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Project Planning and Purchasing Portal (P4) Tool Data Entry Best Practices January 2016

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Page 1: Project Planning and Purchasing Portal (P4) Toolproject planning, project purchasing and project implementation phases. Project – A higher level term for one or more purchases that

Project Planning and Purchasing Portal (P4) Tool Data Entry Best Practices

January 2016

Page 2: Project Planning and Purchasing Portal (P4) Toolproject planning, project purchasing and project implementation phases. Project – A higher level term for one or more purchases that

P4 Tool – Best Practices January 2016

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Document History

Affected Section or Subsection

Date Description

First Draft April 2015

Second Draft December


Added MIP Crosswalk.

Added clarifying language to multiple sections.

CDS/PM Review January


FEMA HQ Review January


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Table of Contents

1.0 Purpose and Intent .................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background .......................................................................................................... 2

2.0 Project vs Purchase .................................................................................................. 4

3.0 P4 Tool Data Entry – Deployment Criteria ................................................................... 6

4.0 P4 Tool Data Entry – NVUE Initiated Criteria ..............................................................13

5.0 Standard Operations Tasks & Regional Enhancements Data Entry ...............................14

5.1 Supplemental PM Regional Standard Operations .....................................................14

5.2 PTS Regional Standard Operations ........................................................................14

5.2.1 CNMS Maintenance ........................................................................................20

5.2.2 First Order Approximation ..............................................................................23

6.0 Multi-Year Funding of Production Projects .................................................................29

7.0 From “Planning” to “Funded” ....................................................................................30

Appendix A: P4 Tool Tasks & Tiers .....................................................31

Project Layout – Inland/Coastal Watershed ......................................................................32

Project Layout – Levee Analysis & Mapping Project (LAMP) ...............................................33

Project Layout – CTP Program Management SOW (or CERC-SOW) .....................................34

Table A – Project Elements (Task Tiers 1, 2, and 3) ..........................................................35

Table B -- MIP Crosswalk ................................................................................................45

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1.0 Purpose and Intent

In order to assist Regional multi-year and annual planning efforts leveraging the Project Planning and

Purchasing Portal (P4) tool and promote phased project investment utilizing the Key Decision Points (KDP)

process, it became apparent that sharing data entry best practices would be beneficial.

This document and approach has been prepared by a diverse project team made up of P4 tool users,

Regional and Headquarters (HQ) Level FEMA staff, Program Management (PM), Production and Technical

Services (PTS), Community Engagement and Risk Communication (CERC) and Customer Data Services (CDS)

contract support. The team leveraged the P4 Help File and the P4 Frequently Asked Questions and consulted

the Key Decision Point (KDP, see Figure 1) as well as the P4 tool designers to assure information included

within would:

Provide guidance to the project planning efforts at the Regional and National level.

Identify consistent data entry practices to assure metrics forecasting and planning efforts are

reflected in the data reports pulled from P4 for deployment and New, Validated, or Updated

Engineering (NVUE) miles initiated.

Assist multi-year planning efforts at the Regional and National level.

Provide best practices and supplemental data entry reference materials for users of the tool.

Identify data update requirements as investments progress from planning, to production, to

completed projects allowing the P4 system to track historic, current and future work within its data


Figure 1: Key Decision Point (KDP) Process

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1.1 Background

The Project Planning and Purchasing Portal (P4) tool provides a platform for Regions to plan investments and

projects on a multi-year basis, sequence projects to be funded annually, and develop the required paperwork

for annual obligation of funds. The P4 tool is intended to enable FEMA to accurately capture scope and quantity

details and estimate approximate costs and associated program measure contributions for Risk MAP investments

throughout the program planning processes.

The P4 tool provides a single point for data entry during project planning processes and enables Regions to better

build on their efforts during the project planning lifecycle. As the system and users mature, review of the data

entered to date indicates that further guidance on data entry at each level of refinement, is necessary to ensure

data is accurately maintained and to increase the confidence of the data at each step in the investment project

lifecycle indicated above.

Accurate data entry into P4 is important because P4 is the authoritative data source and system of record

for the Risk MAP deployment program measure, and acts as the interim data source for supporting

Coordinated Needs Management Strategy (CNMS) to determine the Risk MAP NVUE-initiated program

measure. P4 is used to track FEMA’s LiDAR needs and supports coordination with USGS on the 3DEP

Program. Data in P4 is also used by FEMA HQ to estimate funding needs for future years which is

communicated through the annual Congressional Justification report.

P4 requires update and maintenance to data entered into the system as a purchase moves from a planning

data entry to a funded purchase. This document will assist users in understanding the data entry needs and

maintenance requirements related to planning, funding and subsequent updates, if necessary due to scope

modification or change request approval.

Multi-Year Project Planning

Annual Sequencing & Work Ordering

Annual IAA, Contract

Finalization & Grant Award

Change Request Approval

Project Preliminary &

Effective Issuance

Figure 2: Data Entry Points – P4 Tool

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1.2 P4 Tool Data Entry Responsibilities & Regional Data Entry Preferences

Not all P4 tool users have the same access levels required to enter projects and purchases into the system, the

responsibility for P4 tool data entry and update varies from Region to Region. The responsibility for project set

up may fall into the responsibilities of FEMA Regional Staff involved in Project Planning, or with Cooperating

Technical Partner (CTP) Leads throughout the Region, in some cases the Regional Program Management Lead

(RPML) assists the project set up, and data maintenance based on input from the current support and production

contracts and grants.

The Region is responsible for the identification of FEMA Staff and Contract support staff who will be accountable

for creating/maintaining the data entered into the P4 tool. Regional FEMA staff or RPMLs may require

information from the CERC/PTS contractors or CTP leads for updates related to annual grant awards, contract

negotiation, Standard Operations contract support entry and/or documentation to support NVUE gain and

deployment forecasting efforts for purchases entered into the tool. Additionally, it is suggested that

CTP/PM/PTS/CERC partners meet with the Regional P4 point of contact to review this reference and determine

any additional Regional preferences related to P4 tool data entry and maintenance related to projects in


Different access user levels were established for the tool, shown below in Figure 3. For more information on

User Access Levels, consult the P4 Help File and the P4 Frequently Asked Questions files available.

Figure 3: P4 Tool User Access Levels

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2.0 Project vs Purchase

The P4 tool uses a design framework that allows a number of different PROJECT(S) to be established in the

project planning, project purchasing and project implementation phases.

Project – A higher level term for one or more purchases that collectively address the needs for a geographic

area (e.g. HUC-8 or defined planning area); deployment is typically expressed at the Project level.

Purchase – Any given FY unique work item(s) that is or will be tied to a task order or grant (i.e. what

eventually becomes a unique record within a Regional Ordering Template). A Purchase is generally

categorized as a Riverine, Coastal, Levee, Elevation or Outreach investment. A purchase could be more than

one item such as riverine and coastal tasks, if they are scoped together. Modifications to purchases that

have already been funded typically occur

through the Change Request process.

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The figure to the left shows an example

for the use of the PTS/CERC Regional

tasks as well as the PTS Competitive

selection contracts. Please note, each of

the investments may be made with CTPs

based on delivery capability and the

Regional preferences.


be considered while entering project

investment information into the P4 tool

related to on-going or future project


Understanding how the data entry is

reviewed and how the resultant

project/purchase information rolls up to

answer the P4 Tool Deployment

Business Rules. These rules are outlined

in the next section of this document.

Regions may want to review their

historic investments, Regional Multi-

Year Investment Plan, CTP Business and

Strategic Plans, and associated

geographical footprints to establish an

approach for project types to be entered

into the P4 tool.

Section 3.0 better defines the DEPLOYMENT criteria the P4 tool is reviewing the high level of PROJECT

footprint and the tasks within each PURCHASE(s) included within the system.

Other investment layouts, similar to that shown in Figure 2.1 are included in Appendix A for your reference.




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Purchase OneLiDAR Collection & Terrain Data Preparation

(Inter-Agency Agreements)

Purchase TwoFirst Order Approximation & Discovery Support

(PTS Regional Standard Operations)

Purchase ThreeDiscovery Meeting & Strategic Planning for

Community Engagement (CERC Regional Project)

Purchase FourEngineering & Work Map Preparation &

Flood Risk Review Support(PTS Competive Selection)

Purchase FiveMeetings and Process Facilitation

(CERC Regional Project)

Purchase SixRegulatory Product Update

(PTS Regional Standard Operations) or(PTS Competitive Selection)

Purchase SevenCommunication and Outreach to Communities

(CERC Regional Project)

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3.0 P4 Tool Data Entry – Deployment Criteria

Four factors drive the classifications required for a project to be identified as meeting the DEPLOYMENT

criteria within the P4 tool. The four factors reviewed within a PROJECT footprint and across the PURCHASES

within this PROJECT footprint are:

What is the Project Geometry?

What is the Project Type?

What are the Project Scope Items which are included in past, current, and/or planned PURCHASES

within the PROJECT footprint?

What is the Purchase Status?

Project Geometry

Project Geometry refers to a geospatial footprint established for projects and purchases. The project

geometry selected establishes the DEPLOYMENT potential for the project in question. The user may select

a HUC-8 watershed, county/parish, community, or a combination of these geographies, from the underlying

datasets. Larger watershed areas and/or FIRM panel boundaries may be used to establish a geographic

footprint for a PROJECT area by delivering these footprints to the CDS contract support. A user may also

decide that no project geometry is necessary for the project being included in to the P4 tool for instances

where the scope may be general, such as Additional RPML Support or RSC Enhanced Services. However,

footprints should be added where appropriate and that will help to identify overlapping geography for

future purchases. Identifying the geography also drives the map display which may be useful for future


Users should be aware that when a PROJECT is first created, there are two selection items that affect the

DEPLOYMENT calculation: Project Geometry and Project Type. When the P4 workflow pull-down menu is

selected, and “Add New Project” is selected, the first question you will encounter is about Project

Geometry. Additional selections that affect deployment are based on the scope elements and status of

purchases within a project. For more information on the criteria for DEPLOYMENT, refer to the P4 Help File,

Help/Links Section of the P4 Help File, and the P4 Frequently Asked Questions.

