crystal river news. (crystal river, fl) 1895-09-27 [p...

u o a n n I- Ii1DA t M 4 A fl tf ss a- al J s t 21j 896a lastrao ivBayP- ALATKA FLA SEPT tt 1806- illWWW 8 01011121814 1510 IT 1819 20 21 22 32425262728 2980 WISE AJTD OTHEBWISE- P4rt Br phs FfrtaJalns to Palatka point Brotherhood Overalls at 8 B Bonds 8 A Baker of Satsuma Hlghts was In town Saturday f lire BarranllDOj of Buffalo Bluff visited Tuesday W B iJaWllt and family left for lb Atlanta fair Caplalh J E Lucas has returned from an extcnqed trip North Captain Bobt W Davis has returned fronjA bwioess trip to Boston MKfihel r Benz tho tank man of yesterday and AO the popular train master of th sixth division Plant Sys- tem town Monday Mr J n Green of Fruitland was In the city Tuesday attending meeting of Board of Public Instruction l Will Bowton an old Palatka boy but pow of Oloan NY Is hero on a short visit to relative He is looking well Headache IMdr dot Misses Alile awl Bluo Eyes Beach two of Crescent Citys charming young ladles were in Palatka Wednesday- Bro A E Wattles of the Dally Ad- vertiser accompanied its son Mr Frank Wattles took In Atlanta Ex position ilast week returning Monday MI a Jesse Moncrief after a pleas nt visit to her sister Mrs G W Dna 4lt returned to her home In Jackson villa Monday Mrs A L Glass and baby left Mon 4w Gainesville wheVe Mr Glass is the employ of tho riantJSyslom heir many Palatka mends will miss hem Trains 95 and 20 on the Jacksonville 1 Augustine and Indian River Rail y have been discontinued The cted schedule another column The Misses Williams two charming bung ladles of Jacksonville visited jalalka this week the guests of Col W ilitaros and family omitted to mention the fact that Ir Lummus was alto transferred with the dispatcher office- r turamus will be greatly missed by r fmr nt N1StIYlAY r 1 hi1Jil rb- e 7 IN N OOyPANV- 8G1 J PiWTLAVLO1WA- ah r h Dt D mi Whl t t fill to- Il enUl rcla a here 1 L1 me aue p- r 1 sa edar reasti1arbyepfar 7tH TtH HttUAbsi t- tSETEMBER1885 1284507 ate e the clip yes- terday A w 9 vies torn be pleasant was In t Meet IWa i s i ¬ ¬ Avenue and Hyde Park ter teams played a match game ball et the park Monday after Which resulted In a score of 18 to avoir ofthft Fourth Avenuea was ft fair crowd present who il to enjoy the game uLttauhot take Cod Liver 0111 This Oil made by fl H Bond Co Baltl It has uo taste of the oil Dflllgbtfal to take Prescribed by by Aokormanf- ilrocelVfed from Squire J H- fMjjmiii copies of th p afibtir Illustrates the cere tfmtt occasion The enter el by that paper Is ncred- ilwa W A tho Soul h t HiiorsWorldt Pair r Fourth r s is a latake Try k ore Mil Bnllds up broken down aurae Consumption and pabIllt Xpr sal Warty alajka- V oh t whowasliroeentat the dedica- o and Chatla- vt Park a which in a moo n e of d fro era kno warded mor ll tits DR Mt rag t- ing time aYe CEo- pi Avb rid nl lien ere iii t Ce- int TPSLFI AOU fur ahaq car aty st- ar MI1 1 1 I 4 acv spirit r t au iadl- r rA < OtUTl01f8 i and once by the fleontla Southern and ger agent by Hvjle nnd earnest work for Florida be it Resolved By delegates of editors that the Atlanta Exposition may be keen and Its told to all Florida Florida press and are hereby Southern and Florida n extended the mem- bers on this a Resolved T we most sincerely congratulate 0 Southern and Florida for tK Mi good fortune in hav ing an general passenger agent Mr Macdorn d whose bold strokes for business wAich have been empha sized by smnjcess have made his Im- portant hni i known from Jacksonville to Key Wcs f from Palm Beach lo 1en sacolo Resolved That the members of the press here f present individually and t Mr presence on the that the thanks be tendered W H Lucas passenger of the Georgia Southern and Florida who among us and who has been untj iring in his efforts on our behalf f Resolved I That our thanks are due to the u Railroad ot Georgia and their passenger agent Mr J 0 Halle 10 ably cooperated with Mr antI the Georgia South- ern and for this invasion of Resolved we tsk a copy of these resolutions be published in the State copy appointed bri the chairman of the meeting to