i * •• • 1

na i

2 4 . 5 0—Giving you 300 Daya or m«e of Awured Transpor­

tation per year.

Which fa ictuilly Iw than pment wholeaale cost 1^sk MJ jor details as to wh^ Ftdtmls an Joint conctms in yoar istte

giga««.John R. Mott wdM-A. Clark |

iCnighted in Portugal O i^r a t

, u a a o K . r»rt»g»i. u * y i i t a j . —t>* pgytilfkM . OwkWbikbbt ,b*g ■ • i b l M l b S Jjfgfi a Mbit bf Mbuttlaly, tt. J- k nibM* j

>kgr bl th* T. )L C A W *r W*rfc 0 « p * j •u. g>4 Urr*k A eufk *t ««p * ■**•,w ,1 iIm **** *rg**l*PU*a ••KalghU M th* 0*a*r «f Chrl*t I* **#• j • M ^ B with Ik* •r»k*l*p«*k kkS . 2r^Bl.b *1 T. M. c. A. w*rlt *M0.g |*^%rtSJ*tT th* klgk.#t r*w**a l*TfgMU**y> f*T Bikii ot Wiiiiwy Mr»u* r**a*rM by tk* P>rt«gw«»* bbltok.

cfc*F C w H B a

Ludhim Motor C*r CompanybUbltoM ISIS

Hahcy St,Newark, N. J.

175 Roadway,Pabanoix N. J. n V ,

In Walksa N e f w .

RubWHeelThe latent prodoct of modetn nibhar had tnanufactuie with the new featura of a dou* ble pneumatic tread. Just in poeumatlG ttree have rufdaced the old soUd com w h n the pmumatle rubber heel already proved mote onmfartdM ttiaD the eolid had. Tha boor ancy *nd Ming eo neccaaary In a oomfcrtable beetfad o b l/an urediDaJ3nfMd3 >t> of its double piwumatk: cuehloa

Aak yoor aboa repairman 'boat J9codal3U > a*

He avffl tan yon they are made tap tha awnu- bctnrm at *J0iCg|l^ Shoe l*aoe a feat wbicj fa a paaMva fuaraotae ot tfadr gnaBtar.

Bold In Hack, tan and white oeloea by a l Bnl daaa repatraiea


f^d en l Motor Tmck Company, Detroitf j

NBAsm Tos rnasB-LAST nw m yb orhonit. I I T H A N N I V E R S A R Y i l Sj J S ? - “« L ‘r t J iM s .‘e 4 f f S r ^ 5 S s r n « n : ! a t ^ ’

AT uwEST nucES—AasvROto SAniws or »:rm cbst,, Ow Ubed Ciedtt b al Year Sarrlm-Yea Can P v ^ th e T w _ W I" weaa oraw kATWHAt avmiiw wa tepa cew*n»a»*w . Z \


TUi Three-Piece Uving-Room SniteA in rra a e a n r BAia ■agw


.0 2 a d cd 3 Il>RUBBER HEELS




•yif' •

S J S ^ SrtPkRaaiwa ^ w S

^OitiKor: r •


• • • At

r t *a■a a'*'

1 .17- ,'

Aim* av Mia n m


n i / . ,t ^ P 0O | * « S SUORW aife



P r o t

f e I .

P o p e

noMh a s aa'FrayiCta hie fo) In h l i m o rn tr


an, IMl eie.<mtct I

ilrit' ACK


» r v k e t o

^ e . May

a n e y City M. .>.it p- ■■P. M.» P. M.e on wood l*h».

LDRONnr«r Aic*nt

M u h o iM ir ,




Old Gniit Record bed In Newport Vicenquiiy

Teihmony of Year Ago firoduccd « Naval Hearing of /cuacd


Providence Editor b Recnllcd»K «TER LT, n . I M.y ttjft - T V .

M c o rt. of . N .v .l L ourl f Innuiry, »»ilrh I n v e . i j , , , ,^ eid llltm . a tN««-l-ori . y „ r , j o v . r x

.u b j .r t of u .M m onyal today-. tF i.Inn of ih . Naval Cou which for in* p a .t four moniha h . i htn coaald .r- In« rb a r i* . that v i r . iB W ltcaton a t Newport w .r . rtillly of p ittlcH v h le h ih .y w .r* a n lan w l la o u t It la today'*"* t'llSl®** flaa lly

l:jiai»n n .n ry f Hyaann. the Ju d r ..d v o .ase r . i u a , , iod»y• •rrllhg' (he procerd fh u jr iha foTm«rfoorl of Inoulrv. >h„ j»ri(1 l. rm en , , , , L , , | , r t t 'ooch from O. Iioaton Navy Yard C .p talB H t-

IV 'm ''"■"J"'*' ‘ '- t i f 'o t l a n tOf Ml* H r . t N .vai ,.,aj, ,fooch waa hla J«t Lieu-

i r i 'am K M Hudaon. o- of the m .u i . - r e of the court or ia>ar a (o and

la ter chief of the in l i n e equad. a t- tri.ded the |uor-erdJTiii.

- ohii It Halhoni e d lte tf the P ro rl- de ice Jo iirn j e prlncni w litie u In aoMtOTi O' the r i i a r t u acalled ve*.' te j 'le ) at Iiie requeai oi ^ l . t a a l «eo- n- .ry of n , , \av> Hu<»e*t a„ t Into an o]'er<-ni;on e-heti a Jeer w ritten by lint tn 'he Aitoftie> a a r a l of the

oiifij ntutea on Kehruarj i t | | . waa in cod '.eii a rd the )udd ad v aca lt M -ed I, I, nc; a fac ;(ia l tnanc

b* vt.%1 K nrifi iB w hith iif ProT)- .IrurnM rE«im»4 cr*< for

h)L| iJproinn ipy a y m it wr-tw fn l»e •*'

Thiitt KdTampnr it t ipn,Tj ! a iii ab^dlui^ r * ‘hom r*pl|Pd "fn all th a t Ika^i an4 t-l llhl II Implipg I htJitve 1# a part

a l>’or ID whirh Ib^ Saf'rrt^ of th* N a \f RTif! Th# A salt'anI Ttottary of *lsp Sv- art* lovoU><1 In tu rt a n ‘1 d 'srjiri, trp ‘

■> hr •■i.-PTi rni AAn firl i k out ao fii* ■ -pfrrf^<i ro any ‘p f or r«-

.. ih - >>r.a«i*iantSr ; r F ; :i r t

Mr. . I'hoii, Mid -f.nf K* ui with- •*Jt P* tunal nr f*ptl-baij<J b v ia d s e• f n»f «lj»rfe* madr, bul hl'o tferedto ih t CO irt aU ih# iftformaUi oh (h» f in i te^ mat he had Wh aakad•whether an artirte I ti tht b^kdance Hi >r!r, Ilf M*r. ii i : i t : beadad

•'.leKn! Oh* tinii Troufi %■ prU tad ' ' I 'h 111* kfi(/« ipdfp h« at tha t U

H.%’ - you he w ai a p |. “any pnctf 'h.’i ' in- VftHy l'*partjiit. w 'lh th" full ri.-ia iPdifii i ori»pdr'Id fu id• of >*e'Teiarj D tn le li u n ia tn a l• iper-iai hran<'h uf ihp depfncnt for the apivdifl - purpoae of t-nffplitc In* Buctfht

"Abioluif^v jiont. " t a l i M R atb aid Mr Fathom aald ha m a^nabla to

add to hi I prcvlauR Eavtapj and memoranda, filed with r**-tardJciir rharirea that i b a d ^ l vU'« aquad bad been B^uilty o Improper pracUeea r l ih (he kuowJeU and ron- •♦•nt hf tha S e rra ta rr an AaalFtarii K ei'ratarr of fha N>v)

Ha addad that hka ballepk the cor ra rin aa i nf hi* dedurtloi bad bean atre.nirthenod by recant t*''noni' bo- fore the rourt but th a t bad had the knowkadae flv an to enuri In th a taitlm ony of 8«oratatC>anleia aad AM latant S o rra tiry F ^ v aU th a t lh a r v e ra co n tem p la tin g In ^ea tlfa- tlOQ. be mlffbt have lodlflad hla th arffa i In that p a r tlrv l

• ~ I f W W g A m r ^ I mn

4ST0RESM attoira, Pi. HanWwrg, Pa.

AHooea Pa. Ntwaifc

Thousands of satisRed customers! LIPPMAN'S —A big, reliable, widely known Jewelry house. Estab­lished over thirty years!


WiUDo!!Follow the crowds to

Newark’s newest Jewelry Store! Indeed! A Credit to all Newark—the finest of Diamonds, W atches and jewelry on our Perfected Credit Service! Diamond Rings from $25 and up­wards, and you can pay as little as $1 a week.

The W orld 's Best W atchesElgins, T ilth im s, Ham-

ittons. Illinois, Sooth Bends, Gruens—to d all of the world's most famoos witches, on easy tennal

$ AW eek

Pope Expresses Joy bckanelWas Not lDj«d in Plunge ^

HOME. M .r i l (jp)#®*® P®"*4let I hAP AAnt lA rr*skdsnt tSebanAt of tha | French H'piiMic a aspraaslng 'hit tny that iSa uitiAM n e t lft>ar«d i In hit plungA fffUD- trata Ifbadsy j mornlnf [


L I P P M A N ’SJewelcn f«r Over SO T u n

SacoiHi Flair130 M arket Street,

OpiMrita B a n b e t s c i 'a

Spedal 1 Holiday

Attraetiom for MeiDoit


J w ; W i l d(holccatSweeta

- ( n r N a t i f m ^ B B e s TiM eiM el D ar A aarM ilr l ^ c k a n

at .'hakaat Aaaartad CiMesiataa Dr |>n Botis and ChocoUtM! Oitr !>l#ntad Chocolate C o v ered keni and flneat French Cream Bon lens. In pleaalat direreity of an, atvlca and Rivore, att n* for Is Mesion In beautiraly patrl< ic, daeoralcd hoses, llttoaniahed

many attractive colors In par* Et aucord with ih a .^ A ..w . Int af Mtinorial Dw.f 3 S I C ICKAGE COMPLETE W BRae

Impressive Values to Honor Memorial Day

One# ai^la tho Nalkm, with Hags aitfarlad, do tha aoimda tniaMt aad the roll of drws, rtlUco her patriot# to honor her do-!?***!! *’'*’**•. ‘Ke Old SssUioropewealy tw eed to tho aaatmhiy call aadi jear and daeorato tho jnvea of tU r ew stadaa, acconUat to tho time honorH cisalom OJ« thm ronr c h m NOW while thcr are atlll la tho awicUai ItOM^how jroor PatrioUM NOW. and rcawmbcr that CANDY wffl add vtiv ^ e r la l l r to tho enjormeot irf the eetebration. Sao whot a wonMnl llm of oterlaga and Sperlah we have prepaiod for Ae grcai da;.

Our Great Decoration Day Week-End Combination Package for Fri. and Sat. May 28th and 29th

Thla aplendid Combination Package anticlpatts all of your candy rw- dnlrements. It It made up of a number of individual psekatM of selected S o^s, oil neatly packed In compact cardboard oonfaloor, wrapped up In plain paper, with handle attached for carrylna The contents are is fallows;

H Lb- ^ a Chocolate Covered Maraachlno Cherrlea 1 ^ of LOnVPOPS, I Lb. Box Butter Peannt Biittlel I W*>tlwit« Aseorted Cboeolatea, ^1 Milk Chocolate Cake, and 2 of our fUnoua 1 A U Southeni Pirllntt. PACKAGE COMPLETE

A??'cS5l.?a'SSS'eS S S ! Srturduf. Mw 28Ui.2«hCoverad t«Mufea. pi«_____ ...

pedllc In our ^34c

. KOCOLAtE w Toivtu owiLcimcAio: a coiioctton of ChocolM* Covend trca iu n s .____ _ i.^ «"»«» md lafort tbit wt StnM be «edS ? I S ^ o u r ^ ^ ^

Two Big Menioriftl Day W eek-End E k tra S p ed ab

rAlHERICAN PILL‘lA P T r j j i * « io * ____ ________ ________

GdodlJ having fifllm of UMy'’C h sp ^ Tniit jalUeo oh deli-ean,

CONPECTiONS: That famaus iHtrouily ffnlabed, gllatonlng

fiillr ' *' —JUl PMTC - ^viaaiM v« veil*The JeefcWaw MlgfatMly iMBy baatulfail | r - ^ -----

• HkH Candy <Md Ore.

l^hBt ——YT — ■»*>a“ite*ij

(SSc,]t *1 ' W ■

COVERED MARhSCHI. S. *^^**P*ESj Juat picture tbtst Big, Red Ripe Cheriiea abundant with luscioua Ant dipped In rich Fondant Cream, and lumrlowalv

renowiiwi PrtmltinMilk Cbneolata. Our regular 79c jo b * gooda. EXTRA SPECIAL Friday f i S i A andSaturdky. .POUND BOX V A aV

e5 «

Partin0$■ ■i.-i-' ; "V'-'

fd|d,fmiii Bnwnid__fpS add formod Into

>iil#fdt%lvtit)<. Eaeirw i,,,.n M r .

ra - 'n Hiiniliii IIIIIJ PRICE

-Ti.' <

'(' r- ■■


i r i ^ l $ ip O I I I I I lT „

itmmt .mi

G i m b e l Br o t h e r s32nd STREET-BROAOWAY- 33no STREET NEW YORK CITY

r«Ae T U at1 ^

D tn e l i s1 A

G im M $ [I .hi1


100 H ig h -G ra d e S i lk S p orts S k ir t s P r i c e d C l o s e t o A c t u a l C o s t

A .pectal purchiM by the S k in S h o p - S k ir t Shop's B est Stocks reduced to round out num bers—and—Ml im an tched a d e w ith a a v in o O u t r e rU e r to ehoat 5»%

" x i r - $ 1 4 . / D " " n ^ ^ J -

Five Styles Sketched—O thers Just as Smart. So—the Earlier the B etter for ¥ ou I All sizes, but not In each style.


No CnxfitjNo Appewala

C a n d y f o r T h e W e e k - E n d

Specially good and specially p r ic e d !

Big Chewy Gum Drops, a lb., 29cNow what do you think of that?

Chocolate Almonds, a lb., 59cFresh roasted—delicious chocolate. 'Nuff said!

Orleans Chocolates, a lb., 79cCaramels, nougati. creams, and hard and soft chewing centers. Really fine candies, these, covered with pure, rich chocolate.It's aiMrlnl alt right!

GIMBELA—Downrtain Btleeny ALBO—Mala Floor

A( I2.2.S


/ r

u s


Men's Oxfords at $8.75


This is a proposition which cannot he over­estimated. These are fine quality low shoes which not only sell for very much more; hut which, many of them, actually cost us very much more than this price asked,


A CORDOVAN OX- 1 FORD in tin calf or FORD in tan and | bhek kid. In tnedlum Mack. I and jn narrow toe andA BLUCHER OX- in all sizes.


500 Middies Reduced to $2.25in a Holiday Sale for Miss 6 to 20

All white middies; white middies with colored collar Ifid cuffs: regulation models plain or braided. Not all sizes in each style.

G irb ’ Serge S k irtsSizes 6 to 19. With or without wsist; navy or plaid; unusually good little skirts for holidays ind other days. $.195 to 17.50


Girls* Khaki ToggeryFull bloomers, 6 to 20, $2.75Sepsrite skirts, 12 to 16, $2 *5Separste middie; sizes 6 to20> I2J5

Special P r ices onSHOE B U C K L E S

—S m a r t OnesA dainty pump or slipper plus a pair of well- chosen hackles—the perfect footgear for 1 modem Cinderella. And them buckles are so moderately marked! *

• • •$175—Imported cut steel buckles In smart

square or oval shapes. Others are $4J0 to|4&00.

Too—Preaaed steel shoe buckles In any number of pretty designs. Square, oval and fancy ahapea.Imported solid, one-piece French Jet buckles In otrol or square shapes.

6IMBBH l iw a jn r shop—Mala Platr

R u sh ed by E xpress to R e lieve th eS h o rta g e

100 Bungalow or Cottage Dinner Sets

PRICES BEGIN AT $19.50So many people waiting for ’em— Simply nuist have ’em for country homes opening up on M onday-A n d only 100 sets for everybody. Soma of us will have to bo se tting ou r alarm clocks ahead—won’t we?$19.30—51 pc. Set of Fine Ameri­

can Porcelain In several pretty border d'-coratlons; coin gold handles Service for 6 persons.( Illustrated.)

$,'19..50 lOfi pc. American Porce­lain Dinner Set with border of tan background and pmk roses. Coin gold handles.

$42JiO- 106 pc. Fine American Porcelain Dinner Set: rich, con­ventional border. Coin gold handles. A most attractive set.

$59-50—106 pc. Fine F.nglish Porcelain Dinner Set. Typically good-looking border designs in ' this thoroughly satisfactory din- nerware.

'•1 Pc. Set ?19.50



Mr. and Mrs.Lawn MowersDadll appredato, these prices—and the easy mo­tion of the mowen.

Gimbd Low IVVet12 in. |5i>S14 in. I6J5

" G W iri B d h l M i i g

k l i In. # I ■f i f

16 iR. - - - j | -j-"I ' a a C

Thrilty, 3 Good Items (or YouS c r e e n s

.1 r.

REDUCEUlla* atyliy w

GMbal High

It liie

'•-j' .J.Mto

wmmu vp«iiai^ii«a::40lba.teacapwltyt lia.7* ::7ltie.hwcaiM«<ty. n«.l«


Window Screens 49c each

I6z33 indieeA complete stock of ell t iz e a - til reasonably priced.

Screen Doom $2.45 Up

A full assortment of aitoo— ■ovoral styles. Pretoctioii at low coat.

50 Screen DoorsSltgbtly Imptrfbct$lJ»to|M 6*'if r.

NoiManw. 'Nfc C, 0 . n.la Bring Cartod

. ' . . # 4i i i d W



rnifmi'l ■ ■'

Inieroational Law Body ; D iio ttttt World League

g«H oJ Readbf. Opening Meel- I big in Porttmoulh. England.

*■ Praiio ihe Plan.

DhTb Will Make Addreti Today

^R T R H O I'T H . Ki»el»»a M*T !• (*>• “f N illon* W*» dl»ctt**ia

■t tfc* •p M iiif h*f* r » ‘* ra* r■( U « Iw H llr 'ilB ia o<n>l»r«n'« ®»la t tn u i l la n i l Uiw A »t« l» tion . T*»■ • r l *f lU adlae, L«rd Chl*C Ju tU r* and taraiBr t lr lu ik AmbaMador to th a

'H aJU 4 a ta tiA traaidad. Thora w ara M B oratia fo ra ltn daiaeataa p rtaan t. b a t Iw a acpactad U an aa a i haoa oat r a t a rrlrad .

A M p tr *01 praaaatad In th* n a n t •d Rvaralt P Whaalar, Ma* Torb law - n a , la wblrh h* aapraaaad b»1l*f th a t Iba t'dU ad etaiaa woatd ra t r a i l f r tka

Amaflean Aiabaiaador. John W. S tv iA will p r ttid a at ip d a r 'a aaaalon, w brn tba lawa of war at aaa w ill ba itxiMiietf

LoH ep^AklAf e lMid IbAt of K4‘

U ani waa ib* hopa of b a a a n lty . Toegwe* •a—a-a- w- -a--------- -A agayllaa Bad acoffara wbo aa ld tb a t tna*■would not accemflM k a a c h . ka

aa««ld Mp tb a t if i Im la a e a a w aa not ' l a anecaad, If it could ap t e tva a r a r

a f bapa In andlna w ar, th a ra waa no allam atiTo. , ,

|,a rd Raadinc. la hla p raaldan llal ad- graia, aapraaaad tha ballaf th a t iniar- pAtloaal lawa w aold naaar r»co*ar f r a n tha Wow aira>tb d u tin p ib t w ar BPiaaa tba L#M «a • ( Nat Iona bacaioa p a aftaetlaa arpan laatlon • t l waa a ■ alaadbo lr raflacllon that, whila Iniar- pAdaaa) Ju iilta and man of hiph Idaala

r a PtrlatBd ta p ra ran t w ar. natlona a a a rr aiaana In tha lr powar triad ba a u t ^ OMsb a thar In tba a lran p th of

Ikair ^ a tk 'd a a l ln c f e r n i . But out of Rial aCrwepla had roino a p raa t apadh- M bklne documaqi—tha aovaaaat af tha

of Tfotieno.L ard R tadlnp amphaalaad tha Im porl-

■paa of tba ooMiolatlaB WUlnp la d y taa a plan for tha paraianonl court of In- larw atlanal Juatlca. Tba Laagua w eald faavad t aama w ara baroad all uuaatloa, and diaputai batw rcn aatlooB tb a t aaeld ba aattlad would ba actilad. Thara w ara tam a m attara tha Laagua could ■df dtipaoa of. but aaalt Ihara tho m oral vaJaa a t tba Laagua'a oplnlob would Bbaa Ita affoat In tha world.

Bill Providing Payment of : Back Taxes Passes House• WfAnilXOTON. May »l.—A atb a rlty fb r tb a Trcaaury to m aka fiaa l aa tlla - ■ t a t u k d trw h k h back la ia a agU m atol M tl.M d.M O.att w ill ba paid th a go*- ara ib aa t la p rerldad In a bill p a iaod

Ctr rd ay by tba Houaa gad a aa t *o ■ikata. Tba m aaatira am aada tha

lilt Ug Ikw.Tba Tregaury-f a a tk a r lty Tar OMhlng

lh a fiaa l aatllcaiant o f b ack te a alalma aa p i i i r i — •- a tto w aald ag taad to Ika fa ta ra tba bill p ra a ld l ie tb a t TTaaaayy daelalona,' bceapiad by thaM yyeyera. ahall h a t ba raepaniM. idadL

i t H t aaida by an y official or . r i . a ieap t on d abow lag of fraud

p tarla lly g tfacllng Iba tax lavy.TIM laglalBilan waa aakod by T raaa- ly afflclala lo aakbla thani to padiptly pad finally diapeoa a t p aad lae

gaaldaa tf fa o tla g iba ta x aa ttla iaaat. Ika bill would c raa ta ad d lllaaa l Llb- g rty baada a x a a p d o k a Baada to tha w tlaa a f l l l l .M I bald by aaa ladlvtd- Wbl w aald ba a x a tn t from th a Inooma aartax , agaaad p ra flU a a d w ar p ro fu j la r ia t fa r tw o yaara a t ta r tb a preola- M t l a a a f paaea. Tba aam a axomp- Uaaa aw IIM * * wegld ba g ra n ta d t a r Ib raa yaara a t ta r t t o t p raalaaM lIaa.

Mbiaaroua bilnor aiaaadm an ta ta tha I I I ! ta raau a law a lto a ra propoaad la lh a bill. t 'n d a r ona am andm aat aa t Iboaaw raallgad tram a a rr lc a t randarw l ay or a period of yaara or frum tb a aala a t p fkpany bald lo r a pprtad a f yaara

ba eam putad agalnat tba aap-•f*a r ^ a yaara ta tta a d a f ba lagpari of tba InoawM fo r th a yaar

Ik i r b M It waa collaotad. Tha affaat Ulla w aald ba to raduoa lacaaM aar-

t a i lavlaa

Rllph de Pthiui to Hive Pole At Long Indiaokpolii Grind

INDIANAPOLIS. May I t ( » ) . — Ralph 4a Paliaa, doa Boyar. Lou la C h a rro la t aad Jaaa Cbaasagna w ill ba In tb a fro a t raw . w ith tha flral named a t tha polA urban tb irty -tw o of tha world 'p g raa io a i da ta race ra llna up to r th a a ta r i of th a Md-ir.lla griad a t tha lad lan ap o lla m otor Rpaadway a t lo o'olonk Monday Diora- tBR. no Palm a won tba favorad poal- tto a by alrallag tha brick aaaoar fa r tan ■ Itaa yaalaiday a t ta m a a a a t a a a r a r - •g o tpaad of f l .d l mitaa an hour. Boyar avaragad p i l l m llaa for tha fo u r lap a Cbdvrolat'a acaraga waa 11.8 and th a t a f tha Branch pilot 11,11.

^ a d rh o ra in tha ot.rond row will ba A rt Klain riastoo Chavrolat. Roacoa •arlap and ritnn la Hill The flra t two fa tha th ird row will ba Etidio H aaroa and Ray Howard. Tha o tlirr i to d tlo a w ill ba ilfU rm lnad ay olimlnu! I«n ir la la teanorrow afiarnnun Tim jiiirlilonii a l- raady. tnaouncad ram ain fixed, a v ta tb a u rn «»ma d r lro r yet to qualify amkati boUar lim a <n th a trla la . Each d flaar inuat lualn taln an av arag a of atghty mlUa an hour fo r tan m llaa to aknllfy.

T h lt aftarnoona program waa to In- cluda p h y ik a l axam lnatlon of d rlaara . nachan lclana and ra lla t drW ara. S a tu r ­day aflarnnon Tommy MlUem. who aat ■•veru! (i*'W i^cord* r*f«n!ly on tllo baacli I t n a jtu n a , will glTe nn exhibi­tion with Ilia apacluUy bu ilt car.

Federil Reserve Bs'k Warns * Of B' gus $10 and $5 Bill*K inv YORK May 1* —Tha a tten tio n

o f hanking Inallluthina la called by th a Kadaril RtaeCYa Hack »o a new oountarfall l id tadara l r ta a rv a note and I I national bank note In circu lation

The |in note !■ on the ra d c ra l Ra- aarva Ilnck of A tlanta. It* . check lat- ta r ''B '; aenul num ber KlnatiKitA; por­t r a i t of Jackion It la daacrlhed aa a poor atraighi photographic note, no a t ­tem pt haing maCr lo color lha aeal and a tr ia l numl.cn* on lha face of tha note. The back of th - ni.ia ha* bean colored w ith a green CT-cven pencil.

The I t cola le cn Ihe Flr*l Notional Bank of Ihe f i i j .,f New York, check la tte r '1 .", fata plate No. I; ch e rlc r No. I I ; porira lt cif I lu r’Ufin It fSoRt-flbf d , Al ft fftiriy d* ■ pho to•m erhan lP il .fiOlft. |>rlnt*d oh nri# ple<*f of ft gotul 1 irrftdft of bOTwt pftt'ftT, with rhft a h i blue [ Ink Mnft» to ImlM tf ih*- rlth fiber of ih^ > f im 'in ft riCftft The poIo^ 'sik of ihr- 1ft^il hiilPl’ftTH rin th» fft'T of Ihe rinif '« i HMd Thft bftc'K of thf’ notn ti pnnr Till* rouTttrffflU wftg flrat pmiAfJ In liiMftdetrhIft.

Ether U IgnitMl at Initiation, Student Receive* Fatal Burnt

b a t o n B o ro p ;, m «.* *« ( » ) . - -Atfonio Oolnonaa. a apaclal aludani from Dan P* vado- In Ih* BUgar *chool o f lb* Loulalonc f'-int* U nlveralty , died laxt night from InJuHaa racelvod whan ha waa burned w ith athar. tccordin ir lo tnatnbara, a t Ip tuatlon caram onlca of the A ijjta rb l sigm a P rs te rn lly .

Accoadlhg to * algnad B tatam ent by d. D. Bond for the Alpha Chi Sigma IPtatarnlty, an honorary chem ical *o- aiaty. the gccldant oeourrad Monday Sight w baa Quinonaa wan prtaOBtad fur taltla '.tan . k a r t of thl* aaram oay con- Uata o f rubbing a portion of akin wIM

ir. D uring thl* aat Iba fum ea be

i r a < f a I k B V K N n r o m n r t i , i w r i A i r . HAT 1ft IM .• • ■*5fl

h a v e -IVti/i G lo w in g Q a tL la n ^ ^ ^ n o s

W A I U U K Q I ’Broadwiy it Ninthr New York SU» Bonn: 9 to 5

Sixteen City Blocks of VantedGoods at Twenty per ceita off

The Store Is closed at 5 P. M. daily

2 5 . A U t m m ^ C o .


Thirty-fourth Street Thlrty-flfth Street

A Below-cost Sale

Silk and Llmgerie Blousesw ill c o n s t i tu te on e of th e in le r e s l in g offer-

in g s p rep ared for to-merrow (S atu rd ay)on th e S econ d Floor

The models, of French and American origin. Include the wanted designs of the season

Amerscan-innifflde Blouses$ 6 . 5 0 , 9 . 7 5 ^ 1 1 .7 5

Paris Hand-made Blouses$ 1 1 . 7 5 , 2 8 . 0 0 ^

P riced b e'ow Oragii

3Ko(C ost

1 7 5 W o m e n ’ s

C o a t s , C a p e s a n d W r a p s

w ill be p laced on sa le to -m orrow ('Saturday) for im m ed ia te cS'isranee a t

$48o00The size* a r e Jncompleie, h:iice the rearoi for disposing

of these garments pt the prices quoied.

The remaining Higher-ccs Outergarments, of both foreign g and American make, have also been m^ritud

at greatly reduced prices.

(Third Floor)

Ifntlad aat tha can euntalalng ‘a lb w waa apaat. th a con tcn ia fall

l - g an Qli!P«n*A w ba w a , cnT*lapaa| H , u,gg la k a a Im m cdlatalj

|lM i,>% arnM * O ia (or W hkkyA jjj QiiiagjB Rctidsncei

(jT i.—«ix w ar- . . . . I t la ragWaatJal

‘sasaL"*y*,.“wara laaua*




PtnaiBgdaie, N. J.Announcement

Satmday.m s r -m

In I440 they tftvtW «n** w '•*« OwBms* 'nm n's t*n4*r and Mleioni ehkkcn

ndiir■n vafflt ansi'* . trtval fba

Spedal Saleon Saturday of til •ilk Gsor-gelte, 40 inchei wide; 1.70nUeolois; yird . . . .

R. OELKER’S Millinegy Store


(V ith the exception o f • Ifew priee-reetrict ed ertld ee tad our tep irate c«log etocks)

Holiday goods, Summer clothing, furnishings for tb Summer home—goods that in normal times are never redued in price in May. This advertisement tells but a fraction of tfe wonder­ful news.

FoUawing Our Usual Custom

The Wanamaker Store

SaMuday at t JO In >a Aadllorlnni

arlD be doeed iD diy

Next Monday in Celebration of the Old Soldien' Memorial Day

MemorialConceri and Unuiling of

the Got StarIn honor of ilxiaoitrannmgker boyi who

live tbelr tlx** to tbtleoonlry In ibe Vorld War.

Sports Shoesof all kinds, white and tan, for men, Women and children—less twenty per cent

Male Chorus f Fifty VoicesNorthern Lod(*. Ni25, F. and A. M.

The Crest Orga—Brass ChoirTwo tnimpataJiraa FVaach

homa—baboaaAdmlulon by cotnplanurv tielwt. which

may ba aecurtd by ippntion it the office of the Piano Silona, FIrrtillery, New Bldf

Frocks, Wraps, Skirts for M isil4 to 20 Specially Priced— and less 20)er cent.Sflk Frocka, S39.7S, $45, $49.50 and

$59.50—less 20 per centOur $47.50 to $69.50 grade*— frock* of

ttffett, pliin *nd betded to give effect of be­ing dotted (model i)lu*ir»ted, $59.50). foultrd, and Georgette crepe over »ilk of a contrasting color. One model is of pl*in fnffeln effectively combined with cre»m colored eyelet embroid­ered batiite. Stunning silhouette*.

Wraps, $29.75—less 20 per centWrtp* like the*e—of ■ »oft woolen mn-

teritl, lined with foulard *ilk, and fashioned in model illustrated—are decidedly exceptional at $29.75. Tho deduction of 20 per cent makes the price ridiculously low, $23.85. In reindeer, Copenhagen blue, tan, or navy blue.

Annual Sale of Young Women’s Skirts

$5.75, $7.75, $8.75 and $17.75 are our sale price* for skirts of our $7.50 to $37.50 grad«.

W h it, o*lt*rt gxharrtlna ortr*l*lln^ toIIm and ih a« r a tn p a d muallna; ali1p ,d nannalA f ^ u * tiNUta-mai^Ml apart *nka ara th* m atarlala. Sm art model*“iTarr *klrt la ganaronaly preportlexaAj^ tailor^. W’alatbanda It to I* In : Ungtha (SS to It In.

EXTRA — Gingham Froci $10.75 to $59.50—less 20 per cen i

Sacond floor, Old Biilldlnf. (To* gtrcaO

Boys’ Clothing rieduced — and off the reduced prices yqu take 20 per ca it

472 Norfolk Suitsttiea T to 18 yaan

$47.50 'to $55 suits—nowand $42.50 suit*—now and $40 suit*—now and $32 aultt—now

suits—now..................$16.75—il l IcBB 20 par cen t

78 Student SuitsSltaa 81 to 88 chert

$60 to $75 suits—now $55_ i e u 20 per c e n t

Blue flannela and unflnlshed worstadi led fancy caialnier* mixture* All flaw 1920 iprlni model*

210 Topcoats and Reefers—below cost

Slieg 8 to 14 yeanSeveral price groups, rtngUii from Ipae

ijthat were $16 75—now $13.50, to tlioao wt V«re $35—now $25. Twenty per ce n t onms pff these reduced price*, too.

$50 to $60 Topcoats now $40 each—less 20 per oeit

* These are for the krger boye, aliee 32 to 38 Ipheet. They are all we have. And migSy gooiil at the price you pay. |

ThM fleer, OM Itondtog.

Carload of J^icyclesJust received In The Sports Shop. Regular stock bicyclei, br men, women

ii) .boys, girls. Every one guaranteed for one yen). $42.50 to $55—ess 20 per cent1 B erttag tox A n e d e fleoriNew BtdldiRc. •

To the Man who

P a y Less forAt $50^-Less 20 per cent.

These suit* are In the Burlington Arcade Store. Th3y are part of the purchaae that came to nt from the makar. who had an accumulation of atock. Worsted*, caiaimera* end tUnnel*—

wants to


made in the Wanamaker wty, and made to sell at $65 to ST$.

At $45—Less 20 per cent.The remainder of the lame purflhaae—pn aale in tiU lo y r -

Priea Broadway Stora. Suita that war* made to tell at |S 0 to Ito. Good, aubotantial loita in which fabric q«alHy laarM tho ImaglBatioii. * . * . ^

• ■ , • ' ''' 1

Extra—93 prs. White tr o « ii i% 4 ft iy ^

L.i-Y. ■«

. 7! 'P.'

l | i

dBti Iraar-c f k k o t e i o t h ^ a B d f t i t o r d l t V t . iFi

dtghi y«B wm(ram iara/tbf^R .imrar ( w U ' is ti

g*ia tag xbl* ere: wuurxgxuaiB XI fxxturxx, IIM xlx nxtgbly

Any U*M»*«r lb*

N*eu— Sxniflp*' ncfBlflg.''MUdumI Bing* »

*p,fw* I* f«IMII R,ir* a*rk*TPMgl*'*N*rth*rii '•t«ma*t rhaxg*, i»r. Pt

wh•rty boxS tat nt*a

Utartr Mix. *1

M.M; nr M.I4; IM Its*; Vic •1.1*.

I l ls —Dth x Ii

i t t M t a'*• «g(pie-h*l| ■We tS XX* B« txlax •

■agxiiwrtt o'itbcpvi Tb* e]<

BUSII la xatlc xra *tIT •Up*xppTeil rnxa

II* X.r

•S.Tf: I l!.« . V M.S4.

Tbi r«amor* xrtlir ^ k e t la

Ajax tu b b Alitks GN JUitoaJiMAltaaxl.. AlBxCbxl., Ab . EcciSi Aa. iMcb Aa. Cm I A a -C tra i Aa.C rt 01 Aa. t)tX|S Aa. H .a L A a .H .a t Aa. k *... Aa. lai. C< Aa. Liaan Aa. Lace... Aa. Sblpa Aa. SailL. Aa. fin l 1 Aa. Siftr.. An. Sigir, ] Aa. Gtait Aa. T. a 7 Aa. Wm Ib

Aab-......Attk. J!|...All. Com! LJA. C. W, 1. TtM Lm »... Bild. Loco,B. a 0.....F.a 0. p,.. fisatll Ce.. Brtk. Uclae B«fc, Elnl, B*rtk FU m Btn iC *p.a *C xl Fk U i Cm . Fic._ Cm L Lm Mi Cm . Laxlk., Cm adi Fa CkMdlcT Mlc. a 0__CftO .W .„C. M . iS L CM-dALF., c u t Ntai C R k . L Ac jL L a r. 1CUk Ceyya C h ta C s^ c f t o u ia s Oft a ix - . Cm, Ota--Cm * L tVrCaeFiua....


h ta fo

n * i

0i**M (li]OtitaflL I OiM* Ota Om w Gm . (


L a x .x - ...MaOitflUR.M a.rft-.,..MaalC8|4w.matisSMtaHtMhSM.


H* PMi—«w.f.M* y** fr.« Kft Atota.,.HrtrOtaaO*M.T.O»aiil., ii.ir.s.ii.*ii 'tt*a Bta——. CltsCMmOertf f 0 * f •

■ .4 ' :

9 t o 5

D f f


i n t e r


y t whoVorld


8 U « « 0

g from W » th O M w t

r c r a t oe iM


latt \p e r o e i t

m, iliM U to And migBy

l e n , w o m e n

2 0 p e r c e n t

r IM ld la s . •


14 Ml;^

W all Street Stoci Market!*■** lawM* *SUM «4 ! • - I

• • • t f« iM k t tk* op«Bl*s ef iBday i •Wkk n » rk « t. Rkperta th a t tu rtk a r • • Id te p a r ta a ra lrn»an4lBt aad (a»*r- akia eao) kraaBarta. v a ra aa iaaa tha ' • • • ’• '• • IB # faetara. k iaa la aaulp-

**d *lla w ara itaa o u ta ia a d la i ^****^**> fc** Uaifcar and food apaelal-

aiao a tra a tlh a a a d w ltk r a l la 1 natakly Raa4la«, A tohlaaa aad Na« Maaaa, T kara v a ra ao Indlaatlana o( a a t u a aad laa ia a t la iha m aaar n a rk a t ' o»ar tka v aak -aa4 . I

Naan—A a aauaual a a r la ir ef atocka I k an ir lp a tad la iba fu rtk a r rtaa ol (ha j

■faala, aq iilpnan ta and olla ' '•«U a*ad to I .ad (ha v ay . v l th ahip. Bln»a, B o to ri. u til l tla a eap p an and rood apaelaltlaa. B alram a calna of I * » «na4a by Mei-

**airatrom, A fnarlran Car. Haakall• B arkar, ■ tra a b a rc . Untiad F ru it aad

0*»- U alaa Paelfic. Grant , * 2 “ *ra aad K av T ork n a a tr i l va ra aaaBOat am anc Iha a tr a n fc r ralla. iha

I **0*f iraB aportatloB i alao improV' '»#- Prleaa aaaad ir ra fu la r ly bafora

• I ’r a tradlBA baeama dull Llb- «1F baada ahewad no m alaria l ebaB (r.

“ ® 1 -« 4 ob roar tad alidhily U h a r tr bond prleaa a l n lS v a ra

flral da »».la, aaruod ta. Aral 1714. aarai.d 41aa(bird tH i. »a»a. fourth « k i .

t i l l ’ ** *• Vletoryv a ra a i lav abb dur-

i f —5* '■••r">o<itna aaaaioB. tba aiBall aiia«daaca of mambara ob iba fJaor of ' ^ « ^ » a « a ra fla e tln t iba m arba p r ^ a l lA a y tosa. U eta r apaolilMaa

” eaalar of lataraat, I tro m b arc V a«naio f ita ad lB g tbalr

kalBa of tha morniBd ■ugBr aharaa waakanad la ta r oa ra-

porta of a cut in tha raw produot. but n tbarv laa (a ln a wara bald ar a ttaadad Tba elaalag v a a a t ro a t

OualaaBa oa tha a i rb a n fa v a a light '■ hktlelpalloa of tba holiday but laad- •ra of tb a Induairlal and railw ay rrau p a mad* addiUonai a d a in o a t Haiaa approalm aiad baa.opo Ih a ra t

F laa l LIborty bond pricaa wara:• liA II T(: firal *• H od, aaroad ,4a

•4.40; n ra i i ^ a . 17 14. aarond 4lta. M.TI; th ird 4ka. 1100, fourth ak a .• J.d4. V leiary I k a 14 04. Victory 4ka.

JIH **H «M IT 16K UM t«

r b i t r A m tp . . . , .•T tana OU_____niladalpblaC o.. r .* W .V .R .R .„|l ay Cava.----- --Pradlag______ _F aa le fta a Typa.R a p I A t M l - -Rcp. Mat Truck..P D-.N.Y........... U 5H IW K l i m U4>«9 .U * 8 . r ....... ... M X U ) i i i \ i t* H

10 9 )i*3 n v i t i n 93U t lM U 411^ 40M 7 S k TOH

MMlOM 10 4 t« M « W


H ® W A B K B V i m H G M A T 1 A 2 Q ,



f i m HirtvaFIrtW r O il........Poalk, r a e _ , . _ ,Fa.K y.................S B v tn W aiaan..Fbumbatf Car...tb id a ta te . ...... .Taaa.Cappaf.......T bm C a...... .......T cavaM radic—Tatvera F iad-._ .

ITatenBajM Pap.O alaaO U ..^ .....Ubiw Pad ic..... llTla U«M ll^M liSM Ualoa PadCc.pc. 6JM MM MM U MUn. Anay Slaal . 4J 4J 4] 41 MU nK adD rui.... I N 12J IN .......Wahad Plait----- 102 MOM lOOM .......0 « , *y. l a _____* IM fUd PataUttoam, TTM T4H TIM T4m

U.S.PaedPivd.. 6SM MM **H 9*H

U •JM MW 41MTJ MWlOM 41«w4914 M



T l*« M10«*M< i «*TM15

Tka ra a r a of today'a pricaa for tha Itio i lit thi ‘ ~

with II a furnii

a n . la f lv tn balo —T oday^

ra acttva aaauritToi lit the N#' m arkal la ooMraal............ ...... ....... v llh Ihaoladlna yaotailoaa, aa fu rn n h nawB by Pant A Fii

TarkI praTtouaad for Iha

A>w kabhm. - 6* 69 teAMtha Geld—... IH IXA lte a Jn M ,- J } } IH 3!IAlteChal..... ... J4H 3AHAlkaCkal., pa.... TS TS TSAm. VamS^pv.. *1 91 91Am. Batch Mag. UT lit 116

P re r 'i Low Clot* Clo««

m m


V .S . I U Al....... teX 15 16U. S. R. ft Ib .. 55 55 55U.S. Rftbbv___ *5X « X »dk 95V S. K«b. Iftt.. lOTX 10>X I t e xu S. S4*do.__. ♦3*1 9d *3XU S. Stod, p t . „ l u v lOSX I06X tOIHtiifth ___ 31X TO 70 70XVaasdivn C ew ^ 7»X 7d 75 74VL-CanJina 7*X TJX 73k JdHWsbsah. ............ 7 4 J k L'X 7XWihi*b,p,. A___ 2d 2J TJX 2JWcsttiif housa. d m d ix d lx dlW h«l Lk, fin*. _ 10 10 iOWhiia U»tan.,. 5] 52 X SJ S2XW IDys-OTfilaBd.. 17H 17 X 17k 17XWilson Cdk 6d 63h 6d 65 XW cnh.Fubp 67 65 X 67 M X

* 1 ^ diiidmA IE*. itifhl.

XKW TOME. May II < E ) .-T k a a v t- tOD m arkot v a a *ary ta la t du ring iv* 4ajr*B aarly trad lag v lth Irragu lar n«a* ta a lla n a Tha opaalag v a a ataagy a t a daollaa of I I palata oa M vaanboti but gobaraJly uaebaagad to 11 po in ta h ig b ar on furthar aoallarod aooaring . T radora a r ld ta tly fonad Mllla In Iha a a v a to Inaplra fraah com ailtn aa ta o f aky iB iportiaaa on tbo t*a of a th ro# , day ad journnan t. but Iba bailor lono of tba atock m arkat had k auatklnlng In. ftuanca. vh lla •om« tred« ri quwetloowd w hether e bullieh offlelel <^on<ll(l»n r e ­port h»id hem fully dUeoutited. A fte r •o llin# t i I t 4 | 4t the e te rt O rluber eeeed off jo l | le, but U U r rellled to 11.19. or ibou t I pDlala net h l# h er

Two more privet* coe4inon reporie I w ere ieeued, on* of them pleclav the cenditten e t M, while the o ther m ede 1i l i t end pointed to e eilffht decreeee In the e c re e ff Theee flforeg w ere w ith in the re n te ef recent report* end fnlleMl to eilmulet* the m erhet, which rem nlned very uulet eround m idday, w lih e n iv f m onthi rulin< wlihln e few pointe of left n lfh f* clo iln f flfu rea . Reportii from Fell Hlver eetd bueineei had been very llih r d u r le i the weeh bu t th a t m en u fac tu rtrt wet* fe o irn lly m e in te ln in f prireg

The m erbet wee eeeier during the early afternoon under renewed ree lle lne o r liquidation Juty eold off to 9T.I9 and October to 11.11, or about t l to 19 point* net lower oa aa Idea th a t bulHnh cordMion ftru ree had been dlecountod end rejtereted report! of unaeltled oon- dlfloTiB in Japan

T o iro r—Upot. quiet middling 49 90

WageMinimumof $ 2 ^ 0 0 j ^ yorkproouce market Imperative, Jewell Says

S u re D e d iio n W ill B e A o-

c e p ta b le O th e n v i ie .

B a r to n S u tp ccU U k im a tu n i

B uuar—P lra ; raaaigta. I,*11. C raa iv . ary. higbar lhaa a a lra a M M O d l; eraam ary. a itraa III aa«ra). 4 tM * d d :

I f i r a u I II to II aaara) l l A l f ; pawktagr W L » * D I J r •* D ' curranl tnakt, Ka I. 4 * M # 4 lLTecJkrei K il l L cA d eri C t n t B e i r c g u ia r ; ra«aipiA t i . u L

m oraga packad. a i t r a f lra ta i tU V a d ia i f ira ta 4IM 94I: fraah gatharvd . a a lr a flruia. 4IM «44H : flfWU.atata. PaoaaylTanla an d aaarl , __arn hannary whliaa. A n ta to a i t r a a , 59 V II; a ta la PiBaiyW aala a a d a a a rk y baanary brovBa, aatraA d lM # 4 l ; da., gaiharad braw aa' aad m laad oolora, r ira ti to a itraa . 4 | glTM .

Chaaao—W alk : lacalptA ! .* « . g ta tA w boli aillk. fla ta bald, ap«elalak w k ita aad calorad. t l g l t , do. a a o fd g a rwa. Id; atata. vhola mllh, f la ta e a r r o v t maba. apaclala. wkita aad eelorail, | I M • I l k . do., t ra ra g a ruA * T M # * T a .

Poultry—Uva. alaady; o ip roaa k ra ll- a r a 4 I • I I ; fraigbt d o . T l^ ld ; fo v la . 19; roo ila ra II , lurbaya 14; draiMad. aaalar. Waataya fo v la froak. I t S d l M ' rooatara, fraak. I l f l T ; o tbora ■ « . cbaagad.

Polatoao—^Flrmi iou tkara . aaw kkl-.I b lO l7 49. Baraiudi do.. I I M ^ U .M ^ I '^ b a g a a —Flraa: Iou tkara. c ra ta . t .M

R i c e D e c l i n e s t o A c c e p t

G a n n o n ’s P l a c e u D e l e g a t e



Th» fotlbwiAf ouitntl«n« w«r* furtbl»n«d bf Put! u d Flnati>p«n HLfh-


11H U IIW i»W93M 93H

d».I)f«|Sys__ UA m .H .tL ...... 19Ap. H .dL .,jr. 9J)Ap. Ica........... 44Ap . lab Clip_ tS)Ap. Liaaacd OIL I6>Ap. Loto—...... 9SAp. EblydCop. 20}Ap . SpalL...... 61>Ap . flat! Fdya.. J9>Ap . ..... 12TAp. Sagw, pc__ lOSAp . Eaatin__ 19Ap . T. a T___ 93>Ap . Waalpi___ 9SAaataedi--.... . Sl>APb-............. - t lAteh. pi.......... T4All. Coaal Una... tbyA. C. W. 1....... 164TtMLaca......... 116Bald. Loco, pa... 99B. A 0 ............ 32mF AO, pr........ 42M « 41 41MBaotti Co........ 136 126 116 126MBalk. Uotati..... IIM 21 2lM 20MBath. EPtl, B— 90M E9M 90M 90MBoalk rUiaHaa. 9 9 9 »mBitliCaT.AZlH IM * 3M (‘ Cat PacklBf TO TO TO 69MC«. F i t—...... IITM 1I6M 1I7M UlMCiBl, Lpitp — W 65 65 H 65MCap. Laith., pc— 101 lOOM 101 100Cana da Fpaa— 96 46 46 45MLkakdkt kiaPi. U4 U3 LU UlMC. A 0 -------- ... 34M *2M MM .......CkLO.W------- TM TM 7M TWCM. A ELF.. A« >4 JIM JIMCM .*Str.,F .. I I 49M 51 49MCkl A MSpm... «J aoM S3CkLk.LA r... 39M JSM 3*M 3SMCJLLAF. T p.a 74 T4 T4 T3MCUMCfTjir---- 1AM MW W lACktoaCappp.__ JIM 32M 33M MMCAOdiASIfa. SSM 55 55M 54MCU.AIa-------IJM a w MM 33Cik. Ow,.......... a iiM tiM IICiM.LC;tM.. 14M 14M UW

.....- «W »«M *9W 94WCncMaSlpL.... WM U4 134 UJM QAkOMfcpi. 50W 9A 4* 4«MQ*apaSkH«- »W »M »M »MCiWUg».|gpr. SAM WM SSM SSMtHe-AlWO. F - MM 10 lOM lOMaw — ------liM UM IIM IIMF iB sen^H U »JW WW »3 TIMrtenm p.* ,..* lo m m jo mwIM aW Jk W - i iy t UM UM

Ofc_ MS 144M Ml 144 SkB,l|g|pg----- 3IW »W »W 3TWe M e * ( iir .> . s i s i as os

»W »M T4W «MM U h » ISWai JOM low J iAT S3 SAW A4WMW MW UW UWWW ww W SIWw n S3MW M 13M u “

HIM MSM UIM 13SM ig W i.aM ..- . 31W »W Jiw 31

. a ^ F - MW MM MM ......MW U UM UM»* »ow n w n *w »w *w .......

WM M UM ___«W «W WM ___W W W

XdMME— « IS 3SW U » HId F ^ a T itO . U 3SW 3SW MMu ta ^ y o A f^ .. 41W ww ww ......I d r tM rf ------US U t 136 .....L |N . ; - . . , J l d o WW MO M iM itM t- . MW 3SW N )i Mo. F i t . . . , . - , i w f m m . iT« Mm iIC9|4f - . 30H |0M ww WMWiSdltSMp Q. MM MW m m 3SMH W yihSM -. «M W WW WW

,IHa.*M,L>p » , U jUW U 13 <H.JUkT...— «w A SM A fw

Am Wmcit A ft«r g* Am T a T e»t 4*Am T * T eit |« Am T a T cll Sa Atvh fen «•Afcb fe4J; s» FI! Alcb evi Sf IIM At I, cit 4fAt CciAAt f*ln« l«l 4m

9 O. fpR MD * o rW !•K * u pi iu «B. A i> rvt 4 *1 B«th 111. pur m Am H*)h 8i»«l r«r It BrMCtrn ('oppvr Am P Jt. T 7b i l l ]('•nt [vauhBf Am t'«n( Fmelflc 4m Che» A Ohio coni. |« rhea A uaio rvi t« rtiMM AOhIo rrt 4 Sg# Ch*B AObio f#n 4Vee Chi H A Q. K U i'fal.n Au in di^ 1 wiChl. U A g fMM «a cbl nt w*Mt 4m Cht.,11 Ahi.F. fMa.AM C M A i t y rvt 4kM rt'l A K W. fvn. 4t Chl A S' W fMn. Im Chi .It LAP. f»n. 4i C . It 1. A p r«r 4m ChllM Tm ChliM rit 4m Cni. InduatrlaJ Am CoTtB. line- rvt. fs. liMii.Aft.C pomw, 4m P A K. O ref Am£r»B gi. « ! .............tCriM cee. 4a .BrlM evt, 4m A .,,, hrt« 4'vt. «■ 6 Srfe rv t 4e D Bud. A Man rMf. Am III. rant. 4m. ] | | |It) Cant. lamp, ie Ini. Mat. (>i. SUM Inter H T. ref. la . 1ml Mer. Mar. 4a . K . C r ft. A M 4m Ken. C. fto, fmI. Am LaliM Ihore |M i U hlfh Vfi. cTf- le. Llffeti A Mrere f t. Louie. A N. unt* 4a Midvale Iteel M .Me Fee. pea. 4a H 1 . Cent* ieb U N. A W. Mvt. te fp KT.CeftL ref, 4U «.. H. T- CeaL een* 4i. , K. T Cent. fan. |U t .N y. Raiivaf 9*.. N.T.Tel.Cakff.Att .M. T* Tel. C«. 4 tea M. A W**t. pen. 4e , Ifor. Paalfle 4# • . . . Ore 9b UneLref.4*. Fee. U. A nee. I Fenna. fen. 4Ha renna. fen. 9« .. Fee^a’f Ona ref. la Fere Mar. let I*.F* Larfllard le .. A»eAlKf fen. 4e .

i ArreAu ef fla JffV fFFEKHOLD. May II —Melvin A. Rica,

Frealdent of ih* I re tf Roard of K dura- tloR nho wita d*fimt*4 In Ihe reren t Prenldentlal prlmarle* In the Third Die- I n e t for d fU fa i* to the Rational Demo- cra tfe ConVentlea la Aan Franclgco n es t m onth today admltlad that he deolloed to ecesrpt an lavltetlen to tak« the place ivf one of the delefe taa * h e offered to w ithdraw In hla favor.

The offer caitie frent County Claris Bernard M Oannan of Mlddleeai Ind i­rectly (h roufh Iherlff Oeran of Mao- m outh. Hr Rice oiplalned.

Thera waa a Ihree'oornered f l f h i for ib Ih* Third Piotrlet. the o th er

rnnd idate bein f fen a te r Thome* Brown of Forth Amboy, who flnlehed h lfh man H arry E Newman of I>aliewncKl wne elected alternate In the dieirirt. and In The evMfit of Ur Oanaoe'e fn lllnf lo fo th r honor w|)[ fall lo Mm

Effort* were mede todey to raarh Mr Oannon and Mr Cieran The la lle r waa out of town, and It wn* *atd he would be at hie home In Maiawan ihte a f te r ­noon Mr (Aannoh it In W a*hlngion and l i not eipaclod bach until to n lfh L

CHICAGO May t l ( j r > ^ t ’Mona (he R ailw ay lab o r Board f ra n ig the de- ntnnda of (h« ehop men tor a a a tlo n a l

I minlRiuni wayv which would ‘*pay a , m lptm um of IS A99 a fea r with an *lfht> h o u r t i f f for rommdfi labor." tha om« plOfood' reprrMentatlve* cannot fu a ra n - ' tea th a t iha board'* declalon will bo A coeptatl* to the men. B II Jew ell, a o t in f preetdant of *tbe ra ilroad em - plofoa* departm ent of the A m erican F ed ara tlo n of Labor. Ivellfiod before th e board today.

U r. Je«# ii al*o dcciarrd th a t the board ihou^d art on ih# national a froom en i* «n(«red Into betw oen ihe ra ilro a d adminietrailon and ihe ere-* plofoa*. a quaatloia which iKe road*^ had declared did not properly come u ndor Ihe board'* Jun*dlctloo a t thin h e a r ln f

U r. Jewel)'* teetlnony b ro u fh l a quedtlon from R Id. Berion. eha trtaan of tho board, aa le whelher he waa “ leaa ln f an ultimatum to thi* board or try ln c to dictate to U a* lo ih* A*- ria ion u should make.'

U r JewBtl Mid Ihe employeeir’ rep- feeantative* w ire not In eriy way t r y ­ing 10 d ic tau

h ^flH 94% 14 1414 1491^ 171*411* 49



71ii« !i‘


»lIp.________ pi. 4* ..A L. A A. r . wL l i S* L. A A F. eS). *e A. L A A F. 1fic*9a • t Idr A W. oea. 4#ieabeart edJ. le ..•e. Far. «W. I* ..■a. Fae. rvt. 4*...te . Fao. ref. 4* . . . . Ae> Fae* eel. 4a . . ,

Rf- leT9

Ae. Ry. tmL 4ii f f i l S 'y ? n * ‘•isTklrd A j^ a d j 9. J * ! « V } |Fm I.i «■. 1? fl t|i* ,}Vblua Faa. «»t. 4a. i t u n u f f n u

iff 'i.** ill ; l i *« ;«

L . & ' I . : i l k i I j l IU S i a '^ . t r V * ? ; 1} 11’* j 11’*Wltaaaea ay j,^ ,, j l k Ilk, III* i i

I i Sb . A p l , F —. Cm . f ».

iMiiiaa-U b f 9 F i - « » J a H i r C a . - I m . Q tjS9k...lM .C le S « v F -I O l9 jW h M l- .

M o r e P U c e s t o B e S o u g h t

F o r A m e r i c a n i z a t i o n W o r k

The need for more A m arlr*nliatlon cla**ai in varloue part* of the city hna prom pted Arthur G Balcom. ae- elatan t auperlntandent of ichoola to p repare a prorram which he will *ub- mit lo The Board of Education, eeh- ln« for Increaced facllltie* end rnaet- Inft place* for tha work Mr. Balontn lold thM pup(l* of lhaee claeeee et Ue- m orlel Day eiereltag In the Charlton Firoet Bchool ree terd ty the t tha New-

I ark aeotion. Council of Jewlah Women, wee raedy to aeiebllvh new cleaeo« w herever tha board daelraa.

*^he True Educetlon«^tba Art of L iv ­ing '' wae the aub^ect of a talk by Ur* Addleon B Poland, dean of h lfh school Alrle. who told eom ethinf of her w ork am o af lh.a glrla and of the relation of the teacher to her pupil

John C McLaury, principal of the C harlton i tre e l School, and Mr* E lm ar EckhouaSr obalrmen of the Amerlcanl- •a tlo n work of the council, also apoka D o w ira aad plABti were praaaniad to tha taaebare of the claiaaa h r th e ir puplU A goclal hour took place a f te r the aierclftaa

T w o I n d i c t m e n t s R e l u m e d

I n S u g a r P r o f i t s C a s e

N «W TOKK. Hay t l (E l —Two In- dletflioBti Tharflqg p roM t»rlB f Id ■ug ar v a ra raiurDad In fed n a l ro iirl hara today Oat Indlctmanl rhargad Iha E «ationy W hoktala Ororara Com- pBBy BBd.Abraham QIadaiona ot Chl- oago V lth harlBg aold la Naw York on Hay 1. D .I99 paundi at tw ynty-four oanta. Thay ara allagad to h a ra bought tha augar lor l i l t eania

A nothar Indletmant ehargad D. O. N attar of N av Tork and Uorrla Spirt of W atarbury . Cvaa.. v lth hayliig aold a t 34 H baata a pound, Tl.dTd pounda of ■ugar. whioh It waa allagad coat tham laaa than nlnalaan eanit.

C o m M a r k e t H a s U p t u r n

O n E x p o r t C a l l f o r W h e a t

Um)' JUJFl -ArilVM r lp o r t dem and for wh*at brought about h igher prIcMM today In (h« corn murdiri. rtot • w lrhetM iidlni beerlih n««M reg ard in g corn European bide fur wh«et w rr* sa id tn hr e*v*n cenie a bushel h igher th en yaefBrtiey. lender such rondHione, th e feet that iha supply of rallw ey car* trr (.h* rorn belt showed an Inrrveee end th a t riiun try loedlngt f'f corn ware iai-grr had noly e trenslani d*praaalng Irkflucrkr* tipenlng com prii a* w hb'h ran g ed from % lu 1 \ lowar. w ith Ju ly 1 4T 11,1 ] and Heplembar 1 14 loI wara followed by e rapid u p tu rnlha» r e r r k d .fuJy arrd Neplembcr aharply above ye*l«rda> B flnlah

Mata hardened with rorn A fter cpMnJng unchanged |o lower. 1n-t-)iid!ng July at I tS . the m arket sagged a li ttle furthar. acd than ecorad soma- th in g of en edvanrt

F*rovls1one w«ra Ihective. ow ing to ab een ra of demand Quotetlone ev erac* lo w sr


N«W TORK. May l i tIU paptr, 7H E irhaog* . h a a ry Mlarling. ilily -d*y bllja 111(6 oam - m arrlal a lity-day blllj on b u k a , • 1*1,; conrnorolal a lily -day b llla I I t - domakd. IM ; cablaa. I »di^ P>*»ee! domand. U.4I; cablta. I t |« BalglBB fro n ra dornakd. l l . l l . rablaa. 1I.M O u lld tn . domand. I l k eablaa 141a ^Iro. domand. 17 97; e a b la a . ' IT.*1' N ark a domand. 144, cabloa, 14g. )kaw York t ic h a o to no H ooiraal. I IU pay font diaco’ini. (Mvornmaiit koaga. Ir- rogular Railroad bondt. a tre a g

Timo loanao trong , o in y daya. a la a ty oaro and a lt montha. I t , .

f a n inonoy. iioad). high. I , lew ru ling rata, I, rioting bid, | a l 4. laat Inan, 9 Bank

^^Har ailTor 109. d , i | „ , .

CAMERA OUTINGS ALL THE RAGENo b e t t e r v t y to s|>cnd g I p e d a y tf ie a f a r • p a r t y * 4 f r ie n d s to g e t t o g e th e r o a t in to N s tu r e ’g so d s ie ry m i4 v ie w ith e ach o th e r t s to w h o c a n g e t th e b « s t p i c t u v a

w ui * P'w*<*4f ®f thcM tb ao o f any a tk e r sb* M

Never In tba b itto ty o f P e ttv 'a b e e t the* a a ra a ia r ■ o 9 ^w o f i ^ r t t to o f f e r ^ r t i e p ^ . * E i U i t l S i ^ o j S f f S S r w w ^ r o w n l e a . O i l prtcea aa a M illo u i a M n a M n h M B Alee frM h fltma at any tim e— Skaday* aad b « U ^ y ig lii3 H la iL

r***/ * ia fa« beeamtnj faem u gg Newark^ baedwwMMM Im

r*5 i!S IL r l* *^ ™ ^ *** * * ’ •rtniend*M tocriMe te Hm weib 3 3his Btora It tbd beat proof af ibe aatiafM laa -*—*

m iSl S S r S S r ^ ^N t t r ^ H m r M Piir»9



E d i s o n U n v e i l s W a r T a b l e t

A l P l a n t in W e s t O r a n g e

In the presence of nearly S SOh bm - Moyeee of ih« Edlion plant. West r>r. eng* e hronse memorial tablet In honor of Ihv men from th* Kdleon lndueirl*a In the CnllMd NUUi who loel Iheir llvre In (h# wnrld war wae unveiled at hoofi today by Thomaa A EdleoD The tab le t waa placed on the south wall of th e lehoralory. and had been purrheaed by Edison Industrie! Pi>st. Am erican 1-egl on. from 9ubtrrli>iloni colioctfd am ong iho ymploy***

ll lo •ollmolod Ihot 199 mon con • n o itrd V lth tho Tortouo E^dloon Induo- Iriro oorred In Iho war. of whom about 190 loot ihoir llvoo

Tho Inorriptlon on tho tahlot roodo "W orld w ar Thlo lohloi oroclod and doclloated In mrmorlam lo ih* om - ployooa of Ediion InduolHoo. who gav.i Ihoir llvoo to iho rtu fo of hum anity Krociod by Edtoon loduotrloo Poot No 116 Amorlcan Legion, through popular (u bacrtp tlon of omployooi of tho Edloon Induotrloo. May. 1119"

Aa Ur. Bdlooo roloaood tbo Am orlcan flag, which oovond iho tahlot, throo roundo w o n f ir td by a 0()uad of form at oorvleo man undor command of Llou- to n a n t S tuart SROllIng. vh llo bugloro ata tlonod on tho roof of tho ato rago b a tto ry building aergRo Iho alrool aoundod tap s fo llo v ln g tho unvolling . v h llo Iho Ediaoii Bmployooa’ Banii p layod "Amorica," young woman from the v a rlo u i dopartmonio placod v ro a ih o and r io v o n bonoaih tko tahlot.

P rio r lo tbo coremonlot tho pool, in com m and of Major Edvard U. Dunn, Riarchod from Iho laboratory g a la lo tho lablot, vhorc H indol't "L a rg o ' waa playod by tho band Tho dodicalton addroaa v a a glvtn by Ro» Hay 1C. H um . paator of Iha Park A vtnuo C hurch. DIacIplaa of Chrlat, Kaat Or- o ng r chaplain of tha poat.

Mrs Thumaa A Editon. Ur nd Uro C harlaa Kdlaon. officiala and tboir v iv o i ationdad Iha caromony.


NEW Td r k , Hay t l IF ) —C v a p ar__Dull oloctrolytlc apof and noarky l | 0 » (i. Juno. July and A uguiL 19M.

irwn—Firm end uikchengeg.Anilmony—| j j

■'“ >3Uotal Eachango quotaa laad n n v o r

.POI and M.y o ff.r^ l iT* f lrm .r E tt l l i IxiuH opot. 7 41 hid

Al J.ondon Standard copp.r, ,p o iIpo, a / r r " ' " • 'i -H o J Y ltc :1191, future*, fl07 TlB atMai f i7 i

. fu lu r ... m o „ a L lld ,'.* ^^ , '9o. fulur.o . (M ,0 . 11,,,,

19s . fuLuree. 14|. epet, f t l


•u aa r , unaotilad. conirlfugalplO .IT; ro-*7**Halod. t l lo A

!« If' Huiar fuluroa waro v a a k o . r ^ - l l h prlco. 4t to 71 point, lowor u n d l^ con iing .d lltiuld.Mon. owing to t h ^ M '

feeling In th« ii^it m erk c l.edledLftier Ihe mark*covorlngand-a luaa waro about ta ._oalowor.

•ro about II to Id poin ta

STANDARD OIL STOCKSm m ;.l '’a°T."iT furnvhod Vr

■-TetUFdey^ —Tedev_R19 A »S^A ngl*. AnBrlrgn

AilBfiilB R*(tnifii|Atieeila ft«f pr. ^ rn B vftc r> m BBTrn B‘ae ry m tfBuck»B Pipe1'h***nr«ueh 1

H e a r in g J u n e 9 o n O rd in a n c e

F o r I rv in g to n P a v in g W o r t

A publlo hoArlng will bo glyon Juno I by th a IrylBgten Town Commlailon on an nreiBanca provldlag for tha pav- tn e o f M a th Tvantloth • tr ta t. from Uyo ay tn u a to Buffington ayonuo, with a a l i- ln rh ralvforcod concrtla povomrut Tha ImprovomCnl will bo mado ao a public naeaailty. undor th i provlalona of th a Uotna Rulo art of l l t l . tho board h ay lug daoldad upon thia couraa aa tha raau lt of a protaat mada by two manu- fao turara o v n lag a largo frontago on tho tberoughfaro

Tha board baa paaaad on f lril raading an ordlnaaoo for tho paving of Alpino ,• tra a t. from Gravo .(root to Ellla av r- i rom mD D■aao.. » lau *___1-wt. ^_..Uwio a.i_-4. fOmmiHS

'iM i


i l s tt ii*

C h ik T a S h o u U e r B n A e n

B y A u to n io b 8 < a t K l to i i

I tiw ek k r th a aateicoklto o f a BOlfhbaF, (k ro l te a ia r ra . four y o a ri aid. th a d a u ik ta r o f Hr. aad Hr*. W in- lam B. • a p r t e t H lltan avaaea, HUtoa, •k f fa r td a brokon ahouldar a t I Coteoh tea t e v o a la f . Tba ahlld v a a ptealkB Ik t r e e t « r b ar h e m * vhok tbo «ar. • r t o ta by A lbert Parrteo. alae e f HID t e ^ V e n a o , oamo a l n f .

V ie child la g a te te haya ran tew - m aeh iM a e i v a a kaaekad dew a

Sp te a nitegwMW.

nua w ith tv o -ln rh aaphalt block, and w ith conertto from Kllla avanua lo T v a n ty -f ira t olraai. iho la ttar pavo- m ant balne aulwtllulad f i r tho amooCh Plorlia owing (o tho grado for tho con- vanlODco of vahicular irafflo

Aa ordlakaoo hSa boon adoptod pro- o ld lne (a r th a flagging and raflagg lag of Iha aldowalka tk Unioa avonua, from ■ prlk ((lo ld avonua to u t . Varnon avo- n u e Tha w a lk t an tha ta i l ildo from Hya avaauo lo atra tro rd placa will bo lo t back OD a now allgnomaiit and g rad# la accordakco v ltn an ag rlo - mont raaohed w ith tka proparty ownara by Cemm tealoaar S tan lar of tho D oparl- Rioat o f atroot* aad rub llo Improvo- m aaU .

B . R . T . S t r i k e T h r e a t e n e d I f

G a r r i s o n I g n o r e s G n n m i t t e e

K EW TOrtK May t l fV l.-^U nloaa lAndloy If Oarrlooo rocolvor for tha

i B rooklyn Rapid Tranalt Company,' a g ro a i In confor with a commItK

p u rp o rtin g to roproaant powor houaa and oub-ataMon amployoai on tho Quao- llon of Incroaiod wagta. a atrlko w ilt ba ra llad Ihla aflrrnooii, according te apokaam an for tho commlttoo Tha o trlko , thoy doclaro. would tio up tho rn tlro ayttom .

Tho atrlko w ai to haro bacomi opo- r a i iv . yaatardar. bul Mayor Rylan 1b - ducad Iha commitiao to poatpona it for iv a n ty - fo u r boura. ponding fu rth a r a t- lom pta to aattla tho ditputo.

Mr O arrlion . In a lottar to M ayor H ylan . otood by hla rafuoal to moat tha m an do rla rin g lhal tho racordo nf tha-------- ny ahow that only o n . of (ho

1(00 la rmployad by iho » m -

il l l III IM I)

Ckoinbroiirb t i l t pr III TontlfiBnliti on ('r**eBht PltMi rumt»«rl«fi4 Fip*KuraA* ripB 0«i«n* Slgnei *Gel gig.. oM. pr •0*1 llg nvw. pr *lilleolB rip*Indteee Flp« let FvtrnUum *N*t1onel TrintU N. T. Treriell N*rtli*rTi Fip«Ohio OH Fene Mee Futl Ffwlrlt OtI ft 0*i

! i^ II

PreirlB Fls«liBfminf

ft»«(hfre npB .Fviin. oil

ftouihv**! Pe p L. |lt*n4«rd Oil. Cei 9t*neard Oil. ind .Ftendaj^ uli. KtA . B(teJid«H OU. Kr fttteniUrd Oil. N*li Hl*nd*rd Oil, N J •tend IT. N J vr •Lkndard 0(1. N V lUteTidard Oil. <fbin . h1*nd. Ohio, pr HWkn a Finch I'njon Tan! I'er I'nlon T*Db t‘ir, pr VBfUum TM3 TV«BhlMlun Oil ft. O >r J. rti, V I.













110 I4|19





110199111 III IffII



n n191449IT











1 1 01S4mM

lieis tISI f

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141I I



illtJ?HIITSIISIII191MSn si l l91


I I1


^ b b o a d a n d L A F A Y r m s i m n iT w o n o d v S o o th f ro M B ro B d m 4 M a i f t u i l n i U

Ugg Bigeg Thiwogti tlw CwntagB gg M c Q t^ * Ob , OtehlteBS i t o i r d e y , 1 0 ; 3 0 A B L t o 4 J O P . M .

A Large Quantity of United States Army and Navy Food on Sale

C o m ..............................M ilkB m p o n M d M U kD t e d i J o b ..........A p r lo o t J a a i . . .B U k b t e i v J m S k h d OU, g » U « .A p r lc a t i ...............P i t n ...................... .......S b ih t K n o t ............................3 8 cC o rv o d B e o f, 1 Ih*. f o r . .$ 1 .4 5

. . l i e

. . U c.3 S r

. ,2 0 c . . 2 0 c

. .3 S cS ic

• ....................... .. • • *116h u g B r n a .............. i M

C M h e a ........................S S

* * * • • ” • ®M J m ......................S l !M a M a r i f t . < M .................. Z

s p e c i a l

S A C K O P S A L T . I l S O RbIb w in b o r n i i i i B i i * t e (h e f o O o w te , H a o o l i M W i d M J t e w 2 , f h t e i 1 P . I t iB 4 P .


MONMOUTH 8TEBBT HAW KINS f T i n r HA wraonn avinub E O SW nr T M A T w n r SIDE M IL L IE s r a i r w A S H i N O 'T o i r m K a r


C H A R L E S P . G I L L E N , B l s y e r .

i9! III44 414J 44t l 194!bH!u94 SIT449 I tT* Ti

"Tl 19U 141&0 19441 M1910 • «'10II »*40 11in 01*0 uo7C 9060 T9II11 i t '


F u a e m ) o M I i c e m W . B h i m

VOMtW)M a tte u i

•grvtega fgr te a l te flok r a t

H g .f te « „ .w ,w iS jif 34ftM g .V te F w - O J f* < 0 K « K

■ Nil. AgHg^.yw.r 34N*VO«a.KkMa.M .lrteM .JM .» .T .C te(te l....... n W 71 M gH,V.M.e*Mw. l o g 21 34J4

;T t ' V'M T3 74' a b ^ e t e A ^ . ; » i r j i . t ' M jir '

I >♦ I -

B ig m , t ig e ta l te flok r a t U u ifcw ark * Beemt B o a k i i ^ u ~r ." * .“ f f b t

■*'•••> ■ tertg iew o, , « be hgl4 Ik t« r4 a |r M arn lllt U K A u tMKiHMfg IhM M a c w h e lte C h i ^ *w m a o rp n e a n a u a ia w ic C h u eh . b > tiam M it wUl ba te the Holp f M k l iU i CgmotetT* Mr. Brwga ood big ( n S i ^ Ml (mir wooke •« • hod ttete m m

■(• M ento- g f te m tiH e » W t e BMW


T o U n v d l T a b le t a n d M o n u m e n t

T o M e m o ry o f S ix A . E . F . M en

SM/f OarTTarandlaaa ^TM HTUM . Hey I I .—M «kertel Day

w ill be eboam ak v ltb •pealol eiarelM a e* tb e g te ta e r ten d a aaer tba Oteta Heiig* by th« anyelllkg e t a tablot hnd a to n am eet In tnamory *f a l i laam btre of Campony C, IH tb Bkeleeara. T v o n ly - n te tk Dlvlalon, A. a . V., who v a ra hlllad te o a tlea 4b Vmnea durlae tba w erld w ar. Thra* of (ha man aa ltitad te tk* r t r o t R ectm ent, Natlenal Quord e f Haw J a r a i r , aad o fta r being (adaralltad a t C o n p HeCtattea war* trenafarrad lo Company C of th a Bagtnaart. Tkay w ere I teb ert Vtegk and leh n Doharty e f K eom p end John B uiar of Warn Kgw T erk . Tha o thar thra* eiambarg who

W . .WOT* hlllad w ara R eken Volk and Span- car B leer e f Trantan and K annath B. T risa a f B arlingtoa.

A aw nbar e f Mairark man wha aarrad ira a ra 9

u - t a tba tn r a lM a B u ta C antrai_____ Bbaa li

oae te tka ipaakarv

( H f t f e i U v . 4 * 4>t 4K MJ4O * A 4 |0 «O te S l

teb^ m r4CI4 H i t

•a rm aw r avoiigia ak « w m f ^ I f e r ^i s ? t t * t e i i l i i t flu teM wb w . Ifci Brwwt wwa A w am tar e f B tS a f Batkfobeik Q e u a l i Ha. d ta, ~ t e Q aiuw bite u t e t e te a r ■ aalete t e l i . A w w i g u v

flgwgg ■ o M M .tteM m te i v M m teaiKa l i r t afca af Ma jf*V#.

DOVBIL MBv It. Bai k al - i - im g a taU teV tek toB a w n T tm ia iv m T v S k ta rd » ta tba t w ^ m friS t bonttef

'Thk flra wtete<

v lU i tkC B nglnaara a ra atpaatad to par U tte a ia .ta tba tn r a lM a Bteta C antrai . . te r R ow taa A. 1C. B otbaa It ta liteiilad oa '*

Patikic Driver DeUined When Big Whitky Cargo li Seized

PROVIDENCX R. I.,“ May II < jp j ._ N early l.ldO quarti gf whioky g|,g m ere tb an «aa auarta of other llguor, a llagad to hay* baan brought to W aen- aockat, a f ta r baing amugglad o u t e f Now T e rk City, war* aalaad laat n lg b t by fad ara l prehibitlea autharltlae.

D aold Levina e( Patialc. N. j . , d r ian r o f tb a track , waa dotal nad until r a g . e ra l D Iatrlot A lteraay Babar could ta lk w ith him . BdBond V. Daaay of W een- aack a l, to whom tka liquor ta allaBad ta ■ b a ra baan conatgnad. orlii ba o r- r a ic n a d on a aharga ef u n la w h lly hov- le g lie n o r ta U i paaaaaalon.

C(d. Kubcr, John L. nnd Mothnr Celebratk Biithdayi Togolher

TRBNTOM, Hay II.— Burreuktfa4 by b ar eb tid raa , groadahtldran aad n a a t - gTaDdeblldran, M ra Roaalla B ria ih K unar yaatardoy aalabratad tba algTity- •aT an th oak laaraary af bar b tr ib , tb a eb aarv an ea tak)nB Pla** an tk a H o aa r

1 fa rm Id Hwatardea Tewnahip, O a th a ■ an a eoaaolaa bar Iw li aona C aleaal A a th a a y R, aad John L. X o tar. aate- b ra ta d tb a lr birthday, b av iag ao a t- panad It frem Hay 11, tha rea l o a a l- varaorp . In ardor to marge It w ith th a t a r tb a lr m athar.

A a tia tram a gllght a ttack a f rbau- m atlam . M ra X aaar kaapa wall. A iaana th a a h a r ttla a la which ib a ta tito ra e ta d


T)i« following quottlleni todiv v*ra fur-DljhBd hy J Jl lllpp«l ft ToI'oiifldjlldatef T^cUon ConaolldiitBd Tr»r(tnn 4i I(*fl4>a ft Mudvon i EI r«.4 |u ft |C!*v. of ft«rgtii t'o % • ! ft EU e of Uor Cfl Ipt u Dm 4 F.lkr fif H«r. (,'e. gBii Ig Ha‘‘kBnB»rk WeIbt 4btlllijBrrn I'lptiJily llM C*H«d««n ravintv Qm Uo 4«JArtvy f'tty, ifob ft Pat 4i Nswark rofl*n!ldnt«il a u C«Kswark C4>n Ou Ca 4i . . .NwvrarK Pmb kallvar Co *bNowark l iu f'o. 4*.................Norik Jaruy 91. lUlIVKy 4i P it. ft Peu Ou ft BlU Co Fht ft Pub Oe! ft D m . <’a. IbP\ikl1« ■•rvIcB ........Publlfi gwrTleo SB stock .PytiDc 8«rvlci eartiflcatM FubJIr RervleB gBij It, m l ftpMlh Tertvy O.. ft. ft T I n ft«u(D Jeitwy Q . S ft T ' u. IpPoH. . ......... ft kjid t.tf I'u.Ilftrn I'M'ifl ft Ult] Ltf. I'o 4t I'liP-il K)«e 4t

M'jliIk. g\iar!fiin«d) vincki Efli: vlrr iwrtincAtBfl qaei*d "*ni) IniBrut '


Buroau of Markol R oporl)—T'eitlo__Rocolpia, t,909. Baaf •loera, m eatty 11c higher. Top yoarlingo. 14*9; p rlm a h o ary bid. 14 19; bulk. l l .9 9 B I l . t0 C alvaa otrang. vUta bulk vaalara a t 11.19 and choice a t 14 99. Other alaaaoo of c a t l l t gonorally itoady. (Toed halfara . 11.90B11.79

Hog*—Raoalpta. 14,099; Bwatly 10 to l i e bighar; modlum aad haaay ad- Tancing meat. Top. 11.11' bulk, ligh t and light butehara. l l . a c B l I l l ; bulk. 119 pound* and ovtr. 14.{9B14.tl. Riga, itoady to lie . lowor. wtih bulk do- alrablo a t l l .tO B lt .l l .

Sbaap—Raaalpt*. 1,*M. boot lam ba ■toady a t l t d higbar; othar* w aak ■ hoop, 11.11, He. lewar: prlma koavy ahnin lamba, 11.40; top, anring lamba. 17.71: ekolea fat tw oa 10.11.


DOHDON, May I t ( j> ) ._ B a r allvar. ITIkd. par ouneo; bar golA l* l a Id ., m anty, IH par cam.; dlaaagnt r n ta a ■hart and tbraa-month Milt, i p par cant.; gold pramidma a t L tibea, Ida.gg.

E I S E L E & K I N GMam b a n gf tike Now Tgfb B teth E ie b a M a

•a d riilte ida lpU a Btoali E ic h ao fg


U n io n D u U d in g 9 CLINTON ST. p w * . n . j .

C w n t b t

M a r h t t

ReviewA m m m r f t a t k iM r le fa n S H tn i f W iM ight c a r th t-

t t i t d b ^ l b L ( yl i tA-----1irBWk

O f f r a te p o io i la M ota oef. fb o ^ M trm U d (n (At p tm m i f w ^ o r canM4f^t^g jm r- c A o m te fA h ttno ,

upy aaol tr** tagalhar wii rhe Toa Paym ent Plk ooklal INI aM lica ilaa t tapi NK-37, No 1 w rllia f.

L M. Fun*r tk Co.

W* RaceataMoA te * r w e h w f t

Uberh BondsThe F iaodae laae tem am i

g f te d W o tUWo Aia rtapaw ad ga Bwy a . g ^

Lore* a* em tei -im all OMda W a Bay Id*

8r FLAGGM H teog o.r g ro cM itaiwH aai gmaiaii avnaar

i t e te m ggagod

PMikoil B«n| Gaftind Up'F o r FjHn< in O r i n f i 'R e c n f l

IW Itteag w blab bar* iiaaa te alronte- H aa l i e 4«w w taka te m a t l OmanMa • I ta o ra iM o t Iboggibki o o i O a o n a I teaab or* b a te t tg i l t t t t e ' 43lttead B.Awtetev w M ( i i t i i m t M gg te aiH rM tv M 111* tm rim iK tea i w itb tk* e t l r o W i i i t e t e iMtey th a t a* gaag oe

t e aw w a i a i v b a te a r te a F U U aaa ta in

la BL Fatar'a Orphanag* at Hawork wbteb m foaadad by har bratbor, Rav QdttmaA frtatb. ‘'Dartgg tba war MraK anor opaat muoh af bar k a ltU o B agek i ta r aoldlor*.

I* w a r M ra te a r* um *

M w MImVara. tv *B tr-* lgk t paara ‘ -- 1»A tW* olty,

I-o iaa _______aid . t e BT* T birtaoatk aTMoi w aa Bold la I t . m ball f i r te * g rand

f flU aBjV. Wb* .te tbe

b* ta

.» » ■

s i r Itkla maralog by Raaitett Hllfa nr Oronga *a t obarg* a( aaaault

te rn a ry bp j M t a * io r -_ ( M tehelag Nolan. Mn did notp l a t e M eenri. imForOi R w oe allagad. g tra e k tU telal Kaliy, a n u te* m an. la frew l t e ,lka ear b iw a la H ota e traa i. a t Uki o ltp lloa, dartne o a otwaoM atn B t M t e ru g i i S r

te ie r a te a . . etiiM ii tk*1 t e t t e i C I t r l




nN A N Q A L P O im iR S

T ik CemF*ra>al Naltatia lam arrow w ill aay e t th* wool m arkat: *Vaal- naaa dnring th* paal vaak haa kaon T lrtnally a t a itandatlll hoik la tb a Boat aad th* W all. *kd Ib* (aw ooial] aOlaa w hieh hay* baan affaetad kaa* a l- m eal fnv trlab ly baan nl th* agpanae e ( p r le a a Q vaU tlaaa ar* aery d ir f la a ltta gaak* with any aaitalnty.’*

* a aTk* dlroaiara at th* Amartaoa Booab

Magmato Carpomtian r*g|*r4ap da- aterte a *te*k 4laM*od *( iwgatp par aaat. VM teCkter gaoHorty kaitead te II.I* i akooo *»• w*i (oathite. Vka atoak dloMate li poyaU* Jalp t l i* Heldara te rataH telaly t ate tka took dtetdoad la Myhhit Jgiy I m atoak at raeart #1 Jv te jf . 'Tk* proaaat oagitel


North Ward Natl Bsnk New Jenny Zinc Company

DaoH lo

J. S. Rippel ft CokIS CH h Um S t

QmoiMBjQwuNMdteteiba Stew T a lk S teak m t t e u « *

T77 •rasd 9tr«Bt N s w a r h , N w l.

PUAIF.IIIIS' ' nausm

g a te o r « u i4 t4 m


A n i m m !

(M l R ooter t e n

John D. Colfan

46 BTotelwayo SiMb SOINow Terk Clip

iteAtew s m14 '

^ W i l L B a l l M I I I f t O O k

i l l t e . f im L U K B I I 4 1


M A m


n i^ jrA V fiD -M U i___Actairr* wAWT«i>»■» iHkiK Ilf» SLltr.1, f « i t » Mra tM <• * ” ! '


uMl balli « t 9vrni«a«at b««N» «a4«rMU« •IBara mm4

AMP Mr*_ __ ___AVArr a*!* «#•■* pa-

pm t Af4Af^ Call Af wrttA F ^ M r Tli> CorvmtiM . •d iu l« . •*

^Q L |P «% M rt* •« Ml*. m w -ML 111*. 1» Mr «Tlk j r « ^

—-- - - - fMldAM# AA CAlVfaAp. HAVA i " w s s z u K -.-A 1 . O '—

iA« tl., H«r ________A O iN fl^ X ili ofd»f ■'•» I*** ■•*'*•*

•iM a t"flpit InlrodorttAA In tln' *' J?..

ycm trlTtntf mw4 f f "m»4 traetoi w gal /•* J j jmit AAgpgA. lib ; up*m A\plhlll«*- WAfTAAAt., «ATMr WMUIH tAA. -^-su-t.— TSi l K ) •e iio o L ikla I.I 'lO fCIlOUL: W-W^UL « u ™ m f»*

l ^ r n u 4Hw,. b#< aph# ^_«***rf*%i JS, li« Waaik'

rtM > g ll-A l HU«~. _« f ■ »»_k.tk. wUt <k» !■*• J«*’" |l*lall*M • ? hH,

t> • P. M . i ) B«rl •! . Kll»b»lk ■»•.A. KaA* ___ -iToCNT. ftfll VlAAA, i* «••• **■

•urnacA; ftiU tiKM, goi»d rtreri"** p*qulrvU, AMrAw InaaraacA. Boi II. *<•»•eni>A.

’ TAiuiid Ik- n w * '^ ‘i V 'AI'TOMOIIILK BODT WOUKRItt

AftAf In A ^g for two AVk-nliic. C raAntAT AmIa •rnAAl.UftAffI g«>A. __ ____ —.

AirroMo»ii*v «c h <OT-•OM) ItKI.UUi.n - »llt«IB»blt» b-kMl •••

OrkHV klka ; n-rii i* d n — “• •*'■,'■“ 1? o«*. t«n-hln« lldlw * iBkcUIlT- 1*11khaa* M .-h-' H ill, _______ - —AirmWilUILK Ila- k rl*rk. *«m* kl»wl*»tn

*f k(K>b k—»!"•; raid'll- »f-d '.I** P

T Im N e w t r k E v ia ia g

N tm vlll sot t>«Mbie for orrora tinkw they are detected efter the FIRST iaiertloa.

DRIVBII l«r r* » i «*rnM * •» ,•« » # ' * ' • atgNMWi IDAlt AS tgNMWA •••■ciri iM e eeeerteelty

la kaeaaia faaaillu ««tli u tm a U i* kM - Btaa; aiaaly Jok; auHl k* *k>* I* M-* (*a4 r*r-n*aai_^T* w **■•Irad Addraaa pflaaf, »*« H I, Ka*a o « g ^ DBHONkTHATOM WAM^TBP: BXPlili^l.



b h u p fYiRuiH' oN~i&BAM. coH H B SyIK i-amdicw r t . _______ __________

Di'lHWA»Hea *ad karl* f»rT»**k_r**>*.

HELP WANTEfr-MENnlfhta Apply kraaaaa ', laaob. ITf Blaam-

flAld A*«. Montotair.

BAHHEH vantAd. g»ad <A*a; ■iMijAy Ak»rk. gAAd wAgoA

aIaaI f ; aaMHa WilAE

r.rr.<l” Tl.plr. ■ratlna *a-. ' Id <-‘'*a*- _______ • - ^ -■alary aipaolad. AdJraaa (I. I'.. »<>• UA H HKU W ASIKU rO* •ATUKUATk. tTl


’T rT .. - I '. ; . . * * ^ a , i . / al r i l e H R aia il'-^ r"-*jiSi::::Va'di;SZTeiB la* iiioou»fi»iii < gwAtopy-

f f iL r & a ?

W« nA«4 m*n In cbAM dnaartM iilt WOtmwnBKKftg wn bAgrh amI mnt'blriM PAINTERH un bodleo Aiwl eba^R.

•ri>rlt, with ALiiMrtnnllj for ilb«Tni Anrnlnga

AHERT UliiTAL fnn i kgIPAfi >ad f1l»And Mthtrt w n ^ r mn th**t alAnlntim

gWRRf'RK f« hMP tMtorp cl*«n; «iA#rlr nian ■tiUnbiR.

AMRUUI RH nti M l* t An! f«nloTRi RiP^rl'•a*'« kin nuton

t*1faRAni StMfi CaMlUnna Mnn4/ WiHk a a i Ub«f«l p«p

.*1 aJa UKKT WThinrjr ak|wi• WB 0ffli« ................. ___

Al TtiMUOII.K rriM 'k J l K1,1. H "rn ami a^Bvnttff vgRpatbrR. tiot*T(Ilia U^tikf bad ROina Ruta p»nR a« » |, Raat farkpantno# V*fBrf*d Aa* Mr PAtk*r. Th* ,,Vhila « v . ia: rr*lln|>.tt/Raii w a WTHD. HTRADt; dCK>I> PaTIr . 4 . : « b. h * n u -» _ tk h p:«»TVHT*lMiVi>'i'ulimi ” ' an?"A m'AMrB | ’’M«NT ro RUJIIT URN. AIJK) TWO H% \ ’ *7* wag*» llJan<I'KNIRNCEU HUU*KKA APPl-t AT jOSrR, HKhVlCR. JMf’j H UaDW'iN «tfi>AI. drt*ar »RntBd. Rttgdy work tUll

■ fu r.<1i*p4, Bn>*l Rtid

! BA H nR ii--rint'eiM ~U rbgr («r fri^ar r»1

%!||ra ol faaafml kaaaaftar.KUKItAH aO O t (SOKPaMT.

A-aaua H aa« Hlll-r at . N-wark.t l >*r1bc« at


tinturda/. Inlnma^uoni Bar MR Rbo|i. I l lkl*ifnun( gv*.

■n.rka..lra aaTaral fltal HAHUKM w anlai, ataadr *ar« | »a«d pay.-o ■ i - i * ' ’- 'k - ^ W a « a . T a ,i.f

J . Afi w#d-r?bllKN—At Jinrrtotuvn, N _fk*^laV'^M«r »• t***' Tbfttiin* W Tlr«*-n.a I balar^ kimbBliii ®l Jt**rlba I- llrmkn“aij_k a* Fkinap*! rntifl hiR hi'nir 11 Ia. WaaSart. Panar*! rran. ti'a b'

aa alraal. ManWuwii N J. " * '“« •» i* t* . al I A H- »*'l ■' *'",'*»*!* Ml»l> atwal and p..alH (»raii»a avj-

f#a. g,i«MilC at 1* A ^ , kk l»*ra B High ||] ber k>ff*rt<l tiif tna

KnlghiB i>f <*4>tuinbun.Rf ratiuialBJJJ'- ’ f'^BJtklrh-m I'ouarll Na. 4 tl. aodria lialr Saiaa lAwd-lr •< •! AaloalB**'- Ckarrk W M-wafk K. 1. aMIfara A*A_-■»abaaa al Iha NaUaaal Hawark A Kaaa: IK k iaf O... tf - raapartfully laailad ta at

■, iM-raaaal la Ik* Ca^alary »f »ka

• n>RKe~<>a May tt. l« * . Wllllaja Hl i r u l k irP - al M rak D B t l i l ^ *

4 iS ia a ie le S r «I »*«*f PWk«*» raaaral pflrata.

■ ro.HWiK—Oa H*y I k - ” **'| u |*aa kkarlaal*, kalara-l "H* * ' I''.*; , iS llia .' katooaat »|H Irlaad*

|g«U«4 M gltnB4ffM f«Mrnl frnai k*P P*^ A eaara. M VaalMaa flaya. »a fc tartay . ita iL Rt I A U lo ilM i^nrob of ln<H K K al'ea fA ik k n i. J * ! ! ’a_Aa... ra.e aMaalAM *111 b* affvTOd f'>R (M f*___ I »f ftaala* alll ka »«<w^gag# n( h»r iMt. IniormoAt In cotaR

df tg« MrIp ingnirbfv.COROROYl^At Wbri OrtM*. K. ■! *

' VfcMiMep. M^ITa IbM, I-orU t on«r*vR. M SJS^bWRbAllJ Uf WMtfP-d Coo*«*0 FNarMni H*’Rllr«# #•< frlo^R. olo" '('ggrt frank, fot^ktafn «f Agfriow. kb'' .........................HgnnlaB-AompInnn Vknr

AliToUOBlLU »CHOO|y~lAonPk «• ktjtvAnbllo ned Mruin* ehnnlfoRr. nnlltn-

Hod ««ttPn«g. I l f W* got pour oMWR g«l ynn tM Jt»b !a*dl*o' prJvgtR rlaiRaR, or Ukrh |oti .n >cnr p*p- •vn^ngi. B r . H*kr*nd. 71 »gr1iifflol4 R’ro.. pbnoo M4rk*i ***fW

CURB dkOteir mBrhRKlcR fi*r Rtaaap J>^**kb o® lu fJoP work. <. in k-iomn Itghl ihog. Th* Co . JtT '‘fraruB

lAKBEH •rnot«4 f«r JUturdny, 14 UnrkolrrvlInghgPRRtt ktTR.. o«rn*r «f lluni*r »1.A rru M o n ru c m bc h a n it t« wut* ‘-n com.

ubcbUI tjPUtfkR illRicka *n«l Whll*'. crcr ' *> _ __ . . -a--. -— - —wpd Wnrd Baking t'w.. rHurtli bi* and * liAHHEH wanttd al one*: | l t Mr n*oK;I ^g| UitMtnfrRid. N J.g04Hd

NkiMk rif1*«alk Rl . KoRl OrBctr*W ik (ilgblR ok llAnniCft Wantnd, gvod t»ap. OHR da> off... _ - a- .... ,, . .... ^ a

MONTH’S MINDLlaktiig I B'*«k H I konfmp av*. AHlngtua. S. i.kin^U O B llA l WaJIHRVi t

tkOmiLRrttflkl rara. Ward _ _r»«nk n*«, nng North fifiBBoth ot ^ani jOrang^ __ __ _ „ . ] ■i*!'. M tAU iH kprSNgfjRid RT*.

_____ nikfjiih’R tnlad niRM AUTojilO^rUI I^aTINTEMII RtaRdr * Wa liOEIi firBi-elnM, ii*rt Maadap. k? ’ fr*ettjl*m »H| b« nrr*r*d far (h« r«»ipRR of ga*d RklAfp. I^ubbln* AMiorn«bi1a ER' I \«uBo*r 111 Uain H Ea«| l>TRBk«. fb« Roul af Pr».lg#t l^orbkn at »i Patrtcr* ch*nfo. fgc.. tU tU lUluvili* a*a. 1 n*n,,4a* lacka-

AlTOMOBnAB FArNTKIt tBRoond kanJf an | Barb-r »k^p. lH BmuJ at.1-4, aa* .k .a.la a .n lM ,» d p a ,. . l « 4 , , r liH f.C L * * ! WANTH1. r d k

Dlll'HWAllHKIIli, rolwad A*ply raar an- iranc* llabort Traal Hotal. __________


W AjrrsD. BXPBRiwNraD on r r p u 0 TBOL1.VT BXHAOBT.



nn pnrtag nnd Bow ‘ "InMrgg; gtii»4f w«rk. klnnatk ntn*

alAUBk CBOWBLUOUDIN and c r o m r

LADORERH WaNTIDfor bPlk Mlgbl and dor ihirit, DMialda nnd Inalda work. Api»lp at ornplopinam offioa, (Ijpltldarf Elnclri.al Co. High a t, MtwoakWnrma and Acadomy ota _ _________LABC>tU(lVl4 wkktod to nark In ein/ bnnkj

Vnnd, atnndp norki Mn. par kmir* Agglp ta Uanry Dtinbwn, cnra AUnnllt Tarm t.’oltn CoMpnoP'o ® kg bamkA Wa«At»r1df«,H 4f.____ ___ _____LABORBIUi ft>H rol'NDRT WiVltK. |4 M

l*BH DAT o r » HUUAA h ir r u a n - RVERit T rotNDHT CO. I l l BOCTH t w e n t ie t h gT ■ Vrar o m n t o n a v b ,La Boll F its ai tactarp, gaad pnp, a ta « ^ ;

IB 'd k f waak. arrrMMo tiuo nnd knit. AdniansI PUaiar Ca., PkaaalR arn.. an lirnr, noRt laMknwnnnn R R., Kant Nawnrk

MAN wMtnl t# w* ______ ___________•taAdp alkplajrgiinl ta rallnMn g^rty

L B b ^ A On., If Mkfkat a t_____ _____MAN wlik knawladffP i f wn^ir«rkln«~tonia;

balp In fnataiT and nnag liinn. A t'nn-nald. J jM M a r k e t ‘ ____________MAN vkjiiai"la irlra~ ]cp~Vra«a wngon.

Apflp Na« Jaraap lab Cranu Cn.. fid It. rioMhonaant am

Ua V ralinbla. to ruD Innck wagm night*tfirlaldApply SamttSeh'R Lanclt fIT




i'ntb"4lrai ua NBiurdap, Hay It. l if t , at 4 A. II H«1att%«a and frianda ara kindly in >ltad t« nltrnil

IN laving maoiarr a( anr balurad uaOiar. Sarak T>non, wna aniarad tnta raat Map

it. m t .


A mathar daar from na Pra gankIliad.liar voira wo l*v»d u aMliad.

H»r pine# ta vnenni In ogr hama And nomr ran bo flllad.

Tan am nnt fafgotiaik m«>tbar dona,Nnr will pao ovar b*.

Aa lang na llfo and momarp Inat. IfolHor. Wo «lil r»fn*mbor ih«a


IN marjr gf mir daar tnatbar. Fltanbatb Rnpp, wna dtad Vtnp t l HIT

Taikrroaak nft tw porifiilr Inviiad la att»nd, VnJI«r mad ok daturdap. Ma/ It, at I A

i 4?' kl«k m lm , o l ' «»| Cm • . . I »tli i - I >• •*

j't 'l 'k a rrk *1 » A. x ipi.iiiiM i '■i.k«'* rtra-i-fy-

BOTr~4>* X«, M. II**. H»«r«* D. klM ■*4.Clkr*li A. IMiy ( in . ItalUyl. m A • «nira M« X*rr.* U Aid H.*rt*lt*.

.... _^IK W •»* frMpA,. *1* m « n b « « ? • • * -' • S iU A e * Nfc II. H. p, a » , AT* ^ 4 i r . ■ tIUd I . til.* * Ip4«* nia*r*l

m33w a t i l fcw il pirp**. • • rfte*y^M *y IL *11?. X lptfnM *l 1* *T*I.e*!J?* SSI?*-

I* SZl** ***“ ^ ' ' *** **' •* * ^ ' **■ ***•■

■AUJkOIIKR- l>» x«y 17, III*. •< AM * m , III l)lrfc*r**» itywt, X ltb*.!. W-

kwk.n4 «f Mary U * ll> « ^ (w*

T li Rwaat In know wo’ll moat agniA Wkara part log la na moro

And ItMl tka ana t lava aa danr linn onir guno bafaro


J A 0 . U . A M. N O T K ETha raatnbare of Omngo Counelt No l i t

Jp, o. L'. A. H . ara radwmtad ta nttond iha funaml aarvlc^n al a ir Into bratbar. rrad- rHik High, al hia kama. 41 igulmbp pUoa. Waat iFmBga. S J , on ftidap tvanitig, Map II. al f o'llw/, W ^ r fana^l bndgoa.

work C. BadA HI Nswark it ACTOXOWI.S' >A1NTKII»—Om«t

at*a4p Work Itabblni Aaionioblla Br-banga. In*. !»• B*Uavtii" n»* ___

Atm>UOIIILB MRt'IUNlCa — &oad all arannd man wnntad al anoa llulc-b Motor

r» . 4l WlllUtn atAU^Vi'UuBILK HliOMANlC*. *npoHoncod

n*rbar A Iio<‘k«rm«na Enat Br«a4 and Cbonrnnt at*. RlUabolb S J _______

lHh ek . :i^Tt illiAV 44 HT.

AWNINU HaNUERS WANTED. Espsrl*Biod holp only Riandy «urh, g u ^ p*7

Anobaabac^ narnaaa R Awning Co., I«l Plkaa at.. Nawnrh. N. J.

AttTlF^—ifonng wnn ta Iwnm nowaganar akatc-klac, lirnatrnitng, rnabion drawing,

big pnp attor lanrnlag Cnli dor or ovtniug. ar wrllA Tka Tkomaa liadlA noroad floor. If Hnrkat at*, caraor W'aabiogton. __



HAliilKK wantod fur KrUny avaalng an2H*tuii|Bjr III. II JitioR ot__ ___

llAHItk:R"'i}lkd bartior »onlod for Sniur-d*y *11 William Bt , i lly ___ ________

liA lim it araniad t^r Haiurdayi aiPday ofKali a*/. I ll ferry *1.. cHy._________

bAHULK waotoil fir katordap anlp or aJi «#*k 41*1% Mad • >0 «l.

floDT sg.ldora. * *-vprri*nc*d moti. t>aTld lla.I Oar Co . llic.. Warr*n pi




ENOTKBER WAWTBD — ONUWHO c iT D m rrA N tx t a k -



MAN wuntad for aaolataat oaRtaa Apply Roaovlllo Holbodiat Eplardpal Cknrok. liS

/ -raain. Apply Waingartan Braa** 4 t l High

ilAN. ’ whUa. for portar work-in ^ Ip p k ig

klAli wngiad ta warh in otwn raara. ran/ antrmgea Rokart Traat Hatal.


LJtBoR FRF—Pans Ary laUirora wnntad: aa- portualty ta laam monidlng, alandy warn:food wagoa, Atlao PuUQdlrp f a.. CaU at•r - . -.fona ava.._lrTlngtoB«

LBHOHERd for (oRtidrv warlL ftaadyith plontp aS orortlm* T. Hhrlvor A

C<».. U a u n u n at aaJ PrankUa am.. Harri-avn. __ __ ___________La b ORERII wuitod for fartary w ^k ta kalp

in moving. Apply H r . Tuwnnaad A Co . CooiraL av« . tioar Vallop ^ . . omnga.LABORERS t<jT Inalda and outalda faetai

rork. CAII Uauld A Ebarhardl K . Railrond ava. and Hrooa at.

CABoltiUtS sarttad. g«H pay and ptnnty of ovarDma. Aaion Kiorwarior Ponndry. IM

Hayi Bi., K*amyLabc) KRKH In iinatl brnaa fonndrr: gwod

p«y. Hall MIg Ca.. Wiiiuw iL nnd Dnvlaava., Harrlnoa._______La BOREHS waatad In kraaa fannArr

ENiirNERR—'PrelaroDc* gtvan ta man ai* pori«noad With How*o A PklUtpa CorllMi

s!ig*i b* iicanaad; olato oipaiioaca nad aal ■ aipootad. Ad4r*«a E Baa II. Nawaifv ai

ifflcnENlilSBER. axpariaac*A, wba nnAarotanda

waRhinR good, ao othar no*d npplr. Raiarp 111. amaTl plnst. LJbarty fttaam LniwAnr, *44 Ppringflald avo._______________ ____


af Mlantan aipariaaddd aogpamrJawalry and Imry Apply irlaymont afTioa, aooantk flo

man I A IL nnd I P

AUnn A Fan, Sliih and Bargan at*.* flnr-rlnon. N __ __^LAUNDMY~Ei|vort*ni-*4 mon aa nitmotlng

tn waah r>am. Ill «*«bir. mnat ba Mrnt- rlnan. kilhlor Laaodry, 411 Svgtb Clintan a t , Eaat Omaga, p*ar g«gib Oranga a**.

Wa l t e r p , h Iu f f e . Coanciia*.

1 .1 .0. EIXS' HOTKEI mamnara ar noam / !,,««§«naat taalgkt tPrIdari al Elba’

avanaa. Antagian, at 1 4t. I <;mna'a ebapoT Kanmr and

Nadca af hiaarat hamnfiBIBUN'-On May 14* i *

its Ippvd aan af tba iato John and C a t^ rtM ■ UlWta. Rolaiuoo and frlaid* am kisdir... . .. .*

f'4T' p iM * « i •• *f *< lwli-4 <• ilitB* Ih. I•l"**l ( " • 1 ■p! n*Mn«« *t W» •toi-f. Xf» *■ xl™' ‘ i'

^ PMik T»«»II-II «r»»i, ■ * • « » ,* * , •iJm jL. M ■ ib*n«*o to Ft- Antoninao'« * r ............................ ......................................c r '^ MM

4kN ~0* K*r U. IM*. T H* •( Ik* 1 ^ Ml«k* ^ I

Iw naa (M* K l*e> .^ue^ I«4JRXkN- _____4.

• •4 Catk- kratktr . f

B n ’ Miliar " s ^ ib . l i r i a r t i af IT! W y pjg itraat. Falntivon and f r t a ^ n ^ ta mad la ntiaad fka funaral Twn

u m eV R B nnd t i t bam af Konmy ludgnof Elkj will ■ ----- - .

Hoata. Knamyand procaad la . . . . _ .Barvan aoaaaan, ■wLmp, vkora fnaarsl ■anicoo will ba coMaotad at |:IA far firotbnr Banana K lnfkun Into of Bra«kJyn l.Adt* No. t l . All xanrny mambara nra ro- guoatod to attanA

ALBR CRAWPORD.Einitad Rulor,

kflT»> x h c E I x ic s —tw ,bigh wagaa; atandp work.

rmdN. 44 Proapact at', olty.n on waivtwtl

Proap«i.i Oa-



iPQ1!l FBV^PAIDE DELtVERT Al*PLT DELIV­ERY d e p a r t m e n t .

PrNERAl, rltanl arlll bo oiompltfl*4 by Nawark t^dgo II far Dmibor Oaorga

Datp. at bis rooldonea. I l l Brand atraat. at • n'olaab tantgkL m, V KDTTBRB.B. p. Staanay. Bxalttd Balor.


L 0 . 0 . F . H O T K Z

* f tn ot kM ■l*ra. M«. OM*« W ^ l «C l III A. X .’, ,h»BM £• it. ■ '* 1 '^ ; r w * k , •h*r* »i * A X. A hiak

■ MM* tJ *111 k* •7t"»4 tor Ih . ft-' " ‘ MM o1 kM M«L Is Ui* » IM -'ll ** ‘ * ***’' e*****W I U t l o m > —h|il*n4 l a u rw l. « X*r

K ^ lM n »*4 fn*»4« .r*

* ill *ii«; llk r •« • •■•'«k. i« u r» « * j k'l M n l* . i*liiyd«y w m iB t, F»lr»»M t ^ CMMUir. n »«,»M*in a t fkally.

H |0 |l—At W i* OniA€0. * v61*- £ y i l . l» ti , Fr*e«fi«». hMn»»i «{gpyTlgb. Pgnaml aarvlcoa will ba bald

• 1 aF luiat*’ ChMffh. Omnga. Sainrdo*. Mat tt. ni 1 P- M. fUlntlToa and frianda

I. o. 0 P. MIMBERF af HarrlaaB Fabaknb Ladga No. IJ nra ragaftad la »aat a t

Unity Hall at 1 aVlmh Friday a ||k l to nttand lha htnorn) af Sigtar Sunn n a rp a .

C BATMN. Raaordlng Facrotnrp,MINNIE iTBVEHON. NabU Oran A



CONAliTRNT WITH AjllUTT; IX) KOT*i T« ■ ■ «l M^*M**, ■jra..' **w«APl'LT UNLESS Tuu CAN EAJtN 144 TO--------------------------l i ; WEDELT. HBrERENCBd REtdClHED. CALL AT ONl^. WILLIAM LINE COW* Pv.VT 441 MUlABERR'^ n T. kNo HAVER. f iro t-c i^ on Jowalry. Apply

A t



mpimr^ Ortacum A Oabom. IjHnr^an at., MNiilSC TURNERS ON PiNF l l C A tU ^ ! c a se w o r k . STBADT WORK: CON*

t r a i t , rjcturks c o n sift k n t w it hAlllLITT AND SPEED, DU NOT APPLY t’M.K.HS T o r CAN BARN l«l TO 114 WEEKI.T. REFEHENCEP hEQUIREDi CALL AT ONCE WILLIAM t tN E CO., 4*T MI LURKRT ST.


M 4.l4ft^R A 44-Hoi n WEEK. BHINU IIIKTH rERTlFNATh:


______NEWARK, ft. J^ T , H ta ^ l l roam, ro aiWat is jM^an

rood* and far light aaaotnbllAg. I l l i t p«r waab ta start, with ehaaco to oarn ottrn by pta«* wariL Bt»rman*Evafatt Foandry Co., UI Saatk Twaotlatb ai.. aaar a tn ioaa m ________________ _______________



Apply nt Roam HA PnMla Farvioa Tonninni, Caani at- antrmao*. batwaac 4 A M.and bwon. daUp on.'opt Wvloya nod SundnyA


Pabik Sarrtoa Railway On

MOURNINC GOODSo u nUII »— » ,w r* * l.« l. riBUh.* I , I , k » ra ;

,„ * ■ r»ir.d (»r «fld d.llv*r** ot **rc«l

VORTVNITT AXn OfXm HAI.AHT OAR- l I.KT IXIKJIBT Cl)., I t , BL'UXIt »T.e u r f*r lu ta m«',-Antn, urric, .pi.ndid

iralBtn* Anl u.uiuAl opp'.Munm'., l .r ..l-

UhaBAll, 171 X ,t* •*. S u l Or*nc*.f.rMT lUrrU.A I . ; *k«»* Ol—n 1171.___KoireNTNa OOOOi iy*4 l* l« k n rs i iy «

n u S B i* * i: g*U«e fur a.U v«*i B * ^ • e—. Ill i ortr ot-i e k»M o n x»yk«t__X O tnum nT aO O Pi dy** m l« ksan; c*ll.d

Irtirtd . C-Bii*l *t . r U d d*UTW*d. c Dt«l*e o i . II — lUTUU


vnaoamcnt If proftriant. giv« aaJary na«ta4. no axparlon«.'# no-'<>*e«ry addram Int^aotod. Boi 4, Now* offii*v. ^lAOT ii-uloradi waritod to i/^rac* alavator to

ratall atoro. npeiiancv iiot nai-ananfr. clunra for ndvnacoiuont. l u u ago niid r«foroma In roply. Addrana CoMrad Bop, Box .......... 'flea.144. Naom afi BOTF—Tabnc man, achooibnyi pmfarrod.

n.EnKN FOR RATTAPn^nWaNTKI* at ONCK. MEN’ l-'iil; I KltV.tNEM ri.EKJi AIa J-. .;sl riMN.t WAiiK.-s A N O n .. i.‘'Ph;c I -I THANHr ‘ P A T ION i'HiVI I.EU KH ' i I’. .1 N I ! .l ' Al’l'l.T IN PER- S«»\ HI'PT. H nCh-li K. Lie 11. ,11 valley K. K.. JEB.iKTCl rv


LATHE and abapar band* for algkt work nrat-fliaaa moo onl) . good paP Ran Ma

ohlM A T<wl COj_lt Fcjjlt at., city. __LEATKkH Wa'hKKRA. r.inllUr wltW Ao.

ally work; gvod *ag«o *n>t a itr^ tiv a working condRlona Crown Navnitp iU , Fltw« at. ano^goM* am. ^ _LUNCH^KaN vaatod In Tijnrk wagon: wagaaIII par woaki an' F a n d n p Davla Bm a._(>ntfal a m ____

Lo c a l MAN'wamad to kandIa^|4,M4 wartb ancnritlu of |1,444.444 laeorporntioa. 1|

nor roaL eomml^oa Addroaa Hobort Trant, Bog 141, Nowi otfico,Le d g e r C’LERK, uporloncod, (or acroania

rocolvabia lodfor. atai* pgparionca aain/y Addroaa ludgor. Boa IH, Now* afflck _^

^AN^cirdrivo taanl. ArlLngtMbar Ca,, Afllagtoa,


Man to iako eomplala rhargw af pnllllni moA'Iilua dopi of t l maohtaoa, atnta onaoullvo pooiiiono that yon h»vo bold in tka paai faw

mni. ago ond oalarp oiportod Addrwa#MPtXTTEHS' ASgOOlATfoN OP NORTH

JEHBKT, 44 academy FT. NEWARK.N J ___________ ____________________‘K1L£ HANDF—iIm U m oparatora. ploco

Work falo, *i«o truokon an plam rata an-lptralgbt hour rata; all Indnag wwHL Mowa/k—ba d Moinl Warka M4 Forry otUfLXwRiaHT. with loom ipoet^ tF Prw2~

MoU 0«^ il^Jlglbarry at.HECBANlCF

Ona rapablo of koaplng earn aa4 - iimok* ardor, muat tumlab rofaranea* and aloe.

Addroaa M. F . B«g 44.inlo aaiary daalrwd..4owa of f i c a ____________ ___m ec h a n ic—PtnC '^M anlaisoblla mw*

chaulti waMod, motor UMok asportenew pra- forrod. lUrCgrd Motor Truck Cu.. ino.. llo O nim lUEX'MaNIC wantod: ataady work, witk op

poriunlty for adranromooi, Irigmlro Mar- ling Moior Truck Co.. 144 Wnnbingtai aoo MECIIA.SIC for birpria roRairlng. gwwd

wage*, aiart work at onca Mnnabnak. 4*1Main ot. _______ ^________If EC tl A NIC, muot tw fl^c laa ia on ^wrda.

oioodp work, g ^ gay. Agpiy I I I Knlaayat. ____________. . . . ___M Ba'H aNIC, *1 norlanaod an wwtwr trwoko

A(>piy^ Robmrfof k >oo. 4l4^Pa*ry a> x o tO R TeucK i k O B S e v — i«

handJo popular cofnmarolal Imckn; fin* gropooltran. EmplfO Onrago F R«waD Co .m - n Borgon at ______ _________ilAClilNlgTS wantod; I giindar femad*. man

witb nnporlobco on grinding eplladam od IloaJd No. 4Q grindora. Wadoil Wwtwr Cory441 Fmllnghuyooa ___ __ __MACHINIST wantod for gartnor Tor garag*

bualoooo. moat bnvo |440. groat opgor- tuniiy, act gu^ck laguiro l44 Mala oi . Ptaronti allop Wlllnw (.Urnga Ufonga


Elgbl-how trirka from I ta 11 P M . ur from 11P M to T A M , oo N T Harbor tnga. aieadp Juba with pap wklja looraiog. Apply auporln- laadont marina ilopartmaaL

n v i NinHTH PER




MACHINIST, AL familiar with npot wold Ing AppW U*cl>aj)lcal Kfflrlwacy Co.

Slocum bldg., 110 Pactflo at., NowarK.j»h»na Jdkl. i l t _____MACUlNlSTF^Vlao and floor b ^ d a nomR-

or band* on flat tu rf^ o work, opwn ■ Kuo. Hall PrUtiflf Proa* Comga&r. Dwn-elUn. N. J ___4(A> 1MNIST~w*nteV all aroun^^maA tor

gvheraJ fartury malnUnanco «mtll: Otoady pohMicn. Adilrcjt* Main. Jloa 44. Nowa officw MACItTNiSTH fciierlenoei] in a a j branch a ’ 'r u o li’no irtil* Call i lu »• A. M.. Uould « ttwfhardt, Hajiruod ava and UroM at • klASAilKH end a»vlalan( managor waol*«l

r.ir lui’al itur* ||,»D4.»I0 cumfuny; Inroat meiil regulrxd, r«4;onim»ndallona, o pp^ iu nup *a<*v1lunal Addreta Hubwrt Trwat.Ilni LI. Newi fifflr* _ _________MorCiR'KF, marhiti* and bancK, tn WwM

foundty. Mali Mfy. Co, WHUaim g|. andDasli am.. Harri^m ___________M"l.i>Kit and ‘maT-hine moldwr far braa*

foundrL__Tll_Jgtmy am . Jamoy City MKtTtkh for bnui louadry. t l4 Inrwwy

avQ., Jffoay City.


>•11 rofroihmonti wvolC'Pnd*. eomaalanloa Apply Aniurday. 1 14 P H , ur Sunday, 4:14 A. M., Aapluia Ooai. South urango am . atTwniftk a t . ____ _ _ _)sutK for nnay factory work, •iporirnoo un-

Tioooaaary. hourg, t to 4 |14 tu atari, ad- vaneoment: taka South Urov> at. hug. dlran

Ut«rt*4Sl Roao-

>A TbMridny, Mar V . 1Y1«. Ly- tao widow of Rot. Cbarloo J.

D. Funaml oarvima gl h«r bom*.X JrHM. D. u. Funaml oarvima gi nm ■ eu lk w tklkM M

t. , M * ^ * y l». *« 7 • '•to 'k . la l*m A ^". R-ttfr*** OXeetetT,

1 ^ ?* * -* ' X**t«»*lr. X. t . M T k i^ > T « » % u , M u 77. IIH . 0**T*« X.. k x u .4 kiitkaM *f f iv T L « In** Xw > e-l* tl'-*

; >*4 e L e * . kS* M»«t;rt«tr ^ l « . B ^ k «^ L>4 »f Ani*ri«. «nA Holy Nomo H«l-ly »f

rkumb of laitaarBlato I'anowplion. aro kindly



WILL PVRNfSH FOR 111astm flno Mark kroodolalb, wbtto or MIoar. fray plunk engkat, with maaolm b*/ handlaa. oarm rad antno plgta raokoi banuiifuny Hand with flno atih or aattn; outalda ram admr* ttainf. ambnlmlng, dmaalng. akoTlnf. erwcL h i , enndalabrk, ^oraa. ehalra. bokfoo and tbma eonckaa I* nay ally cowotory Funackl oi^nm fmmPBOPLE'i BURIAL COMPAKT.114 BROAO ST.. CORNER EIOMTH ATI.


