vagina tightening pros and cons: all there is to know


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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Getting to Know Vaginal Tightening a Little Bit

MoreVagina tightening is a type of procedure that tightens your pelvic muscles to achieve or maintain a certain degree of elasticity of your PC muscles. The main objective is to tighten your vagina.

Face the Culprit: Main Reasons for Loose VaginaThree main reasons:

• Aging• Multiple births• Surgery or medical conditions

Kegel Exercises: Your Pelvic Muscles’ Best Friend and

Number One Defender Kegel exercises help tighten and strengthen pelvic floor muscles, which support your uterus, bladder, rectum and small intestine. This is also an effective way to strengthen your PC muscles, which are affected by many factors.

Ben Wa Balls: The Kegel Weights for Vaginal

Tightening ExercisesBen wa balls are silicone-coated balls that come in pairs and are connected by a string. This could be useful, especially when you feel kegel exercises are not enough to tighten your vaginal muscles.

Vaginal Cone Weights: Another Solution to Your Loose Vagina Condition

Here’s how to use vaginal cone weights:

• Use the weights in a standing position. • Insert the cone deep into your vagina. • Contract your pelvic floor muscles for one minute. • Do 10 kegels three times a day.

Try Exercises That Focus on Your Pelvic Muscles

By keeping your pelvic floor muscles tighter, you are able to combat vaginal looseness and increase the sensation down south. Try yoga and Pilates.

Make Your Vagina Tighter With Apple Cider Vinegar

Vinegar contains antifungal and antibacterial properties, which help restore your vagina’s natural pH levels. This characteristic is crucial in case you want to know how to make your vag taste good.

Aloe Vera: Another Home Remedy for a Loose Vagina

Aloe vera is known for its many health and skin care benefits. Believe it or not, it can also be your partner when it comes to vaginal tightening. The reason: its tightening ability.

Give Yourself and Your Vaga Mint Leaves Steam Bath

for Tighter VaginaMint leaves contain astringents and antioxidants that are effective in tightening your vaginal walls. The best way to enjoy these properties is by giving yourself a steam bath.

A Healthy Diet a Day Keeps Vaginal Looseness Away

Keep in mind that a healthy diet is essential to keep the muscles in your body strong. You need to feed your muscles correctly to ensure their growth and repair, including what’s down there.

Consider Vagina Tightening Creams to Tighten Your

Girly PartsThe primary purpose of tightening creams is to tighten not just your vaginal walls, but also the surrounding skin. Vagina tightening creams could work, but the challenge is finding the brand that works for you best.

Vaginoplasty: Your Surgical Solution to a Loose

Vagina SituationVaginoplasty is a surgical procedure that tightens your vagina due to aging and vaginal childbirth. The doctors operate on your genital organ to make the muscles down there tighter.

How to Tighten Vag Lips with Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty is a plastic surgery on the labia. The primary purpose of this procedure is to change the appearance of the labia. It could be the shape, size, or correcting an asymmetry on the lips.

Become a Virgin Once Again Through Revirgination

Although the number of virgins in the United States is increasing, there are still many who lost it even before marriage. If you belong to the non-virgin side, then there is a solution for you: revirgination.

Amplify the Sweet Spot Down South with G-Spot

This is how G-spot amplification works:

• Amplifies the g-spot for better stimulation and arousal.• A doctor injects collagen or cosmetic filler injection in the

front wall of your vagina. • Each shot lasts for three to six months.

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