crystal river news. (crystal river, fl) 1910-09-23 [p...

r c Ii I J tIiiII l I 1- j I 1r r A Letter from Mr Earnest- To my Friends and Patrons sTock than anticipated great strike and the advance in all lines have made it no easy task we have been put next to all the best things in the great City New York and will this Fall show one of the most complete lines ever shown in Florida Our Stock will far surpass anything we have ever shown in smartness of style and variety You will find us with many exclusive designs and patterns Jneo t to that we are L au 1 t we sW aree pleased state ln t our While the f e Our ReadytoWear Department will eclipse any former display and will consist of all the newest in Suits Dresses Skirts Coats and Waists You will find us With the new Hobble Dresses and Skirts the latest Parisian hit These goods are being shipped out daily and we expect to have our Fall Opening for three days beginning October 13th when we expect to be able to show you a Stock that would do credit to any city Wait and see it Thanking you for past fayors and a continuance of the same I am Yours to please E M EARNEST New York Sept 21 1910 I i solicit- ing ¬ InterOcean Steamboat Co Steamers HcNell William Howard and Heck VERTBEEB CO Agents Palatka Fla Steamer L McNeil leaves Jaokeonvlllo for Palatka Sundays Tuesdays and Thursdays leaves Palatka at midnight for Orescent City and Omega- at 10 a m Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays Returning arrives Palat ka about 8p m and Jacksonville about 8 a m next day Steamer William Howard leaves Palatka for Welaka and Ocklawaha River landings at 4p m Mondays arriving Silver Springs Wednesdays at 8p m leaves Silver Springs Thursdays at a m arrives Palatka Fridays 2p m Leaves Palatka for Welaka Dray too Leland and Townsends Wharf Fri days at 4 p m returning arrives Palatka Saturday 6p m THOS D EVANS Traffic Mgr Jacksonville Fla EDWARD STOKES H D ATKINSON Stokes Atkinson CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Palatka Buildings designed and ereoted 1 y contract or percentage Reinforced Concrete Brick or Wood We know our business and guarantee our work You are To a new Plow or kind of Farm Ing Implements this Fall you better set are none better than John Deere Farm Tools All the latest improvements Guaranteed strictly J E Edmonson Agent V jfc3klAi a 7 r j Lf t 1 I I t e Going et J I i H ttc Floridsa v 0 If L s ¬ ¬ > < Walter Cowart the manager of the well known and of in the city and an agreeable call He route home from a trip to points la South Florida- N 8 Collins and family have moved Into the residence on River street recently vacated by the Points family and former home in the North End is now occupied by MrWUk pn the well knowp naval tores dealer r IT r our I y ii and- o Atlanta rae Friday wade and capable colored of the WU son Cypress Company on Sunday after- noon met a serious while endeavoring to a launch from running into a wharf on tho olty front His right arm was broken The wound is mending nicely but it will be some will be able to resume his pUce at the mill earache m two minutes of scold or In five minutes hoarseness one hour muscle ache two hours sore throat twelve boats Dr Thomu Klectrio Oil mon- arch ov pain i tcTl rii ml In two plate I I know tooth- ache or J n ¬ CURBSTONE I School Books at Rowtons i Batter that Is butter at Btepheb Paint for all usea at Dodges I will bur your old chool Books Old School Books wed In thU taken In exchange for new I Mrs M E Boyd the week at Rest View Cottage Fn fats Miss Bristow of ThtreitrFla Is spending tbo week with Mrs R H I A J 0 Vertrets Atlanta wva short are visit Mr Mrs John Fink of fcshna spent Wednesday in the city i Mr and MM Eugene D Lo3ds of Crescent spent Sunday with friends I See Jacobsona gingham cal patterns for school wear Sheriff Kennedy visited ustine on official business the week If PICK PS Rowton ones la lIoournln re r it I- Ii I TI Ion otc for u ir add o shop II own aJ per St UK of ante t alt of a ono DrH o t en ping the t Thos J Knight left a short visit to his old home at In North Florida 1 i- I votite resort Daytona Beo I of a few to friends Dr E Reeder a pro ness man and popular oil lake was in town Yes yon can get all the at Row tons new rebonu hand I Mrs N G Robinson ha her old home In Front Roy- a short visit to Mrs S Miller of Oresoei was numbered among the who I spent Tuesday the Gem J D 00 and Ray Wooley spent Wednesday In St Every dress amounting to 100 Leo Jacobson one spool Coats cotton thread free W A returned Saturday from Macon where he went on oom bined business and pleasure bent- J Almond Rosenberg has returned Wedn yon J n age Miss g ne to r tv Jr t vitit Oily from an to Mre DeWUt VorOI tn Savannah Reed q r a sad cousins his sister ¬ Miss Kate Putnam Monday for Bt August Albert 0 MoKenzIe left Monday for Atlanta to enter the well College of Medicine for thelOlO11 term- J R Blokes OOrner Lemon and Ninth streets and sells second- hand furniture of all kinds Give 1 Miss Minnie points in and other States T H E Jenkins of Wayoross da has arrived In the city and his position as salesman with toe Earnest Company studlell Btin At- lanta m scat hu from a delightful vtalt to va Nor ern usa d n Calhoun left epf i Academy re- turned oofl ¬ > ¬ A spool of Gnats cotton fthreaj given free with every 1 at Leo Mrs Mary Kirby after spent at points 1 setts has returned to her J West End Miss Minnie j Wednesday night months la