crystal river news. (crystal river, fl) 1895-09-06 [p...

I U I U- 5f Jj io tL i riI l n c i O I ij btt ill ddil MIii I t D 1 I N fo ifI- It Jif IS i i Jit T lEJrl S HliRA Dfsiipt 1 17e 7 l r tt- f I 4 = > yiWf ft6ttjfr M swayed a few reiou fogiSmchu of the capitalists- lorgefliBg or ignoring the experience and history of twenty years in the- throcrof which we now are lft note how the of Ujcr people were when greenbacks caused money in cbculatlon to be plenty In spite of its effect to increase prices or rather as a consequence of thai fact W5Nt V Tlses V mass J a iirrrrrA yi I f fir lgt prosperous I + TVe the cur because thb socallei financier there are two parties t- flnancojlilic Intends of which ore u- common were not talttfiedwlth share In good lko Oliver Twist they wanted more the dear people or as so feelingly ex- pressed by one of class time no yet the people were too ilch and independ eat They have worked successfully the contraction of the currency do raonetlzatlon of sliver which wean when wo come down to the dead level of truth increase in the value of gold That goldltes millions In create and double in value while they Sleep and the wealth created by labpr skill and enterprise are lowing lute the possession of those who do not add single iota to the worlds wealth The bankers dollar has in its pur- chasing power almost doubled in value while the raanuiaclurers1 and enter- prising business mens dollar Invested in building machinery and merchan- dise Is reduced nearly CO per cent be low original coat The foregoing is a single sentence quoted from the an- nouncement of the fallue of a company by Us president- As to their play upon your suppoeed or known greater integrity than theirs telling you it would be dishonest to render it just barely possible to pay debts under a double standard Why ibclleve their sophistry and ignore the wrong done the debtor class by en hanclng the value of money find re ducing to wantand starvation the value of the wealth created by with which they have to buy that dear money If this would be dishonest pray what is the other side As to the argument that the value of money will be decreased onehalf that means it is pow enhanced onehalf And it will only be brought to a Just equilibrium With expressions of sympathy and concern for the poor the widow and orphans regarding their savings and insuranci interests and those or pensions thoy are chloroforming you for the continuance- of their professional legalized rob bury in the future Van you show us the laboring poor who has or can save for future need under existing circumstances While you may know of thousands who can- not supply their dally wants seeing suffering and death enter their homes they stand helpless by enforced idle- ness Many have been and are being driven to commit various crimes to supply the deficiency many others taking their own lives to escape the burden they cannot longer bear Ex- amples Of the effect of the supremacy- of law Influenced tu the making by the injustice of man Why these laws so favor a classs we not envy them the eternity of time which wilt not be long enough to take account of stock in bankrupted lives and souls of their fellowmen which they will follow out through all details and give an account to God ac- cording to his law of justice God gave all honest thinkers light and knowledge to give their Influence on the side of right and justice as II sees It IlUIKSroNSIULB o COli traction followed their that dn le 1 the common f growing fo- r how the t them g I I i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ For Strictly Reliable Garden Seed go to 8 Necks He is in re- ceipt of a of Landreths cole i liralcd garden seed I3A FirstClass Bicycle for sale Apply at this oftlce ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE To whom Hm y Concern MOUTHS AFTER DATEI will Moounti and Toueben to U County Jndn- if Putnam Countjr Kloridi ind uk to of Chtrlei V Awry deceued lt ot tola county D Administrator An nit W 18M MlCCm L D EATON MD HOMEOPATHIST OFFICE FRY BLOCK IALATKA FLA Residence Corner Main and First St- Offloe Honrs8 to 10 I to 3 p m mdMO in Bundayiltolpin- fatleati ram can b treated through Atlanta Womans College ATLANTA GEORGIA lb full BOTH of lattnieton In all for E fine I 11 I f dUi tram the 1 1 ii I a