social media bootcamp

Post on 11-Apr-2017



Social Media



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Social Media Bootcamp

beginner's workshop

forms of electronic communication (as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos) - Merriam Webster Dictionary

Social Media is digital information and tools used to share information with people.  You can use social media to expand a company's brand exposure and increase reach. 

Social Media Defined

Marketing is about reaching the right person at the right time, with social media you can reach ANY person, at ANY time ANY where in the world.



Today around seven-in- ten Americans use social media to connect with one another, engage with news content, share information and entertain themselves. Social Media has changed how we interact with the world. Change can be daunting and managing social media is often an overwhelming experience.


In 2005, just 5% of American adults used at least one social media platform. Today 69% of the public uses some type of social media.


Data from Pew Research  

With 79% of American Internet users Facebook continues to be the most widely used platform.Instagram comes in second  with 32% of users, Pinterest is a close third with 31%, and LinkedIn and Twitter at 29% and 24% respectively.

Most Popular

For the purposes of this presentation we

will primarily focus on Facebook, LinkedIn,

Twitter. and Instagram.




Know your options. Don't be shy. be a part of the party, start socializing today.

Through the use of social media management tools you can be a social media whiz!

What questions do you have?

Our Presentation Path




2016 2016 2016


social media by the numbers

As of 2015

Facebook 01 #TheKing

76% of Facebook users visited the site daily during 2016, with over 1.6 billion daily visitors, compared to 70% ofdaily usage in 2015.

22% of the world’s total population uses Facebook.



Page – This is your business profile or page where customers can find your posts and business information.

Page Like – When a fan likes your page, anything you post or update will show up in their news feed.

Activity Log – A log that shows you all of your scheduled content, as well as past content posted to your page.

Insights – This is your analytics hub. You can find all post and page analytics here.

Reach – The number of people who saw your post. This includes the number of people you reached through organic and paid reach.

Organic Reach – The number of people who saw your post.

Paid Reach – The number of people who saw your post due to an ad you paid for.

Display Ad – An ad you create that is shown on the right-hand side of Facebook along with other ads.

Engagement – The number of likes, Facebook Reactions, comments, and shares you receive.

Facebook Terms

Post Clicks – The number of people who clicked on anything in your post. This could include someone clicking on an image with a “see more” call to action or a URL you included.

Post – A term used for sharing content on your Facebook Page.

Facebook Live  – Facebook’s livestreaming video feature.

News Feed – Your news feed is the first thing you see when you log in to Facebook. The feed shows new posts from pages and profiles you’ve liked.

Timeline – The stream of updates on your own personal profile or page.

Like – An engagement function that lets fans give positive feedback on a post. 

Facebook Reactions – An extension of Facebook’s Like button. There are six reactions: Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad, and Angry.

Message – A private message.

Chat – An instant messenger.

Facebook Terms

Facebook Insight Example

Facebook Profile- This is great to keep in touch with your family or friends

Facebook Page- One of the best ways to market your business/organization. This is a business profile, where you r customers can find out more about your business and see your page  posts.

Group – This can be public or private, and gives users the chance to come together to talk about a specific subject in one place.  This can be a great marketing tool and a good way to engage  your customers. 

Sponsored Story – This is a message that comes from a friend about them engaging with a page, app, or event that a business, organization, or individual has paid to highlight.

Promoted Post or Boost – You can pay to boost a specific post so that it is shown to more friends or fans.

Facebook Ad -  Don't wait for customers to come to you, target ads to promote your business.

Best for your Brand?

Visuals are key: Photos, Albums and video get 100% more engagement than plain posts

Call to Action: Get your followers involved

Go Live: Try Facebook Live and stream video

For Ads - Retarget: Advertise to people who already visit your website – Ad a pixel to your page

Share, Share Share: Embed your content

Facebook Tips

LinkedIn02 #TheProfessional

Update – Status updates and content that you post.

Profile – Similar to a resume, you add information about you and your job history.

Company Page – A place for businesses to include information about their business and create updates about their business and their industry.

Mention – Just like Facebook and Twitter, you can mention others in your LinkedIn updates.

Connection – An indicator that you and a person are connected to each other.

Degrees – This acts like 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon by showing you how you are connected to a person even if it’s through a number of people.

Groups – These can be public or private, and can be created by an individual or company. It allows users to come together and talk about a specific subject on one page.

Network – Your connections which also includes the connections of your connections. Recommendation – A way to recommend a friend/colleague, based on their professional experience, to anyone who views their profile.

LinkedIn Terms



This is for professionals, follow industry leaders, influencers. and your colleagues.

Use content to tell your story. Post articles, quotes, industry specific information.

 On LinkedIn, 98% of posts with images receive more comments and posts with links have a 200% higher engagement rate.

Over  19.7 million SlideShare presentations have been uploaded to the platform. 

what works best?

Twitter03 #The Newsmaker

Twitter's Cool Kids

Worldwide as of December 2016

Tweet – The content you share with your followers.

Retweet – A way to repost or share someone else’s tweet.

Quote- A way to repose someone else’s tweet and add our comment also. 

Favorite – This functions just as a Facebook “like” does. You can also use this as a saving tool and go back to your favorites later.

Mention – The act of including someone’s handle in your tweet. That person will then get a notification that they’ve been mentioned.

Direct Message – This is the only way to talk to someone on Twitter privately. 

Trends – The most commonly used hashtags at that present time are considered trends. They can also be made to pull from a specific location.

Lists – Groupings of your followers that you’ve created and categorized so that you can find them easily.

Verified Account – This is used to establish authentic handles of key or public individuals and brands.

Twitter Terms



Twitter is business and personal. You decide. Follow industry leaders, brands, newsmakers and friends.

Be concise. Focus on one message per tweet. Add relevant hashtags #. Re-tweet and reply.

 Add a bold image or a GIF Images increase a Tweet's share-ability by 94%.

There is substantial "reciprocity" across major social media platforms. Ex. 93% of Twitter users also use Facebook.

what works best?

Instagram04 #ThePrettyOne

A post - A ‘post’ simply refers to an image uploaded to Instagram. 

A like - You might ‘like’ an image by double tapping the image itself, or by clicking the ‘like’ button .

Filter - A way to change or enhance a photo, a combination of different elements: including exposure, color balance, and contrast.

Stories - Relatively new addition, you can tell video stories, similar to snapchat Caption- Adding a caption to an image can be one of the most important aspects to contextualize, explain or capture someone scrolling through your feed.  

Business or Personal Accounts : You can choose to label your account business or personal. A business account provides analytics and the ability for your customers to email ou directly.

Ads - Facebook now owns Instagram, so you can purchase  ads on this platform.

Instagram Terms



Instagram is branding through creative images. Follow industry leaders, professional organizations, brands. 

Use the clickable link in your bio frequently. Not just for a static website link. Use fun images.

 Images are not just photos, videos count too. Expand your reach with hashtags Ex. #IAmWTS

The most liked instagram picture in the world has over 6.6 million likes. Do you know who it is?

what works best?Beyonce


What's Next? Messaging Apps

Social Media Management Tools

Social Media is one of the best ways to build your brand and get you

and your business more traffic. However, to truly be effective you must

have a system to manage all of these social media channels.  The

solution: an editorial calendar and social media management tools. An

editorial calendar is used to control the  process of creating content.

You add upcoming events and dates to a schedule so you can plan your

social media in advance.  Socal media management tools are apps and

software that allow you to plan and schedule your social media posts.

Here are a few:





Social Media Facts


Questions?Presented by Kristina Bigby, Assedo Consulting

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