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Š.C. „Petar Kočić“ Srbac M A T U R S K I R A D I Z E N G L E S K O G J E Z I K A Mentor: Maturant: Prof.Dijana Lazić Dragan Bosanac 3

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Š.C. „Petar Kočić“




Mentor: Maturant: Prof.Dijana Lazić Dragan Bosanac

Srbac,maja 2014godine


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TEMA: UK and the USA-differences



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USA and the UK are two different conglomerate of states in the world. USA, completely known as United States of America has a federal and constitutional republic form of government while the UK (United Kingdom)

instills the constitutional monarchy-parliament governance.In terms of the number of states, the US is composed of fifty different states and a federal district (the seat of governance). The UK is a unitary or single state nation that is composed of four separate countries namely: Northern Ireland, England, Wales and Scotland.

Geographically speaking, the US is like a large continent with most of its states residing in the Northern American continent. UK, on the other hand, is an aggregate of small and big islands. Thus, it is more similar to an archipelago.

These two countries have many more differences on many fields like culture ,economy ,food ,grammar and etc…

1.Food 3

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Food is very important link in developing business ,more considering is what about products who are same but have different ingredients . There are some exchanges which result unhealthy final product.

How did Americans get so large if other developed nations are consuming so many of the same foods. However, if we analyze ingredient lists on processed foods between countries, namely US and the U.K, there are stark differences.

For numerous suspicious and disturbing reasons, the U.S. has allowed foods that are banned in many other developed countries into food supply,

Also ,there is difference in spelling same terms of food:


Biscuit / Bickie(A cookie is a large biscuit)


Scone BiscuitFairy Cake Cup CakeCourgette ZucchiniSweets CandySausage / Banger SausageCrisps Potato ChipsChips(French Fries in McDonald's)

French Fries

 Starter AppetizerPuddings / Afters / Dessert / Sweets


Jacket Potato / Baked Potato Baked PotatoJam JellyJelly JelloAubergine Eggplant


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Sandwich / Butty / Sarny SandwichIce lolly PopsicleBill (at restaurant) checkGrill BroilFood / Grub / Nosh  FoodRasher A slice of baconEggy bread (fried) French ToastRunner beans Green beansSoldiers (We dip soldiers in our soft boiled eggs)

Finger sized slices of toast.

Take-away Take outScotch Pancakes Flapjacks

British people are known by slow life so they eat more light and carefully picked food like a lot of veggies ,less meat and less unhealthy drinks ,but US is country where “time is money” so they like to feed quick which is often unhealthy such as warm meat burgers ,sandwiches ,big amount of fried food and they are large consumers of unhealthy soda drinks such as Coke and etc…

2.LanguageSome differences between UK and US English are well documented. For example, most people know that football is a different game in North America and the UK, and any American in the UK quickly learns not to talk about fanny packs. But there are also some more subtle differences that might stymie visitors to Britain, especially those who have learnt American English.

1. Toilet


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For Americans, this is a piece of porcelain. For the British, it is also a room that contains that particular piece of porcelain. If an American tells you she got stuck in the ladies’ toilet, offer her a towel and a hairdryer.

2. Quite

Before an adjective, American quite means ‘very’, while British quite means ‘somewhat’. So, if the American tourist is quite tired, direct him to his bed. But if a Brit tells you a restaurant is quite good, you’d be wise to keep looking for somewhere better.

3. Moot

In addition to quite, British and American Englishes have other ‘Janus words’ whose meanings look both ways. A British moot point is open to discussion, but for an American, the discussion has been declared pointless. The UK Parliament puts legislation on the table for discussion, but the US Congress tables the legislation they don’t want to discuss and puts matters for discussion on the floor instead. A British speaker’s nervy athlete would be a bundle of nerves, but an American’s has ‘got a lot of nerve’ (and probably a mouth to match). And while homely means ‘comfortable in a home-like way’ in Britain (and much of the Commonwealth), in America it is a way of describing a person as ugly.

4. Please

Americans say please – just not always where the British expect to hear it. The British say please when ordering food in restaurants (or requesting things in shops) because they view the action as a personal request to the waiter. Americans regard ordering as providing the waiter with the information he needs to do his job, so they say ‘I’ll have the chicken’. As language blogger Ben Trawick-Smith has noted, please can add connotations of impatience and exasperation to an American request.

5. Pants

Americans don’t use the word trousers much, and when they do, it only applies to menswear. Instead, Americans wear pants on their lower halves.


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When those garments inevitably get damaged on their travels, their wearers sometimes make public proclamations about the stains on their pants. Even more inevitably, they are regarded with horror or laughed at, since British pants usually refers to underpants.