III II Qe mall ap I f J IL vt BSEllS A awe lIaIOdf GIlt tib Ad i 1ot A I r 1 tI- i g I lh a A M r I l d a BlE CEn- t t Omceoonsaitanontree t E k Dfc Copreeldente- l eaarte eas Tae selmttae method of lnaituu Ample aererIgpep- eYU a Burn rslses9Mdr w e m y- n ¬ Editor ofa Great Paper Cured y Paines Celery Compound O F I GH f I f I r r4 y- TBANNER + The Banner of Light Is as every ont knows one of the most successful de- nominational publications Issued in this country In its 77th volume It Is at once con- servative and bright disonulng not only modern Spiritualism but fre quently tending its Influence fearless- ly In of public aide its principal field Mr John W who is the and one of the proprietors writes In The Banner of Light as follows to the proprietors of Punci celery com- pound I owe yon a debt of gratitude In placing en markot a nerve rating soothing remedy asPnlnei been greatly relieved by Ita use as I have I have frequently taken occasion to commend compound to others and I do not an matters Importance out celery wu to my a frIend had him- self Pays edi- tor vrbo ¬ stance wherein if faithfully tried It has not worked a benefit I Yours truly DAt Mr Days portrait is above lIe Is a Masonic Odd Fellows Grand and other fra ternal organizations and is highly es- teemed and in the social walks of life Ills gratitude for the good that this is In no sense remarkable Thousands who have been well by Paine com tore of the remedy or 1lrect to medi cal Journals or tolling for the others the bays followed the use of the remedy food for the nerves and th t enriches the blood that makes failing by plans ana recommended who Bomnlo nervous neuralgia rheumatism indigestion I many tome I wotnout nerves and impure JouN W ciren made have to the new pers tbat tM weak strong andts one never o ever faithfully used It for In deranged un- solicited testimonials ¬ ¬ < not toothache ear- ache sprains cuts burns bites and stings all to its magic A record more than fifty years proves that PAINKILLER kills pain Seep PainKiller constantly on hand can never know be needed The has been doubled but the U itill i cents Imitations and tubstitntet may be offered look out The genuine bottle bears name Perry Davis Son IIIIIIJW There is no rain that Pain Killer will Thin s eerlain CENTRAL ORANGE STREET Under Entire Now Management GAMBLED Propr THOROUGHLY RENOVATED CLEANED and REFURNISHED li every department molting the accommodations firstclass and cuisine unex of pleasing his patrons Bates 8160 and 8200 per day St George Hotel j excellent pure water been Identified with the hotel bwiness for the feels sure and years resent Man m every nattlon at once to sell staple goods to dealers no peddling unnecessary best side line 87fi 00 a month Salary hnd expenses large commission made Address with 2 cent stamp for sealed particulars CM tea Soap and Manufacturing Ccclnnatl Ohio Dx Ul tf frJln PllUitou OfiWlwbe PINE quickly cares Coughs and jpolda WantedA experi- ence j or ny TAR SYR P reek Store S and r j crisper Leo41i t ¬ > orrosiTB Daytona On the Beach t IS NOW OPEN TABLE nnd COM FOUTABLE AIRY ROOMS RatS760 WOO and per week 8800 from Saturday to Monday Ask for Special Hate Ticket to Day ODH good for that time SYDNEY HAI6H 1023 Seabreeze FQ Fla T- HELBORDEN 7 f I u U EOIIZE IIIt8 CLASS rill R > A Homo IthMtnUon She Do you think it fo true that marriage dellslita IntsontrosW- rtalnl l iron Icnbw arti continually contrasting me with man you me to be before wa married Puck II Scheme H la tootles the people reipMtlnc TOW O dimiel how can you ro- Deltlr she colored h gr brown Detroit Tribune A MENTAL WltECR r heft And repUedl k the were age dark rmluetdyeing toknow Jealous Wife I wish w consult you confldentally concerning my husband HQ secnis to be completely infatuated with me but Divorce Lawyer interrupting Is sufficient a divorce madam ho is suffering from hallucliintlons Leslies Weekly The DenrtnB a Hint He Nice dog Have you taught it any now tricks since I was here last She sweetly Yes It will fetch your hat if you whUtle Puck Looking for Bear Hon Benjamin Alexander from the fernfringed banks of the beautiful Etonlah was in th city during the week shaking hands with his Demo- cratic friends Too hot yet ho says to wear his winning Jim Benjamin was looking for Ill B There