crystal river news. (crystal river, fl) 1910-10-14 [p...

4 1 I S I A r j J I I i J it j J a m t1Grw tE + P P wU purify tad those your blood create and r1r your whole ijttem tone tni rtreogth Ink u If ha could UTaloreror ho could U you an tired out from overwork aad taka P P P If TOU luffer todtctatton- deblu r talu P P P U you luffer with n rrou prostration DerrM and a ot thaiyit mUk P P P Tm Blood Poison Rhernnatkm Bcrof- nla OU Borw Ualarta Chronic Famala P P P Prickly Ash Poke Root and Potassium F V LIFTMAN Savannah Georgia Setting Her Right On ono of the corners of a busy thoroughfare sat an old man blind und minus one leg A sympathetic Indy who was passing stopped and gazed t him In pity Fluidly she approached him and gars asking him questions She asked him if be were married how many children he had where ho bad worked how be had met with tbo accident that had incapacitated him for work and a thousand other questions Finally the unfortunate one became peevish Madam he exclaimed harsh ly you may think this Is an infor- mation bureau It Is not It Is a collecting agency Cincinnati Com- mercial Tribune Dont Be Bald NEARLY ANYONE MAY SECtRE A SPLENDID GROWTH OH HAIR We have u remedy that has a record ot growing hair and curing baldness In 03 out of every 100 casi a where used according to directions a reasonable length of time That may seem like a strong state notnt It Is Hnd we mean It to be v have put our claims to an test We aro so certain Rexall 93 prevent baldness stimulate the scalp nd hair runts stop falling hair and grow new hair that we personally give our positive guarantee to refund every penny paid us It In every Instance where It doe not give entire satisfaction to tbe user Bexall 93 Hair Tonic Is as pleas ant to use us clear spring water It Is delightfully perfumed and does not grease or gum the hair It comes In two sizes prices BOc and Remember you can obtain Bexall Remedies this community only at our store The Rexall Store Acker- man8tevvurt Drug Co The Florida Federation of Womans Clubs will hold their annnal oonven tlon in Ocala iu November beginning- on the J ICtb- iT7orobd to Leave Home Every year a large number o poor unflerers whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate But this Is costly and not always sure Theres a bet- ter way Let Dr Kings New Dis- covery euro you at home It cured me of lung trouble writes W R Nelson of Calamine Ark when all else railed and I gained 47 pounds In weight Its surely the King ef all cough and lung cures Thousands owe their lives and health to It Its positively guaranteed for coughs colds la grippe croup all throat and lung trouble 60o and 1 Trial bottle free at Aokerman Stewart Drug Co and J L Burt The A M E Church colored of St Augustine was completely des troyed by fire a few days ago The fire was discovered In the belfry Mrs Jacob Wllmert Lincoln Ill found her way back to perfect health Bhe writes I trouble and backache and my appetite was very poor at times A few weeks ago got KIDNEY PILLS and gave them a fair trial They gave me great relief so continued now am In health City Drug- Store J H Haughton agitated by the cltlsens Of that town CASTOR Tor Infants and Ohllifen the Kind You Haw Always Bought Seers the fitgaatareof P al railroad I lUtteQi1c with an l lass p h wvor telt In hIa ute an ataxy let PPP J U you are In tbl aDd pp 1twloo nl1- t JVUr orC lIl ltoIII IlIPo P I I and we j I Comp Jata1te blood purl1Ier In the worLL a boo 5 1 for end ln1 It Oj 41 Hair TODlo will ure dUDdrutf for 100 I t ll1 at B stlngll le being Afjr d N I P Pa- P prod era eOtp r r sowed a r fZHtrit2febadly epttng t PUPS y t- ame U11g i qW pat M l im- d ac- tual M 1 r yot bivtbQa cin outcry 7 t i > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > = A Ring at The Doorbell By LOUISE IDA ROSS Copyright 1910 by American Press AMOCltlOM Mr and Mrs Trevor were sitting one October evening before a blazing wood fin they hull not yet llshttd the fur- nace and the room was aglow and redolent with the pleasnut odor of burning wood The children had been the girls up to bid tucked In kissed them good night and returned with her sewing which was doing by the big lamp on tho while Mr Trevor read a maga There was n ring at the bell Now for ninny years there was some In the ring of his doorbell that u sober look over 8nmuel Trevors But to explain the reason for It Is mvessnry to go back to the when he wee a very young man VVbiii lie was but eighteen bin fa- ther who wns 9 lumber merchant win to n lumber cnmp thnt be learn the liuslness which would nt day bi his from the beginnIng Is dancer to nil persons of that f liiexiNileiici and recklessness they innv a and that acrouut It la a bad plan to take them away from young girls of their social circle end place them among their Inferior And where would a young man of refinement find people won his Inferiors than In a lumber camp Among the girls there was MruldP Hopkins the daughter of n lumbermnn several years older than Tretor who lured him Into with her then threatened him wltb vengeance It be refumd to marry her He did so but immediately left the comp An effort wns made to annul the marriage hut It was unsuccessful