MV Macdonald pod be to J 0 Wails in Savannah and to Mr Lucas at Jacksonville Daring the training of the militia in a was ordered oft for ball firing Including a game keeper from who was singled out as The sergeant took up the to see if all was ready when to bo horror he saw the marker standing in of the target Thinking the man sergeant- at onco hastened rescue and authoritative demanded the meaning of such toilless conduct at the same time describing the as a fool Im no as think was the retort tho safest place weel eneuch Ive marked for your company afora Dundee News Mt nVrtborn Pt t the Editor WhlJ- IWl1t t the Ureat Wl1eroa It is the province of jour uaiism tooorn ze energy find Whorea8 Dot n these Idllll quallljes have been show n iu de eo ably teplfMlntlid by Mr G A Mac pRBlon the Flori- da her on this tendered M II Macdonald in rtes Resolved at the thanks or the b J given- to the Georllr for tbo courtlf their collectively Ii their appreciation- of uonalde for h he was responsible and e Cent genera I wt Macdona d Florl a At- lanta by the F orlda editors 1 that anda de- livered by a committee to be n arker tloldg IU8 rent h ane the to the vc oe a fool Sea II en I RE by ola Fair to enter- prise unmeasured Fidrlda railroad amidgeueral ptosont trip by Tint chat Stag trip trI agent flu n- an ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° ° Matilda Maloney tnja a m 0 Jot of airs just because stetg old enough- ter wear a oonlek Ethel MoSwath she aint no heavy swell for no ieai aristocrats dont never wear their on de outside ofde Truth trot Ctodlt to Enutt Mister V jfej you j- o as to give n dine t a hungry man that haint ett n bite Say you miserable low dow tad for nothing lazy contonptibl weasy dirty worthless vagabond six months ago Iud got t same speech Word for word I YOU havent learned a thing I lug idle shiftless mealy whining ragged on H eit dollar for you nod If you dart have a new song dance when pull my leg yon pitiful sniv- eling moldy shabby villainous mil- dewed bog of braes Ill kick you off the premises I Y can go Tnffold Knutt Yesr CkkagoTrib Criminal Practice Colonel Percy Yerger Is He has an immense prac- tice and usually wits slight as clients no matter how atrecleus their crime or of their guilt Last Sunday Yer gers little boy Tommy wftisktd by kit Sunday school Tommy Ihe man who U good in of tho disobey the law of GeM Papa thew WM PtOttA PADOAnjc haj- k oslna s to 1U MIo- itV re Ffoi where ah er jsjtwkv but lob Ol hell Bk a Jl1I add Tttt old fur ore Fellalre formerly Rusty w- here on You gained a disgrace to profession you sues burlesque human yo two of the moat popular criminal law In siatenco from the in aOlllJ t1ng the denoe el world goes to poaven what eues mon w pleats pposas Sittisge All mal 1 o kin tutee yo t anew idea In six months I Yotf your and cowl m Aus- tin jury his overtvholmL g teacher this w bail there xbaaa J nwbe ¬ ¬ ¬ > > vlfe of the editor of Tho Graphic the load local paper of Miami county writes X troubled with heart dlteate tot six years severe palpitations short Best of breath together with ex trcmBBorTousnesa that at times I would walk the floor nearly all night We consulted the beat medical talent They laid that I had disease of the heart for which there was no remedy I had read your adTCrttoeoent In The Graphic and ayear ago as a tan resort tried one bottle of UtttM Sew Cure for Heart which convInced me that there was true merit In It I took throe bottles each of the nears Cure and Restorative Nerrlno and It cotnpletelu cured e JT ay heart boats regularly mud I bare no more smothering epclU I wish to say to all who are suffering as I theres relief untold for them It they will only give your remedies just one trial Dr Miles that the lint bottle will benefit All drnralsts sell it at U a bottles ton U or Dr Cure Restores Health nt J P Dell tar flitre ICnt help fer me organic Dr tile eep well price the Dr Miles Oasatcatroniehas roam inch ntntght did by aules tdWlcal 00al thn Heart A SUGGESTION For Florida Visitors to Allana and to Florida Newspapers All Florida visitors to Atlanta are in- vited to make the West