crystal river news. (crystal river, fl) 1910-12-30 [p...

J t I J Ii 1- 1 THE TIMESHERALD PUUUSHED FRIDAYS A B McKENZIE Publisher totfvvi a secondclaM mall wetter atth ntoffla Ht ealatka Florida under Act 0 SWJSCRIPTItN PhR ANNUM IN ADVANCE SOIB REASONS WHY We have been asked to give sane reasons for our support rf Hon John N 0 Stockton for tie United States Senate Hero they ore We believe him the bbalqu li fipl anti the best equipped man jo the race this because he is nondys fairweather friend If he thinks you are worthy he will stick to you whether you iavo money or not We know of no higher tribute to pay a man If misfortune overtakes friend instead of trying to kick him fur he will go to him as a brother and reason with him and help him to come back up His name has boon a synonym- of peace progress and prosperity ever since first he stepped upon tho threshold of young vigorous manhood in this his native Stato Wo believe ho knows more of the desires and necessities of his fellowman than any candidat- eow before tho people We know that his great big heart has always pulsated with Ijio masses of the people in their struggle against oppressions wrongs No man in Florida can be bet tor posted nor can make a more logical convincing argument against tho robbery and infamy ol protective tariff that defrauds and impoverishes the great mass es of our people to enrich the chosen few IL T L ad iwe ONB DOLLAR We believe tTler down 11tieb 0 ¬ ¬ No lawyer banker nor layman has ever been a closer student of the financial legislation of this that has plundered the producer and given millions to the idle rich The tariff railroad legislation national banking acts Sound John Stockton on any of these and you will find that he has never had a superior in the South Wo need such men in the Sen- ate No or dishonest act stains his escutcheon Lets him in Jacksonville Floridian ¬ A prosperous and happy New Year to our readers everywhere- It that Messrs Blount and Bryan have about run out of ginger and tobasco sauce The senatorial campaign may increase in interest now that old has come and gone Perhaps the weather Is too cold for the senatorial candidates- to get hot under the collar and make ugly faces at each other With operas carnivals and va- rious other amusement enter- prises Palatka is fast breaking into the lively cosmopolitan class Organizing big investment and reality companies is a popular pastime with the progressive and prosperous citizens of Jackson- ville Santa Claus comes but a year but the festive candidate with his cordial handshake and convincing smile we have with us always seems Santa once ¬ ¬ ¬ That aviation meet in Jackson ground With Alton B Parker talking politics Dr Cook writing for the magazines Claude LEngle edit- ing a newspaper and John Stock Ion innning for office we are re- minded of times that have been telore Yfli Utho iissc es failed to leave the f tillo as auoceasful in Y raking 4asfe pppy ll ¬ ¬ CRESCENT CITY Correspondence TlmtaHerald t Santa Glaus came to nuke happy but some got too merry consid- ering is tnppoteu to be a dry town The only Sabbath school that bad a Christmas was the Presbyterian the Auditorium Mayor and Mrs Borson spent Sunday- at Hammond being entertained Mr Robt Smith and wife Norton came tip from Jacksonville and Xmas with his father W 0 Norton Rev J H Davis pastor of the Metho dist church moved last week to Lemon City where he was assigned by the last conference Dr George Calhoun left Tuesday Seville Ga on business trip and will retnrn the latter part of the week Miss Crawford of DeLand is visiting her mother Sirs Wm 0 L Chamberlain and little tar Alice made a trip to Palatka on Wednesday I I I ple I hla I I a for ¬ ¬ ¬ Mr and Mrs Frank Cobb went over to Enstls to spend Xmas with friends Aid Society of the postponed last Tuesday evening pn ac- count entertainments There will be a dance in the V L A ball next Monday night Jan 2d The new laundry started last week but on account of the holiday season and help did not start to work Mr and Mrs Arthur Appleby of Barnwell 8 0 visiting Ap plebys father who is quite feeble Lumber Is alreauy on the ground for the addition to T O Darbys store Mr and Mrs G J among those of onr citizens who visited Falatka Wednesday Wishing the Editor and his stiff a- very happy and prosperous New Year 00 DEATH OF DR D W MOORE On Monday was received the sad news of the death of Bev D W Moore which occurred at his home- In Dover New Jersey on Frldy De- cember 23rd He had planned to reach Florida on that day but was taken 111 a days before being un conscious most of the time and thus passed peacefully away Mr Moore was born in Ohio June 16th 1833 When a young man he attended Antlcch College under Mr Horace Mann here he felt the preach and was ordained ia Antloch College chapel In 1869 and took his first charge In New Jersey Immediately afterwards At the end of this year he marrledLMlss Rebecca Emmans They raised a family of children one of whom Ii now a Bap The tortnlgbtly supper of the Ladies Church are