the woman offered to refrain troubling her husband If his fa would support her Remittances sent regularly for a season when A newspaper was received n notice of her death No wna sit of the truth of the no several years had passed no remittances having been sent no demand was made for them Twelve years after the conclusion of this tplik Samuel Trevor married Agatha Ueml lie told her all about- It before being engaged to her not u doubt that his first wife was dead You be sure of that said Agatha would be draw- Ing the lifeblood out of you Never theless Trevor having bad nothing but the death noticeto to demise never felt ab solutely sure And that was rpa Wes was con with the ringing of his door bellA maid in a neat uniform of black and white went to the door and the wife and husband beard a wom ans coarse voice ask for Mr Trevor Then without waiting to be announced the caller brushed past the maid and Into the sitting room Hello Sam she said Trevor put his bands to his face and trembled It was Madge Hopkins and judging from her appearance she had been growing coarser with every year Mrs Trevor ran to her husband and put her arms about him as If to shield him from the neednt be afraid o me said tho woman if youll give mo some thin to live on Why dkl 1 recelvo that notice of your death faltered Trevor I aint got notbln to do with that- I nlnt got iiothln to live on Send ro P BR- r rt wfA1c Db r c 1uIJ a t his mil or she 111 11 cPll1 neeted blow- flY reyor n n 1 inn ke tnt nlllance Indiscre- tions when ex- pressing proved n > ¬ < ¬ ¬ ° them remittances that was dropped and Ill let y alone Mamma cried the oldest daughter a Girl of ten from above What the matter Leave your address and go said Trevor eager to get the woman out of the bouse before the children should learn who she was The address was given and the wo- man went away Then after a silence Jlr Trevor said Dont worry on my account dearie My position Is not pleasant but what is it compared with tho interest of you and the children Be comforted will keep the secret Send the regularly and no ono will be the wiser But Mrs Trevor had no Intention of letting the matter rest where it was A shrewd woman she believed that there had been some weak spot In Mndge Hopkins record which Will ac- countable for the spurious death no- tice and the failure to claim the re mittances- It Will but a week after this when Trevor came home one evening from business that his wife received him with a radiant countenance that boded good news Taking him to a room where the children would not hear Itfs all right I put cm- het track jintt he baa beenhertnla- norcr been Madge Hopkins since you have known her She was secretly married before you met her to a lum- ber shoverwhatevcr tint he drifting away she took you in But after you left be returned and claim- ed her She lived with him but fear- ing If you appeared in their lives she would be tried for bigamy she sent you the notice of her death which the had Inserted In a paper for pose and gave up the Her husband has recently died and file came back on you for support 7 We re- mIttances and losing the door she said a 1 te Th bas brand the iota rnooh to report woman remittances ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ALL MY PIMPLES GONE Girt Tills How Blotchy 8kl t Cleansed By Simple W b I ashamed of mx face writes Miss Minnie PIckard of Alta N C It was all full of pimples and scars but after using D D D Pro- scription I can say that now there is no sign ot that Eczema and that was three years 030 D D D has become to famous cure and instant relief In Ecier and all other dlw81 very root of Eczema or any other cal trouble the soothing Oil ot Winter green Thymol and other ingredients- are so carefully compounded there Is no wash for the sln made that can compare with this great household remedy for every kind ot D D D Is pleasant to use perfectly harmless to tho moat delicate skin and absolutely reliable A 25cent bottle will give you positive proof of the wonderful effectiveness of this treat remedy Well Developed j Phrenologist examining This bnmp Indicates caution any you are a very cantioai right ht e Im very cautious now I not tump falling down italrs Vroonwonians Companion for ft I WHEN MERIT When the medicine disease tones upYoarrVem makes you feel better and what PILLS in all cases of backache leanness and general wean caused by any of Haughton V V The Fort Myers Bank Isto move j into more commodious quarters The banks of Florida all seem to have handsome buildings The Pensacola Navy Yarcf may be come a fuel oil depot There are tonka and barges there to store 110 000 gallons ot oil Its tho Worlds Best No one has ever made B salve oint ment or balm to compare with Duos tens Arnica Salve Its the one per- fect healer of cuts corns bruises burns ulcers salt rheum For sore eyes cold sores chapped hands or sprains its supreme Infallible for piles Drug Co and J L Burls f A has been Issue fcy the turpentine cups per for Soothes Itching Skin Heals cuts or burns without a near Cares salt rheum eczema any itching Doans Ointment Your sells it The city of Miami has adopted an or- dinance prohibiting moving picture