brownwood chamber newsletter january 2011

8 Information compiled by the Brownwood Chamber of Commerce Staff or member submitted unless otherwise noted/Design by the Brownwood Bulletin/ over 7,000 copied printed and distributed. I NSIDE T HIS I SSUE PAGE 2 • Chamber Luncheon • “Attitude” Workshop PAGE 3 • New Members • Campaign Announcment PAGE 4 • Festival Thanks PAGE 5 • Ribbon Cuttings PAGE 6 • Nominations PAGE 7 • Indoor/Outdoor Show • Brownwood Throws PAGE 8 • More Ribbon Cuttings Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce 600 E. Depot PO Box 880 Brownwood, TX 76804 January 14, 2011 Volume 6, Issue 1 Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce Phone: (325) 646-9535 Fax (325) 643-6686 membership Check out our up coming events on Page 6. Your January 2011 Monthly Chamber Newsletter BROWNWOOD LEGISLATIVE DAY IN AUSTIN - 2011 ITINERAR Y Tuesday, February 1 7:45 - 8:00 Coffee & doughnuts; Load bus 8:00 Buses leave from Chamber of Commerce parking lot 10:30 Arrive at Capitol >> GROUP PHOTO 10:45 – 11:15 Introduction of delegation on House floor by State Rep Keffer 11:30 – 12:45 Lunch “on your own” 1:00 – 2:00 Guided tour of Historic State Cemetery 2:30 – 4:30 Briefings in “Old Supreme Court Room” 3N.3 in Capital (Order subject to confirmation by participants) 4:30-7:00 Reception at the Austin Club Medallion Ballroom 7:15 Load bus and Depart Austin 9:30 Arrive Brownwood COST: $75 FOR MEMBERS Event Sponsors (so far): City of Brownwood,Brownwood Economic Development Corporation, Brownwood Industrial Foundation, Oncor, Citizens National Bank, TexasBank, 3M Company, Dr. Stephen Kelly, Brownwood Regional Medical Center Reception Sponsors (so far): Stuart & Margaret Coleman

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The monthly newsletter produced by the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce in Brownwood Texas for January 2011.











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PAGE 2• Chamber Luncheon• “Attitude” Workshop

PAGE 3• New Members• Campaign Announcment

PAGE 4• Festival Thanks

PAGE 5• Ribbon Cuttings

PAGE 6• Nominations

PAGE 7• Indoor/Outdoor Show• Brownwood Throws

PAGE 8• More Ribbon Cuttings

Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce600 E. DepotPO Box 880Brownwood, TX 76804

January 14, 2011Volume 6, Issue 1

Brownwood AreaChamber of CommercePhone: (325) 646-9535Fax (325) [email protected]

Check outour upcoming

events onPage 6.

Your January 2011 Monthly Chamber Newsletter


ITINERARYTuesday, February 1

7:45 - 8:00 Coffee & doughnuts; Load bus

8:00 Buses leave from Chamber of Commerce parking lot

10:30 Arrive at Capitol >> GROUP PHOTO

10:45 – 11:15 Introduction of delegation on House floor by State Rep Keffer

11:30 – 12:45 Lunch “on your own”

1:00 – 2:00 Guided tour of Historic State Cemetery

2:30 – 4:30 Briefings in “Old Supreme Court Room” 3N.3 in Capital (Order subject to confirmation by participants)

4:30-7:00 Reception at the Austin Club Medallion Ballroom

7:15 Load bus and Depart Austin

9:30 Arrive Brownwood


Event Sponsors (so far): City of Brownwood,Brownwood Economic Development Corporation,Brownwood Industrial Foundation, Oncor, Citizens National Bank, TexasBank, 3M Company, Dr.Stephen Kelly, Brownwood Regional Medical CenterReception Sponsors (so far): Stuart & Margaret Coleman

Page 2 / Brownwood Chamber of Commerce / January 2011

The Chamber’s MonthlyLuncheon will be Friday,January 21 at theBrownwood Country Clubfrom 11:30 AM to 1 PM.The speaker for this month’sluncheon will be StephenHaynes, Mayor ofBrownwood. He will pres-ent a “State of the City”report. The luncheon, whichis open to members andguests, will feature an inter-esting program and will alsoinclude door prizes, intro-duction of new members anda cash drawing.