In door, bua fnra paid. Thrift Riibbiir Corp.. Woolaay at., hear Lyona ave., IrvlngtoaBUT ar poung man. about il ppuri nf age,

for gaoaral otno* work In (oundry.Apply Riwaraida Steol Caxmg Rb., Lgn>'o[g Highway and Pnnaaic Rlvxr, Nawark, N. J

41 Mantatk' »o Monday, JMny 11. nt I _____4 A H I Ikonfw in rk u rrk of Imrancif^ata | Can'‘>ptloft, whoro ■ ao’emn high »na«* <»f

i* yoaulrn will bo nffatod for ibo rofjowo of hi*•ig MW) lg|oPW*'k1 Ik tbu 4*>mttwry of lmi»n«g- , Iato 4’nafafHloii-»■ * M im K m i N T H t e N - t * i M « t »7. '» *• ;u IfaloB MorngonthloQ |no* YVobon. b0lo**4 ^ nifb «f tho iato Frank Morugakihlan, nl hor

poHiUnra, 144 Union atroaA NotWa of tba ftineml horaafior.

PSPPKH—On May It. l»S4, laabeiig pog-r f or 444 StuyveMnl ave-nu*. Irvlngtun, N,

In bar lllh P«ar.g< T ilt' PIRRCE—M Monti-lalr. N i . oniered

fkiM nai. May It. l»?t. Woreua E .•Jj ItONnod hgrbond ■»! Sarah Plorro inee MIL i tarl In hU 4Hh yoar. Rolallvm and frlonJ* II laoBWCifuMv hiTliod to Bitenrl tha ranoTol

l4'%1o>0 M ki* koiil*. H Coitago plnro* ■g-' Mn»»|7lalr, N J., on Saiurdij-. May 14. nl J..' I II P U- Ihlnmi4iii Cablwell Omatory.* HACSf-H—nn Map f1. 1454 • ' bia roal-. Fanr«. 44 W lnar>* nvonuo, >»r4-af F-, Iwlnmd .- ggg AugUPt and Mary Raiia'-h tnaa Wag-

gqr>- RoiMia *»< funnral hamnflor.

BST 1114. TEL UUL t..in* HAHTH KlJNlRALCnMpANT, I l l - I l l 1*4 BU’TH fiHANUW AVK. 17* RANK ST. PHnNE MKT 164*1.

WHO* rURpllSH FOR |1«oitra flita Mark brwadclotb. wbtto or all*or ■ra" pliitta raabot. with inaaalTo bar handlao. ongmvo.l aamo piat*. ca>kot boautlfully Mnod wun fin* ■Hh or Mtln. adm/llaing. •mbalraing, rtmaalgg, fhtvlgg. onirifli. randalabra. gtovoa. fbalro, hoorm i« d th r*a ronrhoa. Pwnomi w io tu frm Call an- awori^ bp auto aa far a* Rabway, M«f- rlalown, t'aldwall, Jaraay City. ate. Auto conrgo If daalrod

Ro t w a n t e d w ho can PUT ON MA­CHINE BELTS IN w a ist P aCTURT,

U WIENER. JI4 FI*ANK ST.B of, paat~" 14, with working pa para, muot

bo livo wiro. good opportunity for tba right hind; l-bakur day, Harvop Hfg. Co., ITT ghormka avo., ritp. _ _BtJf w»nl*d to driv* dallrory wagon and

tnako btmaoir uoaful In >«ofe, bring rafer- One*, I.wlbfBBn llroe , 4!1 Partuw ■(., Uranga,N J _But wantod lo niak* hlmaolf uaofui aruund

garago. g««d npportunliy to Iram tra'ie. Apply South End UaragO. |31 tJirang* rd , U itntrlalr.HoVK vanioil i'nriugxioa# preforred . eleadr

*«>rh. goo'l pav Apply Kd. Mohr, 411

CT-EhK. tliTi*ikeo',irr young runn. itoDOg- ro(:h*r, for ixJIroad corv>ir>ilnn eplendld

opportunity f''r hrlghl young Arrerl.-an. -o*! r.xrk for *r itivt d«p>nion t ; youngn»An a* t>i .. i for i>ffl'-e tr<»i'k manuf*(*. Ijr--er •Pifliiver nl on-e. good pav. ■t'-idy• J H , nil latr'jr {fLuihie, fireman. UB' hmj77. Innltt.r ra'*<7ry haii'l*. labwrara,hiile’, reaia'iiD >:. ‘iuU hi>u*e vai anriae, ilty,■ ’■a bup.* iti.l rn7intr>

U y..N K K -V1. 1. \l K It ] I' A N A (1 F .N ri,I S ^ ei.jB( e t . —It

( F*1*li leheil half a reniury ineat appearani# Mint gO'>d panman.

largo ci^nf-erri. Write, alvlnf parik-ulara, Penman B-i U. N««»e uffira, Orejtga.___

L RAMBFIRCRH * CO ronulro an •xparleni'od cu(l*r for thalr fur repair doparimoni. Apply ai *m* ploym*Dl offlLW, >6e*nth floor, bw- t«e*a t A. M. and t V. M.



FOKVMAN w ant^ In larg* Induitrlal plant near I'aiih Amboy; axportencad bvllar room

ri*r*nian, gtxni wage*, goo«l w’orklng cwnrll- lli>na. ataady, writ* for aalary dMirod. >tata tgp, edu<-aL|on and aiporlonc*. Addreaa Ra- llabl*. Itoi 44, Nowa office.


Ca b in e t m ak erto work nn aulitinnhlle bofte partIV

Betii'b Work only if pmfarrod.DUNHAM BOOT roMPANT,

Avrnu* ll and Ullirr ft.


APPhKS’TIi-K.t .^NH LYliil^lhlltS W’ANT- Kl> Al-PLr nt'KHKU, m-HW Alt2 CO.. 101 KltCl.lN'l MIVKKN AVF


ML.N WOllKFNti ON to N - NAUL UASIS can EARN *4.44 PER Day Al'PLY TO WH srKNt*ER F tttiN CriRp PILR C i.LlllOlt VALLKT U.\lLUi»Ai» TLHMINAL JEllMKT TITT-t a KK n ew .ilkkkt c e n t u a l Ka il*'HOAD To JLHHLir CITY.

THE TEI.T vr n iP ro .. 240 KRHIiT ST



NIUHT )VAfCHX*N n*r* ta a p<»nion of reapufialbllity Ibal

ragulra* a vignroui man, who 1* thorwwskly honaat or rellabi*. * man of Dilddia ag« aiul etpefterKa we r«*ilaa that tba Job calli for worA ard Judgment and will pay ibr right nun the right monay Addr*e»W'e ’ ■ hill 41), Mi'i 1*4, New*NhillT tT' MMAN. I arable i>f u^wruclrtg

te.er»h<>iip fwttihboard or wtlUryg la loaj-n gU riM re »|id wage* rap*<-tad. Adilrr-ae Teipehcine, I' O. iloa IM _MOli r firemai; aCeady wurk . gu<^ WWg*e

o»u blengel. Jut , 4l Weaioti ava., Nau k.

MiiHT W aTI'HMAN wantad Kugln*«rlt>g A Repair Co

Apply Raaat4«: C«Bl>a!

rncrGH T h a n d l e r s .APPLY HEADY



I'o hT NEWARK. N. J.

Wllion av« . Rijhbereal CiBt'^Y. 14 year*, light factory work, 111 ta

flarl ran make *11. Apply roar 14 I'nion av* , Irvirigian.BiiY wanted lo run cable wiavaiar; aipori-

encadi one naod only apply S»* angtcaar, TT4 Broad at. _ _ _BOYS for powar praua wark. agwd 11 ia 14

yeare N*wa/k Pur*o Frama fV., i&g SouthEta*ant k_at ______________ _

work in puck Ing dapt La Cnmtita Ca., 414 Mulbarry *i.j

o a NVASHKILH AMi ia i .kmmev.I,i\* Jlree fnr ihe b-'at

. K l"'i>poelM'in an the market.m o Mi.lNET.RASY HAlJLH

WPITJ*' 'Ml i-aI.T.Roam irt*. H ; Maik«i e' Xenerk. N J. CANVA.'tstERb f.irgVA.'trtERb for incK] piper. fOoJ aom-

itaeion. Apply Mr. KalieneH, T-*dger af- flie. liefufo 4

BOYS wawlad for llwbt ipt La Cnmpta Ca.,

aek for Mr j7iAemanit.

" A l O fa itf*. N. S ly . M a r 5«. l*J4. WnaB.

tAVAGE- . J.. nn WwdtMW-ivf-iovwd w ifa af

Hiehaal Sa raga vn#* M o W Ih lll l. R a la ilvaU ’ i M frtand* a t * ragpoaifullr In r ltad ta * i -

Vtettil rka tvmwnl fiw-n th * fam ily raaldanca. 141 tVaahmsiDh otraoL «m i » *lu td ay . M a y I I . gt t A 4i Solem n n igh meiw of rt*guiaflj- fb ti«b nf i>ur I "dr «‘f l-nurdea. at I A. it. IMarm ant •». Jakn 'a O m a la ry .

K'‘NLEI? At BlaomfteM. N .1.. fti» May 1? l"'’6 Animella, daughter nf ihe laie LiViii* gild Mart** s«'hle1f. a/ed e: year*. FdAoral >*rU'-ae at Ih* home *‘f h'-r eiKkpr Mra. John I'l-xtn 41 K'la e'rr*i (mi •‘e*'jrila) at 1 3* oel'i'k promW. »e|*ni»-H *- i| friend!*, ala"* cemr '• •' lii'Hiiufleid. areiiivlled (•> BUriid.

JOHN D CRANE. ii'>NERAL DlRRCTilB hag moved from 111 Harrtaon eve , Her

rl«ra. N J.. to K-w)«I KB*HNT AVE. KBAllNT, N J.)«I . . . _t'har* 1*tl AriUlftaBRMid-nr*. t i t K w n r • '« . a m io jim , n . j

m an* mEBTAB~ li t i- "T*I. N l) XAXiieT” A J * J. MOI L*.

ijn i)k r t a k * i**OTTICH and CHATRL _



J. j CHRISTMAN Funarul* al priree accordlni 4o >ftui

11 Central *v* Fhage_>l«imaana.



fiKIDM^rtll' ^tary J- .loijtlraau'.kley *4 life . 4 A M . wife of Thoma#, tnoiher of 1-aatee urd llmence Shl«l-nifve Funerrl frtm h*f frAi-i-nr* i l l Ser- rnd arahue. New Tnrk f"D. s*iar-iaj^ May II 1 A M . Ihence in f'lnir rf rh* Rplpb- any interment Calvary Ceiuuiary.

no\N - S uiltleiily, al Drnngi', S J . May II If JO Jrhn Grni-g- S-mn, hmther nf Mr* Y^karlra BogarC In hie ***h v-vt Itelallvae

. aijil f-iend* nr« hlnO v ' ivi'.*il ' n a!i*nd ihe finernl f'-im hti r tv e /a F e .i"n r JV4 rentml *»*"i*‘'*‘. I'riuine. ‘m he'U'iMy. Waygg al i< >t. ifi.Tiniieui m Kn^rmounl t ain't fry

I-.TRAIT- On T .ut :*?. May IT. 14H.YVU’iam ;• -iC Jr *nn of Will-u » ' Mendev'iie xf\.! . ■ D^nri'' Htrattl. In

■f bta 5-d year '■ nervli-e* will be baldat tail horoa. 714 Mighlend avenue, on Sal* UT'IhT Way ?6 *1 ■- ' L H Relativaa andfrlr=itl« are Iri'.Ued «•- eii«‘fvd Jnt7-Tm*M at Ilia c-otueDlence of the family F'.aeae omit

■t flon/ra.TDDBF-on May f '. ti:0. be-

lo'*0 «tte "f Thoniae ThcArp aged i# year*, Fu 'Vrnl eervlCe% will t*" h«^t at her hume, |"1 (‘e^'ful avenue Lurfifr..,, Seiur-da> Hay z* *i 3 I' W rt-iti r i, am] fr1)-Mle a'*" Reb^’ki'li I-«"lge 1 m o . F , l.4fiy rnr^virrp of Amnl*’* llrltie^ Aiiierl-ran Hnciri/ and Daughter* >.f Hrii.^h Kin(►ira, ar* reapeclfuUy liivliert. Intermantb ArllngUin •.'emel.erjr. DIAMUNn RING. ”

TITlWOllTH—Al NuaaeK. N. J.. on Thure- i return* _<■ .■. M-r arA'A 1'ar.an, rorm-rly ..f , , vEfiTXBNT PAOO 4o*4 X*.

,■ .ir- '.i- . V. J.. »lf- ot Wil1*.A w TltwAfO,. I ‘ ...E lust itol—n, ffllilAl*' o ' d—ftj -r*l •) hwi'i., ATa/ 30. ai 1 8(i B,yn.,nl -l>.p|.*.7‘ Klwdl*' 'Atlim I*

, 4', 71. (llAH.rii .lAnrtAfJ IlmA). hprlMfk-H Av-AUA TtuAl C*., H I ■*')••-WAHt> On Thir-dAy. Xat >7. 1170 Mat fl,]a A»^------- ............. ..........^ ..............

, r«. 1,., —tl of III, lAtA Xa' caa L. W»rA. I j e w e l BAO—N-a'NA»A_fllT ^ tA f^*r F ^ -/ (•rmn-lv Onvtrmir ot Sow Jrnoy , And »n«n' ' ' . r L . _ n A>____ ___________I _____ . l l l h.., I . m.1.4

EAST HID'IELAWN CEMETERY. Ti-lmwanna. N J . on trnlley II )e between k^wMfk and ra .aak ; ftnrM I"|i*tual rare free, lotg nf fdttf f m-ee


BOi.iK KKEri.Wii DKVAHTMKSTfl <1F I LAID.L M INI rACri K| SO Cu|'pt.iRA- ' TU'N At)DliKSrt n , Hii.X 11 NKSVH UT- I r rc EICi > >H *>i'l mT Irr reader *leady

W»rk an.I a...)'1 pe). V, rUe r . lo. LS* ■ Naav* 7'ff r ' >raiig* rilA l FV'KL ll. fijniliure hnOT-r fl'em-n mV.

inncmtnry ai IV araoerny at __ ] n^ginecr, 111. p.)ri«Ti, rtm .t. rmnn, .*rperflould terv I’ouka. ruxrrie'l r,ptij.3t« 7)4*, hitilala.

beni'h and ii.iwer pri-aa luhili, wKltere, cierke, me.'hanli) a. gariDtier. >)i|i><r sxi aD'-lea,


F arm r a n d for larg* «*ta1* near Bad Hank. N J., mual be goad teainater. Ap­

ply empleyrnenl offifa, Drlv*r-Harrta Co,llarrtean, S J. _ __________FcllNiTl.'RK flni*h*r \n d cabinet maker

waitied f)*r outalde wnrh. etrat# poairtha aii)l f'tod pay. W. A. Kirch A Co.. *7 Mar-kel It. _ __ _l-’l NlSlt Kits, hobhera on atarllng Wlv*r hoi'

low ware, 44 hour aJiop. l.MiinlnlcIi AHatf. M? W’*at Twxfily-thlri _at. _ ^ __F l’RNAcH helper wanted nn f*v*rb*ralory

furnace; good wage*, aieadf Job Apply | |g Cheaenu^af.. Kaati^huber A Lahrfeld. FUKNAt'R TENDER wanted tn Work on

oil flrad furnacae. Apply Franklin W|U*l*me. lr»'. !4I .Jeffnwn *1 ____ ________Fl'HNACra tender In email hraa# foundry:

g.MHl p*y. ’ *L andl^avii av#., Haprlaom ___

Kii>KT waK-hiuan aleady work, good wage* Ueo Bieug#!, Inc.. 44 Weatun ave,. Mga

ark _ __ __ _____UKFK.‘B CLERKS- l,arg* department nl.'ir ■

ran uji* t*o nr three nfflr* Hefke. riiu-i have had aavergd ye*rv' ciperleuie In ge:< •r*l office, eicepllonatly gootl oalai ) I ■ Ihoaa who qualify, reply in own handwrlf Ing. atailng age. prevloue eiperien<)e> aad • aaiary earn'd I* prev|c7ue pn«ltlori and ho«. Ho-ip you <Mn Tiiaa* « rhange A ddra^V Z lint l«6. New offi'*.(iFFlCK IIOY'-Splenir.it opportunity for *

hriglit young lad deilring lif i«arn ganarai • ffir* Work, nn •ip*rlBn>* naceaaary. Ap bly i:>rip]<»>iD*ot uifice, Driver Karrla Cw-. Ilarrliinn, N, j, ___


BOYS wanivtl for fn*7i pr-aaee. San A Ca., I l l lAfayeiie at. I ^


ranted fnr jK ur*T pr' 'o , I t l LarayeU* »L

M. liould

BoTS waniod over 14 yeara af ago. Foatal_ Talagraph C©., ll t.lintnn ^BOV fn j.'geaara l work, muat bgfw rafnr _ano* i i William at.__________




>Lr> PySTA llI.IHII ED HKI.IAHLK CHaUFFBL'R WL'-H.tNI.’, HlTigl*. whfte,

ntiddle-aged. wlllitig 1<> make hlmaelf fu!. wania |jliu-r) 144 Turrell nve., phone

Full [ak'AI. i^HAlN SYSTEM; Nftvr.nv AND CITY I'OC'AllwNS fk r m a n k n t rudHTiuNS w it h (louli PAT FOR CATAHl.R MKN. CAl-l. OH WRITE



4 '4 Houlh Oil Al'FFTCl'H r

irvluk; ilaie * 1- a. Addr**" 1 11 U rFKL K w

■ ••evl>- VMfk rr H ill in ’.- M FFLI U f


I DhlVK two ton Federal nry Bkpn<'1'l and ripar-

‘I'-ral. H'lt n . Naw* nfri<-*.

V-y■ tl trurk.

.Ai.piv Trana-Ml


ll r>1 mi)71 ng \ nn , «i -■<l. Ai>piy .lueaph J.

.. r I i i* T l 'T i 'tn iP'iOlag


rtry -V', B** » n “

LOSTBAR PTN dlam®bd and aapphim, ©• YTuab- " Ihgton av* between WlSilam #t. awd H©»- ewk* avrj., Bellayllle. raward. Fh©n©Railevdia Ijl).''. fonnabom don©. Hg»*o«K r v " . . Ft#i:e^lUe;^____ ____________ ___ _ ________-— - •

DANKBOI.K No ItH*.Uur». T h .r-d -r m orn l.' Miidor *loM r.iurn 1.1 III- i:nlt-il^»:»i« _

.rd for lha return or krif Ift





r. iU I'.Tlt j*hCl; Willfi don • ’■

‘ Hh**ri ,1)1 )iI Ll’ll f

. . h ee ui-'lt ll 9oulh 1 rr>'h at

I J| U 1 (Ji 1')H IMRD’ TRtT’KS.■ V WOtiK .Siri.T fl3 HAI.'«EY

I ruck , tnuBl know •A'.ikrr. U K. Hull-

I .V I

BOOK-KEEl'KR Yuung man 1^ i© I t reara of aga; epleril.il upport tnliy to obtain

Fractiml oaperiaiice In nianutaoturlog couBtlwg, nt) auohtlog given tha ©pp'loaMon not Btaling in liiialt hualnaaa ©yparlanre, I

education end gglary eaparied Ad-©I*._ . alary e _d^a© t^antrulleT. bog 41, Newa office Bt^lT'KlIEriLltg and eiarbe to train undar

cayllDed public arroufttnnt# fnr |1.444 to

rv i I k s t KKS'-HIi minn tnau waniad at ll •• A. W. N'lirtkii Highland and

Ii iii':*.il avea, u:*n hlilg*.■ \l'.i ■ I LK.1 W4:.i>l. wurk, e«.r-

'* • ' • '«Lil Tie r.Pii)i t:i», Bumat' - Itutgera ii lllliun, N. J.

■ Cl Mi^V (o ufoyk ino nighia a weak, muat kTx.p.7 ■omethlng aixiut eo*p Addraa©

i Hoy 14li New* pfric*.

OROCTRY CT.FCHK wanted * ona who undar- etanda (h* hualneaa; muat 1>* embitloua;

alan a man lo take rar© of horaee and work ©round piace, refareno*. S L lYowd, 911W ei' hung »Vr . Writ Omitg" ____URtH'FllY RALK.SMEN, wHh ynur Injfuanre

rninhine our tide hnt and enjoy grantly ln<'ruu»d liicom*. write tia Sv"i*m Sale* ('ompeoy. 804 Commerce hidg. Kri*. Fn. UltlNDKU wgnled on lleold Inwnnl grlnd-

ar, on* tvh'i ia aiperl«nc*d «n cyllRdar grinding prefarre^f; aiata wogoe and oajMtl- er»rr. Adilrooa U . B'»4^41. N«** office, UARbUNKIt. marriadr for prLata family;

goinl w*g«e. Apply Naleun'i Employment Agency. 4 WoeAianit av* . Summit; lahIITW. _ __________Ui i k LuTN 'F E E t > i M ; ©teady worEl L Ir to r

P rin ting C*.I 111 W Mhlr.glQ© kTO., Ba llo -; villa ___________ __________________

UF.N W* have an opportunityman, mw-bantcaily t&rilne>l tn break In

on light ma''h]n* anrk enne prrviriii* rna- r liine *1 pnrlxfii« t»raf*rrei1 but iH>t aheo- lu(*Iy n^'i'eeairy. ihi* It night w<>rk fiv* nlghia a uriK, the attrllng rat* le go«d. inarrl'ii Tuan will fhiil (lint the waakly •Arnlnga nllJ makt their re>ruir*m>*rtia and the Jnh I* peM-ianenl. - .iiply l» Ih* am ployTiient ilapartmani, ttiwald Aratylena t'o., il44 FTrlloghu)*<’n ave.MEN ‘W'AN'TKD TD OPERATE EM-

i«^SBTNr» MAClIINKft, EXFKRIENCB NOT NECBBRARY. OooD PAT, STEADY WORK. AI.SO lluNUS AS1> in s u r a n c e . AFPI.Y SUFT.. TRXTKJ5 I^EATKER CO„ HRtlWN BT. AND LISTKIl AVE.. NEW­ARK^______ ___________________________MAN —Flral-olaa* man who undaretAiid*

the aandlng and Luffing ot r*llulold on plumbar'a wnud wurk. uul nf town poaltlon: go.Mi |Miettl<m fur a giiv.1 men. all c<itnmu* nliaM'iii# c>’»riilepllal. A'lJrce* I*. W , Dos 41 Saw# nffli #MEN—You need rtuire m'^nry. i nead more

man, leC# got l'>gpther. and more a**- lly addi-d lo >*wr wnakl* inroma Without In­terfering with vou' Work, h'-ro until I I* 41 A i' WaJker, room 214. KInivay bldg-. Dmadand Market _ __ _^IEN—Two ekp'rt man rn vulcafiiae tiroa.

muat kiiDw relreadlng, )•>)•'* to lake charge, Burke Tlr* hi rvl'-e, Albanjr at,, New Itruiiawirk, N J . phone 1471; apply at

__ . _______m e n wanted in (7ur flniihlng departmeat

for peckihtt palnl and eattihg out order*. Apply Sherwin wlMiam* Cn.. f4rowh at. andL^ter ave., N-wark________MEN wanted, reliable, ©rcuatomed to htifia©©.

lo drive tn.ik wagon, gotnl aleady uoal- Hon. Apply wllh i‘*far*ufee. G. M. Bckerl.Allendale. N. J. __ ^ _h e n -• T>iMUIUl'T!NO ADVERTl»i?fO,


t»FFH'E MAN to IneaJ marcantll* houea goml npportuaity; atat* a#A eapwlen'-e

atwi Mlary atpauled. Addroaa W . ilna 49 New* office.OFfTc E MaN, one arcuatemeT to handling

money and ualng phone N. J. Ice Cream Cn . ]|€ Ml Pleaaeril av* , Nawark, N, J.


RTKAl'Y JOB r>TK PKODl'CTS A cHEMi* CAf- !rt| VANJ'KRPoi^l- HT.________

rLL-MBERKFifty wanted | l an keun doubt© 1)«© f©r

overtime, apply el anew, no f©e©; opw ahnp. lurnger Aganry. 141 Slttto av©-. oegf F©rty-hinih at,. New TerK ___________________i'LUHHER' HTret-cieaa ail r««n^ plumker.

no otlv«r need apply. Ale*. Medregwr, 41 T'ellry rd.. MonmielfFI.UlfnEKS AND H KLfEBrWAfPtWm

OHAKLTfiN ST. _ _F'OULIKHINa hotue require© W rlcii ©Y tw©

young men m ©©liacloro for Newark. J©r* ae> Cliy and Ifeboken, agFertohce tiBti©ca©* agry |4 per day t« ©tart. Call S ll Broad ft.. Ur. IjyonaIliWKrt l-RKsT^PIfRATfliki; - A pwr to

effloient worker*; alao learnora want*d o« orraw ma'-hln**; Maady wa/k, good kSFr Apply Greeff RnflnaeDnr * Mfg. Cd.« | l Hphn§ »i 44_lfl.*!li_A_X________FaCKER—Large wholaaai© drus k©4iM; In*

mediate, parmaneoij t i l we*iu Writ© ©r rail UFJ®ha Cojnpaay. Wait BrwadwaF SMSprlBg^j4©)^N©ar York.F R M HANbfT^d t/kuniMV »M

• Ll) '-IAKER witli aome original 1d©©4; eferenca©. Aildr**i Candy,

M.SQO; epaninga aa ©uat jKcnunlenta, kodl riaw*hr

_____ ____ ^ •But 14L N©wi offtca

Ijff.cBoa 44,

tor* gnd eaeouUvee; «all©Cartlon guarantaad.

omt atudy^lan;Addraa* C Ao

IXJIK Hip rev.

Sprinitl'lit ovo- Mi-lt-ti- X™. *■ ■' Ifcixn**. |i14 tte)>Ui_Tcnth a t.______ - ■ -- ----------IKXJ— olll*- <*“*1 brown and 7*****^*f'**Jff to Rover.” keward, l-Uafiq Kail, t l i Routli Mtfvr- 'eanlii *i>______ ____ ______

BUFTEBS—-Mad, esparlenced on rh^ndeUag© or bath room fliiur»«. etaady work all

year reukd; opportuptly for overtim*. «ta(a eaperlanra and rata pe* hour eapaotad. Ad* ilraaa Buffer, Boa 9A New* offtc«BUYCAER. ©iperlancei man, tn work "to

d esk DIIAWICB ln« In ,*****^5Foreal at •iivl Ruoael ev*-

if returned to * Kaibmann, 4*1 Ulooni'fl«ld ave., ainalctolr._____________ ____

iummit, apply at oaep grutd wRoee sqm* nvU Fond Market, opp D,, L A w, SuMon ©r apply after 1 r u , M Cheatitrut Bi. Baai N

BVTClitfiii TTi to manage oa»h mnrk*L Oall at ona©, Huprem* Market Co.. Dvdd A

Froepeot ata i^Eaet Orange

* ' ''K '.I W7)ck alfliii; hfhi work; aalary i .irni iHiard. -^rpiy at unca Hliton

I R' ,1' ikR Flirty-third di,vl . i! :n > dALESMAK, Riper1enred,~waui~

r j « -ady C©r Kaiuc-d*,,* on;y. CaU 41M ■ r i. -- I 1L.V 'i' > t Ml MaH wurUed; good pay; no Sun-

•luv Lawreix-e li«R(aurant. II Wat-Rc-i t: • r . BlnomfirMI'oi I Ill'.'M ITllS eaMvil. permanetn Job-

lUyden ChetuI nl tVnrka, Uarfiald.

HANDY UBN. porter*, kltrhea men, vaitara.oo'ika for Budd Lake, Ocean Orere, TAke

Ifopacrong. Dalaware Water Oap; many other laadlftf reaorta; rai-fare paid: goodwagaa amt Hp©: ©Hii all hlnde or local poaL Done In any iovn. akllied and unakl}|©tt men and boyai ope© 7 A M. to t F. M

OHOVK AOENCT,141 Mats ©1 ■ near drove. K t^ O rawga,

HELFRK~Vist*'il ©i I®© wagon; mottlp famUr trade. ^imkI pay. Inquire i : New­

ark at____ ;___________________anted

m en wanted, aevera! nil'lillvaged melt for light baitch wurk tn menuArturlng plant.

gi7»d vrogee. Wiinno RrI Co.. ] | Johnang^gl.MEN wagied to ret>alr huie© Irt bcKtllnf

(lapt : g i ^ pay. "lee<y work. ApplyKruagnr__Brewlng Co., 74 IMImMt ar©__ _MKIT ~in ~ ahlPpiPB Door, day and pt^hl

ehtrta. Apply kt one©. Ward Baking Co., F)Mi;ih eve. and North FlfleeStkaL______

lath© eparatera: food StsaAp «ai-lloynieBL Cona©Haal©d Frw t gag C© IfwB?j~upgwlcl|« W. J,

FOWRB PBM 0WI41WANTBDj m u s t -----------



PAiiivTEHS wanted at ©no© i s r w M N sS lautomobll© woijii t t t J M s fC tH

llKLFlUiS ©s autn trucka wanted. Apply 111 HorthSevenlr-'nih at.. Keel Orange.

HELifipiES Ahd handy men want©i- L onkartr ©t_________________________

7of’ M day Satur- , ■ ---------- WtiJt* U*rk«tday, good pay- Call Davli

r©.. «4T Orange it

Horn© Ward. Fnneral ©arvlc** "HI be held aa bt* ru-idence. 44 W'aehlsgtnn ©treat.

’ fr. S gaturiey. May t*. ai i 14 P. M. Inter vr inettt tn Mt Fleaaant Cemetary at th* ron-

. . ' a'piiiMence of the famlir.W'ABD—<to Tliuradey. U*y IT, !iJ4,

Sarah S', beloved wife of the late t'a'cti W. Wa^d. Funrral >erv|c«j *■ hmite ofbar eon. WtlltoiTi U. ^Vard. IJ# .Nr.rtli 8li- t«©nth atrert. Raat Orange. ui> Fr'daj «)■•' ntog- May II. at 4 ©Vlueh. lni*rRi<nt at t l^ coavifilenc* of the famliy. Hahwa^

' pgsereWABCL-Hto May i t . Ilto , at her horn*7 ‘II Ninth avenue. Harneit, betored daughter

of ilksr a*S tba mt* 3a©e»h Ward, aged M ydST*. K©t!c© •< funeral h©r©*lt«r«

VV."fhMl-'. *—t O '-m -. I»)l»w «hara«t>— (ulljhM. -o-l-lDlBf J-*-)*' -Ml-W- Fhon* Aoutl^ _f>rai^^ll6


ANO* »T^____________________________iiiUTCMRR, who can drive Ford car. for

©Makar*. Call 14 Carr av©,. Keanaburg, N

PAItoBOOK No. m i . IrpUbokhd Trttkt Ca.hraarh. It« F©rry « . Flftd©r plaaaa re­

turn lo th* offlc«_©f the compahy _ . W k.'KKTBo uK cniRapiing money, taportajii

ucper* and driving llcenaa, Tkaraday rlyh'- Tleeranl If returned to ^ t A^nanderai. |.^jij‘.._<ikri^n emblem l^ r pin, in Bamber-

ger'a; reward. M W. Dvreiqa*. t i South Itorkway. KaM^Omag*; Oraag* i t l i S A fcM & '^h to ltiin g vaat'and liningar an

MpriBSU*U JltB-ir. XMi)»». i- lM t<S" t)u f* « i^ fW « : r*w«fd 1C rMaratC Hub, m iB r iMt _____________ X


BUf< HBR tO 'TCrli-' -n I S,i ,f8»j i t t ' Uarkel, |61 Firai avo . KMiaSoih

arTCTBH w a n t e d TD dTAin' MONDAY. CALL AT 401 WARHJ.N«,i U».\ Ui


-aau .lk lu K««M ahA t ' t (■ - u k toT kanA -'. Mav 17, m * . I ------—r-.wiCa of wnii.Bi r . w -a u tor- -OBlfctak* g w

rHJ.BC-, l i t E '-rtrM B {.tort. k»«wii; •* t***4, J.j Katvrday •'■entog' May ] raward. Jahs Ra©fssf» *.l* ■ials#_4t • r»ty>** —--- -to-Jttt©r<

’ ' ’J wavw'WWF v'oWMt H«yand M H eir Cr««a ftpij^pai Ti« ©tt Mwttdky, FOUND

V MA48■ JMWTOrMnr liKk nkUH orlOnwnl fkf tk» '•f'OMol tk*1, J . Ilvoif. ( t UI Jshn'b

CAT—A HM)I M ltoP* tkA rtCh an* k*li. AkRtr '> *>•» Anii

____ «oII»rIkCto* *«•„


BUTCHBn «•*(•*. B A J. H'liuii jji.-.nt-i' X-'k-V _______

iuilHBLilAN — i'lr.l-i'lo— huxhclnt*n wanted ai onca; muat h* quick workman;

high©©! wage© ©ad ateaily Job. ”Tli* Hub, ‘144 Market *t ____ ____BLAUBSlItTli'S HiOLVlClT lo "learn drup

faffing: good chance for right man. Comp-tan, t u Camden at. ______ _ _____ _B jU illflriiM la to rd ay ©r half dny Satur*

day. naat week aleady; 124 per we«k. 74 Fauftn nv©-< AStparc, Baet Orang©; phoneUrttnl©__#t4i'_________ ______ _

BAIIBBR M r i hext w*A; iteedyw©rh; on© day ©ft aach weak; wagaa 134.

(toll m ©nr©, t HWffawood av©,, near Avunav©. , __ ________ __l»Ainfi1i wnnCedfTRtay nlghi an4 ta lu f '

U1HMAN-M KrTiANlrAL.dll nroiKul man w-tili aoma ma-

1' prarUcr, for «iianging marhlna 'otltaatibf ar.il laying cigt new« who ran work fr<<m verbal In*

end F©rri| HketdieB, good op-periu'']!, fiu a man deRiring a ateady po- BlDori l^llh a firm Riauufaclurlnf a lln* »f or'aii.T, machinery that will local© inSlomrif Dill In Ih© near future, applicant i© be pr.vired to apend ihort time In ©a foclory IjiMed In Long Uleod City t© b*'* ©oiuR lAfiiiiaUiCtd with our work before m©v- log. * married man living in bloomfield•r viriE-i'Y preferred; Miary Its. Addraa© Be^ilt. ]ii>i 41, liland Cliy,j^RAFli^MA.S for layout anit detail work

INSTRUMENT MAKBHS.makareFlr©l-ria©i Inetrumeal

wanted at nrc*

If ttrmMEN for general factory work*of Wllhem JobnHon. Brenner A Ken ai©..

or Kedenberg Worba, I4I Plan© at.

wat«a. Apply A, Teager Ii t,, Karrtpon, ______

rAVNTih* V iin ilx00017 MkTfolA h*kd*, k**t

lP^Bari|en_iiTm K

FA ii^R lC mlddJ©-a«©At • t© n ^ « « f 4 i pa©« datory- Apply J-7 Ftnlnr. |fY iH rmsi iK,

MEN wanted to work In lc< ci-enm tntt«ry;piaady work. Apply New Jarswy lo©

Cream Co.» 414 Ml FItaaaat avtt.MBN. aai^rlencad In handilng C'v«l ©ti SnaL

Apply Butiarworth-Judenn Ottrp*,»e©A . . .Kffwark, Traneftr, Newark K. JoMEN ThrM. fur ahop work, drtti nr«a© and

aRMainbling. Mohawk Sleo. Mtg. C©.* Ii Kirk alley; 7141 Ubl.'MEN wattled nn bench w©fFlftl©eE~SeFery

'%rkr* ■ ' “of Heftnan Abr*n4 A Sen* 111 Vag Bareni t , cor. Elm it. ___

neral m ll^ rc li^ wgri* Wlaliia i l l

m en wanted for g«i Apply Hanaon A Van

Cheat nut at.

Mutt know (hair bualna©(a Apply

Wa©tln|hi>u*a ■leclrl© A Mfg. Ctt..Urang© and Flan© ila.,

Newark. N. J.

day |iia«^ng,*Hay |»,ng.’Ma;liKv^ a»d (Aviida ara

!>f^ "-'Found 'AkTttdat© deg; 'Vaa hgv© ©am* I■ prevlAf ewNSMhto! If not <mn«d I Frld© at m©a©YH». iJrang* at. ©11. I* MlrfllWYit pi. .

B olesroUww


r i i r A J l m *1 [ » « ) Utory t* riebt mon.-------------1 1-hur.n.iiT. i t b»rtnt»WI4 *ir*^

rang*>l}«h*r©'wanted at once;

iiinrhtnery: niu*( b* capable of toakii f Hui-uta'.e working 'Imwihg; parnak- boni i '•'Tn and vppartubliy for aavani!©- Aiar>‘ k-Hf,. age, *vi>©vlenre and lalgry da* plr*'7 A ■tr-'iMi E. b . Bo* 1*' N*w© offlt;©. BRAFT^-m w irantcd t© aivblRt in making

diew iritt bf nu'iiitiatle nia< lUnttry In fac- tary in D >.t)k it, not ,m i'it vxi'oriearp r©> guiri'd. Hi.iwr r, HUltng ©gc. puai piwUlon and He'll '• t Hppripdv (n atart. Addraa©Drafi*tnii3i iiok HI, Newt office. ____

'■l V w i t h egpericnen an amaU gMolar.n b iiginea or aleotrlc lighting oy©-

t©«L ApiiS rti# Hltnme Majtnatu Ca., Wal-



Bloomneld* K I*

©•aglittg S'*) I lull, _x _ ___Dli^O CLijuK', reglH ei^ or r©gi©t*r^‘ aa-

•toiani «r'K'i houra, good Milary and per-mggent pivviiinn.

Fn.^rLirs DRUil ITORE.Orm gto Rt, and ^©«vtlla av©.

S K S tT f i, I'uk-'-Junlijr driif clerk for ra■ 1 ! ..................

g^w eb le r c.i . _|T^F1an#jtL

•tig clqalYlni 'I'periment, no niflU nr Snnday

<roTk; i \ 4 pi r week I© ©tart* Apply Aoakef

D KljtiulSi. »;>* Who ha© ©aperience la rgiaWttF©<-'iurlna. ©hori hob|a: tood pay* fT©., ?|| Nnrroik ©i.pi*e*'i

BAKKB,©reek a V t a .HLSiwJSSSL

In enntnr.— t niiAw*-'- Phi,rin.«^, ii^rtnjriW iA *i

IM p«r ! jiliuiklfVrb- JmWrt pr"«wl*Mii4*•Ipn*. MUi


XKN—k*vtr*l ■rnrai h*lp*r* _lo~WHn«r. I t l XoriB* *).. noor


XAKINll*^JoX7ai|^%>6i}~ 6p»«RTUK7T1f ?Olt THIS lUllH'r x a S t o advancib AP?t,Y XII. CUihK. BABTWOOP WIRJB M ^). CO. i t JOHXLBXON «T.. BBM.B- VIUJS, N. t.

tototr. ApfirOr>3*oy blob. —rAiOTEiU-:»IS$:*!5t7Ki«it*» . t

r4*4r f*r work, t t - l l V lkkor *t-.M*|m ^r'ATNTBM «Mit*b. aaton.

etk TwterpAiNTlsS^l

Bontk TTraktr-Ilt** x ., lr*l»ffttok, » , tiNTKiU i»i>!*k>. i)'*) e '* » bll-bi Ho»p*^lt_Xilto*'

rtiwiO T r a n nIW k, g ).

e l* « All- OI*n. i w

PAiNTBUa <fw*)l M jp*r lUjr,----- - - ■ OnII rnarth ***., B»»t Omnb*- .FAilITf®il;”miiil fe* uBloik AbbIf iU Orbkb-

iB*. )M W»rT«n *1. ______ _

POr.ISHBM kkt BlVk*) fc*rr*r* wbBt*« )■ MBtrallr IwtoWfl (« it* m — ■— —

wndUloni: ll«ID' t l ' r *b*Bl ra*nt Ib' ra«n wuiilng I* w) c lu t n-Bd **pir. AddrBMi ft.. )Bfftot. IrDBAlMi. , __p o u iu a H s AND u a Oh in r o f r m t o m .

«o Hotma I’RR WBKX. NO w o m onB A T U n n A T II. M. B B P X A N to O S.. 41 ------- -------- -“ - RIC

iu N _th a t, rtlltU* M i ^ t i u r ?Br vw l* .Till* **A klttin* *bBW nBter tr.TBl

Inf now .A ll rBodr (or o k*n l^ In Jun*nabll Hkltnl nttil-d, (BOd avportunugr (Br rlckt inkk. tor full k trD 'ito rs writ*. Ad- 0r*<n VnmriU* u d XBrini Pictur* Bbow,Ston ii,_Ntwi Bftto*. ____ __________ _IIAlf wnn'<*dr i>BUt II. i* bnndto bnprall

DICKGRbON HT.. HBWAW__________IH)t:iHHBHS.' Bnpa'rtonBid on *tl**r M I bw

«*TB and naralUt*; Mn-dr arorb; aasd p y . MBar* to XBlnrann. t* t MblWipy *t. P u t'f lH lillir wanUd •* br*H and lb*nM

wark. Atvly rm nk BiBltb, H a rO v m Co,, t t l'l»r *1,

u d onktar blip Ik aid aatnMtoh*d lhalariBB bailBmi ftaidir pai. —atata nporltao* and ilva rafar*na*p la Addraa K. B. O. Bat I t, N u * • ( ( !« .

jrwBI.BB-*TONB aKTTEfl: on ; WUO can do k in <i w o bk j

TIUV, WITH OOOD OPPOKTUNITT. HOOU1) A HON, t) w jy e w L E ---------------

JB V B U B S .^ ^Wa kkt* PMlttoBi apan t a a (aw ••*€

ribg makeftti aa^©ifrayat. llaifiT-itrom *uk© rs; «ls© for as ©sfrsvs

hb*a padlFant apw t a b'Ra h b « poiltlaM apwriBk m*b*T*i '•tram d Clwpman. * -*“ •

r i u s s !

raaaa* la tkJi. » • afWaa,

__ . _„_____ laiflr (^mmbr!kaa1 adantlon, ta iMlat la ablpplnf tl«* IBMBt; inaai bt wllllii,, ta work: t i l fo r lb ta •!*',. Appir Hvabw * KuObtor Ca.. Plan* *1. ___

io m ijs x o w tT.. BittJJtyBHAM WaRTBO, irHb *«k*rt«ia* *■ baltto

ptoif ma*bU*i aalwf u d *1*8* warbi

......ptad and naba bto awb

Afl*a^-«lto* ca.. I I - -wanM a« biratotinam tto4 © v

* A. Dtabar * d u , M tK i:w a k

JA X tiw tr'w aatitd abM t'’*WlM'''ratia,' tw• T a jv r 'i r i r w i a ;



l i t . Blaamf

frC Srita ilB iStW ii; *iipartoiwadl aa a M f ^ bTUblki a n *i*l*l iowot eaaaa and »ot-

alita*. ™ltl* Naraltr Ca., 7H W aaap •).

P O Itm tl, W H ltmrboithib t m r B R im c f


MBARK,M'fH *T., NB.VR STM AVr... N. T.

e x p u i ih b n t orp)«:K. i t h rU TpR ,

. iRaah t* r H adlbt* M______jawalry^aa: r —--------- " * '

•aa** rtbblradi u a A ddraa t . . Ran IT.

I and wadi* dMirad.

r« n r« « n raqalfad. Apply Oraadma'a 1 711 Baalb rw rttan tli a .________


lU K '—Cattobl*, raltobl* wtr* w orlia i pr*(*r m u atptrltatad In btoklbd b u b a it. Ap-

^ a n p to j^ n l aHia*. t>r)v*r-RBrrto Ca..

MAX 7t wark t* . IM b a a d r i


RICRT WORK. AV V U rt l j o b n i o n v r . «'

R ta U tbfoiiii

f; , ■ .\iibrFth ItM uit, H orar C ar j u

rcH*/ *■>RAi.IYHI lHii>I' ■ ■•4>i I’!.!. M '•U .NAST) Ti Ri> Al*■ EM?1 ID .x|UL'-)1» A t DI RAf” TIIKi ' 1-> w I ANY I'A-VV ARLC i l a i >ARY

n^iUii•' 11 tl

0*1t%ati w*U4 Ob

R< i(Mi l'■•n


F^T^fMiaai'wbltf ar aaibiS. '

RirjiiMI) tMtari<.,tKilt*# «M !*• li ritaat* M to|va)|a*«*it< IWrcK1 Ok, m Bal

'VMT fisfT I' I ANVtt I F 'llt TMUSTNY tU II

FuHT FO K F A Tr nnM?i

itDy.7MkhitiTIuN, I

a high •In




S s . ’?^DHBI TICElkimr©©i 01

ISV©©tlC4 paying •I7© radona y«wtewn, ©1ttdO- It

SALEM4 poaltio

llalrlbut 4©re. anaerifin©©i latollfl ■ftr.

Xarkat IQCiffi

waah t

I ant

»lfkW it-i-lA ta R u

anlabit A n ttb a iRir toaab

Id . "

in iU t aa . Wauld PI bar* tba

■AUn*chaitML a«M_Tp

Writ* H


HLTni(ar —^


SIS*'L- •lUI

h t f Mr. f M t Mm

t rf«l •!.

At fMt«nr t r ; MM4f w«rk. »Mlk A**»IteM* »«rtjr K.I t t _____ _____

t OreilJB 1CrM S C«

iA vM *b nicht* ftT Vl9*mft*lA

\ Pttioii A PEI If6ptl C1»«r«A. l i t

vpfA^I* pAtpPMf i ttr«P.. Alt H lfb

*r« rtem . Appif________

f AfllmffM iMmp


*f RPlIlInfM, itAl* rvMUtlvp Id 1ft (b« p4«t (*w pp<'<ftd Addr«M[ON o r KOKTH


ptrfttor^ pt#op I pltoft rftit ftti-lr «priL N w ftrbTry *tApac^ ty ' t*r»J

CftTp ft«4 - |rftoK« ftM ftlM.• u M. A . R*ft U.

ftitltUMbllft m»<u«k ttpftiivftet pr«>uck Ct».. lo«..

i f ~«<rrh, witb »p ■fti, In^mlr* M»r< WftftbiftAttCi ft»t-

e« Mftft*tw«A, **[

i^-clAW Oft 9'ftrd*. Apply All Hftlaoy

~*wTM*tPr irftehft too, i l l .rftrTT » A ^ —AftJoftOktft to rttfti tmcko; fino hi« A Rftpftir Co .

rrlodor tMftda, « • • liittof orllftdtrft ooVftdoil M«t«c Cory

pftrtftor tftr|«»0, irftftt oppor- a r t I II Mftla t i . r« ft Ufftnge_kr ftiih ftpftt woldtJ Co­lo «l.. K o « a ^ . o^

floor bftndA porftp- rfftft* work, opoft M Campft&r- Dfto-

I trail mftn (or ^tnco trorli: olOftA/ loa II. Nowo offV«■1 }• *or broych O’ li> ta A. M , Gould CO knd Grooft ■<I monopor woQlotl0 comyony; Inroot >nd*llono. opx^iti eta Rubort Trool.

I boorh, tn WftM0, wnu«.m it . ftftd

moidor for brftoote e , JorftOf City •■dry. tlA Iftrooy

CHINANreopuBBibllltr thal who la thoroughly

ion of Dilddio op#Oiloo thol (ho jail [tn#nt ond will i>oIt mnney Addr*a»**• •■fn«ooyobte of uyoTaClhic nr vlUlna la lovn

fea rOtHK-IOd. Ad itoO ItJwurh, puoO wftpoa WaaiiMi ovo., Noi«

oniod. Apply Raoeir L'u . 142 CftBU«>

ly work, pood wftpoa. W^atuti ftv«,. Nftw

|a dfiyortmont ftl'ir- iifrire (’lark#. niu"l

' ckprrlaiii *> In penII y poiHl Milai ) I • y In own hand writ i«tii# eipenen.>f> #ad • ua poallUili #Bd liO'' 'K*ngi> AUilro^ >. tlW*I opportunliy for a Inp lii l"arti poftorai n<« na^-e#Mry. Ap , Grtvar-Horrla Cw-.

.J marcontllo houoe oto op*. oi|^l*n<'* kddraoa W . bao frj

uatofliai^ to hondTl na n* N. J. Ic« Croom

K IN roi.,011 FA' ' KM'R NEt'KIIAARV.KO|>l'('TA A C'HCMI-

ERAlour; doiaht* t1«* fpr1, no fo*«; opM fthnp.tth ftvft. ftoftr Fprty-

•II fo«i>4 plumhor, Al*ft. MeOrftpftr, fcl

M bT W ju^ T O T H

qpirop aorvlcM 9 t tw* orr for Nowftrk. J*r«. oftporkonc* uhnocoft'Lprt. C«ii All EroftP

.ATOW rWd ^ 9 ( • Ki loornora «*nt*4 op ly work, powp ppif, n iif A M ff. C « .r i iN A. j r ___________MMO ^Trof iiMAP; l £III wWL w r tu M

fMt EffMhAvPF b

trti*»fiA paA apbS A wftpftftj t tp f t jr «B- A f W t J k f Cft., M«v

IT s s n s s s :

J« T r> rtR iT MUJN. K 4.

h I M b a A t H

■ E ---------------W iee t T M

itWA ««|»CAiiIMF At.« ftPlEBP

dji • j r int—t — ■ a . t .

^ r . T t i# w w k

lVh f krK dm /ii

fpfp VA»t«4 Ip

6 n m 6 ^ 9 .iO WOMX UN AN A W . 41

rp tlo p r fepUov It «« rk ; pdoA >f MpiWrpF at imT^p pS BrpptP

HftrAwprft Co.,

leod oiTftprafch"CP API paA Aor«H Mwrrpp ai.

«, W H I ^g TN # ■ ■ K T lcm

PAY poR T fcna . trroR B WORK I N gg AMU 4t.tARN.A 6TH A V r,, M. Y.F F ict:. 4TH rb o p R ,

WAMTRO r o a roRK. A m ,T N v r .

iw AT e*i« ___•n^ Mat«r C ar C*k, H I

lArtWT) *■>—I «M <•> t t r e»ir»Reeaie*t. 1‘MR*

- T - - - 9 * F A W B M B I I I W L P W A O T P - M I^ A p # B * ti? l* * u MrirrA I M r p » a u

r .« T .r..ln .i T h » ,.r — . .■.:i.. .-n -'

Y tll.r •>«'r^ r® '* ''■“ 'i* HANISi: R.w.rfc

FA.!!,, r™ '"* ‘ “ “ • H u ll K l.na il ,i!»rk" i . tlrW** •l•r•rA Min'-.K"i i'„ ,4 i£iji,ih t>,.

■i.r.t~rHirAi, tb it in o

VAr'ANriK.) |Nin UEX.

H B w rA B K a ^ a w i a o m m . f r i p a t . k a t m . l a n .

i U L f W A W T U k - y o m i t

AiilPUni Mook-ltwMor typowrRi

r rn i .T r ;kAl>CATKi IIMHtMN oHTjUN PniMPt'HOoL •,L t-f- .•v< »i F| r .

rnA i Ti.'A i, c K rtiiiY N i’t AND i»7,);

I'M - 'X 'MNKINfS.r

rAf lMK^ " *'*' ICUM'TFti'Vr VkJ-1

1 '| W H iifi k MI'Ij it i! - ? * ---------- .y» , . . j n .iiu .

•TOClt N A i^ iillA ^— loOOpMoiki^elpitfti voftrocft wftnl* ft kifk'prftdo irtoM 1a pltei AADlkl

a amoIt Uo«k of | p«r copL pref*rr*d Wa oftp ttftft l*« Awn" PftmmiA ftl

N.*!:; L'.‘.u* i i i ^ . * , r w i r r■T|,'|j E>IT—Vftofttjnq |ft country lor taftohor ^ - ■ ■ ■

or «t>i|«p« atuAonl, rofinod DJo*«oni, k**Hky wnrk. i m for 14 doya. |l l» Nr «« dara Addreoa P mm t>. I l l Mflh tva , R J.iR k l f f WfctAl. WORKBlu tWl a »

loftrft iho trod*, ntovoploo, oJtiowo. looPofn. woaniroy nokoro, *tr , «lot> aoiPeraift, Ad- I r w In H i W.UI. n o A lll, N.v> .m .. ,

llATi'H l lH l 'i l lK R * - k i » . r l . i K . l ^ i pht»i.npranh worn ONU Art ylfp. Co..^ In* n rop oi

diepeiioero alporTotwo^, fOOiJ ^|T o-dftr w#ek. pvrmonant pooiUon.

[.arrabR* ri*(inolftU< UurriotowN. M. )i#l i l l .Hill'* UIpVKVPKR wTTl oaporraoii^ in

n.aH.np tyrujv# vood hnura, p<>o4 par III Bv# Wnntrlalr

ATRNf>g Ra l*}inu —4l1v« ffTaroABM "*and ■ loir aa}or> «ayori»d. Addraaa Cooipa.

- .,JWB offleaiT l’l«KSTt-~f>rftlio alfti1«nu"ftr«~f^ironi

dtmoMf. day Pad ovonlnp aobool *d- ^OM ] 'rftko Collofft, cityM JAnr.a nri -olwr t^U M af K TpU tiroB l

"'" k,**'^®** i^*' *'• ^'joi'aborri# A Pvtio,JiorrYi, k Jivo _ RoMoyMIo,

AI V V '^ lir fi,T f , ‘ " '" 'X »**-. , MI-'K IALBaUAN_Tcun( m .7 r^ m rt.JS iAD, I'v r ^ i v J 'V n 'T ' I . J J K . wfth

Mil iV 1 f/iU ,. I . ' ' " ' " ’* ' ' '^ " “ •■Hu ik ' *11■' ' «ll. '; "A I.ESM A yrB )[r|(ti|i£N rB -m =oil

BnTl,:j.K N l*TJV K V., M„„

s“1 r * ' ! f f * ' ‘**'M» UN lli l ITJ

"I'" *— '■

■ aai.c im b n .I WANT TWO I a LRIMBN


TimvniTs.!:' - A M , i t 's ' f . r i ;' !-»e«Y/T o ‘ ll TRilro n ! ’,.j);pr UKs IN Hapkx

n -’. ' i S i icx rB m iN rrD »■■ii^A v'iU i*iV * RKfOltD o r

® ..r;I ’ *7 *1 ' in t k U .ihiEnt and

orilL'Iit UB• Y.in 1 O r ftji r^ .......... -’• f rax ii) RKKPu'y*!,

t >hh t m * t ^**wAiriiiN (I T-,,.:• ■'T N .'"1 F».1U T\t I fcfi’t r II fc*v',TTJi; Hk'm r»|»r;viv , T f in y |w

Al-l^I V V .i * l''''''r ii'.T IU N I,a r I T 7i 1 III i)i J Hi II,If k |A uahi/

A \ WaS'TRP- I*n- ■ 'o|« n|.#B fnr hltftv I) |i»m II »i m j r h > t ! | i ' , c I til n i l raih will) la Hut jfiRiil i,fw-'M» a„,i wii, r lift*'•Tn OHmiM ui,!t > fr I ,,J. • at,'0ni#iTt !" n.a;aa''iall■o•llMlf . 414iUlr%4l wrlfa #|,ji..i,ifwanl Addrraa A U Itui 3» .Sfwa yffl.-o.

► A 'l i ' . i l i t r ArTERNiniNA AMP EVR. NIN lA AI-^RLT I(]T:NERA 114 ipRINii-rilC l.i' Avr.PHj'K PAI KPilAN. eoperlffn> ed wonUil

lialurilay uniy. inud ■oiB'i’. aittdr work t- Houoiiioit. tl» A»)H',pri*a av«Ill'll^ iA^.EtMAN. aoporirtn-ad, /o r^ in ti^

Pof*< Adlor Shoo Co , III Uarpoi atHHIHT THoNKR wftMad ' C W M

TIain o#a . Irvloftoo. aoftr Orora oi ITl^ltK R(>ri'M HOT woni*d Apply twor ooT

Ironco Huifort Trool Hotoi tO oL,a>L Ma a HU wontod. tppoolo of mokiftp

all hinda of toolo Nr laiif md folOlMoJ ~ark| eaporloAeod upUro! i«oJ inokor pre- f*»T04. po<^ opAortuiijx for rlpKl pub. 0. i , • Co., l i - t i Koot llucroB a i . *iniloohelh oro.f fio t; M A « r r w i . i . 4 < iB w k 4 fi.ffflr;

m .n u lu ta r in | j tu t i t t t . I l l H .lll >|.TtU BU B jgPRR— fli.n«. for |ooo.

moo. no oODortfn,., ih t poflll-il U wliC • lii,q ’jfii<.1urlH. ('..nt'orit AnA h u moaft jTiJmloo. i l l . AAAr.o, TlmoBoa^r. Roa K,

• « k koowloAa. at ITMCrlltaia.Mr BlMk.

_________** Mk/k.i M.




•EAIIBRB. CR-AYm IrR,( T s a i . aTTmiRmR.ONE a n d t w o b o n e m ip f w R E RONERA, RINDEM. e x a m im e r i a nd BOXWRE

r o i ' rA I

.. a i.I. IT pp,ir OTANII |M , I tIoaTI. 'S'

kAI.ElUAN'VIIT M AKF ni'T riHI;('•■rri'i.v w i

IMVP an ...■Ksiv,. T'lH rw i. .IK ih h k e tiEai j irv i.,y, SEEklNl! I'I'll«< I', AA I'rv IK THIH p-all

nawi' Kvrii.iv - - " IT II <'(I.SIPSTII A ri 'i UK'.ruKT MID H 'l.n «D Tllh AN IV.'MMK >■*,! OKI ATKlt 'I'lA .'. THAT l.ICNKHAllV fnOMlMHt. MV SAUC.O MANUlV'ltV ,,'M PumTi 'mi r m \ can mb A..i,n , ,n ir» yiCItlTia AI.riKE. AMHIiiima QUALirifA- TKJ.N, ln)X Igf, NEwg OFrii'B

iA I.m ilA N , KXPBIIIEM.'ED,Tn irm fill prrfTTrrd itfirk,liT'iw f«r New Jrraey roryoratlnri.U ’lE* hRBw RKperUtii'E and mm# «o|]

reriArii mriidnlAddreE* (■:. J3.. 11(11 iS. a\awi offlro.

nrumiNEwa vffN.TKi HNIMAl, nR A D I'A flf WAMI-rU a -S i

In p aducfiari d«tvartm*nt wf Iona manu- N riutinp i**wearfi In MnOaftan- aoaw#r. ata|. Iiiff #K* r##t t" ■ ijiifi and o# #ii' ospeclail la aieri Ad.lrrEE T#-hiili ol )i>Ai M. N*vo nffd rTill'. .( liAI.KSA UN~;.»i;d7~m uirW oT

I'R, urr*.! (.1 i .jk»r N#w inaty. ('*11 Vic- i' '■i*'*'' i-*'lio-.f*. Inc., phdna kllMlieih

'll liNUK Ytiunf rtion, «ilk aema atpari- • at •Mri,|,,|| ff(w-d pay til alart and

• iT iir w--»k Appiy Mr f.if Hoki i l l Wu-fir a I n Hiil<T*rak*< f’n.1 f.-N ■ I a 'f In> dll'.* loal and moioft mo"-

>■ k»ay<*n airjidr work. U Miliar L> * Forms S J .________111' THloiMK^B wftfttoS ncnt k i^ "a i•

liEt.fhCTil Aoad apply. F. A i uciar, i§ BimE< < > r I nyoI.- allrUM ANb fP 'llB E R ■W IM tiC

I'DV TO HAVI11 hlN oCt, NlDVAl.fn Y _____________ _______\1 ia« AVIZKJl wonted. tapeHoocod. Ic lok#

r>i • horao of iruiconlBinf and Brrrir* d*-|, Br'Iiiani. Apply tc |chiMJtitiioktr I'oU r^WiiRKfeKA. en*rl*no^ an rniTiTner-r i#l * ,d jnrtay bodlee b|g par EteadyH.irk Rtiy Jey cr huriilE)- , I ' l l went(-' b *1 "itr M;,rir gr:e l1 rv*M A r ' M M A S' lli-iiable. honaal man. ao

FtRt> injIAL. BVFLOT- M1N+ WITH C 0 N O t N r * L

"AUES, i r TODHA^E MOIIBEU uki SiflkTH.■ HlRTWAldTR. A FIoR iTkI m A

I K ’’, .BARNBHto r M,p ..^. A Mb■IX . AFFtaT READY

TK» ■ R W. o x .

ERAREIERB OraRATOM. • e a m e r r a nd TWO-WBEDLE





11 I'D,

r r i . ’SHilAN WAtlUil by Nrw Tark whilraal. rtiffp-p hnuow wl*h rolakiUhpil rfpntoM-»n

0 hith • loE# rp|.rPRanl*tUe to tall ei>r(a«> *n<tIp. laff# In'lualrial torvorahona. Ipatt-

lutiiai * rrEtauranl#. *u-., |n Nrwark and»y<TT."jii.jin,g lerrlliTT ■•kmI fhomta for man E# liny «ihrr line* lr> tarn* r!*M of ifa.la,( ••' 1 ■■TEti'li n atmlcllt rinnmiuiiin nr BhRrw

' M IE ilpalxEB], AdilraN tofftr it«j4 ■ -ffl. a ________ _

h t i i;!'.'»il'.N W • r.in uae * fear goAid r*I#e- , . ‘ . i.n fp-nr.'v with ear, ln V»warh Hnd j

E‘iiu-f w 'ri E',| dlrrot to Rooatitntr THI AIK ,■ • M SKh t ' . v m T t'n r tk# only Iflntr i1 iitw - H Iho riinrk-'l li^oy wMok wilt ftiTt rtefiatp when punclured; llbaroJ eemmlMlnn Bn- un’itnited |inw#ib'I;i!*■ (j rifht men. cpf-'T-' t« k T t and drowlrif Mcount ortlalj do n.iT wiate y..ur tim* kf OpftiylQf, Mfh,■ '■ iiilp ii,T-ii onijr dealrod W rit* «r coll M rKa>. l?n (.enTror ov#.. ffoworV.

twiij la reaemmayid Uia

Molckmoi;. boa «T.

KKRHH. eablnot mokara and mo- f.da Fi I am both Fkf^)0«fripk Ce..

- - - .... - . Ei!oob*llip^rt, N. Jw <>OliWf iKlC khh taperioftcoi^'flo JIhTo » atrailK iwr.rk y.>ud pay. WUner. I ll Uuf Ifjfi it , n«or >lTiion tWiKSlJTTiflNTCRJi and wg>i>i1 wurkera oIod

bi>>* 111 leftxn Oaikara Mfg. C*. II Co- lumbio at- _W -a .i-n H v e n s ANnTt5LiaHEfill waniri”

Wrilp i.r c«n belt broa Co. H Hnyd oTt. Jara^y f liyMAfTEK yttH r e y t a u r a n t . T rT jlH j

nr,, EAiT ORAMdC _ w a it e r . *Bp*rt«Tirad 10 wait Oft *euM ^

140 W'oehiftrtnn at^ a ITRr w A.s rico . BXPEfiii£N^iR?'Tn

f l a n k y t .

YA I.EMU KNrhoea «if o ollvor nf"

mon with t#lpplion« ond oulald# aiparknooCmforrod. Ikift propoMiioi dlffora from ojtd BUperinr 16 th« ujgal kind and It will

ko on odvontftfa for mon ooeuatomed totood oornlhoo to loam whoro wa ron an- onca your o«mlnf eopocity, drowing ac- eoiinl ofolnot commlwIoB. Apply to I

bftrdj^at.. oult* lAg.


Thta lo fto4 ft *tr1ko*kroftktnff od- reel i**m#nt. rnaB or« ooi wonted to toke Btrlkera' •)««••: tka vocaniptoi'o* to bo ruUd or« thooa whare rii#n taftve qul| tha torvloo. no slnka boa ever l>»eii ardared or deelarpd, ofyonloaifoii moa oro on Iha Ji'b 111# Toronrieo lo ho fllLad oro par Dionofti paoKiono, ualy aikarlanccd Dion naod apply.

A, i f IfdftOr. tftfA., forftoy CRj.N. O. CompbftU, Uon. AfoaL No W Oor T*rdm*olor.^y(i,»„,,

If BorroD. Ooft. Tordiftooler,'ftfk.lyoAfto.




iXLlCIMiiiN—No ^^oriofto praBlHi, ~but~ft fOftI opportnhttj for you If you ffta itond

Iprootlcfttloft, wo w»et you to ooll dM4«nd poyluff •Infill In ft cummorolol kookllf oor> MroHon olthor la Nowork oad vialilty or Ift your aw a homo town, or la ear hoiaa town, ftttrftetivo rommlooloa: quick promo- tlaa. I4J-IQ4 Wlaa Udf., li/awork. T ta 4l§!!5______ ____________tAliESHKN—L.trft wirop; | horo toourod o

pooitlon oo Now Joraiya POlaorDonaoc iU trlhuttftf Buob motor cort, 4 ond I fiyJln> 4oru. ftod pftlltiiY at whoJoMlo nrtcao; m - ftorNiftOOd moft wontod only, For funbar

. ftOlalla oad latortnotlon pioopo oddrooa Rnati fiEi- _Bni j_l^. Newt offffo.



ro B a p f o in t u b n t . m arketW ill pm CALL ROOM tl. FROCTOlB r jtD m O . tB B MR. _____R E bSMAN—Biclttola* pr«du4laf lon^Ti^ opoa with ft notUnoJIy known firpi: rap-

oofkr tftk obtain rofuiiti o«

roftonifttloft iiooAftd wiJ round ihurwwjilGF and•rlonao in pftnin~... .wrlllnt ofrifift oqulraaai or on.

pruforrwd. Addroaa Haolualva. Bog

------- RHiiUM i acnU .iM E whk e -a (kll tht truth Is •

Hsv1iir:lBC U B m y ; must gsklKy u t l •h v k su r ■btllty: iwultlon pirminint: rm4 Ibcm m , with nliiK lII abisw tor ul- » * « •■ ••• 1 » • » liUkllihiR, Pkgu kill M srtst fsT —rH rI « « iii _____f U B il tB a —m Rkir at pysMit 111 ( «

ilsstaai r*r iks kMlnrw A-'IlfanRl ir T»« p n tsr . w* will u > .iitry'•.'..'V *' H U t U"“ i »• klH llhkk U* p*r-E lllM , saR wa w aat «b!« and [UlUliH n n :

y#»»; M.R a»*lT. Mr. Tflckti. I llhIRR.IOm—A MawaA kwlaa la U llfc u t n « i In Ntwark, laR Akhtirr Park tarrll*rTj aa1

TEEEliiahsthport. CENTHAt. E 00. o r N. t .

T o u n a Mail. t a c a t io m iio m e t .



GLEAM LIOIIT WORE; OME- ■TOHT FACTORTi ll-HOUE ^ ■ ■ R : e v e r t hATDRDAT AF- TBltMOON OFT a ll TEAR; AM- ML’AL BOMlri, ITEADT WORE.in t e r n a t io n a l T in tE T LX), II Or a t t o n a v r . n e w a r e

- ” — ; — ■ .-.H...-4 wHh iMiarnllosa-ksaplnr. for m nnulutnrlni slasl

Apply op writs O. B. Il(■lns. II CsptrsI avaO r s n i . ________



C^s whs can opsrals lypsvrltss ppslsrpid In oPriM ol mansrsetup- Ins rnnenrn. .tain i j a nipsrlsIM. rnfnrnnt, aid u lary iHlrsd. AI- Irsss Rtlllna. Boy 110, ]^ws oCOca





^OOKi. I l l Is ITI. papinp mild, wallnsssa{ III In Ml rhambirtnald-wilirsii | |0 to U. nursu. )I0 lo MS, hnuHwsrkoro. I l l lo II. rnsidsnrs lauitdrooopi, III in | | | ; aloo

onuplso so nnska and t>0llsn, III! to k ill Mr. Bnno. I l l Blnomtloll • « . Mnnlclalp. tkono MonUlalP Idll.COOKR, |T i msatk, |« Is ssssksrs. tkrss la

rsmlty: II osnks fsr ensntry snd alty. whits and colspsd; rhambsmalds. waltrswss lor snsshnrs am] mnunUtss: nurss Ilrl, IIIWIHW-kn^M .#.# » -L ,« ls l— ___ _____ j _ __ w.. -nr, .n-«a>.-r,, ■ |, 14 II IW U Q1 • I lU , TI1UW0 11x1, iOf.

nurubor of poolllofti, opon ovonlnft. Blftfik- lodro »el*ct Btnploymonl XfOftOft phono Orftftf* n i t ________________C ^ k —A good oooh to go lo th# bofttli,

with prlv*te temliy; muai be anporleaood:

rOH ADVAMcBUtNT.I M HATrRDAT 1114; RkpLT rcquJfwd *l Tho n*lrldaro, ,F llC v iO ra KXY'KJUEiJnB aNiM Mu»o 0»e, Kiwtt rtrtngoj muot ,«•- a a.-ws-w. ............- — TOn COmpelOftt And be 0 fOod tftfttiOSOT

onlored ( f i r rh'ine Dracg* 44||

KoiTiNjCaNff y62it) W rt.T i ^ B R ia iT T TOl'lfoMAN IN

c h a n c bI.ID To HAli nxiAT ii io; kGIVING F llC v iO ra KXY'KIUElJnBJ RALART m'ANTKD. AI>DH1l40 W, BOX 141. N1£IV| OrKK'H.VOUNO liAM-TZ^BANK CI.BiliC, i T f o fl


^ n rs i . hnnwr- , ........._. „ ^filct ftaaittftftti

rofid oppcirtuDlty ; reply by loitor only, atftt- IdC ft#0 and ojklory eapootod. Ms»*tar, ]|4H ilpv •*- ___ at C t ^ n MAN wriTTnf workor^^la ■hlpj^lae

outo tupply houao. luM ebftliRO trtr brlftht huatlor. atftto quallFlfift- Gofta, oalory oipected Addcoo* AmbUloua, Bog 48. New* orflc*


V<i>tNO MAN: If to II ytftta, m rlorical gg •Itlont in rhrrolrol Iftk^ratory: muol ho

OOCUCftio ftt figure* ond noat p»umoTi. Aft* rhM tnul ot.. Vftotenhubor A Lohr-

VDUNG MAN. ah«ui If or It reore^oidOuT ouoombllng work; oiOAdy poaBlon and good

•olory lor o bright young man CoU ^r«oa-.. - ar.-Bssf yOUftg4 -flkoolI ZIf M t^ rieoannl qv-o. t^DNO rloftti out, lo tali AI aocurli^

;*gorl#nr# unno'oigayyr ( *.11 gl room jtf.

BrAngh gfid Aghurf F__hurloao* dgftlTftblo Vu4 not

LOftf- . , — J* *■•

------ - — ww-jftOhl: iplcndldMftB fV llk f 4Ar. Oui roofii , I Cllntoa iL; u k for Ur.

C E i i B n rI am IwkihR lor thrsu •seoHstuI lalsi-

5 if?‘ .•* " ^ a " " *0 IhiNmthS ^ * . ^ I t f c S s J S j a P r n V ’' ihl

@ D r p i . . L s a w “ i.g rnr!yn 'i?^^^^^^iAt-W UEN ta aRII *m iiR f. kkHvsrs mad

aalaais4Ua M a : « w n a iS M ih ! ru ^ hut a R i ^ t i J h tu la W p T O sT lJ i ” MlI?ls''*? .5n*1S ‘ ™ HR H Ms4 I , adran.

MEN. w kat would you do It you w m • I t rpwJooW iRta a poattlM that

.-Mclsn-ia unna-suayif. ..... .I l l Itarkol at., bstwosn II A. H P. M.. ask top Mr. Srosm. i o Cn o KAN wsntoJ to I ta n lailataU

lurfiltif and aawliig; wagoa to tiftrl l i t Mr day. Hoau Tvorl* Novollj

H ftn ptlurfiltig and ai


Tuuno m a S T T i lo M yoftro of ftgo, |C fttock Mum; food opPOrtunUy for fti-

vftnreinont. 0M Mr. Fartna, ipiltdorf Mlfto*Cp ■ »l Wftfren at;_______ ________

IfiLK In Afflco of Flumblal|"e6nc#ril I II to fttftrtj Chftncio to ftdvaiicai giro gft.III to fttftrtj c

____________________YCirNfk UAif wanted. InloUliant, ftboui U

FM id.hlC *• ftoaiatftot to abippinc clariL A m y Vftlvftrvfti Tobanoa Mftcklft* Co.. IIMuttof at. _______foU W TkA N wanta^ as oi.pli la loraman

pratrs«ii*a fAodaiji will sawwaasa at Ikj; atata n ^ a R a a . 4a»lr, K aR lfa lJ rfc II.T t ^ O 1 < i|r JP U la 4 M dlfk* m 4fUI|a«

RTW! IRA a s :TO im o HAM Wdtk ao«a aMlfttaal s iH .

liaata dar RaKtIaa aa lakaraiaiT aMfti- aat. AddPaaa Lah., B « II, Mawa affleaTOOMO MAM (U ) IR ^HrtTuf ,*aala' K aw

atata sawsrlsqoa any, aa l lawrr da- # ia |. A4<Piaa Rparts, Baa IH, Mawa aWlsa,

wwEEic o o k —-Ocud plftin cook. *^M«i[y of four, roIH H IA \* a kma Isi Irswa gOOft —____ _Ins to Kstns in Juns. ssh>4 was-s and rood horns; rsrsrssosi Apply I l f Irvins

, Bsuth O rsnf-. pkons IMS loaih OraagshVft I wsw'vau 'VRIHIlifor ftppolnlzpantCOOIt—Good pliln moh eag _

wftgtod Ift bfim* e( omftH ortogt* family: will p*y M l par month III UftrtfoH rX, |ou(h Orftftfa


rintng (O ro to MftghoMri^r*ronp«o roquirod l l

c o o k —While. -....... ,good ft>ftgM aaf»rtr>e#o roqulL,,,

wMhlnfloii ft . Eoit Oronguj tol. Oraago

<'ooir=:w Oman wtnted lo for quffiklunch ftftd ropUurant. Apply 84'■ Loneh

Refill ftftd Hottourant, ICftplfWOOd.wfclto. oirerioneod. InnHMTinfnrnlty"

wllJlAf In f« to country for •ummer, I I'orh nl-j to rnor Roctor et

i r t . l l ftotk: Bownitflra oooklnfl iiftftH ffttnlly. Zl4lU|

iouth Orftftgo; phono tfk.ft'iid^rnl floor work;

qutrod . 1IT Harrlgoa M.. Orftftgaiphono W f t f t f f t ____ ___________

white. wlHliif to to ~ ^ ooiftoho^t food wftftoo. Coll 1)1 Folrmowit ftT*. ^

phoM Mft^o t iHH._____fioSlE^^Bftporlofteod whita oodk ftnt firot

rioof vorhori ftko room, «ft<«o. OftJl Montftlftlr IIM . __

Ir* work ond irmond ftTO.

tOCB^-CaRiMlaRl sssli' hr a tamllr. Id ta a tk Pallsrtsaololr. ovo..

CLBBfCAL WORK£RS. Vh«(od. FOimi lady, oepert—oad

Ift oompning roporta: muel hftto.ouiL ...

with fthllltT l l ^ y —

thorough kaowiadgo of arithmoMe. *“ to n#

- OffAftlL^______ _____,-..dfttlro. Anawor ta own hand yrtMftf with full douilp. Addrooi C. W., F. Os But Ml, Nowftrk. N. J

ftftloU;C lK t

-r -- alFur* porceniftfo•ptaRdId npRaptunity i sRllRtlaa far parssn witkAr— ---- ---

‘ .!rR ft;srH P 'S iT s*uB im u in ro o ^ a ; car Cftro ftftid; g.__ __ftftd tlpo: Mil today and h n i^ your fiiou•poft f X M. to • P. M

aror H( . ghoro oa4 feed WI

. . . s u . X l ^ I g g l l!IL S m a .

Stm a HAN. EmtaRl. katwaaR H • laRTR. ibR T W M las irtdw 1 1 1

^i-iPMUiNe, W A R n w It. ■ ■_ >TODHa HAH waai


“ M . '

a kfHT*-9S e • n i


BMi (W in u iti air

iJdtaA'wRRiM k s t ■ UcaiMRaMFi

® S i S * ! 5 L _

lS j r i m ™*° J ^ f Q H I

cnAMBBEMAID, wkita, ta M tsIs aokaal,« a s . w - , g , i W i J ' . . 5 — .&■


m a t s x r m



C L B A ^R E A n te M a«a , Paw Tarwilwal


OOOB I a LaRI, kTEAWr O o R E ----- KK()4. —

o V I Lt h e ; —

111 ih ip h a nT.'*.* L’o.

■wFVeIar to I ir t ,

aBR T iEA tolR i w.WTsA•i.T * •»P-fl-aci. Maai s«sdl.

»wR *11 U<* yssp isaad. A* Tijr ldl« Hsaan, III H l|k .1 ELEVATOIt OpBllAToRi.“ S 7 siHaa hullX

l u picsrisncs asi nscssun. Ataly Wwi III. Klas-y k lls . i n t i , sad

E ttv A D .R o^B R T R vW nK T s'flu rK rar-Ins. must hs-s sijMrttnrs Apply Wfii M PuA. fouiB I«i. Klsa.y aid, Brwsd sad UarkaiBX A MISAK oaporloaro^ *» okilri wftUto;

goeid pi) etaady pciiidoft. Bmbard Ufg.£*.. I4e nummit aiFo o t l•h^;ai opUkXTOM.'si^sTiiKVSJ’ M

pparaniig feet ore****, Ugbl work atoodyomplorrt.Er.t, geeU nageo Uhlau« Art klfg. Lo.. <1 Nbipmfta at.$fLlrfV(> (^LCRM-—In uffica of tn*nufoc*

lurer. rUIr age. eieprlEnce and aaJory *■ ■ M iod . Addrioo Billlbg. Hoe tt. N*w« of.

MELT W A W n i L - W O M ^





A WUMIIBII o r (BltluftHBtr>En to n


tn.M 0 w ^I eoBift)oto4

Ffftgfteftt Iftlagygf 111

ftftar treJftlf^

hftreloofuhUhor iojftrlaa notg f a r ____iMbl* Muitlg«a. euah o* a*,

ftftd ehlaf eparftteru.

•"^udk troa ouftrea *f iMmatioo la daytipa ftl eftivr or f i t p ^ voan tor flrov parted, and |o wook (or oocftftd yonod.

furthar IftfomuMen eoJi kfftewkot OfftftlftJ (free aaih fiperoior# Troialftg l>*nor<in«e1 at aagly (weea f A V iml I P Mlaturilair* ajid Sunday*. *t aieapl

111 Weahlft^o^ IftrX

I Erie at,wy CUy. H.






fiM A. u . -eicaftt logal

•ft t o rdA ro—da t urila y A If.

^ «4I F. M. m r r h<>ndo/i oftg ! 48 <« U »«

^Toft eoft 4e aur work. Wo ftfolnoa,tod aoneojitanily i* yeur trel>

Tsa ■tastM- walk Is HspksI Brwsd strssla.


m anutai-tu rin o C-O. n sw a r k w orks

FEAMH and ohanub s t r b e t s .


114 kswra AaHs, if ksws par '


Wasss wBlls IsaraiBA Ml pw wsak

aad ppsdsstlsa ksaua

Unwsaal sppsrtsnlty far advaasmsaA

Apply I A M..


IT Chsstnst -L, Hiwtxk. H. J.

OIRLI AMD WOMEN.Ws WWI siiaa. rsnasd sMIs aa4

tomon Id our OMftBObUag depftrt- ftOitL114 par wook '

poHofteod girlft • iU rt. more u ••-

.. Adoftftfioioont In tne ay two If you ftre ft good warhafs woo ho

^ Woftl working oandltlMti 4I k*ur

Kagtftttraal on geamloaa.

” *M I ft pool lien wharu^ r h |g light fttid c)»an mad tho ftooplo oohfknigi, b*ra‘a raor chftftou.

Apply toTHB oaBORNB CO,

111 dummor geo.

a i i L iw m o XM t AM Bm oul,

^ ? . S W a ’ ?Efe?f!!SP

J S S U T tfataiw is s s - .•FA •d|s4tt«a

« n u j POE OLBEtOAl. e o E |.VtOME YFITE MAHOPA#-

T C W W mWRAJEMCE » »• n u e , s i n NOT meoob- • « » I i E m r m o h m ■AMeH M i'iN E e e A e i H o

AD-I E D.. BOX lU,

e e v te a .

M r

UtRLdIf yng wgnl tu w<irk In a oftj llft up lo-q*ra fi. i.iry, anihWar a Oad gimj pay,

W tm .VuHot^Jlir IJUUF oo, Wftlaaaotag BtaiintL LftQk*HftAaft J i ■

miooftiflolA, N. J

_ H E y W A N T E O -W O N E k

OIRIE—COLORBD.tpaTitnenI •«] U«|E#,aoay wnrg. go*


HI Brood it,. Bloumhald. N f

_Fftho JMnay ar croaiiowm oftruWftrran et.



IU LF-;H say p^tisBS spaa M all ihs Ih iI- ■n« sSsrs sad aiianuia rssurU, c s r ls n

fwlA wasss and (Irw, •pissdid ¥n-s-VT"*' "“ '••..^skimhsrsislda w s llim w llun

all- nsit laslda, dlsbusabtrs top lludd -Y A.',** •lnp»tss»S. Swspls-

■? .I ’* H'shlinda fialswsrs Wsior •’•nvltU. sis., lopsi posHlsas ai all

o lsn j A “h* , ' i r 'V " ' ' ' ' 'w . ' ’ROVS AOENL-r,

Ti LVi **" " **■' *’**' .*n*7. Orasss,HEl.l- w ii.i»| ^p Isonjpy, .ip^ rl.n rs notI tM rp IfT '/s .L '^*,.1 " f * fl* •••'T oonh, r h a rn

*>R K i;ni_eas,sJ, two (Iris lo w wwss*^^“l.H*ii'. i . k w i s s w s r k i s X

w ' 'R X—Osoi ^sln sssk ; rslTsliWii 'iX f d " * " '” -

m siS iS al WWI. high .1 ' “ F'*l"»n atnifto *oior) JfilmfiiertB*n #, H i firmed •(

«*»'< tn wnrk fancy sold phalao. al.o lop n n , „„ ,rtftjgu, ftftd girla oUh oum* peUahiu e i- Kfwhlr* *4.**’*'** ^ **■

If ftnd 11 oftrftt ofiilAoi loedi. MHow Jereey h*lifo»q *4^

—WTtX TBB PKRftoH WHO Am. ftiYiCRtl) TMl AlniciiTlrlKyiNTLAT.y TfJ I'AIlTil F.Gl 1 ll7u“ u s *

YMNEn Ay m ix I. HM.STC1.AIKO ^hU K k in g ly RKFLT amain AftANPVtKIlg WfcUR rxldTT__ •l-AI*T In phreit-iEn'f afhe*; eomo hnTwifwtg#

of nffli ■ wurk, prefer lodr *»rar 11 )REri ** •*•- MMng ai hoRi*. uamarrlod: ear»ii«ni (>PI >riuuM> lo leant g prof11abl« b«Mnp«e a ri'if Lr laltar. ilallog quoilfU-ftltena Adi •Irtee L , Hui l l S**0 offiaolaAr^Y rn fi 6 f f ](’K 1^611 k. HIg U dH

(N'Ukf KlU'lAf. gM.HOOL QRAPUATE' •T a t e i j rA U n c * no N i, K U Ja io N A M> BA[.Al<Y WANTEIi. InDHfelSd OF-

11 NEWft nFFtCE ^IsAI' har>fiKhh vanlad \a gu I#- CftU fthor t F U . I l l High at., rity

^ M U M m = S S « L .



of fasd MppassUIr Ms Im w poaiiiaa sT a la r n panwadM yard asar MawsAi saly kssl k a|.|.ly; an p a rtl^ s ip rsYW sand asBa aad addrsM sals las rarraallw. Addrssa I. S-, ESR Nswt sffinw


HXPERIlNQiOSmOLE AND tw o -mI e d Lb

. . _ Ol’EhATdRd ONCORSETS a nd corset WAIETE

Do n e r s , e o x e m ^ d b x a h in e r e

WILL HE o iv "WBIX ^ L ' W A N m s s r


Ifti dfllFIlAH i t . , W u i C&(m%

aim iAOOOD pat

iThA Pi w o rn . ALL TCAH mound.

AlTl.TFBUdRAL iir r ro N ro

m iinooMp: HT, TB[IU) F1.00R,

< H ltd (a werk In am4o *f Iftrvo piont fnod ehanc* tnr baglnnor*-

Apply le Tha Oabawfie <'e, Tel lam- Wier ara.

^^Hlwd WANTtDi NVW K Tl l D tTLH“ F R Aijisti IN d p ru t-r a p p l y at

ONCi; KAITTWOUD WfhK IIjijh a X ia i4.)N ft ., axu ,t:v iU A t, k j .

Ginisd w ^ ted tp werk «b yreoieq *nd bench f.rw e d - r 'fh f and a*nl-• ry faolory . j ,,; b’--*(1iun11 11 * *Ti ’*' * *"■ *1'^''*' "'onuf»i turere. Il l* R Hunyuti i l . It Klifibilh aveUfKiJt -Twii whiis girit Ifl unreol mollon

pinarn filme tUmry ||» l tj 1. Seiurdav of ernuoRj ft T.Jun Oouih Orango r*r nierked R IliuM iv*. I'ellsji.ilea I'rudurt* * ** Perl* i».

Olhl, WAVTKi,flret-ela#* contefiiienarr eiArei eairerl-

•Moo |>r*f«rr*d bui nut eeaeMlAj A etir AVai Kidf# and airJum.il 'n in iso I'm »'*®"^**j^j* fiw"i wh* wndereTani~iba"of ooliuluui, iKi( of ipien iimeiuiid,

CftU• Bw, FIT ssian ■1.. AiijLAUVOKBetWAtCrEU A F F m T c E l TT h Ala A \ ^

t'9^BilJ~Wonioil. ^pp ly \aoyg Newerh Tkeeter.__

LilXiKIt rfpKHK; aip«rl«neo3^ for %c> cuum* recalvftble ladgar, aiai* aqlarfr, ei

werlaitiE etiL Addrea# l.edgar. lla t i l l fiewi ufficOc

IsJfsT cl.Ai ysuBs lady (awillaF With otpflk rofiord e f^a ta i Induairt: ilftAft

aagerieiia* )b deieil, a |* refereneo ond i 3 - or> Heal red. Aadrioa Acourftia, Bog lIL Newe nrilra


KA ww t d ttv ,f Ex’ HR RALESWONEV IN WAIF^ DE- 1 f I, Y ' J ■ ' ' " I »ATI'RDAT% B . I f r i l i ' J '* ESSENTUI., L l l B f l L " f S K E Rl'fl-T SUI'BniN'TEKoEfT*

working, “• 'wvp|i 4'--»iviiin, a gCMXf,Cleon fa. Ury and g„ed oorKlug oondltiona,

la of f'>ed Dipt at rtiererler A*et| an- I Celluloid. Hoa II. Now* uf-

only gtrla■ wer, Add(fir.,^IH L or womin erenl^ rur^aiTaril^hquM-

worh In email apirtment and oiuaJl fam 7s' t •»* *vary nifhi and huiidar*»rf ( *U at t P U idta Olaaer, i l l |*eL

mp^nt avq^^eerpnd fimir

GIRL for fenaral hnuaewnrk until July 1 ■inftJJi famhr. inod wagM and no weahlng'

ifo n iL


■l£B 14 Bl’IT MBAatTRB.



if ANT^?fcl^l(J Uagkl by aip#r( French learner, al*« mari-'el «*ving aad eiftar

bran bea, avenlng r ]***«* frotn 4 ig g Mi« t-e (Geotf I4 | broid el.UANjrukfc. •iperUnrod: ''na'kftd’arTtanJlKg

och.r brant hie C- CerceronM’n .ciV frM .l*" ■>»»«U A \ U'L'Hill'f aanird for flpai^aaa i^ rb ^

al^op. gOBii Bipady b'*elllun. I t i Plana et rnrr*r Brarifnid |)i r»aii* i l .

**pp AU‘* 'as FKH WXkK. S oR f ’KK ON HA'n’JihAYi (' j | RglDllAM

•RLkgi'EnPLIlr—W* require tw# ■ n r a s aen d ■

. —. ,_. pwiPifJy R- H l ft?_ .i I ei* , fteat Itrang*

- - ^ " • fequ.TH 4w* aaa-.,._ ^-->(aai'*epl« la our ooifen d#iit. oitMrlftMft

oo1 eai#n'lii: Ayair R, h Hulri loATltftii

^4ldJCftlsALY wantoil, drj gtmdi•^ •# 5 1 5 2 5 Po-Hlun. K. F. Lean* T B ^ . . 1 1 1 5 3 1

Y>fftftgq aea.. ftoutb Orange, .N, J- —V, , T ^ —W-fc cPIEIIi|F, Jftt^LA OlIlUl for our fountatai ftiDgt'tai'^^BB_-iMrlSBcs ast 'm f -* y yT- »>Mr •»*ls tuuolsU, n i.B rsad sC

»flDA Ollll'K.xilBhs MXPLRlBNCKll, WANTED,

RIKKH'II______ U< llllilAU FT.iODA DlSFENdERS—Huur. I lu | | i i '~ s i :

u-rlsm-s unasesmry. Apply HarLwa. i t . Illuoisn-M S^^U onlrl.lr M»SISrESI ilUEH Wullk Im ‘ i . . , | , „ or i S v I S a II Y *"’’ •"J-’'* '’** vsss*I'-o , t t , l f«r ihrM munrbs, |lM (sr Iwa n I 'I 'V f,,s *''^'*** " • '•* SVS-,S^rDKVT471iw,A. ilu(ss7s srs la sTsat rjU'i'p"'*,'! V"* •'■•"‘"S Is«SMI'^ k * t oli*|e. fliy.* ’ wiiwe W. dll/.

flhVHMtSsT a^barlaftoj^rhonograpk work.w*----

NAn> WANTRDIw MTiftn family; liberal waggg fa colored cook eruJ laundrea* if wi lar dUo KMie, imltpY RMga,

-IldwoodITTTW Ulan

B a iR ^ p iss .ra l lousswsri; h sa s^f r '■ '* >ls>"FfaFit'llSKll - a s f d . ilrl. hslwsrn U lo 'psars D "/ ***.. ^"' f s r * irsisluf In IksBslll.S llospMal. fglu,, pMlIlgo --

j------------...... ......... .............. ... , • '" • ‘I- *P(") HI n,jL .1snd V .s '.Y ";, I ••► •rfsfd, «.lgr,dT tV ~ j-7ssr-Y ..., ■ ? ** - - 1 “I"'®!" •fsh-.p.YJp(Jllil. t.) <ar« fuf t-hlld and eeelel « t|b , Tlf"!??,'!''- referenra raguirad- Ilughaa,

wnrk In apartniEiii, giwid |,e ,*ji afe«- **'**)'* •* - Oranaa * ^i P. M Mr>. ll«ila, lie Udmuni are |.hane 111! M averllUIHlJl WITH '■!( W iril-'I'T K1(PKH]

R.YCR IN AIR mU’kir on.MMlNJ. AP PI.I CAfcU'ltLl.L AMT It'MI'ANY lit* I tl.lEAHlCtH AV^, KI.I7AMKTH, N.' J,(ilML—Uui( Le * lo'jil ..............a wiiiing’To

go t« aeaahnre ab’>ut .Iuhn I no laundry gOD.j f.#>- Abiiiy «iEnlnge Ml Pruapaal OT* , *a< oni _ftituaa_norih_nf Third a^A

OfRL wanled (0 dn gwneral effleo wnrhi Bioia eaperJrnre. «ge iaiery aipaaiaA

Writ* John r K,.hatn. Jit Green al **^“***’HOXING and RXAMTNiNcr PY Wnj(K, finNHH poK (J'rEAI>V

B HllAHiii£HR CO,^ T h T M FLOOTl. 41 tJANK MTQimisR waalad frsp light farlory wortl

Working condliluna and lurroundlnga Ad- piy today, mfg. depi I'gtion Paint Cq -1 -'* - Niuerk, N JQIHLF wanted fur fuel and gower nraoe work. ala.i hro-fb work, lOp, 4^ hour |n baura a waek, atrady bo*Mlorra TaJl Porea ^ MtOOl, ZIJ Ml PliABiCit *•*.GIHL for ganaroi fa'>ua«i*'irk no laundry

■ Inrp homa, tmaii raiiiily. oonvenjani ftparimeni. good wagaa, Apply f u P lan e r I ava , aparitnerit fn?. a lR L to laam tracing *iui drariTitg; tK

living In nr fiRiar Jrv1ngl«.fi preferTed. C 0«uJd ft Kberhantl, Chatrr-eiior ava and

hjgh Valley R It. Ii-ytrvgtnn ffrni.x WD«TjEI, ftSr IKlLljIlRff^U i r AMD

n c a HAT Ol-TICAL ODODS H L I 'f i '* ? ’’I'*’ ^IXX)R. I ll NEW JER.REV HAILROAIl A V E ____DIRI. wsnlvA fpT isnsrsTlis-uswerk, .mall

ai-spimsoi; Wllllns f g , lo MMh.rrs (sp ium n,.r Call op arils Hrs A R...snbsrs 111 y alrmoiinl ava



N[ HME utMlk Bcai end aaperianoad'^'to car* fiif iwo mile rblldrsn. aeitig In ihore for

eumrnpf f.fNf.-n... < TH hi.ul h Tnnib *1N’l'iiMCn

- i . fNEXPEBLR_N. K tr^xn-T T TT rKSTMAl. A \|.


EXPERlEffCEn riA:)SSRnAbo ners ,

TRJkCUBIllAND • t'ampehu



411 HKHl tT.

wi sw -- ---- Oli»b* An Uf^Wlnihrop p(tY pI >*i- H N OW LiiiSTi»r "SooitV



T5J Also gswi SI U se r*Addrsw t J J lo , tl, s r t |p s 7 _ _TTI'IUT, rsi.lf s n l~ i . . u til., »s slfics S

•taiaiii. eieie aiperGni'e and lalftfr. f*"* *7. Nawe offlftA

TYJ kniiwledga of ■(•iHigraehr a t i^ C-q.r,t, i i . r k . i mOI'KWAT’ IK f«r •wUh K S I in ofTica «jf maiujfariuring nonrarw. AB*

ply tn panoA or by mall, elating agA «■• peiiehr-e a»t«l eoJary dealraiil J. \nggR Rm r

J 1* l^ tUeipg gva.




lEPi lk

WuUKN“T oU ri.EA N li^T"" ■Wa tab# a «r »ri*i inirrEet In tb* aleftell-

ftoaa or dur faiiory arnl need MvrraJ wogitft to lietp u* k«io rl*ari, our houaakoAftor direct* (he work louft* afi.r uur wumS iiI I I psf a .rk e„ | ,to Bigjit work. Fhftftft Mu) 4to. 41 I’hfirnui al. ■‘■aw*

------. -wwss • Hw Es«« ur le-BB ftygnawied in iba 1 raining achoni fnr omi m

SIS, »H. Overlook ImS*H»*l have rd* rear ErFlk

wwsssr... [uengtb aoura* two y*ara ftftdthroe moacba Fi r further particularw Iwa ^uira h’rvit.. iLauliai. |gn ift$ .WriHAN to do plal ....... ..............

Home for Iiilftdi llabl#i. "Humm'i’L Scocking at tha Arthur■■ Xi.L I . iFwwiws. oommit. pf

olll bane kItrTien and dining room ha!ihip* room, g»*'d bema, | l l mniMhIy Ag*I, a * - --S ......... .. ESS m n n i p i f A g w

ly Of wyh# NJaa llarvay. aupi. or phoft*


QiTRL for ganaril biuiaeworl, nToTn rooking. "" laundry, ameli r«m)ly, | t i per nromh.------ - atneli fem lly..... ....................

rufarenco. inquire ttiem. 41 Qtrard ul phone W 'a^fly _4|4T._UlKl-dl to label and paotlVliat arUdlea; ag-

p«ri**nca unnac#*eary, cliKp. light w<rrk. Trad# tsaboratorlaft Ine. I l l Markot et Newark, N.

wanted for ganaril houM W fli^ ift par weak Apply A. H.,uiay 114 Honi-

^ a lr ova CTppur UoatQigjr N. / phone Market 4411iSlHIi for apecIft'Uie'd work In m o la^ 'fao -

lory aqJdarlri aiperlanra ueeful bul not aooenMftl. Artdraai Hydra. (L»i 4«. Nawi offloa.a fn lS ^fih H K lsi." for pay roil depari merit

ut inanufan uring concarn j. • eipi-tiEm)* n*-*a*ary. Addrae* Pay HnW, IKit 14 Ntw* cfricft. __^GIHCi'—Young white girl fnr looking and

flral'floor warje. raf«f-eni-F* r ei] rnum Ing or aranlng after 7 Hi, Ji hoaevm* ave Oinig ON W(»MA.Y Weftted ("r light liny**

work; aniall ram1l>. relj Mende^eon, Ji4 ^aleontji ft*'*-, or jihuno ‘iA'hVFrly 1*40 d in iJ i—One r'hlid'i nurae, rn# aa gaoerel

hoijanworker, pt> laundr> fuoil wagoa. 181 tlidgowad ava, fttao Ridt* rhona » 1 t OjitL—>Comnaleat gL/i wanind fur uoolilf^

and ftral floor work; rarally of four aduiii I i rhaemut at , Ba«i Orang*. fiIhL~n¥itlEH wftutad for flraVoiaas thaftiorT

itra ly pnaitluft; oaor iJroad and MorkaW Addr«*B leaner. Bom in , Newi nffieg.

. ^?fFERAfn}(jl,1 Yfto Tslngerl* Curi|»afiy er

porlenced haip in ai| iLpartmenla I lo »he irieniifBcitire .i( Ui!;0e ni I locJudlrig ilg-lag. nora. — itpisf,< nara. finlahpra en I trlfums.;-

condUliHit In tn* riijr. A ipi

opao for oartalnlngI liti Ire-

- - -- 'poreinii \Vll1c,natnglr iiaidle upecaii.rv lei* /uri

UllTiry. luikvra. prn»Ftri. rltiUon t-ur

d fiii.* |(ip tearh Wnp'i iiufllshV'auloinAiia niEiliInra, | ) | par week

111 lu Apply Clftrk-!l?t


Blade B Haio^Co _____

OIHI. for cUrdaai work, no aagairtoftca u ^ a aory Apply to XrnauUr • Gu., I l l E|gh-

laentft ava . and loqulre for Mr. IChl*01RU4 lo iftftk* addrau platM;'~eipar{anc*

UnnaroaaarT: good pay Addre**r.gr*phf’o . 14 Clintoji at. NeWftij, N J __

n I n Is—T'orn pata&r~gi rl waht ad"* fo r oon k^M an4 ftrat floor work; fftmlly of feur adglu!

14 f 'h y tg u t rt. Bm I Orftftfa. _ ___d tK l^ V u tftin w 'fK rh t worklft oaahTrigTr

partifttn l Lo Campta Co., 4lt Mwi^rryat. , ftuh tof Mr. Jmgomftnk. ____________GIRL U auaigt~ U light ^auaawerk, g 1 ^

hffftA Fhoii* t i l l ; oall 11 Rldgo atol.“ ->rth*r**— •“

, . hfiei wprkiiigtiiit In tn* riir. Aiipiv all wdik TiiK l in .ik Aik iN.m pany

A W UrCAhK, ftTni'TPS'Uriirjii ni.lKI

p i .as’f: anh ACAiirMY r+ii, S F c KaT’ORH eiiierlenntid. wanted uil iingar

two needle m*>htn*a. aieaily work gaud?oy._The L.#w*nt.f.rg Ci, Ct rdlrten at.oV b RATOAs on grafghniyp# making adilrae*

plate*, eaptrleiK’* unitn(.‘ee>arh', goud uer'"“ j II I'lii'iiii -I.

<Nw.%ss si,rtlft^aiii ______^AtJ^"wftnla4 iff Mwar pra*o«A oIm ~|^

praouou j t l MilUrry gt., oorwar k u i-------- 4U I■ouoti# fBor,____________

OTHir l«r lanarftT a^eo work. Uiwoaii ~uI* SV-A_S.-ftd t l yaora ! 4L FrftnrM at

Or'nUs vftuUd tint gaiMrftl k^aowork; toiftll ftMrlmaui, good home. 141 Baimoftt ftvo

fifat Hoar.s i l l # i" ;<“ rs is j* * !s» " mwsss. asfIs

4 Vm WlBkls C«., C h tsU si u S

OlfilU rsflss4. U swM vlt4 issiH In sauI! • s s r ^ s n l as4 s u t Mr tsbg. F4s m Or-•S sr tn sn l

M«W,A A l h r ssss 'sO 'M H N sei ss whSklhf sr

tfwftlftF- Mia Xttftiys f t Fatioy ftvu. Bft4urSllatftw.^ eoft&i T l i u r ^ c - ____

OftfiM t a p i r Oft., IIT Bftlftfty f t . tftftrthvw, R«i Me'M# ovs i w i f t

O ^M #—^F«T Vmss, Mrtf fsr UMs w srt;

Sspt., EstwIsK listsl. i l l W ss4 St

o f f ic e ASSISTA.STand


I.EIIN 4 FINK,BloomOaM and iN'aiEDfflng avae

Diiioni r ald.

R K —1 Arge depart man ( et isr* o*n uae Iwn nr thre# offtce ci*ika mn#t

hftva hftd aaverei yeo/e' rtparlrnre in wen aruf office, aireptlorially grt..ti *al«ry l» thrt** who qualify r*VlK In nan handwrll Ing •tgrlng og*. prevlmi# EEp*Tienre ■alftrr earnad In pravloue pnelihit, «nd how ^on you make 0 lI.*„ke, A.urrf*. x Y. 8., bo i 41, N*wi office.

WiiiiK—Yiiurig iwimar fnr gen- araJ office work, muai 1.* uuhk ana ....

•iirftto at ftgure# and fair penman go>)i1 upportunily for right pan^ Write eta In J fgparlanoa and ablAty Addr*** o.. bo. u t ri(^we offiQ*,t^H^ANipT nfpr flrat-claea ih*erer. tieady

poalilali, atala etjierienr* aad *»i*py wftntod. Adirca* Orgaa, Ihn ]|ft. Newi af flea.

Wkeiid to ploy W urltiga^tlurk ftfturnooaa; i t * t jg . Addr**# Or-

.“ •i* JLfiJt*'!?

tlummlt H lJ.e*N A N“ f-otia, relddle-aged wontan

llpht boutowurk; ona wbu profrru ahorn* to high WDgFii referrnrea r»/jg^__Gorrnen or Am#rl«*n Kur furthor partlcv*

• !* W, IM f ^ f t fg gftiWf'MAV. German, for plain moklng ftftft

firai floor wurk, no waahlng, four In tam- Hy. wagaa Ml Mie r p Oelgwr. | | Oftk> land f r , Nawark phun# i0|4 Market.A i'llA V —Heliubl# whUe woman lo do ooftiC*

Ing end light beueewurk In amall faiftUy: fil*oaani ro»ni en ee 'end rioor, wagag | l i , Ttlaphune I'llilwell n i or wrM* Mra KofftAft^*"VFl*nd_Tl Uinjid *v* t'aldwellW''MK.S III ha'p In Duriery ai Arlbur IfgiM

fur HJind lJabt*a, Pin* Grove ava.. Rwifts mil. N J : uiilfurmi furnUhed. "Bcallftlit honi#, III rrunthl/ Cajl ur urlta ayoL OT ptuifie Summit II3JIVo MaS to i«k* atirira ra*i>otialblht

Irtuw who 1| huai*T*L Moftt’

work In launrirr, nlcoT^TlsMs vtirk, 9*|igr>liy half day all yaftf

chlUlrwn and bont* nf .... ...iieee w.^man. ealary |«lf monlh, Clair I41|J, atari linmEdlaiFiy



n-_.. -- ---rs.I.irf A vp ir N - » J it ,.., T oIIs I 4 Tuw si Bwr-piv C., , .1 N-v M,W< , M K N - M I.HI. M.d ■ •7.lt„q“ w « t ^ ‘T 5

llshl Isrlnry w.,,k. h-„r» ) A It IS l i f t P k( Apply Mirong Rubber ft Aaboatgg Cft 41 lUgclMW ■(WiiMAM i»r giri for huueeanrk ancF'aftoC*

iriM. ihrFe-i'umn apariuiafli. fi>r almut wiM-k I'aglnMng June lat. aftar T I' kf.Wuhnc.S to prepare n^w r«g Birlpa for irftf

weavinr. |H per w*-k Adotpb Ramttftl'ft Rnn^ li»4 RriuiH Twentlelb il , IrTtngtftft,

• » , L— ____

CARaT QOlsT), jfrPLY "TOF P J /kjii m U LEIBB CO, >ti N ,T h H IvK rO LliH C R i-^ipariohM d aa aiiverTVn«w

Wftrt and dotelty wark; aiaady work, good Moora • Hofmann, OT Mulberry at

t a W f n rtlE S i OPkHAfi^RiT iraady^work^s- n 1 ■ < St B. E, wswr wora.EftAd nay. hopua for aiiandaiica ami wr>rk

fif hftuaakaaier a'm’ah family^ Mqntfy town, ftrmanaai eniftze- 1 2 ^ > hosa Eliaabath f tr tJ .n A wiif A BssteMK

W o)l A .V—tri]«t worlh y Woman to da waS^ Ing and cleaning Iwo daya a weak. aluftK.

C'oll I Arrh et,, corner N#a, after I F. M- fe*>MAN wnnted. nibldle agwd. l(> work' [p

quick, hinrh end reatanrenf Apply Bl.'a Lunch and Jleeiaorenl Mai |rwm>d. n. J. W 'jMAV. while. t(i|> h'<u*ewfrk, no Itutidry;

r*r-rpnre ro.ju|r-d l “4 riinloh aftftss lair Tfl. M’lrjirieir (V’l

^ '" U W wonlad lo rleiin and waah (UftLfta.fi iuml «r whu*. riiun* 03» R. Cori-

aari » Jsjn'h. I'ent Hi *viWciTA.V. eatiarlequeil, fhr lighl houaeWort;

fnii.i ) tbres Oiluir.i, high wegai Phaft* Orang. m i . _ " _tt'f'ilAV foniiieient tv. Uls* car#' (ir^homf:

3 edulla In family, n>r laundry. Aoiily #0 PiTiirih ave.U '>ilA ^ for gfliurfli hiiueaivtirHi. Apafy

Nevark prlvat# Il Mplial, li KnEavIDa aeg. WOHKI.Nfj h»nBekF'[-<-r. oM faHtilginM. o a^

all * PrnteataM wnTian fur r#fln#d (|Ui*4 faniHy of (wo. small new hour* wllh tabor

inj device*, pivfihaniiy l»cai«d naor tml- K«#t Oroiif;- riLaliant room Mr ra-

fln*d wi'Tnari) i ivitn>*t md r*fer#itco* re- quir*i1. |4h. Wn>i- cat- d( Now* I'aaJw. lU i^aniral ov*., I.rfi orHngp.W'TtKfSro M‘ I SKKWiri>Kh’,:,li;7ire'i^ TfoC

•■turn wnni„n lapRli* lalUug full rharg* bufelneiia coupii'e Ii'./i|f ami rhiidran troUa»a

' ftr'l train#, n qn Kulye. >f j eitrellaniI hcnin In ptef......... ir« high wag** neainaea

*n(T r.fersncH r*-4'iircd naUry In au|i Ad ' •* office

W .'iR kr.;) M'lrf'KKVsi'Eri l..r ,n,su rV,m- tiy ciiib wagea |fd. Addreea |l. H C.

H'lg J? Nrwt officeW *rrii)'SRES ( i* o r“ s , i r s ,“S uo isv~ »4

dinner; 1- ; goml p«y. car far* ftnd dinner. Haw park Huu*#, kunmill.lal. 1? ftiMnnilt,WAlTKEStlEd w atil^, dining room otporl-

eft«'e. Apply Union Naw* <>j Retlottrftiil,Public g r r r l^ Terfnlnal b l d g ______^'AlTRICflii-^-Wihtad, dining room woltfoa#'

rdom, board and goi d wacAi. \’an Cciii r Innj phon* Rotelle tJfT

ITREUflBB, two, year round ho1#i; hlph- ail wag*a; room afut boari). N«w Parh

rioua*, tuinmlt; lal izd

R15(5~?iSVA8SERS, ssssrtisMd, 'r H « - ^ ait sb4 cssiisIu Iss. O r. H i MrosS «

ra<w4Y\,s rM eiieii wwaiM iNsOli (X . MI EitsA " .

-'™*s aaa jPwaiaBaiu^^^^^^^


. i s n i L . T

W sW istt WSt SFsik , I sUss eT I

" iMibs^UHiT sHSE i n .m as s C

iS B a f e g d .......^

•7 »Rl5SWE"RNriT«% ?«**%•EXPERT 4T N IU -IN O O N A N u n d e r !?

IALABT TO THB5«Jm RBrBII-NCBBs _ADDrXU BTBKOs BOX lYl.H B W i orf\cm . n u x l i f t

sAuisev, wuninm; lei )<bWAlTKRiilKlf i'twoi for ra)m*r Hofta*. tH

Uain at . b i t (rrang*. N. J . plum* 1121Or«jij||[*, Jf B Hal ley ___________Wa ITRBRRICR wanted, whit*. Appty~~itat^

Mftrlbor«>ufh, 41 North Arlington ae*.,Vftkt Offtftgft^ _____________________WAl'TRlIRd, noftt ftpyaftWnca muat ~Kftve

rMtftgrftfti etporline*. inquire |]4 SpHag^ ftild avg. _ _ _ _ _Wa I T R ^ WA!f4Tlfrr ’ A f f h f A f


BXBNOORAPHBA, fttRftHgMwi. f*e Affic*fsS rsS K “ r J T ; ? r l ^ s i f a i i iesr.' ASSL.“%src* sf i;Mtw* SCIES._ enWOQRAFfclRR

Wa ITRESJI, s is sris t,:^ ssB RskKi i s e l p lsts fnr rIsNt Fsn s, IM R-ssbinstsil t>.

WAITRBRR sr«nts4. ApplT II. HimsSss'SMsspHal, lllfll sn4 HQBlSPTnSfS « s


•EtEHl ttM S/.FM lIh^ SWS W SM I lE E iS t i t ASSfsss t , a . E«s t . Ksws ,

I If v in -It ft* ft«* I ftgjW


WRAPPRAS.Toutig ilrl* wanted fpr wrapplhg

ftftrfifjai mgat b* t l y«ft?i or over. Ayvly nt atiberlnlandml'a offlaa, fourtk floor, boforo M A. Af.


W K Ifp in t


I'PEK—BsiisHsIsil SIfl im ■■ Mijisv :) t biusissi e1tj» w « i, t l W E M ^

TOt'MO W0H4IT • ' ahllS tvsT (VK T(iflnfs

I? f!Tw3E

iW.’T -FU.*— J


a v u m o i T W A in D - - w o ia »

W A M ura Ajn> i m m M .

', N<«*W •rlir

s & m ,

Hi tm^gk %tfIfWlM W aliAiilA Hm^ «wmMW sf 4ll tftbriMi pv*p#c *1

i i4 ^rvln^t 4mi^mf->irrm f biapm ^it4 •rvinftt c«|i«f(ioii «iia «MfTK-r-i l i tN i k 4 in m J$w IS #» *r* *HH mu

i' kSAmgH Tiilt9*lk— HrviM At l*« » • '


HIU.IBA nwoH i)»r LAtrm>«T ca.•II ■•. CIKIMI •< . •

rk « » : M4fk« ) l l t —Ot*M* ••••■

R O U m T O U T

p s i u T O W T O *K i M«r1i*t i i . . Mu»» t*U M*rtot. _ ^ i W * T T lT ft6 o > * J« *•UNPAT <m IIBCOIUTJW DAT.

• b n i> im » , , ,„ ,cnow pB T-crBniK N _co.. jw n re_ _ « u M .cA u . * o S 'i,;! .T I. s . ; k it

ikMikiT >». •"'> _*A« * 1 . ' *“'<l>r. IH

- ^ a r w i S i n t r * ; - 'prtittfn

u S f tn e . itkl*A4j ’m« K n . a . » i» 1-3. *<•••

WAimrNn AND inoN iN u, i»c. r*R ♦ i"t>ur>P» oiLV?*?®**'MO., MANDKtnOHiKra. IC SAUK.

a " a i tk A <• *■' “ A'”t* (; Mti«f»<'ti>fi' ■«•“ tAA . Omo. P««:A»*«I rt

A 't B i y i*4*I^ • ' A-'"'*"*

Th» 1l#^»ll rott«h 4 tt^fttfhtng lnrl«i4*« JIIONINCi »« *11 h**!»p<t l»bl« riniR. |Q**U, U4i^rw*»r iBR

ntti wiiallr liir)u4«at— I •llirr p^-4r]fi«t **'f tor hoRM IniAiAt-

iTm^KlX# l^AUUDHtblf lh«

j®xir h«m4» why H«rli«l ■!.; •pon ^t^U kB T HM.I.-Xi r CTIJ-

•Q« av«. rj-4A He k*i*» *v# : f " h»d. f y rhf im.****' Ad4r*** c. J. n ,

■ - iff rn __ __

A P A R t m in ^ K O m AMD FUTS | A P A I jr iW g A lO J W

nlhhfd ]t9l li, N#w*

h o uses wanted

j>t: 1 . • * •iti“*ftiirM M tr« . •*■

I t HARAKALL NT.. NKII'Anlt. N. J.^WtON* MfLBBftRT _'•»*■

l i K.. ))*I IM. N m •€■WONiTN n»«) d ta tn m u Tmii* >■ Mark

U Altfkl.i^npi Hk >4, pAvir.

WaSTKT IToi^. • or mOf* room*', prl- rifn pir<^ rtfidrftUAl oretion will

up (O l*A Mi<»nlh AddfM II U-, ISoi tl,Mik' N I rft' • ____ . . -\i'INI( i» ••'tJit «r»>l Appointed, ij|u4*rn owo*

ot If tu Ty riiomp, in nltmcMra t>*tghbar< h*>od 'KM'iipr I- Ad4r*M •* p. 1*oe IT>. 4).'<i'K I'DManoo. nb»ut I roomo,

TNKBB rM M , IM OMf »»l«» AJA fU .for 1M or i w m m I*. «•» *11- U

tUtMoU ................. ........ ____ ________t # b ot tiiiM r*«M i tii luiti-*iM Atwt*

o w i t . t l Tkw nM A t. AM ■rw J W.tK R i^ e - rA y iL f »**Mj M ojU j j v n

nwoii aaA AaUi . ilMlrU u ^ l t . All Pwl kMti rwnt |4 i p«r wrtwl&: po*J»a« 1 Addrun rifct. a pt U>, Ht wV rCToiiV VoiTjiV. r*re*r Wninnt Or-

chard, two aad thro* rwon 0f4ri»0||t «AiI wil modton Imfrprpmpnlp. U-

cl<Adlui *^»vwii.r norrltw. la«wlF« Jialtwr nr 0«1| iU rhat IFH _________ __ _____Vir'ANT—»H»ur‘roo« oporipiowl iui2 tetV;

private bnllt nil modorn IwpfoviaiMlo; up>tu-dof4 *i»*rti»«nl« !UI >r^»4 pt wkttgiTAHtA: tA R If-l^ lr* Inff*. Uffc<

fuocBi In l-fnml y htmoa; OMry m ^orn Impforatnnot, ndultp: Iff Addronp Wo*-u«p|i!r, BoA tP, N*wo offico ___

“ “ C A iiit’ FA kit. IiKHiiyi A yJTjIQ $r

* jA iir ,S " ir f ia jR a r .‘ s r & ^ r s :t ^ T w r - ---------------------------------------------APAA',n u i n i k KOOMS AND n A T I

TO U T--SEA lH O tlOCSAM aKOTS»lM «A I ee lK e. amaa f ' abA Otm a AttA.

liAAtml lA-


U u S f i 5 B H B U 8 S 9 B

Jwty And A a prhAl* k.on« : 9r auco** A(1 I_ _ Aytfut. A» plprki

vAJtr««« And AsKtbppqdw <_______— rr-- „ ir* * ____ .

m #aMAN to AH Aj A^lAP nt rowi AldPrlVt wtofcPATldHt ! ,# » « , rh.ii^vpACAPP. Addr*«, RirlPt In prW*f««M l«

^■^IpiioA. •*•.» f*., Boy Sf.jCowp Afflm _ . fiiuRrWn AM p«a« Ktdoplr, Hot HI.k* I^Ht wm% in ' N*wo ffflrPj____^ ___________ ________ _

AMlp M tJiP ^ I mVjiAi»--AmAPl#Aii'lpnd iJoi-fiin w*»pti o*'IM f^ U n A»A.* KAWArfc. K* J __ 49 wlaKot poottlon *t a"7 '^ .k . . . A—*_A_- i»« I hunMlcnMMr. AAdi^aa It. l*«»* **■ : 1

riintoD Hill soriiiiHi, wnni»il hr phyatrlnD. . . . k.._^ oHlcp.Aridrail SI 1 . ]IS^ No«iWan ti'-l»—'Ml 4iir oovcn to«rn Li»l

■ rl4 ■/ NUhur^ b'owa offlro

AddrtM W I.iiTRJi:Hot tl.

WKBuCAHir ItKKT KOOlfd, l i t . AU. 1

Ai'RLV r h s k i u iumavcWBMTB.


WbilAK w«rl» Ak.lilnf l« do «l ^ktn.l:.thrr woodAV n

b 'N ’OVKX (or hoTOUAl trAlolk*. •!• ' IM hoAA0A»M«r. AlMr'«i It.At d m»!lUnA»r*. OIAIOII ' ..ftlrj _ _______ __ __ .

lit HA.»>-tl. t! Jo»um»^a« _____ _u f.^DT'fAr'AtsWw AOd » J « m > "*

k. tPrrliMi H»rk«. 151 IIIoaia.yonictAlr. ^ _____

T ilR '. for m hi VAUMoM; •"'•II p; 4#'.’’''' 'A I . M Sknii'A

fci ’ A'll'f ,*•*■■ - ______________ __lOrXU LAi'V kM .rur lA lAii«d(T. ^W lt

)|U» ,»l«Af T«t.»t * To««l •AP*I» fO:f!.-—


■ I f WANTED-MEN AND WOKENAURTT kt>it« lA a'-Ary tllr Ia tk* •uo

lA t*«r"p,t: I ••■I »*lAk;Hb«d A»wl»lio»j MAik Af faMlA. «M«A •* rAUnli IIM»I

Ia IM •kflT' *kA‘' *7 ’•‘ ‘jr.M iMl'M.IArr' lAI PaAMtrUl lklAk.-|A{|«l. ItOjlMA « .. IMA tl ._________________ _

C a V rtM "W it <M eatATAi. k fl'fia a"*!M>l>; ll lw r 'a tor foolarltA t'**'''

IBaa tiU kalt poor IlmA aad t l ll^klpa'i.. • Haaia; can^A lM i WUkaa m b ; kArdio. ia i. "•(•.♦«: •*• BA Wkan • • • Ato a a"™ Mili'.aa; AM* •'•AlACa. DlarkltMA AarwT.E N bIb ai.p Labi 0.mA«A A«1 ddor I* l!«> A |a Fit k an i

C'nll ar vrHa.Wirmn at.WJb'»Sk‘l*i-a.llt»in «.■ h.-nto haapn «r iiL, I rhurth l>' ■ i-M*' I'hMrvf 41:1tOt’N'i ViiElA‘N havlna tl va jraira aipArl

MAl'IX I.AWN—Mi.'J** all f'lrnlahad. wMh In J 'l inr«* fra.tn h'Rl Iiff'-rii N tl k>«

i.tnunialo road • Uariaht iiuit'k aala Ad ■ Ir^aa II f'dlhp. Hrtiatifi Elinn

I Hi.KkM npnr<m*n4, «1i iinprnvaaaniR, p<«n>n hrni; alweirle. rant |<S, Jnnp 1. 4ddr«M

Adulta, Hot IH . KdWi offloR._______ITtO. UAL^KNCfi Hk* r«ni. hnp*

Dp, wtMm, »4«otric. ail ImpU.; MPoUant UraHott. ( W r w ^ | « . 4>rdwnr kwiiaing.