theatres from showing pictures on Sun day Feel languid weak or rundown Headache Stomach Just a plain case of liver Burdock Blood Bitters tones liver and stomach pro Jndpre Mllam county Jpdge of Lake county died at his In Tavares last week 17 Over one hundred arrived In Jacksonville Thar last week and i to post aha that its vllle pla nl1m e In Clear UI Dt1lJp Idlt u pent I t i r sort I ski it trouble I I I I II t Oem you I nd or more vigorous than L bat Is Ot ache of apps that Idneys or bladder City Drug j Q J II Only25o nt wart patent Patent I all y WOOlIIJillJt a oil T motes digestion J n me II hom rs a Was a was as- a serious v yibokod cCAh ar beadsant wln t 11 0- 1 A k y subject t e cur s befo nervouanese lose sleep Is S t 011lcelnWaehln nes ur di purifies to bloc 1 rr Hof ex- pected thron heel tt ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ < + 60000 Reward Fiendish ties Never Heard of PLANKS CHILL TOttia Its guaranteed to care ntilarla chills fever colds and Guaranteed to cure a cold one night in three back If It does not For all firstclass drug stores The voters ot Duval county will decide on November bth whether or not they will bond for 400000 for school purposes The young ladles of the Branson High School bave organized an club CASTOR IA For Infants and Children the Kind You Have Always tyugfit x Bears the Slgnatoroof i At least celebration waa held In the inloipst of good roods It is in time of sudden or that Chamberlains Liniment- can be relied to take the of the doctor who can always be found at the moment Chamberlains Liniment is reverfound wanting In cases of sprains wounds outs bruises it out the sore- ness and drives away the pain Bold by Drug Co The second dredge for the canal through Island work Monday bra la rppe t nlahts Takes the place of calomel Your sale t ath- letic I p plo Iom 1 II n barbec in tbed8th of the month The Who onoy tr000 of- t Petitate a ac- cident com- menced ¬ A WOMAN AND A CHECK Mrs Black W Not Absolutely Help test In Monty Matters Some few persons still cherish the idea that nil women absolutely helpless In business matters and that they are so lacking In financial ability that they cannot safely be trusted to handle money r m- llE l J elonied to this class been In the habit of paying all the household bills at the end of each month and his wife though allowed unlimited credit had never had an at to lie passing the1 comparatively fAw buildIng la which the bank was situated- Do you know remarked Mrs Black I have actually never been Inside the bank since It was built more than two years ago You havent exclaimed John If thats tho case I guess Id better give you a check this month and let you pay the bills Do you think youd know how to cash It Mrs Block received the check which by the way happened to be an unusually large one that month That evening Mr Black asked not without sarcasm If she had succeeded In Indorsing It properly- Oh yes returned Mrs Black cheerfully flow many bills did you pay None It seemed pity to wnste nil that money paying bills Then what In the world did you do with It Oh returned tho little woman se- renely just jJeposlted It In my name and opened an own with ITCH RELIEVED AT ONCE That terrible Itch disappears with the FIRST DROPS a of oil of wintergreen thymol D Pro This soothing healing lo- tion used externally kills the eczema Heretofore the D D D remedy has been sold only In 100 bottles but as- a special offer sufferer in this town has never tried D D now try this remedy In a bottle- at cures the Itch instantly We KNOW this J II Pa latka Fla A prohibition cafe for nical students is soon to be opined by the W C T U in Plttsburg Not a minute should be lost when a Shlld shows symptoms of croup Oham erlams given as soon s the child becomes hoarse or even after the croupY cough will vlnces 100 bottle free Its positively guaranteed by Ackerman Stewart L Hurt I lorldas whits sands have suitable for the manufacture otfine grades of glass Williams Kidney Pills Have yon neglected your Kidneys Have you overworked your nervous system and caused trouble with your kidneys and bladder Have yon pains- in loins side beck groins and bladder Have you a appearance ot the face especially the eyes Too a desire to pass urine If so Williams Pills will care you at Druggist Price 80o Williams Mtg Co Props Cleve- land After March 4th 1011 Maine will have a Democratic U S Senator for the first time in D7 years The last Democratic Senator that State was James Y Bradley chosen iu 1817 The Renewal of Strain Vacation Is bell ak wording gain with tens of thousands hardest kind of work has renewal of which la a mental physical strain to all except rugged The little girl that a few days ago had roses in her cheeks and the little boy whose lips were then so ml you would have Insisted that they had been kissed by strawberries have already lost something of the appearance of Now Is a time when many children should be given- a tonic which may avert much serious trouble and we know of no other so highly recommended as Hoods Bar saparlllo which strengthens the nerves perfects digestion and assimi- lation and aids mental devolopmenl by bullulng up the whole system At