soal bahasa inggris kelas 8 semester 2 latihan uts 2.docx

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  • 7/26/2019 soal bahasa inggris kelas 8 semester 2 latihan uts 2.docx


    1. Did you watch Lawyers Club program lastnight?No, I didnt. !hat about you? """""""". #. I didnt too$. %o didnt IC. I did eitherD. Neither did I (begitu pula saya)

    &. 'ur classmates are going to (oin the tour."""""""".#. %o am I$. %o I amC. I do tooD. #m I too

    ). *a+a Is it alright i- I par+ my car here?ta Im sorry, thats not allowed./rom the italici0ed utterance, we +now that*a+as permission is """"""".#. #ccepted by ta$. Refused by Eta melola+2

    C. InterruptedD. #greed by ta

    3. 4hasya which do you pre-er, banana or star-ruit?Lia Id rather ha5e star -ruit than banana.4he italici0ed words e6press7.#. Intention$. In5itationC. 8re-erenceD. '9er

    TEXT 1


    :i; . Im 5ery com-ortable spea+ingnglish with you. I ha5e one @uestion -or AangBuru when I can in5ite AB to our school in %

  • 7/26/2019 soal bahasa inggris kelas 8 semester 2 latihan uts 2.docx


    D. Bi5e medical treatment

    J. %cientists learn about the human body bystudying """""""".#. Certain animals$. :uman body itsel-C. #ll +inds o- animalsD. #ll li5ing things

    1>. . . . . . . . . . . so that they can be goodmodels to understand human body. !hatdoes the bold typed word re-er to?#. #nimals$. /unctionsC. :umansD. Benes

    11. $ased on the te6t, why do the scientists useanimals -or their e6periments?#. #nimals are the most suitable ob(ects$. %cientists do not want to use humans

    C. It is easier to use animals than humansD. #nimals ha5e similarities to humans

    1&. 4hey are used -or scientic and medicalpurposes. 8aragraph 124he word Kthey in the sentence re-ers to7.#. =esearchers$. LaboratoriesC. %cientistsD. #nimals

    TEXT %4o mmy %uliastiningsih

    I will be glad i- you want to come to my 1thbirthday party. It will be heldDate 'ctober &th &>1>4ime >> p.m8lace *l. =aya $aruga No. &E, 1&?#. /i-teen$. %i6teenC. %e5enteenD. ighteen

    1. !hen will the party be held?#. In the morning$. In the a-ternoon

    C. #t noonD. #t night

    1E. !hich o- the -ollowing statements is 4=Gaccording to the te6t?#. mmy in5ites =ahmi to her birthday$. mmy li5es in *l. =aya $aruga No. &EC. =ahmi is mmys twin sister

    D. =ahmi was born on 'ctober, &th 1JJ

    1F. =e0a """"""" than her sister.#. is prettier$. is more prettyC. is the most prettyD. is prettier -rom

    1. Dion """""""" play tennis than 5olley ball.#. pre-er$. would ratherC. wouldD. would li+e

    1J. #nn has -our boo+s and a couple o- pens.4his sentence means =e0a """"""" than hersister.#. is prettier$. is more prettyC. is the most prettyD. is prettier -rom

    &>. Dion """""""" play tennis than 5olley ball.#. pre-er$. would ratherC. wouldD. would li+e

    &1. #nn has -our boo+s and a couple o- pens.4his sentence means 7.#. %he has more boo+s than pens$. %he has more pens than boo+sC. %he has -ewer boo+s than pensD. %he has as many as pens as boo+s

    &&. esterday,

  • 7/26/2019 soal bahasa inggris kelas 8 semester 2 latihan uts 2.docx


    C. is li+eD. is -ond o-

    &. =on is in London at the moment. :e """""""at :ilton :otel.#. stayed$. is stayingC. stays

    D. has stayed

    &E. Aathy usually sits in the -ront row during theclass, but today she """"""" in the last row.#. sits$. seatC. is sittingD. is to sit

    &F. I wrote to my old -riend #nn last wee+. Gp to+now, she hasnt answered my letter. Now, I"""""" the reply.#. wait -or

    $. will wait -orC. am waiting -orD. want to wait -or

    &. Diane cant come to the phone because she""""""" her hair.#. is to wash$. washedC. was washingD. is washing

    &J. 8lease be @uite. I """"""" to concentrate.#. tried$. am tryingC. was tryingD. will try

    )>. $arbara o-ten tutors other students in hermath class. 4his morning, she """""""" %te5ewith his math assignment.#. is helping$. wants to helpC. must helpD. helped

    )1. 4omorrow, she """"""" to GA.#. will go$. wentC. goneD. has gone

    )&. 4he hunters -atal accident """""""" in thenewspaper yesterday.#. was reported$. will be reportedC. has been reportedD. can be reported

    )). Last wee+, I """"""" a (ob at a local ban+, butI didnt accept it.

    #. was o9ering$. was o9eredC. was to o9erD. was o9ers

    )3. #bout ten percent o- the earths land area,or nearly , million s@uare miles, """"""""by glacial ice.

    #. were co5ered$. has co5eredC. to be co5eredD. is co5ered

    ). 4he #ma0on 5alley is e6tremely important tothe ecology o- the earth. /orty percent o-the worlds o6ygen """""""" there.#. are being produced$. are producedC. is producedD. was produced
