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  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6



  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    he News- Herald

    Franklin , Pennsylvania

    Wednesday, March 8,1944

    Page 7

    N O T I C E

    This to ivitify that Mr. and Mrs Garry W. Hay. of J 1TK LiliertY St.*


  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    El Paso Herald-Post

    El Paso, exas

    Monday, March 20, 1944

    Page 5

    Monday, March 20, 1944 __

    L o d g e C e l e b r a t e s ! S t a r t o f Y e a r ' !

    El Paso Rosicrucians Sunday witt

    celebrate the beginning of the Year,

    a. custom of their organization.For centuries, in most oithe lands

    of the Orient, millions of people

    looked on the first day of Spring

    as the beginning of the year, as that

    is when Nature blooms forth to

    start a new cycle of productivity.The Rosicrucian ceremony con ----------------------- --------------------------------- _ i

    sists of ancient rites, and concludes'

    with a symbolic mystical least re-1

    lating man's being to the elements

    of nature. All Rosicrucian members

    are urged to attend such a ceremony

    at the nearest AMORC lodge or

    chapter, whether or not they are

    members of that body. They are

    invited as guests without any obli-

    ! gations-. Louis R- Hirsch of 806

    Upson avenue, has invited all lo-

    caj members to meet at his home

    Sunday at 3 p. m.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    El Paso Herald-Post

    El Paso exas

    uesday, March 21,1944

    Page 4

    T h e F e n c e

    Bv DR. B. TJ. L. CONNER

    EL PASO Bosicrucians, Sunday,will have a New Years partyat the home of Louis R. Hirsch with

    Ray Oakes pour

    ing the grapejuice.

    The Rosicrucians look on March21 as the first ofthe New Year because thats whenNature starts allover again.

    They eat fruits and such thingsat the party because that is symbolical of nature.

    Every Jan. 1, a lot of us wish wcalso had a symbolic party.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    San Jose Evening News

    San Jose, California

    Friday, March 24,1944

    Page 14

    T r a i l b l a z e r s T o H o n o r S e c r e t a r y O f A M O R C T o n i g h tJunior Order of Trailblazers,

    young people's organization sponsored by the Rosicrucian order, willinstall officers tonight in a meetingfeatured by presence of JamesWhitcomb, supreme treasurer ofAMORC, as guest of honor.

    Whitcomb is leaving soon as adraftee in the armed forces, andmembers of the Trailblazers willpresent him with a gift on theoccasion of his leaving.

    Rex Swinger will be installed tosucceed himself as president; TomEmminger succeeds Roy Dlmock as

    vice president; Rudolph Gerkin will

    be s e c r e ta r y in place of Ruth

    Dougherty; and Shirley Wagner

    succeeds Ruth Lawless as treasurer.

    A member of The Evening News

    editorial staff will describe th

    layout of the Mercury Herald and

    News plant in connection with a

    visit of the group to the plant to

    morrow afternoon.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    he Kansas City Star

    Kansas City, Missouri

    Sunday, April 16,1944

    Page 14 A

    C a * t I f o u

    S E A R C H F O R THE UNKNOWNUhoua cuJulhyou UhcL U ?

    Is there a life after death?Do animals have souls? Canwe recall past lives? What isrealis matter and the wholephysical world but an illusion?What is your true mission inlife? You have wondered aboutthese things. You have realizedthere is far more to the mys

    tery of your being than make*itself ordinarily known. TheRosi crucians can cause you tohave that inner satisfactionand confidence that comesfrom a complete understanding of these things. They will

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    he Kansas City Star

    Kansas City, Missouri

    Sunday, Apr il 16,1944

    Page 14 A

    ( >

    disclose the facts of these fascinating subjects in their simpleuseful teachings.

    Write for the fascinn::nFREE book," The Mnstervof Life." Address: ScribeE.A.O.

    m r o o y A f i t i m a s tvma

    +>* 4A>+ 4A*OftC) C&UIQANAA

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    ucson Daily Citizen

    ucson, Arizona

    Saturday, April 29,1944

    Page 7

    ROSICRUCIAN , Secret Teachings arSoffered to those who seek to us?>them solely for the perfection of theirinner faculties, and in the masteringof the dally obstacles of life; the In ternational Organization of Roslcruclamw ill be happy to receive the requestsof those who believe t h a t . worthinessand sincerity determine the right for

    one to have such wisdom; to them, a

    copy of The Secrct Heritage*'* a fascinating bobk. will be Riven withoutprice; lot this book guide you to theconservative plan whereby you maywiden your scope of Personal Power.Simply address your letter to ScriboS. E. C., AMORC Temple, RosicrucianPark. San Josc. California.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    he Ogden Standard Examiner

    Ogden, Utah

    Saturday, May 27,1944

    Page 8


    The Ancients Colled It


    Must man die to release his innerconsciousness? Can wc experiencemomentary flightsof the soulthatis, becoaic one toilh the universeand

    receive an influxof great understanding?

    The shackles of the body its

    i earthly limitations--can be thrownoff and mans mind can be attunedto the Infinite Wisdom for a flash of

    xsecond. During this brief intervalintuitive knowledge, great inspiration, and a new vision of our life'smission are had. Some call this greatexperience a psychic pbcnomeooa,But the ancients knew it and taughtit as Cosmic Consciousness-*-!hemerging of mans mind with the

    Universal Intelligence.Let This Free Book Explain

    his isno t z religious doctrine, bat A tapplication of sim ple,aa turii laws, which

    . gjve man an iaiichc into die great Cosmjcgiao- hey make possible a source ofgr>* joy, strength, and a regeneration ofman's personal powers, w rit e to theRostcrurians, an age-old brotherhood ofunderstanding, for a freecopy of the book'" he Mascery of Life. It w ill cell yonhow, in the privacy of your own home,

    rou may indulge ia these mysteries ofife known to the ancients. Address*


    J. F. .

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    A M O R C O P E N S C O N V E N T I O N

    O N S U N D A YRalph Lewis, grand Imperator of

    the Itoslcruclan order, AMORC,

    will welcome delegates to its an

    nual convention starling here Sun

    day.Allhough the annual conclave

    attracts approximately 1000 delegates In normal times, atlendance

    Is expected to be less this year,Cecil A. Poole, supreme secretary,

    said. The convention will be Insession six days, beginning Sunday

    and closing Friday.Headquarters w ill be at the Ilosl

    cruclnn grounds at Park and Nay-lee avenues. The convention will

    choose a chairman at Sundaynight's opening session.

    San Jose Evening News

    San Jose, California

    Wednesday, July 5,1944

    Page 4

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    A M O R C C O N F A B

    T O B E O P E N E DDelegates to the annual grandconvention of the Rosicrucianorder, AMORC, to be held In San

    , Jose Sunday through Friday, arearriving for the opening session to

    morrow night at Rosicrucian park,headquarters for the confab.

    Ralph Lewis, lmperator of thegrand lodge, will deliver the open

    ing address tomorrow night, speak

    ing on What Is Rosicrucianism?Gilbert N. Holloway Sr., of Ro-dondo Beach, will be temporary

    chairman and will conduct thebusiness session and election of apermanent convention chairman at

    'the opening session.

    he program throughout theweek will Include class sessions,special discussions, talks by localand national AMORC officers, andprograms in the evening. uesdayafternoon a forum will be conduct

    ed to discuss "what constitutes agood society and post-war rehabili

    tation," Cecil A. Poole, supremesecretary, said today.

    San Jose Evening News

    San Jose, California

    Saturday, July 8,1944

    Page 2

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    A M O R C H E A R S

    H E A L I N G T A L KThe Rosicrucian c o n v e n t i o nwhich will continue throughoutthe week at Hosiemeian park, centered around n talk this afternoonby Dr. Arvis Talley of the Rosc-Crolx institute and sanitariumstaff, who s p o l t c oil 'Applying

    Rosicrucian Healing Principles/*Approximately 600 delegates

    will near the close of the fourthday of the session at 8:05 tonight,when they hear an address onThe Eternal Question by IheJ

    sovereign grand m a s te r , ThorKiimalchto. At the conclusion ofthe talk, an informal dance willbo held in the gymnasium of Her

    bert Hoover school.Other activities today includeda two-hour relaxation period, from10 a,m, to 12 noon, in which members took part in table games onthe grounds, The daily demonstrations in the science buildingand planetarium were also held.

    International Day

    At last nights meeting, it was

    decided to have an internationalday,1 with March 21 as the proposed date. Exhibits of things peculiar to other nations, rangingfrom art to economics, from customs to geography, and interna

    tional radio hook-ups to exchange

    national ideas were proposed aspart of the program.

    Tomorrow, Jay K. McCullough,museum curator, will speak onthe Egyptian Christians" at 3oclock in the Rosicrucian museum.

    San Jose Evening News

    San Jose, California

    Wednesday, July 12,1944

    Page 2

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    0San Jose Evening News

    San Jose, California

    hursday, July 13,1944

    Page 3

    i n i t i a t i ons I Sv I d By t t os ic rnc ian Confab

    Main features of today's iculon

    of llic itoslcruelan convention now

    being helil In HnslcrurUn park n ttwo honorary Initiations for Temple ltulhlers. the first nt which tookplace this morning from 8 to 10.the second planned for tonightfrom 7 lo 6 30,

    Ceremonies are being cnndurleilby a filtl complement of grandIndue ritualistic offlceri In BByi'-tlnn robes.

    For the benefit of thono who arenot taking part In Ihls evening*

    Initiation, a special session will beheld In the auditorium, with GrandSeerelory Harvey Miles speakingon "Myillral Transmutation."Grand Master Speaks

    Yesterdays activities dosed following an address by Tlior Kllina-lehto, grand meler, who spoke onthe subject of The Eternal Question." lie defined truth a* Infinite,transcending all possibilities ofexact formulation, and said tlml allmen are constantly seeking truthIn some form or other.

    Asldo from tho demonstrations

    and lectures in Hie science building and plonlelorlum Ihts afler-noon, an Informal discussion of Ihcactivities and plans of tho Hmrieni'ptun Sunshine Circle* was held a!3 iS in the auditorium tinder thedirection of Cecil A. Toole, su-prenie seereiary.

