codal anaysis

Codal analysis A2 Media Coursework Music Video

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Codal analysisA2 Media Coursework Music Video

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Breathe in Breathe OutTich

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Visual Codes

The setting and tone of the video are established through the visual codes. The video is dark and set in a very dull setting really helping to the theme of the video, where she feels isolated and alone.

The use of fans as a prop makes it clear the kind of audience that her songs and videos are aimed at, it also help give the impression that she is popular and has many different fans that like her music.

The use of other props such as her sister looking like her manager and her makeup artist make her looking very big and as though she is an established and we'll know artist.

The music video is set during her time preparing for a concert and this is shown through the changes in both costuming and hair and make up, at the start she looks very comfortable and plain however when she changes she looks very glammed up and as though she is ready to perform.

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Audio Codes

This music video does not feature any other diegetic or non-diegetic sounds, the song if purely the song which has been laid over the top of the video but matched to her lip syncing.

You can tell that some diegetic sounds have been silenced from the background of the video as you can see other people talking which would have caused other sounds to have featured in to video but these have been silenced to really show off the idea of here being alone.

The isolated song really highlights the theme of being alone as it is the only sound that can be heard and the fact that the diegetic sound of her sister speaking has been silenced reinforces the fact that she feels alone.

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Narrative Codes

There is very little narrative to this video as there is no story to it and nothing really happens in the video.

No narrative theory can be applied to the video because the is no narrative in the video.

This is a very basic video in terms of narrative codes as it is all set in the same location and the artist is always in the middle of the shot and the only thing that really happens is that she gets changed and then goes on stage so there is no real narrative.

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Action Codes

This video is very basic to reflect the theme of the song which is loneliness and this is done though the lack of action and lack of characters that appear in the video.

The pace of the video is very slow which reflects the speed of the song as this is very slow. However there is also no need for the video to be any faster as there is not really anything going on in the video so there is no need for it to be fast paced as there is nothing for the video to show.

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Enigma Codes

This video creates many different enigma codes within it.

The one main enigma code that is created in the music video is why does she feel so alone and isolated. She appears to have many different people around her such as family, friends and fans. This is one large enigma code that ends up being unanswered after the end of the video as it is not explained through either visual or audio codes.

Another enigma code created in the video is that is she only pretending to be happy on stage because when she begins to appear to be more happy when she is on the stage or is this the only place where she feels she can be herself and where she truly belongs. However along with the previous code it remains unanswered.

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Technical Codes

Technical codes include the editing of the video.

There are very few different camera angles in the video as mainly a tracking shot of Tich walking around back stage, the only different shots are the over the shoulder shot in the mirror and the pan around her while she is standing still.

Due to the lack of different camera shots there is very little editing that has been done as the tracking shots would all be one shot and therefore wouldn’t need editing. The lack of editing keeps the pace slow and this means that it matches the song meaning they work together well.

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Visual Codes

The tone of the video is established is established through the different settings used with in the video. The fact that it opens in the middle of a party suggests that the song is a happy bouncy tune that could be played at parties.

The costuming used within the video also helps add to the tone of the music video. The modern clothing shows that the music video is modern and appealing to the younger audience. The clothing used in each scene helps to show what each scene is about such as the dress at the party and the simple skirt and blouse combination show that she is just doing something casual.

The use of the keyboard as a prop shows off her nature and links back to when she used to do covers on YouTube. The keyboard is well used an only featured in the beginning of the video to capture the fans attention and keep them watching the video

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Audio Codes

The use of the keyboard in the video makes it appear that the music is being played live in the middle of the scene. However the song track has been laid over the top of the video and time synced with the video.

The background sounds have been silenced but you can tell by the fact that people mouths are moving that there was sound the matched them. The lack of background sound keeps the focus on the song but the sounds of what should be going on the background can easily be created in the viewer mind because the scenes are all scenes that people experience on a regular basis.

The upbeat sound of the song really has affected the tempo of the video as the scenes change quickly and there are many different shots used within a small amount of time to really highlight the tempo of the song.

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Narrative Codes

The narrative in this video can be compared to Todorov's 5 part theory.