Stephen was born inBrownwood, Texas, andgraduated from BrownwoodHigh School. After highschool, he attended AbileneChristian University wherehe obtained a bachelor’s ofbusiness administrationdegree. Following college,he attended law school atTexas Tech UniversitySchool of Law.

Stephen began his legalcareer in Dallas, Texaswhere he worked for severalyears. In 2006, he movedhome to Brownwood where

he practices law and is apartner in the Haynes LawFirm, P.C. His practice is

devoted to all types of civillaw with a particular empha-sis in civil litigation.

Stephen is activelyinvolved in many communi-ty and civic affairs. He is apast Chairman of theBrownwood Area Chamberof Commerce, and waselected Mayor of the City ofBrownwood in May of2010.

Stephen enjoys outdooractivities such as hiking,fishing and camping. Heenjoys running and has com-pleted several marathons.

Stephen married his collegesweetheart, Lori. They havebeen married 15 years. Theyhave four children – Austin(9), Emily (7), Allie (4) andElla (1 yr.).

The cost of the luncheonis $11 per person to be paidat the door. Attendees maychoose to charge their mealsto their personal countryclub account. Anyone inter-ested in attending the lunch-eon is urged to RSVP to theChamber by calling 325-646-9535 or email [email protected].

Community Partners for Progress • 325-646-2541

The State of the City

Do you remember thesong that Hank Williams, Jr.sang called: "AttitudeAdjustment"? Well, theBrownwood Chamber ofCommerce is teaming upwith Doug Will from WillCotraining to offer a class enti-tled: Attitude and this mod-ule is one of seven that fallsunder the umbrella ofPositive Impact...How to Be

the Person SuccessfulCompanies Fight to Keep.

This particular class willfocus on how your attitude,your behavior and your jobperformance are related.We will talk about how totreat customers and co-work-ers respectfully and profes-sionally and how to preventnegative feelings fromaffecting your performance

and actions at work. Also,we will talk about the factthat "your attitude deter-mines your altitude". Weall can use a little "AttitudeAdjustment", so make plansnow to attend this interestingand informative class.

The workshop will beheld in the Brownwood AreaChamber of CommerceBoard Room on Wednesday,

January 26th from 11:30 AMto 1:00 PM. This will be setup like a "lunch and learn"workshop. From 11:30 to12:00 you will have theopportunity to bring yourlunch and network withother member participants.The session will beginpromptly at 12:00 noon andwill end promptly at 1:00PM.

All Chamber membersmay attend the workshopFREE of charge, non-mem-bers will need to pay a $25fee to attend. If you areinterested in participating inthis session, register todayby calling Missi Malone,Director of Member Servicesat 325-646-9535 or email [email protected].

Brownwood Chamber to offer “Attitude” Workshop

January 2011 / Brownwood Chamber of Commerce / Page 3

Ace’s Full Signs & Wraps –The Brownwood Area Chamberof Commerce proudly welcomesAce’s Full Signs & Wraps asone of its newest members!Ace's offers theBrownwood/Early area customdesigned signs, banners, vehiclewraps and decals at affordableprices. Stop by 1100 Early Blvd.and see how they can help youor give them a call at 325-203-6503.

2 Snoops – The BrownwoodArea Chamber of Commerce isproud to announce 2 Snoops as amember of the Chamber.Owners Grace Hefner andSheila Richardson boast over 20years of private investigationexperience and specialize inlocating people and heir finding.Give them a call for more infor-mation at (254) 842-5830.

