daftar pustaka lapkas bedah anak

DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1. Levitt MA, Pena A. Anorectal malformations. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. 2007; p.2:33. 2. Levitt MA, Pena A. Anorectal Malformation. In : Coran A.G, Adzick N.S, Krummel T.M, Leberge J.M, Caldamone A, Shamberger R, editors. Pediatric Surgery. 7 th ed. Philadelphia: 2012; 103.p.1289- 1309. 3. Sjamsuhidayat R, Jong W. Usus Halus, Appendik, Kolon dan Anorektum. Dalam Buku Ajar Ilmu Bedah. Ed 2th. Jakarta : EGC. 667-70 4. Newborn Management of Anorectal Malformations. Surgery in Africa. 2009. [Cited 5 Juni 2015]. Available from: http://www.ptolemy.ca/members/current/Newborn %20Anorectal%20Malformations . 5. Grosfeld J, O’Neill J, Coran A, Fonkalsrud E. Anorectal malformations. In: Pediatric Surgery 6th edition. Philadelphia: Mosby elseivier, 2006; p.1566-99. 6. Oldham K, Colombani P, Foglia R, Skinner M. Rectum and Anus. In: Principles and Practice of Pediatric Surgery Vol.2. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005; p.1395-1434 7. Richard A, Junior FLevitt MA, Pena A Bates M. Increased heritability of certain types of anorectal malformations. Journal of Pediatric 35

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1. Levitt MA, Pena A. Anorectal malformations. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. 2007; p.2:33.2. Levitt MA, Pena A. Anorectal Malformation. In : Coran A.G, Adzick N.S, Krummel T.M, Leberge J.M, Caldamone A, Shamberger R, editors. Pediatric Surgery. 7th ed. Philadelphia: 2012; 103.p.1289-1309.3. Sjamsuhidayat R, Jong W. Usus Halus, Appendik, Kolon dan Anorektum. Dalam Buku Ajar Ilmu Bedah. Ed 2th. Jakarta : EGC. 667-704. Newborn Management of Anorectal Malformations. Surgery in Africa. 2009. [Cited 5 Juni 2015]. Available from: http://www.ptolemy.ca/members/current/Newborn%20Anorectal%20Malformations.5. Grosfeld J, ONeill J, Coran A, Fonkalsrud E. Anorectal malformations. In: Pediatric Surgery 6th edition. Philadelphia: Mosby elseivier, 2006; p.1566-99.6. Oldham K, Colombani P, Foglia R, Skinner M. Rectum and Anus. In: Principles and Practice of Pediatric Surgery Vol.2. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005; p.1395-14347. Richard A, Junior FLevitt MA, Pena A Bates M. Increased heritability of certain types of anorectal malformations. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. [online] 2007 [cited 5 June 2015]. Available from: http://itmut.info/article/geneticsJPediatrSurg2007.pdf8. Arnold G.coran. N, Scott adzick. Thomas M,krummel. Jean Martin L. Anthony Caldamone, Robert Shamberger. Pediatric Surgery seventh edition. Vol 1; 2012. Department of Pediatrics Surgery. United States of America.9. A. Mirshemirani, J.Kouranloo, M. Rouzrokh, M.N.sadeghiyan and A.Khaleghnejad. Primary posterior sagittal anorectoplasty Without colostomy in neonates with high Imperforate anus. Vol.45. No.2; 2007. Department of Pediatrics Surgery. Tehran, Iran.10. Newborn Management of Anorectal Malformations. Surgery in Africa. 2009. [Cited 5 June 2015]. Available from: http://www.ptolemy.ca/members/current/Newborn%20Anorectal%20Malformations.11. Levitt M, Pena A. Anorectal malformation. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. [online] Juli 2007 [cited 5 Juni 2015]. Available from: http://www.ojrd.com/content/2/1/33. 12. Maria Ojmyr, Joelsson. Children with High and intermediate imperforate anus. Department of woman and child health Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. P. 2005. p. 14-1613. Raffensperger J. Anorectal Anomalies. In : Swensons pediatric Surgery. Ed 5th 1990. Norwalk, Connecticut : Appleton & Lange. 587-623.