Equilibrium-Her playing her music at the party and enjoying herself

Disruption- She notices the boy and she begins to like it

Recognition- She realises that she like the boy and want to find him

Repair- She attempt to find the boy and tell him she likes him

New Equilibrium- She bumps in to boy and they begin talking and are seen to be getting along really well.

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Action Codes

There is a lot of things that happen in this video and these have all been used to show both the development of the story and the development of her feelings towards the boy.

The party scene has been used to show a lot of the action in the video, it shows her noticing the boy, him noticing her and then another boy trying to stop them from talking.

Action has been well used in the different scenes to show what is happening and what is stopping them from being together.

The song is about love and this is shown through the fact that they are both shown trying to talk to the other before having a chance encounter at a coffee stand. This is very cliché however it works really well within the music video and really highlights their relationship.

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Enigma Codes

An enigma code is created in the beginning of the video which is will they got together or not. This is answered at the end of the video when they are seen together drinking coffee and the viewer can assume that they are going to become a couple.

There are many small enigma codes created in each scene like will he notice her when he is doing yoga or will he go over and talk to her in the café. However all of these are answered by the end of the scene.

The fact that there are no ongoing enigma codes that make the viewer continue to think about the video after it is over. This video completely finishes at the end of the video and this means that the viewer doesn’t have to think about what happened in the video after it is finished.

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Technical Codes

There are multiple different camera shots and camera angles used in this video to really show off the different situations and the characters reactions to the different situations.

The pace of the video is effected by the editing and the pace of the song. the editing and the pace of the song match. There are many different scene changes with in such a small amount of time. The editing is very quick and switches well between acted scenes and scenes of Tich singing meaning that both are well shown.

The different camera shots give a different view of each situation. This really shows of the emotions of each situation. The different angles and shots used work well together and really help show of the story.

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Who knewP!nk

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Visual Codes

This music video uses both narrative and performance to help link the song to the music video.

The use of different actors to show the story helps the audience to understand both the people in the narrative and also P!nks performance and the emotion of the song and this is really portrayed through both the story and the singing performance.

The simple costuming add to the narrative part of the video because it is vey simple costuming and this adds to the relatability of the video because many people will dress in this way and go to fairs and enjoy themselves.

The darker colours of the more sinister scenes of the video gives the viewer the idea the love story is turning sour and bad and gives the audiences the idea that the couple may break up.

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Audio Codes

The song is again the only sound in the music. The fact that all of the other sounds have been silenced to add to the emotion of the song as portrayed through the narrative and through the performance.

The lack of sounds adds to the emotion of the video and makes the story stand out and everything that the couple go through with in the video are also highlight through the emotion of the song that is playing over the top of the scene.

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Narrative Codes

There is both a narrative and a performance in this video. The narrative in this video also follows Todorov's narrative theory.

Equilibrium- The couple are happy and playing in the fairground

Disruption- The couple argue and the boy runs away

Recognition- The girl realises that she has to find the boy

Repair- The girl discovers that the boy is taking drugs and calls an ambulance for him

New Equilibrium- The girl breaks up with the boy and is seen walking through the fair crying and alone.

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Action Codes

Action has been well used in this music video to help highlight the deep emotion of the song and really show how much things can effect people.

The video is only set in one place meaning that more action and activities done in this place can be show off in the music video.

There is a lot of action in this music video meaning that action has been used to its full potential and means that the action used in the video keeps the audiences attention on the music video and the couple. The amount of action in the video means that there is a lot going on in the video meaning that the audience's attention may be drawn away from the song and on the story.

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Enigma Codes

There are many enigma codes created in this story such as-

What happens to the boy? Are they still a couple? Did she know he was taking drugs? Why didn’t he tell her? Why did she leave him when he needed her? All of these questions are left unanswered after the

end of the music video meaning that the video stays in the persons mind because they want to know the answers to these questions.

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Technical Codes

The editing is very fasted paced to match the action of the video and to also include the performance of the song in the video.

There are a lot of different shot types used in the video.

The variety of shot types used to show P!nk when she is singing. Extreme close ups are used a lot to show P!nk and the emotion on her face. This really helps to show the emotion of the song

The shot types used to show the couple are similar to those used on P!nk and these shots are used on the couple to show their emotional connection to each other.