Kentucky YOn BALELan one pair sidelight Charles from Summer Haven where he aev eral weeks very pleasantly a the guest of friends Mrs Martin Griffin has go tc South Jacksonville on an ext ded visit to the family of her br her Mr Jere 8 Smith Harry Appleby of Miami seed through town Tuesday en ro o to his home at Crescent City ou stay of extended duration Mrs 0 W Gllpatrlok and soL Del bert have returned from a but sojourn at that re- sort Beach 7 Miss Florrle Orook after season spent with In the New York to her home In the city f JHftW1 Mrs John D Points Id Interest Ing little daughters and Jes- sie are homo after an visit Llncolnton N d Rev H Dntlll and son ward left Tuesday for Butherlati Fla the man wll enter Southern College for the ruing term boys o will enroll ire the two soh and Yrs F P Dupont n t nit W For tale cheap by J e b f pop Daytona eU htful relativ i i1ket La n tart ens 11- oe ore I Fan o of extended duration to In lat1c t1 dregs ajt f ht P oil hu- e f has toned gTCpld yo o be v tel e of > ¬ > 8ohool Supplies at Tlowton Light housekeeping room for rent 308 st- I Onion Rets of all kinds atKenner lys Seed Store I Dont forget that with each X cent cash purchase Fxarnildes- I Jacobson gives a spool of Coat thread with each dollar dress pattern WANTED To rent a nice 0 or 7 room home must bn close In Contractor Goo Tlllman City v Mrs A1 S Brown Is home after an enjoyable visit of a to rela in WANTED Secondhnnd farnlture of J BSTOKa corner Lemon and Ninth streets Mrs Grace of Hobe Bnnnd Florida who bee been vlmtlng friends- at bataama Heights ii stopping in fas i latka at present millS 0 Wooley and son Rrfy of Ind have ben spend- Ing the week with their mint Mrs A Buky on Kirby street Leo Jacobson Is dally receiving a beautiful line of ginghams per cafes at special prices ver au o lit few daya anford- Belle tick- et ¬ ¬ Mn Henry horn a pleasant sojourn spent at Pablo Beach with family- of Mr E D Hntchlnioii The many friends of Mr and Mrs Thos D Evans congratulate them upon the arrival of a bouncing boy at their home on Heights on Friday last WANTED A good cook colored Must have reference as to character Apply to Mrs 0 0 McKonite 508 Reed Street a Beach left Tuesday for Philadel- phia to resume at the Jeffer- son Mrs Geo E Welch and daughter MUs Belle left Tuesday for York and other places of Interest in the North to a few weeks as guests ot friends and relatives Mr and Din W P Merriam have returned from an extended to New York and other points of Interest In the North route home stopped In Jacksonville for a few days If your hens give them nerlys Feed Store Tho congratulations of many friends are extended Mr and Chas Neck upon the arrival of a fine their home at East Pa latka opSatnrday morning Hutchinson hereon Dr after spending 1111 vacation with hit at I Oo legs Ken n Brretnrned h- am gai- t st ¬ ¬ + Is off on an extended the North He will fcwBf a couple ot weeks which visit New York Washington and other places of interest MIss Rime after a summers visit to her grandparents Mr and Mrs H in End has to her home in West Palm Beach much to the regret of her many young friends Headquarters for School Books We large stock of New Hooks also Secondhand at lowest prices Bead for price list Aokerman County Agents Pa latka Arty BoYi be- t carry a Stewart Drug Co rn re- turned ¬ ¬ + P O OHaver whp has been spend lug tbe summer with his at Eenka was m the city Sunday while using through en route to Greencastle be complete his course widely Known DePaw Ml ona stirmach tablets turn a weak into a strong one In a stomach misery InflvemlantesS- AckermanStewart Drug Co antees them Large box 60 cents St Academy opened on Monday for the 191011 term an unusually large attendance The prospects for a most successful and satisfactory school year are very promising which fact la learned with pleasure by the many friends of this popular institution R L Pendleton for the past sea- son head salesman in Leo Jaoobsons Popular Dry Goods and Shoe Store has resigned his position and gone to Jacksonville where he will engage In the dry goods business for himself His many friends here wish him all manner of good lock In his new Hlghome thats the way to pro- nounce Hyomel the catarrh cure that Co guarantees or back No stomach dosing JUst breathe it Com- plete outfit Inhaler 100 Separate bottle 60 cents M been called to- iinlsrirdhahsovarftlUraes recently to attend Mr G E been seriously for some time but whose condition Is now reported as slightly Improved Mr Gillett Is one of the countys most estimable sill zens and we trust to soon learn of his restoration to health Miss Irby Coffee tendered a number of her friends a launch ride on evening which one of thorough enjoyment Federal Point destination a landing being made there and an call made on Mr and Mrs Frank who received the party most hospitably Enjrqntehome bountiful refreshments caste were borb tlDie sour stomach guar AckermanStewart a o an tKt University st moo i and un- dertaking D tad ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CRESCENT CITY Correspondence TimesHaroldi Mr J L Torrey one of the plo neer residents of this section died at his home here Tuesday after an Illness ot only a few days The funeral was heid on be following afternoon the Interment made In the city cemetery Mr Torrey recently celebrated his FOth birthday- at which time he appeared In his usual vlor and good spirit He a gentleman of and per formed