tek 5 internship defense rs2i

Internship Defense RS2i – SOR Solution Richez Valentin Login : Richez_v From 01/03/2015 to 01/09/2015 Internship Defense RS2i - Sor Solution 1 richez_v

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Internship Defense RS2i – SOR Solution

Richez ValentinLogin : Richez_vFrom 01/03/2015 to 01/09/2015

Internship Defense RS2i - Sor Solution 1richez_v

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RS2i overview OPCA’s SOR Solution Internship assesment Acknowledgements Questions/anwsers


Presentation overview

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RS2i Overview

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Created in 1992

CEO : Patrick Gadeyne

Based in Levallois-Perret

SME : 104 employees

2008 : Merge with



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Business Process Management (BPM) Entreprise Service Bus (ESB) Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Broadcasting and medias Management system for OPCAs/OPACIFs


Main activities

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S.A company with a capital of 680.000 € Incomes (2013) : 11,5 M€23 years consecutive profit-making.70% of customers have been with RS2i for

more than 5 years.


Key figures

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OPCA : Organisme Paritaire Collecteur Agrée Authorized Joint Collection Bodies Collecting the financial contributions due by

companies for professional training. Overseen by the State. 22 OPCAs in France



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SOR Solution

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Strategic challenges

Improve the performance of administrative processing.

Improving the quality of the relationship with companies and employees.

Being more responsive to regulatory changes, meet the new challenges of vocational training.

Optimize mobilized funds.

Reduce information systems costs.

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SOR Solution : SOR Applications

Backoffice : Core module of SOR Solution Frame reference management Collecting management Process, estimate costs and billing of vocational training


SOR Edition: Automated edition and customization of mails.

SOR 360 ° : Electronic document management

SOR Extranet : A website for companies collecting to OPCAs to manage the training of their employees

SOR EDI : Import data to SOR Backoffice (training applications, companies’ details, employees…)

SOR BI : Statistic reports

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SOR Backoffice Frame references management

Database of companies Management of specific nomenclatures for some companies

Database training organizations and internships

Database of individuals / employees

Database for third party entities (Regional Councils, DIRECCT, Accounting firms, factoring company ...)

normalized codification, OPCA/OPACIF specific parameters Accounting for specific classifications of branches

Management and monitoring of financial allocations and budgets12Internship Defense RS2i - Sor


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Funding management Calculation of rates by sector and by company

size Generation of slips Optical Mark Recognition slips module File import interfaces to support an

externalized funding. Withdrawal process payments and accounting


SOR Backoffice (2)

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Training session Management Processing of training management Automated mails : reminders, agreement,

refusal… Rules engines : control of data, capping

amount Selection of financial arragements, automatic

calculation of the financing Issuing payments by checks or bank transfers


SOR Backoffice (3)

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Work with a team

Developped client relationship

Understand problematics from client perspective

Produce technical documentation

Job offer21

Internship Assement

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Sébastien Vassord : Project manager and Salesperson

Charbel Salloum : Project manager and SOR Solution Chief

Alexis Dollé : SOR Solution Technical chief, Intership supervisor



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Thank You



Internship Defense RS2i - Sor Solutionrichez_v