neurovascular assessment

NERVOUS SYSTEM: EXAM #3: MODULES 8.2-3 TERMS 1. APHASIA-loss of comprehension & language a) Expressive(motor)-difficulty speaking & writing ex. Damage Broca’s area due to stroke b) Receptive(sensory)- difficulty understanding writing & speech ex. Damage Wernicke area due stroke 2. Ataxia- lack co-ordination of movement 3. Concussion-a minor traumatic brain injury 4. Dysarthria- lack control over muscles of speech 5. Transient ischemic attack (TIA)-occurs when blood flow to part of brain is stopped briefly—mini stroke 6. Encephalitis- acute inflammation of brain 7. Homonymous hemianopsia- loss vision in one side visual field 8. ICP- increased intracranial pressure 9. Nuchal rigidity- neck stiffness 10. Posturing: a) Decerebrate- legs and arms extended, toes plantar flexed, arms adducted and wrist pronated with fingers flexed b) Decorticate-arms adducted & flexed, wrist & fingers flexed on chest, legs extended, internally rotated w/ plantar flexion of feet. 11. Paralysis-loss muscle fxn in part of body a) Flaccid- decreased muscle tone b) Spastic- increased muscle tone c) Paraplegia- paralysis & loss sensation in legs d) Tetraplegia- paralysis arms & legs e) Hemiplegia- paralysis one side body f) Upper motor neuron-originate in the cerebral cortex or brainstem and connect to the skeletal muscle—innervate skeletal muscles of arms, legs, trunk etc g) Lower motor neuron- connect the brain and spinal cord to skeletal muscles, bringing the impulse from the UMN to the muscles 12. Trephine-surgical instrument for cutting out circular pieces of bone or corneal tissue STRUCTURE OF NERVOUS SYSTEM A. NERVOUS SYSTEM 1. CNS- brain & spinal cord 2. PNS- 12 cranial & 33 spinal nerves a) Autonomic nervous system- regulation involuntary body fxns i. Parasympathetic nervous system-maintenance of normal body fxns ii. Sympathetic nervous system-fight or flight 3. Cells 4. Neuron- conducts & receives impulses 5. Neuroglial cell- supports, nourishes and protects neuron a) Oligodendrite- CNS, white matter- production myelin sheath (Swann cell in PNS) b) Astrocyte- PNS, grey matter- supports cell, forms blood brain barrier. when injury acts as phagocyte

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Post on 28-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Neurovascular Assessment


1. APHASIA-loss of comprehension & languagea) Expressive(motor)-difficulty speaking & writing ex. Damage Broca’s area due to

strokeb) Receptive(sensory)- difficulty understanding writing & speech ex. Damage

Wernicke area due stroke2. Ataxia- lack co-ordination of movement3. Concussion-a minor traumatic brain injury4. Dysarthria- lack control over muscles of speech5. Transient ischemic attack (TIA)-occurs when blood flow to part of brain is stopped briefly

—mini stroke6. Encephalitis- acute inflammation of brain7. Homonymous hemianopsia- loss vision in one side visual field8. ICP- increased intracranial pressure9. Nuchal rigidity- neck stiffness10.Posturing:

a) Decerebrate- legs and arms extended, toes plantar flexed, arms adducted and wrist pronated with fingers flexed

b) Decorticate-arms adducted & flexed, wrist & fingers flexed on chest, legs extended, internally rotated w/ plantar flexion of feet.

11.Paralysis-loss muscle fxn in part of bodya) Flaccid- decreased muscle toneb) Spastic- increased muscle tonec) Paraplegia- paralysis & loss sensation in legsd) Tetraplegia- paralysis arms & legse) Hemiplegia- paralysis one side bodyf) Upper motor neuron-originate in the cerebral cortex or brainstem and connect to

the skeletal muscle—innervate skeletal muscles of arms, legs, trunk etcg) Lower motor neuron- connect the brain and spinal cord to skeletal muscles,

bringing the impulse from the UMN to the muscles12.Trephine-surgical instrument for cutting out circular pieces of bone or corneal tissue STRUCTURE OF NERVOUS SYSTEM A. NERVOUS SYSTEM

1. CNS- brain & spinal cord2. PNS- 12 cranial & 33 spinal nerves

a) Autonomic nervous system- regulation involuntary body fxns i. Parasympathetic nervous system-maintenance of normal body fxns ii. Sympathetic nervous system-fight or flight

3. Cells4. Neuron- conducts & receives impulses5. Neuroglial cell- supports, nourishes and protects neuron

a) Oligodendrite- CNS, white matter- production myelin sheath (Swann cell in PNS)

b) Astrocyte- PNS, grey matter- supports cell, forms blood brain barrier. when injury acts as phagocyte

c) Ependemal cell- line ventricles brain- produce CSF 20-30mL/hrd) Micoglia-phagocyte