    "The Egyptian Chrlsllan*" wtiie subject of an address by JayH. McCullough, museum curator, irtlto museum at 3 o'clock,

    Shown above are three mem

    bers of the Grand Council of

    AMORC, dlsousslnr the current

    Rosicrucian convention in Rosi

    crucian pork. They arc, left to

    rlghl, seated! Chairman Thor

    Kllmalehto of San Jose and Or

    lando Hughes, Topeka, Kans.;

    standing, C. R. Cleaver, Seattle,

    Wash.; Robert IV. Wentworth,

    Pe ab od y, Mass., and Ja m e s

    Diaydes. Dallas, Texas. The con

    vention will close Saturday nlglit

    with a dance at the Hotel Sainto

    Claire.San Jose News photo.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    San Jose Evening News

    San Jose, Californ ia

    hursday, July 13,1944

    Page 3

    I n i t i a t i o n s I t c l i l t l t j

    t t o s i c r n c i a n ( J o n t u b

    Shown above arc three mem

    bers of the Grand Council of

    AMORC, discussing: the current

    Rosicrucian convention in Rosi

    crucian park. They are, lef t to

    right, seated: Chairman Thor

    Kiimalchto of San Jose and Or

    lando Hughes, Topclca, Kans.;

    standing, C. R. Cleaver, Seattle,

    Wash.; Robert W. Wentworth,+-

    P ea bo dy , Mass., and Ja m e s

    Blaydes, Dallas, Texas. The con-

    vcntlon will close Saturday night

    with a dance at the Hotel Salnto

    Claire.San Jose News photo .

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    San Jose Evening News

    San Jose, Californ ia

    hursday, July 13,1944

    Page 3

    in i t iat ions i t iv ld iUj Hos i c ruc ian on fab

    Main features of today's session

    of Hie Rosicrucian convention nowbeing hold In Rosicrucian park arc

    two honorary initiations for Temple Builders, ihe first of which tookplace this morning from 8 to 10.tho second planned for tonightfrom 7 to 9:30.

    Ceremonies are being conductedby n full complement of grandlodge ritualistic officers in Egyptian robes.

    For the benefit of those who arenot taking part in ibis eveningsInitiation, n special session will beheld in the auditorium, with Grand

    Secretary Harvey Miles speakingon "Mystical Transmutation."Grand Master Sneaks

    Yesterdays activities closed following an address by Thor Kllma-lehto, grand master, who spoke onthe subject of "The Eternal Question." lie defined truth as infinite,transcending nil possibilities ofexact formulation, and said that allmen arc constantly seeking truthin some form or other.

    Aside from the demonstrations

    and lectures in tho science building and planletarium this afternoon, an informal discussion of theactivities and plans of the Hnsieru-

    ctnn Sunshine Circles was held at3-15 in the auditorium under thedirection of Cecil A, Poole, supreme secretary.

    "The Egyptian Christians" wasthe subject of an address by JayR. McCullough, museum curator, intho museum at 3 o'clock.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    he Bakersfield Californian

    Bakersfield, California

    Monday, July 24,1944

    Page 7

    " I n t e r n a t i o n a l D a y "

    S e t b y R o s i c r u c i a n sInteinational Day, a day which

    would be observed throughout theworld when, through internationalradio hookups and through consulsof various countries, there would be

    an exchange of ideas of the countries, exhibits of their work, theirnative pursuits, their industries andother characteristics, was proposedat the recently concluded international Rosicrucian convention, attended In San Jose by more than700 delegates from Mexico, Canada,South America and tho UnitedStates.

    William* C. LaCrolx, district commissioner, who recently returnedfrom the convention, said that Ralph

    M. Lrewls, imperator of the philosophic order, remarked in his address: "It ', generally agreed thatthe peace of the world will dependupon a mutunl understanding of theproblems and unintentional oppression through unreasonable tariffsand economic measures which tendto work hardship upon somenations."

    Mr. LaCroix said that It was further proposed that the Ideal timefor such a day would be March 21,

    tho date of the vernal equinox, thesymbolic beginning of tho new year,the time of tho rebirth of nature,the springtime. It was suggested thatit be immediately brought to theconsideration of the legislative bodiesof the various countries which favora unity of peoples upon a soundfoundation of peace, he added.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    he Bakersfield Californian

    Bakersfield, California

    Saturday, July 29,1944

    Page 12

    T L e R e a t i l e r s V i e w p o m t f .

    EUITOII S NOTE Urlltrj ibstild lw ilfulltd to ISO worrti; mr ttl ir k Id cu but tint ptrio rj;mm t not b* t tm ii e *mt ibo uid lw written Irslbly *n leltr n.U i m t muM b*r in *uifafn'k *ddi*i nod tlw ui u i,, ittu>ugh the** will be withheld If dnlrvd.

    A. M.0

    . R . C . T H A N K S Editor The Californian:Please accept the thanks of the

    Rosicrucian Order (AMORC), Itsmembers of this city, as well aa myself for the kindness shown us bythe publication of a news item presented by me Monday, Juty 24, 1944,.to one of the members of your staffin regards to International Day**'

    Very sincerely,WILLIAM C. I a CROIX,District Commander,

    328 H street, 'Bakersfield, July 25, 1144,

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    San Mateo imes

    San Mateo, California

    uesday, August 1,1944

    Page 10

    !j11;i A day, to be kr.own as "Jnter-j national day,*1which uould i* ob-

    |served throughout the world byinternational radio hookups and byinternational exhibits, was proposedat the recently concluded Inter

    national Rosicrucian convention "inSan Jose.

    R. W. Stauffer of 1434 Jasminestfeet, San Jose, who was presentas a delegate, said that Ralph M.

    I Lewis, imperator of the philosophicorder, supported the internationalday idea.

    March 21was suggested for theday tccausc it isarks the "pfninirof spring. The convention, attended by 700 delegates, including those

    of Mexico, Canada and SouthAmerica, was in favor of the plan.

    Josephine Bor.necaze of Belmontwas also a delegate.____

    International DayFete Suggested

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    he Fredericksburg News

    Fredericksburg, Iowa

    hursday, August 10,1944

    Page 1


    ASKS INTERNATIONAL DAYA day, to be designated Interaa-

    lional Day, which would be observed

    throughout the world, when, through

    international hookups and through the

    consuls of various countries, there

    would be an exchange of ideas of the

    people of the various countries, exhib-itr, of their work, their native pur

    suits, their industries and other char

    acteristics, was proposed at the re

    cently concluded International Rofi-

    crucian convention in San Jose, Calif.

    Dr. A, R. Winter who just returned

    ay a delegate from the convention,

    aid that Ralph M. Lewi*, jmperatorof tha Philosophic Order, in

    his address: It is generally agreedthat the peacc of the world will de

    pend upon a mutual understanding of

    the problems of the peoples of the

    nations. Such understanding w ill elim

    inate suspicion, hatred and uninten

    tional oppression through unreason

    able tariffs and economic measures

    *fhich tend to work hardship upon

    some nations/*

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    he Fredericksburg News

    Fredericksburg, Iowa

    hursday, August 10,1944

    Page 1

    Dr. Winter said that it was further

    proposed that tho ideal time for such

    a day would be March 21, the occasion

    of the vernal equinox, the symbolic

    beginning of the new year, the time

    of tho rebirth of nature, the spring

    time, the time of hope and juvenation

    of life. The convention, attended by700 delegates, including those of Mex- 'ico, Canada and South America, was!

    m favor of the plan. It was suggested

    that it be immediately brought to the

    consideration of the legislative bodies

    of the various countries which favor a

    unity of peoples upon a sound founda

    tion of peace. i

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Nevada State Jou rna l

    Reno, Nevada

    hursday, August 10,1944

    Page 5

    R OSICRUCIAN secrei teachings are offerd to those who

    seek the use of them solely for the perfection of their inner

    faculties, and m the mastering of the daily obstacles of life,

    the International Organization of Rosicrucian will be happy

    io receive the requests o^ those who believe that worthiness

    and sincerity determine the right for one to have such wisdom; to them a copy of " he Secret Heritage," a fascinating

    book, will be given without price,- let -his book guide you

    to the corservative plan whereby you may widen your

    scope of Personal Power. Simply address your letter to

    Scribe S. E. C. AMORC emple Rosicrucian Park, San Jose,


  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    he Bakersfield Californian

    Bakersfield, California

    Friday, August 11,1944

    Page 14

    T L e R e a d e r s V n e w p o m fEU ITO lt'S N O T t- U M tr * abould be llmlied to 150 wo tdt; attack tdeaa but not persona;muat not he abusive and should be wriftan hrnlbly and on ona aide of the paper. Ine Ca lifornian lanot traponhlhla lot the eantlinrni* routalned therein and reaenrae fha right to reject any latter*.C/ettm muat bear an authentic addrma and algnature, allhouah these will be withheld If detlred.

    F R O M A M O R CEditor The Californian:

    May we take this opportunity toexpress the thanks of the local Rosi-crucian group for publishing thearticlc ''International Day.

    We want you to know that wewill appreciate the further publish*

    ing of any articles pertaining to theRosicrucian order (AMORC) of SanJose, CoJif,

    Very truly yours,D. U. PARISH, D. C.


  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    he Winn ipeg ribune

    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

    Saturday, August 12,1944

    PagI6 International

    Day SuggestedBy Rosicrucians

    A proposal to inaugural#* a da>

    m be designated InternationalDay viat endorsed at the international convention of the Roficru-ra n Order. A M O R C , recent yheld at San Jose, Calif

    Program for th* dav viojid in-~lude an exchange of id#aa of i!*effnpl** of various countries by

    **erna 'ona! hookups exhb ofh ur u Ark, and other method* ofpron'rit ng u n d e *.* a nd ng and

    coodvul] The relebrat n w>uldie frei* of military p^mp. withouta display ^f a rmsrcents and would

    -v d^\o*ed to mutua! ro-operation

    a r i humar arian concern*Da*#* mggefrted for th* day wasMrreh 21 the o^rasion of the

    \rrna equ inox, symbolic begin-r, nj: rf spnng irne

    In hU addre to tb/ s*\#*n hun-

    dre I dc l^g a^ s. in lud ing tho*e of

    Mex -o Canada and South Amer-

    a R alph M Lewis Impera tor of

    h# p h lonophjr order, said that it

    > .* jr^r^rallv ae reM tH* tb*

    of th* world would depend

    on a mutual undertandmg of the

    problem of the peoples of the

    r af ionsSu f'h understand ing he *a d

    wrutd eliminate suspicion* hatred

    and unin tentiona l n p p r * * s i o n

    br^ugh unreasonable tariff* and

    econom ic measure* w h rh tended

    to work hardsh.p on *oyr.#* nations

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    he Sunday imes-Signal

    Zanesville, Ohio

    Sunday, August 20,1944

    Page 8

    Rosicrucians UrgeInternational Day

    A day to be disignated 'International Day," which would be ob-aerved throughout the world,when, through International radiolookups and through the consuls ofvarious countries, there would hean exchange of Ideas of the peopleof the various countries, exhibitsof their work, their native pursuitstheir industries and other characteristics, was proposed at therecently concluded InternationalRoslcruclan convention in SanJose, Calif.

