10 ways to build your confidence

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  • 8/12/2019 10 Ways to Build Your Confidence


    10 WAYS TO BUILD YOUR CONFIDENCEby on Monday, 07 March 2011 at 09:40

    Dress To Impress

    No, it's not clich. Your appearance atters ost to you and i! you !eel unattracti"e or

    do#dy, you'll $i"e out that perception to the #orld. %ress sartly, not &ust by concentratin$on your clothes, but also by payin$ attention to proper $rooin$. ! you can't a!!ord to buy

    e(pensi"e clothes all the tie, don't. )ut the buyin$ in hal!, but spend t#ice as uch as you

    #ould norally, to buy hi$h*+uality clothes. n the lon$ run, this reduces your e(penditure on

    clothes, because hi$h*+uality clothin$ lasts lon$er and $i"e a better ipression.

    Brisk Walking

    eople #ho are con!ident #al- !aster and ore ener$etically, because they !eel iportant

    enou$h to hurry !ro place to place. hey ha"e people to eet, places to $o to and ha"e

    $enerally ha"e a !ull a$enda. /o, e"en i! you are in no hurry, add a little sprint to your #al-

    and you'll instantly !eel "ery con!ident and purpose!ul.

    oo! "os#$re

    eeber the days #hen our $randothers #ould yell at us to stand up strai$ht and don't

    slouch 3ell, they had a $ood reason to do so. person #ithout any con!idence can be

    spotted a ile a#ay because o! the #ay they carry thesel"es * ne"er loo-in$ up, huddled

    and ablin$ alon$, it's +uite apparent they don't see any iportance in #hat they are doin$.

    A!%er#ise Yo$rsel&

    Not literally, o! course. ecord or #rite a sall speech about your positi"e attributes and

    read it or listen to it #hene"er you !eel do#n and lo#. t's a $reat #ay to $i"e yoursel! soe

    con!idence boostin$.

    Fo'$s On ra#i#$!e

    he ore you thin- about #hat you don't ha"e, the less con!ident you'll becoe. nstead,

    al#ays !ocus on #hat you do ha"e, the positi"e sides o! your appearance, character and

    abilities. 5eel $ratitude to#ards #hat you'"e been $i"en and able to achie"e.

    Complimen# O#(er "eople

    3e tend to pro&ect our ne$ati"e !eelin$s to#ards oursel"es throu$h insultin$ others and

    $ossipin$ about the. e!use to en$a$e in such tie*#astin$ acti"ity and instead, start

  • 8/12/2019 10 Ways to Build Your Confidence


    coplientin$ e"erythin$ $ood about any person. 3hen you loo- !or the best in others,

    you'll $radually be able to see the best in yoursel! too.

    o Rig(# To T(e Fron#

    3hether you are at a lecture, con!erence or e"en church, i! you ha"e the tendency to $o sit

    at the bac-, you are a!raid to be noticed. his is a baseless !ear, so ta-e coura$e and $o

    ri$ht to the !ront o! an assebly.

    Speak Up

    6idin$ li-e a ouse #hile in open discussions %on't spea- up, &oin in the con"ersation.

    8nli-e your belie!, you #on't say anythin$ stupid. Most people battle #ith this notion in !ear o!

    public spea-in$, but it has not real cause, because unless you spea- up, your issues #ill

    ne"er $et resol"ed. ublic spea-in$ #ill al#ays contribute to increasin$ your con!idence.


    oost your ener$y by #or-in$ out at least ties a #ee-. t'll $i"e you the ener$y and the

    loo-in$*$ood con!idence, so you can !ace the #orld #ith your head held hi$h.

    Con#ri*$#e To So'ie#+

    ll too o!ten, #e as huans, are #allo#in$ in sel! pity and desire. y concentratin$ on

    helpin$ others and a-in$ a di!!erence other people's li"es, you ha"e less tie to thin-

    about your o#n sel!*percei"ed !aults, #hich in turn helps to build con!idence.;i-e < < /hare