Florida depart ment their headquarters A register will be kept in which all Floridians vis- iting Atlanta will be requested t reg- ister their names their homo postofllce their Atlanta city address antI the date of their expected departure from At- lanta All letters or telegrams sent to the care of the West exhibit will receive careful attention and Flor Idlans leaving home without a settled address In Atlanta would do well to havo their friends address them to the care of the West Florida exhibit Agri cultural Building Atlanta There were eleven arrivals at the St George yesterday When Baby wu lick we gare her Cattorla When ahe was a ChIld abe cried Caatorla When became Mica the clung to Castorla- Whtn ihe had she gate them CutorU Mrs Martin accompanied by her daughter Miss Annie are visiting Mrs Geo Miller in St Augustine gamine at OUt tun- OuuMtioe ain Attention is called to the of P J Becks which Nwlll be found In another column Mr Decks has established In Palatka a factory for the manufacture of wagons and other vehicles also blacksmith work horse shoeing etc Experienced and skilled workmen employed and satisfaction guaranteed Give him a call Descend a step in choosing wife mount a step in choosing a friend WILD WITH ECZEMA- Hands and Limbs Covered with Blisters and Great Rod Blotches COULD NOt SLEEP Lay Awake Night after Night Scratching Until almost Wild BURNED LIKE FIRE Speedily Cured by UTICURA REMEDIES v was a sufferer for eight years from that of all a ted imooili surface llmbi rod blotches not unlike Sfot Would iiii ir and as soon u I twaim after night I all scratch ahnote wild I hMnlnf r m aiox of Ctmc u a bottle IWMIVMI- TOSAail tut ej 13 truthfully ss rtthtt- rPJ n iCEDW enre lin Any ills Orion St 1ttUlmrg ra COBS TMATnixt V rm yrieoaA M U sopUwtteSs wl mild doNe o Daw k Fl rida for a 1 I I It I now truthtall that um I d I Ir ell some of the teat the country but they did tae good e of my hams were oonre uU lJooome wblte Ulllr drat would pal wblcb f Itcll It On the or of UIe burn and woUId IJettln a hl C tocnA lea rot Ib 0 uPA Ift gore thfllll aver A and Inftamlllt 011 e sal IN 4 of has IAIIIma l do riot ent In reeomme remeclle- aJOml D tMI talate 81lid InanJJIII 1ItG1er ftt baths cw- Soar tllll HIrtAer she Children advertise- ment asq I entirely nttt would then ilk Are tanoname the Itching meet a thorough tIi sad few nets b toss tees a e meet wba your Bs s HOLYra Mr w Nut tnta sate ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > men all rcmlmt us Kttfi be Iliftgec patches on our pants On those once new and glossy Now of stripes of dilferont AH linger Aud dont up Let us then be null Pav your bills however small Or when autumn winds are singing Wo shall have no pants at Brunswick Call Noah and Wiley Hicks white were shot by Governor Williams a negro at a negro fair near Glen St Mary last Saturday nght Noah Hicks was instantly killed and Wiley was badly wounded Noah Hicks had beaten a negro fur making remarks about white women a few days before The lllcks brothers and several other White men went to the negro festival about 10 oclock The murderer es- caped That Tired Feeling Is a common complaint and it is a dan- gerous symptom It means that the system Is debilitated because of Impure blood and in this condition Is liable to attacks of disease Hoods Sarsoporllla is the remedy for this condition and also for that which prevails at the change of season climate or life HOODS PILLS act easily yet prompt ly and efficiently on the bowels and liver 25c J i f e t nt tf there bin I1nlll blors pay men Ltv dpne4 btand acbauce lye Work ua espe- cially Weak- ness ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Fresh Garden Seed just received by S E BONDA- U drnggbUsolt Dr Mlles Nero plasters Against All Precedent It pains me to report said the chairman of the Investigating commit tee that we have been grievously grossly deceived asked soveral members in unison learned explained the chairman regretfully that there are some members of this committee who really wish to Investigate Chicago Post rood MNo she answered As she stood there in the thickening