labors seldom done by one of his advanced years He was a uplen did citizen and the community re- gret his demise In the sympathy of Is extend family Mrs Luther Court of Palatka has been the guest of relatives In town for the put several days Harry Appleby came up from Dade County Tuesday on a short visit to We regret to learn that Rev R N Gate and family will shortly move to to reside in future The 111 health of Mr Gate necessitates the change was ¬ ¬ + After spending the season at points In Rev E T Butler and daughter arrived home last week so on regular services wore conducted at the Presbyterian church Mrs Edwin Gilbert has made the members of the Musicians Club hap py by sending them a cheek for 9100 to on the piano recently pur- chased The donation la greatly up predated by not only the Club but by the citizens generally LaBrees big auto has ar- rived and Is already doing passenger service town and tlon School will open Monday for the term practically a new faculty name noted In the list The new teachers come hlgnly recommended so we ex- pect a successful and satisfactory school year Following corps of teachers Hull principal Misses Jane Bowman Brown and Daisy Brooks assistants Eowtons for School Books New Wall Paper Dodges Furnished rooms 303 River st I Save and bay rebound School I Books at 60 purchase at Fewnsldes may get you a fine Brush I or 8 dotes 060 will cure any case of Chills and Fever Price I Miss Kate Lucas will have her fall and winter millinery opening on Wed nesday and Thursday October 12th and M at Rowton- A Auto- b ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Mrs Geo Tillman and ohlldren re turned yesterday from a delightful out fog several Beach 7 Mr and Mrs J Blair Dunn of tour were guests of the Saintly of Wednesday 6 or t doses 666 will cure any case of Chills and fever Price 26c Mr and Mrs R F have at th r guest Mrs McQueen Chars who has a pleasant sojourn at Daytona Beach Jas A Bear after a weeks con flnement to his home with fever Ir out and able to see after his business Interests at Darto a H M deMoutmollln to West End Day Hon and Mrs 8 J Hllburn and Claire Key vHIted Daytona Beach on Wednesday making the trip In the Rambler In time Host disfiguring skin eruptions scrof- ula rashes etc are due to im blood Burdock Dlcwd aH cleansing tonic Makes you clear clearbrained The pile of coal on the Georgia Son theca yard that has been for sev- eral weeks having been rejected the consignee on ground of arriving too was sold at auction Monday morning to G Loper Bailey being the highest best On Friday night several of the little RIve an Informal entertainment at Mrs Ramsanrs for the benefit of the local hospital Those were Mabel Stanton and Marshall With the proceeds the little folks bought use at the hospital bl6 participating Kate amsaur oloar Calhoun ¬ ¬ < ¬ Children FOR FLETCHERS CASTORIAJ- as Wilson the now of the mineral water establishment at Welaka was a prominent visitor to the olty Anticipating a liberal tourist la now making extensive Improvements on the property and otherwise getting things In shape for the on y 6 or 6 doses 666 will cure any case of Ohllla and Fever Price 25o A RELIABLE A NARCOTIC FOLBTB HONBT AND TAB saved he little life She writes Our little contracted n severe bronchial trouble and as tho doctors medicine did not cure him I gave him Honey and Tar in I have great faith It the cough as as trouble and we are never without it I In boned J l fij MEDICINENOT Mrs J1 Marti St Joe Mlcb the choking and and he got In a short time Foley Honey Tat many us much lie II 1 sea w has times saved Houghton Real French can not be made unless the itself blended and roasted ac- cording to the method Use Wfi around familY The REIIY TAYLOR Co CI 8 I lIit I Coffee VI cof- fee COQ Ftdndh ust D Ntw0atwt3Us stood of New Books also Rewound end at low for price list Academy of St Joseph PALATKA FLORIDA The Music Class on the first Monday of September The Aoade my receives of all from sir Course a tfi3r r In Technlo Studios P J BECKS BiKDALI Becks Wells Real Estate and Insurance Orange Winter Homes Hotels and Un Pine Hardwood Timber andt Turpentine a specialty TELL US YOUR HAVE Do you Florida property that like to so it with n We have a buyer for It Of Headqoar rl forSohool Books We prIce send ACkllrmn Agents Pdatka Fla The Elementary Preparatory I and 8onatlnas selected from Laea L shorn and as well u easy pieces fit by classical and modern composers and apply at the Academy t and Country Properties Groves I Farms Potato Farms Ronnie and Lot Btor Improved Lands of aU WE own you would hoe opposite court P O Doc 161 Palatlta Fla pears aria rte ms whirs i sell = Whats the Use studying color cards catalogues etc and worrying wife trying to which of the many ADULTERATED paints Is best One Is lust aa good as the other If you wish not adulterated and buy and use For salo by E E DODGE Fla Liability Boiler- In fact ll branches of Insnrancenand Real Estate Thats our buBineasJaniJ we want to servo and friends paint that le PERFEOT JJJim UlIJJlIHc- wmWJIl Mm Pal atka a r FrLfe A ide t 4- 4gealtj Sara Y > < = Phone 123 Opp Court Uouse PALATKA t FLORIDA Ladies Milliners Emporium Gents Hats of all kinds straws soft felts Panamas eto now on short notice All orders prompt atten- tion ff t In all sizes grades and cleaneu reblook in fact made 1 Yen and MISS KATB Sueec lalatb you la Fluley TackerBrG0 i siren An flosicll l careful LUCAS1 44 aoe ¬