a meeting of the School Board In Tampa on the 18th of this month bids will be opened for the erection of a new high school building in that city The new structure ivlll cost about 60000 Remedy become famous for Its cures of coughs colds croup and influenza Try It when in need It contains no harmful sub Tavares is now lighted with elec tricity and is beginning to look rea citified The citizens of Lake count are beginning to feel very proud o their progressive capital Goes out to whatever them ease comfort and strength Kidney Pills cure promptly end comfort and people Store J II PARKERS fllttUM lot UtntUIW Uw life are cD d lowance One day the iIi John itr Doan 2c been te d uDd O 1Imtb n the the and the most has f f 1t Foley City DruM He- a hap- pen a com- pound a trial tram o bAhuoi au d Cough qand giy NpramDtrelief Sold e a DALBA Prom wr r s ree K odor ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + Stomach Blood Live Troubles Much sickness starts with weak itomach and poor impoverished blood Nervous palepeople lack active mtkes rich red Wood overcomes end drivel out bacteria and cures whole multi- tude ol disease Get rW of your Stomach and Lire LofJnct by tahln a o- tJr Pltrc i Golden Medical Dlicortrr treat Stomach nettorntivt ilvtf- Inrloratop and flood Cleanser tiewrapper same being attested at correct under oath Dn Pierce Pluunat MM tad tarljontt Sfcmach User tad Cowls A Great Sale AT THE THE NEW YORK 5 AND 10 CENT STORK Here is a great opportunity of OROOKBBY at Low Prices We can you most anything for Kitchen Dining Room and Chamber We carry a Cream the Arctic and the famous Mountain A line of Water Cool- ers Glass and Tumblers Lamps and L mp Fittings Fruit Jars and Jelly Glasses Extra Mason Jars A line of Mane and Ladies Under Garments GALL AND SEE OUR MAMMOTH STOOK THE NEB YORK 6 AND 10 CENT STOR B Lemon Street Palatka Fla J L BURT Proprietor Successor to GoV F t Peek FULL LINE OF DRUGS AND CHEMICALS PBB8CMPTIOH8 ACCURATELY AND OABEFVLLT COMPOUNDED 3 Three Big Hits 3 OOKLAWATHA MALABIOnF PEEKS PINE TAR SYRUP Improved MAYS GARDEN AND FLOWER SEED Rent New York Decorators Wall Paper Co Mallory Steamship Line PALATKA FLORIDA OLOPBR BAIUT- Ift liJ nt WALTER HIUIAUD- Becjr Se Treu The G Loper Bailey Co Fire Insurance Leading American and Life Insurance The old reliable VGermania Life of New Ycrk Marine Leading Companies- All claims settled promptly Office 33Front Street Palatka Florida W ifi j3Kit 3B stfS JWVr3 LOCAL TIME CARD DAILY DAILTI M W 10 Ml- I tS W 10 II taut I ISM 185- I 10 W 1101 10 ISM SUM 101AM itTPN- 110SM 4I1M- 1138M tO AM T 10 M- I U AN t u m A- rt 10 AH U II M- T 01 AM IS 10 M L IN EFFECT MAT 1 UN DAILY DAILY Pullmw Biifftt fttI r I- lickionillli Afl T 10 M I 0 AM CtriipcritcloaTrtlul- Aii u ne ft Jj E III S Mb ti iJMk Ujlf l J J IT PWI 4 rillouiDalhiBbtol ll U M 1 a Ht l AtU tl Com LJitl- PAOSSCOHl n r03SCo Fort Place 110 II AM 11 M M Palm such B 01 AN IH M Ez JSJSJB- t 03 M bttwdtn JtekionilU I 1 M ry d M Tr in37- I not stop iSuttaiwpoilttn bleb 10 ttau Ultimo SoBdiT TaMdnt Tbor JMondijl WxlMf diji M4yi ThuriiliTI SiturJifl 110 AH MN 1M 10i Oillf PALATKA BRANC l iv- IPititki Ptlilti- t MW I IS K HKO DiHt1M I U AH 8 it 10 S J2 8M8 K8rrrrrlSttai8aaT- IO AH il108 t 0w No Ill Oillf 7 AM r co p I A- ii M Dally D ll I 10 M t 00 t II A l ciiw Billy Dlllr Dlltf Dlllr llcklOP IIU f 7 10 AMI I IS 11 Ml IIOAM sciA uStud IIM- T W S 17 M I a M 01 A AtlintH BMlb U Mri T M Utll U U W r t H i to w i oo w i3 u A M r rt 1 10 AM r u u 10 Hi n M- IANFOI08HICH I 04 W t 00 W l l l A J 110 M 810 M 0 00 W U- I M mil M AM Uk Htloa nt IIM T AM 10 M 11M AM Ort fiCltr U ION tl M I It A- IS n U U Oniif ii ri U ti M tf M 110 AM Ar and j and rich red blood Their stomachs need after all a man CIA be no stronger than his stomach A remedy that makes stomach the liver and We hoa You cant afford to medicine of ILl substitute for Golden Medical Discov which Is medicine KNOWN COMPOSITION a complete list of ingredients In plain English on Its bot I I t THE PUTNAM PHARMACY 01 T Foreign Companies t iJ f 1 i if For i Is the and taseee a i cr xr a coarse l iw- l the z d1 aro say aslsomae5- MPOSIN s a cry a or having j reg data 4 4 i a p L e ss ML rTtOrr l Insurance t r S M a7 as o as ao as- S 0 SL 1 ii PaM and A1hrL Owes New Selrms 1511 Can belie New 1 as w 11 s and Ra 1I tC L coca 11 1 1 s1 As aocktd e Ea0111 1110w1117AaortbolJaeksoPHb 11 N Ps 115 w tudld loi 3J 1 ns sad 3L MIamI Jowl PIlaao flutes Ar 1 15 AN 10 AM U9 D5 Cre pered 10 seAji 11 gout Knights Kay Ant F100w rP P e 18 Ar 38 tI SO 5 Y 50 w cad a Li Lis t o Arrive A A r Last PIdks PALATKA PALA NA PIIk 611 As e 105 I 10 A- M515AM No 304 835 51130 Ps N Or 0 As U 01 1 100 Denl tO It r5 S 10PN DeIIy S30PuNo10A 45D n I15Pa p lu Oath w Srow e Dsl 1IO1- aPllk IANOIATEO dT Ma1u PA N PiBa 50 u As Ne104 S M NO1t0 ally NsSt Ne5O A52 No 14 NiS N57 No 56 No 53 MAYPORT BRANCH ILL Stops 1 r s0 w s 1 z sow Pablo such pt01 otOa Nlpd Mt00- Daly Dally OSANOECITYbsANON Dilly DAIIy Dairy x t Ira I w 1 151 81As 0 ilnisrd 10 o w- r Ir wn a e se rYarlMaTALpM4aae eeAAamloeraarwWr Ns4dpre6rWre- rtl a e sl r n d M r Ws jN h CAL J3- D PuSea UOVITTN DA- r t ¬ ¬ > > < < > = + ° +

