june 14, 2015 bulletin

The Roman Catholic Community of ST. BRIGID PARISH, (St. Francis Xavier Church, Friendsville, Pa. St. Augustine Church, Silver Lake, Pa.) (St. Brigid’s Cross) P.O. Box 75 17 Cottage Street • Friendsville, Pa. 18818 www.ourparishcommunity.com Phone (570) 553-2288 E-mail: [email protected] Father Casimir (Cas) Stanis, Pastor Kenneth S. Brennan, Deacon PARISH MISSION STATEMENT “We the faithful of the Roman Catholic Community of St. Brigid Parish, (St. Francis Xavier and St. Augustine Churches), in union with our Holy Father, the Pope, and the Diocese of Scranton, are called through baptism to share in the mission which Jesus Christ has entrusted to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. We in this Faith Community, under the leadership of our Bishop and our Pastor, cooperate to proclaim the Gospel in accordance with the teaching of the Church, to celebrate the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, for the salvation of all, and to witness by grace to the Kingdom of God so as to promote a culture of life, justice and peace. We especially endeavor to foster spiritual growth and evangelization in our present and future generations by drawing parish members back to active participation.”

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Page 1: June 14, 2015 bulletin

MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEKEND St. Francis—June 20th—4:30PM: Lector—Thomas O’Reilly; Servers—Declan & Daegan Giannone; Ministers—Sean Kelly & Volunteer needed; Rosary—Loretta Guiton St. Francis—June 21st—8:00AM: Lector—Amanda Reeves; Servers—Thomas Williams; Ministers—Helen Burns & Mary K. Manjerovic; Rosary—Helen Burns St. Augustine—June 21st—10:30AM: Lector—Jack Kelly; Servers—Jack & Luke Fruehan; Ministers—Roseanne Rouff & Volunteer needed; Rosary—Ann Zalepa or a volunteer

DECEASED Please pray for the deceased, especially Jackson Considine who was known to many in our Parish Community. May he rest in peace. Amen.

SANCTUARY LIGHTS, ADORATION VIGIL CANDLES & DEVOTIONAL CANDLE DONATIONS A Devotional Candle at St. Francis b u r n s for a Special Intention requested by Joe Purr.

A Devotional Candle at St. Francis b u r n s for healing for all the sick and special intentions. A Devotional Candle at St. Augustine burns for the return to health of all the sick in our Parish Community requested by St. Brigid Altar & Rosary Society.

FLOWERS FOR OUR CHURCHES The Flowers at St. Augustine Church are given by Rosalynd Perlick-Spencer in Memory of Frank Perlick.

To provide flowers for St. Francis Church, please call the Rectory at (570-553-2288); for St. Augustine Church, please call Heidi Jaeger (570-663-2459). Dates are available in both Churches thru November.

CHURCH CLEANING St. Francis cleaners for the month of June—Camille Doyle and a volunteer is needed to help.

St. Augustine cleaners June 14 to 20—VOLUNTEERS NEEDED; June 21 to 27—VOLUNTEERS NEEDED.