Braddock few call to was wage ¬ ¬ ¬ tilt In Vermont and two others Mr Dan and Miss Anus who are well known here having spent a number of winters with us pastorates for forty years In Michi- gan New York and New Jersey and at one time wan sent as a delegate to After giving up his regular work on account of nervous prostration he made his home In Dover New Jersey For a number of winters he was In our midst and will be remem bered for his many deeds of love and kindness He frequently wrote arti cles for publication The following Is a quotation from one written two years ago dtcadjlulceufii f ftlta a rqllgloul London Tbe convention in ¬ ¬ ¬ preach than eat and am often glad to get an opportunity supply a pulpit Which he often did at this place to the edification of hm beat- ers Notwithstanding the hardships and disappointments of a ministers life If I were young again I would choose the same profession for my life work God been good to me and my lot in this life been In a goodly land In good society with many friends and my earnest desire and aim have been to lIvo right and do good tho I have fallen tar short of my Ideal I desire that during the few days or years at my earthly pilgrimage to live the of the that my last end may be like His It want the best in Florida and Western Meats to Wm Greens Kirby street West End Sheriffs Sale UNDER AND BY VIRTUE 0 AN EXE- CUTION dated December Putnam County Florida a cause therein wherein F A Sands and O E Bands doing business as Sands Brothers were J P Morrow and Tom Crawford tell at outcry to the highest and belt bidder for front the Court- House In 1alatka laid County and State during the legal hour of on FIRST MONDAY IN FEBRUARY AD foil being February Cth lilt and tales day the property towit I Lunch 20 feet and feet beam with 4 Cycle 3II P Engine Jack Model with appurtenances therein Terms cash purchaser to pay for Bill of Bale rather moatof lets out of and from the Court of I have levied upon the said J P Morrow Tom Crawford subject to said execution and wilt rlOnal One December L KENNERLY- 8beria Putnam judges were as of E Canary ¬ ¬ NOTICE PrIest are Iniltwl until NOON JaMtTiBT 1 1 F O B PaUtta Florida 0 Manhole Covers 44 CirculAr 4 foot radios catch Baila Coren- 4lnch Y- S 4lnoli X SlMh Yi 1 Ho 1 salt glued Vltrifled sewer rip Inch US feet Ho t tail Vltrtfleda rip Ho t salt Vitrified Pipe 1KM Jolt No 1 salt glared vitrified No IAn glued Vltrifltd Sewer MAch salt glued VltrifltdTI the matenalll and a I Inch glazed ewer glared SlYer Sewer rape lDo- bmo feet 1 Pipe JSIIIM II JIlnch z Inch salt ltrlaed Ta Address A T nun City Clerk Ila- t following z feet X205 feet Id < Warrants Ordered Uy the County Commissioners at the December Meeting GENERAL FUND Hsals r 4 to SM Kd OrnTier Janitor W 00 llntchlnson Clerk and Auditor OT 0 Henry Hutchinson lumpscw 2 04 for Mann S 00 J W Ollsaon for Knowles and S 09 L W Walker Ikrrr Smith and 110 luiiejr W for 11nn r S M W A Itosstll for H R Carman for MeXalr teo 0 KuuirttforJeffenon s- 0Ar soo Ackerman i Stewart for Mo Kill Wood Mrs FA Miller Paid J N nail lreelnetio UDr Knwmer for Cb 00 lJrl lI for aoo for II SIlO enoD L for lllra lllod Kesslah Morris UeDJemln II 00 N 00 S W Pendletou Ju Jan took I W If Cone for It T IIoIDO ltlf 1or8c AJ Padget for Blocker J for Sirs Lot i la Petermhnn labor cd aner Lena II Dart oho ti 5- 3tt p Lucy Caldwell P Cooper i b- J s grknddaugbwr = Rachel 110 halley damages on t- L0 loner W 0 Alrers per diem and mileage Mi TJ diem and i M r tolana Bophronla Mitchell n pauper pauper Le l Btiun Scott Il i rd Johnson pauper Eliza Johnson Lout Funk Adams and Seal Co Marshall Coroners fee at luqtSst Chestnut witnes- sJ Jr Juror u Do le Juror Drew Co Clara witness Inquest Juror RJ Collector t twp plat 1 RL Kennedy fees R L Braying l L Kennorly expenses U 1 K as i Ida at Poor Farm WHMtnton rndse- Janirs ot Inquest J H Jlatth ws u SS Mitchell CSI Frei V Owen rent election City of Palatka water court house j work court house chimney J T Powell witness Inijuesf I Times Herald official eto Inspectors of Election and Inspectors Ircclncu 28 Inquest 27 Walton root Turn 120 FD Wattles Witnesses t Nathan Watu Clias Brent Boyd Do tbea SI each L E F yulllran inspector Product S J Hanca 120 KUOlmstead returning ballot lox 200 FINE AND FORFEITURE FUND The following were paid out ot the Fine and Forfeiture Fund i Jurors and wltnestos 28 00 medicine i 4 Jacobson 4 40 Lillian Iron witness 100 R L Kennerlr servant and bone K M RL Sheriff criminal eats 61 20 R Kennerly feed county prisoners 62 M- nL 1 00 it II Kent juror 1 00 a a IG Rogers per Jill 10- tI T I i t I d N 00 J D 00 IV 00 R S lIter GO CIO Henr Hutch DlOn JO GIS 150 W London cooking 00 J 70 II each 110 100 I 48 41 J 00 Fuel fuel 1 to 011 1026 noo t10 00- PutDam NtloDal 00 and 2a 17 60 A 800 W A wo f1 00 and jurors t Leo mdse for Jail KeDDerl L Miller et i a w n a a 550 NI Joe W Cannon 00 etc 00 l Gas Light and gas sue Dr Steen visit to Poor Farm ri returning nank money adiauced20s0 J L Burt hire < < > < < Lucas