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Post on 27-Jul-2018




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S IA r jJ I I

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mt1Grw tE


P P wU purify tad those yourblood create and r1r yourwhole ijttem tone tni rtreogth

Ink u If ha could UTaloreror ho could

U you an tired out from overwork aadtaka


If TOU luffer todtctatton-deblu r talu

P P PU you luffer with n rrou prostration

DerrM and aot thaiyit mUk

P P PTm Blood Poison Rhernnatkm Bcrof-

nla OU Borw Ualarta Chronic Famala


Prickly Ash Poke Root

and Potassium

F V LIFTMANSavannah Georgia

Setting Her RightOn ono of the corners of a busy

thoroughfare sat an old man blind undminus one leg A sympathetic Indywho was passing stopped and gazed

t him In pityFluidly she approached him and

gars asking him questions She askedhim if be were married how manychildren he had where ho bad worked

how be had met with tbo accidentthat had incapacitated him for workand a thousand other questions

Finally the unfortunate one becamepeevish Madam he exclaimed harshly you may think this Is an infor-mation bureau It Is not It Is acollecting agency Cincinnati Com-

mercial Tribune



We have u remedy that has arecord ot growing hair and curingbaldness In 03 out of every 100 casi awhere used according to directions

a reasonable length of timeThat may seem like a strong statenotnt It Is Hnd we mean It to be

v have put our claims to antest

We aro so certain Rexall 93prevent

baldness stimulate the scalp ndhair runts stop falling hair andgrow new hair that we personallygive our positive guarantee to refundevery penny paid us It In everyInstance where It doe not give entiresatisfaction to tbe user

Bexall 93 Hair Tonic Is as pleasant to use us clear spring water ItIs delightfully perfumed and doesnot grease or gum the hair

It comes In two sizes prices BOc

andRemember you can obtain Bexall

Remedies this community only atour store The Rexall Store Acker-

man8tevvurt Drug Co

The Florida Federation of WomansClubs will hold their annnal oonventlon in Ocala iu November beginning-on the


iT7orobd to Leave HomeEvery year a large number o poor

unflerers whose lungs are sore andracked with coughs are urged to goto another climate But this Is costlyand not always sure Theres a bet-

ter way Let Dr Kings New Dis-

covery euro you at home It curedme of lung trouble writes W RNelson of Calamine Ark when allelse railed and I gained 47 pounds Inweight Its surely the King ef allcough and lung cures Thousandsowe their lives and health to It Itspositively guaranteed for coughscolds la grippe croup allthroat and lung trouble 60o and

1 Trial bottle free at AokermanStewart Drug Co and J L Burt

The A M E Church colored ofSt Augustine was completely destroyed by fire a few days ago Thefire was discovered In the belfry

