my advert pitch presentation notes

My Advert Pitch Presentation Notes Slide 1 Notes: Welcome to my presentation about voting for young people. Slide 2 Notes: Today I am going to talk about voting for young people. I hope that this presentation will help you understand more about voting and this is because you are my target audience. At the end of this presentation I hope that you will be able to understand the voting system. Slide 3 Notes: I have chosen the company ‘Bite the Ballot’. They are the organisation which aims to help young people understand the voting system. I had decided to use this organisation because I think they are suitable for my target audience and the message I want to send to my audience. ‘Verto’ is a tool which provides advice for young people so they can know the values/views of different political parties. The tool can be used on a phone, tablet or a desktop. This would make politics easier for the young generation as young people are always online. Slide 4 Notes: The aim of my campaign is to make young people more aware of how important voting is or to tell them that there voice matters. I have done a lot of research and found out that young people do not feel included in voting matters. Therefore I will ensure that my advert is well suited to my target audience. I will use simple terms which will be informative and easy for young people to understand. When I create this advert I want any young people watching to feel motivated. The general aim fits into current issues reflecting 16-19 year olds because it is the age they are gaining knowledge about voting. This is the time when young people are pushed into politics even though they do not know enough about it.

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Voting for young people


My Advert Pitch Presentation Notes

Slide 1 Notes: Welcome to my presentation about voting for young people.

Slide 2 Notes: Today I am going to talk about voting for young people. I hope that this presentation will help you understand more about voting and this is because you are my target audience. At the end of this presentation I hope that you will be able to understand the voting system.

Slide 3 Notes: I have chosen the company Bite the Ballot. They are the organisation which aims to help young people understand the voting system. I had decided to use this organisation because I think they are suitable for my target audience and the message I want to send to my audience.

Verto is a tool which provides advice for young people so they can know the values/views of different political parties. The tool can be used on a phone, tablet or a desktop. This would make politics easier for the young generation as young people are always online.

Slide 4 Notes: The aim of my campaign is to make young people more aware of how important voting is or to tell them that there voice matters. I have done a lot of research and found out that young people do not feel included in voting matters. Therefore I will ensure that my advert is well suited to my target audience. I will use simple terms which will be informative and easy for young people to understand. When I create this advert I want any young people watching to feel motivated. The general aim fits into current issues reflecting 16-19 year olds because it is the age they are gaining knowledge about voting. This is the time when young people are pushed into politics even though they do not know enough about it.

A few links with related information:

Slide 5 Notes: My target audience are male and females aged 16-19 years old. They would be in full time education this is because they are young people who are interests are going out and having fun or maybe due to financial issues they may be looking for a part- time or full-time job. The values and ideologies that my target audience will have are to be social because at this age teenagers like going out and having fun. Teenagers in the UK do not have a lot of responsibility and this is because our country is quite wealthy. Therefore teenagers get everything given to them such as education and free health care so they do not have to worry about anything. But they dont understand if they do not vote they are giving away their voice in how the government works.

Teenagers aged 16-19 are going to be my primary audience. This is because my advert is focused on teenagers voting for the first time so I would want to focus on how they feel and what they know about voting. Making teenagers my primary audience would make them feel more included as I had looked at statistic which had showed that more than half of teenagers feel invisible. I am hoping that my advert encourages young people to vote even though they might not know enough about it. My secondary audience will be adults and the government as I would like to show a message that young people need to be taught about the voting system. Whether it be added into the school curriculum or going out to make speeches. I would want my secondary to really reflect and see that young people need to be taught about voting so that they can have a say in their future.

Slide 6 Notes: I had made survey which I had sent to people in my sixth form. This had given me feedback on questions I had asked my target audience. I had made sure to think of questions that would help my advert be informative and interesting for my target audience. When I had looked through the responses I had got from the survey I had made sure that I would add the questions that were not answered as clearly in my focus group. One of the questions that I had asked in my survey in my survey was What should the government do to encourage young people to vote. The answer to this question were quite short so I thought it might be because people may not know what to write but if they talked about it they might be able to expand more.

Therefore I had held a focus group so that I could get more detailed answer from people. I had chosen questions from my survey which was not answered clearly or developed. I have asked people around my sixth form with various ages and backgrounds so that I could get a variety of answers. I was satisfied with the answers that I had got from the focus group. This is because the people in my focus group had talked in depth and explained there points really well. I had got a lot of information from the focus group.

Slide 7 Notes: My secondary research was:Making a research log table Searching the internet from informationReading articles and taking notes Watching documentaries/ videos on YouTube related to the subject.

My secondary research was me looking online, in books or watching videos related to my subject. This is because I want to find out more about voting for young people and see what the news say about voting and even watch clips that may show my primary target audience and secondary audiences views on voting for young people. When I had looked at various articles online I had put them into a research log and written what I had found and if it was useful. When I was searching on YouTube I found a TED Talk video and it was really interesting as it had a man who was really popular with teens talk about one post. The post was about My 18 year old sister wont vote because Harry Potter is on the TV this really caught my attention. This is because I it shows that not many teens understand that voting is so important. After I saw this video I had decided that I really wanted to make an advert that would inspire teenagers to vote.