Juror 0 U Livingston witness t M witness and John McMnllln r PalaUatOat and Fuel Co cylinder City of r 374 labor and material 1 28 Asa Tonbg witness L 8 Varnes witness 400 Etl Williams Young witnesses 1 each Yemrton 4 M BOAD FUND J E RL w mil witness 1 fee 8tb diet for No Ip JU i GI- S100 100 J W T Bn J Ii 8m lb J A turner I J U rodeo for Jail Lee 3 73 100 a 20 Ism Whit f 05 t I Lu 4 P lo r OW w it Puff juror SpsI nof Ito 00eah RA > < D A Saunders work Wm Johnson work- Ed Nortb work Manning hard road work LIIoliaruion hard Toad work hard road JT road Inspection I J Arnold rued II11 Dan road work M liobannon road Inspection Keen work on D L Bell work on bard road W 0 Alvers road Inspection J 0 lluthrie clearing road J D work 1 K EiUnuiuon plow tor hard road Johnson J T short and mils Joe Joiner work Kenoerly Hardware Implement Irving bud Oscar Smith clearing road part payment on bill BRIDGE FUND Browning Lumber Co lumber A Cannon material Drowning Lumber Co lumber work- Day Bra oil L Harden material Johnson Kennerly Hardware Co Stephens Inspection of bridge- DA Wm Johnson work work J E McDuffle work R O Chalmers tending Dunns Creek bridge St bridge Mrs F A Miller Rice Ck bridge Inspection Mat Bolano Iran llohannon Bond Trustees Putnam County WEST PALATKA NOTES Correspondence The little store kept by Mm Btu art Is a nloe business Mr Spradley who purchased tbe Wyles property IB making great IK- proreminti for general farming We soon expect tbe wedding bells to ring for T W of ka Heights and Miss Arllne Stanley of Jacksonville The little home newly maio by Mnllls lo a beauty pretty grove of oaks were several who voted a wet ticket Christmas but It only Amounted to fun The new building being erected for Mrs Morton will soon be com pleted and when finished will b the most In the neigh- borhood Best wishes for the TimesHerald for prosperous New Year Remember when in need of Florida and Western and Poultry New Wall Paper at Doles 00 al 1116 J 26 0o 180 J N 11111 J 71 261 JI 00 4 00 J C 78 26 1000 00 rash u 1 2 M 00 13 60 400 bo J Wylie GOO 00 416 It 33 4 II J D CoU1ngbam UI 68 14o to 0o 11112 W 120 L O 4 GO MirA E North It 60 SIlO i It 00 1300 00 00 1Ut 116 HaD Dr A ID- a a pro Meaty go to Wm Green Kirby End 5 46 76 work 600 4000 4 t 600 B J 400 j4 325 4000 160 ii 25 910- J material oil 200 t Tender Johns too t0 i Timett Herald d e ¬ Hon Tom A Darby The following Item from the Tallahassee True Democrat will be of Interest to the people of not only Put- nam county but of the entire State Hon Thomas A Darby formerly State Senator from tbe 26th Putnam county during the sessions of the Legislature of 1897 and 1699 has beenjn several days and with Mrs Darby la the boll day season pleasantly with the mother and her sister Miss Caroline Brerard Some ago Mr wont to New York and engaged in the brokerage business and going to in mining been sno- oessfnl Ho has always retained tits legal residence in Florida fifty miles north of Nome Ala the very heart of tbe frozen Their summers are generally spent and their winters some southern clime Mr and Mrs Darby are anticipating- a trip soon to are very much their visit in Tallahassee and meeting with old friends in Florida 11 e III Darb gold mines are one hundred and In news engag- ed North- west ¬ ¬ Seed Potatoes Knowing that the success ot their crop in a great raeasnra upon the seed used it cannot fall to be of much Interest to all potato growers to know of the one seed potatoes that are Jo of Jacksonville This seed Is cleaa and smooth some of the prettiest potatoes ever sent Into the state aro rapidly because 01 their superior and low prices this are enabled to make through placed contracts for The above named firm also send free on request a booklet dealing fully with production of this crop and give customers the benefit of their long with Florida con- ditions It to deal with such and FAIR are the characteristics of ajl their dealings The Holiday Decorations- The holiday season Is the time for of all kinds and no season In the year ol ld6 in th decoration and display line Palatka merchants ever to possibilities always have beautiful store decorations and this Is no ex ception to the rule the stores large small have window displays Lions and goods Many of tbe store rooms of I decidedly old fashioned In regard I shown to advantage and the merchants find a difficulty dressing the windows- to good advantage There that gives tone to a store or draws more attention from the shoppers than a good window display Is glad to note that the merenanta are making greater efforts this than ever to attract at tension by keeping the windows and stores up to high standard 4en tort I Primary in the Woods A Bryan one of the staunch and citizens of the Flora home neighborhood was in the city In business capacity yesterday He states that the approaching senator ial primary will be a rather tame proposition as the Interest therein Is deplorably lax In his section sent out by the Toomer Fertilizer loch pays lear and stores filled with deocra PAlatka- are