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Page 1: Crystal River News. (Crystal River, FL) 1910-09-23 [p ] · 2006. 5. 31. · r c Ii I J tIiiII l I 1-j I 1r r A Letter from

r c Ii I J tIiiII l






A Letter from Mr Earnest-

To my Friends and Patrons

sTock than anticipatedgreat strike and the advance in all lines havemade it no easy task we have been putnext to all the best things in the great CityNew York and will this Fall show one of themost complete lines ever shown in FloridaOur Stock will far surpass anything we haveever shown in smartness of style and varietyYou will find us with many exclusive designsand patterns


tto that we are


au1 t


sW aree pleased stateln t

our While the



Our ReadytoWear Department will

eclipse any former display and will consistof all the newest in Suits Dresses SkirtsCoats and Waists You will find us With thenew Hobble Dresses and Skirts the latestParisian hit

These goods are being shipped out dailyand we expect to have our Fall Opening forthree days beginning October 13th whenwe expect to be able to show you a Stockthat would do credit to any city Wait andsee it

Thanking you for past fayors anda continuance of the same I amYours to please E M EARNEST

New York Sept 21 1910





InterOcean Steamboat CoSteamers HcNell William Howard and Heck

VERTBEEB CO Agents Palatka Fla

Steamer L McNeil leaves Jaokeonvlllo for Palatka Sundays Tuesdaysand Thursdays leaves Palatka at midnight for Orescent City and Omega-

at 10 a m Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays Returning arrives Palatka about 8 p m and Jacksonville about 8 a m next day