and casually dropped the re- mark that if he had a little more of the for f vcryl L ¬ ¬ Harvey blood in bis vlens he would wipe the streets of the Gem City with the prostrate form of that Individual Benjamin seemed loaded for bear and as U castern breeze blew through his whiskers he looked as hot as the summit of Chimborran South America It wont to ask the dealer to show you the BUCKSKIN BREECHES Look them at the double seams nod bow the are If they are all right so far pink your size and try them on You can find Attar all this dont you think theyd be pretty good pants- to work in Youll find out the wear part when youve worn them for mouths Aooommooitlnr Caller a bill collector air from nightly Bwelle Co Clnbly Vell Ive a large number here to add to your collection and Ill let you em cheap Town Topics Too Hp h for Htm How does the editor stand on the lie doesnt stand at all Every tlmo he sees a dollar It floors him Chicago LAKE CITY Waters so to ISO Pigs Dally Governed by gravity weight valve No springs to to In the let out tank of water Has cup not n double drinking cupto Valve seat Is In body of as locknut to water two at once and can bo tank or barrel In ten minutes Works successfully In winter Fountain to Price to be remitted by agent- If satisfactory It costs nothing try ono wanted locality Qrder through implement or STOCK FOUNTAIN CO Lake City tows overtook about baTe money que8Clon AUf MATi r right wa- ter before a fresh comes down wnter and acts set IIttno cd to a t7pl Wo pay trial cost but- tons fastened alit ALTO OUN9A1 the il 1 1e hot sent on n SAW AND SHINGLE FOR SALENE- AR CEDAR LANDING on the Ocklawaha River In Marion Fla in the midst of the CYPRESS LUMBER REGION Capacity 0000 20000 per day Also small Steam 80 feet long 8 feet beam 3 feet hold Pat Boiler Marine Engine 0x7 inch derAlso one Lighter 80 teat long 10 Also one Lighter 38 long wide and 22 OMU over Wilson Inrlnierelll- vsrslde Futnatn q Pta MILT Coun or deep over WUWease Mill Site U1Qtl of feet lumber feet feat fleet d Alta e a ¬ 5ttior the week Sept OENT61 tI T RW Jones Morris Charles un Wilson Jim ADIIM LIST Butler Lewis Cohen Samuel Kirkland MOJO Kltt t Jackson iarv JlenlcKs Emma Mellervjgewvinlar Purcell Well Lena A A Watson llobtZ Seem Lucmil Wilson Gertrude Persons calling for the above letters will please say ADVERTISED W p ANDERSOK T M I E S NECK the Lemon Street Grocer has just received ix fine lot of LANDllBfUS REtlADLK GARDEN SEED Give him a call ltN l- oo In the cd Sit L JR E 0 por la II II n 1uug AleRtt L6it6 t larks elk pA patio M horn > DID VQU EVER Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles If not get bottle now act relief flue has been found to be peculiarly to the relief and cure female com ilalnts n wonderful direct to the you Appetite Constipation Headache or are Sleep- less Excitable Melancholy or trou lilnil T v Bitters Is tho medicine Health and Strength are guaranteed by Its use at Acker man Stewarts Drug Stow DRY GOODS SHOES GROCE- RIES MATTING CARPETS ETC Send us your mall orders and write for Samples and Prices Goods guarnn 8 E BOND Sherman C Fowler is home again from an extended visit to the West Sherman says Florida is a pretty good State to live In Influence In giving strength and tone have Loss of with Spells jte II Mrs W E Robbins and family to gather with the Misses Armstrong o Montgomery Alu have returned Iron ajileasant outing at Sea Breeze raLANDRETHS CELEBRATE GARDEN received by E S NECK the Lemon Street Grocer MBireloai IteialU From a letter written by Rev J Gunderman of DlmonJale Mich wi are permitted to make this extrac I have no hesitation in recommend- ng Dr Kings New Discovery as the were in the case of wife While I was pasto of the Baptist Church at Rives Jane tion was down with pneu- monia succeeding LA would las hours with little interruption and i seemed as if not survive them A friend recommended I r Kings New It was li its and highly satisfactory in re suits Trial free nt Ackermai Stewarts Drug Store Regular siz- GOe and GsPCLOTMiNa SAWS AGENT WANT- ED FOR PAtATKAAND VICINITY paid will warrant Storekeepers securing outfit of samples Can Soliciting make more than salary requested two or three BKOW- NPulladelphlo Pa JOHN L NORTH M D pljysigap aijd Bur oij Palatka Florida OVER C E RowTONs STORK IN CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA PUTNAM COUNTY IN CHANCERY William D Denham u Ad ot the EitaUl of vMHanTII Voter Petermanndeceiied Fred Jl Pull lixl Martha A Mortgage Puree TT AFlEARINO FHOM TILE AFFIDAVIT of hour W DAVH one of tlie In above entitled ciuso bove tamed tltfenduiti Fred II Purse and Hrtlu A rune do not reside In the State ot that they retldo at No 68 ChArlea whom or that would bind and laid defendanu are ov r the tje of twcntyonT- WIII It U therefore ordered the the defendant rune do appear the Mil of filed herein on or Ilihed once n lor lour week In The a newspaper published I laid tutnun County Witness hand and the seal of our Court on the 23d of July A D 1898 agar Clerk RoUT W W M fiAVU compUliuinii Bo- Helton SEED just Com- missions Corres- pondence 1 of Complain- ant rlodd nod 01 1Otlon or Maesachaeetu and there rl no person in the State on be made aid both of to the 8EOOND DAY A t8M ride day of this Court It further ordered that this notice be said till day k rime state that Service defendants that II the same a > MASTERS SALE KDER VIRTUE A DECREE of tad Sale tendered In the J L sii m fc VlorlU for ths Coonty of ratnam br the Honorable X Judge of KM Court dated 16th ItutL a certain pending In laid Court wbertln A Mark ley end llareellni Jones CBila loner are defendant I will tell at auetlon for oiiti to the nlihent and bidder at the door of the In 1tUtUa in Mid County of Putnam On the rinar MONDAY IN OCTOHER A D IMS laid month legal tioum tit day A of contained In W at of tao or raAtu ol record In the the Clerk of Court for rat a laid isloek the lot ot land dewrtbe- dMdorecertlB G lilt Court of the Ut of clue beet once of the Circuit nam OfIUnC end mOn arly II Lat Number tIO II II b 011 of Iud lIlNk- b1 Joseph ud Rueson C and recorded in the the Clerk for Iutaam County In Hpe pa lrtMn lIDo es teoorded Ie is or the Clerk ol tile tZlreuli cri for oul In n or- OII and nv Ant be alHft le6 tIMM cJ of IWO leek 1t ANDY W Court- house beie the seventh Block blot Thirty E a eel page ire Intoeded- an the defeodari6s are slot Jely SI at to Ira oW 14iWtl e war birwahrsuk r- on < all Bte RM visiting pr th- rw to St Johns lion atproldenco- Uapllst Church ttt Harlem 5 be ginnlnj OctqberlTth otie9 I hereby given that all who have to come hy the railroad will tome to on tho Georgia Florida Rail- road where they will be wet by teams to oonVey them to Harlem Wo will Went the northbound train on Wed m the southbouud tnfin m After urea no trains will be mot JESSIE G MlNTQN B P MINTON fr Comrjlmeo- Iixwp WART Couau UVT AU liar no equal as a remedy for Coughs Colds It fluuDza all diseases- of the Throat and Lungs Made only by R II Bond Co Baltimore Md For sale by Ackerman Stewart Pa Ifttka PO 1 Nono I- To will Southern and an II I ins Broncltlti A0I1 des the whteti oouveuo l Thursdays < C P CARROLL DEALER IN Groceries Chickens EGGS FRUITS ETC Will also handle Country Produce on BommlMton Tho custom of tho pub- lic earnestly requested as I am in of a good custom Call and see mo next door Budding We can furnish 75000 EYE BUDS for dormant and next Springs Bud ding Orders booked now for deliv- ery In October and November Buds will be well packed and sent to any part of the State postpaid for CO cents pot hundred 8500 per 1000 First class and true to name standard va- rieties v follows Majorica Jaffa fluby Blood Harts Late Parson Drown Tangerine Homosassa Medlltcranean Sweets Grape Fruit and Satsumo budded on Trifoliatta 10000 Budded Otange Trees 4 feet high Above named varieties budded on sour stock from 1 inch to 1 at the ground Buds inserted stump at the ground not in the toots and can bo protected from the freeze by bank ingParties who desire to purchase trees to replace in their groves trees killed entirely would btfwell our Send for catalogue For particulars address au23m Interlachen Fla Is on the direct line of travel betweon AND Jacksonville Tampa and Key West North to Nu gents Photograph LOmon st l Wood 2 oen to PALATKA l I New t Havana VXA A v ii 9 t i L x t aiFv Band lathe colt A c s York Railway ¬ < ¬ an South Line Through- the via the J T K W Write tho Passenger Agent forlnformation 0DAbkiri- rJACKSONV LE Heart Florida Ask t for- T cket 8 u- f I WW el e tea Collin r 4- asitl weUrlales4sl Q1nl P8Mals Spat <