gloom he could not but reflect that she was beautiful No she repeated you I do sot give you the triable heart I am a poor girl The best I can give you is the limestone heart Still ho thought there was dignity- in poverty nil its own Detroit Tribunes Almost Synonymon Some English words are very con- fusing For instance Well rowing and rowing In some sentences yon cant tell whether its boating or fighting Yes and the worst is that match races you cant tell either Chicago Record I thought you said this horse you sold me wu an intelligent reliable an imalIt is Why it tries to get over the fence every time it eeea a girl in bloomers Yes thats what shews its intelli- gence Washington Star A Man of III Word Now dont go and spend Slat for rum said the kind old handed a 10 cent plecd to the tramp No mam I wont I promise you was the tramps reply And he didnt He went and invested it in two beers Somerville Journal Customer in a restaurant Bring one Welsh rabbit and un order of pigs feet Walter through slide One Taffy on a Trilby from I New York World Ill One Fear Menlt Under the circumstance Why dont you go west and get a di- vorce Cobwiffgor Because If I hod a divorce I might bo fool enough to marry again Life n nil Iler- Ho Will you be to me dear She surprised and indignant No I wont B Ah then be luy wife Boston Courier Should Vis FEMALE REGULATOR IT IS fl SUPERB TONIC exerts a wonderful influeufce la strengthening her system by driving through the proper chan net oil impurities Health and strength are Guaranteed to result Irons its use RXiDnilD RtEVUTOB CO i I be- trayed Bow7 I have just II are wrong In some Ssgmony lady as site Th LatH doorstep one the rooter a sister DELI CATE nADJiITYIoT I and bedrtddantprelgbtes ontha after using Stir LATOatortwo earl dso rM r I ku Ir111 aN at il i Il ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ for Infants and Children Do You Know that Cordial many socalled Soothing syrups and newt remedies children are oompoeeJcf opium or morphine Do You Knoir that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotlo iiol oni To Yon Know that In most oountrlta druggists are not permitted to tell narcotic without labeling them poisons Do You Know that you should sot permit any medicine to be chad that Cutoria Is a purely vegetable preparation and that a list otj Do Yon Know that Castorta U the prescription of the famous Dr Samuel ntcher That It In use for nearly thirty years and more Castorla U now sold Una of an other remedies tor children combined t Do Yon Know that the Patent Offloe Department of the United States and of other countries hay lamed exclusive right to Dr Pitcher and his assigns to UM the word Oattorln and Its formula and that to Imitate them U a state prison offtuw f Do You Know that CM ot the rMaon forgT Ptlagthl gOT nimcDt PTC t ctlonira because Cutoria had fceonproten to be abtolntelf nmnnlent lj- b Yea Know that 35 average doses of Cutoria are furnished for 36 o nts or ono cent dote f i Do You Snow that when possessed of thli perfect preparation your children ttar be kept well and that you may haTe unbroken rest f Wall tli i things lie worth blowing They lie r MOTHERS Go for your union you know of whit n la composed Do You tte IDsmteDte II pubuled wtth ImIf1 boW baa been t fads I t y given oryour physician f Know that > < The faoilmlla Children Cry for Pitchers Cast- orlagers Will have TWO SPE CIAL SALES for and MONDAY and will guarantee to j i you Money by purckas- ing fromme in Men egligee Shirts special for the Coming Weekroirtruea- iiieuoTWikvlBliew lost MaakiM4plcMjr HnHifw ti s nllimf pow rlnO nr kroTirii ri ueualTXiMoIlofrMooMiil ulanuwbKb I Jto Inaruttr er ii TMI poctok I pr l r mallpmmM Wlh 1 feaeT r7- alptare of wrapper f n- i J f- vW I 1 10 f 4 BIG CLOTHING HOUSE Gnats Furnishing- sJust N ew C FINNINGERJ1- LIenls tatter MANHOOD EDl T e or or a Oa y Ii 1 IJI 11 y ta- ro r v- v 1 aL r a i SAT- URDAY save 1 a v Ae 9 cfl u S 11LRVA a r awae fauanuedwcrralnertouadlgsa a Woak tar y e was c1 D eat dta Irs1eaareer i- IanxiaoieAaMiilaldAVQRr1 n- tores111ecrttcCayrlatyowarsltVLagkpWe M e rail 1 n rr- i ¬ >