Steamer William Howard leaves Palatka for Welaka and OcklawahaRiver landings at 4 p m Mondays arriving Silver Springs Wednesdays at8 p m leaves Silver Springs Thursdays at a m arrives Palatka Fridays2 p m

Leaves Palatka for Welaka Dray too Leland and Townsends Wharf Fridays at 4 p m returning arrives Palatka Saturday 6 p m

THOS D EVANS Traffic Mgr Jacksonville Fla



PalatkaBuildings designed and ereoted 1 y contract or percentage

Reinforced Concrete Brick or Wood We know our businessand guarantee our work

You areTo a new Plow or kind of FarmIng Implements this Fall you betterset are none betterthan John Deere Farm Tools Allthe latest improvements Guaranteedstrictly

J E Edmonson AgentV jfc3klAi a



jLf t 1


It e




i H

ttc Floridsav








Walter Cowart themanager of the well known and

of in the city andan agreeable call He

route home from a tripto points la South Florida-

N 8 Collins and family havemoved Into the residence on Riverstreet recently vacated by the Pointsfamily and former home in

the North End is now occupied byMrWUk pn the well knowp naval

tores dealer

rIT r





Atlanta rae Friday


and capable colored of the WUson Cypress Company on Sunday after-noon met a serious whileendeavoring to a launch fromrunning into a wharf on tho olty frontHis right arm was brokenThe wound is mending nicely but itwill be some will beable to resume his pUce at the mill

earache m two minutesof scold or In five

minutes hoarseness one hour muscleache two hours sore throat twelveboats Dr Thomu Klectrio Oil mon-arch ov pain

i tcTl rii ml

In two plate




tooth-ache or





I School Books at Rowtons iBatter that Is butter at Btepheb

Paint for all usea at Dodges I

will bur your old choolBooks

Old School Books wed In thUtaken In exchange for new

I Mrs M E Boyd theweek at Rest View Cottage Fn fats

Miss Bristow of ThtreitrFlaIs spending tbo week with Mrs R H I


J 0 Vertrets

Atlanta wva shortare visit

Mr Mrs John Fink of fcshnaspent Wednesday in the city

iMr and MM Eugene D Lo3ds of

Crescent spent Sundaywith friends I

See Jacobsona ginghamcal patterns for school wear

Sheriff Kennedy visitedustine on official businessthe week If




la lIoournln

re r it I-

Ii I

TIIon otc for


addo shop

II own


St UKof



alt of a ono

DrH o ten


the t

Thos J Knight left ashort visit to his old home atIn North Florida 1 i-

I votite resort Daytona BeoI of a few to friends

Dr E Reeder a proness man and popular oillake was in town

Yes yon can get all theat Row tons new rebonuhand

IMrs N G Robinson ha

her old home In Front Roy-a short visit to

Mrs S Miller of Oresoeiwas numbered among the who I

spent Tuesday the Gem

J D 0 0and Ray Wooley spent Wednesday

In St

Every dress amounting to100 Leo Jacobson one spool

Coats cotton thread free

W A returned Saturdayfrom Macon where he went on oombined business and pleasure bent-

J Almond Rosenberg has returned

Wedn yonJ n age

Miss g ne tortv



from an toMre DeWUt VorOI tn Savannah

Reed q




his sister


Miss Kate PutnamMonday for Bt August

Albert 0 MoKenzIe left Monday forAtlanta to enter the well

College of Medicine for thelOlO11term-

J R Blokes OOrner Lemon andNinth streets and sells second-hand furniture of all kinds Give

1Miss Minnie

points in and otherStates T

H E Jenkins of Wayoross da hasarrived In the city and hisposition as salesman with toe EarnestCompany

studlell Btin



hufrom a delightful vtalt to va

Nor ern

usa d


Calhoun left


re-turned oofl




A spool of Gnats cotton fthreajgiven free with every 1

at Leo

Mrs Mary Kirby afterspent at points 1

setts has returned to her J

West End

Miss Minnie jWednesday night

monthsla Kentucky

YOn BALELanone pair sidelight

Charles fromSummer Haven where he aeveral weeks very pleasantly a theguest of friends

Mrs Martin Griffin has go tcSouth Jacksonville on an ext dedvisit to the family of her br herMr Jere 8 Smith

