crystal river news. (crystal river, fl) 1910-09-23 [p...

I c t J n c THE TIESHERALDPU- UUSHBU FRIDAYS A B McKENZIE Publisher nuns teemil cU mill tnitwr yoitcfflM t falatlca PlorliU under Act 0 3 J 189 SUBSCRIPTION ONE DOLLAR PbR ANNUM IN ADVANCE They are again playing Tie Devil in in politics ether I at tla Jacksonvillenot aa arch c TVoncIerif tlio Republican slo- gan for tho next campaign will le Maine election- If ono doubts that Palatka is a cigar manufacturing center be should see our cigar factory pay sell on Saturday night When it comes to looming and oostiug Hon Albert W Gil hrist is to Florida what Laud Brown is to Tampa They are seeing big rattle- snakes up in Leon county But old boozd is calculated to make one sea most anything The Pennsylvania newspaper- men will be unable to report that they saw the bout part of Florida they didnt come to Putnam eounty With long staple cotton bring lug thirty cents the farmers in more than one county in Florida will soon show increased bank deposits- A tannery is to be established at Ocala A move in the right direction May other towns fol- low the laudable example of the Brick City When Wm B Crawford va cated the editorial chair for the practice of law the newspaper fraternity of the State lost one of its brightest and most popular member- sIt Hoke Smith over 17 000 to win the governorship of Georgia Vindication and re- venge are sweet and wo must have them even though they come a bit high Editor Frank Mayes of the Pen sacola Journal bas just installed- a modern GOBS press at a cost of 17000 The Journal is fast coming to the fore as one of Souths great dailies or Remember tbe T J I I the cost ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The TimesUnion recently pub lished sixtythree notices of ap- plication to sell liquor in Duval count Little wonder so many of the people of Jacksonville pay no attention to the crusade for pure milk and water There are now 5299 names on the pension rolls of our State and the warrants issued since tiarai Tbp money goes into the pockets of worthy and appreci- ative recipients and could not be better expended- If Hillsborongh county is not divided at the coming session of the Legislature it will be through- no lack of effort on the part of Editor Straub and other ambi tions citizens oi St Petersburg Pinellas county seems destined- to become a reality Mrs Neva Child who for years has capably managed and edited the Arcadia Champion has dis- posed of her paper to W D Bell and will retire from the field of active journalism Flor ida newspapordom regrets losing its foremost lady member f del I total halfl a million e ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ tive of party affiliations and factional differences tho people believe that Mr Ballinger has not been true to the trust reposed- in him and that he should be requested to resign as ha- is ao longer deserving of public twfidencc 1r t su I3alli I t r titer p lotoloi in t ie fgert commend off- icially < = MORE WEALTH FOR SOUTH The Washington Post refer ring to tho trend of immigration- to the Routh says If the swamp- lands of the South were drained thousands of Northerners would rush there to possess them Is the Post keeping track of the wonderful work now on for the reclamation of the swamp or overflowed lands of the South Does it not know that the largest contract ever let for draining such I lauds has been given by the State of Florida to a great trauttng THE cot ¬ for of the EVergladeR or with a view to redeeming from waste for putt vation some six million acres or nearly equal to the laud area of Maryland Does the Post know that many largocoutractors from the West as well as local contrac tors are carrying out vast under- takings for reclamation work in Louisiana which in the aggre gate amount of labor involved is leading the country next to the gigantic project in our State and that iu Arkiiusas in Mississippi- and iu Texas great reclamation enterprises are in progress The fact is one of the most re- markable features of Southern material development during the last decide is this work of re- claiming overflowed lauds These lands as already demonstrated by the splendid results in various localities are among the richest- in the world A report of an agri cultural chemist shows that in some sections of the Everglades there is enough nitrogen in the first eight inches of soil to pro duce a thousand corn crops of fifty bushels per acre In other words the nitrogen in the soil is equal to the exhaustion produced- by