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Page 1: Crystal River News. (Crystal River, FL) 1895-09-27 [p ] · u o a n I-Ii1DA t M 4A fl tf ss a-al J s t 21j896a lastrao ivBayP-

u o a n n


Ii1DA t M 4 A fl tf

ss a-



s t 21j 896a

lastrao ivBayP-



8 010111218141510 IT 1819 20 2122 324252627282980


P4rt Br phs FfrtaJalns to Palatka point

Brotherhood Overalls at 8 B Bonds

8 A Baker of Satsuma Hlghts wasIn town Saturday


lire BarranllDOj of Buffalo Bluff

visited TuesdayW B iJaWllt and family left

for lb Atlanta fairCaplalh J E Lucas has returned

from an extcnqed trip North

Captain Bobt W Davis has returnedfronjA bwioess trip to Boston

MKfihel r Benz tho tank man ofyesterday and

AO the popular trainmaster of th sixth division Plant Sys-

tem town Monday

Mr J n Green of Fruitland was

In the city Tuesday attending meetingof Board of Public Instruction

l Will Bowton an old Palatka boy butpow of Oloan N Y Is hero on a shortvisit to relative He is looking well

Headache IMdr dotMisses Alile awl Bluo Eyes Beach

two of Crescent Citys charming youngladles were in Palatka Wednesday-

Bro A E Wattles of the Dally Ad-

vertiser accompanied its son MrFrank Wattles took In Atlanta Exposition ilast week returning Monday

MI a Jesse Moncrief after a pleas

nt visit to her sister Mrs G W Dna

4lt returned to her home In Jacksonvilla Monday

Mrs A L Glass and baby left Mon

4w Gainesville wheVe Mr Glass is

the employ of tho riantJSyslomheir many Palatka mends will miss


Trains 95 and 20 on the Jacksonville1

Augustine and Indian River Raily have been discontinued The

cted schedule another column

The Misses Williams two charmingbung ladles of Jacksonville visitedjalalka this week the guests of Col

W ilitaros and family

omitted to mention the fact thatIr Lummus was alto transferred

with the dispatcher office-

r turamus will be greatly missed by

rfmr ntN1StIYlAY


1 hi1Jil rb-e 7









h Dt


miWhl t t



Il enUl

rcla a here


me aue p-


sa edar reasti1arbyepfar7tH TtH HttUAbsi




ate e

the clipyes-


A w

9vies torn

be pleasant

was In

t Meet IWa






Avenue and Hyde Parkter teams played a match game

ball et the park Monday afterWhich resulted In a score of 18 toavoir ofthft Fourth Avenuea

was ft fair crowd present whoil to enjoy the game

uLttauhot take Cod Liver 0111 This

Oil made by fl H Bond Co BaltlIt has uo taste of the oil

Dflllgbtfal to take Prescribed by

by Aokormanf-

ilrocelVfed from Squire J H-

fMjjmiii copies of th

p afibtir Illustrates the ceretfmtt occasion The enterel by that paper Is ncred-

ilwa W A tho Soul h

t HiiorsWorldt Pair




is a latake Tryk

ore Mil

Bnllds up broken downaurae Consumption and

pabIllt Xpr salWarty alajka-


oh t whowasliroeentat the dedica-o and Chatla-

vt Parka which in a moo


of d


erakno wardedmor ll

tits DRMtrag t-





rid nllienereiii




car aty st-

ar MI1 1

1I 4

acv spiritr

tau iadl-





i and

once by the fleontla Southern and

ger agent by Hvjle nnd earnest work forFlorida be it

Resolved By delegates ofeditors

that the Atlanta Exposition may bekeen and Its told to all Florida

Florida press and are herebySouthern and Florida

n extended the mem-bers on this a

Resolved T we most sincerelycongratulate 0 Southern andFlorida for tK Mi good fortune in having an general passenger agentMr Macdorn d whose bold strokes forbusiness wAich have been emphasized by smnjcess have made his Im-

portant hni i known from Jacksonvilleto Key Wcs

f from Palm Beach lo 1ensacolo

Resolved That the members of thepress here f present individually and

tMr presence on the

that the thanks be tendered WH Lucas passengerof the Georgia Southern and Floridawho among us and whohas been untj iring in his efforts on ourbehalf f