Bertrand Technology Solutions- The Brownwood AreaChamber of Commerce is proudto welcome back BertrandTechnology Solutions to theChamber. Since 2003, Ray andhis staff have offered full servicefor all business needs as well asDell, HP Software andHardware. For more informa-tion stop by 104 Industrial Blvd.

in Early, between 8:00 AM and5:00 PM Monday throughFriday, give them a call at 325-643-5186 or

West Central Texas Council ofGovernments – TheBrownwood Chamber ofCommerce recently welcomedthe WCTCOG as its newestmember. The West Central TexasCouncil of Governments(WCTCOG) is a public entitymade up of associated cities,counties and special governmen-tal districts. WCTCOG servesthe 19 counties of Brown,Callahan, Coleman, Comanche,Eastland, Fisher, Haskell, Jones,Kent, Knox, Mitchell, Nolan,Runnels, Scurry, Shackelford,Stephens, Stonewall, Taylor andThrockmorton in an area of18,000 square miles. WCTCOGaddresses issues such as region-al and municipal planning, eco-nomic and community develop-ment, hazard mitigation andemergency planning, aging serv-ices, water use, pollution con-trol, 9-1-1 services, law enforce-ment training, youth programs,transit administration and trans-portation planning. To learnmore visit orcall Daniel at 325-518-4942.


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has to offer. Call today forinformation on membership.


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Laura Terhune,Brownwood Area Chamberof Commerce CEO,announces former MayorBert V. Massey as chair-man of the Chamber’s firstannual Total ResourceCampaign. This sevenweek revenue generatingeffort kicks off onFebruary 8, 2011 to reach agoal of $80,000 by March29, 2011. The Total Resource Campaign will createtwelve teams of five volunteers under the leadership ofMr. Bert V. Massey.

Each Team Captain will recruit volunteers to marketsponsorships to Chamber events and publications, whilealso seeking new members for the Chamber. The all-volunteer Campaign consists of more than 200 sponsor-ships available during the Campaign. Volunteers assistcompanies with choosing options best suited to meet theorganization’s marketing needs.

“The TRC offers excellent exposure for companiesboth at the Chamber’s events and within our signaturepublications,” said Gregg Rice. Brownwood ChamberBoard Chairman. Teams are currently forming for thecampaign.

“The Campaign is a great way for volunteers to meetour area’s top community leaders and business ownerswhile working directly with many of the Chamber’smost dedicated leadership,” suggested Bert Massey, “socall Missi Malone, the Chamber’s Director of MemberServices at 325-646-9535 to take advantage of this greatopportunity to get involved.”


Page 4 / Brownwood Chamber of Commerce / January 2011

TThhee SSttaaffff ooff tthheeBrownwood Area Chamber of Commerce

wwoouulldd lliikkee ttoo eexxpprreessss oouurr ssiinncceerree tthhaannkkss,, aapppprreecciiaattiioonn,, aanndd ggrraattiittuuddee ttoo tthhoossee wwhhoo ccoonnttrriibbuutteeddttoo aanndd ppaarrttiicciippaatteedd iinn tthhee 22nndd AAnnnnuuaall CChhrriissttmmaass UUnnddeerr tthhee SSttaarrss FFeessttiivvaall iinn DDeecceemmbbeerr..

Brownwood Fire Department * iRent * ArmadilloDistributing * Brownwood Reunion Celebration * TSTCStudents Organization* Aldersgate * Shoppa’s* Lelands

* Dairy Queen * DanHil Container * City of Brownwood* Glamour Shop * Heartland Mall * Home Depot

* Humphrey Petes * Grimsley Electric * WalMart * Down to Earth Spa * Holiday Inn Express

* Kirk Wall * David Barnum * Ken Harriss

HPU Student GroupsGamma Beta Phi * Social Work Club * Student

Foundation * Cheer Squad * Kappa Kappa Psi * StudentGovernment Association * Iota Chi Alpha * Delta Chi Rho

* Band Ensembles * Crosslines College Ministry

Boys & Girls Club of Brown County * Corinne T. Smith Animal Shelter * Family Services Center * Heart of Texas Baptist Camp

* Pearl Griffin Memorial Latch Key Program * Girl Scout Troop 4031 * DC Metalworx * Windcatcher Jewelry * Boy Scout Troop 14

* Abilene Reporter News * Positively Younique * Jana Reid Accessories* Pappy’s Kitchen * Brandy Mills-Scentsy * Brown County Lions Club

* Margarito Medina * U.N.I.T.I * Caring Family Network * Dustch Oven Society * Amy’s Dance Academy * Jayslin King

* Cody Sellers * BISD Choirs * Ryan Paskewitz * Krista Fragua * Union Presbyterian Church Student Ministries * Seahorse

Entertainment * KPSM Radio * HPU Concert Choir & Symphonic Band

January 2011 / Brownwood Chamber of Commerce / Page 5

Silver Sensations Celebrates New Ownership

The Brownwood Area Chamber ofCommerce held a ribbon cutting ceremonyfor Silver Sensations at Heartland Mallwith new owner Leslie Hair.

