searching medline helen rowlandson medicines information manager northwick park hospital, london

Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

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Page 1: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

Searching Medline

Helen RowlandsonMedicines Information Manager

Northwick Park Hospital, London

Page 2: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

Plan Searching basics – a refresher What is Medline? Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) NLM’s MeSH browser Searching tools NLH software – the basics Worked examples

Page 3: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

Searching basics – a refresher

Large databases – electronic searching is essential

A controlled vocabulary or a thesaurus is necessary

A means of combining terms is also required e.g. BOOLEAN operators

Page 4: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London




Boolean operators

Page 5: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

What is Medline?

Vast source of medical information Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary, Psychology

Covers Clinical medicine, anatomy, pharmacology,

toxicology, genetics, microbiology, pathology, environmental health, occupational medicine, psychology, biomedical technology

5,000 journals indexed, 70 countries

Page 6: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

Searching Medline

Use indexing system - MeSH thesaurus Controlled vocabulary with ~24,000 descriptors Each represents a single concept Tree structure - hierarchal Constantly changing 600+ added per year

Page 7: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

Medical Subject Headings

Articles indexed by 3 tier system MeSH descriptor (MeSH heading) MeSH qualifier (MeSH subheading) Items mentioned (check tags) Articles are indexed & then double checked by

another indexer must agree

Page 8: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

MeSH Browser

Open the Internet and type:

Right click & then click on “create a shortcut”

Now click on “Navigate from tree top”

Page 9: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

MeSH Examples

Kidney Failure Depression Chronic Fatigue Syndrome PTSD Fluoxetine

Page 10: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

Searching Tools

Explode Includes everything below in the tree structure

Focus (Major) Only includes articles where the MeSH heading

(descriptor) is the main focus of the article

Page 11: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

Quick questions…

What is the correct MeSH term to use for angina?

And if you exploded this term, what term(s) would you be also including in your search?

Page 12: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

Subheadings (qualifiers)

Subheadings (qualifiers) refine your search What aspect of the main heading is the author writing

about or discussing? Look at the definitions of the subheading e.g.:

Administration and Dosage Adverse Effects Analysis Chemistry Diagnostic use Economics History

Page 13: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

Check Tags All relevant tags are attached to the article These are essentially used as “limit” functions

Human Child Adult Aged Male Female etc..

Type in “female” and look at annotation

Page 14: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

Check tags

Limits – publication types

If you want to search for papers that are meta analyses use the publication type limit function. Articles will then be meta-analyses

If you use the MeSH heading ‘meta-analysis as a topic’ from tree E the articles you will get will be about meta-analysis as a study design(methods etc..)

Look at the MESH browser for definitions

Page 15: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

Supplementary Concepts

Searches for substances that are not defined in MeSH (ie don’t have MeSH terms)

Supplementary chemical record >30,000 substances undergoing clinical

development – but not all will become commercially available medicines

Depending on software - search by CAS registry number or free text

Page 16: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

Quick question…

What is directly above olanzapine in the MeSH tree?

What is its CAS registry number?

Page 17: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

Medline & MeSH Recap Successful searching is finding correct

indexing term MeSH headings Scope Notes Focus/Explode Subheadings/Check Tags Supplementary concepts

Page 18: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

Accessing Medline?






Page 19: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

National Library for Health software

Open Internet and type:

Log in using athens username and password”

Healthcare databases advanced search

Page 20: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

NLH software

Search one database at a time Medline 1950 to date 2 options to search for terms:

Thesaurus mapping Browse headings

Page 21: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

NLH software

Major /Explode Tree structure Subheadings Supplementary Concepts Limits Show titles

Page 22: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

Worked example 1

Are there any recent papers about SSRIs or SNRIs being used in the treatment of Huntington disease?

Page 23: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

Worked example 2

Are there any recent RCTs of the UK-available acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (galantamine, rivastigmine, donepezil) in Lewy Body Dementia?

Page 24: Searching Medline Helen Rowlandson Medicines Information Manager Northwick Park Hospital, London

Worked example 3

Are there any articles which discuss using high dose vitamin supplementation to treat autism?

NB – remember that your enquirer’s way of describing what he is asking for may not necessarily be exactly how MeSH describes it….