PRAYER LIST Lord, hear our prayers for the sick of our Parish and Community listed below and for those who are not listed and in need of our prayers. Katelyn Andre, Michael Haefner, Bill Jones, Jr., David Zevan, Kyle Stoddard, Mary Lou Gregg, Sophie Padula, Madigan Gow, John Flynn, Donald & Terry Baum, Mary Bakay, Donnie Butler, Tommy Williams, Stephen Ambrose, Mary Riley, Toni Colardino, Tom Wenman, Linda Hollenback, Tyler Fletcher, Joshua Welch, Anna Mae Coleman, S.C.F., Kathy Holt, Mary Lou Fahs, Richard Hutchinson, Mary K. Long, Joshua Kaminski, B.F., Aleisya Abrams, Steve Hundiak, John Bauer, Butch Rosencranz, Ruth King, Ken Roon, Brooke Arnold, Hallie Brooks, June Riley, Sarah Murnigahan, William Chaney, Mary Cadden, Nancy Lynch, Daniel Gavin, Sue Anderson, Adam Kelly, Shawn Burns, Quinn Seymour, John & Alberta Zielinski, Virginia Raftis, Fred Russell, Dorothy Catlin, Marie Donahue, Nancy, Matt & Emily, Bob Murphy, Robyn Lawson, Vicky Nelson, Rita Flynn, Elton Carr, Kaleena Dughi, Molly Getter, Sam Miner, Debbie Drewry, Bub Davis, Rusty Carmen, Ronalee Eckert, Chelsea Judson, Walt Frystak, John Paul Jones, Valerie Newhart, Amanda Branning, Deborah Gregory, J.K., Andy Mooney, Dave Hibbard, Jeff Barnard, Mary Elizabeth Healy, Gloria Craige, T. S., H. T., Delmar O’Rourke, Lori & Michelle Parsons, Steve Burrell, Tammy Fleming, Barbara Borsavage, George Kotch, Jr., Leo Guiton, Gregg Loboda, Mark Kovach, Jerry Conboy, Brendan Kelly, Ken Guiton, Greg Lasgowka, Shirley Bowser, Paul Kerber, Linda Bush, Dick Lewis, Debbie Newhart, Anna, Amy, James O’Mara, Pat Donnelly, Cassey Juser, Florian Pasteka, Matt Purtell, Eleanor Hastings, Sheila McMahon, Natalie McMahon, Bob Keenan, Gladys Keating, Joe Redmond, Ted Place, Grove Doty, Jane Flynn, Jackie Guiton, Karen Purtell, Victoria Hegedty, and Richard Guido. May they regain full health. Please pray for the needs in our Parish Intention Books. Our Lady of Good Health, pray for us. Amen.

ARMED FORCES LIST Please pray for those in our Armed Forces, especially those from our Parish & Community, Christopher Reichlen, Patrick Allen, Shane Kalpokas, Ryan Gormley, Mike Griffith, Reed Shave, Matthew Kramer, Dustin Ryder, Bobby Brostoski, Ricky Trowbridge, Ryan Neville, Anthony Flynn, A. Jay Tewksbury, Jennifer Buttacavoli, Andrew Muscarelle, Adam Barziloski, Lukas Crisman, John Matousek, David Teetsel, Lisa Phillips, Carrie Krouse, Ryan Newberry, Wayne M. Bennett, Duane Thomas, Joseph Elliott, Michael and Sean Plitt, Mark W. Gregg, Bradley J. Bryant, Kevin Lewandoski, Amberlynn Villanella, Steven Shelp, and all who serve with them. May they all be protected and safe from harm and return home soon to their families and friends. Amen. Please call the rectory when the person you put on the Prayer List or Armed Forces List can be removed. If you know of anyone on the list who has passed away, please let us know so that their name can be removed from the list.

The Roman Catholic Community of ST. BRIGID PARISH,

(St. Francis Xavier Church, Friendsville, Pa.

St. Augustine Church, Silver Lake, Pa.)

(St. Brigid’s Cross)

P.O. Box 75 • 17 Cottage Street • Friendsville, Pa. 18818 www.ourparishcommunity.com • Phone (570) 553-2288

E-mail: [email protected] Father Casimir (Cas) Stanis, Pastor

Kenneth S. Brennan, Deacon

PARISH MISSION STATEMENT “We the faithful of the Roman Catholic Community of St. Brigid Parish, (St. Francis Xavier and St. Augustine Churches), in union with our Holy Father, the Pope, and the Diocese of Scranton, are called through baptism to share in the mission which Jesus Christ has entrusted to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. We in this Faith Community, under the leadership of our Bishop and our Pastor, cooperate to proclaim the Gospel in accordance with the teaching of the Church, to celebrate the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, for the salvation of all, and to witness by grace to the Kingdom of God so as to promote a culture of life, justice and peace. We especially endeavor to foster spiritual growth and evangelization in our present and future generations by drawing parish members back to active participation.”