Silver Sensations offers unique jewelrydesigns by Beverly Reid. Anything fromdistinctive beaded jewelry, turquoise,

crosses, watches, purses, and gifts are allavailable. They also offer custom jewelrydesigns.

Look for Silver Sensations’ kiosk inHeartland Mall or give them a call at (325)998-4531

Pictured is new owner Leslie Hair alongwith Brownwood Area Chamber ofCommerce Ambassadors

Oak Ridge Manor Celebrates New Ownership

The Brownwood Area Chamber ofCommerce held a ribbon cutting ceremonyfor Oak Ridge Manor on Tuesday,December 7th to celebrate new ownershipand their newly remodeled facility.

Oak Ridge Manor has a reputation forits high quality nursing care that meets thephysical, emotional, and social needs ofeveryone in a loving home environment.

Their facility is equipped with highlytrained compassionate care givers to pro-vide a variety of services.

Their nursing care facility located at2501 Morris Sheppard Drive has beenextensively remodeled for a beautiful andelegant atmosphere.

Oak Ridge Manor is now under the own-ership of the Creative Solutions line ofhealthcare providers. For more informa-tion, call 325-643-2746. After the initial 5 person requirement; for every temporary employ-

ee that meets 540 billable hours in 2011 you receive an entry into thedrawing. The more temps, the more entries, the better your chancesof winning. The winner will be drawn and announced in December2011.*

Using Demand Staff has never been easier or more rewarding. Callthem today to hire the talent you need. Demand Staff, Inc. 1 TexasStreet, Brownwood, Texas (325) 641-8583 or (888) 388-3928.

*(some restrictions may apply)

Demand Staffoffers amazingclient rewards!

More and more businesses are utilizing the benefits of a flexibleworkforce to help make profits in 2011. Statistics show that tempworkers are on the rise and are a good indicator of overall job recov-ery of the US. Demand Staff, a locally-owned temporary service, isthe leader in placing qualified personnel in job openings. They screenand place individuals in clerical, professional, general labor, retail,and construction positions daily. Assignments can be short or long-term depending on your needs.

Qualifying companies can even win a 2 night/3 day stay at theHyatt Hill Country Resort and Spa, an 18-hole round of golf on theresort’s championship course, a 60 minute Swedish massage, $100meal card and $100 gas card when they hire with Demand Staff.