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The DEPLOYMENT of a project footprint also depends on the selection of the PROJECT TYPE within the

Project Editor screen of the P4 Tool.

Suggested Project Geometry is identified below for P4 tool users to reference, these selections are

appropriate for PTS/CERC and/or CTP investments that are entered into the P4 tool.

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Table 2.1 - Suggested Project Geometry


Funding Vehicle Project Geography

Inland watershed (watersheds with no coastal influence)

CTP-FRP-MAS, PTS Std Ops/CERC (Discovery/FOA), PTS Competitive HUC8 watershed(s)

Coastal watershed (combined coastal/riverine influence)

CTP-FRP-MAS, PTS Std Ops/CERC (Discovery/FOA), PTS Competitive

HUC8 watershed(s)

Levee Analysis and Mapping Procedure (LAMP)

CTP-FRP-MAS, PTS Std Ops/CERC Regional (Discovery/FOA), PTS Competitive

Levee Risk Reduction Area County/Parish, or FIRM Panels merged into one (1) polygon

Risk MAP Conversion Legacy Map Mod & Legacy PTS

Levee Risk Reduction Area

County/Parish, or

FIRM Panels merged into one (1) polygon

Risk MAP Exception/Exemption CTP-FRP-MAS, PTS Std Ops/CERC (Discovery/FOA), PTS Competitive

HUC8 watershed(s) Levee Risk Reduction Area, County/Parish, or FIRM Panels merged into one (1) polygon

CTP Project Management or Community Engagement & Risk Communications Effort


No Project Geography

PTS Regional Standard Operations Task Order (Planning for Future Work) No Project Geography Required, if not yet known

PTS Regional Standard Operations Task Order

Project Elements effecting Deployment/NVUE initiated

(First Order Approximation or Discovery efforts)

PTS Regional Std Ops - Work Package 1 (Discovery)

PTS Regional Std Ops – Work Package 5 (Regional Enhancements)

HUC8 watershed(s) Levee Risk Reduction Area, County/Parish, or FIRM Panels merged into one (1) polygon

CERC Regional Projects (Planning for Future Tasks) HUC-8 watershed(s), County(ies) and/or Community(ies) planned to be targeted

CERC Regional Standard Operations Task Order

Project Elements effecting Deployment

(Discovery or Community Engagement efforts)

CERC Regional Std Ops - Work Package 1 (Discovery)

PTS Regional Std Ops – Work Package 5 (Regional Enhancements)

HUC8 watershed(s) Levee Risk Reduction Area, County/Parish, or

FIRM Panels merged into one (1) polygon

LiDAR Project


PTS Competitive

LiDAR collection area which will likely be customized based on the bounds of adjacent datasets

For more information on the PROJECT GEOMETRY, refer to the P4 Help File.

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Project Type Selection

The selection of the Project Type will indicate to the P4 tool an intention to count the population within a

defined project footprint towards the DEPLOYMENT criteria identified by different PURCHASES within a

PROJECT area. Please note that in cases of overlapping footprint, population will be counted for the earlier

project. There is no need to break out previously Deployed population separately for a new project. The

system will automatically do this for you. The Project Type should be selected from the pull down menu

available on the Project Information within the Project Editor screen, shown below.

Selecting Non-Deployable indicates that the project investment is not planned to be deployed now or at

any time in the future. Projects indicated as Non-Deployable in the Project Editor screen will be ineligible

for deployment credit against the DEPLOYMENT metric now or in the future. The Non-Deployable project

selection is suitable for projects such as, CNMS Investigations (Regional Standard Operations, Regional

Enhancement), CTP Program Management (CTP-PM-SOW), CTP CERC Strategic Planning (CTP-CERC-SOW),

or stand-alone LiDAR projects.

Selecting Exception/Conversion in the Project Editor screen indicates that the project has:

Received a documented approval for a Risk MAP Conversion or

Received approval for one or more Risk MAP Exception/Exemption required for Deployment


Regional staff should review the remaining Deployment criteria based on their project objectives to

assure that the selection of the Exception/Conversion is accompanied by all other purchase

elements necessary for the PROJECT and PURCHASES in the footprint to meet the required

DEPLOYMENT criteria.

Selecting Levee should be made to indicate the PROJECT footprint will employ the Levee Analysis and

Mapping Procedures for non-accredited levee systems.

Selecting Traditional Risk MAP indicates that across past, current and planned PURCHASES within the

PROJECT footprint will add up to meet all DEPLOYMENT criteria for the project type indicated. Projects that

are classified as Traditional Risk MAP indicates that the project footprint is available for credit against the

DEPLOYMENT metric criteria. The DEPLOYMENT population within the project footprint may be discounted

if there are other PROJECTs in the geographic area that are also indicated as Traditional Risk MAP, Levee or


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After the information has been entered into the Project Editor, PURCHASES can be added to the project

footprint by adding a PURCHASE to the project. The figure below denotes the location of the pull down

menu on the Project Editor screen.

Status of Purchase

The PROJECT acts as a container for a number of PURCHASES that are defined within the PROJECT footprint.

The Purchase Status is indicated for each PURCHASE when it is entered within a PROJECT. The P4 user is

required to indicate the Fiscal Year (FY) and Quarter the PURCHASE will be initiated. Purchases are entered

in the Purchase Editor Screen.

The Project Editor will minimize on your screen and the Purchase Editor screen will open, allowing you to

identify the following funding information in the Purchase Details as indicated in the screen shot below.

Funding Type – IAA, Grant, or Contract

Fiscal Year – Choose the fiscal year in which the project will be funded

Quarter – Choose the quarter the project will receive funding to initiate the work identified

Purchase Status – Identify from the pull down if the project is

o Planned – Current project planning or future project planning year

o Funded – Funded in this or a previous project year

o Complete – Tasks identified have been completed in this or previous project year

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Tasks Identified within Project/Purchase

Once the PURCHASE details are entered into the purchase details area of the screen, scope items may be

included to define the PURCHASE in the required detail. The P4 tool is envisioned to allow Regional offices

to communicate not only their current sequencing/purchasing needs, but also allow a centralized location

for information future project planning years as well.

PURCHASES are made up of a

number of scope items (i.e. -

LiDAR, Riverine Engineering,

FIRM Panel Production, etc.). A

list of all scope items, including

tier one, tier two and tier three

descriptors which users may

reference as they plan their P4

data entry, is included in Table A

in Appendix A.

After all of the information in the

Purchase Details screen is

completed, press save. Once the

purchase is established, the user

may add scope items to the

purchase. As identified in Section

2.0, multiple PURCHASES are

expected in each PROJECT. See below for an example project data entry from Region 6 in the P4 tool for a

multi-year investment in the Upper Clear Fork Brazos HUC8 watershed.

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When a number of PURCHASES are included in a project area, the P4 tool reviews the data across all

PURCHASES against the deployment criteria. The table below identifies the scope items that MUST be

purchased in order to gain credit for DEPLOYMENT of a project footprint.

Project Geography

Project Type

Scope Items (MUST) Status of Purchase

Inland Watershed

HUC8 Watershed

Traditional Risk MAP

Tier One – Discovery

Tier Two – Discovery Meeting

Tier One – Community Engagement & Mitigation Support

Tier One – Riverine

Tier Two – Non-Regulatory Products

Tier Three – Flood Risk Report, Flood Risk Map, Flood Risk Database

All MUST purchases are Current/Future Fiscal Year = “Planned”, then Deployment intended in the future

All MUST purchases are Current/Past Fiscal Year = “Funded”, then Deployed

Coastal Watershed

HUC8 Watershed

Traditional Risk MAP

Tier One – Discovery

Tier Two – Discovery Meeting

Tier One – Community Engagement & Mitigation Support

Tier One – Coastal

Tier Two – Non-Regulatory Products

Tier Three – Flood Risk Report, Flood Risk Map, Flood Risk Database

All MUST purchases are Current/Future Fiscal Year = “Planned”, then Deployment intended in the future

All MUST purchases are Current/Past Fiscal Year = “Funded”, then Deployed

Levee Analysis & Mapping Plan (LAMP) Project

County/Parish or Protection Area

Levee Tier One – Levee

Tier Two – Non-Accredited Levee Data Evaluation Tier Two – Selection of Mapping Options

All MUST purchases are Current/Future Fiscal Year = “Planned”, then Deployment intended in the future

All MUST purchases are Current/Past Fiscal Year = “Funded”, then Deployed

Risk MAP Conversion or Exception/ Exemption

Watershed, County/Parish, or Other Geometry

Conversion/ Exception

Risk MAP Conversion paperwork should have been submitted/ approved following October 2010 Risk MAP Conversion Memo


Risk MAP Standards Exemption submitted/approved for any one of the MUST criteria for Levee/Watershed.

All items NOT exempted should be included within the purchases within the project.

All MUST purchases are Current/Future Fiscal Year = “Planned”, then Deployment intended in the future

All MUST purchases are Current/Past Fiscal Year = “Funded”, then Deployed

Later in this document, the Regional support tasks for the PTS and CERC contracts will be better defined for

entry into the P4 tool in Section 5.0 of this document. If you have any other questions related to P4 project

set up, consult Appendix A or email [email protected] for additional assistance.

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4.0 P4 Tool Data Entry – NVUE Initiated Criteria

The P4 tool is the system of record for the NVUE miles initiated for investments made in Flood Risk Projects

throughout the nation. At this time, in order to initiate NVUE mileage, the P4 tool:

Does not require the project to have a project geometry/footprint

Does not require the project to meet the deployment criteria

The NVUE initiated mileage is paired with the NVUE attained mileage that is reported in the Coordinated

Needs Management System (CNMS) database. The NVUE initiated mileage reported by the P4 tool is based

on the information entered at the Tier One level of the Riverine (or Levee) scope item, shown highlighted in

the Purchase Editor Screen below.

