application of relevant theories of literary criticism in the text

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  • 7/28/2019 Application of Relevant Theories of Literary Criticism in the Text




    The strongest theory is realism. Realism is the effort to portray life as it truly is.

    Realism is a break from Romanticism, a story which highlighted about strange lands

    and wonderful adventures. The story seemed to be great by putting aside the real world.

    It was such likely the fairy tales with the beautiful heroines in need of helps, handsome

    and rich heroes on horses and also the evil and ugly witches like what was written in the

    tales of Cinderella, Rapunzel and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It was in the year

    1885 when Guy de Maupassant wrote this story meaning that it was in nineteenth

    century. Most of the writers in this era always wrote about the noble mans, kings and

    queens, prince and princesses, warriors and knights. However, Guy was being a realist

    when he wrote what was really happened in the actual world. He is one of the authors

    who diverted from the typical writings style except for Kate Chopin and Charles Dickens.

    The actual objective why realist writes the story is to charm the impression that

    the characters really exist and the events narrated are the events of ordinary

    experiences and not just a fable. Like what had happened in The Necklace, Mathilde

    was portrayed as an ordinary woman who had a normal life. Guy wrote She had no

    marriage portion, no expectations, no means of getting known, understood, loved, and

    wedded by a man of wealth and distinction; and she let herself be married off to a little

    clerk in the Ministry of Education.That was why she did not happy with her own life

    and demanded for more. As we went further, she was unsatisfied when she had no

    beautiful dress to be worn at the ball and later after she got the dress she still unpleased

    as she got no jewellery to put on. Guy showed that how the thing what was reallyhappened in the real life when not everyone was born in the silver spoon so the desire

    to be in the higher social class was always there.

    Usually, realists concern themselves in ethical issues. They write how the

    characters deal with the conflict of their moral dilemma and how it affected the whole

  • 7/28/2019 Application of Relevant Theories of Literary Criticism in the Text


    story. Mathilde was depicted as a greedy woman at first and later she had split her own

    personality when she had to go through the hardness where she learned to be pleased

    with what she had. The textual evidence was She came to know the heavy work of the

    house, the hateful duties of the kitchen and also And, clad like a poor woman, she

    went to the fruiterer, to the grocer, to the butcher, a basket on her arm, haggling,

    insulted, fighting for every wretched halfpenny of her money. Guy wrote how a difficulty

    of life could teach someone who never concern about the things that they ignored

    before and that what actually happened in our life.

    Aside from realism, another useable theory that I could find was the anecdote

    criticism. Anecdote refers to the story that recounts an event in order to convey

    idea, moral or information. Anecdote is popular and could be found in a lot of writings

    and spoken stories. It could both in a fable or real stories. To be clearer, the authors

    used a main event in the story to tell about the moral values that we could learn in the

    story. For example in the tale of The Hare and The Tortoise, the race was assumed as

    the main events that lead to the story after that.

    In my analysis text, the main event that became the turning point to the other

    incident was the ball. Anecdote sometimes could be a climax in the certain stories. Why

    did I say the ball is the anecdote in this text? It was because of the ball why Mathilde

    Loisel went to borrow the diamond necklace with her old friend, Madam Forestier.

    Suddenly she discovered, in a black satin case, a superb diamond necklace; her heart

    began to beat covetously. She went to borrow the necklace to ensure that she will be

    seen as a woman with higher economic ladder. Hence, here we already could learn a

    moral value - not to be greedy. Just imagine what if there was no invitation to the ball,

    was it necessary for Mathilde to borrow that necklace? That was how the author wanted

    to convey the messages. Then, another important event also occurred at the ball when

    the necklace lost, then it lead to another episode when Mathilde and his husband had to

    borrow money to replace the missing necklace. Then the plot expanded throughout the

  • 7/28/2019 Application of Relevant Theories of Literary Criticism in the Text


    story as they have to work hard for ten years to pay up all the debts. That was when

    they had to start a poor life and at last she knew that they were having a hard life for

    nothing as the necklace was a fake.

    I could say that anecdote was already told to us within the title The Necklace

    itself. Why Guy chose the necklace not the ball? For me, it was because the story of the

    necklace was the dominant in the story but still it was because of one important event -

    the ball. From that event onwards, Guy conveyed a lot of messages that was adapted

    from our daily life. Some of them were to be thankful of what we had, be frank when we

    did something wrong so there will be no misunderstanding and .people should evaluate

    themselves and others on who they were intrinsically - on their character and moral

    fiber, not on what they possessed or where they stood in society.