    Mrs. Corabel! Boles of 1123Wheeling avenue, who jufct returned as a delegate from the convention, aald that Ralph M. Lewis, lm-perator of the Philosophic Order,remarked In an address: It Is generally agreed that the peace of theworld will depend upon a mutual

    Understanding of the problems ofthe peoples of the nations. Suchunderstanding will eliminate suspicion, hatred and unintentionaloppression through unreasonabletralffs and economic measureswhich tend to work hardship uponaome nations.

    Mr*. Boles said that It was further proposed that the ideal timefor auch a day would be March 21,the occasion of the vernal equinox,the aymbolic beginning of the new

    year; The convention, attendedby 700 delegates, including thoseOf Mexico, Canada and SouthAmerica, was in favor of the plan.It was suggested that is be immediately brought to the consideration of the legislative bodies ofthe various countries which favor unity of peoples upon a soundfoundation of peace.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    he Zanesville Signal

    Zanesville, Ohio

    Monday, August 21,1944

    Page 7

    I n t e r n a t i o n a l D a y

    P r o p o s e d b y G r o u pMrs. CorabeU Boles of 1123

    Wheeling avenue, has returnedhome after attending the International Roslcruclan convention isSan Jose, Calif. The conventiondelegates favored the observance

    of a day to bo designated as "International Day," when through international radio hookups andthrough the consuls of variouscountries, there v/ould be an exchange of work, and their nativepursuits, industries and other characteristic,. Mrs. Boles reportedthat it was further proposed thatthe ideal time for such a daywould would be March 21, the occasion of the vernal equinox.

    The convention attended by 700

    delegates, including those fromMexico, Canada and South America, suggested that the proposal beimmediately brought to the consideration of the legislative bodiesof various countries.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Santa Cruz Sentinel-News

    Santa Cruz, California

    Wednesday, August 23,1944

    Page 5

    InternationalDay ProposedAt Convention

    An International Day whichwould be observed throughout theworld w hen there could be, throughinternalional radio and throughthe consuls of various countries,

    an exchange of ideas, exhibits ofwork, industries and other characteristics. was proposed at the recently concluded International Ro-sicrucian convention in San Jose.

    Mrs. Ruby F. Marian, 511 Baystreet, who just returned as adelegate from the convention, toldof the speech of Ralph M. Lewis,imperator of the philosophic order,in which he explained that such anunderstanding would help to elim

    mate suspicion, hatred and unintentional oppression through unreasonable tariffs and economicmeasures.

    March 21, date of the vernal equinox. was chosen as the ideal day asit is a symbol of the beginning ofa new >ear.

    The convention was attended by7(H) delegates including those fromMexico, Canada and South America.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    he Morning Herald

    Uniontown, Pennsylvania

    hursday, September 7,1944

    Page 4

    Toward A Better UnderstandingMost quarrels, be they individual or intern ation al, would be

    avoided were there complete understanding by both sides of the problem involved ond the historial and aspirational background of the in dividuals or the nations through wh ich the problem has arisen. Thedifficu lt thing is to bring about that understanding or even a willing

    ness to seek it or admit its possibilities.In an address at the ann ual convention of the Rosicrucian Or-

    der in July, Imperator Ralph M Lewis remarked:'

    It is generallyc greed that the peace of the world will depend upon o mutual understanding of the problems of the peoples of the nations Such an understanding will eliminate suspicion, hatred, and unintentional oppressionthrough unreasonable tariffs and other economic measures which tendro work hardships upon some nations."

    He suggested that in order to work toward this m utua l understanding a day, possibly designated as "In ternationa l D a y /' be observed throughout the world when, through international radio hookups and through the consuls of various countries, there will be an exchange of ideas of the people of the various countrips, exhibits of theirwork, their native pursuits, their industries and other characteristics.

    The idea is a good one It would take many days and many n ghts of close study and deep thought and learned, open discussion tobring about effective understanding, but this one day might at leastserve to stimulate a search for m c e complete understanding. Fromunderstanding comes tolerance; from tolerance, friendship; fromf endship. peace and the good things of life.

    Lewis suggests that the idea* time for such a day would be March *1, the occasion of the vernal equinox, the symbolic beginning of c re w year, the time of rebirth of nature, the springtime, the time of hopeend rejuvenation of life. That , too is a good suggestion, for the spirit

    man partakes of the spirit of na ture as painted in expa nding fieldsof green.

    ^ No great thing is accom plished except by a small beginningWorld opinion can be made up only by the combination and adjustmentC' seprate national opinions made up in turn by communities and thevby individu als The process, of course, does not app ly to the dictatorcountries where all "opinions" are those of one ma n, but a properlyconducted "International Day" might eventu ally reach a sufficientnumber of individuals in those nations to bring a change in the process.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    he Morn ing Herald

    Uniontown, Pennsylvania

    hursday, September 7,1944

    Page 4

    But cside from the international aspects and world peace, suchon observance as that proposed would be of great community benefit.Fayette county, for instonce, has a large num ber of ra cia l groups allstrivin g to become good Am eric an s. How much easier an d surer wouldthe ir efforts become if there were more of mutual understanding ol the background against which they ore constructing their American-ism.

    Our schools have done much to promote this understanding butthey reach only relatively few. Perhaps a larger number could be in

    terested by on international fete in one of the county's stadiums withthe racial groups all represented, not as harking bock to the old country, but presentirg the background and the foundation of the greatest Country on earth.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    he Bakersfield Californian

    Bakersfield, Californ ia

    uesday, September 26, 1944

    Page 6

    R o s i c r u c i a n O r d e r

    W i l l H o l d F o r u mLocal members ot the Kosicrucian ;

    Order, A. M. O. FI. C., arc sponsoring a forum tu be held tonight at

    8 p. ni. at 15L3 I*1 street. ,Speakers will trace the origin andhistory of this ancient order aurl;will also describe the activities of;the Rose Croix University in SanJose at the present time. Admission will be by invitation only.

    William Lit Croix, district com*'missioner, states that this is a chancefor those interested to have questions answered. There will be a dis- > GUb m M, JJoHow;iy SltC, floniuru-c|a u)>)to lcc

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6



  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6




    Tuesday, Jan. 2 2 8 P. M.


    FOWER"By .

    G ILBE RT N. HOLLO WA Y , F .H .C .

    ThU I t h* HEALING LECTUREand DEMONSTRATION tha t hun .dred* hnv bettt nwaltirtfi. Learnhow to relcAtt th i lorcei ofhealth wMhin your mi nd ai>ti body I


    Wltneaa aiK( participate In n powtr.ful orotip demoiutr.nion of COSMICHEALInCi conducted by Mr. Hol lo.v#ay. tf yeu are III, com* mid bheli xd. If you are well, learn how lomaintain health and pcrconnl power.

    Come early for u . i l i , andbring a l i Undl

    No Foot AH Welcome

    MASONIC TEMPLE835 Locust Ave.


    Long Beach Independent

    Long Beach, California

    Friday, January 18, 1946

    Page 29

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6



    Free Public Assembi/WEDNESDAY, March 6, 8 P.M.

    "The Release of Cosmic

    Healing PowerM

    By G Ibcr t N H ci^ f P rTh is * the H E A L I N G L E C T L

    D E V O N S ' " P i T i C N * *ia v* b*e- > e we le -ts i *i h ea *t h v ** * * * c e ipowe* Come er>r br 4 ! j

    NO F E E S A l l W E . C O M c


    AMER ICAN LEGION H A I L38E Fourth St'eet

    R O S I C R U C I A H(AMORC)

    Free Public AssemblyWEDNESDAY, March 6, B P.M.

    "The Release of Cosmic

    Healing Power"

    3y G ' lbert N Hci p p *7 h-I?'5ngthe Vtal :" -E-.L'rHV ith ->-;ur ntr,:J '5fa:-/



    Take part in a pow erf .1 ;uc ' .- ' i fu lgroup e xe rc i e of C ^ He -If you are i - . c : -.1 r d.If you a*e we- ' ** - t - .v *- 't ai h e a lt h, v t t. ii it y c *power . Come er- . br j f !




    The San Bernardino County Sun

    San Bernardino, California

    Friday, March 1,1946

    Page 4

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6




    Tuejday, March 12 8 P. M.

    "The Great

    White BrotherhoodBy Gilbert N. Holloway, F.n.O.

    Who are the MASTERS, the iPlr.Itvtal adept* of hum an ity? Where arethey, and hew do they function uponthe CONtnlc and *;irth!y ephere*?H w r an ln*plrlna, Informntfve tx*planaOon of th itc r d power* of theQrea t Wh ite Drotlierhood, a nd liovyyour Ilfs m.iy be brouuht Under thoMaitert' Influencel


    EXERCISETake part In * naceful, healfno period of meditation, Utarn throuphInner, t n y a t l c a l i x o t r l a n c t thereality of soul lifel Come early, andbring a friend.

    No Fees Ail Welcome

    MASONIC TEMPLE*35 Locuet Ave.

    Long Beach Independent

    Long Beach, California

    Friday, March 8,1946

    Page 14

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    San Jose Evening News

    San Jose, California

    Tuesday, March 26,1945

    Page 11

    C o n c e r t W i l l A i d

    A M O R C L i b r a r y F u n dAlma Taylor, soprano, will be

    heard in a joint recital with Donald Lima, violinist, for the Rosi-crucian orchestra library fund inthe Rosicrucian Auditorium, Nag-lee and Park Aves., on Sundayevening at 8:15.

    During the last war, AlmaTaylor helped the war cause byworking and singing at the JoshuaHendy defense plant in Sunnyvale.Both she and Mr. Lima appearedtogether in the noonday rallies.