Win a vacation packageworth $2000.00

325-643-35451 Carnegie • Brownwood

Page 6 / Brownwood Chamber of Commerce / January 2011


January12-15 Brown County Youth Fair

Brown County Fair Grounds21 Chamber Monthly Luncheon

Brownwood Country Club21 BALOS presents Temple Jazz

OrchestraVictory Life Church Auditorium

26 “Attitude” WorkshopBrownwood Area Chamber of Commerce Board Room

February1 Legislative Day

Austin, Texas5 3 on 3 Tournament – Pecan Valley

Chapter Red CrossBrownwood High School

6-18 Stars of Texas Juried Art ExhibitDepot Civic and Cultural Center

18 Chamber Monthly LuncheonBrownwood Country Club

18 BALOS presents Texas A&M Singing CadetsVictory Life Church Auditorium

26 The Ark Mystery Dinner TheatreBrownwood Country Club

March5 Celebration of Mobilization for

111th Engineer BattalionTBA

17 BALOS presents Cristiana PegoraroVictory Life Church Auditorium

18 Chamber Monthly LuncheonBrownwood Country Club

18-19 Bluebonnet RelaysGordon Wood Stadium

April3 Brownwood Bass Club

Open TournamentLake Brownwood

7 BALOS presents the Legacy of Floyd Cramer featuring Jason ColemanVictory Life Church Auditorium

9 HPU FestHoward Payne University

9 HPU Stinger DazeHoward Payne University

9 Indoor/Outdoor Expo 2011Brownwood Coliseum

14 Chamber Annual BanquetBrownwood Coliseum

15 Chamber Monthly LuncheonBrownwood Country Club

First Saturday of Every Month is Family Day at the

Lehnis Railroad Museum

Chamber Members, it istime to elect BoardMembers! Each year at thistime, the Brownwood AreaChamber of Commercenominates and elects one-third of its leadership. Fivecurrent members of theorganization will be electedto serve a three-year term onthe Board of Directors.Terms coincide with theChamber’s fiscal year, April1 through March 31.

In accordance with theChamber By-Laws, aNominating Committee wasappointed at the Decembermeeting of the Board of

Directors. The NominatingCommittee will consist ofthe Outgoing Chairman ofthe Board (Gregg Rice), theChair-Elect (Dr. Don Bostic)and three of the six retiringBoard Members whichinclude Stephen Haynes,Stan Crawford, Becky Jones,Eric McNeese, Jill Lockeand Michelle Thomas.

Contact the ChamberDirector & CEO (LauraTerhune) for more informa-tion on the nomination/elec-tion process [email protected] or call 325-646-9535.

Board Nomination Forms to be Mailed on January 14

Timeline for Nomination & Election Process:

Jan 14—Nomination Forms mailed to the primarycontact at each member business and emailed toindividual contacts

Jan 27—Postmark Deadline to return NominationForms

Jan 29- Feb 8—Nominating Committee preparesBallot

Feb 9—One Ballot mailed to each BusinessMember (primary contact)

Feb 16—Ballots due back to Chamber

Feb 16 -18—Ballots are Canvassed by NominatingCommittee

Feb 21—Results announced at Chamber BoardMeeting

December 31, any given year:Where did the year go? With age, timeseems to speed up significantly andeach year passes more quickly than thelast. 2010 was, to me at least, a year ofchange and that can be a very goodthing.

This year we elected a new Mayor,hired a new Chief of Police, opened anew aquatic center, and saw the oldbecome new in the refurbished facadeof the Lyric Theatre. Neighbors cametogether to become more acquainted forthe first National Night Out andBrownwood received the honor of“Rookie of the Year” for having suchgood participation! For the first time in46 years, the Brown County Rodeochanged its date from the last weekendof July to the second weekend in June,creating quite a buzz in the communityand surrounding areas. Growing painsare to be expected with all of thischange, but are well worth it and are allvery positive. “Continuity gives usroots; change gives us branches, lettingus stretch and grow and reach newheights.” ~Pauline R. Kezer

Change brings growth in some form

or another and fortunately it is in thearea of economic impact. The economyis making a recovery despite the slowprogress and for tourism statewide, it isa big relief. Inquiries began pouring inas word spread around the CentralTexas area about the new aquatic center.Families drove from Abilene, Clyde,Baird and other towns just to visit ourlittle swimming hole. This translatesinto out of town money spent inBrownwood! The calendar was full ofevents all year that drew visitors in,gave locals something new to experi-ence, and added to our quality of life.For every $1 spent on Texas Tourism, itgenerates $7-$11 in tax dollars leadingto business improvements, propertyvalue increases, and jobs.

The folks of Brownwood and BrownCounty are what make this such a greatplace to visit. We receive calls fre-quently from those who have come toBrownwood and wanted to let us knowthat we have the kindest people hereand they look forward to visiting again.It saddens me that we lost some amaz-ing individuals last year but alsoshowed how we rise to the occasion to

help one another in times of grief, loss,and need.

I look forward to this New Year andwhat it has in store. The events calen-dar is already beginning to fill up withmany exciting activities! AND speak-ing of exciting, our efforts for changehave paid off and very soon we will bemaking an announcement of this changeand how it will impact our area.

Thank you for making this a greatplace to live and visit. Have a remark-able 2011!!!

~Sunni Holloway, Tourism Manager“God grant me the serenity to accept

the things I cannot change; courage tochange the things I can; and wisdom toknow the difference.