6. Fag

The British do a lot with the words fag and faggot, which can be a shock to people who only know them as derogatory words to refer to gay men. Fag is British slang for a cigarette, so smokers ‘pop out for a fag’ and they might try to ‘bum (or pinch) a fag’ off you. But fag can also be a bother. Going out to buy more cigarettes in the rain can be ‘a bit of a fag’. Faggots, meanwhile, are found on menus; they are a kind of meatball made of (usually pork) organ meats, served with gravy and potatoes. Since no one ever seems to order any, it’s possible they stay on menus just to shock American tourists.

7. Republican

The recent Jubilee has led some British people to talk more about a republicanism that has nothing to do with Mitt Romney. British republicans would like the UK to be a republic, rather than a monarchy. British republicans are likely to be considered politically left-wing, unlike American Republicans, who are named after the small-r republican ideals of the American Revolutionary War (or the American War of Independence, as the British call it). Now, of course, American Republican is almost synonymous with social and fiscal conservatism.

8. Subway

Follow signs pointing to a subway in London, and you’ll find yourself either at the ubiquitous American fast-food joint or in an underground tunnel. And there in the tunnel, you’ll find confused Americans looking around for the trains. While the New York subway is a railway under the city’s streets, in London it is a pedestrian way beneath a road.


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2.1.Words:There are many British words which are different to American words.

Here are some categories to view difference:



Trousers PantsPants / Underwear / Knickers Underwear / pantiesJumper / Pullover / Sweater /Jersey


Pinafore Dress JumperVest UndershirtWaistcoat VestWellington Boots / Wellies GaloshesMac (slang for Macintosh) Rain CoatPlimsolls Gym ShoesTrainers SneakersBraces SuspendersSuspenders Holds up stockingsDressing Gown RobeNappy DiaperPinny / Apron ApronPolo Neck Turtle NeckDressing Gown Bath RobeSwimming costume / Cozzy Bathing Suit


Semi-Detached House Duplex 3

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Flat (one storey) appartment Apartment

Terrace (row of houses joined) Town House

Chemist Drug Store / DruggistCafe / Caff (not 24 hrs) DinerBungalow House (one story)

 Ranch HouseParts of a Car:


Bonnet HoodWindscreen WindshieldBoot TrunkReversing lights Back-up lightsExhaust pipe Tail pipe / Muffler



Football SoccerRounders BaseballBat (table tennis) Paddle (ping pong)


While Grammar Slammer was written with American standards of English in mind, it works for virtually all English including that of the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the former and present British Commonwealth.


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Some of words have different meanings, some are spelled differently, but grammar is the "glue" that holds a language together. Grammar, therefore, is virtually the same wherever English is spoken.

The only significant difference is that the British sometimes treat collective nouns as plural where the Americans treat them as singular.

UK: "The government are announcing an important decision." (Speaking of specific people in the government)."The government is a constitutional monarchy." (Speaking of the government as an institution)

US: "The government is announcing an important decision.""The government is a republic."

Spelling Differences

Grammar Slammer does not deal specifically with spelling questions except as they relate to grammar. It does use American spelling in its presentation. Actually the differences between UK and US spelling are also quite trivial.

Norman-derived words that end in -our in the UK end in -or in the USA. Saviour and glamour are preferred spellings in both places.

UK: colour, honour, favourite

US: color, honor, favorite

Some Norman-derived words that end in -re in the UK end in -er in the US.UK: centre, theatre

US: center, theater

The verbs that end in verb-forming suffix -ise in the UK end in -ize in the US. This applies to the few verbs ending in -yse and -yze as well. One exception is chastise which is the same in both places.UK: realise, theorise, socialise, analyse,


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US: realize, theorize, socialize, analyze

A few other words that end with an s or z sound before a final vowel differ also.UK: cosy, rase (raze is becoming more common), practise (verb; noun is practice)

US: cozy, raze, practice (both noun and verb)

A few words that end in -nse in the U.S. end in -nce in the U.K.:UK: defence, licence (noun; verb is license)

US: defense, license (noun and verb)

A few other words are spelled differently. A few common examples follow.UK: waggon, gaol (jail is becoming more common), mould, moult, manoeuvre, encyclopaedia, furore

US: wagon, jail, mold, molt, maneuver, encyclopedia, furor

Pronunciation, of course, varies greatly. There are distinctive patterns of English from around the world. There are also distinctive dialects from different regions--and even neighborhoods--across both the British Isles and North America.


Although the U.S. and the U.K. are both English-speaking countries, cultural differences can create communication difficulties. This article is aimed at both businesspeople and the general public, and gives a brief overview of some of the major distinctions between the two cultures.