    Miss Taylor has appeared innumerous Bay Area concerts, andhas appeared with the San Fran-|cisco Opera and San Jose LightOpera. Every Summer she appearsin the Alum Rock concerts as guestartist with the San Jose MunicipalBand. I

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6




    Tutiday, April 9 8 P. M.

    "Technique* of Psychic and Myiticol Power

    By Ollbcrt N. Holloway, F.R.C,'

    What art th t accrct powari ,emtrd ? How may wa n lt ai * evrtnonnoue Inner powera throwtftConnie law* ef menial creating,abundance, aueeea* and Mff-m^a-Itry7 Hr n forceful, clear *planatlon. of the hldher prlnclplttwhich transform human peraonalltyand exalt cre.ulveneeat "

    Mystical Exerci**HooWnq Meditation .

    Take par t in a group exercJMdemonitrming tht . vna inn Ar t c fmental ' crra ting I Receive the bent*

    fit* and bleeelnge of our powerfulhealing period, conducted pereonaUty Uy Mr . Hol lowa y . Le t Coimkpower enter your conclout HftlCome ea rly , end b ring locutt Av*.

    Long Beach Independent

    Long Beach, California

    Thursday, April 4,1946

    Page 16

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    San Bernardino Daily Sun

    San Bernardino, California

    Saturday, May 18,1946

    Page 10 R O S I C R U C I A N(AMORC)

    F R E E P U B L I C A S S E M B L Y

    F R I D A Y . M A Y 24, 8 P M .

    "DEATH and


    W h it occurs after de ith ' Do con*fCi'U'-re*.* a r i personsl

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    R O S I C R U C I A N(AMORC)

    F R E E P U B L I C A S S E M B L Y F R I D A Y , M A Y 24, 8 P . M.

    "DEATH and


    What occur* after de at h Do consciousness and personality survive,

    Iind if so. ho w? W ha t is the nature of the spiritual world, and can we communicate with i t? What happens to suicides? Are some souls earthbound" Dc*s the soul return? Hear a dynamic, fascinating Rosl-crucian explanation of these mys* teriesl



    Tak e pa' t in an Im p ng, effective healing meditation, conducted per. scnally by Mr. Holloway. Let theforces of Cosrmc healing and illumination Improve your body and mind. Join the throng at this unusual, powerful meet;ng!

    No Fees All Welcomt

    A U D I T O R I U M


    San Bernardino Daily Sun

    San Bernardino, California

    Sunday, May 19, 1946

    Page 4

    283 4th ST . , SAN B E R N A R D IN O

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Brooklyn EagleBrooklyn, New YorkSaturday, Septem ber 21,1946Page 5


    Tuesday, Sept. 2-4 8 P.M.

    How to Manifest Abundance the Law of Cosmic Supply

    By G I L B E R T N . H O L L O W A Y , F .R . C.

    How may we use and direct Higher

    Laws m providing our material

    necessities money, food, clothing

    and other items of an obundant

    liff- Hear o dynamic, simple ex

    planation of COSMIC SUPPLY!


    Learn the amazing ART of MEN

    TA L CR EA TING' Begin today to

    manifest abundance in your home.

    Receive the personal benefits of

    cur healing, inspiring group medi


    No Fees All Welcome


    1 3 5 W . 7 0 t h St., 6. of B'woy

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Brooklyn Eagle

    Brooklyn, New York

    Saturday, October 12,1946

    Page 5



    Tuesday , O c t I ' 8 P M .




    From anc ient Es-ene and Rost r ru-

    C i fl 'i rec i rds corves inform at ion

    about the m yst ica l l ife and secret

    do ctr ine ' af the Great M aster that

    i ; a m a z i n g a n d w o n d e r fu l ly i n

    struc t ive H fa r a pow erful l*cture

    ett in q forth the t l i t t le known

    far ts o f immense s igni f icance

    M Y S T I C A L I N V O C A T I O NT a k* pa r t in a n e sa fe nr inv oca t ion

    H th e M Y S T I C A L C H R I S T ih Qt

    wil l move you de ep y a^d infuse

    your be ing with Chr is t Consc ious-

    nes* Enioy our inspir ing Cosm ic

    he a l ing m e d i ta t ion '

    No Fee* All Welcome

    PYTHIAN HALL13 5 W. 70th St., I. of way

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Brooklyn Eagle

    Brooklyn, New Yo rk

    Saturday, October 19,1946

    Page 5


    F R E E P U B L I C A S S E M B L Y

    T u e s d o y O c t 2 2 8 P M

    "How to Find and Perform Your

    Personal Mission in Lif e !


    H a v e y o u F O U N D Y O U R S E L F that coreer or life work whose per

    formance brings happiness and

    self -re al ization '1 hisdynamic lec

    ture will teli you how to discover

    vour personal mission in life, and

    how to carry il forw ard succe ss fully

    in this material world


    Rer* t ve the pe r sona l bene f i t s and

    i n s p i r a t i o n o f n u r e f f e c t i v e h e a l i n g

    m e d ita tio n Le t thr* C O S M I C

    f -ORCE-S im prove and up l i f t your

    l i f e C o m e p a rU b r tn q f r ie n d s

    No Fees All Welcome

    P YT H I A N H A L LU 5 W. 70th St., K. of I'w .y

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    he Independent

    Long Beach, California

    Saturday, November 13,1946

    Page 18

    Plans LecturesDean Gilbert N; Holloway jr. of

    Mystical Science brotherhood willoffer free public lectures at Ma

    sonic temple tomorrow and Tuesday at 8 p. m.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6




    Monday, Dec. 23, 8 P.M. Now to Experience the

    Birth of ChristWithin Youl


    All true roods of metaphysici,philosophy and religion lead to th#DIVINE EXPERIENCE the w- lizotion of God ond the indwelling Chris t Consciousness. Hear aninspiring, powerful Christmas message explaining the Rosicrucianpath to the unfoldment of thespiritual powers of the M YS TICALCHRIST WITHIN!

    Music, MeditationReceive the personal uplift andheating benefits of our spiritualinvocation of the HEALINGCH RIS T! Enioy the lovely Christ mas sonqs of talented Eva Viarda.Ponder unusual facts about thelife and teachings of Jrsus . Question period. Come oorly, bringfriend'..

    No Feet*All Welcome

    PYT H IA N H A LL115 W. 70th St., I. of B'woy~*-*" *""- 1 i.. . i . .I ^

    The Brooklyn Daily Eagle

    Brooklyn, New York

    Saturday, December 21, 1946

    Page 6

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6



  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    The Bakersfield Californian

    Bakersfield, California

    Friday, Janua ry 17,1947

    Page 7

    The Bakersfield Californian

    Bakersfield, California

    Monday, Janu ary 20,1947

    Page 5


    Tuesday Evening at 8:0 0



    Are there points within the human body where Cosmic forces aretransformed " into nerve en ergy .'vii aliiy mul I powers?

    Can you strengthen and develop your jrhin

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Brooklyn Eagle

    Brooklyn, New York

    Saturday, January 4,1947

    Page 5


    FREE P U B L I C A S S E M B L Y

    Tuesday, Jan. 7, 8 PM

    H o w I n v is ib l e F o r c e s

    A f f e c t Y o u r L i f e ! "Bt GILBERT N. HOLLOWAY, FR.f.

    Evf*ry lif t is vib jer t rm - ir-

    tnfkjences pr i s ing1, r. ; ,-i ir

    ^vil Thei nn' ' *

    vsfii fh o ffc n m . o i(if ; lh/i' both hff* -i i ri b*> 'tid

    Learn the poMtiv** Rrv - *n y

    to dtrfC t the * iiiV i .ih i* I " > f >r

    personal betterment ' i f . ; j . fof h um anity 1

    A t t u n e m e n f ; H e a l i n gM r Hoi wa y will t*nd tfe mid*rn> # if an i '.(> l o i n 1 nf

    COSMIC. A F T H N t M t * I I

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Brooklyn Eagle

    Brooklyn, New York

    Saturday, January 18,1947

    Page 5



    Tuesday, Jon 21, 8 PM

    C o s m i c H e a l i n g a n d

    Personal Regeneration!'

    Bv C I I B E R T N HOLLOWAY, F R C.A c r t h f * spiri tual pagt-s of hi%-

    tOfy lv f*v the ,firrng fry Ye

    He 1 h#* born ogan, in H< jifh onil

    p e i c e and power1 L*! the m yh -

    * o! R m c ru o a m show you t he

    technique of invoking C.Or>MlCHE AL INCi POWf f> through i*very ;

    ceil of your being leading to

    phv >* ol and spiri tual R l ; iE N ERA - T ION

    Healing DemonstrationTake part m a p wertul, effective :}roup ertci'-e q'

    I# you are ill, romp omi be helped It well learn hew t main tain

    h^aifh and ev**'-increasing H^R

    M Q N IU M 0 i* ' answ ered

    1,20( free seat; Bring friend*

    No Fee* All Welcome

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    he New York Sun

    New York, New York

    Saturday, January 25, 1947

    Page 7



    T u esd ay Jo n . 8 8 P M

    The Release of

    Magical Power!"Rt GILBERT N HOLLOW AT F R C

    Spirih iol or W HI TE MA(MC fhe

    cool rolled di rei t'jn fhr n . y v'nousr i f ,*, OCCOfd'OQ t o of

    th* set ref fore ps of nature and the

    Cosmos Let the Rostc fuf iom e

    p'otn to you o technique for using

    th is MAGICAL POWER >r *v#*r

    com ing the obstacles of life for

    improved health dynam ic energvcrea*vener.s, mater-o' a bundanc e

    and wisdorr

    Unusual DemonstrationMr Ho lloway * 1' dertv nsfrate theu g g r e g o t ioi f D I V I N E F O R C E S

    und the>r beneficial reiea't* no

    thf> aura* ann -h rt(* s nt a I

    per v)n% present > , m < c MrM^ng

    period Oue tiom r j,m** **aHy

    bring frn> d* '

    No Fee* All Welcome

    P Y T H I A N H A L LH 5 W 70t h S r I B way

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Brooklyn Eagle

    Brooklyn, New York

    Saturday, February 8,1947

    Page 5 ______



    Tuesday, Feb I ), 8 P M

    The Origin, Evolution

    and Destiny of Man!