Living one day at a time; enjoyingone moment at a time; accepting hard-ships as the pathway to peace; taking, asHe did, this sinful world as it is, not as Iwould have it;

Trusting that He will make all thingsright if I surrender to His Will; that Imay be reasonably happy in this life andsupremely happy with Him Forever inthe next. Amen.”

~Reinhold Niebuhr

2010: Year of Change

January 2011 / Brownwood Chamber of Commerce / Page 7

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stuffed lions, armadillos, buffalos, longhorns & Eagles

The Brownwood Store & Visitors CenterLocated at the Historic Depot, 600 E. Depot St.

646-9535 •

Brownwood Throws

Stop in today for a Texas Friendly experience!

Hours are 8-5 Monday-Thursday and 8-4 Fridays

Special Pricing NOW at

The Brownwood Store

Reg. $55

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The Brownwood Area Chamberof Commerce is getting set for its3rd Annual Indoor/Outdoor SpringExpo. This year’s theme is “Picnicin the Park” and offers a fun way forlocal business owners to showcasetheir products and services related togardening, home improvement, out-door fun, and so much more.

It all takes place at theBrownwood Coliseum on April 9th.Watch for more information comingsoon.

Sponsorship opportunities areavailable. Call Missi at 325-646-9535 for more information.


Expo ComingSoon

Page 8 / Brownwood Chamber of Commerce / January 2011

Gregg Rice, Chairman3M Company

Stephen Haynes, PastChairman Haynes Law Firm. P.C.

Stan CrawfordRemax

Becky JonesJones Carpet

Steve WeckwerthSubway

Michelle ThomasAldersgate Enrichment Center

Dr. Don BosticRanger College

Dr. Bill EllisHoward Payne University

Jan CateGirl Scouts

Ray GarzaTexasBank

Jill LockeOak Ridge Manor

Chance BarrIndividual

Ken HarrissOncor

Michael RichardsonFarmers Insurance

Priscilla MonsonWest Central Texas Valuation Services

Eric McNeeseBrown County Abstract

Brownwood AreaChamber ofCommerce

Board of Directors2010-2011


Laura Terhune, Executive DirectorSunni Holloway, Tourism Manager

Donnette Carmack, Business ManagerRay Tipton, Marketing Manager

Missi Malone, Membership Director Martha Faetche, Receptionist; VisitorCenter & Brownwood Store Manager

Mike Bullard Telephone and WiringWelcomed

The Brownwood Area Chamber ofCommerce welcomed Mike BullardTelephone and Wiring as new members onWednesday, November .Mike can install, maintain, and repair a vari-ety of phone systems and has years of expe-rience. He deals in new and used businesssystems, add-ons, moves, and residentialoutlets.Mike can also help install television surroundsound systems and security camera systems.Call Mike and his crew at (325) 643-2881 formore information.

Sedona Breeze Welcomed to theBrownwood Chamber

The Brownwood Area Chamber ofCommerce welcomed Sedona Breeze as oneof its newest members on Wednesday,December 8th with a ribbon cutting ceremo-ny. Sedona Breeze, located in Heartland Mall,is a retail store that offers brands such asCripple Creek and Circle S, as well as cus-tom design jewelry, gift items, artwork andmore. Stop by and visit with owner DebbieByrd and find that perfect holiday gift. Theirstore hours are Monday – Saturday 10:00 AMto 9:00 PM and Sunday 1:00 PM to 5:00 PMor give them a call at (325) 643-2845. Photoof owner Debbie Byrd cutting the ribbon withBrownwood Area Chamber of CommerceAmbassadors.

Workforce Solutions CelebratesNewly Renovated Office

Workforce Solutions held a ribbon cuttingand open house on Wednesday, December22nd to unveil their newly renovated officeslocated at 2202 Hwy 377 South inBrownwood. Their new offices will help themto offer a wider range of services in the com-munity.

Workforce Solutions offers a business solu-tions program which works with local busi-nesses to offer a quality workforce. Theyalso work with individuals to help them find ajob or career. Services include internet jobsearch, veteran service, resume’ writing,computer training, skills assessment, jobreadiness training, typing, and much more.

For more information, contact theWorkforce Solutions office in Brownwood at(325) 646-1591 or visit their