Definitions of Success

One big difference between the U.S. and U.K. business cultures is the way that the different cultures define success. The United States is famous for its love of capitalist enterprise, and this cultural tradition has affected the way


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that Americans understand success. In the States, a successful businessperson is almost exclusively defined as someone who has a good salary and who has achieved financial success. It's true that these people usually also hold high positions in their companies, but position isn't necessarily a requirement for most people. In the U.K., by contrast, position is much more important, and being well-connected is not merely a means to an end.

After Work

Business people in the U.S. and the U.K. tend to have very different lives outside work. In addition, many American businesspeople are engaged in church activities, volunteerism, or have other responsibilities in the community. As a result of having so much to do after work, it's not common in the U.S. for business people to socialize with colleagues after work. This is very different from the situation in many other countries, including Britain, where having a pint with coworkers is a near-universal after-work pastime.



While you may not think it at first, there are numerous cultural differences between the US and the UK that you will likely encounter. Just as there are language differences between the US and UK, there are even differences in customs, attitudes, opinions, and reactions within the US. The US encompasses many different cultures and regions, so the information here is simply a general guide and may not be valid everywhere. However, it can be a great way to get familiar with your new home before you arrive.


These are some of the more notable holidays. There are numerous holidays in the American academic calendar , most of which will provide days off from classes. Major holidays you should note are:


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Labor Day - First Monday in September. This day is federal bank holiday where most public offices are closed.

Columbus Day - 10 October, to celebrate Columbus's landing in the Americas.

Veteran’s Day - American variation of Remembrance Day on 11 November honouring military veterans.

Thanksgiving - Last Thursday of November, typically celebrations with turkey.

Martin Luther King, Jr Day - celebrated on the third Monday of January, this federal holiday marks the birthday of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

President's Day - the third Monday of February, celebrating the birthday of George Washington (the first president of the US).

Spring Break - usually March-April time giving students a week off school. Some take this time to catch up on work, go on organised student trips or travel.

Memorial Day - the last Monday of May, commemorating US who died while in military service.

4th of July - a celebration of America’s independence, traditionally celebrated with fireworks and BBQ’s.

Personal Lives

In general, Americans are much more open than Britons. Friends and even acquaintances discuss personal thoughts and opinions that might seem private or intrusive in the UK. Do not feel embarrassed if an American asks you a seemingly private or presumptuous question. He or she is most likely sincerely curious about your thoughts and feelings and is assuming you would like to share them.

You may learn more about your American friends than you wanted to know, or you may hear more childhood stories than you care to listen to. Americans will be interested in your experiences and background as


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well since your upbringing may differ greatly from theirs. In addition to more frequent discussion about their personal lives, there is often a greater display of photographs, posters and memorabilia in dorm rooms or office spaces.


The sense of humour differs from one side of the Atlantic to the other. Americans tend to be less dry or sarcastic; do not be surprised if your subtlety is not understood at first! Some Americans may feel offended if they do not understand your humour, but after a brief explanation they will be laughing along with you. Similarly, absurd and nonsensical humour (think Monty Python) is not typical and may not translate at first.

You also may find that typically British programmes such as The Office or Downton Abbey have gained a large following in America, and are great starting points when meeting people for the first time.


1. The biggest differences are the most obvious ones: The USA is a republic, while the UK is a constitutional monarchy: in this case, a representative democracy with a monarch at its head. The USA has a written constitution while the constitution of the UK is unwritten.

2. The UK government is not split into branches. The leader of the governing party becomes Prime Minister, who almost has the power of a king. He or she alone has the power to declare war, to make alliances, to use nuclear weapons, and to appoint the people of his choice to the Cabinet, the various government ministries and offices of state.

3. Because Britain is a much smaller country than the USA, it is all situated inside one time zone, so the polls all open at the same time (7:00am) and close together (10:00pm), and no results are known while people are still able to cast their votes. Counting begins as soon as the polls close and the


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results are announced constituency by constituency.There is no interim or hand-over period, and results take effect immediately.

4. The President of the USA is the highest paid head of government in the world. The British Prime Minster is the fourth (the 2 between them, in case you were wondering, are the Chancellor of Germany and the Prime Minster of New Zealand). It is notable that compared to corporate bosses, film stars, sports figures and many others, heads of government receive very little by way of remuneration for what is a 24/7 job.

5. Unlike their American counterparts, British politicians never mention God.


The most marked divergence of tastes lie within institutions separated by oceans, and continents. Although the UK and USA share an Anglo-Saxon culture, disparities are marked within ideals of their respective education systems, further being indicative of their particular cultures.

Needless to say such a scenario would not engender smiles on the faces of their British counterparts, who've journeyed through system of education where from an early age specialization has been expected. Thus by the time these students commence their undergraduate training they are only expected to study within their chosen area of study.