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Page 1: Crystal River News. (Crystal River, FL) 1895-09-06 [p ] Oliver Twist they wanted more the dear people or as so feelingly


I U-

5f Jj io tL i riI l n c i O I ij btt ill ddil MIii I t D



fo ifI-




i Jit T lEJrl S HliRA Dfsiipt 1 17e 7




fI 4



yiWf ft6ttjfr M swayed a few

reiou fogiSmchu of the capitalists-lorgefliBg or ignoring the experience

and history of twenty years in the-

throcrof which we now are

lft note how theof Ujcr people were when greenbacks

caused money in cbculatlon to be

plenty In spite of its effect to increase

prices or rather as a consequence of

thai fact





a iirrrrrA yiI f

fir lgt




TVe the curbecause thb socallei

financier there are two parties t-

flnancojlilic Intends of which ore u-

common were not talttfiedwlthshare In good

lko Oliver Twist they wanted more

the dear people or as so feelingly ex-

pressed by one of class time no

yet the people

were too ilch and independ

eatThey have worked successfully

the contraction of the currency do

raonetlzatlon of sliver which weanwhen wo come down to the dead level

of truth increase in the value of gold

That goldltes millions In

create and double in value while theySleep and the wealth created by labpr

skill and enterprise are lowing lutethe possession of those who do not add

single iota to the worlds wealth

The bankers dollar has in its pur-

chasing power almost doubled in value

while the raanuiaclurers1 and enter-

prising business mens dollar Invested

in building machinery and merchan-

dise Is reduced nearly CO per cent be

low original coat The foregoing is a

single sentence quoted from the an-

nouncement of the fallue of a company

by Us president-As to their play upon your suppoeed

or known greater integrity than theirstelling you it would be dishonest to

render it just barely possible to pay

debts under a double standard Why

ibclleve their sophistry and ignore thewrong done the debtor class by en

hanclng the value of money find re

ducing to wantand starvation the value

of the wealth created by withwhich they have to buy that dearmoney If this would be dishonestpray what is the other side

As to the argument that the value ofmoney will be decreased onehalf thatmeans it is pow enhanced onehalfAnd it will only be brought to a Just

equilibriumWith expressions of sympathy and

concern for the poor the widow and

orphans regarding their savings and

insuranci interests and those

or pensions thoy arechloroforming you for the continuance-

of their professional legalized rob

bury in the futureVan you show us the laboring poor

who has or can save for future need

under existing circumstances While

you may know of thousands who can-

not supply their dally wants seeingsuffering and death enter their homes

they stand helpless by enforced idle-

ness Many have been and are being

driven to commit various crimes to

supply the deficiency many otherstaking their own lives to escape theburden they cannot longer bear Ex-

amples Of the effect of the supremacy-

of law Influenced tu the making by theinjustice of man

Why these laws so favor a classs wenot envy them the eternity of

time which wilt not be long enough to

take account of stock in bankruptedlives and souls of their fellowmenwhich they will follow out through all

details and give an account to God ac-

cording to his law of justiceGod gave all honest thinkers light

and knowledge to give their Influenceon the side of right and justice as IIsees It IlUIKSroNSIULB