the growing crops for a thous- and years Marvellously rich as are these lands it should be remembered- that the fifty million acres or more of reclaimable wet land in different parts of the South are- as yet a practically unutilized as set worth billions of dollars to large Their development is al ready beginning to of outsiders to possess them The movement although in its infancy is commanding general attention The Post is correct in its statement that the drainage- of these lands will ultimately bring thousands of Northerners- to this section but these prospec this section and aI oreateadesire tothii countiry ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ tive settlers and investors need not wait for the reclaiming of all the fifty million acres available- If they want to share in the profit- to be made they must share in the development necessary Far- seeing men like the pioneers who became financially independent- by the opening up of Midde West have in the South an op portunity such as the West never possessed The Southerner too may well begin to recognize the possibilities in his own country not only possibilities in the many things which are all around him in soils and minerals and timber but in the utilization of these wet lands While welcoming others to this work it should not be loft wholly to the people of the North- to get rich thereby Thousands of Southern men should profit in the vast increase which is bound- to come from the development of these lands It is conservative to say that the fifty million acres of such lands not worth today on an average of 10 an acre or less than a total of 500000000 will when reclaimed be easily worth ten times as much or 5000000 000 Who will make the profit the ¬ between 500000000 and 5000 000000 prize is an alluring The Bradentown Journal has just entered its twentythird- year Under the editorship of Hon Joe Humphries the Jour nal is a live wire in the field of politics and a potent factor in the development of not only Man- atee county but the entire State papers no to v 1 eallt l If FJoridaicods more ofa like progros iveno The r pa ¬ ¬ A LEADER IN SCIENTIFIC TEMPERANCE INSTRUCT TANK B BIEWABT in the tMn Christian Advocate 1 There probably no current lean more important Christian thin those of moral training Itood citizenship Sunday Schools but a imall proportion of the children and for but a brief hour rip a w k Parents are often Naturally school ii tbotf C8 where Ideas of Inculcated t U- JTor these reasons I welcomed tb pi porinnlty recently Wu I are p w- eN d r I oondnot moat t Smith I who the publto right tR A Mrs EdlUY p IYa d ana xfetioaarvvoaa tan Union and Temperance InatrfjtdrJ- u work of touching the lives of million off u dreu in the public schools of ed State and many lands of large hear nd clear head a devoted Christian antx perienced temperance worker I Davis I adapted for the n portant work assigned to her Scores of young women have en drawn the downward i th through Mrs Davis motherly It er ventlon and Christlike sympathy Mr Davis has dome tlm in Europe where visited awe sn Norway and Great Britain in the It er esta of soleutlflo IMI ac- tion laws aud to Investigate the ph of temperance teaching In the icboot of Sweden Since her return she en engaged In making a special the methods n golentltlb instruction in the public schools o United States 1 was imp work done by the Swedish school In the i Qf young peoples total ab Mr D ful mlle lighting hoe f suit obtained this it see attempt the enrollment 10 i teachers in in the college high schools on the of total a and to get them to promise the truth concerning the bollo liquor she said Th ment often prove a the teacher a well a being a proof that the educated classes Nation believe In total abstinence si Do the teachers generally taws requiring that the evils of strong drink and be taugnt to pupil I asked would be too much to claim that all of the 4500CO teachers this law but oa a rule the teachers are law abiding and have a truehearted inter- est the of their pupil Occasionally I have met examples lax interest In A New York when asked what time giver to the lessons in physiology and hygiene the teacher trial she no time fur it She then In presence lesson in supplementary In which the temperance teaching can be readily on Buena Bogota to a class i dren Yet there was no time no time to teach to live Is related boy ooiu looking out of the sunset What does like asked his mother noticing the childs thouRbtlnlnes Like the on the drunkards stomach