to large windows wherein can be I n a having PRICES Is o Uto ¬ ¬ ¬ STAHPINQ- I For latest styles of braiding anti embroidery patterns call on Mrs EE DODOB 105 Lemon street Seed Potatoes- W H Minton can supply on short notice the celebrated Spald ing Rose No 4 Irish Potatoes in any desired quantity Call on or address W H MINTON corner Lemon and 4th Sts Palatka Fla Edmonsoii Corner Lemon and 7th StreotSf- Ii offering some RARE IN J Dress Goods Shoes and Hats j Hero are some of them Fruit of the Loom 80 inches wide i lOc Homespun at 4 t2c all Dress Goods and 29 to f- SO cent on LadlesfeatST 5 Come and get some o these BARGAINS They J wont last long the E It i It t 10 to 20 per on JI 1F f BAR- GAINS F a i cent redaetion per j YOU WANT Msh Oysters Poultry Effffs Vegetables SPANISH MACKEREL Etc call at corner Lemon and 13th Streets or also carry line of and Fruit Harden and Plants tat al all timer Careful attention and prompt atten lion to ell orders WHEN ring DARGANS FISH and ROUBD We Fancy Seed sale given a ¬ = A STORY IN THREE PARTS f I PART TWO W Bryan Continues Aggressive Campaign- At the Beginning of the Campaign a Pam phlet was by Mr announcing his views on public questions Hr Issued- a similar pamphlet which has been followed up with innumerable advertisements letters and circulars Mr Stockton too issued a Decla- ration of Principles and has otherwise ad- vertised extensively It behooves We voter to what the candi dates have to say and in passing upon the qualifications of NATHAN to note well THAT it r does not advocate federal income tarf because Congress has ai flu ready passed favorably upon that proposition and as Senator he to does not promise to secure federal appropriations for hard roads in Florida U would be pure political buncombe does not devote 75 per cent of his literature and speeches to an ef fort to explain that be can represept the peoples Interests as well as the ooporate interests does not apologize for any connection of affiliation nor does he have to overcome any that he will cot represent the interests of the people as distinguished from the of tbe cor poraiions does not admit that ho is so prejudiced against one section of the State that he cannot equally as well all sections whether It be Pensaoola Apalaohloola Tampa West Miami New Smyrna St Augustine or Jacksonville does not feel it necessary to have letters written and circulated lo fit the effect that can fair that he Is honest and that he U ft of the tolling mules does not promise to reduce the high cost of living unaided anti alone because ho will be called upon to fnlflll promise does not promise to make It for of the United to the establishment of agricultural lohoola in cash oongrosslonal dlstrint believes that United States Senators should be elected by and di- rectly responsible to the people believes in liberal appropriations for waterways because they are natures railroads believes that hereafter no railroad company or private Interest should be permitted to acquire and docks to such an extent- as to control or commerce believes In passenger rates value of railroads as a basis for freight and given such Judicial power as to enable it to enforce its orders the interest of tile people of all sections and all IS ABLE IS PROGRESSIVE- IS A REAL DEMOCRAT ests His mind does not run in a groove worn smooth by the habitual guarding of these In- terests He is the man who will make the Little Journey to Washington Watoh this space next week for part two The story will grow interesting There is no more Forceful Argument in Your Favor The World respects the man who respects himself Put on a new Unit of Clothes that you know to be Absolutely Correct and you hold your head higher and throw out your have confidence in yourself WHO CAI E Will to of FALL and WINTER MODELS They give character and prestige to the wearer They carry the stamp of elegance and refinement in every line J of fNl if iJ r N a HE H E H E HE E people to borrow money from banks heoalllo that Is of accomplishment 2879 counties does promise so HE H E IJ E H E believes with Judson Harmon and Woodrow Wilson that Is personal apd that should be individually punished for crimes committed under cloak of corporate names HE physical H E believes that the InterState Commerce Commission be H E Is bet qualified to Initiate and secure In if t H E He not turn to the servIce of the people from 26 years of devotion to corporate Inter Wear Good Clothes r chestyou J J1EjJ 4 doo see our line e r3J HE H impossible atio- nj the n i States but a work w ofllolals this should the candidate legislation does r a more- s es s well NEW ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < M Sv BROWN Lemon Street Palatka Fla Trochcts Colchicine SalicYlate Capsules medical authorities ol Euro f A standard and Infallible cure for endorsed Ill the Il1II 001 la dIe solve In liquids of the stomach without Cl I per Sold I Jet I r e 1t s s u0 LCNICIN LICYIATt America i capsules which or sympt amen ice g boa e t- iliNcoa carzynrAx A1i 81 ass Ili