Resolved I That our thanks are dueto the u Railroad ot Georgia andtheir passenger agent Mr J0 Halle 10 ably cooperated withMr antI the Georgia South-ern and for this invasion of

Resolved we tsk a copy ofthese resolutions be published in the

State copy

appointed bri the chairman of themeeting to MV Macdonald pod be

to J 0 Wails in Savannah andto Mr Lucas at Jacksonville

Daring the training of the militia ina was ordered

oft for ball firing Including a gamekeeper from who wassingled out as The sergeanttook up the to see if all wasready when to bo horror he saw themarker standing in of the targetThinking the man sergeant-at onco hastened rescue and

authoritative demanded themeaning of such toilless conduct at thesame time describing the as afool Im no as thinkwas the retort tho safest placeweel eneuch Ive marked for yourcompany afora Dundee News

Mt nVrtborn

Pt t the Editor WhlJ-

IWl1t t the UreatWl1eroa It is the province of jour

uaiism tooorn ze energy find

Whorea8 Dot n these Idllll quallljeshave been show n iu de

eo ably teplfMlntlid byMr G A Mac pRBlon

the Flori-da her on thistendered M II

Macdonald in

rtesResolved at the thanks or the

b J given-to the Georllrfor tbo courtlf


collectively Ii their appreciation-of uonalde

for h he was responsible ande

Centgenera I

wtMacdona d

Florl a At-

lanta by the F orlda editors1 that

anda de-

livered by a committee to be

n arkertloldg IU8

renth ane the

to thevc oe

a fool Sea II




by olaFair

to enter-prise


Fidrlda railroad


ptosont tripby




trI agent










Matilda Maloney tnja a m 0Jot of airs just because stetg old enough-ter wear a oonlek

Ethel MoSwath she aintno heavy swell for no ieai aristocratsdont never wear their on deoutside ofde Truth

trot Ctodlt toEnutt Mister V jfej you j-

o as to give n dine t a hungryman that haint ett n bite

Say you miserable low dow tad fornothing lazy contonptibl weasydirty worthless vagabond

six months ago Iud got tsame speech Word for word I YOU

havent learned a thing I

lug idle shiftless mealy whiningragged on H eitdollar for you nod If you dart have anew song dance when pull myleg yon pitiful sniv-

eling moldy shabby villainous mil-

dewed bog of braes Illkick you off the premises I Y can go

Tnffold Knutt Yesr CkkagoTrib

Criminal PracticeColonel Percy Yerger Is

He has an immense prac-

tice and usually wits slight as

clients no matter how atrecleus theircrime or oftheir guilt Last Sunday Yergers little boy Tommy wftisktd bykit Sunday school

Tommy Ihe man who U good in

of tho disobey

the law of GeMPapa thew WM

PtOttA PADOAnjc haj-

k oslna s to 1U MIo-

itV re Ffoi where aher jsjtwkv


lobOl hell Bk

a Jl1I addTttt old

fur oreFellalre formerly Rusty


here on

Yougaineda disgrace to profession you sues

burlesque human



of themoat popular criminal law In

siatenco from the in aOlllJ t1ng

the denoeel

world goes to poaven whateues mon w

pleatspposas Sittisge

All mal





tanew idea In six months I Yotf




m Aus-


jury his

overtvholmL g


this wbail









vlfe of the editor of Tho Graphic the loadlocal paper of Miami county writes

X troubled with heart dlteatetot six years severe palpitations shortBest of breath together with extrcmBBorTousnesa that at times I wouldwalk the floor nearly all night Weconsulted the beat medical talentThey laidthat I had disease of the heart forwhich there was no remedy I had readyour adTCrttoeoent In The Graphic andayear ago as a tan resort tried one bottle of