teacher showed us was the unexpected replr Commenting on this Mrs Davis said We do not now teacb temperance in that oldfashioned Way We do not show the drunkards atom 1 Temp ralloe sop rl c 80IenU ceo she has stud f the In conlldoratlo of th tile schools ell ob J the was read r Vent and for by the that a look p tl that the But we far reaohing splendid Un k t g the rntnntea t It School was wind w eebe It h hob ¬ > = hold up the ideals of the strong mind in the strong body The wise teacher i always careful not to take the child beyond hi depth Perhaps she begins to talk about man eats of where the food la how it is prepared why h eats and what Is done food as It pastes through the PUZZLED Hard Work Sometimes to Children Children taste Is oftl accurate In selecting the j of food to tl adults Nature works rately through the ohtldre Brooklyn lady says boy bad long weak We persuade him to take taste of any kind of cereal fooTf He was a weak little chap and puzzled to know what to feed One lucky day tipipe Nuts Well you never saw a child eat with such a relish and It did me good to him From that day on It seemed aa though we could almost see him grow eat tape Nuts for breakfast and supper and I think he would have liked the food for dinner The difference In his appearance something wonderful My husband had never fancied cereal foods of any kind bathe be came very land of GrapeNuts and has been muoh Improved In health since using It We are now a healthy family and naturally believe In A friend has two who were formerly afflicted with 1 todnoed II troD th Were o wo tried bkeh se B ot- A ver more one see obildre ¬ ° I was that the dlse ment They showed It magIcal V continued the food to day both children are as any children in thla of course my friend Ii a firm believer- In GrapeNuts for she has the evi deuce before her eyos every the little book Tt to Wellvllle In pkgs Theres a reason Ever isaa the abov A from Tb an genuine true tadfull of Dumas Interest tl caused by nIsh J oNatl Ia 11 liThe All clty I J ad loft sow oar t fleas a was lack of BALI rJt tteeIrap an result t l ed strong d- Read P oats ¬ mouth and into the stomach and then jo the Intestines list what if some starts on that wonder tnl What does poison dot It down and destroy We most teach the truth that alco- hol Is a said Mr Davis with emphasis and we must teach it la a sensible way by laying stress upon the of possessing body vigorous rich In olean toady nerre la muscle brain de- manding soother stimulant than plenty orating snnshtne Davis went on to toll shoat the plans for temperanoe teachertraining adopted University of institute In nil parts Of I tlrfconmry I I IIr fl8b air wholesome food mind rung bI- t e many normal schools j journey been and teaohere ¬ re temperance worn a great omlsMion she acknowledged frankly We secured the temperance laws no r in force through oat the but we have hitherto neglected to make any special plans for the training of the This we BT now arranging for The course out- lined Inolndes two years work cover log ipeotul studies on the physical effects of narcotics the alcohol and all narcotics character and morals in the tint and gen- eral and industrial bacteriology during the second year Another new line or work is that of essay contests lu which over one million public school pupils took part last year For Bald Heads ear THE TREATMENT THAT COSTS NOTHING IF IT NAILS We want you to try three large battles of Ben 93 Hair Tonic our personal guarantee that the trial will not cost you a penny If It does nor give you absolute satlsfac lon That Is proof of oar In his remedy and It should Indlspu ly demonstrate that we know we are talking about when we that Hale Tonic will hall on all bald heads except baldness lias such long duration that roots ot the hair are entirely the follicles closed and grown and the old scalp Is glared Remember we are now basing our statements upon what hat already been bY the use of the Ueiall 93 Hair Tonic and we have the right to assume that what It has done for thousands of others It will do for you In event yon cant lose anything by giving It a trial on our liberal guarantee Two sizes 60o and 1 W Remember you can obtain Rezall Remedies In this community only at The Rexall Store Acker Drug Co liynlelr Knight returned after days run of the fever Mrs Henderson is very ill Our hoi opened with attendant of and la spoken- of as a v promising term com mlsilonen improved the sohool building land the Rronnds so that they are In the best of condition and well of