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Page 1: Crystal River News. (Crystal River, FL) 1910-12-30 [p ] t I J Ii 1- 1 THE TIMESHERALD PUUUSHED FRIDAYS A B McKENZIE Publisher


t I JIi 1-




A B McKENZIE Publisher

totfvvi a secondclaM mall wetter atthntoffla Ht ealatka Florida under Act 0



We have been asked to givesane reasons for our support rfHon John N 0 Stockton for tieUnited States Senate

Hero they oreWe believe him the bbalqu li

fipl anti the best equipped man

jo the racethis because he is

nondys fairweather friend

If he thinks you are worthy he

will stick to you whether you

iavo money or not We know of

no higher tribute to pay a man

If misfortune overtakes friendinstead of trying to kick him fur

he will go to him as abrother and reason with him and

help him to come back upHis name has boon a synonym-

of peace progress and prosperityever since first he stepped upontho threshold of young vigorousmanhood in this his native Stato

Wo believe ho knows more ofthe desires and necessities of hisfellowman than any candidat-eow before tho people

We know that his great bigheart has always pulsated withIjio masses of the people in theirstruggle against oppressionswrongs

No man in Florida can be bettor posted nor can make a more

logical convincing argumentagainst tho robbery and infamyol protective tariff that defraudsand impoverishes the great mass

es of our people to enrich thechosen few




ad iwe


We believe

tTler down





No lawyer banker nor laymanhas ever been a closer student ofthe financial legislation of this

that has plundered theproducer and given millions tothe idle rich

The tariff railroad legislationnational banking acts SoundJohn Stockton on any of theseand you will find that he hasnever had a superior in theSouth

Wo need such men in the Sen-ate No or dishonest actstains his escutcheon

Lets him in JacksonvilleFloridian


A prosperous and happy NewYear to our readers everywhere-

It that Messrs Blountand Bryan have about run out ofginger and tobasco sauce

The senatorial campaign may

increase in interest now that oldhas come and gone

Perhaps the weather Is toocold for the senatorial candidates-

to get hot under the collar andmake ugly faces at each other

With operas carnivals and va-

rious other amusement enter-

prises Palatka is fast breakinginto the lively cosmopolitan class

Organizing big investment andreality companies is a popularpastime with the progressive andprosperous citizens of Jackson-


Santa Claus comes but ayear but the festive candidatewith his cordial handshake andconvincing smile we have withus always







That aviation meet in Jackson


With Alton B Parker talkingpolitics Dr Cook writing for themagazines Claude LEngle edit-

ing a newspaper and John StockIon innning for office we are re-

minded of times that have beentelore

Yfli Uthoiissc es failed to leave the


tillo as auoceasful in Yraking4asfe pppy ll




Correspondence TlmtaHerald t

Santa Glaus came to nukehappy but some got too merry consid-ering is tnppoteu to be a dry town

The only Sabbath school that bad aChristmas was the Presbyterianthe Auditorium

Mayor and Mrs Borson spent Sunday-at Hammond being entertained MrRobt Smith and wife

Norton came tip fromJacksonville and Xmas with hisfather W 0 Norton

Rev J H Davis pastor of the Methodist church moved last week to LemonCity where he was assigned by the lastconference

Dr George Calhoun left TuesdaySeville Ga on business trip andwill retnrn the latter part of the week

Miss Crawford of DeLand is visitingher mother Sirs Wm

0 L Chamberlain and littletar Alice made a trip to Palatka onWednesday



I ple









Mr and Mrs Frank Cobb went overto Enstls to spend Xmas with friends

Aid Society of thepostponed last Tuesday evening pn ac-

count entertainmentsThere will be a dance in the V L A

ball next Monday night Jan 2d

The new laundry started lastweek but on account of the holidayseason and help did not start to work

Mr and Mrs Arthur Appleby ofBarnwell 8 0 visiting Applebys father who is quite feeble

Lumber Is alreauy on the ground forthe addition to T O Darbys store

Mr and Mrs G Jamong those of onr citizens who visitedFalatka Wednesday

Wishing the Editor and his stiff a-

very happy and prosperous New Year


On Monday was received the sadnews of the death of Bev D W

Moore which occurred at his home-

In Dover New Jersey on Frldy De-

cember 23rd He had planned toreach Florida on that day but wastaken 111 a days before being unconscious most of the time and thuspassed peacefully away