These structural differences influence changes within the deliverance of classes. Due to obligation of students to study outside their fields of study the US prescribes a broader, but less in depth of an enquiry of study. On American campuses, work is constantly requested from students on a daily basis. In contrast the British university calendar invites extra-intensive work in patches, separated by periods of lulls, thus creating large tracts of downtime between assignments. It this downtime that characterises the British university lifestyle where social life is the veritable engine of UK university life, pushing academia into the passenger seat. In contrast academia takes the fore in America colleges, largely due to structured


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system in American colleges brought by an emphasis upon teaching. Work is definitely more intensive in American colleges, which is to be expected given that American students pay significantly more than their British counterparts, and hence American students tend to be more motivated than their apathetic British counterparts.

4.4.Sport:The United Kingdom has given birth to a range of major international sports including: association football, baseball, rugby, cricket, golf ,tennis ,table tennis , badminton, squash, hockey ,boxing ,snooker, billiards and curling.

This has meant that in the infancy of many sports, England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland formed among the earliest separate governing bodies, national teams and domestic league competitions. After 1922 some sports formed separate bodies for Northern Ireland though some continued to be organised on an All-Island basis.

As a result, notably in certain teams sports such as association football and Rugby, but also in the multi-sport Commonwealth Games, international sporting events are contested not by a team representing the United Kingdom, but by teams representing the separate "home nations". At Olympic level, however, the United Kingdom is represented by a single national organising committee the British Olympic Association, and competes as Great Britain and Northern Ireland (although some Northern Ireland athletes are eligible for, and compete on behalf of, Ireland).

For more information on most sports you may wish, therefore, to consider reading the Sport in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland articles.

Major individual sports include athletics, golf, motorsports, and horseracing. Tennis is the highest profile sport for the two weeks of the Wimbledon Championships, but otherwise struggles to hold its own in the country of its birth. Many other sports are also played and followed to a lesser degree. There is much debate over which sport has the most active participants with swimming, athletics, cycling all found to have wider active participation than association football in the 2010 Sport England Active People survey.


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Sports are an important part of the culture of the United States. Three of the nation's five most popular team sports were developed in North America: American football, basketball and ice hockey, whereas soccer was developed in England and baseball was developed in both Ireland and the United States. The four major professional sports leagues in the United States are Major League Baseball (MLB), the National Basketball Association (NBA), the National Football League (NFL), and the National Hockey League (NHL); all enjoy massive media exposure and are considered the preeminent competitions in their respective sports in the world. Three of those leagues have teams that represent Canadian cities, and all four are among the most lucrative sports leagues in the world. The top professional soccer league in the United States, Major League Soccer, has not yet reached the popularity levels of the top four sports leagues, although average attendance has been increasing and in fact has surpassed those of the NBA and the NHL.

Professional teams in all major sports operate as franchises within a league. All major sports leagues use the same type of schedule with a playoff tournament after the regular season ends. In addition to the major league-level organizations, several sports also have professional minor leagues, active in smaller cities across the country.

Sports are particularly associated with education in the United States, with most high schools and universities having organized sports. College sports competitions play an important role in the American sporting culture. In many cases college athletics are more popular than professional sports, with the major sanctioning body being the NCAA.

4.5.Taxes:A quick look online at the price of products in the US will certainly have you foaming at the mouth and aching in the wallet. Advertised prices in the US are considerably cheaper than in the UK – but that’s not necessarily the full story.

Sceptics of this UK vs US price divide often – quite rightly – point out that the sticker price in the US – online or otherwise – isn’t the total price. That


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once you add in state and local sales tax the prices between here and there really aren’t that different.

US vs UK prices head to head

Comparation online prices for five different tech products at four shops; Currys and Amazon in the UK and Best Buy and Amazon in the US.– in the final US prices. State and local sales taxes vary widely in the US .

ConclusionAll mentioned here is built through the years since US and UK existed .It is hard to say in which country is better to live since both have good and bad sides .Many people would say those two countries are same because of same language ,but also they have and different style of grammar and words for which many people don’t know .United States of America is known as “fast life” country ,they participated in many wars and were main part in exporting of weapons in Second World War .United Kingdom is known as peaceful country ,funny example of that is that they drink few times a day tea and they drink it much longer then usual people drink coffee .There is no


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doubt that those two “giants” will continue to evolve in stronger and better countries for live through the years.

Literateure:Ružica Knežević,Slavica Vujanović,Višnja Caga,Danica Kasumović,

Engleski jezik za IV razred ekonomske i turističko-ugostiteljske škole

Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva

Srpsko Sarajevo

2009 godina



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21.04.2014 godine