• UcKt Mu iK n i HiJim* IwImnip.; Wnwtlfiiltr furBltlkwd: ln«K* pnr«t no tfPjwrUna i« child, raflaad pPP»lP *n lr Inqulrn U 0 « n v ^ 4 n r PL. •«* *»McCoDpaU

AMT 0N*B dailrtnt ■uiiw *t thr*« pMma

Wnntifiiltr furBltlkwdInqulrnNofth Brirnd. ^ _A T x ItA ufI v e t y ' fA r• 'i* • i^ 5 M l •* !!! '

m*M. aunm ar; man and wifP <m RUI-

a p a r t m e n t s , ROOMS AND FUTS WANTED


WI\’R or flis room apartmani or ftPti nil tm- pritramontB. BcparaU b*attr, »• Bblwctlan

to t'Mnion Mill a^ftlim. man and wif*. n« hi'drian. OnattiM. poM^«»l»a batvn*n iu ir

ail I HaplacnPor. AddfWBa N El . llui IT, Naw*I ofri'« __ _ ____________ _

Impia, ilaam bantyi \ r. I ptem flad. B!. — .. -afiJ riacifl^ awoond floor oT tw«.fatiivHy

drat) I . mfprWBcnn. AMlp in JnnHPt, t/wWPP, arnnlnjn. t f Tlcbnnof f t _BACM Er.OK, liovlua ' (unilah9'

Ia HdbbtIIIa •Fllloa. WMid atlaiS*^M ■ASA to coupl* la rolBtA tat aArt of II abA him. AdAram IMhalar,Naata afflOA______________ _•A R a A lN 'ta r two AAAklaa aa d i l ta , * » t« |^

tor aBMiAArL All AaAnoNkoaA WnM ra r- A iak^. »aa r , N w a iAIIaa OfAA«a. I j ib A P r r . . i —riM'W tia* Alaalr (Atalalni

hlA wMk, A»AtAla r atatAA A* AA aaAar at tka Qaart wilfcAAaT — a. aa tka Cat At S T Aata

fcA iiif. Ia aMsd tdMM Ip

iM6At M l n c i i

rpiiinMy n cw y nupn «f tkln ninUa k iftoPipnl nHIP* ta M y^u4 t_ ^ _ __ ___________nt 1* JnbnM tl»* n^ #1 HBvnrIi. «*unty nf ptntn id Now Jirwpp BpIlMumril (bnpnln nnd In Lbnrr*I MpcBM mnp bf norkwai.__ iplib tn« r*Kn1rBiii«Bta *f ’*abnnt '•■ilBiM BMiMmltoni IRwlaltin «4 IWdl/'^Pwilllanrp tP tbn Innulaw uJ iko*

■I. BaaAaH aaA UUIAA I cATtmiAU ATAIaAaluilaa. , „A.kAkH Aik k_ Irfk.a.kt. kkk aaa 1 Naw, Ifcaratan. I, Tkoinia t Uarl n ■**-Knnnnfl kim win, nrn dwnnenntn pnw nr* rptnri nf itnlp pI tbp ptni* of K*w j*rory.i aaaIi aA Ia atpAAi. aMaA. iaaaw at Atmat m hankr larltD ikat ika lald parporaii... IA tiH Ull At aalA iimtlAltiAi aa ar katwo ■ AM. h iha Itik Aar >•” , ' '■Ik . a— Aar t i M r »aai. AT aalA I ‘kill wOl > tninn • • pandnnBpd ntnlMPt

Mil n f M t« fpttiiltnp n i kg wn«, tiM inU Onnrf* A.

ropEBP: nJlwIu In^Rtn iB_5 o sT ^ fi« rA a n ; to tb . nM p (wtnlnfcudj

p*nnppR4M««i«lntr nrn., pptnpr Ml TpI. ^ t« l B. >.dA I van atb.. II—TkM i S f S

BBcp In Hn4«'r w|e>i«i hoM f-ddlog rr*' •arUll__AdJrr*-

Bd In-n h'-y iifl n*wb bJtic-.

b ittbn cuiintlTiR nnd

yoTl IlKNT—ThI/l* an n.ifm*;. itB(«rorriHi<itB, & iniiibm rv- un-vB ao'-tloTi tm.

worM , PUt-'ii I ii'i'dipta |iuapt-NBion. tifo nii>nlhi)' J’honp

lir*f«rrpd. bp Uailly f t (ihrpp: bpot i»f . l1d*■*aM riBt.rFf^rrm**. ChrlnM.in avriian tanlr APPd nppiP

Hub I t , Natri


wtf« tp dp chBmh«r hnwr b»i at rtftrvt.rpa

wcrb nrounO Wri La &r 11 '

A. K, 111 Ufla

rYJl.T'-R irinnlnbi,• u:h or wnllliif,

(fir iB«t rtvp y«nr«. tnitpA ! BtTH fend driTfe Iha astR.ni.* oft«r t l>'rlo'~B(,. i:od.o%lD«. V. J>;uUJ'i.R n’i»’,iiT*dl

but‘rr. wifp no coop nt Boniliorpdrt«B B.. 1. N*wP vffkcp. ___ib liP lX wnpfd liko n pint# b* rirpUli*rt

wkfn ipnd spob: wUk S-y*nr»old piri(!•* rior* #t.. _nJl*nb#th ____

Inni'or |iu«ltlon. A’1

{bird fjopr.____Ik lah w«'‘r'iiunB: mnn fe*


n«r lAP Hid|P«ut>altilLASilb'-i-ioum uukiB". v*r1 Lni|»in., nont

iw.i Duho.tip (, inin-»!fB ft«m ■tfeiloh nndl-(i 'irs 1ri'|U*ra )fe Mr»'1ir»(>RV Bl Urfenga.is* liL<5r»MlKl Kf.jb-■4n-rnum hitu*# !*“•*

t*ri' lomriuii nil impr*. . r*Jti 11 4 Phnn*I4lJ a II rtarori' H.»uinkn> Timiri __Tt> MHNT with prRilaf* of tniplni. T nr

1 r<voni ^a^n«■o• r ij tmui^ A|inrt/hBnl SI. ri4« HouliivnrU. Jtr*#y 4'iTy. ri>r, flEN'n 'Ut'UPP l rcorva. bnlh, h*Bt lO'

ruflfti, Hutbnrfortl TVrl'» ■! bBi.nldfeun nv» . w‘\i:tBTiui, phon* SIfekI f{T~ HhNT nr ptii-i'hnpfe, oM rnshionod

t'nlQiilnl-lypn fnrift houB". ApnMJimril tf, A4l Llfergrti nv« . A lp.

PtVJC or bLb ropin npnitmnal, nit Un^n-;vIlUBff kt> do Botno WdrR r«r pnrt mat

8rh:*n.ilnd, 10 yuMmnD ■! , oHy- _>'l Vt£-It* K'SU fepnr(Bif>nt by Ibrpp ndwjln:

■iMiti hnntnd, bPBt rBfnraqcM; rant Ml tp •Bcn*a f l i AddrBWB I'rrmnannh H«R II.N«wp rifri*-"._______ ^ _____Fo Oh cr fT»^ rpprn” modtrn ftnl, nnnr

hprihnfibid nvn. rnr lln« IrTlngton bpo- Hon prpfiktrpd np rhlldmn. * nil erphon*.

I U Kpr.nMk. 4M KpMtiffifeid n>* . Wnv. I f i l I KkiUh or Mvp ruoi&>. nboul t i t ar Ml

ooupi* . with ll-panr old dangbinri 11 I p»nrn in nnmn houp« i.'hnriM UcUnnuB,

II NhnrniBJ n»# ___

nil ImprpppiBnntn; for kpp^lnf, prtm tp; b i^nM WWPW>»y O B E n MILU cprwpr npnrtn«til. Rv* nn

rPptlPBnttM kidbt rooflkp ranpltU lf mBinhnd, ndwUn palp; rnnt IM: rnfr'------

^ - B. MIT nnw M lP^Mlrpd. tn l. Tl. |i_MlT nitw M l J*. M.H ioH 'C t^ tw<i og~Tinifir jipOli

NKWLT rVRNlNHBn *WD UI*nm* NIKHICD APdBTIIC^rT•. INQUIltl t« tHOMAi BT., NHaH M04DM o K T f iG lt AVB. far. III. Wtt pppi bP*.—

MlpPlr fiiuralBbPd fivp *9^*iBPdpnt j_ auHnbJp t* n ofBplpj. HM >. »■ onTHAAO dT.. i l l—riratebed npnrtmndlf

1 momn. wKb bnib, Piana banta MaH«l pprvloPa lir . Knvkar, FtabtaftPa Iranop,

: la iT ? FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET} i A ^ ' r ^ o ii*ri!RKNCWi N. r. i , 1 NOUATiim L. ititoriK U j AV«. llO.'I'IVl.AtA. I-HONK (Jim Mil ^AAj” '^ A l r a » r i at >oar!a. toaJ“■ ■' ■ ----- -Call t l n im oktli at.. Uaaictair

t i l U.'kI/latr. ________ _ _____ _l.ie l ik ita l; All, At cMk. tilAB ktllarl.taAaAkrkar, rafaraoiaa rHUtlrad. t l

(aria i.t cATtupr R mpb RVP'^ . _______r'latE bP rent nad bmtlirI. MnaUdnlf itib .

b ''d~ rifi. wikitp: TivMi <♦ h# ehbMl* bad t««dir maa nbp«t tonm ' —

b »M b«yp frlibrap <4 fkr*i fiPM. n«nstidf bbPb pwnrwiiMibnkbrbn b**.

i wb|««


pr FtNPM

KrnN‘tt'irR,r> hnu**. T roomi. hnlh, nnar hiijfvDU ff*nl*on. prUnit |M par monlh.

r ffer# '** HhoiiP M H MilEl ik.N kt| i i;it I.MJBti (np ft ' Iff Butum*r,

b«B! p« Kvrcai l l t l l , |tr i'« MS - /l 1 n«.-,.Af, t u l>feji Jiuiijjjh*vtlClU m» pMk»»p JVfe rtkffu*. luriH»J't*4,

ill Kk-r»BL (llJ rrurri J ula# to (kiiiljgr. Bvnrp 1inpri>vBiTi*4.i. T#l> H. U l i l t


6 ~NkT twp pr 4hr*« InPfp mpma bad bbik.prlrntp npnrtmnnt. opi

DibPr rpponrB.rtmnnt. opwaln, rp(ir« ■ ybPna t i i l Miwipwrptifwacpi ap

‘ISatAil^Sv H. 1**^ ,TM ■ iia A a tm t,

TO wm O H IT HAT o o n m u i —P n a t a tI t Ih t arATlatAAA at ta tM At IlM LaaIA' ------ - — ----- ^ Na» jaaaa*. • bUIIaA.lAtatA At tha alAtA _

"AA AAl U AAtkATllt I f rilAa lA ahAwa iSau a a m a . ' aaprarta f tk n A tr It. ilfk,aaA ikA avratAl aAprlapaAtt. iwrlPtAa AtAamMAABAU ik ttta f ' aaCaa It hatAkr ai*aa thAt t AhAll Aralr W Uw (JPaaII ciw it At tkA a a a a ti At SaAtT. At Ik . « * r t kaAAtla MAVATk. AA m t u , Ika l i lh Aa i at JAAA. AAAt, At Ua a-aHiak Ia tka taraMaa. AC Aa aaaA IkaraAtiar aa I iaa Aa kaAia, ^ AA arAaa t# ABtkailaa » ta aaaAM aa- AtkOT Wkaia, ta Alt, Jiaakk BarmAa WakaA.

B a k aT H ar II. lUa, _______ ( ll . i t ) .

In wrltlnf to 4bp dlnnulutjuo of ppf>ppbllPB. rtppntad bp nil lb* Plu<khMtdv*fe IbPPWbf. wblrb Bnid tonncnt and ihn ro uni pf IbP pfppppdlntP nfpTBpnld nr* now ob liip In mp nnld offtr* nn provldad br Inpr

in tPPUaaPBP wbproof, I harp bnr*tp ppt BIT bnnd nnd nf* Ri*d bp vfflclnl BPnl, ni Tn^~ tPW, tblB ITtb dny of bi>rti A. D, on* tbounnnd biup hnn- drod bud (wwitp

THOMbN P. MARTIN, ■ppTPtnry of itnt*



__ IRMAJI J O f im P IIA U K rMbk TIT ■RMndfMd bo*-. IrrlMM*. Wt J»

IN CVANCSRT o r NEW JERHET— F* JpRa MpXpp:Ry Plrtwp P( nn erdnr of tb* Court pf

CiMMniT f t Now J«rp*y, Bfendn «n tbn dnr pf t iu dntp bPTPpf, In * fprtnln rnu** wbam ln Mnrr Mo|C«* I* ^tltU anr. nnd pm nrp dPfnednnt. Pbw b n r*q«lr*d to nt^PRor nnd RlPnd. nnnww or dnipwr. to ibn pntl Upppr'n pptlttpn on nr b*for* tb* ITtb dnp • i Jwly MpbC or lb dadnolt tbprnpf *u«h d*' PTP* wll) b* tnkPP ndnibPt row n« tb* pRp B' ppAwr «b«|] tbinb PtBlibbt* nnd pmt

pwwn M fbld port Ib l# obtain n fPa PPM *t diTPCon IwPlvlM ibP ■nm nfP W- twppn ppw nnd lb* nnld pPtltlPnw

DniPd MbP II. Iltl.bAMITEt r. CATRCART. tPllcltpr for rptttlpMTa

TII RtPnd bU Npwnrk, Na J

Wllal, ifeaK* ihr** yrnr Ion** from l>fl«h*r 1 n( *r for muJorn *l|ht r<kPin buc**. within

riili«« af a\*w Yorb. lanrkfepfeonn K pr*f*rr*d. ('brl*iLnii fnmiLy at fuur aduiii, r*f*r*nrp* *BL-bnngwd McDowinM, ll Tuilp Bl, : ummitWa ,\‘i K1> To T#Bt nnp Itmi b+iw*rn bow

nod July V. T to I room b'lua*, niunf li-. la. A W Unt^roBd. h*iw**n Orang* and Hum> rail, with all fnod*rn IrnprukpiuBnlB I' i- f'„ i l l fh*i*h«o<Kl Tond. Huut.itH, N J IN TlUa o k a SOKN. 3 or ) room tiaufen.

pho-.« fe .y «rvi.ing Itigf yrnn|*



*p bii mprri bbpvi-1bflnbbnapwp bbP

imi>rT iniJtS. N j (Lnchnwniitnn Rnll- rmd» - Ariild t ptctwroopu* dri***, l*k«a Mill ri'iiiininlB rc*n*ri; *<i||* nfil*nt linltuarol aiiU < fenvki llrot'k suif Pouma. **r*rBl w*D furDiah«fi Ut>mp«. wttb Bpnrlo'ia gruuuJa:bnjip*Bfela>D JuBv I to No\*mb*r I If d*- feirrM, lll > b«r rnuaMi nad up rhnrl»a R-y - __—__AF-- -. - K** r. bnt'uhnn Hi i>prtI*tL MlllbUTji. N i#5Bjf pf F botikW* tPRt bbdTUi i oj 'niy T r*dnr Cbk#. iioBYtlln. N J , fartnllpdr fnd*rni !•••♦. ••nppfbt*, , j | r>i-|pbpr l; huagnlow*d nariVPiNy. AddiPPb Ur pm, Ron ; , rttoma nnd nut-hUa-brn. com>l*4*lp

wn bjlwn, __ - J, __ > fumlab*d, *p Iblia front; fnrnb* Pad boat;MRifilANIC wnfltpwPrk n* ! rwri«;*d lo«.nUty; one howr fiwm N*w York

Iriww tprp or tbrpp d b ^ n Vr D- U A vf tra im: rant l l l l fnr opwob "* Apwir •wonr, I>. H Kbwb, Mndlno*. N- J .l«> I M W __ _______at ROflCtLE, "N j,—rwfwRh’td bPWB*.inMi donlrnbU lontlon, |M p«r mnntn; nlBo wb*ln pp pBfi uf twrnlBbPit how, tl* Walnai al.i khoua l i t iH «r C. ■. iTlBMiaf,Il.an, 1IIIW BaAitla. N. J , _____________[jtKB IIOPATCONO. N J —•aaarkl

PHiR nitNT. •* Compv W*itpot1.ruBfl 1-rooiD cPlIBf*. fur July n»a i«*t

two w**ka In AufUft Per pnrtlrwlnrt cnli Unrk*i IT*, or »ddr*ni 1>. J Br««r. fl ftroliniDnU pi.. N*wnrb _ ______


AHAHTHENTknalalth WanaluB. i utnFr Ht rr«pact and

aci.fl*1 avH. I toflm,. JBii, 1 , Mdl'h Manoi'

JIailUAlv. Baa J. Ka"a at

Pix uTiTAo a i tatiy , ___fe rk kaataa. IWa ItT.

, ___ tkaraaaC r aap»ri-Mil., aalnr, raairvlllAf accauaif

^M-k kaAkW^IWa ltT,_}Ta»a_t«h'*. il&XiliVtiC'Mt'liyktat. i'»akii’*t»‘*''

laiuA, Atalrat kaallUa. rattraa'-aA„ Ad |U « k -k tak af.;ii« J .ll..ltaA a j^hia .. .

e f i u a i ' wiMa •'•ek ii fa a ll la n ' t t. t a k a ; AA tv r m A a r a ik aa ta t. Addraai M pw . B at i t . Kiw i B n A irrcU B 'iarkYM). a l i i c i a . '^ a a

Mn drlVlbK^dlllnn or twlb nil I'lr X bbd K. T. UbPbbB, bftbr Mbp M

t* K* t* tbb nbbabpmt hWblPt "

J*hn*oti py*. nnd l)lt*!ow *l., 4 rpoma. Juu« Jubnaon nv*

PLAT trf about f1*a room* wpntpd br ndu.'ia. rut uv«r 111. hy July 1 Addr*#*

July, bo* lufi. N*wa offV* _ _PLAT waiitfefl. I or f ruum«, r*hr»fed eonbt*

wuh t>on uNlId _ J . ^ U HI U*rpn bI UtCNri.KSIAN with IS y*nr ol4 aon would

Ilk* unfurnlih*J ropm uBifhltorhuod N\nih Bi a and MlBtt*B'nih *1 AdifrrBi H*Bp*c(nb)v Ri.x If, Nswb ufflonMALKiCL i'i> rrL S . both la UuBlnnaa. wpin

light iioiikrh^plug room ntnr i‘*Ti|rn: ix ftoutti i>ri4 igu nr*P-, «rU« prir*, *iu, P

I P , III ' >' Twantlnth il e’lr' ON IQ uji'-ift.ikhfd nwi'n fof BfBii i*Dll*mnTi.I lit. I fet-i > I . I ahos* Brrf n at Adtlr a Kj Wnpn*'' M ifoiiBud ai., tUr _____I llEflT*'tV’ l iil.K A«i>*rft:au CuUp *. ne rbl;-

Urf’k. • Bh ai.aniofem i>r iKwar of iwo-taio , ity h-! lU’t IIII Hoi 111. N#wn ufllfa ' b l \ or nrvBfi rowin*. la a urw iwu-fnoiliy

huu**. VAi'o-qunhie *n*ll('n JuJiu* PaidI liianii. 3at Ill.tBl'lB feT*. tihun* JPil Wa' k*r.y.I THHL): wT f"!ir r.-orn BikarlnaBM wnnt*d h%I moih*'i' nxa'l auri iipgroKfn''ni* ri'-*i^ijl' rafyrat.tan, rofluad Aildr*** prutaBtinl. tttii

HI, N*wn ern «or f«ur room aparini*ui for liuai*

cou^lB, n»ar mr Iin« ali Imgti. AJ

TWO fwnitpbpd rwpinni km nnd elwtylp; ftp* rant tP pnriy wbn will nnatat Ib Ufbt

“ ak HM.hunnphpgplnk. Pbanp HrABOb .KrBLVT—Pour mPDibn, b ^ k k ln f Jwn*

1. furnlabpd apt.: Pomai THU, flrwt fin rooinn and bnib: boi wnlnr and InnlUr " llllfeprvioPi ndultn only. Pbann^H.

B o s g

i I>• fin l, c*mplai*iy furnlBb^:i'ludlng gna. tl aaultn Cnll PVP*ran**, zlQ F ar^^vn, Nnwarfc.__

nt.. II. tow Rrripd—Tw# bb4

6 \ ' c O

)N SHOE SHOPboao STnJ'Ur, F , 0 0 « - W 1 . S S B u7 . ^ E : 1 -

f ki. I I — > ^ I K. i K-

l l N ' A l U * - ’ :) /* * ’ I V L ^ i-N *___SYm BT.. II. bntow Hfftpd -thrwp rmm furnlah ^nrlmPMA


ri>Cl*LE wnnla J or 4 room npnrtwtpnt. vUb I bnih and all Impl# , OlntPn Hill *»ellnB

Sraf*rr#d. cna furnlab bant rffarwHpap. Ad- r*«* •’ W., Bob 11. iipwa afflrp. __ __

Spedab in Holiday WhitesPomps, Oxfords and Eyelet Ties

itr *iiul«l titriBlJpr uralJ houa*. I __ . . uma . mabwf I 1.1',.n .1, A.Hr... H H . | FURNISHED FUTS AND APART­MENTS TO LET-DUT OF TOWN

l. BaAlrlF, Uourt imm«Mllnt* nuan aBlou. Kalrviaw, i'lliilon nnd rnrlpy. I. 1 au'l I rpofna. Iin mvcliat* poanmniun. (ngulr* Jnntlur ut pr«mlg*a. vr Jneuli lU'nttrliowlfPi

111 Jubanon *>■ . or pfititi* l l l l WbthPtwppn I and I *v*niaff*.__

AI^AHTRENt* with T Urg* r«ouu. DPUlrr


,Dd bath: Inmodlnl* ortubanry; r«nt l l l l Inqulr* JaaltP*.rir mnoth, wtib lanan.

yndbuffei nf»nrtm«iit. )MI b* uad *1

dF«(B 1> c il- Uofe l«l. h*wa ufflca rpumi. I « four unfurnlahad rooma. for**PMi*i i wlfp, NoTih .N***rk pr*f*rr*d.

dr*BB H^obih JLit «D N«w> ufflr*1 TWI> ndultn wiifit Ihr*** or lour roonife prov*qi*iti*. r -■ *r*f*rr#d

dj saa M. H.. lit-* •'». Nawa offli'*room*. Wai' i nnd g*a, hy r**ppt 1

nhla wnrhtng NurwwPd *i MB'

r»nm fumRbpd hnnfalows nvtr lypppra- tlbT* l>«y; mwU bring ruMary n ^l*bPBn lilM Mn>niopn«._ rrtdF_JI._w»cfc.

jAPb pp if P^rwful dllA-uif Abd ikUl.rd Mtilli iif^UbfpntlAjb,

■ tiOOb iU A fumJabPd m *». nirn. ) fb l nndckard Ptry, fpr on* «r Iwp ropft; H I Union

eprnpt Lpp m •»* , ir* i— bouM 01 r ro u i^ h ra t tl«*r _

bP«..irrlntftPk. bound pn bnn

PiVil".^ a a n ii-W ’lir'

mkrrtat mka, „ •rtia ta Ikmilt «

k; ) • r te e ^ aiptrtaiiAa; «o #wn npatta. • t lalitAAfAl lAlArr it* . A' J. Jilrkta.

MMMI AVI., t l t r . -PWi'


_ ______ loAiAriMI, tATAlAl driTtt.VAklA kABtlm wllk. kttTAlA tamUf. M -

A ttk t t "kAkBr-. I t ttAtV kiptfikktt. nm - S a leterteta. Cktt At •rila , Lawit, It

S I aI • ^ lV -M lO T l* !« c 7 ’wkiia,~iiafiii^ ■fU, tikariaiM * aa hlfk-am*# tan .

• M a t •aalilaa W pa la taaakan tar nm - ClArt.Al. Itta l i t . , Haara at.

X A tt ORANUKt^-Rpvpft-rppin bonM, *U Imptni Jwnn U Oetobpr; adblla: w**:'

pnu*«; y*M ftnaPnnbt^- ••SiNiTRO<)M'bP«#*. bfl noBVPfiiaoMg. nnwly

d^trb lpd nftd n(tm«tl*ply fumlabpu,lU JpM jnonlb. T*l. Omndp MM__TlAN^iVEli. K- j . —P '^n furnibbPd fpo»a In

'■ituntryi bonUnc f^clluin*. nec<— IlirB A»pl;_2t|_Mntb*t ■! . toom k

tP «tk‘

Hor rent—Rwninio*. twroRhodi cpt*pf*- J.; nil - -.......pn* pnrt of penannI. N J

FbOAD HT.' tiJtlllTiri-B'Dtrrn aktrlrntnl.1 room*, bnlh. nil lmpruv«m*nia; l«n** Juna 1, Mil, tP Ueiubpr t. llll, grlct 111. r*ial 4 r*ljrt TM Email at. _RTlOAly KT., l i i—ftacond flnl. T rooifka nnii

bpLh, sppnrblP ntfenm h«nt*m Apply Iunlll 4 o'cltKk. _______c6ilaN^, 4 up'lP'dni* rooma and panlty.

IktnW impln , nil liphl and airy. upp>>aK* HllCerd l*nrk. aduli*. III. Ill KtIuMib bva. _ __CHADWTcH A IC.. 7t—ill roam*, all Im- pruv*ra*aU, sn*, eofel ratii*. Ml. Inqulr*41 guMman ai.. Mr*. Klmni*i, ___CLIN^N AVE . 411. earnt r |■•■hl ka—ntr* ritPina. hith. h*Bi. hut walrr; all Itnpta-. Tal. riJW Mki.■1uT|T-HO<JM apBrtro*n1 lu Irt. all Impi* .

Janitor #*r*lr* ln«iu'r* '"Uu Rtaitrn. IM

<Buman. lRim*di*t*ir. addtn


WANTED--Thr * f'r fryf vDfurn1«h*d room* arkd halh Ly thr*- adult*. w**v of broad at within T- fai * Hro*d *nd lUrhat, r*ni Adlr*B*_K. Dili M N*' * <ff1* YVANTKI. liv atnall’ irhrtalUn family tlv« rl*an 1 unf ur*ilBh*d l ro«tm*, Impruvamen t * I K N Buis *4. *l«tufh*n. N J

YaAKT ORANOE—H**p paTvrn) altmntlvpfurn l*h^ ipprtmtnta to r*a1. from Jwn* ; I lu f>ctub*r. | |q to tlM moiUbly ■** tl. I

NbIpoq K ling, |14 Main at.. Eaat OmngP. 1 irl 4TI4 fjrnng*. _ |KAHT lYBANUlT'-^'oti rooma. twp bAtba.

Turnl*H*d. uppar two family houp*. flnply ' aiiwnipti f i l l a rnonth. from J ub* 11 to B*>pt l l l*h Or EI4J from I lo H A M , E a st OKANOE—AltrncllTa a1i*ro*m Rpnrt-

rnant. bonullful IocrUod, from Ju»* 1 to Hoplpmbar U. rant III monihly Paps* Omng* tllb h .KART OHANOE—N'icafp ' fimiabpd 4br** riMiB naw npnrtmani M* Ni mputhp or mora. PhPB* Orpng* I471U. rrE N fS H E D four room apartmanl in Bn*t

ornnga f«»r rant July to C>ciob*r: adwlt*onlj___ Write A 144 MalB at , Enat O^Bf*E1VR TtOOlifl. aicrgi'ilvely furnlahud, nanr

pnrb Jun* 11 fo Orlobar IS. rafaranpp*110 kinpltt PT*., Irvington. __ _a*>lNfl away for fiv* montba; wU| 1

nlr*ly hfernlahad apartmanr. 4 rpoma: pM Impta : plertrlHty. refartnraa aiebnngpdH'ay, J41 Elmwood a**j, E**t Orn*g*._^


OAw tT A o r r


Childreii’t Shoes, .Pumps and OxfordsSave from &0c to 2.00 a Pair

White Buckskin, Canvaa, Tan, Dull and Patent LeatherI

wa-m eh b, • *n,,r>r.n I n-ai. FURNISHED FUTS AND APART-foiauburlii. 1‘horj* ,nih .rnpla.. city

Brnnvh Uruok. Tilt.U aNTFD. I Tooma pan ImpU, fur youn*

,-nupl* •A’lthmii fhlMrrn, Tr-lophona Wav- arly ITIl.WaNTLD to iiiifuTfel*h*«J r«< m fur aloeplngA<]dr*aa Ttairhman. Pot 41 Now* offlcw Yi'l'VG AMKRIi'AN ffluiilr. Bu rhHdr«n,

tnb*. N . .

inr.aiht ID in vmIu. P. u. i-Mo«k. tl Waa'ati. tv*..

. . 1 l > ( i ^ . I n wkAw papiQia «lik kH- Kkla (kOCri • mikf ktyartayi; fa ava ltpa*rlkt: kaat sf ntafapr**; J t l vtak. A4-

a C kaiiim r. B «t H . N ilfa atTItt.

taHNlilHBli tln-roiira keait; J»at I* kapi t. Talai-ko"* faatk Ortaf* (IfJ. atiar 1;M iiraiillipB.^____ ____________


four rutmio, impife . god rafarant * Addfi** )( *ichi!dkn*chi. Hi NuUth Elgh-

at N#wferfe. N Jlul'-MtJ bualn^^aa poupl* d*olr* four or llv*

rooma, ImprovaTnaM* not lo Bira*d III rO l'R or live riKima uphtad hy family o( ‘ * R . Foi II*. N*w« tiffic*. _

Ihrao Adulta. ram not to tir*-d ttO. Ad- I YOl'NG ooupl* wool f>-'ir «r draaa Adult*. &tti ll office. 1 baih i*nl pot rifetJInf 111 Ador^a

hBrinod. Hoi IM, N»wi iiftifB ^PM Iy *ei uf'Ff a i or

papt fetaam, Jun* I M Jefferwtn at. In- \ S rocim rntYdern flat lu *ull. M. K*nnrib.Koi'Jl A i'fiC ruonii and flr*t Moor four 1 ^

rwm flat, hath, all impruvamaiua ai* I | t | KPJWa KD lo M*fiuira llaMuccL 14 Kerry *1


m iH K iH B ii A rakTV K N t. riV B k o o jip .OR PIX BOOM Hlivpp, ItnniR N ; rOK-



411 fiprlngfleid av*. phewt* Waver[y_ U lb

_ ___ * wu lix**’ Rpiwvin*.*" Addrr*a Aulr, Do* APARTMENTS. ROOMS AND FUTSBBADi-kr B rA C B - w ii i w k iM ^n t. i-o^ . J TO LET—OUT OF TOWN

ptpltlan wUk kiivtla fanH)•:i pafA tk* O ra n ti..ltakiaikir.___i^fl^^1lrfaa'~^•n^~likU>. ~na n wrp4%; abllRlb4ag ftwpn: warb dhb*

q M m * HBbd, Jib MtslbprryIFjUbe^lig^"*?!:_________ ___

k'H ^A bC iii •#*■)■& d**i«"rpb-ntlpap b iRpelbItr. Catl tpbfpa mT Xntni

Ipg, Ivlkj; roplRa: c?«»*r Iwubp. y*rnnda*. Call Mt Fifth n*».. Rmdipy Nanob.___ _ nv*., anv«n rnoma and hath, all outalda

_______ _____ ______ . r«nt 111# pwf mt-Bih. vary de*lr»W*. falltllO fLbNtld, If X-^tittAte- M room*, fur* I Braneii Ilrook #112._ ____________

Mlabad. far t«* b*nr rlvar; bar- ! k h I flnt. In two-family hou**,KBib. JMbb. l« i WMbibitPb iv e . B«ii« villa, K S-_____ -- ______

bfp> t i l yntfnmnnt Bva.,'iftiKPrtanppd wn'tmll4lng own*

T'wriiibi vprb. dny m MAtmat. Mtat i y pm k^i tbla_ Wb*a TMl.

bud biiarbUPnb: Myb i b JpuMtfW Dm ; iwbPbbbUlp. a.

tey ib Kipwwbtb bt.* Nawarb,A VbbW JattfSiT*rwpblp vark.r bbbtrbpt. innd KWUL*r bbbtn

UlVtT!!.• a « ~ lw te lit;" ~ if iS 3 re e i It-, lalat: ai

naap. « k * n p a m ln . A M raa Otr j B i t t l . Happ aftla*.______ha«'14-C1. nii aa* t r wark «M mM ptfettaa. A*£apa Ba- “ t t . > i ^ Wina.

" w iS ft ktP 'liat, 4a a*a ra- taarknila. A i l r t Bpftoaar,

1(1, Wpttt atftaa.niTd--------


WB bbvp fpw wpoppptlab far rent in An*n- bnrgta from t l lb to Il.tM |« r i»paun. alao. AwmW uf bnrgbina la A)t*nhur*l *nd

Daal, for Bbl*: bh InriBP to luli. frum MYOu to iTI.bbb Inqulra ADPohurat R*nUy Co., lib OppUpa'bo*., AUPtibttrpl, N, J.BKAVTirVL dntHnrmU bwbfiJowi I blecba frPtt PPibb vpfbrr bPOMrtr wUb gRrM* nil for **«p<m IH*.4111. Tor fall pnrtlculnr* .J H. Bald. Ill La Ralfti bvn, Brpblay BMebp N i

aepprnt* gnirnnr*. aianui. eleotrlrliy and ' araSl-: '*n Trvacy pv*. Inqulr* S4 Comnieri* kl., Lnula l**na|tch. ___KIVK ItAtOMb. In two-family hou**. all Im- pruv*in*Bl*. alpetrlc light and itvaiti fur mailed Apply 47ft flouih nartntrenlh at ,N**knrk._N’ J . ____ . * . I

or • rtkoma; at*fem nfid alactrlc. Hop* viUa, Bll onnv*fl|*nre>. Jun* I. gl'** full , partlcplarp Addrea* K U . Qufe M, N*w* .offie*.____ ___ ^ 'FINK Inrg* a*v*n'ronm aparimer.t. In he*M 1 at city, *v*ry c*ni»>nl*rne. |ltO. F*lge j A BranktnPldg*. 144 lir' ad at , Marhti ,104._ ....... ..................................... ..f^R RENT—Apartmafil, I rnotn* and balb

_____ ___ ___ llOft. 10 rooma and two batha. all imptn.For fnll pnrtlculnrP egli ar pbdyaa I |i|i

Mftl^VTd!ij^AAN¥~br bi«MuiWPrlgTJ||i JMMWgP ^ R..J1NIPS ftBL NBI

bbbMUbt W eir m im p a»4 wml"

Ijfi AAdlrWIb A A -i|)0« ilk jl**»bW rp aWc' vmu >w *b fbm. IcT w„ Ai


tl. Apply *71 m l^rtupect ai FIVR lioOMS and h%th. Ihifd floor; alk-

randly hnuar. r«nt «lv. Inqulr* after 1p>lork._ 101_Av*n Bf*._______F liA Tii^l^ar and flv* Uglil. *li7 r»«mB.

hath, Irnprovameiiti. flO and t i l . arluili llnplla, TT Houth Ormnga bt«.

BHADLBT BBACH-BIphl-ffajlM intir fkfkithtd lo ttk p c iBt kl*wk rrflmM intir - - -(*a Ivp* p U tiu . •licirit llikta.

rl'.VB foomt ahP b t 'l '. J tn t I, ,•'> k* ••••pA lurfat‘inYt. It It II A. M —

FAnrTBH, kU-«rpiut, fapirtt pttlUM■ I fakipry wktB: Am ctuM* ttat". J m . ia (S ttpM !. U ilurkt",O, atp Ui; pktfa BW._ttriiTo, pAMkkkpfkp, itAlWlkbp t ^

At.-Ikp .im t n t r r k u n u l t . Ikctk «i. t ; i faktk fa tn lk M Ik t l . _______I k a x . lU vit. i t F te is 'w dT fS iitp t

IMtti.it, Mnrrraj irtkrt' ttptTltnM, PMiw

pkt, kkth. th tw tr. tl*iloiiknf IkAt; p*™P* Saw kptk. I t l Brialty n«-. BfkPItr Mtcn. « V * w i t OwMf. l i t D«W •«-, fektl or-MtP. Tal^bOl Ovb ji* _____^uKiftfROlAnkTlDp i kfb T idwtui I

_____ _ _____ FToahlkh.l i t _______Fiv2 ROOMS, ill 1mprov*manta, on llun-

iardon gt. illvorinan. 144 B«rg«n at._____ * ■'Applyroom*, bnih »nd alenm h*al ppecnid floor, Ift Mcnmoolh ai

iA^< sWwpr b ilb n»d loll*l oft eoar FLAT I n«ftina and balK, Chrialinn* only.

MiwnbPiU ppolitoii witb raMabia goiv*m.f i l f w - ..................t 0 ^ 9 MAN. 2« TBAKS OP AQB, DMIBBS


taelton,mU*fI'aer' "sheWPP b ilb nwd io»i*i w«» 1 n tA i . * nmtiT* Mutt a..,.aw.m—«

and pcfp«ui r*bt M*L •Tblr ftbb CaiJ. Mr*. Galuaka, Ml UllUtonH ^ Or*P»D#Iilt M ^ _____________

pbvta iV.. Mkinton: pb*RP MM-_________ | Ft»W phvwiriati, Th* Blbarnfi IlftTI Broad■ ------- - - N .-J .; tf-room r*#l- ' in..; T room* nnd haih Apply, or phone

‘ gai Wtvrriy

D F L L F V l l . I . B , ‘WafthlngtoB av* . ITJ— F lv * rcki'Tn* and hath, *1 lxnpro*em*ata. hanr

furnlahnd. .,Ual*r Raalty lo., 4S^t*roftd *t BhLLNA I LLHI, Wafehingtoii av*., *3*'-“^

c.,r I light rofiimji. I mlniitea to BiatlOB, Iftta Broad. coB>enl*nl nei|hborkoud._glAHT cjHASGK. Main *1., t4ft--On* room.

front, wllh k|ti’heii*1te itoani. hot water, •lerirlr. Janitor Bugg*. IT proapwet Pi..r,a»t fjmng#. I to Ift aiid '! to 1 __BAHT OR ANOK—I'pper tip»rlnirnl. eight

rnc.Rua: aoparaia entrant* and heal, ran tuove In at ou'**; rent 144 246 North Ttur-t<^nih *4.. netki- Ampere glailop. t'AHT ORA.SUK,' M Ift South Alunn *v*,-

Three, fuur rve-f'*«in apt., *u (rupU . ]-Mdy Jun* l; r*ferenr#a. V. Altl*rl. IftPark ave . tel #71* R H.__ __ ^

OF-ANOB—EireiTenl opportunity, ft- ropin apartment, aduMa, rvaiiunabia, aub- lec IP f>ctob>er 1 . *ic*ll»nt location. Fhona1114.1 f.iTwng* ___ ______e a s t ORANipR -Large double froftt room

It) let eec^md fjour near iraliey; baal- neaa woman preferred l^hooe UrangP Ift'l. Ea st OHANOB. Vlarrl*on al, lft-*BanqtlfnJ

4-roum apt., aJI modern Impta., Ineludlag eienm, electrk, mU'. fft^ufra jaallor_ _ c a st OltANMF.- Poor room*, all Improva-

mentp, heal included. I North Twenty- flrBi at . immeilifeie poueiwl'in _EAST ORANOK—[.'pp«r two floor*. apmrt«

irnnt. I rnoma ami oalh. I ll North Kigb-taenin •«-, Xaal Orani*.__________ _____baht OFa NGE, North iiapife av*.. i l l —

Fciur-rTKiDt apartmvnli price |I4, Apply lira. Oray, ^nntior


Notice 1* hereby given bp Ih* Baatb *f Appeal* of a puhlie bearing la be bald lia der the provlaloifea af tha eulldlat ftbfft erdU hahrp Yhiesday. Jun# 1, IftM. at I P. If In th* offica of Ihe Zoning CammlMlaB. city hall oft (he fallowing matter*

41T Aroti ivenut, gacag*.4ft Bargftn atraat. garage;

llT Boyden atr**i, garage: iSI Central avenoa, garage *Tt*BMPB.1T4 New York arena*, garat*:114-121 Twelfth ■treat, garage.Flaaa fof the farefotng hulidlnfft ^ ♦«

In Ih* above ©rfJr* and nkp b* IB'fll•pM'ied and ohlectlon* preaentad by aky ahPWlij-UM f (TkOURBl.CkPirm m.

May 21. 1tS«_


S b w S V i to 11 12 to 2,12.95

Sixes ft lo 8. 8Vi to 11, 13.45 12 to 2, 13.95

(tOTICR TO BkCADAB COMTHACTOBS- PMlod praptoAll "til kt rmlTOp ky tk*

novncll of th* b m o tk tf kotkorfort. It. J-. In th* clt7 h»H. Pack • • * ••••f a r . J«k* m . IM». t t VilMk r . W.for tha UrlBP at •* M»kaH llik ttfa" »*"•- no n t en M ptaood plAM. k»t"a*A U tr te -pant nnd ■tnraotatt » • * • « .

ptnnt And tutinonttaBi bat k* m a b - InoA *»d InformAllok tk* Mnnk f tra * of prnpvaou obtnlMd « th , eftloa at Ika kOT- onpt, alark ta th . dtT kail. Patk an M A ButbPffard. K. J-

Np Mda will ba reoalvpd prtvMwa t * ^ * hour dPBliwatad In Ihla »aOw bbd •* • • will bP raoaltad afurwbfC

ftimplM pf iioia miiPl bP gwbmltt#4 wlta

FOB RENT. BlherPi. a,. - .......... i k .ii,.bthcp. fupBlPhed. II bed

iupdarn Impravaincola; hardwpcd Ibreugn.^■TU im|FPkt" .

,IH !'• Laum-N-

TBlTfO MA^o CbTSupn, Ift. ftipprtai«p2 wrap nf Huaftnaai fpr Iwp yaan, two yapri ftpUlbg; inegbbwk*] bnowiedga, cpewriilML blbriML kbqdjhig be)p, inb *(>aiiJdtrri wQ cbll fpr Intarvlbw: In touainm at braMnl.

n e ^ D(»ai golf llftk*. prlc« ll-IH !'• Laum-M- fsoeMt Orml ava andLlnftwlft drive. Elberan,_ N ____**0--L oilu BRANCJli-i'art tif hoU p/^Tea-ui 4

fgrnlabPd aaFaraift tblh.llgliu ahd b*l lo’pift-t pFlvUa^ ot llgMiiiiiM _ _ ^ t firmhouwhPftpUf. four btorkf from BrajirJiSf >V##t End ftuilun; thr** blm^* from I Fo

ISft Kafra ar*.; tel. i M l H c a u c hI nreaii _ _. „ __Lii5SAIlTK>-'-l-rutiiw hnu**; ch**ii

FiU-'-'T f.’iur In iw.' fainlly h"u*v, 4 rooma. ' ail Impta., fcni |LI> Ptevena. Ill r?afttral >

*** ___- -------I +fei(mala|g T '’l lenn'it find any in iTike ifi *(141: W* 1 f' 1 n^of .f, 4l fe can ei«re your fmnj IF.M PRiInfbvd r liMna V' iV Nt UoVka.

II lA' Hhiertnii ave . ItvingrrtTi; Waverly Mil UOlil’.RJt auArii-i*nr. ft r'iom* and balh; rent Kill', pufeamvlon .lun* 1. F*l*t AP*iaLjJft nrc-.fed_ii ____FlV't£>HOtJld apfertnicnt. eleam lieki and all

•manta Inquire Nchnelder, Ift

BART ORANDE. Lenoi ave , M—Hlfb-cliPft ihree or four room apartment, ibrp* min*

utc* E u l Orange B t a t l o n . ________FIVE n > o ^ and balh In mad*rn'ftMltmaiK

Lnu**: I II ; leae* until Datob*r, Iftl,ll.lated Bl.. hltvrli.tU.leaea until Datob*r, Iftl, Iftt East Orange iRrkk Cbwrcb

*%!lEh''bM Bort fatinop 'rhork lor 1?^,.,o tha artar af ika ^®**kjO* *!i]lT*i^^1afa«t ^ p council rviarvea ibft right t* raJPPV

Vi A J'.q niv*eft- padited vfeni pianee ir«vea;IS r*> )'.iai1. Btcraga

bdipifti UtonEq. Bog 144, Npwg ofTleP. . i ipiHftf. *t«*m hrat. parqUPt flu^r*. b«ih, l K C H d HAM IhAfalTl "oBUl 'lt>.a' " irk on • Pat»t-‘*. « • ' , u ,‘fL n !m aV■fall fnn. «r ..y .vt.in. "..k .r nitlt: I jtfMtriiATF. l aPtssnioN.w«-.'a an awaue* ' Kk-vieiparvi r — «r...MB»feAPi'ft piboft: AO aypprtPBia: can furtilfe)i goo* gulf* lift - r t ' l-— ■ ' __ ___■ * ‘ -- - ■»*- a* -e |l'K?3Yr fumiakad. h*w** b"'!. oRr'HAUD 97.

16# -SIX noOMN.

ifprtkca. Addrpai IliWdy. Dov M. NPWi *#«

V bi^U ifAN. pAitlr itipbled ihroufb pi- rtlgfla, wialfeBg pppulpn a* a watehmpii ar

•M wther fnym of light wark uvo D Cpra* WlMiy. ft-t ^atoft etEMPLOYMENT WANTED-WOHEN

fTl* tight, gft* and waier. i-'nur ro<»!rta and trolley in front of park- i riff Aufertinant. meBm f«. WtallP. Klghiaabth ava.. ji«e Air Hawkvy. egvn

COOX^-tVldov *r1*h bay H year* wlgbpa plane tu tauntry Or (ncuatalfta; hoy lo help

w« l; ca FArir or errand hoy. }| Ntolta av*., B^|jL>rfeiig*. A.'haffer. oarp Mr*. Miller. ■ a t W'ipi-.KSM BVNt ollT ON SKO^T


AHu WILL « i\;k youll> t.AY'P tro R h . R'C PEUVV THK o r r.U tlt.lK h AJ,L OVBR. THKV


. . J V K ACJtNrr^ORANOfc lll« i r t l lMl.B iT W fla x iip 's rA»:« — You tan get HiPm

,aw( hkvp plPcfTl* iighl, gft* near arpak bti4 wa>-. Mr*. JehuB rubV- Ni j- _CALiri>ftMA hungalo*r. at DradMf Fark.

N. .1 : atiraptlv* and apaemufe, every com fort b*-d ronvaoteftuv. elll reiu f«r Maaoft, Uftft AddruM J. N. liarrakvandt. Beltnar,

■ _______ ________N. Jn—Would ihar* aetugft In

lift, xrnvr Fenulngibp iL— Ind baLh, ond Lour, cpr

hvHi. Janitor aefvtua

^?#el Hprtlua, |wo k>iooka fruTii uceanjMfuia Oani'ia Miupia; iltl (Ji-iolt-r I; •»«»• i HipiuSsAlbN Ji Nil i—Ni.sE noons J AAii™« R»liiiar._M»» „*li. _I IMl-rS., |t«. I '.t soti ril SIXTH AT

uNit lurg* rocRi e> <1 uka uf kltohAq or two roftma, lo quiei people 144 Walnut al

iblld flonT- _ _____FAHADKaS'A ri'l'FtT ap*rim*iiL Bigelow

cor IfiDald* *»•■ -Five ronuia «U Impte.pf«"UDui cv , m u lift, l*a*# le Ue

tober, m i - ltiLi*j(n' janliur or owner, H kantftT. phufte V, RNvrly 4ftT4


iriVlC^ROOM bungalow to lei.igal-- --mlautaa Khark RIvpt; b* aeen Hun-day ar Munday. IMft 1. ftl-- Balmar; Mkauft.

II lAadpa Pve..

____ 'LET * ‘ ^fti'i 1{ nitp ruo.u'A. Mil Imptfe, ext^epi aiepin; iiRfer <'ar« and huseg. nlre park In rear,9# .dulta. ft# JAHiea *1 , Dlnemfleld.__M l'.ll < lash AFARTUKNTH—Tweaiy^Pur

apferin(*nti of tLrea, four and flva room feuiteo.. Tsiiu private gareg** If dealrwd; lo~ v'i'vj 14 gftd 14 Houih Uunn ava , Eaat Orange. N J . th lh« h''(ii cvvidvfttlal taction nf Oie city, muai ha irMi lo Di ftppr*olat*d; renife « from |M 16 Mt'O b*f month, with lea«vB nintilpg'lO Urlnher 1. MU. I'PlI al II.* el ise Adlraia W> rh* aDgrimeala or cnmrnu x al* wllh V. <1 Aliter) 2# Park avw.,\* V f k 4 'H \ J . _ _ _IOKa i. ■iv-raom apariment. newly dvcn-

r»i< 1 all outild* roivm*. heal and hot wTfe'er fur l iihfjd; ipat etaiinn and tmlJey pi ve-aaSirv Julia 1- 4> Nilifeeg av* . Eaat Or*ange __J i'cT a r»ny qnfwmlfthrd room*, aelvcl aalgb-

t>»rfin<.j nne block Iroin Eaei Urftftga Hta-i tion Si. w n u a m __ _______: i.i.K u l ;.i\ yn~ I p i v . it ii>i.ialsi •(., u ta tI ''raPK* Heven rooma and balh; all Im pti.;1 )'6 inrjiijrw jaailer. __

aaj and al) Wde- ,By order of the ceaMlLr , A. rn tn u A y .fetnoih CfaADAtoP R»lk»i'f«r4 NjJ[y_|faT <». !***■j ^ t^ ^ gejtr^ s a m _



TbP Board pf E d ^ a ll* «*. tn th* county of fpr tumlahtni R»d IbMalllnj

f Bftgt OgMUftriiaa pfOFPPtfP ,g i ram vpf-

AtlM pIAnt koA >•Blddara wUI «*»■*

■nA .ptrtnaaOaBa. _______Btpi ikouid (• e***? ffiSUEi

Aroofad ,B rT*YllIrlil2W In.B. ■‘•" " •--S jt.S S S I 'm m I pSSnS--■ProhaaAl 01 ItofttpitMlt ™il.llaatad kot lkt« Ikak I asjiwk f , ia lit! to ho •pftbft‘2 TogKl** *•$*I t . i « t . fa«Al u that tlpVt Tht faoJA,%« le locofl «"V t «rA« t f U. kfart.PRiD Ta DCOAK.


A) laundtfteoft*. Cleiucra, ronka. go any- vBPto, ih'l dav'P WofH, alao t*o nv*t whl.e•trig vlgh poalflona tagelber. nn« i hambor.aaM. aflici' wpltrera w ch a h'gh«r1aaa fbaahy thai n*aAa iftnp aarvice. nw>iKt. firgi- fpaor «pik4up;a. Cbtla'^i ahi «h1t* roitpleg. BU'ak ril a *iM-)*- ppjinov l& p n o N B cipacatPtr aMw

yftgrP vt'kithi llTiiPf fJftBt m WPiiian. n >« «t. Nowa office. OOTBr.NEMH Pcftochaiivieg, Hroiagtant.

p w r ‘

frt|i>ou coUagfta conjee Furman and Ooaan avpt.. Point Floagaftt. N J—B*ftt lora- lion Oft the raaal. Inpolr* O. IJ. an Camp.Poltil neaaanl. N J __ _ . -


ROKBVlLLE—All beautiful ronma. twe-fam* lly houae: oM impiR . electric light, aan

parlor, etc.; refined ncighbi.rhood. all ron- vontenepa. pent 442. adult* only. purtMealoh June 1ft. Addreaa F V, Uux ll, N*wa af- flca ___ _ ____ _____

iftlEMbliKD~ HVUHB, J ret----- -tiii(ta.: Ju«a I t to *n>t, U. |,,1vk<* »“">■ i, iftift; fin* looptlon. 17 A*bury av*,.Up. '|ftU : fll

Uraan 41 rove. N. J - ___ _iiSANiul"ii"R(l—rurt,Ielia<rTun,Ale* to ii-wl

Iti Un pardaiB. PaAaoad avt Qaii fa thla weel-enu or wrlip ieinerop, 11 t *ara aye..

aurAi.14 t m . ■ . SiBAsaCuiifi—VkrtiiilTfii fiouw, tn i>.,\ faawratfar M»«l • KaAisaknr*. tiHlkbla to, ftji-Kk"t offK,. ; t im t.__ _________ _ -•»IB I yCbA.N tiHOVVi—Unr ,ani. (Iva-room buntt-

aiftrlannrP h^ |^I **2.'' n»rt*iwa^ASSfai.*!™ -tl'sril-JiiffIc".'!|,’ ."'l<«*t'affTta. *“ * *” * J n 7 IN ftin ro " 5 « n f ia V . “ • " ‘ •sn'-n—• fa-j—- . . . . . ^ —*-— li “*Va."“* I June aod July : dejlmhi* localioftc rert«1BL w '-yn prf rarU Id lao- r^M phnia DPaneh - Brook T144tpn •.•*!* k-r:ovtag. luftOk. PMnrll-nd po*l-

ROHfCVtLLE. 104 FtniTlh *1.—Second floor apartment, ft roonui Ualh. rarage every qp-i(i’datr ap|M>1nlmert. Jutip I, 9~# tVm.I’. Maokuoy A t'n-. Viark*^«____

l.K RLCTION -f*li TfOrni: eteamheel, e vcirlr hrhi; at' ibe lileti liopr<>v*- merit*;' ado t*;* rmi ftsf Addrsea J J.,|t<*v III. N- ■' V >■/**• ____ _ _ __

tTfcAlt” Ukf*e Tuoma t-J '**■«. no Improva* raenia Phnne Slarkat #344

b i \ I s ome ar.d bith; hardwood tioera; atPO" Lri-iiy hHehan, hoi wktiyr, dump

waUt'r *«rTlro; loraud finaat realdantlAl etrs>vi. nrveh mlKPlea' walk from Plaioftald ■isiM-.T, rent ( t t l Mr month; ready for o f‘ rupa.!>-T Jun* 1. Mr*. W'liealar, I l f Edit

«i . l*lalnllftld, N. J., phopft IH l. THllLK llgtii Wftiftr gM; flTHi phenv at., BftlftHhft; kduSU PWly; POfolorc'.l jtvnjiia. ______APARTMENTS, ROOMS AND FLATS

w an ted- out of tow n

roaruTua . Illur a*a ^raL. S J,

COl-Pl.y no rhlldraii. with rooma; vUI puptlly.

AU other datnfieil id-

Yortiibg wiD be foiind

b foDowinj ledioR.BotaA(a«,_ lift raftmlug avr-. Nawprk,

_ ________ . HKVEN rufi.1"- All itiiprcvrmirta. vgc«ll*ntFur roftL. flvft-room hunga- j rcgMoiiDal, i^cifcn . /uoe M, inqulroiSo‘YtfpUhPd; trom Jiiina 1 to July H *’t ! t_err.ailn»al TaLrtriny_Co., IM Newiy:i _#t.

rt tlma. AddrotPjJdftfy ! gl>f’'itUOMe. all improvement*; heat fur-Addr*a«

f«rd wort.^tMwa4*ignd, 143 tebyAp MfulSTiunxmer paMon: bungH . bPll*'aa*ur* Bay «d North Umg Pranoh. AdOaT*'.* Jl. r. B.. Bok M. New* mcea _ iSlNApiIii-Att SftT-frnm tnfJtrtoP

ioara ilibruah.k t"w BV«'/tkk> pn.. dig.

J J J * A fano . Rn, M. « « * ,RtitlPURtEiieil, lir iu ur t*a tfalti; S. i'—Banri'i'* »U roamA■ ‘ ■ AddrewD V C , I hath, giu*, ♦V*ctfl<': t«nr ; Bnaqoii pva.,AoarwB* I jI „ JI Sfatkri /JTia-. . uoaripMAi 1 gnd iftwAllflwd. Iftas Iv, jiao-A oKflcr-MtR fBXCBFsiL. w«rhlngj roiiftbio worn* ft;

ftfArnvfy ftifwByrad, Addrea# helUbla, Buc41, editcgaiU u V tobdA* FoeUHM*, gov »r'nee TSP~Vam- pkatlggia IK $piA (hmily; ai»«iik* Ihr** lari' ftobftg wftAiwDi iuaif mlgrya Addrai lull Ngwi pfflco.

FOCR'IlOOXI buvgulow: Dort h; gia, ruftntng epREdf; ra i^ Bandy fl"uii p.*jr; for lokaah;

deftadditgk Ti BvU. Laararda, N. J . _

niabod: ncnveuteni lu Rrend rt,rerttcuL-ra. P»-v. JT, Newi_ nfflc*. _ _BVKN-Rwiti aVu, til tinpfa litBo moot av*. near Cllnlon. Tel. titft Wav,■ fin r'B 06M «. ALLnfilPROVEMBNTi.


itST libotC ftgar m#nt to ■ubJei. 'juft* 1 to OtL li Pfthv Inaa* altar Ort. 1 ‘

high *■ HO rant In Monlctalr or viatnl K-thaut, 1|_Wh[lft*y »t„ Nawarb-

IVE nr aiK rooNift Ip l-famUy af Pl fta houo*. 4 adulta. BMr. ll OverlMlI KYP.* Balievul*. tel. H|f BgliovUla.FtA>nh In iwp'fmwiiir Pt*** f4>>gi^ (bM hath, 100, Addfub Apirtmapl,. INK C, Mdws effic*. nrangp.#AKTEi>^Thi^ or. i m*. MHSldft g* Waal RUaabntb, wtU| or wllhaut Imwrpfp*_ if tbraa. Addraap■niOM' sVfttRing. cpfP BftKry Dana CoMml

Apply apt, Newark.

BpSBtp bj day ar work ft* tak« ham*;CkH of wrlC*. 1«4 ttoKf

t •WfM wftpbag cppp Pi rgglibty atyaWMftPd; Mutanal. MfA

>K WVAIIllKO h*«a uppr poop iPitt oak*(•Tt tkasnttft Ifarlwt pL.lpoo- » nil; ppfat ppUkiwt. ..

■ CKT far BOOtak 1-roam fomlpkat biinpA‘ la", Kmu*>VPl *11 impTavamtnta. Ktjn al WkPtwr't ________6 IS M H 5 n « iie y * o —i i « " t ^ " t *® in-Ikt Waokinpian on,i'alni I>iicpi«aHk.Ha"ark. ______ _________________*rbN->V-tMC-«*f^5'ifSBfcka katoi. nnr

n n k : H.p»«. an (tr .Magt_A.w«,PURKISHEO HOUSES WANTED-

SPASHOREWAHTKII. Nmltho* »o»fa of knp*!*". *• «««•• AUmrr Utk tnP Pt«k*«i- July. It. M. I*"It. m ‘ raftoii ■vt- lla"*'*.

3. or JpRl'er. 1 Wnat Alpln* li.§3\ riai*nj* aml^lh; alt Improvamerita, Apply Jani|or. 444 Svinmer a/e.. Newirh. SVIILKT— ’roorfi aai-i modern Impia.; aieo- trietty. 141 nireljw_a! . apply jaaller.

h'T. l—nii'y r-.uipfl all impruya-"fanrpB Innuu

■taal falrifr af tbraa. ___ilna, rafP IftKry Dana Coi

y'- ■hrth. N. j.i >>_______WJ^t i ' Fo'ur or flva roana. by trmKMl

*alf*. •■Mldran, tM Mr aent AuaprleKP. bght nf i*far*nrea. ky 2; OraiKM »ra- figrrpd. Aitdraaa Am^Nih, Ba< X. Nawb af* fIgK, firang*.\r£N

SummerGeorgettesAnother New Lot '

Specially Made UpLovely Georgette Hats In beautiful

originations, copies and adaptations In summer models. The georgette is of superior quality, in all wanted shades, colors and combinations.

Wooderfia] Vahies at die Price

7S1 Broatl StreetA Step from Market S t

▼- -.fa-ThU 11 !*•


r <


<TKli._ . by ■ynung aaaplOt flva ar p4bM>me. vitn imp^ivrHwftK

moi't*. [nqulra In tailor ihopiOUTH KiaHTH 0T . \U Five-room apart- iwht In tVP'famlljr houso; nawly der«a f i M ; wM ImpravaitiaMa; aaortod floof__i b 6 ^ iR O kt>*«T .riili;^’r"a n ta iu andkktil. Blkp JtnKar'i fall. *m tight, •ntvrnJfthri~oY' iwnlghad---- (ot biontlat af burinaaa aaaple

KKuniy. by .?wbe l ur 11- Addrewa Bpm iff. N*wa oftNA w phoaa WkwptIf llffgby Cwft •tdadr * ro*»' ‘ preferablyiping, In;tli: preferably MtarhlUftfdl far MKIftl

b ew iaap in * , in gwMiiA gM4M«a FBk m11. Ba ffftft-^vV Of ginwbjrRiitaw; bMt nt rafarpuftig. w. T* MKwIb» m


•>., Irvlnpinn,

•U In p it-I fclirhan MlTilatw: t fkinntta llarkMi nnd Broad: t i t rattrnnooa ronalrtd. Okll M trk tt I»»* M««r t M.

'tl'aV or o^tii kaufa ptn^I

t3 T«*4i.4b.4

_______HOUSES TO U ToSrX^ylillLT hwuMi » M«r «t.i

m p g : f ta w N ii^ puBmlfn

■fxi 7f'i;

Cbll Marbat__ __ ____ ________1^0 i^mur tefth. w$rii hitebanatt*; alava-

t«*r aeryfea: low rent. Inqglr* Janitor, ft Wnlwtit *lit RF> Dtien* 1ftvf3 Mark«l. fltRfeW tal* 'r»ai»r tka. lallat nnlwalarr III tot aadpla. Inquire Kwni gm-. a. -a. -*ffrd' gig aii3ataol|vwi nnlv'f # 6

iurwlnirM hrtweai Ntfnftrti,July li murt kaya iU^pt|^^ - - hF «f r^KT"eiaegm. Addcn** July, B?> M|| BkWlt wfllMaroViiS r*j>n«t fwwpia‘ 5SST

baa^BX fftoms, ^ hrablr Oraappu vanloDl Ik-kavtufaj kifatrltHr. AddMkkB. r. K, Bn. HI. Hfart, i.HItP.. ul. rtu . Ul' I’LiH,' ■k'cfaikrilUk TCaRTTBl

ruamk In foldirttl fa Vfank,- ImpU, : Vat. i'aldwoll dIM ________ ____________

Id BOitvM nullat I ttnnt, iMdttf l«p*B.ifnj iptiMioarani nnj tt lartM fatr aIf,a

F O R y 'O U R G A R D E N»

IBM*'g u d c B in d h n a i t o f t l lk ^ i

M l f f c f t i m


UtfT.StufioN.a» MrnitftM tlM .111*t M M IvM eUeiheUeni, DaMi T—i mU

I «( ihl« «t4U.M 1* J«k*>

vftrk. «*unty *f <rr*d BoliMkX^ %mi Isissy Im •vrtttat. irtiii*iil« *r "*Aa • (RwlaUi* «< UsuiBff toJ iSiif Uart n •««- •f N*w Jmr*ry.

Mid v*rpurBit.-..rin l*l*. f.i* i>od ■ItMttli l'*f« holutiunIhr *liH:khtfid»4ti fend iU« ra.arii ar* now oS fuo

od >y la« vhoroodi 1 hor* r band And af* «l MBl, ai Tr»it- k da» of AprJ UM*d «in« hoK- it>P. MARTIN. StAlT *f it*l«

IT JCIIMRT—T*0f tlio Court *ad* ofl tko dor k ««rtatn c*u*i> titlaaor. u id Toti Ittirtd to a^tr^kC >«r. to tho sail ■ro lA* lltR day tki*ro«f oucb d«' ro« M iRs aksB'

ssd y mI to olHots %til* BkiTlM* RS*tIttOBVmCART.PotttlMor.M »ro*4 st^Iffwark, N. I

omwrraovT■I7VBEB SSSL


nt Leather

Sizes R to S. t3.45


merlettesKcarLot Made Up In beautiful tptations In “gette is of ted shades,

e Piiee

Streettarfcet St



‘■■ ■ «■ < FBiDjtr. KAT 28, UB.

bEPABtlll AMK?A|'iNDA»r>l II, t i l l ._ Jl

JiT..mI . i »»• fll«l la lU j dtaarl-MB hU ^r****?**^"? “ • es IV

r . iv

i*Sa 1. *•'<^ auir autboriBOli la iratiaaai iia

' 'i" M.rT..V»‘,VVbu#luf-a uf oald eompijx J^l in . d t l . of .w a il.K in tn i la ihoan a

td‘f:r!*d aottla'a hi I ]*■. e t f , l^irpluaSAid-ap e*p4tal. wrpiiia ,»vor aH

acoin* fur 4,1).i>i*bur*i>iTiaru4 pgr ih» voaf

In wiln*** wharoat, i •ibis ntr-

. .a flra.f'omml«*i„n#r i*f Rankthf TaMrtacci


MBI Ml »»and

lis t tin iMt.MI !•It** 111 *■ ItM IH

trI ha-8 htr

DefM oM fM


M isI I

R N c i m le o Q p fUBQ o

n 141» » p« aad. Aw M.



lELLINO lb« hMt Most* u l eogltrjr I t B o r t i h u • btJl.f-11 I. e ir IDEAL

Great Variety of Choice Cuts to Select for Your Dinners

Roth quiliiy meat* and poultry, ^ m d at thoitaanda o f Momonil Day dinnera for tho paat 32 yeara. la auporior in Bavor and teodamau. And the phew ara th# lovaat conaiatant with the rare quality.

Roth Stores Cloeed Memorial Daj

VealBreast of Veal......... 19c Ib.Shoulder of V«d. . . ,24c lb.Rib Veal Chops__ )'Legs of Veal........ > ^ 1 ^Rumps of VeaJ...... IVeal Cutlets...........44c Ib.Freah Killed Fricasseeing ChickensCorn-Fed Roasting Chickens.........Small Young Fowl..........................

BeefChuck Steak____Chuck Roast____Lean Pot Roast..,.Flank Steak..........Freah Chopped Bee!Cross Rib Roast...

» W* a • •

im.29c lb..85elb. 45c lb. .44c 0).

i I


SUrlctty r / ' / ' C C O cI FV«h C u U d u /T Do*.


................................................................................................................................... .


45 Mtrkat Street, Newark k b w a b k

MT W a r m at. f tw T T I t .

ITa Onava at.■M Walaat at.

oranqb m M ala I t .

•O tT H OIIAiirOB *T la . O ra a s a A aa.

EAtT o u j io aMala a W a la a t l l a .

276 Main Streat, Oraaftu i n v A r r u u M n a i . D

ta Chan, at.- laa a raaM aa.BLitAavna Aaaintr rAiutaa an a l it. tia OhakBaa Aaw

B L ooM riB L D M O B a ta re w wla Braal at. • liaaB n II Aaa.

.......................................................................... ............... .............................. ............................................... .

m oamoT«T aaop. no. i

DECORATION DAY NEEDSSales of Wearing Apparel needed for the outing and for the coming hot days which wiU be eageriy bought at tfacM apparent Saviagi in Prices

A iry W ash D resses 7.95t

Figured and Checked Voile Tub Frocks, made up In most attractive and graceful models, and embracing most of the popular colors for summer. ,

SporU Skirts a t 1 5 .0 0Wo doubt If you have ever seen a lot of Sports Skirts so desirable at such a low price. There are plain and figured Putty* wlllowB, Fan-ta* Baronettoa, Queen Anne Satina, Georgettes and a W Wool Plaids, i There are self plaids, and plaids and figures In contrasting colors. Etch skirt upholds the Dorothy Shop reputation for,^ittnctivenes^ quality and low p ii^



T f r«Aaa

They show lywyliif^ioBeliyls MHl art nest earafdty Ikilii «f•lyls .

; j 0 Imp Villi



•%p-i4 i»

M i H i i i a N n B M M i i iM n i



. 9 9 4 4 9 ^i M o

4# ^

T h e B e d s ffr in g R a tsm A e B e d Y o u R a t on th e SPRING

. * ! v ‘'Ith( h«. t%i *w h*»h,. ,'h* kW, *1

m » '

. . . _r*: **

>T VIrl* fl< \-I >:'*** !*■ „w»» a'

NLESS the ipring confomu to evety outvc of ytmr body you caiuiot iwL


B made first of all to give you teat GccaL deep ooik springs—nine inches deep—think of it—all Aatot* ed together by craiwpringi, instead of being lyidly bed with twine. It at usti itself nlendy and insiandy to each change of poaibon. ConfiBnnlng to avny curve of your body, it gives you that perfect iuppocC which means relantioo, rest, sleep.

Smart Qothet for a Gala Day CaUed D ecoration D ay

Attention! Men and WomenStylish and staunch thnwgh and through when you buy oiirdothea. It’s like buying dollars at less than Adr wortiu

O N CREDITwe sell lower tiisn others sell the same merchandise for CASH.

UNION CREDIT CLOTHING CO.847-849 Broad StreetC w t n l l u n n M a a iA O w

■nawMM MAala^ tm4 UrlOmt, t I*. M. ••(■rlAr* Vbiii m

M. ULValUIAa iMlr CnlH M«r. D. w»if( a c*.


1 ^ U 4«<ll» UM IkAl kn« •(..........vkitaFhvij*i*J (n rht Rh u gimy m e w l—dw Da L aw a Jujl-fimf anJ prm-fm. tl t> j r r f l l i-afL•Ht lijuinnou, nwA M A MS M, smd m law ,

A T ALL G O O D S T O R E SMA.\HATTAN-R0 MB CO. Lone Gily, N. Y.NawaiR Buffalo New Haven Phllalaipbln Itotiieaier Syiacaaa


R wHas «iiiN'itoitl« ewdeeilCStiLfc2!l£——

FbR Sits If Th Ui . . $ 4 . 0 0 Bridfi Wirk, Pit Itoili, $ 4 , 0 0Cold CroNM.......... $ 4 . 0 0Gold Fitliifs............$ 1 ^Siwr FiOisgt..........B O c V

rA i!v i .M M irrnonaWork (i«anatM 4 M I m nO pn » A. M. l a in • P. M.

•anAa]'. I t A. M. la I p. W.


Chrutian Sdimhn Furniture Co., 157 -159 SprlngdaM AaA-Nawark'a Baat Homa Fumlahara

R easo n s W hy B rid e s S e le c t th e S ch m id t S to re to F u rn ish T h e ir P r e t ty H om es

We Vm h# n fiipniahimf* kpa,4w..* «■ a .. . . . . . . . . .We ve been furnlihing bridee' homea 35 yeara. In thia time we've gotten the "know how" expe­rience. Ve know juit how you want your home to look and we help you iccompliah It. Wo luggest combinations, harmonize suites of rooms, perfect m atchings and bHng out the other interesting furnl- ture details that brides so much appreciate. We've the fine quality you want, the wide variety to select from, the price you wilt wish to pay and, beat o f a U, the caceptlonally convenient method of the open charge account. In this way you do not need all cash to buy here; pay as you earn, some on your account each week or month.

IIIJ i'lll i t l

Antique Ivory Finish Suite with Louis XVI DecorationsThe decorations ind the delicate Ivory Bnish make this suite unusually attractive. _ _

The dresser and toilet tsbie hive large ralrrom and the chifforob* li roomy end well O C j .R f ltdai^ed fw the most convenient uaa. The b ed la prettily modeled and is perfectly matched by the other pieces. Thia new aulta will giv e tba bod room a most pleaain* appearance

Jap Grass Rug 1For Summer ^ ”

Lift Lid Style i 0.95 Reftigeratort

F or Sm all FamOlaanue Utt lia otTla to In aMMaloea

***tf:?? J* ffWo maiM UM aorvtao. ft la lea h in M senltarv aad la aiueotlr* aa Ww:

kard weoa, sod la lEMkod and llMd to hold and etmlMo eoU elr fTMlp and prevent waattaa e(IC*r

Thiu waiZ Mill: will he eicklUiit fur the bitrf rofim or iU e p In f porrh. It w«a,ra for>d urid look* t'oel a,n<) InvlUn*. We hkvo m*.n7 neat a.r>d )>l*‘mNing patterrui w h l ^ ycii] will Itku, And they at*IiJk Ii p rlc 0i l

^40Solid Oak 9-Piece Colonial Dining Suite with 5 Genuine Leather Seat Chairs and Arm Chair

.. 5??*? ** i***® danttniettA good looking aalte ta largo, well proportioned and nicely flnJahed In■ beautiful goldin ctIw. It a a ^ c lf y polonlal deatgn. The buffet and china cloaei are commodioua with angla drawer and aMf apaaw Mirror la twiffot, awail ends of glui on cbloa closet BIe. m aii^ a*«nii<!n table, all highly poUahed, and avu laalkar eaai chairs and arm chSr. *■

Splai£«Dy Modeled Pallor or Living Room

Suite in Tapestry' A very choice suite ^ f \ f \ A n —3 roomy pieces, ** I I niuatrated; comfort- “ tMo back cad tegt; well upholstered In choice tapestry over guaranteed Rne steel aprlng construction. Each pieco matdwa and la briUiaotly pollahed.

ligM CkaeiOaOrV'-’ ■■•ifcr

*****^ ^- - - i qniitiLiOiiiii

«TWj<t‘¥5d V-;,t .'■» ' "*»**^-


i o

. i i

R ^ A f iE BVESDto f ^ n a ' vBidi^ KAY

i llodieei, YtwH H«tr GmnI K nrt N €it Week



f ’ -'i


Vf IfFM Me MfFrto* fcr ywi wiirt < jR M M M M « M m M t l i w l t l t e

k M M d U iC «M « f tlw o fd u u ry —and youll WV iMril iMpreMcd.


SetHder* •t TP.IL

Other Dejni CIom et S:30

wi Store CkNMe SetnrAgrt at 7 P,M.p-OllMr D m ■omwi

Store Wfll Be Clomd Monday, Memorial D|y

T M E G o t R ^ E - C C ' -

G irlish Sm ocks o f L inonSbm for the Young Woain aa Welt—to Si*e 44

H nullie, cvarv one of tham. In atralehi ona-plcco modelt; •llpovon, wJfh lareo. artltilc patch pockott; r o ^ or novelty

ssskt, tottchstf sp her* end rhfr* vl^h detljcnt of nend enthroMtiy: thov mav bo bad in peach, roaa, tan. while

p le n d id iy P r e p a r e d to F ill E v e r y N e e d to r t h e D e e o r a f io n D a y H oU d ay

m '






For tomorrow, the last day of a buay month, our department mana«:en are preaentiiii extraordinary Tthim to emphaaiz c Goetke LeadeiaMp In the Um Price Movement, apparel for every member of the ftunily—home furnishings for summer comfort—yard goods and alt needs are way down in price. At Gocrfce'a you pay less.


For the Day Before Decoration Day—We Offer

I M t s trf G ta g h a m a n d V o ileAt the Temptingly Special

Low Price

5 . 9 8M


Smart, up-to-the^minuto modela with crisp white organdie trimmings or simply self trimmed; miny with surplice bodices; many with saahes tying in back. Specially priced.

Frocks of Crisp OrgandieOf oouroe, ibtro tloply mttai be ona or two of tbcao caqiualtc

thiafroefca in year wardrobe thii taaocn. They are most appropriate for any oceaaion; made.with tiny .frills and vooters sod | | \ la ^ e t snd aver •« many more dellihiful little ityle III V o toachea; Spaelal ...............................................................

Gabardine and Surf Satin SkirtsJaunty white sports models: many trimmed

with rows of pesrl buttons, others boasting of clever pockets and belts for trimmings; each onedecidedly good looking and smart; very S.98special


That were $30

Tailored 1 T ailored | Silk & Wool Silk & W ool SportsSuits j Dresses D resses G>ats

That wore SflO \ That were $35 That were 18.50 That were $25

19.90 27.90 36.90 19.90 11.90 13.90Suits

That were $45

500 Handsome Georgette afid

Tricolette Blouses■* ** **'* 0 O f i

S:*rVT we* k a rw aakf S J t wwltow.

F.Tfry mod*^ U righl up In Ihn mlw* utn In ntylc and colorlne. fM tu r tn g dw- U ghiful ahorl alawvM, iHp oywr atylww. round nseka squarw nwoka. collariwaa modwta collarwd raod#li

TW Ci^ru«1tM hr* •Imply Irr^ sU t- Ibt* wlih their hand •mhrqldarwd dw • I rn a r^lorful baadlnga. laoe tr lm - inriign and c tiiif 'rs of Itifki.

TM> T rlcokH r Bkwwra ar« ■ ho#n In allp-OYcr •tyidi, Hlmont> alfW wi; w«m« bavw w few eulf co%rrfd b u llo n a by way of (rimming

Thor« a wl<l« rangn of colora for rlkolo*. Inrluclllig acaalariM hk«#.Ml r. rww. hwff. iww. pink. ftewU and wUll«.

Beautiful Trimmed S U M M E R H A T S

FOR MID-SUMMER WEARSpeciallyPriced 4 .9 8 —5.98

Pvrhapi It la a larrw , Irenaparw nt brimihed Oeurgaitah a t you have bewn wantinir> or & ctilo hbhon hki. or a •m arttaffata or Uaorgwtta fac'^d a tra iv h a t, herw ia tho Ideal op porlunKy to gat that iniis'h doalrwd hat a t wiiwvptlonally low pHcaa

tkm a of tham hava c ro w n s of taffeta and they aro Lrlnniad with flowara and f ru i ts and oa(r1<’th unij ribbon*— and many am adorably yat s ln ip ly swlf irlrnmvMi

Thwti tbwra ara ihe*a larww. ilruoping brimmed sports hata w)ib wraatha of w ild Aow«*ra or tlly-of'Uia-valley laioikad around thw CTuwti In th a moat b^w tirhlng maivnar; Uie adgaa ara bound tn w aivat- a must CHptlvMIng aaaem- blaga—oiiO praUlef th an th a M hor.

Morning Speclnl 9 to 12 Noon Only

Peanut Straw Sports Hats—With Milan Hemp Edge.

Rough Straw Banded Sailera.

Trimmed Straw HaU. Children's Straw Hata.

Selid color* ond effcciive combinttloni.

Special $1

S P O R T S H A T Sfor Women and M uses

1 . 9 5Offering Actual 3.98 to 5.98 Values

I attkiaad St*«w Hate tn tha aaa.non'« moAtwaiktard ahadaa of jade, orohld, urango. nnvy. purplr*. Vilncik- turquOla*

Thera ara banded halJi In beautlf>il two -1 otir* mn>rte!a In comblnatioiia of blaok and w hite na\ v an.1 whlta. bla«'k and rrm^ aand and brown. r«tfi« lund b]af\h nlen mylld tM>torai. In nallora, muahrooma, tnm efferla. ri»ll hnma and • ld« efleufa

If i>he h to gndaati in Joan or haa iMvlta- tiofu gilott to gradoatka partka ilw

will want one of tbeno

Beautiful W hite

F R O C K SInSiseatoU

They ahould ordintrily be telling for 8.08 tnd ere tpectilly priced here. . . . . 5 .98

Nowhere else wfll you see such low prices inc r ^ f o r d eco ra tio njUmiDDr FOOtWCDT day w e a r

$om< of (hem btve pioelt tbM are tlmeet cn- lirtly mtdo up of embroidered ewtu end ftoe lecoIntenloa*, otben bite row* of Vel. Itce ruenlng round end round Ifao iloevuu tod uklrt; uenilly flnitbed olf iroond (be wnUt with a ooft ribbon fub and Ibe miierleli are Sne lawnt and eriip orgatdln.

S n u n e rtim e W earables for th e W ee FoUu


Infanta’ Pique and Mcnoized Po|diB Coats

pretty little modeU, wtih cape eaUtra or yoko Mylm; tbey ere full Ueod and they willwwb iploudldly: tUae to 2 yn n ; ipodtl

TOIS’ D R ISSnIn Iloa alnwhom naU ebsnbmiro: lOiu with

whit* hodlooa. e tb m tu oaU p«« top otylto or•mptro oWoot;. thoy nr* ohown U ohaoko. otrfp.0 M t pUlu »•* 1.98

INFANTS’ SUMMKRTIMB CAPSlU bouu.t otylo; mod. o( .bovr InWM tlauo ; « vwnni*H h o lt 00; eoinn U inaO with too VnL 79c

Tlicie dale prieeo are without reual awd by far iho bmwI nce^leoal yaluea.

WOMEN’S WHITE NU-BUCK LACE SHOESImmaculate white and ea.ily kept white; made with ^

Loult and military heel*. Viloe* up to $8.00. On m . V ilale ..................................................................................................

WOMEN’S PUMPS AND OXFORDSThe pump* in open dyle. In patent end dull kid, hifh French heel*;

tlio In 2 eyelet ^tyle, of patent and mahogany calf, high and j ^ £ \ low heela! The oxforda In all itylo tool, Loula and Mill- 4 . n V tary heela ........................................................................................

Girte’ White Show

Just in Time for Decoration Day

A R o u s in E U n d e rp r ic e S a le o f

M e n ’s Me S u i t s

Men. Here’s Real Big Value In HIGH SHOES AND OXFORDSIf you’re a 3udgr« &t abo* viLy«g you’ll

lay tno>''ra w ondorfiil—*ciUEJly Iona (hnntod^a wbolonala valu*. S<hti* pair* ara worth to Ilfl.OO. Big eboloa of atyiea. In moot wanted leothara. A atyU i aw for awory fool end plenty of 4 .V A il*M .............................................. -x.^ir

White nu-buck, lac* atv-le, made over our famed “Roomy Toe" latl, high cut. liiei to 2, holiday lale . 3.98

Cannot Be Matched Anywhere,Quality Coiuridered

Another special purchase of 500 smartly tailored suits from ■ msker of Aner quality garments.Real $35.00 value Real $37.50 value Real $40.00 value Real $45.00 viduc


ALTERATIONS FREEIn the newaat models for the young fellows and In conrervailve

styles for the older and stout men.0 « Sulo. Boaenwut: Tbho SUirwaj, Fr«t of Store, Near Enlraneo

2 6 .7 5

White Shoes for Kiddies

In Mary Jane tnd but­ton oboes, of good grad* canvas, special at

Men’s TroosenOf Dllk CPlRtUFM OAMiBOPOBMd »I*M (0

$0 wtslirt meajrur*. ■pe­rl *.1 ..................................... 4.75

Men’s Strsir HatsTboy top 'em lUI tn viau4k i

OfTerlnff n pperlnl lot of ^ tSAO n.nd 13-kO values ^ , 0 ^ fo r - .................................. I

N*« * Wkltp CkiATB*M*do w ith ru b b o r poloii, •o*y niid oomfortAbl#; tpM iikl m U .............. 1 .1 9

Bring Year Boy R en Tinnorrow for His Decoration Day Suit and Save

B athing Stub &At Sgadal ProBoWag P ikw ^

Women's and Misiei' Bathing Sntt$

2.98. Tlwy are Made of Ine luatrona turf •atssflf'in slipover style, tiMveleas, vHh red, yellow, grsetrar white pipings. Special...........

Other bandaome uiitt of lurf tateen andaSStoUA


•u rf satin—

■t,' >■ ,Oaa*piooa atyto; made of black |eriay; daap armbolea; low

eat neck. Special ............................................................... * F vCAPS

I and eel«^A variety of lags

2 9 c t o 1 .9 8


iMelal qaadltr oart aallii; wall» « t o W -M

M ilanese Silk GlovesSelling in Regular Stock for 1.25

SPECIAL 1 . 0 0

B o y s ’ T w o - P a n t s W o o l S u it sof serviceible

12.752-clasp style, in bUck, gray and white,

double-finger tips, self-stitched on backs; these gloves will give exceptional service. Full range of sizes when they go on sale.



Smartly styled and well made, of serviceable materials, pam* full cut and all lined. Also blue lerge luito with one pair pinta Slioa 8 to 18 yeara; value SIS; on apeclil aalet.

Boyif AO Wool Mlxtun Suits

15.98with •>*(«. pair panU; newwt modal., wall taJlorod, panta full (*jt ana llaad; alBoa to IS roaro Valuo 111

Mornhag Special—S to I o'ClockBoys’ MlxtuK Suits

BIIM I to II F«RrB. DnlF •Ultf In th* lot: durlnv winmjng' hour*,VftlUM l td Uld 111

Extra heavy itrong silk, in black and cordovan, with double soles; well reinforced and deep garter tops; sizes 8'/j to 10; exceptional vahios; special ...............................................


l.OO a W eekGet ihli onlflt tornorrew—delivery olll positively be made Ic titne for Dccorailoe Day homo eeteitslnuient.

$115 Large Phonograph Ontfitn i l large UsAugunp CaUual PtMMgraph. 12 Leteut Boeg HJU (year sbeici) . 1 Beeeii Braah, 300 Neudlue.

AD for 95.00ons>T A u s a r m aviiWMi—coiib naaLV

A Lars* Special rarchac llttca fcaalai* ThIa

S H IR T S A L EA Nick oVrfme Specinl

2.95Sale Manofactorers Sample Neckwear

TRWBBi niMR.wi!; onnvr* f o h t iinifm

49c 79cDrwar ahtrts for holldar w.ar

la handaomc pattern* ot Oneoannt paroalaa, naa.t a trip* mad- ra* and p lain w h lta nhcv lett; th .y hav* atv l* and n h a ra n t.r 1* iham. W all m adw w ith *oft iTim dewB n,ilT* o r laundrrw l euK*; many w ith box p laa t f ro n t All ataia.

A etaal * • A ctaal I* 4 rt** l I*rsc T alaca lAO Vi Io m SAo V*1*«in o TWO A LIK E tv TH E E.VnUB COLLHCTIOU


T h . d a lp tl.a t. p r .t t l .M lac* v H t.ca and ru lm pa F in . net and o rcan d la ro lla ri and ic t . . .h * .r . eo b . w .b b r u a o 'U .t t . ; p iq u . and .a tln nsllir* : d .lltb tfw lly tuehad and h*m *ttlched: a t h . r i hand embroidered a M taaa tr ta m a d . ,

Of wowuii raedru end good count percales; sooM wltii aellsrs to match; all guaranteed fsdo proof; steou 14 to 17. Spodil.


Ready for the Decoration Day at Shore or Lake


Men’s &Boyi’BitVn!g SuitMen’s Pure Wool Worsted

Bathing Suits—Tvfo-plecestyle, In onvy snd C A Cblack ..................... 0 , 7 0

Boys' Ono-ptoee Bathing Suits, in black, trimmed with while; t lie i 26 to .14; very apodal. " ” w Other Bathing Suita, 1-2S.

ZJiO, 3.50 and 0.05 O acPIee* WalwnwK r * -

Ixaia .i a1w> two.nlanw pon- (ue p x j . in u . all <n>tand roomi : two-pler. aitli. In itaeii t to 10 year. Only: th. othara In alse* a to 1* y«tt*. a*lr* | , U vvalua: *ulL . . . . . . . . .

Go to Goefke'$ lor Best Furniture ValuesWalnut UiniBbod Bed Room Suite

B tm ltar to lllua-


tfm tlo n . nicaty dn- lehed and well co n a tru e ted . P in t, m irro r* on d re a c r a n d on ch lflin -

1 a I a r. Specially >rlc*d.


Dainty andergarmrau fur wouim or airtvliw is l lf MfaldlM | (Hd u a v t^ npportunltiei for th w who are MMiwblbiif RBoeds for the immediate wear.

Envelope Chemise

Nightgowns .

P etticoats

This time H la a gtiM aaiemhlaga afM thu Bpadal

Law Prk*

1 . 4 9Heaps and heaps of them, In white or ptnli. Bono B4orabtytrlQUYiod with Isd' s, othori with embroidery inaarlloni; otLlI otliwe

slmplr lallorode with perhape a bit Of blii« etitchlnc bore and lher%CREPE AND VOtLB BLOOMERS

Lavelr aad eool for tha w.rm.r day* of asmnar. Mvary pair • j ^full rut. wUh ahlrred •Utile at waist and knee; ahewa la pUh, J|4C arehid or b lua ......................................... » - e r w

New M arabou Capes

Loggage Spedalt for die ’Go-Awayt’I n t n v * l1 n s ; room y and

_ , WaU oon*tmol*d droaa trunk, mad* withF iber T rm ib

atordr.SIsall Isdaao.SlatMtaetoe.Ms* M iKCtMl:

SPANISH LEATHER SUIT CASEA delayed sblpmant bacaua* of tha fretcht

[ amharfp. Offarad under rafular value. Krongly

21.50eonstnioted, iwtnforo^ with

laathar and bail rivau to pratact eor- ntn; aala prloo

^ Thb Bod Outfit

whit*; the mitiraia la at*#*,

Dlvanvtto Pallor Bed. . . , Thia bad eparal.t nlpaly tlntahad and Up

lUnllart* IHuatiiteotiii la Wow . Spanlah bfWDOba l** th» r; sn a ra a ia o O 2 2 ^ 9 8

tflH Weleui Breaews—aimilar tolllutiratiflii. Thia 4>aa«*r lam I* Imttatlon WAlUuU ‘tiatt mirror; largA 4«*p'

rawera: apawally prioad,,.


A fluffy marabou espe is i doUghtful con­venience for cool summer eveningB. We have s splendid assortment of naturil, nlgek or seal colors; some combined with ostrich, some heve tails all around; eatin lined; finished with ribbon streamers.........

Samples and Discontlnn^ Ndraberi of..G O O D Q U A L i r y C O R S E T S

Here ia an opportunity for a woman with the M A d k average Rgore to get several piifo of higherpriced coroita at a very low cost.

madh•howl. s : ’ ittlar Ians ihirt model* art pl.atlfpl la thia

at or t«pi«aa wiiiaki matwrtal th tlaatle iinlsh. Haatir

.«• ga«4, durahla wtalltv fO

Traveling BagsMade of walrao 'grain cowhide, imtta-

tioB leather lined or EnglUh pleid trin , eaap leeh and key; otrong leather A handle: aneciat ...................... . f S d v v

Manufacturen’ SampkaMen*s and Boys’

Real Leather BeltsVssttsaa deys begin with Dseo-

ratloD Day. You’ll want a new belt with your outfit end (hit sale •Iforda you a saving. In blaek, tan, gray; solid cewnide snd nov­elty grains; made with strong prong buckle; some for com­bining with sterling | \ 0 ^ buckle; sixes 28 to 40; values I-50 and 2.00.........

SinuMT Silk Neckwearfor Men

'Tha “bru*M‘'.klnd. wore with or wlthaul vaaTc m ar* of tin* 'Bllhs; new background aha mountain grt*n> washor* tan andpntd7nrvyn.v '“W V *f'i;


Summer Hoij^fwiilflhingi-^ a mdniisr. SaverBlue

Flameon .

C o o k ieTwo - bnrafr’

etyfo, etar d f|P •d; fivea ma Una t m i• 8 e « f i t 4 o w M ;vafiM at




nr Coltii* ii DliiaifStfo

J’' .‘*Y

t l piaciifii wbtte AmaHsian ?yy] nardaialni atlgbUr tmpaefaet., e etnasr.fhstaai • i«ia mrae.' e IM 'imuethb a .|N lt plaWih

bap AW. t ra g n ' pn^_ a i e f t« ft i'a sa ,j^ p f


ly frei sembit pre-ho

Full plaited panel* ush Ithort i

In al new bi

Xreen. gnred

On I separa plaitei white

In I blue c


(S in

af* Lowinmiivi i i f

orriui' w

f o i l


SPteel W _p«p .le ilitMiprlng.. &!zcs



- rMliniklues,


V- ,

io n

^ T Stes

i«MAon> ffio«t purpir. tilaxkk.

•toti**anil whlt«.

n liin »ol!d »n hnmi and

►•y “I’tang*'’


* Sample*I Boys’ er B eltsUn with Dmo- Ft wint a new t and thia sele II. In black, V I'blde and nev-

wllh ftronf me for con-

r% 98cNeekwetr

L wotti with er re of Itneerted unC ahadae af kahora tan and fanrauiar the a with white

• - l i S O

r. Saver ^

hv e C o U ^NT S ib . 'abtta AiMHaiM^^ Ikfljr Inewfaetitadi'• eaia eMe>""

dWflk. l-

S S K EViMNG ir sv n i fbx d a t . h a y ss,V;- ■■> - ■"..■':i,. - ATi ■*-

'I^ io d ^ X o o M A itt c f M m U i m F i ^

Sin Bits cocoinat over a creaSi foandatioa. VtiniUt, strawberry and chocolate flavori. Assorted chocolates to take over the weelc<«nd, ^ toi $1.75 a pound box. (Candles—First Floor.) . i

This 8 tm win be closed ’ \a0 b y Monday

to obem e Decaralion Day


-iWw -

i j

Exclusive Capes, Coats and W ra^ from makers o f ‘‘Sheldon Mode "

fthe trade-mark with a national reputation


actual $39.50 tc $75 value*An Introductory sale of 94 ultra smart coats, cipes and wraps

of the famous “Sheldon Mode" make.Because our recent offerings o f "Sbeldon Mode" ttilleart were the "tilk

of the town" the makers ere taking this opportunity to introduce their eiclu- sive outer wraps to the women o f Newark, at the aame unexampled value.

Gannentt that run the gamut from aporti to dresay types. Gracefully draped wraps, regulation and accordion plaited capes, three-quarter and full length coats, together with swagger sports models.

Built of French velour, silvertip bolivit, silvertone, Hnseltone, men's wear serge, covert cloth, goldtone, camel's hair and herringbone tricotine.

Handsomely silk and satin lined.Two models as sketched.Sizes M to 42 in the assortment. ■AKWB*S—aSCO.VD WLOOS

Chiffon voile dressesFor growing girls

$5.95 $7.95 $12.95Actual $7,50 fo $22,50 values

Whether It rains or shines Decoration Day, one can meet the weather with this

Sale men's straw hats, S2S9A Deomtimi Day gpedall A little drop In prlea for

hi|h*(rade hata-eennit atrawa In the aiMrteit 1920 niodrla. A dupe to frame becmningly any face. All aizea to V/i.


M arked down S U IT S ■a

. VI

Lovely colorful frocks, radiant­ly fresh and dainty—specially as­sembled from regular stocks fpr pre-holiday selling.

Assortment includes advance models for the summer season. Simple girlish styles, fashioned of fine chiffon voile and sheer -organdie.

Full cut, gathered, tucked and plaited tkirle. Bolero effect!, tebs, paneli — emocking. Odd pocketi, laah flrdlei, embroidered collars, •hen ■teevts.

Sate of silk umbrellas

$11.70$13.50 umbrellas $14.50 umbrellas $16.00 umbrellas

$55.00 suits $60.00 8uits[$47-50$65.00 suits

$45.00 suit»)$47.50 suits $39*50 $50.00 suits) Jfe: '

First big MARK-DOWN of our finer suits this season.All the suits are from our regular stock and most of them are Rochester-made suits. Nothing better at the first prices, and consequently no suits to equal them at these reduced prices.Single and double breasted styleg, faahloned o f the better grade woolens snd floisbed aa only Rochester tailors know how.

Sale $35 to $40 suits. $27.75115 suits for men and young men. Long wearing worsted!

and the ever-serviceable cheviots. Single and double breasted models. Snappy styles; spring patterns. Sizes 33 to 40.

Rain or shine umbrellas with silk taffeta covers of blue, green, purple, brown, taupe, black. White tips; bracelet handle; silk case to match cover. Price includes wir tax.

BAHNWa—I'MOItELLAi rinar •'Xavon.

rIn ill the vivid spring colorings—/ ^ new Muc, maize copen, rose and ir«n. Also dainty flowered and Igurcd patterns.

Two models at sketched.Sizes A to 10.

Middies and skii*tsFor holiday outings

$1.95 $2.25 $2.98

Men's $15 to $18 so lid leather shoes, $11.65Shoes and oxfords, and let us em­

phasize with all the power of our pen that they are SOLID LEATHER. "Em­phasized” because solid leather shoes are hard to get now at any price—plenty of part leather or composition leather, but little solid feather, such as these.

Choice of 17 different etyles, including the highly fashionable Brogora, in tbei* leathers: TSa Norwcglaa calf, taa RoMla calf, bbek vid Ud, btack funmcital calf and tfcn Ugh grade eordov-ans.

Bal and blucher stylee in. iranrt Engliih models with comfortable medium toea; straight French last. Also a broad too combinatlen lu t of soft vici kid for the more conaervitive.

On special sale for Saturday, separate regulation middies and plaited skirts built of heavy white Jean.

In all white or with red or blue collars—special at fl.95.

Sizes 0 to 20 years.

Jean akirtt, tide pinitod and mounted on lawn bodies — price 1125.

Jean skirts — belted — box plaited models. Price 12.18.

Crisp, white tub sk irtsFor over-the-holiday wear


Cancellation Sale

500 trimmed hate

,, $2.75Made to retaU at $S to $7JM1

These hats were intended for other retailers. But the frdfht and expreaa embargoes up the ahipmenta-^ancelatiuis followed—«nd now the hats come to ns.

M en’s $3.50 to $5 shirfs

$ 2 . 8 5Ready for a Saturday rush. For men know the worth of woven madras shirts and at $2.85 they’re glad to buy when such buying is possible.

$2.85 is the price—$2.85 for woven madras shirts that will wash and wear to your everlast­ing satisfaction. Stripes as simple as a pike­staff to those as picturesque as a sunset. All sizes; all sleeve lengths.

Some of the shirts are of printed madrat; the majority are of woven m sdrn. Every ahirt is guaranteed—« new one free for any that fades or that failt to give satisfaction. Allera- tioni free, if needed.

Men's $250 to $5 silk ties, $155Generous four-in-hands with wide flowing ends. Many ties of hand-loomed silks—sumptuous silks imported from Switzer­land, among the finest silks that goes into neckwear.

We've never had auch a variety and volume of high-grade neckwear—it represents the maker's clearance for the seaaon.

Everything one could look for in $2.80 to $5.00 four-in-hands. Everything in silks, in styles, in patterns—everything, and at just l l J i .

S e iA d a r$5.98

$8.98 to va lu es

An important offering to­morrow of miaan* tailored white ikirta for over-Uie4ioli- day and all-ieasoa outlag wsar.

Faahioned of ibirnbln Loss- dale jean and a Rne grade of llbardine. ModieUy cat on generoui ttnoe; emartly pock- died aad belted.

The varioue moitela dlada- guiab^ by pin tucka, tnbe and handaeme pearl buttona.

An ecehomy event of more J then ordinary hnportaoce.‘ On lale Saturday for tlML

Brand new bats tvaryene—hand made taffeu haii; flue IlstTM with crepe faciafe, and others. Nevy taffeti bate; most of them trimmed with ostrich. There ere youthful eff-tbe-feee stylee; modelt with Junty elds roitu muehreemt, tur-

bani and sailors—the medet of the moment In the desired ihadee and materials Including ajenty of bleck. 800 hats In all; choice it |X.T8.

No phone or mell ordere. None C O, D. No approval!.

Men's wool bathing suits, $6.45White worsted shirts; blue black trousers: j tho Bradley Knitring Co.—aseurance of the

the ethletic style so much in favor. Made by | quality. All sizesh a h sib :-s—MKN-a s h o p l ^ ik s t r u t o n


Boys’ $3.50 t o $4 Wash suits


'Smnmer dressesP rk ti /or kotiday fa two important groopt

M :& $21.75, frocks—advanoed mid-

fpiatiiier taodtlB,. charmingly faah- of dainty voila, ahoer organdie axqalaibi fmported novelty

IT^podteu featuringig and



Made o f such sturdy tub fabrics aa eham- braya, Dawenahire elottia and galateai. Stripes end plain colera. Chotco of Junior Norfolka, Middy aad IHckena modela. Sitee 3 to B.

69e and 75c Wash tics, 39cOf araahiMa aad crepe alike In novelty ttrlpee and


- Boyi* $115 to I1.6S Bkxiaea, 98e300 Meuaee of peraale. Some ellghlly soiled. Sliee

0 10 14,

Boy^|2A5 and 12-95 Straw Hata, $1.95‘ Flat atrawe ter the young fellow. In middy. Pen-

rod aad aoeaky aha pea :

/■’; ‘i;.' ■ifatel

KEDS the national comfort shoe

Mow the nationany advertiaed pricea. ’Keds keep your feet really comfortable in hot weather. For

work, play or rest Keds are just the shoes you need. The canvas tops are light and flexible. The rubber soles are buoyant and cushion your tread.

Kedi are the most complete line of summer footwear. There are styles for all occasions.

You’re sure of satisfaction in Keds. They’re shoes of recognized merit, reitful, long-wesrlng and mighty good looking.Children’s, 98c to 13.65Mtsaei', 98e to 54.T5

$20 to $23M ) (g-l 7 pf Abracelet watchee j • uOU

For women and misseo and eapedally suitable for graduation day gifta. Numerous styles, vsriousjy round, square and octagon shapes, on link bracelets or ribbon bands.

All are fitted 15-jcweIed lever movement and each watch Is fully guaranteed. Engraved and plain polished cases. I17J0 .


Women’s, t u t to tS.6»

Sale barefoot sandals, $1.98

Mlaaes’ and children's barefoot san- dais and pUy shoes In tan lotus catfi Children's sizes Sf/i to It; misses’ sizess IH/t to i. One style illustrated.

$358 lingerie blouses ■ $2.98

"Prills to the Fore"


■.V.', J,'Fj*> I

_ j-fc.

m .

S m ^ rd a g O nlg—No m a lt or p ko ite orders ,

12.50 Candle Mcka, 9125 '

It 9 ^ la Otka r i - i k

-.sf" M-ri&irvigiW

$8.98 silk’Patht^nable tllfc JoncyiLitl Jenayor vMi atik

taline ftoaoco. .Coanime aliidei or the nora dartog bluet, rotas and greeni-

tags, $;

s %’iotrss!‘,:fsrxtMmfs dvHidl Saha, |M I

■ aaXiBsr fufta,*’’’',. l ia a Sihrarwwt >•«%’I


$10 Mme. Lyra corsets, $6.50Made of handsome brocade In twe-toned effect o f pink with

blue, trlmtiied with lace and ribbon. Low bust, long hips, heavy hose aapporters sttiched.

again Js the cry of faah Ion, and you’ll find plenty of them In this smart collection of new summer blouses.One model as Illustrated.

The sale also Includes;


15 Cataila, $4.S0-MoMle. R. k G. and Mata. Lyre models of pink hroeada aad ueuill, embroidery irim- med. Low and medium bust, long hlpt. 1

II Coraels, H —Themeois’e glove- filling corteu, also R. S G , of fine quality aummer net trlmm^ with embroidery. Medium aad low huat, long hips.


REDUCEDUnder tMa bead wt abalt tSer d ^

•alaa wUta qaantltlw laaL t ■N» Phene, C 0. D. M mall otSsuo, On

amral bema at, Mir er hetew ociaal oeat.

•yiv. tM l•■vy taalltr mnml la p a d '-a ^ ^ MUht mito

tialw <

Howard’s HairB n i l N a y $ t »

Ha«ti€h aaM hack bfaghaai WIM paUty hrMaik teat Wpill paS m i teatoa ef Ume, atolawaid ar wayad hite‘ . Wto

B M i a d C o t M i t ^


A ipndatei tiaidRitt ft la wilt iMte af kteif teadf Adkaadta,'

to Wft teiK'wteteadM aitet to <:d .


—white and colored voile blouses —striped and chocked voile blouKS —Peter Pap, Tuxedo and round collara —long and abort sleeve modela —hemstitched, tucked and lace trimmed -hand-embroidered and hand-drawn —tailored and fancy modela SIzea 30 to 40.

^, ju r m v b —aaoeiiti r m o ry.-'- _ X - - " '-f

Wtmen’s $3.76 to '.pure gilkt hoae a t $2.98

White and black ailk boae, eoma with cowtng embroldarad clocki at iiq w ; or contraadng embtoldery at laatap.

' |4AI Wk BtocUagi. $l«5~rtordi fyaa im iq laftar tepi fall teshhwed,

blia^sadtoaa.alto gartottopa. Pftoal

vlte, N i^ i



. att'MidgMIaa.

m m

;a, black aiiiy, , 9k BtotetoMi, 1

Hna wtari^

m m

B mS* OttlW. " . a a i r ' i rM Ml<Ntw J m ty t a raash orriM, «

t a tu -lw M khM rtM . kU-l^i w w t l u u (SM t.

• I. M »U I T*l MVrt a iiM * •II

■jCAMpBi o r r i c * —*MIOm W W. FKtli>Mrt

paaUlfM* T il- - % • CmH M A «m tM lw

b S i i l BRAHCl“ ■ “ I* I

t l (______ ’ll o r f i iM , MM.1*4 ■

•n iV iU a th m ., r n .M .H 1

U M B T A T I A f i a m

i i / r s ^ D SWftv. t f l f

r f tO P iitR A f m U H ifO a

m m ^ m 0 9 i«I M f»X H.. «•' ^ M l .

m f n P T A n r o n M u ^ o nc v o w u i r - o 'M n i i n o v rA N T

TVXBOO TABSAmmpmM U li tk* IraM •file*, M r

***** * * * * c ^ ^l i n r w o w ' w

k« «I>«Dm

IWIf twi iw i l h«*M HIM tiM i I I .4** «AMr* Mr«c« ! • p t t f t rxf.

iM kU l____CO. |M B C S t M .

> IMCt O iu a * ••*.. t e r l iiitr te T■iiM* u r .i «*M til t e r _______

' 4 la I «wMc M te . i te m a liflur c*.

c u i n o i i A'

m AT«. ATABTMBIri—iMMTtllai MifaUli IMMteiM (•MM.

ftl Bf«»4; »k»M MattefTT III“ T A i T i i C T t o i i r '•■ nariM i M* FlU l * - ._____, -•r*.t am Mil I M ----

» M M •ftw i IkU M • IIktir

- I aMwi IkU M • m M la- ,j< l«r ••••• ••« M iM r* wni t e ak**! U Mli MaalarM to tkw i i m Im witkia

la jM n Om ^ » * i i i |l , Im .. ' a n ., Iravarfci kkM a W arartr


Naa III, 114, IMIM, IM ■•»•«« M^ i t I I aaaaa: M.Ha


■uH U a l t e III

R■D-Ubartr it .; tokMa tea lU at. ■MM I to M i aWlakla far far-; i ni * M .la^ toMBA a. u

III Wkrtai a>,, Mm C i a m .lo N —tiaar a w iroaa a S

• I i m e n t i m

POMBBIION JVLT 1.l i l . lf f i t f t ifil arrM tli

•1.. tiMr Tlilr(««fi(n «v«.I raa*i. Iiaik. alMni baai. ain-iris

tor4aoaa ftoara iliri l.iaa caak raaaIrM,

liaklii M r4a atoai l l i a a < , I II CMitai •*•.




B H IR RRAl. TATS C4», i l l WAklONOTOM AT*.,


Tifiaaa raaaw, ihraa katkai •aUialr aiMara. aalaakla aar- aar Mai. IM itt l ; fluaa-M r wra n aa4 Haaii.

Mil al furrlian m aritnaa.

A. B. A LlA orp INC.. Klaaar Bite - Navarb, N, J.

b c o n o h m a l h o m e .Banarllla a*a.; iMinadlata

■•a; ulna ra a w an A katki vaTaa. ifia llaki haaaa (•« a n r a k v a rjaal lala far III.IM : all raama rani-

katrkMi rn fa r 'If. M dI nflM.A BBB

- — ------ ------- all raama rama i la niltkairkMA; rani aat faar raaaw far Ml fa r aiaaih . haaa fiv« far raaraalf, atiDa I f . l ia . II.lag raahi mika ariif.

TAiaR A aBBAKBNRIOOB.Ml B m a ai. Fhaaa Mhl. Ma4

■ fip v ilK d W 'f o nr*r nIUM* d«^MM r«« t H » » m— im

hfl fk h*ttM *l •{•etiie, tn t4 b«tli

a*4IM«ly i t 4ttt4l i t Llnc«lii »*• a I r**ai far 4rtv«v«r mM v a r a m it«p; Mat tergalfi la vllr «t M.IM. vUi

Phoa* 4*11

Mr *-r»o *1

if MM I*

M . MtrkM «t

n o rm r io h t inT*a rMMli *11 laMtaTamMiK. ati ••viti

M.. M*r StM : **«|r u riM . alia CItiitaa •v«.. PlM M te , 14 f^ ip C 9 r f flm*r*r*Mil! r*rr ntfUbl# (*r h M elMM r*«mhi( bMMi laavlr* n i l B r a ^ pt.

WiBQVAVIC BAIUC. lfv*t Mil n r MMtlfvl feiB*-ran*

*•■«« «n l«bMr»r ara ; Bar^walflaari. rirtplA**. tlU te th vfili a i^ •raia laralMTi Millard raam . haa J«M rtaalmtM and fo( IH lH i Illl.MI *r I

radpeovatad:UalHi raaitt for aaraa*. aria*

lll.M I *r affar. Addraat fe k a Bai II. K«w» ofhca.

ON Jro H tft

. _.f ArVna i n u i i kvwn


iH ooB A CAUOcn. MABBBT u a i . Ttl BROAIX

' W ' T c s f l n if t abA t lenr- Oaa la^hmilr fa'

tfT X T Eto Ik a ^ a k it

j«r-alarr • • •Oa» frfgniUp faar>*t#frdattliaCi.Ill,*** f a r ^ n r o MtdUiB

AMui H,*M «Mh. W ait anafaAlKfira Ml,*** far

I M il* «aah. WaiHA Bit? 77 tTBYgNB.

411 Caatral a ra , llavarh. N. i .

riwaia 4*11 and *i*l HarfeaL ■laraa, farfary (a

bricky and alactrlr; Al raadl^ElMlAMTLT M ck. lat l l i lM : »i1aa

rAMILT frama 14 PAHIUT fraMP. I raama,'AMILT ttara; l l p M

^ rA M Itr iraiaa. I«^H .OfeitTS RKALTT. l / l WAJN BT.. BABT

ORANQB: FWbKB OfUMO* IM4roiTlmmsdUta ^aS S aaer. T4 Dariaa wt7,

dlractir pppp^tp W •family

B ImfMdtata aagiitaaer. T4 Dayiaa Hr, Iractly pppealtp WaaewBia Bark, a aDiatl'

aad-tfan taa-famlly *fMk hviwa. oaMalataf I ano * raom flata, plactrf* Ilfhta, tilM. . raom flata, plactrf* tlahta,kalkl. doablp BprrMiip. fall lapnlkfar vlfidop* and parrbat; ftrM fiat kringa ||0 tacpfid flat raadr ta lao* p i*i, irll] tarn# II.IM euk. baJpApp itka r a a l . a*li al eoM11*1 «at, EHubPth pad Kaplipr avpp. 4TIIJ

•Atafif^ iTI Cawiyal a m . m TII Markatft

.T ta I Ilka

f i lilT CAlli bay* tw o-fijillF kfick kpaM.pOMPeptoB PAP flat ridkl a*ay . laeaiafl

Fopipr Pt., nrar Wapaaaliia Bark, npar irpa’ hmfliaraiB art.: hi* | aad • room flata aafaralp «tmm kaalara. alaainp Hfkta, tllal katkp. fall pftc* IM**4 taaraatpod rpntal af I lf aad l4l. a daoldad aarfaln. dtpvaaa 4 t| rpntral avt. ( f k M 1*11 MarkPt >. a* ICitiabPth and Maa|af aaaa <TUI Wavairly^ i^ i 'A t i lL T M ek; paaarafa kaabaM;

p*r, dkanaaa a ra ; goad taran ; |4,*M raah.THKBB FAMILT—Ultlatoit aaa.f *B 1«fta t

pippirif; f l.H i raakTWO FAHlLr—Nank Baraatk aLi oiadara

rpurtpan rnaM; *«klaf |t*.i**.H CBOri BIBBT, ri* M A BK rr BT

Fka*kOM l*t* Mkt.

BBAUTIftTL BOMB-'LAIUM aBOtniDB14 roPiM. * bad raama, I flraklaMt.

-----------n m rfiW T u n io A T fi:— —naa al4 raalAtnra, SI Kama. Ml •U af tka kaal airM t, Nartk BnA. irltkRmta: k u illf il (raaM a. arar IM -tl. airaat

tatoAat Sla-ti'rnatoA,: l l t ,m : lltJ lafiA gl raara.


At«a aw w ,uran famato an A»rtBaAa far

B. •ktoiH A , I 1 1 B * «

% vaW o i l c f i f i k T i e w w 'i S T T # ^M Tir h a w : meatetoa te l l . Itotof

ffWk, Atotot raato. tenirv, feHtkagi, tkna ■lafkina mama, uiaA tetk; alactrto ItokL tlaam Maiar. ala-i rteca ^ n ra B ii tea- •••ten at aaaa; M.tMr W. tT A iw late l.rm>a a*a. aaA B e iw « .r i ^ A T f T . - n p r T i F f f d v ^ N

toniir haaaa, lalaraiaflM: karAwai ........- ___ tk i a iim

karAwaaA flaan : aaarr or-ta- Aaia imrmvaflHat; atat lam aa: i » - a a r lar-lW ,^ * (!a ? 7 r T X t t i lan< Mtfmr a»aa.; W ararlr TIM.P I I ^ aMIc! P i i l f

Mr laglliiiA. to rte rto u A Alatriat^ Traam t na4 anth; karteat teaaa ; a lat laaiM i rate) far faraaai nawlr AaanratoA and aatoitA: Mmaalin Jalr li arlaa Itf.aak. H nrrr j.wavaat. Inr.. Blliaaatk aaA Maakar araa.i Wnmrir iM t ■U-tAlIlLT A ^A H fM lV f R A ti i l

MUIatd rp*m a*d fkinca: * ^ |T m^ * r* e«a v**i*ae*. pri«* 111,190. wortk Itl.K

l a p n a t l t 9 o ’c lo c k . C o p y

j a t e n d e d f o r p a b U c c t lo i

OQ ttiA fo l lo w in g d a y n i o t

b e In b y t h a t t i m t a t th o

v o ry iB ta a t

REAL E S T A T I f O R S A L B -^ H T T O f TO W N






c r n t k b . mONB WArrri ABB BOMB o rPB&POtlTJOHB;

w«LL w o r th t h b rmicmlll.i** bur* modani bpm*i t**. blpclrteltr.

•tpam hmt, dmulr pi rppabd and fiapppd pppob; big tiPtng r**m witk flrawaw*. dlalaf

m. bantry a*4 kllehPB •* iltvl IIpop: 4

UUB_______ANTl O j ^ H R hlaW r a c t iv i

ropiplppplpf rodma .(«m with flrwil^w) and

% fiM ' “ 'bath PM *pppftd: I fiM mama and bath on ikird: plaiity clad*ta, with aJpatrl* ll«bt In all; baap p lu ^ aa pH flaarw, daaO llghtlafall: baap plum aa all flaarw, dandy llphtlai fUkarPfi nl«r I H f l l . with tpatrlaf ear pa raga: tmmadlAt* pattamlpa.

WATiBMUNO fllDCTtOltg 14,I** bay* 1-roam hama fraii ba waad

by Iwp famlHaa); I warchaai garagai gaad coadUlp*; paaaaaalaa J«]m 1.

DUrLKH TWO-FAinLT.Lot l*aU*; I rooma < u bath): agak aid#

fapL bat pad nold watpr. ftiraara haat; par- rppi caadUion: I tnlaut*p to I'patpr; pric#M.t*«

WOBUNOMAH’k ORpOBTUIflTT, 11,11* baya pa^Tpct rondJtloa hama, I

roomp. 1 oa firat. I aa aoeoad; gaa, w*tar, tollat. handy la trWbia and troUai

• lladHn______ t4P04kmf)F k*tL_ ,

r«am% two katkOa paaom kaala id a laa l i l aiu n lol layga a m S drtooway oM Bara#*; I mfi walk la Bfick Ckmwk itatlaa: aaay tarma

IHA M. TATLOB.Ofp. Brick rkvrek Btatlaft,

Baal Oraaga"AlmadI aoy bfokar aaa aall ya«

a kowoa, bod wo cao find ya« a raat koma.’*

f ^ T O H jC T T I I raamai ktail ntlihlM- kaaAi M,IM: ll.kM taab, Qraar. It Rtt-

laj4 a*. Itoat O rtedai kkana Oranf, IU4R

II.H t.A tklaAM aAfarlnA to a tmatemBk, kawai

■ ■ te lka •aar tarMu caaII mama and ha arrgHAaA.

kda***aTva-tam llr kaw a,' all’ Immmmaata rn-

••ki knati aamll am aaai af caah nattlraA.I* .til.

Daate t* a .|aa iU r fcaaia aamlr AaiaiaiaA. l i mama, ataam kaal aaA alantrlaHr. aaia- rala aatraaeae; raam far A rfm a r , I min. ta Brlak Ckarak Blatian, S mto. la iratlari immaAtota kamaaatoa.

Ito .H tMtAan tma*(aaiilr kaaaa af U raaaaa,

aSaaia k aa l alaatrfa Itokt. haamaA ralltofa, lUaA hath aa« raaitkala: t f j i a caah ra- AnlraA.

JDkT COMrLBTBI'.Ona-fUallr baima, all raama aaA haU,

karAaaaA flaara. aaaa tliaalaaa. Hmm kam nad aJaatrlaltr^ caaTaalaallr laaaiaA to a rmiTataA aatakkarkaad; aaU far irtoa aaA lanaa.

TMOMAA J. HtCKf,■ta Caalml ara., car. HalgtgA ac

Bam O raaaa N. J.kUkmftaa far aala to aU Ika Oraacaa raaatoA to irtoa fram tl.W a to l l lA a .

H00MT“ O M i-fA M nT '

___ ____________ ____Ipy,I4.*0* bay* ooootry boBP. 4 r*omt aid

otr ................................

rago IMo Of

bath; JIlBpjr at rornor. 11 mlnotpp tp trollpyn o t h in g l ik b it .

Dandy ooml batigalow. complpta wftk ga- BJid nj&wpyp. I rina riMima. balk: pig

Of room witk flop nragiOTA fomopi npofp; itaira to oUla: perek oeroonod; Ml- iPOgtb windpw pcroooo: priro |t,l** t* gnlch parobnopr.

OOUNTHT HOMB,Ntrp MPlchborbooda I* mloaipo to ftotlao

and irallpy; alm«ot gow ham*: *t«aoi k«gi.watBr (no bg tk); 1-eor garagPi milt

troop, ylPi llaM I; Immidigto poaoomlpg; pricp 11,444: far oakk octfoo.

PUBSTANTIAL PLACE.On ii<^ rppldpitlaj ptrppt, whpr# It woald

pay to loiprpTP a heapp; T roanui Cpl4 watar tmprovamoat*; plat IH lI* : prlt* |l.*«l.