Mr Moore was born in Ohio June16th 1833 When a young man heattended Antlcch College under MrHorace Mann here he feltthe preach and was ordainedia Antloch College chapel In 1869 andtook his first charge In New JerseyImmediately afterwards At the endof this year he marrledLMlss RebeccaEmmans They raised a family ofchildren one of whom Ii now a Bap

The tortnlgbtly supper of the LadiesChurch




call to






tilt In Vermont and twoothers Mr Dan and Miss Anus whoare well known here having spent anumber of winters with us

pastorates for forty years In Michi-gan New York and New Jersey andat one time wan sent as a delegate to

After giving up his regular workon account of nervous prostration hemade his home In Dover New Jersey

For a number of winters he wasIn our midst and will be remembered for his many deeds of love andkindness He frequently wrote articles for publication The followingIs a quotation from one written twoyears ago

dtcadjlulceufii f ftlta

a rqllgloul London


convention in




preach than eat and am often gladto get an opportunity supply apulpit Which he often did at thisplace to the edification of hm beat-ers Notwithstanding the hardshipsand disappointments of a ministerslife If I were young again I wouldchoose the same profession for mylife work God been good to meand my lot in this life been In agoodly land In good society withmany friends and my earnest desireand aim have been to lIvo right anddo good tho I have fallen tar shortof my Ideal I desire that during thefew days or years at

my earthly pilgrimage tolive the of the that mylast end may be like His

It want the best in Florida andWestern Meats to Wm GreensKirby street West End

Sheriffs Sale


Putnam County Florida a causetherein wherein F A Sands and O EBands doing business as Sands Brothers were

J P Morrow and Tom Crawford

tell at outcry to the highest and beltbidder for front the Court-House In 1alatka laid County and Stateduring the legal hour of on

FIRST MONDAY IN FEBRUARY A D foilbeing February Cth lilt and tales daythe property towit I

Lunch 20 feetand feet beam with 4 Cycle 3II P Engine

Jack Model with appurtenancestherein

Terms cash purchaser to pay for Bill of Bale



out of and from the Court of

I have levied upon thesaid J P Morrow Tom

Crawford subject to said execution and wilt



8beria Putnam


were asof





PrIest are Iniltwl until NOON JaMtTiBT 1

1 F O B PaUtta Florida

0 Manhole Covers44 CirculAr 4 foot radios catch Baila Coren-

4lnch Y-

S 4lnoli X SlMh Yi1 Ho 1 salt glued Vltrifled sewer ripInch

US feet Ho t tail Vltrtfleda ripHo t salt Vitrified Pipe

1KM Jolt No 1 salt glared vitrified

No IAn glued Vltrifltd Sewer

MAch salt glued VltrifltdTI

the matenallland

a I Inch

glazed ewer

glared SlYer

Sewer rapelDo-

bmo feet 1Pipe

JSIIIMII JIlnch z Inch salt ltrlaed Ta

Address A T nun City ClerkIla-




X205 feet



Warrants Ordered

Uy the County Commissioners atthe December Meeting


Hsals r 4 toSM

Kd OrnTier Janitor W 00llntchlnson Clerk and Auditor OT 0

Henry Hutchinson lumpscw 2 04for Mann S 00

J W Ollsaon for Knowles and S 09L W Walker Ikrrr Smith and

110 luiiejrW for 11nn r S

MW A Itosstll forH R Carman for MeXalr teo0 KuuirttforJeffenon s-

0Ar sooAckerman i Stewart for Mo

Kill WoodMrs FA Miller


J N nail lreelnetioUDr

Knwmer for Cb 00lJrl lI


for II SIlO

enoDL for lllra lllodKesslah Morris

UeDJemln II 00


SW Pendletou Ju

Jan took I

W If Cone forIt T IIoIDOltlf 1or8cAJ Padget for Blocker

J for Sirs Loti la

Petermhnn labor cd

anerLena II



ti 5-3tt

pLucy Caldwell

P Cooper

i b-

J sgrknddaugbwr


Rachel110 halley damages on t-

L0 lonerW 0 Alrers per diem and mileage MiTJ diem and iM r

tolanaBophronla Mitchell

n pauperpauper

Le lBtiun ScottIl i rd Johnson pauperEliza JohnsonLout FunkAdams and Seal Co

Marshall Coroners fee at luqtSstChestnut witnes-

sJ Jr Juror uDo le Juror

Drew CoClara witness Inquest

JurorRJ Collector t

twp plat 1

R L Kennedy feesR L Brayingl L Kennorly expenses U1 K as i

Ida at Poor FarmWHMtnton rndse-

Janirs ot InquestJ H Jlatth ws u S S MitchellCSIFrei V Owen rent electionCity of Palatka water court housej work court house chimneyJ T Powell witness Inijuesf