Mrs Jacob Wllmert Lincoln Illfound her way back to perfect healthBhe writes Itrouble and backache and my appetitewas very poor at times A few weeksago got KIDNEY PILLS andgave them a fair trial They gave megreat relief so continued now am

In health City Drug-Store J H Haughton

agitated by the cltlsens Of that town

CASTORTor Infants and Ohllifen

the Kind You Haw Always Bought

Seers thefitgaatareof



lUtteQi1c withan l lassp h wvor telt In hIa ute an

ataxy let P P P

J U you are In tblaDd pp 1twloo nl1-

t JVUr orC lIl ltoIII IlIPo



and we j


Comp Jata1te

blood purl1Ier In the worLL


5 1


end ln1 It Oj 41

Hair TODlo will ure dUDdrutf





ll1 at B stlngll le being


d N

IP Pa-


prod eraeOtp

r r sowed

a r fZHtrit2febadly epttng





qW pat




d ac-





yot bivtbQa cinoutcry












A Ring atThe Doorbell


Copyright 1910 by American PressAMOCltlOM

Mr and Mrs Trevor were sitting oneOctober evening before a blazing woodfin they hull not yet llshttd the fur-nace and the room was aglow andredolent with the pleasnut odor ofburning wood The children had been

the girls up to bid tuckedIn kissed them good night and

returned with her sewing whichwas doing by the big lamp on tho

while Mr Trevor read a maga

There was n ring at the bellNow for ninny years there was some

In the ring of his doorbell thatu sober look over 8nmuel Trevors

But to explain the reason forIt Is mvessnry to go back to thewhen he wee a very young man

VVbiii lie was but eighteen bin fa-

ther who wns 9 lumber merchantwin to n lumber cnmp thnt be

learn the liuslness which wouldnt day bi his from the beginnIng

Is dancer to nil persons of thatf liiexiNileiici and recklessness

they innv a andthat acrouut It la a bad plan to take

them away from young girls of theirsocial circle end place them

among their Inferior And wherewould a young man of refinement findpeople won his Inferiors than In alumber camp Among the girls therewas MruldP Hopkins the daughter ofn lumbermnn several years older thanTretor who lured him Into

with her then threatened himwltb vengeance It be refumd to marryher He did so but immediately leftthe comp

An effort wns made to annul themarriage hut It was unsuccessful

the woman offered to refraintroubling her husband If his fa

would support her Remittancessent regularly for a season when

A newspaper was receivedn notice of her death No

wna sit of the truth of the noseveral years had passed

no remittances having been sentno demand was made for them

Twelve years after the conclusionof this tplik Samuel Trevor marriedAgatha Ueml lie told her all about-It before being engaged to her not

u doubt that his first wifewas dead You be sure of thatsaid Agatha would be draw-Ing the lifeblood out of you Nevertheless Trevor having bad nothingbut the death noticeto to

demise never felt absolutely sure And that was rpaWes was con

with the ringing of his door

bellAmaid in a neat uniform of black

and white went to the door andthe wife and husband beard a womans coarse voice ask for Mr TrevorThen without waiting to be announcedthe caller brushed past the maid andInto the sitting room

Hello Sam she saidTrevor put his bands to his face and

trembled It was Madge Hopkinsand judging from her appearance shehad been growing coarser with everyyear

Mrs Trevor ran to her husband andput her arms about him as If toshield him from the

neednt be afraid o me saidtho woman if youll give mo somethin to live on

Why dkl 1 recelvo that notice ofyour death faltered Trevor

I aint got notbln to do with that-

I nlnt got iiothln to live on Send

ro P

BR-r rt wfA1c Db

r c 1uIJ

a t


milor she

111 11 cPll1neeted




n n 1

inn ke tnt nlllance













them remittances that was droppedand Ill let y alone

Mamma cried the oldest daughtera Girl of ten from above What thematter

Leave your address and go saidTrevor eager to get the woman outof the bouse before the children shouldlearn who she was

The address was given and the wo-

man went away Then after a silenceJlr Trevor said

Dont worry on my account dearieMy position Is not pleasant but whatis it compared with tho interest ofyou and the children Be comforted

will keep the secret Send theregularly and no ono will

be the wiserBut Mrs Trevor had no Intention of

letting the matter rest where it wasA shrewd woman she believed thatthere had been some weak spot InMndge Hopkins record which Will ac-

countable for the spurious death no-

tice and the failure to claim the remittances-

It Will but a week after this whenTrevor came home one evening frombusiness that his wife received himwith a radiant countenance that bodedgood news Taking him to a roomwhere the children would not hear