o COli traction






the common




how the












For Strictly Reliable Garden

Seed go to 8 Necks He is in re-

ceipt of a of Landreths colei liralcd garden seed

I3A FirstClass Bicycle for saleApply at this oftlce


To whom Hm y ConcernMOUTHS AFTER DATEI will

Moounti and Toueben to U County Jndn-if Putnam Countjr Kloridi ind uk to

of Chtrlei V Awry deceued l t ot tolacounty D

AdministratorAn nit W 18M MlCCm



Residence Corner Main and First St-

Offloe Honrs8 to 10 I to 3 p m mdMOin Bundayiltolpin-

fatleati ram can b treated through

Atlanta Womans CollegeATLANTA GEORGIA

l b full BOTH of lattnieton In all





I f dUi tram the1





Qe mall apIf



lIaIOdf GIlttib Ad

i 1otA


r 1




I lh a





a BlE CEn-t

t Omceoonsaitanontreet



Dfc Copreeldente-l

eaarte eas Tae selmttae method of lnaituuAmple


a Burn rslses9Mdrw e





Editor ofa Great Paper Cured y Paines

Celery Compound



r r4 y-


The Banner of Light Is as every ont

knows one of the most successful de-

nominational publications Issued in

this countryIn its 77th volume It Is at once con-

servative and bright disonulng notonly modern Spiritualism but frequently tending its Influence fearless-

ly In of publicaide its principal field

Mr John W who is theand one of the proprietors writes

In The Banner of Light as follows tothe proprietors of Punci celery com-

poundI owe yon a debt of gratitude In

placing en markot a nerverating soothing remedy asPnlnei

been greatly relieved by Ita useas I have

I have frequently taken occasionto commend compoundto others and I do not an

matters Importance out

celery wu tomy a frIend had him-self

Pays edi-




stance wherein if faithfully tried Ithas not worked a benefit I

Yours truly DAtMr Days portrait is above

lIe Is a Masonic OddFellows Grand and other fraternal organizations and is highly es-

teemed and inthe social walks of life

Ills gratitude for the good that thisis

In no sense remarkable Thousandswho have been well by Paine


tore of the remedy or 1lrect to medical Journals or tolling forthe others thebays followed the use of the remedy

food for the nerves andth t enriches the blood that makes

failing byplans ana recommended who

Bomnlo nervous neuralgiarheumatism indigestion

I many tomeI wotnout nerves and impure

JouN Wciren


to the

new pers


tM weak strong andts one nevero

ever faithfully used It for In


un-solicited testimonials




not toothache ear-

ache sprains cuts burns bites andstings all to its magic A record

more than fifty years proves that

PAINKILLERkills pain

Seep PainKiller constantly on handcan never know be neededThe has been doubled but the U itill i centsImitations and tubstitntet may be offered look outThe genuine bottle bears name Perry Davis Son

IIIIIIJWThere is no rain that PainKiller will

Thin s eerlain


Under Entire Now Management


every department molting the accommodations firstclass and cuisine unex

of pleasing his patrons Bates 8160 and 8200 per day

St George Hotel

jexcellent pure water been

Identified with the hotel bwiness for the feels sureand

years resent

Manm every nattlon at once to sell staple

goods to dealers no peddlingunnecessary best side line 87fi 00

a month Salary hnd expenses largecommission made Address with 2

cent stamp for sealed particulars CMtea Soap and ManufacturingCcclnnatl Ohio

Dx Ul tf frJln PllUitou OfiWlwbe

PINEquickly cares Coughs and jpolda


ence j




reek Store S andr



Leo41i t




Daytona On the Beach t



RatS760 WOO and per week8800 from Saturday to MondayAsk for Special Hate Ticket to Day

ODH good for that timeSYDNEY HAI6H

1023 Seabreeze FQ Fla




f I

u U






A Homo IthMtnUonShe Do you think it fo true that

marriage dellslita IntsontrosW-rtalnl l iron Icnbw arti

continually contrasting me withman you me to be before wa

married Puck

II SchemeH la tootles the people reipMtlnc TOW

O dimiel how can you ro-

Deltlr she colored h gr brown

Detroit Tribune


r heftAnd repUedl





darkrmluetdyeing toknow

Jealous Wife I wish w consult youconfldentally concerning my husbandHQ secnis to be completely infatuatedwith me but

Divorce Lawyer interruptingIs sufficient a divorce madam ho issuffering from hallucliintlons LesliesWeekly

The DenrtnB a HintHe Nice dog Have you

taught it any now tricks since I washere last

She sweetly Yes It will fetch yourhat if you whUtle Puck

Looking for Bear

Hon Benjamin Alexander from thefernfringed banks of the beautifulEtonlah was in th city during theweek shaking hands with his Demo-

cratic friendsToo hot yet ho says to wear hiswinning Jim

Benjamin was looking for Ill BThere and casually dropped the re-

mark that if he had a little more of the






Harvey blood in bis vlens he wouldwipe the streets of the Gem City withthe prostrate form of that Individual