KANDT rSIfTBAL LOCATION• Mlnaiaa <!pnirp: ail rpoldPntlal ■oattag; I

room*, bath, opan flraptai'o: plot 4*xl**;

............pri** .. .roguirpd aboat M,***. pbonp B B. H

. _ ___H*; caaki l l Somiopr ava.;

B iS iT in i iw iin clakan unAar tarag

. - _ lamUrTwailTin.____ taraclaaam, a a a u iia 1 raama.

hath, gtaaa kaat. alactrla u«kto to firm-atom •haia! kfla* la.lt*: a raal anad hur.ktgrgng. fll^ an tra l ara,________________ _R S iif iL E h AVB'!. 'IIT—Oaa-famllr. taa

raama alaalrte; M ilM ; ImmaAlala amaga Mm ; lia.iaai aaar larma: ktorkat jliaar. id te rd Baara. rma, 714 K iiif iC ahna# MI4 Mtrhat.tM tiE k to T r I

If r


UM»X MB v r .I kBTp Ihp Inrcpit vprlPiy of tioniPO and

ipTPOtJOpof prop^m ^ llptpd In thia Tl«laliy: rail and atpia your d«oir«o. them T will do

IT.*** boy* (Pa roooia. bntb. gag M«m kogll pl4t lIslMc

DON'T RfIBB T R li OEM.Dna of tho boot •pggtroeted bomp* li

Boot Orgnop, rontar aotroac* typai iRhigropm. dJaIgg room, Ubrgry, dan. puutyy and kitebpo oo ftoot floor. • dondy chojn- bpoo, og« wUk dtomtoo room and both on •aoonda I ftno riT na god pigoa for onothar bgtb og tklrda eloopta lo abnndapcp, pcgnl ■tto lightning nataroo. potoonod porch, ror 1^ J- -r* -npr loi l*alF*; mnkoo gll rooau bright and ^ry; toorlmg ogr gorggo; hgAdy i* Brirk Church Butlon; owaor galag away, prlcp 114.4*4: If yo l egg OOP tt doivt inlaa It


~n.T*4—BraaM nav. ImmaAtola k°a»«aa<a«i booutifal BPTnl-bunfalPw; 4 roemp and bOLhi Pgaa flraplgco, larg* lat. 44a 111; roolrietod ona-famlly loca- ilo ^ 14 mlaaipo* walk from D., L d W. nnd BHa tallroada. (*rmi ai-rgggod.

IK.aaa—A haaaUtvl kamai lagalaA to aM gfroatrletod nptghborhpoda In

lb* rppti road bpiow. lormn arranopd.room#, both. Pi Pam, mpta., *4i

nilai bldi.i

fT.. apgr Boeoad at —Tbro** family, l i roama, tuba, ga* and wniari

rant |l4 i prtco |4.|49. mortgago tl.**4 al rpgt Bpp H T Robonaon. RoppvHIoI pay <

aad g*yptk a v ( __________ ____ ___ _rU N TO N IIlLt^Tw o-fam ily bo»j*p. *trp|.

Iptil lorgllnti; nnar car Imp, all m(hd<*rgImproTpmtal*; oaty term*; Amt floor roadr ...................- ' - • " C.. Boa li.for PcranaUan J ump 1 Now* •m et


ll-rAM LT A tA R fM lM f R A t i i l lU i l: n l ;TWO-FAlfiLr H d riB . J*knoa« gpo'i p


FdiUfT-FAHlL^ houo*^ f*r palp, Nultnag f t . oaar Warrta: part imorovamontoi

rtoi 111 par momh. prico la.*44. 14** raag rogiilr*4. fnquira «U Warfan at. JaiaaoCr***a _______________________f # 6 l-fanlly. B*H*n ttyl*:: ail iaiM8.i

pEpetiicItr; frant porebaoj two lota: built pprpg yaarw by awnar: moot bo p*Pn: prico r*a*onablp: |4,*M cook. Fur ho Co. 14 Clla*Inn at __________________________

yXjf.UAR BABOAIIIB.IClNi|4,1I^VlMl|f1TT Wnaktovtaa ana.

— ■ L. l - t ^ l k .Bilal •«.. l-hrtilvSii ta 4«l<k. C.

MKSOH. alt tmplA. krtok — *»rtr awatf. » I

■ '-.v***— *■ * -» ____Hla.‘ 'l rMtog a ^ t e i k . all iaT wntg, I«| la i ia t : rina lacatlaa.

~ O tik at.,

_ . I i a ^ i at . Mkt. l i l t .

A lK k»<^TrtjC-:^.»“-fW tohaik anA atlU ; aun aar- irm u far all •laAawt a t i

and. OM kOglOTa bglhl thiiB. BhlpmoA t t t

nfSoM kalian, ail lm*U., aiaam kaal. i i PItlalga tt. Call apt. 4 F. M-; a harfnln.

Ba, ft.S T if : : 411. Nialk Mitik af.. (i-^ W A B T .

^ W » 5 .“ a»a .ite ; ^

U A L ESTATE f O R l A L l - R O S b V I L U


famlilW l W g a .

•M . B. B.

_jMaiA anC...r, IS rnama; all tonpta.

_ . M.tat; aarlir aaa kat M.i Markat 4IU

kfOW—^Mm j t a » ' Rt<tei S ; tarRM*'

-------------- AIR HBATerATB. BX-

iNip 4TI CBN-

l*f; pultablp for ebtckPL_.|i . 4*4—Bight ronma, impu.. boat oiopUpai

mndilloB. 3*1 fo*, np»r trollpy, Ignka. and BrlP ptaltoag

IT.tl*—l i t room*, botk* boat ploptrlt mod- pm impu., forago. opar lAcka

M,4**—Ninp room*, lomt*. otPOfn hopt. hprdwfhod flooring, flroplnnp, PicPllpfii mndilion. pppr trollpy. ptatioa.

tl.4**—Eight iprgp roMo*. Imptr. ttpom, Plpotiir, itorp room, flrnplacp, noar parb, ptation

I14.4*A~-Nlnp room*. Impto.. Rtoam, olaotrlc. flroflarP. pxcluolv* Inratloa, rnotn far drivp, convpnlont Loickik., main lino

tNAaga: oootala* I roofna and balk, ptpam haat, plaotrlp light: pgr- goat floor*: broad poranda: lol 11* I**; torm* arrgngad; po**PoaloB goptombor 1; mak* an appointigpnl to Inoportg

FHAN1C THOMPBON.II* M arkotm .f MkA 4*111 Nawarkt W- I.ifODEfN iiOMB i r u i k i r nmrictaA ■ a l^

hnrkaaAi M i l akaul nw fgaf! torfa llTtocroom wisk »poa Clroplaoo, dining rc^m. ga* kUekoA bwtfar'* Ragtry. ate j flrtl floor,

mootpr'a bad ckambar.' f athpr I and b '

irollay,111.149—Brand-aow. f roowiA tally modorm

flrpplpca, panyaot flooring, , Immrdlotp poapoiplon.

B E R N A R D K. V p O O T . Oianwood av o.. Bioomftold, N. JT.

ihroughoat,gpf Jillrhpti. Immrdlotp pi

largoroom* and bAtk oooogd floor; ftalahod room •ad opog attla ikird floor; lug* PorcA flpwor boga*. awning*, Barpaap. Francb roof, lot lO illl. tarmeod lawn: ibmbbory. larg* 1 rar galmga. alooUio tlfhla, dralag Ptn.: It'lA atrfp dHo*; accrmlbip to park, rhurahop, ••koola otoraa. 1>. \* A W *nd Erla R. R. agd irallpy^ I'tn b« ppp* any day. 19 A If to 11. 44 Fallon *1. Bool Or- angu, N_£.; iol*pKo*p Orangp ITI|W

m S iraR A D B K o m "InasMdlato F*g*P0Pl*ga

Firpt Flao^^RocopIlon ball. Mying

hoodt i l . l H ' M.*«4 paoba "drpprriVillt- *a at . iUot Orgggai pboiw

T l W i l ^ n i f i i r l S w r v m i ' *11 l i a p t r ;caipanlant to troUay *nd 1>, I.. A W.

Qy i y i H Cgmbridga o ^ aafond floor^,__$fiAlll C f i t f lA L AVB.-;thri#-fp»IJy: all

Impia^ big bargain; gol aiauaiptpd.■Momibork. 1*4 Ambprit ii. ____ik^B K C fr B1 ., Ispautlful l-funlly

• : gtt tmptgg gad dhraway. |ll.4*«.■. Ha Jwdga, Iy_Jfarb*t • _

hoiia*. all Impli i aldeliioj . roam f*F drlwowaFk owaor oa pramlpaa. «T OkMtekl id.T w 5 m 5 u 8 B T T « a T i rwamp; all irnpwo-aaga

at*; room tap garmgaa Tal. I4I4J or-

f a i w e i fF*0R_ IALB*~-Attmi0ilo* ratldoar*. I raomi

balk; Rial 114U41: aitaaiod mmt at-latpoetfon F oa

pirfMt oondltlon: baaatli laaiPs from Ptatton r . R. R. af N J . prir*

and haik; nlitraatloa poetiop B

awoexL N J . hottPP In baaatjrnt grpundi; Bvp

p*fT r«M4aabl«g Apply Mm a A. Bhudtp. Midway ATP., FanwoM, N

F M o a PkritniORIIAIC FABE—Boantiful eotatry tipina

14 poraa: l-twam hotiaa; all imyta: oartgp. nil •dthutldlng*: two mliop Dmn Hadlpon

VaTlay at., Ifaylaweod Ml. \U t

O w R U f k

■74. •n.£!<

14.444—RJOBT r s w a toiato, flrtolaaai kottpa aooda pamttn#} px«allp*l iacattaa; 4 i im .

14.***—N niB lATgp room*, imptf., at**in. plootric, toyor Kali, flrapltop; nawlr polatpd and ronouatPd; TIxUO, ticrlMol bropoallloa.f**—I rooma. t hathp. ptotm, olPctrla.

Miior, ftroRlaop; room for gartto •TEN rooiM. I batba. *un parlor,

hardwood flooring. 4 flroplkcpi, pmit- tbliig your boart doalrop, IIIaIIO. rna* Poalpnt lAck. and Rrl» atalian, trellpy R B R N A R D K. M flC G T .

Iff-IT* QUawood PBP., BI< <«mflFld. ni.44« « 3 f i kmgatIM ralonUl ropldanc*.

potort la^ iion , good aa«d plot with w«M maturod anado troo*. r(»*uining Urfo llvtag room, diaing room, builtr'i paatrr. hltrkPn. aim porch, t bad roomt. balk, ttar* room. Ptoam brat. olaetrteUy, air»ry modwa Improvomont ThI* afford* on imupual op- portonliy la got a rary chotc* prupoftr I* lb* finoat ropidpfitlal ppciion of Qu* Ridga

litTRDOCH CfJMPANT.Ot»p- laocbawama. Montclair_____

111,a** BUITB hoaatl^ l roionla; rptMonc*.vary iPia«t lecatloa, good attad plot with

wall maturad ahado trap*, ronlainlng largp liring room, dining room. butUr^p pantry kltehpn, lun noreh, 4 bod i-o*«na buh. alorp rbOBL ptpam noat, Pla^rMUy. pvary madam IfMpypvpmpnL Tki* affurda aa unupual op' portialty to got a Tory rbolc* praporly lo tb* ttnaot pppfdantlal pooiiob of Oka Hldga Murdoch Compony. phon* 4414 Monlclalr

■ n i l f A JrT JcR H cJ>^^i*^'^V ^IID Ia MD AVB. a n d CARTBRn

Bami-banfalpwa 4 roami aad bath: opr* flrpglaca. largo l*t. «lal*4. rpatrictad 9H«- farnily locottop; I f tnlnatop from D.. U. A

and BrtP TL B .; lormo arranged eanuilva an arutaUaa Frank TnampDO*. Ma^Pt at . Nawark._M J.; atiob# iTht 4411.



WB flUPI'LT HOUBBi from our Itata containing ovary avaflaM* prnporty In town. If you ar* t* livp I*Blootoili'* “" *■/laid Or OI*a Ridga you muat|s,ia*—4 rooma, g*n*ra| imprao—n atA eap-

(rPl location. *o*r Wniooa*1ng Cagt*r. 14,11*—a rooma and hath, Ptaan haat. gaa,

acrwpnt. rantral Ickcatlon, tha ehanoa of tbp day,

11.94*—4 room* aad balk, hot aWk tiA *R ImprpvamPBtp, eantrat location.

14.119—4 room* aad balk, atoom boat, alaa-tr1«. Pun parlor; c«mo and pop (kU ana.

17.999—4 roomp and bath, alt Improvamaut*. gpragp In r*ar, Rrla.

IT 14*-^ room* and bath, all impravaaiaatA laachawonaa. garaga* Immodlata poa***-ploa.

•T .lia^ l rooia*, all I m pro* am an to. IacHA' waiiag

I7.IH—T rwpiu* aad all tmprovamanla, largo gardan, ehlekana. drtwoway. Brio, alara*.

Now hniiafg, 1 1 ^ * uj

diaing room, butlar'a pantry. hUch*n.Baroad Floor Four larga bad room

ahowpr and tM* bath, aua parlor.Third Ftaofk—Two bod room*, batb aad

aloraga raaitppuhio ca* flroproof garng*; largo l*L 4Tg

194. arttplM akrubbary. flower boiw: awa- Ingo aad aeropaa: raatrlctad one-family loca­tion; 14 Blnwtao' walk from r , L. A w . and BH* R. R. I nak* appolatn^at to Inapoot

FRANE THOMFiON.I l l Marttat at.. Mbt. 4*14, Ntwark. N. J.

•OOTH BT7BMBTT BT.—TPb'fattlly koaB, f*ar raar* old. Bootoa plan: ptaom. n o

and PlaoirloUy. pargipat floora twa balhaand PlaoirloUy. pargipat and lavatary: Juol baon yalatnd; ba* haw awnlag*. •oroana aad porch pcrataa;: roam tar drfraA ^ and g M go: popppppIo* In ality dart: p iP a n t , t A ; ^K ar houaaa Mb* iklt

: ■ ■ ‘ ‘.**4. laaalfwjjjWflig > rL C*»tr*l a'f*L at Bo«tk Clinto*

raam , t t e t t e . aaantW at ^FaaAltSaa! Bawa la taw taan

praaaal aaraar a»4 Maapaai: — I Haarr J. |to*«a- l« - .‘ 41 W egM jTIH .

|L t w T r ‘* ^ a itRAL A V e r______ __ _______________ _iF i s B O T B iC T s r alx-tomlllaa: In agrt)'

14 IraadNav hnuaaa. I l j i a an MARTIN REaLTT OS. tl. B laom teM K J. i

BT^XRT 014B KNOW!?* ---------Fr a n k • . eow E i.

i h w a l l l l .

- ------ ------- ------------- . Ja iw r a-a.:*aw. atatfata kaalara. alaatrlai »HI rMtaankla g«ar. Ollah, t t t Faaklaa ikaaa Navarlr t4l4.

" f J M * * M te l frakii i i t o t i ;I'fklanr, I t aaawa. a t a u katla r I M flaaa. t u kaatlw •■ • •» > « fiaar; te«th ■aaaaln atk ts.TiMyf ^ i r a i ava.

avarlr t4l4.

I. Itoiii r n kia; aaar a t l « .K l . . i t i t '* * * ^ *’ ^

______t4tfW STOITui

•aaUtk. toFtoR____11 raaw i atauR kaat

h 7 ~ W S iS tito

*0*-1 t« i9nt

nawr Oi*np» *|.oa tauiiy, II rtoma; goanrAt* kaaipr*:

PNMntp; 14,1*1. Ultok. If* ^ “I* R a m iy MI4,

1*4. uiiok. H i PpoklM

Aj bojok; Woo ilfnl W mAmAic I «U«tFla Itgiu


In^wpry B**d oondlMoii; ort^t** p m * ttA 4*i; *a*y. .9 pi1«* ltA4t

la I l f lUFkat *tf l f t i e BBcrfoM

Ippi r*palr; R w atllo uaotlen; taking |14.t f*4. lac*gi« |l,l**, Addraaa BnmUta It. N*w >fn*g.61ft an i iw*-fanUly k idaM g»r talV f-

P ^ g g . tap f1a*r, l i iF w R f tk *t.i *allfrt^gjf fbd B*tardaF


M.I99—Hou^r^dght rri*n>* an4 batk. *t«aa boat: garagp; chlehan coop; 1*1 t*f 111; caak 11.***; balaoe* martgag*

llt.19*—Two-family houia. 14 room*, atoam haat, al*otrta llgkti two garagnt; lot tTiiT4{ larma arraagud

ItM**—Houoa. I roam*, alpapta# paruk, •lartrlo light, ataam kaat, pargaal riootu; lat H tlM ; farm* arpgngad.

M.I**->Hatma, 4 room* apd balk; ga* lighted; kol air heal: t«~ ~lat 41all».

*•,14*—Ron**, I roOmo and hatk;

MW 1 l « U I i t T iat

t d x b d o fa jik , eouTN oRANomTmat aMlea. car tea lk r-raaft • • • u fl

■toalar re., apaa te lv e a r . teatair c»A Bh . •rallan Dar

■aatk (>(*««• A te ••<• eiTte* *• ■••kcDr.BBX ILDO..

kaal; gaa tlghlad; larga b*ra; lot l*i 114; good plaao for aontractar.ComuM J- M. RODDT A HON.

A rttM tM



vtR T wHl btilli k**a* in auallan t looatlanir. ir - - ' - . . . -

laaatot in I nSttfaralar: ihraa law a a tewTaar ......................... ......................

caraar, ItflM ; racaatlaa hail: i m u raam. I hallta'a H i tn ', kltokta a a t aisaadaa for

tfaratar: ihraa law a a te ra a m aaa

sat Watoat Dm RIaaatlaM Fhaaa BlaamRato i7ia

BlDOH n e l d A ¥ a ]* ^__________ A m —TaJaahIa k a u i______nar. (aad tovaaUatati fira kritk aaraai rma A R AHaart. laa., KtoaaiP Mdf.

BEADTirSTL DaaiR kaet. Bta

MtoaD tiaaaa, Ikaaa kaaaaa •• Nall. Inaalrateatk a ia ta a

I M n •( tka toat M awia•tral aaa., a i

•hath i hath: larta hith aiilr, tally fiaarad. tlra-

•maud far baatolfal t t -allaiaa a r t: ran . aaar (arma; mlfki

tana af yaart. - Addraaa T a rm■a affSaa __ ^ ___M f tr T 'M S 'ta e a a ; all 'ia to to : . .» M W alM D .: raato far th t; ■: hair la tk . Addnaa Bartala. iwh Dflea.

haat HD t* Waaaakh _____ _ ________» « .: kaa all ImararamaBla aad tkrtua t alara il dialai i«om: a tau n . alaatricliy;

}lt.ata. AddrtM ONaar V ai tkadaa aad fall iniH k k Vm u ;

BAROAIH—Trra-faiqlty katwa. .a ta r t l tai4a> kaalara: tIaclDa lid h i.. all Impii.;

JalHfr ata., a m Cllalan ava.. aaay lafiaa. Addiato W, R, Baa I t . Nawa offi.

m vllla. K -fiu ilR r aU Im tC I

c r i s i s ' *'— fi

I t . Nai

CtflAF—Twa fnar-iiarr hrtriT" bidia:~ n tarlatflald aad ktotaantb avaa. kuali

•aeilaa: 44 raaau, I kic aloraa. all IcriDU hat tlHHi rant 14.114 anaaally Far fu1

F A m iiD X S Ii'Naw lala koaaa. 141 V ar»a«| ava.i aljl aa!k*;_toih **' tai H a l te

taDIrulara tak N trcateata . I4 t Narth StotkD , oH Blaaiteald a v a _____________ ____

r m a bath to _

^ ^ f t i L ^ ? t t a r i u a i r y : ' t V ^ k ' ^ £ 1

(yirrSN iW A TI I f w a ^ m l l y T aMwanltnlae' ?R*” ' “j and both;V r!w ly « lf* ” * * '«*'*« F k « a


Blk-fAMILT kam*. 441 ton tli EMvanth it . I* roomt. bAtIM; l-fANilly kAtta*. i44 laatk

pcraaneiigirAge: coal and guiIn baopifiant: elala r>)nf; doubl*


tift: lAundrrfloooofi; bar­

gain at |i.l99 Lonn li. ('ormlPc. Blm at.. r>aar dapol; phon* 7l< AfltnyieB NiW oaloAlal. 7 rouinp and bAth. Utaat Tm-


6a Baaufort *vp., u mil* from Boaufart Siatloh. I* mlnutaa fram Jaraav if pynutpf from C'aldwtll. via Moniotow*

HPW BUPlUiDP;----------------ar CaatfAl a r t .: la a haaatifal

kaa torte J ir to c f te « wlih e^aa. a i i a ________________flrapl**#} pATfUat floor*, IMa* larg*room* an '•aoand floar, with dindy tnpd

" lakad In Rna atyl*: kai room for

praw*Di*«U. epon fiftplaca. annalmptng twch. ckFittn^' trtin, l*t fla t til vary olMay. aocupincy* R* Undan av«,;vary eiMty. aocupincif. R* U akaaa if f i ArilaHen. % MamalL lR rX o5 irF eu m 7 '.lee lric lty , atcam

d i^ t . n.4*4 *a4 |1,**o inwAatigatl

■ nd Brla railroad*; 16 mil** from Nawark. Irotltf ta Caldwell, or nmior ria Uv)nfpta* rd.. NorthflaUI rd.. nr BagI* Rock ava,, rfa

>A or Roppland to Baaufort *va; All

halbi flBli----- --- ----gnmga: tha prioo kAa bo*n lio .il t, if quick aatloA 1* gtTMa will taka it,4*t ca*h Aad


d*po(. M.4«l *«d II.*** inw vtlPd. W. HaiTtg, 111 BUwaH

nearinvAotigatlon in-



yap *AA aoWA nglH la; tklo k*0*a l* only anWad Al tki* p m for Urao day*. auvAn*.ITI Oentral awa., Kawark*

rfX B 'C f 'R N IR ^O M E d |t,**4 buy* homo. 4 rooma. bath, gat,

ataain. plpclrlctty, porfeet confHlan; platTIallf.

t i l .4*4 buy* horn* naar Rldgawaod a**.; I raoma. hath. go*, ttoam, alectiielty. per- fact condition: plot 4 lillJ .


tow '-F k lC E D S E P T ro fftCt*t4**-^p rooma. Ill* bailh; all Thadtru tm-

provamontp, good lot.RBBT B ir r IN BORDUrtH.

|R,*f*—gpvan rocme; all Improvemanti: flna locAltan and lot TltlM.

MARTIN REALTT CD I* Broad it. Bloomtlald Fhon* 1114

OFFORtoki+T~M oaf~ dpplraM* alaa-riMlu konae: b*auiiful lawa, phada faraga;

PUT* lot: l l t . tM : tarma; wUh*ot *atr* lot. I t .1*4. Fbono Ola* Ridga 1444.

G rM B « M 9 L a k «FOR BITiM Pla-room kou** *l Oftanwood

LaEp. witk collar; plot I«9s1l9; two mlA> Btoa from tha Uko and five ailuuiM from tk* ftorop, piiea t l .o tf Frank Vock. owtiw,

Ml “ ■141 Main pt^ Patprpop. N. j

G O U teIM ACRBB; T-r*em hoMaa, water, Plcijie;

W n a; oklalma honaan, fr -14.1*4.ark.

nklalma h o n ^ frulta ail kind*; Urban, | i l Firptneo'i bldg.. H*w<

H a w A d fidBAWTHORNB. N. I .—ButldUir plate; paar

railroad and troltayt prle* raatpiiabta J --------- Iway, BroabIA. J„ lT*t BrMdu blyn. N. T.

H e i r i wFOB BAIJB—*-fAmny atAgeo batt** ta X*r-

rlgga, I rawpk* aa4 bAtk. aU Imptavofnatu a to n in g iiAAm kaat and aie^la llghta Irtguft room t* l. 1*4 Market ei., Newark. nR IT l-Camliy houp*. If rooma, air Imptp

a«eopt heal.New* offlcA.

Addraaa Owapr. Boa II.

b r k c t MFARM aad »aa>toally. I44it4l, • raam,

WBa bara, cklelwa caapa. i* f te t tiMa, Saha, (la . wasar, ataatrta: 41.14a.TWO-FAMtlgT. Illiaa , la raaok haik iito.

laa aad ifdiar, tl.Ma.TWD-FAMILT, Ikaita. 11 iw a a all a»d-

art Imaravatonto. tcad caalltlai aad la- catlaa, aaar ear llaa. 44.144.TWO-FAMtLT. t4 i ia i , 11 rscau. all lai-

praranatla aacatt ataeirte, iMd eaadl- itoa. ^_ *4 WUaoa gyp.______ Harbat llilW.^ ^ 6 -fA k lL V iiApAAr 11 r*on>At«« baUr

A l d ^ v UNinth el.. It rwamp. atanm Drat floor; 4-

haiue, 47'4* Bonlli Twaptlntk it , Hill RpAlty CA-. 11* F lfttan lh Ava ;

t i l H u lb * ^

r r t f l fU-yoaU **ttAg*; All tmptAi e ta S -AA*y larstA BAmo^ Tnylor. oumAr. 447

tuoUd AVA, A*Ar Fag*. AHanburaL M. Ja

Will e*U Tar UAlu* building* Ajona. or «lil dlvida into ernnll fArmi. lot*, egmp »11PA Hot coffA* *nd AAadwichPP BAturdty, Hat II. And Mon«i*r, tl. tnqulr* ibeorm JiAuech. on pr«mleoa. ar At houto buldlngla « e»o magi door; pkOAA -Mlaa DorA, OrAkg* ltl4R.

HAVtlfO puTTkaoPd lAfftr kam*. own«r wt'|)Mil kl* 1-roAm bn*ii h w A ittAm. *|po>

irtf^l^PATtAM «*wRlAAdttIgai If.liL ^ ^

BddTw L e k t

r . vaafh.Ig buy A iwo-famlly hai

h* Ag*klA Mr.

T F aTK^TB fwo tamlly. ~lT m**t *1] ifnprovwpo'd lot x**i**


OLAY ST. Rw-mc-roopn bow**. rAnge. balh, (Ubp. gpv. nn Am I; 1*1 I tx lf* ; gaad* **ma

ragAlru: will be sold for kAAt affar. Fpr key iilp H. T Hobertaaw, Ba**Ytli* andM H k^t A _________ •likini'ake-fA m llr haiwaa: pii«*4 11.109 to 17.940: **1

h*v* f*r*f«* Flont. ^ t*m *[

B d ltta r AT RiArtr Lakp *■ laitnd. iuodUtkAAg*h R ; fhU)l9h*d laroAA) hooee. plAD*: twg

boeie. prt«* I1.9A9 Owner, Oaarge K. U» mondc. Til BrAkd *t., NawarL

W k ^ if S H B a*«-fAmllr ha«waa: EAAd laeAttfAi

io** 11,109 to 17.940; "—I pirbf** Flont. nttomoF. . .NawArb phon* Mki *M9. evening*

DBBdllta■■j two

9 ClintonWHBRB ro V CAN iFEND

•» itoararmn.o', tot la .ia a arlaa

iFteFi* toteVMw jisiwom •*.—Two-iiJ? /"li ^ k ? * * * ‘g l i J l * _N*bln* AUf.; pkoti* w*w. 44U-

6TW H ol*~fw o ferntly,'"’

)*r«4fgC|i Wo •family,y*Ar* «id;

fo fiy atH t r ’

dert'v. Routbjf>rAhpa l l *i jE t ' In' 'ont^liAiiAUir koiieiT'trfiki

4 Noail And bAthi •M fb hook: n*wvAfgpli H ininutp* ftwm BrikAd Aid UAr*ket ilA; HrdlO c*eh. bAlARro ** lorku;*nlF lTi**a CaU M*rk*t 414*___________T i fW - f iS iV f beiaa “ naw.">»'>aaite, Hr-

aa.t flaaat. tHa hath, all b h kltteatiA •lacHd Bcnkaa aud c-arv lataaf iBiBrava- ment. lo«At4 in iba ba*i w U klw fhAad of WoeauAhi* FATk •ecGan: ImmAdMta 4Al*;III,999. FhonaH II WATATly ___________fflJS rS ^ lh ‘LCrfi*'nt *rdoet *i

Uy. 17 roptna, I ill* bath* nnd kitcban■ * • --------


Hory® for ikIa f l 'o room* And bAtk, *11 IrnprrrvomaAt*! pr|C* |4 990, 1494 CAok. bAl<

eni-* rn m<frigM*< Apply l* | New IfarbAt rr1 ’•! i n l AT writ* Bov t t l . Dunelle*.

' N .1.

T B N T 0 I T T,

LeeatPd on F fL« BalmAr. N. J,W* Are ■eillng lot* on wmw larmai tl4

Riut pAyment. ihen II monthly, with prIvUvg* of ocoupyiag lat* ImmedJAtalya

E H u b d thdMirAb)*

ptA.; 411

PMeae 97* ta |l*6.

a ■ ■ • »IlM of hnuMi 11*11 ground t i t l* * : in n

. Nk»h roqulrad. fl.4*0;Addroig rrtvAU, Boi tl.Klnitd; prle* 111,161; *A»k roqulrad

Alll«e only

Af**tO 9* property auary RaturdAy And fuMty.

rfi-il^^ ltohjtjN .slte iaV

Haw. affi M . ________________________W'WrtiNuToJf l h ' ahaiftoM':

nwnllng on Iwa ttrA*tAt fine old raglddnc*:


KtLLBR-MAROIRUM CO.,bMitlfpi greundP. ftaa olAb a* hAmtn* kiUMj fiVAf iH .iH i Any r*AnonA^ A ^ r AcoApiad. Ownar, t i l Coalrol *v*., BAtl Or>Anw. ___

kiap**; nawiy* pAlnta'd Pik4 dao-

t l l NlnlK Avp.a BAlmar, N. JaFhoao I999L

erAUd; PAK (mpra^amantA; dyl*nw*y; «k4#: r*em |*r on* car; on* black tA thr*a tnneyi; II mlitfi**' walk MatB** *nd

wd. bArtnin. ^ b a n . H* rty*dKMI b ~Bto*


*-----^ 4i Aab.


WarSM I f w S S T t i

-■ hanato, t e bca. n « rtrw H te’t h 'te w B «r* acw hm dlns bitofalaiwa aad cca-

fahilly hauto. ftom ■*.♦** t e ; fto* m Im -llaa af 'alaaa to chaaaa tfam : te ll a « a r . lat

r l ta i . if aaraaMry htortaii d Cc.,Malharry I t t i


and aa.-faai. 4irar al.

BttilnaH eaattr. aTaahInatan a.*.; ccraM■................... 4l*..................-

ny IB rw r: laa ..a iy g i w .tw ■«.: h.uaaa far iha »nea a f waa; iteFa IM44: mcDfaia II.IH . T, M. fhariiiady. 471 Will, laai at.. Raal Oranca: tal. O raaca itW . V*Sfi(fXJRc'“i> T R k '~ W tm ? rH ^ ^

Ilf haaaa: 4 raaau. hath aad attic, t u . •lulrlalir, ataaia teal; m u M a a Jana l t | ailra IMia. Manry J. ■tovanr. lac.. Ellu-

Mkar gvu.; Wararly T44I.vavMhfTOdhfiArte* IM |4^ tk And k . _ . _A o l iv i ld L ^ iV a '- ^ 1 ly. l i w W AlTTar

ptareaiAiii* •MAP tralipyi , r - - -

a i e ^ eloAtria; **pArAl« atAAa• t a W l l i S l !9*6; mertgAga 14.6*0

‘ And Eevantk AT4A.filartfc

Ifft m t ^ Nk: dHvii«*y

hOttAA; tMleet looAtttm;


i l f t r r r i J S K

n •¥ It# etiinii^ • d pfiiA r A**-


A D a V n

S U S & .

fAMILT. II’ r - ‘ rn»**L

pt*i*rty; ag**fAmliy: lot k i i t l l ; *uttAblefAr A pr*f*AM*na1 man, or *omo apaeuipior e*aa A n*mb*T *f aiopp*. which win *h*w

iuriM; pr*F*rty in »A*d «f r«pAir: aaI y u ItUrp*!**: prle* IT.III; greuM

Alan* wfrlh |i,6 l* H A. gobrolT IIIMAfk*t M- WtwAili: phone 4611 ilAfkat. __fWD.rAMILlr. rira raaai. aad hath aach

r, an I.____, Ithurpyik**tr r** kltchOA. ArrooAA, hot w*t*r heat

nanig, olectrlelty, ateam•fg. Natrtoi«d A6*gkb*rl>aAd. pAvad etrpeLi t lulkuttA Bread and HArk*t; prioa |16,|09;if minuttA Bread and NArk*t ;Brloa |16,|09, i^AgtAlA Addreaa Owner. Hbi It, New*

RARQAIN—Haw aaa-family, .la raaau. all.. .. _ ............................ lallyteMwainaam: l a i J la l ia . J. Harkar, lU

Da Wtil ajm„ aw r R a lB u at.

i b w i l l t U

(t**) k J9ift*«t“dP MUlUfKl 7* ___ ^’- ! ^ ^ a s s r u z A i ^

arfaat Htcla draaii ■ laaaia: ayaa

I.MOK n t e f M te te a : »tt 4m«aaaa>'■ 'lallFJ M M r llatii r i a a m r ilaii


I S ■

fON I Mad a li.i

fjfg fk ." S S L i

k il i t iw .

IMMEr>!ATB F(mBUIO(«*''?i dwF :ing, a« 4 rooniA all

Ckrm , iiqgAbatb: «hAdaa an*- _____furriihM ihrOAgkoul. Ownar will gaafiflc* fi>r 9uiri( Miaj A«klng IT.i*n, «oy lanA* It dealrM Apply la R C TrowbrtdgA, 111 Rrnad ■* KligAbAlkt phon* M.

Em I O r t i c dSQT.'TU SBVBNTtt tT.. near Tklrtbanth AVAa

A pplendld f*iM*n*a.■t.tm hiat, aiwtria llih ia 44-|M l7fti ran i

'an n iT 1; aiU aj, iTl,-tor f .ra f t : RaHaailan Jaly tra iR la jio.t murl ba aald. EiclaMra aRaat471 '-nnirai aaa, Opaa Mnntejr, Wadaaa-4.V rrul.y .TiiriaH.fciR a A LE-^Ba*l Oran«a. aBa.tamlly, wall.

built i.rMMit tetea. bai air haat; lacatod ■oath Cltoton Um a .a r Jlrlah Church 11a. tlon. very real B. Ne.ion Klini tt^ O range^^V w bi'fam ily

lies a<M a .a r unea ttourcB na* ruBaRahto. Far MnJaalara aaa

K lin m n a Mato at.ri4M l OtaaH!I 4TH.

Tai-U llteat tjTiaaa; aa te hcuu h u 4 ramaiftoor, h r ----------. . . .hath riT.i

floor. tragoe •4.H4Oo-*perittoi X R o R iN o irw a i i

•ar.aa raatel raacu i 01,Ir t i .M te a a h ; hall

racb. Call MhU U tt ;

roam, aad hath ucadd■ --------1 aaparata •■•

aaoa aa tm aai brakara Flaada

i ta —14 room hatea. te l _ . .t miauiM from twa alalleaa, aaa hlaali

aad Narth 'ri4w, lot {4«MC

trollgy: |l t , ia a i Inelada«ss‘3. . ____ , . . ineludM MMailtr te .f .r .b , . ^

M ine Orangp wmtm, ■Vi^All¥*''S'6iF.

M.lio * *l*'fAA« dwalUno,wKTi *tAAia hiM, « ^ y fikili

jyrayMswsT* ftfht In: —,

BouUi niBtaAi tP v a ^ 4tt

f I miE S

A*Ww4 *

aaU n c u : aaa f i r H I; raam la rn . aaa ha ai Natoan Kline. » 4


4H <

o n i-ii

l■ ,4a4-|H H tlD I4T• faaudata liHIa '

lauyteliaaal aa


iKig I ft._ . _boM r«ducod frorn __

quKk gala; all Impt*.; «t*an. eioeirleiiy; |<waa«i6aa Oetabar; *#nw clMi*d Decorntlo*

■. T. R A N IO M

....................... imi*Brand-now •amLkAagfl*w:gt* lATg* roAtta M d AttfOa Fjii Barhtr, ope*tinplAaOc •toAm. olaatrtg, tt*A* And Hktnran: r* i« an tk* bAAiUM BpMdwK

lih ita, p«Ar----- - —P f l m ATW. te—wt u l a i ^ l l a * .thto_ aFy>5« Ijr. W. Brndfa BH i#PthOra*i

g f i r aiM V fa ra

KAnutiful lAT drip*; leaglod : 419 N«flk itgk-

Omni*; op**__ (ram T t* I.Ortug* APA.I *piA

buy now: b< AAAAOt b« knd

;w*A«h olgkl

'Pp*ri*nit^ iRhi _hln4 and ,p c ^Engiiak e e ly i l

fardmaway. .tria tto ate tem U f autlaa: ifrieaiM ia i caah r M ^ ] ^ *»P*^ *” "■F. O. Raa la ta . MaW Varh. dowatawa. 67< i:|lA W lit. I aad 'tllU

aw hH t; Ma. 11 Vrateacl t« . , lot Ita lH.1 h u a U M leadU tefT h lu te tn m Mman.

•t. and Mdrab ftoiiaa. hiaaa aacaat.hay at Ha. »j Mtoa 14.144: auh ra«alrte 41.144, t e tohH iw rtH H - T. a D anute-171 William a t . Raat O ru«a: taL Oraaca

•‘W i f A X i r T i T : ----------------Ohhrah dlaliaai )-(amnr raal*aaar BrUk CRhrah • _____ _______

iaaaa, DaaMb Flaa; 14 raama. I halha itaam,

llteB T v S te te t ? « r a ; M r f i i lH aatdar thla d . ' dtod t i kara

- alaatrlaI lia : f r tu

M tMi 7 m m ,


ttmT UJ il 9

t o y . A |4y i u j Q L S i y j t

P @ l

•vai. aaa Woah i« • tfaor July 1 . ___

•H .w - • f tr r r J . M raaa . lac., ■Iliahathand — ------- ' ---------------IKVtIteTON—Na* madam aa-to.dMa a«a-

f4f4llF af * mama, hath, ariry lmrra.a- maafj M l af hardaw a aad rlaaMac: aar. •da fa t Sara Ja rfa |,(ai£ haaatIfS tT.w:da fa* SNa «tf4; laraa u a i ' haaal

right, R. R. Baad i Ca„

LAROI twwlhmlly haaaa. all lamNyaaiaatai flH flawar aad tra it tardtaa: ta r tia lar ra oara; rrlca |l«,aM : JM Itaa Mldlaa to a t raaMaahIa Friaaa. N. Wabw, 441

twala t a _________itayatahat ara.ONl-F.'AMILT, I

I n a a n ; fi far drlvaa- . . t»Hr aaraam tar drlvavayi tl

Ownar, 111 OyiUtoa aTa.

hatht atoami hard- raaaad: laioa tal; itilti flat jrattan. i Wa.artr »I4.

^way am ., Irrtoteeii.IR v D W im , Tt w m tw., I t e - t e a - tg ^

hoau. 4 raama, part bapto I •wte*, toy;7tell aaU ahaap. _________

n h u m u R o "*y i Ummri_____ BR Col .— _l•p*om fw«t*K*d

kAArdwatk And CArr 4 fb*a» ARd 1 B m p

ta hUFhi hallatr tltaTRAIWROOND O Q N ini

All af ^ u a p rapaftlu pia ravad a .tn td : aaariahaalA a ' a la ru a h l dldtlpit. aad aM'—ar a tUdatlit e .t e J j j S w * ; tan


41 IM. tor r t . >44. hriwaa* Qatoa* pL aad ■ ' “ —t.lamUy r ......OAkwood Av*.; A madern twA'

on A |9 rt lot. oAMAlnlag k’l- l mrAie *trom b*Al*i*. AeMril* *nd pdirchee. will be eald far ■ rrnnge niorlgAg* wlcbout aafl from otttalde and than pb*M UA. 471 Conlrnl Av*.. NowA/k.

r*ApM. **»•

laap.Fi• ta n a a

L f w a F a n w144 BDT* a i»l. athar lata (44 par iFIl a*;

trameiy goad value* and bArgtlBa; gaadnAlgbb«rh(ho<i. romo *n<1 ■**: W*A«AAh|a park rirrie , Notweon Mawgrb AAd R1U*«heth. toi'wtB, 99 *'AaJi, balgac* A WAOh.with mtareet At 4 per rent, per Aggum: All high AAd well la«At*d. near in i oamof Bill* ■Ide I__ and Liberty ava*.; Vulldlng 4*An* amallynbtilnad; (itl» guarnniped by tba FidAlJiy TriiPt Co of N*w*rk, N. J ; l*k* Ml. Fro** part or t'nlen line irolley or any Lr*nl Form Jitney to HUltlde av*., I^mn* Farnu, wpIIi weal on Hlilild* av*. t* I.lb*rly AV*.. nu^ trohg ■%*.. Lyon* Fmrnu. N- J.« pkon*4113 Wavprl> : are L A. DaVo*. Ag*Bt. antroperty. go nut Monday (Denoratlon Day>.

lay SI R. MPArham A Son*, II Firkrow. N'aw Vork. II yaaCA la th* r*tl aatAt*hueinew. ________ ___________EiUHT R(^M hag**. g)I Impt*.. fnlliy (fpo*

pmtad: lArge loK double g*r**«: k*U** muat b* peen to bo *ppr*«tAt*d, bargain. Inquire M14 Munn av*■EVEN nCH»M hpuoo for aAt*. I l l Liberty

av*. Ljioiia F^Mna: prfe* rpnaonabt*.


B**tttiTul amatl kam* tkiat ig modern and pmefoet In ararr dotall: bulll for awaar'* tw*. without regard tn ro*i; * momt; fleetiieltyi; beautiful largo porrh; vtev for II mlipp! tu vrr* laad; hue line paeaea door: prtc* III,at* For penwii to Inepeot aa*

B U G B N E A K R L L T Mala at and Arltnginn avoar Baal OmnfA

Ldlit H « e d lc d ifHOMU. rortagaa and bungnJew* far aAla and

r*n4. Write or phone Hwiry J Bawd#*. Ml Ariingi^ti, N i . tal |i .

L it tk F d KBtTNGAL^wa for a*l* nr rent, fumtallAd:

elan HuiMing plot* on PftaBAlc Rivar aa»y lerma. Vreeiend. "Mlnnlaiak FarV. Uttlo Fall*.

WaTBRWBONT IwIp : 919* up; flaklasg, bAAf* lag. gwimming. B«rnag*t Beyi anay lAniA

Laooha Boacb Cn.. 164 llarkpt a i. Nawark.

t i — irOdRUNG A LOW, naar bay. furAlabpd: algkt

raoma: balh laandrr; Immadiata paa«•aealan E. w . Dpoker, BgrllBglon av*.Lpenerdo. N. J.

M M tc h k|:9.99 __ _

d*nrp. containing ceMar . room, dining room, gantry * illad'kliekaa. palm rvotn. 1 bed room*. 1 Iliad bAtk*.

-BEAUTIFUL lapantrr brleh rwl* Hall, larg* RvIaB

•leaping porch owm vvrAnda; all interlAr *^oadwork finiataad in old 1r«ry; daubl* aakrioter* throughout, large plot; flna ____end ehrubbery. very ronvenleftt: tbl* 9* A beeutiful private home, huDt about two yppra ago And la laralad on on* at tka Rgapt avpiuri In town, may b* *•«* by appalni- meat ooly

MURDOC H COMFANTa_______ F h ^ a 4414.

4>l.4oa—BEAt'TIKtTL toptotry ~kritk laar denfA ronUJniog canter kali, large Hting

room, dining room, pantrr. tiled kitaken, paJm rthom. 9 bed room*. | tiled batta*. ■leeptng piTTch. open veranda; all Intartar woodwork fiiiLaheii In oM Ivnrr; dottbla aak floor* ihroughogi, large plot; Una akad* and ph/ubbarr. very convenient: ihia 1* a beautiful private Home, built about twp ypara ago and 1* looatad an an* of the finppt nvanupa in town, m ar b* apea by appoint'- mant anly. Murdock Company, phon* llegt* eiair «ti6.

MONTfLAlir MOIINTa7N hlOB.For anlA Montclair, N. J.. brUk *od vluec#

raoldenoo rnntattilng |C room*. 4 Lathe: all Improvwmenla. about two trraa ground *’ • tractivpiy tald out, ala* garden, garage f.-r four CAfa. elevation *<• feat above ««• laifi lc4TAted mauntalnalde: *«perl> ii-e , f'lr-f, ml*utan from N. T. tvrmfnal. arcfi b> ai<mibutan from N. T. tvrmlnal. arcfi b> ai< paintanaAi: krekara nrotactad. .Spply f •

b pKolan. oihar InfarmtUoA. Altb«n tu i n . ’& >. ^olan. oihar infarmailoA. Altb«n Broadway. New York CUy.TV¥t o v e r t h b LlNE-^fiMuU(nr»u'i v

•Id* Haight*, naar Bloomfield eve wooded knoll. Mt 114a 196; built *iv na i «r from ppaciat daalgn, haa aonderfui igyAifi, f open firapiaepa. 9 batha, wonderful |ivi ng ronm. 7 maater bad rooma. cofprr ehea^i*

, ing. coffar laadara and inttara; wopgarfui akrubbary. the pclc* I* VI9.66I. iha hooaala practically nAw; auck plAc** hnva k**n aold for |4I.***. aand for photogmphA Stevana. 476 Conlrnl avw. N*warh.

•1,999—FIVE rooma. batk. eipam. alpctri*. aun pAflor; averything modern, eoty hema; room for drive.

I1I.69A—TEN rooma. bAtk, *ta4Mn, AlActrta, oak flooring. flrcplaeA gwraga, banu vhlckoA bouoe* and run; poapaanon Ang- 1. gear Lwek*. Station.B E R N A R D B. M o C O T b

1T4-9 (llanipwod av*., Bloomflald, N, J.6NB~FAMiCt hewn*; a l P ; ~ •

roornaBIOHt RDOMB. good bwainaw propartyi to

tlOP* AA IWlAta. lot l•■16•l both BOO* 7li.**4; g i ^ trnin*] 9t!l »*f ftprttaa far n i.*44; good tminai 9t!l B*r .

44 liilldR V**9 OTAAgai pbaneOrppf,Om;OmagA \\97,*6l=T

1H9R-. ^oaUoam; ili i u i i .

goad-nl**d RloEi maot aueallanl loantl**wary 0Anp*nl*nt to L*ekAw»kAS gt*.

loOAtlOA.ta.( tkla

Afford* AA opportunity lo pat a good prop iMrAto flue*, fludpck Ca « *gp

lafgf open aUIo. gaa. pleclrtetty, ataairi lieoL plot 9ta14*. on e»m*f, both airoati

Jllnaya and Iw* Up)- 1; pnr*

ww. wTwrr wovvunvj lUP.iMoakor iwaaL; WnoHy Tilt.

«rty At A moLatkawanna; pbona 4414 MoAtrlalr. tH R V l l-Tmiillp i M A g ^ H ^

donbl* I'famlljr. JI.*H ;. ftmlly KotwoA BawUi 111 CrnAf* rd.. HoAtAtAlr ,

. , _______ _______ U -r,________pyary Impmvpmpnt; Korth FslHrtad aval

l l . l l f : Iotvab; opw^AAlty. flleiMi 9441jjlobtclaly.

t i l Crnnfp rd.. MoAtAtAtri pkORA,OPS^RTIWiTT—Two-fAmlly iF jfo m B w * :

I BUTLf >f*r AwAtr; ah} 4

flratoaoB, to«*Ftl4a r«4m. httofign, HtolFtot, • 1v#g

rprr httitetl** m4*Bm Umw iWtOF 4*44h with

hwilu aad •l••|^lto Fonh, end h*lh third flcor; H h Ihrm ehout: hat WAtrr hawthwMfta

I, 1 noAlw r*Ain* ' floar*

__ lhal lAWh nnd akrubboryi ground* I 141} brirk gwrago for 1 car*: prieo IM,'



_ All_ iinprovpmaAtAj 99,194. 144

U»T, >44 ft frate C «t4 Ifolly ritimtad: t e ^ j d »tow te t l Ing; • • IdHl ■•••Itoa W .r 'W

htotw: worth ITI • foot: would tok* Ml If told a t aara: Ihla to • • a*aia«l •FFor* toidly. Dr, Knowlgt, tea lh Q ite te

TW OhVhJIILT; 'im p to 1 lat l l i lM j Bta-wlr pric*; act u ttek . CaU M i M ItC

•B s m JS g -JiU - ia A as !Bidrfflj5’ .B . S S i119 MArkbt ■t„ Kowark; Bkawn


■Item i hd h t te h w R *h •■••

a r *

l e a . a a v . U

OffltA clogte DwanttlM 3. T R A N R I}H .

QrwT* St. Btatlon*DAFa

o n - r : M halB. AtAUi


L h o h u " l4 l.


Vkr a

I l lP K ^

■eiKiT W**irlrtiMl

March, n il i»i rellar, < > oung fruit V planted

9l.9*a, Urn


• crci af lai nsliFh ftfHnI I

AT i F.iflii m.j

de< ••lairiii, [47te» Fiiir nU *1 Uhf-, r hre nilriutfR (u

m akgain.hivuae all

■iirnr*. t-onr •I'lnutee tu

F PiUr■'ihn D( ,I Oil aalk

bv !«• r<i'l hearing • '"J berrlpi KawthitTne7 nof»M

•n run I I ; npA I ash Nutlv> . phi

RhR'Ir trwtoji- h .M. I riLi.sihush I'lhiii

Pepii' ifiilAft' (1 Ft «fireqi.iU I 14 ii4« niriI y > Hi •»!

lit UKH I liitURf-e. I

■ >'R > fltng Is i-.0fR Hail' TR Tig*aVTUtR I

luiuee. *1 lUrfiil r»>ri' (Tt fwMra!IWo.KAy;|

urewt ('hrTHHKK K*

I ni(ill re «1

1-Boou aJune I


rOMWl TKIand I»env

e * n f) ■ R f ’r to' r ii|iR n*W feTuInah , .SutiiIrri T09 IInouMf II il.

DP TO PA1 pit.I f »■ I !

Rulfaerttiril b ee ha I a nca Cor) I«3 V

Hni'sR iiiv Marrta'in

pe'- Fci ruumj I a rig c andI rt |iri}.«rl*i ulnri al . Ked M*

11 f'lifl A T r»-ni

1. . I llJl

LLiliT .u e—siy:

949.090—H Inae

111 Market 14,144—TW4t.4aa.71£V


locpta M.i**—Me<

itaiis tprnu

lovpral apiirlpi PI

Adviaa lAAulry wll AitPntlon.

J O H Lacka

l*.9«*-^MOipier*, din

»fi. paalry. bath. Ptean beat pianDP pool fPiUB I||T .9l*-'tfp

wbtl*. 14 dining ruon room*, two af ptumfeia KoAtipPtoe garaga, tar ownar'i ppi ham* In a a

o rB D a B I

____ Opp. IINI

Batwrda)Bonik Orta


tmATovaiAH I i l a ^ fr mf. nm m IWWAfAji•OUTB 0

MlAUtaontatm. aiw tlfal lAwn B*kd B CSL.-L.FLOT 44:

Mnaatola R. Raaaatl■Ota.

o m - r d H iJa*tataUw t af, I*.f i i z r v i ^' hath, all

Jo lr paaaaa

MMTT ma32a.** IM_jla." IM

tocai Makt


'V J tak 'Tuathar hw y

, * KRTOAf. HAT lA


A l U l A l l f f .^ h m i t l*te. t « « o 4 I I«t4. : L H A V i .M C a n 4y<.v f t u r . m ,

M t^W*^ K M


I J.CAirr JTFLT 1.

QfrtMT « t Aft i » tWA’^ M l U r h M M . Bf I 'A - I r*» iM.

• A i r t A t M Mtd f o r IT .N 4 ,httMt —H i 'AbOM Ut. •MVOBB.


t o u M4 i M IMI « ;A M bAffAlb i; f A M Bd • • • : WtABBAhMl | f « « A r i aa4 K1Im « m IABTA I M a WAAh| • n ( , A»r AAA«m: All i t o r tbB eATAAr ■1ll« V«ll d ln « 4MnB M Altf io 4 b r fbA f id A lJ i r . J ; u b o H t .>ll«r o r Any LrObA

AVA.. l4 ^A » F A m u , iV9. t * l .lbAfty AVA..^•rnu . N. ^on# V. D«Vo«. AfBnt, OA f fDAoorAtlAA D ajm .

A Aon*, I I A’l r bn t n t h * r*Al AAtAtA

iJ iMAlB . fAl^y 4ac* ivbU fArM«i Iiaaaa p p r o e t i t t A , bArfAln.

rr A4lA. I l l UWrtytr ie* rwAABAblA,

r o w K i H t ? .t h « t 1# fBAdATA Aa4

bul l l fo r o i m t r 'B tBM.• m e m r ; «i«etr1el(yi v |P w fo r lA mllooi

■ pAAooo d o e r ; p r i r o]n«AA«t BOO

K K U X j X avai^, XabI Ot i A# A.

la lc M fibcAiovA fo r aaIa ah4• n & r r y J f to v d o o . IM 11 .

'aB>n r r«nt, f o m i t M ;PBABAir HWat M »y

nlBlAk Pt rV . Utt iA

kaM « a : noAlAA. bAAt« - • KaP! Wd o r b o t At

Ay U i K awiAlii.

r . f umiAbod: A ^ b tr r ; iremodlAtA aai«• r , norllBAlAB A v o ,

laktApOMIT b r ic k r«Al*t o r HaII, tA r f f n v i o f ^ntry. ’ i t i M k iu k b A . ■iBA. I m o d w t k t . f rA A d t ; AlJ lTitAr1«rId iv o n r ; d t t t b lo AAk

pn r i e l , f ine ok MA nrivnntAAt: tklA If A s bullll t v o1 on on# e t t b o n e w t b* — m by a pp a IaI-

: O M F A ! f T ,. FkbAA 4H<.i « p » i t r r ^ r l e k w tSTl»r k ^ l . lATfA U t lA f if t tr r . t i le d hliBken, • ni i . I u i M bAthl. •rnrAAdA; All iBtAflor >M iT n r r ; doub l* AAk r » p l o l ; t in* cbAdA onvBhiAnt: rhla I* a to. hAlU il:»Ottt 1 * 0 I OA Afif of I Kb flAOfl be boor by AppolAt*

k a p A n y , pha«A KMIt*

U ^ fT A lN AID S.

I. J.. brick Bod piuepA roomp. 4 L^iho: All

A o orrBB f r o u n d a*‘B AArdBR. BArBA* r«>r

fool Abov* M4 U s f \ w p r r b »!■ o , lortv

r rmfnAl, b t bi* rolBCtBd. A p p l r I • M . A l I M n K . ' l l

fl^-SBAUll^n^■iM^^ Yl l l oAfnno ld Av# '^0 i l l O ; buil t *)k A « ' «rAA AondBrfii l lAyAiit, thA, wond or fu l llvi ny kemB. r ep p n r BhoA^^i* d f v i t o r i ; <«e{:tdBrrA| I MA.AM. I ho llAUAO cb plAeOA hATB boon 1 r o r pbotofrAphA.

NAWA rb .________ _

M tb , etBAm. bloetrld. EbtAf madorm: c o tyITB.■Atk, f iB A a , AlbctrtA, plACA, CArAfA. b%nb

r u n ; pobaabbU a A « f . ktten.B. If « C 0 T.BlAewtflAld. n , J.

toAAA; a U I m p l A ; I

bAflBAAA broptrtyi t« f t t l f l ; botb

I TAluAi l t ! l H r ft ■Adt OTAAfo: y b b iB

rAAMoMA; All || OAeAllAAl iMAtlMI • cbAWAMA ktA-i tklA l b f b l A k bbd v r«p-

t . M B d o c f Ca , dkp> I f MoilTlAlr,

A a i i] T l i - r . „ _____foHb OiHrtAt AVA 1 AAtty. rHoAb H U

T k t t f k f t t v * M bdbn i TfO IWlAf rbBAA w i t k m . d t m i a t fbAM. MH |B kAd reM b A T t f l U r«k, I mAidif rtM if 4

Adlr Atrip flbATA T k #A t ; AiAAtrifttyi u b b ^ t B r b b b d i I CAT#: prieA iif.H f. , MArAtlM Dty.

R A« ««AAA >#qlk O r A J f i .

I f

A.; 4«H 1



•Vo 'nil ^m m o ,• w o /


f f i £ -u iu i


f W O B V BbBttoo. * | | h t rooiAB. oil I m p r o v o n to n i a ;

- l imm-Olot* ptiaoi u jw i i P« i« rniBA&Lal*. Uain .1 atiiiL..__

UAL If TATE FOb lALt-OUT OP.TOWH_______Milbm

- .*rrt roOIAB. Oiln o * l o r o i r . Immi-iilot* ut.

« » iA iU l* . Moln ■■ . Wlilbutn

N k f t k A r U f t f t u iBIHICkT liKOllun In \ . j r « h^ ^ • • ^ r l r l o d , Nii«>.ramh> h mMBrcn, H tB kik Ftjunip m i l l»«ih loumirk'n rollor, »«• „i, ......)'>unA rn ji t irr*« ih i i 4 « n . .».p g a r . t m i>«.( A ' - • ' - I n t < tty U«,A*>R Bl

u r m k . Tnj, jih.,1,*, A r i in f iu i i i j i i t

N«w r tsn O M c *l l-TtOOkl hnjbo all luipla uTr^ni a1*i'

t r l r i l y |«FBfa 4i)k«* 1 . i i . ik i-i i IIBern* of lAnd. iMitianl a h fr-iir i h rp -mllpa ftiMrt ili tmttiK. !4pniifMel I a s e t n rI ninn a v t Aak fv.i * |f H. h m o i


Klglii ro,>in liuuoa dii iiIiW n«wly<1a< ••laia.i , o(T»«uj o n d n«n a a i d i i g a l ' iiii prn«p>inrnt*. |BiB4P BiuJ ^<iall, auii tni«f

fhro* mlnu tna 1i* rBllt-.*il x o i Ikr 10 '^ilriuif* lu KBOBrk |4hr.u<.ia «4. b i^oik

. In! S'yrinv I I I IHA KilA lN . N.OAO— 14 tVppliiii |il irnv /aR])l>

hivuB* *lt riinma atv>l i jurh all imi rvvp■"ptita. ronn#<-tf<i1 <*l(h im v - j i »t IiKinutM to Iroin or lrul p> (Miitii r l f .Kiit 1 ! ,*a >p P i l i ' r a c i n f ' o r a f l 'n! . in a i p ipv»ii<f ITT ■'ihn »i OutlayI* O h HAtiRr-L^M on i*i.w>iiiBn av* I t fool

by I I I r»»l . 14 r o u u i friill krnni. nn0 .rlv ■ h hnoring oil kUida a a ti o ra cua . iv ir ra n ta *' '1 borrlo*. Allrn J Hh k rf* . k>iM otr thn in a ova phoii* I j IJ* KtHkM h^uao a n J t>«ih. al l lo ip t^ . h i i k

• n rtjn orttl t a r a g * ivi & ; .M h t : 4<m I? nOB iobH. r«*t nt<>M|agr <■ t l^i-iapn-i mr

phOR* I M i n N'lilipy

R E A L I S T A T I r o t l A l d - O U T O P

I fi trU K . aotnii roomo. i looylmA fBorob. All Ua - pTdtoiurnlB. apioAdId iA ad ll loA , Im m o d iA to


t 'K .S T h AI.I j T i o r a to d biHioo. bbvoa roon ta.B'-opIng rronft . vpoa flr aplAeo. All 1m

l>r«ii Oiitviil*. h t | h Arnunrl, IBB fiHit | v t . OArly l•t•Oapoalrpr. |T lOii

TW]k>' hcpunn M ruum« 1 i ro boLhO, Combi na ltn n taiio^a. a tp a r o ln b a a ln ra . b H 1m-

pruv<niPR|a a> »*r r*i;inBi-iloe. M.Rbb.

TKN HiMiM h»iia« |K<rt|0«i fluifra. ho i o o l o r Iip BI larga tM>r' hpa. r-iiriior lul IBOkla t .

'lltllt«<1.alir po»an*atur». ko lua fJb.BOB. p l ic n (B 4na.

r>iorTii. a. i u iip rokn iu p t i l a in ripct -rtB fniir >iii#n r i rn p m i* * . g B ra g a (h i* «

«aifc lBi|iP a h a d ' at.d (ruH I r#no a*ni| |j) ap)HjlTiUii#||| . Party wwa*«Baj>iO. B B tr il i ro d 11 'i OOB

• A h l . MAI' VKRiJ.VA III ILLHNO l.n>Tlk

i>n ibp Riiit ma1ii*iJ» In Vorvii*. n oor t b o Sli n l r l a l r ir>hl»>a a n d M o n l r t* v 4J-ilfr . u b min ofrt>r1ri( | p i *Btn a r^DOrro r r nf imiJ n t iu>li ful t l B o a n * | # r o l huni|frail f**l a s H i j b l * Vl |]| d lk ld n t>FOill l, "Bay iprETt* pi. <•• tang*, ffoui | I E. lo f |« par foot

F H A S k H f H l t K A T A T lX lH i H M I ' A V r .agMila f ,r ..M,j|-r To* MmiiI, a i r LAOAL tW rL l . IN t l . IB riMii.vB l i i ty tA . c o rn o r . t t l i

111 UD« far* S ow A rh , l i . M A , Mby k V at hol^a bnintt . VanmA N a Uo m I B b b i bldfl . p i fHL’i.A I ]i ih' l i i ,4i'AOBB. o lo v e t ip u h t y u o r .

Air b a P a r c .o ia r yirror. Akboola boAt, p r o y a n y laao a iy o i al io. Iri(jutr« i ’atI H au .

W o t O r e a t *

O r « B | t

yir^RTlAl. IWn family hinjaa* n fina ■’ (■'I on 4 booijtlfu! urcai n'*h ’ I

■ b*'lr Tr»»j| f mInntP" Tii alB* I ll It<.1>> ali-il■ h •■■. In«4t*ir'' lik'wra rE . » a m r a l *vr aiK'kkith I Ilill'HI »l ka>l ^ir4rla"

K \ KMT i i \ K K ^ " V \ !*k K A S h I* Ml - kk K!«

\ A I 'A S T S«ik\P*Bii'lf<il J ac iM-a III ’■ p > t> pi a p r nn

Ankdpf *r i,»ai 1>B) li j O r* i. i f \na grgtii .i la I mu I.' bO'U -rra.rk Kpa M <ik« Blralolll m uM gacr f - B»-< a <u} H|p>»nn i « I'p i-a a<p

lU M K if PkilE A l l . K k ^ l I'.k 1 M r. H. I H11 ■•UPf'k, 4p4Mlt«riit,>i fift.a «' h 'ai*

l>'a’dlri( bi.'J*'** tiiim> ■.'•agr l>i|iJjig i-.ifia Haii-U 1 Iki Mpio «' n .>r l >a. ■ra Tig«

B V TO C R HT . I? -nia r ImiUB*. OMR hnol tia* r

<!*rf>il rufir1l|>ijri pi ibr l i J l n 41* 1',-iiirB! av« .S'anark.

J'Vi i )- KAl! IL¥ hiHipp n r r Piore ■ ir lrnm <'br>ap B<>4 U .S«wa mfri-

THHKB, KAUII.T h-u». n- A |ln()iilF* al IT .StO' a' ^irang*

pi raanil

P l i i a r M U1 - P O O u bou*» improk a m a n ta pvo##eet»A

J u n a I k a p p ia uhc iC l l A n . n g l v n o v a . PlAlAflald

K » c k t w t yII ka wav

1.4 r a ar O M M l T E K P A T T E M 'T m N

and Jvanvtil*, *!uii| ■ h* l ‘,lan o n i i a P R T I f u ii»,.Th t ...i -p .*#Jif 'T i‘i r ' i | i i Or V, |ia 11 or i l l i in |ii ■ ■ ! i i' n r ami atalknr- wlli hn ..n gi --r..., S a in r d a i , NuTiilay anti M. ri-1a . . t . • I litPI I TOR II BOu pa> ........ .. . -nn <14- ' I K ptloUM> II i lB ij r) pt pti< 1,- kl**- kk 4- li■•li|r

I Jl’KUK n 'MTT 1 M ltt«Th U.HKHM M[ Kk I I .A ru K 24 MtOklK

rkKKKKHMp -1 I'UMI ■ <i->n mod o< ■ II ro o m hou#*.

p pl«< p«l .111 ' ll . tnllald.^ II g«ivt1 iir-glitKiPb..... 1 in nilnulvp from N l g h l o n d R to tl u i i .ik.p buitflf, la l a r g r an-l any o n r i h o r c o n i.p. itflv ti40 a TBnpi r h o u c a . hoo aln o p en Hf r i) ’Brt<4 r p « i i -ipcr-raiai] n o * h p h i i n g f l i U m un fUmI floul hwuoe imtiM not baliitHl f..f I ;(t ogn I ha gtrMtriia a r a ■ -rtipr I hpal-iol 4>r ami MllEpiJa *»r pgr - h a m ■(.Ii'.l api; off | J igu wt.ri ta il kOtatt l tpinl *! a. iip«iroo* ke>P a r r a* nwiirra uiip '•l.i' I, fruiu p i o p a r l ) liipkiaa lp l a r m i f noav i»-rikia ii- I 'g h l | i 4 i i t b a n k i i iur’ g a g a l |AiPim oHrJt'’ 1,3 ilragiHp *«' ip| iJ ll Meal Klik ia lh<HiJ uf iMai«g*.«

\A> A M l-ikl ' <■ III plal ad ‘a ‘ gv r.MkinBBud l ,aih • nil' ip bul l ip i l i ikpr l igi f ai-r*

►,4 k - h n k a . •■ liPiiaaPii i r \ « t a l l .ak* ar-iJI’.p-aaai, .iia,F i,u« i j il«i*i g-.oij g a 'O p n........ -11 l .arga h . a *>< I ' a i g a h ia 1g uD*1 -1 -I I ■ fa >11'' k I d k- 1 p ti III oiiP tiMi* k i ' ■! I • . r ..... ... W ,< !a I « 1 T a4i*y r*lIk .r I.IVMI l>AblM.r V & : and . a l u i o g a ro.iAi .

t o p •• ia- -*<1 h|<p i - r r a - p « ‘p . l , u I ' g h ’ ,• 'am 1 ri I l.all rangr. a-i Iriiul* atirwM-r ,lPp<,i an.i.i n« g I,l*,.-n,mm|Vk L lariM HI \a'iPi rd ’Mppi Ojaikg* Mlik'hE lighl III Inu-romlly houaa. r<n Wool

■irBiigp iBr llrir p i rr lr - r I ig h ia M fiKtiiu ’ «.> baMia pri. a f'. toil Rtpk#Ha ATI Con ’ ra : a 1 p \ o<a a rg

l . a r g ' iinil kiualt . |g ia fur ml: r ioaa• 'f l-nli'ling* amiiF 'k-hangoB. MilUaiiia.

C ■ -I I -J V p«< iiraugp I I >T 7bi IIB |l«0. lui SiilRA. l i l t , an M-im)

'■'ti p.p havlij i l a r p o r , fib Drood Bl . Mu I 7«Tb

R E A L E S T A T E F O R S A L E - N E W


Rl MilAl.t jtk' T y I'K) aun ii nor n o i so fo r pbl* Bl Atlan l l r l l l f h i a n d a . N J. h i g h HaoB'

Mon III ar Igrigl ng Now Y-^rb HarbaW guokl l>alllltig igiivanlOti' ! •> .1and<- boaitBariil >'eTilr*l larpov Tiaina, gia rouifin aii il I'A'h lUhhing hoi ar)il w i l a r . f o a H f h l .raiigp aiiit r r r p j a i r f a n g * «i .d B d jo ln ln g : Iji' a avpf |..n* ]1 I- I I 1 Sail I ^ ni» ' n pglT• ■l-rii f... | |1«||V, r .nil l ‘p.i H h ll i jP.-I1 \lal>pj ri*ai <>ii pr a>oi,->'< M i f i ’ l. M'gh'Bi-il,. c.r .ihutn- I' »«<k>

R u t h e r f o r d 1‘I.A I \KI .1.1 ‘ IH'S h l.l .p'Nirp TO nATR Yiuni* Fli r "•< i|i a B 1 1 >'ibl It 1 11b r a. rr «i i!l III. IB' -lb o a- '

Tkhi.l L4| 1 1.9 In |i'k' 11 '•lil.-n' ■ n.-, - . ,■( 1 II' ' ' <t i ' k BLe ' L...J a I ll 1 f" le V piPulherfuril n .« 14 -J tl ■ B 'il ,T P <1 '• 1 1 t 1 1 ' r III* f 9*9 'kll. (.a'B ,E e Irg iijuiiS ■■ he La ttfe 1 -- rwiualn I.n 1.- -11 r • g> M T 1 ■•[. 4 . h 41 ^'A TurkLor) I»3 H<-iruni B « ' Huih'ifut.i ^ J 1 Kaht KJ-: * Ii1 H'l 1 utw 171 lu

R e d B a u k

o M

4-S< IM ila ii . - I !' m«iF|lbli d r iK ig p I rr.iiil l•oaUl1f■M atioraH- rl |loa4-b k -i

l i n i ' S R and l'<! nt r<a.l l l a r h v i '.n Har r la 'm a i a H-I- [r> < a> l.r,- h iUph iiB4

Be-. PD m u m anh lial h h>-l ami i •> <1 o a t a r r an g p and luba ii k > h - " i< ‘ t ' i >ISC ft liTK* I t '*1 0 I ... I-*-- I , .1, • r.i I p o r t l iu lg rp a i | i i i t - M»C'ig.> M !<«4in]1. Mr-a«4 at . Uoil Motik. N

R - M c l iB - JC T l ' i h K Ikj ding i.iip K —1 I I ........

t ' l P iHImUIp i '■ J i i r ^ B ' ' ' k ' , p ,<i« nor M S - I » , tfL. • . AK - ■

S e a l h 0 r K B ( «li: . A( 0 A r r i l k i ' I H F - a ' n ' *|..r .ngJ.^T

r>-niiiaitd * l.•4lrll<• ! 1.aih^ f-'p'. 4-» -un-l '1- n T'-n ri. r ,n ‘P4 .i .\i--UniB« ■* - ' ' m a l a rp liarBMln

I . : V A<- lUl A .M » N K Ak . 1-an u lf>i -i atE. i.pxipti rriim ' *11,1 -u'l I'.'ri 1i bii' 1 In IP ti4 ' h P .1 •>, , 'I p Un < [1 I >i |.|i0 r -a.I'-Pv a<'.l t l< ■ > --a k f .-- *•

t .u uiig li-iUl ,a r |> '> g r..iiMi n M bi'l rii r irop.aL* r a m a r ba ' . pl»kLSUTl

gr fa 111 niB Tl a ' ■ i a 1. nil'll tiKjUl>.-f T IT ■ r It S ' » rr»■ ■ ! ■*•ll <*Y' Ing h"U*'p 1lion.' Bi'"iiigl-arh hi.uar aril Ikur.lf. guta. re-t hiuun iB ' 'i 1>.<U iu ^Bilev.1' rl = *ai -ha-l • ■iminT rrei1 1 -1 -In |> '« »’ -i* m Kuui |iunij.|.-r k|M Hrwh-I <»t Mui, :i;n

g hugoo^

1 . > j- I 'KNVIU.R: l - F ' g

f lT . iO O ^ ^ K t .K I 'T h.ra 'un -uTner pm-iMii,. 7 bait}* * I lru |,<. f irs ta.aB«. ri-nilltl-- •• a l-<j rgnt an ionl lu Ali-unial' i HiaMi-tk

ISl.bOCk— I 'u l . o N i A I . 'PMlJai^ia » ' 1I'B t hp . l>r a l> il Na a , p ui i pn t ■ h ,aiapptng l-iirrh n r a a H ' l n g I'U'lll Mith >ip«n flrap a - a ro ri lo r ha J |ilo' IBviEill, hlgti tn ii d r y . j ni ln ulna lu Siiulii o r a i i g a blB!l«ti, foody fur imanvanluh A u g u r t I

MA.OOA— HtiJH-MRAJilg: r a a l d a m * hrai;<tnaw: tnuni ax lualko aai iion H<raih ' i r a n g * . I ruwmn. I l i i r b o i h a arid knohnii aiih [u-ri h 4ii<l upotj p n r t h . kopor hoBting av ft*m ih ru u g h u iM . 'u n lo ln a a to r^ th l t i g t h a t mmlorn laa t* Bud c u m ra r i i i n d a iu o n d .

autrot iodad bv b a a il l i la t irooa a h ru b bBry Bfid rnagnlflcatal hank** ni»k« BPpoIntmBBt to tnapocT »omo

H S N R T A. M i' l IH ul. l . .I l l UbrkBI ■! iAIEi Mkl Nokkork. N J M . I M — TWO rAUILT. luld wAiar floiB;

AMY larmt.H . l b b — rgcioi bouao. 10 n i lnu loo dBpol ,

pooooBBiuti 10 dBya aaay lorniB H.fbb^MiHiBrn T rouTTi iiuuBo rijirkv»4iiont!y

locatBd. )Aim«dlAi* poaootalvn lanni.U U b — MedBrA IV‘rouii i huuB*. IfouniAlA

BtAtton. irainodiBiB pooM aolu n . BAiy larittA.

ibVArb! ap landid bkilldlng aiioa At rMooDAbU pribBA, AlliBr UuuaBo, | l f OB* lo Ilf.OOB AOvig# Ip* of )4iur r*<|Uiro ia«nla . your

Ib b v i ry will r tc oU * prknnbi o n d *rnuia«it bttABllAB.

J O H N D . U U N T H K H Ofb. LAckAWARbA ita., f e u l h OrwngB. M. J OfTToB ^b . 111. r*B. pb. n i l . t o t t i h Urmni* .

dwalllRf . llvififl r e u m Or* plAbB. dInlAf roam, l u n p a r l o r , | ab k l t - l i -

•fi. p e n t r y . t*cnnd Fluor 1 t»#(l rponiB. tfUil hAlh. ttBATT heat. * l» o |r |c l ly . ufir uf rho bao4 plARDod Amall hoii««o la Auuth k.ir4ngB, pAABOBBlOB to dayBi.

IIT.bOf—HBAdaom* ouloAiol. Ilriec ruoM in vMlA. 1fi|7 fflrBiilooM. *i>lartiitn. large

dlfHni room, ibb klirbru. paoirv Flra had ■ ^ rbbini. t*e Hied tNiiha, bvUlt In tuln. flnnat * ^ eF ptumfetRV, cuARecnong fer ogtrn baih,

hAbdeeipB natum And deri>roti«n*. I-oat ffArAfft. tArye plot, dwtlllnv areclod under e w h e T ' t pereoRAl AUperrtaiun. o Bpiondld kebAA In AA Idaa] tucAlloe,

O T H l I R i IT ,( to T O . I t f c o o e • U a IE N H H It U U K H A H R O.,

Opp. ItAtlon. P e u i h f>rAnge. N. J

I N i P B C T T U X n ^ O P A R K

SA lw dA y. lundAy o r D o c o rb l l a o DAy.• • ■ l b OrABfB Ara cafa d l r e e l l o p ro p e r i y .

m o w LB T-O 'B R I K S <’0 .ffWIKX BCfIXI.. n bw a w k . ___

OOtiOfflAL beuie. Barkeley avo.; i t roena,t bbUlb; I e | ien h rep l a i ' e a , l e r g a p J« t; ajJ

■iPrbTbIBABtA; beAultful B b ru b b a ry ; lArmge; B i l b ^ (t a v ptBtlon oRd t hleeliA to trAl* tbf . F1m »a oVAtr. Mr Po rd . U a r k b l 4110, bb t w f f b I t b U t P^ M __________ __•OUTH OfUKQB. WbAtroea b ee—Three

mlaitbi te MouhtAlb etAtion. II reeth*. MbbiP. elbdtrlfl, A«h perlbf. gAr*«e, beeu- ( i n i u « b T p u t l lO t J tO : | f o , b i l . ■ K. ■ m 4 • ^ . 1 1i e . i t04 BrAAil ai„ ifewArii,y* -------------------------- ---------------------------PU>T fOxlHf biABlIent

Unbhlbllk iUlibhia. B « » tti, n H«iiri»«;jl««A4lMi, n e a r tbriAA i f r A n r e d . ■v«,. KABt Ot-

O K B - F 4 M I L T : • FbomB; H A r d w M t f i b b n i•pM f1ri»lMe; elAtm neett ■!! gp-

lACt MlgbbbrbAbe^ four mlhuiop’ wmLk ibn*U«hijT,U«. 4, ft. Hfebr, It Mbprig iip«,i

R K A h t n R e v i i t a l i o n ; h e i i A e r ^ riwiiUL ' bbtlL mil umprfyentBntAv w ii^ «mtf« Im i

I mir B w w aesi il.H *. £:kll U b, V*f*M.

M a i T M m r • M i m t r e a t t i f * . " l n i l * « .Bala’* Haki •* Ik* tw a r (n « ii flk* ->«l-

U4*i «l4kt n«M , rail)- larsfahtd- i*ra* lolj*H tiit r*« k»*ti, •llnll••r hn**- l««l*4■ T c a t v v * 14k* . K. i . ; s f m f « r Im b m II**

a t r t i ; B M < * r . a * v H i M - w - u r ,i i 4 r •>.

i M i

l i k 4 M 4 i fcaw*.

S 3

B w i * M k w e i f n i

-■pgeelgkt!ia»i...M K . a o o M - B ^ i u f

X. r.i i i A b C i H " H i £ W ; T tiT .

R m i i u t * t i t i H S kll B i i w i k i i k liM

H d i n i i t i i t t r t t i t f f f t i

u a i F i w m • w a a w i a « * k r . - * m .

F A I B S P O i l A U

FA UMKIl l a r t k l e a e , Aod e lc b , m u e t eell Ih la e tT - lC e -ac r* Term, loeAied 4 % inileB p o f ik

«f PuBA«i, buB*«t OaBinty. S J . . I ’r o o m hRVB*. l t* ge i-BllAr. rho b iA g a p r l n g wAlar piped la houB# and b a rn b a r b l i e s u p IJ c e v a . 4 hureAB. wAioA eb ed . g r a l n a r y . e a rncrib, bfuuder bugae a n d r a i r h o n h o u a e , a b o u t 4 t bearing pea r ire«B en m e 10 a p p l e lre«*.f e e pearli. plgfR, g r a p e a t w o U r p o a lr a w l . r rr ) Itede, UL".rliherr> p B l r b ; eo tne Fifty or nnvrr yeuMa tr«ea n«ii aei o u t t o o r c h a r d , ail raru i p l a u in l tu. a* f e l l u w a 11 a r r e r I 'ora. I a>t«* oaiB. f a< re* fle id p e a e e n d t ap * , large iru* k a o r d m n e w <uiMlug up. W gi 're polBlDM. elTl fin ik>4» f«r WOl«‘h eel*end I aah 4 ego*, l l off. 1 l a r g r f a r m t e a m , ! H chukanB. 40 keari^nga, TI l iega tiou-**. pa rt iv femiabBil will lui t o d r i S l < ana <>t valm un. vera. p«AB. 1 ' aab r v d r *b. l a |i*a eaH Purh, I barr*! Meur I t*«rrrl moieaawH. l ea iLm . aali. l l a iba. l u g a r 4 b in* l o f f r* .I < aea Apaghr ll t | e « iba. ((k rnmi-el . 1 tmi (iHa 3 Iona cora. I leAB f r r l l M aer . >■ I'ui gritkind cem. i n o e in g lu a r l i i n e . l i a r rgk«-. r WBgnii*. i pluw*. I u IMvalu r an il h a r m w I S tun PuTd i ru r k . p len ty m a r # inu n u m n U.JB l.t rnvntlon Unly < a a h h u y e ra ii*r.i a o p l r tu J a c k If T.a>i»r. Z44 k l in b « T n N r e g r g ,S J., or fat m aii i l ieaa . Hub*'*!. \ J . tiu latlcrB a r i a e a r e d

Ha R H a IV Th ree houar* . I a rg« b u r n , | n b >‘ >b I tinl grlai miH e a t e r p-tvier a n d

ke te r rigliiB 4 4 niMe* fn>itj M o n i a i e o n fl.BOB •■**¥ l e r m tr r s IC k riH*ni i iuder Im pla Ifarn. aArag*

I Ai'raa prugiKtlv r l and p l r o l ) o f f t u l t . a e U lu-'gied inaiAdani rnai f i l u l t ra Iri>m l | u r r l i n e nPARMH uf all -laai-r Ipl Ion I ' o r- l l l ng friiili

I lu 14* ai,'r*» In Merrie i \ - g n l > .y r T V A t . RK Hi i i : k r o ,

J-iiurngl Rgi^arp Hlilg . lerae< ('My

f O R AAliK- 1 eir arraia uf f>n* r a i i n ^end M room houip HKwiern Imin ll r tg i m w

beautiFui lei.' |ltuii n e a r l a l l ru a d * . • h i i r r l j w la rge Bpu.« n r r h u i i l ■ t l# * |an wall e l i l i

r unn in g e a i* r aoiMl cmii l l i i i l e rp B r r* i r r l.i N*w York r o r p rU* *«r a-SdroBa W m W | l r 4>baB> F l rm ln | ln i i S’ J H 1

V AT\ II T I l iH All A NKW r A R M A t> V K H T lb fn .i

Fk e h y M H M T RTAVIl iiPK J n o B ' - i ' a l l a r m lake.

ruoni fiuu#p «Bg«ti •h>-<ta * l a h ‘r« ah o e i fc.BB* n oi>i| u rn * |1 I n*u

KR AKUein TH R R i i A l J KTi r i lA R X fX>l 'NTT d a f r r a p d p u u i t r y Farm

a1n**r«9m Rmi*r. hoi ati 'l <<otd ' • a l e r aini h a ih , All oUtbiiUdlnga fO*>d vrbdiMoTi |«S evraa fert ll* aoll friil<. \*ater t i ir her r-H-m fur 1 TfB pg-iUrv. f ia* i.i a H u u • i--** i '•le»D pMaaaALoii 4ii i I Ini* H*-l I - .NuaoBl, N J

O l 'R AC'RKA, bIoii* road, t w o m-Mida. iw,. I ' l labl* awuthkit) • ap u a u r* rwi* f.ir frnii

Uoallry l iBer'ng rniM g.'Od fralpruoru liuiiBB bBTK p o u k ry an ij h >g bo ip*

l l Oaa - gall I'a 111 • f a mn A g ^ n r '1*pul UsIiB Uaed N J;1 A t 'h K iruck f a r m I 0 m l i e i f rv m lia>

k*l aiiil b road fr- in’n p un ai}tutn,ju. l* ii>ad iBig* BMP* o r rh a i i l lo lioii**

*a, rn a . t< li.tii n*tl> F b' im Mue-ialP' TOT lla -Bi*' p>7* Ai ’llHA ril ieoia, l - i g o m huuA* l*a<h run

D eg WBIBr. >]**p well g>-<x! h a rn an-l u'li**' >vit|>iMlrl'iica I'-t* of f ru 1 pha*l*. p ' •• l a

*09 i*im* I 'a l r • K ur i l Ag»n . I *•1*p-<< IUII4 M4B<I S tbJX A<'HKJl el()< beuae * r>-i.in- | * i a-i.|

• Bl*r Mam b >: . u l l 1k a l» d |< i i l c m r ' i■ ■ ireM*). Rioomrifi-I I4« I ' e r b r T ■

i f.-« M H» a HM Bi |e«i,p. fioiiifr*. l a i r pn< ea ' e rm *

BrT’fer}p*ii Hafur* you b u r ae* I ' l rhan. Kariki k i p a r t . ki* Hre nie ii ' a bldg N ' w a r k N l ' |}BB H l 'T n liv* a r*a at J-awi a.. 1 by i*a <

f b j fu i lunn Bud I* m o n il i l v n - 'a xv4 or 1- lareri Call 14t M a rk e r ■«. g |r ill*** r i T H A> IlKA ho’JBr * 11.1 f -U ' 4 .r» p

O * . . | o4 l . r h r H u e u I I !..*■« IK .......... .f’r ,t i-l*)*') ]*|B|..I ll I |< M,,» i**r.1. • ru *Brma. loeOled in t h e p-'-tAlP f'*.'

• I .1 K » 1 |R H « I I m n W N I ' r A n b n t , NtaM..-. hi(•I' lleaei ( 'euR tr N J


I Pii iJM bug**, barti ni*:ri h ig li waT i, SI-irt 1*1-'e n 7 g- 'rea ' mU** i u i - - ' - t a n g , *'* ^'U'l Bp'ing «*■«' g'l-i.l riB' I a 14 I■ e I' llver 4* Klaoio.i b< pt i-x-e lT s |

F A R M S T O L E Td.-wn ar-il »I, I h a a f I

, V<» foll i l I

[ R E A L E S T A T E F O R S A L E — N E W

r O R K S T A T E

h' A K VI it 4•> 4. I Pk Ta M pe>1 S T . ht I k t lN r l l l ig r-)Oiii4 l a rge !•* t n a . r e a

'I ahi« Ik a i r a p«>' i i i.mLrer. fr i . i l a 1 p|-M « r r hBi ’l k m ln u ie* w a lk f r u m <«* I * I ' 1 a il*. 11 •• ru ; , urn m m ng at r . pf . * 1 I ; . I r l ake in.>l tg ag * uf 14 .OImI of

r:ysa tiu a ite i . l Iin « g *n ia Ad-Jreaa ■> A. I la II r .Hpa t b I S V

[ R E A L E S T A T E F O R S A L E — O U T O F

I T O W N — M t S C E L U N E O U S .

j k t > H \ T flK I H KL Mi'h I MIH FA HM

f’. MTUAk i . r -- .*.<.i nuax A 1 a- I ra ign it '

in « f. ,1)41 New a. h • h'Nh p oO i r a o d vtev au « 00.1 iJail E'ft ’ I l-B P m ' r ll V ; 3 III I i*i1 e ■ s '

lA AS1}-;1> Oh I ' h Ing d i i ' a n r e i-f \ *

w '! li < '-111 for ' * b e a47 CO* r-tkh l>a‘ao. ,p

pArlir I k I


K n

r a ifi­ll ANT |<: 11-

fXMTl PMiilPt-edenl

priiI till,

• IB'II t,< ft

houae near b a lh i a g heai.Ji l i f t . IFudfrcy F'Qah n » l lr lg h t tm al T n l l e n \ | l l * . K I

" R E A L E S T A T E F O R S A L E — S E A ­


S A lK . s lN K r A f l K , A t lan l lc l l i g h i a n d * New liunga lutt JupI f ln iehed . t h r e e bed

r'x.tiM. la rge r . h i g rikoni k l i r h e n a n d b a t h fe'i plBB'r-ed and r*o>nie, u p en f t t e -t i .are. eleir r ir l ig h t ar ,d w n ie r i i rm * p«iprh ..I e r , o a k i <1 g ocear i . e m ln u ie a f m r u Randy ]lo0 k hi.gT. i . i r l g a i e p ro p er ty p r ic e | * . l g v . t a n be Bt-i'n hy appuiiiMiirri i . Mbbur , l l l ie xb inan rl N Y PhtMie H e e k B ia allANliHOMK tiweHing properly ud ManeB-

■luati h lv e r rh o ra aIbu nl b a r piuper(jBB. I App^y to J o h n A l4>nga4r ee t a g e n i . Mb

n a e u u an N'. Jjri' H.N'IHILFI(* aeverv room rntlgg* oa hil-

tcB-ith AVB- SelmAi. half blech rrom h a a rb pr lr e f l 194 ren t* fur M M BAAgen. ((•I FIflh ai>e Unimar. N 3 UKLMAH—Only une blocli frem acbaq, aeven

ruama. baih. elerirU'Hy. 4gi44b. |4.eee.£i*iacurie, 3*4 KouMeenih Bve ^ Uelmar ytVR FUKill bungAioe . Furnished 4|

l^urtardo. N. ,1 phone 1I4I ItArhef.

' F U R N I S H E D R O O M S - B O A R O W O

____ _________ S E A S H O R E _________________

(K 'K a K ClROh'S, b lm t iu r f a v o . lT-^^4halwr- day to Tu*ede>, rckom a n d b r sa k f A e t , H . I B

IB d ay , nea r racagit. pperig l rmlee f e r J u n * Pikooe W te e r iy M t l __

F U R N I S H E D R O O M S T O L E T -


AflmiRT r’ARK. N J . rirth mew.. 4e«.' ( l l rBifu id l l i i u a e ' — BemullCiJl, i h r f e , l i g h t

a n d a iry m o m t . t ig h t h o u e e h a e p l b g , bee t lo. c a t i o n , ne a r heAi-h. rpomg by i te y, w e e k or aeaeun i l i i l d fa rb 4 g l iv a r m e n .

ro il f* t* K T B L T e q u ip p e d Bsode re n e c h lR B Bhop. iathae. drIU praades. m il le r* , mriedera,

power praoeeB, I h a p e n . e i o . . I m n e d l B l e pue. aeBich. Low rBBtal I 'enirBl t e c a i l o n . pr ice IH .ee* . CbBB p t i l l lBb * C e . e to lu a iv *

Bgant*. I l l B raad el . ^ K e * * r k .

T W O - iT O H T OiMI c o b B iru c ied bul ld lD g oT l . l t e equar# f e « t . p teb iy y a r d r o e m , cen

iraJ ly l er a tad for Jat>or a n d B h l p p ln a , o f fe red vheep . l.eoB Felal . kflabey b l d g , p l a n e 4141 Marke t. ______

7,tee ftQ. KT-. ene-Blerr building. good

ViliUiRV rAHK^FumUhed rpoin: privatefauiiiy; near boaeb: for tw* •eople. Ad

drone ftea ihure. Hm M. Mowb oFrice. •jrange. HhAULKT DBACM—Reorne, day, week or

aeaeon, light beueehocplng, faolag beach, me* I'hH Hotel. Anbury Park n i l .pmSlMHEO apartmanta nf 1-4. i*t roAm*.

w ith t io uaekeep tbg p r iv ile ge*, ml D or t ln r o i t a g a . I I Rm b u ry av*.. iF r f* n O ro v a .

KR AN HEU RG— r u r n l e h a d b u b g a l o w , o p e n l ir a p lane ; beat a e i g h b o r b o o d ; o n * bl4Kk

f r e m b each ; win ren t to |>#r. i i f d a e t r e d .t'mll 111 I h e r e E o u la v a rd . GramYlll* P a r k . Keaweborg. _____ ___________________iXiNl* • A A N f ' H . N. J . , k e n v le w a n d Ocemm

av*B.--lSirniBh*d r e e t a e t * r e b t . by « t « k o r eemeon: prtvlieiH^ of l lg h i h A u eakevE inff . l e r m e reanet iab la L u b e t i l h , 41 I f o M i M u l h e |. p h o n e M*fke4 M t l ^ ________ ____ _

orRAM OR OV R. T b e R m y a o b d , t « Abb«4t *VB— W it h o r With euI h e w e a l iM p lh g priv*

l iege; h a l l btaeli t o b e e ch ; apmclaT Jwj ie ratea , _________________CM'RAN OROVR, T h e I m b t t r y , R m b l f y « • « . ,

1?—P u r i l a b e d ro o m e a n d w t i e M I M t h o m e e h ^ p lp g ; ape flml Tmlme M m . O I oImi .OCEAN GROVR, N. J., H BmWiI mv«.—

T h r e e rooroe emiapleim f e e h«mm*b««plMt: gme, ruMPlbg wmLe r ; adiMg; M H *iikgmp.____OTRAN OR OV R. T h * Wukm*-Kmrrm, 111 M t.

T a h e r w m r —P n r a l i l i m i r««gMh b y 4 ^ , w#ek_ Of *egi * Ht gpmelmi __ _OCEAN ORO^'R, Ollii •!., II. m tm t R*rl^

mvf., near tha oeaui—FwhlkhPd n p M gftd hem— h miflMt.; e l e ^ ( g < ___ _OCEAN GROW. Mt—A V l e « , R r a a d w a y -

Coat, a i ry to M h i , t a e l a i l aR * b i 4 • o a a « i now IH-fti J****^’ .

T H B a i k C H K O U U .H C * i < n l • » . , i w n r 0 * * k n u u i k * * . ,

O c t u i O n i r * . N. J . i k l « k . c l M * t I m l i M r w a u ; t M » » »dt « » M X te k * . ■ . A . D e f w e e e

»«light, eoricrelB flenr. boat, immedlaie poeseflBlnn; |1T.#ee. eMr teriaa. Urooe A ureea . I l l k t ir hof *4

C I X T I I A l ' leoat len fo r l ig h t m a n u f a c t u r i n g .m ed arn ihrae-ft lory OrlrR b u i ld i n g , owtend-

ing t h r o u i b b lo rk , 4 ,9oe ag. f t I t. p r<m- lan A AAb. K niRton ■« __ _RL jM p t —ObO'Olory br ic k b ldg .. cuAtalnB

Iprtiaat of a n u p - lo - d a io o n d r | W ai Uandl, Eeaea b ldg .


lav* Him IP If y«areablre tHee, CMierMp or lofta, vllh ar wUhoMt rail Af «at«r la- bHUM,

“We Dmamee h«0dJAfv ta ■eea■ * " ' l a s r i w .

‘u m jMM r* rH tiw •HriailMa,'*Til Bn«« « T fiT lW ItaiM k

rx C T b m y

XOfOB, t r m r W«kk iM C aiitm . MM ■m I —IMMM wHIl k in o M u tM **l*fl.

W h •' ........... : ..i...................... :■

F O R U U ^ u t M W f « r

__k t t M|k i ksV si■^nn p . M

■ U T


Want fa Ray aFL^AEFt H I L L k K R I D R N C K

Name ahoulil not e i r e e d l l t . e e e o r |31 .- •>*1 In price a n d e w n o r m u * t b e wili iDg to accep t my c en ir a ll y l e i- nivd bueinoBW prnp • r t y , valued al I f e . g * * u p o n u h l r h Ihera ^ h ^ • ‘U a g e i f l i i . e e e . 1o « v i n g a n e-^ulty **^.! . *** *** * p a y m e n t m y prT»|H«rl? lawell l*aa*il eend d e i a l U «»f > u n r r«widence to MercJiarii Hoi | 7. o/fl tke.WANTKI* WpI IU uIII l i. i. tae t-u l a r g e plot

10004HI »<ft, ai .u„,|«n<.* o f Ire ne Bfldi(iBveiupril iBTilfR a|,*, n * a r | ina■Jlr*rt lu S - w e r k kiM..L| M a e e co xh tialaiu-*n i u r t g u i t t ,. i | . . .n*. , i , . | Ditiuii i ii iuiuvetlf a tn i a 'h a 1 P u n d iu g * f,i | |>BriUg)gr«frum uWiiKr* Mi.ij A-ldreB* S w u i l Hu^ ?* S>wa iiffi- -

HAVK h l 'T I K- k . pH K K a L K r T a TK A V I j AlKHi H S N hlvj. , , y K l M * * IJ t IT

i « * i i . r n i p i ' f I!TIK..*4 a N t i IV k N r e w t t p i JIJ-. l (Ahi' .l *1 i ' l t S ' T l l A I . \ \ K Tl*.l HA HK KT I ' l lIS AN fFAl 1.. |. I . (,K#- g i n .k - T P l lh e r enmll

liL-ut* . *1 I.U ( . ( ,,, I r-* K,i Is f.ir h Mil*an-l I n i e#p trtcii p g >■ r n * h puy niBni liel■ n<« inuMgagr. i- pm, i t l ar* r r , ,m «.v. n« t a u u ' yi1**jrrd AiJ Ipf . . T w ►••imiiy | l-- t 14TN*gn i.irv.K

PHitPKl ! I'Y U W N I^ H P IJat »i»u' |)rii,.KTir w i t h up* o n y t k in g

a n J i 'V B i r i h n i * i.| h a v v . r g a h ' a e i i i m r ' e r-M'r.-Tii|ir,g i-'p- .<'fi.u r a i g * A H tv a k -• i i i i l g » » H 14 .i«ij ei . p h - -n r M m g4u«

Hkl4l . l . Ili^l Ht alNTut a l t r ' ' * ' t r* n I M«‘ xriil ■ Irv r*ll*i. l.l Vi rl ti Fri l . r n r a r l t y b| | | i

upt-B |>pU« pti ..I*.-*!*. n o aK*>iiiR A<l<J'a«a H H<pi 1 :« N ra * o f f t (»

ONK iwu tpul pji t* f a r r ly p.-ixace wat iiad N ew ark brJ pim t h e H r a tm B a e«nd ftili

p i i t t i i i l e r t l l o l r r i UeoBel £a R a l u n pL. n r a r h xk*n l» -n 'b •! a p ^ n -*.*<• u v a .r 'p g a l l A N . i K H i n i . I I I I I U T I . ' M - r . h * v . . l I n n .

- 'ira. M i l l 'd II "iiiB Hai -a. r**lrfv>r> b<1 ooil*1 p B'glilBi.kcl p nhi r i n g x-nginaf r i. 4 |■ ■>hitn« *1 rvi I i l lU a NF KI ' I 7 R ill S iB ru ii r n<A(4M«inN<-rtJh

Ku ’1 *»' i i<i ^ ' • x i l p a r ' i c u i a t - a a l h a v e r>«ilk biiiR'f VI l■■.l^hlpue'■ 1 ri l i r a f l i m ave

l<eeil]Piki y ru iu p l Inapoikluw.H u g e n e

kfppi I t! i l e W r : : f HroadJ ,1 M A A r t ) h a l o c a a h h u c « r a fur all

km-la «f r^al r e t a t r . ( | u i i k o r t W n froBl '* " n a » r‘h. II- : i t i i M kt n p*k^n(<-ii *iI.IHT yiiUi i ii irporiy u i t h pitr fu r ijulek

rBBuMk rvu iiBiiiiig c ' l i a rg-’HAS HAl1.li \ n ' l . l N T P PS HT

1 H a i K i>ii)ur-« ikt an> «i>-d o f roo i Botgia 1' \ h -I u • k t T> UI B 1 igl I i lur prirfk#' I v ai| | b

l i - f biIb -.-* i .t i Nrtrih H la th si St ►. ll ■* r>- ifti ii.fx r N e w a r k i r auburtie,

try UB I -r r-a>j.<k Ua g a iiB Jtii BOCtluDa Ki4>h«ii l l - I til. II •! S i t w a r kHfp8 K\ IliJ r. iir p >ti>i1 hw< I uub p^n* a n d

I IS M r*<ii. I gul. k lr. 4p^i-( l•■ B Mn*ir*. SCI Hf . T-l-lil i ' li li I . l«>

' \ K i.t iw runl l* h'.TJto- H -vi'li Kn»l pM- »- li|.|r»-iK iNtfii iriu It I lua I

\rw • .,ff .

R E A L E S T A T E W A N T E D — O U T O F _________________ J O W ^ _______________

► • 'h 'I'l' k ^•■•l(|l■ <|.«T m \ i . . | r pi i ' l -^rlv• ' ■-» f - I Ml ». . . -i; . T . Ill lig<r I. '

' I l f ' l l l ' l pT,. lJr| : i K .1. ,p r A Ll> f M VI .' I ■ ,41 aiti 11

► A ■ ■ I ' -I k - )■ I i< M ■ ' ' • ■ g • ' k 4 '• . 4 .■ ; . 4 'IV A M I I < 11. T' ■ :..| • I „n* I h < .1 ■ > F

.......... ■ i fi It - r r V «l Ki 'v

H « \ K ■ n i ll am I hi.u

If . If A ,1 • . *1. M-i| . . p',

STORES. OFFICES ETC , TO LETi J III n ' J <• I Ml • I , .i i, |,« J ill R-a

d- ia e I4'^i ]I4 KH kalu th S' .1 T W i ' - r lhr*.i j i iiiiij'it .0 rill 1* ' i .i'

.lar«*> t 'Mr end uf a ih i Ib fr<ni elkIIirTi wMri <v BtlhuU' a h i iu a ' Ai |r1m « A<-'*B flfli Ml. S - » » . iffi.-- WANTIvI) lit rxnr f<kr r**ti a ' lka ' i f a r "

Hi Nan Jaf*i>v of kO a m t I'."Vl W WcrcilBfV l.lndfiLi a i a ►Mig r

TTU-Ul. S .1

fpl'PIHART..R plot t O t U T on « m l n u t * ffopiPuUi h Hi b ia l lun p av ed e t r a o l ir>i!po)

pa a e lu t fruot very r e a e a n k h l r l ia rt i eM# PuiMR 147 Hleaniflelil av* V e ro n a , N J. T*i Seruna i b l l

F X a O R I E S A N D F A C T O R Y S I T E S

______ f O R 8 ^ O M ; © L I T ^ _____

rACT ORIRA. L o m A N D « I T E R ro ll i A L R OH T o L R T

IN a n t H E O U IH E D NBi?T]QN . f a i g n a b r e a i c r n r i d g b ,

141 B1^>AD NT. f H O .N E I4Y4 JdKT.


RAJLRR rO . . TI4 B R O A D AT,, N B W A H K . n Tj ^ P R O N E U A R U T I T I I . _____________


iPlMlUAltl I- « Ch^a liii‘i,--i<4

ha f biu- k h ■' I L.jryii |k n i ' . u

-K l.< IP -VI t .


mfr ireo a t d

plM-ne Uark<"■' 1- i ■ B I r .1

• ru.itua BUl'aUle f-i*4 t>*BUie 1p« tI ilt 'il -ki ■ , r i l , ' .|.>«> - fvi irnixli lr* I M'> i.|. - Bl ' I I ..........


BealpniBbt of a n up ie -d a i-^ W ei Uandl. Enaa i b ldg ,


i M H R D tA T S P O i S R M I O N ,

4*.«m t o l e e . e ee WQ. r r .W IL L DIV ID K T i} g l l l T .

tfO DCRN H f A V Y C O M S T R U C T tO N IN HR AR T o r N E W A R K . N J .

TW O B L ocK fl r n o H p r n n a . r . r a n dCRN'TIIAL R. R. F R E U U I T I T A T I O N t .


T W O H4 H. P. B u r L K R R . 31* U , f , R N O I N E R

a r t e s i a n w e l l .

\ n % l i g h t .

M U T A B L E AN T U A N U F A C T V R t N O .

CO M PLETR R L R C T R IC R X C R U S N T T R t C i l N U A>FD T R A ^ _p o r t a t i o n p a c i u t i u g o o d l a r o i l

OR OiB • vkROM,H I M A R X I T RT., N R W A i t R . N. S,

N ew ark < A ced»m r b4. P h e n e Mki. 4*1,

yg N o r t h t e t h nc, E* I t f l .

K S T j i m

F A C T O k l U A M D L O F T S T O L E T

B m I l*k*r e w f l e e * t t v « f r U f l i l k « t , • f * m w , hlafe e « « -

t i M i r iM i i* «w « r H t i w i l l XlTl4«i l * i ( Iw**. • . .

TelgpliMM t u t i r a r k A L

h«ne H ki . 4**, r h w f i a O ra a g *' I t o V r i f ^ T t f l l i " W o U L d < 5 ^4CWAI^K I r b U O B W A R R MO

i . r .

■ *■'^1., - n I V f' rxf ■ ' l! llB t K

I >1 ► M 'K Hi' M K r-.r .1.1 N ..'P. ' a r t ' . ighi ' f r i i ' Ai-L"/ Ji .(i .i i.*P i...

F<P1 I lliituu lililgFiiHiMN ■glliki.f' f-.r r t . ^ l - t r a ..r d-i: i<lxtt

fiff:-.-* ri-utii <|i.ur e»<l i-lkurt- B l ' -M ja n l M t l Hr->«il Bl. tik.-Tte M a rk a l HP UlN ilK lK l.i l A V e 111 F i r a t fh.af

Bb-rvi> Bri-r*- bumbI I b f u r r e a l x-a'aU- urdari ' lal | l j Jnuu lra m alr^re h T u K t lu ,ei. i n TwBifiEi a v e .L<»r Kiglptli

• 1 inquir* -irxl flo<-rW a H I’ w ra r ig - at . r«.’ ne r .Surifi

H«vi-n1h if U<i»^v||‘e N e w a r k , v t t y ■]« alr abla aaiiknil flimr ruo rna (q r i iffice rrrl iualneei ua* r»aBonabJB r-<nl. j a n t i o r eerr - Ira, el*c(r| i' l i gh t - ar-ajl i h e e l , runvi-nleri l lu fp , I.. A IN Hiaiiun. i r n i i e r t a n d l)ua«e.

l ^ l l . l . tA i l hl'LMV U H A T H l i A T F . PJ .1\ .^Hlf I.NlJ'l n N at . :4b r i r a t f lo o r , *!l, ' b

.’0i4U. In ii n rd laU poharMBUni . | 7 S , e e r in 1 floor, ih re r rouln f la f , Fe ip t A Keli:TH HmAd Bl.

S T O R E S . O F n C E S , E T C . , W A N T E D

FT o RE e a a l r d fur o f f ic e p u r p o e e . d o w n i n e n pteitlon. will nixielder a ti - ie a n d h g l ld lng If

ree i im e h l- Weal 4U(|e H t u r a g e W a r e l lguaee. 194 Hank »> . tel 4417 M a r k e t .

S T O R E S . O F F I C E S , E T C . T O L E T -


KIVR gTiJKEh. giH-d fur b a r b e r ‘■h' '*maker, lunch room, lai l irr Bnd nonfe*-1 loner

KAPKLM<j I1N.14(4 Waat rr<>n‘ al. . P l a In f ta J d .

Or I la 4 P U T h u r > d a y ^ 1 11 M a r k e t i t .

S T A B L E S . E T C . , T O L E T

DTAi ll .E Wirh r a p a e K y f n e 3? Ii.-ra*e Zg waguna. •enlrBlIy Iik ' ' *ied. i i n a a i ' n - * g |

once two v*ar Iasi**L o r I N N r 11 L R H I N «» fc H. Iric .

fkile Ag> iita,}| r i l in on^a l T > r 410e M a r k e t ^







Teleph ene I t k * R f m n c h Dn>«k«

t'p-te-daia aterfaga, «nBnrata nnR briah war* hau*B; Individual vault reomnj damn and aanltary, call and Judge far yamwelf; aeiimataa cheerfully fwndabed.

P A R K AVR. g T O R A G B OOv,

Park ave. at Tvnifth at.. NewatW.

’Wa mare anyUitiit. asy tim*. aay gdaaa. Ihronigt. gkilfui. aTfl«la»i aervloak Safe, eanltary. TWmlH'Rroor ntoyagd. Meter van* only; reaaottabie rata*.< ^ 11, pb aa* e r B4M*d p « i « a L


lor* ■ ■ * * rhw f iB Of

•lume Wgv. (Of one of taor* a( *ur iltet *1 Iruclu (*r taaelcm or gtorgg** Knlf i«u per load gtorag*# I I : ii•leragti. '* '•i«u per load gtorag** ||;~ la rfe v m •leragOi. II. Our Moit* !• l>aflnl nafnl in WHUac. lualuding . TertM." Reiter 1*t ag inova rwu tbl wiBb you hM Prai»h R MaftW , F fP .


f» c * M , M 4 ' i k r * *- -C f

k i n ;••IJX* * w*- i

k c r i l M f

ir. IhAM'LRt X I I R W W . P ka n m A BnfffTitaBMWii w i P d id iR M h t n n i r t i i i i r i t i R « w M i j Mr m r m

fiVAJav Ali'J.i'O.iltjl'TSk.i/uP',. ' ■*! .7 » ,^3






Li*' (ally e q a ip p e d f o r i k a luovlt ig e l f u ra i ' lur* end haudied by exparietii'ed luen.

ovr many eiiad tfuc<ka eaabla ua la bandia large and small akipmeot* al very leaeab- abiB faiBB

WE MAhK DAILY T R ir i TU ALL PRA- PiioRK poi.sm .


Ol'AHANtKED.T k l . M ' H O N X 4141 H 'A V E H L Y .

Jrf P07NAK A BONii, n *1 JAi'oB MT


'JTU n‘KA laken t<* Aabury Paik L.-angUiar-rh ar}«l 1btarn>*iltnt* aeaaKirr* reanria

■ ' I .d fifi (r*xrtkI'tT j-iaUe parr* ■ 1>gii-ll'« ap.1 pBck-

Bg«-« lalkr-'i 1‘i a«aah«rr« «i r«ia#urahl*t« 'p

All g..mla arc in«iirp-| ehU* In IrmrtBlI ill- k’l.rr huueeliulil gm-iiB |ii separatei J

a 'ail* fiif r>mi1r>g t ii-ueehol (1 fu u d t

• d ' i i Bii-I ><>r»g - l l a la n ra l-k « hak- . ll hi.u I« rl . "

■a'l i.g aii<! Bhlppii jg cif li.,ueeh«l<1 g<b>i1p '• M »i»^i-iaM I a n i l li- an«l a * l i a i r t arWul Nir h 1 ■> J - ' '

H'I.,1 p.i^t ari l I.r iil--.iii> .Gaikal t*n«.I M T K l ' F T i 'H AUK i ■ ' I M ’ ,

: KM IPM i .S m

k m b t i j n h a m .I V .S \ \ | Ahh,

ll r Al 'K HKNIM.V'O P y V C K A L l.V KMK \ V > J4 T- ' H u H T u N A S I r l .TNN I M , I M l I S ' l HAC'K J, iM.-AAl K L A M 'N M i l K I’K l f 'Kh

*K .V IS HJ 1 F fclX PU KSh f U , : 4 M A “ HI Vi. T' iN a s k .

M 11 l | r .

T-|IH iL-»'0 ai.red In aaiMiarr leibedr>>iiu,a r ar' guara i!aod , auiu t-aai

I" a;l jMi><"B "I aref-ii lia-dlera, rea-» i n i i < ’ i » ' ' « •*!{ • P 'k r i- e i-ur p p - t a i ' y .ff* UA liiaki.ig fl'-at arrengaiuanlA.

if- -OKU \ S4 Tw RA ' i h > '«»; i A'B iaMi- al l>er b -<j > ighi phciua,

il«-kei :ci4I ti Wp l,*i. a iprgp II.. ‘i.r «an Mi«Bl>li

' I .. .i|>i h »pra I . s»i.„r. Park \SjIi (the >a« I'T pa ri ,.i l i n n , k ' t y reaawntli ly.

M I -WA^JK «it I " ll A o K MTuHAOH'

] Pi ia he reayio a i a f.-r i ■•ur furriUur# and va >ab -« Oi i>uf

<'! .f: k S I >i: i i>< k KU 3t< l o H d s i r arp k.irp -I.p-f kafnlk I* k*' „ r ^ .

U 4 I 1 34 lO . A .Hi N A H i.K |.i 1%-. I’ ' I A I -s i M J iKIM

► r 'J ' i ' l A l . ' l Y

\ i i T - -JO s r n H A i j y ; < u. .H i i i ; t U a - T at.

fi*) Iiiii.'p V k ' k j t t I.lgli- i l iunp Uhl, I44J.

- i l ' h I,An kraie Iu .upp p(->rag> nt furi iirarB.I ' ................ ■ ii -riini.l ■ . a n iik< -.g I I I

j.pr •«.! ii'iii iJlPtar-A - P I . <hpa|t hiiillh.Li 4 . A Jf- tn l k 1 I PI \l k > < , I II . S l l . K i - . l- l . - l -ai l H < i.a ' t i p i ' 1-- SS aaij

I gi -h I ' '■ w'l . i p k " i 'P ti nr fij I •'►ail,ia"p« na ri -'f 11 i* n •■. k ,.r f i m .,f n r l l!'ui-<p k * H-m.p ,, I .1 I 'k I l .T ! J< (I, P i •'-■allnrr- Imlnll gpn

ptBi IrU'khiN ariil - t r l l u g Mhwi# Trsna-.......aFltJi, < i-Jii i-e k ia rk a i ; | i U . 4lla .- i ih Flg4i'*<pmh *1AI'T44 luiig d i p l a m a m o v in g alau local

«|i»iip vpiy r*B*‘iiiat>l* C a l up Uarke i IS*ii M allPT H*ui dr-ri, 13 l t*eriv«r al KlMlIn' ypara «Ki.*rl*M-* In ' m g dlaUnnp

ii j i . i ln i wi< » rai**p l a r g i l a u a Trinx p - j i V i i . r r a 77 l iP i al SIkl I41A i' ► HiiVK an.1 plorp * y # rv i1 . ln f Tel l l* *

| ! l l I I I J Marneuri . a n ) Mma Belbay T r tn e f a / Cn t s l la r rl aoK B>* y i i l th ICh- Vluving Y ' d a ' o r a g # In POrea*

A r m * vaua H t M u lb e r ry gt . N ew ark , N. J. . phu n* 4Cil1 M ark a l ,


AT l i U T E L L U C E R N E , i l u 4 U H O A D be*

N E W a r K S LK AJON ry F A M I L Y H O T E L P l .E A N . C U M I ' o R T A N l ' R . M UD ERN

iTR A M H E A T . E L B c T R J i 'T T T i PHC>N1 M-wio r. l o m s t u h i ’ l T K * WTt H HATM.

MEK ( ' M M f i i r i t D AI>, B O A R D l M i E l ’R O PKA V OR A M E t U A N P l .A N

A’P ’r i l Al *T! S'K, c le an ru u m . ne afly fu rnish ♦<1 kU m"»1prn 1trj|>1p., p r O a t a fan i ' fy , m*

e ih a r r tmruer* 1 l-lm k i l i i i ey arj-1 i ru lV ) , gPTvllprner. r p fe r» r i ' r P h o n e B ll if- l j A T t H i l T I V l I . firi T P n III

-lie larg* pitr(.li. a i i n t u g a . ga rag * la-p IIP la i nlhui ea fi' i ' t ) B r o a d ar^il M a ik a i i p r i a i * Ain> r l r a n f am i ly H H 1i«i AS'fSN AS'K , *4 - Fi - ni r o a m nJi aiy fur

n l ihe il . ue n r u a l h , al»<> amaCer ruginII, h I h ' l u a e k e e p ln g , a i i r a e t l c * h-iuae ATTHACTIS 'B iwn M t l i rn a ruuni a p a n

uiBDla, alau aingi* r n u m a : 71 c,inli>n a -a IniiUire I4J Kprui * a t . ; j>hone 434* Jdaikei A l l J o l ^ I N O l»Bil(, twii C o n n a r l l n g r o e t h i ;

l ig ht houBekeepiBg; p r i v a t e , IT Ho A<J‘ dreaa A d u l i a fWi 4 t , N»wa nffi<.«.ATLA NTA '■ HT M — Tw o rvunik. furi iteheil

for h<»u*ekeepingi r u n n i n g w a te r , ba th , minii t* tu <ara. % nnInuiBa To lui/ea ART<j H KT 47—T h r a r tMima. -Inubie a r

kliigle IlfTil h a u a eH p * p |n g if required , fTYim Fqn* I tu J u l y 1" b H i ' A U HT . ’n ’l * “ fH > TB i, l . r i ’E R N E '

1 P > l . 'K EKC RP lNO H t ' lT K i r \ K H o o M A N D K IT C f lH N C T T B .

IN A I ' l .AHd HY f T H K I .F '

J t l — T w o rr>«>ma, or una la rga' - -.............................. |,Td

N E W A R K II41-I(ljlau*y pt. Call IflU. *1M, ut algbl

BHi lAl* HTrcMim c n n ean len t l u Bfcmd a n d ItiirumflaTii

r a r e and alau JUnaya P h u n * B h (44o HHu ALi g r . ‘ I 1 4 1-^N tf e iy t u rn l a b ed Bleep-

j< g nr haUBtikeeptn i r i ium*. n e i t in ball i . BuMahi* for I«Q I 'h u n e t i l l W aver ly HKi>AJ) HT , 114. n e a r d t p h a l l — F r o n t room,

III' fUlDlBbed. Bul tabl e Iw u ur Ihrwa i*Ti t lemer: WslBra, A ^ l l a n A p a r t m t m a .BK<-AI> a t ., I l l 1 - - l ^ r g * r u u m , for liouee-

kee|-Lrig, alau n»om w i th k l i r h a n e t i e . oon- t inuu j ' no t w a t e r , a la i -t r l- . , adul ts . b R O A D 49 4—L a r g e a i r y ruoasa. for

Ilf III b e u a a k e a p i n g , a iau a ie a p l ag reama, for Fv-e or t h r e e g e n a l l m a n B r o a d h r . , i l l l - *Ori* l a r g * FranI ream,

for l igh t h o u e e k e e g l n g . a l e e b a c k room, fer light houaekaepirkg.^ H O A D i T , l i l 4 — L i g b l hnawiikaegTng

rnnrrj. pn batJi rfkoin flaw: alao alnglaroniik. HarhM tTiR.I riTaI) At.. U II^L arge living roam, klteh-

eiieita for light huueeiaeplag; eteank heat;ail imfgoTamtMsig.__ ________________ _bnoAD *lt.. 114—4lingia ahd ahE douhl*

vly fumiBked reoma. roneenlabl to careand lHaaya. ^ ________ _____it HO A D "rT. , idh^—lirickl. chaarful room.

In a a t i h s R t hema. fo r aaa a r tw o refined pr-ilenMn.BROAb i*f . t i l , *?ii* Annei—Large, airy

dr-ubla room, oeoaad floor, front, all fnod- am Impts.RhOAD a t , lei^Frw ai room, furolabed,

aullabta (or one or Iwo geatLeman, thirdflfior _ ^ _ ____ __ __ ____

BROA D IT . M l"~rr«ei room, furalihed.. •ultabla for ooa or |wo gantlemaoi third

fleer. ___________________BROAD n . , I t l — YVmal glaawing ro o m ; all

“ar tw

F O T W W D g Q O I I S T O L I T

C L IN T O N H i t X R e o t J o b ^ F i i v a t o fami ly I b av o t w o r o o m * t o l«t. a a i u b i a for two ' g a a t l e m o o ; acoo ea lh t* l a t ro l laya , al l ofm-

venteni'ag. r e f e r a n r o a reu g i r ed . Addre'W Pri- • vate. I laa ijt. N a w a o m c a .I A V S . — llIhgla andr daub la fur-

ntab»d rtH»me. t w o m am a , au lta b la far d m t e r ur d e p t t o f u r both . Phune Wavar ly

I C L i s T o ' S a V E , I I I — Tw o f r a n l mom e. aeo-uiid fUkor. r o tn p l e l a J y f u rn i s h e d tar l ight

h i -u a a k e e p m g , a n a l a r g o f ron t room. CL IN TO N A V E . t t g ~ T w u f ro n t roama a n J

l iaih, f urnl akied fo r l ig h t l iMugrlieaptni . sli igi* room# (n r B leeping , alaetrlc. i ’L IN T d n A V R , I I I —O n a n ea tl y fum tahed

FiHini. a l l i m p r a v a m a k t a , p r iv a l a family. I ' l lK l rT N CT r r . i * — Two" very g i lV oi tLe

'*Fga f ro n t r o « m a , p l en ty l ig h t a n d a i r . f l iat fl««or, a l l i t n p r o v e m a n l * , var> tiunte- l lk*. aulimh;* for i r a f ln ed bualnaa* men , C l i R l f f s D T HT. I — L a r g e , fTooi rooin. fur

h u u M k e ep ln g u r o leep lh g ; a q h e b le two or ih re e p e re uoa . oun v e n le n e e a i ce n t r a l li>ca- l ion.t ' l lR i lT N U T (Tf I f — .NKalt furnl abed frnnt

roam, f a r l * n re f ined f en i l em e n ur eeup le , ajK> a ingi* r«>r>mc l U C b T S l ' T d c — L a rg a ; el l luprwva

m e n t a l fo r a m g l a ur r « a p i , , p r iv a te fat&llj . r e f a ra» re* eBOiang oi l .l ' k E i f N ? ; t E t . I * — Kt'HNiA M ED HOiJM.