Itfs all right I put cm-

het track jintt he baa beenhertnla-

norcr been Madge Hopkins since youhave known her She was secretlymarried before you met her to a lum-

ber shoverwhatevcr tint hedrifting away she took you in Butafter you left be returned and claim-

ed her She lived with him but fear-ing If you appeared in their lives shewould be tried for bigamy she sentyou the notice of her death which thehad Inserted In a paper forpose and gave up theHer husband has recently died andfile came back on you for support


We re-


and losing the door she saida 1 te

Th bas



iota rnooh to report woman









Girt Tills How Blotchy 8kl t

Cleansed By Simple W b

I ashamed of mx face writesMiss Minnie PIckard of AltaN C It was all full of pimples andscars but after using D D D Pro-

scription I can say that now there isno sign ot that Eczema and that was

three years 030D D D has become to famouscure and instant relief In Ecier

and all other dlw81

very root of Eczema or any othercal trouble the soothing Oil ot Wintergreen Thymol and other ingredients-are so carefully compounded there Isno wash for the sln made that cancompare with this great householdremedy for every kind ot

D D D Is pleasant to use perfectlyharmless to tho moat delicate skinand absolutely reliable A 25centbottle will give you positive proof ofthe wonderful effectiveness of thistreat remedy

Well Developed j

Phrenologist examiningThis bnmp Indicates caution

any you are a very cantioairight ht e Im

very cautious now I not tumpfalling down italrs Vroonwonians

Companion for ft I

WHEN MERITWhen the medicine

disease tones upYoarrVemmakes you feel better and

what PILLSin all cases of backache

leanness and general weancaused by any of

Haughton V V

The Fort Myers Bank Isto move j

into more commodious quarters Thebanks of Florida all seem to havehandsome buildings

The Pensacola Navy Yarcf may become a fuel oil depot There aretonka and barges there to store 110000 gallons ot oil

Its tho Worlds BestNo one has ever made B salve oint

ment or balm to compare with Duostens Arnica Salve Its the one per-fect healer of cuts corns bruisesburns ulcers salt rheum For soreeyes cold sores chapped hands orsprains its supreme Infallible forpilesDrug Co and J L Burls f

A has been Issue fcy the

turpentine cupsper for

Soothes Itching Skin Heals cuts orburns without a near Cares saltrheum eczema any itching DoansOintment Your sells it

The city of Miami has adopted an or-

dinance prohibiting moving picturetheatres from showing pictures on Sunday

Feel languid weak or rundownHeadache Stomach Just aplain case of liver Burdock BloodBitters tones liver and stomach pro

Jndpre Mllam county Jpdge ofLake county died at his InTavares last week 17

Over one hundredarrived In Jacksonville Tharlast week and i

to post


that its vllle pla nl1m eIn Clear UI Dt1lJp


pent I t i rsort


ski it trouble





II t


you Ind

ormore vigorous than L bat Is


of appsthatIdneys

or bladder City Drug j Q J II

Only25o nt wart

patentPatent I all y

WOOlIIJillJt a

oil T

motes digestion

J nme


hom rs

a Wasa



aserious v


arbeadsant wln t 11 0-


A k


t e cur


nervouanese lose sleepIs


011lcelnWaehlnnes ur di

purifies to bloc1



pected thron heel tt








60000 Reward Fiendish

ties Never Heard ofPLANKS CHILL TOttia

Its guaranteed to care ntilarlachills fever colds andGuaranteed to cure a cold onenight in three

back If It does not For allfirstclass drug stores

The voters ot Duval county willdecide on November bth whether ornot they will bond for 400000 forschool purposes

The young ladles of the BransonHigh School bave organized an


CASTOR IAFor Infants and Children

the Kind You Have Always tyugfitx

Bears theSlgnatoroof i

At least

celebration waa held In the inloipst ofgood roods

It is in time of sudden orthat Chamberlains Liniment-

can be relied to take the ofthe doctor who can always befound at the momentChamberlains Liniment is reverfoundwanting In cases of sprains woundsouts bruises it out the sore-ness and drives away the pain Bold by

Drug Co

The second dredge for thecanal through Island

work Monday


la rppet

nlahts Takesthe place of calomel Your

sale t



p plo Iom 1 IIn barbec in

tbed8th of the month The



tr000 of-

t Petitate a





Mrs Black W Not Absolutely Helptest In Monty Matters

Some few persons still cherish theidea that nil women absolutelyhelpless In business matters and thatthey are so lacking In financial abilitythat they cannot safely be trusted tohandle money r m-

llE l J elonied to this classbeen In the habit of paying all the

household bills at the end of eachmonth and his wife though allowedunlimited credit had never had an at

to lie passing the1 comparativelyfAw buildIng la which the bank wassituated-

Do you know remarkedMrs Black I have actually neverbeen Inside the bank since It was builtmore than two years ago

You havent exclaimed John Ifthats tho case I guess Id better giveyou a check this month and let youpay the bills Do you think youdknow how to cash It

