the maldives is surrounded by sea. video. objectives of the lesson -identify at least ten sea...

Download The Maldives is surrounded by sea. Video. Objectives of the lesson -identify at least ten sea creatures in groups by seeing the presentation. -write in

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We depend on the sea for our livelihood Fishing in the sea. Fishing in the sea. Catch yellow fin tuna Catch yellow fin tuna


The Maldives is surrounded by sea. Video Objectives of the lesson -identify at least ten sea creatures in groups by seeing the presentation. -write in groups the habitat of three sea creatures out of five by the help of the teacher.. reflect and discuss why there are more organisms live on the reef than in the open sea. We depend on the sea for our livelihood Fishing in the sea. Fishing in the sea. Catch yellow fin tuna Catch yellow fin tuna We depend on the sea for our livelihood We catch and eat fish We catch bait fish The fish we eat come from the sea The fish we export come from the sea We eat and export tunaWe exports Organisms live in different area of the sea Reef fish are found mainly on the reef(faru) and in the shallow lagoons (falhu) adjacent to it. Sails fish (fangandu hibaru) lives in the open sea Sharks The Reef sharks eat almost any fish that will satisfy their hunger. They often feed during night Sharks often feed during night Sharks are feeding Lobster (ihi) take shelter in crevices on the reef. Lobster (ihi) takes shelter in crevices on the reef. Grouper (faana) eat small fishes. Crabs Lobsters Grouper (faana) eat small fishes Octopus Variety of small fishes In the past they were caught in large numbers and exported Groupers take several years to mature Octopus (boava) has 8 tentacles. Octopus feed on; SnailsClams Octopus feed on; Crabs Small creatures Octopus are the most intelligent of all invertebrates Sea cucumber (huifi landa) Cleans the reef. Sea cucumber feeds on waste products Answer the Questions by clicking the right option. lagoon The reef shark eats: Sea snakes Almost any fish Only snails Organism live in; Only lagoons the reef only deferent areas of the sea Lobsters use their claws : For catching food For catching food and dance For catching food and defence Sail fish lives : reef lagoon In the open sea Maldives Surrounded by: sea lagoon land Grouper grows : About a kilogram a year About five kiogram a yea About ten kilogram a year Octopus has : Eight tentacles Four legs Six tentacles Sea cucumber feeds waste produced of : other organism. reef..invertibrates The most intelligent invertebrate is; crab octopus sea snails ALI EASA BANDIDHOO MALDIVES ALI EASA BANDIDHOO MALDIVES THANK YOU References Text Environmental Studies Grade 5 Pictures Retrieved April 1, 2013, fromRetrieved April 1, 2013, fromRetrieved April 1, 2013, from Retrieved April 2, 2013, from &set=a &type=1&theater Retrieved April 2, 2013, fromRetrieved April 2, 2013, fromRetrieved April 1, 2013, fromRetrieved April 1, 2013, fromRetrieved March 31, 2013, fromRetrieved April 2, 2013, fromRetrieved April 2, 2013, fromRetrieved April 2, 2013, fromRetrieved April 2, 2013, fromRetrieved April 2, 2013, fromRetrieved April 2, 2013, fromRetrieved April 2, 2013, fromRetrieved April 2, 2013, fromRetrieved April 1, 2013, fromRetrieved April 2, 2013, fromRetrieved April 2, 2013, fromRetrieved April 2, 2013, fromRetrieved April 2, 2013, from