question 1 evaluation presentation

In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, develop or challenge Forms and Conventions of real media product .

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Page 1: Question 1 evaluation presentation

In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, develop or challenge Forms and Conventions of

real media product .

Page 2: Question 1 evaluation presentation

• As our opening sequence genre is Horror. We as a group presented horror by the location and scenery set in, We also added clear footage of mystery such as item of a bag digged inside a hole, incoming call with (unknown) , all these things we added to our opening sequence which showed mystery. Which is linked with horror as what is happening with these object will fright people and think what is in the bag. Moreover in the opening sequence there is a section of an incoming call with unknown this creates mystery and horror as the audience is left with speech bubble imaging something wrong has happened which give many ideas and thoughts as audience watching this will interpret maybe someone is watching them doing such thing like this . Therefore to call with Unknown audience gives the image of petrified as firstly it will get them thinking who called with unknown and why? . This also creates more suspense as why he is digging a hole and has left it in the hole as this also will alert the audience something is perceptibly in the bag.

Page 3: Question 1 evaluation presentation

• Most Horror films are based on murder knife, guns killing being abusive domestic violence ,stalking another person ghost etc. As from our opening sequence our objective was to fright the audience as we have made a opening sequence based on the genre of horror. Many people who watch the genre of horror want to be scared as this is the reason why they are watching a film as this particular Genre. Watching horror film target is to fright people , Blood is always shown in Horror film as it always creates suspense as the audience believe it has death involved with horror .While watching a horror film there is a lot of death and fights involved as killing one another this what scares people as seeing someone dying, Moreover in Horror films I have watched involves many stalking kids young kids in particular following them kidnapping and beatnley hurting them which leaves them to death, This interprets with the opening sequence of our film as our one is about stalking middle of the forest with a bag digging which petrifies the audience as why will the character be in middle of nowhere digging a hole and has a bag with him which he digs and leaves it in.

Page 4: Question 1 evaluation presentation

• Some of the films I have watched for example Jeepers creepers a scary horror film it is based on killing and stalking .The main character looks very scary as the way the film shows him and how he is dressed . Jeepers creepers involve a lot of stalking as the monster target is always to get the people he targets by this he follows them and searches and hunts them and kills them by killing these characters he targets to have the blood of there body which helps him as he feels relief. From this film I have used some of the ideas of stalking and took into consideration and adapted it to our opening sequence which involves following and kidnapping . Contrast of with Jeepers creepers in a way he kidnaps the people he targets as he wants them which I thought was a very good idea as while I was watching jeepers creepers felt the emerge of sacredness by the monster following them and hunting . In our opening sequence some of the way the media product we used to develop the challenge of forms and conventions of real media product as the location of our opening sequence was in a area of quiet and has a lot of trees which gives the atmosphere of lonely place which is scary as it is creepy a man entering with a shovel and bag digging a hole which alerts he has done something wrong which he is digging to cover what he has done. Also the background music of our opening sequence is very frighten and creates suspense as by the beats as it is building up tension on to the bag as the camera is also focused onto the item. As by doing this the audience understand something is in the bag which leads with the answer of what belongs in the bag.