    B GILBERT H, HOLLOWAY. F R tD*d man originate in primordial

    >r wqv he distinctly created

    through divine emanation* What

    C )%mic La ws govern the e vo lu

    tionary growth of mankind, mdi

    viduolly and collectively* Is the

    world coming tn an end* Will man

    destroy himself by atomic and

    pesti lential war1 Whot is the IN

    fcVITABLfc DESTINY of humanity*

    Cosmic HealingWe hove helped and inspired hun

    dred^ of persons at these meetings

    during oor powerful, effertive

    C O S M I C H E A L I N G PE RI O D C om e

    ond freely receive these direct,personal healing benefits Q ue s

    tions answered 1 --00 free seats I

    Bring fnends

    No Fee* All Welcom*

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Brooklyn Eagle

    Brooklyn, New York

    Saturday, March 1,1947

    Page 5


    Tuesday, March 4, 8 P.M.

    1 Psychic Phenomena

    and Development!"

    Bj G I L B E R N . H O L L O W A Y . F . R X| The inner, secret powers of the

    human rrnnd constitute some oflife's greatest mysteries He ar a

    startling revelation of facts aboutcU'rvoyancc, telepathy, psycho-motry, p$yrhic protection ond heal-

    1 ing, divination, spiritual commu nication and materialization!

    D E M O N S T R A T I O NMr Holloway will ex plain thD E V E L O P M E N T


    higher psychicfaculties, ond will DEMONSTRATE the rontr^l nf sp iriton1 fnrce byconsciousness and will. CosmicHealing period Questions a n swered Don't miss this unusuallecture-demonstration 1 ,2 0 0 fret

    seats. Came early bring friends.

    No FecAll Welcome

    P Y T H I A N ^ ( A L LU S W. 70th St., L of 'w*y

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Brooklyn Eagle

    Brooklyn, New York

    Saturday, March 8,1947

    Page 5

    R O S I C R U C I A N( A M O R C )F R E E P U B L I C A S S E M B L Y -

    Tuesday, March 11, 8 PM,

    M y s t e r i e s o f t h e H u m a n A u r a ! "


    The AiiRA is o mystrriou* fi?lri nf

    f"trCi* tiifrauod '^q nf m

    lu fftrrn, color and intensity oredirrctly rrI*nir?H in [hr htolth nr.rf

    nf devHnpn eni *vf ir*,-

    rfividuc Hcor foscMionng cr.pfonqhon nf tK-r HUMAN AURAonf< lh/> tpin tuol J>nH oivrh ic myt-

    rfnr*, oSVXijited w

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Brooklyn Eagle

    Brooklyn, New York

    Saturday, March 15,1947

    Page 5



    Tuesday, March 18, PM.

    Death, the After*

    Life and RebirthB y G I L B E R N . H O L L O W A Y , F . R . C .

    The contemplation of death andt* mysteries is the beginning ofwisdom. What occurs at death? How does the sou I-personalitymanifest in the Cosmic Realm?

    Where are heaven and he*', andhow do we reach them 3 M u f the

    Soul return to earth? If t > h m

    why grid when?

    S O U L E X P E R I M E N TWe v.II endeavor to e abl h for

    ychallenged and tbn ted fry thts

    novel opproach fo the Divine. Mys

    teriev Cosmic Healing periodQuestions answered Bring friends'

    No Fee* All Welcomt

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Brooklyn Eagle

    Brooklyn, New York

    Saturday, March 22,1947

    Page 5


    Tuesdoy, March 2>, 8 P M

    G l a n d s O u r I n v i s i b l e G u a r d i a n s ! "

    &T r.llBRR

    N. HOI.LHWAY, F.R.C.

    1 hf> I* . T 'f )

    f i 'hrr qff jrvi* ,',t fl- r tir"n b

    luvr impCrlcir r p

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Brooklyn Eagle

    Brooklyn, New York

    Saturday, March 29,1947

    Page 5


  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6




    " B U I L D I N G Y O U R P E R S O N A L I T Y "

    b y W I L L I AM N O R R I S , F . R . C .

    Member International Lecture Board of AMORC,San Jose, Calif.

    If you want a strong personality you must understand,

    control and increase within you the Cosmic force which

    expresses YO U R PE RS ON AL ITY . Com e, learn what it is,

    and participate in a "Rosicrucian Technique," which

    will show you how to release this force so that it will pour

    through your being and build naturally, a strong, buoyant

    and determined PER SO N AL ITY . Bring your friends.

    Q U E S T I O N S A N D A N S W E R SMr. Norris will answer questions submitted by the audi

    ence concerning the problems of the day and of interest

    to everyone.

    Doors Open at 7.15 No Collections, No Obligation,Al l Welcome,

    C O M E E A R LY E N J O Y M U S IC


    The Sydney Mo rning Herald

    Sydney, Australia

    Tuesday, April 8, 1947

    Page 12

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    San Bernardino Daily Sun

    San Bernardino, California

    Monday, April 14, 1947

    Page 3



    TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 8 P.M.


    National Rojicrucian Lecturer

    jj, th* f < . *v -f ' p in t f| hv nr.v nnm rit p/* ii t lir mch a rMtum, Hid

    l>rvn i ' ' * . r r ! m r \h o !. * lont lfl r H* ul

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Brooklyn Eagle

    Brooklyn, New York

    Saturday, Apr il 12,1947

    Page 5



    Tuesday, April 15, 8 P.M.

    T h t Road to Mastership

    and lllumindtion!Bj G I L B E R H. H O L L O W A Y , F.R.C.

    The final goal of every personality is Cosmicolly fixed and certain; itis to attain Mastership. spiritualIllumination and complete onenesswith God Are vou satisfied withyour progress* Do you know the

    technique of the wa y3 Hear acleot, forceful explanation of theRosicrucian system of personal un-

    foldment also facts about spiritual adepts, Masters and the GreatWhite Brotherhood!

    Higher AHanementParticipate with others, under the

    friendly guidance of Mr. Holloway,m on inspiring, beneficial periodof higher attunement. Learn how

    to lift your thoughts to the DivineRealm and to the Celestial Hierarchy. Cosmic Healing. Questionsanswered. Bring friends.

    No Feet All Welcome

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Brooklyn Eagle

    Brooklyn, New York

    Saturday, April 19,1947

    Page 5


    Tuesday, April 22, 8 P.M.


    Whit* and Black!"I ; G I L B E R N . H O L L O W A Y , F . R . C .

    Do the thoughts and psychic powers of others seem to affect you? Is "mental poisoning" a threat toyour happiness? Hear a powerful Rosicrucian explanation of theoccult MYSTERIES OF WHITE A N D B L A C K M A G I C ! L earn howto use your latent spiritual powersbeneficially and how to protectyourself from all under.irable or

    evil influences

    Magical DemonstrationMr. Hollowoy will demonstrate theart of DIVINE MAGIC-the aggregation of spiritual power andits beneficial transfer to Jheauros and consciousness of all persons present. Cosmic He ali ng Questions answered. 1 ,2 0 0 free

    seats. Com e early, bring frien ds!No Fee* All Welcome

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Brooklyn Eagle

    Brooklyn, New York

    Saturday, April 26,1947

    Page 4

    Rosicrucian Lecture"Overcoming the Obstacles ofLife" is the subject of a lecture byGilbert N. Holloway, Rosicrucian(AMORC) dean, Tuesday, at 8 the YPythian auditorium, 135

    jW. 70th St., Manhattan.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Brooklyn Eagle

    Brooklyn, New York

    Saturday, Apr il 26,1947

    Page 5


    FREE PUBLIC ASSEMBLYTuesday, April 29, B P M

    Overcoming the

    Obstacles of Life!"Bt G I L B E R N H O L L O W A Y , F . R . C .

    Every M r hos )!, problems hope'.,

    anxieties, frustrations and possi

    bilities Essential to victorious ondhappy living is the facing of ob

    stacles ond overcoming t h e m

    Learn the Rnsirrucian woy to

    BU ILD A S TR ONG PER S ONALITY, a FIRM W IL L and an expanded,sensitive consciousness that will

    pnahl** you to rise above all limitations to the hoppmess and achievement you seel*!

    Spiritual DevelopmentTue sda y evening Mr Hollo

    way leads a large audience in an

    inspiring, p o w e r f u l m editatio n

    period LEA RN HOW TO APP LY

    life s high er pr nr pi c, to mat e

    VOur drfoms come tryr ' CosmicHeolmg Questions answered I , 0 0 frer* seats B n ig fr ends*

    No Feet All Welcomc

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    he Sydney Morning Herald

    Sydney, Australia

    uesday, April 29,1947

    Page 15



    Member International Lecture Bnard of AM ORC,

    San Jose, California. (

    What is one of the strangest laws of the human mind?

    Is Black Magic a proven fact?

    What caused the strange deaths of the explorers of Kin;;

    Tuts tomh? Come and hear the answers to these

    questions. Bring a friend.

    QUESTIONS AND ANSWERSMr. Norris will answer questions submitted by the audience

    concerning the problems of the day and of interest

    to everyone.

    Doors open 7.15 No Collections, No Obligation,

    All Welcome.



  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Brooklyn Eagle

    Brooklyn, New York

    Saturday, May 3,1947

    Page 5



    Tuesday, May 6, 8 P M

    How To Release Your

    Cosmic Healing Power!B y G I L B E R N , H O L L O W A Y . F R C

    This is the third great lecturedemonstration on COSMIC HEALING m our present series We invite and urge alt persons in the

    New York area with health ntercsts or problems to be preser tor this meeting' L.*0 " 1

    p ri r

    fcal useful technique f jr ttr

    proving and maintaining your ow health, and


    or helping others

    Healing DemonstrationOur lecturer and counselor,Hollowoy will DEMONSTRATE THE RELEASE OF COSMIC HEAL ING POWER with iubie^ts dro^from the audience' Also gr n,exercises in healing, through wh^h

    everyone will benefit Quest *-nsanswered 1,2 00 tr#e seats Comeearly, bring friends'

    No Fee All Welcome

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Brooklyn Eagle

    Brooklyn, New Yo rk

    Saturday, May 10,1947

    Page 5



    Tuesday, May 13, 8 P.M.

    How Cosmic Cycles

    Affect Your L ife ! '

    B y G I L B E R N . H O L L O W A Y . F . R . C .