C. CRANIAL NERVESI. Olfactory- smellII. Optic- visionIII. Oculomotor- movement of eye

and superior levator palpabreIV. Trochlear- eve movement &

superior obliqueV. Trigeminal- sensation in face,

biting, chewing, swallow

VI. Abducens-eye movement & lateral rectus

VII. Facial-muscles of expressionVIII. Vestibulocochlear- hearingIX. Glossopharyngeal- tongue &

tasteX. Vagus- heart, lung, stomach,


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XI. Accessory- sternocleidomastoid, trapezius & other neck muscles

XII. Hypoglossal- tongue and buccinator

NERVE GENERATION • To maintain resting membrane potential (action potential), need energy (ATP) to pump

Na+ out of cell (NA-K+ pump)àACTION POTENTIAL.• Neurons release chemicals into synapse:

Acetylcholine-activates muscle in PNS decrease seen in alzheimers, decreased receptors seen in myasthenia gravis

Epinephrine & norepinephrine- fight or flight, speeds up physiologic respones Serotonin-mood, emotions, sleep, increased w/ schizophrenia Dopamine- emotions, mood, motor control, decreased w/ Parkinson's Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)- regulates muscle tone Endorphins well being, analgesia (feel goods) - & enkephalins-regulate nocioception

in body (noxious stimuli) Substance P- pain transmission-morphine blocks

I. Cerebruma) Frontal lobe- higher level fxn, intellectual fx, social appropriateness, creative

thinking, long term memory, personality Broca’s area- motor aspects speech- damage= can understand spoken

word, but can’t properly form words or produce speech--expressive(motor) aphasia- difficulty speaking & writing

b) Parietal- sensory & spatial, interpretation of touch, pressure & pain as well as distinguish objects, shapes & sizes—pin prick test palm of hand or place object in hand w/ eyes closed

c) Temporal-hearing, speech, behaviour & memory Wernicke's area- comprehension & recognition of written & spoken word,

damage=sensory(receptive) aphasiaà speech & meanings not understood d) Occipital lobe- visione) Hypothalamus- control autonomic nervous system, endocrine, motor control—

maintain homeostasisf) Thalamus-sensory perception & motor control, sleep-wake cyclesg) Limbic system-primitive –emotions & motivations for survival—anger, sex, eating

II. Brainstem- pons, midbrain, medullaà respirations, vasomotor & cardiac fxns etcIII. Cerebrum- coordination voluntary movement, posture, equilibrium & gait

A. LUMBAR PUNCTURE- CSF analysis, med. Administration, assess spinal blocks etc. Contraindicated ICP & skin infection . For pressure readings, CSF analysis, medication

BEFORE: Informed consent Explain & reinforce HCP

Note discomfort w/ injection, pain leg Void Assist into fetal position

-checks for spinal blocks, decreasing mild-moderate ICP AFTER:

Strict bed rest HOB flat 4-8hrs Neuro, neurovasc & VS Encourage fluids to decrease spinal headache Admin. Analgesics spinal headache

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B. CEREBRAL ANGIOGRAPHY- illumination of cerebral arteries, injection dye into femoral artery, -dx aneurysm, arteriovenous malformations,

Before: Assess allergy to iodine, shellfish, contrast media Reinforce procedure & informed consent

Inform must remain still, head immobile, Burning & heat on injection NPO 8-12hrs Remove hairpins, jewellery, hearing aides etc Baseline VS, neuro, neurovasc Void Admin analgesics

-occlusions, leaky blood, displacements After:

Strict bed rest w/ affected leg extended until off bed rest Check for bleeding @ puncture site Check neurovasc, neuro, VS Maintain pressure dressing & ice Encourage fluids to help excrete dye

C. CT SCAN- 3D imaging w/without dye Before: if using dye

Check for allergies Explain procedure & informed consent Instruct remove hairpins, jewellery etc No food 4-6hrs prior (can have fluids)

After: Assess delayed allergic rx. IV fluids

-tumours, infarcts, hemorrhage, hydrocephalus, bone malformationsD. ELECTROENCEPHALOPGRAPHY (EEG

BEFORE: Explain procedure If for sleep deprived, instruct wake at 2-3a.m & stay awake for rest of night Avoid stimulants & depressants; anticonvulsants if D.O

Monitor for seizures Shampoo hair before & after procedure

records electrical activity of cerebral hemispheres on ambulatory basis


Informed consent Explain procedure

Hard, cold surface, noisy, earplugs available, if claustrophobic sedative given Remove all metal clothing, jewellery etc.

-enhanced when use Galladium (non-iodine), -Detects abnormalities of brain & spine, -contraindicated in those with metal implants, pacemakers, pregnant, confused, agitated, tattoos, unstable VS, continuous life support


May cause discomfort Some may need sedative

AFTER: Comfort measure Inspect needle sites

- Dx neuromuscular, LMN, & peripheral nerve disorders- -EMG lab/bedsideà electrode placed along nerve- --test muscle potential, needle electrode inserted

G. TRANSCRANIAL DOPPLER Measures time needed for pulse travel specific depth & return to skulls surface

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