It is important to note that your Region may purchase more mileage than your NVUE gain. In this instance

the Hydraulics modeling purchase was made for 730.5 miles, but only 722 miles will produce an NVUE gain

based on the current CNMS database results for the Beouf HUC8 watershed shown above. In this case, the

additional 8.5 miles of study are currently valid and located in the midst of a study stream reach. The

hydraulic investment is being made for the entire reach so that the hydrologic approach will be consistent

for all reach miles studied at the conclusion of the study.

The P4 tool should be populated with the number of NVUE miles initiated that will result in a GAIN to the

current inventory. This may include a range of different study types, as indicated below:

New flood hazard inventory mileage

Current Unknown/Unverified Zone A/AE (or other) mileage

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5.0 Standard Operations Tasks & Regional Enhancements Data Entry

Standard Operations Task Orders in FY15 and beyond will have a regional funding element tied to the PTS

functions. Additionally, Regions can use portions of their funding allocations to provide CERC services for

Regional projects through the scope clarification process. In addition, some Regions have enhanced the PM

contract through additional Regional support, and in some instances through additional Program Management

support staff. These investment elements remain essential to the program and project investment planning for

the Regions. The P4 system should be used to enter the PTS, CERC and PM tasks associated with Regional

delivery of Risk MAP for current and future year allocations.

Regions should work with their PTS COR and provider to best understand the possible uses for the Regional

Standard Operations task order. Regional Enhancements may also be added. Similarly, Regions should work

closely with their CERC COR and the Resilience Action Partners team to tailor work to Regional needs and fund

projects through the scope clarification process. Finally, the PM COR should be consulted for any supplemental

Program Management Support required.

5.1 Supplemental PM Regional Standard Operations

Program Management support to the Regions is provided through the Regional Program Management Lead

(RPML) that is funded through the Program Management provider’s Standard Operations task order.

However, should the Regional office determine that additional Program Management support is necessary;

the Regional office should establish a Program Management (PM) PROJECT in the P4 tool that has no

geographic footprint. The additional Program Management support provided generally does not lead to

NVUE initiated miles or Project Deployment, for that reason, the PROJECT TYPE of non-deployable should

be selected.

It is suggested that the Region add one PURCHASE for the current and each future fiscal years it would like

to identify PM support above the level of the Regional Program Management Lead (RPML). “Program

Support” should be selected at Tier One and “Program Management” at Tier Two. The table below indicates

the required items for P4 tool for data entry.

Project Description Project Geometry Project

Type Scope Items

Supplemental PM Support No Geographic Footprint Non-Deployable

Tier One – Program Support Tier Two – Program Management Enter units as Level of Effort (hours)

5.2 PTS Regional Standard Operations

The PTS offers Regional Service Center support through Standard Operations Task Orders, funded by FEMA HQ.

This includes support for the Regional Technical Coordinator and limited scope for technical services and

reporting. These contract scope items are monitored by FEMA HQ. Because these scope items are funded

through standard operations, and are currently not being entered into the P4 tool.

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In addition to support provided to the Regions through Standard Operations, or FEMA HQ funding, there is also

support funded through Regional allocations. For PTS funding in FY15, five work packages were established for

the PTS Regional Standard Operations. Some of these work packages support the eventual DEPLOYMENT or

NVUE initiated miles within a project area, for that reason, special attention needs to be taken for the work to

be set up correctly in the P4 tool. All Standard Operations purchases must include the text, “standard ops” in

the purchase name. This text string will be used to properly identify these purchases as part of the purchasing


Work Package One – Discovery

PTS support of the Discovery is funded through the Regional Standard Operations Task Orders. Regions may also

choose to use Regional Standard Operations to utilize Regional Standard Operations for Levee Analysis and

Mapping Procedure studies as well. The Levee Analysis and Mapping Plan document will be prepared in a similar

fashion to the Discovery Report that informs the Regions of the scope efforts that may be required in order to

analyze and map the revised/updated flood hazard in the study area.

If the project location and project geometry is known for a Discovery (or LAMP) project the project area

should be loaded into the P4 tool to allow the system to leverage the forecasting of the potential/actual

deployment based on the project data entry and project selection items related to DEPLOYMENT and NVUE.

Use information below to establish the Discovery project for FY15 & beyond in the P4 tool. If a P4 PROJECT

has already been established in the project area, the Discovery effort should be added as a PURCHASE,

otherwise, the user should establish a new P4 PROJECT for the Discovery effort. Be sure to use the text

“WP1” in the purchase name. This text string will be used to properly identify these purchases as part of

the purchasing process.

PROJECT = HUC8 Watershed (or LAMP) Project & Purchase

Purchase Project Geometry Project

Type Scope Items

WP1: Discovery

(HUC8 Known Watershed)

If Watershed Footprint is known, establish a PROJECT & PURCHASE using the HUC8 Watershed footprint. Purchases should be specific to PTS Regional Std Ops.

Assure purchase indicates “PTS Regional Std Ops” in the purchase name.

Traditional Risk MAP

Project/Purchase is necessary for deployment criteria review & deployment forecasting.

Tier One – Discovery Tier Two – Select as required to define level of effort for the PTS scope items necessary

WP1: Discovery

(Known Levee System Footprint)

If Levee Risk Reduction area is known, establish a PROJECT & PURCHASE using the using the protection polygon created (or county). Purchases should be specific to PTS Regional Std Ops.

Assure purchase indicates “PTS Regional Std Ops” in the purchase name.


Project/Purchase is necessary for deployment criteria review & deployment forecasting.

Tier One – Levee

Tier Two – Non-Accredited Levee Data Evaluation and Selection of Mapping Options and other Scope items as necessary to describe

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Planning efforts may require a Region to indicate the need for Discovery support in the future years, before the

actual location of these Discovery projects are known. In these instances, Regions should first establish a

PROJECT with no geographic footprint should be created.

This project may be used for planning purposes to identify units for Discovery support anticipated in future years

prior to their geographic location being known. It is advantageous for the Region to establish the PROJECT and

PURCHASE(S) with Discovery scope items for FUTURE projects to indicate to FEMA HQ the needs for future fiscal

years. The table below provides input reference for the entry of planning Discovery for watersheds/LAMP

projects for PTS Standard Operations planning purposes.

PROJECT = PTS Regional Standard Ops (PLANNING)

Purchase Project/Purchase Geometry Project

Type Rationale

WP1: Discovery

(HUC8 Watershed Not Yet Known)

If Watershed Footprint is NOT yet known, enter a PURCHASE with no geometry to indicate HUC8 watershed(s) for Std Operations in the year being planned.

Planning Data Entry:

Regionwide Project (No Geometry)

Purchase for Discovery (No Geometry, input units for planning purposes)

Tier One – Discovery (indicate watershed units = HUC8 watersheds, use comment field as appropriate)


Input units; comment field can be used as necessary to describe planned units so that info is available to FEMA HQ for future planning year.

Once the watershed(s) geometry is known, update P4 tool to reflect geometry so that Project/Purchase can be considered for deployment criteria.

Units entered in the planning stages can be deleted or updated once established as a funded Project/Purchase.

WP1: Discovery

(Known Levee System Footprint)

If Levee Risk Reduction area is not yet known, enter a PURCHASE with no geometry in PTS Std Ops (PLANNING) PROJECT to indicate a number of LAMP Project Areas for initiation in future Regional Std Operations years.

Planning Data Entry:

Regionwide Project (No Geometry)

Purchase for Discovery (Wshed/LAMP)

Tier One – Non-Accredited Levee Data Evaluation and Selection of Mapping Options (indicate LAMP units Levee Analysis & Mapping Plans to be prepared, note number of levee systems if in excess of number of Levee Plans to be prepared)


Planning units necessary/ available to FEMA HQ for future planning year.

Once the levees for LAMP are known/funded, they will need to be entered into the P4 tool as Project/Purchase for review of deployment criteria.

Planning Units can be deleted from P4 tool once established as Project/Purchase entries.

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Work Package Two – Post Preliminary Support

Future planning for these efforts should be based on a level of effort necessary and a range of service

support related to Post Preliminary Support. Regions should add a PURCHASE for the current and each

future fiscal planning years it would like to identify Post Preliminary support into the P4 tool. If WP1

already established FY PTS Regional Standard Ops (PLANNING) Project/Purchase, the Region should add

the scope items necessary to identify the Post Preliminary Support needed. Be sure to use the text “WP2”

in the purchase name. This text string will be used to properly identify these purchases as part of the

purchasing process.

Project/Purchase Project Geometry Project

Type Rationale

PTS Regional Standard Ops WP2: Post Preliminary Support

No Geographic Footprint


Footprint using Regional coverage will be distracting in future years.

Tasks within Work Packages are not related to program measures the system tracks.

Work Package Three – Appeal Support

Future planning for these efforts should be based on a level of effort necessary and a range of service

support related to Appeal Support. Regions should add a PURCHASE for the current and each future fiscal

planning years it would like to identify Appeal support into the P4 tool based on a Level of Effort. If WP1 or

WP2 has already established FY PTS Regional Standard Ops (PLANNING) Project/Purchase, the Region

should add the scope items necessary to identify the Appeal Support needed. Be sure to use the text “WP3”

in the purchase name. This text string will be used to properly identify these purchases as part of the

purchasing process.

Project/Purchase Project Geometry Project

Type Rationale

PTS Regional Standard Ops WP3: Appeal Resolution Support

No Geographic Footprint


Footprint using Regional coverage will be distracting in future years.

Tasks within Work Packages are not related to program measures the system tracks.