    A fundamental (act of life is tho! oil influences and cnndtions arecyclical Each year of YO UR LIFE is divided mto seven periods

    or cyce-. of specific tendencies These influences are favorable orotherwise, depending upon theCOSMIC CYCLES as they affect your life' Hear a forceful, de ar

    explanation of this foscma ting subject

    Cycles An alysis: HealingOur Rosicrucian system of cycles

    analysis is far simpler than astrology, numerology or similar occult arts. This lecture will reveal toyou many surprising, importantforces at work in your own exist

    enc e! CO SMIC HE AL IN G . Q u estions answered. Bring friends.

    No Fees All Welcome

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Brooklyn Eagle

    Brooklyn, New York

    Saturday, May 17,1947

    Page 5


    Practical Develop*

    ment of Spiritual

    and Psychic Powers!B y C I L B E R N . H O L L O W A Y , F . R . C .

    Ours isa

    scientific, techmcol,proct icol aqe The modern spirit

    revolts QQQinsf outmoded systems

    of bcl'ef, irrelevant theologies ond

    #oI r dogmas Stil l, there is thepr Hound mystery * man s spiri t

    ual being ond his h-qhrr I s u-t-es

    Hear an unusuol, f'rrrfui lecture

    ex pla in in g thp unfi K in 1*! if f our

    spiritual and psyrhir r> w*r- 1

    COSMIC LOVEMr Moll way will lewd a okji nntl>t i * m on unusua l e^oteri e-

    p . ' K m o i t d"' t u i q MJPPEMF

    P O W I R of COSMIC lOVt intot'n# au ra an d rrmv riQu r * rjH

    persons present' Dnr t n> thi

    e x c e p t i o n a l s p i r itu a l r p r r , n > . p

    D ' v m e H e a l m q Q u es t , f . af>-

    sw#*red Bring friends

    No Fees All Welcome

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    The Brooklyn Daily Eagle

    Brooklyn, New York

    Saturday, May 17,1947

    Page 2

    Rosicrucian Lecture"The Practical Development of

    Spiritual and Psychic Powers ' is thesub jeer of a lecture-demonstrationby Gilbert N Holloway Rosicrucian

    d**an. Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the

    Pythian Hiuntor iu in , 135 W. 70th St.,


  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6





    Member In tern ational Lecture Board, AMORC,

    San Jose, Calif.

    What is the meaning of the terra CHRIST? Was tNCHRIST PRINCIPLE known to the Mystics man]centuries before the birth of Jesus? Was Jesus thiCHRIST? Come and hear the answers to the questionBring your friends.


    Sound Motion Picture, Domain of Destiny, i)Kodachrome. Piano Selections, by Barrie BrettonerF.T.C.L.

    QUESTIONS AND ANSWERSMr. Norris will answer questions submitted by the audienceconcerning the problems of the day and of interest toeveryone.

    Doors open at 720'No Collections No Obligation 11 Welcome,

    C O N S E R V A T O R I U M O F M U S I CMacquarie Street, Botanic' Gardens.

    The Sydney Morning Herald

    Sydney, Australia

    Tuesday, May 20,1947

    Page 8

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Brooklyn Eagle

    Brooklyn, New York

    Saturday, May 24,1947

    Page 5


    FREE PUBLIC ASSEMBLYTuesday, May 27 8 P M

    Mysticism, Occultism

    and Metaphysics

    A Grand Summ ary!"B y G I L B E R N . H O L L O W A , F . R . C .

    for nine mdTifhs Our lecturer and

    c o u n s e lo r , Mr Holt' *ay, hass p o tpn weekly on popular subjects in Rosicrunan mysticism,me taphys irs and philosophy Inthis final brill iant lecture *f thepresent enes hr* will review thefundamental low*-, prmriples and doctrines that hove been presented, and will sfrrv their practical application

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    he Sydney Morning Herald

    Sydney, Australia

    Monday, June 2,1947

    Page 6



    " S E L F H E A L I N G ' 'By WILLIAM NORRIS, F.R.C.

    Member International Lecture Board, AMORC,San Jose, Calif.


    Within you is GREA T PHY SICIAN T it is thocreative power of the life force which surgesthrough every cell of your being. The basis of everycure depends upon tne intelligent USE and DIRECTION of this vital power. LEARN HOW1 Knowhow to co-operate with nature for health and enjoyable living.

    Q UE S TI O N S A N D A N S W E R S

    Mr. Norris will answer questions submitted by the eudience,concerning the problems of the dey end of interest toeveryone.

    Doors open at 7.15. No Admission Fees No Collection.ALL WELCOME COME EARLY ENJOY MUSIC.


  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    he Age

    Melbourne, Australia

    Monday, November 3,1947

    Page 13



    ASSEMBLYW e d ., N oy . 5 , 8 p . m .

    B U I L D I N G Y O U R

    P E R S O N A L I T Y By William Norris, F.RC

    Member International LcctureBoard of A.M O.R.C., San Jose,


    If you want a strong per

    sonality, you must understand,control and increase withinyou the Cosmic force whichexpresses your PERSON-ALI V. Come, learn what itIs, and participate in a "Rosi

    crucian echnique, whichshows you how to release thisforce, so that it will pourthrough your being and buildnaturally a strong, buoyantand determined PERSONAJL-I Y. Bring your friends.

    Questions and Answers

    Mr. Norris will answer ques

    tions submitted by the audi

    ence concerning the problemsof to-day, and Lifes problems,

    following lecture.

    DOORS OPEN A 7.15.

    No Fees. No Collections.

    All Welcome.

    NICHOLAS HALLLonsdale-aireei, Uocweeu inhibi

    tion and Russell Sts. EntranceAlongside Wesley Church.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6



  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    The Winnipeg TribuneWinnipeg, CanadaSaturday, January 3,1948Page 8


    R o s i c r u c i a n

    L e c t u r e r H e r eT.hp of De a'h * il nr

    ! ?,!,t a l? rlu *> tii N*

    Sunday at 2 p m . in I r o n r e r t

    a i! of t Auditorium h> Harold

    l l f r>n ir m i ii idn 1hr iu ip l i f of

    'h*- R rrui an O lde r. AM OR C.

    T t w !; # the fi r-t Iw tu r* ofa S ;ftda> afterno on '( 'H f' to beK iw n n> M: H er- he i.o* a mrm-n*-i ..f I te O rd er '* inte rna tion al!fi furt- h .id . H *u has iu*-t rom-

    pi*i*d a i*

    In * ' . u p Su nday he u lim the -.n en tifir e\ ;nfavnj of tt.e * u i\ u a l of h. imanf*f? tv and p \p la n the m y*t ir-*! f,: i f ,i i.nta-i :ns d irw tprn ,f p-,n v nature -if e v - enre

    and immortal tvA al fea tuie f t ,#> fir-i

    ji ogiM II hr t'-r ' * ng f' R 'M< an -ound-rolor fi lmI>i main f H e-f n x ti h por-' n\ - h. I ! ari 'i a< I .\ it.e *

    nf i . i # d f- 'n d an t - of ihean * > '.f >ct o

    HE RE SU ND AY : I 'nde r the au

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    El Paso Herald PostEl Paso, TexasMonday, Jan ua ry 26, 1948Page 4

    It Happened in Old El PasoFOR Y YEARS AGO

    (from tho Herald of Jan. 26, 1B0I)

    F a r m s in t h e V a l le y n o w p ro du ce

    $1 ,2 0 0 , 0 0 0 a n n u a l ly , o f w h i c h o ve r

    $5 0 0 , 0 0 0 i s n e t p rofi t. W he n t he b ig

    d am j s b u i lt , and t he v a l l e y i s

    colon ized and deve loped, the farm s w i l l p ro d u c e $1 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 , o f w h i c h

    o v e r $ 5 ,0 0 0 , 0 0 0 w i l l be net prof it .

    T h i s ! s 1 0 p e r c e n t n e t o n $5 0 ,,*

    0 0 0 ,0 0 0 . I s n ' t i t w o r t h w o r k i n g f o r ?

    T h e p r i v a t e t e l e p h o n e e x c h a n g e

    of t he E . P . & 6 .W. of f ice bu i ld ing

    i s n ow in u s e an d c on n e c t ion s c an

    be hod between the off ices and a lso

    w it h c i i y an d lon g d i s tan c e p hon es .

    i l y man . He has f i v e c h i ld re n , a l l

    gir ls , and spends h is spare t ime

    putter ing about h is home at 3 9 1 6

    Trow b r id g e s t re e t ,

    Par t i c ip at ion o f t he U . S . in t he

    A s i a t i c w a r d u r i n g 1 9 3 8 is certain b e c au s e o f w ar p re p are d n e s s in t h i s

    country , accord ing to the annual

    predic t ion booklet i s sued by the

    H o s ic ru c ia n O r d e r , A M O R C . R a y

    W . O a ke s is lo a i re p re s e n t at iv e o f

    t he o rg an iz a t ion . Se v e ra l hu n d re d

    E l P a so a n s a r e m e m b e r s.

    " Shor t s k i r t s a re u g ly on most,

    w o m e n,1* s a i d B r o o k s T r a v i s , p r e s i -

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Long Beach Press TelegramLong Beach, CaliforniaSaturday, February 21, 1948Page A 5

    Mystical Science


    Thurs., March 4?8 P. M.

    ,f Death the A fterLife andthe Soul's Return"

    Gilbert N. Holloway Jr.

    Dean, Temple of MysHccf Scieno.

    Hear one cf America's outstanding Insplrononal lecturers end mysticalphilosophers! Afte r seven year*, ofspooking to enthusiastic audiencesthroughout America, Dean Rollo- wcy returns to establish in SouthernColh'orma 3 modern r.choo! of philosophy onrl mclophystcs. Spiritual, HcoJincj. Questions cniivered.

    Come HarJy Bring FriendsMO FEL; S AL L W FJ.CO M !


    M A S O N I C T S M P i 8 3 5 L ocust

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Daily llliniUrbanaChampaign, IllinoisSaturday, January 31,1948Page 6


    er your Mental Self and Over

    come Your Limitations. he Free

    book, he Mastery of Life ex

    plains how, through fascinatingstudy, you can master the every

    day problems of life and. Happi

    ness. S c r i b e 111, RosicrucianBrotherhood (AMORC), San Jose,Calif.________________________R-3790

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    The W innipeg TribuneWinnipeg, Manitoba, CanadaSaturd ay, Janu ary 31, 1948Page 20

    Cycles of LifeIs Rosicrucian

    Lecture TopicThe Secret Cycle* of Life will

    be the subject of a fre# publiclecture to he given Sunday at 2,>pm , m the Concert Hell of th*Auditorium by the RosicrucianOrder, AMORC.