Benjamin seemed loaded for bearand as U castern breeze blew throughhis whiskers he looked as hot as thesummit of Chimborran South America

It wont to ask thedealer to show you the BUCKSKIN

BREECHES Look themat the double seams nod bow the

are If they are all rightso far pink your size and try them onYou can find Attar all this dontyou think theyd be pretty good pants-

to work in Youll find out thewear part when youve worn them formouths

AooommooitlnrCaller a bill collector air from

nightly Bwelle CoClnbly Vell Ive a large number

here to add to your collection and Illlet you em cheap Town Topics

Too Hp h for HtmHow does the editor stand on the

lie doesnt stand at all Every tlmohe sees a dollar It floors him Chicago


Waters so to ISO Pigs Dally

Governed by gravity weight valve Nosprings to to In the

let out tank of water Has

cupnot ndoubledrinkingcupto

Valve seat Is In body ofas locknut to water two

at once and can botank or barrel In ten minutes Workssuccessfully In winter

Fountain toPrice to be remitted by agent-If satisfactory It costs nothing try

ono wantedlocality Qrder through implement


Lake City tows




money que8Clon

AUf MATi r



ter before a fresh comes downwnter and acts

setIIttno cd to a

t7pl Wo paytrial


but-tons fastened




i l




sent on




AR CEDAR LANDING on theOcklawaha River In MarionFla in the midst of the CYPRESSLUMBER REGION

Capacity 0000 20000per day

Also small Steam 80 feetlong 8 feet beam 3 feet hold PatBoiler Marine Engine 0x7 inchderAlso one Lighter 80 teat long 10

Also one Lighter 38 longwide and 22 OMU over

Wilson Inrlnierelll-

vsrslde Futnatn q Pta





WUWease Mill Site U1Qtl of

feet lumber


feat fleetd





5ttior the week Sept



Morris Charles unWilson JimADIIM LIST

Butler Lewis Cohen SamuelKirkland MOJO Kltt tJackson iarv JlenlcKs EmmaMellervjgewvinlar

PurcellWell Lena A A Watson llobtZSeem Lucmil Wilson Gertrude

Persons calling for the above letterswill please say ADVERTISED


I E S NECK the Lemon StreetGrocer has just received ix fine lot ofLANDllBfUS REtlADLK GARDEN

SEED Give him a call

ltN l-oo In the cd Sit

LJ R E 0

por la


n1uug AleRtt L6it6

tlarks elk pA

patio M




Try Electric Bitters as a remedy foryour troubles If not get bottle now

act relief flue has beenfound to be peculiarly to therelief and cure female comilalnts n wonderful direct

to the youAppetite Constipation Headache

or are Sleep-less Excitable Melancholy or troulilnil T v BittersIs tho medicine Health andStrength are guaranteed by Its use

at Ackerman Stewarts Drug Stow


RIES MATTING CARPETS ETCSend us your mall orders and write forSamples and Prices Goods guarnn


Sherman C Fowler is home againfrom an extended visit to the WestSherman says Florida is a pretty good

State to live In

Influence In giving strength and tonehave Loss of

with Spells



Mrs W E Robbins and family to

gather with the Misses Armstrong o

Montgomery Alu have returned Ironajileasant outing at Sea Breeze

raLANDRETHS CELEBRATEGARDEN received by ES NECK the Lemon Street Grocer

MBireloai IteialUFrom a letter written by Rev J

Gunderman of DlmonJale Mich wi

are permitted to make this extracI have no hesitation in recommend-

ng Dr Kings New Discovery as thewere in the

case of wife While I was pastoof the Baptist Church at Rives Janetion was down with pneu-monia succeeding LA

would lashours with little interruption and iseemed as if not survivethem A friend recommended I rKings New It was liits and highly satisfactory in resuits Trial free nt Ackermai

