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  • 8/13/2019 Intership doc



    Project Report On

    Inventory Management through SAP AT

  • 8/13/2019 Intership doc



    I, .of PGDBM-I, the bonafide student of G D Goenka

    World Institute, declare that the report is my oriinal !ork preparedas part of the institutional trainin of Master"s deree under the

    uidance of

    Date # $% &uust '($)



  • 8/13/2019 Intership doc


    I e*press my sincere ratitude to Mr. +andeep Mathur, General Manaer

    for rantin me the permission to do the +ummer Internship Proect in

    this most prime and prestiious oraniation of the country.

    My heartfelt and sincere thanks to the Ms isha /aank !ho uided me in

    each step of the proect by pro0idin ade1uate data and 0aluable

    suestions in spite of their busy schedule.

    I"m also e*tremely thankful to the other officers of &ccounts Departments

    !ho ha0e pro0ided appropriate uidance and support !hich enabled me

    to complete the proect successfully.

    I"m rateful to all the people and staff of the 2raniation !ho directly or

    indirectly contributed to the successful completion of the proect.

  • 8/13/2019 Intership doc



    3ompany profile

    &bout 3ompany

    4a0ells India 5td.

    4a0ells +ahibabad Plant

    &im and 2becti0e

    Introduction /o /opic# In0entory Manaement throuh +&P

    Introduction to +&P

    Interated In0entory manaement system

    +&P 67) +ystem

    5oistic procedure

    Detailed +&P understandin




  • 8/13/2019 Intership doc



    A(out the company

    )R$Group, a billion-dollar-plus roup, !hich ranks on top electric product in

    the !orlds and is a maor domestic and lobal player in the production and

    sales of an impressi0e rane of electrical products.

    /his roup comprises of % companies

    4a0ells India 5td 8the flaship company !ith 4a0ells and 3rabtree


    +tandard :lectricals 5td, 4a0ells-+yl0ania and

    ;6G 4ealthcare.

    /his roup has achie0ed a rapid success in the past fe! years, !ith

    establishment of $< state-of-the-art manufacturin plants, supplier

    of the !idest rane of lo! 0oltae electrical e1uipment and has become a

    name synonymous !ith e*cellence and e*pertise in the electronic industry.

    Dri0en by a philosophy of dreamin bi, empo!erin team members, a

    culture based on transparency, honesty, a hih focus on ethical 0alues and

    entrepreneurship at e0ery le0el, the ;6G Group of today is literally a dream

    come true-a !orld class company !hich is one of the most admired

    oraniations in India.

    With a number of strateic alliances in place, ;6G Group has sho!n

    phenomenal ro!th rate !ith the help of 0arious oint 0entures, ac1uisitions,

    merers and takeo0ers. /he roup, caterin to the needs of residential andindustrial market lobally, has $( manufacturin units in India.

  • 8/13/2019 Intership doc



    In $ India"s fastest ro!in electrical and po!er distribution

    e1uipment manufacturer. Its products ranes from Industrial > Domestic3ircuit Protection +!itchear, 3ables > Wires, Motors, Water 4eaters, ?ans,Po!er 3apacitors, 3?5 5amps, 5uminaires for Domestic, 3ommercial >Industrial applications and Modular +!itches that co0ers the entire amut ofhousehold, commercial and industrial electrical needs.4a0ells o!ns most of the prestiious lobal brands like 3rabtree, +yl0ania,3oncord, 5umiance > 5inolite. With lihtinsolutions, deli0ered by best-in-class people.


    /o achie0e our 0ision throuh fairness, business ethics, lobal reach,technoloical e*pertise, buildin lon term relationships !ith all our

  • 8/13/2019 Intership doc


    associates, customers, partners, and employees


    3ustomer Deliht# & commitment to surpassin our customer e*pectation.

    5eadership by e*ample. & commitment to set standards in our business andtransactions based on mutual trust.Interity and /ransparency# & commitment to be ethical, sincere and open inour dealins.Pursuit of :*cellence # & commitment to stri0e relentlessly, to constantlyimpro0e oursel0es, our teams, our ser0ices and products so as tobecome the best in class


    In $

  • 8/13/2019 Intership doc


    HA*E!!S Pro/uct, +n mar0et

    Building Circuit Protection

    o Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)

    o Isolator

    o Changeover Switch

    o Residual Current Circuit Breaker(RCCB)

    o RCBO

    o Distribution Board (DB)

    o Indicator Light

    Industrial Circuit Protection

    o ir Circuit Breaker

    o MCCB

    o !anel Board s"ste#

    o Changeover Switch

    o B"$%ass Changeover Switcho Load Changeover Switch

    o uto#atic &rans'er Switch

    o Switch Disconnector

    o Control ear

    o Switch Disconnector use

    o use Switch and Switch use

    o Cha#ber S"ste#

    o use *older

    o +"lon use Base

    o use Link and use Base


    o oot Mounting

    o lange Motor

    o oot Cu# lange

    o Inverter Dut" Motors with orced


    o Crane Dut" Motors

    o Brake Motors

    Capacitorso +or#al Dut"

    o *eav" Dut"

    o Su%er *eav" Dut"

    o griculture Dut"

    o Motor Run Ca%acitors

    Modular Plate Switches

    o *avells Modular Switches

    o Crabtree Modular Switches


    o L,D Lighting

    o Consu#er Lighting

    o Co##ercial Lighting

    o Down Lightero Landsca%e - Bunker Lighting

    o Industrial Lighting

    o rea Lighting

    o Road Lighting

    o S%ecialt" La#%s

    o ccessories

    o ura Lighting


    o Retro'it

    o +on Retro'ito *igher Range

    o Lili%ut

    o !L

    Water Heater

    o Instantaneous .ater *eater

    o ,lectric Storage .ater *eater


    o Ceiling ans

    o &able ans

    o .all Mounting ans

    o !edestal ans

    o ir Circulator ans

    o /entilating ans

    Cables and Wires

    o !ower Cables - lu#inu#

    o Control Cables - Co%%er

    o Co%%er le0ible Cables

    Domestic Appliances

    Digital Dimming

    Manuacturing !nits

  • 8/13/2019 Intership doc



    With these basic obecti0es in mind I started my internship at 4&:55+ C aleadin :lectronics company in IDI& on proect topic In0entory

    manaement throuh +&PE

    $9 /o et familiar !ith the corporate structure and e*perience the on-field problems !hich may include problems related to finance,manufacturin problems, and loistics and in0entory issues.'9 /o apply the kno!lede I ained in the past one year to sol0e thecompany"s daily problems and pro0e to be of 0alue.)9 /o understand ho! bi companies like 4a0ells !ork and operate,and !hat thins they need to do daily in order to make e0erythin

    streamlined makin no chance for delay or resource !aste.%9 /o understand loistics of the company from the point ofmanufacturin to the sales.@9 /o kno! about the in0entory manaement daily operations andthe tools 8soft!are-+&P9 they used to make the !hole process efficient.A9 /o kno! !hat a company does for the satisfaction and retention ofits employees !hich may include pro0idin them 0arious employeebenefits, o0ertime salary, the cut off in salary for issues like lea0es andlate attendance, ho! they deal !ith it and make sure that such thins

    not repeat in future. &lso ho! they create a company culture andmoti0ate e0eryone to i0e them their best.F9 /o also et a!are about the other departments of the companyand ho! do they co-ordinate !ith each other and !ork as a team.=9 /o understand ho! a company like 4a0ells maintains standardsrelated to manufacturin and 0arious other departments includinhuman resources recruitment to maintain their 0alue and brand name inthe market.

  • 8/13/2019 Intership doc



    Inventory Management

    Inventory management or +nventory contro. /ea., 2+th thecompany +nventory re3u+rement, an/ nee/, +n or/er to m+n+m+4ethe co,t re,u.t+ng 5rom ho./+ng or o(ta+n+ng +nventory6

    What is in0entoryIn0entory refers to list of oods or materials that is a0ailable in stock to acompany. It can be classified in different !ays like# ra! material, oodsin transit, finished ood, spares or maintenance, repair and operation


    & companyHs in0entory is one of its maor assets and it also representscompany"s in0estment !hich is locked up until the product is sold in themarket or used in the production of the product !hich is bein sold.4ue costs are in0ol0ed in storin, trackin and insurin of in0entory./herefore, it is necessary for e0ery manaement to ha0e properin0entory manaement in its system, !ith due attention. In0entoryManaement includes proper plannin of purchasin, storin, handlin,

    and accountin of in0entory. It is an effecti0e system that determines!hat to purchase, ho! to purchase, from !here to purchase, !here tostore etc.Manly times there are conflicts bet!een departmental heads like financedepartment and production department o0er the issue of in0entory. &ndany mismanaement of in0entory can create a maor financial problemto the company. +o there is a need to ha0e an interated in0entorymanaement system !ithin e0ery company to ha0e a proper record andmanaement of in0entories. In0entory manaement helps in ensurinthe supply of material, so that the production does not suffer andcustomer demand could be met. It a0oids under stockin or o0erstockin of in0entory. It minimies in0entory in0estment by keepincheck on operational and sales acti0ities. /hus, in0entory manaementsystem facilitates proper plannin and control of in0entory.

    ?or a bi manufacturin 3ompanies like 4a0ells, it becomes 0erycomplicated to manually manae and efficiently utilie its ood andmaterial. 6ealiin this +&P :nterprise 6esource Plannin soft!are isintroduced in company loistic system that centralies the manaement

    of stock. &ll the acti0ities of loistic are handled throuh +&P +oft!are in4a0ells, !hich is discussed further.

  • 8/13/2019 Intership doc



    +&P is :nterprise 6esource Plannin soft!are de0eloped for lare

    manufacturin companies that handles e0erythin from people orientedtask to material oriented task. /his soft!are !as introduced in themarket in $

  • 8/13/2019 Intership doc


    finished product sold !ith !arranties, and then this +&P component !illhelp in repair of product !ith full efficiency.

    Warehouse Manaement 8WM9 C this component aims to ma*imie the

    storae capacity in such a !ay that there is no !astae of time inplacin and remo0in items from the !arehouse by suestin the most

    efficient !ay of handlin material.

    4&:55+ I/:G6&/:D I:/26 M&&GM:/ ++/:M

    Manain in0entory is an interated function, so it is not possible for a sinledepartment to !ork on it. It in0ol0es team !ork of different department likepurchase department, store department !arehouse department etc.

    /he system follo!ed by 4a0ells is all the ra! material is initially procuredfrom e*ternal or internal sources as per there re1uirement !hich isdetermined by material re1uirement plannin. /hen its deli0ery is entered inthe system soft!are +&P as a ood receipt. /his deli0ered material is storedin the store department until its is used !ithin the company or deli0ered to itscostumer

  • 8/13/2019 Intership doc


  • 8/13/2019 Intership doc


    !og+,t+c, Proce/urefollo!ed by 4a0ells manufacturin plant in +ahibabad

    controllin loistic system#

    !urchase re1uisition !urchase Order

    Deliver" ( gate entr")oods received in store

    S! entries


    (oods received)


    (Invoice Received)

    Ins%ection 2ualit" Check

    I' Ok3 in store

    !urchase return

    Issue 'or %roduction


    inished goods to store Send according to order


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  • 8/13/2019 Intership doc


    STEP 8- Purcha,e or/er

    &fter purchase re1uisitions are done, purchase order is initiated by the

    purchasin department. In +&P automatic mails are send to 0endors

    reardin purchase order !hich states the description, 1uantity, date of

    deli0ery, price and terms and condition of deli0ery.

    3ompany issues ?orm )=8application of road permit9 to the 0endors. $((

    permits per day is restricted by the company. +o all the 0endors located

    outside the border uses form )= to supply oods to the company.

    Purcha,e Or/er #+n/o2-

  • 8/13/2019 Intership doc


    Step 9- $oo/ rece+pt

    Good 6eceipt is the recei0ed from 0endor as it deli0ers oods to the

    company. &s soon as oods are recei0ed, it is entered into daily receipt book

    and i0en a 26B o in reister !hich includes the detail like umber of

    bo*es, /ransporters ame, Bill, Date of Deli0ery, and Purchase 2rder o.

    Material is checked !ith respect of 1uantity and is inspected then it is sent to


    /his 6eceipt of the oods is entered in In0entory Manaement 8IM9

    component in +&P to confirm that the mo0ement of oods has taken place

    !hich is carried out automaticallyby the system.

    STEP :- MI$O ;goo/, rece+pt entry