is a success the first of four trials for water n filth lIt low Qf de d our etVLORAHOM E I has to his agent Sul1Ir rat A drew agood ts bare been tie over any manStl wart dr uaengaZSmr Iieratcs at sn act I Air is expected home after 1 tho comlngweek from the where he has been spending several weeks enjoying a with old friends Mr Davidson who has been tha- I guest of Mr and Mrs A W Tucker for several weeks has retimed to his homo Wi Mrs Mosely Is visiting in Jackson- ville for a days with friends Mr Weeks has moved Into the Tilden home and the farm the coming Season A brother oi Mr E E Weeks from JIT Oak ha rented the Plloher place into toWn and will on portion Orchard tract one i engaged In corn and looking after their gardens Beans and tomatoen pre looking flue For tire J L fiorsan following news Item from the will be read with inter- est by the many friends of Airs Morgan who is well known hire having often visited relatives Iu Pa and ureuoent City I Mrs J L Morgan who has charge of the Palms Hotel In Jack- sonville during the winter months Is at N 0 each sum- mer and there so suocessfu f erates the Gordon Hotel that her guests return season after season to enjoy her hospitality Hhe is untir ing In her efforts to please Recently all the guests were in- vited Into the and there Mr James F Walsh on behalf of the guests of the hotel presented Mrs Morgan with a Egyptian fllBKree necklace and plus studded with topaz as a token of their appreciation of her 1ton In Sarasota wll run e The Jka I ball room efforts to pleasure to her Iluest oft i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Mr made a dlever little speech Mrs Mor gan tile ole Needless to Mrs Morgan was delightfully surprised and her guests In a few well chosen words Dont tho baby suffer from eczema sores or of the skin Doans Ointment instant relief cures nlcklr Perfectly sate for children least 5000 people from all parts of the State attended the barbecue In Arcadia on the 16th of the month The celebration held In thc interest of rr i 8 sew lti tIeU te- A was before presonth the let god roid Worn WomenWo- men worn and tired from overwork need a tonic That feeling of weakness or helplessness will not leave itself You of Cardui that effectual for tho ailments and weaknesses of women Thousands of women have tried Cardui and write enthusiastically of tho benefit it has been to them experiment- use this reliable ofttried medicine t The Womans Tonic Mrs Rena Hare of Pierce Fla tried Cardui and afterward wrote I waW sufferer from all sorts of female trouble had pain in my side legs could not had shortness of breath lit e Cardui The first bottle relief and now I am almost Try Cardui Twill help you AT ALL DRUG STORES itdont J33 suffered for husband insisted on e t TAKE CAR r trying Bicycles BicyclesTh- at boat of all bicycles tho Racyolo and that good old Day ton Bicycle and many others All kinds of Bicycle goods Talking Machines Excelsior Autooyoles Hardware and Stoves Shotguns to rent All kinds of Ammunition fto standard prices All kinds of repairing I appreciate your pat- ronage E T LANCASTER 421 LEMON STREET Ideal Insecticide Department Practical Science Our free booklet entitled REMEDIES FOR IN SEOTS AND DISEASES contains a valuable treatise troubles in grove garden aqa field That our readers may be able to get these materials and the BEST implements with which to apply them we have opened an Insecticide Department in which we carry a full stock of Ideal Insecticides and Fungicides ff SEND FOR PRIOR LIST WILSON iOOMER FERTILIZER CO Jsckienvllle FlorId E E DODGE WALL PAPER and PICTURES Extra Fine Paints QuarntootS Pookot Knives Post Crds Talking Machines LWION STBEST PALATKA FLA I REAL ESTATE LONG TIME EASY J FOR INFORMATION WRITE J i V TIDE JACKSON TRUST COMPANY- OF JACKSON MISSISSIPPI I arid Pistols at 1 I I i Q inf sPas ion t9L IJlJhI i 01 and es To com a i t 4 1 I Loaned i i- ON o A kt prevent pme oa tx I 4 464 N04a 44444 4 z i R It PAYMENTS LOAN ¬ ¬ < IDeath t Hen Lce and UlMUalBa4 p 4llt irailoli JJct Jo fl Get valuable Poultry Hook free at Kennerlya Seed Store 11 J n t kt of 1Joa f i pat mlbpama WOttr oo f loT W- e oeatc n Ueo I ue tow 01 Ii f tls u UI uoot I to a I III l 0 En le least Ito lltr- d r eottiepoWlrrm more moot n ac rwposelb e sad men poor e ra this andnItlpls 7teas Ihoead t War sea M sat am rrtaa TRIO dlr e Lee Luued t a pod rte r b tr ne list Ise r y dr Ira ewplii owl of oaf raw gLr7 S Gal 1011 urns ra s r tb parWar war snub u r7ai- o sa teb sM oreew r that rar swwrt ptraaMw +