Harry Appleby of Miami seedthrough town Tuesday en ro o tohis home at Crescent City ou stayof extended duration

Mrs 0 W Gllpatrlok and soL Delbert have returned from a but

sojourn at that re-sort Beach 7

Miss Florrle Orook afterseason spent with In the

New Yorkto her home In the city fJHftW1

Mrs John D Points Id InterestIng little daughters and Jes-sie are homo after an visit

Llncolnton N d

Rev H Dntlll and son wardleft Tuesday for Butherlati Fla

the man wll enterSouthern College for the ruingterm boys o willenroll ire the two soh andYrs F P Dupont





For tale cheap by J


b fpop


eU htfulrelativ


i1ket La n tartens 11-

oe oreI


of extended duration to In



dregs ajt


htP oil



has toned

gTCpldyo o be


tel e





8ohool Supplies at Tlowton

Light housekeeping room for rent308 st-

IOnion Rets of all kinds atKenner

lys Seed Store

IDont forget that with each

X cent cash purchase Fxarnildes-

I Jacobson gives a spool of Coatthread with each dollar dress pattern

WANTED To rent a nice 0 or 7 roomhome must bn close In ContractorGoo Tlllman City v

Mrs A1 S Brown Is home after anenjoyable visit of a to rela


WANTED Secondhnnd farnlture ofJ BSTOKa corner

Lemon and Ninth streets

Mrs Grace of Hobe BnnndFlorida who bee been vlmtlng friends-at bataama Heights ii stopping in fas i

latka at present

millS 0 Wooley and son Rrfy ofInd have ben spend-

Ing the week with their mint MrsA Buky on Kirby street

Leo Jacobson Is dally receiving abeautiful line of ginghams percafes at special prices


au olit

few dayaanford-





Mn Henryhorn a pleasant sojourn

spent at Pablo Beach with family-of Mr E D Hntchlnioii

The many friends of Mr and MrsThos D Evans congratulate themupon the arrival of a bouncing boyat their home on Heights onFriday last

WANTED A good cook coloredMust have reference as to characterApply to Mrs 0 0 McKonite 508Reed Street

a Beach left Tuesday for Philadel-phia to resume at the Jeffer-son

Mrs Geo E Welch and daughterMUs Belle left Tuesday for Yorkand other places of Interest in theNorth to a few weeks as guestsot friends and relatives

Mr and Din W P Merriam havereturned from an extended to NewYork and other points of Interest Inthe North route home stoppedIn Jacksonville for a few days

If your hens givethemnerlys Feed Store

Tho congratulations of manyfriends are extended Mr andChas Neck upon the arrival of afine their home at East Palatka opSatnrday morning



Dr after spending1111 vacation with hit at

IOo legs




h-am gai-t





Is off on an extendedthe North He will

fcwBf a couple ot weekswhich visit New YorkWashington and other places of interest

MIss Rime after a summersvisit to her grandparents Mr and MrsH in End has

to her home in West PalmBeach much to the regret of her manyyoung friends

Headquarters for School Books Welarge stock of New Hooks also

Secondhand at lowestprices Bead for price list Aokerman

County Agents Palatka

Arty BoYibe-


carry a

Stewart Drug Co






P O OHaver whp has been spendlug tbe summer with his atEenka was m the city Sunday whileusing through en route to Greencastle

be complete his coursewidely Known DePaw

Ml ona stirmach tablets turn aweak into a strong one In a

stomach misery InflvemlantesS-AckermanStewart Drug Coantees them Large box 60 cents

St Academy opened onMonday for the 191011 terman unusually large attendance Theprospects for a most successful andsatisfactory school year are verypromising which fact la learnedwith pleasure by the many friends ofthis popular institution

R L Pendleton for the past sea-son head salesman in Leo JaoobsonsPopular Dry Goods and Shoe Storehas resigned his position and gone toJacksonville where he will engage Inthe dry goods business for himselfHis many friends here wish him allmanner of good lock In his new

Hlghome thats the way to pro-nounce Hyomel the catarrhcure thatCo guarantees or back Nostomach dosing JUst breathe it Com-plete outfit Inhaler 100Separate bottle 60 cents

M been called to-iinlsrirdhahsovarftlUraes recently toattend Mr G Ebeen seriously for some time butwhose condition Is now reported asslightly Improved Mr Gillett Is oneof the countys most estimable sillzens and we trust to soon learn ofhis restoration to health