Page 2: June 14, 2015 bulletin

WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP REPORT Thank you for your kindness & generosity in our Parish Collections. St. Francis (4:30PM)— $ 657.00; St. Francis (8:00AM)—$ 1126.25; St. Augustine (10:30AM)—$ 1518.50.


[S]ome behaviors are always wrong, always incompatible with our love of God and the dignity of the human person. ...Assisted suicide and euthanasia are not acts of mercy but acts that are never morally acceptable.” - Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities www.bit.ly/ProLifePastoralPlan


Divine Mercy Devotions are held following Sunday Masses at St. Francis & St. Augustine. You are encouraged to stay for a few minutes after Mass for this wonderful devotion.

CHILDREN’S WORSHIP BULLETINS Children’s Worship Bulletin’s are available in the back of the Churches.


DOROTHY PLACE by Patricia Hutchinson Sun. June 14 8:00AM St. Francis Church - 11TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

Anniv. JEREMY RUSSELL by Mom & Dad 10:30AM St. Augustine Church - JACK & SALLY MCNAMARA by Jim McNamara Mon. June 15 NO MASS Tue. June 16 NO MASS Wed. June 17 NO MASS Thur. June 18 NO MASS Fri. June 19 NO MASS Sat. June 20 4:30PM St. Francis Church - VIGIL: 12TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

NICHOLAS MC KEOWN by Rita DeRiancho Sun. June 21 8:00AM St. Francis Church - 12TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME


Barbara Pichette & Family

MISSION COOPERATIVE APPEAL This weekend is the Mission Cooperative Appeal. Fr. Sergio Maniba from the Diocese of San Jose de Antique, Philippines will be the Missionary. Please give Fr. Maniba a warm welcome! Your generosity is greatly appreciated.


The 191st St. Augustine’s Annual Picnic will be held Sunday, August 2nd, 2015, at Neumann Hall in Choconut.

POT O’GOLD PARTY The Pot O’Gold Party will be held Sunday, October 25th, 2015, beginning at 1:00PM, at Neumann Hall in Choconut.

COLLECTION FOR THE CARE & EDUCATION OF PRIESTS ~ THANK YOU Thank you to everyone for your generosity to last week’s collection for the Care & Education of Priests. The Collection total was $ 551.19.

2015 GRADUATES If your child is graduating from High School or college this year, please call the rectory or put a note in the collection with his or her name. A special Mass for Graduates Intentions will be held Sunday, June 28th. The location will be decided by where most of our graduates attend Mass.

FATHER’S DAY MASS NOVENA Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquet Cards and envelopes are available in the back of the Churches. A Novena of Masses will be offered June 21st thru 29th for Father’s living & deceased. Intentions will be placed on the Altar. For Father’s deceased, please use only the Intention Envelope.


We have one bus full and have secured a second bus. We have room on the second bus for (5) more people. Please call the Rectory (570-553-2288) as soon as possible if you would like to attend. Please feel free to invite friends from

outside the Parish to attend so that we can fill the bus! The date is Sunday, September 27th. We just found out this week that the city of Philadelphia is charging $ 395.00 per bus for parking permits. We must pay a total of $ 790.00 dollars for permits for our two busses. Because of this, the cost per person has to increase by $ 10.00 to $ 50.00 per person. We are very sorry for this added expense, but it is a must. Meals are extra. (Or you can bring a brown bag lunch.) You may begin paying at any time. Please make checks payable to St. Brigid Parish and place them in the collection basket or mail to the Rectory. Please also note who each check will be paying for.

HALF DAY RETREAT TO BE HELD AT ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH A Half Day Retreat will be held at St. Augustine Church, on Saturday, October 3rd, from 9:00AM to 1:00PM. The Retreat Leader will be Marilee Beyer. The topic will be Our Blessed Mother. The Day will open at 9:00AM with Mass celebrated by Fr. Cas, Followed by a Lesson, Stations of the Cross as seen through the eyes of Mary, the Mother of Jesus (Stations will be outside if weather permits), Meditation, small group discussions, snacks, and time for sharing. Closing will be at 12:30PM with Exposition of the Holy Eucharist done by Deacon Ken Brennan. Please bring your own chair and snacks. The Retreat is open to everyone.