Stewarts Drug Store Regular siz-

GOe and



paid will warrant Storekeeperssecuring outfit of samples Can

Soliciting makemore than salary

requested two or threeBKOW-

NPulladelphlo Pa


pljysigap aijd Bur oij

Palatka FloridaOVER C E RowTONs STORK


IN CHANCERYWilliam D Denham u Ad

ot the EitaUl of vMHanTIIVoter Petermanndeceiied

Fred Jl Pull lixl Martha A MortgagePuree


In above entitled ciusobove tamed tltfenduiti Fred II Purse andHrtlu A rune do not reside In the State ot

that they retldo at No 68 ChArlea

whom or thatwould bind andlaid defendanu are ov r the tje of twcntyonT-WIII

It U therefore ordered the the defendantrune do appear

the Mil of filed herein on or

Ilihed once n lor lour weekIn The a newspaper published I

laid tutnun CountyWitness hand and the seal of our

Court on the 23d of July A D 1898agar Clerk

RoUT W W M fiAVU compUliuinii Bo-


SEED just




1 of


rlodd nod01 1Otlon or Maesachaeetu

and there rl no person in the State onbe made

aid both of


the 8EOOND DAY At8M ride day of this Court

It further ordered that this notice be

saidtill day


rime statethat

Service defendants that

IIthe same a



KDER VIRTUE A DECREEof tad Sale tendered In the

J L sii m fc

VlorlU for ths Coonty of ratnam brthe Honorable X Judge of KMCourt dated 16th ItutL a certain

pending In laid Court wbertln A Markley end llareellni Jones

CBila loner are defendant I will tell atauetlon for oiiti to the nlihent and

bidder at the door of theIn 1tUtUa in Mid County of Putnam

On the


laid monthlegal tioum tit day A of

contained In W atof tao or raAtu ol record In the

the Clerk of Court for rata laid isloek

the lot ot land dewrtbe-


G lilt Court of theUt of



once of the Circuitnam OfIUnC end mOn arly IILat Number tIO

II II b 011 of Iud lIlNk-b1 Joseph ud Rueson C and recorded inthe the Clerk for Iutaam County In

Hpe pa lrtMn lIDo

es teoorded Ie is or the Clerk ol tiletZlreuli cri for oul In n or-

OII and nv AntbealHft le6 tIMM cJ of IWO





beie the seventhBlock blot




page ire Intoeded-

an the defeodari6sareslot Jely

SI at to


oW 14iWtl e war




all Bte RM visiting pr th-

rw to St Johnslion atproldenco-Uapllst Church ttt Harlem 5 be

ginnlnj OctqberlTth otie9 I herebygiven that all who have to come hy therailroad will tome to on thoGeorgia Florida Rail-

road where they will be wet by teamsto oonVey them to Harlem Wo willWent the northbound train on Wed

m the southbouudtnfin m After urea notrains will be mot


B P MINTON frComrjlmeo-

Iixwp WART Couau UVT AU liar noequal as a remedy for Coughs ColdsIt fluuDza all diseases-

of the Throat and Lungs Made onlyby R II Bond Co Baltimore MdFor sale by Ackerman Stewart PaIfttka PO


Nono I-



Southern and

an II



Broncltlti A0I1


thewhteti oouveuo





Groceries Chickens


Will also handle Country Produce onBommlMton Tho custom of tho pub-lic earnestly requested as I am inof a good custom

Call and see mo next door


We can furnish 75000 EYE BUDSfor dormant and next Springs Budding Orders booked now for deliv-ery In October and November Budswill be well packed and sent to anypart of the State postpaid for CO centspot hundred 8500 per 1000 Firstclass and true to name standard va-

rieties v followsMajorica Jaffa fluby Blood

Harts Late Parson DrownTangerine Homosassa

Medlltcranean Sweets

Grape Fruit and Satsumo buddedon Trifoliatta

10000 Budded Otange Trees4 feet high

Above named varieties budded onsour stock from 1 inch to 1 at theground Buds inserted stump atthe ground not in the toots and canbo protected from the freeze by bank

ingPartieswho desire to purchase trees

to replace in their groves treeskilled entirely would btfwell

ourSend for catalogue For particulars

addressau23m Interlachen Fla

Is on the direct lineof travel betweon



Tampa and

Key West


to Nugents Photograph LOmon st








A v ii

9 t




t aiFv












via the J T K WWrite tho Passenger

Agent forlnformation



Heart FloridaAsk


for-T cket






tea Collin r


asitl weUrlales4sl Q1nl P8Mals Spat