Slide 8 Notes:My message that I want to send to my audience is that they should get more involved about voting and take action. This is because I am going to show them that they should not vote for someone just because there friends are. I am showing teenagers that they should do their own research on voting or ask someone about it as they do not want to be in the position where they are just voting for a party because everyone else is.

Slide 9 Notes:The form of my advert will be narrative based this is because I want to show teenagers a position they might be in because they did not vote. I will be using shock tactics to grab their attention. My advert will be narrative based therefore I will make sure that the narrative is clear for the audience to understand. In my advert there will be a beginning where we are first introduced to the character. In the middle of the advert you will see a task she has to overcome. In the end you will see the decision that the character has chosen.

Slide 10 Notes: A girl walking into school about to vote for the first time stops in front of the gate and has a flashbacks. The flashback will show the day before she had to vote. She would be hanging with her friends in the playground and they would tell her to vote for UKIP. She does not know anything about voting so she said she would vote for them because she trusts her friends.

She had gone into the hall ready to vote and a teacher approaches her and tells her to vote for Labour because they think it is a good party. Another teacher walks up to her before she walks to vote and says vote for the Liberal Democrats. A representative from Bite the Ballot talks to her and introduces her to the Verto app and there is then a Point of View shot of her phone as she is on the app answering the questions.The screen would cut and it would then show her walking out of the school smiling so you do not know who she had voted for.

The screen would fade to black and it will say help (Please help Bite the ballot educate young people.) and then it will show her putting an X to vote for The Green Party. The screen would fade to black again and say Bite The Ballot helps young people with voting and for more information visit the website or contact them on (charity no. 1160757) though we also jointly-run the BITE News YouTube channel with SBTV (company no. 09017765).

The screen would fade to black and it will say help (Please help Bite the ballot educate young people.) and then it will show her putting an X to vote for The Green Party. The screen would fade to black again and say Bite The Ballot helps young people with voting and for more information visit the website or contact them on (charity no. 1160757) though we also jointly-run the BITE News YouTube channel with SBTV (company no. 09017765).

A few links with related information:

Slide 11 Notes:I have selected these television and online sites to distribute my advert because think these places are mostly used by my target audience. I have chosen channels which also have an online site because young people are always online. I have also thought about putting the advert on social media sites such as Facebook this is because I can get feedback and see who like the advert and who did not. This will help me improve my approach on voting towards teenagers. I will show my advert during the break of Britain's Got Talent or a Lifestyles show. This is because young people are most likely to be watching these types of shows and the time the shows are on young people would be watching TV. This is because 16-19 year olds would be watching TV mostly after 8pm. I would also show my advert on Channel 4 in between Hollyoaks, Misfits, Made in Chelsea, Youngers and The inbetweeeners because these are shows young people would mostly watch. They may also be able to relate to the shows so adding the advert then may be more likely to capture the audience as it would be in-between on of their favourite shows. I have decided to put my advert on social media such as Facebook this is because it will certainly reach young people globally because most young people have a Facebook account. I would make a page which has a link the Bite the ballot page so they can get more information. When I put the advert on Facebook I will be able to get comments from young people and even add links about politics so they can be more involved in the voting system. I would make an Instagram account where young people can post pictures of the first day they would vote and for their caption it would be a question they would ask the Prime minister. The best 3 questions will be chosen and 2 days after the election the 3 teenagers will win a day to visit the Prime minster to talk ask there question.

Slide 12 Notes: I will ensure that my advert does not breach any of the legal or ethical restraints of ASA. When I make my advert I would like to use shock tactics to show the target audience a real effect of not voting. I will make sure I think about the emotions of the audience as I do not want to touch upon sensitive matters. I would make sure that all my points are justifiable so that I can provide awareness for my audience. When making the advert I will also have to follow the same rules as other advertisers. This will require me making sure that my advert is not misleading, harmful or offensive so that I can protect the audience. If I follow the rules in my advert complaints will not be made and I will be able to promote my advert on my chosen distributed channels and sites.

ASA stands for Advertising Standards Authority and the company/organisation is responsible for the content of adverts and make sure that the adverts are no misleading, harmful or offensive. There are 5 key principles advertising codes. When following the codes I will ensure that I do not upset or cause distress to any of my target audience. This is because I do not want to have any complaints about my advert.

I would follow the OFCOM rules by focusing on appropriate scheduling so that none of the underage children are effected or distressed by my advert. I will make sure that my points are justified in my advert and ensure that I am not biased towards one party. This is because I want to encourage young people to vote and I want them to know that they should research all the parties and pick what is right for them. My advert will not have any violence or sexual scenes and this is because it does not fit in to the genre and narrative. I will ensure that I will not get any complaints my putting my advert on an age appropriate channel at the right time that my target audience will be watching. I would make sure to put my advert in-between popular teen shows show that I can get more young people to watch it. I will also use social media to my advantage as I do want to cause a debate about my advert so I can spread word to mouth.

Slide 13 Notes:Do you have any questions?