PARISH PRAYER CHAIN If you would like to help respond to prayer requests (for anyone in need), please contact Rosalynd Perlick-Spencer (570-663-2212), Susie Reichlen (570-553-2618), or Mary Keenan (570-553-2431). If you have actual prayer requests, please call anyone on the list and many prayers will be offered for your particular intention.

Page 3: June 14, 2015 bulletin

MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEKEND St. Francis—June 20th—4:30PM: Lector—Thomas O’Reilly; Servers—Declan & Daegan Giannone; Ministers—Sean Kelly & Volunteer needed; Rosary—Loretta Guiton St. Francis—June 21st—8:00AM: Lector—Amanda Reeves; Servers—Thomas Williams; Ministers—Helen Burns & Mary K. Manjerovic; Rosary—Helen Burns St. Augustine—June 21st—10:30AM: Lector—Jack Kelly; Servers—Jack & Luke Fruehan; Ministers—Roseanne Rouff & Volunteer needed; Rosary—Ann Zalepa or a volunteer

DECEASED Please pray for the deceased, especially Jackson Considine who was known to many in our Parish Community. May he rest in peace. Amen.

SANCTUARY LIGHTS, ADORATION VIGIL CANDLES & DEVOTIONAL CANDLE DONATIONS A Devotional Candle at St. Francis b u r n s for a Special Intention requested by Joe Purr.

A Devotional Candle at St. Francis b u r n s for healing for all the sick and special intentions. A Devotional Candle at St. Augustine burns for the return to health of all the sick in our Parish Community requested by St. Brigid Altar & Rosary Society.

FLOWERS FOR OUR CHURCHES The Flowers at St. Augustine Church are given by Rosalynd Perlick-Spencer in Memory of Frank Perlick.

To provide flowers for St. Francis Church, please call the Rectory at (570-553-2288); for St. Augustine Church, please call Heidi Jaeger (570-663-2459). Dates are available in both Churches thru November.

CHURCH CLEANING St. Francis cleaners for the month of June—Camille Doyle and a volunteer is needed to help.

St. Augustine cleaners June 14 to 20—VOLUNTEERS NEEDED; June 21 to 27—VOLUNTEERS NEEDED.

PRAYER LIST Lord, hear our prayers for the sick of our Parish and Community listed below and for those who are not listed and in need of our prayers. Katelyn Andre, Michael Haefner, Bill Jones, Jr., David Zevan, Kyle Stoddard, Mary Lou Gregg, Sophie Padula, Madigan Gow, John Flynn, Donald & Terry Baum, Mary Bakay, Donnie Butler, Tommy Williams, Stephen Ambrose, Mary Riley, Toni Colardino, Tom Wenman, Linda Hollenback, Tyler Fletcher, Joshua Welch, Anna Mae Coleman, S.C.F., Kathy Holt, Mary Lou Fahs, Richard Hutchinson, Mary K. Long, Joshua Kaminski, B.F., Aleisya Abrams, Steve Hundiak, John Bauer, Butch Rosencranz, Ruth King, Ken Roon, Brooke Arnold, Hallie Brooks, June Riley, Sarah Murnigahan, William Chaney, Mary Cadden, Nancy Lynch, Daniel Gavin, Sue Anderson, Adam Kelly, Shawn Burns, Quinn Seymour, John & Alberta Zielinski, Virginia Raftis, Fred Russell, Dorothy Catlin, Marie Donahue, Nancy, Matt & Emily, Bob Murphy, Robyn Lawson, Vicky Nelson, Rita Flynn, Elton Carr, Kaleena Dughi, Molly Getter, Sam Miner, Debbie Drewry, Bub Davis, Rusty Carmen, Ronalee Eckert, Chelsea Judson, Walt Frystak, John Paul Jones, Valerie Newhart, Amanda Branning, Deborah Gregory, J.K., Andy Mooney, Dave Hibbard, Jeff Barnard, Mary Elizabeth Healy, Gloria Craige, T. S., H. T., Delmar O’Rourke, Lori & Michelle Parsons, Steve Burrell, Tammy Fleming, Barbara Borsavage, George Kotch, Jr., Leo Guiton, Gregg Loboda, Mark Kovach, Jerry Conboy, Brendan Kelly, Ken Guiton, Greg Lasgowka, Shirley Bowser, Paul Kerber, Linda Bush, Dick Lewis, Debbie Newhart, Anna, Amy, James O’Mara, Pat Donnelly, Cassey Juser, Florian Pasteka, Matt Purtell, Eleanor Hastings, Sheila McMahon, Natalie McMahon, Bob Keenan, Gladys Keating, Joe Redmond, Ted Place, Grove Doty, Jane Flynn, Jackie Guiton, Karen Purtell, Victoria Hegedty, and Richard Guido. May they regain full health. Please pray for the needs in our Parish Intention Books. Our Lady of Good Health, pray for us. Amen.