UtttM Sew Cure for Heartwhich convInced me that there was truemerit In It I took throe bottles each of thenears Cure and Restorative Nerrlno andIt cotnpletelu cured e JT

ay heart boats regularly mudI bare no more smothering epclU I wishto say to all who are suffering as Itheres relief untold for them It they willonly give your remedies just one trial

Dr Milesthat the lint bottle will benefit

All drnralsts sell it at U a bottles ton U or

Dr CureRestores Health

nt J P Dell


flitre ICnt helpfer meorganic

Dr tile


pricethe Dr







by aules tdWlcal 00al thn



For Florida Visitors to Allana andto Florida Newspapers

All Florida visitors to Atlanta are in-

vited to make the West Florida department their headquarters A registerwill be kept in which all Floridians vis-

iting Atlanta will be requested t reg-

ister their names their homo postofllcetheir Atlanta city address antI the dateof their expected departure from At-

lanta All letters or telegrams sent tothe care of the West exhibitwill receive careful attention and FlorIdlans leaving home without a settledaddress In Atlanta would do well tohavo their friends address them to thecare of the West Florida exhibit Agricultural Building Atlanta

There were eleven arrivals at theSt George yesterday

When Baby wu lick we gare her CattorlaWhen ahe was a ChIld abe cried Caatorla

When became Mica the clung to Castorla-

Whtn ihe had she gate them CutorU

Mrs Martin accompanied by herdaughter Miss Annie are visiting MrsGeo Miller in St Augustine

gamine at OUt tun-OuuMtioe ain

Attention is called to theof P J Becks which Nwlll be

found In another column Mr Deckshas established In Palatka a factory forthe manufacture of wagons and othervehicles also blacksmith work horseshoeing etc Experienced and skilledworkmen employed and satisfactionguaranteed Give him a call

Descend a step in choosing wifemount a step in choosing a friend


Hands and Limbs Covered withBlisters and Great

Rod Blotches


Lay Awake Night after Night

Scratching Until almost Wild


Speedily Cured by


v was a sufferer for eight years from thatof all

a ted imooili surface

llmbi rod blotches not unlikeSfot Would iiii ir and as soon u I twaim

after night I allscratch ahnote wild I hMnlnf

r m aiox of Ctmc ua bottle IWMIVMI-

TOSAail tut ej13 truthfully ss rtthtt-

rPJ n iCEDW enre lin Any

ills Orion St 1ttUlmrg ra

COBS TMATnixt V rmyrieoaA M U sopUwtteSs

wl mild doNe o

Daw k

Fl rida






ItI now truthtall that um

I d I Ir ell some of the teatthe country but they did tae goode of my hams were oonreuU lJooome wblte Ulllrdrat would pal

wblcbf Itcll

It On the or of

UIe burn and woUId IJettln

a hlC

tocnA lea rotIb 0 uPAIft gore thfllll

aver A

and Inftamlllt 011

e sal IN


has IAIIIma l do riotent In reeomme remeclle-

aJOml DtMI talate 81lid InanJJIII 1ItG1er

ftt bathscw- Soar





asq I entirely


would then

ilk Are tanonamethe


meeta thorough

tIi sad fewnets b

toss tees ae

meet wbayour



Mr w Nuttnta sate











men all rcmlmt us

Kttfi be

Iliftgec patches on our pants

On those once new and glossyNow of stripes of dilferont

AH lingerAud dont up

Let us then be nullPav your bills however small

Or when autumn winds are singingWo shall have no pants at

Brunswick Call

Noah and Wiley Hicks whitewere shot by Governor Williams anegro at a negro fair near Glen StMary last Saturday nght Noah Hickswas instantly killed and Wiley wasbadly wounded Noah Hicks hadbeaten a negro fur making remarksabout white women a few days beforeThe lllcks brothers and several otherWhite men went to the negro festivalabout 10 oclock The murderer es-