    HaroM Hershenow, F\R C . national AMORC lecturer, will explain and illustrate with chaman ancient Roaicrucian system ofcycles, which, it is claimed, waiused by many of the greatest Industrialists of America in planning their creative empires

    This system, which has nothing

    to do with astrology or numerologyenables any on* to determine thefortunate or adverse periods inhis life according to th# principleof cvHes and th# la ^s nf avera.;***

    Jut at definite cycle* have beentraced in th# field* of buxine**,natural phenomena and the development of civilisations. *o h a v emystical scientists detected a jre-rjw *ene* o. cycles in the life

    of each individual.The R*jcrucians clstm t h a t

    anyone *h o makes a fair and extended tet nf this system * i l l discover Its efficacy and accuracyto hu own satisfaction.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    The IndependentLong Beach, CaliforniaSaturday, February 21,1948Page 8



    Thursday, March 4

    at 8 P.M.

    "Death, the AfterLife and* Ihe

    Souls Return!"By

    Gilbert N. Holloway, Ir.l>nr. emple of Mystical


    Hear one of America's out

    standing inspirational lec

    turers and mystical philoso

    phers? After seven years ofspeaking to enthusiasticaudienccs throughout Amer

    ica Dean Holloway returns

    to establish in SouthernCalifornia a modern schoolof philosophy and meta

    physics, Spiritual Healing.Questions answered. Cornsearly, brine frionris.


    Free Will Offeringt

    Masonic Temple835 Locust Ave. *

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Long Beach IndependentLong Beach, CaliforniaSaturday, February 21,1948Page 18

    Spiritual OrganisationTo Be Formed March 4

    Gilbert N. Holloway jr. an

    nounces the first public meetnigof a nt-w spiritual, philosophic or*

    ganization to be known as Ihe

    Temple of Mystical Science, onThursday, March 4, at 8 p. m. inthe Masonic temple, 835 Locustavenue.

    The subject of Holloway's address will be Death, the AfterLife and the Souls Return."

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Long Bcach Ind ependentLong Beach, CaliforniaSaturday, February 28, 1948Page 11

    Mystical SciencePUBLIC LECTURE

    j Thurs., March 4, 8 P. M.

    "Death the Aflac-Life and

    the Saul's Return" .

    by .Gilbert N. Holloway Jr.

    Dean, Temple of MysticalScience

    Hear one of America's outatanJ' >In if inspirational lecturers indmystica l philosophers'. After art of receiving j

    i psychic impressions from the auras of objects or persons!Healing Meditation. Bringfriends.

    No Fees All Welcome iFree Will Offering

    Masonic Temple835 Locust

    Long Beach IndependentLong Beach, CaliforniaSatur day, M arch 20, 1948Page 11

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Long Beach IndependentLong Beach, CaliforniaSaturday, M arch 27,1948Page 9

    - : i1Mystical Science


    Thurs., April 1, at 8 P. M.

    GLANDSTheirRole in HigherDevelopment!"


    Gilbert N. HoHovay Jr.Dean, Temple of Mystical


    Hear the fascinating story ofGLANDS and other spiritualcenters in your body! Heal

    : in ? Meditation. Questionsanswered. Dean Hollowaygives psychometric aura read

    . ings and sp iritual healingtreatments before and after

    : lecture urogram. Don't missthis exceptional meeting!

    . Al l Welcome

    Free Will OfferingMasonic Temple835 Locust

    >, _ ~~ s i*

    Mystical Science PUBUC LECTURE

    Thurs.j April 1, ai 8 P. M. 1

    GLANDSTheirRole in HigherDevelopment!"


    G i l b e r t N. H o l l o - w a y Jr.Dean, Temple of Mystical


    H ea r the fascinating story o f

    G LA N DS and other spiritual

    centers in your body* H ea l

    ; iri Meditation. Questions' answered. Dean Hollow ay

    ; gives psychom etric aura read

    : ings and sp iritua l healing

    treatments before and after

    ; lecture program . Don 't m iss

    this exceptional meeting ! i

    . A ll W elcome

    Free W ill O ffering

    : Masonic Temple 835 Locust............ .. ..... ---------

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Oakland TribuneOakland, CaliforniaWednesday, March 31,1948Page 23

    Funeral Held forRosicrucian Leader.

    SAN' JOSE. Marth 31 W>;-Pti-nfcfrtl iwrvices wejc he:ri her* fnrtpyfor Thur R. KiLmakhfn, rAvtrt-lgnfcnsnd mastrr o rr,c ? ? R*n or*de.* ior thu last 10 years.

    Ki!n]Rhto di*d Sunday afsfcr t

    long ilhnrjp.Xiimalehto ws tom Ln SweAer

    n() educated -n fi religious crntnr.r-hnci 1h

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Long Beach Indep endentLong Beach, CaliforniaSaturday, May 1,1948Page 11

    Mystical Science

    PUBLIC LECTUREThurs., May 6, at 8 P. M.

    "Achieving Your PersonalLife Mission"

    77nro yon found yourselfthat career or place 5a lifepriilch gives overwiiatmiag innersatisfactlun and power of accomplishment? L^ara our provenmfttliod of finding and performing successfullv your personalmission in Inc! Psychometricanalyses. Spiri tual H e a l i n g ,in v ita tion exercises.- He in spired, instructedattend!

    AJ1 Welcome

    Free Will Offering

    Masonic empleS35 Locust



    Gilbert N.



    DE.JuV,Jlysliuii l



  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Long Beach independentLong Beach, CaliforniaSaturday, M ay 29,1948Page 8

    Mystical Science


    Free Public Lecture


    Sundays at 11 A. M,Starling Juna 6


    By Gilbert N. Holloway, Jr.,Dean

    iEvery uesday at S P. Al,



    Masonic Temple

    835 LocustIMease Note: Fo r information,spiritual healing treatments, per

    sonal counseling and psycho

    metric analyse?, Phone 30-4786.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    Long Beach IndependentLong Beach, CaliforniaSaturday , July 17,1948Page 9

    Mystical Science

    BrotherhoodSur.. 11 A, M. at 835 Locust

    PTnac. of thuDEa1>Where,

    H ot andWhy?"

    byGilbert N.

    Holloway, Jr.,Dean.

    HeaJins Serv

    ice at 10:45All WelcomeFREE


    ION: ftffcri'd to all seekersuesday. July 20, at 8 p. m. at

    our Center. 211 Lindero Ave.,just blocks ea-it nf BlxbyPark. Subject: Problems of theAtter-Ufe


    Moderate tuition, all welcome.Far spiritual healing1, personalcouii-=l!inc, information, phone30-17 53.

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6



  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    G'unt Speaker

    t A. Selplo wtlf^be gut

    preacher in 11 &. in. Krv.ctiSunday at Bethel Lutheran church.

    Lecture*- Dean Gilbert Holloway cfMy-tical Science brotherhood willipeak at 8 p. m. Sunday ardTuesday In Mmanletemple.




    Monday Evening, Jan. 3 8:00 P.M.


    Lectures forRosicrucians "

    Haroll Herahenow, nttlonal lecturerof theorder Mondayit 8p. in. will openinMuoolctemplea lerici of program*sponsored

    by the P.os!cnidan older,-AMO:

    The' *erie* w ill ponUnue each

    Monday night lor three month*-or

    more. ____

    ucur i . c r t

    now nplalm^&Tncwiectartanphilosophical fraternity who**member* *u.dy the natural *d-encei lr their application to problem* of dally life.

    Herihenow I* reluming to LongBeach after a-year of Ifcturlnc inpanada.

    Pastor OpensChurch Series

    B^v. Koja Locke of Long Seaehwflli^jiume the'paitorate ef theTfmple of Spiritual Science at730 p. m. Sunday In Maionlctemple. . _ __

    Rev. Locke recently wa* or-dilned ttf Er. O.arle* Hamilton,who will *erv* n co-pulor, making hi* home In Lone Bejch afterleven yean cl lecture tour*.

    Cctboflc ReflqloiDGift*

    L e i! l u r e s

    IIAEOLD KEH8HENOWTaika tor Koa^rodu*

    XHt IHOtPENOENT Page 1K .V l l

    DR. ORR *10:30 A. M. Sunday


    -*835 Lociisf_




    . .- of MlnneapoH* Sunday, jar.j*ary16

    DR. ORR

    " THE FRIENDLY. CHURCH ? .REUBEN L. ANDERSOM. PallorBible School-AH Age*-9:30 A. M.

    Comrr,union Scn rd Eich Homins Service


    . , Broadcast Over .KFOX11:30 A. M. -

    FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH^Corner Fifth Street-and Locust---- ~

    U m S ^ htmQkvrt lUl.WayftMjv

    . .. t jtfiMl M*c n Irountaud -tUrrrirhtrh i u . wrtm wan-,tprlk it t p i l Sunday enl6ij h Bethel kU m n c>urck iTuaAy Ummic

    lU dvm



    Monday Evening. Icn. 38:C0 P.M.


    Ii >* fc all r*u wtelkKt#U"Da yw* lalnataw rwrjou*-tf-jcwr.uAw: t I Aim ti* It** ~r*ly J W*o*J/, T!* Anti-crwctana d Nt efTrryw*mrrr IkI* i. Kr*art tprJcnt r

    Um>Uejr hiDPICTVHr- .

    "ASAAUAMS VAmi ' .BtmOcmiOi r JrCOX U 30AM. -


    Corner Tilth Street and Locust----

    JmMPit* PliRUtMfcfyKC rowmin, Otfinllt




    SUN. NIGHT-64S -


  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    The IndependentLong Beach, CaliforniaSa turday , January 15 ,1949Page 9

    Does The Soul Return ?Ihe Worlds Oldest Mysteryl


    Hv* yoQ lived before? ! rtlHcarnetfai fact or fiction? Da'vr* reflvo the mbfortimes, diiccurtgement*, nd failures ofthi* life? Does death pmvide an opportunity to begin fcai

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    .. . . . I C l E C T T f l*::;nv;:-:-;y;v.. W * 7 ^ :, :* & , >: ,..