ARMED FORCES LIST Please pray for those in our Armed Forces, especially those from our Parish & Community, Christopher Reichlen, Patrick Allen, Shane Kalpokas, Ryan Gormley, Mike Griffith, Reed Shave, Matthew Kramer, Dustin Ryder, Bobby Brostoski, Ricky Trowbridge, Ryan Neville, Anthony Flynn, A. Jay Tewksbury, Jennifer Buttacavoli, Andrew Muscarelle, Adam Barziloski, Lukas Crisman, John Matousek, David Teetsel, Lisa Phillips, Carrie Krouse, Ryan Newberry, Wayne M. Bennett, Duane Thomas, Joseph Elliott, Michael and Sean Plitt, Mark W. Gregg, Bradley J. Bryant, Kevin Lewandoski, Amberlynn Villanella, Steven Shelp, and all who serve with them. May they all be protected and safe from harm and return home soon to their families and friends. Amen. Please call the rectory when the person you put on the Prayer List or Armed Forces List can be removed. If you know of anyone on the list who has passed away, please let us know so that their name can be removed from the list.

The Roman Catholic Community of ST. BRIGID PARISH,

(St. Francis Xavier Church, Friendsville, Pa.

St. Augustine Church, Silver Lake, Pa.)

(St. Brigid’s Cross)

P.O. Box 75 • 17 Cottage Street • Friendsville, Pa. 18818 www.ourparishcommunity.com • Phone (570) 553-2288

E-mail: [email protected] Father Casimir (Cas) Stanis, Pastor

Kenneth S. Brennan, Deacon

PARISH MISSION STATEMENT “We the faithful of the Roman Catholic Community of St. Brigid Parish, (St. Francis Xavier and St. Augustine Churches), in union with our Holy Father, the Pope, and the Diocese of Scranton, are called through baptism to share in the mission which Jesus Christ has entrusted to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. We in this Faith Community, under the leadership of our Bishop and our Pastor, cooperate to proclaim the Gospel in accordance with the teaching of the Church, to celebrate the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, for the salvation of all, and to witness by grace to the Kingdom of God so as to promote a culture of life, justice and peace. We especially endeavor to foster spiritual growth and evangelization in our present and future generations by drawing parish members back to active participation.”

Page 4: June 14, 2015 bulletin

WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP REPORT Thank you for your kindness & generosity in our Parish Collections. St. Francis (4:30PM)— $ 657.00; St. Francis (8:00AM)—$ 1126.25; St. Augustine (10:30AM)—$ 1518.50.


[S]ome behaviors are always wrong, always incompatible with our love of God and the dignity of the human person. ...Assisted suicide and euthanasia are not acts of mercy but acts that are never morally acceptable.” - Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities www.bit.ly/ProLifePastoralPlan


Divine Mercy Devotions are held following Sunday Masses at St. Francis & St. Augustine. You are encouraged to stay for a few minutes after Mass for this wonderful devotion.

CHILDREN’S WORSHIP BULLETINS Children’s Worship Bulletin’s are available in the back of the Churches.