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Page 1: Crystal River News. (Crystal River, FL) 1910-09-23 [p ] n c THE TIESHERALDPU-UUSHBU FRIDAYS A B McKENZIE Publisher nuns teemil

I c t

J n




A B McKENZIE Publisher

nuns teemil cU mill tnitwryoitcfflM t falatlca PlorliU under Act 0

3 J 189


They are again playing TieDevil in inpolitics ether

Iat tla





TVoncIerif tlio Republican slo-

gan for tho next campaign will leMaine election-

If ono doubts that Palatka is acigar manufacturing center beshould see our cigar factory paysell on Saturday night

When it comes to looming andoostiug Hon Albert W Gil

hrist is to Florida whatLaud Brown is to Tampa

They are seeing big rattle-snakes up in Leon county But

old boozd is calculated to makeone sea most anything

The Pennsylvania newspaper-men will be unable to report thatthey saw the bout part of Florida

they didnt come to Putnameounty

With long staple cotton bringlug thirty cents the farmers inmore than one county in Floridawill soon show increased bankdeposits-

A tannery is to be establishedat Ocala A move in the rightdirection May other towns fol-

low the laudable example of theBrick City

When Wm B Crawford vacated the editorial chair for thepractice of law the newspaperfraternity of the State lost one ofits brightest and most popularmember-

sIt Hoke Smith over 17

000 to win the governorship ofGeorgia Vindication and re-

venge are sweet and wo musthave them even though theycome a bit high

Editor Frank Mayes of the Pensacola Journal bas just installed-a modern GOBS press at a cost of

17000 The Journal is fastcoming to the fore as one ofSouths great dailies


Remember tbe












The TimesUnion recently published sixtythree notices of ap-

plication to sell liquor in Duvalcount Little wonder so manyof the people of Jacksonville payno attention to the crusade forpure milk and water

There are now 5299 names onthe pension rolls of our Stateand the warrants issued since

tiarai Tbp money goes into thepockets of worthy and appreci-ative recipients and could not bebetter expended-

If Hillsborongh county is notdivided at the coming session ofthe Legislature it will be through-no lack of effort on the part ofEditor Straub and other ambitions citizens oi St PetersburgPinellas county seems destined-to become a reality

Mrs Neva Child who for yearshas capably managed and editedthe Arcadia Champion has dis-

posed of her paper to W DBell and will retire from thefield of active journalism Florida newspapordom regrets losingits foremost lady member

f del


total halfl a million








tive of party affiliations andfactional differences tho peoplebelieve that Mr Ballinger hasnot been true to the trust reposed-in him and that he should be

requested to resign as ha-

is ao longer deserving of publictwfidencc

1r t suI3alli


r titer p lotoloi in t ie fgert



< =


The Washington Post referring to tho trend of immigration-to the Routh says If the swamp-

lands of the South were drainedthousands of Northerners wouldrush there to possess them

Is the Post keeping track ofthe wonderful work now on forthe reclamation of the swamp oroverflowed lands of the SouthDoes it not know that the largestcontract ever let for draining such

Ilauds has been given by the Stateof Florida to a great trauttng




for ofthe EVergladeR or with a view toredeeming from waste for puttvation some six million acres ornearly equal to the laud area ofMaryland Does the Post knowthat many largocoutractors fromthe West as well as local contractors are carrying out vast under-

takings for reclamation work inLouisiana which in the aggregate amount of labor involved isleading the country next to thegigantic project in our State andthat iu Arkiiusas in Mississippi-and iu Texas great reclamationenterprises are in progress