    "Finding Your

    MISSION IN LIFEBy Harold Hershenow, F. I t C.Notional AMORC Lecturer

    Is each of us horn into this life to fulfill a definite mission? Arc you utilizing your true talentsto LUe utmost? How ate you to find that whichwill yield success PLUS inner content? Is therea practical and proven method for finding yourreal place in life? Let the Rosicruciaris explain they KNOW. No fees no obligation all


    Monday, March 21 * 8 P. M>Masonic Temple, 835 Locust Ave.


    E k i .s r


    Long Beach IndependentLong Beach, CaliforniaSaturday, March, 1949Page 6

    'Tfutatced. *f\ .\ S E L F H E A L I N G

    H # w A ' a t a r e E f f e c t s C a r e s !Within you is a GREAT PKYSXCIANitis the creative power ol the life forcewhich surges through every cell of your

    being. Th e basis of ev ery truecure depends upon the intelli-gent USE and DIRECTION of

    Hhia vita l power. LEAR N H OWIHea r Harold Hershenow F Jt.C , Rosicrucian lecturer,e.tpound these eternal truths ina r a t i o n a l a n d s c i e n t i f i cmanner.

    H a / r r '.(Va ohtiqaiM

    TUESDAY, . t, pm.townhailjslocusr

    MUffiWBK $> nosicBt'cmvsIt you *.T UDnbit to it-.cad. Mtd thJ*COn-B JOAb&Ki Lrtdif AMOP.r. 7iW/ktlRiiuc A for FRJiE coc-j pf Ko*-rwc i i t.oc* "Tfct Mucrr ct hUt "No ctiUfjiUnD.

    | Najict

    Long Beach Press TelegramLong Beach, CaliforniaSaturday, Feb ruary 5,1955Page A 4

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    The IndependentLong Beach, CaliforniaSunday, February 27,1949Page 10

    1 1 )

    'T f t i 't a c c e d . o f

    S E L F H E A L I N G

    Dow Nature Effects Cores!Within you is a Great Physician it isthe creative power of the life iorce whichsurges through ovrry ceJl of your being.

    The basis of every trua ctirodepends upon ihe intdliyentuse and direction of this vitalpower. Learn how! HearHarold Hershenow, F.R.C.,national Rosicrucian lecturcr.Lxpound these eternal tmlhsin a rational and scientificmanner.

    No feesNo obligationMONDAY, FEB. 28, 8 P. M.Masonic Temple, 833 Locust

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    The IndependentLong Beach, CaliforniaSaturday, March 12,1949Page 7

    PracticalTelepathyIe telepathic abilit y a rare g iftor cau It be systematically developed l>y any normal person througha rational and proven process? Can woancclcratc nr evolutionary trend dealloe

  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    . Finding Your .

    MISSION IN LIFEBy Harold Hershenow, F. R. C.

    National AMORC Lecturer

    Is each oIus born into this life to fulfill a definite mission? Arc you utilizing your true talentsto the utmost? How ate you to find that whichwill yield success PLUS inner content ? Is therea practical and proven method for finding yourreal place in life? Let the Hosicrucinns explain they KNOW. No fees no obligation allwelcome.

    Monday, March 21 8 P. M.Masonic Temple, 835 Locust Ave.



    The IndependentLong Bcach, CaliforniaSaturday, M arch 19,1949Page 6



    Soaday7:46 "W hy Dt> GoadPeople Eutfi'r?" ,

    Tuesday. 7:45"The science

    orRAJA - TOCA!

    Masonic TempleS35 Locust

    All Wclcoms



    You Win derive oulslantlinj benefitfrom these lvvt> po'.vcrrul LwxonaIn ihe practical application or metaphysics. Leam tau fundiimtintal* ofYOGA, and how It itlaifs. to Western mysticism.-PH. 30,-4788.

    S P E C I A L N O T I C E

    Benefit Tea and Social Today,

    Saturday, 1:30 to 6 P. M. Colo-ttlitl Hall, 251 Locust.

    A Fine Program, with Music, at

    2:30. Featured Gueat Speaker; _


    Dldlingtllshta Clairvoyant and

    Eeereaa, just rehiraed from suc

    cessful Eastern Tour.

    All Welcome Adm, 50c





    Surt. & Wed.1001 E. Third


    . "Finding Your ____

    MISSION IN LIFEBy Harold Hershenow, F. R- C.

    National AMORC Lceturcr

    Is caeh o! us bora into lh life lo fulfill 3 delin-ire mission? Arc you utiliiing your true Ulenfsto llic utmost? How aie you to (iml that whichwit) yield success PLUS inner content? Is therea practical and proven method for Jinamg yourreal place hi life? Let the Roskrucinns explain they KNOW. No few no obligation allwelrmn*.

    Monday, March 21 8 P. M.Masonic Tempi, 835 Locust Ave.


    According lo I Samuel, lviO Iaccepted the ciiallencr of Goliath I

    and said unto him, -Thou comcst Ito mo with a sword, anti with aspear, and with a shield: but I iromc to th w >n the name o( tlicLord of hosts, the God of Ihonrjruo* of Itr wl . whom Ihou hastdefied .. . And David put hi* handIn his Log, and took tlwnci kstone, and s lang it. and smote thePhilistine In his forehead, .. . andlie fell upon his face to the earth.So David prevailed ovtfthe Philistine with n sling and wilh astone,.. . but th.?re was no swordin the hand of David "

    ?.fary Baker Eddy write* In Setenrc and Health with Key to theScriptures, "Matter and Mind arcopposite*. O ne is contrary to theother in Its very nature and essence; hcncc both cannot be real.

    . . Only by understanding thatthere Is but one power.- not two

    i powers, ma tter ^rid Mind,arcI ,scientific and logical conclusionsI reachod" ___

    First Southern Baptist ChurchM O ORANGE AVE. PHONE 2-8027 j * ^

    "A Friendly Place to Worship" *

    Sunday School...-

    Preaching ServiceTraining Union -

    ... 9:45 A.M.

    ...11:00 A. M.

    6:00 P.M.

    Evening Proaching Service....

    praye r MeetingWednesday7:30 P. M.


    East Sixth and Dawson


    BIB LE STUDYTucs., Thurs.,7 ^0 P. M.

    Paul Grace, TrombonistChTyitolle Clark, Vocalist

    Clara GracaAlton Smith. Ministers





    Benefit TeaandSocial Today.Saturday, 1:10 to 6 p . M. Cole-Bint Hall. 951 fcoowl.


    DistinguishedClairvoyant andSeeiese. IubLrUtirwdfrom*10eoiiful EasternTour.All Welcome Adm, BDe

    CHRISTIAN SCIENCESubject of Lmun-Sermon Sunday

    " M A T T E R "The fnllowins Churches of Christ, Scientist, in Loop Beachwhich are branches of 'Die Mother Church, The First C hurchof Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Massachusetts, cordially Inviteyou to attend services and make use oE Rending Rooms:


  • 8/10/2019 Amorc Folder 6


    F O U N D E R ' S W I D O W

    S U E S R O S I C R U C I A N

    O R D E R F O R M I L L I O NSAN JOSE, March 22,Tho Rosi-

    crucian OrdT was removed fromithe mystic class to n business ven-[turo today in a Mill for an account*ling" filed by tho widow of its treas-jurer and aliened founder,i The action wait taken by Mrs fiMyra Kiimalehtn, who asks half the)

    orders; properties, which she esti-i'mated arc worth $2,OOG,GflQ. :! The plaintiff aborted her luis*!band, Thor, founded the plulo-1isophical order in the United Slates1! in 101T>and was ncmally owner withI the late H. Spencer Lewis,i She claims she inherited her husband's hnlf interest in the businessventure" when he died March 2fi,1948, but said that the defendants in

    the suit have taken over the assetsand have refused to atlow her toparticipate or to icccive an account*

    Jnfi.Named in the action were the

    Supreme Grand Lodge of the An*cient and Mystical Order of RosaeCrucis: Mrs, H. Spencer Lewis: her;.son. Ralph; and his wife, Gladys,and several John Does.

    Mrs. Kmnalehto said that prior

    to 1915 her husband was sole owner jand publisher of the magazine Rosae;Crucis. whieh later bccamc the;Rosicrucian Digest. In that year'.she added, the paitnership was[created between her husband andiLewis, with her husband putting up;ithe money and Lewis contributingJhis time and energies. j

    In her suit she askrd that theOrders extensive plant here be sold

    and half the proceeds be given her..

    Oakland TribuneOakland, CaliforniaWednesday, M arch 23, 1949

    Page 14 D

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    | Rosicrucian Ord er Founder's Widow

    Seeks PropertySAN JOSE, llarch 23.(LP>A

    widow whc said her husband found

    ed the Rosicrucian Order today de

    scribed it as a profitable businessland demanded half of the organiza

    tion's estimated $2,QCiO,OOC in prop


    In a superior court suit filed yes

    terday, the widow, Mrs. Myra;KUmalehto, assorted her husband, j

    hor, founded the philosophical ov-|

    dor in the United States She said hejactually was it* owner, ulcng wlihjthe late H. Spencor Lewis.

    On Kilmalchto's dcatli in 1948, sheclaims she inherited his half inter*est in the Rosicrucians. But, shecharged, 13 other persons took it over utid denied her the right toparticipate In Its affairs or to giveher ttit accounting.

    Lodge In NamedNamed in her milt an defendants

    were ihe supreme grand lodge ofLhe Ancient and Order of

    Rosac Crucls Ra lph and GladysLewis'. Mrs. H. Spcnccr Lewis and10 John Docs.

    Mrs. WlmalelUo asked the order sextensive plant hero be scld andhalf the proceeds given her. Shealso aeked for an accounting.

    .Mi's. Kiima.ehto asserted in Iftlaher husband took Lewis into partnership and both then establishedthe lodge for the purpose of disseminating Information for profit.She said her husband put up themoney and Lewis loanod his talentsto promotion.



    ... ....--------

    The Modesto BeeModesto, CaliforniaWednesday, March 23,1949Page 4

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    San Francisco ExaminerSan Francisco, CaliforniaWednesday, March 23,1949Page 36

    Widow Sues for HalfO f Rosicrucian Assets

    SAN JOSE, March 22. The

    widow of the treasurer of the

    Rosicrucian Order today filed

    suit in Santa Clara County su

    perior court for half the orders

    properties, which she estimatedas worth $2,000,000. The Rosicru-cians once claimed 60,000 members at $2 a month,

    LOANS to




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    low temperaturestorage room

    Thermostated from 0 to 30range. 16 ft . square, 2050 cu.ft . Rental $125 per month.

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