the moon, sun, coincidences

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  • 8/12/2019 The Moon, Sun, Coincidences


    The Moon, Sun, Coincidences? - I Think Not31 december


    The Sun is 4 times !"r er th"n the Moon, but it is "!so 4 times $urther "%"&' (h"t thisme"ns is th"t, %hen )ie%ed $rom the E"rth, the Moon is *e+"ct!&* the correct si e to er$ect!&obscure the Sun %hen the& "re "!i ned durin " tot"! ec!i se' .s &ou c"n see in the ictureto the ri ht, the Moon co)ers the sun er$ect!&, !e")in on!& the coron" )isib!e "round theed es'

    I h")e " com u!sion, $or !"ck o$ " better term, to underst"nd thin s' /o% the& %ork' (h&the& h" en' (h"t the& me"n' It took " $e% &e"rs $or M"rie to et used to me oin intoEn ineer0o&-mode %hen she did somethin I didn t underst"nd, "nd so %ou!d be in2ui in her "bout it' or e+"m !e, i$ she dro)e " di$$erent route to " $"mi!i"r destin"tion I%ou!d "sk her %h& she chose th"t route' In the be innin , she inter reted it "s me2uestionin her route choice in the sense o$ doubtin th"t it %"s the most correct5e$$icientroute'

    0ut %h"t I %"s doin %"s "ctu"!!& "&in her the com !iment o$ kno%in th"t she %ou!dn t 6ust "bsent-minded!& ick some une+ ected route, "nd th"t there must be " !o ic"! re"son$or it, "nd I %"nted to kno% her re"sonin ' In retros ect it s e"s& to see %h& it %"s "nno&in ,bec"use I did " oor 6ob o$ couchin the 2uestions in "n& sort o$ %"& other th"n, 7(h& did&ou turn !e$t there? .ren t %e oin to 8!"ce 9? (e usu"!!& o *th"t* %"&, %h& %ou!d &ouchoose to o *this* %"&??:' Th"t sounds !ike ske ticism "nd doubt, "nd %h"t it re"!!& is isthe 2uest $or in$orm"tion "nd kno%!ed e, "nd the "ns%er o$ 7I 6ust $e!t !ike t"kin " di$$erentroute tod"&: m"kes er$ect sense, I 6ust hun ered to kno% 7%h&?:'

    E)entu"!!& she re"!i ed th"t I do th"t "bout "n&thin "nd e)er&thin th"t I don t underst"nd'I$ %e "ss b& "n interestin door "nd I c"n t $i ure out ho% the hin es %ork, I !! sto "nd"ssess it ;%ithin re"son, i)en other ressin m"tters

  • 8/12/2019 The Moon, Sun, Coincidences


    .nd it s not e)er& door th"t I h")e to $i ure out, 6ust those th"t seem to me to not $it %h"t i"!re"d& kno% "bout doors' I m the s"me %"& %ith eo !e %hen the& beh")e in %"&s th"t Idon t underst"nd, I h")e to tr& "nd $i ure them out' or the most "rt it s not "bout " reeinor dis" reein %ith the %"& " erson beh")es, it s "bout bein "b!e to underst"nd " erson smoti)"tions to "ct in " %"& th"t doesn t m"ke sense to me, %hen it ob)ious!& m"kes sense tothem, bec"use the& re doin it'

    So " !ot o$ m& curiousit& comes $rom the $"ct th"t I $ree!& "ckno%!ed e th"t I don t kno%e)er&thin ' In $"ct, i)en the tot"!it& o$ hum"n kno%!ed e, "nd the un$"thom"b!e sco e o$ "!!ossib!e kno%!ed e, I re"!!& don t kno% "n&thin much "t "!!'

    0ut i$ I c"n obser)e somethin , "nd underst"nd "!! o$ its $"cets, "nd it sti!! doesn t m"kesense, th"t bothers me' . !ot' .nd it doesn t h" en much not th"t I "m someho% "b!e to$i ure e)er&thin out, it s more th"t I m usu"!!& "b!e to see the !ine th"t se "r"tes thin s th"t Ierson"!!& c"n t e+ !"in "nd thin s %hich c"nnot be e+ !"ined, eriod'

    One o$ the thin s-%hich-c"nnot-be-e+ !"ined- eriod is the re!"ti)e )isu"! si e o$ the Sun "nd

    Moon' There "re t%o ossib!e e+ !"n"tions $or their er$ect r"tios'

    1< Coincidence


    =< Desi n

    0oth o$ those e+ !"n"tions !e")e me ske tic"!, $rustr"ted, "nd continuin to se"rch $or"ns%ers' .s $or it bein " coincidence, the odds o$ "!! the $"ctors occurin r"ndom!& "re so"stronomic"!!& hi h th"t I c"n t b!ithe!& "cce t th"t "s the "ns%er' I$ the Moon %ere s!i ht!&