The fact is one of the most re-

markable features of Southernmaterial development during thelast decide is this work of re-

claiming overflowed lauds Theselands as already demonstrated bythe splendid results in variouslocalities are among the richest-in the world A report of an agricultural chemist shows that insome sections of the Evergladesthere is enough nitrogen in thefirst eight inches of soil to produce a thousand corn crops offifty bushels per acre In otherwords the nitrogen in the soil isequal to the exhaustion produced-by the growing crops for a thous-and years

Marvellously rich as are theselands it should be remembered-that the fifty million acres ormore of reclaimable wet land indifferent parts of the South are-as yet a practically unutilized asset worth billions of dollars to

large Their development is already beginning toof outsiders to possess themThe movement although in itsinfancy is commanding generalattention The Post is correct inits statement that the drainage-of these lands will ultimatelybring thousands of Northerners-to this section but these prospec

this section and aI


tothii countiry











tive settlers and investors neednot wait for the reclaiming of allthe fifty million acres available-If they want to share in the profit-

to be made they must share inthe development necessary Far-

seeing men like the pioneers whobecame financially independent-by the opening up of MiddeWest have in the South an opportunity such as the West neverpossessed The Southerner toomay well begin to recognize thepossibilities in his own countrynot only possibilities in the manythings which are all around himin soils and minerals and timberbut in the utilization of these wetlands While welcoming others tothis work it should not be loftwholly to the people of the North-to get rich thereby Thousandsof Southern men should profit inthe vast increase which is bound-to come from the development ofthese lands It is conservative tosay that the fifty million acres ofsuch lands not worth today onan average of 10 an acre or lessthan a total of 500000000 willwhen reclaimed be easily worthten times as much or 5000000000 Who will make the profit


between 500000000 and 5000000000 prize is an alluring

The Bradentown Journal hasjust entered its twentythird-year Under the editorship ofHon Joe Humphries the Journal is a live wire in the field ofpolitics and a potent factor inthe development of not only Man-atee county but the entireState papers

no to v 1 eallt l If

FJoridaicods moreofa like progros iveno








Christian Advocate 1

There probably no currentlean more important Christian

thin those of moral trainingItood citizenship Sunday Schoolsbut a imall proportion of thechildren and for but a brief hour ripa w k Parents are oftenNaturally school ii tbotf C8

where Ideas ofInculcated t U-

JTor these reasons I welcomed tb piporinnlty recently


are pw-

eN d


oondnot moat

tSmith I who

the publtoright

tR A

Mrs EdlUY p IYa d

ana xfetioaarvvoaatan Unionand Temperance InatrfjtdrJ-u work oftouching the lives of million off udreu in the public schools of edState and many lands

of large hear ndclear head a devoted Christian antxperienced temperance worker I

Davis I adapted for the nportant work assigned to her

Scores of young women have endrawn the downward i ththrough Mrs Davis motherly It erventlon and Christlike sympathy

Mr Davis has dome tlm inEurope where visited awe snNorway and Great Britain in the It eresta of soleutlflo IMI ac-

tion laws aud to Investigate the ph oftemperance teaching In the icboot ofSweden Since her return she enengaged In making a specialthe methods n golentltlbinstruction in the public schools oUnited States 1 was imp

work done bythe Swedish school In the iQf young peoples total ab

Mr Dful mlle lighting hoe f

suit obtained this it seeattempt the enrollment 10 i

teachers inin the college highschools on the of total aand to get them to promisethe truth concerning thebollo liquor she said Thment often prove athe teacher a well a being aproof that the educated classesNation believe In total abstinence si