CLAY RT.. 1*— N e a t l y fu rn U h e d l ight houee k e e p in g a n d o lee p l i i g (iH.mi in . i ,|iH>rp

frutn I4ru*d a t . | ^ e m in u t e * iu luu^a r t . A Y I T . l a r g e . fyoni luom with

J WlmluWa. W llh u r WllkvUl itglC lk«gp.ke eping e u l t a b l e f a r l44o.i'A M P H T . 14— Lailg a , a i r r ro o m , kui eml

cold w a t e r , a l l lm|>PMVmii#nta. in yrf«ai» family i | i e p e r w e a k .^ ^ fo n t le taan uni; i - u i . l ' u i i i i A V I . N i d r ^iiM.uhr.i

fruiit bed roofW, f o r m a o s h d w i L ur bua lnem i-ouple D n n c a n I '^cTltT AT., *g i t a n l r a i ) — Yw o fronl rwuia ,

fn r l ig h t h o u a a k a a p i O f n e a r b a th . *!■<■single r u u t n , a n flrpt f1ou<L M l ' h t HT.. I . o u r n a r uf B r o a d a n d C'lMirl--

Froii i rauuii. f o r l i g h t h a u e e k e e p l o i c e n t r a l I I u TR L.

i(pboe iia lutpaa. ru u m a . up h da te , weekly or nigh ti 'H E I t K T RT , t l — jdlt'Bly (umleHed ruonia

for gent le iBrn i, l a r g e a n d l ig h t Pk-jna H.H. B144.1‘K A W P o R i i JBT gf 61—TW'O P C n N m ll lC D

l ^ m LI4»MT I l n r N k K K C l ' l N G DR GH a W AS 'E .. I l l —La rg e oi*-aHiti tuuiu

w i th b a t h , p r i v a t e f am i ly bu a iu ' t e uitn Oitly Tel I t a i I l r a a r h Rruuk U L J E A D F tM A \ | ^ . lUlg- t w o lliiv Imuae

ke ep in g r u v i i a aM improv*rn*ii i k aieu lierU-r f li iur q u l e i . ref1n*<l adulip KLIF.ADKTM a VB 1* ne a r n i n lu t i

l-argv l lgll l fruAl ti.H>rii , wile ur l e egent lemeiiKAMT F k I t K n r « e - - l a r g « f ro r i iwuni

BUltable fu r ifQoluewa - uupl* ur tWu genMemenKAHT I 'A i tK WT (1 1 . a r i e furnlebeil -'•uni

dgulrle. |i>r (Wu yuUDg men KAKT F A t l K d r . U I 'P TO

DA TE►.J.ll NT Twu oirnTi*4 ( Ijig rvome fur

l laht h u u e * 'k * * p l ( ig , n« ubje4‘t|f>p Id child Fi 'H Ni tT I I I U a. L a k e *i T h re e larg*

urns UU f i r s t f luwr, fu ru ie h ed fgr huya* k v e p h ig . ii»e lif b o t h a l w l a r g e runm. fur

»l*k-d fur l e u I 'h u i i a B B l | t l Fi'HRsT H It.1a —F*'r « i*riiieman atirar

Ilf* ruulu , In p r l v a i * r a m l ly , ruiikeiUetil lu l i- . i i e^ t ro(ot eu< *B req u i r ed . ll ll tCbl ►'l<-i>rr kT r-k —F'oi l lgll l huuaakeaping . J

largn ft-iirtie Ml t>aaetii*hi w l lb eub cellar hui aiui ,< -d w a t e r , gaa ii*e uf l au n d i r

s r 4B-- [ ' • < '* ' f ruur i-arl-ir r>*rlu l i ig l u IlUalhver

KCHN'IHIlKi- HOLiM wiu i ua* of klMben ai; - e i i l r a l l y l i u a t e d . for viiuple,

rvaauuvl^lk J'hu'kw 4J34 | i R F l ' l lN IK I I K D r u u m - 1—•king SVeequahlr

}‘a | k II- p r i v a t e fa in ;> AililrrMe 1'arh. lii-X 4 \ r e « uf fi i eOT.A LpH'J'i IN K A V K . 1. t h i r d fluwi Bright,

■ h»#tf-ji ruu tj i , i iuar 1<»in eiiUkl-ir fur I * " yi 'ung Mi'll uf t iu k r rl " J - •upla, pOva tv leiu- K>. hi-Mi'- j i r l i t l e g e e u'! BV*nlii|« a f t r r t u' ll iMk I,' HgiMia), r ' f e r ' i u - * a req-iMail i jH kT HI J | i i i r n ' r t ' t i i i g * 1 R.-eeill l* ler

Mull' I e .< n i - r r fai i tlahe*] --■nn'ilMiafniii I... I., |i wupr li " i-t i ig, fur bb*in'aariiilpl# 1- t A ■i,.| i h - r r i « r illMiCall II ' • ' I' M I l l ' l l a p l 1/vl, iJ• K N I. I It NT i U g h l b u uaeherp ln i

aullr • i ti»a r II r wail a 0 -IhiUi-ikCle I • ■ I «« 1-u«tno«*e p*«>ii'e uri'y i . l tF l I N HJV m\ I . I H F H T T HT i: l a r g e

Cgl-l ti4-0#ekr-<>p|iif eirbali le f^r ( u -> gr<<I ir meII i a * liaTl:■ Kh.RN H1 74 l . a r g v a leeplua r--<irii. Ih-i

I g4i i l l en ie ii i.r -' i-upl- .MHKK.V h i : v l . a r g ' iiIl*. eliigle reuiu

f'M g*U'!»ii .a-iMiMit H'1 ) 1 t uea i I u ' l l r a l «i> Vary <C

eltaui* . ur.iiv- I iMg r^nl lu ' ftu Iglil luiiiae h-epli ;g a.I < • 11 > < « u le itr«-e e. lui-e ^ r l i a i el l l ‘- ll HT i 4 11 Far ' e i i t r a i « . l o i g r .

I iMotii rui-iii>-g « v '* r r #-1 I'l l iiiiai iu| iie ->r I w ij g e n l *uif>u i re vuuaL-lk

HIMJI ST h i I t r g ' elr<i• III t.Miir n-- 'i lhcrh 'k|M»agrv

i I i ii luii ie* ■ n i l Sti I i-'iiHli iH NT m i I -'riiFr lla -tMiu I Igtil, airy

• KiLiier;- u r e i 1-aili --ii'- hlu-k Kinnny re- M riklnu<<e H-.-a-l aii-l M aike l l l l i iH HT .H i Kr-ii T r-iMrii. eu i ' ib l* fur

le ' I Kill L ' . g e ' k ' i pl ' a I'lu ur U i r k r l

I lh iM HT :4u l . e r g * f u tn l e h n l ruum wflb • I r r * l* rg o a iU i l e w * . r rn t I I ■ week

I t l ' i K *T Iktl Kutnieliev] lu 'uii a ' l Im piUvetuniM* eUl iabl e f'>( OO* ul I *

HlMlI HT . 4 4 v — L a r g o ruu ina fi>r l ightl . i . ' iepkeepirig, w i t h uoa of laiHidry.

MI DI HT I I I » « k i y fu rnlBlird n-uin«. ] or geni - e r i e n -M->«ln u <o n veiileiir* ■

l ll<IH HT 434 r u r u l o h a t l ruuin f - r l lghllu I uB'ke rip ing all t n jp r u renionio

m o l l KT . 414 T w u t-iurnk f t l lgblhut ie* arnpli ig , a l l I tup ro V am euTi

J M i S T H u t l N s k V K [.71 Twu -laWrahlo fti irJaharl ronii ia (ur l ight huua«H»*plng ,

bear I 'l lntiun ak* . W a v o r ly I I U .Il l IrL HT , I T— Twu ijoWi) fu tnlahml ruatna

fur l ight huu oo keep iTig flv* mlnuiea fruin Bruad a n d M a 'k e i at*JAMKH KT. 71. u f ; Sk axhihgtiMi 1‘a r k The

I'uJulilal - IS r u b la acni Mitigle ruwin* mod *rn riHi r#n le m ** refir ie. l , i lay ur week . lAMKh HI' , TJ t 'p-l i> d a l e fgrnlaliod ruuii.*

fur i ig tu ti<Mjaokeopirig mud *rn i-auva- iMancoa five ni ln u loB lu (j1>aa jA M Icn HT . 71 — ( 'P ' I n d a l e fu rnlahad

rcK-nia. f o r Hgh i l iu uaekoep ln g ireiiorn rurtveii iencoa flv* m li iu te* to luhea J d IINHo N A V K . u a . a t n H’, v . r l T ~ 1 . > r „ .

-mfiii lahl*. f ru n i r a u m , pr iv a l* fi iu ll y . I 'ni io-iHan wu-i r o n t | l a week .I ' lHN KT n S’lr'ely fu rh ia li ed ruuin. wHli

ruuulrig w a t e r , iiu nhjerl la in lu nruall: c-Jiiinl .c UH.A MI'T HT J1 - r .a rge Ilglil, n*ally

fqriMlheal rrHini . al l 1 rn |■f•rvu||| rri (V elrulrlfi . will a r r a i i g e fu r l i g h t hu u e e k ro j i i n g . qulel

i tilfK-Huu* I-' ihlldr*-n refi t . '<1 only reea<ina)>le t 'h rrno MarKoi 2444VV LAHOE, a i r y , f r o n l ruo ir^ w h h d« n, ail r*n-

veaierki'o*. in r t i lnuioa fr«»m puali»r(lLe. ge rt l lemen F h u n a SSavorly LINC OLN P A R K . iJ Twu uUei) furnlehoiJ

huQapkoapIrkg r u u m a . a ll rnfjv-OTlloru •* LINCOLN P A R K . J I- -Two rotiDor i Irkg

Tikom* un aaoorid n«Kjr. n e a r ba lh, LHIR ItTY HT . 67 rauii i Bn<l kl tchan

a t i a . l ig h t h iiu aek o o p in gP A R K , n 1-arge dnuhle room,

ha t a n d r e l d w a i a rim . 'I . I l kH R T RT . ■*> reMla e n i f a n i v r -I i a ri *

ruom. fo r l lg h l hn uaFk»wplng lu l t a h le for t M •> ge ti l Jam en , nii i iOrig waler.■iKIjii i.S hT - 59, f ew iluur* fTarn r«url

huiiae —I jk r g a b#«-uimI f loor f ront ruuin, r-utnplele fu r h o u a e k e e p i n g aleu anialiwrr'lnni,\K7V HT., t i — T w o l a r g e , l ig h i b«d ruuma

and k i t c h e n , al l I m p r u v e m e n t a . p a n m i lfar IMOa c a r e i a k l n gMOXTH l i R O A D ET.. m — To let (urnieiivd

w i t h all I m p r u v ' m e n t a . pinki*-(arnli)'NKliAY'iN P L . . 4 ( - f ' l g h t ruoen, wi th privi . 'e

f a m i ly , l a d y ou D r e e a u n a b l* . a«(urMl ! ■••i O R C H A R D HT n i - E l e e p I n g riiume, pinale

ur dni ihie. l a r g p Ugh t, c l e a n riu iue. ua ih . alffrtrivliy c^enira! l<K'a1loii. t>KCRAK D HT.. I* -F tn a ty fu rn lehed ruoma

f a r ona or two-, reflnet] , gul el humatlke. Marks! i l f T .t i l i i 'H A K D KT', 1 3 4 —-Twn furnlahv'd roema

ru n n in g w a t e r , l i g h t houaekeeplng .k i R k i r i l h X T > t ; U . . . . . U n c o ln F . r . —

Thra* l a r g e , l i g h t , a i r y , c lean rnoma. - limed.coDipleialy farnlM f o r hetigaksfipinB.

la rge I ' loaata; r u n n i n g w a t e r In liltcbei> i io n v en laa t E n u l h Htravt Hlkllt in. r« 'e t ta

flwedj p r i v k t t ^ h o m e . pli an*

fwtpf Y M t e k M ; ■ m w b l a f a r i w e f i ^ tMreaii . iem a-ge o tl an ia E « r c u u p ia ; ua* i BOB


V g r r L o w E M M .BRggikl Ehtda (kr Lcmt DMdMd* 1I«bIm >MRW IR M E r n^ARR A p i m CO.,

M aOWAWD w . 'tiS S S C u d n M f ' ' 4 W t » n M i M P U M t l M « *

m u a c t l o n ■ « • > « • ( • • * : B M e p t•niM ! Im r ku-c* vtiH: IW* H f MM«i<

w w k«<Mw; ri* M I . p " • • • • » ) w i m Ib

« « k A s u ^ .

BURVar IT.. lAr«*. Birr, tronl i ' k«MU.; iB vnin ■, n aa tk c wa. a. IMI.>nd k l U i M M U . ; lB«n«i

Mm . <uv4 M m l f t B k U«t*r,

MAVTtrUt. t v . fttmUkV * l i i a U . : w l t k r a . U B , W B t « ; U U .---------- iT*— • — -------

i; a l t a i o i_ ..

awM Aj p It M epra.. u.■R UN SW 1CK a r . . t l , awr U a.ua P a r k

a n i n i a l o n a v a —e t M p h i e r M U , a i > r « * :•!•••! NaMeekteiMUete (aarilr. I

■>. , u i P f i i i r w - uXM* apartiaaaii MriaUir vriiata h f iU ;

fedNBBoa. J . T M e ^ bor .M'kuKm ■T., 1*1—IV * laria famMwi

M aau • m i l e v ilar i kalki |T.H> la-— » l a » f m «*._________________ J B T i t , , HIT MW CtiaiMI M p k * k w e I* M*; T a r a m ^

rMw.‘‘'')hir R M f l E l | | | . . IMl IdiBfBYBENbid!

4r 3L m T S S j Q K

mdma Bve, __1111% V H

I ' fUjUdsiTO gq^ TO l i t• K N H H A K A V e l i C i w i ^ ' V ^ a M M U

raaiaa. k itrk .a with all ifflsrUmmaU a n d bad r«H>m n e a t l o h a t h , furn iebad fwm* bixely f o r briuMikeepIng; r o c M r property. B H C R M a N a V E . , i d — L a r g e f r o n l rooiB?

newly derormled Bud furalabiMt; ranblHg water, light houaekeeplng.

ET.; r i V - ^ ^ M i V rirZtilaond riMinta, alngla or r Minecting! gR |ga> '

l l g h l hiktiiwkMj|lHf:HIXTH AVn. 3S « —tw o rooms for' ilgU

hnueakeeping; |3.3S laAti; balwaen Fourtb Mid Flflk nim. ph.Hie N i). |4(*.kl'HMl^h AS'F,. near Third kva.-»'Newly furnlaheii ruuma. oeil id bath, ill

hum* oomfurga. private family KiM'TH F O r R T K f c J N T H NT , 4 M - t t o a m wlUt

privets rainlly; nuiir Huuih Uranga ava.«buaineaa r o u p i * p r e f e r m l ___HTFt ATH<.I►' O |»Ia. lu iuxrge fnmt reaiil

running « a i e t i^Jeririu a n d gea. arrond floor, n a t t t o im i hHl'iHKX A V E . 13*. R O H E V r iX l t— FU R -

NIEHRD HiHJM PMIVATE PAMILT, r aTKLfJKHHt iPTH BT . 43 W' - F u r n J ah e d reoma, w i th at

wi th o u t l i g h t bouaeliBeping .K o f T l I HT , Y | - - 4 »u« aingie r u u m . all iw»

proven»*4iiaTTS'O rc'oma, friknt and bark parlo r, wall

furniahiMi. w i t h a l l miHfern Improven irn iJ i Blrlrtl jr p r i v e t * f a m i l y ; no Dthsr roomeiB. I’hun* U a r k v t 4926.Tlt'llENoH g T ' It, near Llnooln Park-^

Mglit heuaekaeplng. two ronme Blau 4W»e largH rooiH an impt*. vlei-ttldey. agvlla. ' t l l O H A f l jfT 4 4 — I m r g e a iry rimm fnr

l ig h t huiApakeep lug # 1*0 s leepUig rouin. a d u l l a Call a f t e r 4 P. M TV K M V T r f H rIT.. r u rn t . l i . 4

r u u m , r i t ' i a l i l e Lir t w o . uar uf k l l c h ' n and Iwth I n v e l e f a m i lyTI Iu M a K tr r . aus^ T h r r * rt-uiiks lor huuaev

kvrpi i ig . ad ji t irxDig b a i h , In p r iv a te f a m ­ily 'W A H M iN iJ To N A V K . l t- H en u (1 f< jJ fur-

rc*h>*<t r<i4.n.a l i g h t buu e rk ea j ' l n g prlvIL *■1 ' Iwu, ik tr e r ruu iru , or alngle ro'-m.S S A l t l i K \ HT , l « - T h r a a rtKim# a n ^

kiMhi-ti t<)» l lg h l h o u a e k e e p l n g . claan, |n!4u h e \ A r r i i . ( l■••r«er Se w Bl. sVAltHK.N HT I t u r n e r l l a l e r y —A it raS '

l ive i luuiju ' ru ume. newly f u r n l a b e d . all i m p l a . a r ii i i iutea i,. luLm*. phuii«>W a RH K N p i ... 4 , n e a r t<ibaa and T e rm ina l

- Hooina F-'r kieepiiiK ur light liituaekaag- 'Ing, ill ouiai.l* ■■••iFn*W A R R E N P I * . 11 E ing le (u ra lehed reani,

a d j o i n i n g U a th . | l Ao, (u r g e M le m an W I C K L I F F W MT . J lS r u p u le h i d rnoma. fer

l ig ht b v u a e k e e p l n g iiu ubJe«-|lof) lu ifah- ilritn. Wr^pta. . n e a r t h r * * . e r line* w a H M I M IT O N h T 133 Tjire* l a r i * ‘ alfy

l■a*«llJ*rll t iK im e. pf l a ' i . i,«th Imgruv*- i»ei< t# r ' a e o i i i b l 'W'AMlIJNiJTON HT IT« | . . r g a *|«e|.lT1g

■ •'wiu - i i i t e U i r ( i.r iwti ik-ntl*iB*n alau ■ •nail IU..1UW A K P S fA N A V K , M - H a l l rv4.m, w l ih «*p

araia >ii rMiii*. hath In privaie famltf. I lr u a a '■» e n d Jlll>.<y ua« k feWey VS A laN i 7 HT iv. Hear (t rued and fl iy h i l l

l lu iw ek ' •■ p lu g ruo nt alau ring;* ruunt up lu •[*(. reae-mati»*>Vl A l . N l 'T *»T . »■ L ig h t huuaekeeglag

ruuine 4 4 *d u p . a1«-rpmg ruunl* | ! (*VS F.MT K I N S R V h t J I t rn<* la rge and

4meii i u u iu l u r e lewpiug . reaautiabl*.

F U k N I S H E O R O O M S W A N T E D

HI HISr.Kg W-igfA.S dra|r>«e fgru lehed r<>omlE. '•■riu«>i1 h .Mif h<iUaekve|>lng privUegB#.

tefiriiu'r* A-lt| r>'*e Kefinetl |ii ■ |4 ,N*Wa uffl *HlKl NlCHs MAX fvitniahul. u*er l,«lb r

[••I ur I'uwti N '.k . prlfcgiP jiT'frrred, AJ'lr-'# JI-ialri.-«* M.it |u. Nfwp tiffp* NhDM M atpe r<.i>ii, wanled, iler'lug Mega

ii«i tl* M B*iti |. ii.«n In Amerl1 all family >*-plt alilna perll-UlktP aid Iriiiie AtJ.liuea Rrfliirul, Rut |»y, .X**au(* fh eWAXTKIi <'••mfiir iBt-l l ' furniaiiPil ru o p

ti. lrwU»*y III eith*-T TtuearllleAililirap y i' p RuAiJ lai t let

31. New« . rfi- Y<H S( i iita'ii-ii w h IjIp "Ur ur fWc

lu.' iiia I rilBt.'«| fur hutip* k e e p in g . n« hiIJr«»ri R-p' i i f u * ar>-1 < t-n , ' n'l-ivi-wt Ad

lirrap h >E M 1 I tg S > » , '..MI .Yl ‘l N‘i (■I»p1l.rp« wu'lilli UlRliPk I Hitll nu»«J-

Pin liiiijij. .Illl Larli a#. i1«.u r«<«aeh •eliiH. Ail<|fr*p L l. Itiii k| XffWi ufru-r>.

F U R N I S H E D R O O M S T O L E T -


Hie H • M F| Kl.J k I e .J .pitiMei. tkUg rrKimP,h uU*«ikrrpi n ,1 t.r.iiati'il <«t'rpl ouf. lUg.

<l-ihra, lot,ell,• ii-Pi.pilai ur urtfitrniil.eit.......... I e iF o l e i i t r r |40 Liirludlug

gee, I ' i ' ftt S|irutrat uhun*; U 4 1Ml.iKtAIFIKI IV S 'ep rk .n r . SJT-K-rgaj.t

frwiii H,, ITI i.r,.\riTiPti'V iiitlal.le>'*.1- .ir Iwu g 'd i lPUM'lll»^NI^KJ*H W...MRN i w M i . p i k>ti; Bhar*

h-.inr mJlh tiia'ri>.| ...... ; ;< | .Surih Kla*t ...r-.'- 4- jriti ' Kjkiniariga,

near A m p * ' ' s . i a i j ...hull K I'llCh- M { ............... I,,., ring r-ulUS,

-p ry rtiU'C r ' K I. . .>*i„ralMj .litair-a li'p I ..ra I u I I < p t . - ■ I. . I a •, .| i. ul (•■v I Uarig* llW'-ltl i l tL K I ' l t i IM' M Vr-^k Mkl-i pK-«jaat

-.11.1.1 |i4>r-«".i rrupliori-d prliMte hnmg,Fl>* lu-eiEt. ii I ' r i i . iir i i r a n g p II 1(1 I a I,[»W p l i llaiif"rit p- h ■ ui« ,arga

fii'Ul |(■..||| ur.aJ .-r . ' Buiall k,i> l lrnp lta . kuiialtl* fiir «-<.t|pip a |p u pitieil lirU r n>ni IKII HLI* r*M-m i » r l \ a l r family I h t ' * m |n-

............. . | i . l a. HUiicMI.hilplur*« ■-uupl'i prefer ra-i l p h 6 14TV I a u |n . LAST nMANC.K, Ijttu^X are.. 14 -Twq ar.

irp . -i lv f . . . o i i ^ ' i l i i g rui-TiiJi ru '-n ing h i I«;;eu.iiC iigiii I till ut iulp|>turn«< 'trangaU ll. KaHT 'iR A V '.t, Ht.ulli SrUt.ginii ave tJ-

4 11 r a r ( I« p ! I f u ii 1a(i u. I '■■•■ut 1»i p t l ' a iBl,' .in» 4 n. ' i . i j tp # (ra1>n .ii 1-t il!*\, g on 'L iuH iLAKT i r n A S t i L X u r t h | r , r «r , „pgf

I'.hIiI *i|ii- ik 'g ' futr'iahp.l fiutll r.*uln Adilreaa l l . i , VJi N ru * ulfi reI.AMI' Siiii.h-ii.n a v '

K-yri. ia| ,r. | r ,...,i, fi-.r hupLup** •■uiplr ..y rare i - i iH e m f - . I ' r a r iroUiH « <1 Ht.l ■‘y L Aj4 r I I ll A X111-', VV111 -HI ,i al 1 tl J —.1 ml upr n ;

newly ruMi'*-l .»1 r-H»rti« i.na Mu* k fiiFlu' inai.a*- **Teil ll n n l Ij-r.lleyaJ']AHr I>RASi »|-, -.fill ('■iiirteaiiIh al

light h uiiev k •" p I ria froul r<">lli lb' gg kill tit'll kfi •] ha i Fi IL up KA.HT nllANrlK, KmUi li A r l l i i g h m e i . . ]H-Z

L.NfgA ftifUl r<M>m I'll Mpi uiiil fl -ur, pIp'IMo dglil. e1<n V K ruoiyi , Pkffj ' u n v e i i l e u i i email pil-

vale (■ ifiDv reelilf Ittlai Kual Crt«ige . near train, truliry , reMaun* lilt. tj«>ntl]*>a un-y. t*e< her p '^ ferr^ j 1^h"ne ir/ant*I.Alt 'lL* Ai/y r<i'ini el l t ;upla ru n n h ig

veiur, aelPfl ■»•• Ighhoi h'Htrl U'Br Urirlt C||,i''li HtaCiiii T|*ftl|py Ptinn* Orarge (jg'i N icy , l e r g r ri-u.ur> k l l r t . p r . anil ilti-lrig yoi.in

p r l i i i pgpp p.-p- I I I Uriil t r a i n lu lefl l-ed p r iv e l " fainl lK I I . ' pf-r « " k I'hrrlia l Iranga ll>*4u.S'K nr iivn unti'.iiilh largf etlrartlvg

riMjniR I nilnttlua Mj-li-k I'hurrh Klallon,...... .. L:44V Orarigp afler « (• .VI<'HA\i|k. Nurili I ei.tpf ll l3f--P-jriil»h#4

r.mm in rri'i va ll t. p risai' laipilly r*(*r'*i.r« I aq 1(1 m lO l lA .S ii P |r a> ■( 7 4 P - t m iHttnl tuoina and

riHtma fur l l g h l I . " « « p l n g < qil> n - le n t tP K<1l»>'r PI 'Mty ri.uiiiP w i t h h a t h . hkridw>mely fur*

r l^hr-d *■* ' . a< u l h and w*mI eMpueiire:• I'Jp # i r* 1fli o f l a t \ i i Mltli ->had*. npin p|uufU, ■'!*.-( .lining plH<*e. lwtHte<| gn nq* nf i.eet hj. kp In Kiel lir>ingp frum Lrly I Ir? H»p> I'tiii.pr {( A<l<Jr«*ew M 4 4 4 Main pi.. Ka t• n iiyitTM'i- ruuiiie. (lirn lehed lirul kltrheneile ta

ii-i tit email fankUy, r«f*mn'e«, large giuundj an-l shade, prlvlloige of garden; 1*11 lultkiileg' Walk from Vtuunteln Hlatit.a. M$e KMnaherh Firth. I Kaet Clark pi Or**"'** ' a . ^

F U R N I S H E D R O O M S W A N T E D -


TSVii* I"nina fur llghl hounekr'plng, ilrinlly CaMweil kfutktrlalr, ()luii Hhigp. Oraiifeka

Ad'Jfeap It -Mrtaun 13d T.ll-erly a a . UlUpfda

I ifig

PARK AVR.. I l l— lArga, wall furntahad roam, ataam haBl; elaotrlo; for gantlamaa

r MiuiBie priTBia family, Uanlilea only. ® ” *■- _

PARR AVK. . IM—Oft# fwrniabad room ta lai; all haprty^mifitgi

P E N N I N G T O N BT.. I t , a p p o iK a U n a e ln P i r k — L ^ r g a f u r t i U b a d rworn, n e i t t o t t a t k ;

BuliBMa for two m ai •f_MBplaL__P E N N I N G T O N r r . . M ^ L b r g a f ra n t raam .

for ilgaplng ar for light haiaakatplnf; with kUofc»natt*. _ _______ __ROHEVILLK, Mprtla iva., 4], aarner Orgaga

■t--AUfiotIva, llgbt. frogt bad raam; MtBiB bMl. b itb . alootrla IM ti aultablg fur

of klteban; prlTita

R O i R V I L U L n « i r L g e l t i W i i B i ftAtlob— B a a l i t i i i w om BB wi l l raiG b* l r Maand

floor m o d a r t t g p B n m a n L 111 « waak. Ad- diwaa M. %, Ri» B, N^wa n d i H f e v i L L i ^ T R r i c o r (» u r bitMciiviir

Bl ib i t I r4H>mi, s i n g l i A t fgQgagtli ig: #• « - v a n l ih i l a l * r k « W A i i f i b t t b l l i B i t « i JRiwy “aeg. Taliphhw % % 4II.R o ipvH X a. i(art¥~TQ rtw aik i i 'u -

Larga fronl y«#m. iuMBbli far tiH fin* llanioi «r bMilniii cM grt; naar Lackbwiiina AM kbrM say tliioi. ^PcHeVlO.*. H«b »«W« • ( . . 'C - U n * front I

r a w a f a t t w a laaUaPMat e * l U 6*k*i a ll l i a H * , l t t o a a J a a r a f r e p i r a a t t e m .

K a r t k„ W I t ^ a i w r t u i k & l i an Im-

jtf a r i ia p i t a : ■ M U a • a U ' .

Ik a l , ««—g i W W a i,i a n


I.TliN* KiKMa, Ha,,1,1 IIM -Fur-EilgJiad r n o i ^ w i t h iiuur<l If p r e f a r ra d . p r u

k»ip farwUy. | f ’‘r»m ImiJay, Jltn«,v.NliMTM H K V ie H - rH ’ s T , i n ' — T » n r 'urrl .h»(i .

ru' inia. w l t k b o a r d c u n ven le n i lo t lineygand 1 r t i l l eya ; a u p e r l u r l a h l e . _____■T'ft t7C5~8T. , l i - ( I r a u t l f i r l ruoma, rutiulng

w a te r , e l a c t r l e l t y l . i n ru ln p grh Hir t lenj IS mlnutea* w a l k f r u m B road and Marke t ■ta , board np lF i-na'i o U T K ET .. >Zi I t u i a l H o r t o n ; ' rfioma I t Si

up; With b o a r d | I 9 u p . a g r tU a b t ma«l«; be ina t o o h l B g ; p h u n a . oLaclrkt , atouwar betha] l^rge, _ a jr y r o u m a . ___ ^


AT HY»TBL LUCERNT;.t l l i B R O A D 8 T .



, Rilao for room and boardikna p*rooB. |1T to t i l par week.?wo poraoBo, I room, |Z4 to |J4 prr week,

brae gartOBO' I rnnm. |J3 lo |49 par week, •u ltii with pr.vaia i»ath In pruparilbn.



----------- ' r KtX>ni(TKOt'i RChViri HOTBL LUCKIIKE.


f ? *

Bank art,. t<l—Baaaiirai. Iar('. front ronai, oMlIabt* far Iwo aohll«n.«a nr t.uh

BOM roualo. all laik ia: privaU Umllyi« U k w wlitioat ( a ^ k w r t . _ ____BROAD IT., l*Tt. ABwrtaaa Ilotiaa—Room •

■ai BtiaHi otnolloat moala^ bomo coi.hina. rat*# l i t a*, rtioaa MartiM D Ti^ ^BBQAD *T,, »Tt—P O tlB L SjioO k AVAIL* _JikLB A-r TIIB ll^MRItfltADl_______ _NBUON r t - , I*—l-ar«o fraal rsaM: all Im* '

trooomoBta: (oa llonaa aalrt homo c«ah«la y ___________ __________ ______________ ___ _PBtVAtB rainnr. aa W aohlanw aoa, of,

fM la ria U0hi rwan. baMiMM m a la l i t w t A ^ i a lln a itv a k ^ a Phaeo B . ^ A t u t . , H iB lIlu rA V k.. tlT . aaar Mtaioi:

(tv* an* naavaatwal nolckbarbaail; 4*>t .ttabo* IMW*; nuralna aerata**: ■oailoimil i»a h a rt larf*. alrv roMB. aa AMoai IMMw j« U * ^ -ja w » 1 aMi««a>*l ■■unait t l i iiit

’W S iF r* ‘Ric''i?i7T''' "<twiriSiiSt3Ma T H fif—Blwaai. J a r* , mamai, tkaanr MflKt'

<S!S!-91 w et< L w » . e ^ i a , ,

l O A t B W i l f l i l l

•5 $ ,'« !S r t6 S tS S 3 !■ ................

' i :

- J Y . .

' 0 f : ~


i w ta > e . i t f i w

W H W t lI.1M 6

' L-

v r ^ fo v RS S bJ T

Hlaa « r V » iSlifc l**M=r'«»: • • ^ - »'»*■: UUf^ttoM fr**.__________________^SSSssnss:'*~!* * fe l ? * * ^ ** . w iT ^ridW w ^ wiiiw W W l "f*?, V /y■...,.. . | « « n n : e t iu n k ^ iH l I rw iieii »ii hiaJt *( , m u iw , «lwtrt* (•■•.

m M , 11— ' f ittian tot wom: »» "**•

SaMMHto( »f ktife lah*. l*tM^------ - ~ - -------— ,-------- ----t n n , • ta ta n a m m 4 hcllv t. nM i* to>ll- i t4 .(;ltinc» -< T uk rtcitiw ; H i.----------- _ • . . . . -------j , , * » j« , iM»i Ir &

i l ~ ' r itiian iPY mom ; W W *»I ts>l» w r t ; . r»ns* *M HMm m90fm\ •otPfmfmt i« 1 i * th« munw

‘ N*«rMk ; i . U m v 4. 14 1FIm m THI I WMhm|Uii F»rk; ^kow

M * r f to Ftt^OhM*

Loon«i^_ 14 , in t^*^**

‘n l s i w t 'isii'/C 'K T u S tA ilii. w S i S « i r ~ 3 5 K^ l i l if ■ u m h u d >««*toi n U r to t i— tJ toto

I to b w T * » ! f « *?"■**« *1._________I tolj»«nr. » ^ r to a r n m f * * ■ . . . . .I a lVIa 7w H it «t »tv a dM % U H tm l*

OKAkai. B a rriM tt., t»—U«»i« at lala r»oaM, r»fliv»d latallaa; <«a U a-

Mm tm BrtCk ^ u r« k Itotlon ki»4 tro lln i. S * J ^ ^ <Vp»***j*i *** OfokM l I tTV E lS fo it t ifO B —'Two fcMeUhilir"75r*lekoI

fillM vKll ««MilV«t All i 4. ttAtloSi ttonikiiiT, l l ' l l , Nortfc

I mltk Im o l^ r non »|

•|tMI •*•.. Bm i Orm—.OBjtliSfc'lto’iia “ij-ilMtoii a ta , <♦—

dtabla duiibl* raura •rllh at aUkaalk tatd i ikrat uiaaiaa ^ ik a a a a a a ,____K f t OiU!iaB.“ ltaloo » r r t l—Bm ™ a i^

for foniJ«n4n, kflMio kom*. Boeerl, pkono Or4m^_W#4fc. nOHT' okx for iV* Im M

•ittlooold eon»4fl«ol, n!o* Aa-troM Koofo, Voi _A, N*V ®**‘’*' **f f *-P R |\A fi~ fcn u r% 4 # '•‘koorfoi froni roaw;

‘ M looiot B r ia k C h« r«k ktotN a; tort* boottttful iMaUoOd tonfOi Fbooi

iiowon G«. or }cuBfi m*o't ood l l l . l l , and tli-T li >0M t m UmaJio. WlUlo'o m Im roonta lk4 MorMI •«ooroad Itoer. Op*n •oontakOk A. Ca L Yon». oyrodtaOa____________AtU'tiALdT riiM fTeofirT^ioTiTTrTnjrii

___ hahy '<*or^ga, faod c«*2hSMfc)tkool oil moatka; ttiojr ko k M %% 4U

llmoj rMotinokl#; * ^ .^J* * •towofij mClark ■!.. frkono B. B. U lf.

i s s r «rSSrifi

f l | r t n l . v i■Ml Oroai

T?ortiniM ra a»fc. O roafw ^oo lar*« room, «HK board.

Iw tool, (o bo «ror,ai^ ohotilfi eotortof ia dl><r»alnotlBi ktro^no V'hono 44SI.

nL v ib ^R l. l l - i F>0 larv*

rimlnotlaj k*r**>no r hono

lOARD WAWTED-Oinr OF TOWN|U>0M oad board, la rrlra ta famllFt

jo m c frBlltman. irl'hla waUitnjby

dll.tr^I of ~|4k»nr«o Tale^ilatlti# Oo., OroafW.

C. J t » 0 I.aurtI moa , Artiy i a . ¥ w 6 rM m tadfoM wu^ room »»4~’h o v i

irllk prlvKi family; itaio tormo. t i lifonCy»<n*ry at . Hloottillold

COUNTRY BOAIOeoTTdOC—lli(h. akal, tMtfuJi l u n

AAdrut it.rUM*. tluula . huA« caoMaB. 9i rtaanaa. _H J ; _____


O v fliat of ilaaad « o ta r o«m m i a( y»wr lanrtoi day and f i fk i i v i "*****_

ay klaoi; ______M«f7 n y f M i4to rowr movlOf Mrarally•ay lino. or* Hoi»»«d

m*vlJ w*«kky•w Iracka a n k i Mml-w**kky iHyi lo all

Miati |B Now Tork tu ia . CoanocUcat. p iM i lilaad AM MMMohuaolla. Pasnarl' vMl4, Warytud Md WaaklBfi an. D. c. wo«r fMdi ar« tmarod atofbiN rlfi «r damAi* wkll« tm Iranalt. duly trl^a la all

‘ nra patoti; writ* or pkani; aatlavataaikaarfmlly fvmlahad.AUa 1wall MOTOH f*0..

II Warraa pi. iWarkat 41 lU . Navmrkt Nickt Md duoday pboaa HomUi 141IW.

irT K itfioN -T w i k«v^ » t a r tiI m ' i ^ a r t* Aibarr P uk fwtok « » k lr i .11) Ukt

full IT m H toad haok *t twftk to MP poial m a n u b ia

iioDrmN rroKAOB ro ..f t Aladamy a t___ Kh«n* Mkl.

rwi» llTUnltb kld(., I ClUtloD M.. tau wld ( » .

m rr aad coarirtlonary atora far Brnaal Klaalalt 4U Chada lck av«. dU ertdUora$ 4 in m

(kalr klUf »Ukla flra daya at abava

ITT »ilat waliomt, ha«tr'd t*fi >ay bad aad

Vivlaa rraa^M raakrall ( i ia______ „ . , , ... baard.

T 4rlH Bot ba raopoMlhio tnr may d«btl raa-Sir tad by k*r oa amd aflar Ikli dataWard i.^ R c k ra ll.________ _

TO wk‘>ni II raay oaoaotti' Tha a ia i * erf ^ “ D, Ba)Mia c r

vtllr Hamptom and Mn. I t Baylai

•aid at pabiia auciiim ai II n ipyitr

am at., Novark, to M tlifr a tirafa aad at bar larpaa. Jana 1. at I A. U. Baolaa d| p r f

■rawiCLOJ:U>JCl> VAtf nw kiif lilljr tfipi u k*t~

aaft. dibury Park, Atlaailo ttlgiilama*.

roll, 114 §q. ft., prica. II and 14 par


iraan:aider l«d

rC ;baadlaa

•irtp ahlniUa, 14 p*r aouara, ahila tbay laat t . R. Naylor, 414 Waaktapton a t ; tal. iwarlitoi b ill ^taMlahrd U ll ______Annnn7«~"or7vo?t*i§ matwrual: akOpbaK raS^

1 ^ raaflnp at lowaat prloM; aapnalt anta' flaa. baai aad rbaapaat. aavaral earloada aa hand. a« alao da roaflnp. n a dattvar. Tba O. K. ftooCIng Co.. 411 M ath Tbiriaaotb ai..Hbana WoYariy Ul#. ___ __AWNlNiW-'-k!aavaM e«oara,^wt«laMla anA

ratmll. AMkaabmrh, Nawarka l^rraai awning fa^ary, I4 | Plana at-, pboaa Mar-iL** 4Tit, aalMwtan wilt aali.______AH^ you I t^ la g far"barrataj in man't

aulta and woi-klag pamta, roadi by hlgb

THATCHBR *«al raapaa. ^ . . . _ . .a baryatn lu qvick barar. Wtllud,

g uih ewa^a aai. Tali MarkH H it. _ 'l HaTCHICR fornmoa, Na Til; liaaTFaTK?

lory, rwaaanabJa. Apply QHby Wtra ■ pia ca.. 11 Paaaaia paa.( MarriaMto r n t e D t r iUtT, Bm 'M U l»i Mil 'wtrik

1*1 B F . lt« F*rk •!., O rus*! v k tuOrmnfo f l H __________ _ __ _

marirui pklmra^ maaklPM far aoia N J llovla tap, Ca.. I l l Mmrkat at, Naw-

ark.M W


tw b ■I’VN ^*t kPT if ^ ).rrtrat a t , call aftar I F. l i. .

ftv'u'lKXiL TA^tJKM, akatn maT"iCrra, <^aala, ebaap. 411 Maw a t.______________

TV l^LW nrod¥'M da (oM tabTfoad a«a9* ik>n. oacrlftaa la qttlck bayor* Oatl drad

atcrra, 444 (iramga at,tla« tallora, at raaaonabta pricaaTU l Math f>raada_mra ____ ______d^ffkN B A i U i. Nawark'i aldaat raFiabta

bait and auit <m i rapair ahop; amptrt laatbar rtpair iB*n Aiaployad, qmlck aarvlc«l4l Fiona at ____ _A llirV cr W bTai^uf'Tarialna in'aiara tla-

twroaY \t'« bar* (ham, tlmun, l i t Rraao at,. ntoF NpMnyflald ora.._pl|ona_4ail W ar.^ X“ A. ckoudife, rRlT^TINO. I* j''p la a a “a1.

DtTXHBArid, RNVElAOI'lti. rAROK t.l:TTieRffEADfl. I t . f t I7F.

Y o r if^ iU K B u iio n d n i t . Mm b S Udr ’a aargm draaa. ataa 40; botk UkO aaw.

MU Rawiaad a t _____________. H -l , l » td l l iU t e r r a cotta fcHlttok

blorka Napant c^natractioa Oa Coiaia* bia tt^kooi. tprlmgdml* ovar aad Qraaa ft..Boat Oroapa. ptiaaa Ormaga 1411.

H o m liR ld Gm A u d F w sitw *ARB paa iktmklTit aI ^ I b«yHbf fmriatarat

■ > firo M a “aLL kioda of aeora fiaiuraa obaap. aaa vta _**.*i* .■•--- dftHa«fuid I waW and oampla plaeaa. ap^ " ttoAl dlaitiot w* KK.*a raa 1bafora yon bay ova., M.^Bi|f]ow

Pomnuir. IT1 HIT.

If ao, dam t fall to ^ a aa a lall. aa* oar larga ocoak and flea aaaoriBiamt of ■Ugktlr

a«4 of ika Dlgk

WVTM^iL IF p«««apiM « mq

N n i t v , m m twa iaalari M f a a n t» kM FafWMesz par IM I f ib to fair takdlltoNi ' “ and wmrdrabaa.

ally, kaya lo a#Mtoi fanitaraj ka ^ j yrtaaa



DOJTT BBIX T O ^ ' NlTTM t o OTMBr l i t ^ k i r r n u c M • AMD LAMOB LX>T|^

D. 'ATI. rv R . FAT


m i CAMlaaatad______

m v i hoda*. buy* efflio avtUla and yalaa Wriia far Martal fIM

a t F m u r m n t s o o tai II BpfiMnaOd Awak, aa. buy* all klAda kaaklAda

loadlaa fayaa aaitmato

•tokt. w avarip id t i .

tU tka »ld faoda, ikalr full


k H i k t f u : —at Tal. 4 t n

WlV pap m m tkaa may tfaalar far Cklag la Imo af farmlimra, oarpata.fioa

. oarpata, ruga. af< f w ltu p a pad Ortaaul

kifauifita ■aUau

k alothmm aaa., faBaydJaaa of immatlty. ar amall Tata. Ow pram pt aUa&lloa will

■ayi yaa m m r doHarm. ^ T t M1 ||6 yW kava la fM ihitfai kam ^

kold ttoda. aarpata. rm#A amall ar larga aoAAUtyj aaa ma kafaaa ya« »aU; jpoalilYaiy iaat aaim priaaa paM; aallmmataa riVaa traa; alt kaaUam aaaOda«ital aad prampi attan

oaadpaaUL ■ Larmaak. I l t - l l l•aUL ■ Larmap. l i t toil ar p h o n a lZ ark a tllO i,

ti l lklmmay a t; aail a r _ p h c in ^ ._ _

1 ^ 'l ^ O T BaLIMVif ta U iltaf you a k ir atary wkaa U


BARciAiN* IN rv ^ r rn T C m o to r*Tha hind and aua yoa wmni, for rant ar

•mia at raaaonabla Prtraa. ihara ara Watmor,Crofbar-BTt*alar. Waaihiahouna. I'aarlaaa, Rabblaa A Urara, ate.; al] guarmotaad. va maki a oparialiy of powar work and wiring. Cail un up. Idarhal l l l l . l - l ,

BUBCTHIO MOTOR A KCFAIR 00.. ______l i t Maipay at.. Newark. N. ____

r*nl dlaitict. «a aa*a yaa l l ta II par cast,Ya..................................

BAROAlNfl IN ELB cm iG CLBAMBRI.Orarhaaitd and ivarmtitaad

all attach man u. |I4Baraka. i

. ....... , . . . Imparlal, f l l , Fr(iTamlar. H i, Kaovar |lb atkora l i t up larga tank tiiacMnea. t l i - l t i , coat n a w llll , wo rapalr all makaa. ranial mmchlmaa. M a dby. Wm H Jamounaau Co. 14 Aeadamy al..j»baai Mulbarry fiaT iUILCERK fONTRACITORt ATfEWTf6Ki


Ctocrata block*; fair prleaa; rallabia aar- rtOA Mon Camtot Frodurla WorkA H tl Nortk Bread at.. Ljooa ranAO, N. J.

HiiAlNB^Worklng truvaer* and owataJli. IM I up. worth doabla, al»o

Imdlak garmanii and roen a aoaia, atlgbllyworm vary eh«ap. I l l Dr>.ad #1. ■______IlI/RROi'ofM ad^imf maohlaa. i~il; )iaiD*

Ingtan typ-wrllar. I l f , Todd ehank vrltar, IH . iiattoiypa, | | | , a . Wapnar, II Fmrh pi. fiuiri'Ti IT'i. lamp liiapaa, haml mada ”Val1

fur 111 aach; adim faw lamp adoko. champ. tUrrlg, *U AuwMtvaf i va. cHy, ftitAlTlFiTE poTdian »ak aJda boa d . |M-

tabla. 110. booh'kaapara bigh daak. I ll tl Thirtaamh avo.fu BT T * 'K R T *O ienu . % 'Vn.~rM4, b.r

■U*. *Iw l«. r.4 «•!>•< x . l r c.rMl, l<c«ll4 n«ir, U l Ll.• rR __________Ra ST "CARRliOl.


Altoiti. Mrt oi wbola famda Mliaitad. |rIAU« MOTOR —

AllAklle' I laa

CO.,ttirhii Baal

Fkama Ukt I4H. H ^aftam pi._f W o 'in a gnlmg to fenalto May tf . am# rmn

gabiff lo AJhMy Umy f t ; cAn 1^* down to rt ar fall loM ramannmkU. R(bll Tranipor' mtiAm Co.« t l WAfran pl. Fhona MarhalMH; might phono. Rpaalft t4 l|W . _______flY w iF E T M ^r* Bpattrnam pH|

- . body: goadbargmim. Fago. I l l park mao.O^mga.^^ c>rgjt|a IHTJ

B A R ^ CARRlA(lB--|n parfaci eoi3iilnn.( ai] 111 nunyoa »( . aamr CHntom p l, aao-

ond flpar.__B A B t*C A It b t A m rnd ' ■tron.r tor .a ).. r*.<

■oB.bl., ry i mi>rialB(( lol FinnirlTant.

l.T ,-------- N un). Ro*tt(MT OrlBB,1*1 )*lt mr t-M .nd bo.rd. I w ll ant

r>w»niw« tnr .n r d.bU c<n,tr*elH bf liw O K R aR ORtMMr, •«< U ttlblM » • . . N » brli. M. J 11»F a . IIM ____

BQaU i Wa n t e d at o k c r fo r two ROTE I AND • TEAHt, WITH KIND

AND r ( eH (c t a b i,r rA M iLrrNO AVB.. NEW ART

It rtR U -R L - .. . . .AVR.. NCWAKK.

r A i T i y s - ‘tb^dw aiornTTr.. May II. mn tAka dowm part or full lamd ramaonatfa, M

WO kgro A m arn . Mmil Trmnoponatlon Co., I t Warran pl. Fkona Mwkat 4 ttl , night pkoma. Roaana 141IW. _nS t ICII t n AtJv C R B O ffo lti: Ban dhata

kM bought tho bujinaaa uf Mai Zlakaad M HI Rldgaoood «('•., city, i'raoral allo la l^ Uftofa rndajt night. May |4.T 5 wham It may cenoarB: t wifi not bf ra-

gpohilbla for may dahta iinlaia roniraciadkr m/Mif. w i ik a n k

llltd Wairhuflg ava., Waal Orango. B U T E D O a r D K L E IN « t Tl« R .rfb ii a t

kM Mid har groeary ta I. Blaom. All htlli mutt bo praaaatad hafara Baturdgy, Way II,l i t* ____ _____ ____ _____AhTTBoBT imvirng part ta #r tro ip lal-

mar «r im rugta ju lng totuotay FkomWAyariy WTI; f . w! Truoiyii| Cn,_____

wiabia* “bah» ’ girt Uknard; ntafamra iwaulfid. Addroaa Baky,

H. Nawa oftica.

BART rARRiAliE. IfN ao^iD OONDITtON 111 ATTOR iT -_______________________

oo all ptirchataa, tufrata and cMaa alaaata. t i l la 111: drraaara and ohIffomBlarp, 111 to l i t ; ladlag' wrilinf daafea, |1 to III; adWtag macblnaa. |4 to | l l , round asd aqaaro dia­log raunt tablaa. aldahoEMn. parlay pmllaA library tabjao book Baaaa, Horrla akalrt. roc Mara; vary larga aaiqrtfMat taa bMad, t-oel and gaa rangae, ratla\iraAt and hltokam iBti;aa, 1,|04 qutUa. I l , l l amd |l . Bpaclalfi Brautifal aatra larga aldaboafd. quartorad [-ah. Mt. worth II0<T. aoUd maboffaay booh- [•«*« |74. worth t i l l , auartarad oak Frlacam dtwfltoar. lU , wortk |TI; plamo, III. W«r« V.44. t piaca rorly Mrak tod room lult* Ijio. worth | l i l ; caak ragtatar. Ml. wartk 1101; lot Oiiamtal ruga. bada. ipdMU wad mattraaaaa; ruga and oarpatn; wa will aae*pt dvpoalTi on all ordart aad daltrar at y*tir eaovantanra. all oHr aad Mburbrna Aallvar* 1*a mada fraa of chariya U. 3 Maat, Ml- Ili-IIT BroadjL. naar Lackawmi ATfiy^riON—A ^ n T U a of abaaU. toimadA

bad mail, ubia ooran la aU oalan ami atyiai. vniitraaMi. aprtagm; alaa olalkM Jar maa and woman, aalliag oa tka olih plaa. H par aaab. loaklag aoly for koaaat paaplbi drop ma a lima amd X win aail aa yaui •triply '•oBfldemllal^S. Laylk, 414 Avoa A N tfi^l't m ata tam r^ra ltu ra . R riTIHalat

174 Waakihgtom arm., maar Holmai i t . BaMavlUa, N. J . : jhama Balla^Ua 1144.AT uN(7B—Wmtants of roaming hamaa;

mual V494M J udo 1. funtUmra and carpata goo.l n« new II AHantlr' a t.; »o da»iara.

iMUmf ma aaa pwur atwff bafaru laava yo«r kama. If you want a

pkoma Markat . * Ca

you talgaad prtoa pamS poatml 'III* H t Waaklm^am a t , ______ALWXY> pay klghaat priaaa far aoatwti

part or fkli fUU rwrnltur* iioraa.daaariptlM, oftloa tumiiura;

aaa oawftdaatmli prosip l gitamtiem. Tal. JtarkM. U aaM ^A >

UliANI* now wtakogmar paHar tablA fifaniar iruDk. at iOi Bomonal at..

fall until I P __*K rA iC t (aactlaMi).


aqua/adining tabla for amlA M dtolara. II Fmr<

lay avo•mliaiouN iPiJ^F living ^raauT

■«i'1 al your own prina. Jmqutra man. III Blghtaanth avA

s n jBraaa-

C'HAlhJt. toda. livtmg rooaa milU. Uklaa, at#.tu na av>ld raaaunmkia, at III Cbadwich

ova , In baaamani __ _______________ _

aaatngaaahola ant taw^lK :

ClXyTMlNfl—W« kaaa about I I I parda of rammamta of aatra ftna wrvolana and will

make tbam up In l-plafw agita far only M il l , vaat |M < vitro , veiuai up (o Ml a ault and aoma raallj- wari* rnt^ra; ihl« la no agafgermtie>B. aa lha low la vary plrlcl In ragarda to mibrapraatniing valuaa. ond whan wa aoy valwaa up ib |4 i for only Ml 14 it mual ba to. borgolna Uka ibla ora oniSlakad up avarT dgy. Ooldbarg Broo, 10

lorkat at,, naor Waak1ngli>w>

('Li>TH!ff6 ~HAliaAyNf. — U',n‘t lAmili Butta, modi by laoding tollora. o( aocrl*

fka. alM working pania orvd ovarallo, rhaap. f^U ('ohR B atovl, llT Houth tirwnga Ova. COME, Took o< avr plumbing fii lur*#'bafnra

you purehaaa olaawnara. poTr*;ain anom- alad ainha. waoh tuba. rUieaia. IJ.lo-tolh luba on* lovatortaa of o ronaldarobia aoving Nldatiburg Co., I4 | Th^rd ova., *rjilr<y pttlh ortd TnlTly aavanth aio , N. Tf,

DON'T NBIJ, year furmltura bofara m«; blfhaat prleaa pold far oH ba'

gunda, in iorga or amoli Iota. 1/ you wo:■ova m^may, coll up ifarkat 414L B 71 Acodatny al , balwaaa IMona Owd Wlo|tuh Nta. _ ______ _____________DAVKaNK’RT (i'JFA. i l l , Wlloaa A OIbba

aawlng mochlna. tU . dining room aulU. 7S louy'B daah, 111, rugo. corpaiA 4t

book of Uakna'a. ______

bualiaaa• l O ____ ,___________ ________AJtB yoa looking for tka klgk dollar for your

lunitarq or aoytkiag you hova far oola. lo larga ar small lota, and daAl wttk raputoblaOJaf Tkto wiita, eoJl ar pbwna Markai

J. Ellvarmoa. I l l lUiaag ytANtiairfe rtTHNiTURE w a n t Kd . ant


CAN,.... . . _ u m m ■ w a wIHtort rbUww Am r « M WbewaW «m >.

t l l W b r r w t . H t t R f t w g a p , .


flak, plgaagm i a f t f i wmmtad,Ur data af m q n dgwqgFiftaamih ovAj ttm m m ^ aNTB& Fiwmlb aPEartM.

klgkaal priaM pM* OllAtam arm.

OUkU*may omtitoTFMfkapb Mi

BABDT apwm flMd 004 kNtot palAU

l l T l O far l l f l ; Ubla iklfmaatBi

wtoi R toJgiU . i lT f to ),**• tor IM I; luM - .Itoteatlaw fwrmmuad

DEKWi raatolo . . . . -

ifAl TypawHtars b f f .I t . I t » ; np» l).A rm lH af. ■Htw i . . . M r A R LiH kl

CmmW ^ NA.I Itbk

n llk j will u b * rm A bmtUr o*w r :jQ baaMhlo Jooak FoJamg. OkagimM 4to„ OM Forma.

■oWTiFREiiiplga and Japoaaaa gaaao

maokoi alca for ormomawto. WiTork ova.

lal a f bM p rotofm U* long

I. 1 Maw

Yi:iT”COV* 'aU 'I r a a ^ far I dtOM. F^orolUma,

M. Jaal*. S f f ' Hlli, C ^ k

M g e *ieUblM* I CrmoMA

U > rr af braadan twaaaaablACornaoux, Woltaaa Hamats i

Call t T F a ^ f l ; Qronga, W, Jf.■WAlX&Wt. brmgoaoa. Mamibibm. ■bfiloh

puulara, ■torilmga. Claoa Lag. Capa OAd Muffad Tomblam. Ooraaauii omdlrlytbg Mam' era. k'ana 4 Uordao, III Markat a t

vvEWRFi 4 Avnr BB4T Fm CBS FAlJ^.IBUD poetaXk b h K o u r r m i work tWOTOK ATM. BELLEVUXB, N. J .TIU BMLLBT lL tB M M ______ _ ______AMOiArfBLIr F»lI~?or fur.

■H«ra oad kawaahold gaada; a* quoaUty all. aawd paaloL coll or B. r o r k M 4 Eamo. 11 l i

Wh it e moI ^ a in b ^ l i w . CarMaamA

tea larfu ar taa aa pkaaa Oraaga t i l l .Npibr at., Oraaga.

roomAd-FRIVATB party wwata ruga, dlhliaf

aattA rouiH takl* AriMir: raaoonoblo. d r ^ iU la Frtoa, Bag 14. Nawa offlea A J^^ ^ ^ l“ WjRJf ITURB BOUOHT;


Coblaal gaa rmnga. lra~boa. two r«ta or corpat* gw ^ oandiUom. raooonoblo.

II Oagrarmaur af.; B. B. l i f t _WILL par f*H' pfUa for knuMboi2*"miaSZ

■ ■■ H. J Huml, MT Broodafflca fmrmiturw. at ; phoQo Br«aek Brwok IITI.

D vf* rk I Ckt>AJaOORA hlttawi

oota and dogm, Mwo iwaiaaboordad, Indlvb

IM prleaa; iduol ruoii;

a l^ iiaoJlr tlfhtad komiala, opan oJr *Mtj Rutharford, Dirdo Na*i Canary.ave.jLyndhuTet ____________ ___ _A hTiH I for jogm and

WMhad. oHppad; liMlIvid 71 0uM*i av , N

l i t Farm

cota^ boof^ad. I qttortara. rao-

Arlirtgton, Arl III

ITS lOH Hoiaay

DROP HEAD iliSOBR. m a d ikutUa: ta fina ru^rUn^ ardor, l l BollavlUi av^

luM.Mn H'Viu •ul... ci.b. •4 iiitoillijm rIm pH palntlnga, vary rtoaam-

■ hiv Talaphona Oranga 4I41J ___ _IM.NI.SO ri>uiw vulta, mahogany, 4lmai$"liiw.

Will og':rifi<-'* Call morfiinga, B, Caha,


.V ^ T H mEu SrRilR W ltl~ir«fw3~M t. AQ vR* kAb. b oibim u u ' l t tib.

FI-AlTTNaftlgk-grad* plaMIflg. rwffllag aad raakwaar

to rottr utipwac ■altoforttoB; i t aowiiFfUaromtaad; 1 o1«» offar my akirt

Bapanmaat; wnty ploUad ih lru Of'cipiodi Ml of your malarial wa flaloh pialllat aad M rt. raady U waax; j«ai a try wlirploaaa fum. Vliftar H. Raadorfy, 11 Acat* g ^ a ia lng_ pa^offlOA

TTRLdfiRg rannvatadmalkadibai ipringo fWMliwg; faattii

lawi rrnavalad; braaa bada ropeHlahod:troaoaa aad baa apfUtga mada U ardor ; a#tl> mataa ekaarfuily glvoa. in addltiaa wa carry a fill Una ef badding. bo | irpriaga. ourtami^■ ^^o tjrow a; * l ^ e t raaaa_Mblg

tmaaM and torn apringa mada in ordar; up- kalitarlor. iHp tovan aad few rumituroleaf pwej - • ■la U ofdirr raaoanoUa. awHmoloa okoar*« r , , ..................... _yttwmrfc, M. Braach Brook IM t


- --.... j.toa akoar-glvoa, Lawaoaiaia, ITI Broad at..

t f l fkirmoumt ova, bear Boath Orongo aa*BadiMva drvaaaa. owitg aad wrmpa at a I t W aaai. raductlofi. Aduaaaad mndato A aadorfil apportuajiy AtUroilMO frao. yal^toanlngm. Fkoaa M ulb^v i t M,

BED*‘i i ro i , r o a c h Ed. i o r H i . 'Wa onatroet to aitarmlomta Migi and var> ilB ta homia. aportmanti, aiA, nr r«a eon

It with Tal. 1411 k«] ; IM H?• .•''•bLbte t i Bamborjara,KkanHaa* FaUy*a and FIromaa'o Pkar- nd ‘ ■all dcttf and bardwmra itaraos_____

IZ T n^E PPM rtimvatad by th t impravad mathod: box aprtngo rapalpod. faaihoriram-

avatad. hram bago r«lOi''quarad, Biiottrbaaaa and bov apriaya mnd# to ordar; wnrhmam•kip ruoFintoad: aanmatm nhaarfutlp glviA dmaricaa M a ttr^ Raaovatipg lig b ^

inna WoveHy 1®Tt.TRKMEd ranevatad at rualawiaFarST

madam malhod. I t up, bax aprlbgo f*a(h*r plllowi rrnovaiad; braaa

)da rapoliuhad. tnaiiraaoao and bm aprlbgl made to ordar Marti# Bf«e , Amarlcan ria- yvatavA HI IVarren o i.; photia MM. WIT.

CR. c, P HAHDEVTU.B, m Mmtbarry at., batwaan Boat Kinnay aad Walmul I., Nawo/h Hour#. 1 lo 4 aad 'P. M Oettaa vlaoad Wad


EVFERFT..1IO0V HAIR ramavad hg alaatrlo> |w*nty-nna yaar# aipvrU w .: A tiVNDAR. auacoMar to UHM B


CAdH REOIPTSR—Pfatlangl. raglataro fromI Ic up to Olio dollar, root I II wiu aail for

|S4; vuHabla for rigor Mora, lunch room or •oda foanialm Pblllipa Uopngo. lol Nnrth I'anlvr al . OraagaCi^ittrH K tora d1nTmi"im'd~parreT~'iobla~aad

m o tlaw 4 rhaliw. 111. mla j mahf>ganyrn^-har. M_1<* Wativob ova,, Woal «"»rkn|a.ilSdUNYEff, n d f ; ahaw eaaa, lo l, vary too-

lOMblA Coll 04 IM OrakaH ol.. ootidy •tor* ____

DOITT t h r o w t o u r COAT owAy. whan pomtj arm gama. moUh o nawr pair from

our wida aatactlon; raady wBoda ar ardar ol lowaat prloaa. bl«a oartwa, M 10 up. B Mnlatonmoii. |M Rprlngflaid ovt t>RKMRR^3unpT>* of lha iataat eraotfon*.

Oaorgattm, aoiln* trtoolaUaa, avvning

4) Runyon at , '■or. HlllJlda ova. _____bhoP HKa D Ningar oawlng mot'htaa,Idtah*

vn lon.v, rhirronolaf ood buftai C. Lao.44 hadgrr ove _ _ __ _____KI.Kl'THl'r’ VAlS0i«~'Ct;)6ANER, aA

ia> hiiitonto. Mi IM Fourth ova.Orengv, tal Orange 4fll]M __kN AH Rl/hlSti wiih moftTiae. ««varoJ plaem

■>r furnikito. ba aald: oonimry;raoaupi«i‘iv ml Heddom t a r . ____ENOMkH V^LN't'T bad room ood yoHor

vuiia fbir a*J« Inquira f l Comdao at.,Ftadvrich l*evay. _f‘lNKAr~quolUy Mk iToImg ream w Ua

vn ch'klra, table, buffal and ablim cloaat, baft mala opanand ono

t>ad aioA oil In aicoHant PhuQo fauth Orongo I f j j ; Mi

at., Uapiawood, hear Eprlaffloid

• firing itoiih roll

Acodamy at..

Uka Imprkvad: fMttigrpll-


faWDA kotlaa mpd laHa, roata fax bolow man itAatararir mriaa* i t NImtk o*a. ipnvatat S A N D R iB G i^ bVat iima rallVvad. intacura.

•attlad floarm w«Uo valnfurtad and Clymaa fhorlmg Englnaara, 4i

_ __ n i lDli^OND

borgaln. ftto

on# b<.>i rprlng, i rondii Ion Prnap*c( a v v , _______rUKNlTURB nrikrea-rw m " VpartmayV

aai«. nn daoiara Call rrlday ond iaiur day. ralrvlaw Ova, floor dautk T>tamg< avt., Puulh oroiigo. _FU m r bad# U t aafai aprlBgo, molti

romplala, M up. baby oorrloMA M Haaoret/'a gtorafA f Mollaad »t FnK BALE—Ao o«h eomar tbino eloaat;

chaop l l tf<)uth gtxth a l.__6 ah PiJiTES, 11 up. courhao Miabaordh

ga* rang*. Ire boiOA ckolrA atando, pk- turvio, badi, aUtvtA parlor ouUaa. dining MUb lablBK. roeher (bouaond athor plaoooi ekeap.MaoauMt 'a Jjiorag* Holland at

* a ro v k

BBAirrirUL mala Hnaton, bauaa-bmkan end g ^ pal, will bo anid vhaop to guod hntna

M Malaar at . raor of llahaa 4 C# , ph»n«Mkt. _______________iftOirON bulirianlolA padlgroAi. dork brTn-

dlA wbita inarhlrvg, 144 Rauih Taatb it..aacomd ll"or _____________________E M ^ if 'larrlar for Wla. fanrkola~

itlaga. Itow-k*! >7i Litrioion ova

IbffI,kloitaaa hefiA Humara. H l ^ Tllora.

alio laying hano, Giont rmbblto, gulmaa Mgm;Co., ITI M h

O f f O E f M H UiraawwRAi

to*M M m f 9»m I _______m artitoigito gmif t totog.

to& R T i i r i g w . r r ' a . y ! r . . i ; :

a t r i c a r . ROAL ET*!

,P. Ntl CANV I l f TO I t l

a f f l t Iia l tr» ^ ■ ■ ■

OFI'AMIMit: 0P|M I DAiLt? ACT r 4 lipFB . IM

oN B Ma r k e t iif.

BGlTlYTbiSiSr qlScliljp to (miEniflf mm aa^ ' i M r r . ..........................

ttodagipofc. MMklMrv. atAi aatoi, autataadtflg

aootptAbaag pmrahltai 11 OttoftoAb, 11 Cl^tam

Mtowou aw4

A O K t t wall knawn mlaa lempeiyTo Jllarwla kora to MgattoU with mmq-

tM ttogn dqwtiikg rapraatnUOto m CaUfar^■ ta a r F oct lla v m m E tatto A M ro m lU p ' ragfatnllva. M l M aad bl dg.. PhllA , F > ■Hjc RoffYo, tww ketoiA ^ur wogam

harm gag, kattlaa, I t o trMlamgrm, atA. f l j t l ; mmoi to mold ka fa ra Ju na 1. A^dreaa Bay-tohA B— 111. HawfM Z c lu n r i iu ^ *

fiaar I d ^ to to africA,


. lAthaa.Mmoktoa n a p ,

for OAlaj LIN mtoF* ff«tiIlH ' ‘grlmdafa, Att

I 41, M«W4

f u m i aplatura

•Mtlaulmr* pddrfggEol IfT, Rawa aCfl'm r o t o n ^ r a

lad tor trAMlUt vmmio mad o4aw umdar tamt; anmll ooaltol

im Juao, outfit aU oomplato. for right man. Write far foil

VAWda And Piotmr* Bhav,

A gulAf AWd'E n to

prafItAkla auioiloaol cm;

trocia on . _ .Addraaa PArinar,

(U .M I.iiomabllo bodySAnutoaturimg aa4

aaol cAFitnr aeadv. ___.. .hand ta ba aamplaUd ImmaAkotaiy

to takaaamplaUd I fd, Wawa ofCIco.

____ Addi-cor« of *en

r ^ l N i r f i L b , M. (InTolui tMuOstkouaA aanwtncidAflng' II paopla; owiur

................... • af I * ‘ ^ M«rltOamrli

fleawoata to aa|] kacAwaa a f 111 kM ltt, i to qalak kgpwr, Addraaa U-ML '

N J __________________FAR-nfER w u U E 'to r (m nf* r*

Mira* m a l l «a*KaL ir«at »*«t*B «r, i n qmlak. Ingmlra ta# MoJm af., OfAngt, Willow OArmgAK X ftlfilU N T . ■fafTr ' ra*>W*ll t* * i n -

udpta. law rant, a bArg*lfl; M*4; muat •all am %/BooumX of alckmaaA Addma R«atou- rAht, Bat 111. Nawa offlco RbS aIj IULNT tor M O .:~tlH iw tia*; *)i

- t M t. will ooll chra* tornftta:nytk QfAAgA AVA _________

‘■ rtir VT T h BOW raailw t .

loying bona,raoofioobta, Jotaay Pat Blank Nlfioiaantb at-, doat Jtouth OroagO ova

G m UOOAT with barmaaa aa4 wogan, MA,

A, Rnaaail, Balmaat Nartb Arilni N. /.


rrFTVEN tharnughbrad Batglom horoA tkraaeld, bucko and daOAmatiiho 1

i l l Mom at Orongo

S a f aFOR KALB, OAfa, In ftrat almoa sandltlaaj tP-- - - - - . ..ipigo. it loehao by i | by IL N l Mt. PleoaAnt ova

L a « b « rLI'MBEH and toola for aoia raoaanoble; gaw

chanoa for a Jabber. IM Chodwleg ova

C e A R c y i i l i nWE buy oil kloda nf cAOk ragtiion omd ra-

oil ava-

6»A irriF t’L padlgrivad Pwroion kitieni: wa^n aid. t i l L’linifiP ova.

Doa ellpplof by al«<rtnrity. llao ond all other hinda

Xoueebmk.»riof dOfi f *T

<11 Elghteenibm Ia a, Buebav Bird Btor*.av*.: tal llTi Wavarly. _________d6 6 oilpplnd by aiwetr4eTiy, ~Jgg hrMhe*.

korooaovA eaflarw, alA. fnv aola A. Bucher. Bird ftarA 411 Blghtaanth ova ; tal. M7fWavafly ___ ____________


Orrhfcr^ ,t. T,l. MS', Mull—rrr




FOR iAU*—*A tkaroughbrod l iu ^dfig. homea-brahan. utad tu ohlldroA two

yoATv old. Tal Montrlolr n i l *O'eRMAIi bfillna dog, aaoallani wotoh dug.

hauea-brekan. prir# | U._J_i• _Mul 1> ^ t_•!_WZSTWl>--lrleh t«rrlor ptippy, molt, padi

gvaad itaek. atota ag« ond prtco Addroa*TafTiaf, Pai i l l . Nawa offleo_ ___WANTED—karvicM af ' m r m ^ Roo'lnn

larrlar CoH or writ# Cook. H i WovarijrO V A _____ ____ _____ __ ______w h it e toy poodio pmpo for oaIi ebaop. Coll

any UIBA WotlA l id Boixli al.. avrfind near.

pair oT7 klnda in ohori time; vary raomn* abla prlcoL li^ugana FaitOm, 14 HlghlgadpricoL

Navark. N.

B U S IN E S S O P P O t T U N l T U S



Baatowi lOAdm amok way, pionty ol work id mat* truekp waadad to d» IL OET

WQl aill yarn trwPb 11% cook ood oJJaw am# yaor ta poy toloneo oad wa glvoyou work U KBBF TRUCK BUBT, Teu owm your own im ck. H aiklif ta worry About, but do Iba work. Far parttrulora addrooi ihIppImB, Bam 111. Nawa atflcA

taro, ault able for fyult b«r*ajkary or navalil**

otanBTORB-^Fort of otara, flattot. _ . _ .

•ito l lg l l f to t; dornar proparly' wll) alivr to auJI lewAAt. poftkwaal cantor Morkat and D«AVar ala.i ooo black aaet of Brood and Morkat'. w4li laggw for term of yaofA Id qalra N t-tog Mhrka4 a t________________

B I t T K U a i M

IR lH t E<MtoK MbMl. Oh U* MaJI. I t Qm - (ra l • * • , , cw rH r H A trai A .i m m t * d m HtoiF. Wr t RRitor AtJ F iMat WMltM

to m I I* )*:M r . M.: a tm « « n■ •tw tel. ktoWAM* to m l ; l t t* l:M p. it. DirHtlM ■( FiwtoMH’ Rm m w T. <FCi*l- lAtih. PkuM H w M t m .

6 6 * » a » "iMkad

HilUDBRjf DaBiClimoA pMvAld I ___MTcTltUkArdp iiwdm. I l l

•la Mdj,, i«i M irket Mid; bqgtomgro,dgy nod

A o S o m ,Al d liil iBB aeM gE T to i*

MM TmOfA- F r ^ F ; idvAMto. Tma* Mid ifarm. •vtoiigA • to. Itoy dAAoa. ItoMw, H iy lc

>i WiAkiM----i t tb i WiAkiMUhtf K A H e i S ^ o T V f u B l C

n u

ood Bfidga 0tA. prltota ar wa guArAolae; if yam kov# M ______Sma ta uo; pkooa 4411 MirkM; r«a,

m.; dAoeittf T»«adir i a | “bigpe^ala* raeaptld^ , ___lS < 5 n 7 5 ” ijt*iOHS-'-*rletiy"pfrv*ld __

ar tvaalag. Id BalAMiht i«A, hoxt Imorl- ma Waiianml Book. U Brill, llgalawTMl.

^ r' t ib o P Can^ o,

id lla y • ^



N ttiT, of ItoAl*. RF**>*K iMttattW, ttr~mwlr At lA* Air fiAtlM. HtAto EMtlm, Havt-------tUHRllAl. T M. C. to AAdCaIIae* I* X«r Wrat. FU. •t*4p)*t I***|ia tw* M *tk« with Frw. Ow ' ' ‘_________ Om MIh I* *«u*l uw* r w a In blah nohaaL Ba lataaaa la* la

J *two roA- - ___form aanieocae fram tko firol h Ing la Lmlla. Buramu af IrAmatillaa. i mC m ta privAta rimmm lo aebaala, almto iod

UullaaA EtadSa, Ml Bilfiad aU Etoi OfAAge; pbaM_|M4. _

bbrX it z ' e c r o o l or^H I wniHom at.. OrmagA AH loifiM m

um gki. elaeaaa »r prlviU. a F. OdmhfalaM-

S 4 « h 1i r r 4 a i 4 T r y m l i K llOH Im BkartkiAd, typawrUMp./tupHo plmoad la paoluama. D.

7 We a i a mtk av. 4IM*



W Irving

P iR K M u 4 O V f ta i• lO BAROAINa, CALL TODA.T.

FtAAoo, playar-pliBm, Tiotralio al rm idly law pricee, oMy lariBA

NEWARK FIANO BKCniANOB* Tba WarklDgmid'a Floaa ttaVA

________ 114 Eomtb Ormnfa iva._____

■ATINO lo kewok up haupakaoplig, Mmlhg away, hove upright plaon. Ilk* maw; mmat

iail bafora Juno I, o borgoia ta qmi^ brnyar AddroM Moving. Bfii iM, Nawv afflaa.

FlATB~>[ANoi mra kaawa i ^ ta li *Sw Mmirna to CAllfirnlo, with ■ raaard af t«

itayara. upright*, irmndfl: aarvd ioaiol oaimiorua: utad ptiom lild up,

~'aaaa ware roamOL M Mmliay_at.[fled ma now; mari-

BMAIX mAARfigtvrlmg bmtama far amJa;prica M il. emm to werkad aa a old# liaa.

Addraaa PrtoA Eom 4* Haww gfflea VNUBUAl. apportmmlty far roan (Oamtita i^ih

a few ihauiABd dollAra VApable of handling oaloa Olid of Boing Nawmrk aarpMAUofl tnaau- faetuiipg aoiM mad ruhtor kaali. «tc. Ad-draao Rgbtor. Boa Hl^ Nawi eCfloo__viaK T A sC j: p f^ R E toa aala; raa..n,kl,'i

avid on Acewuat fo ta f In atnar buolaaa* Addfeae BiorA Box iTl, Now* office _____

WOULD row JoLm with over 441 of Ptawork * bmt bualAama maw, Araoaf Ihaiw baakara,

lawyarA tWAckorw. doctorw, werklag mao and wamaw. la tka moat ewaaDtlol and profitabiahualneaa m aonbT Would yon Ilk* to Im­prove yoATialf rinmnelAlly lika wa are dDipg, naktng our dollArw work for ui. aornlog goad dlv1dandi7 T^raa large plant* lb aparadpo, ood wa orw only fowr raarw nid Tout mnnay will ba uwad f>vr Curlnar oapantton- Knllra output vvarpold aoeh roAr. If abl* to Ibvevi frnm Md4 us arid fwaJ rawlly Iwtaraaiad. ad­draaa EaeantlAl, Dam 41, N*wa att1«A



FHONB 4i«0 MARKETMEAT bfARKBT. n#AT Nawark; raoatptl

ll.flfi* waaKly. r%ah iTOda, DO 4al1vify;price tl.iap BchwArlA Ml Erutd at.*roLim II.JTTNFT RI’R. Rpwth Oranga ova 11a«. f

[area profit!, prica l l . l i * BchWmrlA Hr'iad ar , room II.


C<>NFnCTHiNEAT graoary, Cllwtm Hill «#(titoct, r«nt I II ; thraw roonja, racalala

1144 weakly, aail rwAWowablA iebwarla, Hi1ir»44 at , rt-om II

Bfaigtatwiid. Cllnlam at, aa

RINO a id arorf pin for aalw; Addpaae N M . B<ia |4. Nawa at-

& JviE 0>E a w1tF~priatrnf,~¥f,|« l . i l l la. W tttoP id : Oihara rb a rg e M .ftI W m . Duka

MM Piamewd at., PhilA; OAmplaa eenlI r

ilAB BTOVK- no il (anga. Ubiaa, ronkar* Enalondar tod, bln# flAiaa aiova, trtoyaiA

baliy carrtagA goa piatao M Burnet al. _i r E | l wp: goo raflgae, f i l ; ~ S ^

c.i>mpiata w ith ko lr moHreoa. I l l ; variety of o th i r fu rn ltn re i rhoA p, open ivanlng*. i l l M uibarry at-

FOR BALE—II pwrrh anraeana. Ix l. including dmr. IM; garden hwwa. 7 |.ft . Klgh*«t

grade, with real. |l> hond plow. *!l oiiarh- memla. M hnApaiOk aproyar. |4 , lawn mower, 11 lA Liberty. M, apodlng fork. | i ; rroMcut aaw. one man. I t . wardrobe, ii^y Ti 4 ft., oak, rollopalblA |4 . Drat tsoner tohaa; condittdn aicaHami. Thona Wavarlyn i l . O ifj. ___________Fa IX 'JN 'l.i^ '; ''ra r to ,riA U )(. 11.41 l.too.

bill hood*, anvaiopM. latter hawda at aoat. Freeto FriMinf, III F|ana ol ^A^TOBt aacanda^Xir aiie ohaop. aim

Wirdroto Irunka, Oriutala Trunk Ca .Ill-Mil Canifil iva^___ ________________FDR iALB-^Two nioBtel ovana. ran ba run ;

Uy gag; pnoa MB* Addram Dvana, BoxJ i ' ^ _____ ______FuC'R-RTJENER'gmi iitivw and lea _^hha^. ^ N^ Lofoyatte M . ________

KFRNaM modal i oaml rmagoi gawd oa i«w. Inquire k ill Urwva a l. Xfviagitaa] rao-

ronoblf, _ _ ____ __LA U r fy iif hMWflWa ftrf

aa1«. I. wmrnar. l t | mflay t F. M.

•prum at* eltyi aoli

IaADT hma lota atyla 4 » ^ kaod llmMt~i kii Raoavllla ova. kop


lag macklbA f i lHrtor r tg ^ ___ __ __LARGE !laa klirhew"^oe Wa

(luardoti. IM A laia^*r al IfA lT^G jr^ draaflar. I t l . iraotlrig tokla to

motrh. |M i Turklah roeker. lU:Uotliar parlor auil* Ml, braaa andlrana, fire H>t* and feudarA It Maiaey at., bAck of Hahna’A_____ _ _______ _

OA4K MAUj BTATfO, ton poal, iH i large m(**1on library ahoir, I II: cherry recker.

II.M: mihogooy flntxh divom, tapeatry aeat. lib . four walnut wall chnire. | | aaoh. *in*h

GARDEN HOBB. tanla Waiah * Sena 4 Cp

nd emnvae eovtro lo ia d iw'.ay atA

adaaadayp * '1 u *

Imbtal r r m R R riN iilllb ''MATCH TOUR FURNITOHE; WR C,

a AND DBLtVEK, WB AlEO■ n d -h a n d f u b n jt u r b . n a ti

REriHIHUtNH eo ., l i t WaU iH .rr : FHONK WARKRT l i l tu F trs N ic k v ,V r iir in ii

«r»*l alunln i A1« R«u A Bon, ,tflHU NlDtla.nth ficU lT M-l* Alpli., .L,yfwwirk: motor oa~ ------ --iUrige end jMckiog.

lit.'OR frotm oM ggmeta ruaiiT lJW

u ltra*u / lAlpln, ,1 . lrvin»l#B. N. J . ; pbani

J l l Wiv . ninto, « .,_ » ,,)« • bait

Ito* lltnuad lo wain,* b*d cblldran. hciiu, ,1 la 1> A. M . i lo t r . H. U U. I t B u i

jRjfc. elaoirto mmaaoga; expert ear*^ A E o V lf B^ii AN CT^il

tlT Wiihfngirm al.

prtaa! th* vogue i?f the aoaaefi. ^ u th Ormriga ava; pBoAa Marfcal t f l l ; epm avo< mlDga, iltaralfonx fraa. i t e l A L |iA i.li l< S i4 w ,litM S 'a» 7 iaT T im S ;a

•kopaa. *1x dlfforant atytoA worth l l moh 1.. other kmU h iif prim, EUr kiminery “ 14 Rank a l '

EaDY A Wauilful oprlng eoAl.plain eklrt.

_ - . vary ityllahlyinadv, alao plaM aklrt. blue cape^ not

iraaa. pink irih d**"**, vavarai praity turn mar dr**i*a eng fine itrten Norffilk 14'/aar old b-<y. all In exaelleni c ifld wry cheap. Markat l i l t Ninth *1^ naar Houth Orangi gv*CaH oE rmIvopiKail b a th 'tu b e . |4~1 SWy

tube, l l , lawn rniiwnvw, | l 14 'Id; la l lent fly, |23 M; b ^ d

•hew reaa. fi 44. ruuntor. i t . < rfi<Ml. Me aamvr'* Hlorag*. t llollRnd • LUMHEk. ,i.,ii i»nl pnT»a. lifB rliicv, rrnT-

ttoeiovF auppllao, M ir af gi>«>d farm dA i r


mul**, W i^na ai) ktndA New Jaraey Whiia- wmahlng Cc 1 New TarE RvaL a1?T*I omoM •!*• wriat wmlch nevar worn.

T-Jewel ll-y*ar. or>ai I I I . aeil ta euitx huy*r. M* Addmaa BargAlU. Box tl , New« offiee,___ilAitOE O il »molJ rug

more: oleebpl raoip et< phonoiTopkj chao^. I lj|_ Rgwiapi

■toJr c i r p i f P r w T ava, gee Ikrfw

y n u ilI VJUl ex,Co4'kicklL-&oubla liar ktool lochefaTTIilli

M. lih« inw, raoeonikja. Ml MTkel at.B e n B RUlfE'^Anetkir Morlllng aNart TII

m*n'e ond young men'e eelU i t 111.44; one ied two af o kind; «ol all alaaea but if wa con m ynu. you will gat moma torgoin; moeilv aemplae. w Uiia I *4 Mmrkal

nd floorgWen ■w?

klirliRB toblA M. vacuum daihar, M; lady'a vrlrlhg deak. flQ; fM radlptoi. 1 butnere,pew hoae._jjf.feo, Tel. OfmAgf ijp M.____O.Shl large refrlgwrilar. eha Wioklnf tna-

rhlne ond cluthaw wringer, ana folding coui h awd Hon bed, t o i t r a lfurd pl, f*‘>P~~BTnVK fop aote ch#*p. A p ^ bilby

Wire 4 Die Cp.. U r ***o4a av#,, JRarrlBon iMiACTlCjCLL't new goa range"Md^tootar

r >I MlA Oell C. Furber, 410 ivutk Bvl-mnr.' are , city _ _ ____rAiirM)Il, (ilnlng ream and hltrhte furmi'

lure, muat **11 441 Bcatland at.^JNAiye.^ARI.'-m ai'tTB, I ploo»; to .T a l, Hwtn*

machine U l nlciomflold avA

AT LABT—‘"CortolA'* bag «ry1vad ogolm. If yeu wAml rail elmoir toby aklcke from real

alaoay Al ataek look ourm aver before you buy. White WyAWdaMoA BlAck Mifioraaa, Anconae, R. I. Rada, RAjrad Hoeka. Whit* and Brpwe LggkorAA Aek we about th* following etwteisewl: Tkta lady, whoee nameand addreaa we will glodly furniatv had ehicka aeven weeka old weighing lb*., thme rbloka wore tad aimoat entirely «n "F 4 U. Buttemtlk Chick Food.' k*pt before Ibem pontlnuoliy; get eur feeding Inatrur- tloM, thia food la ear own ralitere and oeo't ba beogbt aI any alhar atara. garden laeilg. fertltlgerm, bug klllavik lAcubatora. broader# and all amppltOA Tka Fann 4 Oorden, t i l Market at.


Rare chAnoa to purcha*# *oma•lock lo a local oorporotlon, o boau* of common «tock will ba g1v*o with aooh ekor# Ilf prvferred. 11 wilt pay you to Inveatigai*. Addreae tnvMiment. Roi 111, New# offire. a i Tk n tjo n— \ bU fuore thoh th* other

fvlluw, 1 bur everything; beet price* tor conier-ia of etorra and m«r«hoa4i** ol oil k'nda WlUnei^JI Pprvn, ’ ‘ ”ALL klndg of kuelnM*

WAhn‘CI>—BBergatic yatthf m«P wltlTbuil- naaa expariaftaa. II.IM to lU.Ooe. Id «)»c-

Irlcol monufooiurlAg plant auw ruanlng end prade«,:lAg. qaa kov* controlling inur- ael or port owmarahlp; draw good lAlary, work up big far fuH portlcalaTV. glv* your pra*eal ■tending, to b# kept tn confldeocv, A^rena r onfldlanoei|_Bam ll^N*** offiva. WILC BUT port imteraerTn eutright garoga

er Diovta haoea, aatobllobad aod pruqueiQg gaod progna; muat be aouad, f*i.lUmaie propoaiuoa. give full pArtioulori fa flrti l*t(ar. Addrage lavaota*, Bei 111. Nen*afficA ______WE hova loA ^ina ahap, weufd'illia (o mOk*

aonikagUni. oo pArtoirohlP or oth«r rnutu- aUv aAtiofootorr WMa. wlin nofty who hae article to menufmetmra. Addrvi* Artlal*. Boi 41 New* offlea

r*Ara. mti ledoy lef aggy tarTTiA ‘ kUTER uprtgkl plAaa; gi>ed o* new; aAeri

flato: Peega. WkMnar, Krailth aad Eto* Do)). Oibier A»d er^a hundred more b lg tor gaino, on aaar pAymemiA New Jaraay F liia BtorggraCA, ip i wog|HBftak_il._N rtR R T rt^ lT D B mahagany uprlfiT pG e.

In fkrat'CioM oondillon no raeoeoab)* affer refuaed. Cng be *ero al L'aiiter'i rmraltmra Hlore, ("oun, cof. Prince *( . a*k for MrMtorri*'# piano.__ _ __________PToNOS. playAra. orgAna. phenefrapkeTTar

am)a, you ^ wk«t ro i pay far, And per fer whot you gat hare, mall* me mlaliEANew J*raay l^ona Biorgge Oa., IM Wiektag*ton at

ptano# fa* Mia for OMk ar M' CA)1 befara yam parckiM. Haw

l i t Wa

N E W p l a y e ra ia l m ^ n t * - ___

to* weehlmgtgp at.i > \ E T m o i l nrymn. aq ita bi* fur aadUorlu in .

c h u r c h o f b n m e , will aatl very reaoo na bl i . A pp ly N. J . M oi i* i u p p ly CO-. IM M ark e t • I . , jam be »c#n Tweminga omiy.

Ml FOR upright onoa aa Ooceual ol

411 Houth Twelfth Jit. __HAVE pleho to dlapoea' no

Mono; muM of toavlmg- Ul

, to aatd ol‘oil T-l P. M..

plo ^aonga for

( « T T

Kiohomga.pleho to

111 aeM for half prioa ar «*ck Honorm shunogmph. AddraaaBox II, Newa orfiw_FINE naw” pjay*r plonoe jeol reealvai tram

the factory lo ba acid for eaok er ikra# reon ' time. Now Jaraer Home tlereg# Ce.. jlfl_^W'aahlngtqo et. i ’LA Y Kit-PI A I repairing, ralm

Ing C H Oeirangar. I ITI W’avarly. For- rnr-riy euperlhCnndoBt repiJr* g l>a<v depariment.

ratoddltE tab- rly. For- Eembarger'*

hprctal.M7I baoutlfui ILneta

Baker Cr> t | l WaohlngtagBaiiitorgvv'*.

maxi ta

W^LL 0 ^ tke only two vaeamt lota la good■eotlon for private gATegaa, purchaaar con

' claaalriraMun. oe I o a laov-kav* #!*□■ and

KFECIALTHREE il-no ta ployare, M** m h . Bokar

Co., : t f WaxbIngtoB gi, next la Bom-b*‘rgvr * _________________ ___ __BMa I.I. («rab<t , b^eullfu) aalln ftBl*b, m*

h'^geny, elmoei nnw, bargain. Call Lint n«r'*, 41 Bouih Cronga gv# ^fouth Otangv

llig lawn, t t i Beuth Tajik *1 ^ , L Inveel M4I Ahd aervloaa la legltimat*

paWng buitmeoai^ atale portlouloyA bo*paying buglmieoa111 Kiiaobeth, N

I.IM FOUKDE of dried frell. pAokad In IM beaa! gl 14 wounda each, ora to be trucked

from Naw York tt> ,Ni'wark aom* day during Reliable truok*fA deelrou*

and imt*ra*t*d iti m *- , iia^d bimtoeem, may addraaa "Truck-

*fte^ r» T lfk l iTM I tk* coming weak. R*H,frw a »TC, Hill. ITM ^ H*w1aK ratwrw l« d »1*M told. U tou iIWi ixM linud bitol**H

PJA.no TCNKB—Procllngl plaae imgkar. r» polrirLg, mlJ brmachea; naw atrloga, fall*

r. W TANN. 11 f Bruriawirk et, frt Wa- PlANO Tt'NIN'C] and rapairing. pltyvr *.

tion* rcgu^iied orvd repaired. J. >YiiM*.i> Ri'-hardt. I l l Routh Orange avt.. Wav 40;



i.ia xinaxi u* muainm** pjoiraa aoi& u you : alhlv ooglfniud bittlv>e«A i want to buv or eell, eOe Nawark Bualnem I ioeJ," Bog g*. Nawe fifn<

io5 H . , k . , j T M T r o T t .W d 'i r m V nf'T ijL’li'K —1 pay nnova than ath*r# for itapla ArTiole. with aa^^1ceJ; preaeni evn-

Itntid to InureOae of boaioewi- Ad

II-NOTE player* atooged lo plejr i roUa- tuning piayer; repalro r J

__ 11 toulh P#vk, urlva. W Oraag*. 417( '''nurofilurhlC vtondard ' U ilD , beautiful walaui pla

|«I■<ofee, aloeka and roerchandlae of every

klhi BimoB. 3 lt Rruce ii.^ 4tM Waverly ATTMNTlDNtowtoieai prMee pAld fay"alerae ol

all klrid*. aaa ma tofore you aa^ Bammefa IT7 Bprlngtiald ova.; g ^ n a Bly lo w 1M|* tolX klN D lTat'K u^H H pJuM H f f n r j f n

w*at lo bu/ e r h U m J. ■lobM C*., I lf Hargea *i, ifS<}iciiT

Ho* 41. New* offkA^ igvoai (ar eipoa^l'if

amUrprlM*. t» om»unta of M.4M up- * ‘ - ‘ I. Ni'AddreM BAAkar. Eom ka«a oftlcA

“ S S S E TplAOf. Up*

aver praB*atatli latgeprinting ploof. uj«t*-4Ate aqalRintnt: with

•atobilKhad buglaaei; An *fflclMt PloDl: aoDOblo AddPaoa PHnllag, Box I*. New# tflee.

i H S T h u c n o a

S e k o e b

ifflMont ploDi: roi* g, Bax t l New# J -

cooh; wqlT eatibllabad '

i r r w RK ACADEMY., pup dad tTIl. ARRa ND, Meed Maeceh

EAROa IN fee cooh; wqn eatibllahad | i « rage and tax) ‘bnalnoee: two I IH Dodge

Itmenalnee In A l coodUloiL, Addraaa Toil, Box 117, Nawa o ffice .BAJCBRT HUBINCB^AJI aqnlpaemlA Ma<5

l i . l l i l .A eakael 'for topa ^ k aaund menlr train*


BABT c m c K B ifer flw f i t tto ; Bmfrad

for l i i e . It* ItoM Wkite L e g ^ -^

Plm cutb Roogh. I I RiFf «« ww. *— a— wkite Rorkm. wWlta W^AAdotteA Black MlXorcoA AmceoaA. Roda. Buff Buff omd Brawm Lagtaorma mad duckltmgA Qpom umlll I F. M. And tUAdar. Tai. R«rgao I lll. Mualieffl. *IT Weet Bide Avm., J«r*ay

Orplngtene, * ickll

Cll|rs Tjike Jaraay <Bty oat.BUFF aad W kHa Coeklm koatanuT oTm

Black Bamtama, F a r in 4 Gordam. IM U ofket iL _________________


ike. I l l par ta t , baby turkeyA Juaa II; peiulry. rabbtta, momkaya. wbHa mice,faney pemllry. rabbtta. momkava. -

toy degA plgaosA pAwltry feao, remadlee aaa•uppltaA

BONO BIRDS.Ft am All porta g f the world i etnflag

eaneriai. tAlktng marveta. nlor Awea deve«; cagaa, geld floh and Aamorlmmo,Mew Jafieir'i Sergej* Mvd oAd pwiltry aiore.

EDWARD 4 B V rH tm .I l l MARKET i f . . NEWARK.

CMICKSHS for aoiA, Em I Xlmniy et.

Fkosa Mkt H il l 111





InU'iH-Sacrifice Iv ll *«oitu**e ^m ge grein. I l l ; Hnja**l*. | i l ; lal. I lf:

mlnirpr, l3vi 4. | t l . feltuleum, ifo, ] rolumbla F nr.p r'obvrini, II iprii


av*. i.pm •v»n1ng* *ir*^i Tueo and Thttvo iriTKU living ru.im eult* chin* olooet and

n*u eooditiDB. I t V. Ewings Kan-J^a.‘ ^ ^ E r A » 5 T ¥ 6 v f REFaIKE"

|j repalfi

FI.7NTT akoloa Meytla Regml WbKa Wymh* dotte yimrllnf bane med tbrae large

vhi<'keii Aomaea; Arcount fneTlmg. Fhanal^llH aia« Ridge. ITI Bat avo__________ril'HTBBN Rhode lalond Red pvllate, U

montka eld; portable cblckaQ houae. la twn Ijcubotora, 110 and IT egga. H.

HKwi»y. Djrr«H at.. VaromA.

r e p ^ j r epa lM tor- n l th e d to fl( a n y m a k e o r xtava. r a n g e tfmr*

H -va* a n d a lov*

*1*lureii. Itovbarry rtRfwiNirMA

hot watap heeler lOAMfoe-ilfpelr Cerperet]>ju. l|4N jw m k__N ._Ju l. MarkHINI


11.■uppUeo all mi

lOU.ng, uk«<l maw mheblaaei luwpfliaei___n tve'i. 4(1 ipTingflald ayq ; Wav«_ltol.iEWfKu'fcf'Ar liiNfl. drep k a e A laleet fkttei

amly I Dio&iha old; bAygnolA IM Bosk il* firet near

"HvtAf ream eeftei Mgfi 4 i «

i n

• o> ) » vt:0WARTH. n o t

remevefl witheet ater, ' Blmkav y .MArjiTItltH rejtenrai rl#bl lefeiir

kto moke, iendpoetmi u M. jCito' g e tk f ixtb at., ar pkoja tfkL Wf|.

elaetrie meeamga. Manaei A OeTYIt Waivafly.



fR), w* didn't ataa! them, oniy r n ^ t 0 very advantagenu* purvhoeo. Ikal'a eSl; about

1,410 of the rimaet door# yau aver aaw unm-filale with aolld braaa berdwere) we ar# m ||. ng thea* at prlo** oily a little Abov* whal the ro«t of tha hardwAra would ba today;

Im fine oondlUon loo; ovarytbfAg *l*e 1e aacaad-bend building raetarlAk At big aav> Inga Deuthardf I4ih to l l tk at., at Ith

M. T. C tbouae wreckera Mnoa IMli, 5N8"puleemeter pump, meerly lew , ll'iran-

tractorV treooh *praAdera, peetry and ktt- doerit iiUAra and reund

M.^o In LoU: , light and I I

panel*; abelf «Saet, aadlelora, vaotilaieni. Ullat romblnatSon And lavetariaa. Letly eol- utmia, ciaaiuiul ef dee re. gee end weter pipeand_rttiln |t__}l l>Ay^t., Qrmnga, N. J ._CiFrICK ~ rCRN iW n l i ; ’"rergaet aaaoHmenl

ef n w AAi elLghtlr wad. tfetienei Mdaa. I4M Mulbaery, > Waat FaxIx e«,

nN firL ll^fl. re^iiter, V^atuitaer baUar, with *01 ft. rmdieilom kaetlng plpa. 14 Oer-

flaae H. A. Kehmldt.^ r --------------ARd pravaAl riuttng, We oturp e feU Uee ef

iracioro trmvn ■irrawwvr*, |wm«r:than draanr*. iSiM doeri, toW ra iporoh rekurkrtfl. mlS xiaaa, M -l* to M IK -lech wkita plua daere, I 11g

t n h c e -f ie c cgrada lapealry; looaa euabloha; mlAi

ardvr; left an eur hinda; will ba gold raav^iabla Broad Upholalarleg Ca ,

T llU S B ^ l^ V * m * h o g s a y , r*^ phioKTTeeei cuthlon parlor aulta flaoond flee#, 114

Aouth E lf^’b •!._ __________%'ULCA.N max rmiige, almaat aew

Orent, IT Beymour are., Wavarly MMj no dralereWTlxr IH M OHrf',AT181^»il la » •


e i e Si d i L

r o k i A U

tty all Around then a vhaartui home, aa by good furnttura; but tka gtnaral prieee ikAve tearad tba peepla ao thatKrti pf tha horn# mr# naglected. We bmva

an all along fighting the higb prtcee aa4 offer you our n*w Curnltur* ef guaramieed

quality At a laving ,of 11 par cant, lo I* pAf cant-; up out of the high rant dkablot wa are able to give you lha loweet pegil- ble prtflea: beautiful valour, tapsatry **d ganuina W thvr parlor aulteei AmarleAi walmul, Buti*r end pelltbed eak diming roam aultaa: bed rooiyi xultal l i AfnaflcAA, ClramoaiAii weinuL btrdaara mmpi* ajid tvery; aeporate si*r*a In buXlau, eklmm claeela, dreiaarA chlffotmlete, dining room labiag, •heir*, bookemam, llkraxy tafikae, padaw tale, tMapnona eUade. gfliotiliig aeta. radu eveiti, fceby eerriAgeii atrollere, ^amuitfnl


North gavaei

CHICK!—Don't buy ahippad-------- ■ r. IM

IT C H lC K t- : pjw direct ftTT ivamUl ■*.; epee

frem Hill Ketobery, flmmday B. R. 1411.

TnupgCN HAglet bA ^ chlcki.ton atraSe ef w hite WyAndottee, vary .

■iiirb. White l^k ln duckilngA Call 4fi Che*tout gt., Btor Mid lamd eva., AflUigtoti.

hen lAFlA!. for ralA

Dee>r ib i

TEN Ulaok LA fkar^, it|« llAgle 4VA. Ly<

E n »IBA4ANV BOOB (et qelei i M t o eellea Uoa fmnig ffceeeeflto tn AieaneA, Orey'i amaqatfioA t l Weed mL. Oreege B. J.

ICE 1tb*4 ml

k r k e e o

ilNOLl 00_ ^gu; high-

Beat Orajiie,__Bbeda lelAAd Red keltolAg

•teok. to gomth Oteve, OfAnge HI*W.

Iralmkle j exm. IT mar lnm> dr*d- Oiymgle rouUry F e r a « III Farlleth

WHITE dr*d- _

at. Irviagtoet pkeea Weyeiip I lH .

and utaaaUg; two rwutaa, two wagone end ......................Hill. 4* Ckmptollone auiomoblli

ave^ Caldwell.Jo h n Aa

tkg UAder o tro iig m on tom<!bera. tho roughKteeratlOA fo r ooHege. oclentlflo o«ha«1 er •liiaee. oeaaBljte courea of phyileal treln- leg . BrlmATF dewAitsieiK.

~)UeetiDaa (u r mdrniaelon m gepteinbar T h e head maater will too

epp>e*»i»ee4_ daring June.

fTOREI a r S a H T

r t J R N m j_______ IROOME ElBARBEif AROF, U tr^ chalro7'3egleetoe2

in WataeaoiAf Oeniee. Apply 41 Deid I t ,

I, L ppUee raealved now.

iPpHoAAtg k rB tO

BBcoMD-iKAKD r u A N m m s FOR tAJ«E. M l BROOME BT.


' Nf

B loom /la ld .__________________________BOOTDLACK Iteed i» 4 ~ ^e lr : i*W[

to quick buyer. I l l BltxAtaatk mve.; Wav

U ll . ------------------------------AejAmBay mad HAipoy ata..

LArgeet, itroi■tedesu e K iU e d aB; -----

amioted *A feed pAill phene jU rfcet toto^l l i r omta^,

/ r k n o L M n t. , FRiNcii


nciw |« l l . e*«r term* Bakvp ' " I'.i Waabiiy^Ljn #L. neit_to__B^ber*-.'f *ONE avrond-hnnd li-not* pimy*r pUtic. Mtu.

1 bench, l l rolle of niu*le. New Jtraaj' Flmno Btornge Co-.^ to WaaSilngten *1. _ ^CHIc E e iu n o upright ylariM for »ai» fjO

planue tunrd end repaired by vxptriK. Mualc Rxchangv, I j ^ Belleville eve, U i'R ia rtf 'U tA M J, mu*r be *old. oan 0#

aeon morning*. flret_rioor. 111 Chadwick■■■Tl Til VI II ■ ■■•■. aarave.. Newark, phone Wavgrty M7*. Mb W pTaao. aaeoilent condition, IlM,

1400; rare oppuriunUy. Call U gl. Kat ptona, near Orange H

. rentNawark

BARGAIN In upright pianoa; III, |t4*, MH;III We ‘aahlmgtoAlay termm Baker Co..

at., next to Bembergar'a. if lv i" n ^ l d f l * pie yore at llto : M ty lw

BaJier Co., I f* waehiBgtoi iL , Aikt Ba tn berg»F*K E L L E R 4 BOMB p U ^ |m feed c e m d lt t^

J. B. CArpeaier, I N orthcheep for capK.Ninth at.

T i s n s n c rIt, itromfoit.Ip Moidto- Oredaetei UoAA write er


fire^ s n s i o T9 m M. Nm

very fie Addreae Ftane,

UiBD fATge ll-tio*e ptame, M ti Beker Op., — — »v. next toMl WAihlngtoD Pt.. next lo BiwAWlWit-------------- y a w f: M ii ^ r i a r a t e r

BOt5fla£ACItl’ARti<#fl (er aale; Aelag g e ^ bualneeo, ITI Ploeipfteld AVe.. BleoittfWd

^ N F eVt IONERT Aid lee orram kuiia«fl|talarge *uburb4n New Jeraey tewn; a-Mg

money makar. filly Adutpped; lomg leaipi praotiually ao campeiltloA; owaer golAg-th•mnufmcturlag; piiee |ll,***r *'---- - *“vaaiigation aoTloliedL AdAreoi ronfactloner l l * Unlea bldi CONrccriONIcaT, ftatlonorr Md el

•ur* . n u / N aravki dolni n ,toMlnaw: )« ,■ ita fk i new flaturto u i (eenutoi r iv t^ ju r IWHI M »nij»U uni •(» looma. electrifl. atajra; eaah IT.to*, halARM murtfAge, Addraep F ii i ta ln , Bax Ifi. NeWi e f f U * '____________

I t i i


Oeod ptoitlinp ami PUgeMMUl etMABtA

B a e la a a iCftn i g j

CONFKCTK>MERr. gtAtieaery.|ooa.tlon. iarge itook; doing

with pn*-famllr frame etore, I . heat, elect rio itgk ti_orSF_ M.to*

netlOM; awe )Od bmeuiepqi

IT llBlMy eta, iltf.

rre o m e . t o t b

Be* Newark Ewl*qulrad: mortgige |4,H*. Be*Dee* K*»'hmnge. 1*3 Market at. CoNFECTlCNERt. dsAf, eodA."1gt «^rm

aad toy etore, rotil. with two fjimA M*: American aplghbor'hoed; mo oppeAtioi. Ad- dran* CViat. B et IT, New|_ office,

‘ amCOTfFECTTOT^RT, ptAtlonery < weekly rerelpto 111*1 I Hvlmg r*

oaxh. A ddrw CMfeeilenary. Rwoaxh.office .t-ANtrt, olrnra. m J*. •et>aol M ittlto: ran i

*lth on- ronin. t i l ; *M im p/o/iauto. Carnar Dflggntli at. and *,*■

or a h a t o t i r : ( t u t m k Natoa otflo«. Orann*.

W I N M a t o H l t .i n / , i f lu to jfto li

DMWI ITO Ita tm u to i n uotiinlg wall aq-tlw*! u p - t,- to l» ----

u rM unaW t oton hU lu t* l*M)I tM uubltohO ^tor OTW M

™ ra ami n O m n■romi; iM tto * tm tmoaT ( « * «buntalmlTi p ra M t 0 « t o T toto^ mmi J I M W Bmnpc A i i j M . T ^ t F f to to i r t r aa iu rw A Mamtalilr, K. J.

mUQATCMKN VTOlWl ■M: oo ear line; Etod '

Hxhod: W

C * A i U l i U w ia m Z C A M KEOIKTKK OO., HUT l ootTutw mmi Hmriwi atm

Wa h Hto ibeetPATtmentx;M l 1

«l- . ortglAAlt v i yeArF giAranty gl*Mii we

alee reAtotll f m r eld regigtef to 4 NA- •iiabl* nrlee e r I m It fer ppot

The rargeaq hbeependeet e Je%l*ra In New Japppif,

ly iArrtAger atrollere, beauil__Aaeortmeni Ubio and floor 1emp% flme tine lea braiK ktirhon iiovte gad ru toA f**

•pofial* (or thie woek: One Iverrraaiea.

. A.I IH .K i i E

.C iU - lg p ;

P i lu V lN V M lB tA —^ M l n p OfFt/K^HbimSProu, IH allM , mni onmplau outfit tn« ,

t»f ia ta i tm),- W Myrtia at., ■loomflgia K fitiu rT T fo T i pU toi ourm ilaiiraTwHI

oall far I II . whli-h U loot ttuTn hall osot.n » a O l»il«» i m f _____R iV tir lS ^K aimmfmmwrrr oMrOfiaiat ^

n u i t l,A« klih-ftm i* tem i u i im ^ aii y u l toom^ mmiu. ta M t t o f ^ m n tl .H ^ IH .II, m «M U H i m at {H i raw httatooi oUk jMttoIr mt worit, «■ t .

M W , aomc D nw lw m y, rtth_ MotaT

H i room pulta.(or t Mtia aoDl

gioot Upeelty llvljg raeM ouUe. u i t , worth lioti; Ajf ll'Plece ApaerixAA walapt dSmlig room Pilte, 1110,------ ' -

Mil:o. IFwaIai


worth l*Tli to d g ^ rlm ^and maHreoeoei ruga ami earpete, . meoopt depbelte oa ell ordan esd daUvat al your tiavealenco! all eiiy mud attburbM de­ll vorMY-ja«^e free of eharge H, j . B«ai,

BrMd i t , io ir LiokAwaAmi( » « a k 5 » p -

WW MADI NO WliTAtUi M It ow ftra-atary >«llf

(ot ahaw /«mia, oM.Naai oeatA Xmmi ) ■■ 'hat at., mmi yau wtll u k a aa otltimha

by taaktuf ■ o rtr (or hnytiilu ya*. . . . - „ h ,4w iai: awt bMiilWT to pathIt doatomo Im hlph-ptaia NMlItwa,

and l( ro u l 'l i ii htra wlwi *a« w u t tt *11 ha nwhay (n yaw ptoitai «*a»i

Otoiar *Mia(a*i p). .*■! Amhcto* PL

ot IH t o f l ^ u * w h tih :< ra » T 5 a . «»1 R tM ^ fP li^ p w lp r w nh 1 atotaa, i

w * H A S * Ain> IBLl. N dTIONAL c a m K K O i m M AMS

c a a m r f i l k a

■ o a tu y pepoMBlmW rttto i tPmtaatr.

riPalll, haaaU, otoiLowito

Ma intaraal Otd raylMan . . ■ad aHhaatad.

triatm p m U *1 oh i rp tii a n n p mlip l .

' . r t S T .M.) pl K plhatrrS T ! i .0 0 .

U 4 4 e a D w i k l i a a i f h p a h tA ltfc^ ian Ham uidatA ----- (ar balldan

? a ^ r r T u s ;___adt (-Trar laaPoi t a r n itoahi ia tw tU iwtakly; p r tn » , « ( ; Mw«a 1^ MlttM. Addraaa Hanaat, Bak l l i . Mawp aWlomSSUOATMIBM mad lahehi ranlpU MH

mnif, Itom H. Mam antop.D B U C A TB H tSM tT O M * f w oalPI toPPI H

•aid ap meoauml a ia th if hpaOMPl waptoh hwtpr. A idrpn A i m . t f l. m w♦Mina, ^

oBoa, Impmdan. W l Miami M

t m - f i l l thra P M P P M j J ^

F O U . T ____ ________PMP tairn ptot n .

eOMPLMTS P h i iomnalim immmHm

M i (Mia n o ^ mata. u V f M M & R X a j ’S a b ^ P ra o T M M

m Otrtmtdtoi ara.. |^arpyto,;;ial, V tr . Wk.

^ - ------- ---pi m>„toiMtoto ,,.„to... 1,

v C T M iw w D as)C T* ii .j) i* » ip i t . l i w m i l


BTERLINO UPR I F. M. ryidAft 111 FejApylvaati RVA

AND f i l m , O r g i a * E tc . , W u l s fIm greet dimaiid.

M w red free. Over iM.to* A teareurlAi. oenMotcUi, AieeiAUicy ooureea. write yeto hgAreft Drake

itogj or BeoratirtiT Bohew.^ tplUai

CAW pmli for maw, allphOy i hmod ap rtsh t ptomaa at ptayir ,

■mnnia) Orr, IM Waiklnatea at., Mlwt ph M Marital IH I. MM paitmli wlU i CAltf PAID rOM

W A M im - k ik c k•TKNCKIRAPMT—J^ iW lIT lN tJ .

l^ fF A ^ o J lT ^ V u I lN W I^ i& ^ iL W irail.'101.

■OUTH ilXTKKMT* iR7~TKt. O T T .'jr t i CASH p e r n o r o m a i - lu i i ayrif^l pjarnoa.

Imyar pfamoa amd tromi ytoParn A itron “ I I T. Mura afttoa,

paid tor u n d p to iuS!

■aoAOi n * .

CAIH _Mawam Ptapo Merapa Ca

tapa a ra .; pbama MPt. ITI.laTVfiSsGA■■ iotiUl Or-fM(IT

ODatuna daatpw. maotntlon awtony, adraoftoaaanaatai iihtbltlea Kay T i h t o M m U m

BIO IPBCIAL lALShmlaitoa o( tha vooh «a wOl oatl

1 ^ 1I v j i . ______ .r; da/a. iTaaiapai aaiaU haw. IP mnd la p th Oraai* m»aa.

Par thoy e e r^ p w te » H y to ahtolm a brt-frmPa

prmpt at laaa i h u akatoanA Mtoai mU la a rn M p tr a r^ l ty l . T H H n - rhomapraph 111 llalhaiTy iL, papa


lar alp iaata In 'toHltuaila, mSai Aiiraaa c T l

■ to SAHOAIM—PhamapiMh. hpaaUtml.aaw H I a ln . Iataat aiaha oaMML *ap-

dartto tcaa. autw m ila aM i M ton UtoM- muat with ratarda; amartlloa IM. II Hrlap- nald pro., apaa araalnpa aiiapt Vpaaipy and TtiBradayp.

■ c H o o t . o r

K D » ^ ^ h o j ^ * h . ^ J h ^ . ^ . * - 5 | g r

iraai Opfartaotiy. S«« TT. lftpi_atttoA»MM«T PBOMOOII

B i i aP L A T o ro

R n . l L ‘ ,ra :* * t« l« k

t r m i i / i S

v T f t n i n r p J F S I ^ L

J V t j p u ii^ jp a p a P to iM

p a M S T » * ! ¥ » « : -

■ s s r ^ f t i p a ' ^ S a ^ ^ ® 'to ■Ippto.> Atohaipl pailitrpi. t. tarn.


y n m t C T A I .

)pV«VPV#h*A#i «ee«*«*«p

iVbeVBMVPA • iiiiVaihhi lap«*««pp




a a a jS T J



L n S W

> l e

The RS ‘*’ "FFw«a oei1»1t Am 1*1* Am Mi* Am 1*14 t?A<

"ton riM 1*17 Chi l* ii Chi IfU t-hi to n coj Siir Dor tola htt i:SII IClg i* ir F.lg I ' l l Kur i»i& r t i 14t^ iJrito n Uritoi* ii«]to n Ha; to ll Ha' toU Ha' 1117 >Ui tolC UK to ll Ultto ll Ma to?A Mn 1*24 UaMl* I liO to ll Pal to ll Ref to ll Hiu t o l l V*l

Tbeaefrom ou• nlfl ■« llour ent(rUlf KbitCra A foi l

C«^^ VI

IMI I' i>n hn i l I.

toiv It o l l I

i ' S ' l l i I h

gi'f.ta nd



u i iIt wnu

Weed rf ft A full !ii «Ars. etic

i*lto? Ill I*! Ill 111 Itl

AAf mi time pay


The to' ■oadlileiii

■ ? graai)i l i : ('i to ll I'r toi* (»i to ll Llin* l ito ll fl; to ll «t 1*11 R.




l l111! Nell

n i l

i n n



111? COI tlwa: 1

• -**11 BTIMilBi: i

H i t OAlh.r new M

kIM I M * ■ l i t p5

)|T ept^

■“ T a .rw Clit* Bj

J! EH n i 0*4| n t Or*

f 'V'**

t u l rrW (r (TMiMi u .: •k ilfn a 't «tM* m n CTM I J t (• «:M r . M.

OTT lamMiM T. O'ClBl. •4 H fl.uDBiuf f>A»SuiSr~'■■■«. m M iaaiMakMl Ml*i N « toa«n ,jC ir

TaM. *a4 nirm . r 4m m . i iM iu . Mm K

K S T^ iT « u «r

Ml IMV* tetl_______ _> 44H iterkMi m . m « • t e r M l AMwter «r«-

* K 9 S S : l»--«irt«t}r |wi?M4| ^ ilikMbt M«t AJterl-

L, »rtit ■]#»»•• H it.dP CSncIno, u r c ix o ic h 6o u


I m n f c s T A o ra ri t aOHtAlMl, K A.

t e A s i t e i n t t r « » u r , i tM a, M*ll# SlAtlee, H ^ r . A. M d t e » - A e w r t i6 B It. r\A.*r9t O— t t l B i l« A M l u «b««L k* IW teS TBH t« a t h « f i r t i T« t« f -• B *f ( rM «U ll* B; lMMm« itrnm !• >cA—li. •IbM Md«. m vbimm wu, Bm i

lo iT b r u m o v a Am .Of«ii««. All IsMUtee

»rlvdt«. Q. F. OlmbHlMf.

akd Typewiitiki■tertteAl. trtevrttM j.

» IuM Id D.IBIX111 a t. Wt». >HA


[N«. CAIX TOnAT.IBM, VlctniM »l \y (•riM.UNO w%anA»Q% nnaii'f FIbbo IMf*. lb OTMfljBr*._____ _

» b«uMh«atlM,plBon. nil* ttm i mmi

t« 4*lcl b«r*r I IM. Nb«i bMim .

' bMwiT~bHK ■ Mwr^ T4

iti, iimftli; ••bI MifIBl UMd ptVM9 IlM «».

i r t roBn^ lT.>mbb; r< ^ M ntv; iMn- ■B * r , K r M i t h bbI n* huDdrBl m « n b l f b « f - ABBlB N*v JtfN r r l M *—blB^BB Bl.___ _mBhaftBr p(ba».

l l t i e i i , no f M C i r »4 o Bl L'Bolir’i r a r B l t a r *

Piinci •> . bbI for Ur

orgBAB, phonsfrBg'bB,~filT Mt ran »•!’ for, And H r

h«r«; m an* B« mla lM *. a i» r m « t o*. . I M Wm U m *

f a r H l « f o ' T t e 'for* rM BvcteM. U««J 3 n ^ t t_ W ^ la ^ a ■_*'_• ititBblf tar ■HdUorlum. 'Ill Mil **r f n a iA n a b l i . l u p p i r Co-. I f l U a r b i l•nlBf oBiy,_________

4Ano: ttuM M h H a1 tiiAvlM> Call T>l P. U-.

iBIHMa" AO plao«~ (oT ir f prioa 9T iieu fif* far a •h. Addr*M KidhaBfa.m _______planoa r*e«|T*4 tram M Mil (0f oaik ar Uraa Jaraar FIam ilor*«a Ca..

r * pa l r 1 n i™rehufi$5AtBa- in |a r I ITI Wa*arlr. Fof- laat rapalra Uannartar'a

pbct' aiIll<nata H uo

WaalilB|taB aL, BaxI ta

'FUCIAUlarara. Mil aaaA Balarnftoa ft., nax( ta B*si-

•■ouiifuT Hiln flDifb, m* Anw. barcaln. TiJl Lint

ranfa |v t ^footh Oruifh FrmctIfiAl plane raaibaf, ra Jitfha#; new ■IftoH, Wta

Braniwirb at. frf Wa. and r«pal' l>')|■ plar«r a> and ran'rad J. >Ylilta.(. h Orang* av*. WatI'K A uow e.TFR. MCFAIRIVn ANl< 44 H. B. OR HUM L!LF1 ehanfad lo pit; ii> n ''i

kyar: rapaira f' J r», w. Oraftfa. t n < • walnut playar. w «■ ITT'i r lam a Bak*r ' ” I'.t riait_l#> B^bar(-.'f * 4l-tiota piapar aiatin. tlio .

!!• od niviMlc. New Jtraa/ _MI Waablnftan al. _ ^rlxht^^ari" for *ait Loind rtpalrad by fxpcriM.

), muat b* told, ean ba rtrat rioef. I t t Obalwlek

2T*. Wavpriy tlTt.Iilafit eoadltloB, IlM. roat trtttnUy Call l4 Nawark ar _Of»Jija(k t Bi>RM4 m . j t iA iii*4 abac Ce.. |i« WaahlDgtM nbargar'afaMra aT 111(1 aad? l a n n

WaahtBftea i t , aaxl ta

I » U ^ la gaad caad ltl^ J. IL Carpaniar. I Nartb

a ^ a l» i a r ~ ^ lala; Frtaa Ptana. mn. II. Vavi at-

ta vtana, l l t i . Bakar On., I al.. Bfxt ta FiiabariM'at QMI , |1m eaak. CairiKar

111 FaaaarlrMU prik,

lM ik K t^ W u Mrw. Ulffbtir iaa l at H— *-

af kltrw ■W ublartM (A, Mr .