    As a conclusion, these were two of the literary criticisms that I could find and

    elaborate from the short story The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant.



    The strongest theory is realism. Realism is the effort to portray life as it truly is.

    Realism is a break from Romanticism, a story which highlighted about strange lands

    and wonderful adventures. The story seemed to be great by putting aside the real world.

    It was such likely the fairy tales with the beautiful heroines in need of helps, handsome

    and rich heroes on horses and also the evil and ugly witches like what was written in the

    tales of Cinderella, Rapunzel and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It was in the year

    1885 when Guy de Maupassant wrote this story meaning that it was in nineteenth

    century. Most of the writers in this era always wrote about the noble mans, kings and

    queens, prince and princesses, warriors and knights. However, Guy was being a realist

  • 7/28/2019 Application of Relevant Theories of Literary Criticism in the Text


    when he wrote what was really happened in the actual world. He is one of the authors

    who diverted from the typical writings style except for Kate Chopin and Charles Dickens.

    The actual objective why realist writes the story is to charm the impression that

    the characters really exist and the events narrated are the events of ordinary

    experiences and not just a fable. Like what had happened in The Necklace, Mathilde

    was portrayed as an ordinary woman who had a normal life. Guy wrote She had no

    marriage portion, no expectations, no means of getting known, understood, loved, and

    wedded by a man of wealth and distinction; and she let herself be married off to a little

    clerk in the Ministry of Education.That was why she did not happy with her own life

    and demanded for more. As we went further, she was unsatisfied when she had no

    beautiful dress to be worn at the ball and later after she got the dress she still unpleased

    as she got no jewellery to put on. Guy showed that how the thing what was really

    happened in the real life when not everyone was born in the silver spoon so the desire

    to be in the higher social class was always there.

    Usually, realists concern themselves in ethical issues. They write how the

    characters deal with the conflict of their moral dilemma and how it affected the whole

    story. Mathilde was depicted as a greedy woman at first and later she had split her own

    personality when she had to go through the hardness where she learned to be pleased

    with what she had. The textual evidence was She came to know the heavy work of the

    house, the hateful duties of the kitchen and also And, clad like a poor woman, she

    went to the fruiterer, to the grocer, to the butcher, a basket on her arm, haggling,

    insulted, fighting for every wretched halfpenny of her money. Guy wrote how a difficulty

    of life could teach someone who never concern about the things that they ignored

    before and that what actually happened in our life.

    Aside from realism, another useable theory that I could find was the anecdote

    criticism. Anecdote refers to the story that recounts an event in order to convey

    idea, moral or information. Anecdote is popular and could be found in a lot of writings

  • 7/28/2019 Application of Relevant Theories of Literary Criticism in the Text


    and spoken stories. It could both in a fable or real stories. To be clearer, the authors

    used a main event in the story to tell about the moral values that we could learn in the

    story. For example in the tale of The Hare and The Tortoise, the race was assumed as

    the main events that lead to the story after that.

    In my analysis text, the main event that became the turning point to the other

    incident was the ball. Anecdote sometimes could be a climax in the certain stories. Why

    did I say the ball is the anecdote in this text? It was because of the ball why Mathilde

    Loisel went to borrow the diamond necklace with her old friend, Madam Forestier.

    Suddenly she discovered, in a black satin case, a superb diamond necklace; her heart

    began to beat covetously. She went to borrow the necklace to ensure that she will be

    seen as a woman with higher economic ladder. Hence, here we already could learn a

    moral value - not to be greedy. Just imagine what if there was no invitation to the ball,

    was it necessary for Mathilde to borrow that necklace? That was how the author wanted

    to convey the messages. Then, another important event also occurred at the ball when

    the necklace lost, then it lead to another episode when Mathilde and his husband had to

    borrow money to replace the missing necklace. Then the plot expanded throughout the

    story as they have to work hard for ten years to pay up all the debts. That was when

    they had to start a poor life and at last she knew that they were having a hard life for

    nothing as the necklace was a fake.

    I could say that anecdote was already told to us within the title The Necklace

    itself. Why Guy chose the necklace not the ball? For me, it was because the story of the

    necklace was the dominant in the story but still it was because of one important event -

    the ball. From that event onwards, Guy conveyed a lot of messages that was adapted

    from our daily life. Some of them were to be thankful of what we had, be frank when we

    did something wrong so there will be no misunderstanding and .people should evaluate

    themselves and others on who they were intrinsically - on their character and moral

    fiber, not on what they possessed or where they stood in society.

  • 7/28/2019 Application of Relevant Theories of Literary Criticism in the Text


    As a conclusion, these were two of the literary criticisms that I could find and

    elaborate from the short story The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant.