Do the teachers generallytaws requiring that the evils of strongdrink and be taugnt topupil I asked

would be too much to claim thatall of the 4500CO teachers thislaw but oa a rule the teachers are lawabiding and have a truehearted inter-est the of their pupilOccasionally I have met exampleslax interest In A New Yorkwhen asked what time giver tothe lessons in physiology and hygienethe teacher trial she no timefur it She then In presencelesson in supplementary Inwhich the temperance teachingcan be readily

on BuenaBogota to a class idren Yet there was no time

no time to teach to liveIs related boy ooiulooking out of the

sunset What doeslike asked his mother noticing thechilds thouRbtlnlnes Like theon the drunkards stomach teachershowed us was the unexpected replr

Commenting on this MrsDavis said We do not now teacbtemperance in that oldfashioned WayWe do not show the drunkards atom


Temp ralloe sop rl c



hasstud f


In conlldoratlo of th



ob J the



rVent and

for bythe

that a


p tlthat

the But we

far reaohing






It Schoolwas wind w eebe


h hob




hold up the ideals of the strong mind inthe strong body The wise teacher ialways careful not to take thechild beyond hi depth Perhaps shebegins to talk about man eats ofwhere the food la how it isprepared why h eats and what Is done

food as It pastes through the


Hard Work Sometimes toChildren

Children taste Is oftlaccurate In selecting the jof food to tladults Nature worksrately through the ohtldre

Brooklyn lady saysboy bad longweak Wepersuade him to taketaste of any kind of cereal fooTf Hewas a weak little chap andpuzzled to know what to feed

One lucky day tipipeNuts Well you never saw a childeat with such a relish and It did megood to him From that day onIt seemed aa though we could almostsee him grow eat tapeNuts for breakfast and supper and Ithink he would have liked the foodfor dinner

The difference In his appearancesomething wonderful

My husband had never fanciedcereal foods of any kind bathe became very land of GrapeNuts andhas been muoh Improved In healthsince using It

We are now a healthy family andnaturally believe In

A friend has two whowere formerly afflicted with

1 todnoed

II troD



wo tried






vermore one





I was that the dlse

ment They showed It

magIcal Vcontinued the food to

day both children areas any children in thla ofcourse my friend Ii a firm believer-In GrapeNuts for she has the evideuce before her eyos every

the little book Tt toWellvllle In pkgs

Theres a reasonEver isaa the abov A

fromTb an genuine true tadfull ofDumas Interest tl

caused by nIshJ oNatl

Ia 11




J ad

loftsow oar t fleas

a waslack of

BALIrJt tteeIrap an

result tledstrong






mouth and into the stomach and thenjo the Intestines list what if some

starts on that wondertnl What does poison dot It

down and destroyWe most teach the truth that alco-

hol Is a said Mr Davis withemphasis and we must teach it la asensible way by laying stress upon the

of possessing body vigorousrich In olean toady nerre

la muscle brain de-manding soother stimulant than plenty

orating snnshtneDavis went on to toll shoat the

plans for temperanoe teachertrainingadopted

University of

institute In nil parts Of I

tlrfconmry I


IIr fl8b air wholesome food mind rung

bI-t e

many normal schoolsj



and teaohere


re temperance worna great omlsMion she acknowledgedfrankly We secured the temperance

laws no r in force throughoat the but we have hithertoneglected to make any special plans forthe training of the This weBT now arranging for The course out-lined Inolndes two years work coverlog ipeotul studies on the physicaleffects of narcotics thealcohol and all narcotics characterand morals in the tint and gen-

eral and industrial bacteriology duringthe second year Another new line orwork is that of essay contests luwhich over one million public schoolpupils took part last year

For Bald Heads




We want you to try three largebattles of Ben 93 Hair Tonic

our personal guarantee that thetrial will not cost you a penny If Itdoes nor give you absolute satlsfaclon That Is proof of oar Inhis remedy and It should Indlspu

ly demonstrate that we knowwe are talking about when we

that Hale Tonic willhall on all bald heads exceptbaldness lias such long

duration that roots ot the hairare entirely the follicles closed

and grown and the old scalp Is

glaredRemember we are now basing our

statements upon what hat alreadybeen bY the use of theUeiall 93 Hair Tonic and we havethe right to assume that what It hasdone for thousands of others It willdo for you In event yon cantlose anything by giving It a trial onour liberal guarantee Two sizes 60oand 1 W