I, M m iA m u l l w unR F U MrrR o E I i ._ _ p c )L „ . __r r g f f T t w / i f f t . w um aA -kuA Bkrifkl Hu m . d tr ia d tliM i. Addnaa I afftaa.

tta n d * Ca. Mai. ITI.

fad TtaW lA111 daaUl Of.

rSCIAL tAUI a i ( tka *aak va vOl aatl I alt tka raUM ^Alalir ta aktata a k M ‘«rada tm ikaa w iilaialt tiTaai akd taaraataad. Tka Mas- Ca., I l l Malkatrr a t, m m

F—Pkanafratk, ktaattfal, lataal iiaka aaMaat, «a»-Biaila atati SdlaN ittaak- i ; taatldM III. II h rta t-

aaaalnta aaaapt VaaadM

“s ik K r ir i ' s s * ' ‘a ;F, Maa IT, Ha^a atOak

m eiM # s a e d s e wwi> ^ S g l K . ' I H L g -laddfiM d J f c i k l Aitage e^iaH# AMPas s f t ? S S 5 ' * * -

teSwal tr J S S S C

.4 4 * i : : .........wSeie 1


fUAlt- tUMwSm amriite la tte SteS

t t>«»**4k*d#d« IL y • •••*•«••*«• Mali ^a**kk*a»«*k» lAv

WSa*«dklM*a*d |l*f


—7 " Mai al rara kra allarad tarP l i ■aaouijr prlMl far ihii waak aaly. eaiM. flrai atrved.


eaiM.Americaa Bit, Aaiarieaa ili. American ilk,

lilac,ClMvrolet iM. Ckevroint 04. CKaimem.I'halntm,C*le ' i,"r>ofi.talkie.Klgln.

datnAftnirater,KuriJy miOrant,UrantHarehoff.Tlaynei,Has n««,Hayn**,UyiJn«n,Ulu-h»|[.Uitchcil,MlaKn-MlI,Maxki pi]i l a i n e l l .■ liOamoblle, raig*.Kao,Hi vdebakur,Valle.

Taarlaf. T a u r i a g . T a a r l a g . T o u r in g . T o u r . a g HoadMiar.I'ouriag- Touring. Tearlag. Tourlag. Touring, gedar. Touring TnurJOf, Tuurlfli. Touritii Roa deter, i onrertlblaTo u r in g , l o u r t a g . To u r in g . K o a d e ier . T o u r la g Roadefer. To u r in g . T o u r tn g HofdMler Tour lE g . Kooiipiar. T o u r in g , r 'ai rr io.p t . T o u r in g

Tb«M rare have all boon marked downf ron t Our r t f ' i J a r iti i pricee anO or* to b« •oii j 'T iiiiouT T»-e*rvf W i m u et cIm b up o u r e n t i r e lot of uiod ca r# lo m a k e ro o m for b i f i h jp i n e n t i uf n e e Blg ia. B l r a r e a n d Cra'A fni (in

C«n ^tru«rtl i t r m i If doaired.STKRA VH'ToR CAR CO«

Hr 1'HCaD 1TNo 'I'olppjinna Ordern






a u n t tawiM. Di-HifliOwl M u t. at*

K T oJlrT O !K."r'!&{ k i ^ O f . ______ _________

U«f*Maat«r.A v « . O l a « r t d g « i

*bf K L ' ^*^*'^*** iMlHg# MM MirM4«r” aka VaM ta. M4 laaUi OMgg* gnBa; o#oo •vategMii T-PAMBN.1BB’ (C iss iT iT ii '

a^ai*TH'~'Wi3 * r ~ a r ----- ., —— , m,.b. . . . - — j cylinder, ftral*<‘t M a c M d H I e a . t e i i rIdlinBAyflW l aiugkglF MgdMAfi MW i<JP. alieoe. Pknci* If. Wllaee. UlllHwni l i t

MW Ml«t M i McSTaa^macteglaalaaA^- B j.v ^ yIlia; sIm 1114 K ateaa: MR te M ugii ■ ---------rioapa URlvep'a Uaraga, U l M-, |M ar ‘ ‘




y • II BBOAO IT., PAinncow, MaaAfar.

^atcjAlr, ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _BAiOAtir

Oeariaad eoupd. * rxllMar.4«paiRMger. alJ near nrea. oaa ealra. nrire

Hal kudr Ira, prici

H t I Wnah

THAT Urntad MBd rW r tioofce of Mvr tmf,

MCR i« agiHpBte l»tbe r « | f | rjIT h/



iRg Ike T IKfl>iBlah II.

lARaikA.VT MFUr CO..Hulberrir Summit and Blwtckap tta,


9I.ORBD UOr>ELR.H PortfB Mitrt

IMT Mclrk cabiioiel b-4i. n : l l.iMri) etnier md eummer tepa


pM«»Hri|er.HH 1'''*ri ' It! sH it 1 ..-rii }tn (' 1 1 ■ " Any t1 ' ' 1 1 I t k ,VRrn 1

*■ ' 1 u l,«1 •' r •• jr-.(»-a' •'\ \ > 9' 1*.. *'IJ

• hrap.

; v r ; « T i » ^ M a U * 'kiowr

il 1:. * K M ' "l; <AR I’OT RIFl ’In•.» r,, y i>r Pi ng 'l e grxund

r . -'ll - f ■'i iiiti t 1 ■ n PRr'.( Gxrxgab . ’ . in '-R •i]y ■ ■ N^we-i,f * •* 1 M'.r* 'A h I • F PT

W '1 rr- III rnxr.Rfirr 1 ecd '"ar U*yLD n a ^ le rh e i

MlAMil.RR ariENCT S*TiA Ala STA I >ig ihB road ta a

*■ 4- II I) I h" ,itT grewi BTTiR •r»•• 1 I •'1 f ' buB> M eek anil ir l |-a» ' h B r I

ir'a I'hjtoil er t'hummv raodater. r-tiiiM R ,.J iidrantBed cloaed lM»d * . haniF nh t? Fitm suniTiior top and w l■'l•tl1r'll ti'ir a 1 year in romfnri

UoJ pI ;T I handler teurlng aad Rti-ilel lA inidtier. In ebop rFadi 'n abon' t«ii e'Ffki If* Dip h 'n <h* ec>r),* B I oi*n <0 ir.apec; n Rr<'dM for (hem >iow

i r i | H1.1PP light loufing r* paintetl «iip rover* buirpor front and n.T r ap«>iai oieeDni w1i*e.. n.< * in tttry w*/,

HH laoilagtoii oavan peeeaoger ]iia( »T'il of p a in t ahop

BririC. i t l l rondel, K-O. I rri:ader, wUh eporial aadan ton. rin« lapeetry, aaat cev.

•ring aad imiiig m f.,j> ig m*i h, tpaclal . Interior doma ami ahoulder JiAta. ai»o buni>I p rr lenaoe. a^irrur. apot light mouimoiar.

1 * « n l r a aho*« a a d lu h co , •"or ru n loanihgTi *.*4« ml>e, rual a* ai|utpn*d II 49a wi!) acU fur | i 714 Addreaa i>waar, hui 1 I Newa office,

I KlKbCL ll?e aedea. o n l y r u n 1,444 mll*e,I epIenJld eat perfect cundlijon, tiire , eummer tap H)ih n owsor goiag lo i. all I foroia. *i:i i*:i tn qul<k buyer fot |2.U4.

App r VeiTT en h-7 P. U. for dettionilfatl'»ii, li-rkeff, J? Third av«.. Newark N J ^hune H |1

rpF.It CAH bAhUATNa I l l i Hupiituhiia aedan . * a c » i i rn ( fo n d i t lo a . ] l l l >t l* ' '^F. aedan . I p a cBenger I f P Ha r*B ‘ourlTif, L p a a e r a g e r .

I’eige ro aU K c rl* ;o Mu lt 'll BpeetJaier I jh e new (lOTilH'V It t 'MIl t . l r S HALBR t 'O

' . :i :* rp.,:ia ave , Nk(_4i a _*i 'I WJKK WKKELg.I 1^*, Jerooy ageata for Heuh wiro•vhpeii arid parta alia ropaln p r o m p u y I m a d i . ^ * l^I'NHAfef BOUT CO.I _B and NHIer^l^________Nawark. N. J.

HATREdi HU, 4 paaaaagar. hawly paloHd,• !p r w t e f i , J naw C)«roilyo«r lori]

I (L '- t ami (ubea. t»*var boon «aed , 4 p f a c t k a i - I.' new I.ti - a r , t e i i r o r im e , on a o c o u m

I i >Bi>>g my w|f* . auao of eeJlIngi m u a l bo --•'rT. .Liiof r a tn u o R A It W a l l l a g , l i | |

I ....... evenlnfa ta i l Wavoriy.CbiW HAIMIAI.SH

If 'f Riucjehokar ligti* 7 p.iae, lour, car, I il.a Kaiur j4i» (..iiriag car. jI ' l t K. | . ■‘h F i t i l r i PCi!an i'>13 43f <hFtF<i«> oPHlan.On r»rni« i.i aun y Addreaa RodaD

* I

K AKftiiW CARR KOR BALR.I • i | bl, T-pa*e«hc«r, t o u r l a g .

l in e J l I I -f paeoenga r , lltMOualno. l i r e | | i'4. 4 paeRengar, l o u r i n g

I'ali U i- iil Uldga *1 \ALKNTIKK*

fripfit.Mj.F r | i ( b io n i - h Drottk.HiiMi; of - 111 borgalii* In gu »*1 u*ed r*ra

. t ( l !*B*i.n tuurini, l» lt C’bavroloi 4 lb m i ' ' a l e e ri.ajoiFr wlih wire » h o * l i and '•i-Bih-rii n '7 I Fa ngton louring i t i l W.t.Tp'i f.u-ing, iliK Jeffror fgri>erilhla *ri<: 'FiniR xa11 fa' ' >.r 11y arrangod he* -J* I Mn'ii' fc--e phnna Mkt TIO

1444. UalEou Milter f'ar Co.IbFIon at. _ ____tf l i ABliO’ 'U R tK O iT <^otwr iWpo car

cheap, i'onllnaiital 4>cyt1ader motor, fint riam I'otidUion. guuA palhl and rabber. I74i>

j Rbourdi. 144 fHrk avr , N'oliey. N J . leti 'I** ..! BhflTuiN. 1411 Tola I, 14 K. F i fully

•HUIppeel denionatralloii given two eitra ‘ a*w Kelly cord lirea. price IM ff or ba*i

offer l*a]i any time. 11 Kr^tJiU. 4i Jla>e«■ 1. ____

rlllLA Dlamoaa Urm iTaraA* i'liaronieed f m . all makaa batlFrtae re-

pairod and r«iiiarged. Haab |Cl»‘~ir|i' Rhop. |4ui HprlngfteM ave Irvlnalon, Wat. i4«l C t U N D k I t S RKUIIOL'NY", H U T O N A , H IN i i .

AND CHA\'i:.i1ArTS, AUK' ALX AUTU ' ,, HArltlNK W'JliK. B It. t'XADKllK'k. 1. MUDI'A.', N'F.VVAIIA TKI. b H. ••!*.yoUfJ ts,Mt!nf, I 'lT , kp<-sui winiM' and euin

nter i <■. 'dauitJiiEiiabife, gucMl Urea nioai •oil. no 1 ••'era 1.Indian ave. Ari1ngtr>nFor JeiUon. trat(r»|| |i1iiinv 4I4W Arllngi^'n <‘1IK\RiiLK r roaJiier. iate miNjet, all gone

over, tr perf<*rt condlllonVAlUHii’K f'fi .

iO /e-n al ofpoai'r I'lly Haili T i f <'’jTi^"M7iI.?CT~ t i i u r in g , l ik e u"W. a

good ra t. 1’heapP aimnx' k ztiRi r u

I t lreen f tx ip r-a tt* < liy Hgl lR TA 'JLKV }*TKAM ' 'A K ,

And 11* fuel 1« KK lt OH KN B.BHW . • . i i n y i l 'T KlIiL TFIL

pjM.tif .ITHUl" U>1 :** «.>atr»! aea.(;LPRNunt l.K HI.. lauAi i 4 lylloder i'

paUFQgr.r AI rr>ndUiun elarter. tlgblopfic a 4U.r ( i l l a f i e r l> I' M or Ru ndayiiii<raln|« H TroLr SM Jnha *t.. Halrloon

[Hirxjl-] liAKiiAlNTeurlDg. ( tiNiplaTaly ov arbau-od, electrn

Hghte. eoir itariar fine bgtTary. good tiroa, two eiiraa After I F* U , wraTiga 4117 t«iO iiVkKlAANLJi 'to o l in g ' four tyliaJor"

fully oqitlpped, new top, new katiary, all

Sv<Hj t lrva aiMoirlo t i a r t l a g a a d l lg b l la g , e m o u t r a t H a Tal i 4 l HumroU. N J. I ' l r E V h O L R T 444. n t i t a u a ^ ' b a r ^ t n Tt Mtl

ilOOUWIN a L'TOUOBILIG ('O..2 l l I 'e n t r a i a v a . M a rk o i S4T3

l tl :N A IM ii :T Fo rd , H U Jti f ir a t claa* condl t lon u p - io d a t e eg u lp t f ia n t : ho (tealere

uae<1 Uy ]>r1<i'e family an bf a«*n a f l * r 4 r M IV. Houtn 'I'aiilh Pt third fkivt.: t l i ><'Kl i l■'url lta a ’i M^arbauiod

| iiah1 rjrta. ab'X'k aHor^Fre fuo*. arcaiFra lor alFtrliig wliFoi lt>- k ileTnujqlablB r'roA b"|< fiiv*«ri |4iU Te W**«r t 4HI

. . ^ f ^ r F r i r a l l a a ; m a feia ' b a u a k i ^ ^ b f " i r t a 7

, l.A'Tli »ad*> l a b r O n a i l ' a M a i . n t r « a m .' a n r r t t u b e BIUII b a m i .) B i l U r l l l ,

i m ••■ W i . k i a a i n a a * a , B f i . T l U a ^*2?* ^ l i ^ l lT . O c e H a b g lo R f ia g , F o r d aadRB;

F e n l h m r i a g . F o rd d e l l e o ry . M r g a h i a . c a i o a ^ u l k. I l l . 'u B*n l at.^ Hl l la ldeU E R t 'E H llinoueli ie. a p o o a l boUy, c o « i p l a 4 ^

oy erh au lad - i . - e i l a a t ab a p e . p r ic e r a a a c a -• ble. Ilrr.ebb*aii< p h o n e J I0 4 M a r k e t W ! | , l . t.i)A.N yiiu m o aa y ten aaaurMy M TM T

a u te m o h i i e *a#y t a p a r m e a u . A d d r M a G*.ih'k A'ij*a.‘' hug |7_ Nawi oHIor.

' '\'R h IaAN(» louring, aaif etariar, Rnriy painted, Haaih niunato. H ti or Raareat

■ urtar. After • 14 |>. k . , i t rfark al. HUFMObiLi:. t4H. aawtp m Im M ;' clip

carara. Al luecLaRtcRl MadlhoR; r porg f o M upportuuMv l l « ] Bro»a at. i0!Xi)lLlu<'. I e>.h dar, laH model. RIMP~ I

tlookily bi>mJ «>tiape, a real oppwrtRBlty own a giMXi . a i 1041 Hr»ad al. '

l*;u FiiKU MuriniIII s-tuting, llffbta. iteiii.uii I abToa

:nlri 44* teatike

4 *»ira goodM r g a i n 44* B o u ib TweM k al N A L R -H I u d a h i k a r hi\ f - p M e e a g e r ttiurltvp iBt, 4>ar m piKjd runnlag urd'

lint ;« lr I

rubber I'MHuwa T( H«<rAlMl.L.4t- 1!

Micche ril- al'

r.ATK l«H Maiwall roup*all Urit. tl 404 tu oitlck buyer

i J If Hoa# ter phooe IVaveri) tOM« hew Urea.


t o u r i n g l a ' e model i*argaln 171 B iooTTI'

I’hA i'e I I

l"»"^'rx ]iij( '•■It^p eak i for Hi* .f '

H i: Ifmiweli Cabrtalat. H U Old* 4l T o u r in g

w <’ r> NUTHR t a R CO. IJI-ftl t'epirai ava.

I'luaed Puitday.



ANVOrNVFUBNTA w a l l lh i roft iipleiloa of oay new bui lding we a r e now Ir.<'*ie.1 at i l f i Bnia-l at Ae ati opening fea tu ra we o f fe r t ' l m a ve-y uiiu*i;al b a rg a l a a ,

F rank ll nap»'!»a 4 n .'i^dwn rii«a akapa.

*a f H Hn>i ; |han i, good " ' . v n aee I'A, r-iiiring

Her.va l-A, Runabotjt .

O tb a r Make*HU Cadll.an Vliii.r-ii, Tary good.HI7 Uakiand 8ei1ati«ita. good.H ll Hiiidabakf.* tuu ' . o K.

n * n n O A D »T I 'H O N * M A R K E T •T». W O r R I b B I R . f w r l C a r M f r .

E L I I I I S A T E H r R K _ u l ' T F R O M UB.

TOt Kl.su BfU'K PirNAMdlB


T'lMtiSiJ •'(•MMKIK'I Al, AM» llVNAH'il’T, Su KKAHiiNAHlAE OFFKHR lIKFlhKl' LVON.H FAKbIM i.AHAOK H:4 MthTlI HH‘*ALJ HT . l.liiNH FAHMH bl-.*’ij]tK LtAVJN<, f-.T ihe> '.ip.ri.arrd Irip,

be aura lo dr iv e in tu ' F i i d * P a r k . " 14 W'.i iiani a t . and have y .uir inii tery fllteii «h d a i a r i e r m<>tnr lircrked a f t e r o«ir a t i e n d - atili are eiperiFiired atid r.ereful anil you• '!! rRA'etv# (ha tir<ial cnurtemia altentlnn.

n .K 'T ftr r Mi »T'»h a kulpaIh • m I>11> YOU Ba T y uu w e re t h r o u g h buytog

'milailiin Igtiltiiii repair part* ' If an. ■F* Paul and aave by buylig ■ecu:rve fertury piriB «jttla«r j| I hf b ifl'lB'BS. Itnre H4t. l aui B 'jenF'aTiiT and Meg.i*<u Hiaiien, 44 INI .la'fi at , ti*(M«*ii W'a* .irgroo aad tfa ■ B«K fit i.Vnt* Tiie n'lmbef > __

rriANK-.lN ^ihRlKH t REDA^<'ar in f IRE I'njii londldan havlag b*en

o v e rh a u le d 1 v F ra i t k i i n U o t u f f^kr Co, at aI oat Ilf |4uO

► H ii.\ K H KARLEf f* ' ‘e n lr « i « V e w i ’-k phiirt* | J B D.It A Kii AI S'N-'llalrk* I'‘miualde. 1414 Ovgr-

land muring •ui'.riiI tuf harking. |Z>d earn, J Ford touring 'ara. I20« up. i^avro.• t«t> (TiOiUl Liodge M'ln/tnj delivery.Ii'd'an in iiori vri# MHnnier a Ptoraga, I Ttal- land It B«e Me.kaellj ai. 'a r i fuaraairrij rill'UM T 4-paa«eQger Crow• Kikhart roa^-

itar MlHi wire wheel*.

PAlilE five p a te e n g e r lien paint tire*

f'elil av* V-.r r. mr HLIFOVa L Ra U : — M!g red- , t i m new (nui

1iig l a i a , I 'un l l i i e i . ia ' * •. } •Jule' « t a n - l a r |> nil*. f«>rd ' i r r* . K 1 lu * 11**1 baae A i dreae Art Be'1 Tl v*** yrfi. t H i : l lO I 'R D A VIk i n u r i n g . Al r g a d r i o n

eMb gi.rod paln< aiul | [r«« J a h n l.aiitn A ’ *01) C'liipb IVorhv KTver rd , \ j , U ArliDgioti, phuii* A r l l i g t o o ( i t RKUAN D a r t H I 4 aHp e o v e re , g p e u a l

p a lm , « l r e w h ea ta a good t 'uy . lerriLa If deelr*<l Mi-AIUelei v«ri '>n e 'n rp . 1041 Hvwaii • t. . .Newark (el. N a r k e t MTl O l ' iC K H I T . MiiTiroar a n d w i n t e r l u p . com

piataly new, a rea l au i cwnobtle , t e r m * If dee lred HcAUieta r I ' a n u o r t r r p , HOI broad*t . N a e a r k , tel M ark*! H l l _ __HIT'H(>.N' kuper kii T paea model J. new

lire* aiLp ruT«ra «i^ra ahoe. toeta «l «FFA rea i tnablM M O a k l a n d g v « . J e reey riEy, (ihonfl klnnigomery )0I

H it FOKl> Igan » o r k 1-1 g otni

I Surih n'lllo* ■a r, lead body, for tail

.lUiiiii. ran be m«o at M'lrv ielgr

l l l T i ' H S L l . t ou ring .good patrrt a n d niu

c a r , prii a | ] oq |04 H V id

UUiCk IM4 T')au*'rr


manv *T(rai, 4(1 ''*Qtr a ' a

■ La. t w e e i l r i t , h a v e ne uee far

I..Jge al.A J \guar) ranntng

iovh4. r i ina a n d g u a r big h a r g a l n a t I I . I H 'O V O I I I I .K C o


UBED CARS THAT ARB BtG«T.Tl would pay you (e egamlke dur IfR#

Reed pgrg before ptnrhaelkf ea« We hR»eR full hne of M*aw«i| gnd Ckklmerc weed •Rrw, and the following. ^

1*14 nidamobiJ* touring.HIT Doitga louplog,Hl4 Over.gnd (OurlRg, tI41S gtudabeker teurlog.H ll Ferd Iruek.Hi T Magwell truck,H ll Maxwell lru«k.

Art iMed or new car ea« kg kwRgRl mttRae pRymeni tf deaired.

LlB COZEN MOTOB COVPANT10 Brasifard place.

Newark. N J.- TalepkoRf Market 414,

. NOW ■ B u r r i s w —« ra e#iR-m t iR tnia week aiw elee.ng «ui a (*w re-Sewed r*re on head. Thee* aqlcmekOea

avg bt«n all gone u»er mechtRlceJIr and In fine rondllJen. M.witaiiy anaI4H Uulru teu'lng.H ll t'ope-Hartford lourlRR. l i l t Ktlt lotiribf HH rbalmerg touiiag.HH (.iveriaiul l*1on uellvcn.H it Tord tUjlyejT.l i l t Ford tearing, aelf glartgg.|4 l l Fnrd (earing.l i l t U«gw«a m#»Ul*r.

k. ir. ororiihax .Phone Harrltorv 3714

iAClllFlClC VaTE*"HarriMW,

The following need earn have begR I M r- • iLlowgd la our own «hope end muti kg Relgg ( i fe a h . . - r u lu c o d h r lr e .

111: Chalmer* Vpta*. im,# atx1 f 11 i*)u* 'I r-fiE-pa.H ll Liberty louriiig H it Templar (-poaianggr.1>17 n p e l d a t ru c kl l j f Htew^-*1*14 Itfol l j j Htewirl l-ia.i tr-r. k._-il4 lif-o b-'-tn rhogRi*

CAITBAN MOTDJI FIaLRT 00RP*M.eAl tlrAkKAl ..i ”Broid gl.,Ne*tr«, N, J,

I cgl.


}}} f Brnikiif* louring**}J. *> tlir* Hrntharti ie>adMer.H ll i>odge Bnith^v-ri coupe H ll t fidi )*<" *i)ur|Bf, J

HIT Freak In roeiiater HIT BtudcHxker rradater

111! IfovfiCB Umrlug 7-pa*HI r Iftrn^l tbur.r g

IfH Ifudeon Roiiar Rig.H ll Max^vell tou 'lng.

rh*vroi*l t, uring.•ONN’FTMr M uroft CAlt COm I l f Hrngl Cl, Newark ' '

Vkga ear dept. __^ ___tt:. P .[*^h»l4, i ig r _________ _

“ ■i.V.'V.T y Si ? * v b ' ^ qr b a l e111) Rupaard I, . u r t m-oAtl It II lUji.UrA I,

i i t r miioiiM 1!i m Nbllon.l ltd*., drlirm | mll»,

. . . . Zi m WI.IM I-tMiHtnfM m w im .t .Dill... .„ .f ..........1111 OlggihdhUe tR'iriRg,

III* F^rtl toMfinr.'L r C MUFF MOTOli V o


....... J,Ukl. Kf.

Lilt. K.«.MARMONB.

AlMbhr. bMlRt ■ n r b* Mr* t* «Wt «wr---- — . ------- ------- . ..m r 4b |i.rln.bt.

CARvafMlwr MU«.

iRVAN MOTOifi. . DirlTlbjWr*.11-11 Hbiwr «., M. J,

w m.b4M«*ti. m wr>.m»nr<nU«ii. idv.,,.


U.M C«r u tv l. H * « ^ ' tl***.TM. WilbOrr IM T

J c)rU*4br. l-M M aR irt M t*-KNIOHr tw eb ee l; tlr**.

mrrktala.lly Ik tl-r lM i w it* ttabt.Ilil C*mu.AC U«llk«. IMA S -*.[ IMF l-u * AU'.ABWlma Imvk

thoroughly orerhculed, lovha. mha and anteed eaniF ae new

(J(K>DWIN AlTTt_S3^i>ntral are. Market

tfARPURffrORB. ■ "Parte, flltingi. adyiaiiag, rebutidlag.

Lgrgeii and oldeat rR atate.Rayfleld, Biromberg, gchabler, Marvel. Zebllk

JIJJIN II WILL* AAr.na CO ^H 4 H*UevlJia_*v« __ Phone IH H. B



N*w aad Reed Ch*VfOi*( rarg. Iromi^Uta dellrery, lour. r(>ad , coupe and eoden, w« need the room, pricea right, on terroa. l*I caih balance la luontaa Addreaa Cbev- m e' N'ewi offl<'*Kl.JhLL, Jl;4 dfOAN' lU'.N'iTo'io lITUKa

CniCK NKW IS.H6 AM f.EAVINo TOWN TtJLL S.O"niFf'R TO OL'ICK BFrUR AT'DllFAjl Hf.fUli' p hJiALTY CO KOi*M 144 OHDHVAV BULDl.No, OK PUONM mapkict^ h : 14,FORD RFI>AN. HJi), deioouoiabL* rlma,

ahock abearbera. aelf alarting and llghl* Ing ayarMnie. buropar, epeHal aide tampg, dome Ughi, clock, vaae. extra tire rb4 Iu^ . linoleum rtiaaing board, rare chance. 1044 R_reaii a t ______________nATKPW TpaaeeRger' touring «ar| f l if

modal If; In flat condition; Hartford ik<Hk abworbera bumper, etc ; nay danmn' •tratlen, Uoore. H I Keaxbaw eve., Eagi Ore eg*.LA1'i MODEL. 4-ry1lnder ^ d ilia c ' trUH

ruatom built euhurbaji aadan body tn AL ^oadltlM; rkg new, mechknlgallr perfgflt, 11,644 fo ublak buyer ti> cloge gn oetaie. U. W. ^Jokneon. If Uechanlo et., fled Batik.

HH HATViM T-peanenggr lotariag car;bonght laal June; paid 11.144. full egvlp-

metii. wire wheeia; new rear cord tipgg; new ov*r-eite ballery, f(r«(-e)RgR running order, prtre l l . m Cei! Market l i io . II Heckaptc atFOrId runabout, l i l l ; hrv(*clRRg RaMkian'

leal eoBditten. demoiiRtakig vkgRlg; two extra tirai. apeednmetar, ti>ol*. IlcRnee, ell f'l^uipmant; peiling account lemvlttg V. g. B Bandorfy, i l l kouth Tenth et . third finer r o i l ) TirtfittNcTcAig^eveTRl good Ferd

CRra, ro firgi>claM CDodtllon. at kargala prtogR

PADDOTK-zrai r o ,I Ofeen tit .________ Oppegite OKf Wall.

BtHcK i l l l l-paagenggr, iittlV ~IH ^1ngr iBgJiy gxtraa, all goed Urge inechAnlealiF

ygrp good, price reegengble.DADDOTK-ZrSI CO..

B Ofgga at y Hall.QALL a nd ROLL.EH BKA'R'fNa'aKRVl^

'AM Makaa of AutomobtleaNEWARK B_EAin^O rO Rp.._7ll HALSES L4H 4»|ii rEUa 'N; R Met g/Lyea)-round ue.*l

good paint, good Urea, end rgaaoaabig prigR

PADZ>OCX-EUllt CO. l__P£ee*i at.._ Oppoelto City HrM.

t i l l (M gRDAftVR fORl oil foar round car. gMHl pauit, ggod tireo aad reaaogakle

price.PADOOCK-BUfll CO..

I Green el. ^ rvppoeKa CHf Had.l i l l CHUVIiOLET Baky Grand tnarfag eai\

Licrd Very lllila, palrit good, tiroo good, pnee reaconcbif.

FADDOCIt-EUai CO.,I Green at.________Oppoalte C ly HrIL

auy il'^i^onMiriidori p r ic * f i : ^ H tl*(

CTLlNDKRtJ H E .;llur\i> . FlgTONg mi.O r|n*i, < ^*re*te e riet pt la U)*(i* to order.

W H Nemjvle. i ie f*T;*vi 1* a ftnM. V .r pnalie J 311l l i f C a I^II .LAC T-poa*eng*' ( o u r m g ea r

gutsa m l lea . r».oai:>' peintibd. a i -............ reilent con4](lun. price |7 9oo I F Reed.

uick«l redlator, | 47 l(«ynaliJe titr Ojaag*

14 H F n h

, I** rrir ira 4(76 raMh J>l.t*l(AM >Llcit i » H , I-poaii 'Tiger. M ro t -o ia H

■ oniHti.a, new Urea. wCI eell i b e e p T u r (on'e (ii«rM|F 441 Routh ' I 'w elf ih at i l A X ) t h | . | , Tii,.ii*leT, porfoi' l ( n u to t , goo d

e > ' ie e . l i c e wiyHh d e u b te .^vinor* |. Kvliavll le.*!• *L> ne POM. Ilm oua lo e .

I ' K R h e r m o n e v e .■ I ii «iCDing or Ru ad ayn ' H l ' ■b'Jai, Ml « r r , fin., ru ftd ll loo . bo reo*

BrtTiBli.F r re-fii^rd \ pfi'e O oragg .'Vr igh i »i . 1.1 I'l* i lK gbureen ev*- R ' ' H l l ’ rH J it n jT II . H i t ruxnplg ie ly av e r -

hauletJ. e i ' m wi re wh**i g n d ghoo . ba r - n > Q a( tkon H i P o u lb T e o i b ei ‘ ) A K L a NJ3 ’s^KaiOJe ia, |» ^ g f l t o t t r i a g

ut fa iy ii« k o i c e l l e o t r u b b e r , jiCRt e v e r - Ih ^ imI 41 Floloun ai,^ N e w a rk C H l ' i l M r ra&daior iBria i e e ). l a lg .

ruti i h k * new, giood r u b b o r . a o c r l f l e e $444Muoeon^ H l U w t L oftie «|_. O r a n g e ______F o k D ruiieb .iu t . e x t r a l ir e o a d tu b e*

KJatoii , m lr ra r . Yo|e l o c k , goo d r u n n i n g o r d e r . IJOO R e a r 117 r * e h l n a a w ( 'A D I L L a c al Tb K k an b 'a i r o n d l t t o o gp

p e a r a n . r ei<-*Ilent. |43 0 Fbnr ie U n ' 4 | i | Lj*i*r«n 4 11 Ru ndey t t iorulng I H i ( III l)^UlN ■vv«dBt«r, m e c h e n l r o l ly pvi

f*<. I I u.'i t rr* F t g * bldo ari ta T i r e r u r i t I 744 Melprr ^lh^lhF M e rk e l 144* _ i K - I H h IBt ' B r l l f l y hy r ifhAumd ftroT-OiOOe

' u n n l r i f u i ' l - f . guod rui>b*<r. |1 T I o r b«*i ' A , B i i ? K l | b i h * f r r l t y

I Eirii K "I- ■:■ ]i 4i. leto HIT. mechenii'- bI'» ' I K *n I liHiki X'lrHj F ie e* e re t

• I* U I'-l .Iuki0*'-riI 1. fAHAKNCKH l.n;rt i ig . * r In Al con .l l ,I Hon ' e f } r*aauULLJ# < ah e t J | 1' **l «r l»*i**rii I end I H U II KH A IN K J«t .N I ' jupe. ItH. a^rlaa I, gvud roo I I iIIIIl :) | mu<] l l raa, prlc-a |«40 M a i lo n K a [. ' '• ' »'■ ' ' Vi eehiogt ur i *i II ■ Alili I..V1' Hi] rMnabuu i. aaed point, fin* II ■a r . i r i i n liFOp H W f ' u r d ) , *14 ■ hjte'ui7ie'>l BVf Varona N J i

F i ‘IU j h i : r iiuring. i l a m a u n t a h i e r im e o i l I,rw III-* 1174 H w p u r d r 1M

' J........ *<.*. V ei pna \ J' KlJlt A f T i i M u i m . i i ; INH CR a NI-'K

i ' l l u N K A K Al INt:M C I . 1 0 1;J1Y 74^ _

' H K vIi u L e T. mi^Oi'i 4*0. n i l , e a ce l ie iu luinjiHun newly po in ted . 14 N o r t h ' ' e n t e r

I e' ‘ >ioiig* (el. 11(4 O r t o g eI H I " ■ l I F i f f i ' L E T F Ji r u ed e i e r , l ik e a*w,I m n i.fcou milee ony deru' tna 1 r e l l o n . e x t r a I «(|u pm eni : t W o k e m a b e<i*. j ' JI R l H() I. £T H H lo u r i n g , ( | 4 4 mlloa

uwriBr w\j oe rMhee. H W P u r d y 4 l l HjO'Tnfjelil e%f Verytia. N J

I H i t F<JHh 1 i .i ring t e r f a t oale or e i i h e n g e ,I n u. poy diffe rancB |,i caeh. tagu re ITI ("erlrai r.va Uedleon. N. J

I’.M hAflli I ui J--WI! ni<-e ahapt, iheniy I .lull* p»p power bi l l d a 74, | H 9 4 0 ]I Vi aBhut|ibin a(* Uelleviiie

i*:: KAX'i.N six luynng. aacellenl tondi !'*•(• i;*w t'raa. price l4l4 ta gulck buyer

I i ‘<ih*n, 14_i Falrinpunt oveI FiiHDR. n«.. HIV inodele, bee t~~term a 'Hy [ S a w e r k . Im m e d le t a deJiver lae un a ll mod I *la p h - n - r-H-ena* I f t l M I l^TE H ll rbevroial louring, wUh gtorier

ojjii ilamouiitebla wbeolo, | q good erU«r < a : 111 Ruuih T a o t h atFuJU* e*dan. i cia H H , a to r t e r , l lg b i a ahoo'k

I bO iurbara raaauqgbta. I'eJJ a f t e r 4 P. U ., 70 J^nugixxR f ' , Ull lburti , f ■ RD touring a e i r -e tg r t e r

C u b

i . T O . T n LAT lACIUnOM n i C M .

TkgRg ttttghg M ta m r m UrbrUp Mm ckRpg aad CRR he teagkt tae eate M tgr** All typee ef hedloa

GARPOAD motor YMUCK OO^ tlfC .•II CRatral ave., N««ark. M. J. Mfkt. It^g.

4 i i ‘oCb utBD h 6 i n x T M ta t l .Ff yea Rrg |g (he Riarkgt fgr • good gggg

(ru«A a( a lew price, lapfi otor ike foLlewiBf.IH -ton Rgthlehom.I left G. M. C., 1% loR O. H C., l-ien peril.


■41 Hetcey et , Newark, M. J.rMetrlbuioro for

_ Federal Metur Truck f*o., PatrpM. TRUCKING—Own your »wn hMta#aBi~lti55C*

lag—Leaf diguneg trucking rM Mpeliig: have arranged lu add tea mare agw track* OR gur ab(a by truek fleet |g M4ria., Mkege lelaiid ana I'linn.. ogo put eg flftoM axora aoon M pugalble. we egfl yr>a truck t l par ueat caeri *tie year tw pay IkWaRM; gate driver ownt bie uoa Iruok. W oae at tho gtarteri I next, don't welt

- ----- DAVID HAi.L MOTr>ll CAR CO INC_ ____ t; tJ WARREN TU_______

K*q delivery cor fey m U. Mpt

i i f k i i t i all g( _ M H T wOI taka l i

I4T ifad lMMma rm ealMi RHte fl

__ _ , , . , lagrtag gar i_ _ _1*11 r « * l - i o * i r ^ i f t n l - a l * * . * * * 0 .

H**: i w t i T « * « f l m * I . A. >« t i l t h * mfTSbBBAKBH' •. '• • y k .- , M lfi

t . r m t l l Uarla*. C *U ll Bl*rrw*«t * .* : gity.

A et i o i h l w f w E ic h u g * a a s x i* * r iw r . i * u i » n m « * i , m m i i . mWisdlt ly* . n i l I* « » * * ■ * • M d a l . r .

*Mi. Menw nKHh**l or Btaii Bur<-.|. niiMt I n * w f M t u * l « M B t 1*04*1. W t l i .

i IoiT ;. J ' lT B r J u ^ . t '" " '

• i a s T T - « 'B i rsa > (ia iA:

» u s a 7 S P « « ;

figa O, Mgwa gffl*^ Ora agm.

A aU T re c k i I* lO nba cbako A irro t r iig x in o co .


A ^ a * * * '^ bo o th BELMONT

BBBb ^ CARt; Nwh urf*l*« L l« hot n i t r ImU*. H t n b

Arllwno* or*., B**t Oraao*iu d H B w T tio m ' m x s r ' j s a o t

»■* oh***: m U »«(*I. r * U l * S i n ;BrtoBnoA III Boak M.

B i UphoRg MteUlaN <Tg

body wUb good (arpgalta egvor, elgrtgr and light, deraouatable Htaoi ail ggag Utm ; (Me car t* in pgrlorf neahaaf —• ad haanlng evorr day; Muat

- tel - '■at 44 williaiti at

in pgrfori ngahaaloal coadlUgn ivorr day; rouat bg g«}d eywH. or a ilfai oeaotdor

I opJi e^grp M Pki04Mangg in t J , Mr MctARa, ___________

' 7 s : ? s s ®


TiiedlotelT for towrlai eer am



ClOhlNG OUT—loAKQR OUAJfTITT iBd new ] to I (on opM flRM ggpmoo

•lee 14 ft- loaf ay I ft | Inehoa wide, with aeat end tell bonra leedy (e piece ea year eu(o tnate

rONBOUlMTEU MArTllNERT FkCH. phooa Mkt foil. 7i>l Mulberry at

c o m p le le .

K kJaL Aof l u f f ta tu M *1 on* rl*(l*a or *11 klaB*

K oK B R nT, !• ABTOR *T___ FiiovB V a t b r I t m i

j|ND J^N0..D1*'TANCB

.Oil IBAtilniHl.' PBtHINE nVK jRM. WAV^mi.

*uio (rorkUi

fo r e a lo o r o i - ' ''*** da» Q Of r u n a b o u t . A d d ro ea► uMl, Box - - -•

RUDfON, guper Mx, ItlT, cebrtolet, like cvuM, »«eL'i three, firat Mane meebaaleal

condiTlang a K

a n dr . UrtggH Co,

d tiree; pov.erful ca 171 Central «ta

OAKLAND J(n>:92DY*F-(9LN: gCDAll. 14-K* HH* (iverhaulgd, n ‘Mia(ed ead all

bright 'pertn r-Mtkheled, go>u Lirea, oae ei> tfo, gc*>d equlpmenl, uric* fLItO. MaUlen M » (a r r x r C'>.. : * 4 4 W i '

L E a VI.N'iJ I he c it) ib k v a m v 4 poeewnaer •'■( aiarlox and Hihta fu«ir new ilrt>«

end i-jl-r*. ii*w paint ('*l' af’.ar 4 J". U LakB-r, VVaehlni 91 at[/O/.IKK ] l ; a C-paBa'ingcr me< 'hanlen lly

perfaM. guod t l r e i a pwn-ar-fiii t.n I ta-vi fr irtebt* cat F a g e 'R Jw b . rU » T i r e '*orp 7i,4 H b la a r , p b nna k l a r k a ' 446)

H L f r K T U I 'K IS 'GUcht 4-cy l indcr D 7( averhauiad le«i

weak ftv* i!rci opa axlro mual eel! andraaat-nJh n (■lonCb i t l H ___f x ’l'-l' l a u r m f . H l l f ih* i ;a (idlt lon f lF f gaud

l iraa | 1 l 6 §*-r u' W * b h | ))r ;si i le g e ra g * .W*'*'L' (ixia. H-> av'-'‘ 'i rJ s-uih <>THngB pci phnn*' ' ai^a a, - 1H t ; d V R K L A N D t i u r l n * . H I T F o M d*l -,

try. H h C*iitViro>t 4lV lOurLjg C*« I'h*'-roi«t . larrna If dae tred . A d d ra a a r h a v r o ^ r i l ;ux IgV, Nawit t i . rt «TWi,. FOhDA. Idle muuec delivery an!

r-mebu-it. g u u i t f r a w . m u e i a«;i tl>>g b 'e e t i . b a rg a in . ItL-^uire H I H ld g e w o e d av*. .ph" .* : " o s s , , B «•FO R Ka I.'-I 9314 T-;iB"e LJuUk to u r i n g iia>v

top new }• pa -it.-d a«rr' s'lle-l . hi I t lr»* L i ra tan i I* N c l h e rw u a d (cr . . Eea i Ur- en g* 774* {irujigar A ' 'K A H l > 3 SS t a ' t n t o u r l a g . new t o p .

a h a fk eheur*»*re 1 entro tire* ter- . apot l ig h t , a n qu ick New at , *.Jui H i g .1114 Mi'Do*CN 4-(t j e a d n G V. t o u i i n g

r e r a . (loih In vxceilanL c o n d it io n . Hprlng- Geld C e r a g e e n d Mechitiw Phup M u r i ' e a r e . ,BprTngni»ifi S JWILIiTH-K NlL’l l I T ci>t;p* , g ood riT idlMon.

mechlAaTy Ju i( o v a rh x u *it n ew ly p e ’nivd I wjr f whi'h»'» .1 I-; S: i*j. 31 H : a( .nioortifla' .d, N .1.CRGVVrifli.K H l t . ’ c h u m n i y '

ebanrijari, S good aloeti uvw wwmwtj. , >.••••. tiu,B • wirwuaporting car firat cleaa rundlUoa 174 Rixth j H l Hleohiflald ave*e s r . ^ R o e a v t U e ^ ____ _ ____ ____H l 4 fiobillB fn r aaJe. Gve n e w tlgne, n e w

pe ln t . j u a l t iv a r h e e l e d , goo d c e n d l t lo a . pr ice reeeun xhie . ( t l • W e e h l n g i o n e i ; tel.41ITW Mark* '

41, Njw» office FOHD H it f f l AKKl f t , I T I ," OV e S l A N C T h I*

■ HARMlR. M A X w f c U , T R r C K C N E A FKt»i<F: «L AC AD EM T I T

MAXTEIt JANITOR, l ^ -lon, 14 oeaio, Jltogy;•erly H ll model epgckel bergein golag

r>gt of buMnaoa. lagulre perexhaelly et Awor- Icen Hu* lUrege 4 Arthar et , CUftoA N. J , nr by mall to Suiery Pvblie tleeieao Glg- 'g li *1 (J£fiun eve , Cllfien^ N J, ftAlklER—Warm drive i^lvofy traake:

ognlpped WUb eay h te r dgalrgd: M teacbeaelk I1.I44, 1-toa ehega^ ll,0 |g , l ^ .to* okoMM. h . i u : *-to* a ;***•*. h . i u i* taoll lin t wBM *t ta d k*t***o witht* o roox. Mck[ll*l*r-C*rton Cor* . !•••iirood el.. Nawnrb. t»l. l_iT| JEarkgl.H ll r o ^ geJiTcry car elooed hedy. In good

4-ondlilen. four guod Uroo, dofthoUBlable rlna woa everbouled two moatha ego; will a*l. for I t l l If Bold thia w ^k . cea be eoen eny day beiwem : ag>l I A M.. or I end I I’ U ae cer It In ue» averr dey. 114 llel •ay *iON hi Fard cheaela. flue m«*i'Laalcet ewodl-

tlori axraptionali r n-ud Mr«a, IfSO. on* 1»H Vim truck. p*n*i hody flneat candKloa

I MV*, a l< ArKlNS<^NI Tel Till Orniigp H J'roapMcT pj , E Orange I UBltD TRUi'KH OF VaRK’I'R MATtEa ASD I HIKER, \vn,r- AhHAN'OE Rt^lTARI.B [ TEUUi FOH hKPPliNflUO T: PARTtEl I HOAOI.aVL t i l ATJCR,I 340 Vi AHHINUTuN PT

AOKNTg FftH ii M r 4 HH ft'HD Bfirm drive, Jorge rock body,

^rti cIleaB i‘ond!(lonI4H |i|-laT> Uxi.X upali body. Al morbOA- icol cninlKlon Aoplr JuncM-kn Ooroge. Ferry ODtl Oliapal (It rbnne Merkel 44 IS MAONKToR i)iened but while youre being

repaLred- 'Mdeel Beech iiiegn«(u repeir- men In Newark Foul a Oeeereior end Meg n*to Hte , 44 Wlillem el . bat Wnetalngloa end Halaay ata Mki 3444 KEM.r HPFM.' 'GFiELLi tie t'cji ' t r ^ k rbee~

tia. •'aropiaialy avarbeuied; e apleadid Iruik for esy purpoe*. lerma if dvelred Ifc- Alllai«r-reriE>n r'ori>. H4t Breed ■( New erk^Jal HH Uarkat __

ONE iaMoe*d Fard deiiverr body u 4 one t* lea irurk body for eaie cheep F Kelliuer,

l^Tjaa^V'tai'orid ai trvjngio^N J FOR HALE—%Min*ir hue, Hapubllc, lie ten,

n«« Urra all xr-.und flrat-oleae mecheni- rel rond1iir>n w;ih or without permit aiI- ■Ir-aet Tltnr, boi 141 New# efrie*KX>lll> l'ae<1 lammerclal cAra aad trwcka

al vary rwaMnabla prlrra: terma If da Blrad Mi'Alliptar i'«r1on I'oc], il>4| Rrued ai , Nawerk, iv' 1471 Market 174 TON M(puliUo truck, I t l l nir^eT; roo-

liii 'ban uxM> ovarheuled nod ( new Fir*a1on* Lir»« riueiHS body W. H- PaperHot Vc , 144 l uiDfhll elFOKD-HEIj DEN una Ian end Ford with

••otafaariiai 1 ody fgr bbI* vx'exd Rekirig r'a Fourth ave nod North Fifteenth er . Nawerk.FoKD on* i«n iruck. •xielient condKIon

r*ar lira*, rioted too bergein for qul-n hu/rr, ilTall *1 |y l LJiuomfteld eve.Vataiia.

L O C A Lrivn,

LlR A%'E. TRUCK IMG CO., l i t 1HY1WOTON WAV 7 lh .


T R U ^ I ^

oae te e*veeI in»«kn, t r a c U a g .

Ba lhgy Tr go Afgr I dey “ ---- ■

alerai .. _____ _ ________ ___md Jay, | | |g . i’lg i

UAVR IM to 4 U a ] wetelf, BieMkly erC . wU Karaite ra<g

fl.Trewg amoA

any pufpeeg; aJgg0 liggfAg. Mgetagr Ce.: aaeag algfli « i . f i n o

ffeok (rack, wtli ^ g ' yeerir c*a4re««t ra|l-

_ ^ rgtfgrgaee. AdgroM Tpaek. gwg a ff loA

vark tor a ew Ttmek. AtgfT Ign

ettherr Ifi-tM a k i w «r

ONR le fear (ea ag» klgli rack traek; by dor. wa*k er ggatraet; ewaar drlvee If.

Mendel. |61 Reatb OraAge eve., tel. MuL berry 14elAl'TO TRCCK for t tro i

lotel or long dlelanea. Call J den, H Ogdeg e t . cUy; pRaae R.


Me, f l gideg goo red pragA •.•N Ua .tacb elreka.

Adaa power praaa ea irea ataad: ItL I new p preeeai, fga IkA, l-ta guteg: | l t e 104-lb Ruegck drop kARiaiePo Three 14-lack Merhae drtUe il•laak Reed - Prent leg h. g. grill leaplag

etteek.IM’lark H'd getew meek-, pgwtr fead all


|4-Iach Barber beek geared- 14-lnck Jueael frtedea cluUh.I4-Iacb twiltb A Miiia back ra re d .We buy your eurpLea Meralaery- ear


44 Merhanle a l., M*lbe|n^2ITTHE F f)l^ )W iN d L iiT ‘ojT OGR^lCnT

PLUg EQUTPMBNT l i FDR »ALB:Tw* t-epindie UgkHtpeed Lelead-Olftard

drill preoeeeDee l-ejilndle higkepaed leiead-Glfferd

dfitl pr*oaMe Welker unlv*mel gviedef lae Iwliea letb* lee AniM letb*. coBiplete Ae Burk* Miller, two Duplex eadleea ball

kriadera. T I* Welle (.'o _iae I44 |b dcvp hammer.•everal p iiita i tenke

All above equlpineal le In perfect ggAil' tlCA

BfiAGM, 144 ll 'U R X AVR.______' tio Y o iii

We bag. pglL renL exehenge, laatAU, rafklr •M Waiataln electrical egalpwitalo

Dtama Ir all aad ateem eeglAeA geagrRlav •ate and holleta-


MEW JB R iE T 'i e l e c t r ic a l CLEARING ffOVHK.


Pbeaea l i l t . J llJ . l i l l UarRei

111 Ltn' HH CHEVROLET, «I4 (ourtag.I *i',n ova , rnorntnga. j PTl'TY rxifleter. wire wbeela goad peTDl,

lurd lire* Al ruanlag eeadltioa. 4H I Avon ave. wav. Tilt.I lU li're 4-Ll 4 poaeanger; nr*r^leea ^ o c ^ rT I I '«■ lumliMua. I good tlFM. 1104 IT Kelly- j * g i f 1 i v * j.iMf <.)reage

i!»i» r'lJiii.AN. apart model, like new, atuel 1 .1'. „nc*. laevtng. Applj | | ioraereai

►! 'I • a ■ iVa v*f-l )• Ova.


Mcrir.f•< I £ urOBT. a'l good tirea

hr-i . •( MM- Bill.>'0|UJ ouupa. fully egolppair Al eaa&GM;

g«»KL tmy. tarroe If gealre^ 144| BreadFred Weieh, II ' • '•! Markai t(Tl. _________________________ , In'DOB aaderi let* me^al; gRly n u 4 444

milM. 4 new UroA I m Urri tergata. >7* Tio n A It.. Mkt. Mil.OI.HMI ch an ce for A guloft hayar: l>paeeen-

l«-r Overland. lr>oke Aag rune Ilka now. iHa wnveriy,V. 1. . 'iH . GOOD RUNNING G RD felirtl^

‘ VMlK Hft VAU-CT b r o o k AVE.. : • 'ILPbT. N J

HFrunLli.' t (on ap*clel, nbaaiutelir ti*w.paii«l l>odT . Dvanli* cord Uree Amariran

Phnt^ l^peji^ro ^ Klie at lllwmGaid. N J sm all truck rM>dy, aullebla for Ford,

cheep Tl Ml Vlaw pt . et Renford ava . b«(wern Ri'Ulh Oroide eri<t_ Rjir^g^aid av** FIMID ilehvery. panej body, very good

ahap*. nil iMvd Ulchalln tiree. R. W Purd>, 4I( BlrHimfiaiii eve Vernae. N, J Ford Molar iS-utk. li% ton rKeIn drive

fuod Condition will eell cheep Ideal Hra I>ele<'lur Cn , Ruaei'ei Park. N J ONE TON Fgrd truck eold fvr repaln end

•'orag* running ordtr Bierk A White TatJ l.'n Ferry A Froeparl ala FiiRO rammerclAl for eel*, reeeenable

pravileaPIr ne« V eji Ffeil Dairy. Vaux 11x11, Cnlot) L'nvnty, ,N. J VIM uailvvry. In perfeci eendltT^,”muel'"be

Bulil at (incv, rheep for rexlt 4« Uadietio tl Mtrkai DUPKKAI-KRR rbeaiie I ton, jpreedoaTly aew.

fur txlv J M Baldwin. IT Freltngb&yeea______________________ . ava Nawarkale HIT LitlieCtg. Al rtio- I u - TON ~>H nENlX’“f^U i Ic ” ' aTT A r l f -

■Ta I AlFNT I4T ITUTVEiANT AVE. IRV­INGTON._________ ____FfvhD delivery oar; p rlr'e 'li'tl I4 1 ~ ^e i^

4i’ Jih’ive^Jll Arllagion ONE lerga half vog body. Robblt^A Alli-

Werehouee^ Creafoe4. N. J. RBO Jitney, In good condlllen, with permit _ ln i^u^ n i l Hpringfleld eve^lrvingteri

a LLMINMM 1-pAxaerger lendeleite ta il *• good e4 i*ew, Mt. II T|«heaoiirvingion. N. J.

F '" - ' luunng car overhauled, in’ eiI int ehip*. fl7l. Addreea Touriog Car

H. \ n: N'biim o/Ik-*.R d F< rd coupe fur eele nret-cloxB

J(•I ''^ourt at.

roadeter. ehock - Fo rd roadeter, Itle pie^aL' partaat gfadl' S rood al'c^a aew l*eiYer}r. , _ rinn. hllJ a a apealglly, IfTI, TeiapktaA


nVB.PAKlBNaEn lourlit* r*r; t in t ol*** cohjJKloa, tl44 Inquire g( eervlee etatlee.

Albion pi.car, Fenner ave. et.d Valley rdP ata re^p^ N. J . __ ____ilUIck rDedataa light atx, cord

a x t r e . n e w p a i n t , n e w to p ; f i n e f u n n in g•• ' tnil lt lan: a*U rh*ti>. I H A v>’D a v a I 'hatie Wav**-n' 71 1

Fo rd runabout, Hki. laather lop, t^ o eed b(xlr. guiid hill etlMMc, W. M, k le a m

Mein it . OreagAkTi OLDIBOBIL.1 |-*rl t*«rlB* e*r: m l

condition. Pkeaa Orange I f l t J i t l U g n ftl- Eaat Ormnge- ________ _ _ _fr a n k l in H ll. tenrlngj reM U And ^

ceniiy repalhtad; leobi new. TaJembtea-----* .apaL....___ _ ] M unt^if ItTIK.

tlrae, two FOR Dft—Tourlaga. tn 4 up; eome

N- rl h RevBn’b et.ruoteeuta, ckeaalala g«a4 eenditien.

irOAN Reby Qraad. WN Urea, illp cevara;nU* aT*ape, le r rna If dea1re<L U e A l i lo l e r

C a n o n Corp . , 104S RroAd et. . N e w o r l f , tei . Market UH, 1I'TUDEBaKEH I'pexaenger toUfihg car, ..

cahtly overkauJad and la good eendMIee. reeeohxbla to aulek bjyer. fi4 f Broad at..Wat*fiy ITI.______________________ ___BUlck i^rabrialat; !«• mlleaEa; palat, rub-

foeg; reeetitly overbxuled. Phene

('Kr.vr-KLRHART HH eed Btreiiop. R W. Pnrdy*

_____I CO LB

- I I'llEAF, SINoltf 01 X. iT.

iiurm. Rprin^eld ava .^v au i HallFORD coixinari lei car, perfect caaditlen.

t- 14 • DellavUie. N J.it fr*'le

JfTNIst bua tof Bale with permit . IGlUne _TfURBE Ferd bod lee for eale. Eeeee^^i _Jlna*rtag Co., H 3 CealrgJ * *e.HH VIM delivery very reeooaable.

Tire Ce., m Malaey at.


U h e e t e


O N E le eeven t o n in a c k g l e ktire. « a y c e n t m o t . a a y w h e r e , n n y U m e , pe re e i

p c te p tie n. Wav t 4 f i > M g | ; j e R n e e k B i ^ONE-TON i r u e k . dey, load er

Ir lpa r eaeo n eb le . Debeeek*at . ^ k o p e M o r k e ^ l T l I ____C u N U <Tleiar*r^ o r iecaJ i n i e k l M ; Reur . l e y

o r w e e k . raeaphA ble r a lo e . f M H e a i o r d e a • I ■ p b a n e W g v e r ly 4 ( T^1 7 m7a L on d i o » 4 l a i * * * * ' i n o t i l B | ; lU*-

]J>|1 ( Bloffe. Tl P t ro t *00, a**lDr****i pbitpe Orange T41l \ ton" TRU(?k.'' high VcJk M p i hy'kMt,

dey ei- rohlmct. go anywhere. Arltagtei

HACKINBRT CO., Fayftieriy

Hearark ieeend-lland Marhlnefy Ce.BUTEIti AND BRfXERi Of



HAND.WARM ROUiEo t l IH CHEiTNUT iT*------ -------PHONE l4 H - im m a r k e t .

*:i ____CAPTfiNG ' antT





err n 441



*1^*7. • af Central gve.. phene T|> MiLCALL bcange liMW or 11*1 for anle e ^

Vice, hour, day, week, eeaoeo; ewoen drive, up le-dete five ead eeven paeaengircare, retee reeeeneble ____ __Ct-^MPOHTABldF ffve-peeeeager. eVenlngt.

Rundaya, t)^eretlue i>ey eiTil epea. eare- fui invar. pHre right Ceek. IT Feriy-eee-end et Irvtngiun ____blG comfoTiabJe Peerleeg |e hire by tear,

day*, evvnlrvge end Runday tripe; vei •eneki* r'all HH Weverly. PeerAl Twgirtb wi.FJVE rARRENGER cer, care fu l"d ^e r. ree*

eoneble. re eeeebore aad country. Gegen- belmer. HS Alden a t . Orange. Phene t i l l LAKGK, romforiebje T-poeeeager ^^tt|de '

baker. afl*rnooD, evening and tun day, re e n a b le , vwner drlvea A en e (Ml ^ B. I'ltEV rtOLET Keby Grand t-paeeenger by

hnur er trip, eveniAge end Ktmdaye; ownerdrive#; reae^nabla^ r^en __Oranga Mil

.ffi\TCN KA^KNOBR lourtB* **;. oT~«o do4e, owner driree: hoar or trip; terma

reMunabl* rbene Weverly |T1|.PA< KAKD fW lN iH x lf

touring lo hire, oleo IlmoualDe, iiipe aay- where. lime. ^ Weverly l4HCHEVROLET eedan for hire by Ike tear,

dey, eveninga or Bandayi. reoaonablara lj 11JI _Urt>ad et^ W e e ^ T ___^ARTIRi taken to ohore or oeuntry in beau­

tiful 1 paeeBAgar Uudeon at*: owner drlvee. Phone HU^M. ft. _____aLwayr reed), eiageal Mven-paeeenger Cole, hour, day, - — —H tl.

LAtHRi, llgl*. H l l H ll, H ll, lA I.rULLT RGtTTPPEH WITH CHUCKi

Power preaaee. drill proM, foot praai. Buaeh proa*. W'row preaa, flat end wire rell- Thg mllla drop hammer, praaoure blewere, Thuratoe mlUeri. rwltrig roachleM. ahlaa, obaftlng, teogera, pulley, heltlaf.

CON ^LlpATftn HArHJNBRY BXCHm RuyarOo Appreleera. Llauidatom.

Moohloerr end eatlre plea ta bought for eate ................. ........... lai Mulberry l iPhone Uki. ta il.

ELECTRIC MOTORR Tte h iei and olta yea want far real a*RW at rawteoebla prioea; there ore Wogwr* eaker-Wheeter, WeellagboaM, PeAaaa llobklM A Meyera, eic., ail gatraatead; wa

moke a gpeckalty ef noway work aad wUrlgg' Cell lie aa, Merkal l l l lH - l .ELfiCTHU* MOTOR A REPAIR COMPAMT,

114 Ueleey e t , Newark. N. J.

EBALD grinder. No, *4, allfhily need, IPlreII,M*. In Block, eieo xhapere. 14 IntJi-

brand new price tTfl. tn atocli. many etbi# 'bard to ob*aUi" toolx.

AETNA UACfilNBRT COHP..U Mwhank- ei. Phone I4H MorhaL



VEKlNO BROR. CO.I t Ha m ilt o n rt . n e w a h b , n, j .

________ .TEL- M44 MARKETCOMPIATE "Tinea of metal workliig eadp'

meat ea oar floor frr eele. 'ntire pleoU er eligle toeli purebaeed

gun Machinery Co. lao.,3TI WeehliigloB el.*

Newark. Tl J ___

week- Phone Weverly

GwBfRRPRIi'ATE Oa r a g e wanted, June 1 at July

1. wilhin two blockj of Avea ave end Thlrieetith ei. Phone Market l i l t hetween ( and I P. M. Of adilreae Garage. Koi t Newa offh*

WRgT END t l Littleton eve.

iternga and renalrlbgCn^ weaned WILLIAMA~i 0~ara 'ok‘ ”

ipe^'v for ihirtr ce. 11*9 monthly Call J Hotel, Milihum. N. J


iribg en. all oaraT D R E W , M p .

flrer-fllonv o a m l l t l o r . iTorageeioroge revenue bowG. ColUet. Mlllbura

I m a AccmmtIm , X t p d n , Etc.

OUR ITURDT REHTJILT TIRE! FOR TRaT t r ip;m D----------------- ■otbI


1114, HI Iltoomfleld eve ,BieemftaldRloemflald._______ ___________________IF VOUft balfarr ruoi~3nwn have genera lor

exiailned by the uideit reuelrmeu h> ih« lUHi Paul'e Qo&ermtor A Magitete kte., ii WIlilAni It._______MAXWELl*. early l l l l . Mv good tlroe.

bumper, lt«enae, evtra wheel. eee*l|en1 con- dlil'iA, ftl*. H RprlngdAle Ave.. Heat Oratifi, N. J.


BV U'KV fl Rir 'K

Ht9 ranabewtt W. rur<T, 4M

••J'-TOblo tar two riR iT, houiMO Ih-r cool bolt OI iiuKh u aiw lino. *blch -niblio ,ou lo •4MB* mor* for BthoT onJorioiM (RTOND.

tecAuee y*u tAka no teaneee with our I«*ran*l4 robtim tiroi *■ ibor tr* (ooronltod wm* **

J " - T H tr AHR ALL-HTAMDARDMAKEg. Come la, lei u# ohow you Iheee Urea Tou can't lell them from new and wa will ihow you hew ipe done la the largeet ted b ^ eiiutpped lire repair factory in

OAHAds to Jet OD Llaoeln HlghwA/, Ferry el . M*, rof Uaniifadurere' pi-, I4 ifl ft

front and rear drhewey, guitahie for heavy trucking, rent cheep.GARAGE—Nrw, up to del*' building, 4.I l l

aq- ft i one noer. ho po«U. SIT-IH High M Apply 314 Lefayetto Tel__M^._**4

PRIVATE g a r a g e TO LET; | l 1*1 gKV-KKTH AVR., FIRRT FIaOOR.___ __

NEW OAHAGE to let at 316 Academy at , capecUy 13 or II cara, ail Impte. Apply

on premia**.PORT-ART.B eteel garage

and 1*«H, Charlaa W. ]N. J.

fur ogle HxH Lewie. Hnpalcwnf,


Migteet pfieea paid for eld or wrecked rare for Junk aad part purpaeaai oay make or model X>ealeraPhone or

la new and itoed tiree, auTo porta

drop powlaj andBayefe right prtceg.

------ iriKT-f> —gef Abe


eaaiH: aftald a

K HIT. MIL n i l : flM teApai •« !K ;7 'F ‘. y . x *- » e » *

t•l*e«. CMbo*. Til

DODOn louring,*«en *f|er T o

Tl.ln-errk et. ________BTANi.rv b tb a m er , IHT t-pw eam aT

new biller; will temeagtrate. l4ll*OTteii»T%, n u t c n . ________

P. B, CtCEVROLBI. H79. a wondyful hlU j btUTT: CrlUnber, with tole of power; gaod leoklni

end aeonemlral: a rxr^ opportunity.#7

poilD. runabout. t* if. •lemnunteb^, ahocb ahaorben- good tirea, perfect motor: f44Q

Pbon* Mil Blaeoefleld. 67 Franklin if., inloomReld,^^__ __ _ ___PAIGE tourlag; fliWt-'Claia condlUoa. rubber |

lacluire jl after I P U

_- iti ftfat-eloeo aaadmaa.t l jchadwtoh nvw., eeaomi flaar.

CHEVROLET 4»*. fat* model, toad aaatl-Dorrethy. U fitaeklen iL : rk ta*

BloemfSeld IM. w—

good; BOW wavtrly MT ion ave.OVERLAND

rht; tel*'7dl4 punrboiMi, Cal

H ll BaBT g r a n d fltevrelet; a bargain. Oaragg, fiouih

T«'«lfth ei.g te i og a«miOraaga auA.

la I, T lo I P Ml

Vgehiafto g it.

HH MAXTnCLU new patgL fUra gasd gkeea, f 'li-r le ie rendition: can be aeen mKof •

P, .'if, and iaturde/ AUefn«»oa and ■water. S, It. Mott, IJ NdHh Thtrt«M*b a t

MAAYNKi Muring; bevrr aterheuti

Al Cl t e ; K Lwhn,

ctediueL motor ‘ le te paiaic

HHtJree- pt^c* |4I9. - .Tohti twhn, Atrontte <:krat> Wnflta River rt]. and Belleville pJk«, Nurtk Arlingtnn. Phone Arltngfok *M.


Eh'UHbH A'Ga Ppe'tialLJtta.H a! ae y, W LJ a it, • l _

raH nC iiiK L 'lM ul* ; f» iir-[> ,Jw a» ir u R' bt*r; wlro *b*»!ii- i*r moc!i**l««]ly *or>

T**t; *by rcMOfobl, Cm octrR ti** b r ■*- l«lnt*M(vt. WliUtm K. N-tio*. AtUntl* *W.. l o t Btn-wbl Rh*l<* IH J .

ARX ir** Rtn***l«t*C or RbIiltoR «• C*llo- r r r U iMT *«'• **f T M •*, «•* Uil* R«|«*,

I.IU1* n i l Ilk* row; futlir w|«lp*,4: «**t•Hrtnt* w en ^TT. ___flieD "T ?X lP * v w * l n*kM *( b*n*ia ^ rl< n « t e*n **■ *•• ■• * r t«l«Rli*M M*r-

AimntoettO ca ,■ ■ . III. CwilHll R*»

T otifiit w , w S i t t r ^ lifc* •« * . . . . . l l t i IM t t * M b , MW M r . . . . . .

^ S B S S r

M f O i o o .

(r* **«r-ttr* f*'l>i w -

rrHa x , cwiH —IM*

S a n a a - ,_*t (a b w *

•UM ic. ••MU Rbt t* * b M ._ « M 9 ^ a m m i-

«»*.• 5W«; w

l iU i eo*«IU*Bi win 1 kuKweed pi., CaM-

VERLAND Ipaoeeeiger. model IK; goetl i . a ■' ---- - ■■■ ■rendltlob; rupelnted. mu*i eell uulekly. ^ * J f y ’ ■**!*? *rm* iionvfrhterit. 31 North Fifih g( , ' * iir ia ia , I I I woeklaitag kpm.

Til CUn- I Ff>rlD (aurtag oar •Oil reaeeaohla.

I j , J.-

termfiVeworhMAXWELL toMrngA HI*, new; coo tave

you 111* on f. « b. prtre; aee me bi^fore ^ la g c Addreti Maxwtll. Box HI. Neae

FORD leodiki* HIT Kel •(oHor, puua t*

after t P. U-* H I___HIT KeVoay body, e'eotiie U tm tubet* ou. Inqutra I Holipwate avo.. S*at Or-

OVERLAND HIT loorlof good Uree, bgr road] Molleo Moior Car

thill Inn et

__, gaed corfdl-p for oorvlce. prl«ie

21* Woehlni*

U*i evllliIl'RIPJ-B-BOSW'

Al oendltlQA ond Doer.K l f Fo Kd

whe«le ond Breo'l et. tiEO

i w l u Mr, I m h S S B *••■ » l«* l|’ OTOrbtMod. *Tt

C tooria* a*r, I.M aHaior, I* * i (RMlMnItr. r«u***M* I* i5 lc l b«|w . A K c r tiIr* *t.T l i l i _ __________ ________ _

Ui^ FORD •«*!■•, Itfc, BOW ta * M n r*^ •»*at. b tita l* liH . IT4 vallw ft., fca tk


FOUD teurtkg, Irte l l l l . l i Egitoe* rtnnii ' I, flto new tiree. Tally

Pari/dai*. Kl* Broad.......... ...... Jnglly eoalppea,

■ t. Hug

CADILLAC, r-paoe. model will ffvarantoe for th rn

|:,!llg. feetenia I II BorneCl».______________________ i______ ____TRKI~I(u*taob|io, mo4*l K, n r r I*-.* I t l n

H i u m **Vi iao*t)ui priM

D«*o*b **•.. Jonor

....... ......................... bWtOTT, ••*•• I iU lu r ft., ua*4 **r «**t. t to). Wbl.

• t**Iul«!oR.aawii,l*t. c*i.S 'H . _ _ _ _ _

w*5i**r, V -W* 8 3 r


U p a ^ t Tassr-palkHd, u, oiinI

! T i a ^ ! T . o a J

0*nt*l*. I l l A * n m £ : (Fb,

■MO'-'eS I ' iMJwUf aHft*r, *l*btitW lM . I*

itiw Jh ib tt, ■I.. H«l»i;r.

•Mtl*R •*•*.' at**-

(•Ifr i

jr*na*n t s i w T *i f y 'i*«riifi i Ik* bow; A l aijiRtilia;

•a r (•■•■•trBtl*^ X. MBit**, I h i k *t..OTbSt*.

IIolHl,rb iT a I* • • • • “M rhi* * ;"™ '

rl(kl *nW (. H I WNKm* prti_ aiiF

. BHvato

r t r / ^ d d H . l i l l . .m llta il * M U m i hMcvorhasItC IIT Xnainar a m r i in * R.

It. i r t t

W*e»*r ~R»ar lii s n t .UK cttX piA L IV JU

chooi ^ 0 it


0M R M t6im '* a » . n n maar.tb*. » "r u V tp it M * n u b M « riS * a ^moot'


Ij CVR l i l l lOuvrnlot 0*kr I b M M rl* * ,1* fl** ***«m*n. jippir I t w*i«*a •(*..

*1*5‘'& 3SS?SSrSim ssl i l l b ill __

• T n i r * t i w M T ( f l B 5 r m o n tM


T iu n r p A R T Rton

„ BU. CAItll.ff ran ewo an aulemobiie don't

werrv abeut repair parte; we Rove larfeel etoeh of G“ ---- —GEAR8AXLtti.

BARNBri. I l l w. lath ii,. K. Pkaga CIrele l t*t er H **

KENTDET-CO OenerotoiCbeura .........

. UL'I g r nbpa to I

BOKGH NORTHEAfT >ra, alenera. roegnetoa repaired lo with yeor goeranteaRNBPATOR a nd MAGNETO ETA

litlam a t , between Woehlagteo o a i ttal»*?_*te.. elileat ***.V* baelnam, More 1**4.AUTO TOPg fey all aare, i t ,IP '

Ford Up reeev. M ee. rubber.Dedgi, Maxwell, Ckevrelet top

F«fd iEDAN eir- -

P a UL' i 4j WI ffalv^y

------- ellB eovofp. Ild.ie.■eenemy Aulofahrle Ci

'IP (X>VBM, . toor.. I l4 . l l oovoftig, I tfi

i. Ild.l*.Cb..

14* Hiiomr f*.Market MtlAUTO TIRBi valcanlied:; Inner iatee vpl

canned. l*c.; eeeand-tend ilroa BeydeaVuirenltlng Co., Ml Weehlogtoii et. Ailwnrh ____auto TIREi vulraeioed; Im er taboo. Mo.;

ieeeed^koad Urea; we Raadle e to o d ^meke tiree; all work goamateoi M, j . Tire Eiehogfe, Ml Coatfar geok B. E. MU, ___

all Mkoo of . . ftrot>«laoi workreoaoteklo ratoe. Al. Btnooer,

teutk PIfteeatk ei.. Newark.


guaraotaegl i t t<

MOBILE ropatrtmi aai Dod«* * l * * * ;^ ; n

• •• DLOOHriRI.D AVU.rnONR 4IH__ ^ Ot-RN lUDfaR » J

TBA* RM UP AND BRU-'-rilK PlE( Eg"—A complete line ef parte Cer

every make ef eor; wa opeeleliM og Cedil­l a up te H ll; Cbalmere, m ^ei# 14B eod M; Bultk, 1*14 and 'l l , King I; g. G. V.. and PJerea I t and 41. paiie; we hove e •otnpiete Itaa of motere for i^uoke aad pleaoura cara T te OwFe WroAiiklag Tord, ]l Bay et., geroge, t Bloomfield gea.. Moot* clgir, phene M l7. ____________LA RG Bifagte wreokere In Jereey; eeoxixii

ua l>efore eolllog your eld car wr truck; w* bay eiB In oay condiilen er aiafct, have parte god ooceoeoriee fur any roehe ear; M i l l or phene hriwg* ue with raoh Amer- iteo Aule Wrerklng f'o.. IM Kpeedwell ava, Myrie|eWn. N. J . ; phere laiT ICerrietewn. FjKi: iiO T H E R i. a'uTo W'B~Bi:KRHg.

ft, planer; eae M itl by H i l l ...................

MT4 Wav,, bought for

1I*>H1 UvlDgeien e t ; tel,reoldeaee Mkt. 41MM. old eoia .................pteto. klfhetl price# paid, parte and Urea *h *** """tee ( ^ Ql— ^lwopo <Mi hand. M^AMTlD^^ed car in exeteot* for new

Mloen phuoagrapb. mahogany ]al>4iraiory model, eJwtrifl winder, Vteter atieckmatn. U rw ta ^ lamp ever 16* recordi. Addreaa AatOi Bog *4. Newej^flce.We bar eJd a«cund-haod coTra fee wf-Mlilag

^ r M e e ; o«eo parte for all roakea of core or phooe, B- H. ■ g Auto Wreckera

loc ■ II Elm ot.i Honr ‘WILL tey

purpoeeainpMn at

________ _ pteoe 1^4. _k Pte t te htgheet prtc## fer oid care, eoaditlao er make, for luak end i»arte

Lorriron. Ihe Buyer, )I4 Liv*

ONE Mil* by T ____ _ _I ft. planer; one l l i l l by 4 ft, plgoer;

one pJaln milling niachih*. ea* I h.*p. ga* •n«(ne. on* 4 h.-p. goe engtrie. cheep, MaxGrach, 41 X v iua L. _ONIS Ptitxburgh automatic iMlaataaeeu#

water liaelnr, No I. one carpet cteaMog wba*l. 4iH fl rnxdx of hard wood, flue coadltlen Newark Rug Werlte, |4* Bade-VlMv qva.___ ^ ___ __1*4-11 P icotch maflae teller. l l 'H

rtghl. It*-H P Bebceck-Wlleoa IM-feel elr roinprsweor. tS-laA-h l4-foot etach, UJ Commeiee #( . plrnn*' 9*ci Market. D A N o rn u r* ’'vintiATifiNt* r*nooo4; iiw*-

cure. Reiilad fioor*. waJle raleforoed eod ilral|hten*d. ('Jyne'a PhorlAg Englneera 4lrimton #i Eat IIH __ „ _ ___14 h p DIEHL iiiotnr. !>. • V t . l l l D*

niobt loirl poet grinder, never ueed, *44. J4e#n X( U4 douih Twentieth ■(., oecohdfloor______ __________WE mxDufactui# accurate aiemptag preaaia

for Jewelare, pria#— on hand. H. & Greenfield Iit«la pi.. Kxrriwnn phone flM. LAL’n !»H YUAN—Hurri‘‘xnp dry room, thro*

irurha, 1199. roller danippn«r. ML Daley, MT llullec at Brooklyn, N V.THKKE K r geaulene ertgihe. *aw rig; olon

Iron frame wire doore fur lockaOg. II T*y1i«^i1.^<‘»rxhge_ ______ijliRDON >Hic»* ■ lo iu . ■ t h . 'r io n lu

Prext, KK P(*rning *ve., Newark CHAIN BUM'KH. o#w, W t^n. til- « ^ o

fioni 4 Co,. CJejr and Ogdeo ala

B t c k h i f y W rrIrJWANTED to purchoo# a band double heeder

machine fvr buffing table knife end carver hladei. In perfect working tondllloa. U- H,C^eii^ H ll Fulton et . firookl y a _____MAC'HJNKhV, moture. Iraneroixeloa, alee aO'

tire ptant# pufihaaed. Ifeary Begdar, 141 Merkel it., Newark, N. J . , phone Mkt. *M4. iffEAU PLANT* iVught ami dlemahUte

plaff g Kendatl. Ferry end Foundry ela. N*>vurk. N J . phone Mul Mil. DtlOlOlAUMEH wanted. iVo" or U l Iba

A 'irte Ring I'e.. 41 l^wrepo# et_________

THE CENTRAL ROOFING CO.,I l l llroad et. M. K- ValL kgr.We paint, repair, tar. etc., eyery kind ef

old ixeky rnofe, guitera aio.; lewett prl«ee end guaranieed. old ehlnglee oovered w|lh plain nr artleth- rooflog, all prlcet; new mufing of all klnde l^uti* Mjtrhei Mt. HAVE your roofx. gulten and Ivteeru re­

paired ur old rnofe recovered by tte ongn Sheet M*tel Worke. Mein end Jefteroio e (i. (>ranf*, N J . contractor* In alt klade nf tbeel meCaJ work, blower aad veolllatligPjl*_____________________ _______WE reQnloh your ailverware. ekandallefa,

braai bed# and auto wnro Jlkf oaw; wa ilO m*(*l ■pinning for th* trade.

NEWARK NICKEL J'LATING CO,, Phnn* l t d Mujterry. R^er (4 Walnut eL

s IaAt e r o o f in g a n d t in w o rk ,leader pipe# and gu(t«re. roof rtpalrlog el all klnda Talaphone Mark*! 1471; Ginrar t*ene Ml Thirteenth^»e. ____________WHITE BAULK HuOFING CO—AapluK.

rubber reoflng coven over old ahlagl* II Jogearo*fi. eUff foofe, Jobe guarenteed.

phtine Merket 3*11

_ _____Wavor^ II*,WAypED—A l-poxDenger m f on waVkly

paymanti, oend rrtake and lerma. Joe

like rukatent, meThantWiy o. R. RudMer, T Moolo gt., Haplewoed,

Oteoye IH4M.fANT^D—>Bam ''toorllio egy MM Vr f4**

Addreoi Totiiing,


FIMT*CLAfi voloMtalOf and ratraadlMi all work goaraaleod. l i t iMiib F eu rto eA

f t k T L i a s i a M C o '" ' ^*** • » "

_wlU hoy; no dealefa Bog t, Newa o|f (re TOMB COUPE nr rpA tet^

cooh. At cand II* Newa ofRoe.

any make, its i , m t ,IM# modr*- ................... -

COUPE nr rpAteter; Iota modal; for At candliinn. Addreen Dodge. Bei

fiatekmodaia only. Addreoe

J^uUdlii£__________ ''Actloo, ' H4

..AMH: H. A. Eroelew, HIr tetordeyftSpay aft

EXPERT aa Detoo-Renyj lote Cram fte to rr Ik Detroit; roaeemable price; aotiofOeUen

goofkateed. Kekler, IM Cootrol oea, Or-

ROfCR MAORRtO CO'R * m M **rnwr ^ ? ¥ s ^ i .5 • $ r r . 7 f f u i K v : ' a , n c { 2 ;

f, Qooi. mi gamelooMotr

A L t makaa aierago kattorigo a i ju f f t i i h i

Ci^lLLAUS ra ik ira i by CoiUIK •Bot^fatty,

Emm—. W jk iiip ir gy*-704DiTJ*iGB ao i o tter m ote oirg iw lp o l i

• R im TOim OAR MOW.

M R lW W • ( T w a t e i l j C . r

^ o p e % s % i & r « r 7 f r % s tTMSJmfiaiBlelL SBfllMWR wMVWwpHWRh MailMWeOeeevV

UM CW INX TOW;« CAR OR LAi(.p t f u t . rx o w R MARxxT m .

J k(*t r— e*n *lf*r tor IlM. ■W Fo*C »*■ IT. Wow* «W1«*.

W A k T E D

K !a ri.!r j s rI S & s s s u Y i " '

; x R E r - £ i » r s , a v «»*«>«l. Mf, C**rt»«. «l*

R . s ; j r u ; n i ; x s S J s . r F « " . * ' » ;puwow# i c - ----- -—

tte *UtOo

, oraollitWG

llKAmt OEPfl and furniture refliilahad: new furnltiire kt wh>ie*ale. Creeoekl Refintoh-

Cq., m i ip f lhgfleld ave., Irv.; Wav. 4114.CAKPllNTRT--^Qbblng anq alteralten, aoj

work In building line; rage one hie; deoi ^ bnllder. H* Hlljette av#., Uvikgteo.MAiON WORK, phtmkayo rebolit* repaired.

ploaterlof, altereilOMt Jobbing a epeclaltyi T. iT Permedy, 47 EAkk et.; t ^ . IHl MktMAION WORK. plkoUrliif. moeok Johhiiiff

a eMelaiiy vet calJkre made dry, Si Mar* IVfU?* J L * - * * ^ !??*' EXPERT rhimney builder; ckimgeya r«bul>t

and repaired; plekked, cea l« bottom, M lOr flue._GOofiye Harrla. ifl^Bergon at,


__ t»1 WjW K rr W MKT- 7*77 ,ITpHOLETERtNO* cobteal mokar, poHi^lV;

we egg voote airor yoor furollnfa u> leek like hOWi P. Coitoo* ;M Walwdt at.CHiMEETf robkUt and repetrei; elaaaed, M

All klgte ef moMk w M ipar flnej _ - _ .BfOWk. 41 MofwOoi g( ; Market T»T3.jgkk

bkotaoti porpagaa;Ei itlyerotala. 4iEel-1 MAKE olgki f«r Oil

eterfog r#4ioekah}a OMki kvo.

Scmpi, A n is p , Stone Suh, Etc.•CRRSHB. , _ •TRRRWL

Tm •u n d fn l Roroon C*. ibl1.it* of Hr**** f*r vIiifowA d**t*. poroh** *l«^ bi u r Bw rtttt**: **t our toll*UM*. •! O**- rtM* ••.. Ktwork. N. ). T*l*tlM»o H*rtlM ••••J- J_____________ _________ _LAKOR *t*rli *1 Aow*. i**R **4 trim, vlill*

***d, fh**l«ni **4 L-»r***; (•-■«T* M MOO! will **tl M aw.*rot. f* i» , l i j jo inti J—

» WWW*, m ***w ***.1 w»T. IIM.BOW RM R W i- »mi**«. ( tm T w S ■iw i2 * f i5 3 iib i J m£ w *h L * 1 ^

m2- - ■ t o ; ,

AMD M U l M t Y ^ l

foSC _! • • . .1

■ ■■'1® .rX:



t i ^ SMik tfi. mvAiiK K. >.

n U M T . lU V Mi

ialltiLI r* «*— * , M J- . II I. . . | -Ivii MLie-i-nw-tMlurM lt. s# ™ w F ^

* k**« Jjfl *% f S i i t C i t i M4«WSM3T*^S*^««!7''kmIIimU

L K n n u . l i . n «UNTOif m m a r ,

m» wmmx SLM . r B o n m n * -

S!'•fT'itlCwT•ulauuAlat* im. (iT*** " * '*VWIt««* tHPMt tkt* I

■ p—w*i ■ ■ ■ j_ nr*

f ^ K ' i r E i S ’Stif'otts

DO KOT Ifitfe TKU «A1A

ADCIUNkACU. I« WU*. .• i f lu»M t. rMlM »U«U«, »U. t_ k ” .«mrt*n tti MWktfc *ttU** —

tnickt, •!£.

**25S wfwffisP-!?luv oiMAnarnDWITH TOUH rUHCKAM.

iromiriiiiiuFTf •a 4 ^ M M « n i» « H

pfspaiir —-m l

ekitttl*.■iMk. piwikuwT. •“-■’!BoiA5‘V«5JS!Srw.*ll2i^

■ANDIOHk ?W, Bt> ywm. igM

Mr Wolf. MallunT HW-

•“ kiTr.Vo.'S’: ..'."



ll*l« SlUIKlK IT -

A ^ D . U m * Jwi# g*e^le. Inquift JM OxM#P •t..WttiJi«r. N X. __

r d » '« * i A c« 1 a# *f r t m -.... -- -iviNqHAHasn. tw n n w ln k !» • •rtOAk* •* '' '• k .f - S !*

liT b-tn i. w-lfliliif tF»»i l.f t* t« l,M» j u •piMa. AW* (kiw •oiu n r y ***'orUUTH*. n»»» k*

amllakl* Tor (it»t wm^****•ato !•j o ie i’H h , bthwb <x ____u t jlarkrl il T-l. II** llBlbefTP.

^ ^ ^ A k U i H B P ItM. _____mar "sSTeleoed

^ J !l«fVM pr« *11 Mi WiBMfJaM f^5ly ^MfVorli U ww Mjr r«« ••%i:rr«;vuisLrk.»’ —

i i in m IT.. ikviw qTow flOHM u 4 W*f<». •Hltakl* tar

rtwaf. IH Otu t t at.? 0 I n and' e»M in ttW r

MVMDtA l t_


iH« aat.iBa a.«ri#aii laa™ Alls Mf suburb*, •ouMtrtbWB

A L. BLAHD ill.. „ Mafkai »t______Ta^ ••k*



LHOKABO'l. I t l Htlaat aC, IW. *TM Mkt —ktaraa. Ilati. m a r ia aoli a t r a w O T»-

aiaaroaM; araitan ralaa TaaaU /.

F A T IN T S____■Mrwn »i __irz - —i6Nfei !• ^ flri» brf d anA rjj***

^ I Mr e**l- • wm# H*** mma*ia«iia^aTa-«i-1t» ’H k”

a » «m m m hnraaa far tlB*la aadiarM a kara.a. laaai™ ’ ‘ 7.1a™!? ^

atakla, «l« Plaaa a*.. »*•' kraB*®™ PL

**T. IHI, DHAIIB A r o TKU l » « MVl.I ll h a r k e t . c o n N tn b j ^ a D « .


alQ or kaai and »®r‘P»*®' •'!!. - -lar aan ----- —

Ufa' call Barar

„ ----------------ll»t®. »-JT•tt<l \r*nIM N*rii*t Hr.

im fa •( ti,*M III Ml I Mat, o* ^Irrt brtnd Mud CBiA-

ImR i . wailalar.at-la. I« ClIrtaA at. . laaaad th 1-1 and

— MTMP k ..... . -=a- —JOANS W A N T E I ^ W LHAjrTBO—IH.***••arlM kl kfick n ie ta kaaaa. f‘®»* r ^

AaTUal auaai la TlalaPaM. H, 1. Addraaa Maala • « tfl. Haaa_affl« _____

H O R N S ’ M A R K E T114 MULBERRY ST„ Near Market St

Don't Furstt the Name and AddiM


WB UEND MOKBV «n aote *r h«m* fur jlar*. wlthvHi NmoTMJ, »"^gg.||a vtlAeut lAqUlrlPf emp^nypea,


LEG V EA L..............VEAL CHOPS ........LOIN VEAL ............S H O n DER VEAL

a aranarll uaaari. -- . in la liat. raparikia?kkr' "laili'liaaB'ia.' ar ' aa da‘ira< J * R iI MMiaiMkHni*. •»»i t»ly. h*«*d <m ppppld hilMiteM

-iflM i«a. Tbta aMtaty la riM«wd ^ IpcmI liuaiMpaa ahd prof*SilP«AlII N « w n »mi **i — r__« la M ■►IrM aarr l^ m»4Mf to make iitoB#/. wr hMI; ttfieily eoaMtuiUl aed Ml MW MrrawPrt wpleomM-

^ l■vU•da lAlok ^

r iM M Markat > - * ' * - * __M N ir ic iA t loa-n k o g r r r I^A fed lirftar U*4af*. Na IT. fuctnurr kvEidtof tmifd

>oAi111 Ifarilal at., naar Halaar *1

■aid lit Camintaalanaf af Hanlla* * ! •» n a ^ r Baaed a» n u a at Najiark,

J a r L a f i l *•<»»« iKiraa* la M l^ k k l* I w mark Ball inaarwrratad

Bonaow p h iv a t e l t .I ll UP TO «•» .

M daaaan, taa « • bnirew 111 t* II** diia ralliMa. aid^aaiakHakad r » y » a (pr kaari aa ^ a a t t a r ^ SS“ ? t arr laraa aa loaaa a( 111. I f l . {**.

^11 ftad anr ptai al u k l M >•••>• * a( III klad la )>a had. lltVITk INOriPV fr..e ikaaa wke

^ ' a r law kart Icaai wlih otkar eaa. wba mad addltlaul i» a * r . »®r a

dr arlrata Iraaaaatlaa ai.a rallak'.t Salt, wfllt ar ahaM Markal IH I haw arickir wa n ran»«A ,

Uwaaa Na. It.

SMALL JERSEY LOINS PORK ............................................MeSMALL JERSEY SKINBACK FRESH SHOl'LDERS.............12«SMAU JERSEY FRESH HAMS ............................................. »0cBOSTON BUTTS. toUd Dork .....................................................25<


B t t a k or.PortprhoHMRodkl .................

Sir loll StHlk or Rout Bottom RohmI Rout Craoi Rib Rout 22c

f c S y l* } n a »:Mi ■at»rdara*T*P *aXfWTIONAL OPPOHTtJHITT POR JBMaTITU.uae ft'iTt, coATi. DHetfEd.

V k o ArPARBL. HTC.. al iha ilk a»a Itarar la Haw Turk^

wha) r*o kaad, al tha^^rartlaadI (hdOM It ta u ; km mat

■HALL W KRLT PATHENTk. rteUr imfldaBtlal 1 wrlta tar pan in la ra .

A^pirc^aaluf acaal, IM dalniMaa ara.

BdOITABIH LOaHBknaaakaapara, aalarladun, rrorarif a- a»ra atlal. mrtw'ua aarwim. Lmaa■ laaaar aarataala; aatr Haa<

■AWrSTa. call ar M. M hl MH.kUCIISTY._ aaar wait •»■>. alaa Wadatidar al«k<a. knadad In ifca Plata.

■OTOiaCLU AMD IKTCLUiMaad irlth PaOaltra Or- k al Plaraa, OalaraVI r iar Va kwwivin*^ A.. B aad iu ktaadard

klerclaa: thia aaaiklia- Nhla Ifca karlid af oarlaad

________ ar Pfieta l i i |- IT Boatk Or.I Oka, nar. Mrmrd i t ; laatalwaaia takaa.

- ‘''liOrDRCTCI-BD

PrlM BomIooo Rib Boiut^Top BlrWa Boot...................... » «

Fancy Geese 1 8 c

Privo Ckock Rooft ....... IBouloot Pot Roaot Blodo Rib Rm Choppod Bool SUb Bool ...

12cFrtah Plito or Brkikot.............SoRm v p CoTBtd Bool ................. 21cP uc7 SoldBil w C o rro k t........ 20eAR Kinds of BolofBU...............ZOc

CHICKENSFancy Lbirb RoBBting j .a .

ChlckPM................. /H PFancy Brolleii ............ )Morris Snesr Cured Rc|. H u m ;

dvorifo 8 to 10 pounds........... 15cMorris Smoked Ciilliei .............l i eFkBC]r Bonalroo Bacon ................IScSliced H d u ............................... 45cBoneleoi Sbontders ....................26cPork KldBeji ................................8cMonI Soasdfo or lin k s . . . 20c

H O R N S ’CloiM Dally at 6 P. M.

M A R K E TSaturdays at 9 P. M.

H in r i n ■o ld .‘lU siadal K. D. staUrTrsla ^ . H U

I parfaci rastlUasi Csltp asalpoad; • . C. m spaadMoalfr. taals, Mawasl paiahaa.

, B A. rsalsf okHla Is riaek Hr l t a « . daltran; slaa CaiankU s id _Ca»l kr. Ca.. ltd Hraad i

MalawrriH *»* BMpalmr.Pa*li>aa

R educeo ff ic e o v erh ea d

Ml •{•toreretoi■bOtOtCTMlM te

d 'v s w s r .Tlw cWciency of your office Is depend­

ent upon the comfort of your w orkvt. Provide for their comfort and you In* cre tte the return on etch doltnr of talnry.

. Trtkwtol a ' l i l H*»d.

B^ |S!ppjT^8..*tll *CmSt^H*AVBiilAbtHO STAHDAiiDr be*i>d W w ist Hyralaai asar snaOaiO. Mt W aiklsdtas K.

siad imlarcralaa, til as: BkWeralmi

Do you tubteribe to thi» principle In winter »nd then limit it to your prlvite office in the summer? You wouldn't lof your workera freeie while you coxily toasted your toes behind gln»» partition*.

M B ULItJ-HMararila with slda ear; pmw - -------Ha. Callnonpii will call raaroMkla.Ofaina ara.^lkM _flewr.______

r a t 'j i^ B rn a i 's ir ta ra ra la aad will ba f l i t ter tiara«a. I t B asil

Thtn why, In tununer. do you provide cool- in t comfort for (hr chosen fow while the m«ny •welter In tbs sltiltni best outside the rofreoh-

brooict of tbs G-E Ftnt?InaI Otonvt

'|L-|l.' wtti «Ma M ij i l l l lU tt.-CA| WMkObey tbit impulse. Send throuih ■ requl-

•Itlon todsy for s doton G-E Fsns—«n Invest­ment for elllelency Ihit ptys snd psys welL

aad -"131 ear; f ,toatatrtrla _I t Nortk forty-Ikir4 a t.

__ 'lYii .04»4lttaaooMtar OaWrav, H i

brak#. CliMtUtk


ITOTCLlC, aitivlnua) trams, all i Um. CkU kU •tovait ava, ArUaftsn,

■I^T.DAVIMON l l l l . laau ln ' I ara. araalata katwaan t aad 1.

i n

' ' WboloNl* DtatrIbwMr* Kt Oonoul EUctrfc Ce. PnrfiKto SlbU y-Pttaan Electric Corporation,

ttfi At*. iSth Str**ta No Ts

TRI-CrrV ELECTRIC CO.u Mrrb—** StrooL Nowtik. N. i> i

. DFH TM'tIf. rua t .tH mlUs. sMoattoal dltisn. f lii. IH WocMlaltls a*s,,___: n*lALLACr S'f.. CiTT ______

. BEAT matarcycls far aaisj|4 Ewitk ElsTsatli #1___

. I*& flARLW.ftAVlftSOjt Urrcla. C. Vm: ■ .Mtl*-~~ “

EleeWcn’ Deal era4H Dsr|ta


Diaplig T h i s 9 c B

, CAUa a o r ta r aid pasartiaadar a id salatar.A> 'fcosla Wataar. whn aiaada Hr aalirtactarr

w jffT sli >aU> afillas aad • ralla all klada ■ tlTmt*' pap*', kitaa K.M aad wy. apaalal tar thu Moatk ral>. la aid aut et lewaj

w ^ »tt liritk PItth al, t will rail.

Si't.tP ras wait t» kaat il

•M pasafbasdlils thta Tat aain n - , prasipT tarrim aad aprirai. Call ar_wtua

fwip waAi PImrraii tu fkuna kfAriitt

rk c#t4 sfastimais as ] fuwr*ntaa« i DartrnAS * ' IIH. 1


low —It r«a w ait raaU taod papar-■ la ft___or palBlIid dana far aarr faa-

j i t priea, lat n a kaaw a id p n r raswtra.__iw win ka m l. ■. Klalanaa. II Araa iy r |J. atty; phoaa IITI ^ l i l t Wararly

■BB BROS da naast paparhan«las aid aUas. laaiSa and oaiaUa warhi a uiAl

ara rraapasMt I Id Madtsas i r a '

_ walkI ara. Waal

laosTas. plartartaCi |oar- .ricaai wrlta #r pkeaa War.

Bredar. Ml Uuaiafdassa.

Oraaiai ta l t i n OHSia. |i a , saptr'iiaAdlnf 3 i d daearatiss i


asi ataa tb

tH caniH t Ot.—Patstlsd. PO- ] p la |itr)s( war* fuiraBtaad. |

a pair

yv; n MJTCf-'

Thdw BttTBCtive Gbs iiuy be htd In bltck or niBhogtny calf letthw , irith CubBB heeta or low heel*, like cut. Regularprice, $0.00. » a i

Wb are making • tpeclal drive on growing girl* oiford* inMtt and biaek lettlRir at $7.4$ a pair.

it will pay yoii I* call. I >

EI9ELE SONSB road S tra it

Springfield AvenueWhere erw ythiiif WMited for tiw koOdif m be bought more, oonveniently snd oeoModeaHy

For Decoration DayPremcr's

White Footiretf

i 4 t SprinflM d Avu

Worth the Prim Todsy!Dltmondt, wdll bousbt,

ir« • pormnnent mvMi- DwoH-ufev bcautifni and MtiayiMo. Thor are worth sll ibsy codt, her* teday, ud will be

i iu l j is u r . P i l l ; rawu-


Wartk Moro LntulOur ouslomara U w s s i -

wwirt koaa plan sad wttD dlaaondi poirtiieod In tka yaoik foua by. T beio wa allir you now aro Just aa food a purabaow

25.00 to 1,500C. J. B rotherly

fw MeMItoMl iraiN diflELD ikVENlR

This Is the Plate

LowB urr

D r.J.D iatei\f^

Wbenerer you hear • fiiwtd say: "At Iwt I have found t plate ibst stays In place." make up your mind Ibst this la ibe pisos. Not s dlteatiaAed patlant yet. Il’t the plate for yon If you want comfort aad opabtllly.

608 Springfield Avt.jk^Tf kehaJvaa’aa Nvwk« H- ® Ogm Xvo Mo F%«Mo M

The Best P o u lt^ at the Lowest Prices

in the CityRoasting ChickcM, 32c Dock*, 35c Ib.FYicassee Chickens, 28c Fowl, 44c lb.

Geese, 30c lb.

West Side Live Poultry MarketH. BCHNOLL

609 South Twelfth S tm t CosTM* Sixteenth Aveane

PbMa 4TM Wav. M. PAWAR

Maa'a, Wisa—W, OUMfoo’aRAINCOATS


TU b m*mmm a

35% to 40% Reduction

Special for Saturday OnlyI bL ScTtcn Paint and brwlL t l I uL Varnish Staia and break, $1 1 eL Ploor VsniM sdi4 brarii, f 1 1 bbL Roof Paint aasl bniah, |1 1 uL Rsady-Mlxsd Paint and

brnah ................................ t l1 q t h a awl and bnwli......... |1

1. SIEGEL8 CHARIZTON ST.Gar. SprlafBeU Awa.Oh Maafc aaat ad BabwHt Av T>I> *!*• M C ^ B K U TOpen Until lb P. M.

Aj wanufHtarara wa paraoa- ally auparrlaa tb* ta llo r is f otaVary *arm aiit, a s a u r in r only iha ball nsla-lala sad werbmaDahlp:and' iiT’tairinr dlraot wa alim- laa ts tba o i ld d la m ^ s p ron t.anakllBf us to sail botteoi prlota.

at rock

SaU aH rtm •» fwwr w aasy b Upm B vm lan s Vatll B


89 Siuingfield Ave.Al Jsss iH B a t a H t b Orawn* Awe.

B V W A M t, » . J .'a Kaap T a n H alP M al In B


AnnouncementMembers of the ProgretiKre Mer­chants’ Association of Springfidd Ave. will dose their stores Tuesday and Thursday Eves, at 6 o’dock.

Men's and Young Men's SidUFor Decoration Day

, both living and deed. It IkOn till* 4*y, In honor to ow h but RHinf that we should all loi* out beat.

To lid man of Newark V dram propwly Ibr Daeorailm D*y we offer them tb* m ln an ea of till* alor* *#d H* oafuftlly aatootad u d t r ra n ia d Btoelw. Everythin* you naad yuu w O l^ ^ here ta sinple aaeaitiB eBti to allow ladnliefice o# your Individual d w ta e .

V th taop«r |40

PALM BEACH SUITS— 1 0 .0 0 All atylM and eolora.......


And BtUl BROther CBtl Cloae upon a recent reduction, we are MW aateria* upon ear Anahvraary Sale, and every article la ib* sier* la taukad d m iij^ aeme Inataiioea below eoet. It's the sale with chance y « eaaaet afford to' mlaa.

Anww Celkn- aaaerted i atrlet, IdaoH lL

Maafa ikhta aaid Dnwem Eon. BalbflMBB, 4B* eash.

MeWt Netanaak Urtmneartai te B. V. D’a, TBe.

Origtaal Brave M uIMfta, extra full cut; blue ftajr, t i* ( .

CMUtaa^ flockB, pink and blue tope, I k pair.

Lodiea’ Stik Boeev bltok end eor- dovtn, allchrty leeooda 6Bc pair.

Ferest HlUa Ladles’ Veata end Paata, Ate each.

Aad Bsoiy etlMr

1 adlaa* Bantalaw Apawna, naatly made, |L dt.

Miaaea’ Ulpevar Bwaatara, roaa,Atnarlcsn Beauty, pink, blue snd buff, tZ.49.

Bays' Wash Ralls. tl.IO.Glrb’ Wash DTeasee, plaid; most­

ly samples; 2-14 years, tl.T*.Reawn Cambric, one yard wide,

18c yard.Wari-aw PtaU Btaaketa, slie

06x80. 13.98.Beaeea Teddy Bear Blanketa, sDe

30x40, 8»r.Cblldrea’a Ptae LisU Unlen

Rails, drop aesi, button wslM, Sic.tea auBMUBs lo saenttoa

LEIBOWITZ BRO.204 Springfield Avenue

Upp* r fc a r tf it.

The Old Saying Is‘The way to a man’s heart i*

through hk stomach!”

The Nevir Saying b

‘The way to a woman's heart Is through one of Bertl's thamond Rings!"

The Diamond ts the symbolic stone for the lover; it typifies purity, sincerity and preserves peace.

Undoubtedly It has preservpd , peaoowhere the EngagemebtRlng has beohrWght'

that'from Bcrtl, because the receiver knows,Bertl carries only high quality at the most reasonable price.

From another standpoint, a good' Diamond is a safe investment—a high quality'i, Diamond has never decreased In value, even in the panic stricken time*. It pays to inspect ^rtl’s fiv4 lirindowa fiU Jafith the daintiest \ Rings and JewoHy::^'^

*■ * V

• lira I^jpolar Jcvekr ami Diaaioiid Expert

44-46 Springfield A ve.>A Block Above Court House

Reductions Sale onfc,.- jf ''^V



Not m m tf • 20% dbcfHiiit aak, but our wholo atockfobifKtaaDfitoiMHi^tfpiieli; W ecm iin tt

haU iMdce betwM we b(gi|dit fo r I aale pgteci were lower th«inlir the jUnsaitour wdrimv of mIob 1* greater fluH oar oMnpetHton.One doQir here means two doUipTB* worth of inerdian® diM and srtisfBCtloiL See beknr a few of onr specials;

n&oo1 Sonw ar* portatiOB,

___ ____ (SxlDGianltiwBrnaTartMy •fptttaraaI subject to alight imperfectioiif through itn- T AC I, but wiU not e ffect the weu^. ,^ p e d * l ........... •

97X9 Onraa Bap (iMT ),la all color*. VhQe 2.98they l u t Spedel...

(•itf) Buga, aui table for any room. In ^ ,5pattern* only. Spec»

t&OO laUU UtalNOb la room lengtb* for yew putry. I bath room or aaiall klttlwn, on art# Saturday only.Speclrti nor y a r d . ......... • ••••.«••• xkA r

Op waro grirt bwWii ta Nit floo eovwiag. |Mg OI^ W P a r t f w iliip ta i P p toittfa*. onoughto

I cover toy rooia. Spocirt, pgr ........................Setae ta thta lot at Me . 39c9 tm w , AI. fflou A Hw ittai (M l) Amdetaw, ia Ori-

ontil Md IdwM

and Porataa nattarp: «U wool,tdl p p . won- i t A A dwablUty. Aa ta tg il^ h T b a t I p a M ------W a W' I' il:(IH) mm itxm, in

— for bad Orlaatal Md liaril pattorm., r ^ Md tan. ^ |9A

S08 Springfield Avenue Ieawwwwi^aw a^rryo

£ i i p£ir..^Y

Wrt< Ml r U»0<fvomn|rt ih bi**ra , gnlTvii Ml U nH irf\.i- .p m"F r




- K<«Ol»l |l

• f* r r H -nri bD* rront 1> law*•F*Pkr

- i ; , -

wj i1*5, 'Aa • '.tf


Action, we are In ibe Mere In

Je with cheoce

Affima, nently

SwenUrn, roe*,>lnk, blue Mxi

tuo.we, plel4: moet- in , tI.T«. one yird wide,

B lnake ta , e ll*

T B lanhM i, ( lie

Liek Unlen (ton n lM , Sle.


RO.> C te r t t« a it*

ing Is■ hetrt is

ing Is


stone y ind

peaceM ig h t'a, that'I 'most


good; [uality*!,, even ” n sp e c t . Intlest ^

; on

t our lA d i 'e c a n M D tt HicniHiole* at time, and numpctttoca. of merduuh mripedala;Ny of ptttwiit.

7.9SIa r y 1litabto for aay

ipae.. 13.95r ywar pantry,

95c Itaf-l ,itka, anongb ta



liV ^ 2 7 a H ia floral panama, d tM. 7 ^. . : . , . ,A e V 3 r |


I' nnnuM , l u r n (*)l-^A»f**eiwtM • f «n* A m erieae wnr* ben** relief ***•'

•» * lie •uei'Merul work wee e t - R reiiati y titrrd n jr lo th* UnoTtr • a n - ■ la Berlin bjf Thancnllor llunlUr.*

hnv« «ur •apacto*of fh* fcMMi re lltf plan fnlflllMl

bpr It* iuccnaiful oparnllun.* h«**A* ■ rniuilt, needati fttotiituffa nr* now n rrav liin In flerm*n>' quirki)' and In • #af*. •I'ouomlt el rnannvr "

Tho f'nincoU nf Miinmioti U»« nation'* tinm«<iiufol>' nvniUbl* food tto roa had bo^n inrffepod by 1^0*0 ion* of copr#n- friinal foiuln H» add*a that th* ornitoartt oould Kiiuranrwa It would )» a \r n n fb ln f undone In fa rlllta t^ the h and llnp of paiknuee fr^m ItniTihurd wnrw hou*r« end d e iie n d «h^ mldiUe rlnn*. u l ih emAll fiard iiirtMao*. nne nu ll ■ufferiiig erui* |»rl\4Uun*.

• _

Seven. Accused of Inteilifence With hnemy, Acquitted in Rome

Ft'>Mi£. Ma> 31 i4Pl. - H*v«n p^rpon* no- fuaod, v l th forii>«T |ip;iiily ft'IMppo i'a* vnllfnle nf • iinimitrvlrattnc "inlolUton^^o |o Ihp enomti ■■ ilurlhf the wnr. hav* h^*n p r-fiu rt^d her^ ThI* p» pp h i* bopn

i-n foi- tlia l«Pil Ihr^e endni lirnwp PfPnvcd tu h*va * i lo*« ra>l*Uon H l(ti I |irtiae«*ullotit nt Hol'i I'OJiha and .t 'p>*ph I'B ihnui Mt Ktanre J'©!!!* for- m*p w-pp afni.in* lhot« plaradon irint. 19 wea found the pm of of a u ilt arldured li> the governm ent wa* n"»i nuffirl^iit 1o Juailfv ron s’Icl Ion.


Gomperi and Kanias Governor To Debate Industrial Court Law

' KW VOHK Mi> ’ I itouiiiera. preald*nt of lha American I-'• dem i of end no \> rn o rH -n r i J Vilen of Kana** wT] d^hiaie b a ’ r lo iiiin i on the* ni«rl(* of the ra* r# n i|> enab led K*naa* In d u ilrl* ! co u rt law \ o nffU’ial detTiion will b* mada f,» in ih» *iTin*i- Judge Allon B.P a f k r r win preiHa

inijlii P A Y T H E

E -z < ‘'111111111

l i K W A Y ^ l \



Q o d ^ on Creditwithout extra char|ei

Thgt'p the U. Wolff it Co. g to rr In a nuiahall. with thona axcaptlonu W* do not limit vou In the ■oloeilob of m«r- chandia* and M r prtoao aro aa tow aa end often lower than )ou would ho N*kod to pay in e ic lualvo oanh atoroa



I t ' Will ho hard to m atch (hoa* aaltg In any caah atofo for vaJua for gtylo. Bvorrnow modal to ropnojoptod*

85-87 Market SlV’m A l I H m a i a c i s l l * W uM ag!** W.


Storr ( ^ n ^ tu rd a it Untit .9:00 P. M.


PER CENTVEN if a fabric is 99S per cent Wool, it isn* t

a l l i v o o i S tylebiltClothes are 100% All Wool, which means pure Ba! Ba! Sheep’s Wool in every fibre and filament; in every tuft and thread. Besides, S tylebilt Clothes are H a n d 'T a i l o r e d ,

not machine skip-stitched.PrkfJ lyitfi

O n ly O n e P r o fitB e t n i u e P r i c e d

B y T h e P r o d u e r r

H e l t o n |Broad Sercet at MarketClothes Shop! in PrimdpJ Gties

Nm , T « k ^ o o S In 1*1.1 l ingh PUMi

H n i i j n H n a n H tT « n M r v iin M r « a H

can d ec id e

>VHICHb'the Best Phono^ph

as'e^ily-as the scienti/ic expert

seetfftdJh is

i'*4kaV id iU liW W R Iw Snidw!. d* 1W»>T*fals leidim. fh em y ynyh N * k e T ee fcm T * m 4 pkywke sMa leuorA

z ih iM th is

I ' ♦H *jfl' '-:■

, ■‘ft'. ‘th is

1u M


—because you now can use the scientific ex' pert*8 own method.

Come into our store and hear the Edison TunyTaWe Comparison. It resolves the phonograph question into simplicity itself

First,— it eliminates all need for remembering tonal quality (whkh few people can do). All the phonographs are played in rapid succession.

Second,—it etiminates the acoustics factor. 'The Tuny Table revolves, and (Jays each'instrument from exactly the positioa

Third,—it makes the comparison dear and clean-cut, as the same artist is used as the basis fenr comparison.

Nothing left to guesswork! Nothing to chance!Everything scientifically clear and accurate! Each

difioence fully brought out. This is the way experts dffid# between phonopaphs. Now you can use the same way, and decide vduch is your best (Monograph.

ash to h edr th eEDISON TURN-TABLE

C C iM P A llIS O N(O iven only on Request)

Tb*;Edison TunyTable Gompahsoii h conduct«i apart Ifom the sales end of our business. It is a servite for ail

\ tnuiO’loven, whether thqr come to buy, or not. Come in whenever you have to minutes to spare; but kindly


ask for the Edison TunvTable Gomparison, since it is pon dtfohe request'

A \-A

o. 3,,.;

. -'i .'3..

givm only upon' ■ ,i3

N otice ID MaboBicttirers end Repreaentadves -TaUdng'Machiaea mea in tim e tests are 1 by us

^^’'tiM, bwt; pOSS&fe'i fW^OO., v;4dafni&ctuieh of such . , , > ; nUKhiiiei, t» th^if « e invited to inspect

■;.ihtni|-iir xcgiil*t*.M fedf'to fulWatnlB other michines^dfgreater



• <U •! ■V-''!

bu«tiei| b o t^

f t -W

liiHiijbiI " I . ' .i . K i iii iibr i w iiiw biiiii*iWij¥ |ii >j i

Look at. These PricesWHY PAY MORE?^

MENDEL’S M ARKET98-100 MULBERRY ST., Near Center Marini

Saturday Morning from 7 Until 12 A, M.

Breast ^ Veal •



Legs BeatMilkVeal


17 ', 19^ lO Sall day sale

Porterfiooee Steak 1 a aw „ Sirioin Steak .... * |U C Top Sirloin Roaat . i X .1 ('row Rib Roast .. /" ' ' lO .

S Iba. V«tl Chopa. ..1 M A . i Iba. lamb Cbepa . ■ f C f1 C .3 Iba. Charh Hl*ak..} n i l a lb*. Ijuab Blew.... i a l I I t Iba. Chofuwd B e e t.J ^ ^

BestChuckRoast i 4 r .

Smoked m Cal. X Z L Hams . lb .

Fresh Free Free FreePlateBeef


Given Aivay With

Corned B eef


■ f

* : 'I


SILENT POW ERwill save you money and make

automobiling a pleasureP. F.Free sim ples of the new Bcientific discovery bv Dr.

Koelble, called Silent Power, will be given on S ata rd iy , Miy 2P, from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M., ind Sunday, M*y 30, from 9 A. M. * to I P M II '

Official tests have proven that motorcycles have made 58 miles on one gallon of gasoleiic, with more power and leas heat from the engine. Ford cars have made 52 miles on two (gallons of gasolene, with more power on rough roads on high. Differ­ent makes of cars have shown from five to seven miles more 10 each gallon of gasolene, with 30 to 40% more power.

This offer is free to all motorcycles, touring care and motortrucks.

This Is to certify Uist w* ha,« madeI propantl

rsntaln any aeiitji, Ethyl Ether or any other cheinical sub*

»Tllqidil nam ed "S IL E N T PO W ER " and th a t thU rsn ta ln any aeidn, E thyl T is In ju rloua to an e n i ln t .

chemical analyiia of a on doca ant

> which

KDEL I.ABORATORIES Ine..Analytical (>endain

SS7 Broad 8L, Newark. N. J.

Silent Pow eris sold in liquid fonfl only, in 8-ounce tin cans and sealed, and will supply 80 gallons of gasolene. Don't accept if seat is broken.

Directions—Add one measuring cup ft/j oa.) to every five gallons gasolene.

Price One DoUarSilent Power, Inc.

1070 Springfield Avenue, Comer Smith Street IRVINGTON, N.J,

' ‘*: J

S'**.!f U B T r - r ■ ' t i i L ' j ' V ' M |

Distinct Style at Lower Prices

*>t .fn»n of.A r r< b I c cross» ' r fe B H n rt ■ uklarflS son d*!. 8v**oa's nssftsl modsi In Aoft Slack kid.

Oti* ayalat. d k 11 hi f[. |j>ul« at mill - t-a r X h * ii; •Im» in psiianf cMt II.M

Someltmes we wonder why it is that so many women pay high prices for shoes. The reason, per­haps, is because certain retailers create the impression th a t dis­tinctive shoe styles cannot be sold except at very high prices. This is not true. Rambler's distinctive- Iv styled shoes are a clear example 10 the contrary.

We call attention to the indi- .idual St. Joan of Arc Sandal iL lustrated at the left. This is o n |^ of the most fashionable models we have ever shown. Many stores ask from 15 to 20% more than we do.

Special Saturday Offer$ e ? O C5 Formerly

0 * 9 0 |>riced II*Another example of Ram bler’s

style and quality at tow prices is the pretty little pump ahown here, which we are continuing to sell at the sale price of only $5.95. These pumps formerly were priced at $10.

We invite you to call and make your own comparisons.

849 Rrand Stmt 214 Mmfcet S tm tO**. resItBl a , a , S la tt— . ■*!. ■**■! •■* M allie rrr I

h c t - l S S Sprii« iM I A v e ;'-A re rw w Uiwaan (M.



I ' l<■. •Ui.

S i i j b iB l i B > m w » M B i i a i a a m M * a a a B * a w a i

WANTEDD A n n r rR A p lllr ?



I3‘ .» J -v 'n iiS i

S 'V .:

f 6 r t h e g e n e r a l i n t e r e s t o f t h e h o m e c i r c l e

Her Earning*, Saving* and lnve*tmenl»., fiM f i l l •» IM k if • » " m oufiM M IIb m U m iM r r« K lf» ly« f Ik* lk**ri' (k a t kaokuai |k l e irn i U HH h a i a r l f k l (a altim l II M •>>'< f f t O M B a t Ik* Kiri «rka l>*« rd llv

f* a * a l n*r i*b haa Ivaraa* that f* |* M a ab* a a * i aarn h«r v an inanry ) i aU Ika r*aa*n wl\jr Ib l ahauHim il wlaallr anA Invaat aomr pari

ly. th a haa laarnail lhai apmdlux M f f t k l a c a a aka ao ra aloiia Uavaa nu f i f fg la an * a v k lc a W laaa ahan a I f l f l f a • ( p a il t isn a It n artH ary <>r dr

an* a n a a J*l> not ItiiBaAlairi,

«% * a4 la* a ra ry lh ln c ah* ipakaa yul* « I* Iho *ala*«ry ajHlr Iboao •o rb - Wh* uaaA to to ll In oarii Ihalr ' l>nai,l

aa* ko0*.“ fa r a l tha and of iha yanr f b a k ta o B lr 'H at to *hoa for h tr iwalve (a lary ohacka a t pay anvalupaa *up-

a * ( I r l a a ra f -a n a n r a a * of a Miou- fa lU ra a i a a r **r flra yaara and

MUM aa* a t lk * ( IWH baa arcunrulata* ' ) »liB**l a t ba* bilain***

I B a b a ha* liV*M**/lv* th o u u n d *oi ( f la aamotfeliMr a t i a h did not aatii

I llalafB th a b a t fT ta lly b a r a a r a lk f raparlty Ib ro u ah i tha aai

I aaa of aanta a f i i t a t fiva Ibpwaan*. d r* * i blalB *ak i la kotaair. a t* h i *aiiK*r | ------ a

or tHrcumlan likdrbraO to o ih ari If 111-fipBi vi ' loMi t*( pdii i l t loli i h r i i i l d c'OinB \ jn -

th f ftlwA>p »vi*xlAbl« aa v ln ii«(*counl*. thpr*- tr* othar kiulprufH«bl» inveaim pitii for tm «n m v * inx*. ttinonf ilin u lu h l 'u p or »n>1ow-n)«hi ln*vr«nii B niiil pn»atl (ovrfutn^rilpei-iirl I li>» Tl'id' i;)rt ^ hi> iTivral* a o r part of JiPr i-u'iiiiiffp ahoijh) fiid< know Uia- Pl'f \r I'UMJiif li*r monf^) ^tilii uu-

ftiiil (Hiyltift iiisa-itma-nli.Viitj aha atiiiuM b<- auilafla i rr-aB.iHAUi* r»t# p»itj hy ihamtriPtt'iiil of lo tllnn hPrafif b* (pftipi 'dinlo l*M lnvap!iP*n«a thar

' piofntvr A higli r»<r of trw'om*ThoM ihlfui ■lipfidlud l> ‘f''’ taala f<ir

In lr ’lltBOl Mvlfid n \n tri murh ti«tler lo p til i^ b#foTP ralilnf^ fha pliiiHB fof

. purchitafl [tiao to lirvughf up iUarpiy ■ liv a •borlfttr^ fundi In o n i’i pun« .

or h y bills liisl cail o d s* fundsi.d t tt># snd of tha mnolh And tho ds- ! tlgbtCul fsslinjg «f sscurliy and sds- i nukCV Ihsi r-om*‘« wUh s cnn«clousnsM

of llbiris rli^sr nf .Jabt snd monsy In (h« bnnli ought to Ti»mpl svofy f l r l sa rnsr t* ths osiiiig* w;inli»w Ti,f vftry dsy «h«

ti«f nsEkry. sntl l»«fors shs hs* crn i iif U.