Work Package Four – Community Initiated Map Changes

Future planning for these efforts should be based on a level of effort necessary and a range of service

support related to Community Initiated Map Changes Support. Regions should add a PURCHASE for the

current and each future fiscal planning years it would like to identify Appeal support into the P4 tool based

on a Level of Effort. If WP1, WP2 or WP3 has already established FY PTS Regional Standard Ops (PLANNING)

Project/Purchase, the Region should add the scope items necessary to identify the Community Initiated

Map Changes Support needed. If the Region is interested in planning for a number of units for LOMR/PMR

processing in the coming Regional Std Ops task order, the Region will want to add the scope items necessary

to define the project investment expected in the Regional Std Ops (Planning) PROJECT/PURCHASE previously

created. Be sure to use the text “WP4” in the purchase name. This text string will be used to properly

identify these purchases as part of the purchasing process.

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Project/Purchase Project Geometry Project

Type Rationale

PTS Regional Standard Ops WP4: Community Initiated Map Revision

No Geographic Footprint


Footprint using Regional coverage will be distracting in future years.

Footprint unknown, enter units based on number of LOMRs expected

If the geographic location of the Large Scale Letter of Map Revision is available from the MT2 group, the

Region should work to prepare a geographic footprint equivalent to the FIRM panels that will be updated

by the study prepared. It is unlikely that the LOMR/PMR will be DEPLOYED since it does not meet the HUC8

watershed requirement for DEPLOYMENT and preparation of the Flood Risk Report, Flood Risk Map and

Flood Risk Database. The LOMR/PMR, however, may add to the NVUE initiated miles if the project overlaps

an area currently indicated as unknown/unverified in the CNMS data. If a project area may gain the Region

NVUE, it will want to be added as an individual project as indicated below.

Purchase Project Geometry Project

Type Rationale

PTS Regional Standard Ops WP4: Community Initiated Map Changes

PLANNING/TIER ONE: No Geographic Footprint Known

PROJECT/CHANGE REQUEST: Add coverage to indicate FIRM panel coverage area


Footprint is not of note until project area is indicated, unnecessary in planning stage unless location is known.

PURCHASE should include NVUE gain in TIER 1 – Riverine data entry, if applicable. Indicate $0 and add comments noting receipt from LOMR group in Work Ordering Template.

Work Package Five – Regional Enhancements

Regions may utilize the PTS Regional Service Center to assist their Regional implementation and delivery

based on the Risk MAP implementation approach previously established. Services required in each Region

may be unique and tailored to the needs of the Region. PTS Regional Technical Coordinators should work

with the Regional staff and other providers to identify Regional Enhancements that support or advance the

Risk MAP implementation and metrics obtained within the Regions they serve. This may be done through

the Regional Enhancements, Regional Std Ops Work Package 5. The table below identifies two example

enhancement projects that may be tasked under the PTS regional task order. If previous WPs has already

established FY PTS Regional Standard Ops (PLANNING) Project/Purchase, the Region should add the scope

items necessary to identify the Regional Enhancement Support needed to plan future years work. Be sure

to use the text “WP5” in the purchase name. This text string will be used to properly identify these

purchases as part of the purchasing process.

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Purchase Project Geometry Project

Type Rationale

PTS Standard Operations – Regional Standard Ops WP5: Regional Enhancements

If task coverage is Region wide, suggest no geographic footprint.


If tasks affect DEPLOYMENT criteria add footprint

If tasks initiates NVUE mileage gain, add footprint

PTS Standard Operations – Regional Standard Ops WP5: Regional Enhancements

Example: CNMS Investigation for areas not developed within Region

Polygon to identify areas where development is not likely to occur (Canyon areas in Mountain West, National Park Coverage, etc…)


Allows this information to be referenced during future project planning

Follow detailed data entry covered in Section 5.2.1 for this task

PTS Standard Operations – Regional Standard Ops WP5: Regional Enhancements

Example: First Order Approximation

HUC8 (or larger basin area – import polygon)

Traditional Risk MAP

Is PROJECT footprint already entered?

If no, PROJECT footprint (watershed) will identify the potential/actual deployment of a watershed in forecast/actual

If yes, PURCHASE tasks will be reviewed within the PROJECT footprint to assure that Deployment criteria is met across funded/planned tasks.

Follow detailed data entry covered in Section 5.2.2 for this task

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5.2.1 CNMS Maintenance

The maintenance of the CNMS database is handled at a Regional level. The Regional dataset should be kept

up to date in accordance with the CNMS Technical Reference, version 5.3, dated May 2013, including

revisions released after the cited version. The figure below indicates the seven CNMS touch points indicated

in the Technical Reference document.

Please note that the Regional Service Center (FEMA HQ) funding is intended to only cover the inclusion of

the project specific datasets delivered to the Regional Service Center throughout the year by all active CTPs

and Mapping Partners. This task is intended to prepare and deliver the Quarterly Regional roll-up delivery

that is uploaded to the National CNMS tool at the end of each quarter (denoted by the blue arrows in the

CNMS graphic on the previous page). This RSC funding is NOT intended to create the line work associated

with the study streams and the creation of each incremental delivery of this line work to the Regional Service

Center. That task is to be prepared and delivered by the Mapping Partner or CTP responsible for the study

elements identified by the red arrows in the CNMS graphic. This effort is to be included as a sub task for

each of the seven delivery update requirements outlined in the CNMS graphic.

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*Please note that a CNMS compilation task may be also included within a CTP Program Management

Project/Purchase based on the responsibility of FEMA’s CTP partners. The same data entry elements should

be followed to include this task within a CTP PM SOW P4 data entry element. If State or Local CTPs are

responsible for the maintenance of the information that is fed to the Regional database, there may be a

task for this within PTS RSC Standard Operations and CTP Program Management projects/purchases.

Regions should assure that there is clear understanding of the efforts of the CTP and the PTS to minimize

overlap in tasking.

The Region may decide that some additional investigation and support tasks are required to update and

maintain the Regional CNMS database. This additional investigation would be funded under the Regional

Standard Operations - Regional Enhancements (Work Package 5). Below is an indication of how these

additional CNMS efforts may be entered into the P4 tool.

Scenario – Region 6 has decided to plan a CNMS

investigation that will review CNMS line work associated

with the playa lakes throughout the Region. Four

Counties within the Region have been identified as areas

of concern for the immediate project work: Hale, Lubbock

and Ector Counties, Texas and Curry County, NM. First a

project needs to be established in the P4 tool.

Since this project will not meet the HUC8 watershed

deployment criteria the project type will be selected

as Non-Deployable.

Since the project is an investigation into the CNMS

validation status, this project will not initiate NVUE

miles. The results of the investigation will be

updated in the CNMS database and be

reported in the attained mileage reports.

The project will be added to the Region’s P4

tool data entry without a project geographic

footprint. This is done because the indication

of these project areas will be “non-deployed”

and may ultimately be more distracting if a

geography is added.

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Once the project is established and the purchase for the CNMS investigations work is added, double click

on the purchase to add the scope items the Region is interested in

adding to this purchase. Click on the (+) to add scope elements to the


- Add Tier One (Primary) scope item = Riverine

- Indicate NVUE initiated = 0 miles (no new study is being purchased,

investigation only)

- Add Tier Two (Secondary) scope item = CNMS Validation

- Add comments as necessary to indicate project scope of work

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5.2.2 First Order Approximation

First Order Approximation may be purchased under the Standard Operations task order within the HUC8

boundaries. Additional Regional Enhancements may also be added to this task (in coordination with the

CNMS maintenance) It is expected that the Lead Region will coordinate effort and need with other effected

Regions for HUC8 watersheds that fall in more than one Region. These joint watersheds may benefit from

a multi-Regional approach based on the needs of each Region intersected.

When First Order Approximation (FOA) is planned it should be entered within a defined PROJECT area. For

the example project indicated below, the project area was indicated by a HUC8 footprint.

First Order Approximation is an

investment previously purchased for

this watershed. The FOA is entered as

a PURCHASE within this HUC-8 project

footprint. When the Purchase Editor

is opened up, the Tier 1 and Tier 2

tasks can be reviewed in more detail.

The PURCHASE indicates:

Tier One – Discovery

Tier Two – First Pass Analysis for

1,700 stream miles

This purchase DOES NOT initiate

NVUE mileage. This is an exploratory

investment. NVUE initiation is

informed by Tier One – Riverine data


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5.3 CERC Regional Support

Similar to the PTS, CERC offers Standard Operations-like support to the Regions through Regional Mission

Support and Mitigation Planning elements of their contract, which is funded by FEMA HQ. This support will be

defined annually through Partnership Agreements with the Regions. Because these scope items are funded

through FEMA HQ, they do not need to be entered into the P4 tool, unless the Region desires support above

what is funded within the CERC contract and wishes to use Regional allocations to fund this additional support.

In addition to the CERC support documented through the Partnership Agreements, a portion of Regional

allocations have been set aside to fund CERC services in support of Regional projects or specific Regional needs

identified. The support for these CERC services must be entered into the P4 tool, and should be planned on a

multi-year and annual basis. When the Region is ready to initiate these services, the scope clarification process

must be followed to gain approval and activate the funding that has been set aside. Be sure to use the text,

“CERC” in the partner name for CERC Purchases. This text string will be used to properly identify these purchases

as part of the purchasing process.

PROJECT = CERC Support Purchases

Purchase Project Geography Project Type Rationale


(HUC8 Known Watershed)

If Watershed Footprint is known, establish a PROJECT & PURCHASE using the HUC8 Watershed footprint.

If a PROJECT already exists for Discovery that was previously created to contain PTS Regional Std Ops, ad PURCHASES specific to CERC to the existing PROJECT.

If Watershed Footprint is not yet known, follow same guidance as described above for PTS Regional Std Ops.

Traditional Risk MAP

Project/Purchase is necessary for deployment criteria review & deployment forecasting. Discovery meeting is required for meeting deployment criteria.

Tip: Regions may want to add a purchase in addition to the Discovery purchase for Strategic Planning for Community Engagement. See scope items available in P4 in Appendix A and discuss potential support options that can be tailored to your Region with the CERC provider.

Mitigation and Community Outreach Support (Primary

Scope Item)

In most instances, CERC support will be captured in the P4 tool by adding a PURCHASE to existing PROJECTS. Most CERC support falls under the primary scope item of Community Engagement and Mitigation Support.

However, a PROJECT can be created to capture CERC PURCHASES. The geometry should align to the area CERC support is desired for.


Geometry should correspond to the area CERC support is desired for. This could be watershed(s), county(ies), community(ies), or a combination of these geometries.

Tip: Not all potential CERC support is contained as scope items in P4. Please discuss any Regional needs that you may not see in P4 with the CERC provider.

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5.4 Project Templates & Purchase Import Functionality

Regions may want to establish a TEMPLATE to assure consistency within project/purchase set up across

Regional project data entry. If your Region will repeatedly plan and fund similar PURCHASE(S), it may be

advantageous to establish a TEMPLATE within the P4 tool. To do so, first establish a PROJECT with NO

GEOMETRY; within the Project Editor screen populate the Project Type as “Non-Deployable”; indicate

TEMPLATE in the project name; see screen shot below. Then, add a PURCHASE with scope items that are

to be contained within the TEMPLATE.

The screen shots show an example TEMPLATE for a

Discovery PROJECT containing PURCHASES for all scope

elements typically funded. This TEMPLATE was established

with NO units, but will allow the PTS and CERC partners to

understand what is required for the completion of a

Discovery Project in Region 6 based on the information

identified in the template.

Region 6 established this TEMPLATE purchase in earlier

years, but will use this same TEMPLATE for all upcoming

projects. This will allow the Region to identify Lead and

Support roles across CERC and PTS purchases.

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Once a TEMPLATE is established, it can then be used to import this framework for the Discovery Purchase

into any Planned (or Funded) Project. The use of a TEMPLATE allows the Region to concentrate their

efforts on the units of purchase, assuring that the scope items they want included in a Discovery purchase

are included in the TEMPLATE. In Region 6, TEMPLATES have also been prepared for LiDAR/Elevation

purchases and the coordination/preparation of Levee Analysis and Mapping Plans within the Region.

To use the import function in your project, first establish a project for a HUC8 watershed area. Enter the

project type as Traditional Risk MAP, see example below for the use of this best practice to add a planning

project for FY15 in the Upper Guadalupe HUC8 Watershed. In this example, the watershed was previously

funded for Elevation/LiDAR acquisition. The project planning data entry also added planned Discovery

purchases for future years for CERC and PTS support.

To import the TEMPLATE information, first click the Add Purchase button in the Project Editor screen,

indicated above. When the Purchase Editor screen opens, add the Purchase information for the PTS efforts

that are to be funded under the Regional Standard Operations task order.

Purchase Name:

Phase 1 - Discovery & FOA - PTS Regional Std Ops

Funding Type: Contact

Fiscal Year/Quarter: FY15

Purchase Status: Planned

Lead Partner Name: Compass RSC

Click Save.

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Once the Purchase Details information is

entered and saved the Import button will

become available to the user.

Click Import.

Another screen will load allowing you to select

from your current projects to import a set of

scope items based on a previous purchase.

Search project names for “TEMPLATE” and

choose from the templates that are available.

Click on the (+) to expand the project you are interested

in. This will allow the purchases to be seen.

Select the purchase you would like to import and click


The scope items within the TEMPLATE will be added to

your Discovery Purchase.

Your scope items will appear in your purchase, now

enter the units you would like the PTS to provide to you

in their project efforts.

The user should follow the same steps above to enter another Discovery purchase. This purchase will allow

the Region to identify the needs of the CERC team under the Regional Standard Operations task order.

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Purchase Name:

Phase 1 - Discovery & CE - CERC Regional Std


Funding Type: Contact

Fiscal Year/Quarter: FY15

Purchase Status: Planned

Lead Partner Name: CERC

Import the Discovery TEMPLATE purchase and

identify the units required for project


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6.0 Multi-Year Funding of Production Projects

As described in FY12/13/14/15 Funding Memos, and inferred in the Key Decision Points process (Figure 1),

planning project funding benefits from the use of a multi-year planning approach. The P4 Workflow allows

projects to be added based on the Progressive Management of Detail Concept. Collection of planned project

scope and cost detail through Multi-Year Planning, Annual Sequencing, and Purchasing culminates within the

system to prepare documents required to meet the requirements in the annual Funding Memo and obligate

funds through Interagency Agreements, Contracts and Grant awards.

P4 is the precursor to KDP0 (Discovery) and KDP1 (Data Development). The KDP Tracking tool should be updated

for all funded Discovery and Data Development Purchases.

Below is an example of how the Project and Purchase data entries within the P4 tool align with the KDP

documentation and support the forecast of project deployment and NVUE initiated tracking. Using a multi-year

funding approach can limit the financial risk and contractual maintenance requirements for all parties, allowing

contracts to be prepared based on the known requirements of the study.

Data Entry

Project or Purchase

Provider Project Geometry & Scope Elements Effect on Measures

Entry One

Project None Establish project footprint based on HUC8 watershed boundary


Purchase USGS - IAA Elevation/LiDAR – HUC8 boundary or other polygon as defined


Purchase PTS – Regional Std Ops

Discovery - First Order Approximation – HUC8 boundary (All NHD 1:250k = 5,000 mi)


Entry Two

Purchase PTS – Std Ops Discovery – HUC8 boundary Deployment – None.

Discovery at HUC8 level

Discovery Meeting

NVUE initiated – None.

CNMS inventory may be updated based on FOA results

Purchase CERC Discovery – HUC8 boundary

Funding Three

Purchase PTS - Compete Hydrology (refinement, all storms)

Hydraulics (Zone A, 1000 miles)

Hydraulics (Zone AE, 200 miles)

Non-Regulatory Datasets (3500 miles)

Deployment – Yes

Non-Regulatory Datasets

NVUE gain based on validation against FOA results.

Purchase CERC Non-Regulatory Products (Flood Risk Report, Flood Risk Map, Flood Risk Database)

Funding Four

Purchase PTS – Compete or Standard Ops depending on the timing and scope

Develop FIS

Develop and Deliver Prelims

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7.0 From “Planning” to “Funded”

Once a contract, grant or interagency agreement is awarded the Regional POC or RPML is responsible for

updating the following:

o NVUE initiated (Tier 1 Riverine Purchase) based on actual quantity negotiated

o Scope elements, especially scope elements that drive the Deployment metric. See the P4

Metrics Job Aid for additional details about the Deployment Metric

o Communicate and differences between planned and actual metrics to the appropriate

person at FEMA HQ. Currently, this would be David Bascom for Deployment and Andy Read

for NVUE Initiated.

o Funding amounts

o MIP case numbers

The MIP should be updated to match the awarded funded amounts. See the Appendix for MIP Crosswalk.

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Project Planning and Purchasing Portal (P4) Tool Data Entry Best Practices

Appendix A: P4 Tool Tasks & Tiers

December 2015

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Project Layout – Inland/Coastal Watershed




k P






a D


ed b

y Fo







09 -









Purchase OneLiDAR Collection & Terrain Data Preparation

(Inter-Agency Agreements)

Purchase TwoFirst Order Approximation & Discovery Support

(PTS Regional Standard Operations)

Meets Deployment Criteria

= Flood Risk Map/Flood Risk Database

Purchase ThreeDiscovery Meeting & Strategic Planning for

Community Engagement (CERC Regional Project)

Meets Deployment Criteria

= Discovery Meetings/Community Engagement

= Flood Risk Report/Flood Risk Map

Purchase FourEngineering & Work Map Preparation &

Flood Risk Review Support(PTS Competive Selection)

Meets Deployment Criteria

= Flood Risk Map/Flood Risk Database

Purchase FiveMeetings and Process Facilitation

(CERC Regional Project)

Meets Deployment Criteria

= Flood Risk Report/Flood Risk Map

Purchase SixRegulatory Product Update

(PTS Regional Standard Operations) or(PTS Competitive Selection)

Purchase SevenCommunication and Outreach to Communities

(CERC Regional Project)


ts D




t C



= H


8 w







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Page 33 of 56

Project Layout – Levee Analysis & Mapping Project (LAMP)




k P






a D


ed b

y Fo







er R

io G




e Sy







Purchase OneLiDAR Collection & Terrain Data Preparation

(Inter-Agency Agreements)

Purchase TwoNatural Valley & LLPT Meeting Support

(PTS Regional Standard Operations)

Meets Deployment Criteria

= Non-Accredited Levee Data Evaluation& Selection of Mapping Options

Purchase ThreeLLPT Meeting & Initial Stakeholder Engagement

(CERC Regional Project)

Meets Deployment Criteria

= LLPT Meetings/Community Engagement

= Flood Risk Report/Flood Risk Map

Purchase FourLAMP Engineering & Work Map Preparation &

Flood Risk Review Support(PTS Competive Selection)

Meets Deployment Criteria

= Flood Risk Map/Flood Risk Database

Purchase FiveMeetings and Process Facilitation

(CERC Regional Project)

Purchase SixRegulatory Product Update

(PTS Regional Standard Operations) or(PTS Competitive Selection)

Purchase SevenCommunication and Outreach to Communities

(CERC Regional Project

Meets Deployment Criteria

= LLPT Meetings/Community Engagement

= Flood Risk Report/Flood Risk Map


ts D




t C



= H


8 w











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Project Layout – CTP Program Management SOW (or CERC-SOW)










a -




ic F










gePurchase One - FY13

Program Management & State Business Plan

Purchase Two - FY14Program Management & State

Business Plan

Purchase Three- FY15Program Management & State

Business Plan

PM - Scope of Work (SOW)

- State Business Plan/Update

- Global Program Management

- Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Plan

- Global Program Outreach for Risk MAP Implementation

- Training for State/Local Officials

- Mitigation Planning and Technical Assistance

- Staffing/Hours in support of Risk MAP efforts

- Technical Pilot Projects

- Mentoring

- Coordinated Needs Management Strategy (CNMS) database maintenance

- Minimal Map Printing

Purchase Four - FY16Program Management & State

Business Plan

Purchase Five - FY17Program Management & State

Business Plan

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Table A – Project Elements (Task Tiers 1, 2, and 3)

Project data entry is based on the information entered into the system based on a framework of tasks and

tiers. The tables below indicate all tasks available within the P4 tool based on project data entry. The

tables in this appendix may assist P4 data gathering from project planning through project completion.

Project Element Tier One Tier Two Tier Three

Discovery Discovery Discovery Meeting(s) Discovery Meeting(s)

First Pass Analysis None

Flood Engineering Regulatory Study Needed


Community Engagement and Mitigation Support

Community Engagement and Mitigation Support

Strategic Planning for Community Engagement

Integration Planning

Action Strategy

Community Prioritization

Watershed and Community Assessment

Relationship Management and Action Plan

Communication and Outreach Strategy


Meetings and Process Facilitation

Process Facilitation

CCO Meeting

Flood Engineering Review Meeting

Resilience Meeting


Mitigation Support Action Identified

Action Advanced

Both Action Identified and Action Advanced

Evaluation and Valuation


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Project Element Tier One Tier Two Tier Three

Community Engagement and Mitigation Support (continued)

Community Engagement and Mitigation Support (continued)

Communication and Outreach to Communities

Product Development & Dissemination

Outreach Campaign Implementation


Evaluation and Valuation

Training and Capability Development

Capability Development

Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA)

Building Science

Code/Ordinance Development

Community Planning

Community Rating System (CRS)

Grant Application Development

Risk Assessment


DMA 2000 Mitigation Planning

Mitigation Plan Review

Mitigation Planning Technical Assistance


Product Development and Dissemination


Miscellaneous Technical Support


Other None

Riverine Riverine Base Map Preparation Basemap Preparation

Independent QA/QC


Field Survey Desktop Analysis

Field Cross-sections

Field Measures

Field Survey Structures

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Project Element Tier One Tier Two Tier Three





Field Survey


Independent QA/QC


Hydrology Rainfall Runoff

Regression USGS or Regional Urban Equations

Gage or Mid -Range Analysis

Hydrograph Development

Independent QA/QC


Hydraulics AE-Alluvial Fan: 2D

AE-Alluvial Fan

AE-Study 1D: Steady

AE-Study 1D: Unsteady

AE-Study 2D: Unsteady

Auto-H/H No Clean up

A-Study: No Structures

A-Study: With Structures

Limited Detail

Net NVUE Purchased

Independent QA/QC


Non-Regulatory Products

Flood Risk Map

Flood Risk Report

Data Delivered in Flood Risk Database

Flood Risk Dataset -Changes Since Last FIRM

Flood Risk Dataset - Water Surface Elevation Grids

Flood Risk Dataset 1% Annual Chance Flood Depth Grid

Flood Risk Dataset Multi-Frequency Flood Depth Grids (eg, 10%, 4% etc.)

Page 41: Project Planning and Purchasing Portal (P4) Toolproject planning, project purchasing and project implementation phases. Project – A higher level term for one or more purchases that

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Project Element Tier One Tier Two Tier Three





Non-Regulatory Products


Flood Risk Dataset Flood Risk Analysis Grid (Percent Annual Chance)

Flood Risk Dataset - Flood Risk Analysis Grid (Percent 30 yr Chance)

Flood Risk Dataset Flood Risk Assessment (AAL)

Flood Risk Dataset Flood Risk Assessment (Refined)

Flood Risk Dataset Flood Risk Assessment (Composite)

Flood Risk Dataset Flood Risk Assessment (User Defined Analysis)

Flood Risk Dataset Areas of Mitigation Interest

Flood Risk Dataset Flood Risk Analysis Grid (Water Surface Elevation Change)

Flood Risk Dataset Flood Risk Analysis Grid (Velocity)

Flood Risk Dataset Risk MAP Dam Locations

Flood Risk Dataset Dam Cross Sections

Flood Risk Dataset Dams Cross Section Model Results

Flood Risk Dataset Scenario Lookup Table

Flood Risk Dataset Upstream Inundation Areas

Flood Risk Dataset Downstream Inundation Areas

Flood Risk Dataset Easements

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Project Element Tier One Tier Two Tier Three





Non-Regulatory Products


Flood Risk Dataset Risk Assessment Results – Dams

Flood Risk Dataset - Critical Facility

Flood Risk Dataset - Dam Depth Grid

Flood Risk Dataset - Dam Velocity Grid

Flood Risk Dataset - Stream Depth & Velocity Severity Raster for the Flood of Record

Flood Risk Dataset Dam Cross Sections

Regulatory Products AE Redelineation

SFHA Mapping (Digital Conversion)

Independent QA/QC - Mapping

Develop FIS

Develop DFIRM DBs

Develop and Deliver Prelims

Independent QA/QC - Prelims

Post Preliminary Processing



PMR None

Other None

Coastal Coastal Base Map Preparation Basemap Preparation

Independent QA/QC


Field Survey Desktop Analysis

Field Transects

Field Measures

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Project Element Tier One Tier Two Tier Three

Coastal Coastal Field Survey


Field Survey Structures

Field Reconnaissance

Independent QA/QC


Coastal Hazard Analysis Wave Hazard Analysis - Detail

Wave Hazard Analysis - Limited Detail

Sheltered Waters Wave Hazard Analysis

Riverine & Coastal Combined Flood Elevations

Net Coastline Miles Purchased

Independent QA/QC


Surge and Offshore Wave Analysis

2D Wave Transformation Analysis

2D Hydrodynamic Surge Modeling

Tidal Frequency Analysis

Tidal Record Reconstruction

Wave Hindcast Data

Independent QA/QC


Non-Regulatory Products

Flood Risk Map

Flood Risk Report

Data Delivered in Flood Risk Database

Flood Risk Dataset Changes Since Last FIRM

Flood Risk Dataset - Water Surface Elevation Change

Flood Risk Dataset - 1% Annual Chance Flood Depth Grid

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Project Element Tier One Tier Two Tier Three





Non-Regulatory Products


Flood Risk Dataset - Flood Risk Assessment (AAL)

Flood Risk Dataset - Flood Risk Assessment (Refined)

Flood Risk Dataset - Flood Risk Assessment (Composite)

Flood Risk Dataset - Flood Risk Assessment (User Defined Analysis)

Flood Risk Dataset - Areas of Mitigation Interest

Flood Risk Dataset - Multi -frequency Flood Depth Grids (e.g. 10%, 4% etc.)

Flood Risk Dataset - Coastal Wave Height Grid

Flood Risk Dataset - Coastal Increased Inundation Areas

Flood Risk Dataset - Coastal Wave Hazard Severity Areas

Flood Risk Dataset Primary Frontal Dune (PFD) Erosion Areas

Flood Risk Dataset - Erosion Dune Peak

Flood Risk Dataset - Flood Risk Analysis Grid (Water Surface Elevation Grids)

Flood Risk Dataset - Flood Risk Analysis Grid (Percent 30-yr Chance)

Flood Risk Dataset - Flood Risk Analysis Grid (Percent Annual Chance)

Regulatory Products SFHA Mapping (Digital Conversion)

Independent QA/QC - Mapping

Develop FIS

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Project Element Tier One Tier Two Tier Three





Regulatory Products


Develop DFIRM DBs

Develop and Deliver Prelims

Independent QA/QC - Prelims

Post Preliminary Processing


PMR None

Other None

Levee Levee Non-Accredited Levee Data Evaluation and Selection of Mapping Options

Data Evaluation & Selection of Mapping Options/Levee Data Collection

Initial Stakeholder Engagement

Local Levee Partnership Team

Levee Analysis and Mapping Plan

Independent QA/QC

Non-Accredited Levee System- Wide

Interior Drainage

Natural Valley (Zone D)

Independent QA/QC

Non-Accredited Levee Reach Procedures

Review Sound Reach Submittal

Review Freeboard Deficient Submittal

Review Analyze and Map Overtopping Procedure

Structural-Based Innundation

Independent QA/QC

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Project Element Tier One Tier Two Tier Three





Non-Regulatory Products

Flood Risk Map

Flood Risk Report

FRR DB - Levee Scenario Lookup table

Flood Risk Dataset - Behind-levee Flooding Extent (including Levee Shadow)

Flood Risk Dataset - Community -Supplied Breach and Armored Overtopping Points

Flood Risk Dataset - Levee Location

Flood Risk Dataset - Freeboard

Flood Risk Dataset - Levee point elements

Flood Risk Dataset - Rating Curve

Flood Risk Dataset - Critical Facility - Levee

Flood Risk Dataset - Flood Risk Assessment Results - Levee (Census Block)

Flood Risk Dataset - Flood Risk Assessment Results - Levee (User Defined Analysis)

Flood Risk Dataset - Depth Raster

Flood Risk Dataset - Velocity Raster

Flood Risk Dataset - Water Surface Elevation Raster

Flood Risk Dataset - Stream Depth & Velocity Severity Raster

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Project Element Tier One Tier Two Tier Three





Miscellaneous Technical Support

65.10 Review

PAL Meetings or other levee outreach

Levee pre- scoping


Other None

Elevation/LiDAR Elevation/LiDAR Point Cloud None

Bare Earth Processing None

Breaklines None

Checkpoint Surveys None

Digitize USGS Quad None

Elevation Data Integration


Independent QA/QC None

Contour Interval from LIDAR (Undetermined)