Remember you can obtain RezallRemedies In this community only at

The Rexall Store AckerDrug Co

liynlelr Knight returned

after days run of the feverMrs Henderson is very illOur hoi opened with

attendant of and la spoken-of as a v promising term commlsilonen improved the sohoolbuilding land the Rronnds so that theyare In the best of condition andwell of is a success the first offour trials for water





de d



has tohis agent Sul1Ir

ratA drew


ts bare beentie



manStl wart

druaengaZSmr Iieratcs



I Air is expected home after1 tho comlngweek from the wherehe has been spending several weeksenjoying a with old friends

Mr Davidson who has been tha-I guest of Mr and Mrs A W Tucker forseveral weeks has retimed to his homo


Mrs Mosely Is visiting in Jackson-ville for a days with friends

Mr Weeks has moved Into the Tildenhome and the farm the coming

SeasonA brother oi Mr E E Weeks from

JIT Oak ha rented the Plloher placeinto toWn and will on

portion Orchard tractone i engaged In corn

and looking after their gardens Beansand tomatoen pre looking flue

For tire J L fiorsanfollowing news Item from the

will be read with inter-est by the many friends of AirsMorgan who is well known hirehaving often visited relatives Iu Pa

and ureuoent City I

Mrs J L Morgan who hascharge of the Palms Hotel In Jack-sonville during the winter monthsIs at N 0 each sum-mer and there so suocessfu ferates the Gordon Hotel that herguests return season after season toenjoy her hospitality Hhe is untiring In her efforts to please

Recently all the guests were in-vited Into the and thereMr James F Walsh on behalf of theguests of the hotel presented MrsMorgan with a EgyptianfllBKree necklace and plusstudded with topaz as a token oftheir appreciation of her


In Sarasota

wll run





ball room

efforts to pleasure to her Iluest










Mr made a dlever littlespeech Mrs Morgan tileole Needless to Mrs Morganwas delightfully surprised and

her guests In a few wellchosen words

Dont tho baby suffer from eczemasores or of the skin DoansOintment instant relief curesnlcklr Perfectly sate for children

least 5000 people from all parts ofthe State attended the barbecue InArcadia on the 16th of the month Thecelebration held In thc interest of

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before presonththe


god roid

Worn WomenWo-

men worn and tired from overwork need atonic That feeling of weakness or helplessness willnot leave itself You ofCardui that effectual for tho ailments andweaknesses of women Thousands of women havetried Cardui and write enthusiastically of thobenefit it has been to them experiment-

use this reliable ofttried medicine

tThe Womans Tonic

Mrs Rena Hare of Pierce Fla tried Cardui and afterwardwrote I waW sufferer from all sorts of female trouble hadpain in my side legs could not had shortness of breath

lit e

Cardui The first bottle relief and now I am almostTry Cardui Twill help you




suffered for husband insisted one




Bicycles BicyclesTh-at boat of all bicycles tho Racyolo and that good old Day

ton Bicycle and many others All kinds of Bicycle goodsTalking Machines Excelsior Autooyoles Hardware and StovesShotguns to rent All kinds of Ammunition ftostandard prices All kinds of repairing I appreciate your pat-ronage


Ideal Insecticide Department

Practical Science

Our free booklet entitled REMEDIES FOR INSEOTS AND DISEASES contains a valuable treatise

troubles in grove garden aqa field

That our readers may be able to get these materialsand the BEST implements with which to apply themwe have opened an Insecticide Department in which wecarry a full stock of

Ideal Insecticides and Fungicides




Extra Fine PaintsQuarntootS Pookot Knives

Post Crds Talking MachinesLWION STBEST PALATKA FLA




arid Pistols at 1



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IDeath t Hen Lce and

UlMUalBa4 p 4llt irailoli JJct Jo fl

Get valuable Poultry Hook free at Kennerlya Seed Store

11Jn tktof 1Joa f i patmlbpama





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