    The strongest theory is realism. Realism is the effort to portray life as it truly is.

    Realism is a break from Romanticism, a story which highlighted about strange lands

    and wonderful adventures. The story seemed to be great by putting aside the real world.

    It was such likely the fairy tales with the beautiful heroines in need of helps, handsome

    and rich heroes on horses and also the evil and ugly witches like what was written in the

    tales of Cinderella, Rapunzel and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It was in the year

    1885 when Guy de Maupassant wrote this story meaning that it was in nineteenth

    century. Most of the writers in this era always wrote about the noble mans, kings and

    queens, prince and princesses, warriors and knights. However, Guy was being a realist

    when he wrote what was really happened in the actual world. He is one of the authors

    who diverted from the typical writings style except for Kate Chopin and Charles Dickens.

    The actual objective why realist writes the story is to charm the impression that

    the characters really exist and the events narrated are the events of ordinary

    experiences and not just a fable. Like what had happened in The Necklace, Mathilde

    was portrayed as an ordinary woman who had a normal life. Guy wrote She had no

    marriage portion, no expectations, no means of getting known, understood, loved, and

    wedded by a man of wealth and distinction; and she let herself be married off to a littleclerk in the Ministry of Education.That was why she did not happy with her own life

    and demanded for more. As we went further, she was unsatisfied when she had no

    beautiful dress to be worn at the ball and later after she got the dress she still unpleased

    as she got no jewellery to put on. Guy showed that how the thing what was really

  • 7/28/2019 Application of Relevant Theories of Literary Criticism in the Text


    happened in the real life when not everyone was born in the silver spoon so the desire

    to be in the higher social class was always there.

    Usually, realists concern themselves in ethical issues. They write how the

    characters deal with the conflict of their moral dilemma and how it affected the whole

    story. Mathilde was depicted as a greedy woman at first and later she had split her own

    personality when she had to go through the hardness where she learned to be pleased

    with what she had. The textual evidence was She came to know the heavy work of the

    house, the hateful duties of the kitchen and also And, clad like a poor woman, she

    went to the fruiterer, to the grocer, to the butcher, a basket on her arm, haggling,

    insulted, fighting for every wretched halfpenny of her money. Guy wrote how a difficulty

    of life could teach someone who never concern about the things that they ignored

    before and that what actually happened in our life.

    Aside from realism, another useable theory that I could find was the anecdote

    criticism. Anecdote refers to the story that recounts an event in order to convey

    idea, moral or information. Anecdote is popular and could be found in a lot of writings

    and spoken stories. It could both in a fable or real stories. To be clearer, the authors

    used a main event in the story to tell about the moral values that we could learn in the

    story. For example in the tale of The Hare and The Tortoise, the race was assumed as

    the main events that lead to the story after that.

    In my analysis text, the main event that became the turning point to the other

    incident was the ball. Anecdote sometimes could be a climax in the certain stories. Why

    did I say the ball is the anecdote in this text? It was because of the ball why MathildeLoisel went to borrow the diamond necklace with her old friend, Madam Forestier.

    Suddenly she discovered, in a black satin case, a superb diamond necklace; her heart

    began to beat covetously. She went to borrow the necklace to ensure that she will be

    seen as a woman with higher economic ladder. Hence, here we already could learn a

    moral value - not to be greedy. Just imagine what if there was no invitation to the ball,

  • 7/28/2019 Application of Relevant Theories of Literary Criticism in the Text


    was it necessary for Mathilde to borrow that necklace? That was how the author wanted

    to convey the messages. Then, another important event also occurred at the ball when

    the necklace lost, then it lead to another episode when Mathilde and his husband had to

    borrow money to replace the missing necklace. Then the plot expanded throughout the

    story as they have to work hard for ten years to pay up all the debts. That was when

    they had to start a poor life and at last she knew that they were having a hard life for

    nothing as the necklace was a fake.

    I could say that anecdote was already told to us within the title The Necklace

    itself. Why Guy chose the necklace not the ball? For me, it was because the story of the

    necklace was the dominant in the story but still it was because of one important event -

    the ball. From that event onwards, Guy conveyed a lot of messages that was adapted

    from our daily life. Some of them were to be thankful of what we had, be frank when we

    did something wrong so there will be no misunderstanding and .people should evaluate

    themselves and others on who they were intrinsically - on their character and moral

    fiber, not on what they possessed or where they stood in society.

    As a conclusion, these were two of the literary criticisms that I could find and

    elaborate from the short story The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant.