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7/23/2019 Intership Final 1/81  Our pillars of strength stand on a foundation  of leadership..

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  Our pillars of strength stand on a foundation

  of leadership..

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Executive Summary

MCB  Bank Limited  ( Formerly Muslim Commercial Bank Limited ) has a

solid foundation of over 50 years in Pakistan, with a network of over 1000 branches,

over 850 of which are Automated Branches, over 50 !"B A#!s in 1 cities

nationwide and a network of over 1$ banks on the !%&# A#! 'witch

!"Bs o*erations continued to be streamlined with focus on rationali+ation of 

e*enses, re-ali.nment of back-end *rocessin. to increase *roductivity, enhancement

of customer service standards, *rocess efficiency and controls #he Bank has taken

the lead in introducin. the innovative conce*t of centrali+in. #rade 'ervices in the

country by *rovidin. centrali+ed forei.n trade services to branches with a view to

im*rove efficiency, e*ertise and reduce delivery cost

/urin. my internshi* in !"B, worked in !"B and successfully com*leted

all the taskduties that were assi.ned to me

/urin. the course of internshi*, learned about different functions *erformed by 23 as a whole also learned bank4s corres*ondence with their em*loyees and

within branches learned about documentation reuirements and record kee*in. for 

different activities and *rocesses, es*ecially the documentation reuirement for 

different kinds of 23 activities

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  1 !"#$O%&C#!O" '"% OB(EC#!)ES

O* S#&%+!", #-E O$,'"!'#!O"

1. !ntroduction of the report

/. Scope of the study

0. urpose of studying in MCB

2. O34ectives


#o present the importance and purpose of MCB


#o discuss the MCB5s Effort


%iscuss a3out the needs and 6ants of MCB

  !mprove personal Skills


!mprove organi7ational analysis

  1 !"#$O%&C#!O" '"% OB(EC#!)ES O*

S#&%+!", #-E O$,'"!'#!O"

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t is about introduction of re*ort As a *art of reuirement of !BA de.ree si

week internshi* is necessary for student #his cha*ter includes back.round, *ur*ose,

sco*e, ob6ectives and methodolo.y of the study t also include introduction of 


Background of the study8 

nternshi* trainin. *ro.ram durin. !aster in Public administration Pro.ram is

necessary for the *artial fulfillment of the com*letion of /e.ree of !aster in PublicAdministration t is necessary for me to com*lete an internshi* session of about 7

weeks in some manufacturin. or service industry relevant to my area of interest and

s*eciali+ation 'o, choose the Bankin. field because have the interest in this sector 

 because my study back.round is related with this sector


nternshi* is the ca*stone e*erience that *rovides me with hands-on, real-

world e*erience in a work settin. deally, internshi* will enable interns to

(a) nte.rate and use my knowled.e and skills from the classroom,

(b) /iscover where further com*etence is needed,

(c) #ake ste*s to .ain that com*etence under educational su*ervision, and

(d) Become better acuainted with the ty*es of work settin.s in which such

com*etence can be a**lied


#his study will facilitate the students re.ardin. the workin. of Bankin. sector 

of Pakistan because most of the teachers durin. their lectures use the eam*les of 

Banks like !"B, %ational Bank, 9B:, Bank Al ;alah and many others, students

should study this re*ort so that they must .ras* the functionin. of such Banks

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Limitation of the Study8

#he study is done with the sole *ur*ose of doin. the best work but there were

certain limitation faced durin. the internshi* *eriod #he most im*ortant limitation

from which the study suffers is the non-availability of information in a manner 

reuired for analysis and the secrecy of the bank Another im*ortant limitation of the

study is time and s*ace constraint


worked as an internee in !"B "antt Branch #he main ob6ectives to study in !"B


• #o .et some e*erience in workin. with well re*uted or.ani+ation

• #o .ain knowled.e about the *rofessional environment of the bank

• #o know about the technolo.y utili+ed in the banks

• #o deal and mana.e with the situation of stress


#here are mainly two methods that are used for the collection of data

rimary %ata8

• <bservation of functions of Branch o*erations on the s*ot

• <bservation of different *rocesses of Branch on the s*ot

Secondary %ata8

• nternet is very hel*ful for me to study more about bankin. sector of Pakistan

• /ifferent ty*e of booklets of the Bank

• Annual re*orts

• =ournals

•  %ews*a*er 

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!"B is one of the leadin. banks of Pakistan with a de*osit base of about 3s

$80 billion and total assets of around 3s>00 billion ncor*orated in 1?@, !"B soon

earned the re*utation of a solid and conservative financial institution mana.ed by

e*atriate eecutives n 1?@, !"B was nationali+ed alon. with all other *rivate

sector banks

#he Bank has a customer base of a**roimately million, a nationwide

distribution network of over 1,000 branches and over 50 A#!s in the market

/urin. the last fifteen years, the Bank has concentrated on .rowth throu.h

im*rovin. service uality, investment in technolo.y and *eo*le, utili+in. its etensive

 branch network, develo*in. a lar.e and stable de*osit base

  / -!S#O$+ O* M&SL!M COMME$C!'L B'"9 

1. -istory of Muslim Commercial Bank /. rivati7ation of MCB

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0. %evelopments made after privati7ation

2. MCB as an organi7ation

:. Organi7ational rofile of MCB

;. Compliance status of MCB

<. attern of shareholdings=. Board of directors

>. Corporate profile of MCB

1?. )ision and Mission statement

11. )alues @ *unctions of MCB

1/. '6ards of MCB


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/ -!S#O$+ O* M&SL!M COMME$C!'L B'"9 

#his bank was incor*orated under com*anies4 act 1?1> on ?th =uly 1?@ (6ust

 before *artition) at "alcutta But due to scenario of the re.ion, the certificate

of incor*oration was issued on 1@th Au.ust, 1?8 with a delay of almost 1 year the

certificate was issued at "hitta.on.

#he first 2ead office of the com*any was established at /acca and !r !

Adam6ee was a**ointed its first chairman t was incor*orated with an authori+ed

ca*ital of 3s 15 million

After some time the re.istered office of the com*any was shifted to Carachi

on Au.ust $>rd, 1?57 throu.h a s*ecial resolution, now recently the 2ead office of 

!"B has been transferred to slamabad in =uly, 1??? and now 2ead office is termed

as Princi*le <ffice

#his institute was nationali+ed with other on =anuary 1st, 1?@ At that time it

had 507 branches and de*osits amountin. to 3s 1,70 million Althou.h !"B has a

re*utation of a conservative bank but nationali+ation also left its effects on this

institute as well and by end of year 1??1 in which it was *rivati+ed the total number 

of branches were 1$8@ and de*osits amountin. to as hi.h as 3s >5,0$? million

Dhen *rivati+ation *olicy was announced in 1??0, !"B was the first to be

 *rivati+ed u*on recommendations of Dorld Bank and !; #he reason for this choice

was the better *rofitability condition of the or.ani+ation and less risky credit *ortfolio

which made it a .ood choice for investors

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<n A*ril 8th, 1??1, the mana.ement control was handed over to National

Group (the hi.hest bidders) nitially only $7E of shares were sold to *rivate sector 

at 3s 57 *er share


A wave of economic reforms swe*t Pakistan in the lattes introducin. the %eed

for *rivati+ation of state owned banks and com*anies #his was the first bank to be

 *rivati+ed in 1??1 and the bank was *urchased by a consortium of Pakistani cor*orate

.rou*s led by %ishat rou* %ishat rou* is one of the leadin. and most diversified

 business .rou*s in Pakistan #he .rou* has stron. *resence in the most im*ortant

 business sectors of the country such as bankin., tetile, cement and insurance

!ian !ohammad !ansha is the "hairman of the .rou* (and also !"B) and

has *layed instrumental role in its success n reco.nition of !r !ansha4s

contribution, the overnment of Pakistan has conferred him with F'itara-e-mtia+F,

one of the most *resti.ious civil awards of the country


After *rivati+ation, the .rowth in every de*artment of the bank has been

<bserved ;ollowin. are some key develo*ments

1 :aunchin. of different de*osit schemes to increase savin. level

$ ncreased *artici*ation on forei.n trade

> Betterment of branches and staff service level

ntroduction of 3u*ee #raveler "heues G Photo "redit "ard for the first time in


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5 &tended use of information technolo.y which is evident from the fact that there

are @78 fully automated branches, $> online branches (inte.rated networkin.),

151 A#!' in $@ cities nationwide and !"B continuously innovates new *roduct


!"B is Pakistan4s fourth lar.est bank by assets havin. an asset base of 9'H

5? billion, and the lar.est by market ca*itali+ation havin. a market ca*itali+ation of 

9'H 18 billion #he Bank has a customer base of a**roimately million and a

nationwide distribution network of 1,081 branches, includin. 8 slamic bankin.

 branches, and over >00 A#!s, in a market with a *o*ulation of over170 million

n $00?, !"B re*orted a *rofit after ta of PC3 155 billion (a**9'H18>

million) and .enerated a return on avera.e euity of $@>5E and a return on assets of 

>$5E #he Bank4s asset uality is stron. with a .ross %P: ratio of 87$E

/urin. the last fifteen years, the Bank has concentrated on .rowth throu.h

im*rovin. service uality, investment in technolo.y and *eo*le, utili+in. its etensive

 branch network, develo*in. a lar.e and stable de*osit base and its non-

 *erformin. loans via im*roved risk mana.ement *rocesses

!"B has 1081 branches (as of >1st /ecember, $00?) includin. local

 branches, and business establishments in 'ri :anka and Bahrain includin. newly

established 3e* <ffice in /ubai, 9A& #he Bank has also formed a *rivate com*any

in 2on. Con. (fully owned subsidiary of !"B) in *artnershi* with 'tandard

"hartered Bank, handlin. trade transactions of select countries in the Asia-Pacific


!"B has been successful in turnin. around its o*erations since its

 *rivati+ation and is movin. forward to set hi.h *erformance standards with the

continuous su**ort of its customers and leadershi* in bankin. technolo.y #o further 

stren.then its financial services base, !"B has also incor*orated an Asset

!ana.ement "om*any in the year $005 known as !"B Asset !ana.ement

"om*any !"B has also incor*orated a leasin. com*any in A+erbai6an in $00?

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*ully O6ned Su3sidiaries of MCB are

  I !uslim "ommercial ;inancial 'ervices (Private) :imited I !%&# 'ervices

(Private) :imited I !"B #rade 'ervices :imited I !"B Asset !ana.ement

"om*any :imited I !"B leasin. ("losed =oint 'tock "om*any) #he Bank has

achieved this success, es*ecially in the last few years, throu.h consolidatin. cor*orate

 bankin. o*erations, stren.thenin. retail bankin., launchin. diversified and innovative

 *roducts, .ivin. more focus to consumer financin. and investin. in #

 Business Strategy:

#he business strate.y of !"B is to *rovide financial solutions to ma6or 

se.ments of its customer base, namely retail and cor*orate 'e*arate business .rou*s

have been set u* to ensure a more focused a**roach in satisfyin. the diversified

customer se.ments #he Bank has also established an slamic Bankin. unit to offer 

'hariah com*liant *roducts and services, with dedicated slamic bankin. branches in

si cities #he *lan for future is to further reali+e the ca*acity of slamic ;inancial

'ystems and to brin. 'hariah com*liant network *arallel to current retail network of 

traditional bankin.

Dholesale Bankin. rou* caters to the to* tier local and multinational

com*anies As a result of or.ani+ational restructurin., includin. reinvi.oratin.

nvestment Bankin. and beefin. u* relationshi* teams, the rou* is in line with the

industry4s best *ractices !"B has closed some lar.e deals and is currently workin.

on a number of lar.e transactions includin. advisory business t is a stron.

com*etitor in cash mana.ement and structured financin. activities

3etail Bankin. rou* focuses on tradin. and middle market se.ment

 *rimarily for buildin. risk assets and trade related business !"B caters to their needs

of financin. forei.n and local trade, funds transfer and other seasonal reuirements


#he Bank has renovated a lar.e number of branches and staff has been trained

for meetin. the reuirements of '!&s and other retail customers

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A se*arate '!& ;inancin. /ivision has been set u* to *rovide customi+ed

financin. solutions to this very im*ortant se.ment of the economy #he rou* also

focuses on the develo*ment of innovative consumer asset *roducts for satisfyin. the

 *ersonal needs of the customers !"B has a si.nificant share of consumer financin.

 business with its 2ouse and "ar ;inancin. schemes

#he recently launched runnin. financin. facility a.ainst the mort.a.e of 

 *ro*erty is also e*ected to .o a lon. way in increasin. the uality consumer credit

 *ortfolio of the bank Dith the e*erience .ained in the *ast few years, the Bank is

fast *ro.ressin. towards becomin. the leadin. bank in consumer business

 Information Technology:!"B4s name is synonymous with A#! facility in the country as the Bank has

 been a *ioneer in introducin. $-hour cash withdrawal facility and on-screen

transactions !"B A#!/ebit "ard, the most multifunctional card of the country,

with its collaboration with "irrus and !aestro can be used .lobally #he Bank has

also de*loyed an etensive network of Point of 'ale #erminals at thousands of 

merchants in ma6or cities of the country, thus havin. the *rivile.e of bein. the first

and only bank with full-fled.ed card acuirin. and issuin. systems

#he Bank also *ioneered the idea of sharin. its A#! network with other banks

 by establishin. an electronic *latform for enhanced network accessibility and secures

on-line transactions !"B mobile bankin. was launched in mid-"J0?, and volumes

on the *latform have already crossed the PC3 1 billion mark Dhile the services are

free for now, .oin. forward this entails im*rovement in fee income as well as

.eneration of sticky +ero-cost de*osits

#echnolo.ical leadershi* has hel*ed the Bank in *rovidin. multi*le delivery

channels to the customers and satisfyin. their needs anytime G anywhere in the

world !"B offers the most com*rehensive nternet bankin. solution in the country

!"B Kirtual-nternet Bankin. with its wide bankin. solutions for the

customers for individual as well as cor*orate customers has become the most

 *referred nternet bankin. solution in the country

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Organi7ation rofile8

"ame of Organi7ation8 !"B :imited

Chairman8 !ain !ohammad !ansha

Location8  !odel #own Branch, Bahawal*ur

Branch code8 018@

hone8 L?$-0$-@@$@57 @@$005

&'"8  111-000-7$$ (!"B)

Ae3site8 wwwmcbcom*k 

  #a3le :

  attern of Share -oldings8


Categories of shareholders - as of December31-12-2011

%escription Shareholding ercentage

%irectors CEO and children 5$,1?0,8@@ @5518

'ssociated Companies 5@,00?,0> 8$?0

"!# @ !C 5,8>5 00008

Banks %*! @ "B*! $,$>?,>0@ 0>$0

!nsurance Companies 7,05$,05@ 777>5

Modara3as @ Mutual *unds @,$08,@0> 10>1

u3lic Sector Cos. @ Corp. 1>1,@?,@>1 1?07>7

,eneral u3lic LocalD 101,8>,81? 1@>7

,eneral u3lic *oreignD $,00,1$7 0>@>

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Others ,$>@,77> 7010

*oreign Companies $7,17@,>@5 >571?

Company #otal ;>11?2:/< 1??.??

  #a3le ;

  Board of %irectors8

  Board of directors - as of December31-12-2011

Mian Mohammad Mansha "hairman

Mr. S. M. Muneer Kice "hairman

Mr. #ari $afi /irector 

Mr. Shah7ad Saleem /irector 

Mr. Sarmad 'min /irector 

%r. Muhammad +au3 /irector 

Mian $a7a Mansha /irector 

%atoF Mohammed -ussein /irector 

Mr. 'fta3 'hmad 9han /irector 

Mr. '3dul *arid Bin 'lias /irector 

Mian &mer Mansha /irector 

Mr. Muhammad 'li e3 /irector 

Mr. M.&.'. &smani President "&<

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  #a3le <

  C orporate rofile8

'dvisor 3a+a !ansha

'udit Committee !ian !ohammad !ansha

!ian umer !ansha

Aftab Ahmad Chan

Chief *inancial

OfficerAli !unir 



#ahir 2assan Mureshi


A;;er.uson G "o"hartered Accountants

3ia+ Ahmad G "o("hartered Accountants)

Legal 'dvisor !andiwalla G Nafar 

Advocates G "onsultants



!ian !ohammad !ansha "hairman

!r Ahmad Alman Aslam !ember 

!ian 3a+a !ansha !ember  

President "&< !ember  

)!S!O" @ M!SS!O" O* MCB

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)ision Statement8 

“To be the obvious choice for financial services in the region and beyond” 

#o be the leadin., financial services *rovider, and *artnerin. with our customers for a

more *ros*erous and secure future

<ur vision statement underlies our as*irations to establish the !"B .rou* as the

 benchmark reference for the *rovision of financial services in the re.ion and even

further, in line with the increased needs of our customers o*eratin. in the .lobal


Mission Statement8

“Pursuing the voyage towards excellence...” 

De are a team of committed *rofessionals, *rovidin. innovative and efficient

financial solutions to create and nurture lon.-term relationshi*s with our customers

n doin. so, we ensure that our shareholders can invest with confidence in us

• Providin. innovative

• &fficient financial solutions

• :on.-term relationshi*s with our customers

• 'hareholders invest with confidence

<ur mission statement testifies to our unrelentin. commitment to best *ractices in

the *rovision of financial services throu.hout the .rou* a.ainst the backdro* of 

creatin. shareholder value




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De are the trustees of *ublic funds and serve our community with inte.rity

De believe in bein. the best at always doin. the thin. De deliver on our 

res*onsibilities and commitments to our customers as well as our collea.ues


De res*ect our customer4s values, beliefs, culture and history De value the

euality of .ender and diversity of e*erience and education that our em*loyees brin.

with them De create an environment where each individual is enabled to succeed


De take *ersonal res*onsibility for our role as leaders in the *ursuit of 

ecellence De are a *erformance driven, result oriented or.ani+ation where merit is

the only criterion for reward


A stron. commitment to nurture our human ca*ital throu.h lifelon.

develo*ment G learnin. toward achievin. our .oal described in our mission

Customer Centricity8

<ur customers are at the heart of everythin. we do De thrive on the challen.e

of understandin. their needs and as*irations, both reali+ed and unreali+ed De make

every effort to eceed customer e*ectations throu.h su*erior services and solutions


De encoura.e and reward *eo*le who challen.e the status uo and think beyond the

 boundaries of the conventional <ur teams work to.ether for the smooth and efficient

im*lementation of ideas and initiatives

Customer Care8 

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#he assurance of *rovidin. uick, dedicated and unrivalled services to our 

valuable customers


#eam Aork8

<ur a**roach, towards syner.istic *otential amon. our *eo*le between the

com*anies of the .rou* alon.side individual skills G com*etencies

*&"C#!O"S O* MCB

Basically there are two basic cate.ories on the basis of functionin. of !"B Bank,

which are

• Princi*al function

• Auiliary function

•   Princial function:

#he *rinci*al functions are basically the core functions of the bank that is their 

lifeblood of bank, which are

o Acce*tance of de*osits

o ;inancin.

o  %eposits8

#here are basically two ty*es of de*osits and their nature vary due to time factor,

which are described below


%emand deposits8

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#he demand de*osits have no restriction on drawin. of the de*osited

amount and the cash is readily available on demand without any conditions


#he second im*ortant function of the !"B is to *rovide finances to the individuals

and businesses a.ainst securities at a certain fied rate of interest As the different ty*es

of accounts in acce*tin. de*osits !"B also have the different ty*es of account in which

it *rovide the loan to its customers ;ollowin. are the different ty*es of the accounts in

which loan is made

%emand *inances8

  $unning *inances8

  Cash *inances8

  *ixed 'sset *inancing8



•   !uxiliary function:

#hese are the functions that have the secondary *osition in the bank *oint of view

#hese functions are cause to attract the customer Banks *erforms this kind of 

functions as *er demand on the etra

  Collection of Cheues8

!"B acts as an a.ent to its customers in the collection and *ayment of 

cheues, bills and *romissory notes #his is done on the behalf of the customer and

!"B the commission



!"B also *rovides locker facility to its valuable clients Dhere *eo*le can kee*

their *recious ornaments

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  Collection of %ividends8

#he bank *rovides a very useful service in the collection of dividends or interest

earned on stocks and shares held by his customers #he customer is sim*ly to inform

the issuer of the securities that the interest on the securities is to be credited to his

account in the bank

urchase and Sale of Securities8

!"B is authori+ed by the customer, *urchase or sale securities on his behalf and

thus adds other benefits to his *ortfolio

#ransfer of *unds8

!"B also transfer funds of the customers from one bank to another bank f the

transfer is at one station, they don4t char.e any commission and even if they char.e,

they char.e on reduce rate

!ssue of #raveler5s Cheues8

#he bank has introduced the schemes of 3u*ee #ravelers "heues and issues them

for the convenience of travelers and a nominal commission n addition to

these bank also *erforms a number of functions and activities for and on behalf of its

clients with the sole *ur*ose of servin. them to the best of its ca*abilities and


%iscounting Bills Of Exchange8

#he bank utili+es their sur*lus funds in another im*ortant way #hey discount

the bills of echan.e at their market worth, ie, the *ay to the holders of the bill anamount eual to their face value after deductin. interest at the current market rate for 

the *eriod the bill has to mature #he bills of echan.e are a very liuid asset for a

 bank to hold #hese bills are usually drawn for three months and are used for 

financin. internal as well as eternal trade


'cts as a $eferee8

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!"B *rovides a useful service to his customers by actin. as a referee for his

credit worthiness #he information is su**lied in almost secrecy and is based

im*artially on the res*ectability and financial standin. of the client


*oreign Exchange Business8

!"B transacts forei.n echan.e business by discountin. forei.n bills of echan.e

and thus *rovides f facilities for financin. the forei.n trade

'A'$%S O* MCB8

!"B has been awarded as a Euro money '6ard /??= for the OBest Bank in 'siaG

Best Bank !n akistan '6ard /??;


!"B has yet a.ain received the esteemed &uro money Award for the OBest Bank in

akistan t is the only bank to receive the &uro money Award for &cellence for the sith

time in the *ast seven years

Best Bank !n akistan '6ard /??:

 !"B has a.ain received the esteemed &uro money Award for the HBest 3ank in akistanI

t is the only bank to receive the &uro money Award for &cellence for the fifth time in the

last si years

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Best Bank !n akistan '6ard /??2

 n a continuous winnin. streak, !"B once a.ain takes *ride in bein. conferred with &uro

moneys *resti.ious award of ecellence, for bein. the GBest Bank in akistanG for the

fourth time in the last five years

Best Bank !n akistan '6ard /??0

 !"B believes in you #o.ether we work with uality, inte.rity and dedication, strivin. to

achieve collective success by understandin. trends and assimilatin. into diverse

cultures Jour trust in our ability and our commitment to deliver has a.ain won us the Euro

money '6ard /??0 for the GBest Bank in akistanG

Best Bank !n akistan '6ard /??1

 Jour trust and our commitment is always an award winnin. combination !"B was awarded

as a Euro money '6ard /??1 for the G Best Bank in akistanG

Best %omestic Bank '6ard /???

 !"B was awarded as a Euro money '6ard /???  for the G Best %omestic Bank in


0 O$,'"!'#!O"'L S#$&C#&$E

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1. urpose clearly defined of MCB

/. %ifferent operational departments of MCB

0. lanned design of MCB

2. Aork speciali7ation of MCB

:. %epartmentali7ation of MCB;. *ormali7ation of MCB

<. Organi7ational -ierarchy of MCB

=. Chain of command in MCB

>. Span of control in MCB

 0 O$,'"!'#!O"'L S#$&C#&$E

As !"B is a bankin. com*any listed in stock echan.e therefore it follows all

the le.alities, which are im*osed by concerned statutes !3 !ian !ohammed

!ansha is chairman G chief eecutive of the com*any with a team of 1? directors

and 1  vice  chairman  to hel* in the business control and strate.y makin. for the


A team of 10 *rofessionals is handlin. o*erational mana.ement of the bank !3

!ian !ohammed !ansha also heads this team

#he different operational departments are8

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• "onsumer Bankin. G # /ivision

• ;inancial G nter Branch /ivision

• Bankin. <*erations /ivisions

• 23/ G /ivision

• ;inancial "ontrol G Audit /ivision

• "redit !ana.ement /ivision

• "ommercial Bankin. /ivision

• "or*orate Bankin. /ivision!"B is

%epartmentali7ation on the 3asis of ,eography8

#he Princi*al <ffice of the bank is located in Carachi #hen we have two Area

<ffices namely Area <ffice 'outh and Area <ffice %orth

Area <ffice 'outh the o*erations in 'indh and Baluchistan while Area

<ffice %orth is res*onsible for the activities in Pun6ab, %D;P, and A=C

&ach Area <ffice is in turn divided into circles #o make administration easier,

each circle is divided into various re.ions #he re.ional offices are res*onsible for the

affairs of the branches o*eratin. in their domain

$elationship of head office to the 3ranch offices8

n !"B decision, strate.ies, *olicies are made by the to* level mana.ementand these are im*lemented in each branch #o* level mana.ement don4t involve the

lower mana.ement in decision makin. *rocess !"B is the *ioneer of 

com*uteri+ation, as far as it has a very develo*ed and fastest network 'o the head

office and all of its branches are linked throu.h a electronic network, that make

 *ossible easy and in time transformation of the im*ortant information

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Board of Directors

  Chief Executive/President

  Senior Executive Vice President

  Executive Vice President

  Senior Vice President

  Vice President

Assistant Vice President

OG-1 OG-2 OG-

  Clerical Sta! 

  Non Clerical Sta! 

%epartmentali7ation on the 3asis of *unction8

#he whole or.ani+ation is divided into various divisions on the basis of the

functions *erformed by them &ach division s*eciali+es in a *articular area of 

o*erations ;or eam*le, we have A.riculture /ivision dealin. with loans and other 

 *ro.rams related to the a.ricultural sector, Audit /ivision for kee*in. a check on the

financial affairs of the or.ani+ation and # /ivision for maintainin. a com*uteri+ed

database of the or.ani+ation and other activities related to the com*uteri+ation of the

 bank #he number of divisions is not fied and freuently either due to of eistin. divisions or creation of new ones

  "igure #: $rgani%ational &ierarchy of '(B


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*igure /8 B$'"C- "E#AO$9 O* MCB 

'ource !"B Annual re*ort $001

rincipal Office

'rea Office "orth 'rea Office SouthOverseas Branches

Bahrain Sri Lanka

Pun6ab %D;P 'indh Baluchistan

10 "ircles $ "ircles 5 "ircles 1 "ircle

$5 3e.ions @ 3e.ions $ 3e.ions1$ 3e.ions

@10 Branches 1?? Branches $7$ Branches >8 Branches

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*igure 08 %!)!S!O"S O* MCB

  ('ource !"B !anuals)



"entral AccountsA.riculture


P#" and !aster "ard


;inance and#reasury


'*ecial Assets!ana.ement slami+ation/ivision

Business /e*tand !arketin.

ns*ection AndAudit

"ontrol Accounts "redit!ana.ement

eneral 'ervice




nformation!ana.ement ;orei.n #rade

"or*orate Affairs #rainin./ivision

< G !/ivision


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2 O$,'"!'#!O"'L S#$&C#&$E O*

-&M'" $ESO&$CE M'"',EME"#

  -$MD %E'$#ME"#

1. -uman $esource Management %epartment

$ -$ functions in MCB0. Contri3ution of -$ %epartment to the Business Strategy

2. -ierarchy of -$M %epartment of MCB

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  2 O$,'"!'#!O"'L S#$&C#&$E O*

-&M'" $ESO&$CE M'"',EME"#

  -$MD %E'$#ME"#

-uman $esource Management %epartment8

2uman resource mana.ement is res*onsible for the *eo*le dimension of the

or.ani+ation t is res*onsible for .ettin. com*etent *eo*le, trainin. them to *erform

at hi.h effort levels, and *rovidin. mechanism to ensure that these em*loyees

maintain their *roductive affiliation with the or.ani+ation

  HOur focus is on 3uilding stand alone strengthI#he !"B believes in investin. in its *eo*le <n this account they have very

com*rehensive and effective 2uman 3esource /evelo*ment system 'ince

 *rivati+ation the 2uman 3esource /e*artment has ado*ted the strate.y of

streamlinin., *avin. the way for unyieldin. com*etitiveness

#-E -$ *&"C#!O"S8

At #he !"B :td because *eo*le are the key to its success, the 2uman

3esource /e*artment (23/) cham*ions the im*ortance of the individual while

thinkin. strate.ically

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23 facilitates the creation of an environment in which *eo*le have the means

to constantly evolve in strivin. for continuous im*rovement for the benefit of all


Positioned as a strate.ic business unit within the cor*orate structure of the

!"B, the 23/s has as its *rime res*onsibility to contribute to the or.ani+ation4s

effectiveness by engaging  its *eo*le and aligning  the *olicies and *rocedures and

systems to the strate.y of the business t is throu.h this that the 23/ adds value to

the institution

#he 2uman 3esource /e*artment (23/) facilitates and *artners with its

customers (!"B 'taff) in im*lementin. the *lanned strate.y by ado*tin. a Q"an /oAttitude4 23! de*artment of !"B is shown in ;i.ure-

!ore s*ecifically the 23/ contributes to the business strate.y throu.h

• "om*etency based 23 systems

• Policy and Procedures

• /evelo*in. "a*abilities

• Performance !ana.ement

• #rans*arent and <*en "ommunication

• 3eward and 3eco.nition

• &m*loyee 'atisfaction

• /iversity

• "om*liance

2uman resource mana.ement de*artment works for the betterment of the

em*loyees t enhances their skills, trainin. mana.ement, service skills, service

 benefits,, medical facilities, staff loans are basic functions of this de*artment

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'enior 23&,ecutive

( "om*ensation G

Benefits )

'enior 23&,ecutive

( "om*ensation G

Benefits )

"#$ana%er& Perfor'anceApprais


"#$ana%er& Perfor'anceApprais


"#$ana%er& )rainin

% *+evelop'ent (

"#$ana%er& )rainin

% *+evelop'ent (

'enior 23&,ecutive

( 3ecruitment G

'election )

'enior 23&,ecutive

( 3ecruitment G

'election )




"#$ana%er& ,ntervi

e- *selectio


"#$ana%er& ,ntervi

e- *selectio


  *igure 28 -$M %E##. O* MCB


'ource !"B 23 !ana.ement

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: -&M'" $ESO&$SE M'"',EME"#

  $OCESS !" #-E O$,'"!'#!O"




-uman resource planning and forecasting


Employee Selection and $ecruitment


#raining 'nd %evelopment


erformance Management

  Employee Compensation 'nd Benefits 

Organi7ational Career Management

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: -&M'" $ESO&$SE M'"',EME"#

$OCESS !" #-E O$,'"!'#!O"

#he 23! *rocess consists of interrelated activities in !uslim "ommercial Bank, ie

• 3ecruitment

• 'election

• #rainin.

• "om*ensation and su*ervision

Dhen a**lyin. the *rocess diversity, labor laws and *rivacy is considered

:.1 -uman resource planning and forecasting8

2uman resource *lannin. and forecastin. includes the s*ecific and interrelated activities

that to.ether constitutes 23P system

  -$ rocess8

#hese are ste*s of 23P in !uslim "ommercial Bank

/eterminin. the <b6ectives

/efinin. skills reuired to meet the ob6ectives

/etermine additional human resource reuirements

/evelo* actions to meet the antici*ated 23 needs

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*orecasting -$ $euirements8

#he *ur*ose of forecastin. of human resources is to estimate labour reuirements at

some future times *eriod 'uch forecasts are of two ty*es

1 #he eternal and internal su**ly of labour 

$ #he eternal and internal su**ly of labour 

  Methods #o *orecast -$ "eeds

  ero3ase *orecasting8

#his method uses the !"B4s current level of em*loyment as the startin. *oint

for determinin. future staff needs in !"B

  Bottomup 'pproach8

t is the forecast method in which each successive level of the !"B, startin.

with the lowest and forecasts its em*loyee reuirements in order to ultimately

 *rovide an forecast of em*loyee needs

  &se of mathematical models8

!athematical models are also used for forecastin. 23 reuirements t defines

relationshi* between demand and the number of em*loyees su**lied


t is a techniue for e*erimentin. with a real world situation throu.h a

mathematical model re*resentin. that situation

'ome of the ma6or com*onents of 2uman 3esource Policy are listed below in this


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:./ Employee Selection and $ecruitment8

  Heople are at the heart of our successI

H$ecruitment is the discovering of potential applicants for actual and

anticipated organi7ational vacanciesI.

#he caliber of the work force of an or.ani+ation lar.ely determines its

stren.ths and its success as an enter*rise #he em*loyment *olicies of many

or.ani+ations are not formali+ed #hey have 6ust evolved as *ractices over the course

of many years

!"B is interested in attractin. and hirin. the very best *eo*le in the market

HAe understand the integral role you play in our continued success. AeFre

committed to providing you 6ith a candidate experience that is ro3ust

transparent and gives you the po6er to make choices.I

#he !"B has very orderly and im*artial *rocedure for selectin. *eo*le n

fact it is the only bank in *rivate sector with such an etensive and irrefutable

selection *rocess

2uman 3esource /e*artment has combined many selection techniues ie 6ob

a**lication form, em*loyment test, interview, and *hysical eamination 3ecruitment

 *rocess is shown in ;i.ure-5

#he step to step $ecruitment process follo6ed 3y organi7ation is8

• =ob Analysis


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• 'ourcin.

• 'creenin.

• nterviewin.

• 2irin.

• 3e*ortin.

1.  (o3 'nalysis8

#he *rocedure for determinin. the duties and skill reuirements of a 6ob and the

kind of *erson who should be hired for it is called =ob analysis =ob analysis is every

im*ortant as 6ob analysis information is used in 'electin. and recruitin.,

com*ensation, *erformance a**raisal, trainin. and in resolvin. other issues which

!"B faces

#he methods which are used in collectin. 6ob analysis information are

• #he interview

• Muestionnaire

/.  lanning8

Plannin. includes both workforce *lannin. and individual recruitment *lannin.

Dorkforce  *lannin. ty*ically focuses on forecastin. staff and skill .a*s in the most

 business-critical  *ositions, while individual recruitment *lannin. focuses on sourcin.

and screenin. strate.ies for s*ecific vacancies

0.  Sourcing8

'ourcin. focuses on activities to attract both *assive and active candidates

"ommon strate.ies include advertisin., marketin. at select schools and or.ani+ations, em*loyee referral *ro.rams, and cross-marketin. new *ositions to *rior 


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2.  Screening8

'creenin. focuses on creatin. a ualified *ool of candidates to share with the

hirin. "ommon activities include resumea**lication reviews for select

ualifications, su**lemental uestionnaires, and formal testin.

:.  !ntervie6ing8

nterviewin. includes in-*erson reviews desi.ned to select a final candidate

"ommon  strate.ies include *eer interviews, *anel interviews, and the use of 

 behaviorally-based interview techniues

;.  -iring8

2irin. focuses on *ersuadin. the selected candidate to 6oin the or.ani+ation

"ommon activities include makin. the 6ob offer, ne.otiatin. terms and conditions of 

em*loyment, and all *re- and *ost-start on-boardin.

<.  $eporting8

3e*ortin. includes all *ost-hire data collection, monitorin., and re*ortin.

"ommon activities include surveyin. a**licants and hirin. mana.ers, collectin. and

analy+in. a**licant flow  data, and re*ortin. *erformance measures and *rocessin.


:.0 #raining and %evelopment at MCB akistan8

#he mana.ement of !"B believes that systematic trainin. and develo*ment hel*s the

Banks human resource in acuirin. *rofessional skills and e*ertise, which in turn

.ives !"B a sustainable ed.e over their *eer banks in the todays com*etitive business

environment <n.oin. learnin. for all is therefore one of the *riority areas at !"B

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#he ob6ectives of trainin. activities are to kee* !"B em*loyees abreast of latest

 *rofessional knowled.e and skills in all areas of bankin., as well as to reinforce a

 *assion for the hi.hest uality of customer service at all levels

t is obli.atory for each em*loyee of the Bank to attend at least one trainin. course (of 

a minimum duration of one full day) in a calendar year Branches, Area <ffices and

2ead <ffice /ivisions/e*artments are to send their nominations for trainin. courses at

least two weeks *rior to the start of a trainin. course &m*loyees may also take the

initiative and .et themselves nominated throu.h their su*ervisin. officers for trainin.

courses relevant to their needs

#he Bank has the latest state-of-the-art trainin. facilities at its #rainin. G

/evelo*ment "enter (#/") and a dedicated trainin. team to look after most of the

trainin. needs of its em*loyees


!"B uses followin. *ro.rams for trainin. and develo*ment

• !ana.ement #rainee

• !ana.ement associate

• "ash officers

• nternshi*s

Management #rainee8

!"B4s !ana.ement #rainee (!#) *ro.ram looks for hi.hly motivated individualswho ehibit the *otential to ecel as future leaders

#he *ro.ram is .eared towards *rovidin. work assi.nments

com*lemented by a learnin. com*onent for select individuals from re*utable

universities At !"B, the !# *ro.ram offers etensive interactive classroom trainin.,

on the 6ob rotations and *ersonal mentorin. from senior mana.ement to *rovide a

com*rehensive learnin. e*erience #he ob6ective of the *ro.ram is to reali+e *otential

and translate the e*erience into a successful bankin. career

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Management associate8

!"B4s !ana.ement Associate Pro.ram is a trainin. and rotational *ro.ram

focused on dealin. with branch bankin. reuirements t *rovides accelerated

develo*ment o**ortunities across !"B4s branch network of 3etail, "or*orate G

"ommercial bankin. /urin. this *ro.ram, candidates are assi.ned with

 business scenarios to enhance their critical and analytic skills

Another crucial element of the *ro.ram ensures that mana.erial skills are

honed and develo*ed #his *rovides associates with the e*ertise reuired to handle

su*ervisory and administrative tasks that will result in the develo*ment of successful

 business mana.ers

Cash officers8

!"B4s "ash <fficers Pro.ram cata*ults successful candidates to the front

lines of the bank "andidates in this *ro.ram are the bank4s ambassadors and must

have eem*lary skills in dealin. with clients #he *ro.ram involves an etensive one-

month trainin. *eriod based on branch bankin. o*erations before *lacement in the

 branches &ner.etic and focused .raduates from 2&" institutions with

.ood communication and inter*ersonal skills ualify for !"B4s "ash <fficers

Pro.ram Before bein. *laced at !"B branches, these individuals must ehibit a

 *roven ability to add value and act as a.ents of chan.e


!"B4s nternshi* Pro.ram offers *romisin. students with the ecitin.

o**ortunity to a**ly their classroom learnin. e*erience to real life cor*orate

assi.nments #hrou.h the *ro.ram, internees can su**ort their career .oals by usin.

the internshi* as a launchin. *ad for creatin. contacts with *rofessionals in the field

and identifyin. their own com*etencies to build a successful career with !"B

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&m*loyee develo*ment is a 6oint, on-.oin. effort on the *art of an em*loyee and the

or.ani+ation for which he or she works to u*.rade the em*loyees knowled.e, skills, and

abilities 'uccessful em*loyee develo*ment reuires a balance between an individuals

career needs and .oals and the or.ani+ations need to .et work done

&m*loyee develo*ment *ro.rams make *ositive contributions to or.ani+ational

 *erformance A more hi.hly-skilled workforce can accom*lish more and a su*ervisors.rou* can accom*lish more as em*loyees .ain in e*erience and knowled.e

MCB ' 9no6ledgeBased !nstitution 8

#he e*ertise and *ersonal dedication of our staff are decisive factors to the success

of our institution, and in our endeavor to deliver first-class financial services #hatswhy #he !"B :td has set hi.h standards for the *rofessional develo*ment of its staff

#he rou* has a tradition of life-lon. trainin. both in-house and eternally 3a*id

chan.e reuires skilled, knowled.eable workforce with em*loyees who are ada*tive,

fleible and focused on the future

<ne of 23/s key res*onsibilities is to encoura.e .rowth and career develo*ment of 

em*loyees by coachin. and by hel*in. em*loyees achieve their *ersonal .oals in our 

or.ani+ation and beyond

#he recent *ast has seen an increase in the number of em*loyees sent abroad for skill

develo*ment to su**ort the diversification strate.y into financial services

n !"B, 3e.ular in-house trainin. *ro.rams offered by the #/" in-house are as follows

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  In-Service Training Programme:

• Basic "ourse on eneral Bankin. <*erations days <fficers workin. in .eneral G

consumer bankin. de*artments

• Account <*enin. G "ustomer 3elationshi* $ days <fficers in-char.e of account


• "learin., "ollections and 3emittances $ days &m*loyees workin. in these areas

• Advanced "ourse in eneral Bankin. <*erations > days <*erations mana.ers

• Basic course in Processin. of "redit Pro*osals $ days "redit officers

•Analysis G nter*retation of ;inancial 'tatements $ days "redit officers

• "redit Administration G /ocumentation $ days "redit Adm <fficers

• &lementary "ourse in #rade ;inance days <fficers workin. in trade finance

• Advanced "ourse in #rade ;inance > days e*erienced trade finance officers

• #ime !ana.ement and Personal &ffectiveness 1 day <fficers in 3an.e and above

who have not attended this course

• "ustomer 'ervice 'kills Dorksho*s 1-$ days All !"B4 em*loyees

• #ele*hone 2andlin. 'kills $ days All !"B4 em*loyees handlin. tele*hone calls

• 'ellin. 'kills $ days All !"B em*loyees at branches

• Performance A**raisal Dorksho* 1 day All !"B em*loyees

At the be.innin. of every uarter, #/" announces dates for trainin. courses for the

followin. uarter

#hese courses are *lanned on the basis of trainin. reuirements received from

area offices, branches or 2ead <ffice /ivisions/e*artments, either throu.h

em*loyee a**raisal forms or by s*ecific demand from time to time #/" may also

desi.n and offer additional trainin. *ro.rams in other areas in res*onse to s*ecific

trainin. needs e*ressed by its internal customers

'ome s*eciali+ed courses, es*ecially at an advanced level, may be outsourced by

usin. re*utable academic institutions and mana.ement consultants

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  !nhouse training 6orkshops8

n-house trainin. worksho*s cover a wide ran.e of to*ics which, while

hel*in. to brin. em*loyee knowled.e u* to date, enhance awareness of the different

activities of the rou* and as such im*rove their effectiveness in their dealin.s with

customers <ne of our com*rehensive on.oin. in-house trainin. *ro.rammes is the

'ervice Plus course which falls very much in line with our cor*orate value of 

customer care #he A"B mentorin. *ro.ramme launched in 'e*tember $000 has

 been lar.ely successful with considerable im*rovements in *ass rates


#raining rocess8

#he #rainin. Process is an on.oin. venture at the Bank and in of the

im*ortance of u*.radin. the skills of our em*loyees, a team dedicated to ecellence,

is constantly strivin. to find new ways to deliver eclusive trainin. and develo*ment

solutions to !"B 'taff

n order to com*ete in a hi.h-s*eed *ace business environment and meet the

dynamics of evolvin. customer e*ectations, e*ertise cou*led with dedication is the

key to turnin. dreams into reality -- F#o 3e the o3vious choice for financial services

in the region and 3eyondF.

:.2 erformance Management8

!t is the description of 4o3relevant strengths and 6eaknesses

of an individual or a group.

'ettin. and clearly communicatin. *erformance standards and e*ectations,

observin. and *rovidin. feedback, and conductin. a**raisals enable you to achieve

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the best results throu.h em*loyee *erformance

#o the *rocess, you and the em*loyee will collaborate on the develo*ment of 

 *erformance standards Jou will develo* a *erformance *lan that directs the

em*loyees efforts toward achievin. s*ecific results, to su**ort or.ani+ational .rowth

as well as the em*loyees *rofessional .rowth /iscuss .oals and ob6ectives

throu.hout the year, *rovidin. a framework to ensure em*loyees achieve results

throu.h coachin. and mutual feedback At the end of the ratin. *eriod, you will

a**raise the em*loyees *erformance a.ainst eistin. standards, and establish new

.oals to.ether for the net ratin. *eriod &lements of *erformance mana.ement are

shown in ;i.ure-@

$ole Of !mmediate Supervisor @ Branch Manager J &nit -ead8

Performance a**raisal is an interactive eercise between the immediate

su*ervisor and the staff member re*ortin. to himher A su*ervisor is defined as the

 *erson to whom one or more em*loyees re*ort on a re.ular basis Branch !ana.ers

and 9nit 2eads su*ervise this interaction from a distance, and try not to dominate the

 *roceedin.s Dith their .reater maturity and e*erience, they discreetly .uide the

 *rocess in order to em*ower the de*artmental heads to assume .reater res*onsibility

in this area

#he Branch !ana.ers and 9nit 2eads however, continue to bear the ultimate

res*onsibility for successful com*letion of the eercise #hey discuss the .oal settin.

done by their de*artmental heads and *lace second si.nature on a**raisal forms of all

non-su*ervisory staff 'u*ervisory staff is evaluated by the Branch ! and 9nit

2eads directly n addition to *ersonal skills, their su*ervisory skills are also

evaluated, usin. the second *a.e of the a**raisal form for !ana.erial staff

  Setting erformance Standards8

n !"B, *erformance e*ectations are the basis for a**raisin. em*loyee

 *erformance Dritten *erformance standards let su*ervisor com*ares the em*loyees

 *erformance with mutually understood e*ectations and minimi+e ambi.uity in

 *rovidin. feedback

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2avin. *erformance standards is not a new conce*t standards eist whether 

or not they are discussed or *ut in writin. Dhen observed an em*loyees

 *erformance, su*ervisor usually makes a 6ud.ment about whether that *erformance is

acce*table 2ow do you decide whats acce*table and whats unacce*table

 *erformanceR #he answer to this uestion is the first ste* in establishin. written


'tandards identify a baseline for measurin. *erformance ;rom *erformance

standards, su*ervisors can *rovide s*ecific feedback describin. the .a* between

e*ected and actual *erformance

Effective performance standards8

• 'erve as an ob6ective basis for communicatin. about *erformance

• &nable the em*loyee to differentiate between acce*table and unacce*table results

• ncrease 6ob satisfaction because em*loyees know when tasks are *erformed well

• nform new em*loyees of your e*ectations about 6ob *erformance

• &ncoura.e an o*en and trustin. relationshi* with em*loyees

As the immediate su*ervisor, you *lay an im*ortant role your closest interaction with the

em*loyee occurs at this level

• Performance 'tandards 

• <bservation and ;eedback ("oachin.) 

• Absolute "ate.ory 3atin. (A"3)

• Performance A**raisal

  O3servation and *eed3ack CoachingD8

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<nce *erformance ob6ectives and standards are established and clearly

communicated, branch observes em*loyees *erformance and *rovide feedback

Branch has a res*onsibility to and reinforce stron. *erformance by an

em*loyee, and identify and encoura.e im*rovement where it is needed 2e *rovides

informal feedback almost every day

By observin. and *rovidin. detailed feedback, *lays a critical role in the

em*loyees continued success and motivation to meet *erformance e*ectations

"oachin. is a method of stren.thenin. communication between and the

em*loyee t hel*s to sha*e *erformance and increase the likelihood that the em*loyees

results will meet the e*ectations "oachin. sessions *rovide and the em*loyee

the o**ortunity to discuss *ro.ress toward meetin. mutually-established standards and

.oals A coachin. session focuses on one or two as*ects of *erformance, rather than the

total review that takes *lace in a *erformance evaluation

,uiding rinciples8

&ffective coachin. can

• 'tren.then communication between branch and the em*loyee

• 2el* the em*loyee attain *erformance ob6ective

• ncrease em*loyee motivation and commitment

!aintain and increase the em*loyees self-esteem

• Provide su**ort

  '3solute Category $ating 'C$D8

A method of evaluatin. transmitted voice uality where sub6ect4s rate (from 1 to

5) short .rou*s of unrelated sentences under controlled conditions A"3 is a cate.ory

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 6ud.ment method where the test seuences are *resented one at a time and are rated

inde*endently on a cate.ory scale (#his method is also called 'in.le 'timulus


'ub6ects are asked to rate the uality of the *resentation based on the level of the

uality they have in their o*inion for it after viewin. or listenin. it #his *hase is

named the votin. time #he votin. time should be less than or eual to 10 seconds

#he five-level scale for ratin. overall uality is the most used scale, if hi.her 

discriminative *ower is reuired a nine-level scale may be used  t is a test method

used in uality  tests t has been standardi+ed in #9-#  3ecommendation n this

method, a sin.le test condition (.enerally an ima.e or a video seuence) is *resented

to the viewers once only #hey should then .ive a uality ratin. on an A"3 scale #est

conditions should be *resented in random order

  erformance 'ppraisal8

!"B Pakistan4s *erformance a**raisal system is based on a combination of 

!B< and &nablin. #raits a**roaches, under which

70E a.e is .iven to *erformance .oals discussed and laid out in the be.innin.

of the year

Another 0E a.e is assi.ned to enablin. *ersonality factors, which are

clarified to all em*loyees by their su*ervisin. officers at the start of each year

#he system and *rocess flow of the a**raisal *rocess is modified, im*roved

and u*.raded from time to time in line with the Banks reuirements, as well as withindustry *ractices 23 /e*artment notifies all units of the Bank of the PA system and

 *rocedure currently in use 9nits are also notified deadlines for .oal settin., form

fillin., monitorin. and final a**raisals

'alary increases and ad6ustments are based on *erformance of em*loyees

durin. a calendar year and are finali+ed durin. the first uarter of the %ew Jear

rade *romotions on the other hand are based on the -availability of hi.her *ositions,

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em*loyees ability to fill those *ositions and sustained hi.h *erformance durin. the

last few years, and are finali+ed durin. the second uarter of each year

:.: Employee Compensation 'nd Benefits8

An or.ani+ation reward system is a *ro.ram or scheme which *rovides

incentives for those individuals or .rou*s who *erform well in the or.ani+ation #his

reward system in actual motivates em*loyees to *erform well by attractin. with well

desi.ned incentive * t includes anythin. an em*loyee values and desires that

an em*loyer is able and willin. to offer in echan.e for em*loyee contribution

"om*ensation is *ayment to an em*loyee in return for their contribution to theor.ani+ation, that is, for doin. their 6ob "om*ensation includes to*ics in re.ard to

wa.e andor salary *ro.rams and structures, for eam*le, salary for 6ob

descri*tions, merit-based *ro.rams, bonus-based *ro.rams, commission-based

 *ro.rams, etc

&m*loyee benefits ty*ically refers to retirement *lans, health life insurance, life

insurance, disability insurance, vacation, em*loyee stock ownershi* *lans, etc

Benefits are e*ensive for businesses to *rovide to em*loyees, so theran.e and o*tions of benefits are ra*idly to include, for eam*le, fleible

 benefit *lans

3ewards brid.e the .a* between or.ani+ational ob6ectives and individual

e*ectations #o be more effective, or.ani+ational reward systems should *rovide four 


1 com*liance with all a**ro*riate laws and re.ulations

$ "ost effectiveness for the or.ani+ation

> nternal, eternal, and individual euity for em*loyees

4. Performance enhancement for the or.ani+ation

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All reward systems are based on the assum*tions of attractin., retainin. and

motivatin. *eo*le ;inancial rewards are an im*ortant com*onent of the reward

system #hese incentives can be monetary or non-monetary t is shown in ;i.ure-7

*igure :8 Organi7ational $e6ard System


$EA'$% S+S#EM

*!"'"C!'L "O"*!"'"C!'L

rotection rograms%irect payments



involvement in

!ndirect ayments


Effective Supervision



Supportive nurturing

company culture

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  'ource ! 2uman 3esource

*igure ;8 !ndividual Career ath


Step 1   'naly7e 4o3s to determine


Step /  ,roup 4o3s 6ith similar 3ehaviors

  $euirements into 4o3 families.

Step 0


!dentify career paths 6ithin and

  'mong 4o3 families.

  !ntegrate the overall net6orks of

Career ath into a singleStep 2

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  Employee (o3 Changes Aithin Organi7ation8

=ob must be made in a.reement with the *ublic service rules and

 *olicies in the classified service Any individual selected or *romoted must be skilled

as fit in accordance with and focus to the civil service official *rocedure #he Ostate

 *ersonnel director will mana.e the documentation of each and every *romotion G


;rom the or.ani+ation4s *oint of view, there are four ty*es of internal moves

9* (Promotions)

/own (/emotions)

<ver (#ransfers)

<ut (:ayoffs, 3etirements, 3esi.nations and #erminations)


(o3 Changes Aithin MCB8


Promoted em*loyees usually assume .reater res*onsibility and authority in

return for hi.her *ays, benefits and * Promotions hel* satisfyin. em*loyee4s

needs for security, and *ersonal .rowth in terms of their career

n !"B, *romotion is the discretion of the mana.ement and cannot be

claimed as a matter of #he *romotion is recommended by the res*ective

selection committee #he committee makes recommendation for *romotions on the

 basis of the em*loyee4s *erformance, achievements of .oals, .eneral conduct,

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communication skills, *eers relationshi*, teamwork, academic and *rofessional


!n the merit 3ase police of 1>>> in general appraisal of an employee 6as

foundation of follo6ing8

a) Points avera.e .ained by the em*loyee in his service durin. *recedin. >


 b) Points, he would .et in an assessment by the *romotion or encoura.ement


#he given points 3y the promotion committee nevertheless again a3ridged

the 6ork out to a automatic process as8

• 70E *oints were fied for ualification, service time s*an and standard of 


• 0E were .iven to aim criteria !ore im*rovements in the *lan are bein.


As *er rule, an em*loyee reachin. the ceilin. of the .rade is not entitled automatically

to *romotion in the net hi.her .rade &m*loyees are eli.ible to a**ly G com*are for a

 *ost in a hi.her .rade


&m*loyee demotion usually involves a cut in *ay, status, * and o**ortunities

for hi.her .rades #his *ractice is rarely found in !"B, because mana.ement *refers to

dischar.e or to move em*loyees laterally rather than demote them ;or the reason bein.,

demotion (/own.radin.) creates a sense of dissatisfaction in the em*loyees and lessen

their *roductivity

Conditions to demote any employee8

• #he demotion is asked for by the em*loyee and is acce*ted by the hirin.


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• #he em*loyee *osition has been to an end

• &m*loyee is not *erformin. adeuately

• #he em*loyee is *ut out of *lace by comin. back to duty of another em*loyee

entitled to the *osition

• #he *osition of em*loyee is downwardly classified

• #he em*loyee is demoted by another em*loyee with more su*eriority durin. a

decrease in man*ower

• #he em*loyee does not receive an acce*table trial service score


#ransfer refers to the relocation of em*loyees !ana.ement usually use this

 *ractice 6ust to take advanta.e of an em*loyee4s com*etencies to any sector of the

or.ani+ation where needed #his *ractice remained common in !"B but the

eli.ibility criteria for transfer is at least $ years service in similar *osition ('amerade)

n !"B, transfers on reuest take *lace only on sym*athetic and medical .rounds

even as another cause is set off by the bank for meetin. its administrative or 

or.ani+ational necessities that is to fill the available vacancies

Dorkers can remain *osted in one unit u* to > years and in a division for u* to 7

years, yet some offices used to freuently transfer their em*loyees from one

unitdivision to another


&m*loyee 'e*aration is one of the very im*ortant and crucial function *rocess of 

23 /e*artment #his *rocess, if not handled in an efficient manner, can lead to various com*lications #hese involve em*loyees movin. out of the or.ani+ation #here are

four ty*es of se*arations :ayoffs, #ermination, 3esi.nation and 3etirements

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:ayoffs are involuntary dischar.e of the em*loyees from the or.ani+ation

:ayoffs never sound *leasant and mana.ement *olicies must consider the im*act on

those who leave, who stay, on the local community and on the or.ani+ation

As far as !"B is concerned, layoffs take *lace when there is ecess of human

resource :ayoffs is the short term sus*ension or lastin. termination of service of an

em*loyee or em*loyees4 .rou* for certain reasons, for instance, decisions that some

 *ositions are no more essential or a business is slow or disru*tion in 6ob

'ystem of !"B of Pakistan is com*uteri+ed conseuently need of staff no

more in some de*artments #his can be a cause of layoffs


9sually, this *rocess is *erceived ne.atively by em*loyees n termination, an

em*loyer uses his to terminate the contract of an em*loyment #here can be

many reasons for an em*loyer to terminate the contract of em*loyment but some of 

the common reasons are

• #he end of the a.reement for which the em*loyee was in em*loyment

• &m*loyee sickness and inca*ability to do work

• 3emoval from offices

•  %on- *erformance

• ndisci*line

• !isconduct• nsubordination

%isciplinary 'ction @ enalties8

Dhere an em*loyee commits breach of the re.ulations of the bank or the

com*lainant is .uilty of a false alle.ation a.ainst any other em*loyee or any other act

or im*ro*er conduct or wron.doin. or insubordination the com*etent authority may

im*ose on him one or more of the followin. *enalties

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• 3e*rimand

• Post*onement or sto**a.e of increment or *romotion the whole or *art of any

• Pecuniary loss caused to the bank by the em*loyee

• /e.radation to lower sta.e of *ay in his .rade or to a lower .rade

• "om*ulsory retirement from service and

• #ermination dismissal from Bank services with without benefits


#his is the most common way of se*aration &m*loyee leaves his 6ob and

em*loyment with his em*loyer to *ursue better o**ortunities a better *osition at a better 

com*ensation *acka.e in a branded com*any (or better known com*any) in a same city

and country or in a different city or different country

'o, an em*loyee resi.ns for

• Better com*ensation and benefits

2i.her *osition level

• " role

• #o move from an unknown or lowly branded com*any to a hi.hly branded and

re*uted com*any

• ;or forei.n or international assi.nments

n !"B, there is some le.ality or may say some rules and re.ulations that must be

followed before resi.nin., such as

• #he member of the staff must inform to his line in written form about

his her intentions of leavin. or resi.nin. by .ivin. the suitable contractual notice


• #he line should arran.e the notice and the date of leavin. 6ob and

verifies annual leaves that are outstandin. with the staff member Any outstandin.

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annual leave remainin. should be taken *rior to say .ood bye to the or.ani+ation

whenever *ossible

• :ine takes and forwards resi.nation in written to 2uman 3esource

!ana.ement alon. with verification of

o A.reed date of leavin.

o yearly leave situation

o notice of leavin. the bank or transferrin. to another branch or branch

o !ake sure that the staff member returns data on very last day.


&m*loyees at all levels in !"B .et retirement after either the com*letion of >0

years in service or reachin. an a.e of 70 years #he bank o*erates the followin. staff 

retirement benefit schemes for its em*loyees

a) ;or em*loyees who did not o*t for the new scheme, the bank o*erates the


i A**roved contributory *rovident fund

ii An a**roved .ratuity scheme

 b) ;or new em*loyees and for those who o*ted for the new scheme

introduced in 1?@5 for clerical staff and in 1?@@ for officers, the bank 

o*erates the followin.

i An a**roved funded *ension scheme for which monthly contributions are

made on the basis of actuarial recommendations

ii An a**roved non-contributory *rovident fund introduced in lieu of the

contributory *rovident fund

c) ;or AKPs and above cadre and em*loyees in officers4 cadre 6oinin. after 

=anuary 1, $000, the bank o*erates an a**roved contributory *rovident


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#he above benefits are *ayable to staff on com*letion of *rescribed ualifyin. *eriod

of service

  ;C$!#!C'L '"'L+S!S O* #-E #-EO$'#!C'L

CO"CE# $EL'#!", #O $'C#!C'L



n this section, there are models that analysis and e*lain the real situation about

the !"B ;or .atherin. the real information about the o**ortunities and the threats that

are bein. faced by !"B, we consider models .iven below


SAO# '"'L+S!S8

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• !"B is 'uccessive and !arket oriented

• !"B investin. hu.e sums on 23 develo*ment and trainin.

• "ustomer default rate is lower as com*ared to other banks

• !"B has the lar.est A#! network in the country

• !eetin. the of latest #echnolo.y by introducin. 'mart card remit

e*ress, mobile bankin. etc

• <ne of the ma6or stren.ths of !"B is that it has very stable de*osit base

• !"B is lar.est *rivate bank in Pakistan with around 1000 branches, which

cover almost every *art of Pakistan

• #he bank en6oys com*etitive advanta.e over other banks in Pakistan

• #he bank en6oys com*etitive *rofitability in the industry

• !"B has ca*tured ma6ority of *otential customers in Pakistan

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• !"B has the accounts of bi. or.ani+ations like </":, P#":, &;9, P#"




• :ow motivational level

• &m*loyees, dissatisfaction due to ill treatment and im*ro*er reward system

• ;avoritism and %e*otism in recruitment

• 2i.h &m*loyees #urnover

• /ecision makin. *rocess is very slow

• t is not havin. .reater no of branches abroad

• #hou.h A#! network is the lar.est in Pakistan, still some *otential areas

don4t have the A#!

• !"B 3#" is useable only in Pakistan

• 'ome mana.ement *ositrons needed are not *rofessional

• Althou.h most of the branches are com*uteri+ed now, still some im*ortant

 branches don4t have com*uters

• :ess efficiency of 'J!B<: 'ystem due to disconnectivity


• :easin. sector is .rowin. in Pakistan for the last two to three years which

 *rovides o**ortunity to !"B to .o ahead in this area as well

• !"B is *rovidin. "onsumer ;inances at com*aratively lower rates which

 *aves a way to .rab more customers

• ;inancin. to smallmedium cotta.e industries will definitely increase its

advances and *rofitability as well

• slamic #radin. Based Bankin. can enhance the business of the bank

• <verseas <*erations

• :aunch the more effective and modern bankin. online system

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• <ther *rivate commercial bank with sound *rofitability is also a threat to

!"B e. 9B:, Al falah, 2B: etc

• ;or the last of many years, Pakistan is facin. economic and *olitical instability

which is a bi. threat

• Af.han war and ra war has a dee* effect on the economy of Pakistan, which

may affect !"B

• ;orei.n banks are flourishin. in field of consumer financin.

• Peo*le don4t *refer bankin. culture #hey mostly *refer cash transactions

•  ES# '"'L+S!S '"% E")!$O"ME"#'L SC'"8


A broad view of market is im*ortant when mana.ement is interested in

introducin. better services for customers 3a*id technolo.ical chan.e, .lobal com*etition

and the diversity of buyers *references in many markets reuire the constant attention of 

the market vouchers to identify *romises business o**ortunities, see the shiftin.

reuirements of the buyers, evaluate in com*etitors *ositionin. and .uide the

choice of which buyers to and classify them accordin. to res*ective se.ments

dentification of eternal and macro factors that influence buyers and thus chan.e

the si+e and com*osition of market overtime involves initially buildin. customer *rofiles

#hese influences include

• Political and environment• &conomic trends

• 'ocio cultural environment

• #echnolo.ical factors

  olitical 'nd Legal Environment8

Banks are affected by the *olitical and considerations #his

environment is com*osed of re.ulatory a.encies and .overnment law that influence

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and limit various or.ani+ations and individuals !ostly these laws create new

o**ortunities for business

Business le.islation has followin. main *ur*oses

#o *rotect bankin. com*anies from unfair com*etition• #o *rotect consumers from unfair business *ractices ado*ted by bankin.


• #o *rotect the interest of the society from unbridled business behavior

  Economic #rends8

A bankin. market reuires better consumer market in volume alon. with hi.her

 borrowin. *ower #he available borrowin. *ower de*ends on

• "onsumer income

• 'avin. rates

• "onsum*tion *atrons

• 3ates of interest

• deficit

• &chan.e rates

• "ost of livin.

• nflation

SocioCultural Environment8 

A society is sha*ed by beliefs, norms and values Peo*le in a society consciously

and unconsciously interact with

• #hemselves

• <thers

• <r.ani+ation


  #echnological *actors8

;orces of technolo.ical advancement have *layed the most dramatic role in

sha*in. the lives of *eo*le #he rate of chan.e of technolo.y has .reatly affected the

rate of .rowth of economy %ew technolo.y is creatin. dee* rooted affects which

could be observed in lon. run #he im*rovement techniues involved in on line

 bankin. n brief P&'# analysis affects the overall bankin. com*anies and *rovides

us the information about the eternal macro condition

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1. 'nalysis Evaluation Of MCB

/. Check *eed3ack Of MCB

0. roper O3servation Of MCB

2. *indings Of MCB

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  < CO"CL&S!O"S

n !"B, "antt Branch, with "oo*eration of all branch members, have been

able to learn and e*erience many new thin.s related to the bankin. sector and the

 banks workin.s am able to handle the *ublic with res*ect to many differentworkin.s on many different instances and also in account o*enin. for customers and

can handle many other tasks as well

;inally concluded that !"B is a .ood or.ani+ation for a *erson for his lon.

term career workin.s <verall workin. and environment of the bank is very

comfortable and the staff is very hel*ful and res*ectful of each other and it still

maintains a *rofessional environment !ana.ement of the bank is very stron. found

!"B a very well or.ani+ed and mana.ed or.ani+ation ts *ro.ress in a very short

time is a *roof of its .ood *olicies and commitments by both, the mana.ement and the

em*loyees towards achievin. the .oals and act u*on the mission of !"B

&m*loyees of !"B !odel #own branch work more than their workin. hours

and all the workin.s take *lace in a very friendly atmos*here that does not induce

 *ressure on the *erson workin. there 9nlike most of the other or.ani+ations, !"B

do not try to suee+e their *eo*le into a cor*orate mould, instead they identify

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individual4s talent and then .ive them *lenty of room to .row t also shows their 

loyalty and commitment to the or.ani+ation #his branch of !"B relatively small and

has climbed its way u* very uickly and all that only because of the em*loyee4s

efforts and consideration for each other 

9nderstandin. and the effective mana.ement of the human resources is the

most difficult challen.e faced not only by the bank but by all the or.ani+ations &ven

thou.h the *eo*le have been sacrificed in the new or.ani+ational develo*ments, it is

 becomin. clear that the true lastin. com*etitive advanta.e comes throu.h human

resources and how they are mana.ed

 %ow a days, des*ite all these little *roblems, as a whole !"B is a uniue

 blend diverse, and movin. at a .rowin. *ace, yet also *ersonal and

friendly #hey value their best *erformers hi.hly and offer three thin.s that must be

to* of the list when you consider your net, all im*ortant career move

'timulatin. work that will enhance any resume

/evelo*ment o**ortunities to enrich your *rofessional .rowth 3ewards that match with *erformance

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= $ECOMME"%'#!O"S '"% S&,,ES#!O"

;rom the uantum of the *rofit and its financial data it can easily 6ud.ed the

after *rivati+ation !uslim "ommercial Bank is *erformin. well ts de*osits are

.rowin. day-by-day and so its *rofitability #he controllin. body is res*onsible for the *roductive *erformance of the bank ;ollowin.s are my observations and

su..estion to im*rove the efficiency for the develo*ment of the bank

!ncrease !n rofits8

Peo*le can be motivated to save money by offerin. the de*osit throu.h

various investment schemes #he rate of *rofit should increase 1E or $ E it would be

 *rofitable ste* for bank

!ncrease Salaries8

!"B is makin. .ood *rofits but .ivin. less *ay to their em*loyees as

com*ared to their com*etitors 'o their salaries should be increased Because less

salaries make the em*loyees demotivate and they lose their interest in their 6obs

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Change #he "ature Of Aork8

!ost of the bank em*loyees are stickin. to one seat only with the result that

they become master of one *articular 6ob and lose their .ri* on other bankin.

o*eration n my o*inion all the em*loyees should have re.ular 6ob e*erience all out-look towards bankin. #heir *romotion *olicy should be ad6usted


&very year some of the em*loyees should be sent for trainin. to other 

countries and em*loyees from other branches should be here 'ome more

readin. material should be *rovided the *ur*ose should be to educate the em*loyees

with the advance studies in their field #he em*loyee should be *rovided the

o**ortunities to attend and *artici*ate in seminars and lectures on bankin.

Special #raining !n '3road8

&very year some of the em*loyees should be sent for trainin. to other 

countries and em*loyees from other branches should be here 'ome more

readin. material should be *rovided the *ur*ose should be to educate the em*loyees

with the advance studies in their field #he em*loyees should be *rovided the

o**ortunities to attend and *artici*ate in seminars and lectures on bankin.

!ncentive #o Employees8

Bank should .ive some more incentive to its em*loyees in order to remove the

conflict between lower and hi.her officers and should try to im*rove the workin.condition of the bank 'uch system should be desi.ned that every em*loyee who has

some *roblems with his officers can communicate to the hi.her mana.ement and

some ste*s must be taken to im*rove that

erformance 'nd $e6ard

'mart, educated, skilled, well s*oken and well versed staff *ersonals should be

rewarded and a**reciated, while on the other hand la+y, lethar.ic, heard, rou.h-

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dealers and ill mannered must be warned and *enali+ed but this all should be on merit

and considerin. the *olicy of honesty is the best *olicy and not due to some *ersonal

likin., dislikin. *re6udice and *atrimonial t is therefore su..ested certain schemes

and checks may be introduced in banks to increase efficiency throu.h reward and

 *unishment system

romotion 'nd 'dvertising8

Bank must let *otential customers know that all attractions for bankin. eist

#his is done by advertisin. on television and obtainin. *ress covera.e, in con6unction

with direct mail, window dis*lays, leaflet in branches and in a**ro*riate other 

locations (such as hotels, sho*s, etc) and includin. leaflets in statement of accounts

sent to eistin. customers in the ho*e that they will tell *otential customers about the

services *rovided by our bank

Better $e6ard System8

Better reward system is one of the most im*ortant reuirements in order to

reduce the *roblem of &m*loyee retention and im*rove &m*loyee motivation

More *ocus on Salary 'ccounts8

:o.ic leads to *romotional cam*ai.n throu.h em*loyers who are customers of 

the banks and their em*loyees are *aid in cash 'uch business accounts should be

encoura.ed to o*en the accounts of their em*loyees with the banks t be worth

offerin. free bankin. for a s*ecific *eriod to new accounts or sim*ly *ublici+in. the

services available by means of *osters at the em*loyer4s *remises

!nternship *acilities

#he *eriod of internshi* should be divided into the number of de*artment of 

the !"B #he internee should be .iven timetable mentionin. the number of days he

has to work at different *laces in the bank <n the 1st day in each de*artment

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internee should be .iven a lecture by the officer of the de*artment concerned about

workin. of the de*artment


> $E*E$E"CES




)ision J Mission8


Corporate information8

• htt*wwwo**a*erscomessaysPakistans-Bankin.-'ector-ndustry


• htt*enwiki*

• htt*wwwsb*or.*kre*ortsannualarfy0?anneSindehtm

• htt*enwiki*!uslimS"ommercialSBank 

• htt*wwwblurtitcom501?15html


MCB Brochures Manuals


'nnual $eport

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1? 'BB$E)'#!O"S

MCB Muslim Commercial Bank  

  11 'E"%!C!ES


'nnexure'8 Sample of $ecruitment through %irect !ntervie6

'nnexureB8 Online (o3 'pplication *orm of MCB

'nnexureC8 Sample of performance appraisal form

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*indings through our %irect !ntervie6 from -$ managers8

#he *otential candidates in !"B are .enerated throu.h followin. eternal resources

o %irect applicants

o (o3 portals

o Employee $eferral

o &niversity campuses

S. "o. Source Candidates 6ith experience of  

  ?1 yr 10 yrs 0: yrs :1? yrs1? yrs @a3ove

1 "am*us  

$ &m*loyee 3eferrals  

> "onsultants %epends on nature of 4o3

Dalk-ins %epends on nature of 4o3

7 Advertisements %epends on nature of 4o3

@ =ob ;airs %epends on nature of 4o3

Employees are mainly recruited through8

#he time -$ Managers take from ($* (o3 $euisition *ormD till the final offer


o *or (unior level recruitment8

15-$0 days

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o *or Middle Level $ecruitment

>0-5 days

o *or -igher Level $ecruitment

  70-@5 days

#he sources -$ managers prefer most for hiring8

o (unior Level employees8

&ternal 'ources

o Middle Level employees8

Both internal and eternal sources

o -igher Level employees8

nternal 'ources

Dhen a middle level em*loyee is transferred from one de*artment to another, heshe has to

.o throu.h a *robation *eriod of 7 months /urin. this *eriod, the em*loyee is trained in that

de*artment by the su*ervisor and the em*loyee is also *ro*erly scrutini+ed this whether

em*loyee is ca*able of workin. in that de*artment or not


Candidates can also apply at MCB via online 4o3 application form

#he online 6ob a**lication form is .iven below

A**lication submitted for T Please Select

2ere you have to s*ecify whether you are a**lyin. for any suitable 6ob or for

internshi* *ro.ram 

ersonal !nformation

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  *ields marked 6ith anNare mandatory


#itle T

;irst %ame T

!iddle %ame

:ast %ame T

ender T Please Select

"ountry of 3esidence T Please Select

Address T

"ity T

"ontact %o T

- -


 area code *hone no

"ell %o  

 %ational dentity "ard %oPass*ort %o

T(Dithout s*ace)

&mail AddressT

/ate of Birth

T --   -- --

"ountry of Birth T Please Select



/e.ree /i*loma "ertificate T Please Select

'chool nstitute 9niversity T

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"ity 'tate T

"ountry T Please Select

;rom(!onth Jear) T --   --

#o (!onth Jear) T -- --

PA Please Select (If Applicable)

rade(f A**licable)


!nternships if anyD

<r.ani+ation T

"ountry T Please Select

;rom (!onth Jear) T -- --

#ill (!onth Jear) T --   --

Assi.nment3es*onsibilities T  

'rea of Experience  

Please select one N Please Select

  N Banking Category8

Please Select

N "on Banking Category8

Please Select

N *resh Category8

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Computer Skill  

'kill :evel Please Select



'kill :evel

Cey 'tren.ths

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  'nnexure C


E$*O$M'"CE '$'!S'L *O$M  nstructional staff of !"B


Dhy do you want to 6oinO!"BR


Please note that mere submission of instant a**lication or any subseuent corres*ondencefrom !"B should not be considered as .uarantee for em*loyment or even for an interviewcall in this re.ard



After the *ro*er fillin. out of this 6ob a**lication form, 23 mana.ers check whether thecandidate fulfills the minimum selection reuirements or not and then contacts the *ersonfor further *roceedin.s

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he !ur!ose of the !erformance a!!raisal !rogram is to !ro"ide guidance about #hat is

essential$ #hat is e%!ected and gro#th o!!ortunities&


art ! *or office use D

 Position Title

 )ate of *valuation  )ate of +ast

 *valuation )eartment   *valuator 

 ,eason for *valuation

'nnual romotion Other

9ey $esponsi3ilities8 :ist ma6or res*onsibilities, *rimary duties or im*ortant

functions of this em*loyee

'ccomplishments8 3eview each key res*onsibility area and note any

accom*lishments the em*loyee has made

9ey erformance *actors8 3eview the em*loyee4s *erformance in each

area listed below and note where the em*loyee

  are ecels and where im*rovement is necessary

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Comments8  /escribe how the em*loyee4s *erformance com*ares to stated

e*ectations and ob6ectives communicated at last a**raisal and throu.hout the ratin.

 *eriod dentify em*loyee stren.ths in the areas of s*ecific knowled.e, skills, and

abilities to do the 6ob dentify areas where you see im*rovement is necessary

$ating scale

Excellent =1P 1??PD  &niue and exceptional accomplishments

,ood ;1P =?PD Consistently meets the reuirements of the position in all


*air :?P ;?PD erformance is inconsistent meets some 4o3 reuirements

3ut not consistently.

oor 2?P :?PD Only occasionally accepta3le

Bad Belo6 2?PD %oes not meet even minimum reuirements of the position

art !!

( f any *oint is not a**licable, *lease do not mark but sim*ly write O%A )

(o3 9no6ledge8

"onsider de.ree of 6ob knowled.e relative to of time in the current *osition "onsider

the individual4s efforts to learn new skills and maintain u*-to-date 6ob related information

A**lies technical and *rocedural know-how to .et the 6ob done understands 6ob duties and

res*onsibilities has necessary 6ob skills and knowled.e understands and *romotes de*artment

mission and values kee*s informed of the latest develo*ments in the area of s*ecialty monitors

events which im*act functional areas

$ating8 Excellent ,ood *air oor Bad



Communication8&ffectively conveys and receives ideas, information and directions seeks to clarify and confirm

the accuracy of their understandin. of unfamiliar or va.ue terms and instructions listens

effectively demonstrates .ood verbal and written communication

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$ating8  Excellent ,ood *air oor Bad


#eam6orkJColla3oration8'uccessfully works with others to achieve desired results contributes to team *ro6ects ideas, o*inions hel*s *revent, resolve conflicts develo*s *ositive workin.

relationshi*s is fleible, o*en-minded *romotes mutual res*ect

$ating8  Excellent ,ood *air oor Bad



!aintains fair work load takes on additional res*onsibilities as needed *riorities

develo*s and follows work *rocedures com*letes assi.nments on time and to s*ecifications

$ating8  Excellent ,ood *air oor Bad


lanning and Organi7ing8/evelo*s realistic *lans balances short and lon.-term .oals uses time and resources effectively

 *rioriti+es duties in a manner consistent with or.ani+ational ob6ectives and emer.encies meets

deadlines and follows throu.h reuests assistance when necessary to com*lete duties

$ating8  Excellent ,ood *air oor Bad


ro3lem Solving8Antici*ates and *revents *roblems defines *roblems, identifies solutions overcomes obstacles

hel*s team solve *roblems

$ating8  Excellent ,ood *air oor Bad

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Pursues .oals with commitment and takes initiative ea.erly results-oriented desires to ecel on

the 6ob works steadily and actively demonstrates self-confidence and *ositive attitude

$ating8  Excellent ,ood *air oor Bad


Customer Orientation8:istens, identifies, and res*onds uickly and effectively to internal and eternal customers4

needs and sets work activities .oes beyond what is e*ected and follows u* to

ensure customer satisfaction

$ating8  Excellent ,ood *air oor Bad



/emonstrates accuracy, thorou.hness, and reliability time and *riorities develo*s and

follows work *rocedures

$ating8  Excellent ,ood *air oor Bad



#reats everyone euitably and fairly embraces diversity in daily work life works with diverse

.rou* of em*loyees comfortably and

$ating8 Excellent ,ood *air oor Bad


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"onsistently is on time and ready to work at the start of shift and after breaks reuires no start-

u* time always *rovides *ro*er notification or advance notice for absence or tardiness

$ating8  Excellent ,ood *air oor Bad


Contri3utions to CampusJCommunity8

Partici*ation on cam*us committees, task forces or in cam*us service events *artici*ation in

community based service activities

$ating8  Excellent ,ood *air oor Bad


'$# !!!

OB(EC#!)ES *O$ &COM!", $E)!EA

!. erformance lan8 dentify s*ecific actionsbehaviors the em*loyee needs to

either start, sto* andor continue to do in the u*comin. *erformance *eriod

!!. %evelopment lans8 dentify s*ecific work assi.nments and to*ics for trainin.

desi.ned to increase individual4s effectiveness on *resent 6ob and *re*are for future 6ob assi.nments

!!!. Employee Comments8 &nter below any comments you wish to make about your

a**raisal or the ob6ectives for the u*comin. year

Jour si.nature below does not necessarily si.nify your a.reement with the a**raisal itsim*ly means that the a**raisal has been discussed with you

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Signature %ate

Evaluator Signature %ate