Tl« GW Who M et Good at Her Job ' Fashion Favors Linen Suits for Small Boys This Spring Wilhin the Grdc



Every NTontan Can Ee « Lady.T ha old ordar haa rh a n ta d Today ,

" lad lra" ara io-<«llad not alooa bacauaa ' of who (bay ara but for wbat lhay ara . | And a ra ry aroiran can ba a lady. \

A aood b ir th rich t la a Kood a ta ri, fc it i cu ltu rad an trcadan ia ho mora Inaui-

aoratohad raaaali the T a rta r— a v anaar of pollih th a t baa only a u p a rfle la tlty b o h in l It will not aurvlva Iha a r l* taa i of avary-day Ilf*.

A woman who It ruda to h t r loal* la na llhar a lady nor wall brad, haw aaor rotiah-'d har nianntra may ba w han aha

th a a lowly sncsstry prscludss good | chooses to maks Ihsm so

Lack of S u g sr Ko Excuse for Failure lo Can Early

Ml a a a b* aunoaiarutly oaniad a t anvar, a a * v.-rainblai rtaoir*

•o , tb a w ia* bou tak tapar ti plan. W *M aa n i«*b or n o ra than aanal

I paar, a taw ur * t caanad vw aiablaa e ro c try *jid d oclo i'i Mlla and

Ip la a a la c trarta ty to iha d in in win- r r a l t c«kna* arHkoul awaalanlnt

I b* awwataM * whan ft id uaad. r ro lt , laa, * M bo raanod without atiKar

M*. wuMy p a o e li prof or to oan Iham M iaraataao*. n i^ a M ta la c that tba In- |M * « a l flavor* * ro thoroby boat pra- awda*. F a r t a t lb * r tn n f* ju ra * can ba

M a |*U y b*Kl arlwlar. HaklnK wbaw th a taaa lb ar la oaol ratkar w baa Ib t a ia rea ry llBpara Ih ifca

IP S h a y kaaaawlraa aa a I aa* aanalb l* p roradurt.

O B T T IN a RCADT. w a lla a n lll tha fruit la ha tf

bafor* laak laK any praparalton to I aar* a f It. th a r* la loaa of Ub *. t a d

laaon a t t h a t particu la r product to to paaa bofar* an Iha ouulpmoal

lap aa lB c l a J a r*a*MMk. , w ;0b* of tb a t ir iR BMP* W.t* aittM b

aaaaor If you a ra plAnBinf to «a* a** IbSa aam aiar. A w aab boiler o r lard IkB w ith a falaa b o lla a t will hpl* ih* • a * aad prwcwaa thaai afnclaatly . Tk* MaHi, bowovor, can ba doaa mora aaa

arttb aaa a l tb a aomatoraWI typaa

. Xtj-\ , t ; y

br*«dlniTGochI b m r iJ n f In s m s tts r «f iba

hesirt. I'i fputMifttlun stor.f i" cgniirl- sra tlo n of olhsr* snd ui>on th is iJie •upA fslruoturti of tjoltig and ssytng tP-. r ig h t 'f h !u i in rhi* right |il*cs I. n n tu r iily r^srrd .

Connldu'rstlon of o th s r i prw vsnti ons frog! IntsrrUFClDf g <-onv#fSAiJon. from Imposing onr«'s own sTfsIrs on dls- I tits rrs tsd sltsm pi^ng to V^Yih io tb s in . from sa rlng tmcti^ss th ing* (h*t hurt othar psop ls 't taH lngs. frum Uio fsn ^ r* ! "b ill In x th in s shop'* s ir

proo lslm t tsd brssding L lks- II gives »ns thoM plesntng s t '

trlbu*ss th s t put lh« o tb sr l i tn o s sL •ss«.

A soft voles s rd /|ulet h ssrlng . pels* snd th s soclsl iiTTtrnliies esp !»•' Acquired Hut ttse HutSlnti Who Ih w

1 b s t t s r tM t fsihloD sbk*

A orow )«d s lrss l csr uf good breeding IhsnBs loti.

Tbs esAantlslB of goo I b reeding from wHhln snd any body—e e s * / worpsn -call be s ‘'tsdy.''



By arttb aaa a l tb a aomatoraWI typaa • r aapaor*. a * th * alack lo u taally low •b o a lb* o ab B la a aaaaaa M aadar way, a i a arall ( • aaWat th* h la* ra a warn I* aBoMpM. arbaa ibar* n a hhbt**: Tha

praaaa r a typoMpp«.pc*paBr* tppa W aaaalli;idrryd tar aanaraJ canbla*. bu

w ala r bath

pr*ill tha

art bnlh

popular w ith tbo a t who want a e innar which costs Isss monsy.

ir Jlsrs s re needsd. s aupply should be Isid In es riy Ths lops of bolh tb s old snti hew )«rs Bhonld he gone over csrefiilly snd sll the rough edge! •nionthsd down with s knife Thers IS no 'Isngar then Ih st th^y wll out ihs rubber T his Is snmelbing fhst esn be g o tten o u t of the w sy before the sesson opens.

TEST llUTIBIlRil CAIlBrULLT One of th s m she of rubbers which Is

to be used should bn tested A ^ood ru b b o r^ ^ n s ib s i v lU sisad ug under tho bM l which long cooking in ih s c a n ' sn tn1U ~m usi pusssgs s ls s ild ty enough to Allow Us being folded s id Rinobed w llhotit bremking. sny rsnnlng sperlsl* lo ti of the Untied S tste s [>epsriinenl of A grirtiltu re Another test li Its sbllllT U held th lrleen pounds' weight wUh^ oat b rssk ln g when th is weight Is l u i ' pefi4ed by n hook from the rubbsr ring

W h slev sr t>'p« of n p p trsU s Is used for pfocssslAg Of stsrIlItJng. s number of afOM tli IF S '« « b io d for properly hnndlliiA tb s p sodutU These Include five Of n il g o ^ poresUIn ssucepsnA or those of gotTko o ther m sierlsl th s i ts koid pTpof. Witll eofors for use In hsnd- Hog And bU nohIng geld frulis. two UblospoonSa b its gnt »f m egsurlng Spoons, one w lrs bgskei or ssvsrg i ysrds of cbsM scioth for us# In b u n c h ­ing. sU w iping clothA two hsdd towsU , ohO dgptos fgrit for lifting hot U rg g»d MYorgt ghgrp poring knives. Looh over yoitr supply snd see If you hsvs theih In slock.


To th s m others of four or ftve-ysgr-old boys llgsn som si ss s bsppy Inherl- twDOo for iJitls lu tli end plsy togs d u r ­ing the w sr yssrs linen w ssro rrslled by (he governm ent tor w sr use# snd m o th ­ers hnd none of M New It ts gvalU hU sR sio snd fssl luh Is m shing the most of her fsvoD li fsbrlfl. Tottnir moih^^rs Qf wee bo) s hsvr lisd lo drs%s Iheni s i r r s bsbyhood In ilngUsSa. jisr^sls end vgrtouB Itnen suhstiiittsg *hst hgd no ’▼ondarful freshness s n i g lo is s f t f r I ro r irg

Tw o vsry viodem H ttls sa ils s r s ptc- ivirsd Both come from sn su ih o r lts tlv s ■hop w hU h sperts llies In children 's w asr Ons Is s seller su it—end the Jsu n ty ss llo r hevsr sesnis lo go out of feshton. !r ti too perfectly suited to the srao ll boys' needs.Tb« piciursd su it 1i of dark blue linen with white breld gnd em broidered slsevs sa b ls tn . There s re w hite bu ttons on the breeches snd s big b u c k sUk gfck tle sdds to the flnsl h o ts of rorrw ctnsst. In no o lh sr fsbrlo would th s lines of th is IlttJe ss llo r costum e bs so sm gft.

TKs sseosd su it Is s new comblnsUon of luolo sad brsschssa Ihs tuaio In - I ts tln g (he ssllo r style In colJsr. nsek- llS gad slssvsR. white St Id edge I t stu rned up b«m with togljoptd top Ih s t ts ouU iagd is w hite brsid ssd (mttotiH. T his little costume Is of light b ro v a linen snd (he tU Is of dsrker brow s I s f fe is silk. Two things sr« Im portso t in Iheer eulTs the irlsp cresslng of th s short bra-ei‘he* iiu1 iDStertsl snd else of the silk necktie, i


At AU Good GrocerR, Butchers end Markets


J U S TT B A -o a MA.*bya


Only by Proper CookingI k * < ic * a in iim r of *akU «* la mad*

k ia a ib u p « ip Uira«*k pkapar oookiaB. OaakaBa a a a u i a a a alronB ala* IBMit W pulpkac, aa* atoar oaaklaa.tt *yar..«'*aklBK roault la a yallewlil..

a, IBP M hM ral a vapatabla. lo h taa a paw* b a t aro .^a« * * >art>* attwiiia i * a k a l i fiUl a f V alH a*. *aJi#d wit.fr, Al tbM ttaa* at- yaar. tbo al* ko*4a nf a O k e g a arUI aaa* forty>flv* ailauiaa N iU W .

W baa th * **hka«* cobm* lato U a U takaa. « a t It i a i* qapiiar*. Blam-an-l

pa t ta a bow l of del* w attr,

Predicted Striped Woolen Skirts Will Be Popular

coo Lot It

all KoUfla t* * raw eo l aay laaool* which

k t bav* c raw led In amoop

**" tb b jili caT 'lt la■pv* (b* wptar kaUlM-llffayn

fa g dbip'eaifebaa* nik** lii. aad ya* la a lnw ly oanupb nol In h ind-r

A popu larity for otrlpod ooparalo ah lrU haa baaa p rad ldod fo r lb* coiniBp Baaaotl. An* )l la In taroo tln f to am * th a t whoro ama'rtly droaood womoa aro ta tb a ra * ona aaaa aiany olrtpa* aklrlp , w ar* w ith plBla coat*, Inataad ol lb* m orh w orn ptal*.

Ona a trlpad ah lr t raeoatly aaa* a t a M akto* eoAtar wa* A abart a k ir l w ith MfUoaJ Birlpa*. about an Inch w lda of navy blua and *ray. and teppad w ith b tallo rad box coat of navy tricollna, n-.pda p lain and n trai«hi.

Unllba many o l Iha ak in a aaaa th la yaar, th la an* wa* davoM ol f l a l u and

- - “ -o a llb* *0*1. )ntta*A-*1 bavtap tbo aaual ^ Llmllii l ik V V -t l a ona-bulton faptanlap- ^ Anoibar atrlpad ahlrt, mada piala. w as

W e a t* all'l KTowIna. ibla ariornln«'a mall bav in* breu*hl In latiara from i l t h l new Rianbora Flrat eo m u Tbo K itebon Canary, with a poaatbla pra-van tivc fo r polaoo ivyi

"1 th lnb II lan'l aa much Iha Ivy aa II la the conditio* of tha blood. I uacd lo pot Ivy polaonln* lb* oatna a t Marin Uonoa. Boniv ton or larclvo poara a*o an old lady (old m* lo drinb b u ltar- mllk. It worbod wondtro w ith mo th a t aprtn* aod I havca'l had an al- (acb tin ea Tbo bullarm llb m uii b* th a t kliid th a t It lakan from tha churn an* not ih a bind «ada w ith a pewdar.

H elen M onuna ol Irvfoplon aayt abo know a Alioa. Dreamy Eyvt, Hbhy V am p and *bamrocb- Maid of tha H arn a waa Impraaaod by tba polar boar w han aha vltitod Iha loo racantly. Bh* would Itba to borrow Bllaan'a boob p lay a fo r a tew day a.

- I f it hadn 't bean fo r Baba." aa]M Boll*. "I wouldn't ba w rltln* tb ii la t- t t r . Baba U In my d a ta a t b a tln ia s school."

Mill* of IrT lntton would ba a oploo* aid candidata for lb" propooed )■ f - o rcb o itra . a t ah* p ity i lh« v lella and■•■a* .(}u*** II nf Irvlnpion ploaa* abaac* yiour naiBO, a* It ha* already boon lahon. Matilda K. C artlt of Drabpa, a m arried mombar, baa a aoft apot la bar b a a r t for ua and aaba lo Join our e tr- elA Jaaiaa rita .Jam oa baa b rokaa tba


NpwbiIi, N. J. P k sM i m u b i w t t


Does Your Husband Truly Love You?Or doss he m rrgly tolermU

Kis wife?

bunch of

of -

W h s t R i s t t e r I f h s p u ll o ff f l o w s r i ? U s*s h s r p y .

'*Comsi s striped cat s r ro s t the lawn —sp a rro w s tw itter furlouily Robins •so ld loadiy W hat ta re s he sw ay up In ktg gharry tree? *Ch#sr-r-up.‘ oslls hs. to Ills eponos. T*hseTS-r-up.' sohoss th s ff oss h s r trss- And, from h i t h td ti^ P ig rs IB ih s brush oofska th d broohp th g s a t h trd —h u t newI^'fstuW IBd froBi d tg tgn t rU ia s l^ th r l l l t ottt h it w ondsrl^ l r s s s r to ir s « mslody, Au revolr, iBdlsg. I'm o ff now to tlad w b a fa hnp- vaPAad to *BlIa Bcc.'

. "RHAI. OABDBH BDO." , -7 . ^ r b u t a a aeaaon la lo n f pa*t I f

you av a r cbanca to pldk tlif bUmioa.root# and bldaabm* to r

aa I ahould be dellahird to hoar from Iham, rapeclally the few who wrote to iho colurnp aayin* that they W ar, lona- •omc.

H ay o a r column llv t Ion* and anloy •v a r iDcraaalB* aucxoaa. It tba wiah of


Becauie * woman it irurried I* no rcatoo why ahe thould cease 10 make hartdf ttiraciive.Yo«r hair, for inalancc. Do you arrant* it bccominjly':' Do you know bow?Percall axpert* art experienced In praduclnt the moat charmlna affacta; not only in your hair, but lo your complexion.

8 aptf1*r atrrfe* al ayerate charfp*

D ear C sm lyniMaid M arian, If j s u ears fST to s

d ancing I would like yss to w rits to mSf os Tm a tns dsnesr. I w ondsf tf (h s g ir ls (h a t dance like ■wtfflmlag so d h ik ing? I think those three go to^ g s th s r , don 't you? Four of gur d sa d tig g l r l t w rote me very nice Istlerg, amd I hops g th ^ ts will also w rits. How ab o u t 1|?

I aha ttrssldsnt s f a group of Otrl f ls se rv ss and w s have ftns t ^ s o . A rs th e re any m ors rsgervM SAong u tf

Im p giWl Chubby* pleass is k Carslyg fo r toy ad dress gad w rits to |ns. W ill d o e s w ith lovs to all. BTBLIS.


WiflpBpcn Pilito VMirirtiWA U G U ST B E V E N SE E

77 Springfidd Ave.


laipoctar a t SairFktwd Street, Newark



Isg fg foot# god SlOtgOw 191 K atu iV * «a* ia p ropatafloa. ^ | « « f* ; laaa p ta p k lw o f tbo b aan llfn l pl^th a t m ak e It to r a ra -

ATTBBTIOR o f OOM lBBIbB.oColumbda*. a ra your la llla la B B.

and do you Hva In ----------- * ** ' Morrla-

***AMOLIKB. formerly tody Carolloa"

halUBB. la ta v a »b* •’'J ?*"•aa* h a ll f a r f rd n i iM *niy-ft** to tn « y :ftvu ■ laa taa , **o*r*ln* to lb« t i n and BM of th* h*«d. Drain In a eoltndar lui a aMaato or two. than mine* flat wltli S ^ B p l a B knlto. It may than »* L o ^ ’L t . ******** «R h aalt. b*PB*t aa* b a tta r: o r . It can, ho put loty a-------- taMoa. W d Iptavrab*

. dm bbaaa a M 'aaaaaco»r ittMwTkM dabhaB*

BUI mob*m aaaaa rr J f r r * « ‘ **«ah** **a**»MgttSBgfa w- V ■■Btll lb*T ■*»• brow a. mpo* thaai M w a aM* « t Aha « S 1 * t paa. v m r » » ■Mat a t re a l# « » » » • . •"*( aaa* * f ah redda* . a M a tb a BOH.M ao » b r e w - - - - - ^

laaaa , B at.."o> -i o'.p Oa»% afk OF

ra w * .rehha**- **•

la hu ff oalor w ith a w lda atripa of buff snd ons tb s ssmO w idth of narrow • ir lp s s f th rs s -s lg b th s o f sn ln«b> In navy W itb U w o t worm a pongssbtousi s'*# s polo oogt of tbs n s lu rs l color.

I t Ig only n a tu ra l ih t( ons should tR d t# stHpggi w ith relief, for they sAfltglli BB sVsintnt of nswnsss, hav ing bssn Uffd Yt ry H ttls th is post osagon.

H o 4 ^ rWhlch g r t bslng prspsrsd fo r fo il A s # lB H s»sr*bU g itrg riiv s w » y t o f u g ln i tb s otripod Q gtsria ls P ls ttsd inodslg g#s m sds to raslts odd bog p lsJt • r f s d ts T h srs a rs ta f ln lis w ays of irsaU nB pprksls. «U mads to odd to tb s Bnw rtavH of these ta lio rsd m odels

I t la tlkOUght 1 hat lh« fall sk irts

X>ogr Cnrotyn: May I oems In for g lltU s gbgt this sTsnlngf

_ _ CHrlBr oro many of your « gfos gVd-'aoiii'rf the mar bseO«a « « who Tibs Id osw? I »o X “X r 0 . NbH tldia writs ts \l I prsssnt making m ysrlfg f^ w ^ ® ^u i mors abggt youriiiogi that w s : drsM T have Juot oomnlsted aI . . a a.*#-*.,

p e a r Carolyn and O lrli'Ronk-fctng Ruth, 1 know you. Wg

both know r'uckfto. pnes that give you a h in t os to who I sm '

Hy hobbles are draw ing and sto ry w rltih g , bu t I'm not much of a n r e s a g in e ither. Wh^n T draw a t r s s it re- sscnblsi a blackberry bush, and my poor p a th e tic Httls ito rls i sound like ColhsalsA But then who knows, per- hofkg some day I shall bs famous. lU i i b e tte r to look a t ths Irlg b t side.


T U a la a a a o ta h U a M ■*•**■fact, w h k h ««*pariB *B i f prica* will eo av lae* r o a aa t t haa baa* d r ^ a l a u m a . W a alw aja a a U G a o * Q aaJtttj F B nltB r* a t a e o n e e m ltv * p n S L Invaatl.( t t a a a d lo d g a f o r ydaraalf.

Charge AicoAitita InvttedRetd PttUroan Carriage Lift Top OcMtentoi

!S w 11.98Prie# 3 2 UF


m ay know you battar.C an tra l L lfb t Inforraa ua ati. haa

eh an fcd her name Ic Juat Bub. "I have m ei Kfho and fcainy," aha adda, "and any. Xlrla, they are two of tha ftneat a tr ia I have ever met " Mia* N ineteenth C ontury pleaea keep th a t namo, aa Chipm unk haa been taken. Artlot Ifa t- u ra lla t, plaaa* write on only one atda of Iha paper h a lt lima. That la an old rwla, you know.

Teddy of Newark, pleaae ch an fe your nam a, aa we already hava a Taddy of O m n*# and It will ba ro n fu iln s If you do net. The former aay t ab* meeta a d irfo ran t J. F. O. each day. That ihakai II In io rea tln i doean't I t l Bbe li th ir- toan yeara old and would be find to

blue I i«t I mad* a Ita t ln blouaa. and befora

p laid woolan ahlrt.Carolyn, will you pleaaa aand m*

ttw anea'a addreaal Hhe aeked o®*"* ^ p a to w rite lo her and . ahall be Bind to to io. If there are any o ther J F. O.a about aeventeer yeara of axo w bo 'w ould IIM lo ir r l i t to me, Carolyn la a t lib e rty to «lv* my addrda* to tham.

no t h* ilaad un til yer> late IhH fa ll, correapond with Mlea J l t f a .

BlBttoE. liBBlir* Botatbaa will b* an np>

beeana* lb * a p rlaa and lum m ar * * u o u hav* baaa •* tb a l woman will b* ra lu c la n t to f iv e up their aummar dolba*.

^UMBinm ia iIm KikcbCB. T ag* o a H oaptltl B tbtca,

w . BByiaa Bf taaU of atpmlnum eook- laa a lia -^ '- t« • • • bow vartoui food* ^f(L.e (baiB, FroCaaaor JtAn Olalatar of

Alum inum ta«* ara Bow placed about th* neck* of bablea born in m atom lty hoaplial* w ith th* vlaw of provontln# any poaalbltliy of a m la-u* on auoh oc-

{ i ( » ^ a r e orana**. lamona bru*"oaS 'M tw at* a * * taatatoo*,' But *v*a in

f f - f tb a q u a a llty af ilnaiinttm *MMIva* w aa jM '*U dlbt th a t It aduld MHB a* a f ta a t M batovar on olibar tba MlglaBamMit** aV tlB * flavor of th*

ir fa iil aw ay from It* laothar for a time. T ba t*K la aaeurad by a cord of aom# m alarial w hich w ill not acratch th* t tn d a r fleah on the child and 1* ttad In a trip le knot lo laanr* of H* P*r- Btanancy when one* It ha* baon placed on th* child.



THE appreoahon shownby ap nwny of out patrons in Ttcofnm*fnllng ut to thair friends ntnagtheM .onr determination to coitinue giving the best pos- aible BBfvice ki‘ ill branchea of our rug and carpet cleaning

• r * » v

MNCOVIUS & SON, Inc.IQ-IM Ariingicn St, Near Cent S t. . . ii PlMM TBT M nlhaRT

Hex April Folly'g dog, Is a w lnnsr of a ribbon and a nif^dal Plsoss ro h g ra t- u la tv Hsk for us. April Fslty. Emma r* Usrsjr. a vsrr old frisnd. Just •topped In (0 ss)' "HsUof* At present ■hs Is a t Mlddlsfonii, N II. Isn’t sits lu c k r? Rbs sends good wishes to Pomona. J u i t Jeon and Bestls

Im a Usvll, asks to goto th irty -sig h t soroe noon about 1|:40. Hhs w ants you to changs your nojns, too

D sniurs Is a **ho|is chestsir'' and w ill w slcoins any Ideas along thosa Unso. GsorglA Oswalt, we'll forglva jm i th is llm s for w riting nn both i ld s t of ths pgp sr BS long Ol you proinUs mdt M do so again.

Happy, who (old un It hsr U tt lo tts r th a t shs WOJ studying slanograplsy. w rltss (hat th s Is now sm ptoysd

* a s a stsnogrtphe r Hhs Is also doing filin g . book'ksspiTig snd dlotaphons o p sra tln g fiucross to you, H tppyt

1A> ars going to scold ymi, too. Rm llsi, for w riting »n all sides of tb s paper You know b stts r than that.

Peggy w rltss encouragingly about rh» J. F G. o rrhestrs proposed by Thais. Peggy plays (hs violin P u b si- sldfrs will bs glad (o w rits to liUllgn G raham and will try to gst her to r a i l on soms of her frisndi. If shs U locatsd fbsnr Ban Pranrliog.


V araa tim y I* t | r r®''* ‘yood m any houMwIvaa *r* *blP- w recked. or naarly ah lp w r.ck .d , wIthiB the flra t faw year* ®* houaakaepInK exparltnc*- Df coura* th ay naually • • • w hat th* troubl* 1* and pukh off before there lo any oerlou , dame** don*. I t would b* wall If the re were a lHU* llxhthouo* on th a t rock to Ihat other houtew ivea m l«ht b* w arned not lo eall too o'®**'

T hera aro younx m arried w vratn w ho a ta r i ou t w ith the commendabi* dM ir* lo he of the very capable aorl. They w ont lo dp th a ir own houaawork. hak* bread and eak*. do Ih* w aehln* end m oat of th e o le tn ln * ' plant an * cu ltl vat* a •ayden

tAp*1-f!af*Iy* and Otflat May t drop In only on* tlttl* m lnuta

to SBs th a g irls and you? ^1 th ink , Auntls,^ you w rits gqcb toTSly '

I sd s rs , and you, Hunnls, w hsrs a rs I you h id ing? ('nms o u t; you w nn't bs I “It " for a gam s of hids-and-goetssk. I

My hobby is aalm als and 1 am a I g re a t book lover. T also like to draw . '

noQ 't yn\i th ink JuHs Orlowold d raw s ▼sry nicely on th s same page u th s J. F. O. ar« on? .

WobJd some girl who Is a J. F. O. w r its to m s? 1 gusss a girl o f tny ags would ra ther, t am th irtssn years old. Am I too young to Join, Carolyn?

Hjr fav o rlts ssason of th s year li antumDp w kso svsry th lng ts tu rn in g color.

A- IMA Who gato r saw bm baforg Js g iv in g Ihs a ss t of tuanral history books, 1 havo all but oao or two of . Ibsm . t sra a lucky g ir l D on't you th in k so? I

T a a rs w ith loU of hops and kliMO.JINX OF THE J. F. O. i

LtasS with Hosst gradecordvroy] laffs rubbsr dtsd whesisi tins rssd bsSy and houd; rsTsrsIbls gear, rofn- plBls Dlsplar sf WhttnsT Cor- rlsgsa


Largs sSss; kordwosdcopstnictrsfl' IW** rsm or-’ sgls *lrs shsivsa: wRftsi sassisl imsd. V .

No, J In i , you are Just ths righ t ag s to bscom s a J. F. o . Ws do hops to ioa you a t th« Pot ghow. oven though , your p s t i could noL corns.

31J8L a r a * i

moatai I whtta aaa xBlvialaMhaAwaai i

Waa* L tea*.


Om b S a ta r d w Sm Iim UiM

I t ^ C lB d i

"Hawkey*." who roiqaa from loV a,w aa tnapiyad to w rite a f la r r»K*ln*

liodsm s c i e n c e and mechanical Ingenuity, combined in developing the principle of ma­chine clothes-washing, produced the Gainaday ISlectric Washer and Wringer — the' washer th^. always has en- ^yed " dll^ctive su- j^emoeya

id7.B|U>A0 ST„ over Knabe’sPlMWMMiMtWIST-:

U tt la oMIher'a latter. fOic w«ati like to receive a iiariooal le tter (l^m U t t le mother. "Hawkey*" la a itUR- rled member who haa a amnll 4aut1 t‘' lo r and aon who keep her baiy. W ill B eth and tome df the ether W eaiera Bin* w rit* In her7

M tjlam a hae written In lo tell tfa th a t ehe la very happy broaua* Blue Itobln hae adopteil her dn# .larky. I am aw fully clad nnd wlah that aom* on* would adopt all the other do#* and cat* w altinc for home*

O ertal, O. F. fl. Senior eaya *he th ln |( t you would call th* kind of a deelcner you ipoka of n draper Q. F P .Benlor h a , attended a r t erhooj m .New York.

HKAI. OARDICV BU« IB KKHR.I " Ju it time to p ,"s a picture on to ' you What you «ay, A u n tie ' P ra t I th e l p rrk y b u p r Sinp aquirmlnx eo. or j r t t craw l *11 over you and Tinh.' ove,I thare . will never reaee InucMn*.

Sem per Idem, pleare rtun't throw th ince : at me. atperlolly your l.a tln p h ra .e ,. What, nit* you. Blue deaiiaf I II no;

bo ther your nether toxfery If you'll only look with me. Ree, the a iu r* blue

4 k y flecked with fleecy whit* Claud*, and beneath that the luah-#r*en alretoh uf rr*M with a BOley litti*

I brook habblln* I t, way tbrouKh th* Kreannaae? That pron* form, reaem- h lln# Bolhlnx more than ala o' th* clock, la really Rilm Jim. day d ream , tnc. aa iieual Ureat Scott! Tlicra'a tha* fa t Maverick Monte wadlnx In Ih*

I at ream! bet a turn our ayaa tow ard I the ahnpelr <h>rry tree all rovared ' w ith inowy blrom*. with myriad* of ' c r e e l Bprnri. of !.»ve, in their naldat.

" U ile n I 1 hear the oriole ahrltllnc, '(7am* here, oom* her*,' lo hla wit*.

jlT a n d a r whitened pear tree eenda hack a h rap ly . ‘No fear, no fear,' from Mb moai . m ^ a f n mate. Didn't you *e* him?

I» e k now;. ;W iy up in the top-m oil branch** of Ih* flower-laden tree, <l«l|liaii Hddaon, don't (aae a* for a la ra Ha'h no! ,0 hich a* Ihntl. Sea hi* Boldeii-orxns* b ree tt b rp n iln s bark Old Hol’e rap? Ah! tu tn a hi* bach upon va. Ifatio* hi* f ra y apd whit* and bTakfn atrlpad alfeyea aad back,, H a a damaafi hi* awaiipw-iaHad h tS ta t fo r ua: lie sra*** * blnoih w uk hi*

bend* hla dpahly hooded bapla

______ trim Ihelr own hale.praaa th e ir huehand'a olothea pain t th* wnodw ork when neceeiarv. m ake a r- tla llc lam p ahadea, .mak* ruca ou t of I hava auoh a the. race and xenerally do a* m any rep h la r'b lo ad * ." kind* of.th tnK * within a day a* any H appy doicn man that th^y haow do In a flay. To be alire they don't do o r In­tend to do no very much of. any on* thiiix. bu t they are convlnoad th a t th a y can do a ll th* different aorta o l rh ln c and do them all well.

Th* woman whn ha* children o ftan feel" that h t r added reiponalbllltla* In I hie reipeot need have no cu rta llln p e f f - .t on th* Dujnbsf i>f th in g s ahs do ." In faat Ml* add* a new d aparl- ment to b*y*ra*k endeavara and niakoa children'* areS***, trim *ahSliron '* hat*.Icaci.rm them thair l**aoni whan they so tn Rchool. and add* In fan t and child Cookery to h ^ pultaary aoeompllah- m-iii

N( W thla IP a ll vary wall. B ut aotunlly no womap liv lns can do a ll theae th ins* and da tham wait. I f ah* trim * her hAld ' **o well. ■ th* bread w on 't be *0 fPhd- If a r tte tle lam p ahade, occupy too much o f her ihoupht, th e rleon lns w iil fall behind.

And tb* chapea* are th a t aooner or la te r the loMlUl alrmln th a t com et from try ln s tO. 8* *0 many d ifferen t aorta of rh lh g t' will cam* an d ah* won t be able her Bflp on houee-Work s( all • t

YThlt* tMrv* regret* ahe haa no pet to e a te r In th* ehow, and berauae ahe baa n e ith e r p e ti nor Oowera both o f | w hich ah* lovea Bh# would like aome le t te m from the J. F. Q.'a 8h* adda: "1 am iix teen . Perhap* yob th ink my nlolniam * .queer I t wa* slv*n me by an Ind ian whan I waa South Itecauae

ItSht compiralon—

H ap^y-O o-Lucky, Contrary Mary, L.IUI* Joe— who aeke for a fudxa r e ­ce ip t— B lrda and Frecklea who I* s o lo s to chans* her name even If ahe eaya ahe "la freckled feca." you arn a ll m oet welcome membtra of th* J. F. O '*. We certa la ly hop* lo ae* you a t th* P et Show.

WotlLFARTn KOoSib./hiuy '(-'U FORMTUK

rhatifigtvtill tell that W M U uU fiM ^

PothtM* u CuricBcy.A recant a rriva l from r o u n d aaya

th a t th* m arcb in ti of thni country a re S lad to accept peiatoe* a t cu rrency b*- cauee 'b - l r vain* doaa not fluolBat* from day lo day. 'T h a t of th a m o atp t* c ircu lation I, likely to chans* ovar- nlKht. ■_________________

■i A th lis


a f t a n o y iif’. i t r

I byr-ip ior ■ t l i . t o l J t ' . u i ( i T ' k

iM lle

Amortcan *r Pefinmg Cornpunv

H* lift* a S d V KMb* d a ‘«fliF aiMlIf ha H |A vmitiBS. th a t . WpapsM a a

IKiihraaM. Qb. *o? 'T>« only o H ln « ItSaw n to th* brheob h* t*. w bhm bo , i fwahA hwiity afuy.'.ih# hidden hn* 'Ah? f j

— ' - ----- — ----------- - “- “ T . l 'l

"Thla la my flrat latter Io the J. F. O.'a column, b u t I Can tall you It ha* bean like n 'ray of annahtn*' to me whan a ll a las aaawad dark. I bav* been tick alBc* bafora ChrlBtma* and have not been able to *T*n aew. aa I had a boa o u t of plao* In the bask of my neck w hich mad* my hakd ahah* and p u l l 1 bop* It w ill BOon b* battar, ta I loy* no th ing b a tta r than a btk* up th*m ountglno.

I hnvo hoard of aom* of the good w ork Bunnl* haa boon doing from aom* of my friend* and I know they appr* . d a te har kindnea* very much.

".hRnSLBT."a e *

I am ear*. Ardaley. th* b e tte r you know Ih* J, F. fl.a the mora cheerfu l you a ra doing to find thair frlandah lp W rit* to na again toon.

FBIiaOllAt.BtaBa aak* for adm ittance and

e rrttaa : 'H know Rad and her alaicr,SHU* P ftt. Anybody oppoaed lo red h a ir o ugh t lo get a gllmpae of Red ^ a d flh* not only hae n beau tifu l ahade. b a t a wav* tha t would mak* all th* a tra lgh l-haired glrla atgh."

A* a rill* Meea, no on* diellhea th a t ahado o f h a ir eavo .tk* own*r. By th* w ay. w on 't thla Red Head let ua have h e r nam e and addr*a* lo If It correfponda w ith tho.nam* on our file?

IdBd W *d4tM »nta to know; "R oaoa a ro y our Inlflatii tl. f i f , K itty Koo. a r t reuta.Jd.'le .T j'

tokk idbS iR r'aS

o f a l t rralU ira I ' ‘th in * m a tt

A R eal A m erican B read"A m e r ic a n -A O u d ”

Not a -Vicloiy" IwfgAtboM war ds]rt *t.TH!****”*

bread baewlia ol to qosiliisfcI t bM f o a s **over ^ ^ • '“ i*

eJmlillw eW m I o r i t is a Bwifoel, fln U to dclaim lo r i t is a nwfoct, ■ U tb e q u s lh to o l io lf tp o rfe c t

so ottm lsoUnff lanw re


faaU ty th ilC B ***r l» *b» p a ila o to f a ll w attar*. ah diflBL . _ ,

L a 'iTaUd »lk* 'w,kht_.^5j^;bo««J5*^^C haitarbax

can ha*a


I» * ^ ( •• «• a**ts*y aprer*;,

« l Fo«.





^ H *.'*

ba, via 'a

wrapper at



■ A r . lW W w w tS N e w p

i W '

i ' d-K- li » t |

I ' . . :

f y i

Ob eg ItaM, noi togay Ti V a « I • IdODgSOX* nlM bur b M gd 9(gat ou l u g In I naar hi, •tum p b

"Do y. . you will

ad v en iu rH 'u i,), ,"I I h i c

aantU nia boat Tool heavav b •r* com I


Ooeaey ! e ra m al

flra.""W .ll,

epek* Ni "Oh.

1 plained I out willI nm )ual , beaver*

Ov*r' w eed , VI he rtac:

whteb wnear It

‘T T iar W lggily

*WoodJG?*w k»backu bark aai ne tU ng tha n a il W Iggfly

Tb* b -w*uM t ahady p which 1 th*«gh th* flr*.

•Tfh#l ilael* VI Iwlnkilii ToodI* 1

■TIh. I th* goa hona*. n It." aaJd to su rs s

And IS th s b«a aheut p

I r o u g


aorted. o f ta nD rug I



A l


4 ^ '> ^ arch

'ftrtjir—ft v«B««r\yIve th« ftoli tftftt

« to h«r ibftli i« I howftTorifty wlioii ihtiH>

It t bfttttr tftfttA t ftthloBftbki1 br«tft<l1ngftny body—«rt4X


Husbandt You?riy tolcraUr ii t n u Fried It th o u td cease

irsc live . ince. Do you | l y ? Do you

e experienced nott c h irm ln c your h a ir , but

T k e a t i a r f «

CELLr Habm, Newark



11.98ilf«; kkr4woA4Ml' lw« rinov*'

^ . .v .

I M « r ^



e a d9 9

- 1

fIntelMd k'p«rf«ct In m m

A BEDTIME STO RYUncle ▼igfilf and Toodle't Splaihcr—By Howard R. Garia.

mi te aE m— ^


Onoa uii«ii a • ta a . no t M vary WiJiy r a a r a tKo,V a n l t WlRiFiVy l«l)a**XK, t h e nie* bunny rah- b ■ t C enllem an,’■'Sot out waJi(.I*a In th e wooUn hnnr hin hollow ttu m s bunanlow

"Do you thin!, you w in h i v * , „^ y » n l u r f m keil Nuiwt Juno K u u r

J*i** ' bjo mu»kr.«i laOr houn#kee|>er.I InInk no. eiiiworetl ihe bunny

W ntlonitii. -| an , aoin* down lu noai. Toodle etid Noodle Kiel Ttll. the benvey boy., uad Grnnriim Wbnekum • Ft ro ftiln i a i t in t wiili ijrandfulber

■ A;

bank, aen r tb t duck pond, w aiting for ■Voodlt la reiBO back w ith tba wooden h a iu . a long ram * Billie W aglato Ibo goat boy. a l l out of braalh

"I cam e to g e t O raadpa OooHy'n ■pectaclea,’' u t d DM lie "He forgot 'em and he can ’t hook a t the color* or lialnt* my I'lu 'le B utler w ant! lo ihow him for the houae "

'T il go took In the kitchen for I (iram lp* Onoaey'a glaanaa" oFrerril

I'ncte tt'ian iiy “I know where he ken- . oily keep* ihem " And when lha bu.iny

uinlc. a little later, came oui w ith the K laiara he aaw a funny alglic

Toodle. ihe h eare r hoy. w ith h li brnad. fla t ta ll like a canoe iiadd]*, waa apleahtn* w aiar all over BllU* the goat bo>'

"Whal'a Ihe Id ea '" aaked I'ncl* W lg- gtly iHilltely

■'Oh. I'm lo warm from running."

IlMilla'a dpleaiw. «war ba i t a Mttartbw tka taawy wmI* at •&

, "Thank raw tott aitek." aaU Ite I LaaMgrt ta tha boavae bar, and thaa Naalla oaia* with tba waa4ta aatla aad ha aikl Ihodla atartod «arh- Aai It

, lha alivhaal daaaa'l taka a alatkaaaaat far a tooikplek aad tiobla iw ladr bag oo oho aaoaaoa. I'll toll you noat

I abont Vaola Wiggity aai Nooila'a glag' tor.


Oootey G ander’s houee, »l,ich they nr* m aking over on acivunt of the fir*.'*

"Wall, bo ca re fu l not lo get burned." ppok* Nura* Jane

"Oh. the fir* w ai out long *g*," e t- I plalhad U nota W tgglly . "Jacko pm n I out w ith m ilk from hie I'lkcoanut [ I «ra fuel going to watch the hihy , h eav en rebuild the houie '

Ovar the field* end through the ; woeda w ent t 'n r le W lgglly. and when ; no ranched G randpa tiooeey'a houee

wUoli wag p a r tly burned lia only aaw noar It Toodte. lh a one beaver boy

"W tara nsa tho o lh e rir* aaked Uncle W lgglly

"Hoodie w a n t to gal enma woeden , paflg," aap ln tnod Toodle. "and Grandpa

^ a c k u m lu g gon* to get ua aoma nice bark tandw ichoa for lunch 1 can dn n tlk ln g utilU Noodle comae bach wtiti *** n a lu . *o la i 'a a lt gnd talk, Unci*W lgg lly"

Tba bunny g en tle jnan thought thia would be nice, go ho aat dawn on a

, ah ad r p la ro n e a r lb* duck pond ocean, which waa a g a in ft Had wtth water though It had gon* dry a t th* tliua of tho flp*.

"W boro tg O m ndpa Gooaayr" gakad UbcIo W lggllg , na h* rannad hi* pink, ^ t n k l t a g ■*•* w ith a broad chip which Toodi* had gnaw ed from * ing

"Oh. bo'a gone to g e t Uncle Butler, th* goat g n t le m a n . lo have hint *** hona*. Tvhan w# have finlahed building It." aald Toodle. ‘"W# h tvo th* plac* lo euraatvai. Unci# W lgglly."

And whil* iho honny gentlem an and th* b eav tr boy war* an tin g on the ■bout pa in tin g th* new part ef Ihe



penicd n u l l , " ika t I aaked Toodl* lo aplaab me He i* cooling m* off'*

H *' That'* a gn^j „ p ,co n led - laughe.l the rabbit unole

Hut here are G randpa Gooaay a glaatoe. Billie B e tter tak e them to him now

So. a f te r Tipo.iu baa aplaahed a little more w ater w ith h it broad tall. n tu u . Ihe goal ran on, and t.'nola l^IgglU and Toodle ta t down to watt for Noodle lu r«ivjrn with th# woi»d#n hAlla.

Too«tJ» WA4 plavhiK arounil In (h# w u e r of lh« du« k |kund tH«m whan. ■ U Bt oiicgi. out fri>m bt-hind % pil« of lumbar efttn* ih» bad old Croiolcup.

'A h. h a ' T h li It th# lime 1 |# t aomr •AUP#'” hoft lad th# bad chap, runn lrif *lunpf (ha bank nf ihfl pond (award Cnol# Wlftirily

' Hold on! BtPp w hira you ar#! ’ eriad TortUfa from uh#r# h# a(aad In (h# » a i# r "Don i .\ou d«r<i ta k i TnclfW lfg liy 'i ■riuir '

" t th o wlU ai«p maT ' boldly aahfd tha C r^ o k iia

‘1 w ilC” h rara ljr # io lilm rd Toodl# ‘ I and my aplaah#r"'

J'fti'■ * aplaah#T^‘ in lrkarad (h# Crotokua. 'I m not afra id of (hat!**

’T M i l» my *plftah#r!'‘ ahoutad Toodla. wftvtnir bl« broad, ftfti (all, and wUh th a t h# baaan (n aplaah b(c drop# of w a tfr on tha bad chap

’T>h, woW Oh, Mop! Ohe Ml b# rood! 1 w on't lak e Rrvy of ITneU W if- dUy'i aoua#'" howl#d tha Oroaokua, who waa v#ry m yrh afraid of water. hAktna a fac# (hat alwaya naadad waah- Ing. •’Oh. wow! I'll ba food! Oh. I'm aoaklng w#t •'

And lh#n all aoakod an ha wfta from

S tork .I B a b v C a n r i a t f o a l

1 QQ VasUictoR Stmt

We V« /a $ t 4 D oan From i tS A V E Y O U R M O N k Y

Baat lb*

(.'airiafa at Ik* KACTORY aai SAVE tit.

igh price* lo r every ih ln i make 11 es|lecially k ite to buy your Baby C a rn a g e here. We m ike iu r C a r­riage* of Ihe BEST MATERIALS *nd price ihem at le u than "cheap" one* are told for *l many •lore*.

I REPAIR)NO--Be*i work and ' lowest price*. Phone Market

I 4M1.L , _____ ___ . _____.1

Newark Go-Cart Htg, Co.NANLEACTtKER

Vigit tKe New

Community D ining Room

for Men and Women994 Broad Street

Exe*llen( Cooking. Noderale Prices.

Special Luncheon 11:30 to 1:30, 60c Special Dinner 5:30 to 7:30y 75cS k lk d a , S u id w ic h e g a n d

LEATHER BA6S SOLO AT FACTORYPhoenix Co, Manufacturers for Over 25 Yeara, To Sell

Leather Traveling Bags at Factory Prices.

We desire the public to consider this sale as the Phoenix Company’s CCNTRI- BUTION to the Pri^ Reduction Movement, and we are offering at our Factory Show Rooms values at shout 4S% Icm than the Retail Price. There Is no surer way for you t o aave oioney.

C lip p e d Prom ,4keNewark EvENi^rNE at


I HorkmtmU#,fo lo ra .

Good qndlW aM B iM k m d tarn


A limited number of Baleemen’s Road Samples and factory sec- ^ QA onds, a t .............. A-Yv

Other Qua/ities in Various Leathers— up to $35.00

AiBbnf Bihar IC*res *n whieh l*w. *f*A prica* *r«r* •lin«uii«*(f loilay w*f*kitoo*. Oh* ato.r* trhrwrtiaiitg em * *rl*» to tw*gt|r par e*n.l. A manofao- ttiptr of travlUng baga anno*nc««l that h* wouM **11 Id all who w»wU( o«nia to his faototr for tham. eowhido bagv w h l^ wot|ld rolBJII for tl.lO to f lt .io , at M-lL mAking this anooiinc*. tft*nt. h* a*td'

•"W* offar *A apology to our varlkk* wboiasai*. aooount* fo f rotallijyg «ur morehndik* to tho pubiio Aiioot from our laciorr T his t* tk* first tlm l In out tw tnty.ftvg >oa.r*‘ btlilgno* that wg haf« aou *bh*r ite ,v kt «ho)o«kt*. but w* w M for a nmliod Mmo | o do otr shar* ip radveihn thk hi«b eoki of living .and bop* chat *th*r maniifau. ti)r*r* will follow our « i* inp li.’



A n o v tl ifia tlio d • ( c u t t i n g p ric* * w h t a d o p te d by It B ro a d t t r o d t th o * *t*9*._ which anitoiuicad >•"<(. u would

^for lha old i ly y ' ''^'-Vfba- M lttP

Mail orders must be accompanied by Money Order and 2.V additiMa] to cover parcel post charges.

Salesrooms Open 8 A. M. to 6:30 P. M.


During this retailing we sell under the same guarantee that we give to the leading d e tr i­ment and leader goods stores th rou tou t the country. <

PHOERIX COMPARY ""g'JJSSlIT?®Ironbound Car to Chestnut S t Bergen C!ar to Pa ciJlc and Chestnut Sto. 3 B l ^ Below Broad S t


Penwrta a la Carte

Opa*t to .1:10 Saturday Until « t o dtwig B o u m o n n <2>.


Aubry Sisters’FAMOUS BEAUTIFIERts superior to dry face powder, giving the skin that beaut>ful, soft, velvety texture. 'KI.en used with our TINT (liquid

rouge) it insures a fresh, clear and attractive com­plexion. For sale at all drug and department stores. « V«nt\"r*,:awT. Aubry Slater* Inc.of 510 W«*t 4Stb St. N. Y. City

4 KuoPlof Co, M in o r EHmg Co. apoolal donori' ■t<’t«*BI l^ ty '* , RstoUliil IPhanDkoy, 111 Bi^ngaold Avg.

Starts Saturday at 9 A. M. If you need Furniture and want to SAVE 207r TO 40% then follow therrowds to Uidwig Baumann’s Three Great Stores.After months of freight tie-up, rtst quantities of merchindiie ire erriving. With our Wire Houses elreidy crowded, we must make room quicktv. It it • lituttlon which requires drastic action. Every department h is been called upon to m ike room. ,INioce have been reduced—coats have been disregirded In order (o aamre n speedy dcarsnre. You can buy crcrythlag you BWy poatbty need to fliart lloiMlnentM Si tremcadouB Price Reduettona.


White Enamel Bed

10.49anil ## frtodirt

Another Bi(( and WelcomeDrop to Prices!SpMbl for ObovV ^

,WwaaB*s Pnapt

at A t A uailiii^

H onda#.M brirNM watnbM o t AAw S atw iagl


r*ati wua* I

Genuine Oak Rocker

Bo*, ring* i l l

12.49CMh *r r n * t tGolden finish,

covered In belt g r id e InUtetion leather.

D ining Room Special

Amaiton Wsinat (iueen Arne Be4 /loom Suil—4 PiectfrltD**n*.)

r PrtPt ............... ................................f?*?#

Par faff tb lf ■vUgiWaaUy-

ma0. rfftaa vaaw

289.49raJb ar Ciaill

Special Sale of Dinner Sets

A— rIcMi PorcdalB first Quality 60 Piece Dimer Set

tor fix 12.49 raafearCn*K

HaadNdi of Other Seta froM tlT.W lo tMO

v*We are dolaf our hit (np r io w b y d e n u H ia tr i t lo M

biMidaf down the burter of• m wun

startle the pttblk. Begioning tomorraw moming slid untH tlght,Sre offwhuodred* of pain of

<)iMHty. elesaia NEWAKK Pumtit at $2.98 p » pair* ThinkSaturday nil

•ivtag that will1

! off^huodred* of pain of genuine, firstpair* Think

of it-"fiiM quajUty.Mldea brown kid, in long' slender last, high aich am toole M They art broken slaw, ofinortexpenaNe;)lME,‘ - r.

. A lao-■c

Charming Patxpi

JSpsdal'Ffiw'.as-. ■iSvo spedal loto

,,j dullblii kMpr

Uft TopU«. Ms* ULM


A«h woo4e on flnlah, f«Han- iM t loo$ ehamhor.

|4* Rotneerewn...................... tiJ lHT a*erlg*ntors ....................... IMlH t nolriaifetees l l . i l

Ig* Ottegt* A**rti***t H*aat SMe BtoM g*i PoreeUta U a.*.' R*-barator*dent •ala *t Moaer-aavIBi

.4mer/Mn Walmd Queen Anne Dinint Room Suit-4 PiecesW ««U y . (W S e p a ra te ly r Danged.) O O

Prton M s


■imNo'li f» t ti.M•t.T*


ftot. Prtee 19$.M


389.89raak *f rreOle

tills Thrpo-pioQo Ooiiu^ao UolitsB null* uOliSUtg r>r Ruffot.

r'hina I'losol and Bai*itn|on Ta(j|« and (-an b# purrhaMd oopfikrataJy

Hyrfot. |4 l lT;_Chlna cieeot,l i t 4*. Estenalob TabU. lift «i rar far ThI. flat** l l i* W*.U,

98.49**Ut raa* eg C>*4M

Genuine Reed Pullmana*e. l-rtn a****

24.75fmmtu or CffwAM

■aaltar) upb^'lstory. rub- bor tlroii w boala labwlor puehsrs.left nm*n PuUmaA. fft-M fft[i R##4 (luitinana $1,W Mr. R»uei Pullman. $YJS AulltfM. (Jo-oArift Por> arptfulBtorn. ('omblneliono an<l iiiw famous l.|n}^ lAitiiii iiVnvoii Carriages o r * ini‘iud#d In Ib is sa ls St fTion#y savtr^ price#.

. a*e*larMa*list .T k seerltn Cent SuU wftA boo p d k m m i onsroB, uphobkrei hi O A O ^

J i m w b i t r . B e s u f jM C ir c o fN ^ . 1 ^ * 0 /

R U G SS .J iO .S A s m la i i e r

47.75CwaAor C r o e u

Beautiful coloring* in ■ large variety of floral and fleomeirlcal design*.

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ntoUr otoAu iCbolestiMcxtremelff loag vutp.

nbHiitiissi hSBl' pinto. fVsaV-i.-'.BS' .jj. ■ -J' ^

MBXS iUto «OHStos Slum .lllliwgyfAto^IgMrXip il» «ia UMtkaMI f euai:. |





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You can buy ■ tingle erticle or en entire ontfit. No natter how large or Imall your purchase you can rest mursd Ludwig Beninann will appreciate your aqpount.

Yto may make your edectios froni the Mis artklei with­out extra chargaa of any kind, t i’ . ' i ^


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»«ti^Jin S t o r e d

. t.

■ ' (r.; Tr.'.-r

s'CaeJftli.Avft. -


, -M M * •• « l lk M. *r____ fM iM A MM t«

•U rlatlM te <»jrt on* M M td«« MU«k«* >t i i ■ a t r t t r

• kJMW kDW lo mak# fir* iM lttr . If M k« you «r* t**r l lu l *4T-■f Ik* Roy Rcoul* who h*T*

Ik* km wUkC* *f >h*lr__kk* v Ik* *tu*t lot* of br-

Ik* hkiw tu « r Il>*«* who I am f l r l M f**. h rrrw llh . lom*

•M . kM • krkkrln*. Mni In ky • ( *«r laoBikor*. H* writ**

Rllll 1 MD r* ry m *rk InUr- I U J. ^ would Ilk* to br-

k (i**)k*r. Il«*lnc *uni* of Ih* n*w Ikl*** 10 m*k*. I

^ MfMikk kk • * Ik*^ (or a tabbliw •H P Yir*.

^ r w . M to • k ff . ►‘••fr • 'M M M *r Hr wood. Cfpr***. tam trhc. ktM ***d or codonwood. Thry *r* Ik*

(rl**4* 1 » t*r

P1*IM inuI wiiolyin* f** <1

k**d k*r ••in*I From Morrl*P*o<»l

"U*»r Bill: 1 MO J*** • ■ '")*(t * boy. b*l * w04**B w ril p**l Ik*fIfty-rtiH* lion* 1 h»v* r**rt your eol- utnn Mid I 'a ro ly n i r**r *lnc» th«y »urt*d- I w»nt*<t *o muck to »»• ’b* f b*( *bow. bui rould *01 PU***, wl.v

M l ' l k l R « k l Wk t« M M k k l MMKk•r okf • • • . '

~ I do •* ! H loltibIM* Mm*- Hi m *. I *wkFoo* boo o*y. k*w can

Iodmobi* w ith BO Mknr Mil* W*tL 1 do. PI*M* **F 1 Bi*r

«kU MklA. I oft*n w iik I WMB * b«y. ■oy* don’t hk«« *o iBMiy (Mr** •■’d worrl** M Bin* Wrll, 1 M r* **ld *noufh for ih* flr*t tlm*. Wloblod you and th* boy* ***ry *ur<o*0.

•■1XINKL.T PAlIM OIHU" kur* root* *e*ln. Lonoly Parni Ulrl.

and a* ofton a* you Hkr. To* inuil ha r* bad *om* odd n th-nroo** on Ih* farirl Hup(>o*r t»u writ* Ihtm out (or th* Irt-nrfll of Ih* rlly < ha|».

A nt ■till Mnoihrr TtiH on* *ay*: "U**r Hill How do you do t H*r* I

don't you ta ll In lit* blow* Ih* nainr* | n,n p**t*r you aaaln , hut I will try of iho»* who won th* BrI***? I am aiab* ihH *hort a n l »w**1. Ju»l a r»ry anilau* to hnoW. Hr*. Both Vln- i m ) ,n |r„u m d th* Wy* •o*nl. MorrH Plain*. N. J ,“ [ ( ra i r fu ! lo you (or Invitih* u*

A llal of Ih* w lnnard wa* pabll*h*d , jo tali* p ari In Hi* P** M ow Ih* day a(i*r th* p r lu a fo r th* dop t j proud (ind happy to aay mrwaa award»d. hut. a t yOt. w* hav* h*tn | qu«tn Dalay and Daloy'h fourunabl* to a*l a llat *f th*a* who won jrmynq voii a a llra r cup aa firat prla*prita* (or olhpr p*lA pw tna to th* taoi thnt Hie Ju d fin c wa* d o rr lata on a halurday aflw nuon and. Hirouch an error, no llat wa* hapt

! am aur* o u r o ther roaialxr* would

^ i’r « - m a k i n g t m p l o n u ^ l s i a o p t r s H o n

‘3. i

Stick Fir* Makinf Ontllt., la tM ardor RMMf. ITor a drill a pla«a of wood tl*k**tfkik« at a*

Iklak and trowi twMw* ta nfiaan loac, rwaakty roandad and

a t kMk ta«j^ a t in pl«-

*TM klach ikouM M tw o Indbaa wld* •B i *!■ a r a l« a t laaM * l«na aad aboal k a tf aa laaa thloh. In th i t blo*k. naar iM aad, a a t a aida aotah ab*Bt aa Inah la dakia fT M ta* *dc*, w ld*slag o a t dB tb* aad ar aid*, aad a a a r It* aad, ■bK a a laeh froai th* *d(*. n a k * a B l ia hoUaw, a r ptt. Hi tba tap of iba Mkkk, BJ la tb a U laalraU M IB.I •?#* wlU aaad a aoebat. Thl* ^ k l^

. WUa iblkf H »ada ta am*r klftkrwat

h* glad t* haaw who wob tb* pri*** ■laaiia th* p*t* **IA* from th* dog*. *o I *ai fo liif to nab a f»v*r

TFIIl all thoi* who won prli«* OBtM Ir p a t ' (AOt deg*, but o th*r patal h ladly drop n in d poMAl. glBlng iM m*iab*r'* n lrk n u a o aad ala* tb* ham* aad kind o( p«t aad w b ai prl»* waaw ont In th li Wgy w* eati aattafy our a i t l l la ry m*mbar front t ie r r i* P lata* tad M*o Bi»By elbar*.

Prii* wlnnar* w rit* la. pl*aa*.Mar* I* b U tta r froa i on* wh* d id ao t

win a priM.’■ruar b ill: kr*ir. ta * •a e a n t agblblt

• r tk* } r. B 1* w rar and for th* a**- and tlma t waa *«t o f laek In g a ltln g

prlaa. a lthough t ih lah aiy ektokah > of th* Biagt vaofbl In th* ahow, laid a* agg whIU th a r t (whUh



r ^ i " k a l p U W m Minahody a u d a U M I*, hut I wUl t* r- * * * ^ • * u r f kSooth t l » . thaat th U tlM ol. It M rtalBly

MM» IM th* ' w u an In U rta lln g a ih lb lt. a a t I at*

and n ttra o ttd renald trab l* aitan llon a tlh« Pet Show 1 am ( '•to lyn '

‘•flONO HlllD. "Mighty fin* work, Bon* Hird. Tou

had h*tt«r luok than gnowblrd. but har tu rn w ill com*. 1 hap*

t b a r* a Jattar from a Ud In Mont­c la ir Or, rn thar. I t* a card, and a* both alda* of tbo papar. Bui a* h* ad­mit* h* ha* not boon a Heady ftadar. parM pa ha waa not aw art of the rut* not to w rtta on both aid** of cardi. papar o r any th ing «l»» a*"! 'n to t pnh- llcatton. Our Kim elrrci. Mootolatr. tnam har aaya:

"O ta r Bin I am golna lo bull In A m lnut# Of iwQ And Aik If 1 niAj da adm lttad to your club. 1 am not **- a n ly a atoady raadar o( Ih* column, ^ baoauao I hava lo b* a ataady r»*dM , I- of my Clear* and chcmialry, but 1 Hb* | | to hnow tba oolumn la ih*r* *o th a t 1 can anjoy It whan Uaaon* don't eblL

"1 an*y aom* *f you fellowi who aooni to ho *o hllaafully tgnoran l of (ho call o f ochoolbooka Mayb* you a ron 't. hu t you n***r caa toll.

"1 onjoy baa*d>aU Immortaaly, « d w alh tbg . 1*0 Today our high ochool played aa d boat Eaal Bid* I" * 'o T ale** gam*. Mayb* you eaii tall whar*I g* to aohool. t woador If any of you

tM ra f in eloalng. Bill, i; l U h. to b* know * aa Radarlck I'hu

I'm aorry, old ***** foot *i». but th a t tat* la takan , *o I’ll put you down a*

nd un til you can think up anolhM nam*. Jtak * " • ®* f untla* or aunta

had nam* ihay would • • '• b*- Wall. aay. I thought 1 had all t t a

g trla roundad up and I* tho It aaama U U on* got >*°**’, . ““. * ^ * h aa r w M t ah* haa to a lot a t th* F at ihow . kh*

-D aar Bill; P»*a*. aicua* inf t in g la whar* 1 don't balonf. but I wtah to oongratu lal* th* boy* (or th* apU ndld p a t ' lh*y aib ib itad . I ***•» a ll Ihrao day* a t th* ahow

"Joha o’ th* W ooda your rabbit waa M dABly (liL 1 n«Mii for *• •llT lag AieltAmAntJ.n * la tb* n r a t blua-ayad rabbit I * * « ■gw. Flaaaa. Bltl, who *"n * d ih* m m kat I would Uh* to know what kind of a anak* It waa Hy le ra d balag a t tha ahow, and oo die i.

>«IL a r i boy i l l 'ln g In W l . a u f

____r waad a a tu M l ia U a Miaa.I H a h a k kow a l a a y k sa t otlck. two

fIM Mag. ir lth a b b a k a ^ o r halt Me- MB lh aag aa , pM laH 1C. Wow w* ar* bbdg t* Make tkk dr*.

•D bdor Ih* aoM b lb OM fir* Hochgal b th ia okip. Am tM loaihar thong g i tbk how *Mo grbgad th e d rill and th*



_ kbouM a o v ho guH* *1*1" dBd Pklat of Iho d riu la th* pit of th* h i b * aad oa tbo app o r gM of IM drill

. fMl th o koA oi. w hich I t bold 1* tM left I h k ^ kfttli tbo (op o f tb o dHlI t i tha [ I Bbtd t t Iba ktoao. aa M pMuro t. Hold

OW M t w rA t kgkiBBt tb o l i f t ahla aa fb b gtoog d b ^ aad tM lo ft foot a* th* d ro Mook. Wow d raw th a righ t hand •ggk hBd foH h atohdily oa a 1***1. ih*

'*■ M l lo M th of tM bow. Thl* ran*** Ibo d f in la tw irl tn th* p it. Boon It

ta, g r la d la g out powdar. which i m ih i lp hogtaa to m aoho

‘dThoa iM ro la a g raa t **lum* at OTOko trawi a g row ing p ll* of black ggB **i. yog hnow iM t you hnv* a M bfh. Carofully lif t tba block, taaving W aaiah lag pow dar a a tb * «blh. Phn f i g w ith ---------

Conn., allow ad to Join th* columnT Baod my lou rlaan -yaar otil couain in* oolumn an d I w ill aak him to writ*oolumn an d - — .If M l»%r*leom*. T M l I* my horn* a ta to nad W lnalad I* oa* daady >«»b. la t m a ta ll you. I wlah I wa* living

I'll aaad you aoaia m ere alaiupa, Tom old man.

W HAT ABOUT PIOTCBBb. Palloira, tb * p te tu r* o tun t d idn 't

■cam ta alMk* you lu a t righ t, com* haw. 1 aakad aU thaa* wha would Ilk* to ■** th a ir pM tag rap k * a t th* hand of tba aolumn. w ith tM Ir alok- •am a hacaatk . t* aaad la auAp abata. go ta r I hav* o a lr bad th ra* rapllaa. from dauil**. Kid a a d CalumhUA Wo, I daa'V,hB*w w M t b* dlocorarad, bu l h* aaarai ta M up ta Baaft.

Now. thra* p la tu ro i a ra n 't enough to mak* th* th in g go. bo t U ho It th a t yau don 't chr* to r th* Ida*, and warn luat drop I t A nuatbor a t you apokt of havlim th* a tu a t carrlad out. aa th* J F. <f oelum a M a I t and I thought yon w aa tad I t

Navar n la A I ha** aom* m ar*BP g itr . bIDdVAi

y o u r ia n d u a tU ^ t* * dkaTM- jW um hum A* aaw aaaAhor. aaad lag" m i . wad M tSdw bM t j S t '* '• ’*- .......................... ward him plana ta r an aaroptan*.

Ac* a t Anal w rit*# from Bloomfield, aandtag In alrneat tM aom* I ta a wo had lllna tra iad IM oCMr day (o r p lay­ing tM phonagraph w ithou t th* hM of tb* ra g u la r oouad M t. O aly h* uoao a long pakof cua*. w ith a aaadl* taatanad In th* polatad aad bp m aaag of waA I t glva* good rad u lu . M aaya

A nathar g ir l w rit** thaalp :"Daar Bltl: 1 raad tM b o M oalam a

***ry a lg h t B ut to t M Ioog t* IM J. p. O. coluaiB. 1 d id n 't M v* tau rag * anougb lo writ*, t th in k th* pat ahow wa* iplandld. I II** an a farm w M rt th tr* ar* eewa, Aor***. eh tak an a dog*

^■■Wh*n my aun t wa* young *h* uaod to w rit* **T**a (»h* I* d**d nowl, but ab* eon lda 't e a r poetry, kb* o»*« '* lo y pauttTT P*rM p* iw lfiy wa* hll- t*n by OB* of tho** pottUrr boa* . I hop* t t wn»n’t * ro il poultry bug, though . T M y mnk* you » « ' ‘ f '®* Chlehaa* rhou ldn 'i ha** *uch thing*, tbay b ra daugoroua iw lfiy , d*ar. I th ia k litti* p*d-h**d*d bpothar gat* loaaad oaough during th* day w ithout be ing lanaad m night, oh, i know all abo u t It. ao doaa Radhaad, a *. r . u . Too *o* w* hav* rad hair, too. *t*b It w* o r* g raw n np. and w* r*m*mb*r w hat they called u* one*.


ggocu* n o w put o WWW V* liwwwr ^iw .iI *B Um apurb, rata* IM oklp to a caa-

fd a ta a t baigbt, and blow w ith y tu r M gani g a in yau bo** a flam*. U I* jP M r ta b t th a t tM notch CBl In (h*

f Mdab m ual raaah tb* middle of th* fir* i K T ea m nat a lM bold th* d rill eiaady A m u p rig h t, bad yau canno t do ao with oBl bfualng tb* laft w rial agalnat lb*

_ I* block on n firm Tou m uat bogln ligh tly and

bnaing tb*M l Idg aad h a r in g tb* b l i ^ on n (Inn

fto w lr, p n a a la g h a a r ily and boring faat M ld t (kora I* am o b a I f tk* fir* doaa

•u ra , Ju a t Jaan, ovarybody wticora*. trem Cann*eileul or •laew hara 0« t a f te r th a t rh*p. If yen pie***. How ■ th* p*l row. th*i* deyiT

In tru d er, who. I t*k* H- I* a girl. thD ttfh ih * tksna do rrAl RATn#. rAinSnai m * tb S t tM l9 9 ( rU n i of Topiy, whom I m at n t tb* »*roplan« eipoaltlon.

. e'HitfUdiw h w H>* klbdbaaa to key (hat tb* oolumn la good, th* ending cl*v»t aad th* boy*' le tter* w m y. >v*ll. we'll forg ive In tru d e r n lot a fter all tho**

NBpltm«*t*.And ao If you'll *tou*o m* I'll Ju*i

o y w k u p tM old hoot for * trip la Mere I uM urutatid they M v* aom* pretty

__It ta baanuaa pan bAv* aot Col-Itw ad th* diroetlag* abrothU r. Wlah- tBA IlM fallow* au B****. JUKE."

TOrp good, f UBO. W o nppruo lau your ; t a d If ywu'r* down our way bbd hAT* anm* bona* and hnoon oa a gM atov*.

. lor th* m all hag. nad wafll aaa If H aam athiB f good la tonigh t, fal-

Ifwa, W h ar# f ira t o a t of tM aaekT riSdar W II~ I baoo boon raadlng th*

' aalgibb day aama tbnA h u t I hav* not W M to M b tM oluh t hop* you will gaud w* b oolB. I am a new mambar ami T am tb tr ta a a yoaro old. I gn to

a l ^ h it* Idaaa there and 1 may b* abl* to b rin g back n few. Uiok a ti* r ih» pup w hile rm gon*. will youT Tb* lea l tlad* 1 left him alone he at* Iwo earn o f eond*n**d milk and a battle of caU up and th* man n*ii door wonder<d w hat Beared all tb* eat* It wa* tb r pup M M rin g Ilk* ■ p*t e lllgator afte r hi* rid* baa won a ball gam*. Tour* In te rm lU tn tly , BILJ-.

T rab t Bchool and nm In th*afgMh grad*.

"Up nlnhnaai* la Qoggla*. I will tallM y*r*alpau kaw tt origiBatad. tfy *r*aight be-

Ka Mba poor abd *e I had to wear gtaa***.' 1 woAf tartola* ahalt glataaa *o <ny

ariwalmatM call ro* ClMgt**. If >h* Bbm# I* taken you will pleaao notify wo dnd 1 will change R. Hy fkvorlt* tkkhbUo ar* rollar *knllng, bWy«1* rtd- iBBi baaakall and reading.

"OOOOLEfi SECOND." W a Hog* from B. llablB.

Tou *00 what I had to do. old four agio Ml Fku dawn M a aoennd. Ton gtaa't tbo only lad who hai ih* dioilno- ttaa of vraorlng opooi. Be will you klbdly taka another natn*t Thank*.

Blue Bahia, a /. F. 0. m*nih*r. writ*' to n*. but a* *M tt*«d both *14** of lha pagaf I hav* n* chance lo n*e her net* la full. I can only aay I'm aorry ih* did aat follow tbo ruler, and from a

*: hbftp glaao* ih* aoam* lo ibink a lot of our okinmn aad Carolyn *. n**d Cero

' J r.

H.i fk la a girll*. T hey 're Ih* *ann*} M f . r . B..I., *u* ltd* of the pap*r only

Blue Beblu maoaM* <° eolv* Iho ■‘V BNHIam of tho blaek and white men

th* puaal* Wl*e Ouy gav* •A ffb* ear*;

' "BUflahlhg from Uft to r ifh t, th* mob A *uld be lined up a* follow*: Two trbit**, op* black, ibr** whlir* five

tw o wM tet. two binckn. Urbita*. o n ' black, on* white, b lack a one Wklt*. twn black*.

t M Thlt**, one block. I aurdly fnty that poor chip captain If he tiad t* Ihihh all IhU uui before he could

Health!WIM «Md gddA NMFlMa >>>■»* ** .■*”_** ^gg*m t o aawBBt to mBck d M u r. h A r tm m b a r j^ tM • d a y " m ay ba hy a HtUa aU m aid, th a t M la ft S - M a |a d w tn raafiT* ItaaM In to t m t t k i t g t t g ia a te r ca»>CifS*

itmaiipaUab la oa* of Imalth** w ont aMWiaa aad ahauld to cIimM . tort not by atoarg frlplbi mirillM tKat often ■tad to ariletw rwultb—U to a mild, bat aScttlr* 'uAtiroto cbMMd, tort aot by atrara i raiicdlM tKat often

lilt* tto orlftaal BOBAK’S BORKE V I N ^ it an* na'iira tt) HpM

Igtaal(to ayatem and brlaga about daklftd nanlt* la

■ aaiurbl way. Tha otIeIm I



K '

OW about thla. Wi*e (luyT . ' Our y. F. a . membe- eayv ahe lonV-d -A BB tb* aam a Oalapagoa In th* ril**Sf bad found It re fo r r 'o m „ „ „ q ,| gro,„, IT k ( M la a ll treat of K.-uedor 1 promlied

to tall you oomnhiiiK cu rinm a b m t (bom and Ih# turn*, and hare It '' Conturir* agn tb a Kpaninrdr dlacnc.

on tboAA tvlanAK pome «iAnT W tl'A Now tk* dponleh Word fn.' lor- JyMbo la O nlapagot and ao tl<e inland*

aamed ike n a la p a g o ' lahind Ttiit ifar on ■ clen lliti inaile u'.* o! .',i..ee

I* torioleva ;o prove, til l ev to Ir own aailofactlofi, ih r ' ih-eo

id* w»re one* a p \r f n t 'i>» i" in id aad bod been aenar-ied fn m It bv

n w a t uphoavel. The rece'fii i.he let* hnid thl* view I* bocnu-l'

!y the *»me to rt of lorio!*- ura* we»* found o» ihe wain l*r.| war* fu 'tnd on tteac lalanda. and.

dlf*a not b tip u * r.r*a(ur» Hint Ipi. Ilk* ru r i i*. the h i t h»»a* the cnp rl’ielc" 'h " ' tt,n - i - -• w hich th* kpanlard* found au rrlvo r* of ootn* l*-t a .ie r

ll^Tdi.-.oeagikd rraao n ib l* to th* wivn

.ke I h - e * f .-n lo n in ’" 'ta l in d i v * tu ,a o t atwbya ago* »«,n they 'V »re , f

t i a r t t fn d ibat thv lor- nS* Mall dad torih, fl*T b*f«*r. c?!**— - f

' “ “ odT

Kahififi TofikT

-BQ6 iVia |

Im b g H *B old aad damkadad liagaaltold tam edy, f w ovar a Q U A R TER C R N T U R T -lt* MfHr bbA high madklntl

XkUUat Im t* g lv tn Uil* woa- r fg l tMitc iiatloB-wtdt rae-

ag b ltieb . I l 'a t a c lfcrtlr* biaod p u H la r , ladncat rM lful, R blkral aiM p. and functlnna upon tb* an tira ry ttom , giv­ing a trau g th to th* t i n A fa ttguad body.

*«|MI I.

r^*kMflbgik 9 .

Yog abeald mnaldn ydir hoklth of anougb iiupartanc*. !a rafg** Imltatlaun nf lb* original BOSAE'8 HORKB VINO awaf of thra* "av*c night" robcottioM ua‘chbar* boon on the marbrt hut a few weaki, elaSm "publi* rndoraomanl" which I* tbk baacat hin'j of deception.

T oar D n irg ia t o r G p ito r will a a p p li Foa with (bo origlna)IIOS.^K'fJ rO R K E VINO— hut M b f «___ . . . for IIOSAE'S—drir.andthTaViginr'l pr'c<iitt. which he* hkd pubUe endorjcwant fay over a QIJAIlTIiE CE.N1 URY—Ikho no cbjitc.-a *itb on- I r wg caaeoeCen*, tiuit hbto iwiOicT Bitni ner |nod in- Idii'-

fW iT



i£d sP ■WJAATtf'A JakWlt.- »• J^ w.-i

}. ■ tl

D r ess U p fo r M em o ria l D a y !W e Make it Easy for You by Featuring

Best Men’s Suits in TownSelling for as Little as

$ 3 5"Drming vp" doM not neim itbte the outlay of a lot of monoy—not wfien

you can get auch good auitb at tbeto which we feature at $3S.Cut io tnikrt modela—dreaiy—atyllsh. Choice it wide aod varied to that

practically every ta»le cen be aat^fled. F tbries ire of the lu-betantial bort—the kind that can't help but give good tervice. Ttiloring it ftultlow.

Other Suits, of Still Higher Quality, Only $45

Finest Suits A re Cut in Price$60 Kinds, now $53.75 $70 Kinds, now $59.75$^ Kinds, now $55.75 $75 Kinds, now $64.50

W hite

4 ^

Flannel TrousersIN NEWEST MODELS

$9 $15 $16.50striped Flannel Trousers, $9 Khaki Trousers, $3JS0

KbaU tad NotfoUi Caeti. 14 to $5.50 G atf E b k k a rim tk a n , l u e

For Saturday Only

Boys’ $22.00 All-W ool Suits, $ 1 4 . 7 5Two Pairs Puibi

flithoui ()u**tlen thia le th* Mat boy*’ ault offer that ha» been made by ^ ,-d i witTheae ar* not “)eb lot" ault* bought for apcciaj ul* puTp oat*. Evary tuil comatfroniMr w i w atocto ^ *e« 'WM

orlsinally prioad $22. Tbay arc eiceedlngly handtoma looking an d evary thraad ii AU--WCX)L Two pair* of peau ge tooh gulL SObw Hmte, 11-50 to I5.M. Boys’ CtoOi HUB, 11-50 to 15^5 Boyd’ Cap% |U » lo UTS.

$9.60. $10 and $1350Men’s Oxfords


Women’B 111 to $1350

Pumps & Oxfords $8.85

Ko Ko Brown and Gmuagtal Calf

Alto Men’s High Shoes SpediDy Pi ed


O ifa rd i Sailor TTa*

PWa Pggto* Tp m m Paaig

Brogue Effect*, VIng and Straight Tlpa, Ue* and Blucber Stylei.

Valklng Shoca, Afiemeen Shota and Shoca for Evening Wear. In tbeac LAatbera—Havana Brown Kid, Black Kidakln, Patent Coltakin, Ko Ko Brown Calf, Gunetetal Calf; Hand-fum end Veltid Solaa; Loult XVI. and WaUdng Heel*.No Mall. Pbona or C O. 0. Ofdeia,

SlEAW HATSfilhn’s $1 Ftacy

Sennit Braids $3.15

Saw and Cable Edged. Blaek and Fancy BandA

Genuine South American $6 and $7 Panamaa, $555

Setected Paiunwa end Bangkok*, U and op.

807-813 Broad Street, NewarkB SiaeBBPIBBBE


Keep Pace W ith theDownward Movement <rf Price#

. . rj" .......Our EniitB’S to tk oi

FURNITURE OF DISTTNCTtONIn Our Building and Warefuuuee O ttered ei t?

■4' fWe are the Hrtt furniture houre ^ ;

n w of .Sprint B u riiiw our t ^ n t o o * 5 * . ^ ^ .Vi ^

K t e f r a s ; “i j s M iSing n.. .» ortolo M«« n n ,^ « . J .? T 2 g Sprice tag remalnt

1 taw ‘ ‘

X t l- f

Sil*you are y o u r ow n M ie m s n . B u y *^*\**®^?T ^

oi^ v» r b lL lU N B b r id e ? " . S A I ' S S S L ! T

to K m L f l a ■' .f ' 'M :ooNtr WArr-rBWY, .wowyei?*,;* .ft',**? ii" .;

SaleDOfWr W A r r - - B w y , ' - . s :

Is NowNO C. 0. D. 0B»W»-^H0

■ \ ■

DtadiU Room S id tet . . liv liM Room 8 « l t o i ' ; ^ i ' 'iBfdSsfMSldtot;

i yifv " •:

11mNq m niU f

SMrUtf. ai g,com* in Ma iholr borihf lUlD tk* W«H! I hr *‘'.'004ftiM 1*111 fir»( lit*#* l>f-4tli SCUVr |lll|i> wholl) on 1 c**D* fflwurt.

Tht r, t" us with tv«ry arAMo nm*. with■p*cimriia f ihrouEh th -■ nil iu |4( la'* ’ • *. fU*

lo lh« ITh**fi bird

uiuaI num* Rifprnr Budd' Fur (i'll nili>i niAjr be no iU'oush (hr) Ah army <*f Qfiimair rb s»rE*oij*l) I I'l'Bcrvt’r’ far lito* lirrn ty « ln ss Tivh>U ftJv* \a iiolen Hill! 1 Oiiltnci but tiAine'! «Br Ihrj- ***in

A* one |iit ■ ID Dod a ne vhCna on on* oa oD* Bide r ofher, p«*r1r d a m n s to * Ul* vivid r r fvntkara ri*i frequents of

tl l« poiRiand furl) d i'lwp* In any **>' lo ■ n*i 1 *nrr and d

Probably tl WBrblwrB rhi iry la ih^ | tarT exprr.f' ThU bird ■ I l.we'k nr* ^ th r *>r and Si*o 1h Ii rich with a fear 1 DDt Ion of (N>l>dlatinsuiiBheri koDUly of pll

Th* r*idi»t* th* *ld«* af tn Ih* Wins# th* r*iT of innfnoltQ «■« (broai ahd low*r h*ck. belDC bisck I

Then ih^w a rb le r w | i | p a r t s a n d kLWhDD* *DtlCaffair, rh* fl ond exhaled. fl*4 aaally m arhlnsa aer low breast

Rv*fy one lew, or Bumm w ith u* all • yellow head yellowiDh ffr low, atr*ak*dMsrylanfl yej•1*0 ahd u |ty, wiichlt)! almost conMi Ik* ground l<


The lue-

broadl cation ketan Bambi part ii inovcii bone (

.< profit are a< tmneri tretnei

** Newai * growii

In gR p

J, $85410■'{

4 :





!(.:■ .■ iJi


• .1- •• • 'C M*»»»• Nifil 111 A » rr;« fo f wh««i) itHl Itkr t r i l i Tuit# In-I hut full Ilf for 111*

nd ntiMrvAU»r h# ^ndftvrirtui k\ny Ult nboui


11h WarUtr Fuuly.!<» m>[i«r h a * ra id or hiu^kvard iha

«arlo«. 01 u iaa u ih« I n ro t kaflii lacomi \t\ Ufey th« v&rli]«r« nrrlva on th*1r northern m ljrrito rjf Onliilo th« wtHiiii or « )u rk k« x from,ihr ft'.'on4 0(1. kook vloi.«|| an ^^«u i%llt find In# ireo t faw l^ k llv t witf

h rku llfu lly colored. ibIeaeeV kctjvt- Hnlir b irili w hirh |It« olmu^ wholl) un tfipffid and ikom p«v«r cepM flean.r4« iKe lease* knd bud* f'f>d Thi fai l ih a l th r w arbler* i t" III with euch un iaalo^ resiilijly tse ry ara»oti. r rm iin for *o bri lime, with th^ f iirp ik o n «f the ■i>eclmfii« r im i h t in th;» linibde Ihroufb th" ■umriicr, atid are lo |•kill *u idtiiMfy tj4rau»* of ihelri^eel J '• ' ' *1 fueke Ihi It) peru lierlyJb* lo rh« ilu d e /n of bird life '

Th#*f. Lirda travel In *■« av^'e '^f yn- urual nufrxrlrk l a ire ii^ ih antf tjfiea «i^[>rar auddenir in atiy ifivtn P<, kUt)I* ur ti'ii n d n u u a vr half an bo^ ibeia m>i)r be no i l f b of a a^rbler^h«i>< *• Ihuufli ih r) dru|>t»o<r <r ui of ■by an army of fJoiierinff, llaptc^ aprUa* kiiUntlr riia ah o lp wood^b'l Rurreoual) arn^>rd are \t\pj ihal the i'Uacrver fancle* u bit of fie tropica hua liren tranirjim (e l rin t^eir magic « in§a Tl)«-> arc imM vlngeri\>'-H £Jte ti'ilea 4 j illn rlliiUtir*! ear They are buay tbal Ihry aaern nai( ui niln<

Aa one and sia lrb (• find a isr ur ip tr lm e n Asey fjit about ftba on on* ir* r now another, ooa t on one aide of a grooo f»f. no* on the j other, peertn f. pirotii-flng. bnlanrinf, darling to and fro it# > uk« fireflies, tlie vivid red. freon . #elluiv and blue fra thara flaabj/ig |n j*>e lunM fht like froquenta of a ralnbe^

U la poeattlc lo f|td belw ean Ibirty and forty d ia iln ri »er1et!ee of war* h^p^i In any one in^lKy In yimw Jer- •<>' In a neaaon If one have I hr pa ■ tienre and rieeire faUner them

Probably tlip mok beatitlfu l of all the ‘ warblpre that paef ihrouflb New Jer* ] iey la ihr> b la rk tp rr la ti. and It la a tarp exprr.rtii r ^d*ed Lo find him j This bird a en tire tb ro a t and eidea of j

are # n f h t h raage A line ovrr tlie e je and llip r n t e r of rh* crown la Aiao ih li rich copr The back te black with a few w h if erreak* The combl- naflOB of croior f a k ra the b lack b u m u n diadnguiahed eirn a iro n g h it kind for heauly of p ium rte

The red e tan il*o la o rtfig e and black, the eidea of #>• bfeaat and a band »n ihe winatf wsdi ta ll being orange, and the rett of Lie fea th e rs black The magnolia wad>l«r u b righ t yellow on tbroai and l>wer parte and alao on lower hack, fhe reat of the coloring heiBig black ind w hite

Then th ^ e le the blue-winged w arbler w |i | the b righ t yellow under part* and black line (h rouch the eye wheae eong It a w heeiy two^ayllable affair, the firal note inhaled, the eec ond exhaled. TH« i^ n a d la n I* identi­fied eaelljr by a necklace of black m arking* acroeean o therw iee pur* yel* low breaet |

Every one the common y*l- [lew. or eumroet w arbler, which remain* | a-lkh ue all eu.nm«r TMe bird bhd ih» yellow h tad w ith a back of bright I yeilowleh g r* n . the low er part* yei- . low, atreakedjw ith reddlah brown. The | Maryland yelbw th ro a t te common her* alao. ahd le jnow n by Its eeng "witch- |ty , w lichitji w hch lty ." w hich ft utter* almoat conttantly a* It forag*'* near Ihe ground In the th ick buehe* The

i k i ^ w a M a WAeli a ttak aadlA rlg k t yellow ee4*M iaatlL Th« m y n lo —ono o f ih e earheat ar-

Ivala-^w aara fo a r eoDapLcyom palehea f t yellow—Oil IM crow n, rupip and kn (he w inga T ka p a ra la ippfta a yellawlak patek la tM n ld d U •( a arayieii b|t*a baolia (M ckeetahl'aUled. in addllloa to the M tf la h tid e otreaht, It bright fo llow oa (M oroiro: tk* palm ha* a efeoaiaot o fow a w ith throat atiii breoot yellow ; (ho hlM kM tl. W It* name Indtoatoa, wooro a hlook hOfa le emoag (he laOl of hlo (flho to Rii' grate. Moat of thooo trhvol ta f each eeaeoa, loaay w lh io r la g Ih S rosil aad breediag In Alaoka.

The b lae li-(h foo to4 hloo OM Ik* b lack-throated g roen w a i^ le r i are eegi* ■h«h In (h li toOhJUy. hot Ihe heeded, v e a r tn t * h laeh boad around yeLlaw head and ahooho. lo roro.

Tbeae arw o a lg a fow which may be Bern any day la May, and a fDreaooii i •pent la aearoh o f w a rh lo n It a real delight, r o a o ta a t aiirpiiooo la rk In (he treea aad the oboorvaf who k a i a pair ef good field flaaooo m ay OMwei tn r iiiumenl to dlooovor a now epeclaiea'*- oi.r (hat ho hao Dcrt oooa before-

W. r A,

Oitciica at Lour Branch.The fnUowtng rk ich ea wero made

lam Thuroday from th e ooaeroie pier \ ei liong Branch Id* w hlU ag aad ling i h> M A La Forgo , h i t ta y r e avenue j end Peter P etereoa o f fU lhhon ptaee. ! ]> rik Amboy, eigh ty-oovoa Ung aad , « biting by L o a li C*ono of Bhermon ove* j nuc. tkle c ity : ooven ty-th ra* Mag end whiting and oaa h ak o woighln* twelve ■ pound*, by M aurice M arie « t Porlnt- * field aram io, th lo blly . Ooorg* King of fhf Central BaLlroed ehope ai Luee- bethpoft oatight l i t f l ih and L. ian- tone. II r m h *troo(. SHaaboth. got 111 line and w hittag .

litM if A g w t S B A d e w M e h r « tE iS L 9 H , « M t% M M i t t« d fM * .rem arkahie tg d A rtd a i w b l ^ k a t a lwo« 1 raid te rg aap . Dm a tm lo to p la i t aa 1eihlM lIoa Ihe marwoloika vartetp of ; flth to bo fownd In the ho^.iltable waiero of the f lo lf Atroam , which ooa* ' iaiB o ao -fiflh o f tho on llro anlnial life of the A m ericon co n tin en t north of ■ Panama P o r th e re a re d t t vaHetlee i of fleh lo be fo u n d off lb* Florida 1 aoaat [

*'Pld >ou knuw th a t the aquarium* a( i evely one o f the A m erira ii h&pbeliione —from the C hicago ■ W orld * Fair to I th* dan F ra ac io co ahow —aiiracied mere v liiior* th a n any e th e r eikltaJtr Llhewiae, th a t la c lu e* Where Im port' a a t aquarlu ia* ao w a ra located there are mere v te iio rt a t tr a c te d to them thaa (e fo o log ica l g arden* of a r t mu- •ouma

“Ond a«h*. w h y ? On* m ight a* well a*h 'Why te a flah i lo r y f The mallgaed end n eg lec led fleh llm lle for the man wh* lack* red blooded Iralt*. neverlheleea hold* a pre-em inence In animel lore th a t i* eq u e lrd only by (he love flory in h um an chroalcl*. And new come* a iwet eeiier, ‘Mere Noetrum.' In w hich th e guarlum wen* bid* f i lr to have a lite ra ry immorie) lly ak ia to ihe octopue itru g g le In H ttfe’e T o ller* of th e Aea ’

T a the e ip la n a i io n of tkt* ghe- aemanob lie* Ihe pelen llftc ta teree l In flih. Pecenl d lacoveriee indicate tha t the ocean dep th* hold maby more vaiietle* of fi*h th e n ever were caught. and o u r k n o w led g e of the klad (hat are cau g h t an d commonly eaten li meager

'T>ne governm en t b u reau can tell you ap|troilm e|e1y Ucu m any cattie will Ih> ready for h ltlin g n ea t year, and another ea* eetlm ata how tnany baffa lo and *U roam the W eatern plalna. Bui who cari even guea* a t tb* b a rrin g off our •kora*, or w h at te (he annual m t* of ihetr eatdh lag to tb e lr hateb lag , or beer •oofi the auBply w ill be depleted, *r

aoout (be life, habliaia and

P u u ic Fiihing CondittQnt.Theee who hav* trto d fleh in f tn the

r.vaulc FUvee *lne* th e plaherel aeaeoa npened F riday *ay th a t th e river 1* »e bifh Ihal Ih* han h e e f ih* *traaai can be reached only In h igh ipot* To go i f u r the p ickerel w ith boat*. It I* eald. le oaeleM aa (he fleh find tb* beat feed- ihf ground on (he eobm erged land* ad­joining (he *(ream

Btf PKk«r«l Caaght.T.awrenre KmKh of D uller caught a

pickerel Htindiy in W etaeM Pond Ihal mreeured II ^ Im hee In length and welih«>d a (rifle over five pound* The flih ha* hern m ounted by Mr Bmith.

Record lntere»t in Fish.'•or ail Ih* cy rioua quirke of pop­

ular Inrercet engendered by Ihe war pc'hejia the ovuai aurprleing I* (he u n p r r i n i e f r i t In- F liH ," leya a hulletln of tb* N ational Qeographtc So i*ty

Yet thare are tw o raaeon* why the humble and hU herio aubmerged flih

I auddealy com m and atfeniion Firal. tho w orld le h a a g ry With eU ’ Ona nedon* ca llin g for meat and grain, which e re not to be bad. I* i( io b* wondered a t (h a t men ehould (Ive (bought (o fl*h. w hich a re to be had for the cateM ngT F urtherm ore. Ihe •ubm arine ha* g iven men accee* te the acAsn'i depihe. and henceforth the ocean'* content, aa well a i water roatee, wilt commaDd th e latereet of manklad.

“Marly m an ifea ta ilo n a of thi* interati are to ^ noted In th e fpuad tag of tb*

D e c o r a t i o n D a y S p e c i a l s

For the Thrifty Man at the New and Greater LARKEY Shop, a t the Corner of Meurket and HaUey Streets, o p p o se Bamberger*$


!The object of this great niue-giving event Is to more broadly advertise our new lo­cation at the comer of Mar­ket and Halsey Sts. (opposite Bamberger’s) and to do our part In the great nation-wide

I movement to break the btek- j bone of high prices. , if *' i■ * /

We have Ignored cost add value and < profit for the Immediate jlresent. We ere attracting hundreds ef new cus­tomers in this greet drivf and adding tremendously to our pre^ge as one of

^ Newark’s most progres^ve and fastest growing clothing institutions. Coew to* morrow and share in tU wonderfnl •*?• ingi presented by th h m t . | ;

. / B l u e S e r m S u i t i F i n e . C m u i ^ S u U §

m n l d d S u i t o S u p ^ R ^ j v i w v i c t S u i t a S l ^ a ^ ^ i ^ w s p u n S u i t e

f /


Vidoe ISO and $32.50


.-M .■4/' \ A .


. / p W' ' ‘ vew eeM ianaat ‘ tii8ry..0niKa Larkey Hand-Made Gament


' 3 - ■ ■ . r 'IiCu''

AI*® # Yol|(>wli|i|krtl^^ leclnded in Thti Sfi^al Sale.SuHa ......... 34.95 I47AO450 M to ..........39J5

4106 M T O S alti . . : .......49.95 ,

« +1

A FurniiliiiigoV o u u o s d k ^ h ir k : ......... r .: ..: .* .7 .9 6

w m ' : iw d i Mam $hhis, . . . : . .165-Mf-filr- sslit' sorfs,.

s,- . . ‘■ti : ' ' J . ■ ft 1 ■ L . ’ , iijraam*..

WMN* MOV » « M m t OtMi tM*

F n a i Iha d m a t M hr ta Ika t i n t a t A u « M o a tre « n , f U A omU ba m tU la Oraloai tba h i r ta o f our parka o a t atroato. t vlall ih a ta rb a (ro an a a tl/ ilv rtag a u r w la to r M aaon, a a t a llh a a f ti thb Iraao- bo ra hoanohaa aaaooit oaaar iiaata Ihal w ara h a lll d u r la t t h , ta r la a a a t fum m ar d a r t I hava a r ra r ■•an a r a a n a biM In iha p a rk a >at 1 kava M*a e a u h ia in , u ad a r tka k a rb a irr Ituahaa w h,n v a rk la m v r ra h app la , • r a r r v h a r a npan tk a a n a a and it la o a lr n a tu ra l ta aoacluda th a t tb , r - a n a h l r i l aaan bM om , ih* food of ih w , • tra r . h a tf-t* d k n iM la

T h , eat h a t hla u a tfa l atda and •kould raaa ira kind attan tlon and ap* ptM ibllan, bul puaa would b , p ra rta tad tram d e ln f a , r a a t daal of k a r a If all who kar* r a i l would oaa Ikat l h , r i>t*,p Indoor, from rov ualll A apuil. for It la IR I h , w r l r a a rn ln a hour, w h *R moat of th a r a n t bird* ara da. t tra ra d

A b o i w ith R Rcroan door crr h , m ad, a can tfartab i* iMd m am for puaa, or !-• ra n ba partn itiad la a l» p In ih* ctl- lar Than Ih , b lrd lln ,, . which .r* waak In flta b i. w ill to t b , tha a a ir pr*r af a aat

Aa b ird , apand lh a tr d a /a pm laaiind ua frani tha r a rn d a t a f daalrorind In- •aota and wormn. It !■ our i u i r to pro-

■A T lA 'l ln .'toat UMM Vhop ttay MOdl a#d« o«r ka|p ta nlaa tiMtr taauuaa.

(Uiutiwr I. cox.

Mdrint Bainbov.A imia CblnaM ttih knawa a# tha

porodlaa flah la ramarkahla tor ItshH lllaa t oa larlk* of ariataan had b la h la th a au n lld h l It th iaaa la a lolRbaw • law of color Tha daraal fin a iia a d n from nanr Iha back af Iha h . td to ih« 1,11. T ha iia r td ta , flih waa riia t broudki lo Kranca from China h r M Simon In IM I, havika baaa ftlind tn a brook n a t r C an tos Tka mOdl IkU raai- l a , th lu a about thia llU lt flth la tha a n t m ads h r tha mala far tha m aapllnn o f th a aaco It makaa a lltUa n o a lla a nani of ( lu tln o u a kubblaa M a w Iha a u r ta ra of Ihs w atar and ikaaBarlna up lo ala Inchaa sc ro ta H art It p ltaaa Iha a g a t. aoma tM In numkar, s a d m aunia g uard ovar tkam.

Arriesn Lion in Meiico.ArcKeec>loi: j ere puiiU 4 by th*

pyehleiortc cerving ef * lien n*Br V em Crun, K fforie h*v* bee* m*g* te tree* (he o rig in of ihl* ll(Ue-k*own r*ll« • f p reh le to rta Amerlc*, bul hev« (hue U t prov*4 futile. The elB lU rtly to th e AfrlcAA lloD re th e r (he* (he nsounceln lion o f thi* hem liphere b*« *64e<l lo (he m yetery.

**AIL TBS M tSK ’*

fLATESrmSWa tsnr W UMek, Q. R. 8.. CdMartsaO. Ar- toapo, U, S. u a oUmt Btskss o f M M k ra l)« u A •n shraja plauaJ t» 4o«- •Mrkto, whaUtM yvm Wy or 0* Mt OU faTortlas and Mortat Idia


Twt Uw• ( M ir s t o d a Igr

hwe fW Um Nwei tW t; here dMbaltr la M

: W I S S N E RTwL MmlbewF H M

FtA N O t9M 1 ^ I6B)

v*ry nuehdleeg*** *f g herrlrvffT

*A*d yet et) th i* InformiBtloB gbout herring, ■ igckerel, *glmom, trout, h*M but nsA ncoree of o th e r edible v*r1et1«e ef flih mey be of Irem entfoui Im port- nno* In (he fn«e of ■ dw ln d h o g dry lend food production.

"Bence, th* M l* » l Aqunrlutn build­ing. which w ill be th e only on* ef e*y•lie ilo h g th e A U entlc eenboerd, *outh of Phllndelphlii. w ill h*ve n blologicet Inboretory n* one of u e Im porieat *d- Jeeou II 1* believed meny imporleei dleeoverle* e ffe '^ ilng (he link between th* faun* of (he deep ee* end (he letul will he given th e w orld (hrough In- vaeilieilon* *( (he lebomLory. Aquer- lufp eipedllJone fo r (be colle(.‘tluT) of epAcIroen* will be *n ImportenI feature of Ih* e e e o r le t lo a 'i w o rk ”

C o D H rn n f B ird Lil«.Thee* ere deye w hen o u r perhe Invti#

UI rordleliy to vielt them end enjoy ihelr unfolding beeu ile* end their Iren- elenl v lilto re F e tc h e s of whit* end blu« and yellow, if closely nheervt-d. reveal ' large num bers of sp rin g bcautlei. vin I le ti and e d d e r 'i iori*uea. while many of Ih* ehrube en d am all trees rival the ground flora In vl%ldn*se of coloring

Birds just now a re I be chief e ttre r- (Ion. M igration dey* hev* reechsd (heir rllm ni, end th e u n d e rg ro w th gnd tree* resound w ith th e notee o f hippy, hope- fat eongetere At lee*t th ir ty varieU**

B aeeb ell S upp lie*Sporting Goods, Fishiait TWkJe

BUOB BROTHERSS p v ig k M flw ld A w«.

Ibeeegb u n htztMwib Ave.Bheci Belew Mpegrw htn*^

D«e*beB Beere Cmeito Free (# Ag

a r Iihrtikiaon'iiitiV II ""iii' ’ iT7i ~ - r ' -

A t it again!

We can't improve on the clothes, so we’re Improving on the service again. Altering the upper floors this time and add­ing the upper floors of the comer building.

O ur new second floor sales rooms for overcoats, summer clothes, custom department and the boys' store will be the brightest, cheeriest show room in Newark. You’ll like It.

This Sale w ill continue during our building alterations

The finest compliment we ever had was a criticism from another merchant. Said he; “You certainly made a bad mistake this year. If you had not marked your clothes so close at the beginning of the season, you could offer more attractive reductions now.*'

VVe could have cut them deeper if we had added a big profit first. As it is, these reduc­tions on already close prices mean wonder­ful bargains to the man who needs clothes.

1455 Hart Schaffner &>Marx Suitsfresh from the w ork benches

Reduced520 Suits arc now

$ ,75

665 Suits are now

I 461 Suits are now


87 were $45 Suits 42 were 47.50 Suits

189 were 50 Suits74 were 52.50 Suits

137 were 55 Suits

110 were $55 Suits117 were 57.50 Suits 224 were 60 Suits76 were 62,50 Suits

138 were 65 Suits

27 were $65 Suit*60 were 67.50 Suit*

175 were 70 Suits92 were 72.50 Suits 47 were 75 Suits

* 50 were ^80 Suit*

*P1'& f



a ’t m : §m

p . i;;-'?

'...‘S I - .if. n.

Spngue to Slmgllwti WeJt Spots in Un -Up

i t o H t M R c -

R m 4 t f o r T u M it

widi Poliet Tmm Toowtow.

Hvdqr to Hwl Agaaut Orante

u ■>'***a— t* ■>**• !!•■•■•'

t M W kltM ^ tu aM M * *f tk« ■»ra«u« \ |« M « t th « W»w«rh a M H -P n L«M ««tM »|Miafl*M >•*« «*1> *•M M M tlu aM w kM H MkM IM fltU

ftrta rM M !■ k I««<M taw la l to « » rh M ■ * » !« •

•toMKfWM._ W all***. « a t ( la e n t« « * 4tk a ^ lh ra a 4 a la a li k r ikaiirtaal w ark a ta a la a t ifea e ln a lt

w a r , aal a a i aaaatal 4aj» « « a la a i f a a a a « t t la a i . aM ta - ^M aaoaaaal

wlli a a w a a n e e aara aaraaa

Faoioui Linook Giaate To Play Anaiican .A. A.

SWmibMiilM Wl Tackle Coloead Plajran at Aajpkn (KaL. U- •tawiofEaatOnatcFiekL

'Xycloae Joe" WiOiaDt May HoH

kiarna will ha vaaaiM aartn* i aiaia wbaa (ha i '

With tha liaatae PatUa alaa iha al-ttMtiaa aeataat akaacaa, It >• aiaaetad

ai ilUa athat lataraat «■! taka a mU* ^•ala .fTha -aaaa" haaaa't taat a laa«aa aa**> eaarea MaaUar la ta Iwtrl acalaat Mm Oraa^a 4 A. toaaanaw altaraaea Var tha Ipaatwara la a Magaa aaaia kaaaHtae la IMiMear Bineiah af tha

Tha aoataal k a*e*ile4 far jOtaaia Flareraaae. MuatU/ araaiatJ S icaaMia taat •aaear wbaa ha (wirM

i-hit. aa-raa ehaH aeataal Mar- Ban. Maoacar BarMah ta­

la kaoa Bart Daaltl% fanaar tAeerleaa i-aagna 'aairiMtaa to pla Mai ae aoar tha waah taC

of Cokadwi Ciradi i Hat Fire Gnaea Ow WeakoEad

Ptra gaaHa ara aabaCatoe tor tha Calchta af Ootoabaa BaathaO Laagma tar Iha wath ia4. lailaitog ItoaMflal lar. A pair af aaatatoa aaa aa tor to-

■oath Oraaga aaf Kaanqr

■taaaat at aa arratftmtal vhorahr a baMhall w a* rarraaaaOa* tha AOMrlcaa 1-aglaa «r Bati Oraaaa haa aaaa aaaauf laa af Caat OraagaOral tar tha laat aaiorgar at taah MOath fhla aawiMafj tha Afaariran A. A.. tha ilroag aatal-gra aggrafatfan Maa-agaf b r Mra Auatrar PAUIda. will laata m h»<aa ■'■•“■toa lataorraw Tha AOMrlcaat wilt halt farth at AartaM Oral wlih tha UnaalB felnrat Olaataaa arraaaaia

Tha Aaiarli'Aaa will p U r « • • '! •••■ Brdara a i f a a i tha lhai In aaoh M atlh bb4 an ail hollA art at Khtt O raaga Oral Tha aaa of a e r la m O ral w m g lraa Iha A M arlraa t *y tha Marahall A Balt iraaa a a a th a ro l l- a nlaa. Frail Hahmaa. ra ta a a r of tha Itu thw leha af B raah lra aa4 a (arm ar Major laogM ■larar. h a a rra aa B llaiiaa. arlll ba la Iha Uaa-B* a f iha A iaaritaaa toMar- raw. "Cjffloaa Jaa W llttama l i alalaA ta h a rl la r Iha Olanta. a-aila EI4 E a ^ fata Win laa iha rtibhar ta r taa BiM

U . « . a . a M A - a r l - A . BlArat twa OMaaa. both aantaau raaalt- fag IB rWlartaa far tOa OlMla Bat ^ ■Btlt aftar taa ganaa Bad gana lala aitra Malaga.

WUllaMt rlteBad bolh g a a a a *••• fliaM i agalaa l l» a AmartoanA aaA II wM a hit by th a big aoMrag a a t w aa aaa a f l^a gawaa far a l tlaaaa. __



Ifi^hniB of NitioBBl Newtrk BbfAa FinauB by 7-0 Scow

.gaoaaUa baJag fawa tor a itoBB at Bar- Otaagtf wOlttoaa. whila Itowark

•aaa Baat oraaga at tha toltar’g BaM. Tha gaafhy gawiaa ara Oiaaga ta.

.t o t e af Bathtohaai at Mtataihflla. .1. tWarthara aaatlaa. BraaMi Btaak Farh. Mag Marrlatawa ra. Battaoiaa at Ballt- tana. Tha fa r ter g a te waa artgliallF Maafgg tor t f artaw. Tha aelr M w- MTlal Dar ihatato to aartol tatw iia IjaMtaa aag Maw Braaawlak at Itaar I r e a e w le k .f W h a f lteW a Mar at Bathlahwa atob to aaslaaa iha aaaara a g a te tor Material Day. Jnia ateagar to Jaaaph a Maaa t( Maw wrwat tiawarh Caaaall waau a gate la r towAar aag ataa Maagay. Rtohait to Pratt. T« Maw airaat, la tha waaiaar.

All f ftotoBrrriBi LBBfBg Nibm Are DtoWB.for Giibm ToaonowAU

elaha will ha la aallaa tawiawawi Tha la M ara; toahaarf TA

h Mbarhargl at Otetoraat Orat a Palat ta Mar PaaMry at Uea-

■g«aaO a ^

rlaa Oaal. Aaarlaaa Caa ra Walaaa iBtlllaMa at Baaatla, CallalaM aU Eah-. '.bar at. Ml l i oa at Baak QaaL

a a an a Harrfaoa nugoaaa ar(lt taat tliafr

ifcata agalBtt tha Mtobalta Tira Oath' .aaar a t e trhra thay laaaaa HlllUwa toiaeoraUan Itoy. A fate aat Mlaaha Jilfa Will faria tba.Meiaea^.heitafy.’ Maaagar KlaMM O f |^ a af JMaroar A. A. alaa haa baakiM

•ghargaa tor ftra gaMaa. wMah wilt ba :alaya4 aa tha Braaeh Braak Park Ala. aw ^ . Two of tho gaaioa will ho

, play of toterrow aftoraaoa, whaa tha 'Maraara will atack ap agalaat Iha^r- kalay Aaaarteaaa aat tha Bagla

laM A

la, twtrWag t e tha na- tttoai'Baatek B * < ^ ^ * * “ 5 ^

t S J j S T T ‘

S T J a M • “atoyaf aa tha Ptoatea a groaaga«t Iha Ptoatea hattow toaaaA. UM'PtoptoaMiB a* wMhaat a flaw. Itot . w J Ia yaaahaf taaowA bai

Who ilaHii hraka tha trtpU tla tor firat

with (Ba'AMaa ■>•*» Mia alalBrtH a t* aa «afawM aato taa* a

^.WiJTalali f •

jM M aal^Waw ark..

B .I I .E.. a 1 a . a t *

• i r. a * : ; : I I *

Initial Trotting Slate G)nsists ^ Ten Races

1i Totlponemrnt of Opening Dit*

‘ 'iflp t Swell tn triri lod Is-

Affair Litt of R.H.A. Event!.

' Secular) Beldon lo Be Surter

I i,ifo|tr*jii Jtot’p* a r ra * ^ ! !li? ihs I Mwrtr ABPfirltotioti of H#wJrrBtovl. fi»f itimttfr'’*' toflpfnwon a t Ilia Wtovtit^i.ii I'Bfk iitotk of *tnr\rn iB

r*rrfr*^lt .fEmM W BtolfJOK. tohtol w p tn lihtp liwwn rhp flrtot fllOOt toriH IMIA.,1 all l.r. BUPe '<f wrakhtof,I fitiiliir>'<’ I'ir . iirr.r* fi«r ‘ho orlgfnol iniri’lriit *,TT| hiI'iHH'I«»1 onpto etoCUrtU Blm r. MHh ui( iihMitirMiw e niPPi oao of

l.iPh:' I ilir ifp tf •nr'ii htoh oral' a rrtont’f .l

lltifh- o'vpfa hB'p raihpf fr#otoiili ilMir ^fripp fi.netdrrlng IhAt ttin I f .1 Ml Hh Bf^oi' »B* held up ronPtAtor-tolil> f<> • "I'fvk.-Mllift Bfid ihttugh iliertotola r oiiK>> iiif*er thetrt *l‘•llr ■ 'i'**a-Pllnf lirutohP* Pcitot toU-U ire wili l-t u'-vpi'-'l ir Ml r**’ *-

H .-t.-tor^ tC.loii tolll a n M tolftrltof nf r.i ra Tl)< Juilff» fi-' M*Pr»n« n i l.f W Oulirk Htorrv ^(tolil*tto III r’ J Ktor- »Tii1 Hip ilmtoTt Johfl H.imriMiB Jnitip* k+urii* sod Krank J.i 'oi.Ieo .rthtoii- tin*p<»> I lailiifi A x r’erVii li ^ d a rk or\hv ■ 11 1

nif BTift *ti» flPto followI'liP m iWlP Mil* ti»tol«: t«0 lo' ABll'FB'.Titri I* ‘'n * k"* H*a»to: twa lPI (•prW*' 1‘riniP To4d. W»' a Mr« '' tom e

HlAlil'h PH


I \ ■

>•MtoTl Vf.

itoatti, b.Hrtto Mllto htotolto;

Twenty-seven Schools Entered in State Meet

Biniacer Favorites lo Win New Jeney Inlericholaitk A»»o-

dation Cup-

F o u r S t in iH to n SquBcU to C o m p e te

W haa th a a th la tle aquada of iw aaty- h ig b and p ra y a ra io rr arhoala oaa- to a t NallaoB Flam. New Broaa-

N e w u k T B c f a n c i l S e k o o ) N k cToa Mach for VocBtioBJ L k i

K ow aih Tadpwtoal Bobeara baaahan

v1k*r« th* twcoDd annutol tFMk ■ag ItoW taaa t of Iha Haw Jerary In ta r- a a h tlin * * Aaooclolton * n i ba oMd B aaoratloa Day. D orrlnaar High Iraok- gfgra a ra a«paotad lo rula- favorttoa. Ah s OS th a local achooli aniarad bealdaa tho R ldga a iraa t team ara CantraL Poath Blda, 8l BaoadlelA wMla tha aab o rb an aehoola llaiad ara Kaat Cw- aagA ir r lo g lo o , Weal O ran ia and tho K oam y B lgb e ladar atrldara.

B ra r alaco th* ouldoar aaaaan waa asharad la tM troupa Coach Uroadbaod haa u ad a r hl« w ing haa Im prored w ith •M b raoa thoy h a ra p a r ^ t e t a d >"■a a d It appoato “*w th a t tha W dga • tra a l BOhoel la th a only form ldabla aquad In Ih i t c ity rapreaoBtod on tha aladara th la aaaaoo- Thalc parform

traor N ft to rlghh aaoOaO. oMoVaiapt eoao gOUetor B rat

SolAi o wali Oaar aU,Poldi Bn Ua WHtol.

I t a aw hoU S Uiraad tow ard th a ean- taat w ith PaBBtogtaa a t City Fiald Toaaday aftaroean.

O w ala C arroll, Joa Ulgl and S h a a la rh a ra d a ta all tha tw irling, wllti I 'a r-

•W M. gM atoy Jn , o a r to o ri Aoe* Ftonarma, M laM r, Jaa Higi.

aaU h ari k a ra la thoatay . o*tchar.

T ha at Baaadlot P ray haaahaU bIba th m g h It had ltd elaaa raaord apollrd Inat Maiurday by an • to 1 dafa tl at Cornw all-oB-tha-H udaaa. w hara tho Naw York MiUUry A cadaay baya knochrd h arn la ghanlay out of tha box. Bllll mnlDtalna th a t It Agoln haa Ika alroBgeat elatia to tha atata high and prap achaol baaobaJi chuBploaahly. tha C oraw all caotaat halog In Kaw York and thare to ra h a r la g no a lf to t aa tka (ogMt'a clalJBk 1b thla atatA Tha kt. M a ad te t Sobool hog ta Ha pooaaaaloa a cap aublabkaglo of tha ata ta tItiA aw ardad ta tha H igh a iraa t Ina tlta tloa t e l yoor by tha Naw Jaroay l la ta A th- la tla AaaaclatloB.

Tha ItarooBara h a r t playad Btaa o ta ta gamiaa ao far and h a ra woo tbani all. Tha 8t. Benadlct hoya h a ra dla- pooad of PrlBcatoB Frap. 8t. Fator'a Prep. Klngalay. C eatral, Rldgawood. H orth P la la fltld . H utgara RaaarraA UpoalA. a M Wadnaotoy afta rao o a trOBBcad B lair A cad an y .' Alt a tta a tlo a

roll raa ia ia r la g vletorlaa oror Upaala. ■tldgowDod. FrlBoaloa Prop aad Blair. H tgl turalB g In wloa o ra r C aatra l. 8L P t ta i 'a P rep and n a tg r ra R aaarran . w h ilt Bhanlay coBtrlbotad gamaa to the l ig h t alda of tha ladfar In tha N orth P lal'otlald and K lngtlay toaalaa

A p laaalag faalare of Iho B lair a a n a waa tha manDorAB which Jla tta la Dona- hna w hackad tha kalL DoakhuA w hila ho ld lag daw a flro l la h u augtoM ary r*- llahla atylA oaoIdB‘t aaam to ooaaaot w ith tM hall In llnialy taahlOA A galaat B lair, D oaahua raeorarod bla b a ttla g a ra , a a d b ig th laga ara n p a e ta d from th a f l r « aackar lo tha faluro.

C a iro ll, w ha ylaya an ootflald or In- fU ia poaltlok whaa not In tho box. la | r a f ‘- f tM taaat In h a tllag w ith a n a r k o f .Md.

IntercoOegiate TitlesStake at Philacyphia

U t' e .1 glJfn

M tu 11 •t'.APp t*

lirtotI'toto* Mil* btotoU:

flMlMi J(K'to4*i k. i-. * VnMhT. br. m„ J*nn

C o t le g ia n i fro m All S e c tio n s o f

C o u n try in C o m p e titio n T o ­

d a y At F ra n k lin R e id .

Hk.-« tn r»ruk HU* htotot*: idSfl.ww J4 JT.. bL IT,■ I s: Tln**«fr»nB Tb* Cr^btotoe To(t 'Sjlllrr. Mika Junlof Rt«b. b. toto-. 0»** '■ Y'"' '« < 'in»-iiilr baatai t «I h r . . I pi* i - e l f l e e i . t t f a u i 8 c e e h ._h . g .«J Hrme Her. DelM*a'e 1*». »- 5 - I'.rtw iil.-. Th. lUTOh rh.g H- *„WTalaf| aimrllglil M.KInoey bl W. F. M. anob

(T w H Trel m (^hna.-IUIe heata; two In ihre- (tewt -hineel Dotllloa. oA A, F J. Abinleiler. B-nny WnltA ib. b . J. WatOl lllenilllh. b » . W. It arrob „ . . .Clean X. Trot to Ceru -Hla heaUi twa In tbree (po^ enlrleel Bdlll Caarll. hA » , Pnel r Ueolne. Blliahath 1. A Hueoh. Anne TeOaingtea. a. giM t e j a Perm Vincent HiltlBneT. fc i . O. T, k ra rt llecket. b h.. tleeeg* Janaw.r Tret m t’erle^ HIljJlMtei t « la tbree (piwt entrleal. “ 'J ■ ■

Vela WartBr. A g..!nr»« trvwt w«.i.-wr. —•• J sustb. kfttoto Aswurtky^c^ S I* ^ 1 ^ FtorM B*bto«dto. rk. Bin H- ptMT fckWkI- ............... ...... " o T

E ix p e c t N ew R eco rd * W ill G o U p

.feeerlr Km. br. h r ie * U. TweTear

Wlftooto. b J 'C * ^ * * ^C.. J Hothi 0«T«rto«r MkMtoa kTe to.t w. VekKtto4«r-

Caldwell tod Ridgewood Nine*In F o u r-C o u n ty t o i g u e C U ih

Centnl Boird Nune* OffioBli For Important Football Games

CBldwall basaball tana a ra aw aiting (ha opoalng Foar-C oanty Baaaboll la a g o a gmna ila tad for Caldwall toanor- row nftarnoon T ha homo hoya w ill h a ra Rldgawood lo r aa oppOBOOl. H aw ark P a ro a u l Bflhaol B a a ! will tww niah muale and will load B parada o f

H SW TORE, M kr lA —Mooting a t tM B o ta l BUtmoro yaatorday afl« rB O «. Manihara o f IM o to tra l Board on Of- tto la lt of tM FoothaJI Rulaa Commlt- toa ooloetod offlelala for Uio morn Im-ErlAnl coDtkktf t® b® I® tkb

>at Boat fall. Fallow lag a ra tha galaetloBA

FilILJkJ>Et,PHlA Hay I t ( to ).— N aarly l* t athletaa from tw a a ty -a lg h t eoUogaa antarad tha qitallfylng a ra n ta of th a forty -fourth annual In to r- evIloglaU Athletic A H oelatloa of A m arloa track and field chuB plonablp a t P rankU g Field today. Among them w are rapraoonlatirea from Leland h ta a - ford and tha Unlroralty of C allfornlA

P re lim inary heata wore held In all tra c k e ran ta aacapt the one and tw o- inllo eonieota and allm tiiatlon tr ta la (ooh placa In the flv« field a r a a t t In p ropara tto k fo r tha finala tooiorrow . BIX man will quality to r each field

1 o ra a t. tw alro In Iha aprlnta and tan In th a hordlag.

iBdIcatlona early today w arn for

i Rutgers Sends E i^t Men To Inter(»Degiate Champs

goniaf grrrtm tf »*r JTFWf.------------- j i e ya Angarpon.

akeat In tho an n u a l high aehuol m eat f both leam a from Iha ptthtio g reas to thot M i i r u r t - T haagag SB* T aoattoaal

f 2 i a r * 5 K E f O r a a t* M oM kaaip •*Coadit

'MaaBtaetarlag Coaipaay agaadA Cut- lor aag Ehaw will to iM twlrllag for

‘‘ tbi Mareora, with Moaororo oa tha r*-. '•olrhig gwd. Baagay Iha Mantra will \play tha Apaaha A. A. BwaaM Tornar will try oat hla pltahlpp earvaa agalaat

.U a*. with Raraford at tM Plata. Itor 'A Doearatloa Day pragran. tha Haraaht will aagagt tn a gaiaa with tha Barrt- lallto in tha Hopaiag. aad la tM a lte - aaaa wm taka oa Hit Ntwark CahA toaright McOorarn gad MoVay will ba gsad aa tM mound for (haao gamaa

Hawark tw lr tla g a goad g a t e a t w a a t O raaga a t e iM w a ll

T M h a tl la g o f M arpky a a d •*tM T aahaloal o a tQ t fgatorad . la rk M of |M haaao 'U am pallg* to w a a ooopU • r 1 ^ aw at* th a t t e h a d aa If tM y

laro gapd to r o t tp a b a a ta Tha aoora: 'IT A Taah. E to; to _C roata. E E E

- s i !255r*-.b" 1 ! •^BOM . IE . ! 1 • * le } } f. 1 CoodE I I •i ! J- t Rarhar. I f ... a I

Tuaaday and aehlavam tu ta on foralgn iro g ln p ro rg th a t-

, T h liiaon a v a in p .b a ra baqn liatad *a tha p rogram arrangad by tha aaaocU-llon. iBCludtng aavon track aran ta . tha Ipa. tta. ltd. m and mile racoa. 110 low and 11« yard high h iird laa and a l t ftaM avanta. th a tw elra-pound ahoi- paC ruonliig h igh and bread jumpA dlaoBA Javalln and pole rau lt. Tha Ugh aad p rep ara to ry claaa A an tran ta Wiu M m ln iu a relay avent. which la aaly alatod fo r claaa B and C d irla loa t.

V S S h . t o .

S f e r j i r j . a 'A- s 1 :

Eechlof, af.. RyeoA rt ...

glBtaan eventa. nine track and oaraa Raid aompalltlona, are elated to bo cen- (notod In the fltaenih annual track and riatoa of the Moniclalr High track Raid meet to ho hold tomorrow after- neon at (3ty Field undw the anpar- toam.