DOROTHY PLACE by Patricia Hutchinson Sun. June 14 8:00AM St. Francis Church - 11TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

Anniv. JEREMY RUSSELL by Mom & Dad 10:30AM St. Augustine Church - JACK & SALLY MCNAMARA by Jim McNamara Mon. June 15 NO MASS Tue. June 16 NO MASS Wed. June 17 NO MASS Thur. June 18 NO MASS Fri. June 19 NO MASS Sat. June 20 4:30PM St. Francis Church - VIGIL: 12TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

NICHOLAS MC KEOWN by Rita DeRiancho Sun. June 21 8:00AM St. Francis Church - 12TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME


Barbara Pichette & Family

MISSION COOPERATIVE APPEAL This weekend is the Mission Cooperative Appeal. Fr. Sergio Maniba from the Diocese of San Jose de Antique, Philippines will be the Missionary. Please give Fr. Maniba a warm welcome! Your generosity is greatly appreciated.


The 191st St. Augustine’s Annual Picnic will be held Sunday, August 2nd, 2015, at Neumann Hall in Choconut.

POT O’GOLD PARTY The Pot O’Gold Party will be held Sunday, October 25th, 2015, beginning at 1:00PM, at Neumann Hall in Choconut.

COLLECTION FOR THE CARE & EDUCATION OF PRIESTS ~ THANK YOU Thank you to everyone for your generosity to last week’s collection for the Care & Education of Priests. The Collection total was $ 551.19.

2015 GRADUATES If your child is graduating from High School or college this year, please call the rectory or put a note in the collection with his or her name. A special Mass for Graduates Intentions will be held Sunday, June 28th. The location will be decided by where most of our graduates attend Mass.

FATHER’S DAY MASS NOVENA Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquet Cards and envelopes are available in the back of the Churches. A Novena of Masses will be offered June 21st thru 29th for Father’s living & deceased. Intentions will be placed on the Altar. For Father’s deceased, please use only the Intention Envelope.


We have one bus full and have secured a second bus. We have room on the second bus for (5) more people. Please call the Rectory (570-553-2288) as soon as possible if you would like to attend. Please feel free to invite friends from

outside the Parish to attend so that we can fill the bus! The date is Sunday, September 27th. We just found out this week that the city of Philadelphia is charging $ 395.00 per bus for parking permits. We must pay a total of $ 790.00 dollars for permits for our two busses. Because of this, the cost per person has to increase by $ 10.00 to $ 50.00 per person. We are very sorry for this added expense, but it is a must. Meals are extra. (Or you can bring a brown bag lunch.) You may begin paying at any time. Please make checks payable to St. Brigid Parish and place them in the collection basket or mail to the Rectory. Please also note who each check will be paying for.

HALF DAY RETREAT TO BE HELD AT ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH A Half Day Retreat will be held at St. Augustine Church, on Saturday, October 3rd, from 9:00AM to 1:00PM. The Retreat Leader will be Marilee Beyer. The topic will be Our Blessed Mother. The Day will open at 9:00AM with Mass celebrated by Fr. Cas, Followed by a Lesson, Stations of the Cross as seen through the eyes of Mary, the Mother of Jesus (Stations will be outside if weather permits), Meditation, small group discussions, snacks, and time for sharing. Closing will be at 12:30PM with Exposition of the Holy Eucharist done by Deacon Ken Brennan. Please bring your own chair and snacks. The Retreat is open to everyone.

PARISH PRAYER CHAIN If you would like to help respond to prayer requests (for anyone in need), please contact Rosalynd Perlick-Spencer (570-663-2212), Susie Reichlen (570-553-2618), or Mary Keenan (570-553-2431). If you have actual prayer requests, please call anyone on the list and many prayers will be offered for your particular intention.

Page 5: June 14, 2015 bulletin

CHURCH SOFTBALL NEWS Last Saturday we ended up not having a game because the other team dropped out. This Saturday there is no game scheduled. Next Saturday, June 20th, we play against North Rome at the Choconut Field at 6:30PM. New players are welcome. If you would like to play on our team, please call Sean Kelly at 570-744-2010.