    $"rther "%"& $rom the E"rth, or s!i ht!& c!oser, it %ou!dn t h" en' I$ the Moon %ere s!i ht!&!"r er or sm"!!er th"n it is, it %ou!dn t h" en' I$ the orbit o$ the Moon didn t h")e it !ine uer$ect!& %ith the Sun re u!"r!&, it %ou!dn t h" en' I$ the Sun %ere s!i ht!& !"r er or sm"!!er,it %ou!dn t h" en' I$ the E"rth s orbit it ke t is s!i ht!& c!oser to or $urther $rom the Sun, it%ou!dn t h" en'

    0ut *"!!* o$ those thin s h" en' The odds o$ it bein " coincidence "re st" erin '

    0ut i$ it s not " coincidence, th"t !e")es ur ose$u! desi n' (e!!, %hose desi n? >od;s

  • 8/12/2019 The Moon, Sun, Coincidences


    The c!osest e+ !"n"tion th"t I c"n con6ure u is simi!"r to " !ot oint $rom the $i!m 7= 1 .S "ce Od&sse&:' In the $i!m, there is " rect"n u!"r b!"ck mono!ith th"t is not " r"ndomob6ect, it %"s ob)ious!& cre"ted b& somethin inte!!i ent' The mono!ith is buried on the $"rside o$ the moon, such th"t m"n %i!! not disco)er it unti! he h"s m"de enou h techno!o ic"!"d)"ncement to "ctu"!!& o to the d"rk side o$ the moon "nd $ind it'

    .nd once men unco)er the mono!ith, it res onds b& be"min " si n"! e!se%here in the so!"rs&stem, indic"tin th"t m"n h"d sort o$ stumb!ed "cross " tri %ire th"t indic"ted th"t %e h"d"d)"nced enou h to tr")e! to the moon' One e!ement o$ the Moon5Sun ec!i se henomen"cou!d be th"t hum"ns cou!dn t underst"nd unti! such time "s %e r"s ed the n"ture o$ thest"rs "nd !"nets, "nd e)en $urther, unti! %e re"!i ed th"t the ch"nces th"t the er$ect $it is "r"ndom coincidence is ne"r!& @'

    So, ok"&, %e did it' (e )e $i ured out the st"rs "nd !"nets, "t !e"st "t " b"sic conce tu"!!e)e!' (e underst"nd the e$$ects o$ r")it& "nd the n"ture o$ orbit"! mech"nics' (e )e beento the Moon "nd b"ck' (e )e e)en sent m"n-m"de ob6ects out o$ our so!"r s&stem "nd intodee s "ce'

    0utAno% %h"t? The Moon er$ect!& obscures the Sun durin " tot"! ec!i se, it s im rob"b!eth"t it s ure coincidence, %e * et* it' 0ut, no% %h"t? (h"t does it me"n th"t %eunderst"nd it? (h"t shou!d it be te!!in us? (h"t shou!d %e be !e"rnin $rom th"t?

    There "re some %hose hi!oso h& %i!! "!!o% them to "ttribute this henomenon to " hi hero%er, "nd thus endeth the in2uir&' /o%e)er, to me, no m"tter %ho set it u or %h&, thereh"s to be more to it th"n " sim !e dis !"& o$ od-!ike o%ers th"t %ou!d seem soAconceited o$ him5her5it5them'

    M& t"ke is th"t the ur ose o$ this "stronomic"! "!i nment is $or us to underst"nd t%o thin s

    Thing Number OneThe $irst thin th"t this is tr&in to te!! us th"t %e "re not "!one' There is someone orsomethin e!se out there, "nd the& "re $"r more "d)"nced th"n %e "re' The& %ere "b!e toset the si e "nd sh" es o$ !"nets to the recise r"tios such th"t, once our un&-but-r")enous hum"n br"ins "d)"nced enou h to underst"nd it, %e %ou!d * et* it'

    Thing Number TwoThe second thin th"t this is tr&in to te!! us is th"t, com "red to the )"stness o$ ")"i!"b!ekno%!ed e, %e kno% nothin ' Bi ht no%, hum"ns kno% enou h to see the henomenon, tounderst"nd the mech"nics o$ it, "nd to be in to 2uestion the me"nin o$ it, but th"t s it' So,in this sense, it s !ike " tr"i! o$ bre"dcrumbs, desi ned to !e"d us to the desired destin"tion

    ;both h&sic"!!& "nd inte!!ectu"!!&

  • 8/12/2019 The Moon, Sun, Coincidences