That Tired FeelingIs a common complaint and it is a dan-gerous symptom It means that thesystem Is debilitated because of Impureblood and in this condition Is

liable to attacks of diseaseHoods Sarsoporllla is the remedy forthis condition and also for that

which prevails at the change ofseason climate or life

HOODS PILLS act easily yet promptly and efficiently on the bowels andliver 25c


i f et

nt tf therebin




Ltvdpne4 btand acbauce

lye Workua









Fresh Garden Seedjust received by S E


U drnggbUsolt Dr Mlles Nero plasters

Against All PrecedentIt pains me to report said the

chairman of the Investigating committee that we have been grievously

grossly deceivedasked soveral members in

unisonlearned explained the

chairman regretfully that there aresome members of this committee whoreally wish to Investigate ChicagoPost

roodMNo she answeredAs she stood there in the thickening

gloom he could not but reflect that shewas beautiful

No she repeated youI do sot give you the triable heart Iam a poor girl The best I can give youis the limestone heart

Still ho thought there was dignity-in poverty nil its own Detroit Tribunes

Almost SynonymonSome English words are very con-

fusingFor instanceWell rowing and rowing In

some sentences yon cant tell whetherits boating or fighting

Yes and the worst is thatmatch races you cant tell eitherChicago Record

I thought you said this horse yousold me wu an intelligent reliable an

imalIt isWhy it tries to get over the fence

every time it eeea a girl in bloomersYes thats what shews its intelli-

gence Washington Star

A Man of III WordNow dont go and spend Slat for

rum said the kind oldhanded a 10 cent plecd to the tramp

No mam I wont I promise youwas the tramps reply

And he didnt He went and investedit in two beers Somerville Journal

Customer in a restaurant Bringone Welsh rabbit and un order of pigsfeet

Walter through slide One Taffy ona Trilby from I

New York World

Ill One FearMenlt Under the circumstance

Why dont you go west and get a di-

vorceCobwiffgor Because If I hod a divorce

I might bo fool enough to marry againLife

n nil Iler-Ho Will you be to me dearShe surprised and indignant No

I wontB Ah then be luy wife Boston


Should Vis


exerts a wonderful influeufce lastrengthening her system bydriving through the proper channet oil impurities Health andstrength are Guaranteed to resultIrons its use





I have just


are wrong

In some


lady as site

Th LatH

doorstep one the rooter

a sister





bedrtddantprelgbtes onthaafter using StirLATOatortwo earl

dso rM r

I ku Ir111 aN at il








for Infants and Children

Do You Know thatCordial many socalled Soothing syrups and

newt remedies children are oompoeeJcf opium or morphine

Do You Knoir that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotlo iiol oni

To Yon Know that In most oountrlta druggists are not permitted to tell narcoticwithout labeling them poisons

Do You Know that you should sot permit any medicine to be chad

that Cutoria Is a purely vegetable preparation and that a list otj

Do Yon Know that Castorta U the prescription of the famous Dr Samuel ntcherThat It In use for nearly thirty years and more Castorla U now sold Unaof an other remedies tor children combined t

Do Yon Know that the Patent Offloe Department of the United States and ofother countries hay lamed exclusive right to Dr Pitcher and his assigns to UM the word

Oattorln and Its formula and that to Imitate them U a state prison offtuw f

Do You Know that CM ot the rMaon forgT Ptlagthl gOT nimcDt PTC t ctlonirabecause Cutoria had fceonproten to be abtolntelf nmnnlent lj-

b Yea Know that 35 average doses of Cutoria are furnished for 36o nts or ono cent dote f i

Do You Snow that when possessed of thli perfect preparation your children ttarbe kept well and that you may haTe unbroken rest f

Wall tli i things lie worth blowing They lie




yourunion you know of whit n la composed

Do Youtte IDsmteDte II pubuled wtth ImIf1 boW

baa been






oryour physician f



> <

The faoilmlla

Children Cry for Pitchers Cast-



and MONDAYand will guarantee to

j i

you Money by purckas-ing fromme

in Menegligee Shirts specialfor the Coming Weekroirtruea-

iiieuoTWikvlBliew lost MaakiM4plcMjr HnHifwti s nllimf pow rlnO nrkroTirii ri ueualTXiMoIlofrMooMiilulanuwbKb I Jto Inaruttr er iiTMI poctok I p r l r mallpmmM Wlh

1 feaeT r7-

alptare of wrapper

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Gnats Furnishing-

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