Miss Irby Coffee tendered a numberof her friends a launch ride onevening which one of thoroughenjoyment Federal Point

destination a landing beingmade there and an callmade on Mr and Mrs Frankwho received the party most hospitablyEnjrqntehome bountiful refreshments

caste were

borb tlDie sour stomach




o antKt


st moo i











Correspondence TimesHaroldiMr J L Torrey one of the plo

neer residents of this section died athis home here Tuesday afteran Illness ot only a few days Thefuneral was heid on be followingafternoon the Interment madeIn the city cemetery Mr Torreyrecently celebrated his FOth birthday-at which time he appeared In hisusual vlor and good spirit He

a gentleman of and performed labors seldom done by one ofhis advanced years He was a uplendid citizen and the community re-

gret his demise In thesympathy of Is extend

familyMrs Luther Court of Palatka has

been the guest of relatives In townfor the put several days

Harry Appleby came up from DadeCounty Tuesday on a short visit to

We regret to learn that Rev R NGate and family will shortly moveto to reside in future The111 health of Mr Gate necessitatesthe change

was ¬



After spending the season at pointsIn Rev E T Butlerand daughter arrived home last weekso on regular services woreconducted at the Presbyterian church

Mrs Edwin Gilbert has made themembers of the Musicians Club happy by sending them a cheek for 9100to on the piano recently pur-chased The donation la greatly uppredated by not only the Club butby the citizens generally

LaBrees big auto has ar-rived and Is already doing passengerservice town andtlon

School will open Monday for theterm practically a new

faculty namenoted In the list The new teacherscome hlgnly recommended so we ex-pect a successful and satisfactoryschool year Following corpsof teachers Hull principalMisses Jane Bowman Brownand Daisy Brooks assistants

Eowtons for School Books

New Wall Paper Dodges

Furnished rooms 303 River st I

Save and bay rebound School I

Books at

60 purchase at Fewnsldes may getyou a fine Brush I

or 8 dotes 060 will cure anycase of Chills and Fever Price I

Miss Kate Lucas will have her falland winter millinery opening on Wednesday and Thursday October 12th and










Mrs Geo Tillman and ohlldren returned yesterday from a delightful outfog severalBeach 7

Mr and Mrs J Blair Dunn oftour were guests of the Saintly of


6 or t doses 666 will cure anycase of Chills and fever Price 26c

Mr and Mrs R F have atth r guest Mrs McQueen Chars whohas a pleasant sojourn atDaytona Beach

Jas A Bear after a weeks conflnement to his home with fever Ir

out and able to see after hisbusiness Interests

at Darto a

H M deMoutmollln to West End


Hon and Mrs 8 J Hllburn andClaire Key vHIted Daytona Beach onWednesday making the trip In theRambler In time

Host disfiguring skin eruptions scrof-ula rashes etc are due to im

blood Burdock Dlcwd aH

cleansing tonic Makes you clearclearbrained

The pile of coal on the Georgia Sontheca yard that has been for sev-eral weeks having been rejected theconsignee on ground of arriving too

was sold at auction Mondaymorning to G Loper Bailey beingthe highest best

On Friday night several of the littleRIve an Informal

entertainment at Mrs Ramsanrs forthe benefit of the local hospital Those


Stanton and Marshall Withthe proceeds the little folks bought

use at the hospital










CASTORIAJ-as Wilson the now of

the mineral water establishment atWelaka was a prominent visitor tothe olty Anticipating aliberal tourist la nowmaking extensive Improvements onthe property and otherwise gettingthings In shape for theon y

6 or 6 doses 666 will cure anycase of Ohllla and Fever Price 25o


FOLBTB HONBT AND TAB saved helittle life She writes Our little

contracted n severe bronchialtrouble and as tho doctors medicinedid not cure him I gave himHoney and Tar in I have greatfaith It the cough as as

trouble and we are never without it I

In boned J

l fij


Mrs J1 Marti St Joe Mlcb

the choking and and hegot In a short time Foley Honey

Tat many us much

lie II



has times saved


Real Frenchcan

not be madeunless the


and roasted ac-cording to the

method Use












ust D


stood of New Books alsoRewound end at lowfor price list

Academy of St JosephPALATKA FLORIDA

The Music Class on thefirst Monday of September The Aoademy receives of all from sirCourse a tfi3r rIn Technlo Studios


Becks WellsReal Estate and



Winter Homes Hotels and Un

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