semester 2 exam review 2012

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  • 8/10/2019 Semester 2 Exam Review 2012


    o r ld His torySecond Sem es te r Exam Rev iew

    Answer all of the following questions to receive 10 extra credit points on your exam.Ch 22 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment

    1. Who is Nicolaus Copernicus?2. According to Thomas Hobbes Social Contract, citizens e change rights !or """"".#. $ist %ohn $oc&e's Natural (ights.). The *nlightenment ideals +ere the basis !or the """""""""" (e olution.Ch 23 French Revolution-. What +as the Tennis Court ath?/. What happened on 0astille a?3. What +ere the re olutionar colors?4. What happened to 5ing $ouis 678 and 9arie Antoinette?:. What +ere the principles o! the Napoleonic Code?1;. What action caused the greatest human loss !or Napoleon's arm?11. What tactic did the (ussians use against Napoleon's troops?12. Which battle mar&ed Napoleon's !inal de!eat?Ch 24 Exploration, Isolation and A solutism1#. What is a nation

  • 8/10/2019 Semester 2 Exam Review 2012


    Ch 3) Communism)/. Who +as the leader o! the 0olshe i&s?)3. e!ine totalitarian.)4. e!ine collecti es.):. Who made up the elite group in So iet societ ?

    -;. Who +as 9ao edong?-1. Who +as 9ohandas andhi?Ch 3*+32 (orld (ar II-2. e!ine in!lation.-#. What is Mein Kampf ?-). What erman political part too& po+er in the late 1:#;'s?--. What s mbol did %e+s ha e to +ear in erman ?-/. Wh did Hitler target the %e+ish population as scapegoats !or erman 's problems?-3. Wh did %apanese militar leaders see& to e pand their territor?-4. Who +ere the Ais Do+ers?-:. What +as the 0ritish polic o! appeasement?/;. What e ent prompted Brance and reat 0ritain to declare +ar on erman ?/1. What is meant b the term blitz&rieg?/2. What tactic did the So iets use to slo+ Hitler's ad ance into (ussia?/#. * plain the @.S. polic o! isolationism.

    /). Who +as Winston Churchill?/-. Who +as the @.S. president during most o! World War 88?//. n +hat date +as Dearl Harbor bombed b the %apanese?/3. e!ine genocide./4. What +as Hitler's Binal Solution?/:. i e some e amples o! =total +ar> during World War 88.3;. = < a > re!ers to """""""""""""""""""""""""""""".31. Who +as ouglas 9acarthur?32. What happened to Hitler at the end o! World War 88?3#. Ho+ do +e &no+ that %apanese culture alued honor more than li!e?3). Wh did Dresident Truman agree to use the atomic bomb?Ch 33 Cold (ar 3-. What is the @N eneral Assembl ?3/. What is the @N Securit Council?33. What is meant b the term =Cold War?>34. Who +ere the t+o superpo+ers o! the Cold War?3:. What is the =8ron Curtain?>4;. What erman cit +as di ided b the So iet @nion and democratic Allies?41. What is NAT ?42. What t pe o! +eapons +ere de eloped during the Arms (ace?4#. Where did Chinese nationalist !lee to a!ter the communist ta&eo er?4). What t pe o! political s stem did the North 5oreans de elop?4-. What +ere some o! the di!!iculties o! the @.S. troops in 7ietnam?4/. What happened +hen @.S. troops le!t 7ietnam?43. What e ent caused the @.S. to increase spending on technolog?44. What challenge +as gi en b Dresident %ohn B. 5enned ?4:. What +as the Cuban 9issile Crisis?:;. What is the Strategic e!ense 8nitiati e?Ch 34 Conflict in the iddle East:1. What land is considered to be Dalestine?:2. e!ine partition.:#. What happened on 9a 1), 1:)4 and 9a 1-, 1:)4?:). Wh +asn't a Dalestinian state !ormed?Ch 3" -errorism:-. e!ine terrorism.:/. What do most terrorist acti ities ha e ties to?:3. What areas +ere attac&ed on September 11, 2;;1?:4. Who +as responsible !or the September 11 attac&s?::. Ho+ did Americans !eel immediatel a!ter September 11, 2;;1?1;;. As a result o! the attac&s on September 11, the @.S. too& militar action in """"".