Contour Interval from LIDAR (1-2ft)


Contour Interval from LIDAR (3-4ft)


Contour Interval from LIDAR (5ft)


Other None

Program Support Program Support Program Management None

RSC Support None

Other None

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Table B -- MIP Crosswalk

Tier1 Tier2 Tier3 MIP Task

Purchase Geography Project ID N/A N/A

Purchase Geography Purchase Id N/A N/A

Purchase Geography Lead Region N/A N/A

Purchase Geography State N/A N/A

Purchase Geography Watershed N/A N/A

Purchase Geography County N/A N/A

Purchase Geography Community N/A N/A

Purchase Geography Purchase Name N/A N/A

Discovery Discovery N/A Regulatory, Scoping

Discovery First Pass Analysis N/A Regulatory, Scoping

Mitigation and Community Outreach

Community Engagement Community Engagement Non-Reg, Perform Alluvial Fan Analysis

Mitigation and Community Outreach

Community Engagement Community Prioritization Non-Reg, Perform Alluvial Fan Analysis

Mitigation and Community Outreach

Community Engagement Watershed & Community Assessment

Non-Reg, Perform Alluvial Fan Analysis

Mitigation and Community Outreach

Community Engagement Key Influencer Identification

Non-Reg, Perform Alluvial Fan Analysis

Mitigation and Community Outreach

Community Engagement Key Influencer Assessment

Non-Reg, Perform Alluvial Fan Analysis

Mitigation and Community Outreach

Community Engagement Introductory & Pre-Call Screenings

Non-Reg, Perform Alluvial Fan Analysis

Mitigation and Community Outreach

Community Engagement Action Identification & Planning

Non-Reg, Perform Alluvial Fan Analysis

Mitigation and Community Outreach

Community Engagement Relationship Management & Action Plan Execution

Non-Reg, Perform Alluvial Fan Analysis

Mitigation and Community Outreach

Community Engagement Internal Planning Non-Reg, Perform Alluvial Fan Analysis

Mitigation and Community Outreach

Technical Assistance to Achieve Mitigation Actions

N/A Non-Reg, Perform Alluvial Fan Analysis

Mitigation and Community Outreach

HAZUS Training N/A Non-Reg, Perform Alluvial Fan Analysis

Mitigation and Community Outreach

Flood Engineering Review Meeting

N/A Non-Reg, Perform Alluvial Fan Analysis

Mitigation and Community Outreach

Flood Risk Review Meeting

N/A Non-Reg, Perform Alluvial Fan Analysis

Mitigation and Community Outreach

Risk Assessment Technical Support

N/A Non-Reg, Perform Alluvial Fan Analysis

Mitigation and Community Outreach

Resilience Meeting N/A Non-Reg, Perform Alluvial Fan Analysis

Mitigation and Community Outreach

CCO Meeting N/A Regulatory, Hold Community Meeting

Mitigation and Community Outreach

Project Specific Outreach N/A Non-Reg, Perform Alluvial Fan Analysis

Mitigation and Community Outreach

Miscellaneous Technical Support Meeting

N/A Non-Reg, Perform Alluvial Fan Analysis

Mitigation and Community Outreach

Other N/A Non-Reg, Perform Alluvial Fan Analysis

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Tier1 Tier2 Tier3 MIP Task

Riverine Basemap Preparation Basemap Preparation Regulatory, Acquire Base Map

Riverine Basemap Preparation Independent QA/QC Regulatory, Perform Independent QA/QC: Base Map

Riverine Basemap Preparation Other Regulatory, Acquire Base Map

Riverine Field Survey Field Survey Regulatory, Perform Field Survey

Riverine Field Survey Desktop Analysis Regulatory, Perform Field Survey

Riverine Field Survey Field Cross-sections Regulatory, Perform Field Survey

Riverine Field Survey Field Measures Regulatory, Perform Field Survey

Riverine Field Survey Field Survey Structures Regulatory, Perform Field Survey

Riverine Field Survey Independent QA/QC Regulatory, Perform Independent QA/QC: Field Survey

Riverine Field Survey Other Regulatory, Perform Field Survey

Riverine Hydrology Hydrology Regulatory, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Hydrology Rainfall Runoff Regulatory, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Hydrology Regression USGS or Regional Urban Equations

Regulatory, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Hydrology Gage or Mid -Range Analysis

Regulatory, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Hydrology Hydrograph Development Regulatory, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Hydrology Independent QA/QC Regulatory, Perform Independent QA/QC: Hydrologic Data

Riverine Hydrology Other Regulatory, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Hydraulics Hydraulics Regulatory, Develop Hydraulic Data

Riverine Hydraulics AE-Alluvial Fan: 2D Regulatory, Develop Hydraulic Data

Riverine Hydraulics AE-Alluvial Fan: FAN

Regulatory, Develop Hydraulic Data

Riverine Hydraulics AE-Study 1D: Steady

Regulatory, Develop Hydraulic Data

Riverine Hydraulics AE-Study 1D: Unsteady Regulatory, Develop Hydraulic Data

Riverine Hydraulics AE-Study 2D: Unsteady Regulatory, Develop Hydraulic Data

Riverine Hydraulics Auto-H/H No Clean up Regulatory, Develop Hydraulic Data

Riverine Hydraulics A-Study: No Structures Regulatory, Develop Hydraulic Data

Riverine Hydraulics A-Study: With Structures Regulatory, Develop Hydraulic Data

Riverine Hydraulics Limited Detail Regulatory, Develop Hydraulic Data

Riverine Hydraulics Net NVUE Purchased Not Tracked in the MIP

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Tier1 Tier2 Tier3 MIP Task

Riverine Hydraulics Independent QA/QC Regulatory, Perform Independent QA/QC: Hydraulic Data

Riverine Hydraulics Other Regulatory, Develop Hydraulic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Non-Regulatory Products See columns BL thru CM

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Map Non-Reg, Perform Floodplain Mapping

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Report Non-Reg, Perform Filed Survey

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Database Non-Reg, Develop Hydraulic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset -Changes Since Last FIRM

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Water Surface Elevation Grids

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset 1% Annual Chance Flood Depth Grid

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset Multi-Frequency Flood Depth Grids (eg, 10%, 4% etc.)

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset Flood Risk Analysis Grid (Percent Annual Chance)

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Flood Risk Analysis Grid (Percent 30 yr. Chance)

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset Flood Risk Assessment (AAL)

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset Flood Risk Assessment (Refined)

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset Flood Risk Assessment (Composite)

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset Flood Risk Assessment (User Defined Analysis)

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset Areas of Mitigation Interest

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products

Flood Risk Dataset Flood Risk Analysis Grid (Water Surface Elevation Change)

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset Flood Risk Analysis Grid (Velocity)

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset Risk MAP Dam Locations

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset Dam Cross Sections

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset Dams Cross Section Model Results

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

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Tier1 Tier2 Tier3 MIP Task

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset Scenario Lookup Table

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset Upstream Inundation Areas

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset Downstream Inundation Areas

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset Easements

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset Risk Assessment Results - Dams

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Critical Facility

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Dam Depth Grid

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Dam Velocity Grid

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Non-Regulatory Products

Flood Risk Dataset - Stream Depth & Velocity Severity Raster for the Flood of Record

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Riverine Regulatory Products AE Redelineation Regulatory, Perform Floodplain Mapping

Riverine Regulatory Products SFHA Mapping (Digital Conversion)

Regulatory, Perform Floodplain Mapping

Riverine Regulatory Products Independent QA/QC - Mapping

Regulatory, Perform Independent QA/QC: Floodplain Mapping Data

Riverine Regulatory Products Develop FIS Regulatory, Produce Preliminary Map Products

Riverine Regulatory Products Develop DFIRM DBs Regulatory, Develop DFIRM Database

Riverine Regulatory Products Develop and Deliver Prelims

Regulatory, Produce Preliminary Map Products

Riverine Regulatory Products Independent QA/QC - Prelims

Regulatory, Produce Preliminary Map Products

Riverine Regulatory Products Post Preliminary Processing

Regulatory, one PPP cost / schedule with various sub-tasks

Riverine Regulatory Products Other Regulatory, varies

Riverine CNMS Validation N/A Not tracked in the MIP

Riverine Other N/A Regulatory, varies

Coastal Basemap Preparation Basemap Preparation Regulatory, Acquire Base Map

Coastal Basemap Preparation Independent QA/QC Regulatory, Perform Independent QA/QC: Base Map

Coastal Basemap Preparation Other Regulatory, Acquire Base Map

Coastal Field Survey Field Survey Regulatory, Perform Field Survey

Coastal Field Survey Desktop Analysis Regulatory, Perform Field Survey

Page 52: Project Planning and Purchasing Portal (P4) Toolproject planning, project purchasing and project implementation phases. Project – A higher level term for one or more purchases that

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Tier1 Tier2 Tier3 MIP Task

Coastal Field Survey Field Transects Regulatory, Perform Field Survey

Coastal Field Survey Field Measures Regulatory, Perform Field Survey

Coastal Field Survey Field Survey Structures Regulatory, Perform Field Survey

Coastal Field Survey Field Reconnaissance Regulatory, Perform Field Survey

Coastal Field Survey Independent QA/QC Regulatory, Perform Independent QA/QC: Field Survey

Coastal Field Survey Other Regulatory, Perform Field Survey

Coastal Coastal Hazard Analysis Coastal Hazard Analysis Regulatory, Perform Coastal Analysis

Coastal Coastal Hazard Analysis Wave Hazard Analysis - Detail

Regulatory, Perform Coastal Analysis

Coastal Coastal Hazard Analysis Wave Hazard Analysis - Limited Detail

Regulatory, Perform Coastal Analysis

Coastal Coastal Hazard Analysis Erosion Detail Regulatory, Perform Coastal Analysis

Coastal Coastal Hazard Analysis Erosion - Limited Detail Regulatory, Perform Coastal Analysis