< TM Manor B. E C. of Harrlaon will • rrosg halo with tha Hlghlnai Q«lek- HOPA a colored oggrafatloa. lunday attaracoa on t-orralna Oral. Harrikoa. Toay Bteult will karvt tha hall orar t e tha Manora. whila Raka Haary will bo OB tha racalving and.

Tatala .. t T 4 1 I t * a » t a a—a a a 1 t I a a a a—i

TaUla .. I It Hewaiii Toch. . . . . . . .

s r r t sirV'isM 'vsiS.teVaH Brown I.


’ T M Ja rao y Club of Sooth Dranga w ill m ing la w ith tM Hayaa comhlBi

‘ tia a tom orrow afto reoon a t Waat Or «B ga P tay g ro u n d i. h laaagar Vo|p will t r o t o a t M cDonough, Baaton and TIU- wwrth, th a la t ta r a fa tm ar laagoar, to do tho tw ir lin g to r th a latagy*. Th* Ja raoy club w ill claah w ith tM ArUng- to a A. A. n lna oB tM la t ta r 't to b te a d toB day aftarBOOB.

a • aTaaBia daalrlng gam ea and thair

m aaagera a re ; B dlion P. C.. t . t High ■Iroat; T orao t H itt A. A , l i WiBthrop a irao t; T. M. C- A bIbb. D. C. Bramlty, 41* Main a traa t. o ran g e : Ita lian Oath- a lia UaloB, W illiam Damatom. I l l Bav- a a lh a re n u a ; V allahurgh TIgart, Char- Ha W eM r, *1 Brookdala aranna; Aa- tMlB A. C . W illiam U oba f t O arriaaa p trao t; Ja raoy c lu b . A rthur lo a Hond, g a u th O rango: M anor B. B. C„ T. Kaa- gg iy , 11* H arrla o n araBUt, Harrlaon.

Junior Order S—obBll Leggue To PUy Second Round of Game*

Fi. ■

Mamtolalr H t e MooM MaraMII-BalLT M H o n tc ln lr A. A. baa aaeurad tha

M arahall g B a ll taarn of tha Kawarfc BoiBl-Pro L-aagua to r an attrac tloa ta- m orrow afto rnoon a t Uoniclalr. Cap- t e a Ja ck B arrlg a it Intanda to try out

'a BOW pttdhar n galnat tha MaraMU * BaU arow.

Tha aacoB* rooBd In tM J r . 0- D. A. If. Baaaball Iw agua It on ta p for to- Bwrrow. whoa th raa gam aa a ra to M played. Boyd a t K aarny. T lgU aat a t Elmwood and H aa ra a a t Cnatar. Boyd. Uonraq a a d V te l a a t a ra laadlag w ith ana r ia td ry a a A

Tha atand ing o f th a laam a;

* ' ®‘w .’ r le . i* * * '* ^ * 1 P L p .aB ard . I a i aot <Jaaia».. . . . a 1 .MOHaaroa . . I t i . t e Pimwaad.. a { .aaa............ ' * -------------y . ... a 1 .400

Qua t>cto«h. ih#* fo rm fr Bt Beitkdict Prtop hufdltof. whn |to now to toiudt&t tot Notr* Dm * ColltoKto. rtoOtonlLjr won the Il0*y%rd liiirctl* ftoOto In k duaJ meot be- twtokA KotPto DiuAto College anil the III)- BOli A ' C-, held la Chleagro Detoh w m cloelltod !■ I I eerotodi, which U the beat flMito h# avtoT turatod In for th a t dle- tuieto. It WM totold by H arry Coatea, ht* fo n n a r aOMh Saverat monlha ago. MPipatlBS iB to Chlotogo ma«t. Dsach agMltod th a fn riy -yard low hurdla racord htold by F rank and Xo Laooml*.

ball field.Di«h DiaoABdr tornar Barrlagtr

player^ v lD ^ ? 5 3 J 3 6 t i 5 S £ ' M ________alone with Wlllla BoyU had Alto* Mw ** Jharu llu ia , who tw irled food ball w hila in thto l a r y U at yaar.

Tha o ther laacue f a s e a ta n o rro w a ra U orrletow a ta. Booptea a t Booetow and PoTOpion ta . Chatham a t Cbkthan»

' ^ L i u ' l r / e

Vifiietit.a- t a t.aMlSaaray.

Mora than KAO nrhletaa of ffudaon C ean ty h a ta bean enterod In tha a th - la tla moot to be conducted Decoration Day a t C aatia Polni Fiald. Hobokan, n a w r th a au ip icea of tb a city ooinmla- atoJiara o f lIoiMken The fea to ra avent la a flva-m ira modified M arathon race which w ill ba held tb ro iifh tha alreete of Hobokan A num ber of opan com- patltloB racaa and avanta for aohool to y s hava been helcd

g «1 I .

Lost ball!Better plav safe. May we

ru&h a half dozen to your of­fice?

Everything for golf. Everything for tennis.

T aM B aow d. at IM* Earoa, HarimiMr M, Hata ToflA B » wa mfwaa. Tamjrh»rp,» ToflA B » wa mlwaa.CoiwM A aatU n ; E J. T h»paea. Oaaagj town, hood ilnu maa ; W. O. CmwolA gwarth

^ r ' a E Btokt e t , jiai tm U lk Mod y , , brood Jump record ofK a to o a i V. A BtowaotA Brow*. lochaA which boa atood for

elaor. w a rn w eather and foUowara nf athlatkoa loahad for naw raoorda to ba Iiuag up- J- W. Merchant of tba U nl- vara lty of CaJlforala» la tria l ham m er th row a oA FraakU n Fiald thlo woak, kM baataa tha lolarooU erlata record of 111 feat % Ineh. bald by H. P. M l a y of Malaar aad ba also 1» aspaetad to

NKW BRrNftWTCK.Headed by Coach Carl e ight Hulgerto men left borath ld Marw- !ng lo oompele In tha ai%gal ta ta r- collagtata A A A A t r o d and Raid chaniploBahlpa which got Bider way thla oftam oon at rroakU n Fhid, Poll*- dciphla. lA it yoor R o tga* . ropra- H n tad by only three BiaA gotm rod R ro oDd ooa-M lf p c la u wM b Uea ob- n a iad third pointa IB tM .gBsKar. Ilrachicy tied for th ird Ib * 0 P*'* ra u lt and Ballarjaau woa fo o rg In tha hurdlaa. Rrechley and B allarJEa M r*

I been leal r la graduation oed R t e ta

a t CamhridgA Keraon

SrowA « • « JodgA _ tUrvA Qatot e I I .

n 'u r ^ - T J. A BraOA WtlUamA i**S!ka** BnBaBm, at jfn v a a j.

V 'S k S a r u S . A J i s T S i o S S i

to. J. A I„ Mad llaM-

Dovtd #0ltA

y. W.

KaTTord-Caotar.______________ at OamhiidgA Bat o t e

to » « a A O a ta te' \'TTwS33r?«ii*7irw7ite-^«.,,1«T J A M ^ too* » « “14—J.

‘arE a-'r jsa .-'-'S K T -ft«atabor to—E W,■oBiaa. w. ^ J - oy™ ;-.B ra w n -c ^ ta , a t . Frond ' 14—W. O. Orow^. tototo^ F. vmplra; j . A Braia, h i t (I (laia Jm

Piiwtao P a i io t iBdIaoAPITTSBUBOH. M ar I*.—P ltta h irg h

datoatad tha ClavolBBd team of iha Am artean [iOagUA 4 t« i . In ob t lh lh l- tloB gam e yootordBy, Tka locale b it BBohllag a t ofpB cM M tlmaa. w hila lleo d o r kept (ho C Tovated hita ica t- larod. Johna toa , farm oriy a mambar a f j tM PtU ktnirgh taam , trip led w ith a man { OD kttPP In th e aaVBBth ta a la g and I i m t n t tho Mcond ru a OB^o kacrlRca fly. |

E B B.ClBVBlBBl . . • « « « « , • I • k - S I* I P l t t o b ^ . 1 1 • * • 1 1 • . - - I T 1

BattorTaa—C loro lasd . BooBKag and ThamBo; P lllg h u rg b —Koodor Bad Imo. niBplMo—HayrlBOB aa d M cCormick

Singer Employaea' AatocItMon fo r their annual nprlng g a m ri June !T a t Ban- ' n t t t F ield. E lliabethpnrt Claude A { Allan, th a B a ttin High track coach, la |

White cheviot shirts with attached collars.

Gojf hose. Beautifulrgoalvtag antrlaa. The cioatns data !•FlfioMi aventa hav# been r^rdad on | m l T t l i r P g

th e a th le tic program arranged by t h . ' n e a t n C r m iA lU rC S . Ju n e 11. >


wM " }

' * s r Y L E B m t *■ •*. -jl-

Featuriiig the

“LorraineBrogue Model Oxford

9 t

inBlack and Tan Cknrdovaa

Exclueive with Us


J : ; i r

Alok D uncan, who w ot • mamhar of tM L'nitad S t*taa team In Ui* C hateau. Thierry m arathon raoa held tn Franco, 10 racuparn ting a t hla home . r t t r a aucoaaaful operation y> aa ahacaao which tarm ad on tha ball n f hla rlxht foot.

T ka goMamorlol Ooy.

Sewn w m not

N a t H o h n a n I* S ig n e d to C o a c h

P r in c e to n U n iv e n i ty Q u in te t

I ta t S o h n an . tha prcfeailonaj baOkat- ball playor, who la a n am b er of th a W blHortoda o f tbia c ity and earan il o th er p refa io lonat cltihi In th la aoetloA ho* M an algnad tn roach the P rlneatoa U D lvonlty haakatball toam, au rread lag P rod Luehring , whn la going W aat to ta k e up a college roachlng Job.

H olm an loai aeaaao atarred In laogua b aak flh a ll, hla work w ith Oermantown In th a E aatarn M agua a ttrac tin g wld* BttOBlIOA

a ry grbadolo fa r CloramaotAT M C tarom ont Raxebatl Club haa a

M a y w eek-and achedula. The r u r o -m ontf w ilt p lay the H irollert of Naw * rk tORiorfow a t Baldwin Oval. Mont a lair, and a re to go ag n ln .t the Totow* A. A. |n Pateroon Sunday marnlhp. and In th e afiarnoon will endogo the Wok- atara a t Rbelthnrh Oval. Orange Two gam ea a re on for Monday, one w ith Iha OlenRalda of M ontclair a t M ontclair IB tha m orning, nnri tha o ther w ith tha A atorlaa a t O range

Lcither motor costs. •‘‘Scotch Mists."Motor robes and steamer

rugs.Motor “restauranm.*’ Thermos and Ferrostat

bottles.Blow-off-proof caps. Scotch knit jackets and

waistcoats.Goggles. Summer gaunt­

lets. t Bathing suits.Fishing tackle. Cameras.

Bicycles. Complete Sport­ing Goods [Apartment at alt four stores.

VwtBB ha tlM al M aktaB Haag Tp Wla.Tha Union N ational Banking halt

p layara chalked up a .win on their book* yagtardBy afternoon when thay defeated t h t Haw je ra a y Inaurahca nine, t l - l a t to h « Ompg*. PU ygroundA In a Banking L eague oonteat. Rpeak and H indadn (aranad th a Vnlona' hattery , w hile E ih lttld c r and Eber were oa dock toy t t a laawrBBtm nia*.


*W6.'tB dty g^ Cantornlaitt.

MdMbary I, CeaMedaiit

Men’s suits, $50 and $00. Boys' NorfoUu, $15 up.

Tark-Earombw A •» » * •* irfarm; Darld Itolti

■mpMi D.1. J.W a r t t e o a - ^ - t o - i * « l C te -;Tl, 'iSraWa, Baarardi.omatrai E R

MaiwuA ImrtmemlL haa^hiaam a*, F. OOlladar,, PeaA held jBOgr_____

fora long time.

Dutchler WiU Represent U.S.A. la 0t]nBf)ic Feueina Tounumeiil

gpatoto gwvtw af t o WWWt.EAMAKL May tA—Ray Datckar of

P**0BlA B taa char U tM Pataamm B ttk ■eUBBL hoB boaB ehoaaa hp (M Olyaiple g a t e BommlttM to ropraaaa t Opllgd ttp to a Ib tM fanctaig oeataBto a t tM g o te s la Aatworp. Bolgtosi, (U s aum-m*r.

DBlchof la tM naltoaal stub aw taglag •hanplc* . Ha hog long Moa a mamMr of th* Haw Tork AdUatlo Olab. f iv a yoBiB aga ha boaoma Intorastad In faatoag owd Ib t t a t tima ka haa oltmMd tB a BBftiWBl BkamptoBehlp. Dotabar la tha aBB Bt a Hathadlst m inister and WBB b a n la BUbsM U. Ha n a ld as a t T High atiM t. thla city.

W h ite S o x A n x io u s to S e e w e

G e o iu e B u m s a t W a iv e r P r ic e


S u b u rb d ik A o ie i ic a n L e f io i i N in e S c h e d u le d f o r D d iu t T o m o r r o w

T ha flrto appoaraaea of tba m obm i of to o AmanoBB Lagto* Feat Na « kaatoaU

o f Uaot O raaga la alatod to r to - morrww a f to n te B a t Root Ormfiga P la y ­ground. th a Amartean A. A bIb a i r t t e h«aM th a t dlBBiaad regularly. tw iW >t» « toA g y lu m Oval, thla rtiy . tg p a n a lt th a to rm o r aoldlara to play. Tha A m a i lM L ogloa alaV p opponenia will M tk a B a l- tlm ora OotoMd Olanta.

Tha tagtoa oggregatlcB la oampeoM —*1*1* a tormir high aBhaal Bad •*!- laga ptapota. and aerwral fanaar AtoW- laoB A. A . amn. PraBckA WaMr aad Tag­gart Fred OaUA fonaar Bagt D r a w High ftfit aackar, la also In tha Amorl- CAB Laglaa llna-ap. Tka playte aad ^ t t o a a an: ClarE latt lirtd: (VCMi- Bor. Paaoad bag*; rraacM, aaate flUd: Hernaa, shortatop: Uuate, rigkt tIM ; m a te , third hoM; CtoUa. t in t kaoa: Xaa KladaL tolabart Taggagt, Wakar aad AmnaraMa, iltd teE \

PHILADELienA. May I*.—Btforta hav* kaoa mode by the Whit* Sox lo osgalra tha aervleao of Oaorgo BuraA t in t hBaamoa aad right flaldor of IM Attltotea Wotnaa war* aakad oa Ma aarv1«as twioa aad aaaS ttai* tba Wtlta Sag doellaod ta gtaat Haaagor OandU Madk pormlaMon to soad him ta %o ralacn. la aoeh Inatoasa Hack with­draw tho walvoro.

b a t ta tha Jump-off ha wasra p aat tMa aad had to M i fa a r th p te A

lavalvad la oa o rg aw aat w tih i attaadB Btra whaa tM ta tto r at aUaw him ta to an g a Wa a t e .

O U ait


A b aa t I t* eyellsts w ill t e a th a a ta r ta r In a taa-mU* handleap redd raM , which will M hold J a a a I av a r th a R artam 8paadway caarsA Now T a rh , an d a r the puapleaa of IM Aema W M aJ- (BOA X ntrlea ara ba lag raaalva* by P ra n k flaaoH. « i •B aat I l ld airaaty,H aw T ork . aa d rtcaa.w lth |14> ^

Strsw h • t s, Bexiblo where they touch the hetd. ^ n a f c yaatarday daw alag Dwvvg Itig l

a tP a t a r a a a . I ta 1. D a t e anada a la a

All-leather shoes at "pirtv paper" prices.

eRealelersd Trademark f ir err Mrwvatber arrarceau ef hoadseme geeitak ckeviatAtatavreoM . ,

Rocp s m r Qom^HflSASL *ftgr toSttoST

C *g«w l*gr

atea - gaytea rellear I*, Bate* A

For Addkiootl Sportim News

fIMiAtKS I 4 1 t o K

New Y ork Q t y


lay I . ____naod a f a gam# te taaaorw w . Ooorg# S taato rd eoa ko roaaM d •ehool. '

ta tn

i n g h T B a lP a ta raaa Wlgh a m f ia a a S i t t

• t Mary** P b te ) |la l g t ta o l b aaaba ll bIm laot la n . J aaagS’a PM tw hiplto h o o l a f lU a e lty y «

O taaSa ay aa t S a a th t a a tg g a f I t a E -,-■J. ..H'-.-A---■ ' -

liM Handliiibred

nut through lllneOA b a t deefUe the abeeoee of three etera R a lgere expect* to mek* a reepeotable ehow lng In the big meet.

DoBg DeVnit la aaterod In Ho lOC- y a rd doab He I t e been coneytonUy doing to l - t lecooda ander poor eondt tlona, and In fast oompoay la n p ae tad to b ring th is down to a re a Hb a d tu B eattie la entered la th e iMif-mll*. w hich WM hla apeclalty a t C eauol H igh licbool, Newark. iMl year. THa year he haa been colled apea to fan th e q u a rte r more than the half, to M te verOBtlle Bad con fill la oay g a |.

Herb Meyero, another Newark M y. hoo donlopod la te a eraohlBg g o ^ hardier. Be lU pped a leo g wMh tM beat durtag the Indoor oeooea. Sat on the elagere hoo n e t hod a e h a t e to m atch hta ohUlty w ith an y of the top- netehorA Howoror. M hoa had little dU flculty Ib a n a e tla g f t ia t p te * I" both hordleo lo ovary m oat ta v ttleh M hao beOD e o te n d Ihle yvar.

H arry T toap lo e a to n d ta the h igh Jump, go ta r to l l y ea r M hga a o t booa Jam ptag up to bla real t o t e h a t If bo Otrtkto hie etrlde he will ad doah t go far, ae M woa coaaloteatly Jam p- la g ovar ala taa t In ocheol bay asMBgotl- tlon loot year. At tM Poaa vtogya M Jumped alg feat, tytog^fo^ iema d a l ^

I w ith

HStoeh Paso Toatoatmm n r t o r e . H oy *«C-A tototoiliii

w aa (tiad yaatarday la tM J t o a t F o te k -a offlol la oa octloa t e t H E t e damagoo for oaaavlt kreagM k* lA u ls A. Hirvh, of tkla olty . ■ e k W iM A m o rte a Laagao BaaaM U Chah o f How T ork. Tba p la ia tlS allag to Utot M WM fofotbtr tjoeiod t e t o th a . 1 ^drouada le s t Moaday, afla* kM M pljg



e»*t*sak«4gk* aJi^dla.

l»igg.aA|4«-v«4*. :

illi1 E* F *m*iai.

*.a»4))*Vdd.*J*Y ■

4 !'

4-'C, ,


. - , . i r.-t

t-uud H E l

Are Ibl

Gofitol or JuhnsOto c *rm Ito tho tototoworF Ju«t took* (, Ic4to«U« h! ftototo Ctoluf *orf gf 11 bocto toouo dovoffrM < Ifv ln f mo Johiiioti cl Outo fuur ® AiQorlictoD : ito a l i i y - n

FMIwbtol. 4'Ull clouts 1)1 hom tr ths ttohlor ■ lton«d toll t io f lw«oi ®toto. brtotok flTtoto Rrfvrr tbia pato-r

W ^ la H bn4 T1I1U Wivinf Ru Ttonkuu tof' fro m hy oc Your btosa i ftona gxp«.thu luAitInol udi nc * h lU W xli LM t actotti la^fvio In I fo rt^ -fiva In ih« Ntot' Itufh rlout qu its frsqu Ttoitkssi w baroarto T tbtol (Itodd* booia ruD i whtoD thay tb raa man •caoD nf ov a f tha ftald vba& tha k a«eD talk a t It vtot tocca

Tba boi wlubto Ifl t Uphito l( b fld aa lo bona of baao iw bi aalvtoto ytto Ulair ahto CoBUla m tr lp la i. 01 •tawlato V lU btoiffh! tb a Udo j Mm Utot I # « iiU ra <


Mmwwf C r


wiAw 4iuiiVTa

SffbtwwJMbt MMitt ram to b i t l ftorm

a094 profaM •bUc) «f tbi IM* Vttblltlai M b k*»Itb 1 m o r t ' tbftt b&vimt "a b<hf !■ f OtDf p f t^ s a r U h i r*tQfv la lU^OO « wai *t M7 PU«« HoTaaTtr, ■ trtBM tbftt

« h «

g Slate ^ T en Races' opening D*t« jitriei »nd In* l.H.A. EveaU.

I lo Be Starter

I arram f^ilAnnt»rl*1 Ion of Now t% offprnoon a t Itia H4 k af t t n

y Holdoci. lip»n th f flr*t fllfot une .,r h id wffithor.r* fi r thn o rig ina l......... >jm«* t«cur#4iTM'V ■ nir-#t on* 9 t i#4>< lOilnii hok otrai*

\ e u*»i> rni hnf fraa n -n ttd rrlnc lhat Iho • h*\A UP ronatdor- >1 ind 1 hi»ufh ilier« ih iimot of !h# rart^i If lirunhpi- f>«»ot on- ir.l iti All raroo.

H \\\ i r i a» P lan or foF n»c oaaaon

lUck KorrV PtoRlot t|ip tlmoTB John r»-

iFM* and Krank J»%*ii. i»n* of tko aa- , |g to ho rlo rk of

r JriPB follow IP M>v» h»otl; < • la

no* tv* la|*Mm * To4d, hi* §••

owiPinn H*n hr. m-. i pppIp otta, h> ro.

\rta't« #<■

MU* h**i*; tv aMil* kv»*ta:

iriwi JcK-od*. k. a.. I • tt»M hy. hr. m„ J*hnihy.'.ri4 liii. hMi.; In

J4 IM-l*. 3' . I»l- »■• Tk. prkfc*«. » T. or Huh, h. » . «■ " •«n>-llUo kwUI • • •

HCm Brook, k. «.• M . I « r . k ■-.>0 rh i M. E wtolmi kV » . r . K. H » t.

Or to -MU ko*u: t » t< DoditM. ck. k.. E. j .

Wkito. Ik. k-. J. Pkiki II khfov'u u MW InoUi m I*

MItk Canli. kr. k r, laofaotk 1. k- * t •«tM. k. B la n«*«

k iT o T. Mlkhl r* Joaaor.'art*- Mil* k**u; tv a ta }, V*i« Vortlir. ^ ••» >rtky, ck. iEI^_>^an b. m, B. gtaor laiRkl .. KmT7 WNw I- MT'Ott* I* Oarta • tp«t •*iii*«l. HkBo


Is E^t Men lUegiaie ChampsW VEWi.iw ict ll»7 !•— h Ck7l a Aiiekwnii. n u n IwrtthU Mrn- in tha kiMBkl latar- A. JL i r u l kii4 n«ld rhich Midar w ar rnafeUn rvd, Phlta- rau TtktvaM, n p n - raa man, EMkand Hva laU wkaB Uea a a . Iota la tka ,BaaKar, ir third ta ka pola aku waa firarW In tha X and BallarlMa ha*a ■adaktlon and Riaa la aia. Imt daalUa tl» alara RatMara «xpacl>

ctatala ahowlnc In lha

la aatarad In tin Ikh- haa baaa w n a ^ n U y rnda andar iwar aandt - I M mpanx la atpaetml ■ra le aaan tlM» dtg ■ad In th a half-m ia . aclaltx a i C anual B e Ii laat ra a r . TUa T*ar

Had Dpao t« MM th a an tha half, an ha la I n il la a a f c a |. anathar NawaM b ar, Bta a e ra e k ta s sa irf ippad alosM vMh tha Indaer aaaaaa, ka t en n e t had a nhadha te

I w ith a n r of tha top- Tar, ha haa had HtUa n a tin d f t n t f^aaa In OTarr m aat la w hich Mwd UJ* VMT. a a a ta n d In tha M th Lhia r e a r ha hM mat I to hla raal (an a , b a t ■trlda ha wHl ad Aaaht « • poBflataatly ) a n p - tn K heal hep aaaM pall- At th a Paon i i t a f i ha tp lnv (a r aaem d alaea. ■•(( ha waa n a h la ta lad to bo aa tliB ad w ith

la th a MWhtPictlen tor SmtH* broMcht h r Lhvla altr. aialMat thaahaU Ctah ad Now

ailkcaa th a t ha 1 (iMai th a , r « la r. a l ta r h aa iw d w A t wM i BM a l tha I tatur raSMaS la h l a a w t '

I .-.A

O iM M E N T a ^ R T S I*»«id HJttiM f Ot IToor P lirU M gr

A rt tfan In ik* A«*r1r«kib* tt*r 1h«n In ihti N*

^ lo o * l * r * r * M l* p l t . - h a r * In l i t * b * n J*hn*o* c ircu it v e n k a r «h*n Ut* burl • f* In (b* Jolin k(*r«1’*’’ loop’ WKt) . nih nikkwnrr Th* itikin ittpic m |>**«b«ll J u * t n o w la ( h * • u r t * « « o f r h * A m o r l c n n

b ll la f i In cluuilnn *ut bom* gnluf* Jitv ar bafor* In ib* h l i -

**r7 o f i h o n n m * b ** *u> h n l u t i l a g b**n **oo *nrJr In iha ta«*on Th* d*vot*oa of th* <li*juwa4 pnalim* nr* |t* ln n m eal n< (h*lr nil*ni1on fu ih*JobhAon cUt bot-ous* of lha num«rovi* four b*i* a v n i a to f n r thi* **a*un A n i * r l r n B l^ o n g u * ftliitgom h*v» iurn*dU a lily -n ln * bom* ruh* whu* iv * n tx -* lg b l hnv* bMn mnd* in

I'AAt y**r ih* Johnton elr- <ull clontnrn b*jniik*r*d out n totni of Ml h o m tri. w bll* tOI war* mnd* In lb* nonlor m njor Innt^*. Hnb* Kutk siurtod nit th* homo run t ^ h bj' hlt< ling I warn X - It I tk* circu it cloui* ln«t *•«. «*n. brnnklng nil racord*. nnd flutb

proml*« of *i«*ad^nt tbni mnrk thin r*nr

W \JU H n t rn lM ii *r tb* W klU B«i tn d Tint* w% ik*r of tb* AthUtIcn nr* g iving K utb * bn tti* far konor* th* T nnkaa nluggar m u n g * * lo h**p infro m br coming rb roagb with *n * ttrn fo u r bna* awni ju*i nkout th* llm* th* fort* a ip a r i F«^»ch or W nlkrr 'o Ink* Ih* |**d K ulh hnn l«n t* hi* cradlt, Iholudirtg n pair tnod* whll* \Vnlk*r nnd Fntoeb b«r* l i i *n«h. **t o r ttu n ih* Tonka** toppod nlJ

tofttri* In linrz)* ru n t wt^h n l» ttl of fcFly-flv* Th* Oinatn *how*d Us* w*y In ih* Noilcmnl w ith forty Now with Bulb r lo u tlh g t h* bnll out of tb* lot quit* fr*qu«n tlr It I* *ip*ct*d that 1b* ^^hk*** will not * Raw r*c*rd for konMrn Th*r* I* no th ing In Imnobnii thn i ginddoo* th* h«nrt of n fnn Ilk* n knoi* ruD nnd bnil* rn draom *f (k* Any v h « a lb*r w ill *(*p to th* pint* with tkr«« m«n on (h* nnok* nnd i*nd nil •cooling oT*r th* p ln u * r with n hit «ut • f th* ftold Fnn* w nat to b* on hnod v h o b th* bom*r* or* hit. *0 That rh«y Mil tnlk *bou( th tto nriil tall Juit howIt vg* nccooipllnhod.

Tk* kom* n ip f***r bna «pr*nd t* nil Ifl tb* Am orions L ^ g u n PhUn-

Anlphln I* f lo w lj r**ov*rtng from nn opldomlo of « lu fg lB g ni Bhih* Fnrk, th* koRi* 9t th* Ifnek iBon. NlB*t**a fe«iB*r« h*T* k*«A oiouiod oat thor* in **lr*b flBpIng in y n A n d tb o lfn rk * g*t tkb lr *hnr* of th* long hitn, for th* OoBbI* m*n **0111*4 t«n homvri, four tH pU i, nlkteon doublna nnd •liiy -on* ■Ibgl** v h ll* th* b o ltin g f*v«f wn* nt Ilk b*lgbt- Abd *0 It go** nil Along Cfe* Un* In Ih* dohnton loop. During Ik* ln«t i l l dbr* th* Amorlcnn l.«*gu* ^ k n to r* *roount*d for tw*nty-tw odl**D 9 gMMh** v b il* til* Nnttonnl h itu r* i ■ w okpisd fo r bu t f i t* bomor* durlDg t%% « w « pw iod.

4 « p v r CkwwMb. m e e n e w of th* Phil- t e th b rocognlgod p*«r of bom* run

kiB*i!l on th* totbJ bumbor Igrtbd 1ft *lght«*D r*br* Crnvnthh«g ftMOftftUd fo r 111 olniftll oloulnV b n * ftrlth IflDntApoLI* Id 1111 h* M d * tp-«ntjr-BlB* nnd hi* blgk mnrlt In Ik* Bftjorft Ig tw * ftt7 'f* « r. m*4* with tk* PbiiriM la m g . i t w u tn m s th a t R uth AtArlad hig l**gu* ooroor. ■ ta to ta l to goto U th irty > * ig k t Ruth •M krod four 1ft 1111. tkr*« In i l l l , twola l i l t , oUwoft tft I f l t , tv*ntp>olA* IbM•MOTL Alld o ig k t M U r thlo r w . Cloo* U U ow «n &t Ih* gain* dooUr* th a t tk* Auorioftft 1 **gu* p ltdktftg in u good *• tkftt la tk* HntlonftL b*U tk * t tko Joha- •a a d i r n J t h ltU r* irp kordor to koop I t V l * Iho pftM •oMoc. E vtk . nod for

n loao thoro w ill b* cnoro kM tft tkftC UaCO* tfalo BOBAOft.

ring h* bn* baati fairly taww** unior with ro<lu**t* from bo i*r* for p«rmU- ■ton tw go I* tu ra m li nnd irnln witk Mm liaaplta all Ibaa* vuiu*t**r* Walnh hn* p lrkad out youhg <1*orf* Ward f tii* ' n p i* t(y pnir ihoy ought lu iiiak*' Huih "high bruw* *« f :ib ta r* go. 'high hrowa,'* ** n iRniror >if foci. In *ny **n*« *f lb* wvrA Hat* * porbnps tk* boat r**4 of *11 th* furmar ring « « a liv ing l*g*r U hU g an int*r**t In n yuuag*i*r who I* * ■ ;nJu*t* of n t••'hntc*] ainhooE nnd who. In Addition to hnvlng * r*iJly good *ducnt'ou h** nlrcndy provad him-

an oxcepi lo t.n , proapaot In * flatlc >*gy. nod Ibvra* n-> reaaoii 'ii 'ha ousid wb> lb* "old mnitar*' obouidu l oink*

but I n wund*r of tb* buyth*

b«ml P ro c ;« iftt g tfw g

Th* aaoO*** »f th* Nawnrk Somt Pro I'OAgu* hft* nlrandy c*ui*d *0101 proHub* 1* th* m otropoliinn diotrloi i» *U up And t*k* noUc* Although Ih* i»*ai longu* hn* b*«D und*r wny but tv * w*«k* Ih* rDAhogor* of tb* vnrlou* <'lubi In Ik* orgnnigntloo nr* o*mhl*g Ih* t«Uft* w lthto M varnI raUno of thI* cMy looklag fur pinyar* Broohlpn »«ial- pro m*B*g*r* *r* unnbU t* o»o*t Iho inducoAOnt* h*id uut by 1 *c*l club* arid A num bor of pJayoc* who *r* fAVor* )*•* D* Long UlAAd lota Ar* *Ald 1* b* • inlod to porforwi la Iho loco] AlrAOtt. AU *f th* t*nm* In Ih* orgAPIOAlloB ar* on tb* lookout for pinyor* Tb*

, krooklpfti K*w T o rk nnd Hodooo Caoa- ly dorlftB Iho Igftt w**k» kAV* AitrftotAd r«pr*0MiftUv*ft of Ik* loc*l olfthk Th* Hatul’Pr* L«Aftu« pr«ml*** I* grow •trongor n* tb* **n*on ndvAft*** And lni»ra*t In Ik* g*m** i« tnrr*A*lBg AO* oordtng to tk* roport* *«nt lo l« gOAOA* tnry Jonk MitL

Ahool tk* k lgg tftt AAOOt tko iMgtlO hnn I* I t j proAidoot. |low »rd F. Ko-ro n n * l| H r UoCo*n*U b** bo«A •lo rU d Mayor o f HoDiolAir aIaoa aa> rap tlng Ik* prooldoory of ih* orgAiil**- t'on H« 1A *oo »i Ih# boot koovn • poft*m«n In njrA l*ur and *«f*|-pro kAOAball clroU* 1* Ik* Algt*. F*r y*Ar* b* woA inioroAtod to ih* Montolklr A. C oloft And tk roftgk hlo olgerla ik« Huho*A Alvftyo r*pro**wt*d kg 0 tir* |. clAi* b«A*bnll Uoftb lo Motor m*m- bor or Ih* firm of ■. F McCoanaU 4 Co, w*mb«r* of Ik* N«w T*fk glMh l^lokAng*, mtd d a rin g th* w ar waj n«flv* la g o ttlo g Loool b*n*r« to Tigr^tr b*for* Mldl*r* dt n to rb y *Ablft«m«nU Now th* .Vowgfk ft*ml-Pr* Looga*. u*d*r hi* guldan*A boo b*oo«* o«« *t tb* boot f trg a o iu U o M *f Ho kU d la iw* vooko Uroodor Ifow Took o*M-

tooiBA. who Afft B*t orgaatftod tat*A loogu*. doolAr* ih o t Ih* AttoodooMAt Ibolr gABlOO 10 fftlllBg *ft hOOAOA*tk* local loAftft* lo pidking *11 tko Atnr lot Forforwioro wUkio tw oatr-riT* 0*11*0 of m u Alty. Tk* Inogo* ko* oUo a*u**d |a t* r«* t to b* takoA t* otkor

wmmM b a W Btd WMt w * l t o•« M » 4 Ike BwtBfc a to Wiu B tosM toteiy BooBkt If h* la k k x ttea llr m . n w aa •a ie ToatarMaf a l Iko VaUMraao Ikk t tkaaa aU aoka rroai oklok Iko rU a r la oufforlaM a to aokoadieltla aaC ko la •D 4ooTotii,( t s c i i . r tk* Mlaiaaa aaUI Iko Tiooo of tko oioioa. ko a a okoca- iloB a t ik i i (taio wob14 k ro k ak lj k« t kla> OB tko Bhoir for Iko root *r ro o in t roar

Tko U rand Prtao of Rowark. tk a rlokoai opoo oprihl raro of tho ro a r, w ill ko ruo Iiocotailoa D ar Tkla , wkiok ka* koo* op oakuaJ (ootar* alaoa U o Tolodraaaa waa kallt, wlU. oontraiT t« enaioBA to k ro a fk l to a ookrtualoa la oaa afta raao n All (artaof raaa laE a of tk a OraMi l-riao kaa* aatoadod avar Ikro* la a a u . Ik* koala to la c n a aa A ukdar V ttk lb* taal-fiaA la aa U * fe l. lao law WadaoadaT a t(k t aad tk* t la a l ik* ( a l la w la r kundaf.

to — * MH A. O. Maato Wmm * - -----WaaaMor HardlBE a t tk* r* r** t Hill ' o. kaa wapkad oat a k a a j aokadala

fa r kia taaai oT*t tk* wook-oad. k aa -day BoralBM k* will pit ki* t a ta a a o AgftIftOt Ik* l*at*rnoit Rl**rvigo*, Audi In tk* oftornooa will lAhn on th* Bow- thono* . Moadajr ol Iholr k a n a aT aaadt. Ik* Poraol Hill a la* w ill laaat i to RjTanidoo aad H aw tkonia* la a TalMTO aaia* Fof tka Oaaat aM aa Dap • a a a ka will a*kd avi CMafwiia <* da Ik* tw ir llk f far Ik* oiarktkM and tor Ik* a fta ra a a a UR wlU tro t * a t W alkor fa r tk* la o a a t poollton. w kn* eo tflah will b* on Iho raooiMna *ad fa r both ■am**

Ruth Gets Two Homers; Shawkey Fights Um|Mre

H o m e R u n K in g G o e i S tro n g in

B od ton . W h ile Y a n k P itc h e r Su»-

t a im S c a lp W o u n d s in F ra c a s .

B ra v e s T w ic e D e f e a t th e G ian ts

rlu b i bnr* »coui* w n trh ing nil gnm*i ' gam** *n th* lot*, and *11 t*o«* r*pgri In ih li flAloMy nnd th* rojunnig in lhor«***d nt(**dnno* nt tho tr gftS*a

Kramer and A. Spencer In Match at Velodrome

If P t iT ik a l ly F i t . G o u lle t W ill O p -

p o * e O r la n d o P ie n i in M a tc h

R a c e Sc'OcU y.

Grand P n ie Memoriel D*y Feature

Mickey Brown Is Fast In Scrap with Dawson

N e w Y o rk e r O vitjebe H u d H it t in g

N e w v k e r in T w c lre - I Io u o d

B o u t a t T ro x la r 's .

RMaa Oa F tof S U * ^ »n * K rtt kocoar r e a t to l l O a k of

K oafnr Hill Bloat tb* RokSaa D rr Daak I . kuodaj aCioraaaa a t 'f la rk 'e

Raat Nowark, Ik a M ailaaalloamf'loid.

11* 0*0 to* t.

VaJloB and C o U b Good Battle

Ald*d by n pair *f ham* m a* by Bab* Hulh yt*l*rd*y ihn Tank**! bnnl Bo*

I 'l , but Rob ghnw'kny, who *tnrt*d on th* mound for th* T in k t, N>*t * d*- «l*iorii Bob got inlx*d up with Um> I'U* HJId*brnnd »l th* and of th* f'''urth Inning Bhnwhoy, According to rrport*. ru*h*«1 nt ih* um plr* nnd trl*d lu hit th* officinl M* ni**lf Alt«r b*iDg hll *nd Khnwkty ■ u*I*ln«d **v*r*i cut* on hi* b**d. Mhawkry w nt tnnl*h*d nnd Unyi fin- iihr.l ih« gnm* Kulh rlout#d hi* flr*f hi>r»jcr in lh« *lxlh I n n i n g and r«p*A(*d iri th* alghih mnkiriK * total of t*h t’lrcui! wnJIop* tto* i«nion

Olnm* r^iurnod lo ih* Polo < U lp through th* W*st

U*r«>cl A d O T i b U U r a l m g a t th T Ih

Th*Firound* afler ATUi AufQf*r*ci hand*

i r * JuAt Oft* m a tc h ro o * o f t* r A a*(b*r fi>r FrAfiA K i-* m * r H a v in g "e lan n ed up** a l l o f ih * lo g ic a l o p p o n * n ti in m a tc h ro n t* * t* th * i s t a r t e d w ith A r th u r B p*D c*r. Ih * v * t* ra A bow I* r* ll» d u p o n to * l* r t *1] * y * r A gain H u n d ay Ji w ill b* K r a m a r v a rau * th* 1 l a r g e r g p * n o * r a s d i f h« n ^ l n d * f*a i* th * C 'AnadInA. m a tc h * * v r llh < 'b*m pioii I K a lo n . Alf O o u l l r l . WlIM* B p*nc*r an d I

o , , , ^ ___ _ I Orlando Plnnl no doubt will follow Arci d# mod *wung UTk ticer I* rid ing In better form than b* 1

wa* whan •a rly In ih* ■•neon h« w** | dcr*Ai«d by K ram er, which 1* true of j Eaion a1*o I

I'.nulict end F lanl may al#o fn*at iun- day In a m atch race Th* making of ! thi* mniQb depend* upon how OoulJl* fc*l* when h* rp tiirn* today from A t­lantic t 'l ty A nother a tiaek of indi- geetlon prevented Ooullel from racing W»dn**4*y night and h* went to th*

Brawft avryfUad Ml kftftMa bytk* MgpUy *f i ft**i k« ebewwd amoJm i BaddI* D a v iif t }oAt might I* A twelvo- r^ ia d bou t At TtealoF* HeCfWpolLtOft ThootAf < 3a4 lr«w ft Aao*uftt«r*d vary iHfl* tro ak l* w tth tk* Alugfblg Daw- ton H ick«y keopiag A oaAppy kaft J»b eaatlmuAUy im Dav*oB 'i fAca A fler tk a loill B row a had DAW»on w*1i m arkod up. Buddl* kft*w b* wo* In a ftgbt In th* lU rd round Brown, cwfielderod A weak k ltt« r, drew blood frooi tk* ruggod DawpOB'i aoo* v ltb a pAit of r ig h t kAAd puBchea

Brown wa* eallraJy too foot fo r Daw- eon. who p«v*r did eat*k up w ttk Ch* llttl* N«w T arh er ta th* lodt Caw round* Huddle fought a hft b« tt*r thAA i t rb* e ta r l

/Inim l* Volloa and JohmolA C*l* Alugged aw ay for ten rouad* la lha •*ml flnaL w ith konor* «v*aly d}»-Irtbuled.

B attling Rod wo* too raoob fo r Jokm- nl* Ryab la a ■oh«dat*d t i te r . RymA railed to ■bow any olgn* of right In tw o round*, *0 H«f*rea W altar Roa* •topped th* m atch 1* th* **cond aomIob.

In th* o th e r *ti f*und*r. W hltey Mor-


SMSt tod b n U t an value t

I i M i t o l M • ( aSpaclal* thatll

Mcordt for roal

Jersey Silk Shirts

Raal part Jtiwr SIIIl Tli* vary Rodst quality, iBada Into vocxlmus thlna la that rich, drmsy, soft vhlta

V a h ito U p to t I 4


Ace High and Some .Buy


W tftf-F**iGubberA*l

a double l Uo*ir>n flravc*. (-2 and

The Mott Styiish Shoes

can be had at Pcabody'i

PEABODYShoemaker to Men


i S »t S tM M a r k a t l

fRdnf Waahlngtoo S tN ax l D e e r lo B « g m * o



Here*s an oxford at a price that will never need an apology by way of a discount sale. The style is brand new in a Prenchy shape that’s been voted first rank this season. With

that has bulldog streng^ the' design and looks will be in fine condition long after you have got-

ten your full value in ^ wear.

f l I ^Downtown




h fl I rule# r»f th* llrave* hamrB*r*d out I a hbJn*r In Ih* eecond baltl* 1

UrcK>klyn Ion to th* Hhllltaa l- t . in 1 a* •i«T*n-lnning batu* . (Aaorg* gmlth I piloted the F’h lli to victory and a double by Ralph U llier aent in (h* win- i iiirig ta lly ^

Th* 8t. IdOul* ra rd ln a l* amothered ih* * ClticInnaU H rda in th* UoundCity Hora*hy who 1* |*adlng th* Na- tlonal l,d*agu* baitpr*. injected a homer Into tb* gam* in rh* a«cot>d Inning with tw# m*n on the aacks Th* Card* gor ■ four1*en hit*, whil* th* Had* *erurrij 1 thirt**B.

Down 1A Fhlladatph ia tb* Whit* ftoi won from th* A thletic*, |^ |, gad Hhano ' Collin* of tha Kox w hal*d Out * homer la ih* th ird fram*. I


National League

W Bra. Ol* ■nBdtotk•PPBkrB te to la d fklr

v a r t o Bk BBfto % k e a » a f k ax lB * k o o tr l . ddtos d o r to a th a B e n ta a au sn ia tr ■ S B a a . Ab Is « a l t s r * a s r a l ly k itew a O a a U U r r a d a i e W etok . r e r n e r w erW a ■ e h to ra lg h t a k a ta k le n . )■ ruB B lnc a t o k l t t farBS Uk in eu tn m lt. t t Is a to d l tk f a m . te a . tn a ll th a t th e w ord to p i lee— a e o r k ta # r e t r e a t fo r b u tin e se e a d p rs fa e e le n a l m an. H oireT er, th e • k fa c t e f tk e sa lln a a le n e t le e e l fo r th a e q u o m te e e f C a p ta in F te d d le 'e p lace t o a h e a l th fa rm , h u t to te l] th e i in p le • f e i > ' t h a t o v e r i t r o n c e b le c ilo n to k a v t a t " e k o a e r a ro u n d th e p la c e ', th a O t f s a r ek aasp lo n h a s an n o u n ced th a t t o la (o lB E le u se W ard aa a a p a rr la E p a r r a a r la h la a t t e n p t t e c e t re ad y fa r k r e tu rn le th e r tn » T w a u ld n ’t tak e lUPOd a H aak a n d h a v e a b s i a r ' t r t i a d t ip r p lo a ^ ' W e lsh a te a t ly dectnrea, f fe ra e v e r , a lao# th e e te ry v o e first p rlk to d th a t F re d m ic h i r e tn m te th e

toeten I. Wen Tnrk t. n I, Ne, Fhlledeipkia I. klre *.

(11 iBnlAf*. 1 AC L*ul* 1*. Cl&rinnau A, Otkor |«*ai* w«r* not *cbodiil«d.ftamaa T*dog.

Fknad*ipMA at j>fo«B**ton Bt BtMkIyB.

AC Laid* a t OkioBaa.Pituborgb at CtoabiBaa

__ f* F.f5.1 w f • flm ^ r r t 1; II .H llk t. l,eule.. H It maesinnatl. i l i i .tltln « ,O B . .. i t i i tMChlM l.... II II l l i N.H Tork.. II II mfiroolilro.. n II .t t l lp k lle . I I 11 .Wt

A m ericas League

ef ClMM Taf*bw Tork «, Boaton 1.

rbioogo I, Fblladalphla t* OtlMr t**m« wtr* &ot •rb*d*iad.

B** ^ b at Bm Ioo.V a^hi^ton at Pbllodaiskla.

Cbloag* a t n * v « la* A■c LovlaD«1ro||

AtaadMg mt tk*W. u P.c.l

ItABtoB..,. 11 I t .tillWanh^leBo, Oirvolaad. t1 IS .fTflfll. Idouli rh tcafo ... ] | ]« MllphliB.........K'tw York. If II .stS ID atralt......

w. u P.c.t l II tM II II .411 I t tS .174 I t l .m


0 .

* >■

M i

fo r A

Black BeautyYoudon'thavetowaftuntflvouhavethefullpriea. AgmaU

deposit putB the Black Beauty, the world ’ s moatwonderf ul wheel, in your handa. The balance you can pay aa you ride, II a week.

A lack A * a u ty I I cycIo

New International LeagueAt Brracu**— R H E

J*r**y n ty . 1 * » S 1 | A « | jiyrarus* ■ H d * • 1 0 I 1 *—f j j 1

Batiarl**—Or*v*u* a.nd C*<i*r; Farryman, Etifnaann and N|ab*rgall.

Al Akron— It II BBuffalo ...........4 A 0 S 1 f A I I tAkron ............... A A l l A t A l | |

a™ ffyi lomkelk,Bill and Walkar, *

•rs inoto than tbs coinbfMtIto of thd ftnest iMteTinto-inws thto ttd pesd-25* ^ Uis TSffilt of 24 Tsora e i p s t W e

*•«»«>« right In OUT ownTketorj ■ rhlladslpbia—dMivsrsd to yoo dlnct tbroogb our branch •torw—UM

G u a r a n tM d fo r S T e a r iioat tbinb I Thii eictuoivs ( j t t t aukr.

antsBtl bkycls eosu no roors tbin ui or- dintry wbssL Oor fketory-to-rider plan slbninatM jobbsrs' and dtslsrs' proflts— teaving only one smnU pcoAt between you ■ad fketory tM t

I f a Sore S on * Dandy, Boyattod tbs m ^ n t you t l ^ ^ U> ovsr it, youTl knew it’s tbs whsd for you. Racy Imss, Motoroike iMdls and haiidls ban, HsinleH stsal (ruiM, 12 nmi sprocket, aotebsd (Infer fripeand HO Firestone tirto.

40 Model* 6 moQtke free servioeCdf Oar BicycU and Sandrin Catalog

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Men and Young Men’s Suits



20% OffAll $40 Suits now $32 All $50 Suits noMT

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iMnfcst 8*17

AU $60 Suits now

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(genuine South American

Panam a H atsDo not confuse these htts with imita- tlofis sold under coined nunies


S t a t o l

Should Sdl for146 SvKt at $55.00203 SiiU At $52.50187 SiR s at S50.0096 Sifts at S4T.50


No l^lera. A Small Charge (or Altaratlona

Rinnels, ’rorstedk, cheviots, tweeds and herringbone-7-htndsome wits thatun-

Flannels, worsteds, cheviots, tweeds and herringbone—handsomi would give you 100% value even at $15 to $25 higher, but at|32JB It h believable. >*

Two S u its in Oli - ; i. f c A l f e ' - - '


V ./-jv!-:';'.,!

M o s t I

lii^ tiv*- ' '.'jf--''


UNUSUAL SALE Newark Never Saw Its Equal!



For more than two months we have been making preparations —tailoring these suits special with two pairs of pants. We’re readyjust in time for Decoration Day.

There are 632 suits—all hand-made on the premises. Figuring them at the actual cost of production, these |

4-Piece Absolutely Ail-Wool SuitsVest— Coat— and 2 Pair Trousers

Of the Same ClothOne-Price Sale al

Defeated Deaitvely

TM n m 1 » * coair«tllleii *r tk* WM^a>ai« o«ir r in k . *huh »■ e e k e rsk lp *f •b « u i I Hi f whu pl*)i kt tb« M 'k llkka. <■ Brh>dul<Hl far to- ■ W te e .^ k * • r a i i l baing ih* <iuall'>1ii« PMUlg f a r tk « Juii* rui>. Frovlilan i 1 bk Mk* tar both I ' l a a M i A i * d 1) l lk t tb k U j. ualkk handlrap i. will ha mm*trnA Haflkay. whan tha f irit raubd will bagik. kkk >ha aao aa i round will bo bU r*4 kona I

n a W aakukbld r la b wam bara a r t glakkikg ta aooba cbla aaaaaa ih a lr baa-

' bar rakd. Tba r lu b ih ia waak mtda •gfU akllbo la la la ib a Naw J a r t t r btkia Oalf A aaarlk tion aa d Inttnka lo baookia a ■ ana bar of ib a Ilk llad kiaiaa Oatf Aaaaolkttaa. ctwlmg lia mambari tba tf la lla e a a t e a « b a t l a i l>> **•<«• •bkar tb a aaaotoaa a f ibaaa organlat- tiaak

Al laaal r a k r Ikaw bara al lha riub kf« m a a l lk g ta a a ta r tb a Naw J<ra«T atkta kMAiaor kbAkiplaaablp laurna- ■ in t a t Aroola Iw aa I T har a r- (ohn J. Itkaa. B a r r r C o n p ia n . M arir k ^ O aarga C aiop taa . Kana !■ iha cbkjaplaa a t (ho i la b aad (ha )jin t b^A ar a f lha eaurna ra<i9ii af I)Jahk LoagtankA th* club prafaatbMMl. ■ a ta a b aad loap 1 m aa an (ha rlub

' llrt, H a r r r Caaaptan and taaK f *arh ' balag batail a t f aad O aorga r im p ta a

at I.Tho W aaguahla c lub will arganUa a

toaai a f oavan p la r* tn . with (ha pra- ftaaloaal, far ta ta ra lu b m aichaa wlihaalgbbarlag t a a a o

a n alattlal plap for (ha llallar maniorla]

aap. alTaa aach iracorailon Dar br Vm I Wllar, la aamiBamoratlna of hla fatbar, m aa O. Maltar. la arhadolad for Maadar at (ha Foroat Hill Plaid ('lab. Tharo will bo a avallfrlng rousd In

. Iba Moralag. olghiaan-bnla atadal plar baailaop. all rlaaiaa plaring (ogatbar. Iba baat alataan not aroraa will ba drawa far handicap match plar. wblcli wHI atari lha follawlng Patordar. la aMHIan, lha Dacaratlan Dor program aalM for aa alghtaaa-bala nadal play bt-^‘-*P aaaat la aaah etaaa In lha ■iralag aad aaathar In lha aflarnonn tbara will ha two pritaa la aach claaa ta r aaeh araal making olghi In all

Tba aaaa l a lg h ta a a -h a la tnadal plar baadtcop fa r n a a a a a A and B and lha ball aw aapatahaa w ill ba p larad (o- m arraw It la l lh a lr th a t H . V. H rand- ro th aad Laola K a r w^ll p la r off for etaaa A p iiaa In (ha mldwaoh medal _|gp acaa t, (n w hich th a r Had Wadnaa- gW a l T* C B Jaaaa w on tba r lia a B 7 a * w ith a a r t o f Tt. Tha acorca

% ciM « A— V M l l —7<;X«r. M. n —Tii C, U

It, l^ t T i tfarrr rb r t» t l . *1 1'$. M i l —•4b

. CUM 14—c . B

Ita t t —71: JohnMl I I —n : Or. Bo X H i« lt4 « r l « .■ r i . SaUwttt. i#»* i*—II; ^

iMa ^FIO U kO V tA PinA . MAT M —

4«u^u*« AHRQ*) w«fD«fi't totr ■IMi M I f Ii m M m m v -M l hA B M ntbit. b«t (h«Mo m I M rp riM tM w iiMTWiCPUytol f*lf thAt Mrp****■ fS rlM s M ^ * ^ * * * * ^ ** th t Jifitti thU

•« . t i u p iiiu d « tM il« Crtoii«t Club

|•f:LHAU. N T Bat 11 -Ml" H r i iu * C u ll^ k . w o m rn 'm n ^ ilo n a l u n n i * c h f tm p lo n . • n d B r« K4w*r<l W ftJkymond wfU »nd*#l tomorrow In th» r it iit l o f Ih n w o h i# u * iMV n a t io ni f u n l « o ln f lo a At III* >'*lhAm <’«>gntry C lu b M Im t*enrt4 Ih o fin* )% r» rb # i by • d u r p r l i ln i f I t

vU’lo r y o v * r M li* K l* * n o r w b o w n* p u l ou l •* 4 - 1 . 4 - - J B r* H A ym ond w a j opp«**ii by MIm U%r- ffarw i ilro T * . v h a b o u to n o u l In Ano i l r n ■*! 4 -A 4 4

Th# aummirl^ApaJ<i#ni t^'ouhlry ClJ>) ImrllAllon WoflkMl'#

fUnglv# Hirtind— Kdlwgjrd w.pAymooal BUi M»rfW«4#- 4. Ac T I -i ktk«* H«I*A# PoUaki

Ki**A*T l>0«#, I 1. I--I w*m*n# Nonl-dMl A««»4'->

Mr* H<r*4 ind Br% Mi*r#b*Jl U»-4«(#«i«d Mr*. B4«*t4 W R«r»<»Kd

*kd Mr*. rr»*A «'*U n. 4—4.Mlk*4 L>»*b)*o. rir«4 P « u i4 - Mr« Mat*

• lu t i M tLd** *Ml Mr. 4«|A*t*4M)a« r«r*mA Win* **d C. B. •4*w*m, •— •, 1 - - I . Mr*. B. r W>«v*r **4 Lyl* K. U*A** w*ft by dalAUlT, Ulw U*fy Tb*T#r *nd U *«r|« Mf*JA*r •1#(»*t*4 Mr*. A fb«n H u n -tA r lM *n d C 'b *rk#* A *d # r**A , I * 4, 1— d.

- I .1^**4 Round MIm EImmat ■nd D-

M. R lo 4 f« tl Ml** Of***• n4 HwrMri U I—I. 4—4. 4--*lMiM BorffA'** Ur«>v* **d H urry i .A *npr di#if**i«4 KiB* 0*«4l<l *nd TVtli*rd B*i«(*rd. T - l . 4- }. Mr* H. F. RMh # **4 i . H *u a ^ V**bvll (l#r#«t*4 Ml*# ll*!** Oil* *a4 C. J. tdorkbar*. I—I. 4—4, • - l l l i f* l* fo ll* n m * n » *»d A lfrrd D. IUm«i*tl ilrr*At*d Ml*# B*ry Th*f*r **•! il#arf* A. l^*1h*r, 4-->, I—4. Br^R ^ r u l v ic to r *n4 Cmr} loMff* woo by d* UuM.

KJ GdJ S ilk S h ir t S o le !T h e greatest ofFering o f m en’s highest grade Dure silk shirts tha t has ever been p u t on salepure p u t

CKirAt^O. B a]t 11.—Four ounlAndtrA for tb* *inAl«s lItU Ar* Uf( In th* %»«i*rti t^thforoiuA tan n ii tournAm«rtt

h tl'l *1 tb* rn lv e rtlty of d i i- cAto. And Vort**. f 'h ic ifg . ^V**l-b fo o k hlK 'hrEA li And r iM tU n . ItidlA na ploy tudoy In Ih* **inl ftnAii Th<> f1r*t round of Ih* doubU* w** pArily compl4i*d. w ith Chicapv, Nortbw*Al*rn. W*bA*b. In d iin p And WlAconfln t«Afn« quallfird .

AroerKAn Henley on Schuylkill , Geti Under Wty with Childs Cup

PHILADICLPHIA. Hoy tl (^) —Tho Am*rlrAn H*hl*7 r*BAitA on th* Rrhujrl- klll K lv*r w ill b* opeiniMj 111* Ihl* nf- U rnoon w ith th* r*c« for th* h ltlorlc n illd * Cup F our cr*w*. Navy, Princ*. ton. Colum bia and P*nhfylYAfilAa wHI b* ihA coA tratanl*. Th* Annapolt* cr*w

I |« an addyd a itra r tlo n and la r«<ard*d I In aoma q uart« r* a i 1h« fAvorlid Th* I rrawA flnlA blnf flra l and aacond wUI

*nt*r th* •Ipht-oA rvd *h«Il av*tii for in* atAwarda' cup tom orrow

Tb* dfAwInff for poatilon todpy b it * Columbia th* wr^at ahor*. witb Prlnr'a- (on. P annaylvan la and tba Navy to tba o rdar namad.

Seniationa) Shooting Wins Gune For Whippany Polo Chib, 13-10

MiMBaataShm dofaat^ Kra Ronald a Warta*. I «p aad. m. mwrww. . ----- I to pup. Ill (tl*

Y.eNkt.fMala a a a t tha aaat m rao of tho ' Martaa Crtekot Clab. Mra. Barlow waa

a lao.baa(rr favortu. aa aba baa woa tba PblladalphU tllU a# laoi than SMM tliRdB.

MOARtATOWN. May U .—Th* Wblp- pany polo q u a rta l d*fa*t*d th* Whlp-

I puny W blpa h*r* yoatarday aflarnoon I a l tha W hippany R Iv tr Club court* by I a ten ra of 11 to ja. Tha Wbippmny I Whip* rar*lv*d a flva>Eoal handicap | I Th* team * baltlod cinaaly all ih* way. 1 I tJi* acor* a l tha and of th* fourth \ paiiod b*1nr T to 4 In favor of lha 'Ilaaar*. W hippany ovarcam* thla liuid |

by elevar rldliiE and aanaatlnnal ahota | la lb* cloalTif momanta.

I WHlFFAfft. 1 WHin WHira.■ 1—Id. It. Ro m t-41 c. hh«rfn*n* i—'K. E#*t. I t—A. KIrrt*/.1 a—d. O. Rlabarda. 11—R. K. William# Jr.

Ba«h—R. A.Clraanl*. 1 Maeb- W. D Lyon.I GOAIfb- Ro«a 1. ru*h*ritfl I. Or*nnla S. E*«i

4. Kltiivtr I. Wmiam*. Ly*n t.

t '

Ik' ■ ^''/ ‘I' %/

§*> ’>

f.l• -v'

8 ^ . 7.71

Sale Starts Today at 8 a. m.2,000 SILK SHIRTS

oAt iD ^ J a > F 5 €ach

Regular Value* $13.50 to $16.50

Finest Qualities in Crepes, broadcloths and Jersey SilksOveTi 200 exclusive patterns and designs, com prising th e m ost com pfe|e assortm ent from w hich to m ake a choice selection. O ur u ^ l standard — perfect in fit, w orkm anship an d finish.

^ p T E : — So inferior shirtt are put into this assortment to arerage the quality of the sale. Don’t confuse this inth the ordinary '^bargain counter" Shirt Sale,

TO THE LADIESThis sale it especistlT recommetuled to your attention. It will prove that our Shopa are

able ones ai which to buy men's shirts and always receive full value for ^ u fthe moat reliab..^monrv- Experienced otlcsmen will i«iut you, if necessary, to make your selccttons. Out Shops are all conveniently located. Viiit the one nearest you and convince youraeif.

SEE T H E M — O u t Uindowj displaying these wonderful SILK SHIRTS are showing the tremendous varieties offered in this sale.

Newark’s Leading Haberdashers


S ve fjfO t& re

769 BROAD ST. Prudential Building

ilffiEBETTER MA^l.

WORLD of style and a season of wear, deftly combined in an ounce of material—


This is the formula that makes Young’s straws the coolest, airiest, most comfortable headwear known to better-gr(X)med Newark.

$3.50 $4.00 $5.00

Panamas. Banekoks and Leghorns


• $8 to $150

851 BROAD STREET Opposite Jersey Central Station

r . . l a

] >:s

We Can't Let You In On The‘ Ground Floor” But We Can Save You $10 to $15 on ClothesB ut-Youll Have to Walk Up

For iiutancf:An AD Wool Bhe Single or Doable Breasted Soh for

$30Many oUim. o f co u tm , it tills

priceWalk UpsUifR Save $10 to $15

Open SstunUy Until tO P. M.


823 Broad St.Corner Bnnford Place

Over Truly Waratr’i

This Week’s■ Sair

Calls for SpeedSpeedy Action if You Want to Save a Lot of Money on a

Rebuilt Motorcycle

We re Selling Dandy Wheels—

Harley-Davidsons *and Other Make»—

ThorouthJy overhauled and renewed and enameled ae they look like new, ai a bi( cut In price—

$150 to $450Immediate Delivery Othar Matoieydaa

Not RebulllAre Betnt Sold tl Only

$50 to $1251 $ to 20 Par C«nt

O f for Caah b a r Teran if Wantad

Carl W. Bush Co. 11I 518 Broad S t


t-. .

i \ i Mt.r . . -


\ Two-Rece

Sninmer Suitst**ini B ^ h Variety

In all light colors ' and anappy styles.


These suits are made of the very beat materials ob- ttlMUe. Creihes and Home* •|HMie.s,

f? ij,. y ■i.

Yen can economtte by ig • Palm Beech.

seve j your heavier for fen and winter,

'knnder perfectly endil 3 to 4 years. .1


V o. iII *ne ITaken B• itJ #hTi ify

T M I eTkeottiir P in* efAf<1 M )f ina*CK-tnaiM!to II'# I If* l'e#t ei4 #<111 by \|p* th# »u$i|

T ##t«i

Cftn<*iii Ir# q u l rintn th # I b a lk H< f r * in $

R r.|b '4 * ' 'f fTvi'*'tl 1b d 1 riif f>.# Jt » e' Mr# Hi- lung « IT#’ ■ r U I n a ( tI II A m i < fr*q* i#n i hrstr * of f ro m of auh' 1*.

I n * ' In 1 h# p Pirn * a i fo r h la won th a t paY# to

•■All I f*#l ab f U«i Iba Al I h«• • t i l a mt b l i ap« oaU. fo bon i 1 A inm int ^ | t h F ^ ’im a m th a t n il r* fA ln o f

On (h i f* r r* d li C ra lf ta i 4 ro a d a i A a p l l f l i t t o n *a 1 f * lo H i a n 4 anb th a i b a n a k f o r fo n p lo A f o r th a C o lo ra d f

A*| o Ibo4 i ' a n d la a i MdA n w ith n *

Mr. AJ Aae or J


^ ‘ 4*.

I’t Let On


tfoollee Breasted

30)f rourrc, at Lhia rice

UpsUin 10 to $15 ' Until to P. »L


road St.■nford Placel y W u i w r ' t

Week’smfor Speednn ir Vou Want It of Mmi«t on a j I

ibuilt orcycleB i t i n g D a n d y

leels—Davidsons * Fter Makc»—overhauled and

id enameled to ke new, at a Me * i

to $450late Delivery Molorejrctaat R e b u i l t t S o l d a t O n l y

to $125w Per Caat feeran if Wanted

. Both Co. Itroad S t


ler SaitsImk Varietylight colors

lappy styles.


lift are made of lest materials oh- Irasbei sod Home-


Wto 25-111 eooootntu by a Palm Beach. m your heavier fan and winter, der perfectly and to 4 yeart.

f.HiiW jliic. #{

tabmwABc knasnsQ inh^ ntn4y. t k ' i m .

Court Order Checkmates Bird’s Threat to Migrate

Plainfield Man Directed to Help ippoat Son After Alleged

Qhalterge to Wife.

Anest Quick Sequel to RefuialI n . i 4H>) i#'| w o r l d t h a t t h e f i f h i

li>ne I gnt nn Inailliif t tta • > imi hav«tafinri B ij V -lion for »uu(>ort t• i l l n l i n v l ' i h l# |Hsf l o f t h e r o u r iiry

T i t l e n>ri i*|ir<a to n i> a t i l l n n 'eg ibh l rh ,TfeerMtaitr •; 11. iidpii iniig tiir other tla^pUr*i erl a MT|,' (.if the arreet t>f ttifh ord if H .t„ „r i-u nfi«IO. ihf rr)r Ititi* ma Ir li> Mifd wtioii, ort iti •CK-taiiiv!. Ilf ■ vUM ha made l u t kSarrat n tJ ie l im i . oi* ,\|re K d i i n Vf H i d a l 1 f'ft I 'e eh I ‘ i r ji y r r i j* Id a r e h l a i r » t war O l d nrsa JM< r a ' l f M J r , h r W a it>> \ | r a Hil l t i >1 • aoiueth^iir lowarat h e e u p p O f I o f ih*- h o v

T e n l e r d a . . u i I h " r< ' l u r n o f i h a w r i l Z a f f i r e V I. •> i ' h a r i< a1 l c i r f l a r k M . Blr>] e o n a e n i a d t o iy,n r ' l t e r i o f o t a n o v g e r r e q u l r f o g h l i l t i o r o n i r l b u t e M a a e k t n t h e t u p i > M <<f I h e h o y . n n r d i d he ba lk . N* h a v " c I I |> IV a c o u n a e lf r * to t1- II - loi' ai>-

P ri| s i h n U r n l'v*rti h v l i i g i p l r t f fO t l l b ' a w^ fr l o i >ur y e a r n w a a a r -T r l ’ ^il T u » t . . l i i I' ■■ ' a l I h r h O i r P titb e f r o t h "I ' i r - i ’ d** I H l r d 414 M ' n y . , # r t » f = r , u r I ' ' i ' * I ri I t n t h a t T l l g h i U r a H i - I »| I •O f t I.Ip 1 Us- M r H i r i d r n lena ** I ' "ir- < ',".rer K A 8 fti|e - m e ' ■ r u f US N i . r i h t i r o v p l o i ' l u l i i f i a h l In a « t f-e I ' j | fSr.l1 t i e r h t i a h a n d |rt a>n o f ' h r j ' a r r a h r w a a k n n w n I o f r e q u e n t M ■ M .r l le !e|»t«uu^(1 i u th eh n t r V o f h ‘ e i i o i h e r t o d g o t l h a r e p i v f r o m opie r i f r h r c h t ' . d r e h " W h y . ve t , a u M l e . 1 n. le I ' , a la f i g h t hn r# I d i h i h m ee *■

In a ' " l i e w h i l e ■ r o d e D i c k " earn* t n I h e p h ‘>nr t r a l w h m M ra . B i r d a t k o d b i m a g a i n w h a t h * w g # g o i n g l o d>» f o r h lB aon h w ’ r e p l i e d c u r i i y “ t ( o ld to n ihai If v o u w a n t a n y t h i n g y o u • lU p g h e t o g o tf> l a w f o p i t ' ’

**^1 right. If th sr 1b iba wye you f e e l about II," hfra. Bird rapllad. and Uaa ihan ten rglnufea la tef ah* arrihed g( Ih e houaa with H indaulang and gettle tneyer Bird, aomawhat datod i t tliti ipeed. hgd to aand ogt %n B O H M il. for tha w rtl raqulrad a ll.kdO Ihpnti Rome on# waa found with that gmniint and lha monay wga put up ^ | t h Rupraree C ourt OofamlMlonar V in tam H. Rflllraan of F la lrfla ld Jala th a t night, w iih lha raaull that Bird ragalnad hla fraadom.

On th a t errraainn in 3dgr4^ bafara ra* tarred lo Bird, who la amployad In tha Cralftat dapartm ant af Iba Cantral Rail rogd a t M i LIbarty atraat. Naw Tnrk. g a p llf la d h i t ttiraa t to iafara. lha pail- tfon Mid. ir tlh tha t tg ta s a a t : “T will go 10 iU « tllto« (ganarAt firatfbt agen u gad aob to r A troAtlov. U ha talla me thbl ha ^ i r t lr« n afa r m0, 1 vU l pintply • t k for fronogortdtidB.** W ith (bla he gaopiad fiM '.M LJCO glM i tha patlUon fo r tha w n t told. tkM k t would go tuSalorado. w h art ha haa M onela. lira.

ltd. M cording to lh a paUtlon. ra- lo laad: r<>« wooU oot ^ awayand laara your moihorT^ To tnia Bird w ^ g roplyi **1 m otherarlth Rko. aha h a t no ttag kofo.*

Hr. and Mr*. Bird m an lod to Cajn- dga oa Juna t l . lldT.

E A R L Y STRAW H AT CLEA RA N CEHmVi u oaportaBlty to get a Onnr M a a in ta r tUi oUllnr *t ■

to S3.60. TWrw wen liMlOO hnto bi the lo t llaw eia n CMh tnwmctloo w« wsiw bin Onl which, w Mid hsfon^ o m i yw 11.00 to RLM.


Rr|[ultr 13 to $J SO a*t.l*r S4 M $«V«luM All to Go It VplM* All to Oo tl

1.95 2.65All New Styl**

All New Style* All ShtpM *o4 Sli*.All Shipe* tnd Site* Toy* Ptnatntf Ar* Included



195 Market Street

Nest f>oor to Newark Theaier

Ntact Door to Newark TVwUr

SELLING OUTThe order Ik to sell out Every eult and overcoat must be sold right down

to the bare walls.

M en’s Suits and O ’Coats R educed to as Low as

Other Suits and Overcoats of all wool, silk sewn, most desirable fabrics, latest styles, greitly reduced



. 9 0


S A L EOp*.

Bvwtlaf*U a U l I o ' C l K h

Opm fU tiuU ar*

L'ntU to o'clockPALM BEACH SUITS, 7,85

W OODS’ CLOTHES SHOPComer Broad & Market Sta. ONE FLIGHT UP. Above United Cigar Store.

' • • a . ■

Spealdiig of "cut priced,” I did a man-aiied Job with my straws when 1 marked them "AH $3.25.** I f It were not my policy to alwgga give more fo r the money than any other hatter in town, Fd be Justified in potting m y id f on the back for helping bring down the H. C. L.

r *

I And spmddng of ity les, why man, onr variety is the best in town.' .Wide and narrow brim s,flneand fancy'weaves, indnding our on-

m itchable |5 value English s t r a w i .W h a te v e r you expect in your new straw, yon can g e t a t any of our fifty stores for less tlian yon would i>ay a lim g rsk %


n ife’.

V $3^. . . .

'• ■ 4 wvJVfc- :.-/V

tf,*, 'I.m-if-' ■ "■ If.

Opao BycningaUnta 9

A A U I A I F K R S/ L /< •< / a l / k ' . s

O lI O P l^ L OpenUntil n P.

The Greatest Sale o f Men*s Clothes Ever Held in Newark

rmm Th* Nwrwk If«w%rv to tr . n * 7 i i «

A jnoac .O mt W o n . * ^ t* —*U 4 E rw * M rM ta M *<>.I c w d i C I . . tf»U iin« .ta n k i n r C l B y „th* muMWW. b M tk t a , . M iu irM - t .rw -* M ipkaa a t T*l •— ■*------


PAPERSautia. vtklgi are U la g e««r»d a t ^ A V Ifro4Ti l l f a i to Ms ti , too rggg lar V A V Ipxi*>M od w klo^ he a o w to d . would A •pXi*>«a «« w w t IM , M* M O Trabge tap to I I I and |T |

From tho Nrvaf% I^dgm B alu^y. May tU

On# of th a a tirao d v a atowao wt N ew ark lo totoaeger'e Btrt* OoUiao Bht/p a l 214 Markot e tro a t Mr. kcLaeder haa begun a (4oth1ag OkU# e la rtlrig livday. He le (he eiiUUelTO a g rn t fo r HtvU D otheo In Ihle otty.

T ho ovore la no tnp lete In avery da> ta ll a a d b e e a oom petont foroe of o le rk e T h e fem o u e B tyle C lotlieo ikr* w e ll k a o w b tb ro u g h e u t th e o o u n irr

On the fint page of th* Ivedfcr and the Newark Evening News! Our ’bonder Sale” has caught the editorial eye and won front page publicity by

Ha astonishing values!

The "Wonder Clothes of America”

Vc fed flattered, naturally, but the sale of such unusual clothes at $22.44 deservet this newspaper recognition.

For the past week our shop has been the busiest spot In Newark {not ex­cepting Monday's clrcua.) We think you for the courtesy. You showed our saksforce and you surely kept them on the jump from 9 to 9; you recognized that this was a genuine money-saving sale.

You who have not yet purchased your "Wonder Sale" Suit should not de­lay. We cannot promise that our sizes will remain complete after tomorrow’s business. .

Look for Our Large S ip and the Nmnber 224 Market Street


2 2 4 Market Street Opposite Newi Olfiee

We Made GoodBy G iving Good V alues

Last Friday’s and Saturday’s Special

100 Men Bought 100 All-Wool Blue Suita This Friday and Saturday

1,000 Men Can Buy 1,000 All-W ool




We are devoHng every effort to give our customers the same wonderful values for Friday and Saturday that were obtained last week. The materials and workmanship In these $25 suits could not be sold by any retailer under $40 to IjBO, As manufacturers we are in a poettlon through our enormous product! on to purchase woolana and nroduce them at the lowest possible figures. This of­fering compels attention as there is no retailer’s profft margin re­quired.

Ton Bfay Haft Your Money Back Any Ttme You Don’t See a ; Saving of |15 to $30 - v , ^

' l l 1 [Tin ■ri i i i •



T nffic iiS lo lm S Ik . Biiled Id Fedoil Juy

CoMBtcr'OiBrfe* •«!i ■ Patoioa Dub Heard

from Many Sourcet.

^iifm of louBunity Re<)wcdM t |

tk*TV «t«*a t* r r •*»•<

kMH (M•VffM , e**m»r-ca»rt**

o«( •* • • • * *'** IK v rr««i A«i»f«<»» a»tiw*k ■*»«»• < OliBMar rtlpnaBt* ** i3S tt*« W k»«rt»t Cfclkl »f F»Ht» Jok« |M Tr*Mr *tVT • • » V « •* >»•iwainea Iw v. t v )*rT IMtskd i> .Mai iMlM* W w«r* r tv l* ^ I* !

*^sM « 4owv" t o f <V M V » » »<«<«>»♦• IINafIr all «r tk* w lta tW . tarluklut , A M TWey. ■•r* "*••»«* <» •'*" w a lv n »f iBiiamnltx Vf»r* ^taa Jarr r v * .•aaM of tko tla liiva non wko «*r* | orroatok aorioa tho iBTooUtoilok w*r« > •aMaoaod to rtpoot n n ttm » .o » t vkirb •

na* Tkooa i-OBfoootoBO «*rB r*< U bV w (low IV BcbBWB V flk

I tV fti b* BXorBBO krlvtfB, wbo dlB- «f boltB of Bilk thfBUtk "CO bt> ,

to" or ro< tlT*r«. a v ro UddlBg f«r Mol*n foodB WBB bbM ta h«Ts ox-

aod BOBBCcoBoful blddorx tkroot- aitoaoro ubIboi llixr lot IVIr

Decoration Day SuggestionsFor Homt and OutinRH

ao.uiT M E F 1 7 -la I lb, can*......

CORNED BKEF In 1 lb. cant.......... wAW


BONED CHICKEN -CiintM Bras., yi 5 7 clb. can . . . . . . .

DATES-Cama- tiaa Braad. pk|s.

BABDI.NES—Callfornii.I" « • '« 2 5 c

ORAJ'EJIKB— t C p Armour'*, <ji bot., tJwVr

MAlOlU.ADE—[XI Momc Hitnd tJUV

.III HTAini In tor* » OW g l EEN OtJVTS iA ^

— Lira* boMie , “ ” v DllJ. PU'kLEK in c»n*.

........................... 2 8 c

p f a m t b it t e r — W llm x r 't . I f t-o i. 3 5 c!ar

oilB A U IO N — M c G o a s n 's

C alufflbi* R Iv s r , ^ 2 S c

PICKI.ES, HOt’B—Lull& S c b r tfn m ’f . 1 8 c

IlUEiO lNt. —bottle


APPLBt-Na. 2 canPremierRrtnd

/ • b

Jo b V rx , S M lB n BB* m u u t v l * r B r ia a r t V alleB lB d. V M r d t s f i s t v eos- >wmii I T V fu ry c a ilo d s b o a t tb i r t r , srMsossBB Is t V B tts m a t to tro ca ikB . s M o a a ltk a a d f ix ro o iw sslb ltity f o r , I V s a f ln M n iiB o f U o MbofuB. b r wkiek I« aa* tV B llO aO M «BB iM t. Two Bff V WBOIBB w ko WBV M U tB bBTB V « | l a m a i r B B U Ir ts la o l on I V srocBBdo | i f IhSM OOOlO WOV OUMllBnBd ILTTbM ibB B rond ju ry s t* t ten d ay f , H a t ! V o rd W m iBa^ T KolM n, V s d of I ■ H dapTBOB o om pany InrBBttSBtoes. laU | M M had k v s m iro T B rV II w v n t- . MSrod t V l iB d i r l m n l t vo ted ik a a Is- j TaVod M vora l alhBraSbaeldBa thao# ua- , O tr d rro a t. T b« b llla w tr* not pra- 1 asa tad . U * v M id. V .-bubb tb* i v s l r y M i bOBO ex ia ad a d to Iho bbobIob of yo*- ta P ia p D n rln c tb o o fta rn e o n Mr. Nol- ■ ia VSb racollod to I V ju ry rn o n fra- fa o a tly . W han I V Jwry ro lB rse a t Ik* OaO o f t v d l t t r i e t a t ta rB s y It 1* ax- . apatod t V l It w ill p ra a aa l a ll of th* 1 1 ^ y a o u U lv fro m t V to o u lry . 1

CloBcd Monds} , Decoration Day

8A U 8 A I£ s .u j :

The Army «<> Navy Store Co.250 M fritct Ota Bv^^Gs Newark* N. J .


flitiitinder to Start Trip to link I ' National Parb of the West i


19ciW AaHINOTON. M ay t* ( » . — A. h,

irA rea raaan ltB B Ib a A atarlean I b lla A iaoelk tloB . w ill l o a v V r« .

t a n a p a ih M sd lsB s s o t v tr ip i* j l a a s taB lo b t s s i b iB k w sr s 1

:p o f t b s u t l a a s l p a rk s la th*




4.50 E a c h 7 5 cHwrjr Khaki

Now.C a a ra a .

A ll E ty laa . Nalaaook aad


I ^ rWait

ARMTy^W aatBsrd'* t r i p la p ra llm ta a rp la Ik*

■ V a a tle a a l to u r w h iek w ill a ta r i fram O jw (*i A u B sa t I I a a d wbti*b h a t v l i i iBliM HIt p a rp a a i th a d tiro lopaion l aad M IM Ib b a f a h a rd tu r f a c a d hiBhway dM aaau iiB tk a p rtn n ip d l p a rk * .

TMMt* Mtloa*l park* would V la- Maiait naeky Mouutala, Col.: Tollow.

Wym.: Olarior, Uaat.: Wt. Rtla

75c E a c h

ilMA 'fiKWaek.; Cralor txko. Ora.: Lotoaa mNoaale, Toatmlta: la a v la aad 0*a- dhal Oraat Cal.; Klob. rtak: Oraad Cam- Fda, Alia., v d ilasa Varda, CoL

FWmpCoovicU Put Sentence on Obc Who Violated Honor Syitem

flNCTO.V. DoL, May It <»).—til , __jlka‘ BOlltary eoaflaomoat with a

mR MMl only onco a w y tkrao laya , M a tha puntahmant darraod by fallow

fPiNaort reaaprlalBB tho hoaor rem> . BIttoa of iho N twovtU Oaanty Work

r iaa. sltllBB la Pardy, wbo

lufBMoat upon Wllllan hen! Tlolalod tho honor

'MdBalOBi by oaoaplaB dram tha Institu- MV OoorBO Liuost, eoaflaod to tho•arhbouio for murdor, w pratidlas

lo t tho honor comtnllta* whichVI Purdy.VtSB trallad froM elty to dty

■yatottoua parsoa. th#a#V hy dot M. B. Ptumiav ta ho a foymtr at doloBotod hy Ua proaaal la­

ta kaop la taaoh with tho f*fl- Purdy w u flaally eapiurod la

T E N T St'Oa.


Khaki Duck.

AB Rtoaa. T h a T W a* t m

Camp MS.

5i 7Wt ee 8.50 3 . 7 51»-Oa

navy w h it eHATS

85cAH «■

7 i 7 Wbhe 16 .50 10x12 Wlule 3 0 .0 0 12x14 WUte 3 6 .7 5 14x18 Wlate 5 7 .5 0

V«rj Etraag.MEPra~


1 . 4 5





All Sliaa. ■laa with WhUo

S tr ip a .

10x12 O i U 3 4 i 0 12x14 O ik i 4 7 .5 0 14x18 O i k i 7 3 .5 0


2.95All Slaaa.

WHh Ball Ixap:, Cuffa. Back



V I C aM » la t a


1.25 5.95Raw CiwMii,

WHham Babaaila.


5.95lS 4 v h SIta.

I10.H VbIm .

7 K 6 : * ^

E xtra! E xtra!

NAT LEVY Continues His Great Clothing Sale

My origliidl three-dty t i k hts now ttretcheil into i three- wwk wl«! Hw Men end Young Men of Newark and vidnity just timply wIU not let me stop. The demand for my wonderful line of High-Ortde Suits at my NO PROFIT PRICES forces me to continue.

u Foltiee V p to t4 2 M R educed to

m i

littb^KM -lll-Ilt

T ilb" saj

H t t a i ^ baaW* V t aaoliHSri _ _ _____ it OpSSi?tCIIITTbooB kaoahlat at yaar dMO (*r

tiawt hlaata MB tt TOD taU ta laV U- aaalav at lit NATLEVY

Soptr-Vafatts m Boys’ Soper-Sidts9a m m tho ntflr NerMk atyl#; otheio am plaltod; aooM bam dattcM lo MM{ gmat rsrietr Fstttni* motorisldi• • • s 7 w I7t itBttlM Ell tsIum ; m-< uca4 ..............................................................-

sax BinnsIwaor allka, hraaSd>otM aad atop, da A A g

F Swaae; floe oeallty. gwanteed par* Silk la m o v W| i | d a o w aa t daalBaa. • » Talaaa yaduatd \ a B ta a T a k

' HAlirROOK UNION RUm ^:R*Bt ' oaallty M*a‘a aalaatah aaliiwaar. K K K

l i im M B O A tt l a la w m d eeed U i,



BUT_I htra |u*t V many *ulM that I can acll si thU tremandou*reduction nml m mora. They am Mtllng fMi. If YOU want to •ham In thU GOOD CLOTHES VALUE--aot eutcktyl

’aUT aam «*Batv »AM «lu« . raducad to


|;.V|Il9 IP Iv .f-

k»i'- i

;^>Y| ■'-•■'I

Smartnetty Styie, Value—from the perfect fitting collar to the htnd*sewn buttonholes — Is exemplifiedIn our Custom Mide Suits at

$52.50Pum wir|in woo! cuttimerei, EnRlith Twaedd,

cheviota tad other htndwme aummer fabric* which you will not Bnd elsewhere h moderntdly priced. Tailored to your m vaure with the “mie- ter touch that haa cheracteriied Model Clothes for the peat 27 year*.

€u$tom TtiloHno Kxctuiioeln

Model Tailoring Companyn o r la n d b . boria

222 Market St, Newark, N. J.

For the beoefit of my oat-of-town cuttomen I will be open aO day Decoration Day


Greatent Clearance Sale Held in the Tailoring Trade

Every End in the House

High Prices Totter Under

-IM T MADRAS S H lim Itaat daaiBhA with th* sow Broadway n v -

SmashingU ok At This

Asitmndlng Otter I

F o r O n e W e e k O n ly l N o L o n io r !

For These Hagniflcent

^^kaurkO x f o r d o f o r M o n

W ertk



BhMhurand EagliaL Luta!We ire hottering high Rrioan to a lauiy fnre-you-wen M del^ our put to lowu high ptioeal Toenotrow monxing ntthe Btroke of MO wo ihiH begiaaeninf th*aR-hundr^ of Bnappy, up^thwnlnuto. ngular dbock NEWARK OkIwiU in pUat^ vid kid umI rick c*>b metal, la a wide raagocamodels—bhicberUata with medham aad wide ton, and opHnaf“ Engitsh* modeto with long vampaal lavWUe n n rupSBvilHee—every one! Don't mim tkie temocrowl

Also These Naho^anj Tan Oifordt atAn edded feature I—Smart mahoRuty tana, A 4virap effect and broad flange heela. Marraloua value

MBra AKO wok02Mau-ket9t-1 ZHSprii ditia. |B2htiyai •wSim

> mwABK nMoa

Straw Hat FreeWith Every Suit

2 0 % Discomit SaleExtra Special and Ummial Pre-Decoration Day Offer

Continuing Our Opening Special of .Regidar $40

Pure Wool Suits at

BryiT fhilla ttiw mdelei 4m S to lA ITJS/j

l.Di9r Spec., Boy^ Btae S fig itl

Slashing PricesHutodrada of Atylee that

hxv# t is a lly d» lnd lT d dowp 1« m It a Rincle lr«<rtfc I plaeo on raIp Rt alt mj fktoroa, rfTfardlpMM for-HMT prWfi. Stkinp of ihpor m 4« ar* all wool, luaK malala a aliBhl o l r o t to a , a o m r l a o - p lv * a a d a o a o I h r v - p i r r r m il- lac aad mtatata u(

Blue Serges Fancy Worsteds


ind CassinieresSoluble for Rpriag

and Rummer wenr. In thla nngv you will And a wcadcrful aelectioa of good, deninUe pntfemn, OKI tke price will be ro- girdlem ol yaar rim,


Specie/ Clearance of

Uncafled^or Suits Ready to Wearn iiiwdirr of oBCiBeMer S i ^ « • hnad, which I

will driponn of nt tUn OmnaeB Sals at a price m

S. Henry Adler186 Market Street, Near Broad


We^edSometliiiigThree weeks ago when we Started oar ditye to cut

clothing prlc«, (n re^mnse to what we thought to be public sentiment, we started something—

And w d f n e w atarM anpthlng wweoaldnt ItoUi

So now we are going one step better than any of our many follower*—we are marking down• fV . . V«f I I' '

500 Yoong Hoi’s Sots at

AND' ■•‘'Hr'

500 Men’s Caaarvabve Swts at


Both H

jfe AllMMllDni • Vj'■ 4. • ? ,i ;

a* m JISW ' ''K ^ i


■ i;". .AJ

234 MAIMEr^ST.

Pa RIB. •OB ha* *1of flavor ‘Tb* Am< Ctaitur,.Wollaca < laKrarll* froai Mr allh »ba t* t up lb

Tb* c«i vb»r« Ihl• •P«bl *i{lo tov i r' oaiBilit**• bbari ''hambrur f -H l. 1 Major (1*1• oBiatandrv iti* «rOB tbai n

*7*0* l-rtlo* a buty or h In lb* *0 f1*)4 or I b v r t* of• n* mill!,• briar tho

A inanw i<*rt tall* ••*t*r. * I i.4B)on. a Itl*. all! I*rl** *bi L*Bi*n pal r*oA bj lb L afayrll* on Ha, 1*

O*ora* ■ IrOu rr»n Trot* ibli v ro a th of pvt* of r a*aa*r * a

U*ut*ai oho I* .rb lb* Pol.*) for Ob out

Tp«*<h' IfiB to nial I om aoir •nia* who lalk*4 to I

Major (1 1i In Load mAOy *ol( DIvliloa Mol. P. ■pMkfr a Is p)aaac< r*4*ratlet toB Vidal to plaa* irav* of wbo wo* Iho Alll« FrOMh rbi cbooop I*

PrMtilor lion* to 0 of Pronr* tnonl** la Asi*r(c*n Balloau v inonL

t1*t«r1>-polhr forpr****d Ip P«rl* Mo> lb* •oritt;

New YorlOwnS

sp .w r f•tiRvga and«>yon be ut ''•niflu repp Y\'8r*Il8 l. I ir-'n itiGh.Yl rAtf-t.. MrfU ahnpji. will by th e %t uiilnn mnra

fiAtberM will•Itt * w#*l fx rfllbg i to V.pp\%$ W f.vtt btoiiti m tM g to i

J ,# :4

L%“-'...ITaJ.-.; "


o u se


of Hi) I n th i t (jalnd lrd down itrif Kult Imgtk *lr t l all B J

nf for S*»mr of I j jn r

I WOtll, lUBO 1(^1 p r m n U f r Himr loo-pi«*r l im -p i r r r miil- •(■ of

maatmfor Rpri^c

Mr veu. Ib yoo will (M • aelectioB of

Bble potteno, ice will b«, re- yoor ri»,

0 Wearwhich I

rice M $15


b t^ to cu t

re thought tmcthlng—

r than any king down

its at

Suits at

^ A iu i. u » l >1 i e i _ P r« il4 « M Wil h a t *r4«r*d a MamoriaJ w rM tk

of flawara lo be u i i uv« b th« «tatu*i Am«rlcaB l*^wf bb«y,'* In iuraancA

CtBitlafy. ABij Ambanataor l lu fb C- Wailac* will plmcm It tb fr* on Sun4a) In ilrq rtU n a w*ra i-4ra)v*d yftBt«rd«j fr»*i Mf Wijaon by • fiowar vandar * ilb «liam ha 4aaU wbaa In Parla loff«t up thft rum tribuu

Tha caramany «< Pkepua Cvm tiary. vbfrra lb* b«dy ot Latayatt* llaa. will

bap<cuillr ta iha F raarli paopiaP raka of ih« M anpria) Day

■ w iM ittaa will praalda and Will maka a ahon addr^an. lo whl^h MarqtiU ‘"Kambrufl. t f t^ d a o n of Lafayalta. wlli r<'pl). Thu follow Inf m aaaafa frani Major (lanaral Jam ru n Harbord. who t otnnuindfd th« npcohd Diviulon in the haltta of ftellran Wrknd, wiu b* road •Q that fiatd:

*Taur f 'onradpi rha A m arlran at home i*'nfid# to you Iha

diity of honnrlnp nur dead who aleep In Iha ioll of ►‘ra ij 'r head on theflald of honor ih#) ii\e in ihahoorta of (hooa f6r ahum thay d|«4. and mlUiOna af their m unirym en en- uhrina their memory on Ma>

A mamorlal oda to Amoriean valun* *••ra fallan for Franaa w ritten by Alan

a member <y( the Froneh F nra lfa J^ f lo n who waa hlllad /■ fleptanbar. I t i f . prlif be read in all Am ariran cema- tarlao ah e ra membera of tha Amarican Lofton partleipala It waa to hav# boan r a ^ h> ihe author bafnre the ataiuaa of Lafayetta and W aahinfton in ih ia rity on May Id. itlT

Ooorf* f'ouria line and l^u to Marael- l<*bu F ranrh poeta. inld tha Ajoaoeiatod r rO ii Lhia aftarnoon tha t a apocial w raath of flower* Inarrihed, "From iha podia of F ra n ra '* would ba ptafod upon F^ddara ira v o on MemnriaJ Day.

Llautanani f’clonel F rank F arkar who la kchedulrd to m aha an addraaa at Iha Foleij iam eie ry . waa aakod today for an outllna of M.

'*SpraihT' he replied *•! a n not fo - In f to niake a opaarh on Mamorlal Day I am po in t in talk to tpoaa boyt of mIPa who aro lytna up ikara Jual aa I lalkad to Ihttfl when they war* lle ln f

Ma>or Gonaral John F O Ryan, who 1i In London, w ill apeak a t Bony, whore many aoldlaro of th* T ^anty-aoventji Dlvlalon foil. Rear Admiral H arry MoIa P, Huaa will ho Ika principal apoaher a t Ballaau Wood A tiib u ia U planned by the rn lo n of flportln f F a4aratlena of F ranra. of which Oaa- te a Vidal U praaldent. If haa docldad to plaao a apeclal w raath upon th* i r a v t of JoHa (teertan , Tal* athlota, who waa hilled in th* early day* of ihd Alllod affeaate* autllem oL th* Froacb rbam ploa mil* runner, k a j b*«n ehaaaa to piaeo th* flower*

Froftildr UDIerand ha* aenl taatrue- lion* to all lb* Iw en iy -a ii arm y corpa of Franc* to p artlripa i* In tho com- mom** iw principal cometerioa wh*r« American eoldlor* a reh u rU A oapaolaJly Bolleau Wood, Ht Mihiel and Chau* monL

f1at*r1>' affoction and d**po«t vyrn- pathy for th* w onon of AmorUa la o i- prd*«*d Ifi a meaodff* reeolrod by ihdFaria Memorial Day rom m lttoo from ih f Socloty of Froncb Horn*#.

New York B«tf>en Ptaji to Run Own Shop with Reduced Rntei

SF.W rO * K , M»y ! l ( » ) . — P r te w of tlm v fa *inl h a l r r a l t In Now T e rk w ill •oen b« LUt le f l f l t t n nnd th l r t r - t lv o f-anti. r« ap « o llv * lf. ftoeorCIne 10 Loon W o r .b t i e«n*ri1 o rfo n U o r o f th* In . i r - n (tioh.nl I h r b h r t ' Union. Th* e a t r t t i 't . w i t | . . h * ^ h d * la M w . b w W I>h0iu. wia«>U. IXh. M ie. w ill b« op*n*e h} th* harh* r* ‘ an io n o r In d lo ld n a l union m trabom .

D arhcr* In th* n*w plnoM , h* M id. w ill r* eo lv t th* an Ian w *e* aenl* of I t s 0 w**k. w ith f if ty i x r a*oL o f a ll « a rn ln s* aboo* r*a*lpl* o f M l a w**k, T ip p lb f w ill n o t bo ba i.'od . T h i r ty - F.«a aontn w ill bo th o prico a lno fo r a m M otc* . ib tiiip o o . i ln f * o r n ian lo a ra .

r, NEWARKYoor Puccfciin

Mar Be CWf«*

UndeifUadlag ta tha hdlaat aitaet aiaatlr vfcat con- •tttutea good valua aod IwapiDg vithin that raqolra- Blent bat alvaya boon our iincbaapng poUey.

W S .1 U 'n w fGolden Oak Wood Seat

Cliairspacunr Prttodal

2 .0 8n*dd)4 **at.

fram*. w*tl mad* flAl*h«d , •ulteH* •Ithae b lickea * r dlalaar«*m.

sE h io fo ld B e d D e v e n e tte

9 9 .5 0Set

KOMiaUyPrWd at ______ __

tfoii* fM r*!*" eo»*«d with bnni imiutlOD brown lealtior. M tt-

Four-Ploce Goldon Oidi Dinln« Room bulte3 2 9 .5 0

Royal Eaiy Qiair 2 5 .0 0 «e

la all Myla* aad Dalvkoe Cwaarad l*imliali** Ualkar, f*aialft* l*atb«r md Upmiry-

Suhary Alasb

RcfriferitorV«y gpwUI il

3 1 . 5 0 FoiH^Pleo* Walnut Bad Room Suitea w 19 8 .5 0*m*l lai*n*r. »«*ilr W l l i e • ! *

h*pt p«t.< ilr *1*00. I b M M bbtaUM -«w*rt«* **i**t, *u larea aWMltoo pl.o**: with i»* k*r*« *lM e*d pad. Aa * ic ^ t |o u l r*Ju*

White Enamel BedSomuiij Pried a

8 .7 5Haaep «*vll«oatM part*; b * a ^ fniwa

B««f bo*d wbit* •k*m«1

WUte Enanel Steel Cribbpooialir F il l 11 M

1 3 .7 5CeetiBuop* p«at*. kick Mda*. pahraateed,

raetproefi tvlaied link r*bHe eprlas* ^

Square Poet White Enamel Bed

2 2 .7 5SpwlaUy Priced at

& rlto * * w P M w tU M *l*lIttlin* n ta aob*. A lt* *aanu( flalab. A *MT MlPWOv* b*4. Pall .1* .

.}' . .

Felt aid CotioQ MitireisTwy Ip iriiay M ooa M

13 .75■toll *«t*. art tleklna. Putl n iy .

On* pi***. 41 pMWd*.

liUttJiQnoaM iniiH l 1 2 . 0 8

OM. a**l W aarpfoof C*b.*I«*b a * .* *r* ^e*ry p ^ a la r . Tti*y an* eeau Mean a*A *aal« »tirr^ Uadeeaia pel a**, CempM* Mm : « i* P t m pOOkStt.

HI.......... w.Ta •iK.t e*At Tee dnwtr U d|.f-«k» fitJe 1*11......... «UJ* vided.

*XT ■•.* iFMOC.' «■, ... f,.

■ I■>. j|> y','


Every one of‘ ow n hom e tow n


t t i V .

IM«joed*MAhriMs “W hit trp tboaeT, ,♦ f - B« r W«

OM tlMt made up lai|;e^ of meo;■ ■ ’ oountryi > Ifa a new plan

iS l4 f • W ar..l)op iS to ia putting throuiih, to geta cloaer relationi^ Aimy and the

IpdOple 'ify.oach ■ y.


SfS*. ■

His Royal Highness C row ned This C u sto m s

I AST S*tnrd*y *n old aatom er etm* Into ray Tima* Squai* ■ ton, picked out a 7)i •traight-brim Miaw.tried ft oo, took

^ * pMk in th* minor, thought it tooksd good, d«dd*d to kMp it, end gran the Mtoanen |3.43.

A Silent SalesmanT h k man knew hk size, and he knew udMTi to And it He knewwhat ha wanted, and ha got it Me k n a w d ^ waa only on* prioa, and ha paid it There w ira no qoaitiani eakad, no com- maoto mad*. It was Setf-Servio* with a SDmt &dMDaa — and tha emtomer waa the —iwnnaw

A lt whan th* lal* was conflated, toe iilmc* wm bmhMt InmaktogalkM] faepactioo of tbk straw hat, ha ooticad oo th* Uokif th* words:

“Made in E n j ^ ” ^H s aMsd ths sabsman in a Jokk« acirt of way whatbsr k w m a 8w npiaoraM jataks— w h a th a r lt w « b o m h O ld B i« ia i id o r N aw Bagland—and said ha dwugbt only ths highi«icad M km saoid genuiD* English hata.

Mow, ths fact k. IVe baan buying aoma Bi tkh hata fer tha laat fifteen yean, but I hav* never said anything M>out h. I didnl think U was important enough to writ* home about I didn't bqy Bnglhh hats to gat an importad flavor. I tika hainhall batter th ^ cricket I think good American hata are juat m gi6od aa Boglkh hata. Th* only reaaoo thh hat waa marked “Made in Bf^tand" was becauM tha Qovcmmaot required it

Ireland to IcelandI went to England to get good merchandise a ta fitir price. I would have gone from Ireland to Iceland, if I bad to, to get what I warped. I went to Old England rather ttiaO let a New England Manufsctuffaig Profiteer freeze me out or freeze me op

Baltimore is the center of the straw hat industry in this country, and aftsr I bad given the factorlea in Baltimore aD they wanted to take at the price I waa willing to pay, I stiH had an order of about 20,000 docen that J wanted to place. I thought I knew where to place it and I went there. *

WThis particolu factory had made thousands of docena fer me in tha past fifteen years. But this year they wuitad the same rate far 10,000 dozen m they would for m dqsea E in y other yearthay were mighty glad to get my ordeAo thjf t^anizatkntogether and the wheels turning during their dulf period.

Profiteering in Straws Aa die demand far straw hats waa greatarihm fee piroductlon.thaythought they’d take advantage of a shortage in straws this season and would make more money by selling to a lot of little fellowf at a long profit, rather than take a large order at a small maigto.

O f oouraa, I couldn’t do buaincas on that bai^, and I guesa they couldn't That factory is out of business today. That’s why I bought more than 200,000 English hats last year for this summer.

Whan fee cables announced my buyer was filling up the English factories, the next boat that left New York looked tike a Hat Buyers’ Convention. I guess every big buyer that could pack hk grip in time sailed for England. . ' : '

But it was too late. They couldn’t beat the boat. I ke^thacabW warm while they were on the water. My buyer wa* Macing O f ^ whits they were playing pinochle. When they arrived, prices went op, sterling went down, rpw materials were scarce, and money was tight

100,000 “English Safiore” Arrive ;•Wan, fee answer b, I’ve got more than l(X).(X)Q"Rn|itin my store* now and the "reaerves” are coming in on «vetjy boat.

TYiese English straw bonnets are st^sd to the Queen's taste and are just fee same “ English Boaters’’, "English Sailors'’ and “ Engliah Sennets” that the Piccadilly shops show in tha window with the Royal Coat -S frt;.' J, of Ann* and a statement expiainine fee*,£ are doing buainass “By Special WarranfVH k M * )« y ti,,K in r . • ■ ■

Now. if you want a little Royai Luxury; can enjoy it with the comptinianta o f h if Royal Majesty without b) Luxury ty*, be* cause they’re all one price>$3.45. '

- wi

ii t


i ■

f £

imWABK ETKKINQ NEWS., r . . . T-..

?. HAT H raab m m


N o H u t

S H m c b f u d

all doff M m d a y y

Mmliarial Day

L. BA .RG ER f' GO 5for» clom , at , 5 R M .

%« O n e ,m e r i c a 's G r e A t S ^ o ^ e f V . o a :_


• t --

Sale of Children’s Low Shoes 3.95 and 4.65

All made on the Bamberger **Foot'TraineT la»t" SIZES 81/2 to 11—The »miner liiM In pump* of potent celt end gnii- raeul, end in o*ford» of potent celt. All hove Oeodyeor welt tolco ond ore moot cttroctive, 19&.

SIZES IH/2 lorger oiiot, an ■otortment of foohlonoblepitmpi ond oifordi In both potent colt ond pinmetol. Como early and get the oize you vlth, 4.6S.

It ii but Midom that you can buy •hoot tike these at such prices.No mail or phone orddrs.

> ^AMMEROER'*—i*(>ONt> fXOO*

Eiitire Qearance of Evo7

Man’s in Stock IM.d/

Exapting Saifs in blue and black serge chauffeuri' suifs and apparel

men twoopiag la Its prlce-cau or in Its all-embradni Ns Mie In tU MoiropoUiao district of areticr Im-

mtn nt this enmsat. No sate so anmsrelfnf In its dls-Ns sals mars ts

sadtHtloM. Ns1 sortanes ts awn m mi. ™m.»- ~~ — —'' M#rd,ef farmer prioas at this early tsssoa of the year.

I> * . Bay fioiH—Bay liberally—Bay in^3 ' aitficipnfion of the Mure

37,75For Men't Suiit orit

4SM, 50.00 and 55.00

47,75For Men't Suite o rif I'nflWy

60.00y 65.00 and 70.00

57,75For Men't Suite ori ------

75.00, 80.00, 85.00, 90.00, 95.00 and 100.00Tea wW bs wsU lakan earn of at the *•>* *» “Bat dHsss sarly. Help as sat by buylof la tbs

MfSlf*NOIBt A maaU chsrr* for alti^llaaa

B A lU SR O C K 'S-aB C O N U rtO O R


1 Knitted Swimming Suits for ' Women and Misses, 10.98

Thioa ttilti ata tiiily the last word in smartness as well as the utmost h oaHfdrt tad iMwing qualltiao.

Made 0* tbs vary convenient plan of top, tlfhts and skirt, all in a « » ^ that yon need huy no separata tights. You can slip into thm aniddy md twy will net slide out of position. The greatest poMible fraadem for sMiimliling,'

Tbs salor sdioaMS aia net only fetching, but are vsrisd enough to plcw Mwv Ma whs Ml ml nits ibsm. Many with black bodies have sffsctivs ossttamlng SmZi, whMa thsta are a number In Srighter toost by cbMry stHpIngs.

1 ^ 1

Ht adasaSL 16, IK 30 sl*«s. For wsmsn, 34 to 48. All priced at 18.M., BAHBBliaEB'a—THIRD FIOOR

t t ^ x r n X r f ■ —^nsris

Qrgandie and Dotted SwidB Dresses, 19,75

Made to tell hr,25.00to 29.50 ,

For 1K75 -you wouM acaroely ; look for drit iei •* lltogethar

. dtarmliit.. tho *a»«faoW|Hr » • . populgFltlli, oot only Ihr the btyle of^l^ttlflHtoa, hut hopbuso dw argandia he uses Is always the impdited tabtifr-which retains its crfl^ness after laundering. And tha dotted swiasas—wo can hardly uy ttore than that they are every h it« lovely as the organdies.

Gidihotn in checkad pattern has been subtly combined with a whlta 'oSiiWrt of frabhest or*Kn d ln^ toh rit wH'hho iif tha

rtba m m agd cutfK-ono .a t tha most tinMbta drgtsas e w ih- ventad. ■ '' ■' < s'**•

The colors af lha argandla and 1 awlamare: Stvaral Hghtar Wu^' pala gtid doop flnJt, rose, nile

graoa, m ^ i orchid, Whlta—of tha *^ii|^ma, tan, pink, Tfght hlna,

draaa baautlfuUy mada, r««s..................liUi wondarfulty asecutad.

, i n iM pH R O H R 'i-^m n


S alc of Boys' Suits,;.3?ra t-9 *7.5 *■

Made to tell tar front

M m ! Choose from 1 ,009 Reg, 5 .00 to SSO S h irts a t 3,95

RS0l|st Hhta or tha mTuinU ilata sad tal

200 N ew W hite Middy Hats, 48c

va-Tbese boy-hats smack of cation days, hikes, camping trips and one-dt' excursions to the shore. They have been regu­larly priced at A5c.

Mads of excellent quality white drill, with stitched roll brim. Sixes 6*/i to 7J4- Yfhile a limited quantity lasts, 4Ac

No mail, phone or C. 0 . D. orders can be filled.


Boys* Bathing Suits lo r a Dip in th e Sea

“CeiM on in" is (N cry. The boys art eager to take their flrat plunge Inw tha aurf. and are aaiicipating adelightful fcaion.



Henk. hoaht ^Teu ar« rr<Mwifl| U t t t r ^

r a e l ln t f a l r i r w ^ l a a tta f led Ith th a w o rld in g a n t r a l b m

the of y OUT now In

It raw hat

la1 us jwiaa ..WW W».——

M T tlotilaa w liao a !»»#•%*• flaahad to yoitr Mnaaa thatU f V«.« • - -----.0 sr# In d * n a w of eowiaw

In ■ ronla<-t w ith afll.T.r — or parhapa, y.j (hank ro u r atara, U ta a Nifty Slk. , ^

Yob ira k a a a . le k and s»* [racaful hop. aa lp and l . ih p

u f .t r aa th a m udauard .r,0 aa ...» .. .- .-a -—- --t h . m aehloa carraaaa I h . ta ll of your coal. Tour d ia a lty la dw ldadly u p » t — and t b . itraw b arrla# you w .ra earrlr- Inc horn, (or .u p p a r h a ,a a la . ■ ium rd m r tl . . It I . s u i t , potilbl*. loo. th a t you u ttw a f ,w w ord! o f hanadlciory a t Ih r d r l r . r of t h . flaalria oar.

Rui lom orrow you alt la a f r irn d '. car. Som* poor dartl a ta r i! to r ro a i th a atraat ahead of you and d u p l lo tu . vour t a p . r l . n c . of today. "How rK kIaaa thaM too l, a ra " ' you ram ark to your ( l lw w -o w n ln f f r l n A and ha ainil.o know lnply.

It w a . . r a r thuA and w a r will ba.

iM o d 'lo B B l^ . T h e y h d v o ^ m n -IH rstuiisfty iB o v stock m AOO, AOO

The ■m nn*' srs riruIw Impirtod ABddtsoB miHrsSa 8blr silk .snd sm mistwob, • • wril ns fs« y silk-stripo taaMls»-«s torvloidbto i s tbsy srsj gPOd to took BpOB.

Every dsMI of thsiT mokt-up wlU' •msd ilM eritlcsl scrutiny of tbs moot fnmMlotH. Thfir vtiud i t M i will pissao you ImmoiMtly. All sisos.

No msll,.«hMH or C 0 . D. ordawaM W M rt^w_m iM r ru>OR

LSMw i a dhs--------w U t. oMdU 7W>

j . stylAatA latls

SoMiRfr Underwear, 85cCwTaaTaiSla lw S?ydnw w T ^ A ls? a ^

e r a . e l iS ls a a d a a k U Sawdtk drmwww. and a few

^X SISnB Q E l^riR w r r v a o n


Goingl Just One H u n d r^ and Ten M isses’ Coats


iclr suits ore hers—shewn In full iaaortRwnti.

Good-fitting one-piece suits In 4 to 12 yesr sliss, 2.S0 to 430. One- pleco skirt-effect suite In hesther and ■olid colors, with conirssllng dim­ming, 4.M to 430.

"Pro” Of link suits In plain colors, g.M and 4.00.

Two-plsct uilta In all wanted col­ors. 130 td 430.

* ^ ir a te bathing shirts, 230 and S.OO. Trunka. 1.00 to 3.00. Whita balta. Me and 75c.BAMBEROE8 8—0KC»ND PtOOR

T h e G andy fo r D ecora tion D ay

Mo MtUK CHOCOLATR CRBAM- ■ n r CARAMELS. H e PER POUND— "(th." (w hoavar ah* inay b .) wlU b . mora than c ra ta fu l (or a boa o t t b M ran illa eraam ary caram ata, riebly ooat*<l w ith m ilk cbocelaU ,

I0« PEANUT TAWn, SSS PRRPOUND — Tha Baubarasr easdy Ititch.ti variety, with rr..b Tlrriala iwmut. .nersel.d la th . erl.p, yat.

taffy.BAMDEBORR 0—r iR it fXAOR

Formerly priced 29.50 to 39.50

A few ctpe« »re Included. And there are many of those smart sporta length models in which misses look so well. Full length coats, too, for small .women as well as misses. I

Poh) ckfUi TtnidtoM Vdonr Tricotine

Sites 14 to 18 years, in the preferred shades.No gMfl, phone or C. 0. D.

ordersBRlgie*OBR‘»—th ird riiOOR

Georgette and Organdie H ats to Greet Early June, 6,75

Hats tomake every woman look pretty, with theirbright colorings and

gay trimmingsPekts, mushroomo, straight-

brims, ''off the foce" models— adorned with ostrich, fruits and field flowers.

Navy blue sod the soft pas­tel tones that are'so much In demand just now.

To make Saturday more than usually interesting to shoppers,

will sell one hundred ofwethese h its at 6.75.

Stunning Trimmed Hath of Navy Toff eta, 7J9S

Shapes—deligh tfu l little tu rb an s and “o (t4 h e -fsc e" h s t s - m ^ * mem, poke tn d n s s r sa ilo r styles, s s well a s m any o th e r a llu ring models of m edium a lio — dash ing IsTge-brlmmod ty p « .

Trimming—truly fine-looking wreaths and •kilfulty used ettneh. ' Quslliv, beauty end aeprlceablUty—at so Incredibly low

B A H B E R O S R 'B -^T H n iD FLOOR' prtee.

B ath ing Suite to Make tlw Sum m er

£u)oyab le

portaitDoesn't tfib bhliknarlng. blio-

edged water of tho ecean lure you? Don't you eagerly antici­pate a aeason of enjoyable iwlmmiag?

Hero are year tegil Men's twe-piica tea suita In

plain eelera, t t m il a navy, oe- ford and heuther with centrut* Ing colofod etripee; W »l*«vee or sleevelesa. WA Oo, 7J0 and IW O. - ' t

Men'a ene-plaea suita with

Saturday Onfy>l a la tS w M wtaM (h . M s to

* H v 'r S "*•NATURAL MIKIC SCAnrS A t

IS.tl — RfSulArly SS.W. D*rkK m w K v t i *f ej.ai» fun i*aalMgal giK«ctB. Tilted Ftear

lAiora I M s m u n a i i .h—tMlAfS .liwebM. . e ^SSAllly ot • * L * » I H ^ b .M pMMO At Ua tk»« IM.»;. wbsjf:MM. wan. tan Jam. .m ill, M c. q^ D. MSsrs.

M » U . N. msU „ Sbss. M-

Skirt effect; vert ierviceable; ta

God color comWnatiens. 7J6, 0 a n d U O l

____ RpiaBMAGS *» ..

wsEB wmsmn 1 . 6 a t e r a r , 'W»k tM»U »1r*t

6.50 U kulele O utfit—4,50

S s v . a ts io s t e n s - tb lrd b y b o y tu t n .w y i t t r “u k ." f . r ( b o s s s u ra irM p o r t l s s K s d . a t . u l n . 4 btyehwooA, It Is iro * In to s s . T h . r . tA to sA4l- tlo n to th * In s tru m e n t, s e s s . o f r « . 4 tT .s n W l .o<) a b e e t o f lo - s tm e tle n —t h . rscn sn lA O Kwmikl m sthed.

30c Sheet 5fusic, 25cF ar a n . d s r only w . pro so ltln i

W h .roSuUntt

D ecoration Day Snap Shots

yen uo tnu (•* PsW

Profawienal luits ta black, with belt leept. IW to ISOQ.


■AMMWfiOT—Ftny rtooR

_ SaUOB AT ESSr « » . r '


Ar. you t» ln i with n... --- . .—m u W' ei wowM !wIth Ju st n f .w fr lsM sT In s l t h . r enso you It b o r o tw i s s ■■ ■ ■ l lm . If yo u “ansF * SOMO o f

y r a t l iM t s e s n .* a n d tu n n io s tJollyth.

Decoration Day Fawors.

F A T f f l u S S T t j t f ^ ^bold eswiy or nuta. H u w

joa ROM .4 w a te r to wire etnea.

.’K n a ia

n S F S

At■I'untf of thV dny’e "bnl.


tb.Bhor., Oh By JtlnfA WTun My B.by

AU kvnjmme ***ww *- — ■m n g o d w t h a t y o u e u w r i ts on tb s film t h . d o t . e n d n n y o tb w lu t i# n o t . th a t miLko. th o p le tu rs m o rn In to re s tln s .

n m lio o -o n d t h . m u s le s )eem adtsA R aau U rly SOc. fo r o u jy Stm

b a m b e r o b r ' i —a n iT M n o o n

‘'vy.^l'pm ida also yonr nims end ---- ---1 will ds' ■a t b a r ■«tu r a .

I.vo lop mw-

n n d bo y r tima gtPT Hb •ooq WI4EEV, bBAMBERbRR'b-aiXTH VltOORVl.lt


■spsllwL n nd will et M pMt rslL It o u r s ls th floor for n aood tttno.

imRATtma lu n a r e - T s r y ni- tnoUvn. a . and t t *

BQ9C—Bad, whHe and bins

.'fggfiSSTWJSSBr”m t x r r a m mo ito m . t w dsssu



• A j c m R o m ’e - v n t i T rtiO O R

A Sale of Sable Scarfst 'The'collection includes theseaton't motifathionahle effects, from clever little * chokers" to graceful tcarft

developfd with two, three or nu>re tkint

(TOLH,V y.Lr..ww*«ia-— 'w.r ana. m

MU mutt loama promptl*«<MUMl4a at ainu UsndMl, riably merkM nklMb porfseUywwvosilVdJ I . StHI 1 sifMs w w

Jtat«tea4 w m p

iMtwsr,. ''.if-"

.^P, IH.M MltS wttb

^rtston., i n .e e

Fliu«i «4p«»'ibr mthe edmirntM i

m .e e r u m i a n b a h .hRUM). , btoshO n. akin, btosluM, m ade np

l .n n b l . ^ e h e k sr" i

An ni nmnri



. nre n.,.._jttsly B»t(^__ r t l . H R U M td J f —

'l^li^MK>m'fr»-THiR9 v u a m .

-^4,;j5.00 to 2IK00>^^i^>sr

A (^ddng S de! •, Ties, at 1-.15 '• -

Right out of t«au!sr itock, whero they have been mirkui tt f.50 and 2X10 eteh. New

a'*5 'icRL®!

• 'fv;|

i m y i n r

- B M i m 4 wkltv^ipiaiy

gnalhy ym vtM .

. f i

.... .

w a te rp rw rfl■ H iu is t iU b e a

h tea torm i f * W a -

' 5 " *

> p ^ m m U o $ b e ^

1 9 . 7 5MoaiikM* mMI' Bm I te' - ^

v i - i& '

^ to i


y o . 1

m>Futat r u x m

A mtmMMi vMi vlB ha il i i i id ^

B A M B W W B IlW rlW W S M K »

j u t e

T '.►.i-v''t i A W t W m k M

P .• ..1 V,./ •

City to 0

tnorial (



N»« A r k I i'Ay UiiA ) I |1F r Ity R Will hp A 1• rv'ibfg lo• l u a h l r T a i1a )> K tir rflrled fof

Vu IisIr rlfy folk Wfok-rml 1M AbijDill rtpoa hniimliruin HtI«(1fq iu li '■rrtior of 1 BHiithwkrd

kfondnywill b» 1 ilRmoDAlr* ' h ' r o Is II iitnio unitrut;. gImllA

Not onl: •‘VMTllAh ^►'orolm W V PiirnnflI h# BIua 4m6Tli-nn AInndayPool, theitlff'PA wllino. fi»n tMvtgloD Bivon 01 Most of I t FtorAni rorttii.

Tho m Mownrlt 1 AS well I ■ * 'i w sr friorrow pUco In qiinhlr r tflntlc If Sow Jon m onl^ Frodorlcl borfold im u to r :

Inrldor hundrod th* f’Ujr 1 for rnolhI'OBAOd SCholdors I ih« D*rk offlwi w toniBht loon foi tlckots.

Thofo tacPod m lowsrtl V •d by th Taps wll Bf thirty

Tholltompt] offtro. bload ofla '‘omn OO'l'I. 11 4P^fir'‘ f^unt tifHr"'» by I h*

Thr I (Illy mn h o u r , II have b M'-.d l( ik o r l ly

A dot !b* PooomiBAIn u « iwith Oi d t a ld .i bMn At v .f .r« ii e s r s d a .

Lt.uti No. III.

■omini Orov* I U p td l.r . to'slool

l . k , I Honda niMt .v .nb im ihvand F orcsnl hsll, I atr.c t, J. Ru au tllli iB.moi l.n sn t RrtM i ' DrII

.tnytn up tta (l.ld 1 soon I (or th fa r as

Denies t PasU i u Wt





hsvlny stl lu.s Gr»v. polittcsl d ih. bulldli

*' R.pttbUeen . Wslllseh. I . snt, was t

th. ernnd i ’ . p. CsaUtto

, farndquerU I r e iibU m wh

■ If drew* hliI ' slmM St It

. '* auttd the bed bwn i

rjfv., wmblymss WstllMb

sttitud. ot ■ inrstnsua .■..i*.. Bdwerds 0 l ' $ ' -psnt rlpiH

was not eerrtvsd noWslIMt twid H be

AawMMins -bsedtiMyU •Ruetafel

■' ■■■


l is jn s si » . M « bSui

isstsu sM

<0).-«y I

the tJrsniWSII rusts 'e el.]