I Times Herald official etoInspectors of Election and

Inspectors Ircclncu 28Inquest 27

Walton root Turn 120FD Wattles

Witnesses tNathan Watu Clias Brent Boyd Dotbea SI each L

E F yulllran inspector Product S

J Hanca 120KUOlmstead returning ballot lox 200


The following were paid out ot the Fine andForfeiture Fund i

Jurors and wltnestos 28 00medicine i 4

Jacobson 4 40

Lillian Iron witness 100R L Kennerlr servant and bone K MR L Sheriff criminal eats 61 20R Kennerly feed county prisoners 62 M-

nL 1 00it II Kent juror 1 00


IGRogers per Jill


tI T IitI



J D 00IV00

R S lIter GO


Henr Hutch DlOn JOGIS



London cooking 00J 70

II each110

100I 4841J 00

Fuel fuel 1 to011 1026



PutDam NtloDal 00and 2a 17 60

A 800W A wo

f1 00

and jurors


Leo mdse for Jail


Miller et



n aa550


W Cannon 00




Gas Light and gas sue

Dr Steen visit to Poor Farmri


nank money adiauced20s0

J L Burt







Lucas Juror

0 U Livingston witness tM witness and

John McMnllln r

PalaUatOat and Fuel Cocylinder

City of r 374labor and material 1 28

Asa Tonbg witness L 8

Varnes witness 400 Etl WilliamsYoung witnesses 1 each

Yemrton 4 M


J ER L w

milwitness 1

fee 8tb diet for NoIp JU

i GI-


J W T Bn J Ii 8m lbJ A turner I

J U rodeo for Jail

Lee 3 73100a 20Ism

Whit f 05tI Lu

4 P lor

O Ww it Puff juror

SpsI nofIto

00eah RA



D A Saunders workWm Johnson work-Ed Nortb work

Manning hard road workLIIoliaruion hard Toad work

hard roadJT road InspectionI J Arnold ruedII11 Dan road workM liobannon road Inspection

Keen work onD L Bell work on bard roadW 0 Alvers road InspectionJ

0 lluthrie clearing roadJ D work

1 K EiUnuiuon plow tor hard roadJohnson

J T short and milsJoe Joiner workKenoerly Hardware ImplementIrving budOscar Smith clearing road

part payment on bill


Browning Lumber Co lumberA Cannon material

Drowning Lumber Co lumberwork-

Day Bra oilL Harden material

JohnsonKennerly Hardware Co

Stephens Inspection of bridge-D AWm Johnson work

workJ E McDuffle workR O Chalmers tending Dunns Creek

bridgeSt bridge

Mrs F A Miller Rice Ck bridgeInspection

Mat BolanoIran llohannonBond Trustees Putnam County


CorrespondenceThe little store kept by Mm Btu

art Is a nloe businessMr Spradley who purchased tbe

Wyles property IB making great IK-

proreminti for general farmingWe soon expect tbe wedding bells

to ring for T W ofka Heights and Miss Arllne Stanleyof Jacksonville

The little home newly maio byMnllls lo a beauty

pretty grove of oakswere several who voted a

wet ticket Christmas but It onlyAmounted to fun

The new building being erectedfor Mrs Morton will soon be completed and when finished will b themost In the neigh-borhood

Best wishes for the TimesHeraldfor prosperous New Year

Remember when in need of Floridaand Western and Poultry

New Wall Paper at Doles


J 26 0o180

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Meatygo to Wm Green KirbyEnd

5 4676




t 600







910-J material



Tender Johns toot0


Timett Herald

d e


Hon Tom A Darby

The following Item from theTallahassee True Democrat will be ofInterest to the people of not only Put-

nam county but of the entire StateHon Thomas A Darby formerly

State Senator from tbe 26thPutnam county during the sessions ofthe Legislature of 1897 and 1699 hasbeenjn several days andwith Mrs Darby la the bollday season pleasantly with the

mother and hersister Miss Caroline Brerard Some

ago Mr wont to New Yorkand engaged in the brokerage businessand going to

in mining been sno-

oessfnl Ho has always retained titslegal residence in Florida

fifty miles north of Nome Alathe very heart of tbe frozen

Their summers are generallyspent and their winters somesouthern clime

Mr and Mrs Darby are anticipating-a trip soon toare very much their visit inTallahassee and meeting with oldfriends in Florida





gold mines are one hundred andIn







Seed PotatoesKnowing that the success ot their

crop in a great raeasnra uponthe seed used it cannot fall to be ofmuch Interest to all potato growers toknow of the one seed potatoes that are

Jo of Jacksonville Thisseed Is cleaa and smooth some of theprettiest potatoes ever sent Into thestate aro rapidly because01 their superior and low pricesthis are enabled to makethrough placed contracts for

The above named firm also send freeon request a booklet dealing fully with

production of this crop and givecustomers the benefit of their

long with Florida con-

ditions It to deal with suchand FAIR

are the characteristics of ajltheir dealings

The Holiday Decorations-

The holiday season Is the time forof all kinds and no season

In the year ol ld6 in thdecoration and display line Palatkamerchants ever to possibilitiesalways have beautiful storedecorations and this Is no exception to the rule the storeslarge small have window displays

Lions and goodsMany of tbe store rooms of I

decidedly old fashioned In regard I

shown to advantage and the merchantsfind a difficulty dressing the windows-to good advantage