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION If you would like a private hour of adoration at St. Augustine’s, the following hours have opened up: Tuesday 12-1PM; Wednesday 10-11AM; Thursday 7-8AM; and Friday 12Noon to 2PM. If you would like an hour, or are interested in substituting, please call Andrea at 607-669-4875 or email her at [email protected] .

“SPORTS OF ALL SORTS” The CVYAA, Choconut Valley Youth Athletic Association, is holding a fund raiser. Tickets are $ 25.00 each. Prizes are: 1st—$ 10,000; 2nd—$ 5,000; 3rd—$ 2,500; 4th—$ 2,000; 5th—$ 1,500; 6th, 7th, 8th—$ 1,000; 9th & 10th—$500. You need not be present to win. Drawing will be Saturday, June 27th at the Choconut Valley Elementary School pavilion. Food is included. Funding will benefit all of the youth sports programs by providing resources need to supply equipment, maintain fields, and cover expenses associated in running these programs. Tickets are available at Mountainside Fruit Market. You may also get a ticket by calling the Rectory (570-553-2288).


This free food distribution for those in need is for SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY RESIDENTS ONLY. Any resident of Susquehanna County who needs food is welcome. Distribution will be held THIS TUESDAY, JUNE 16TH, 12Noon to 2:00PM & 5-6PM at the Little Meadows United Methodist Church. Please note that the evening times have changed. For Susquehanna County residents, with need only, please.

FREE ICE CREAM SOCIAL The Little Meadows Methodist Church will beholding a FREE Ice Cream Social THIS Thursday, June 18th, from 6:30 to 8:00PM. Everyone is invited to attend and enjoy ice cream and visit with your friends and neighbors.

2015 YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE From ancient desert monks to contemporary religious sisters, brothers, and priests, a small band of men and women in every generation choose to consecrate their lives to God with unique vows that give radical witness to the gospel. A.D. 50-313: Persecution of Christians—In 313 Roman Emperor Constantine issues the “Edict of Toleration.” Christians seek ways other than martyrdom to give themselves completely to the faith.

LIGHT THE FIRE SUMMER YOUTH RALLY Light the Fire Summer Youth Rally for teens in grades 9 thru 12 will be held on July 1st at Misericordia University, Dallas, Pa. Fee for EARLY registration is $30.00—BY JUNE 24TH. After June 24th the fee is $ 35.00. Registration begins at 9:00AM and closing Mass is at 7:00PM. If you are interested in attending, there are copies of the Quick Reference Guide available in the back of our Churches. Adult chaperones are also needed. All students in grades 9 thru 12 are welcome and encouraged to attend.

MASS IN REMEMBRANCE OF VICTIMS OF VIOLENT OR TRAGIC DEATH The Diocese of Scranton is offering the annual Mass in remembrance of victims of violent or tragic death. This Mass is offered for the families and friends of those who have died in tragedy, especially through murder, suicide, and accident. Mass is scheduled for Thursday, July 16th at 7:00PM in Saint Peter's Cathedral, 315 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton. All persons who have lost a loved one through tragic and traumatic death are invited to this liturgy. We ask that the names of deceased loved ones are registered on registration forms which are available in the parish office or accessed on the Service and Social Concerns webpage on the Diocese of Scranton’s website, www.dioceseofscranton.org. Questions may be directed to the Office for Parish Life at 570-207-2213.

6TH ANNUAL VOCATIONS GOLF CLASSIC Fostering vocation to the priesthood and assisting our seminarians are among the most urgent responsibilities in the Church today. You don’t have to be a golfer to support the 6th Annual Vocations Golf Classic to be held Monday, July 13th, at Blue Ridge Trail Golf Club, Mountain Top, PA. Advertising sponsors, golfers and donors at all levels are welcome. For a complete brochure, visit www.DioceseofScranton.org or call the Diocese Development office at 570-207-2250.