Coastal Coastal Hazard Analysis Sheltered Waters Wave Hazard Analysis

Regulatory, Perform Coastal Analysis

Coastal Coastal Hazard Analysis Riverine & Coastal Combined Flood Elevations

Regulatory, Perform Coastal Analysis

Coastal Coastal Hazard Analysis Hydrograph Development Regulatory, Perform Coastal Analysis

Coastal Coastal Hazard Analysis Net Coastline Miles Purchased

Regulatory, Perform Coastal Analysis

Coastal Coastal Hazard Analysis Independent QA/QC Regulatory, Perform Independent QA/QC: Coastal Data

Coastal Coastal Hazard Analysis Other Regulatory, Perform Coastal Analysis

Coastal Surge and Offshore Wave Analysis

Surge and Offshore Wave Analysis

Regulatory, Perform Coastal Analysis

Coastal Surge and Offshore Wave Analysis

2D Wave Transformation Analysis

Regulatory, Perform Coastal Analysis

Coastal Surge and Offshore Wave Analysis

2D Hydrodynamic Surge Modeling

Regulatory, Perform Coastal Analysis

Coastal Surge and Offshore Wave Analysis

Tidal Frequency Analysis Regulatory, Perform Coastal Analysis

Coastal Surge and Offshore Wave Analysis

Tidal Record Reconstruction

Regulatory, Perform Coastal Analysis

Coastal Surge and Offshore Wave Analysis

Wave Hindcast Data Regulatory, Perform Coastal Analysis

Coastal Surge and Offshore Wave Analysis

Independent QA/QC Regulatory, Perform Independent QA/QC: Coastal Data

Coastal Surge and Offshore Wave Analysis

Other Regulatory, Perform Coastal Analysis

Coastal Non-Regulatory Products Non-Regulatory Products See columns EE thru EY

Coastal Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Map Non-Reg, Perform Floodplain Mapping

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Tier1 Tier2 Tier3 MIP Task

Coastal Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Report Non-Reg, Perform Filed Survey

Coastal Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Database Non-Reg, Develop Hydraulic Data

Coastal Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset Changes Since Last FIRM

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Coastal Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Water Surface Elevation Change

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Coastal Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - 1% Annual Chance Flood Depth Grid

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Coastal Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Flood Risk Assessment (AAL)

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Coastal Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Flood Risk Assessment (Refined)

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Coastal Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Flood Risk Assessment (Composite)

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Coastal Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Flood Risk Assessment (User Defined Analysis)

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Coastal Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Areas of Mitigation Interest

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Coastal Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Multi -frequency Flood Depth Grids (e.g. 10%, 4% etc.)

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Coastal Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Coastal Wave Height Grid

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Coastal Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Coastal Increased Inundation Areas

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Coastal Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Coastal Wave Hazard Severity Areas

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Coastal Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset Primary Frontal Dune (PFD) Erosion Areas

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Coastal Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Erosion Dune Peak

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Coastal Non-Regulatory Products

Flood Risk Dataset - Flood Risk Analysis Grid (Water Surface Elevation Change)

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Coastal Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Flood Risk Analysis Grid (Velocity)

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Coastal Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Flood Risk Analysis Grid (Percent 30-yr Chance)

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Coastal Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Flood Risk Analysis Grid (Percent Annual Chance)

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Page 54: Project Planning and Purchasing Portal (P4) Toolproject planning, project purchasing and project implementation phases. Project – A higher level term for one or more purchases that

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Tier1 Tier2 Tier3 MIP Task

Coastal Regulatory Products AE Redelineation Regulatory, Perform Floodplain Mapping

Coastal Regulatory Products SFHA Mapping (Digital Conversion)

Regulatory, Perform Floodplain Mapping

Coastal Regulatory Products Independent QA/QC - Mapping

Regulatory, Perform Independent QA/QC: Floodplain Mapping Data

Coastal Regulatory Products Develop FIS Regulatory, Produce Preliminary Map Products

Coastal Regulatory Products Develop DFIRM DBs Regulatory, Develop DFIRM Database

Coastal Regulatory Products Develop and Deliver Prelims

Regulatory, Produce Preliminary Map Products

Coastal Regulatory Products Independent QA/QC - Prelims

Regulatory, Produce Preliminary Map Products

Coastal Regulatory Products Post Preliminary Processing

Regulatory, one PPP cost / schedule with various sub-tasks

Coastal Regulatory Products Other Regulatory, varies

Coastal Other N/A Regulatory, varies


Non-Accredited Levee Data Evaluation and Selection of Mapping Options

Data Evaluation & Selection of Mapping Options/Levee Data Collection

Not tracked in the MIP


Non-Accredited Levee Data Evaluation and Selection of Mapping Options

Initial Stakeholder Engagement

Not tracked in the MIP


Non-Accredited Levee Data Evaluation and Selection of Mapping Options

Local Levee Partnership Team

Not tracked in the MIP


Non-Accredited Levee Data Evaluation and Selection of Mapping Options

Levee Analysis and Mapping Plan

Not tracked in the MIP


Non-Accredited Levee Data Evaluation and Selection of Mapping Options

Independent QA/QC Not tracked in the MIP

Levee Non-Accredited Levee System-Wide Mapping

Interior Drainage Regulatory, Develop Hydraulic Data

Levee Non-Accredited Levee System-Wide Mapping

Natural Valley (Zone D) Regulatory, Develop Hydraulic Data

Levee Non-Accredited Levee System-Wide Mapping

Independent QA/QC Regulatory, Perform Independent QA/QC: Hydraulic Data

Levee Non-Accredited Levee Reach Procedures

Review Sound Reach Submittal

Regulatory, Develop Hydraulic Data

Levee Non-Accredited Levee Reach Procedures

Review Freeboard Deficient Submittal

Regulatory, Develop Hydraulic Data

Levee Non-Accredited Levee Reach Procedures

Review Analyze and Map Overtopping Procedure

Regulatory, Develop Hydraulic Data

Levee Non-Accredited Levee Reach Procedures

Structural-Based Inundation

Regulatory, Develop Hydraulic Data

Page 55: Project Planning and Purchasing Portal (P4) Toolproject planning, project purchasing and project implementation phases. Project – A higher level term for one or more purchases that

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Tier1 Tier2 Tier3 MIP Task

Levee Non-Accredited Levee Reach Procedures

Independent QA/QC Regulatory, Perform Independent QA/QC: Hydraulic Data

Levee Non-Regulatory Products Non-Regulatory Products See columns GB thru GQ

Levee Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Map Non-Reg, Perform Floodplain Mapping

Levee Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Report Non-Reg, Perform Filed Survey

Levee Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Database Non-Reg, Develop Hydraulic Data

Levee Non-Regulatory Products FRR DB - Levee Scenario Lookup table

Non-Reg, Develop Hydraulic Data

Levee Non-Regulatory Products

Flood Risk Dataset - Behind-levee Flooding Extent (including Levee Shadow)

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Levee Non-Regulatory Products

Flood Risk Dataset - Community -Supplied Breach and Armored Overtopping Points

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Levee Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Levee Location

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Levee Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Freeboard

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Levee Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Levee point elements

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Levee Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Rating Curve

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Levee Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Critical Facility - Levee

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Levee Non-Regulatory Products

Flood Risk Dataset - Flood Risk Assessment Results - Levee (Census Block)

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Levee Non-Regulatory Products

Flood Risk Dataset - Flood Risk Assessment Results - Levee (User Defined Analysis)

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Levee Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Depth Raster

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Levee Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Velocity Raster

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Levee Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Water Surface Elevation Raster

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Levee Non-Regulatory Products Flood Risk Dataset - Stream Depth & Velocity Severity Raster

Non-Reg, Develop Hydrologic Data

Levee Miscellaneous Technical Support

65.10 Review Not tracked in the MIP

Levee Miscellaneous Technical Support

PAL Meetings or other levee outreach

Not tracked in the MIP

Levee Miscellaneous Technical Support

Levee pre- scoping Not tracked in the MIP

Levee Miscellaneous Technical Support

Other Not tracked in the MIP

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Tier1 Tier2 Tier3 MIP Task

Levee Other N/A Not tracked in the MIP

Elevation/LIDAR Point Cloud N/A LiDAR Acquisition Project, Develop Topographic Data

Elevation/LIDAR Bare Earth Processing N/A LiDAR Acquisition Project, Develop Topographic Data

Elevation/LIDAR Breaklines N/A

Regulatory and LiDAR Acquisition Projects, Develop Topographic Data

Elevation/LIDAR Checkpoint Surveys N/A LiDAR Acquisition Project, Develop Topographic Data

Elevation/LIDAR Digitize USGS Quad N/A Regulatory, Develop Topographic Data

Elevation/LIDAR Elevation Data Integration


Regulatory and LiDAR Acquisition Projects, Develop Topographic Data

Elevation/LIDAR Independent QA/QC N/A

Regulatory and LiDAR Acquisition Projects, Perform Independent QA/QC: Topographic Data

Elevation/LIDAR Contour Interval from LIDAR (Undetermined)

N/A LiDAR Acquisition Project, Develop Topographic Data

Elevation/LIDAR Contour Interval from LIDAR (1-2ft)

N/A LiDAR Acquisition Project, Develop Topographic Data

Elevation/LIDAR Contour Interval from LIDAR (3-4ft)

N/A LiDAR Acquisition Project, Develop Topographic Data

Elevation/LIDAR Contour Interval from LIDAR (5ft)

N/A LiDAR Acquisition Project, Develop Topographic Data

Elevation/LIDAR Other N/A

Regulatory and LiDAR Acquisition Projects, Develop Topographic Data

Program Support Program Management N/A Not tracked in the MIP

Program Support RSC Support N/A Not tracked in the MIP

Program Support Other N/A Not tracked in the MIP

Metrics NVUE N/A Not tracked in the MIP

Metrics Deployment N/A Not tracked in the MIP