virtual loyalty card

Virtual Loyalty Card Problem Description: In today’s era almost every retailer provides a loyalty card to its consumer to attract the consumer for repetitive buying and also do researches about the possible consumer’s future buy. For a consumer it is very difficult to carry a loyalty card for each retailer.

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Post on 30-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Virtual loyalty card

Virtual Loyalty Card

Problem Description:

In today’s era almost every retailer provides a loyalty card to its consumer to attract the consumer for repetitive buying and also do researches about the possible consumer’s future buy. For a consumer it is very difficult to carry a loyalty card for each retailer.

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How to carry plastic loyalty cards ?

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About the Product

Virtual Loyalty Card is a software application which will facilitate generation of virtual loyalty card in the consumer mobile devices and hence it will eliminate generation of physical loyalty cards.

Hence, consumer will be able to carry multiple such loyalty cards within same application container for different retailers.

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Use Virtual Loyalty Cards

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Carry Multiple Virtual Loyalty Cards

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Ease of use for Virtual loyalty cards

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How it works

When the consumer visits the store, He can subscribe for the loyalty card.

For subscription, consumer has to provide either his mobile number or email-id to the retailer.

A mail or sms will be sent to the consumer with link where consumer has to provide his general information and then card will be generated on his device.

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Code Type Support

Application will support both Bar code as well as QR Code as supported by existing market.

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Benefits for Consumers

It will help removing overhead of carrying multiple plastic cards.

Consumer will have option to track the loyalty point earned and any offer offered by the retailer.


The registered member may also transfer his loyalty card to any of his family member irrespective of the location and can be used in any location for the respective retailer

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Benefits for Consumer

If the user lost his card, he can use the website(part of application) to get the same loyalty card back without any loss of loyalty point earned.

The registered member will also get promotional offers and sale discount offers as advertisement with the help of push notification.

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Benefits for Consumer

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Benefits for Retailers

There will be cost saving for retailers as production of plastic card will be not required.

Retailers will have also time saving since no manual form fill-up is required for the consumer as well as for retailers.

Application will allow retailers to keep track of consumers buying behavior and hence retailers may do market analysis.

Based upon the market analysis retailers may attract consumers with promotional offers.

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Benefits for Society

It will generate the employment to provide the technical as well as maintenance support for the application.

The solution is eco friendly since plastic card production will be reduced.

Since this solution has big opportunity in metro cities like Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi etc as now we have a big group of smart phone users carrying Apple, Android, BlackBerry devices.

This solution could be used in other countries also like Singapore, Malaysia etc where similar solution is not available.

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Abhinandan Prasad YadavBrajmohan PapnejaMridul Vishnoi