Mrs Block received the checkwhich by the way happened to be anunusually large one that month

That evening Mr Black asked notwithout sarcasm If she had succeededIn Indorsing It properly-

Oh yes returned Mrs Blackcheerfully

flow many bills did you payNone It seemed pity to wnste nil

that money paying billsThen what In the world did you do

with ItOh returned tho little woman se-

renely just jJeposlted It In my nameand opened an own with


That terrible Itch disappears withthe FIRST DROPS a

of oil of wintergreen thymolD Pro

This soothing healing lo-

tion used externally kills the eczema

Heretofore the D D D remedy hasbeen sold only In 100 bottles but as-

a special offer sufferer in thistown has never tried D Dnow try this remedy In a bottle-at cures the Itch instantly WeKNOW this J II Palatka Fla

A prohibition cafe fornical students is soon to be opined bythe W C T U in Plttsburg

Not a minute should be lost when aShlld shows symptoms of croup Ohamerlams given as soon

s the child becomes hoarse or evenafter the croupY cough willvlnces 100 bottlefree Its positively guaranteed byAckerman Stewart LHurt

Ilorldas whits sands have

suitable for themanufacture otfine grades of glass

Williams Kidney PillsHave yon neglected your Kidneys

Have you overworked your nervoussystem and caused trouble with yourkidneys and bladder Have yon pains-

in loins side beck groins and bladderHave you a appearance ot the

face especially the eyes Tooa desire to pass urine If so

Williams Pills will care youat Druggist Price 80o

Williams Mtg Co Props Cleve-land

After March 4th 1011 Maine willhave a Democratic U S Senator forthe first time in D7 years The lastDemocratic Senator that Statewas James Y Bradley chosen iu 1817

The Renewal of StrainVacation Is

bell ak wordinggain with tens of thousandshardest kind of work hasrenewal of which la a mentalphysical strain to all exceptrugged The little girl that a fewdays ago had roses in her cheeks andthe little boy whose lips were then soml you would have Insisted that theyhad been kissed by strawberrieshave already lost something of theappearance of Now Is a timewhen many children should be given-a tonic which may avert much serioustrouble and we know of no other sohighly recommended as Hoods Barsaparlllo which strengthens thenerves perfects digestion and assimi-lation and aids mental devolopmenlby bullulng up the whole system

At a meeting of the School Board InTampa on the 18th of this month bidswill be opened for the erection of a newhigh school building in that city Thenew structure ivlll cost about 60000

Remedybecome famous for Its cures of coughscolds croup and influenza Try It whenin need It contains no harmful sub

Tavares is now lighted with electricity and is beginning to look reacitified The citizens of Lake countare beginning to feel very proud o

their progressive capital

Goes out to whatever themease comfort and strengthKidney Pills cure

promptly end comfortand peopleStore J II

PARKERSfllttUM lot UtntUIW Uw life



lowance One day theiIi




2 c

beente d uDd




the most


f f 1t


City DruM








o bAhuoiau d


qand giy NpramDtreliefSold e a

DALBAProm wr

r s ree Kodor








Stomach BloodLive Troubles

Much sickness starts with weak itomach andpoor impoverished blood Nervous palepeople lack

active mtkes rich red Wood overcomes end drivelout bacteria and cures whole multi-

tude ol disease

Get rW of your Stomach andLire LofJnct by tahln a o-tJr Pltrc i Golden Medical Dlicortrr

treat Stomach nettorntivt ilvtf-Inrloratop and flood Cleanser

tiewrapper same being attested at correct under oathDn Pierce Pluunat MM tad tarljontt Sfcmach User tad Cowls

A Great SaleAT THE


Here is a great opportunity of OROOKBBY at LowPrices We can you most anything for Kitchen DiningRoom and Chamber We carry a Creamthe Arctic and the famous Mountain A line of Water Cool-ers Glass and Tumblers Lamps and L mp Fittings FruitJars and Jelly Glasses Extra Mason Jars

A line of Mane and Ladies Under GarmentsGALL AND SEE OUR MAMMOTH STOOK


Lemon Street Palatka Fla

J L BURT ProprietorSuccessor to GoV F t Peek





Rent New York Decorators Wall Paper Co Mallory Steamship LinePALATKA FLORIDA



The G Loper Bailey Co

Fire Insurance

Leading American andLife Insurance

The old reliable VGermania Life of New Ycrk

Marine Leading Companies-All claims settled promptly

Office 33Front Street Palatka Florida

W ifi j3Kit 3B stfS JWVr3



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and jand

rich red blood Their stomachs needafter all a man CIA be no stronger than his stomach

A remedy that makes stomach the liverand

We hoa

You cant afford to medicine ofILl substitute for Golden Medical Discov

which Is medicine KNOWN COMPOSITION

a complete list of ingredients In plain English on Its bot







Foreign Companies







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