There that gives tone to astore or draws more attention from theshoppers than a good window display

Is glad to notethat the merenanta are making greaterefforts this than ever to attract attension by keeping the windows andstores up to high standard

4en tort I Primary in the WoodsA Bryan one of the staunch

and citizens of the Florahome neighborhood was in the cityIn business capacity yesterday Hestates that the approaching senatorial primary will be a rather tameproposition as the Interest thereinIs deplorably lax In his section

sent out by the ToomerFertilizer




and stores filled with deocra

PAlatka-areto large windows wherein can be

I n




Is o Uto




STAHPINQ-I For latest styles of braidinganti embroidery patterns call onMrs E E DODOB 105 Lemon street

Seed Potatoes-W H Minton can supply on

short notice the celebrated Spalding Rose No 4 Irish Potatoes inany desired quantity Call on oraddress W H MINTON cornerLemon and 4th Sts Palatka Fla


Corner Lemon and7th StreotSf-

Ii offering some RARE


Dress GoodsShoes and Hats jHero are some of them

Fruit of the Loom 80 inches wide ilOc

Homespun at 4 t2call Dress Goods and 29 to f-

SO cent on LadlesfeatST 5

Come and get some o

these BARGAINS They Jwont last long






t10 to 20 per on






aicent redaetion




Msh Oysters PoultryEffffs Vegetables

SPANISH MACKEREL Etc call atcorner Lemon and 13th Streets or

also carry line of andFruit Harden

and Plants tat al all timerCareful attention and prompt atten

lion to ell orders




WeFancy Seed







WBryan ContinuesAggressive Campaign-

At the Beginning of the Campaign a Pamphlet was by Mr announcing hisviews on public questions Hr Issued-a similar pamphlet which has been followed upwith innumerable advertisements letters andcirculars Mr Stockton too issued a Decla-ration of Principles and has otherwise ad-vertised extensively It behooves Wevoter to what the candidates have to say and in passing upon thequalifications of NATHAN to notewell

THATit r does not advocate federal income tarf because Congress has aiflu ready passed favorably upon that proposition and as Senator he


does not promise to secure federal appropriations for hard roads inFlorida U would be pure political buncombedoes not devote 75 per cent of his literature and speeches to an effort to explain that be can represept the peoples Interests as well

as the ooporate interests

does not apologize for any connection of affiliation nor does hehave to overcome any that he will cot represent the

interests of the people as distinguished from the of tbe corporaiions

does not admit that ho is so prejudiced against one section of theState that he cannot equally as well all sections whether

It be Pensaoola Apalaohloola Tampa West MiamiNew Smyrna St Augustine or Jacksonville

does not feel it necessary to have letters written and circulated lofit the effect that can fair that he Is honest and that he U ftof the tolling mules

does not promise to reduce the high cost of living unaided antialone because ho will be called upon to fnlflll promisedoes not promise to make It for

of the United tothe establishment of agricultural lohoola in cash oongrosslonal dlstrint

believes that United States Senators should be elected by and di-rectly responsible to the peoplebelieves in liberal appropriations for waterways because they arenatures railroads

believes that hereafter no railroad company or private Interestshould be permitted to acquire and docks to such an extent-

as to control or commerce

believes Inpassenger rates

value of railroads as a basis for freight and

given such Judicial power as to enable it to enforce its orders

the interest of tile people of all sections and all


ests His mind does not run in a groove wornsmooth by the habitual guarding of these In-


He is the man who will make the LittleJourney to Washington

Watoh this space next week for part two The story will growinteresting

There is no more ForcefulArgument in Your Favor

The World respects the man who respects himselfPut on a new Unit of Clothes that you know to beAbsolutely Correct and you hold yourhead higher and throw out your haveconfidence in yourself

WHO CAI EWill to of FALL andWINTER MODELS They give character andprestige to the wearer They carry the stamp ofelegance and refinement in every line

Jof fNl if








E people to borrow moneyfrom banks heoalllo that Is of accomplishment

2879 counties does promise so




H E believes with Judson Harmon and Woodrow Wilson that Ispersonal apd that should be individually

punished for crimes committed under cloak of corporate names

HE physical

H E believes that the InterState Commerce Commission be

H EIs bet qualified to Initiate and secure In


tHEHe not turn to the servIce of the peoplefrom 26 years of devotion to corporate Inter

Wear Good Clothesr


JJ1EjJ 4

doo see our linee



H impossibleatio-

njthen i States but a work w




the candidate legislation


r a


s es s

well NEW







M Sv BROWNLemon Street Palatka Fla

Trochcts Colchicine SalicYlate Capsules

medical authorities ol Euro


A standard and Infallible cure forendorsed Ill the Il1II

001 la dIesolve In liquids of the stomach without ClI per Sold




e 1t s s u0


LICYIATt America i capsules whichor

sympt amen iceg boa e t-

iliNcoa carzynrAx A1i 81 ass Ili